(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) All right, we're back in Matthew chapter 7. And last week, the title of my sermon was Hate Every False Way. And you know, I'm going to continue with that. Hate Every False Way. But this week, it's going to be Hate Every False Way, Hate False Prophets. Because I hate false prophets. And I've been thinking about this all week and I've just been stewing about it, okay? And I didn't get through everything. Last week, I kind of ended up where I was talking about how the Mormons and the Jehovah's Witnesses, how they come to our doors and they try to pretend like they're Bible-believing Christians but in reality, they're not. And that we shouldn't receive them into our home, nor bid them God's speed. Because he that biddeth him God's speed is the partaker of his evil deed. So the JW's and the Jehovah's False Witnesses, the Mormons, Latter-day Satan, whatever you want to call them, you know, those are false prophets and they're some of the worst. You know, the Jehovah's Witnesses teach that Christ didn't literally rise from the dead. So basically, everybody in their religion, they can't even accidentally get saved. Because you can't be saved unless you believe in the resurrection of Christ. Okay, so they're just eternally damning anyone that believes that false religion. Look, you can get some of them saved and I know that people have had a little bit of success with them but they're very difficult to get saved. Once they get that twice-dead, you know, mentality, once they've been given over to a reprobate mind and become a false prophet themselves, they can't be saved after that. I'm going to show you that in some of these verses. But turn to Romans chapter 16, Romans chapter 16. I was going to show you some of the apostles and how Jesus warned us over and over again in the Bible about false prophets. And you know, actually, I think I left off about the IFB Baptists that teach repent of your sins and how much I hate that. Because look, I mean, they've crept into every Baptist church in the Northwest. They've crept into every Baptist church in the country and they're preaching these lies. They're saying that they're almost worse than the Mormons and the Jehovah's Witnesses because in reality, they're acting just like they're one of us. Like Judas Iscariot acted like he was one of Christ's apostles but in reality, he wasn't. He was a wicked false prophet and you know, a lot of these churches, they might have people that are saved in them, but they have allowed and held hands with these. The saved Baptists have been almost overtaken by them. And you know, you'll have church people in these churches that are saved, but you know, the preaching is weak and watered down and all these churches, I mean, there's no fire in them anymore. You know, I've sat under some preachers that just, you know, they don't have any fire in them. They just, you know, the only time they get mad is when you haven't, you know, made an offering or come up to the altar, seriously. And I hate repent of your sins, it's the worst. But you know, honestly, if you look at, I've been looking at this, I've been watching all those Hinduism videos that Pastor Anderson made and you know, there's one of them that says that basically the person, the God of, their ultimate God said that he made all the religions and that's true because the God of Hinduism is Satan, okay? And so Satan has made all these false religions, but really they all teach the same thing that you got to work your way to heaven, you got to repent of your sins, you got to be a good person. I mean, we'll knock on doors. I knocked on the door last week of a guy who said that he was saved. Oh yeah, I'm saved. Oh yeah. I've been part of the Lutheran church for a long time. You know, it's usually because they go to church and you know, they're a good person. That's why they think they're going to heaven because that's what these churches are teaching. They're teaching lies. They're teaching false religion. They're teaching, they're false prophets. And I had to turn to Romans chapter 16, look at what Paul says, he says, now I beseech you, in verse 17, Romans 16 verse 17 says, now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offenses contrary to the doctrine which you have learned and avoid them for they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ with their own belly and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple for your obedience has come abroad unto all men. I am glad therefore on your behalf, but yet I would have you wise unto that which is good and simple concerning evil and the God of peace shall brew Satan under your feet shortly. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. Amen. So Paul here warns not to listen to these false teachers and he warns that there's false teachers that are going to be among you. In the book of Acts, he was crying like saying that grievous wolves are going to come in not sparing the flock and they're going to, you know, and the thing is about a wolf in sheep's clothing, do you think that they're saved? Do you think that they're a brother? And in reality, they're the a wolf that tries to creep into the church and you can it's a they're hard to spot because they got a you know, they got a good pretend sheep outfit on. Okay, they're going to come to you like an angel of light. The false prophets will come to you like an angel of light and people like Judas, you're going to have a hard time picking them out. Okay, Jude's warning and we're Jude if you want to turn over there Jude one the only chapter in Jude Jude one Jude one three says beloved when I gave all diligence to write unto you the common salvation it was needful for me to write unto you and exhort you that you should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints. So we're supposed to earnestly contend for the faith that was once delivered for the to the saints right under the saints it's once delivered. There's only one faith is believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved everything else is false. Everything else is a false way. Everything else is a bunch of garbage. We shouldn't put up with it for even a second. Verse four says for there are certain men crept in unawares who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness and denying the only Lord God and our Lord Jesus Christ that will therefore put you in remembrance. Though you once knew this how that the Lord having saved the people out of the land of Egypt afterward destroyed them that believed not and the angels which kept not their first estate but left their own habitation he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness under the judgment of that great of the great day. Even as Sodom and Gomorrah and the cities about them in like manner giving themselves over to fornication and going after strange flesh are set forth for an example suffering the vengeance of eternal fire. Likewise also these filthy dreamers defile the flesh despise the many and speak evil of dignities. Yet Michael the archangel when contending with the devil he disputed about the body of Moses there's not bringing against him a railing accusation but say it the Lord rebuked thee. See we're not supposed to fight the devil. That's not our job. We can't win that fight. You know we God has to protect us. If we were to say anything it's the Lord rebuked thee. OK we're not supposed to you know be Billy Sunday up here pretend like we're fighting the devil and you know all the stupid stuff but the devil we can't even see him. OK. And there's millions of devils out there and you know that's our job is not to fight them our job is to fight and do the works that God gave us to do. We can't see that world. All we can do is see the works of that world. We can see the works of these filthy dreamers. You know they're compared to people that were alike in Sodom and Gomorrah going after strange flesh. That's why you see in all these Presbyterian churches a bunch of fags running to churches now a bunch of dykes being preachers. I mean it's weird. Every church in Portland pretty much has a woman preacher or a rainbow flag hanging on the side of their walls. You know it's disgusting. And so they have taken over everything else. And now they're trying to take over the Baptist churches via what's his face Johnny Nixon and his little you know all were eunuchs or whatever they were eunuchs right. They're all eunuchs so let them into the church and let them work with your kids. Anyway so the Bible says that we're supposed to let God rebuke the devil though. We can rebuke a false prophet though. Look at verse 11 in Jude it says woe unto them for they have gone in the way of Cain and ran greedily after the error of Balaam for reward and perished in the gains of the saint of Korah. Cain what was what was that I don't have time to like flesh this whole thing out but Cain what was his deal. He was a work salvation guy. He offered God the works of his own hands and you know God didn't God didn't accept his works. You know he was a work salvation false prophet is what he was and he accepted Abel and so he killed his own brother because he he didn't you know he was Abel was a prophet. That's what the Bible says he was the first persecuted prophet of God and he was a work salvationist and Balaam Balaam he wanted the money. That's why he would he was paid to curse Israel and God wasn't letting him do it but he still kept trying you know and then he ended up just having them fornicate with other people for Moab and then God you know finally just had him killed. So Balaam was a false prophet Cain was a false prophet he was a work salvationist Balaam did it for the money and Korah did it to gain advantage and corrupt God's ways and that's kind of what is how you know he's like oh we're all holy you know and that's basically what he said to Moses he's like you know you take too much upon yourself Moses you know and Moses is like you know if it was not me to let hell open you know you're not going to die in a normal way you know let hell be opened up and swallowed and that's exactly what happened God opened up the earth and they dropped straight into the pit of hell false prophets and you know and then Judas isn't mentioned in here but you know Judas was a different type of false prophet and Judas was the type of false prophet that we have to be the most leery of because we can pick the ones out that we know that they're saying something different than what we believe but the ones that pretend like they believe like us but in reality they don't those are the ones that are hard to spot. So you know and I'm not saying that we should go around looking for Judas but Judas will creep in Judas will come in to this church at some point you know I'm not saying we should play pin the tail on the Judas but you know we got to be careful we got to the apostles warned us Jesus warned us they will come they're going to come know it know what it's going to happen okay so let's see still in Jude Jude 1 12 these are spots in your feast of charity and they feast with you feeding themselves without fear clouds they are without water carried about of winds trees who whose fruit withereth without fruit twice dead plucked up by the roots and you know that kind of corresponds to what Jesus is talking about in Matthew chapter 7 let's see if I can find the spot here I'm in the wrong definitely the wrong spot here sorry let me go back to Mateo got my RV that's messing me out because I got Mateo on one side and Matthew on the other speaking of tongues up here all right but it's talking about so this corresponds with with Matthew chapter 7 where it says that let's see someone help me find okay okay you should the Bible says beware of false in verse 15 it says beware of false prophets which come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly they're ravening wolves you shall know them by their fruits see how it says their fruit withereth see their fruits are not the real fruit so if they say they get people say they really aren't getting people saved okay it says do men gather grapes of thorns or figs of thistles and you know it's basically saying that these these people are are bad people though their fruit is twice dead plucked up by the roots so they're already dead while they're alive they're like I guess you know the spiritual zombies I guess you'd call it I mean that they they're they're already going to hell they're false prophets that can't be saved and so they're gonna be like Cain they're gonna be like Balaam they're gonna be like Quora they're gonna be like Judas and we don't understand that because people that are saved can't understand how people like that think we can't understand why a reprobate would be a reprobate or why they would do these evil things but they're gonna go after these these different things and and try to corrupt Christianity they're gonna try to corrupt our churches they're gonna try to make our name bad make us to stink amongst everybody else you know when these you know so-called pastors molest a kid and then it gets all over the news all this pastor you know all that does is make Christians name to stink because I was a false prophet that was someone who's going after strange flesh and you know they're wicked people but see the world of unsafe world they don't know the difference they're like oh yeah these Christians you know they lump us in with all these people like Pope Francis and Billy Graham and Franklin Graham and Joyce Meyers and Benny Hinn and you know who else who's some other bad oh what was that guy's Jefferson Beth Key and who else I can't think oh what was the guy's name from Crossroads Daniel Fusco yeah guys like that and so you know I'm sure eventually definitely you know that that guy's gonna do something that's gonna be horrific you know cuz he already is growing his hair out long and preaching a court you know and that's not the biggest sin in the world but it is a sin so if he's willing to break those least Commandments what big what bigger ones is he or is he breaking also but it says these people are murmurs and complainers walking after their own lusts and their mouths speaking great swelling words having men's persons in admiration because of advantage so these people they speak great swelling words I mean I'm not like the greatest speaker in the world I'm really not and you probably already know that but but there are great speakers that are pastors but you know they're false prophets like Billy Graham he is a great speaker but he's a false prophet okay and you notice that the devil seems to pick these people that can are these great orators that can they can really you know oh really you know like what was the guy John Hagee he actually has a good preaching voice you know too bad he was a false prophet but those are the kinds of people that that the devil picks these people that have great swelling words and people are admiring them and how great they speak you know and they're and they're they have this advantage like Charles Spurgeon and all these you know in Baptist churches they have all these stories and they're usually about Presbyterians and Methodists and stuff like that I think the first time I ever had Timo come to our last church a guy got up and all he did is preached about a Presbyterian wasn't a Presbyterian guy that was the weeping preacher or something it's like like I couldn't believe it man I mean these Baptists hold these people up like Charles Spurgeon he was a Calvinist Charles Spurgeon was a Calvinist he was a hyper Calvinist you know he has in his one of his books he has a whole chapter about in defense of Calvinism I mean and most Baptist churches will say oh we're against Calvinism but yet they'll lift up Charles Spurgeon and you know act like he's the he's the prince of preachers brother he's you know he was a great Baptist of the past no he wasn't he wasn't even saved he's in he's in hell right now so but these guys that speak these great swelling words built you know they love I already said his name Billy Sunday yeah the guy would always fight the devil on the stage or whatever you know they loved talk about Billy Sunday he wasn't even a Baptist you know I just don't understand why Baptists hold these these old-time people in such high regard you know like George Whitefield he could speak so loud that he didn't need a microphone when he talked and Charles Wesley he was the same you know these guys you know Charles Wesley didn't even believe in eternal security and they're lifting these people up like they're these great men of God I mean Charles Wesley didn't believe in perseverance of the Saints so you have to you have to you won't even know if you're saved until you know you finally died did I do enough good works you know did you really persevere to the end but let's skip through some of this but let's go to Matthew chapter 24 I'm gonna give you a sneak preview of Matthew chapter 24 verse 23 and Jesus warns us in the in this great sermon that he preaches well it's actually his tea he's just teaching about when he's gonna come back but it says in Matthew 24 verse 23 says then if any man shall say unto you lo here is Christ or there believe it not for there shall arise false Christs and false prophets and shall show great signs and wonders in so much that if it were possible they shall deceive the very elect and who are the elect those are the people that are saved so there's such great false prophets in the way that that they could even deceive the elect if that was possible you know but for some reason there's people that say that they're elect that think Billy Graham is saved I mean they think that Billy Graham is a great preacher I know people that say oh I got saved at Billy Graham's thing and so I at one of his his what do you whatever you call it crusade yeah he got they got saved at Billy Graham's crusade but you know what he does what he did he would there would be altar workers from the Mormon Church the Catholic Church and all these other denominations and people that sponsored him would be up there waiting to give him their literature Billy Graham made the Catholic Church popular again you know he was wicked but Jesus says in verse 25 behold I have told you before wherefore if they shall say it to you behold he is in the desert go not forth behold he's in secret chambers believe it not we're not supposed to believe these false prophets that try to say you know Jesus Jesus came back he's in secret chambers you know they probably got the guillotine set up you know around the corner that's what's really going on in these verses is that you know these false prophets are trying to trick people into coming out of hiding the true Christians that will probably no doubt be in hiding not able to have work not able to have food unless you take the mark of the beast you know probably living off of whatever supplies you have here's a here's a list of some false prophets and obviously this isn't an all-inclusive list but what I did is I just have some clips some some things that I that I you know I mean obviously I could go on for a whole sermon about Ray Comfort but I don't want to so but Ray Comfort number one false prophet okay he says you have to repent and actually stop sinning to be saved okay who's ever watched Ray Comfort's videos before okay you know and Ray Comfort he he'll so he'll say so when are you gonna repent when he when are you gonna repent you know and you know it's funny I passed Anderson brought this to my attention one time he was you know making fun of him that he said he never gets anybody saved in his videos it's true like I've watched tons of Ray Comfort videos and all he does is just finds the biggest weirdos he can find you know people that will back and forth with him so he can you know use his skillful little intellect his little gimmicks against them and they never get saved nobody ever gets saved and he's a super huge false prophet you know I just watched a video the other day where where people called in with the question that says are people born gay you know gay and Ray Comfort said yes they are I mean flat out said they're born gay okay maybe he was but you know that's not true that's a lie you know he said we're all born sinners and that that's just like it like that's just some normal sin right you know the guy is a total wicked pervert he says he doesn't even sin anymore that's how that's how much of a false prophet he is how about Pope Francis you know he's he's the he's the Pope right now one of the quotes that I have from him says you know talking about an atheist says but I don't believe father I'm an atheist and Pope Francis his responses but do good we will meet one another there you know this is a discussion between an atheist and the Pope oh just do good and you'll be in heaven too what a liar you know that guy you know Pope Francis is a super huge false prophet I mean obviously he's a Babylonian false prophet total pagan and you know the Bible says for by grace are you saved through faith and that not of yourselves it is the gift of God not of works lest any man should boast so Pope Francis says do good and you'll be there no that's not you're gonna do good and you're gonna go to hell that's that's what the Bible says you have to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ you have to have faith and the Bible says there's none that do with good no not one Bible says there's none righteous no not one so there's nobody that does good there's nobody that's good enough to get themselves to heaven so Pope Francis is a big fat stinking liar the words address anyway that dresses dresses like mama and looks like Papa and dresses like mama or something like that I don't know Billy Graham I've kind of brought him up a few times already but you know here's a quote from Billy Graham all right who's watched the video where he like actually is interviewed and says okay this is just a clip from it okay it says I was gonna try to use a Billy Graham voice that I don't know if I could do it I think that everyone who knows Christ whether they're conscious of it or not they're members of the body of Christ they may not even know the name of Jesus and I think then and I think that they're saved and that they are gonna be in heaven with us oh yeah so he's saying that even Buddhist and Muslims and all these other religions that don't even know the name of Jesus are part of the body of Christ and they're gonna be saved but people will say oh yeah Billy Graham saved no he's not that's that's complete garbage and hogwash the Bible says neither is there salvation in any other for there's none other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved and that's Acts 4 12 the Bible says you have to be saved by Jesus okay it's not just whatever whatever religion and whatever light you're following is gonna get you in Paul Washer he's a he's one of my favorite ones to laugh at because he's such an idiot but people fall for his preaching you know he's another one who has that like powerful speaking voice and you know he just gets all worked up and you know he kind of sounds like a sissy really but anyway one of his quotes is my friend if you if you repented and believed only in past tense you're lost and going to hell he also said if you don't have works you're going to hell so you know but what's the Bible says it says if we believe not yet he abideth faithful he cannot deny himself in 2 Timothy 2 13 the Bible says once you believe on the Lord Jesus Christ it says thou shalt be saved doesn't say you might be doesn't say you have to keep on you know once you're saved you're always saved he that believeth on him is not condemned but he that believeth not is condemned already because he hath not believed on the name of the only begotten Son of God that's John 3 18 look at John 5 look over John 5 in my Bible that is 1 5 ok John 5 verse 24 the Bible says verily verily I say unto you he that heareth my word and believeth on him that sent me what's that say half everlasting life and shall not come into condemnation but is passed from death unto life the moment you believe you've passed from death unto life you shall not come into condemnation shall not that's what the Bible says right but this idiot is saying if you don't have the works then you're going to hell was that what the Bible says no it says you believe and you shall not come into condemnation here's another one Joyce Meyer I've been picked on her lately for some reason I stayed at the same hotel as her security guard so maybe that's why I don't know but one of her quotes is I'm not poor I'm not miserable and I'm not a sinner that is a lie from the pit of hell I didn't stop sitting until I finally got it through my thick head I wasn't a sinner anymore that's Joyce Meyer's quote she's not a sinner anymore okay well grow your hair long that's a sin right there we can see it she looks like the Joker anyway the Bible says but I suffer not a woman to teach nor usurp authority over the man but to be in silence first Timothy 2 12 so she's wrong the minute she walks up on the stage to preach if we say we have no sin the Bible says we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us first John 1 8 here's another one John MacArthur I really can't stand John MacArthur he's got a show what's the show called on the radio grace to you yeah more like death hell to you that's what it really should be called here's a quote from John MacArthur it was the death that was efficacious not his blood Christ did not bleed to death the shedding of blood has nothing to do with it simply means death nothing in his human blood saves it is not his blood that I love it is him it is not his bleeding that saved me but his dying so he's saying that the blood of Christ is not the precious blood that is blasphemy that is straight wicked that's straight from the pit of hell and he also says that you can take the mark of the beast and still be saved I don't know how he comes with that conclusion but the Bible says that you you have not forgiveness if you take the mark of the beast and the king but the Bible says here's what the Bible says John MacArthur says unto him that loved us and washed us from our sins in his own blood revelation 1 5 ok he washed us from our sins with his own blood that means his blood is special his blood can wash away our sins okay despite what that heretic John MacArthur says and it says for it is the blood that maketh an atonement for the soul that's Leviticus 1711 the blood is what makes atonement for the soul Jesus Christ was the Lamb of God slain from the foundation of the earth he was he was the precious sinless Lamb of God and here's another one here's one that people love the post his little comments on Facebook a W tozer who's ever seen his memes on Facebook okay W tozer and ray comfort loves this guy so that just makes me know alarm bells start going off as soon as I you know see a W tozer but here's a quote from a W tozer on lordship salvation says in the Bible the offer of pardon on the part of God is conditioned upon intention to reform on the part of man there can be no spiritual rent regeneration till there has been a moral reformation that's from the best of a W tozer now I would say that's the worst of a W tozer you know he's saying that unless you have a you can't have a you can't be saved basically unless you have a moral reformation unless you turn over a new leaf you make Jesus the Lord of your life or whatever the Bible says but God commended his love toward us and that while we're yet sinners Christ died for us Romans 5 8 serves what must I do to be saved in acts 16 30 it says and they said believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved in thy house acts 16 31 okay that's what the Bible says it doesn't say we have to have a moral reformation why not so many I'll say hey you know what you really need to stop sinning you need to stop sinning so you can be saved first up repent right now start crying I mean that's ridiculous you know and anybody that tries to say that garbage to me I remember the day I got saved I remember it very clearly and I didn't you know I guess I didn't repent enough or something but you know I knew that I was going to hell you know that's what you got to know that you're a sinner you got to know you're going to hell and that's what I was afraid of I was afraid of going to hell I don't want to go to hell so that's why I got saved how about John Hagee look at John Hagee that's Joe's favorite preacher used to go to his church I'm just kidding he did go to his church before though you listen in Joe no quote in defense of Israel so he's from a commercial I guess that I've ever seen the commercial says the defense of Israel will prove that Jesus did not come to earth to be the Messiah and that says Jesus refused by word and deed and claim to be Messiah how can the Jews be blamed for rejecting what was never offered in defense of Israel that's from a commercial that John Hagee you know said so he said that Jesus did not come to earth to be the Messiah well you know what's the Bible say the woman saith unto him I know that Messiah's cometh which is called Christ when he is come he will tell us all things Jesus saith unto her I that speak unto thee am he John 4 25 and 426 so the Bible destroys everything that John Hagee says and John Hagee is just he just is a Israel flag weight he probably sleeps with the Israeli flag on you know I mean he probably has his prayer shawl on I don't know his presence right his rim fan pajamas or something so but CI Schofield okay here's here's one that the Baptist this is what really got crept into the Baptist churches and and just ruined so many things you know the Baptist won't accept the gap theory but they'll just accept the rapture in the Bible and all the stuff about Israel but here's a quote from CI Schofield it says it is evident that the really dangerous sect in Corinth was that which said and I of Christ they rejected the new revelation through Paul of the doctrines of grace grounding themselves probably on the kingdom teaching of our Lord as a minister of the circumcision seeming oblivious that a new dispensation has been introduced by Christ's death so what is that saying that that you know they were rejecting the new revelation of Paul that there was a new dispensation after Christ okay but what's the Bible saying the Bible says in the law and the prophets were until John since that time the kingdom of God is preaching every man presseth into it Luke 16 16 so you know the law and the prophets were until John and then after Jesus came then it's that's this is the new dispensation okay so the Bible says study to show thyself approved unto God a workman that needeth not to be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth but they'll take that verse and flip it on its head and say you gotta divide it up it's all these different dispensations no it's not stupidity the Bible says a bishop then must be blameless the husband of one wife and C.I. Schofield was not the husband of one wife he was a you know he he left his wife and and left her destitute and married another one and they got yoked up with all these mysterious people and came out with the you know somebody with money backed him to make that Schofield reference Bible then they gave it to all the preachers in these Baptist colleges he didn't even want if you look at his forward and the Bible is he didn't even want to use the King James Version but it was the most popular version at the time and so he just went with the King James Version he wanted to use like the NASB or something like that but the guy was a total heretic and you know but yeah Baptist churches everywhere promoting his Bible you know turn to your Schofield reference number you know turn to page 1260 in your Schofield reference Bible you know I have a Schofield reference Bible and some of the sometimes the page of the Bible is like this and the rest of it's just like his notes you know really weird how about Eric Hovind he's repent of your sins he's like a Ray Comfort I he said that Ray Comfort is the one I got him saved okay now I don't have time to get into all Eric Hovind stuff but he says on how to be saved on if you look on his creation org how to be saved part of it says second repent of your sin this means you must turn completely away from your sin and it's more than just saying sorry it's a complete change of direction as you endeavor by God's power to go his way instead of the way of sin so who in here is turned all from your completely all from your sins anybody Anthony okay all right see me after the service Anthony but the Bible says in God repented of the evil that he said he was gonna do unto them and did it not in Jonah 3 10 okay because they believed God then they did the works okay believing comes first then comes the works in mark 115 it says repent ye and believe the gospel which is believe in the death burial and resurrection of Christ the Bible says repents towards God and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ repent of your sins does not occur in the King James Version it only occurs in the modern perversions I think the ESV says literally repent of your sins and they're just making stuff up Sam yeah he's another fun one he denies Jesus as his Christ or as Messiah look if you do if you deny that Jesus is the Christ you're an Antichrist the Bible says he said here's a quote from Sam Gibbon one of his sermons it says you know what I never called Jesus I never called my Messiah you know why you say oh he's my Messiah he ain't your Messiah sorry I'll turn the page here he says he ain't your Messiah unless you're a Jew he's not your Messiah are you from Gentile stock all right we were never promised a Messiah okay it didn't John Hayee say something along the same term right that that we're not probably you know Jesus didn't come to be the Messiah well he said unless you're a Jew he's not your Messiah but again you know in the Bible it says he first findeth his own brother Simon and saith unto him we have found Messiah's which is being interpreted the Christ okay so Jesus means that he's the he's the Messiah okay John 1 41 but who is a liar that he that denyeth Jesus is the Christ he is Antichrist that denyeth the Father and the Son that's John 1 John 1st John 2 22 and I'm gonna go with one more Peter Rockman so Peter Rockman who knows who Peter Rockman was he's dead now but here's here's what he says about the original plan of salvation the original plan of salvation was works and in the millennium the last plan of salvation is again pure works he's saying that you have to just work to be saved he said in the Old Testament you had to work to be saved and he was like one of those people that you got to rightly divide the truth you know it's works and then it's grace then it's works that's you know doesn't make sense contrary to here's what he says contrary to every immature milk sought Baptist baby in your town or city he liked to call people names Genesis 3 22 corrects the kiddies Rockman Peter Rockman's Bible references okay in the Old Testament you find salvation before the law by grace through faith under the law by faith and works okay but what's the Bible saying but with whom he was grieved 40 years was it not with them that had sinned whose carcasses fell in the wilderness and to whom he swear that they shall not enter in to his rest but to them that believe not this is the wilderness after the giving of the law by Moses right so so we see that they could not enter in because of unbelief so because the Hebrews that the children of Israel did not believe they could not enter in they could not enter into the land of Canaan not all those people were saved newsflash Korah went right into hell right was he saved no because you can't lose your salvation so otherwise he would have went straight into hell and then saved and that's not what the Bible teaches and you know I had some other ones but I wanted to go over CS Lewis but I'll skip that one for now I want to do a whole sermon about CS Lewis because people just love to quote CS Lewis like he's just this great character too but he's not so you know but the Bible says people that believe in works they're going they're gonna go to hell you know and you know I hate work salvation heretics I hate work salvation the doctrine of work salvation look in Matthew 7 21 says not everyone that sayeth unto me Lord Lord shall enter into the kingdom of heaven but he that do it the will of my father which is in heaven many will say to me in that day Lord Lord have we not prophesied in thy name and in thy name have cast out devils and in thy name done many wonderful works they says many are gonna do that oh lord lord I preached in your name all these people I just got through talking about they're all gonna say that but they're gonna say and what's Jesus gonna say to them then I will profess of them I never knew you depart from me ye that work iniquity he never knew them so all these people that say you can lose your salvation you can get it back that's impossible because Jesus said I never knew you but you know people that believe in work salvation will take you to these verses but these are the very verses that are gonna condemn them on Judgment Day and I don't have time to go into all this but you know again out soul winning people want to proclaim their good works they want to get to heaven on their own you know this guy that I talked to last week this said he was Lutheran I tried to show what the Bible says and he didn't care he didn't want to hear what the Bible had to say all he cared about was what he believed and he wanted to stay and what he believed and how many people go soul-winding raise your hand if you go soul-winding you hear people say I'm just gonna stick with my religion you hear it every week right and it's because all these work salvation teachers are out here filling their minds with this garbage you know that's why we have to make the difference out there that's why we have four soul winning times a week that's why we go out by the droves and try to get people saved we try to go into every corner of the city and why we try to go into small towns and get people saved you know turn to Romans 4 actually turn to Revelation chapter 20 I'm almost done Revelation chapter 20 I'm gonna read for you in Romans chapter 4 verse 13 it says for the promise that he should be the heir of the world was not to Abraham or his seed through the law but through the righteousness of faith for if they which are of the law be heirs faith is made void and the promise made of none effect so people that want to live by the law and say that I'm gonna just go ahead and go by my works the Bible says their faith is made void they can believe in Jesus all they want but if they're trying to count on their works and believe in Jesus they're gonna go straight to hell because it's not by works it's by faith you're in Revelation 20 look at verse 11 says and I saw a great white throne and him that sat on it from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away and there was found no place for them and I saw the dead small and great stand before God and the books were open and another book was open which is the book of life and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books according to their works so they're gonna be judged the very things that they say are getting them into heaven are the very things that are gonna condemn them they're gonna be just there you want to be judged by your works God's gonna say okay well I'm gonna judge you by your works then and here this is how it turns out for him verse 13 and as he gave up the dead which ran in the death and hell delivered up the dead which ran them and they were judged every man according to their works just like they wanted and it says in death and hell were cast into the lake of fire this is the second death and whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire they're gonna be cast in the lake of fire because they want to be judged by their works you know that's why just it just it just bothers me every time I walk away from someone that says I just want to be judged you know I'm just gonna I'm just gonna go on my way the way I want to go but the Bible says that every everyone that climate up another way is a thief and a robber there is no other way it's just like you just want to grab them and shake him and go what's wrong with you you know you're not getting in that way the Bible says this by faith and you know I'm just gonna finish this whole chapter off I had a lot of stuff in here but I'm just gonna I'm gonna move on to chapter 8 but but I do want to go cover these verses really quickly build your house on the solid rock not the shifting sand I hate the shifting sand you know that's a bad place to build your house on or in the West Hills in Portland you know you don't want to build your house and the shifting mud either so I've been dealing with the landslides for the last few days there's been like three different landslides and someone's car got ran off the road with one it's pretty crazy but you know when you build your head your house on a muddy hill where it rains all the time you know your house is gonna slide down the earth is gonna move but verse 24 in Matthew chapter 7 says therefore whosoever here at these things of mine and do with them I will liken him unto a wise man which built his house upon a rock so what's Jesus saying he's saying all these things in chapter 5 chapter 6 and chapter 7 he said whosoever hearth these sayings of mine and do with them I will liken them unto a wise man which built his house upon a rock so if you if you do these things you hear the sayings of Jesus the things that he says that we should do the way we should live be warned of false prophets for instance you know not listening to false prophets and knowing them by their fruits you know that's you're a wise man you've built your house upon a rock the Bible says in verse 25 and the rain descended and the floods came and the wind blew and beat upon that house and it fell not for it was founded upon a rock and who's that rock that's talking about us talking about Jesus Christ he's the rock of our salvation we can count on him he's a he's the rock that there's no shift sifting sand or shifting sand under him we can count on him we can count on what the Bible teaches and all the other things can fall by the wayside it says and everyone that here at these saints of mine and do with them not shall be likened unto a foolish man which built his house upon the sand and the rains descended and the floods came and the winds blew and beat upon that house and it fell and great was the fall of it because great is the fall of all these people that are not saved all these people that want to trust in their works all these false prophets their house is gonna fall to the ground it's gonna be destroyed it says great will be the fall of it and it came to pass when Jesus had entered these scenes the people were astonished to this doctrine for he taught them as one having authority and not as the scribes so Jesus was different from what they were used to just like you know this movement is different than the movement that people are used to and people can't handle it people get upset I was looking at one of my sermons and on YouTube and it had one unlike I was like and I put a comment on there haters gonna hate but I think it was about I forgot what the sermon was but it's like you know there's haters out there they can't handle the preaching but you know they'll tune in you know just to just to go get mad push a little unlike button but they're too cowardly to say anything but the Bible says that Jesus is the stone that the builders rejected you know and we have not rejected them the builders have rejected and the Pharisees rejected Christ and you know he's he's gonna be that stone that comes out from the mountains without hands and smashes the the the big statue into a million pieces and Christ is gonna rule and reign in this earth and we're gonna rule and reign with them we might be the ones that are laughed at now we might be the ones people think are weird now we might be the ones that people think are crazy now but you know what we're gonna rule and reign with Christ that's what the Bible says if you believe on the Lord Jesus Christ you trust him as your Savior and you know that's all it takes you know and we get to rule and reign with him and the works we do that just that just adds to to the greatness of eternity for us so I'm gonna end that with there and we'll be in chapter 8 the next time let's see in two weeks we'll be in chapter 8 let's have a word of prayer Heavenly Father Lord we thank you for your word and Lord I was afraid that we'd be aware of these false prophets Lord these wolves that come in in sheep's clothing Lord that we would Lord we would trust we wouldn't trust everybody we would trust no one but not expect everybody to be that person either Lord no we would just be wise and how we deal with each other Lord I pray that we have a spirit of unity at this church and I just pray that Lord that we'd be vigilant we'd be sober and that Lord we'd be fit for your use Lord and that you'd continue to build this church in Jesus name amen