(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) I'll see you next time. You You You You Coming out to our Sunday evening service. Let's find our seeds and open our him books page 258 Green him books page 258 Christ receive a sinful man green him books page 258 You Christ receive a sinful man On the first sinners Jesus will receive sound with word of grace to all through the Heavenly pathway leave all girl Sing it all And or again Christ receive a sinful man It's clear in play Christ receive a sin I'm in he will give you rest Trust him for his word is plain He will take the sin Lest Christ receive a sinful man Sing it all And or again Christ receive a sinful man Take the man It's clear in play Christ receive a sinful man Now my heart condemns me not here before The law I stand he who cleansed me from a spot Satisfied its last demand Sing it all And or again Christ receive the sinful man Make the man It's clear in play Christ receive a sinful man On the last Christ receive a sinful man Even me with all my sin hurt from every spot and stain That with him I enter Sing it all And or again Christ receive a simple man Make the man Christ receive a simple man Great singing brother bill you want to open us with the word of prayer? Amen favorites this evening favorites you got a favorite raise your hand you'll be picked Jesse 144 Green him bucks only green him bucks page 144 Mighty fortresses are gone On the first Mighty Fortresses are gone Of all work never failed our Helper he amid the flood Of mortal ills prevailing For still our ancient foe Seek to work His craft Our On earth is not his Sheila 137 in times like these page 137 In times like these on the first in times like these You need a savior in times like these You need an anchor be very sure be very sure Anchor holds and grips the solid rock This rock is Jesus. Yes. He's the one This rock is Jesus the only one Be very sure Be very sure Your anchor holds and grips the solid rock Bobby 138 the haven of rest 138 on the first my soul and sad exile was out alive see so bird and with in distress Till I heard a sweet voice Saying make me your choice and I enter I've anchored my soul in the haven of rest I'll sail the wide seas The tempest may sweep or the stormy Ethan 136 two pages back master the tempest is raging He's 136 On the first master the tempest is raging The billows are tossing high The sky is or shadow with blackness No shelter or help is not Carrots now not that we Perish how canst thou lie asleep When each moment so badly is threatening the grave in the angry deep The winds and the waves shall obey my will Be still Whether the wrath of the storm tossy or demons or man or whatever It be no water can swallow the ship where lies the master of ocean and earth and skies They all shall sweetly obey my will peace be still Peace be still they all shall sweetly obey my will Peace be still You Go on over here Bill 144 on the third 144 On the third and though this world with devils fill Sure threatened to undo We will not fear for God has Is true to try The prince of darkness We tremble not for him His rage we can endure For law his doom is sure One little word shall Sherry 415 Victory through grace page 415 victory Got two more after this one page 415 on the first conquering now and still to conquer Right at the king in his mind leading the host of all the faithful into the midst of the fight See them with courage Advancing clad in their brilliant array Shouting the name of their leader here that makes all tingly say Not to the strong Is the battle not to the Swift is the race Yet to the true and the faithful Victory is promised through grace Two more two more we got some kids who want some Rebecca 30 you got it Page 30 Nothing but the blood On The first oh I can wash away my sin nothing, but the blood of Jesus What can make me whole again nothing, but the blood of Jesus Oh Precious is Oh Makes me white as snow No Nothing, but the blood of Jesus Last one this evening Matthew 134 on the fourth got it 134 on the fourth My anchor holds My anchor holds on the fourth troubles Almost swam the soul Griefs like billows or me roll Tempt to seek to lure astray Storms obscure the light of day But in Christ I can be bold I've an anchor that shall hold And it holds my anchor Blow your wildest man, okay on my barks of small and By his grace I shall not fail for my My Announcements Everybody welcome back to your foundation Baptist Church. Let's take our bulletins and go through them through it one more time We'll see the speedy version Let's see on our front cover We have our verse of the week It says study to show thyself approved unto God a workman that needeth not to be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth second Timothy chapter 2 verse 15 Our inside page we have a service times 10 30 a.m. For the morning service on Sunday And we're currently going through the series for new believers will be in the fifth sermon next Sunday morning and Sunday that'll be on Church attendance. So hopefully we have a good attendance next week Sunday evening is We're normally going through started the book of Joshua, but tonight I'm actually going to go away from it again to preach a specified sermon and I think I said David Ward accidentally this morning, but it's actually Mark Ward I'm preaching against there was a guy named David. They got baptized. I think I was just combining them together So I feel bad for mixing him with a false prophet on accident. So I Guess more than one person said that I said David Ward. I apologize for that. It's Mark Ward. So anyway That's what I'm preaching a specified sermon about that tonight And if you don't know who that is, then you're gonna find out more than you probably want to know anyway We had so many today. How did we have any salvations out there today? alright but God still gonna bless you for going out This praise part you see the salvation's baptisms attendance totals from last week. We do have some people out sick so let's pray for them and we also Speaking of well, I preach about prayer this morning. So don't forget brother Cody from Yakima his dad passed away suddenly and brother Rick is trying to get back from his heart attack He's doing really well, but he's planning on trying to get home by Wednesday so continue to pray for him and I know that the Harrington's have a special unspoken that they had shared and so if you just pray for them and then Yeah Sybil's dad has been in the hospital and he's been going through just some Some really bad problems. So he's been in the hospital. So if you just pray for them and a lot of a lot of Health issues going on right now. So just remember them in prayer and The upcoming events we have this Thursday is the chili and cornbread potluck. Hopefully that will be a success We'll have enough chili for everybody And that'll start at four o'clock Here at the church building Make sure you mark your spicy chili if you're gonna make spicy chili who's planning on actually making spicy chili anybody You're pulling on making spicy char you making spicy in wild chili. Okay, so you'll mark one. All right anybody else plan on making chili I know my wife is because I already told her. All right, I'm trying to be tough, right? All right, so you're making chili, all right, so we should have enough chili to go around Hopefully just make a big old pot of it. Does anybody plan on making only meat chili with no beans? Yes, I know we are Anybody else making it with beans? Oh, you're making meat anybody making it with beans anybody making Cincinnati bill No Okay, I don't care I actually got some cans of Cincinnati chili I can bring so I can help you I will help you. I Can't eat it, but I will help you. I got the actual cans of Cincinnati chili at my house Well, there's Brett Stockton and send them to me. I haven't used them yet. So I'll bring for you if you want we'd have to heat them up and like something here But yeah, we'll talk up for church. All right. All right, cool. So I'm looking forward to that and That'll be Thursday if you want to come early Bring also bring your board games if you want to play some board games I don't know if we can get a risk game done in two hours or Monopoly, but You can figure out something and the missions trip to our mission strip The missions conference is in faithful that faithful word in Tempe the 6th to the 10th That's coming up soon and homeschool field trip to sky zone trampoline park That's between that's at 11 o'clock on the 14th. I believe that's a Tuesday see mrs Woods for all the details and the 26 is the pie social the 17th of November It's not marked in here, but that's gonna be the next soul winning Four hour session kind of worked out pretty good except for the rain yesterday The food worked out really good. I was actually thinking about running it back and doing the same area But this time we'll hit an apartment complex. So if it rains we won't get smoked like we did. Well smoked by the rain At the end of the day. I was just like I was toast. Yeah, it was pretty bad, but The end of the day the food was really good like I mean that was some genuine German cuisine there. So if you didn't get to go you missed out it's worth it just to go to try that food. So Anyway, who had the strudel that was there you guys how was the strudel brother Jesse? was it like Pretty like good on compared to other strudel you've had in your life Well That's in Germany bro, oh, I'm just kidding so it looked good anyway, I Wanted to break my diet right then and there but I resisted. All right, that's all I got for announcements I think I sing happy birthday and all that stuff to everybody yep, and then make sure you congratulate the Collins on the birth of Samuel Leonard and Everything's going well with them and make sure you congratulate them. All right, that's all I have for announcements Go ahead and sing another song. We'll receive the offer Sing our next song page 207 only a sinner page 207 only a sinner Page 207 only a sinner out loud on the first. Not have I gotten but what I've received. Grace hath bestowed it since I have believed. Boasting is fluted, pride I abase, I'm only a sinner saved by grace only a sinner saved by grace only a sinner saved by grace This is my story to God be the glory. I'm only a sinner saved by grace Once I was foolish And sin ruled my heart Causing my footsteps from God to depart Jesus found me Happy my case. I now am a sinner Saved by grace Only a sinner Saved by grace only a sinner Saved by grace This is my story to God be the glory. I'm only a sinner Saved by grace Tears unavailing no merit had I Mercy had saved me or else I must die Sin had alarmed me Fearing God's face, but now I'm a sinner Saved by grace only a sinner Saved by grace only a sinner Saved by grace This is my story to God be the glory. I'm only a sinner Saved by grace Suffer a sinner whose heart overflows Oh Being a savior to tell what he knows Once more to tell it, but I embrace I'm only a sinner Saved by grace Only a sinner saved by grace Only a sinner by grace This is my story to God be the glory I'm only a sinner Saved by grace Great singing this evening at this time. We'll receive our offering Brother Jesse bless the offering for us You You You Amen turning your Bibles to 2nd Timothy chapter 3 2nd Timothy chapter 3 Please follow along as we read the entire chapter You 2nd Timothy chapter 3 the Bible reads This know also that in the last days perilous time shall come for men shall be lovers of their own selves covetous boasters proud blasphemers disobedient to parents unthankful unholy Without natural affection truce breakers false accusers incontinent fierce despisers of those that are good traders heady high-minded lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof from such turn away For of this sort are they which creep into houses and lead captive silly women laden with sins led away with diverse lusts Ever learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth Now as Janus and Jambres withstood Moses, so did these also resist the truth men of corrupt minds reprobate concerning the faith But they shall proceed no further for their folly shall be manifest unto all men as theirs also was But thou has fully known my doctrine manner of life purpose faith long-suffering charity patience Persecutions Afflictions which came unto me at Antioch at Iconium at Lystra What persecutions I endured but out of them all the Lord delivered me? Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse deceiving and being deceived but continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and has been assured of knowing of whom thou hast learned them and That from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith Which is in Christ Jesus all? Scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine for reproof for correction for instruction in righteousness That the man of God may be perfect throughly furnished unto all good works Brother Robert we pray for the services Amen All right, like I said, I'm preaching a standalone sermon and Let's look at the verses here real quick first before I tell you the title sermon I'm gonna focus on verses 13 through 17 and really the whole Chapter is basically about how things are just gonna get worse and worse as we draw on towards the end times And we really are I mean we've been in the last days since Christ came the Bible plainly talks about that But the day the days are gonna draw closer Things will get worse The attacks will become more slick the the people that will come will will be using different techniques and and tactics to try to infiltrate churches and try to just Take people of God down by you know attacking, you know Just even attacking the Bible like we have a great Bible translation in English the King James Bible And there's a lot of people that get attacked for using the King James only and we get called cultists And all kinds of different nasty things because we actually have a Bible that we trust and all these other People that say well we can't trust the King James basically they're every other Bible only is Anything but the King James and there's people that would they they try to pretend like they honor the King James Bible but they really want you off of it and So let's look at the verses here 13 through 17 it says but evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse Deceiving and being deceived so it's going to get worse and seducers are trying to seduce us to fall away from the faith and it says but continue but continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and has been assured of knowing of whom thou hast learned them and That from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith Which is in Christ Jesus all scriptures given by inspiration of God is profitable for doctrine for reproof for correction for instruction and righteousness That the man of God may be perfect Thoroughly furnished unto all good works And it's funny that Ryland put that as the bulletin cover and I didn't ask him to do that He didn't know I don't think he maybe he did know that I was going to preach that maybe he picked it up from the title of my sermon, but Yeah, the title of my sermon is mark Ward an evil seducer and deceiver mark Ward an evil Seducer and deceiver you're like who's mark Ward and you probably don't know who he is maybe some of you do maybe some of you saw seeing some of his videos and he's Basically I I've heard of him before I saw a video that he had made and I didn't really know much about him I've heard a few things about him. I watched one video about him a while back, but I didn't really realize how prominent he was kind of becoming in the anti King James only movement and he really kind of tries to rub shoulders with King James only people in an attempt to try to Get people to come away from the King James by saying that it's not readable anymore That we can't understand the King James and because it's archaic and Elizabeth Elizabethan English that we can't understand anymore that the words meant different things back then That we should move away from the King James and move to more modern Bible versions and he in the debate I watched he recommends the new King James so I'm gonna I'm gonna talk about that tonight and The debate I'm talking about happened last Monday on October 21st. It was a debate debate between Daniel Haifley. Dr Daniel Daniel Haifley and dr Mark Ward at Dayspring Bible College on the readability of the King James Bible So in the debate the textual issue was not allowed to be brought up so we all know that there's a textual issue between the text that was That was translated, you know, the the Greek and Hebrew that was used to translate into the King James English and then the modern versions by and large are tech are translated out of the West cotton hort the the Frankenstein supposedly older and better manuscripts, right, but the New King James is Translated from what they would say is the TR or the Texas Receptus But a lot of times they go with the newer modern version you know, they'll they'll They'll say it's from Translated from the from the older, you know, the better manuscripts, but then they won't go with the TR rendering of the verse so And then also they'll change words for no reason the words that that should be Plain to us to read they'll change that in the New King James for no reason and I'll go through that here, but I Actually wasn't gonna I wasn't gonna watch the debate But then I decided that I would and I was pretty disappointed with the debate to be honest with you I don't believe mark word should have been given that platform and the reason why is because You know these types of people they have their fair speeches and they like to deceive the hearts of the simple That's what he's out to do He's out to just reach that one person that doesn't really understand The issues and he'll take and twist things to make people try to come away that maybe just don't fully understand What what the big deal is and he'll try to make it seem like he's he just wants people to get on a different Bible That we should retranslate, you know, and so that people can speak can get a Bible in their current modern language But make no mistake about it He wants you to get rid of your King James and start using a more modern version of the Bible He'll say he wants one translated to More modern English, but there really isn't a need to do that at this time So, dr. Haifeli who was the Baptist preacher? I don't know if he's a pastor. I don't think he is but he does work for the King James Bible Research Institute. I think he's part of that board that That makes all the King James stuff that Dr. Stringer is a part of and things like that. So He did pin him down over one thing and it was about It's something I'll bring up later on but he did pin him down one thing But I think I just think he was too nice to the guy This guy gets up and makes all of his points and he's very eloquent speaker and he's making sharp points And then he gets up and he's just you know debates between Christians, you know, if you start we were talking about this before I started preaching but they were saying Yeah, basically if you're a Christian you start getting nasty with somebody then they're gonna be like, oh, he's just too mean But the other guy he's just really super he comes across super nice and he's like I just care Whether people can understand their Bibles or not, and that's my only reason for doing this but in reality, he's hiding his real agenda and so Basically Mark Ward just kind of gets to puke out and use his little twisted points that he uses To try to you know capture people into coming along with what he's saying He really does just want to undermine and to subvert people and and wants them to get off the King James, so So this is basically what he's trying to do this is what he does in the debate They weren't allowed to talk about what text was the right text and and things like that So he really had a big advantage over the other debater So the Bible and number one tonight the the Bible warns us about men like Mark Ward Bible warns us about people like this. Let's look at our text in verse 13 again It says but evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse deceiving and being deceived Paul's writing this letter to Timothy And he's saying hey Timothy, you're a pastor I just want to warn you that there are people that are just evil men and they are Seducers they're trying to cause harm because to do evil is to cause harm. There are just people out there They're just plain reprobates like Jan Janice and jamborees who are just out to destroy people's faith They you know they have no other reason but to destroy and they're not going to come in and say hey They're not going to walk in here dressed as Baphomet to try to seduce you and to stop using your King James They're gonna come in and they're gonna be nice and they're gonna talk nice but they're gonna they're gonna be dressed like a sheep, but they're gonna speak as a dragon and They're gonna be slick and try to deceive you they're gonna try to seduce you with their speech and They're gonna wax worse and worse the Bible says deceiving and being deceived so they're deceived themselves But they're gonna also try to deceive us Romans chapter 16 turn to Romans chapter 16 verse 17 Romans chapter 16 verse 17 These types of people exist and you know people will say you guys always have these boogeymen out there They're just trying to destroy the King James Hey They exist folks the Bible says that they exist and they're out there and they do try to corrupt the Bibles I mean look at how many different English Bibles we have they're not trying to corrupt the Bibles I mean they don't all say the same thing and they're all trying to they're make trying to make money off of them and These types of people do creep into churches and they do try to overthrow and people's faith look at Romans 16 17 it says now I beseech you brethren mark them which caused the visions and offense is contrary to the doctrine which you have learned and avoid them so Paul's also telling the Roman Believers here that hey, there's certain types of people we need to mark them and Avoid being around them avoid being taught by them avoid hanging out with them avoid going to their churches Avoid being friends with them avoid them not hang out with them not listen to their sermons Not listen to what they have to say. He said when they're marked we need to avoid them Look at verse 18 for they that are such served not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly and by good words and Fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple see they can be eloquent in their speech They have good words. They seem nice Don't they but in reality Paul saying they serve not our Lord Jesus Christ Who do they serve them they serve their own bellies and ultimately they serve the devil That's who they serve turn to Jude chapter 1 the only chapter in Jude, but Jude 1 verse number 3 and in this chapter most of its dedicated to avoiding and Detecting this these types of people false prophets people that are foreordained to hell Because of the things that they are and become look at verse 3 It says beloved when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation It was needful for me to write unto you and to and exhort you that you should earnestly contend for the faith Which was once delivered unto the Saints and you know what to be able to trust in the Word of God is earnestly contending for the faith when we say hey You should be able to trust your Bible That is something that we you know it's one of the bedrocks and cornerstones of something that we believe as Christians We should be able to trust the Word of God that we have in our hands and when people are putting doubt on that Then you know what we need to contend with people like this So when people get mad about us preaching sermons like this, then you know what hey Just get mad and go go to a new King James Version Baptist Church Then and see just how those types of church operate and then come back to this church and realize hey It's nice to be able to rest your head and know what the Bible actually says instead of some Non-denominational church where they're they're showing different verses from different versions so they can tell you what they want you to think instead of what the Bible actually says But it says for there are certain men crept in unawares Who were before of old ordained to this condemnation There's people that creep in and they're unaware They're unawares who were before of old ordained to this condemnation Ungodly men Turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness and denying the only Lord God and our Lord Jesus Christ They might not say that but the Bible's seen that they do that They might they might say hey, he's my brother. This is what he says all the time Mark Ward He's like my my King James only brothers He likes to say that but when I show you what what his church believes, which is something he advertises You're gonna be like, okay. Well Either explain yourself or explain why you have that on the front page of your personal website But anyway, skip to verse 16. It says these are murmurers complainers The Bible I can't understand some of these words complainers Walking after their own lusts and their mouths speaketh great swelling words this guy likes to use Swelling words and uses academia to win people over I go to PhD and I'm a doctor of this or that Having men's persons and admiration because of advantage. This is the type of people they like to you know flat That they like to tell about all their PhDs and how how learned they are and what they have a doctorate in and all this other stuff So just keep these scriptures in mind as we go through this stuff but I'm gonna just read his about me from his own words on his own website It says my name is Mark Ward. I hold a PhD in New Testament interpretation from BJU Seminary. That's Bob Jones University used to be King James only but now they're not My dissertation was entitled Paul's positive religious affections I currently work for Crossway publishers on special projects before that I was a writer and editor and presenter for logos Whose mission is to use technology to equip the church to grow in the light of the Bible? I have written several books including authorized the use and misuse of the King James Bible which comes Highly recommended by da Carson and has an accompanying faith life documentary I attended Mount Calvary Baptist Church for 18 years while in Greenville, South Carolina. I Pastored I don't know why he quote marks this I pastored an outreach congregation there Sunday mornings for the last almost six of the years after moving to Washington So he lives in Washington State here. I was something Something of an assistant pastor for six years though ordained for only the last nine months of that time at Cornerstone Baptist Church in Anacortes The church voted to close toward the end of the kovat era must have been a pretty great leader My family now attends Emmanuel Baptist Church of Mount Vernon Washington where we serve in various capacities So they have a church about three and a half hours north of here about an hour north of Seattle I would say He says I'm also the president of Bible faculty summit a small annual colloquium for Bible scholars who hail from the same silver of a Sliver excuse me of American Protestantism. I do so He hangs with the Bible scholars. He's he really is big on himself in his academia But Mark Ward claims the King James has served its purpose But is no longer readable and should be replaced with a new translation He believes it's so unreadable that we can't understand it And we need to put it away from us and take modern versions like the New King James He cites 1st Corinthians 14 as his source for needing to replace the King James And he and he talks about how You know the the King James translators themselves use 1st Corinthians 14 and other reformers use that to tell the Catholic Church that we needed to have An English version in our own language and that William Tyndale fought for those things, which is true I mean we should be able to have an English version that we can understand in our own language So he uses those things To tug at people's heartstrings and hey look if if we could not understand this if we get to the point where our English is so far different than you know, it's just like nobody can in this room can read Middle English or understand it. I mean pastor Anderson can can say What is it Beowulf and he has some some passage of Beowulf memorized that he can that he can say? But nobody can just sit there in this room and Understand Middle English that's that Beowulf is Middle English and you can't understand it You might be able to understand words here and there So if we got to the point where you can't understand the Bible at all, then I would say yes We probably do need a new translation, but we are not there I mean who who really has a hard time just understanding what the Bible says in this room. I mean children Can understand what the Bible says in this room, but he just makes it out Like we just can't understand what the King James says we're too stupid or whatever to understand what it says And I would just disagree with you on that But let's turn to first Corinthians chapter 14 verse 6 and this these are the verses that he uses to say well Hey, we need to have words that we can understand and and he basically uses You know examples in the Bible and he calls them false friends words that we Think we understand in the King James, but people don't really understand those words in the context Well, but before we get there, let's look at first Corinthians chapter 14 verse 6. It says now brethren if I come unto you Speaking with tongues. What shall I profit you except I speak to you either by revelation or by knowledge or by prophesying or by doctrine and Even things without life-giving sound whether pipe or harp except they give a distinction in the sounds How shall it be known? What is piped or harped? For at the trumpet given uncertain sound who shall prepare himself to the battle So likewise he except he utter for the tongue words easy to be understood How shall it be known what is spoken for you shall speak into the air? There are it may be so many kinds of voices in the world and none of them is without significant significant Signification therefore if I know not the meaning of the voice I shall be unto him that speaketh a barbarian And he that speaketh shall be a barbarian unto me. So it's just basically talking about it's you know It's it's important to understand what people are saying to you and then verse 19 says Yet in the church, I'd rather speak five words with my understanding them that by my voice I might teach others also than ten thousand words and an unknown tongue and so this is the verse he really zeros in on and it's like He's basically Likening that to the King James that we could probably only understand like five of those words and the other ten thousand We just can't understand or something Which is complete hogwash. It's just not true folks that is that I mean it's It's just a gross misconception We can understand way more words than we don't understand. And yeah, are there some hard words in the King James? Yeah, there are do people miss interpret like what some of the words meant back then to what they mean right now, of course But that doesn't mean we need to throw the King James in the trash Because you know what? I've never been out soul winning and ran into any other soul winners that were actually not in a cult I'm not talking about Jehovah's Witnesses and Mormons that we're using a New King James Version an NIV an NASB an NLT a legacy standard Bible. What's the other John MacArthur older one? The ESV I've never seen that ever out soul. You know, I've been so many for years has anybody else seen any of that any other church No And you know why because it doesn't exist The only soul winners I've ever seen out soul winning or saw their invitations were other Baptists that use the King James How do you explain that buddy? You know why because that's the only bibles that are getting people say that's the only kind of churches that are out doing soul winning That's a fact So This is his proof text and he's basically saying if our let if our language And look I agree if our language gets to the point where we can't understand it anymore We should have a new translation and don't get all freaked out about that. I don't think we're anywhere close to that I don't think that we're close at all Number two tonight Mark Ward says we need to get rid of the King James Version and replace it with a new translation Because we can no longer understand it. Look at verse 14 back in our text. It says but Continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and Hast been assured of knowing of whom thou hast learned them. Look You should trust in the things that you already have learned and know that are true Continue using the King James Bible because you know, you can trust it Why would you listen to some effeminate sissy sounding preacher? So called preacher So called man of God that if you just were listening to him talk in a room and you couldn't you didn't know he was Up talking. He wasn't talking about the Bible. You would think this dude sounds like a queer If you listen to his videos, he sounds like a queer. Okay, and I'm not saying that he is one for sure I'm not accusing him of that. He's married. He has children. But is that the first like what? Yeah, just because someone's married and has children doesn't mean that there isn't sugar in the tank All right, there are people that get married for a cover. All right, and I'm not saying that he is but Trust me if you just pull up his video after the service and you listen to him talk for more than five seconds you're gonna be like whoa and I he's got people that just jump on if you say anything about that. Like I just said he sounds like a queer and People are like he just has a nasally voice I know what the difference between a nasally voice is and someone that sounds like a queer. Okay, believe me I've been there's a lot of queers important one. I've heard a lot of people that sound like it. He sounds like one for sure Okay, his wife should probably check his browsing history and maybe look at his phone to see if he has any special apps on there Or something. But anyway, that's beside the point I'm gonna attack what he believes More than his personal life here. But anyway, so You know, we should continue Using the same Bible because we trust this Bible. We know what what do we know for sure about this Bible? It's powerful It when it when it's preached, you know that it's the Word of God. It's affected your life I mean you're here in church because of it and not only that it you know, it's power to get people saved. I Mean how many people have you led to the Lord with a different kind of Bible version probably zero? I mean, you know that it gets people saved, you know, it's power and it's preaching You know that God the Bible speaks about itself being preserved and you know That it also says that there are many that corrupt the Word of God So we know that there's corruptors out there, but we also know that there's one that's true Which one is the one that's true besides this one? Is there one that's just been used more mightily than the King James in the last 400 years Tell me which one it is Which one has been sent out by more missionaries which one has gotten more people saved than the King James you tell me that right now But his argument of course in the debate was it's time to set it aside. It needs to like go in the museum or whatever so but he specifically Of course, he knows he's around a bunch of King James only Baptist He specifically promoted the new King James in the debate because it's tr-based But I've seen other videos where he he still he likes other modern versions, too But he said tr-based because he knows that the King James only people are not gonna they're never gonna go to an NIV They're never gonna go to any other version that isn't tr-based. So he recommended the new King James so Even you know, they do go with the minority modern Greek interpretation a lot and They change complete words and phrases and sentences in you know more than I can even explain to you tonight, but I'm just gonna give you some examples tonight and So let's look at some of these turn to Exodus chapter 16 verse 28 so Exodus chapter 16 verse 28. I'll try to go through these fast And So I'm gonna compare what the what the new King James says and you tell me if it's the same as what your Bible says So somebody stand up and read what the King James says Some man, yeah Okay How long refused ye, right Okay, here's what the here's what the new King James says it says and the Lord said to Moses. How long do you? refuse to keep my commandments and my laws So doesn't it kind of put doubt on who it's talking to right there the King James uses the term ye Which is the plural term that would be that would be you right But when it says you in our modern English It could be talking to one person or it could be talking to multiple people But doesn't it make it seem like it's saying if it says how long the Lord said to Moses? How long do you refuse to keep my commandments and my laws which one's more correct? The One that has the proper tense and the proper word Because is Moses the one that's not keeping the commandments or is it the children of Israel? It's the children of Israel. They're not keeping the commandments. He's just telling Moses to tell them that So that is a big difference, isn't it? It might not seem like a big deal, but it is a big deal so so Tenses mean things when it's when when you take out the these and the thighs and The years and use and all that kind of stuff when you take out the pronouns and the tenses of those pronouns It does make a difference in how you read the words in the Bible And so that's what the New King James does it takes out and it takes the these and those out And that's what people say. It's so hard to understand. How is it so hard to understand? Are you stupid or something? It's not that hard Ye you and yours plural the thine and thou singular It's not that difficult folks. And when people say I just can't understand it. Well get saved then buddy. It's not that difficult And or just get a tutor Let me help you tutor the thine thou singular. Okay, you pass the test. It's not that difficult And you're saying you can't understand the King James really maybe you just don't want to understand it Maybe you just want I don't like that that it says D why Because you just don't want to understand it. So What about when Jesus go, you know Nicodemus comes to Jesus How about that one? Ye must be born again Is he just talking to Nicodemus there because we could just take it that way couldn't we Ye must be born again. Is he just talking to Nicodemus or is he talking to everybody? He's talking to everybody. We all must be born again Because you know, you know in the King James it says ye must be born again But what's it gonna say in the New King James? Not the right tense. Not the right pronoun What about the word she'll Who's watched? New World Order Bible versions when the New King James Translates words that are supposed to be hell in the Bible They translate it as she'll and leave the Hebrew word in there and don't translate it on purpose they translate the ones in the New Testament as Hades or Gehenna or whatever. They don't put hell in there. Why do they do that? The New King James claims to be more accurate Because it leaves untranslated words, why would it untranslate a word? When you watch New World Order Bible versions, they actually go around and ask people. What is she'll mean? And then this this one black guy in there. He's like she'll like, you know a shield He has no clue people don't know what that means the average person on the street We could go out right after service and just ask average. Just go to Walmart and ask the average person. What does she'll mean? They're not gonna know what that is or Hades or Gehenna They're not gonna know what that is You're trying to tell me that that the the King James needs to be put in a museum Everybody knows what hell is every single person you go to the door Even if they don't believe in God, they know what hell is Everybody knows what it is. Everybody knows what the so you're telling me That the King James is harder to understand that people can't understand the King James Bible because it says the word hell You're gonna promote the New King James Version get out of here. You effeminate sissy. What are you talking about? Nobody believes that That's garbage They untranslate the words that's like, you know, some Bibles will say the Nephilim Instead of saying there were giants in the world in the earth in those days They'll say it literally there they'll untranslate it and say Nephilim just so they can preach the Nephilim doctrine The exit so the Bible and the King James says hell There might be times when they'll translate the same Greek word as the grave But The Bible uses the word hell over and over again because everybody understands what that is So let's look at 2nd Corinthians chapter 2 verse 17 We'll get back to the hell thing here in just a minute, but that's ridiculous that That they're gonna just leave it untranslated in the New King James That's easier though that's easier to understand you want to make it easier and And you think that the King James is harder, I don't think so 2nd Corinthians 2 17. Let's see what the New King James says Someone stand up and read 2nd Corinthians 2 17 in the King James Can I get a man? Brother Ramon Nice and loud Yep Excuse me, sorry So it says for we are not as many which corrupt the Word of God is what it says right right the short part of it Here's what the New King James says peddling the Word of God We're not as many as peddle or peddling the Word of God It's a big change, isn't it? Why don't why don't they want to put corrupt? Because they're they're peddling it Huh? Yeah, they're corrupting it. How's that easier to understand? Titus 3 10 I won't have you turn there But it says a man a man that is an heretic after the first and second admonition reject Well, I know why I know why he probably likes the the the New King James version because it says reject a divisive man Instead they don't he doesn't want to be rejected as a heretic. He just wants to be a divisive man Because that's what the NIV like they take on the NIV they take you know The New King James takes on the NIV the NASB and the RSV the HIV They take on those renderings instead of what the King James would take on because if it's really that close Why would you change how the verse is? Why would you change what the verse says if it doesn't need to be changed? Do you know what a heretic is yeah, well, that's a lot different than being a divisive man, isn't it? So first Thessalonians chapter 5 verse 22 says abstain from all appearance of evil in the New King James Version it says abstain from every form of evil so And then Isaiah well, I'll just skip that one. Let's turn to Matthew chapter 7 verse 14 Matthew 7 verse 14. This is a really bad one that they have in here and this this deals with salvation Matthew 7 14 Someone get up and read the King James Version Mikey So Straight is the gate and Narrow is the way that leadeth to the life and few there be that find it. Here's the New King James Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life and few there be that find it who find it So they're saying that salvation is difficult the salvation difficult or is salvation easy so He likes the Bible version that makes salvation hard that makes salvation difficult That is a change in the meaning. It's not making it easier. It's making it harder. It's tampering with salvation Hebrews chapter 2 verse 16. This is a bad one too. Let's turn over there Hebrews chapter 2 verse 16 Says For verily he took not on the nature of angels But he took on him the seed of Abraham So he didn't take on the nature of angels like the way that they're built their skin whatever form their body is But he took on him the seed of Abraham the seed of Abraham is man, right? Look and so the New King James says this for indeed he does not give aid to angels But he does give aid to the seed of Abraham. That's not even the same ballpark folks That's not even the same at all that completely just changes the meaning of the verse Yeah, but it's it's the same as the King James, right? It's just they change of these and those Just helps you understand it more Revelation chapter 1 verse 18 Revelation chapter 1 verse 18 I'm definitely not gonna have time to finish this sermon. I'm gonna have to do part 2. All right Revelation chapter 1 verse 18 So the the King James go ahead and someone get up and read the King James bill All right, the New King James says I am he who lives and was dead and behold I am alive forevermore Amen, and I have the keys of Hades and death Why would you change it to Hades? right there What does that he I mean, what does that even mean? Because they'll say well, that's the abode of the dead But is that where Jesus went? Did he go to the abode of the dead? No, he went to hell. That's what the Bible says. I Mean, I didn't look for acts chapter 2, but I mean maybe somebody wants to look that up while we're oh Yeah, we go in there We go in there. Let's look at Matthew chapter 16 though Matthew 16 18 It's okay brother Shawn you were all the same wavelength there He's like don't forget about that one look Matthew chapter 16 verse 18 Someone want to read Matthew 16 18 Brando I Very famous verse the gates of hell will not prevail against it Here's the New King James And also I say unto you that you are Peter and on this rock. I will build my church in the gates of Hades Shall not prevail against it doesn't really have the same snap to it. Does it? the gates of Hades But what is that exactly The abode of the dead will not prevail against it like what whatever because that's what they that's what they mean by that They don't believe that it's hell They're interpreting it as something different. All right, Shawn Luke 16 23 Luke 16 23 you guys can all turn there if you want. I Mean they change hell in multiple verses In the New Testament, but I'm just showing you a few go ahead Another famous verse in hell he lift up his eyes being in torments Here's the New King James and being in torments in Hades He lift up his eyes and saw Abraham afar off and Lazarus in his bosom, I mean well The abode of that he's being in torments in the abode of the dead Doesn't really have the same snap to it does it I Mean which one's easier to understand because apparently you know, he says that the King James is hard to understand, isn't it? But then you're gonna you're gonna translate it Hades and nobody even knows what that is It's the it's the it's the Greek version of hell So I don't even have time to rattle all these off but I mean the New King James Switches out hell for Hades and tons of different verses through Matthew Mark Luke acts 1st Corinthians James 2nd Peter for Revelation 118 6 8 2013 2014 You know where it says you'll be cast in the lake of fire Apparently, it's the lake of Hades in revelation 2013 and 14 Hades is a Transliteration of the Greek word and could be argued that is not an error to use the actual Greek word instead of translating it But that's not the point But I think it is an error because the English word for Hades you know for for the place of burning of the place where people go to burn for all eternity is hell We don't that's the Greek word for it. We speak English. So to leave it untranslated is just weird And okay, so there are words are transliterated that we didn't have English words for that's why William Tyndale used transliteration and some of his you know, he made up the word Passover and what the Day of Atonement and stuff like that and Easter and things like that but we had they had a word for the place where people go when the where the wicked dead go and that was called hell and That's why we use the word hell and that's why everybody knows exactly what hell is so Anyway, let's move on to The word and I I just you know, I couldn't help myself I had to go to this portion of it. And yeah, we're definitely not gonna be able to finish I'll have to do a part two or something next week. Maybe I'll finish it on Thursday Let's see Tony The world's loudest chirping alarm Alright, so Let's go to first Kings chapter 14. I want to see What they did with the word? sodomites in the New King James And I know I've maybe maybe we've checked some of this in other modern versions But I don't know that I'd ever looked in the New King James But I just kind of want to see like, you know, because in in modern times like people say there's no people don't even say anything about Homosexuality in the New Testament. There's nothing about sodomites in the New Testament. There's nothing about them. There's like maybe a couple mentions Well, that's because they change it on purpose So and I didn't really want to make this sermon about this but Like when it came to my attention last night when I was studying about this I was just like I couldn't believe it how how much they changed and why they why would they do this? first Kings chapter 14 verse 24 What does the King James say? It says and there were also Sodomites in the land and they did according to all the abominations of the nations Which the Lord cast out before the children of Israel. Here's what they say in the New King James They say and there were also perverted persons in the land That's a pretty broad statement, isn't it? Isn't couldn't that be it mean a lot of different things? Is that really Chris crystal-clear? Does that does that tell you and pinpoint to you and and make the meaning Just sharp for you so that you that's more Intelligible to you than the King James. I mean when you see sodomites, you know exactly what it's talking about But when it says perverted persons that could be a lot of different things It could be a perverted person when it comes to religion because people pervert the gospel It could just it could be a lot of different things. It doesn't necessarily mean they're a sodomite But it has like a little a little thing where you a footnote Thing next to it. It says there are also perverted persons in the land They did according to all the abominations of the nations which the Lord had cast out before them So in order to know what the true meaning of this is you have to go to the footnotes and the footnote says Hebrew Kadesh one practicing sodomy and prostitution and religious rituals So, you know the other modern versions will say temple prostitutes or whatever So I think that that's what it's trying to say. So what are they doing? They're trying to go with the rendering of the other modern versions instead of just saying what it is So the I mean, I think that if they put homosexuals there that would probably be More clear at least than saying perverted persons. I mean you could make a case for that But you know because a lot of people like if you say sodomite They might not know the average person might not know because it's so dumbed down in our society now Yeah, maybe they wouldn't know what that means right off the bat But I'm sure they could figure it out if they just use their brains for a couple seconds sodomites sodomy. Oh I see what you're saying anyway First Kings chapter 15. I'll make it really easy for you. We'll just go down let your fingers do the walk into the next chapter and Let's see what they do with first Kings Chapter 15 verse 12 it says and they took away the sodomites out of the land and removed all the idols That his father had made What does it say in the New King James version? Well, I'm sorry to say that they made it pretty confusing again it says and he banished the perverted persons from the land and removed all the idols that his father's had made and Then of course they have the other footnote there it says again Hebrew cadetium those practicing sodomy and prostitution and religious rituals So notice it says practicing sodomy Because this is this is the other Sticking point for the modern thinking Christian right if they're practicing it then that's when it's that's when it's bad If they're if they're not practicing it they say they're not practicing it. They're okay They repented of their sins, they're good to come to our church Or they're doing some sort of prostitution Involving it. So now let's go to first Kings chapter 22 verse 46 first Kings chapter 22 verse 46 And I'll read for you the King James once again it says then he tore down I'm Sorry, I guess I didn't Put down the King James somebody somebody read this one for me. I didn't I didn't copy and paste it in 2246 first Kings go ahead So the remnant of the sodomites that remained took out of the land, right So, what is the new King James say says and the rest of the perverted persons who remain in the days of his father Asa He banished from the land. So, you know, it's it's saying the same stuff, right? Here the footnotes it says one practicing sodomy and prostitution religious rituals So it keeps just saying the same thing over and over again. Now, let's look at the term sodomite alone by itself No, I guess it's the last one that says sodomites Let's turn to second Kings 23 verse 7 second Kings 23 verse 7 Second Kings 23 verse 7 And The Bible says and the King James it says and he break down the houses of the sodomites That were by the house of the Lord where the women the women wove hangings for the Grove now this one's really interesting because It says in the New King James Version it says then he tore down the ritual booths of the perverted persons The ritual booths of the perverted persons that were in the house of the Lord where the women wove hangings for the wooden image So I just thought this is a really interesting way of saying that the ritual booths I've never heard this term before so I look down in the footnotes and it says literally house What's the King James say? What's it say in your verse right there? houses So they changed the word from house, which is the literal meaning in the Hebrew Which is what the King James says to put ritual booths Is that what in the footnotes says literally houses? So you're telling me that's more of an accurate translation than what the King James says no, it just fits their agenda That's why they put ritual booths So it could look like a ritual prostitution house or something. It says literally houses It's talking about queers having houses close to the house of the Lord and they broke those houses down and chased them out of town That's what it's talking about They they tore down the ritual booths of the perverted persons The temple shrine prostitutes is basically what they want to say and they tore down their little pervert palaces or whatever That were in the house of the Lord where the women So this one says that we're in the house of the Lord What does the King James say that were by the house of the Lord? so they change that too, so Which which one's right? I? Mean they they admit that they're lying in the footnote because it says literally houses So they're admitting that they change the verse there. So which one's more accurate friends. It's the King James So that's why you should and you're like well, but you why you have to bring up the sodomites all the time Well number one, I don't bring them up all the time But I just kind of want to know and then I was like when I saw this I was like are you kidding me? They they have to change this too no wonder why we have fags all over our nations Why no wonder way we have them all over our churches and their flags running down the sides of all the buildings In town and and people going you're so hateful and mean why do you not let them in? I'll tell you why because they're not gonna have a little shrine in our church They're not gonna have a little temple a temple hut in our church or whatever. They called it Good stinking night. They're not gonna have their little houses next to ours We're not gonna feed them from you know, some we're not gonna feed them chili. We're not gonna feed them cornbread We're not gonna feed them anything. We're not even let them in When they come in we're gonna tell them to leave Because if there weren't a lot of God's house in the Old Testament, why would we let him in now? Do the wrong I mean we're gonna be finished here real soon, so don't don't get worried I still have multiple pages to go, but I'm gonna finish this at a later date But I did want to just finish this point. So but Look you don't want Well turn to Deuteronomy 23 verse 17 Deuteronomy 23 verse 17. This is where it has the solo sodomite in there The only time the term sodomite is by itself not being plural in the whole Bible Because you know this guy he likes to call the words that the King James that people normally mistake He calls them false friends You know, he calls him front, you know false friends, but really he There's a lot of false friends in the New King James like, you know, he tries to make sodomites are false friends By telling us to go to the New King James and you know, you'll never see the word sodomite in the New King James Because they've taken it out of there. So They become false friends to us because they cover them up and hide them and pretend that they don't exist and so Yeah, I could see that's just another angle of why they don't want the King James in little children's hands They don't want the King James in our hands. They want us to get rid of them. So, you know and it hey There's plenty of reasons why the enemy wants them out of our hands and this is just one part of it but Look what it says in The King James. Oh, let's see. Did I write it in here? Yeah, somebody read it for me, please I Need 2317 Okay, there should be no whore of the daughters of Israel nor a sodomite of the sons of Israel Here's what the are you ready for this one There should be there should be no ritual harlot of the daughters of Israel It's okay to be a harlot. Just not a ritual harlot Of the daughters of Israel or or a perverted one of the sons of Israel That's what it says so they took the term sodomite out of the Bible in their in their version and then when you go to the footnotes it says Female could Kadesha and Then it says Hebrew Kadesh. So but we know that There were the words are close for whore and sodomite but But it doesn't say ritual harlot. There's no such thing as ritual harlot They're just making this up folks. That is not a true term that's used in the Bible. They're making that up and Then the whole perverted one it says one practicing sodomy and Prostitution and religious rituals so they're just These people are not it's okay to have these people in just as long as they're not practicing and they're not in religious rituals You see how they lie and Then he's promoting this like do you think he just doesn't know this? You think he's never stumbled upon this and all the fat the 32,000 You know word studies that he's done. He's never come across this part in the Bible. I don't think so I think he just has some false friends that he doesn't want to tell you about and these friends are sodomites But I mean if you sound like one you might not want to blow the whistle on this part of the you know The fact that the Bible he wants to recommend to people just kind of takes these deviants out So he recommends other modern Bible versions as well and defends them But you know he uses You know these types of trap words like he you know the it feels like these things that he says are false friends He uses these things to try to trap Christians and say well Maybe we do need a new version and so he'll take words like The study to show thyself approved unto God a workman that needeth not to be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth And he'll do quizzes with people. He did a quiz in his in the debate and people were getting some answers right and some answers wrong and Let's see I'll probably just start off with that when I finish my sermon We'll just go right to the false friends, then you can kind of understand. I just don't have time to finish it tonight I think we're out of time, but We'll start off on the false friends part, and I'll just mark my place here And then we'll just go ahead and close up for here, but look this guy He's a phony He wants people to get rid of the King James, and he probably has all kinds of different reasons Why but the main reason and he'll just you know people mock at what I'm saying tonight And and you know make it out to where I'm just a hater And I'm just a mean brother in Christ or whatever and he's a he really does believe in the Lord well on part two you're gonna find out that there's some weird things that he believes there's a weird things that his church believes and I'm gonna expose those things on the next sermon and his little list of false friends There's a lot of false friends that I've already just exposed tonight the fact that he just He promotes a Bible version that has false salvation in it He hot they hide the sodomites out And then there's word change just completely changing of what the verses actually mean in the New King James So if I've already destroyed that just and that's just some of the stuff folks that you know and also the hell Taking hell out the doctrine of hell out of the Bible like what in the world the blood is missing Multiple times out of of the verses in the New Testament. Why would you take the blood out? Why do you got a problem with the blood John MacArthur? Because they they just want to attack the Bible and attack the doctrines of Christ And he'll say oh, no, that's not true. I don't want that what? The why are you attacking the King James? So I'll cover all the rest of stuff in the next term when I preach about it, but let's pray well we thank you so much for the King James Lord and the to know that we can trust it and to know that any any child Can understand it with the ability to read and Lord we're gonna keep on using it at this church and I pray Lord that you would just help us with these types of sermons to strengthen our faith and That men like Mark Ward would be rebuked and reproved and not given platforms to try to do damage to the body of Christ and the Baptist churches and Lord I pray that people that listen to his stuff would be able to see alternatives where his his phony games are brought to not and and the things that he Proposes to teach are destroyed Lord I pray that you would just expose him for all the wickedness that's in his heart and that Lord that you would just continue to use this great book and use your people to Continue to get people saved in this world in Jesus name we pray. Amen You You You You You You You