(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Amen. I don't always get called Pastor Anderson so that's a compliment. Anyway it's great to be here in England and it's been a great trip so far and I just wanted to say I appreciate everybody coming. I know a lot of people drive or take the train from long distances so I just want to say I appreciate you all coming and being a part of this church. You know a lot of people are faithful or as faithful as they can be. A lot of people drove or trained or drove like three, four hours and some even farther than that and that's a great sacrifice to do so I really appreciate that and I want to say thank you also to brother Ian and miss Lisa and their family. They've been very hospitable to us and they're a great family. So you guys are very blessed to have leadership like them so and been around to see a couple castles or castles as you guys would call them but like an abandoned one that was been destroyed and then another one so of course they wouldn't let us go into the main castle because of the COVID stuff or whatever but yeah I'm very excited to be here. The church has exceeded my expectations in like basically seven months. The church is you know run I think a high of sixty five so it's over seven hundred salvations that's awesome. I mean that's double what our church in Vancouver like our home church has gotten. That's definitely a lot more receptive here. And so a lot of people weren't sure how receptive it would be here in England but it's obviously very receptive. We had seven salvations yesterday out soul winning and we had I think five a couple days before that and that was just like a limited amount of people so I mean it's very receptive here very thankful to be here. The verses I want to focus on is in Acts chapter seventeen verse number thirty. Acts chapter seventeen verse number thirty. The Bible says in the times of this ignorance God winked at but now commandeth all men everywhere to repent because he hath appointed a day in which he will judge the world in righteousness by that man whom he hath ordained let's pray Heavenly Father we thank you Lord so much for this great church here and Lord I pray that it would be a powerhouse of soul winning and hard preaching and just in learning about you Lord I pray it would be a beacon of hope in England and in all of Europe and Lord that many churches would come out of this church and just saturate the European continent with your word Lord I pray Lord that you would just bless the services today and Lord all those people who would follow you in baptism just thank you for everyone here Lord and I pray that you fill me with your spirit and with boldness as I begin to preach in Jesus name I pray amen. So just by a little bit way of introduction and the title of the sermon this morning is London's Calling and of course you all know that song that wicked song from the clash well if you don't know then don't go listen to it okay I'm just calling it that because I thought it was a cool title for a sermon and I have kind of worked in some of the song into the sermon so it's kind of a different sermon but not in a positive light okay so but yeah the title of the sermon is London London's Calling and so just by way of introduction I want you to see what's going on here in this story is and Paul's mindset and look at verse number 16 so Paul he's waiting around for his friends to get to Athens he's in the city of Athens and you know there's a lot of cities just like Athens and just like London and just like South End all over the world that need God and they didn't need to learn about the things of the Lord and there needs to be beacons of hope all over this nation all over Europe all over America where we're from but Paul's mindset we need to get the mindset that Paul had in the book of Acts look what he look what he says here it says now while Paul waited for them at Athens his spirit was stirred in him when he saw the city wholly given to idolatry so Paul's heart was stirred his spirit was stirred within him because he saw that the city was given over to idolatry and isn't that what you see today in the cities of England is that idolatry you know it might not be people necessarily worshiping statues but I'm sure there's a lot of that going on in the Catholic churches right and do they have statues in the Church of England I'm not sure if they do or not do they does anybody know yeah they do okay I thought it was like Catholic light or something I don't know maybe I'm wrong about that but anyway so idolatry is also can be in other forms you know people worship sports sports is a big deal football what we would call soccer over in the States right but yeah don't get mad at me yet all right yeah I know you kick the ball with the foot yeah okay so but yeah we call it so a football week is American football what we call it so it's kind of like a rugby type sport but anyway there's idolatry in that too you know over in the States it's a big thing and you know obviously we believe that the United States is probably Babylon USA right and you got all the Colosseums and you know people they're not killing each other like gladiators nowadays but they just kill each other with pads and helmets and stuff like that so anyway so Paul his heart was stirred his spirit was stirred when he saw the city wholly given over to idolatry and they're literally committing idolatry they're literally bowing down and worshipping statues it says in verse number 17 therefore disputed he in the synagogue with the Jews and the devout persons and in the market daily with them that met with him so Paul you know his spirit was stirred but you know when your spirit is stirred up you should that should call you to action that should call you to do something that's what Paul did here he wasn't just stirred up and said oh man these people are really given over to idolatry I'll have a cup of tea you know it wasn't like that at all he he got into action he disputed with the Jews in the synagogue he and with the devout persons and in the market daily so he was trying to win people over to Christ because his spirit was stirred in him now again I said I got the title of the sermon from this song from the clash it's like an apocalyptic themed song where it has like an SOS going through it and you know it's they're basically talking about you know things that people are afraid of at the end of the world and so you know we know that the end is coming it's coming and you know we're not we're not those people that hold the signs that said the end is near or whatever like that because we don't really know how far off it is but it sure seems like it's ramping up doesn't it seems like it's ramping up a lot but in that song and I don't even know when it was made I really I'm not sure but the term London London is calling is is from the BBC would actually announce in the news you know at the top of the hour or you know this London is calling or whatever and it was like something from World War two so that's kind of where the clash got the name of the song I guess but it's but you know I think everybody has in time scenarios or things that they're afraid of coming this impending doom coming upon them in their hearts even people that are not saved they know something's not right but the devil has people deceived and it has their minds deceived into thinking things that are just not true and so it's up to us as Christians to shine the light in their faces so to speak you know men live love darkness rather than light because their deeds are evil and a lot of people won't come to that light because they want to revel in their sin they just want to not they don't want to think about those things but yet they still know something's wrong even these wicked punk rockers sang about this you know impending doom of and and called it London's calling but you know the world is caught up in things like climate change obviously most Christians don't believe in climate change in the way that the the people you know these fake news sites like BBC you know these propaganda machines you know am I gonna get in trouble for saying that they're gonna come and arrest me anyway we have like the same things over the United States we have like Fox News and CNN we call it Communist News Network but MSNBC I don't know if they have that stuff over here but the BBC is just basically like a total propaganda machine and brother Ian was telling me that you have to actually pay some kind of tax to even watch television or something so that's a good thing you know it's an extra tax you guys don't need to have right so but they'll come around if they see a screen in your you know that's weird like I couldn't even imagine that happening but they'll come over and say hey you need to pay this tax for the BBC but you know these news channels are the devil's agenda that he uses these news channels like the BBC and all these other channels to just pump all this fear into people just constantly hey the COVID numbers people are dying from COVID and you know it's just and they're using it to warm us up to things like the end times mark of the beast hey you know put a mask on and let me take your temperature you know it's just like and I'm not saying that COVID is the mark of the beast don't get me wrong okay but it is but I think that things like that are a precursor and they're trying to warm us up and say you know you're just used to having someone scan some scan your forehead or whatever obviously Christians are awake to these things but people in general are not but they still know something's wrong they still believe that there's some end times scenario that's happening but and I'll just say this before I get into all the end time stuff we need to number one today we need to have a calling to London to proclaim the truth about God because here's another thing that Paul talks about in this chapter is that they're worshiping all these other gods and they don't know what the true God is like so he begins to tell them and you know what he uses a worldly poem from these people to to kind of put that message forth to them so that's why I'm not too you know upset about using the clash okay but I'm not saying listen to them I'm not saying the song is good okay it's not but look at verse number 22 in Acts chapter 17 verse number 22 says then Paul stood in the midst of Mars Hill and said ye men of Athens I perceive that in all things you're too superstitious for as I passed by and beheld your devotions I found an altar with this inscription to the unknown God whom therefore ye ignorantly worship him declare I unto you so Paul's telling them hey you're you got this this altar this unknown God and Paul is going to proclaim the fact that this God that they ignorantly worship so there's a lot of people that ignorantly worship Jesus even in this nation here don't they they'll say they believe in Jesus but the Jesus they believe in isn't quite the Jesus of the Bible is it because they'll say he didn't give you eternal life you know you could take it away that's not the Jesus of the Bible they'll say you know they believe in Jesus but they're worshiping statues inside their churches that's not the Jesus of the Bible so Paul's declaring this God to them we were in I hope I'm saying this right Tilbury right it's a Tilbury okay he's like yeah yeah so Tilbury and this woman named Remy the reason I remember her name is because my son's name is Remy but she spells it with an I he spells with a Y but anyway she just she said she believed in Jesus I've always believed in Jesus since I was since I was born you know she just had the knowledge of Jesus and she was born but she also said that she believes in Lilith you know I don't know much about Lilith I think Lilith is some demon or something but like she says in between Genesis 1 & 2 you know that Adam married this person named Lilith or whatever I don't know she's just ignorant she doesn't know the truth and even as I you know began to preach the truth to her you know she still wanted to hold on to some of the Bible's true some of it's not you know Jesus I believe in Jesus because my mom believed in Jesus and and basically she just thought whatever religion you grew up in is is okay for you every road leads to heaven basically type of thing you know and pray for her because you know I believe she received a lot of truth but she wasn't ready to get saved you know and here's the thing when you're out soul winning you can actually get people to pray with you can get people to repeat facts with you and I'm not saying that we shouldn't get them to repeat that facts to us but you know ultimately and this is something I just started using to my soul winning where I just say hey what do you believe it takes to be saved because you can go through everything and people will pass it like a test but like do they really believe it because the Bible says you know out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh so when you ask them hey what do you believe you can tell them everything you can go through all the the facts and you know they'll get all the answers right like they're passing a test but then the heart is gonna tell you what they believe and so when you ask someone hey what do you believe it takes to be saved after you've gone through everything they will tell you they will tell you they'll say oh you just have to be a good person and get baptized I'm serious that they went they really will yeah or they'll say oh yeah you just gotta be you just gotta get baptized or you just gotta be a good person it's like but after they just already told you all the facts that you've showed them because ultimately they still have to believe it and if they believe it it's gonna come out of their heart it's gonna come out of their mouth so it's something that you might want to incorporate in your soul and because sometimes we're like oh yeah they get it they understand it just because they get it and just because they understand it doesn't mean that they actually believe it though so and that's where you reprobation can happen you know they they get to the point they're at the door they've tasted they you know they've they've tasted the good things of the Lord and then they just say I don't want that you know so anyway so that woman you know she she said that she believed in Jesus but she wasn't saved obviously you know if you don't believe that the Bible is the Word of God you're not saved you know and I she said that she believed it as I was saying it but then when I asked her what she personally believed she said well I still believe in reincarnation and I mean she said she believed in reincarnation and that you have to be a good person it's just like you got to give up at some point right but Paul is declaring the truth and you know we have to declare truth to people even if someone's not gonna get saved hey at least you give them a little bit of truth and you know what what's lacking in in cities across the world is that people don't understand the truth about God and we have to show that to them so when we go out soul and in our only job isn't just to get people saved you know we teach people the Bible sometimes you you come to someone that is saved and maybe you encourage that person there's a lot of things that come forth and so when you put you give someone an invitation they come maybe they get saved here maybe they get plugged in here maybe they're already saved and so you can get a lot of things out of soul winning you also get fellowship you sharpen each other as you go out soul winning together and teach each other things or just have make friendships you know that's why you got to go so many with different people and you can pick up things from different people iron sharpened with iron and you can and you can develop friendships with other people not just that one person that's your good buddy in the church or whatever or your best mate right so look at verse 24 it says God that made the world and all things therein seeing that he is Lord of heaven and earth dwelleth not in temples made with hands neither is worshipped with men's hands as though he needed anything seeing he giveth to all life and breath and all things so God so Paul Paul is here giving them the truth bombs he's like hey this is the true God he's not worship with men's hands he's not a statue that you bring oranges to and a cup of tea or whatever he you know God doesn't need anything from us he doesn't need some kind of we don't need to feed a statue things you know it's like I don't understand how people get into this idolatry and that that statue never moves you know you go into like a Chinese restaurant it's got a little Buddha or whatever and it's got orange peels bite or whatever I don't know it never it never eats it but that people just are serving this statue it's super weird but God has not worshipped with men's hands as though he needed anything and give it to all life and breath and all things we are supposed to teach people the truth out there look at verse 26 it says and hath made of one blood all nations of men to dwell on the face of the earth here Paul's getting rid of the fact that racism is a real thing racism is stupid it's idiotic you know we're all of one blood when you cut any one of us open here no matter what color our skin is we're gonna bleed the same color red right and it says and have to term of the times before appointed in the bounds of their habitation see God appointed the where you be at at the time that you're at what how much of this see because England used to be a nation where the Sun never set on its Empire it's not so much that anymore is it now it's like the United States you know there's a hundred and fifty two or whatever places where we have military bases all over the world and so basically the United States rules the world I don't want to offend you by saying that but it's just true so America no I'm just kidding just kidding so but God has determined the times before appointed you know what he appointed you all to be here at this time at this moment and in this time of life or you know England has been given over to idolatry but you know what there's a lot of people out there that are still receptive today there's a new generation that's grown up here and they're receptive there's people that have come from other nations that have come here and they are receptive and they will hear the gospel you know in the stuffy crusty old white people don't want to hear it well you know other people are gonna hear it the people that are just like you know Oh Darwin and evolution and all this other stuff we were actually so winning on Darwin Darwin Road yesterday there might be a lot of Darwin roads in England but like you know but that's not you know he's an infamous character as far as I'm concerned you know he there's a lot of people that are going to hell because of what Charles Darwin taught but you know we're getting a lot of people saved on Darwin Road too because there's a new generation and so you all could be part of that and you know I think it's super important that you all stick with this church and stick with the leadership and back them up because we're you guys are doing great works now you're like all 700 people that's just not a lot it's a lot because in a world of darkness you know it's it's a lot in a world where you know the devil is rampant and idolatry is rampant you guys are doing more than you realize and you know what you're gonna have a big target on your back because of that and so your families are gonna be under attack are you ready to resist are you ready to just charge forward and say you know what you know I know that I'm being tried I know I'm being tested but you know God's not gonna give you more than you can handle he's not and you think that you can't handle what you're going through but you know you can because God's obviously allowing you to go through as much as he will allow to happen that you will not just turn away from the faith but you know some people just are quitters some people just give up but you know you should not give up because there's a lot of people out there that need to hear the truth today and whether that's salvation or whether they're just not saved and they need to hear the Bible truths you know brother Ian was telling me about a church he went to where people actually believed in evolution to me that's just I just I don't know that I've ever seen that before but there's actually churches in this country where you know if you preached against evolution they're gonna get all mad and riled up it's like those people are obviously not saved so it's just super weird but anyway look at verse 27 it says that they should seek the Lord see God wants people called after his name to seek after him and he knows the bounds of your habitation who would seek him in this day and time it says if happily they might feel after him and find him though he be not far from every one of us see God is everywhere you know God is in the midst of us right now he's everywhere he's so close to people they don't even realize it these people that reject the gospel God God was so close to them he was at the door yesterday ready to to get people saved not I want to hear it there's a lot of people you know for every salvation we had yesterday there was 30 40 doors that didn't want to hear it maybe even more than that I mean we knocked a lot of doors yesterday but there were people that did want to hear it and so there's always gonna be people that want to hear it but people will seek the Lord but we need to bring it to them we need to bring the truth to him has said happily if they might feel after him and find him though he be not far from every one of us for in him we live and move and have our being as certain also of your poets have said for we are also his offspring for as much as we are the offspring of God we ought not to think of the Godhead the Godhead is like unto gold or silver or stone graven by art and man's device see Paul's dropping the truth knowledge on them right now that God is not who you think he is the Godhead is not made out of gold or silver or stone or anything that you can picture or imagine in your mind and and obviously we shouldn't even be making things like that because God said not to make any graven images unto him we shouldn't have no other gods before him he doesn't want us having pictures of Jesus in here because you know people will think that picture of Jesus actually looks like Jesus but you know the Jesus I know doesn't have long hair his Bible says it's a shame for a man to have long hair and we would be shaming Christ by growing our hair out long so we need to get the truth of the Bible out we need to give them the the true Jesus Christ the truth you know he's God the Son but he also is God manifests in the flesh and God the Holy Spirit God the Father you know we need to teach people about salvation and keeping the commandments you know we don't keep the commandments to be saved but we keep the commandments and they shouldn't be grievous unto us right and we need to teach people that you know it's not just about being saved but also you should keep the commandments of God we need to teach people in England that Bible preaching hard Bible preaching is what truly helps you know it kicks you in the rear end and tell and teaches you things that you need to know you know sometimes if you walk out of here without a hard truth today if you walk out of church service anytime without a hard truth that's helping you be better and helping you be sharper then we're failing as preachers you know we should all just have something that kind of stabs us in the heart and tells us hey we need to be better than we were yesterday we need to be better than we were last week you know we build that faith and we get better we shouldn't be getting worse and so you need to keep your ears attuned to the truth of God's Word and when you come to this church you should be ready to hear the message you know maybe it's not your cup of tea maybe it's not something that you really are that interested maybe you want to hear the homos get preached against or something like that you know that's all gonna be done in due time but we need what we really need is to learn how to be better Christians and how we can serve the Lord more obviously everything in God's Word is true and we need to preach everything the whole counsel of God whether you know these people like it or not so and you know there's other things in the Bible that need to be taught you know the truth of baptism how many people in this country been sprinkled as a baby and they think that they got baptized and they think that they're saved because of that you know this lady just you know that was talking to that Remy lady she she just thought that you know since she believed in Jesus like her mom did that she was still saved I was like I had to just tell her no because that's not the truth and you know that you have to actually put all your faith a hundred percent you can't put one point one percent in Lilith and another percentage in reincarnation now reincarnation is a wicked false doctrine it's appointed unto man wants to die and after this the judgment you get one chance in this life to be saved and that's it once you close your eyes for the last time you either go to heaven or you go straight to hell and we need to proclaim these truths whether people want to hear it or not and obviously you don't want to just jam things down people's throats okay I'm not saying that if they don't want to hear just move on to the next door you know instead of pushing your foot in the door and trying to talk to them longer just okay there's other someone else down the road that wants to hear it and and we need to understand when it's time to walk away from these heretics right you know you give them two admonitions bye show them something in the scripture they don't they don't want to hear it you know twice walk off so we need to have our spirits stirred within us and the people of England and the people of this church need to have their spirits stirred within them and care about people and go out and proclaim God's truth whether it's popular or not because is it popular in England is what we believe popular in England no are there mega churches like just like this church all around England no there's not there's like 60 65 people or whatever that are coming to this church but that's going to change that's going to change but you know we need to get out there and proclaim the truth number two we have a calling to London because judgment is coming we have a calling to London because judgment's calling you know first we need to teach the people in this area the truth but we also need to we need we have a call to London to warn them of judgment to come and sometimes you need to scare the hell into people to get them to get saved sometimes you need to scare the hell into them not the hell out of them they need to scare have the hell scared into them look at verse number 30 in acts chapter 17 it says and the times of this ignorance God winked at but now commandeth all men everywhere to repent because he hath appointed a day in which he will judge the world in righteousness so people need to repent why because he's appointed a day where he'll judge the world and righteousness by that man whom he hath ordained who's that man Jesus Christ right and so when the man comes around you know it's going to be a it's going to be a sorrowful day for some people it's going to be a sorrowful appointed day you know and you know if we don't reach the the people around us those people are going to go to hell you know it is up to us Christ left it up to us to go out and reach the lost and care about people but you know sometimes you have to scare the hell into them so they'll see the judgments coming and they'll be afraid and say hey I want to get saved you know the reason why I got saved is because I knew that the devil was real and so I knew if the devil's real then God must be real also and you know you ought to come to this point where you fear God more than you feel to fear the devil and you know that God is your only refuge and your safety and we when we go into the shadow of his wings we don't have to worry about the shadowy things outside of God's will and you know devils are real the devil is real Satan is real and he does have an army that's trying to stop us from doing the work of God and reaching these people why do you think that there's so much opposition you know me and brother Ian were so in the other day and we were just talking to some kids we had kids with us you know but we started these kids want to hear the gospel and then some moron comes out of his house and just starts hey what are you doing around these kids you know acting like we're doing something wrong and he's like trying to accuse us of being pedophiles I call them pedophiles but pedophiles it's like what is wrong with you we're just trying to you know what are we doing wrong these kids are all by themselves they don't have any parents watching over them so it's a fortunate thing that it's it's people that are good and wanting to do them good that are actually coming up and talking to them because the parents were nowhere to be seen he's like dude do you have any of these kids or your kids and we were like yeah we got a couple here that are our kids and you know he's just like he was just trying to stop us from getting them saved he was just trying everything he could I was about ready to freak out on him but I was worried that I was going to get in trouble so I just I said a couple things to him and I just like I was trying to get this girl saved she was 12 years old she wanted to hear but he scared the other girl off and and some of the kids got scared off but we still got what four people four kids saved out of that pack and when we walked up there was about 20 of them you know some kids just walked away because they didn't want to hear it but some kids did want to hear and that devil came out of his house and started trying to stop the gospel from being preached to those people it's wicked and he was from Scotland or something I don't know what's wrong just kidding man these Scots man I don't know just joking no he was a wicked person though I didn't know he was from Scotland but Ian told me he said he's got he's a Scottish guy I don't know but he wanted to stop the truth from being told and you know judgment's coming for that man I can tell you that right now judgment hell's going to be a little bit harder for that guy because of him stopping us from preaching the gospel to people there was other people there that were going to get saved until that little devil came over and started talking smack to us and and trying to he was just raising his voice really loud and saying hey you need to get permission from your parents if you want to talk to them or you need to ask their parents for permission to talk to them so the girl I was talking to called her mom up right there she's like and then she handed the phone to the guy he's like yeah these Jehovah's Witnesses are out here like hey hey we're not Jehovah's Witnesses don't ever slander us with that but she he said she said that she not are they not Jehovah's Witnesses and he's like oh I guess they're not Jehovah's Witnesses they're Baptist Christians and then she was like no it's okay and then so I just I preached the rest of the gospel to her and got her saved but that's pretty funny she was you know she got saved she's 12 years old praise God but judgment's coming and we need to understand that and it's coming faster than we realize it's closer today than it was yesterday right it's closer today than it was yesterday and so in that song London's calling you know one of the things it says is London's calling from the foot to the faraway towns now war is declared and battle come down so one of the things that they're afraid of in that song is that these battles are going to come you know and there's always rumors of wars going on and things that are going to happen but you know the bible says that those things will happen there's a great war coming there's already been two great wars but there's another great war coming that it talks about in the book of Revelation turn to Revelation chapter six verse number two Revelation chapter six verse number two so they're afraid of a battle coming down in that song but they really need to worry about the the great battle that's coming look at verse number two in revelation six it says and I saw and behold a white horse and he that sat upon him had a bow and a crown was given unto him and he went forth conquering and to conquer so this is the anti-christ he pretends to be christ because christ comes back on a white horse but he's not coming back till the end till revelation chapter 19 but this guy here is the anti-christ and he comes forth with this bow conquering and to conquer and when he had opened the second seal I heard the second beast say come and see and there went out another horse that was red and power was given to him that he should that sat there on to take peace from the earth and that they should kill one another and there was given unto him what a great sword so this battle is going to be a bigger battle than we've ever seen it's going to make world war ii look like you know like nothing it's going to be a war to end all wars so that's the war that they need to be worried about instead of these little battles that they're talking about you know these people this song is about an apocalyptic type time that people in London are afraid of right but we also need to proclaim the god's truth and the fact that judgment is coming and there is going to be a great war coming and that war is going to be a war to end all wars and then another verse from the song says London's calling see we ain't seen no swing except for the ring of the truncheon thing and I didn't even know what a truncheon was but I had to look it up okay as we call billy clubs in the U.S. and and it's basically talking about where the police it's like a police state type situation and hey we're getting there aren't we we're getting to the place where it's a police state in all these nations I mean they could just say hey you can't go anywhere and guess what people didn't go anywhere for two years you know they let up and let us out of our houses for a little while but there's places like in Australia where they you can't even go three miles from your house right now and they're just holding people hostage in all these nations and they really haven't even had to fire a shot have they so but they is it that's a police state type mentality well and they're preparing us for a time when you can't buy or sell or do anything else unless you have some mark on you look at revelation chapter 13 verse 16 revelation chapter 13 verse 16 like I said the world does have you know they have end times things on their heart they have you know doom and gloom on their heart because they know that something is coming they just don't understand really quite what it is you know we live in a world economy we live in a world global government type situation everything's already in place all they have to do is just click their fingers like that and it's already there there's a global economy right the bible says that these things are going to happen but when you mention this to someone that's not saved they just really don't get it they think it's a good thing there's people in the us that are getting vaccination cards tattooed on their on their shoulders that's weird isn't it and band-aids with you know they're dressing up like cats or whatever I don't know these people are just bozos strange like if you just look up tattoos for for vaccinations you'll see all kinds of weird people I mean if you you don't have to look at weird people but you know what I'm saying just to have a vaccination card tattooed on your shoulder that's super weird isn't it that's how much they love the vaccine it's like what does this world become where we're worshipping a vaccine now I mean that's that's I don't they're printing marks upon their body the bible specifically condemns that action shall print no marks upon your body I am the Lord right that's what the bible says we're not supposed to have tattoos look at revelation 13 verse 16 it says and he causeth all both small and great rich and poor free and bond to receive a mark in their right hand or in their foreheads and that no man might buy or sell save he that had the mark or the name of the beast or the number of his name there's a police state coming very soon and and that that that is going to be where you have to take a mark you have to worship the beast and you have to put some kind of mark that shows that you belong to him and people are tattooing vaccination cards on their shoulders I mean people are like yes give us the fact have you ever heard that song where it's like Dr. Fauci give us vaccines it's like this little effeminate sissy is just like singing this song please Mr. Fauci you know it's like what in the world they're singing songs about please give us a vaccine it's not gonna it's not too far fetched to see that people will just take the mark of the beast and be like oh we got the mark of the beast whoo they're taking selfies with their mark right I don't know it's pretty strange obviously as Christians we know that that's not something that you know we're not even going to do it we're not going to be fooled like these other people but there's a lot of people in the world they're fooled by vaccines right now they're going to be fooled by the mark of the beast another lyric in the song says the ice age is coming so I don't know that that's even being taught anymore I think well climate change you know it used to be global warming now it's climate change because you have these big freezes that are happening stuff but the bible talks about a different kind of of ice age it's going to be coming look at revelation chapter 16 verse number 21 revelation chapter 16 verse number 21 there's there's an ice age coming but it's just not the one that they expect is coming look at verse 21 it says and there fell upon men a great hail out of heaven every stone about the weight of a talent and men blaspheme god because of the plague of the hail for the plague thereof was exceeding great now a talent is anywhere between 25 to 75 pounds of kind of what I've looked at even a 25-pound hail stone coming at you down from the sky it's going to leave a mark okay not the kind of mark that they're wanting but it's going to leave a mark it's going to kill you if it hits you or maim you seriously and so people blaspheme god they don't repent of the wickedness that they do they just double down and they blaspheme god because of the plague of hell there's gonna be a lot of reprobates around at that time there's gonna be a lot of people that rejected us at the door at that time when these days when these things shall come to pass you know and and there's a lot of people that we haven't got to reach there'll be people that we haven't got to reach because maybe we just skipped soul winning that day maybe we just you know decided to show up late and then that person you know didn't get talked to I mean everything that we do has a cause and effect we reap what we sow you know and obviously I'm not trying to make you feel bad I know most people in this room go soul winning but we gotta we gotta do our best you know we gotta do our best and show up on time to the soul winning events we gotta show up on time to church I mean maybe there's a person that just wanted that needed you to talk to them that that didn't get to get saved because you didn't show up on time or maybe you just didn't show up maybe you just said yeah you can go play some football today sorry football it's hard for me to just football and soccer okay anyway sorry but this ice age is coming you know the clash things the ice age is coming right but it's the not the ice age they think it is see god's god's truth is different than man's truth god's truth is you know it's not mother nature but that's what they want us to believe right everything's going to come to an end because we polluted you know we we didn't pick up some dog poo in the yard or we didn't you know put recycling in one bin inside of the other you know they take all that stuff to the same place right it just makes extra room in your garbage can that's really the only reason why I recycle so it's like hey there's an extra bin here so but they all take it to the same place you know all this stuff this recycling stuff is it's a bunch of garbage people are just making billions of dollars off of it but it's not about it's that see their truth is a lie their truth is a lie they're saying hey you know if we don't treat mother earth good then all this bad stuff's going to happen no if you don't accept the lord jesus christ as your savior these bad things are going to happen to you yeah another uh thing another lyric in their song this is the sun zooming in meltdown expected so this is kind of their global warming message or whatever i think this was way early on in the whole thing but uh revelation chapter 16 you're already there look at verse 8 so there is a meltdown coming but it's not the meltdown that they are saying is going to come it's not because of mother earth it's because of the god of heaven and earth look at verse number eight says and the fourth angel poured out his vial upon the sun and power was given unto him to scorch men with fire see this is the meltdown that's coming god's gonna give the sun the ability to scorch men with fire it says and men were scorched with great heat you know it's going to make arizona phoenix arizona look like you know like london england you know as far as the heat's concerned you know it's going to be way hotter and it says in blaspheme the name of god which have power over these plagues and they repented not to give him glory so you know these all these plagues are happening to people that had their chance to get saved they had their chance to believe you know what they're reprobates god's given these people over to a reprobate mind and you know and obviously there's going to be some people that aren't reprobates that move on into the millennial reign i get that but that's not going to stop these things from coming upon them too you know there's going to be people that don't take the mark of the beast and they escape from the beast but they have to go through all this stuff you know the people that are saved when all this stuff starts to come down the lord jesus is going to come back and rescue those people that are alive and remain and those that have died before uh in the lord he's going to come in the rapture right so uh now another lyric in the song is the weed is growing thin so it's talking about you know not having enough food well that's a reality also in the bible too look at revelation chapter 6 verse 5 revelation chapter 6 verse number 5 it says that when they had opened the third seal i heard the third beast say come and see and i beheld and lo a black horse and he that sat upon him had a pair of balances in his hand and i heard a voice of the midst of the four beasts say a measure of wheat for a penny and you know a penny in that time was like a day's uh day's uh wage so a measure of wheat for a penny that means that there's not a lot of food to go around and three measures of barley for a penny and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine so this wheat growing thin thing is this is going to happen this is going to happen during the time of god's uh wrath the final seven years of human history it says and i heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say a measure of wheat for a penny three measures of wheat for a for a penny and see that hurt not the oil and wine and when he had opened the fourth seal i heard the voice of the fourth beast say come and see and i looked and behold a pale horse and his name that sat upon him was death and hell followed with him and power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth to kill with the sword with hunger and with death and with the beasts of the earth so with hunger with hunger so when you have a lack of food people are going to starve to death and so this is a reality that's going to come upon the world judgment is coming judgment is coming upon the world and we need to be there to warn people against it and then one of the lyrics of the song is because london is drowning and i live by the river so a lot of people are worried that the river tams was going to overflow and it would kill like two-thirds of london or something like that so they built all this stuff up to make sure that that didn't happen you know but the devil uh and the only thing i can think well there's not going to be a big flood that comes upon the earth but satan is going to open up his mouth and and it says in revelation 12 15 says the serpent casts out his mouth water as a flood after the woman they might cause her to be carried away with a flood now just because god won't you know flood the whole world it doesn't mean he's not going to flood other places we see that things like that on the news where places are being flooded and and people's homes and cities are being washed away and god is you know he's he's going to be angry when jesus christ comes back he's going to be in a robe that's that's the color of blood right it's going to be a red robe so we think of jesus we think of maybe white robe but when he comes back he's going to be very angry he's going to be taking it upon he's going to be taking out his anger and wrath upon the sinful world and the world has rejected god so another thing it says is london's calling to the zombies of death well the only zombies of death we need to really be worried about these reprobate zombies these reprobate zombies of death and the bible talks about a whole army that's going to be reprobate so just think about this for a second if you don't take the mark of the beast what is or if you do take the mark of the beast excuse me what are you going to be at that point so anybody that wants to buy or sell or anything like that what's going what do they have to become they have to become a reprobate so like basically when all the people are gone all the christians are gone from the earth there's going to be like a reprobate army all the police force all the hospital workers all the military people you know all the all the police everything and every system that you could possibly think of reprobates i mean talk about i'm glad we're out of here before that happens because it's going to be scary but those are the only zombies that we have to worry about think about an army that's so that's unmerciful think about an army that just doesn't care what they do to people that wouldn't be an army that i wanted to face that would want to be a police force that i wanted to go on you know be arrested by you know they're already shooting people in the back all the time and you know beating them to death or whatever they whatever they're doing think about an army of people just a whole society filled with these types of people that's what it's going to be like look at revelations 612 but you know what we don't have to be afraid of that and jesus definitely is not afraid of them but they are like zombies because once they once the lights go out then they're they're reprobate minds right they can't come back from that look at revelations 612 it says i beheld when he had opened the sixth seal and lo there was a great earthquake and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair and the moon became his blood and the stars of heaven fell unto the earth even as a fig tree cast at their untimely figs when she was shaken by a mighty wind and the heaven departed as a scroll when it was rolled together and every mountain and every island were moved out of their places and the kings of the earth and the great men and the rich men and the chief captains and the mighty men and every bond man and every free man what does that what does it say that they were all tough and buff no it says they hid themselves they hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains and said to the mountains and rocks fall on us and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne and from the wrath of the lamb now lambs aren't generally tough type animals right but this lamb is the toughest lamb that's ever been right you know he he he loved us and he he gave himself for us but he's also the king of kings and lord of lords he's not just some you know some effeminate sissy like they put on the pictures where he's like holding a lamb he's got long hair covering the lamb or whatever this is Jesus Christ this is god of heaven and earth and people are afraid when they see him come back see we don't have to be afraid they have to be afraid these zombies these reprobate zombie armies they're the ones that are going to be afraid it's not just going to be it's going to be free and bond the chief captains every free man every great man every rich man every bond man they're going to hide because they're going to be terrified at the face of the lamb and it says um and it says follow us and hides from the face of him that sitteth on the throne from the wrath of the lamb for the great day of his wrath has come who and who shall be able to stand and the answer to that nobody nobody's gonna be able to stand so you know they need to stop worrying about these zombies you know there's like a zombie culture going on right now where it's like the walking dead and you know zombies are gonna you know and people even mock Christians like and say that say that when we're resurrected we're gonna be like these zombies or whatever we're not gonna be zombies they're gonna be the zombies look at revelation 1911 revelation 1911 says revelation 1911 i gotta hurry up here and i saw heaven open and behold a white horse and he that sat upon was called faithful and true and in righteousness righteousness he doth judge and make war his eyes were as a flame of fire and on his head were many crowns and he had a name written that no man knew but he himself and he was clothed with the vesture dipped in blood and his name is called the word of god see his clothing what color is it going to be dipped in dipped in blood it's going to it's going to be red right his name is called the word of god who's the word of god jesus christ right and the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses that's us you know i mean just think about that's gonna be us that's cool right we get to come back this is we're in the bible right here isn't that cool i think it's cool we're gonna follow behind him and it says uh clothed in fine linen white and clean and out of his mouth go with a sharp sword that with it he should smite the nations and he shall rule them with a rod of iron and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of almighty god and he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written king of kings and lord of lords and i saw an angel standing in the sun and he cried with a loud voice saying to all the fowls that fly in the midst of heaven come and gather yourselves together unto the supper of the great god that you may eat the flesh of kings and the flesh of captains and the flesh of mighty men the flesh of horses and of them that sit on them and the flesh of all men both free and bomb both small and great and i saw the beast and the kings of the earth and their armies gathered together to make war against him that sat on the horse and against his army so this is the reprobate army that i'm talking about see none of these people are savable none of these people are redeemable that's why i don't understand how people can't they don't get the reprobate doctrine how do you not get the reprobate doctrine if if once you take the mark of the beast god's done with you you can no longer be saved you're going to go to hell it talks about you going through all these torments but then we're supposed to believe that these people are able to be saved well which one because you know jesus kills every single each and every one of them right and and in my mind you know it says that he has a sharp sword that goes out of his mouth what is that what is that showing that his words can kill people i mean think about that it's a sharp sword that goes out of his mouth and obviously that sharp sword can heal people you know it shows us you know what we're wrong and things like that but this this this time when he comes back that sharp sword is going to kill people and then all these people are going to be dead what's he saying hey come on birds come on down for the for the great supper and so you know i've been saying to brother ian's house he has a lot of pigeons around there it's not going to be the pigeons it's going to be these you know vultures and and eagles and what what kind of falcons are those again i can't remember the huh well there's hawks falcons just all these birds of prey are going to be swooping down there's a lot of birds out there you might not you might not notice it daily but like when you wake up and you open up your windows and you hear the birds i mean there's a lot of birds god's gonna be like come and get it it's a free it's a it's a buffet come on eat these kings eat these zombies eat the flesh of kings and mighty men and rich and bond eat them all it says and the beast was taken with him and the false prophet that wrought miracles with him or before him excuse me with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast and then that worshipped his image these both were cast alive in the lake of fire burning with brimstone so these guys you know they seem pretty tough but once they run into jesus they're like it's not even like a real fight these guys actually think that they can take christ on they think that they can just take on the armies of heaven and it's just gonna be like oh they were taking the throne of the fire it's just like like nothing jesus doesn't even have to lift the finger we don't have to lift the finger we just get to watch jesus just destroy all these people that hate our guts all these people that have persecuted us and mocked us and made fun of us and killed christians you know these people are going to be the most evil people that you could imagine and he just just just throw them in the fire it's gonna be that easy just like korra when he rebelled you know hell opened up and they dropped into the earth and dropped straight into hell these guys are going to get thrown alive into the lake of fire it says in the remnant were slain with the sword that's why i think it's it's his words look what it says and the remnant were slain with the sword of him that sat upon the horse which sword proceedeth out of his mouth and all the fowls were filled with their flesh kind of gruesome picture though isn't it but that's what they deserve you know judgment is coming we need to warn people about this judgment because i mean we don't want our loved ones to be wrapped up with these people right we want our loved ones to go to heaven don't we so it says in that in that song it says um but while we were talking i saw you nodding out london calling see i ain't got no high except for that one with the yellowy eye so i think that's talking about like drugs you know nodding out like people on heroin and things like that you know the bible talks about dealing with people like these people look at revelation chapter 9 verse 20 revelation chapter 9 verse 20 i know that last scripture was a good one to end this point on but like there's a couple other things that i wanted to to discuss it says in the rest of the men which were not killed by these plagues yet repented not of the works of their hands that they should not worship devils the idols of gold and silver and brass and stone of wood which neither can see nor hear nor walk neither repented they of their murders nor of their sorceries nor of their fornication nor of their thefts see the people in these end times that make it through the ones that aren't christians the ones uh these people are wicked they didn't repent of their murders they didn't repent of their sorcery you know and sorcery and and witchcraft all that stuff is tied to drug use isn't it yeah like it's all tied to devil worship and fornication like the children of israel you know they committed fornication and they you know the bible says they rose up to play you know and and the music they were listening to joshua was like this is the sound it's the sound of war in the camp and it's like you know death metal or something it's like war but moses is like no it's not the sound of war the music it's it's he said it's singing do i hear and they were dancing right so all this is tied together with you know worshiping you know they were worshiping golden calves they were naked this is what people do and and so sorcery is tied to all this fornication you know murder animals you know human sacrifice you know moloch is is the person the god the false god that they people sacrifice their children to and just all this weird stuff it's all tied together and uh so there's gonna be people uh people are you know talking about getting high and stuff but we need to warn these people who are getting high they need to repent and believe the gospel right we're talking about a nuclear era and i gotta hurry up so i only got like 10 minutes left here but uh revelation 8 10 i'm almost done with this point it's a long point revelation 8 10 says the third angel sounded and there were fell a great star from heaven burning as it were a lamp and it fell upon the third part of the rivers and upon the fountains of waters and the name of the star is called wormwood and the third part of the waters became wormwood and many died of the waters because they were made bitter so that you know people are afraid of the nuclear holocaust and all this other stuff going on it's a it's a it's a legitimate fear there was like the cold war where the russians you know basically against the united states and other allied countries but uh there is actually you know in Chernobyl there's a the Chernobyl actually means wormwood do you think that's accidental i mean there's no way that's accidental i'm not saying that that was the sign you know but i'm not saying that that was the sign that was actually revelation coming to life but it does show us because wormwood that that Chernobyl meltdown really hurt a lot of people and killed a lot of people because it made the waters bitter also so this is coming upon the world all this stuff is coming upon the world i just scratched the surface with a lot of the stuff i was talking about but that song you know is this you know the bible talks about worldly music being like the song of fools and people just love music like that or whatever but they don't really fully understand what's really coming upon them it's way worse than that that song would say and they're and they're kind of just like you know they're they're kind of mockingly playing it you know you know london i live by the river and all this other stuff but the the real truth is you know it says they are nuclear era but i have no fear that's the problem with people as they have no fear they fear all the wrong things they don't fear the god of heaven and earth they fear global meltdowns and nuclear meltdowns and wars and all this stuff but you know they ought to fear they ought to fear god the bible says in romans 3 18 there is no fear of god before their eyes that's the problem with people you know and that's why i say we have to scare the hell into them so that they have a fear of god in front of their eyes they'll say oh well you know he i don't i don't get get into all that stuff as i heard that a lot in the last few days i don't i don't get into all that stuff i don't believe any of that well i'm sorry you don't believe any of that you need to you have no fear of god in your eyes turn to jude chapter 1 the only chapter excuse me and look at verse number 22 jude 22 the bible actually commands us hey we're supposed to have compassion on people but some people the compassion thing doesn't necessarily always you know hit what needs to be hit some people need to be afraid of god before they'll get saved you know because the fear of god is the beginning of wisdom right every single person here that's saved hey the fear of god hit you at some point didn't it said hey if i'm sinful i'm going to hell we need to find a way to fix that don't we know a lot of people wake up to that you know and there's there's a remnant in every place you know is all of london going to get saved probably not is all of england going to get saved probably not but we can save some can't we the bible says and some have compassion making a difference every time you go out soul winning you know what and you have and you care about people that's having compassion you know what the bible says it makes a difference it makes a difference in people's lives and hey maybe that person never comes to church they never read the bible they never do any of that stuff but you know what they're going to be saved for all eternity and one day excuse me one day you're going to see that person in heaven and you're not even gonna realize they were but you know what they're gonna remember who you were they're gonna remember who you were and like oh yeah hey what's up give me italian pat or whatever we're gonna you know every time you get out there and care about people that's having compassion that is making a difference it's making a difference in someone's life look at verse 23 it says and others see there's others right saved with fear pulling them out of the fire hating even the garments spotted by the flesh we have to save with fear sometimes sometimes you've got to put hell into someone's heart so that they can get heaven isn't that what it's saying pulling them out of the fire you know where they're going if you don't put that fear into them they're going to the fire they're going to go to hell for all eternity and so you know i'm afraid i don't want to offend people well there's ways of saying it without offending people you don't go to someone's door and go you're going to hell see you later and that's not what we do right usually you tell them about hell and i usually say but i didn't tell you i didn't come here to tell you you're going to hell and just walk off and say see you later have a good day you know you give them the the remedy the remedy is jesus right that brings me into point number three go ahead and turn back in your bibles to acts chapter 17 verse number 30 you see england has a big problem it's become a godless hellhole hasn't it it used to be the bastion of hope it used to be where all the missionaries were sent from and now missionaries need to be sent here you know they got they brought you know people broke away so they could have religious freedom because you know obviously the church of england has had a stranglehold on on you know it's it's a state-run religion we don't have that in america we don't have a state-run religion and you know this place has become a godless hellhole but you know what the fields are wide under harvest here i've seen it with my own eyes i've experienced it in my own just brief time here it's different you know be be blessed to the fact that england's receptive is every place receptive no but there's a lot of places that are and you know we need to reach them and you know the church here in the uk can become a great difference maker in this world and we can also put the fear of god into people by telling them hey there's a judgment to come you need to get saved you need to repent now now point number three is we have a call to london to repent we have a call to london to repent look at act 1730 it says and at the times of this ignorance god winked at but now commandeth all men everywhere to repent all men everywhere and i'm not talking about repent of your sins either okay obviously you know that i don't believe that but the bible talks about repentance as a change of mind see repentance means a change of mind or to turn okay and when we're talking about repentance unto salvation we're not talking about that you know you counted i'm sorry for the lies i told and i i stole cookies out of the cookie jar i threw my clothes under my bed when my parents told me to clean my room you know he doesn't expect you you can't even name all your sins there's no way and the older you are the less likely you are to be able to to name them all but you know it can mean to turn from your sins but when it's talking about salvation we don't have to repent of our sins to be saved you know we have to repent of whatever it is that was taking us to hell and put all of our faith in jesus that's what we believe when we say repent god repents 37 times in the bible so you know god doesn't have sin so there's no way that repent just means of your sins every time see people just add that to the end of it it's it's so weird isn't it that just shows you that the devil has blinded their minds to the truth because like i preached this sermon about billy graham a couple years a few years ago or whatever and like people i'll say show me a verse in the bible in the king james bible where it says repent of your sins and people just always put all these verses that say repent and then i always say it doesn't say of your sins though does it because that's not what it's saying look at matthew chapter 3 verse 1 matthew chapter 3 verse 1 it says in those days came john the baptist preaching in the wilderness of judia and saying repent ye for the kingdom of heaven is at hand i'll prove to you right now that when it's the bot when they're saying repent you know a lot of repent of your sins preachers will get up and say john the baptist said to repent jesus said to repent what are you talking about you don't believe in repentance it's like yeah i do believe in repentance but i don't believe the repenting of your sins is what gets you saved i believe in a repentance that's a change of mind they change your mind about what you believe see that's what we try to do at the door we don't try to get them to repeat facts we get them to believe the facts there's a big difference it's not just you know because i believe that george washington was the the first president of united states right i read that in a book somewhere i got taught that in school i believe that that's true but believing that as a fact doesn't doesn't help me you know just believing jesus is a real person doesn't help you that lady in in tilbury believed that jesus was a real person i asked her that but it's not about believing he's a real person it's about putting your faith and trust in him that he'll take you to heaven when you die it's about hope it's about belief it's it's trust it's belief it's faith that he did what he what what was said about him in the bible so you can't just separate the bible from jesus you have to you know you can't just say well i believe some of it now you got to believe the whole thing so obviously people might have to learn about evolution later after they get saved i don't think people have to understand the seven day creation to get saved okay but you know once they get saved then this book is going to wash their brain of all that stuff that they used to think so john the baptist said repent ye for the kingdom of heaven is at hand now look at acts chapter 19 verse number one the apostle paul explains to us what that repentance was and i'm just trying to explain this really quickly i know most of you all understand this but you know i don't want people to get the wrong idea about me saying repent so acts chapter 19 verse 1 says and it came to pass when while paul's was at Corinth paul having passed through the upper coast came to Ephesus and finding certain disciples he said unto them have you received the holy ghost since you believed see it says they believed and they said unto him we have not so much as heard whether there be any holy ghost and he said unto them unto what then were you baptized they said unto john's baptism then paul said paul john verily baptized with the baptism of repentance saying unto the people this is what he said that they should believe on him which should come after him that is on christ jesus so what was the repentance that john was preaching he wasn't saying repent of all your sins repent hey i see you have long hair you cut your hair you're saved you know that's not what john was preaching put on a pair put on a skirt lady you know you're wearing men's clothing you know repent of all your sins that's not what john was preaching he was saying that you should believe on christ that's what the bible teaches and these repent of your sins heretics need to actually just rightly really rightly divide the bible instead of the scofield dividing they need to just rightly divide what the bible actually says mark chapter 1 verse 14 go ahead and turn to revelation 21 6 i'm going to read mark 1 14 it says now after john was put in prison jesus came to galley preaching the gospel of the kingdom of god and saying the time is fulfilled and the kingdom of god is at hand repent ye and believe the gospel change your mind turn from what whatever you're believing in and believe the gospel the good news and what's the good news it's not that you have to repent all of your sins to go to heaven the good news that you put your faith in christ and he saves you so to be saved is a commandment though according to acts chapter 17 isn't it what does it say this says but now commandeth all men everywhere to repent to be saved is a commandment it is now obviously you still have a choice to obey that commandment or not but it is a commandment it says in revelation 21 6 where i had you turn it says and he said unto me it is done i am alpha and omega the beginning and the end i will give unto him that is the thirst of the fountain of the water of life what does it say freely and it says he that overcometh shall inherit all things and i will be his god and he shall be my son now people will take this and say see you have to overcome yeah you have to overcome your sins to be saved but that's not what it's talking about hold your finger right there just just keep your finger there we're going to come right back to it we'll go to first john chapter five verse four first john chapter five verse four it says in first john five four whatsoever is born of god overcometh the world so what does it say the bible says you're supposed to be born again right whatsoever is born of god overcometh the world and this is the victory that overcometh the world even our what faith right it's not overcoming your sins it's not repenting of your sins it's our faith it says who is he that overcometh the world but he that believeth that jesus is the son of god how do you overcome by believing that jesus is the son of god so revelation 21 verse 7 says he that overcometh shall inherit all things so those that are saved by jesus overcome with all things now look back at verse number eight where you had your finger it says but the fearful and what's it say unbelieving so it's a commandment of god to be saved the fearful and unbelieving and if you are one of the one of these things on this list you're going to experience the second death if you don't take that commandment to repent and believe the gospel if you don't take that commandment where god says he commands that all men everywhere to repent what's it talking about it's talking about believing and and so it's a sin to be an unbeliever isn't it it's a sin unto death there's only two types of people in this world those that believe and those that believe not if you believe you go to heaven if you're an unbeliever you go to hell and there's no excuse all these people you know they really don't have an excuse so even if we don't reach them the fact that god exists the fact this world exists you know the bible says go ahead and turn to matthew 5 13 romans 120 says for the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen being understood by the things that are made even as eternal power and godhead so they are without excuse they're without excuse yes the pygmies in africa are still without excuse but you know what they've heard of jesus if we've heard of the pygmies in africa they've heard of jesus believe me you know how do you know do you know any pygmies in africa i don't but i know they exist you know what the pygmies in africa know jesus exists too so there's nobody there's nothing hid you know jesus said he'll draw all men unto himself some people are going to have a chance to hear or know just looking up in the sky at night well maybe not in england but in some places there's stars these things called stars you can see i'm just joking but uh but you know you can just look outside and see god's creation no you know even the the his eternal power and godhead those people are without excuse you're in matthew 5 13 look the bible says if our gospel be hid it's hid to them that are lost doesn't it look at matthew 5 13 it says you're the salt of the earth but if the salt have has lost have lost its savor wherewith shall it be salted is henceforth good for nothing but to be cast out and trodden under the foot of men hey if you're not doing something for the lord if you're not going out and reaching the world with the lost what's it saying you know you're good for nothing you're good for nothing christians you get out there and preach the gospel unfortunately there's not a lot of people like the people in this room in this country you know but we need to spark the fire that just reignites people's faith in this country and win them to the to the lord jesus christ look it says in verse 14 you're the light of the world a city that is set on a hill cannot be hid and look this church is a beacon of hope for all of england and all of europe and when people start hearing about this church there's more people going to come we're going to need that new building soon but you know you can't hide it it's not going to be hid for long you know people might not know about you now but this church can become famous or infamous um you know you can't hide it so it cannot be hid the bible says look it says in verse 15 neither do men light a candle and put it under a bushel but on a what candlestick and it giveth light unto all that are in the house let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your father which is in heaven you know we you can't hide the light that's here the only way to hide it is to let it go out you know the light always shines brightest in the darkest places and i'll say that this is a dark place spiritually but there's a great light here in south end today and there's a great light that's been lit for europe to see a beacon of hope and a city that's on a hill cannot be hid you don't light your light and stick it under a bushel you guys shouldn't hide who you are and what you're about and be ashamed of the lord jesus christ in his words and let's finish off here let's turn back to act 17 verse 31 i believe that this church is going to go big time and it's and it's it's we're probably going to send missionaries out of here or start churches and other places through this plant right here you guys got a great leader and uh he's going to be ordained as an evangelist next sunday so i hope you're all here to see that so then he'll be able to baptize i won't have to come back no i'm just kidding but anyway it's just for the baptist no i'm just joking no it's because you know he's done a great work and he's continuing to do a great work and i've had some time to to to get to know him and they got a great family and they're doing a lot of great things i mean this church grew fast you know i don't think our church grew this fast i don't i'm pretty positive it didn't but i mean our church grew but it just it was a slow gradual thing you guys just like 58 i was like what 65 oh whoa what's going on i got to get over there and see what's going on so let's finish up here i know i went past my time sorry brother ian you guys will just have to eat fast just shovel it down right anyway uh verse 31 b acts 7 31 b says whereof he hath given us assurance unto all men that he hath raised from the dead and when they heard of the resurrection of the dead some mocked see some people are going to mock doesn't that happen all the time right this is just us getting the battle plan right here this is what happens and others said we will hear the of this matter again hey can you come back another time i'll listen they never do but sometimes you know you you plant a seed and you leave it there and let it grow and then you come back again and it grows right so paul and then and it says so paul departed from among them how be it certain men clave unto him see there's always going to be the people that get saved certain people certain men clave on him and what what do they do what do they do they believed it says and believed among the witch was dionysus the are arabicite and a woman named damaris and others with them see some people are going to mock some people are going to mock the message and go you know and some will wait to hear it again but some will believe and so just always go out with that hope in your heart that someone's going to believe someone's going to believe it was funny yesterday you know normally i pray before i go out soloing but i think we we forgot to pray when we went out uh at the beginning but i was with um i was with uh what is your name jack good night why couldn't i i'm sorry i'm tired i knew his name i just couldn't think of it so i was out with jack yesterday and i just said hey we need to pray i forgot to pray and then literally like 30 seconds later we got three people saved go out with the holy spirit giving you that power because if you're going out in your own power you're not going to get people saved don't forget about god in the equation okay so it's our job to warn this nation and other nations like it to repent and believe the gospel and we have a calling to london number one to proclaim the truth number two to warn of judgment and number three to get them to repent and believe the gospel london's calling you know god's calling you for a special calling in london and not just london but all all of uk are you going to answer the call that's that's the real question are you going to answer the call are you going to stick with it for the long run it's going to get hard you know it's going to get harder are you willing to stick and stay and make it pay let's pray heavenly father we thank you lord so much for this great church here in england and lord i pray that would be like i said a great powerhouse of soul winning and hard preaching for many years to come i pray lord that you would put these things in the people's hearts and lord we need to realize that people need to repent people need to know the truth of your word lord and that judgment's coming we need to warn people of it so you say we pray amen