(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Amen all right well last week I preached a sermon called lies about the new IFB and I didn't quite get to point number five on that so I just figured this would be probably a three-part sermon series and the reason why is because there's a lot of lies being told about the new IFB and what is the new IFB look the new IFB is not a denomination all right we are a church and we just we believe certain things and so when people hear new IFB we want them to understand you know the the doctrines that we believe and so that kind of identifies us as to what we believe and there's certain things that we believe that the old IFB doesn't believe the old IFB does not believe some of the things that we teach but the problem is is that they're not dispelling and and and challenging our doctrine with truth they're trying to challenge our doctrine by making up lies about us by making up lies about what we believe so I wanted to start off with Matthew chapter 5 look at verse number 10 so this is part 2 about lies about the new IFB I think I have one at least one more sermon left to preach out of this but Matthew 5 10 says blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven so when people are persecuting us look and I'm not saying that people aren't gonna people are gonna persecute us for the things that we believe why because they persecuted Christ because they persecuted the prophets they persecuted Moses they persecuted all the prophets that came before us and they're gonna do the same thing with people that are holding the truth in righteousness okay so blessed are they that are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are ye when men shall revile you and persecute you and shall say all manner of evil against you what falsely for my sake and so there's gonna be people even in your own families even your old friends people that you work with and there's gonna be people all the time that are gonna say they're gonna revile you they're gonna persecute you they're gonna lie about you and say all manner of false accusations against you why for Jesus sake because of Jesus and so the reason why I'm preaching these is because the sermon the sermon series is because I want people to understand you know I want people to be able to go and say hey what do the new out what what really do they believe and so when these lies are being spread around these churches and it's not just the old I have to be it's other churches to lies about what we believe lies about what our church teaches I want them to be able to click on YouTube or something and say hey well this is what they say this is what they believe and so I want them to be able to see the things that we're accused of and then I can just dispel those lies about what they're saying about us and you know what I'm gonna use it with I'm not gonna use my opinion I'm gonna go right to this book right here the Word of God the King James Bible and I'm gonna show from the Bible what we teach and not from my own opinion look we actually do have a verse about the rapture and they don't they haven't for years look when in Revelation check this what do they say in Revelation chapter 4 that they say that when the Trump you know that when John was carried up in the spirit and heard the voice of a trumpet whatever they say that that's the rapture it says he was carried up in spirit that doesn't you know and they want to talk they want to accuse us of spiritualizing the scriptures well what about spiritualizing that one pot kettle black right so anyway look at verse 12 it says rejoice and be exceeding glad for great is your reward in heaven for so persecuted persecuted they the prophets which were before you see Jesus said that that was gonna happen he said we're gonna be accused falsely he said that people are gonna revile us and hate us why do they hate us well they hated Jesus they nailed him to the cross so why would we think anything different look when the people aren't being persecuted then I'm suspect of them when people aren't seeing bad stuff about the old IFB then I'm suspect but you know what they're what people are saying that's bad about them things that are true like they let perverts in their churches and they send perverts to other churches to be perverted somewhere else and just kind of sweep it under the rug that's called a scandal they're being persecuted for that because it's true see you don't want to be persecuted for things that you really are doing because that's just persecution you know who's gonna bring that down God so what does persecution mean it means hostility and ill treatment especially because of race or political or religious beliefs I'll read that for you again persecution means hostility and ill treatment especially especially because of race political or religious beliefs in this case it would be religious beliefs hostility ill treatment and that doesn't always have to be death or beatings that can be things that people say with them what their mouth and hey things that people say with their mouth can't hurt and words are powerful and we should be careful the way we use our mouths but you know these people are just flat-out lying about us and so if you have to prop up your doctrines by lying about about about who you're disputing with what does that make you I mean it just it's wicked like I'm not gonna sit there and lie about the old life being say that they believe things they don't believe I was in the old IFB for years and there's a reason why I'm out of it you know why I'm out of it because they started teaching lies and they've let the wolves take over and they're preaching a false gospel at most of these churches now or at least teetering on that side of it so let's have a word of prayer and I'm gonna get into the message all right Heavenly Father we thank you Lord so much for this wonderful day Lord I pray that you'd help me to preach this sermon help me to be wise and help me to say the things that you just want me to say Lord and help me to be gracious also but at the same time just establish the facts and show clearly from Scripture what we believe Lord and to help dispel the lies that are being propped up against us in Jesus name afraid amen so my goal for preaching this series is twofold I want to dispel the lies being told number one about the new IFB movement again not a denomination all right they're just churches there's churches that we fellowship with and we don't all agree on every single little thing see that's my point number one last week was that we're that they lie about us and say that we're in a cult and the pastor Anderson's our Pope or our leader I'll tell you I and last week I said there's things that I might not a hundred percent agree with pastor Anderson about but I'm sure there's things that he doesn't hundred percent agree with me about either and look they're not big things though you know if it was salvation I would I wouldn't consider them someone to fellowship with I wouldn't I wouldn't fellowship with them so if it's a big if it's a big doctrine there's I just won't fellowship with people that are perpetuating like false doctrine right so anyway and then number two I'm hoping to wake up some pastors that are on the fence and pastor McRae sure he really does a great job of bringing bringing these guys out and finding the guys that are probably on the fence or maybe they're not exactly like us but they'd still fellowship with us you know and he does a great job about bringing those guys out I think that's kind of his gift is being a peacemaker with the old IFP and finding the ones that you know maybe they're not so they're not so bad you know and I'm also hoping to wake up the people in the pews that have misconceptions about new IFB churches because of the lies that are being told about us they're just flat-out lying so I just want to make a statement any church that has to tell lies to defeat doctrine is the one that's false they're the ones it's false and so these lot so there's a lot of things that people disagree with us about in the old IFB but I'm just going after the flat-out lies that they tell because there's a lot of stuff that we disagree with about that I could crush them from the Bible very easily on but I'm just trying to crush their lies the lies that they tell I'm gonna tell you what we believe and why we believe them and what Bible verses prop that stuff up okay so Proverbs chapter 18 I read we read from that last week he that answer if a matter in verse number 13 before he heareth it it is folly and shame unto him so anybody that's listening to the lies that are being told about us and they just believe them because pastor said so or because that's what I heard some buffoon say online well you know what before you you should not judge or answer a matter before you've actually heard what we actually believe and so if you want to know what we believe download this sermon download the sermon from last week download the sermon from next week and you'll know about what we believe and we can dispel those lies and falsehoods the folly and shame unto someone to sit there just believe somebody because pastor said so all right and I don't expect you to believe everything I say because pastor said so you know what's great about being in a church when you have your Bible open with me and brother Joe we're talking about this yesterday when you're watching sermons online most people don't take their Bible and follow along with them some people do I'm sure they do but a lot of times you're downloading them and listening to them while you're working or doing something clean the kitchen or whatever you're doing and or taking care of the babies or whatever you know whatever you're doing sometimes you don't have a chance to hold a Bible in your hand but I'll tell you what when you're in church you should have a Bible out in front of you you should be able to judge what I'm saying from this from this book right here and if I say something that's different then come up and kindly correct me and tell me I'm wrong you know be and treat me as a father I mean don't come up and go you're wrong pastor Thompson because then you're gonna be met with violence no I'm just kidding not violence violence of words all right but anyway so I expect you to check what I say and if I say sometimes you know people say stuff the wrong sometimes and most of the time it's when you're going off your notes when you start to delve into the to saying something that you might might maybe you should have said but anyway it happens sometimes but anyway so let's see Acts chapter 28 I read we finished that book last week let's turn over there real quickly then I'll be out of the introductory introduction of the sermon so Acts chapter number 28 let's look at verse 22 and I preached out of this Thursday night concerning the old IFB but anyway acts 28 verse 22 says but we desire to hear of thee what thou thinkest for us concerning this sect we know that everywhere it is spoken against and so this is what's happening when people start believing the lies that are told about us that they say hey we know what people we know what the old of the the new IFB is evil spoken against we know people are speaking evil about this and it's spoken against badly and everywhere you know and all these old IFB churches right so you know and but it's good for them to actually see what we believe unfortunately they don't want to hear the truth about what we believe they just believe the evil that people speak against us without checking it for themselves that's wrong and that's wicked and I know what the old IFB believed because I went there for years I've only been a new IFB guy for you know you know maybe five or six years or something but all the rest of my Christianity I've been a bat on old IFB Baptist and I know that some of the thing they've never been able to prove the preacher rapture ever and so anyway I'm gonna give you a quick recap of last week so you know where we're out here in case you weren't here for the sermon last week or you didn't hear it number one lie about the new IFB is that we're a cult pastor Anderson's our leader I crushed that last week and lie number two that we're one two three repeat after me that's another why that the old IFB and others would like to say about us it's not true number three we don't believe in repentance but that's not true we do believe in repentance we just don't believe it like they do okay and we know lie number four is that we hate Jews okay and we don't hate Jews we want everybody in the world to be saved we we believe that everybody you know should be given a chance to be saved right and we don't hate Jews we hate the religion just like we hate the Mormon religion just like we hate the Jehovah's Witnesses just like we hate Hindu religion we don't hate the people we hate the religion okay and lie number five is that we believe a mid-trib rapture who's heard that before oh they believe the mid-trib rapture which is not true you know and no matter how many times you explain it to Andrew Andrew the moron sleuter who believes in space aliens and Bigfoot you know the more the more they just keep continuing to perpetuate that lie and see Andrew sleuter has respect with the old IFB or whatever they these people you know they don't know their Bibles they don't know how to preach they don't know they use one verse and preach a bunch of fluff and stories and fishing stories and whatever and then they depend on the ruckmanites for their doctrine and they're so screwed up in their doctrine they believe that you can be divorced remarried multiple times and still be the pastor says the husband of one wife what part of that don't you understand anyway so they believe they say that we believe in a mid-trib rapture turn to Matthew chapter number 24 and this might get a little complicated for you but hopefully it won't get too complicated for me Matthew chapter 24 so they the lie that they say is that we believe in a mid-trib rapture and I'm gonna show you what we believe at least what I believe I hope you all believe it too that it's not that we believe that that Jesus comes back after the tribulation that's not mid tribulation that's after the tribulation that's what we believe okay look at Matthew 24 verse 15 it says when do you therefore shall see the abomination of desolation spoken of by Daniel the prophets stand in the holy place who so readeth let him understand now skip down so Jesus is telling the disciples you know they ask him what shall be the sign of thy coming and the end of the world and so Jesus starts to explain to them the doctrine of Bible end times Bible prophecy okay they've asked him he said hey when you see the abomination of desolation obviously I don't have time to go through the whole chapter that's a whole sermon right but he said when you see the abomination of desolation spoken of by Daniel the prophets stand in the holy place who so readeth let him understand look this is Jesus saying hey when you're reading this you need to understand it okay he wants you to understand it it's not really that complicated so look at verse 20 21 skip down 21 says for then shall be great tribulation so what are we talking about here the great tribulation so it's a great tribulation before the abomination of desolation or after the abomination of desolation what is the what is the midpoint of the seventh the final 70th week that's when the abomination of desolation happens okay and I'll prove that to you later on here in these in these verses but it says for then shall be great tribulation such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time no nor ever shall be this is it this is the worst time of persecution for the whole history of the world against believers and verse 22 says and and except those days should be shortened there should no flesh be saved but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened so what's it talking about the Great Tribulation okay he's talking about the great tribulation and he says except those days should be shortened there should no flesh be saved it's not talking about a spiritual salvation it's talking about flesh being saved so if your flesh is not saved then it's gonna die right but it's it's definitely not talking about a spiritual salvation even though that's what the rucktards will teach that you have to keep God's law and believe in Jesus so they say well you know even though Jesus died for all of your sins even though he put the blood on the mercy seat up in heaven even though he's a priest forever after the order of Melchizedek hey you got to go back and keep the law to be saved and believe in Jesus it's garbage dispensationalism is a bunch of garbage it's foolishness so skip down to verse 29 says immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the Sun be darkened and the moon shall not give her light and the stars shall fall from heaven and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken so he's telling us the things that are gonna happen right and when it when does he say this happens though immediately after the tribulation okay so the trip the tribulation the Great Tribulation starts at the midpoint okay this happens when after the midpoint are we mid-trib no because we're post-trib pre-wrath okay I mean that alone just should I should be able to just close down this point and move on right but they they will sit there and just don't you believe in mid-trib no dummy mid-trib is when the abomination of desolation happens we don't believe that we don't believe that we believe it's after the tribulation that's what the Bible says in verse 29 look at verse 30 and then shall appear the sign of the Son of Man in heaven and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn and they shall see the Son of Man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory this is when after the tribulation after the midpoint but is it at the end of the final seven of the final seven years of human history no it's somewhere between okay and I'm we're gonna do some math today and it will I'll try not to make it too complicated because I'm not very good at math myself so but I want you to keep your Bible in Matthew chapter 24 because we're gonna go back and forth here for a few minutes and I want to show you how this lines up with Revelation chapter 6 perfectly okay so hold your finger there we're gonna be going back and forth I put a I got to follow my own notes which says hold Bible at Matthew 24 dummy so anyway that's a reminder a pleasant reminder to myself see I call myself dummy all right turn to Revelation chapter 6 Revelation chapter number 6 now let's look at verse number 9 together so we just read what Jesus said the abomination of desolation except those days should be shortened great tribulation when Jesus coming back after the tribulation then shall appear the sign of the Son of Man in heaven and the tribes of the earth shall mourn and they shall see the Son of Man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory is that is there any doubt that that's talking about when Jesus comes back again okay revelation 6 9 says and when he had opened the fifth seal I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the Word of God and for the testimony which they held and they cried with a loud voice saying how long o Lord holy and true dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth and white robes were given unto every one of them and it was said unto them that they should rest yet how long for a little season flip back to Matthew chapter 24 look at verse number 22 just keep your finger there just flip back so we're in verse 11 that they should rest yet for a little season and then it says in Matthew 24 verse 22 except those days be what shortened okay so you got a little season that's a short period of time isn't it and then Jesus said in Matthew 24 22 except those days be shortened it's talking about the same thing is it not okay now turn back to Revelation 6 11 it says for a little season until their fellow servants also and their brethren that should be killed as they were should be fulfilled so what's happening here these tribulation Saints okay the the the old IFB wants to talk about tribulation Saints well these really are tribulation Saints these are people that were killed during the Great Tribulation but there's also all the martyrs that were killed before them and they're asking these it seems to me like these people just got to heaven they're like how long oh Lord are you are you gonna wait to avenge us and he says rest for a little rest yet for a little season until the fellow servant died their fellow servants and their brethren that should be killed as they were should be fulfilled and so that is the short season they have to wait just a little bit of time because except those days be shortened no flesh should be saved right and so if it was allowed to continue on as it was going in the Great Tribulation then nobody would live through it okay but God said hey it's just gonna be for a short time and when does the Great Tribulation start when does it start midpoint right so that's when the midpoint is we don't believe in the mid tribulation rapture just saying that again all right look at verse 12 back in Revelation 6 it says and I be held when he had opened the sixth seal and lo there was a great earthquake and the Sun became black as sackcloth of hair and the moon became as blood now look back at Matthew chapter 24 in verse number 29 okay what what happened here as you're turning as you're flipping back what happened here you know the sixth seal was opened and there was a great earthquake okay and the Sun became black as sackcloth of hair and the moon became as blood Matthew 24 verse 29 immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the Sun be darkened and the moon shall not give her light and the stars shall fall from heaven and the powers of the heaven shall be shaken does that match up you know it does that matches up perfectly with Matthew chapter 24 verse 29 the Sun became black as sackcloth of hair but notice when in Revelation chapter 6 so what has happened here what should we know by reading this verse that this verse happens after the tribulation so the tribulation in Revelation chapter 6 is already over at the breaking of the sixth seal and look at verse 13 it says and the stars of heaven fell onto the earth and that's what it says also in Matthew chapter 24 verse 29 it says the star shall fall from heaven and the powers of heaven shall be shaken in Revelation 6 verse 13 it says the stars fell onto the earth and even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs when she is shaken of a mighty wind do you see what I'm saying the correlation here lines up perfectly with Matthew chapter 24 okay now look at verse 14 it says and the heaven departed as a scroll when it's rolled together and every mountain an island or moved out of their places what happened right there a great earthquake okay what to say in Matthew chapter 24 verse 29 it says immediately after the tribulation those days shall the Sun be darkened the moon shall not give her light and the stars of that shall fall from heaven and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken verse 30 and then shall appear the sign of the Son of Man in heaven when they shall and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn they shall see the Son of Man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory okay so the Bible talks about all these signs happening at the time after the tribulation revelation chapter 6 clearly shows that these line up perfectly with Matthew chapter 24 now turn back to Revelation 6 5 where you had your finger there you should have says and the kings of the earth and the great men and the rich men and the chief captains of the mighty men and every bond man and every free man hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains and said to the mountains and rocks fall on us and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb see this is when when the rapture happens the day of the Lord begins right after that okay so why are they afraid because the wrath of God is coming they said to the mountains and rocks fall on us they're so scared they would rather have rocks and mountains fall on top of them to have to face the wrath of the Lamb and it says in verse 17 for the great day of his wrath is come and who shall be able to stand so what do we believe at this church we believe in a post-tribulation pre-wrath rapture so what has happened in these verses in Revelation while the signs that it said in Matthew chapter 24 have happened so that means it's after the tribulation and at and then it says the wrath has come so what's happened in between this time there's a rapture has happened okay and it wasn't at the midpoint the mid points when the abomination of desolation takes place turn to Revelation chapter 7 verse 13 Revelation 7 verse 13 see we're not appointed under wrath we're not gonna go through God's wrath you know who's gonna go through God's wrath the people that are left the ones that they said how long so we have are we gonna have to wait till your brethren are killed to your fellow servants and your brethren are killed like you were and then that ends and then God's right God Jesus comes raptures everybody else up those that are dead those that are died in Christ before are raised up and then those are alive and remain will be caught up together with the Lord and those will ever be with the Lord right so verse number 13 in Revelation third Revelation 7 says and one of the elders they answered saying unto me what are these which are arrayed in white robes and whence came they this is the next chapter the elders are like who were all these people come from and then he said unto him sir thou knowest he said and he said unto me these are they which came out of great tribulation and have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb so revelation 6 it doesn't show the rapture happen here but it does you know that it happens because it's between these signs and the great wrath and then in chapter 7 all these people appear in heaven where they come from they were raptured up there all kindreds all nations all tongues are up there in heaven and they all have white robes and this guy is like sir John's like sir what where'd all these people come from he's like you know you know where they're from you know where they're from they are the ones that were raptured they're the ones that came out of great tribulation they've washed their robes and made them white with the blood of the Lamb so you know look it's easy for us to explain what we believe it really is it really that complicated it's not that complicated but see they just have they look at they look at scriptures through these ever seen like mr. Magoo you know mr. Magoo is he's got like the thickest glasses on ever and that's what that's what it is it's like these people look at the Bible with mr. Magoo glasses or like coke bottle glasses or really thick glasses right and they can't and they can't see it except for through their preconceived notions and so if they would just look at the Bible for what it says it's super easy to figure out it's super easy to discern I mean it's not the milk of the word but it's still not that difficult turn to Daniel chapter 9 verse 26 and I might only get one point in here today Daniel 9 verse 26 because this is the one that they'll divide with us over to this is the one that this is the stuff that people go well they're not their heretics you know what they believe they believe that Jesus comes after the tribulation do so the Bible says and you know what they have and then in the spirit the trumpet you know blue and I was caught up in the spirit okay that's really clear clears mud that's not a clear verse and you know people I'll ask people all the time where's your verse where's your clear verse you know because John 3 16 is a pretty clear verse about being saved and having everlasting life for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him you got to believe in Jesus should not perish but have everlasting life you don't have to go to hell he had everlasting life that's pretty clear isn't it you know what else is clear immediately after the tribulation of those days that's pretty clear though that's not the right one Jesus comes in four phases Jesus comes four times there's many you know there's many raptures that happen shut up he comes back after the tribulation you don't have verses to back it up and just shut your mouth because you don't know what you're talking about you have no quit you have no John 3 16 that tells you when the preacher rapture happens they have spiritualized verses that are not clear at all that means they're twisting the scripture onto their own destruction I think you know what I think that that the when the the timing of the Lord coming back I think it is a big deal I think it is a big deal I think that if someone doesn't believe that it is false doctrine it's heresy now is it ranked damnable heresy I don't think it's damnable heresy but I still think it's wrong I still think you're gonna get a lot of other stuff wrong when you teach this falsehood you know why don't you just believe what the Bible says because they don't want to go through tribulation they scared that's the truth Daniel 9 verse 26 so Daniel 70th week is a seven year time period and lap the last seven years of life as we know it on this earth okay I just call it the last seven years because a lot for forever I was told it's the tribulation of seven years it's not the tribulation of seven years I just proved to you that after Revelation chapter 6 it's not the tribulation anymore it's the time of God's wrath after that so it's the last seven years as we know it here on earth it's the time of the end the last week okay 69 at the 69th week Messiah is cut off and then the prince of the people that shall come you know the Roman Empire came and destroyed the temple all right and so ever since then we've been waiting for that 70th week to start how do I know it's on hold well because all the stuff that's in here hasn't happened yet so that's how we know it's on hold look at verse 26 says and after three score and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off but not for himself you know he died for us he died on the cross for us not for himself it says in the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary and the end thereof shall be with the flood and unto the end of the war desolations are determined this is where the gap happens okay verse 27 why is it a gap because that Prince it says the people of the prince that shall come so he hasn't come yet the Antichrist hasn't come yet that's who it's talking about here so the people of the prince is the Roman Empire so I mean where the the Babylon I believe that that this Antichrist is cut does come from the the Roman Empire somehow so anyway I'm not dogmatic about it but I mean it's kind of what it says right anyway verse 27 he shall confirm a covenant who's the he the prince that shall come shall confirm a covenant with many for one week this is the final week this is the final week that's talking about one week is is it how long is a week anybody seven days but it represents seven years so that's how you do your math on that I don't have time to go to Genesis but it explains it to you in Genesis but anyway it says let's see where am I he shall confirm a covenant with many for one week and in the midst of the week how long is the how long is the middle of a week three and a half years right in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and oblation to cease and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate this is where it's explaining to you what the abomination of desolation is that was spoken of by Daniel the prophet that Jesus Christ told us to look for okay how that went when does that happen the midst of the week that's is that mid-trib no it's the midst of the week okay trying to confuse you here it says even until the consummation and that determines shall be poured upon the desolate so when does the abomination of desolation happen the midst of the week turn to 2nd Thessalonians chapter 2 2nd Thessalonians chapter 2 is anybody confused does everybody understand if you don't that's okay just go back and listen to sermon later all right 2nd Thessalonians chapter 2 verse number 3 says let no man deceive you by any means for that day shall not come what day the day of the Lord's return except for the there shall be a fallen away first and the man of sin be revealed the son of perdition when does that happen the midst of the week who so opposeth and exalted himself above all that is called God and that is worshiped so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God showing himself that he is God this is what the abomination of desolation is this man of sin the Antichrist the prince that shall come he's gonna go into a rebuilt temple and he's gonna say I'm God I'm above God I'm above all that's supposed to be worshiped and he's gonna sit in the temple showing himself that he is God which is an abomination right and it says and then Paul says remember you're not when I was with you I told you these things so we believe at this church that at the at the midpoint the abomination of desolation happens the Antichrist is revealed that's how we know that the beginning of the tribulation the Great Tribulation starts then okay and that that's not when we believe the rapture happens so when they say that about us they're lying they're saying what that either they don't understand our position which I really I don't believe that they don't understand our position I don't believe that but you know the event of this man of sin being revealed is the abomination of desolation and what people earn they think the final seven years is the Great Tribulation and it's not the Great Tribulation is over in Revelation 6 the wrath of God begins after the tribulation after the rapture okay I think I proved that pretty clearly turn back to Revelation chapter number 13 Revelation chapter number 13 look at verse number 3 I know this is a lot of meat here but it's important that we go over this from time to time and so that you have your understanding wrapped your your mind wrapped around all this Revelation 13 3 says I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death his deadly wound was healed and all the world wondered after the beast and they worshiped the dragon which gave power unto the beast and they worshiped the beast saying who is like unto the beast who is able to make war with him and there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months how long is that three and a half years okay and he opened his mouth and blasphemy against God to blaspheme his name and his temp and his tabernacle and to them that dwell in heaven and it was given unto him to make war with the Saints and overcome them and powers given him over all kindreds tongues and nations so the beast continues for 42 months all right when Christ comes back to destroy the beast that is at the end of the seven years okay the coming on the white horse that is a different coming than the coming in the clouds to rapture the Saints okay so turn to Daniel chapter 12 verse 8 Daniel 12 verse number 8 and I'll explain to you about the time that we believe the rapture happens all right Daniel 12 verse number 8 so we know it's after the tribulation we know the Sun and Moon are darkened we know the stars fall from heaven we know you know all those signs a great earthquake that happens Daniel 12 8 says and I heard now if you're confused right now so was Daniel so so if you're confused you know just go back and maybe take notes if you haven't taken notes you know you can study this stuff on your own if there's something you're missing just go back over the notes there's a lot here so I understand if you're confused about it but Daniel was confused too all right look at verse number 8 says and I heard but I understood not then said I oh my Lord what shall be the end of these things and he said go thy way Daniel for the work the words are closed up and sealed to the time of the end many shall be purified and made white and tried but the wicked shall do wickedly and none of the wicked shall understand but the wise shall understand and from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away and the abomination that make a desolate set up there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days blessed is he that waiteth and cometh to the thousand three hundred and five and thirty days okay what's it talking about here well the same blessed is he that waiteth and he's basically giving the timing of the rapture here that says but go thy way till the end be for thou shalt rest and stand in thy lot at the end of the days so what's he saying well Daniel is dead right now isn't he so when does he come into his lot well it says but go thy way till the end be for thou shalt rest and stand in thy lot at the end of the days what days the 1335 days that he just got done saying from the beginning of what the 70th week from the beginning of the week that that that you know that agreement happens 1335 days from the beginning of the 70th week so minus 1260 it's not so you you got a mind you got a there's 1260 and 1290 days so there's 30 day months you have to account for so there has to be a leap month in between here so that's why one part of the final seven years is 1260 days and one part is 1290 days 30 days of months do the math you do that later all right approximately so this basically means that approximately you know 75 days past the Great Tribulation is when this is gonna take place now then this is where they say well you're making a timing date for the rapture yeah but the thing is we don't know when that when that time clock starts so we don't know for sure that nobody knows the day or the hour if you try to predict it I'm not even gonna try to predict it I'm just saying that that's what the Bible teaches it says that Daniel's gonna rest in his lot after the 1335 days and that is when you know he that's when the rapture happens because that's what God says in Daniel chapter 12 I mean I don't I don't know any other way to describe besides that so is that at the midpoint or is it after the midpoint be two to two months two full months and ten days after okay so and I just don't think that we're gonna know somehow God's not gonna let us know when this when this time is gonna happen because he said no man know what the day or the hour so I don't I'm not saying I know the day or the hour I'm just saying that that's not the midpoint so we don't believe the midpoint with the mid trip rapture we believe the post trip pre-rath rapture so let's turn to a couple more verses here first Thessalonians I could that's basically a whole sermon but anyway first Thessalonians chapter 1 well hey maybe someone watching this even from the old IFB can say hey I know they've been saying that they believe you know in a mid-trip rapture I know Andrew Schluter has been saying that they believe in a mid-trip rapture he just keeps repeating it like a little parrot so everybody will believe that well I just proved that that's not what we believe we believe something different look at 1st Thessalonians 1 10 it says and to wait for his son from heaven whom he raised from the dead even Jesus which delivered us from the wrath to come and they'll say well I'm gonna be gone when all that stuff happens well so are we that's what the pre-trip people will say well I plan on being you could stay behind for the tribulation but I'm leaving well no you're not first of all and we don't believe that wrath and the tribulation are the same thing so they just get their definitions are all mixed up and messed up we don't believe that we go through the wrath so the wrath is God's bombardment upon a wicked world and guess what we are gonna be gone but the tribulation is when our enemies are persecuting us that's when they're beheading people that's when they're martyring Christians the Bible says that the beast will have power to overcome the Saints you know who are the Saints well apparently don't believe they don't believe it's them somebody it's the tribulation saints yeah you're right and if you're saved you're gonna go through the tribulation if you're here during that time here they're gonna die a martyr's death or you're gonna be caught up together with the Lord when he returns either way we're still going to heaven amen James chapter 5 James chapter 5 see God is waiting people always wonder you know they say well God you know he's never gonna come back Jesus is never gonna come back but you know Jesus loves people Jesus wants people to be saved Jesus wants us to get as many people saved as we can and this is why he's waiting James chapter 5 verse 7 says be patient therefore brethren among unto the coming of the Lord behold the husband men waiteth for the precious fruit of the earth and you know what the prep the precious fruit of the earth is that's the people that he wants to be saved and God's waiting he's patiently waiting for those for that fruit the last one to be saved before all this takes place and it says and he hath long patience for it until he receive the early and latter rain be also patient establish your hearts for the coming of the Lord draweth nigh see the day of the Lord the day that Christ comes back is closer today than it was yesterday and the day before that the day before that so I mean you can't these these verses are true it's draw it draws nigh it's near every single day that we live on this earth it's near than before so look at Mark chapter 13 verse number 10 Bible says the gospel I'll give you a second there to turn so apparently this became a one a one a one point this is an important one though mark chapter 13 verse number 10 the Bible says the gospel must first be published among all nations and when he shall and when they shall lead you and deliver you up take no thought beforehand what you shall speak neither do you pre meditate but whatsoever shall be given you in that hour that speak ye for it is not yet or as excuse me it's not ye that speak but the Holy Ghost now the brothers shall be betrayed the brother to the death and the father the son the children shall rise up against their parents and shall cause them to be put to death and he shall be hated of all men for my name's sake but he that endureth unto the end the same shall be saved and again that's not talking about enduring the commandments keeping God's commandments till the end or you're not going to be saved it's a bunch of hogwash that's a that's a that's heresy that's Calvinism see and they'll accuse us of being Calvinist in our belief about the reprobate doctrine but really they're the ones that hold the Calvinistic doctrines and I don't have time to get to that point in my sermon because I just basically preached the whole sermon about the preacher poster breath pre-rath rapture but I do have time to go to lie number six so lie number six is that we don't do follow-up by number six is that we don't do follow-up so and I saw pastor Anderson commented online he's like yeah they're right about that one but in reality we do do follow-up all right and different churches do different things but turn to mark chapter 6 and I'll show you what they like to use and throw at us when and I and I had Leroy Goodman the heretic you know talk about say the same thing to Jason saline the pastor up in wherever he's at what's Napa vine a good night I always think mossy rock with it's Napa vine and so last week I kind of explained to you that I went with I went with a pastor that's who I'm talking about we went got someone saved probably used about 40 verses at least because the guy had questions you know when they have questions sometimes you have to give him more stuff and you know he ended up getting saved that pastor called Leroy Goodman who's going to split hell wide open by the way he's a false prophet and thank God he's out of st. Helens where he used to be the pastor there but he just recently creeped his little ugly head up again to try to throw some shots at me online but this is what these kind of pastors will say okay it says the people saw them departing and knew him and ran afoot thither out of all the cities and out went him and came under him together unto him and Jesus when he came out saw much people and was moved with compassion toward them because they were a sheep not having a shepherd and he began to teach them many things so people say well you just go get people saved in these marathons and you go out and get people saved and they don't all come to church and you know you leave him out as sheep having no shepherd who's gonna disciple those people for you you know cuz Jesus you know he had compassion well you know he also died on the cross not too long after this and went to heaven did he leave them as a sheep having no shepherd I mean he got them saved so and did he teach many things he left us a Bible so we can learn new things right so we can learn things about the Bible but so the critics will say about us they'll say you don't even do follow-up you don't care about those people that got saved and that's a bunch of that's a lie because here's what I teach our church to do I teach you to what what do you what about what do I tell you to do at the end give them a Bible okay invite them to church again after you've already invited them okay and then you tell explain to them about baptism and how God wants you to Jesus wants them to follow him in baptism here's our church here's the address here's your Bible I'm gonna write your name and I'm gonna write the day you got saved and I'm gonna invite you to church but I'll tell you what I don't have time to go back to all these doors of the people that we get saved you guys don't have time to do it you know if they want to come to church they're gonna come to church but to say we don't follow up at all that's a lie that's a lie that they're spreading about us and you know what you don't even go soul winning you clowns how are you gonna talk to us about following up you don't even follow at all you have no follow we follow we do a follow-up that's it and if someone wants to do more than that they're more than welcome to do that but I'll tell you what I'm not gonna keep going and calling people and pestering them over and over again to come to church when if they want to come to church they're gonna come to church does that mean they're not saved did I leave them as a sheep having no Shepherd no I said hey I'm the Shepherd of this flock why don't you come to our church and we'll teach you the Bible that's the follow-up you're gonna get and look at all these people we followed up with in this room it's a full house today pretty much and you know everybody here it you know we're all sheep I'm the under Shepherd and God is the head Shepherd right Jesus Christ is the Shepherd of the sheep and he gave us a book and that's how you know we do discipleship we don't take Paul chapels book and tell them they got to continue hey you know this person just got saved here I'm gonna give you the the continued book and you take them and you guys disciple each other that's not how it works that's not how it works and Jesus what did he do he taught them he moved he was moved with compassion and he taught them to be in teaching many things hey but if you don't go to the Shepherd if you don't go where the Shepherd is being taught that you're not gonna you're not gonna be followed up with see cuz they ran they outran him to the next town it wouldn't it be nice if we get someone saved and they outrun us to the church on the on the way back from soul winning that's good that's good but these clowns don't even go soul winning and when they say they're going soul winning they're going bus calling and when they say they're going soul winning they're saying hey do you believe in Jesus okay well good I'm glad you're saved you know here's a tract then they run they're not most of these churches I'm telling you the ones that even say that they're so winning when people get there they're not really so when there was a church somebody was telling me oh but at the beach it was yeah okay brother Ryan he said they said they go so winning twice a week did they go so many twice a week no they didn't that doesn't work it doesn't work in their town it's a beach town it's all just a bunch of you know places where people go for the weekend no so winning works everywhere it might not be fruitful everywhere but it does work everywhere because otherwise the Gospels lost its power do you think the Gospels lost its power there's still people here in 2019 amongst all the freaks and weirdos in this world and the atheists and the fag Gnostics and all these other people they're trying to destroy the kingdom of God but you know what there's still 7,000 men that haven't bent the knee to bail and you know what they can just shut their mouth because they don't follow at all if you're not fishing you're not following that's the end of the story so tell me that we're not doing follow-up what do you leave and follow at all so anyway I got to be done all right I promised myself I won't go over an hour today so we'll pick up on the next sermon we got two lies taken care of this morning and we'll pick up on line number eight next time we get together on a Sunday morning so anyway let's pray Heavenly Father we thank you Lord so much for a great church and for a great turnout to this morning really bless the food that's following and Lord I pray that you would bless the soul winning today Lord and those that are sick amongst us I pray that you'd lift them up and help them to feel better and pray Lord for the men tonight as they preach and pray that you just help them to stay on point help them to stay within their time limit I pray that you bless our night together tonight in Jesus name Amen