(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Thanks for watching! Thanks for watching! Thanks for watching! Thanks for watching! Thanks for watching! Thanks for watching! Thanks for watching! Thanks for watching! Thanks for watching! Thanks for watching! Thanks for watching! Thanks for watching! Thanks for watching! Thanks for watching! Thanks for watching! Thanks for watching! Thanks for watching! Thanks for watching! Thanks for watching! Thanks for watching! Thanks for watching! Thanks for watching! Thanks for watching! Thanks for watching! Thanks for watching! Thanks for watching! Thanks for watching! Thanks for watching! Thanks for watching! Thanks for watching! Thanks for watching! Thanks for watching! Thanks for watching! Thanks for watching! Thanks for watching! Thanks for watching! Thanks for watching! Thanks for watching! Thanks for watching! Thanks for watching! Thanks for watching! Thanks for watching! Thanks for watching! Thanks for watching! Thanks for watching! Thanks for watching! Thanks for watching! Thanks for watching! Thanks for watching! Thanks for watching! Thanks for watching! Thanks for watching! Thanks for watching! Thanks for watching! Thanks for watching! Thanks for watching! Thanks for watching! Thanks for watching! Thanks for watching! Thanks for watching! Thanks for watching! Thanks for watching! Thanks for watching! Thanks for watching! Thanks for watching! Thanks for watching! Thanks for watching! Thanks for watching! Thanks for watching! Thanks for watching! Thanks for watching! Thanks for watching! Thanks for watching! Thanks for watching! Thanks for watching! Thanks for watching! Thanks for watching! Thanks for watching! Thanks for watching! Thanks for watching! Thanks for watching! Thanks for watching! Thanks for watching! Thanks for watching! Thanks for watching! Thanks for watching! Thanks for watching! Thanks for watching! Thanks for watching! Thanks for watching! Thanks for watching! Thanks for watching! Thanks for watching! Thanks for watching! Thanks for watching! Thanks for watching! Thanks for watching! Thanks for watching! Thanks for watching! Thanks for watching! Thanks for watching! Thanks for watching! Thanks for watching! Thanks for watching! You Hello, welcome to Sure foundation Baptist Church. Thank you for coming out to our morning service Let's take her seats and find our hymn books and turn to page two. We're gonna sing glory to his name Page to glory to his name page to sing now on the first down at the cross where my Savior died down where for cleansing from sin I cried there to my heart was the blood applied glory to his name glory to his name glory to his name there to my heart was the blood applied glory to his name on the second I am so wondrously saved from sin Jesus sweetly abides within there at the cross where he took me in glory to his name glory to his name glory to his name there to my heart was the blood applied glory to his name Oh precious fountain that saves from sin I am so glad I have entered in there Jesus saves me and keeps me clean glory to his name glory to his name glory to his name there to my heart was a blood applied glory to his name on the last come to this fountain so rich and sweet cast I poor soul at the Savior's feet plunge in today and be made complete glory to his name glory to his name glory to his name there to my heart was the blood applied glory to his name amen great singing this morning brother Sean you want to open us with the word of prayer we're gonna turn to page 160 crown him with many crowns page 160 crown him with many crowns 160 sing it out loud on the first crown him with many crowns the lamb upon his throne our cow the heavily anthem drowns all music but its own awake my soul and sing of him who died for thee and hail him as I matchless King through all eternity on the second around him the Lord of love behold his hands and sigh rich wounds yet visible above in beauty glorified no angel in the sky can fully bear that sigh but downward bends his wandering eye a mystery so bright crown him the Lord of life who triumphed o'er the grave who rose victorious to the strife for those he came to say his glories now we sing who died and rose on high who died eternal life to bring and lives that death may die on the last crown him the Lord of heaven one with the father no one with the spirit through him give from yonder glorious throne to thee be endless praise for thou for us hast died be thou all o'er through endless days adored and magnified man gracing this time we'll have our announcements welcome to sure Foundation Baptist Church for our Sunday morning service if you don't have a bulletin raise your hands and one of the ushers will bring you on the front cover of our bulletin we have reversed the week it says come on to me all you that labor and are heavy laden I will give you rest Matthew 11 28 if you open your bulletins you'll see our service times on the left it's 1030 is our Sunday morning service 330 is our Sunday evening service Thursday evening Bible studies at 630 will be in a new book this week we have our soul winning times listed below that we'll have soul winning today at 110 please meet in the auditorium at 110 I'll be posting that in the whatsapp group we have our praise report below that for salvation's for May we had 46 salvation's salvation's year date is 305 and on the right you'll see our upcoming events in South Africa soul winning trip he had 86 salvation's and there's being there's a soul winning group being started there with SFBC UK this on the 6th of June this week we'll be having the men's leadership class and then on the 9th to the 12th there'll be the SFBC Winnipeg official launch and a soul winning marathon and the ordination of brother Jim weeb as evangelists there and we'll be having our annual Father's Day men's shooting event on the 17th in Stevenson Washington see brother Sean for details about that when he's here and then on the 18th is a Father's Day and there'll be a gift for every father and lunch provided after the morning service and then a special event on June 30th to July 2nd at both Bible believers Baptist Church in Yakima it'll be a big weekend deacon Russell will be there preaching for us on Friday night at 7 p.m. and there'll be a soul and they'll be so winning all day on Saturday on the reservation from or it's just from 11 to 2 and then we'll have meal and fellowship at the church building at 3 p.m. and then Sunday at 10 30 and 3 30 pastor Thompson will be preaching the services there on July 20th pastor Stephen Anderson will be preaching Thursday night service nuts is like US tour that he does and we're one of the last stops before he goes to the Red Hawk preaching conference and then the seventh annual Red Hawk preaching conference is July 20th to the 23rd and that's obviously at Verity Baptist Church in Sacramento August 3rd to the 6th is the Toronto soul winning trip there's a video about that I'm not sure I think it's on brother Corbin's it's on faithful word Tucson's YouTube information about that from the 3rd August 3rd to the 6th and we're a family integrated church children and infants are always welcome in the church services we have mother-baby rooms in the back and father-baby rooms in the back available for you and please reserve the rockers and gliders for pregnant and nursing mothers and elders only no men allowed in the mother-baby rooms no unattended children in any area of the building please no food in the assembly area please silence your cell phones at this time and pray for anybody that's sick right now there's a lot of people got sick after the conference so please be in prayer for people that are sick and we have looks like Rylan fixed the birthdays on the back and we have my birthday which is yesterday and Remy's which is also yesterday Hazel's birthday is today Naomi alcorda they're not here but the shirt hers is on the 7th and Robert and crystal have their anniversary on the 6th but they're not here right now so we'll sing happy birthday for our birthday people this week and with that that's our announcement brother Brandon complete us next song all right let's open up our hymnals page 106 we're gonna sing abide with me page 106 abide with me page 106 singing out loud on the first abide with me fast falls the event I the darkness deepens Lord with me when other helpers fail and comforts flee help of the helpless so abide with me on the second swift to its close ebbs out life's little day joys grow dim its glories pass away change and decay all around I see Oh thou who changes not abide with me I need thy presence every passing what but thy grace can foil the tempters power who like thyself my guide and stay can be through cloud and sunshine Oh abide with me Oh thou thy cross before my closing eyes shine through the gloom and point me to the skies as morning breaks and earth's faint shadows flee in life and death the Lord abide with me Amen great singing this morning at this time we're gonna receive our offering so ushers can come forth and brother Ramon can you bless the offering please you you it's the first week of June so open your bibles to Romans chapter one Romans chapter one if you don't have a bible there should be one underneath the seat in front of you Romans chapter one will read in verse one baba reads paul a servant of jesus christ called to be an apostle separated unto the gospel of god which he had promised before by his prophets in the holy scriptures concerning his son jesus christ our lord which was made of the seed of david according to the flesh and declared to be the son of god with power according to the spirit of holiness by the resurrection from the dead by whom we have received grace and apostleship for obedience to the faith among all nations for his name among whom are ye also the called of jesus christ to all that be in rome beloved of god called to be saints grace to you in peace from god the father and the lord jesus christ first i thank my god through jesus christ for you all that your faith is spoken of throughout the whole world for god is my witness whom i serve with my spirit in the gospel of the sun that without ceasing i make mention of you always in my prayers making requests if by any means now at length i might have a prosperous journey by the will of god to come unto you for i long to see you that i may impart unto you some spiritual gift to the end you may be established that is that i may be comforted together with you by the mutual faith both of you and me now i would not have you ignorant brethren that oftentimes i purpose to come unto you but was led hither to that i might have some fruit among you also even as among other gentiles i am deader both to the greeks and to the barbarians both to the wise and to the unwise so as much as in me is i am ready to preach the gospel to you that are at rome also for i'm not ashamed of the gospel of christ for it is the power of god unto salvation to everyone that believeth to the jew first and also to the greek for therein is the righteousness of god revealed from faith to faith as is written the just shall live by faith for the wrath of god is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who hold the truth in unrighteousness because that which may be known of god is manifest in them for god hath showed it unto them for the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen being understood by the things that are made even his eternal power and godhead so that they are without excuse because that when they knew god they glorified him not as god neither were thankful but became vain in their imaginations and their foolish heart was darkened professing themselves to be wise they became fools and changed the glory of the uncorruptible god into an image made like to corruptible man into birds and four-footed beasts and creeping things wherefore god also gave them up to uncleanness through the lust of their own hearts to dishonor their own bodies between themselves who changed the truth of god into a lie and worshipped and served the creature more than the creator who is blessed forever amen for this cause god gave them up unto vile affections for even their woman did change the natural use into that which is against nature and likewise also the men leaving the natural use of the woman burned in their lust one toward another men with men working that which is unseemly and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which is meat and even as they did not like to retain god in their knowledge god gave them over to a reprobate mind to do those things which are not convenient being filled with all unrighteousness fornication wickedness covetousness maliciousness full of envy murder debate deceit malignity whispers backbiters haters of god despiteful proud boasters inventors of evil things disobedient to parents without understanding covenant breakers without natural affection implacable unmerciful who knowing the judgment of god that they which commit such things are worthy of death not only do the same but have pleasure in them that do them brother alex to pray for us dear heavenly father we thank you for your word is 100 trustworthy and preserved pray amen all right the title of the sermon this morning is lgbtq plus let god burn them quickly please and uh i'm gonna go through the whole acronym what they what what those things stand for and then what the bible has to say about those things and the bible doesn't have any positive mentions about sodomites in the throughout the whole thing so sodomites are what you would call fags homos whatever but uh the bible doesn't say anything positive look at verse number 28 the bible says and even as they did not like to retain god in their knowledge god gave them over to a reprobate mind the context of course it was talking about women changing the natural use men with men what is it talking about everybody knows what it's talking about and it says to do those things which are not convenient so let's have a word of prayer heavenly father we thank you lord so much for this great church and lord i pray that he would just continue to make it a powerhouse of soul winning and lord that you protect us you protect all of our churches that are fall under our banner and pray that you just fill me with your spirit and help the people to understand what the bible says today in jesus name we pray amen so the acronym of lgbtq plus is what i'm going to go through and the bible does have something to say about each of these little letters in the in the acronym now what they mean lesbians is the l right so the l and lgbtq plus is lesbians and that's what people most people call them today but uh they're still sodomites right and they're still disgusting and you know people will say well it's not as disgusting as men i agree with you about that but it's still disgusting and the bible is condemning it in romans chapter one people say well that's all old testament this is the new testament in case you didn't realize that the new testament is condemning this practice and the bible is actually painting a picture here for us that god's wrath is revealed in these people what is the example it's giving as a reprobate it's giving the example of sodomites homos queers faggots whatever you want to call them i'll call i like calling them faggots because they really hate that so tremendous bundles of sticks that are meant to be burned right so anyway it doesn't have to be tremendous it'll be small ones but uh anyway um so the l in lgbtq stands for lesbians look at verse number 18 in romans one it says for the wrath of god is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who hold the truth in unrighteousness so god is you know he doesn't like any kind of sin and i just kind of want to give you the context before we we get into this what is when it's talking about the women sodomites but it says because that which may be known of god is manifest in them for god has showed it unto them so did they have a chance before they became lesbians to believe on christ yeah the bible says that which may be known of god is manifest in them we have the law of god written in our hearts we have our conscience that says you know when we steal we understand that that's wrong and obviously those con that conscience can be seared the bible talks about but look at verse 19 it says um or verse 20 excuse me for the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen being understood by the things that are made even his eternal power and godhead so they are without excuse nobody on this planet has an excuse to not get saved the bible says they are without excuse and that includes everybody yes the pygmies in africa and all the the savages in the lost jungles in south africa and our south south america excuse me all anybody has the the chance to be saved in this world god is a fair god and he's going to give everybody a chance everybody's heard of jesus everybody's heard of jesus for the most part and or they've they've heard of him maybe they haven't gotten a gospel presentation but they know who he is and it says and changed the uh says professing themselves oh excuse me verse 21 because that which they that when they knew god see they knew who he was right they glorified him not as god neither were thankful but became vain in their imaginations and their foolish heart was darkened so when someone's a fool it's talking about someone that's unsaved and then when they when they are not thankful to god they don't want to glorify god they know who he is but they don't want to have anything to do with them they start dreaming up things that might be real instead of god and it's coming out of their own imagination that's what it says they're vain in their imaginations so it says professing themselves to be wise they became fools and changed the glory of the uncorruptible god into an image made like unto corruptible man and to birds and four-footed beasts and creeping things and isn't it funny how idolatry just leads to these things but it leads to the worship of man it leads to the worship of animals and you know these queers really love animals a lot you know they love them more than human life in most cases and so you know don't as a kid yeah and when we're growing up we feel sorry for animals that are hurt and things like that but don't don't go too far with that because animals don't have a soul that can get saved they just they you know i'm sorry to to tell you this kids but all dogs go back to the earth i'm not going to say to hell but they go back to the earth they don't go to heaven they'll probably be dogs in heaven but they won't be pit bulls i don't think but anyway they're the reprobates of the dog world but anyhow so it says four-footed beasts creepy things wherefore god also gave them up to uncleanness through the lust of their own hearts so their own hearts the lust of their own hearts does it say that they were born that way it's not it doesn't say they're born that way it says to dishonor their own bodies between themselves so god is saying that when a sodomite when sodomites you know when people become a sodomite it's dishonorable it's not honorable it's uncleanness the bible says and it's a the lust of their own hearts god did not intend for them to be this way this is what they'll say well i was born this way you know lady gay gay sings that song i was born that way or whatever but that's not true folks that's a lie that's what they want you to think but it's not true the bible you know why do sodomites hate christians so much because they know what the bible says and they're trying to just hijack christianity and put all their queers in places where where it used to be a church and i'll tell you what any church that lets a sodomite into their church is an idiot because that's what they do they come in and infest they're like they're like pests they're like bugs you know you don't want to let or they're like rats and vermin they'll come in they'll spread their disease around everybody else and harm the people that are in that church and i'm sick of people saying oh these sodomites can be saved how are they saved if god gives up on you how are you going to get saved when it says god gave them up what does that mean if you said hey i get i gave up on my relationship with my girlfriend or whatever what does that mean you're done right i gave up when you're running in a race and you stop running and you don't make it to the finish line what did you do you gave up didn't you so it says that he gave them up to the uncleanness so he allowed them to just be what they want to be but there's a punishment with this type of sin and god reveals his wrath in these people so that people can see what the wrath of god is like on some person and when you see a sodomite with their limp wrist and their your painted hair and the bones in their noses i mean they look like savages they look like reprobates they look like something off of mad max movie or something they look crazy i mean we had some freak come in here on thursday night with bones in her nose i don't know how she got in the front door but we were just kind of being lax or something but you know it didn't take long for me to hit whatever they didn't want to hear and they got up and walked out thank god but and by the way we need to vet those type of people guys i just wanted to kind of remind you of that but uh anyway let's move on it says verse 25 who changed the truth of god into a lie oh we were born that way no the truth of god is you're born a male or a female that's that's the truth and worshipped and served the creature more than the creator so they worship dogs they worship animals they worship all you know all nature and those are the things that god made so they're worshiping anything but god they don't want to have him and it says and who is blessed forever amen and for this cause verse 26 god gave them up so it says it again doesn't it when god repeats things he wants you to get what he's saying for this cause god gave them up onto vile affections so vile is something that's disgusting vile is something that's very wicked and so does god's oh god loves all the lgbtq is that true is that what it says no he gave them up to vile affections it says for even their women did change the natural use who changed it look at that their women did change the natural use does it say god changed them that way it says they changed didn't it into that which is against nature so it's not normal it's not natural they're doing something that's unnatural and it's weird and it's strange the bible says it's vile affections so yes even women when they do it yes it's vile it's disgusting it's vile affections and they're changing they changed who changed they changed they weren't born that way they changed right isn't that what it says so let's look at verse so that's so there it is talking about lesbians they're like well the bible doesn't really talk about lesbians you know being sodomites yeah it does that's the first thing it brings up so just because the bible doesn't spell out every single thing in every law that he makes you know if so say someone rapes a woman like in the bible it talks about if someone does that that it's like someone that commits murder and because it says they they cried out and there was none to help them wouldn't you apply that to anybody though if it's not just some damsel that's betrothed it's giving that example in the bible but isn't it true if you force anybody against their will and even if it's the same gender that it's still the same offense you're taking someone and forcing them against their will to do something that they don't want to do and the bible says it's the death penalty for doing that so but it says so here's where the l is the l is in romans 126 they're lesbians they're they're faggots they're dykes they're butches whatever you want to call them but that's the l so the g is you know i would just say that's faggot men sodomites right and they really hate that word but that's what they are they call themselves that they call themselves that so and they call themselves queers like all of a sudden that's hate speech you know to call them queers but that's what they that's what the q stands for we'll get to that in a minute but where's the men at well in the new testament romans 127 and likewise also the men leaving the natural use of the woman so what did the the men leave yeah they did say they were little kids and they were born that way the little kids left the natural use no the men and obviously yeah people could be sodomites if they're younger but that is something that they were someone molested them or they hated god at an early age or whatever so but it says the men leaving the natural use of the woman so what do they talk about doing something weird doing something disgusting it says burned in their lust one toward another men with men this is talking about men fags men homos men sodomites working that which is unseemly and receiving in themselves that recompense of the error which was meat so what does that mean well it says receiving in themselves that recompense it's the punishment of god when you do something that god doesn't like when you break his commandments there's a recompense coming there's a day of reckoning when you're gonna face the the crimes that you've done and the bible says that when men are with men they are receiving that recompense of their error so it's an error is it does it say that it's it's good they're born that way no it's an error they left they left the natural use and it says their error which was meat that word meat means fitting and you know what what would you say that might be well how about you know anal cancer how about brain cancer how about aids how about monkey pox how about all these different diseases that they pass around it's not just that it's also syphilis and gonorrhea and all these other disgusting things and that's why kids you shouldn't fornicate because you never know if some person that you're fornicating with was with a sodomite i mean it's filthy it's disgusting and if you don't know like i said the other day you're playing russian roulette excuse the pun but you're playing russian roulette with your life with your body because fornication attacks your body that's god's judgment against the fornicator but when it comes to men you know obviously god made these diseases to come up i mean when did aids come about in the 80s it used to be called gay related uh it was grid gay real gay related immune deficiency that's right why because the homos were the ones were passing it the one they're the ones that were getting sick and dying right so and they stopped allowing you to have blood transfusions because they stopped letting gay people quote unquote fags give blood because their blood had aids and that's why how it was passed to other people so um and look what it says in verse 28 says and even as they did not like to retain god in their mind and their knowledge god gave them over to a reprobate mind now turn over to jeremiah 630 i didn't have this in my notes but i just want you to see this that the bible defines itself in some instances it helps you to understand in the context uh what a word good night i can't find it um what a word means so jeremiah chapter 6 verse number 30 it's the first time the word reprobate is used in the bible so there's a there's a a principle of the first mention in the bible and that's it doesn't always apply but in this case it does so the first mention is going to help you understand what that word means and con so later on when you see it in the bible you're going to understand what it means but what it says in verse 30 reprobate silver shall men call them because the lord hath rejected them so reprobate means rejected you see that so they're reprobate silver so when you refine metals and precious metals you you uh get them to the melting point and then there's the impurities come up to the top and you have to scrape that off and that's what god's saying that they're the scum that gets scraped off the top all right they're the they're the impure parts and god wants to get rid of those things and he says because the lord hath rejected them so when god calls somebody a reprobate it means that it's somebody that he's rejected and if you look in dictionary.com the word reprobate means someone that is is beyond the the ability to be saved and uh so they're damned to hell basically now there's other definitions that'll give but like the calvinistic definition you know they say someone who's destined for hell predestined for hell or whatever but it's funny that these same calvinists don't believe that today do they and if you take the the definition of the calvinistic reprobate they'll say modern day that everybody's a reprobate before they get saved but if you take the old one it says they're destined for hell so how do you reconcile that you know you don't because calvinists are idiots and they use the niv and the the these other modern versions um to propagate their doctrine and so instead of saying reprobate they say like defiled or some i can't remember exactly what it is but they don't use the word reprobate there because they don't want that to be the case anymore so you got these new calvinists that don't believe like john calvin did but anyway that's a different sermon for a different time but the bible says here that god gave them over to a reprobate mind to do those things which are not convenient it's not convenient you know i like stopping at places that are on the right hand side of me and i'll avoid places that i have to turn left to go into something why because it's inconvenient to sit there and wait for a light to and then trying to get back out going the other the opposite direction so i like to stop at places that are on the right hand side okay why because it's convenient i don't want you know taking a bunch of left turns is not something i like doing because you have to wait for the light takes forever so right hand turns you kind of got that option where if even if the light's red you can still turn as long as you there's no traffic coming in most cases right that's convenient you know it's not convenient waiting forever for the world's longest lights which are in vancouver washington so i mean there's some long lights here now they've got those blinking yellow ones thank god for that because that that that was a game changer but anyway but the point i'm trying to make is that you know this what they're doing is not convenient it's not the way god designed it and god is saying here that because they didn't want to retain so when when they when they reject god then god rejects them okay it's not like they were predestined for hell they had a chance to believe but they didn't take it and we don't know when someone kind of turns on that or when god turns that person's mind into a reprobate we don't always know that because not all reprobates are homos and not all i mean all but all homos are reprobates but not all reprobates are homos sometimes they're just rejected of god and they might not ever do this but are they capable of anything yeah they are they're capable of anything but you know you have different types of and we would equate them to psychopaths in modern psychopathy they're like they're like psychopaths in the world there's it's a small percentage of people that are like that but if that percentage is getting bigger because it's just push more they're freely able to do whatever they want they have infiltrated the school system i mean they have all these queer clubs and queer alliances all over and probably have you know talking people into being queers themselves and then trying to get them to do all the weird stuff that they do they have teachers i mean they're just for whatever reason they like to be on tick tock and just show how evil they are by saying well i told my kindergarten class that i was queer today and that they can be whatever they want and and they might be a boy or a girl it's like the parents are allowing their kids to go to schools like that and i can't stress this more today than i ever have get your kids out of public school you had them home for two years anyway and you're like well they just drove me crazy be a parent that's why you had kids teach them the bible says you're supposed to teach your children not give them over some government babysitter and now it's all these queers and they control the school system they control like you know you got all these parents that go to these teacher board meetings and it's like that was kind of a big thing and the feds were watching them because they were going to these school meetings or whatever it's like who cares that's not the battle the battle is getting your kids out of the school you know what if everybody just unenrolled their children from school then maybe they'd get some of these faggots out of there so it says that god gave them over to a reprobate mind and look what it says in verse 29 being filled with all unrighteousness so i don't believe the moment someone turns into a reprobate that they're maybe necessarily all the way filled up but as life goes on they're going to get worse and worse so these 70 year old 80 year old 90 year old drag queens or whatever they're more filthy than when they first began and how is it that a man has a family raises all their children and then divorces his wife and becomes a drag queen it's because somewhere down the line that person was reprobate and then they began to be filled with all these other weird things right so it says they're they're being filled with all unrighteousness fornication wickedness covetousness maliciousness full of envy murder debate deceit malignity they're like a cancer whisperers back biters look at it says they're haters of god every reprobate is a hater of god every i mean and especially in the what's the context talking about here folks it brought up women with women men with men the context is how bad these sodomites actually are and they'll say well we're saved i believe in jesus too not the jesus we believe in because the jesus we believe in is going to send them to hell how how would they believe in a jesus that's going to send them to hell they don't believe in the same jesus we do that's a lie they want to infest and infect everybody and that's why they're going into churches and taking them over though they're never going to take this church over over my dead body they're not going to take this church over but it says they're haters of god so when someone's a hater of god i won't preach the gospel to that person you know i might just i'm i'm not going to try to go out of my way to start fights with people out in in the world and things like that like they're dangerous people why would you want to do that but i'm still going to preach from the pulpit what the bible says and i don't care what's at stake i'm going to preach the bible and i'm not going to let anybody you know try to cower me down and try to you know get me to trim the message of what the bible says that's what they want they want to shut us up you know why because we're the last preachers that are preaching this openly and all over the airwaves and all over social media everybody knows what we believe about homos it's not a big mystery but you know what if a little more churches would stand with us and stop being scared and they're that you know the homos have put them in the closet now churches have to be in the closet and they can't say what they want to say well you know what you should have never let them in in the first place quit bringing these faggots into your church and kick them out and start preaching what the bible says it says they're despiteful they're proud yeah what what is the the it's pride month right they're proud they're boasters they're inventors of evil things disobedient to parents and obviously we can have some of these characteristics but do you hate god today i mean absolutely not but it says without understanding covenant breakers so if you make a covenant with them if you make a some kind of covenant with them they're going to break it it says without natural affection they don't really care about their their siblings they don't really care about their parents they are without natural affection they don't even care about their own children i mean there's multiple horror stories of parents that molest their own children that's disgusting that's that's unnatural affection implacable means you can never appease them you cannot placate them whatever try to compromise you try to make with them they're always going to break it they're implacable and that's the thing that we have to understand when people are like well why don't you just apologize to them then maybe they'll leave us alone i'm not apologizing ever they're unmerciful if we apologize first of all i wouldn't do it but if we apologize do you think that would stop them what we need is churches and you know obviously you might not agree with everything we believe but here's the thing you're letting them run over the top of you you're letting them run over the top of this country and this country is given over to faggardom this country's given over to sodomy this country's given over to filth and i'll prove that to you in a little bit here but look what leviticus turned to leviticus chapter 1822 here's a clear command from the old testament about sodomy and no they're not male temple prostitutes they're faggots they're sodomites leviticus 1822 the bible says thou shall not lie with mankind as with womankind what's it say it is abomination it's detestable it's disgusting and the bible says thou shalt not do that and vice versa women's are not supposed to do the same thing right but now let's go to the to the b we went to the l and to the g so you have the lesbians and the queer men the faggot men now here's the b is they they what it stands for for them is bisexual and they're saying that some people like both well let me just tell you something they all like both maybe they prefer one over the other but they'll take both and the bible proves that turn to judges chapter 19 verse 22 judges chapter 19 verse 22 they all go both ways they're like oh no i just only like men and they might say that and maybe that's their preference but the bible teaches that when you get to the point where you're a romans one queer that this is the things that they'll do and again there's no example in the bible of a fag getting saved not one there's not one honorable mention of a queer in the whole bible you know don't you think that if because when when when a when uh when god sent the angels to sodom and abraham before they go is saying hey if there's you know if there's 60 if there's 50 if there's 40 if there's 30 if there's 20 you know you won't destroy the city and god said i won't destroy the city for the for the their sake and and abraham kind of just talks him down in the numbers and he gets to 10 he goes if there's 10 righteous i won't destroy it did he destroy sodom and gomorrah yes he did so was there 10 righteous there no there wasn't so god destroyed sodom and gomorrah because there wasn't anybody there saved because but don't you think that one faggot would have just stumbled out with lot or something if people if fags get saved once they cross over into the lust department where they're lusting after the same gender as themselves then they've they've crossed the line into that reprobation we know for sure that's that's the truth so so basically judges 1922 this uh this pre he's a priest he's a levite is is going to find his concubine and he ends up staying with his father-in-law and hanging out with them or whatever and you know they're making mary on the last night he chose to go to a city of of benjamin instead of going into jebus which was jerusalem where the heathen were and the people that were his own people were worse and and these weird these weird rapist sodomites look what it says in verse 22 now as they were making their hearts marry behold the men of the city certain sons of belial the bible doesn't do things accidentally or say things accidentally certain sons of belia what is that talking about it's talking about children of the devil bail is the devil in the old testament and sons of bail are sons of the devil once you're a son of god you're always a son of god once you're a son of the devil you're always a son of the devil but it says certain sons of belial beset the house round about is it because they wanted to hold hands around the house because they're just so happy and gay no they beset the house round about so nobody could escape out because they want to do something really bad here and it says and beat at the door and spake to the master of the house the old man saying bring forth the man that came into thine house that we may know him now that's a euphemism for they want to have intimate relations with him they're not like hey i just want to get to know the new guy in the town that's not what they're doing here they come when someone compasses about the bible talks about it compassed about with armies or you know there's several different times and david actually says that his enemies have compassed them about but why would you want to make a circle around the house so that they can't the man can't escape and so these people are predators they came at night you know when nobody else is awake or nobody else is around so they could do their dirt their dirty deeds in secret and it says bring forth the man that came into thine house that we may know him they want to rape this guy they want to sodomize this guy and it says and the man the master of the house went out unto them and said unto them nay my brethren and he's calling him my my brethren which is just weird to me but nay i pray you do not so what's it say wickedly doesn't does it say loving do not so lovingly no because sodomites these sodomites don't aren't trying to do something nice they're trying to do something wicked seeing that the man that this man is coming to mine house do not this folly behold here's my daughter a maiden and his concubine them i will bring out now and humble ye them and do with them what seemeth good unto you but unto this man do not so vile a thing so basically i mean they're giving up the women in the house in order to not have this man get sodomized by these freaks right which i think is really weird i mean to give your daughter to a bunch of sodomites i'd be like well bust out the ar-15 let's go you know well i would die trying die swinging i'm not gonna let these freaks come inside or take my daughter that's just strange but you know i think that the severity of the sin is so bad i believe it's the worst sin pretty much that you can do in the whole bible physically anyway judges 1925 it says but the men would not hearken to him so the man took his concubine and brought her forth unto them and they knew her and abused her all the night until the morning so they're taking it out on this lady and it says they knew her so they raped this woman and then they abused her all night and you know the bible isn't going to give us the gory details but i'm sure it was pretty bad and it says that when the day began to spring they let her go then came so they wanted the man but what do they do they they suffice with the woman and then they hurt her to the point where she is dead watch what it says then came the woman in the dawning of the day and fell down at the door of the man's house where the where her lord was till it was light and her lord rose up in the morning and opened the doors of the house and went out to go his way and behold the woman his concubine was falling down at the door of the house and her hands were upon the threshold and he said unto her up let us be going but none answered then the man took her up upon his ass and the man rode up and got him into his place so she died he cuts her up sends her body to all these places in israel and said and tells the story and then all the children of israel come and they basically destroy the whole tribe of benjamin because the tribe of benjamin refuses to give these sons abelio up they're protecting the fags and you know what that's what's happening in churches today they're defending these faggots to the point where they're fighting with their own brothers and sisters in christ because they they're taking this high moral ground you're not more loving than god and god gave them up he gave them up he gave them over to a reprobate mind and when god is done with somebody he's done was god done with pharaoh yes or no did pharaoh have a chance to be saved yes or no he did but there came a point when god's hardening his heart and he keeps hardening his heart and pharaoh could not be saved he had a chance to be saved but he said who is the lord that i should obey his voice look there are people that are beyond the point of salvation the bible says they're twice dead and they'll be plucked up by the words twice dead means they're already dead really while they're living because they're going to die and go to hell so they're already they're like dead men walking basically they're just waiting for that physical death and then they're going to go to hell but they're dead now because they can't be saved so do do homos go both ways in the bible according to judges chapter 19 yes they do and so and they even tried to in genesis 19 they you know joked or not joe but lot tries to offer his daughters that are virgins to these sodomites and what do they want they don't want that they want the men because they're freaks they're they're just disgusting filthy dogs look at uh so the t in lgbtq is tran they say trans right trans they forgot the vestites at the end of that but that's what it is it's trans vestites or trannies so lady boys freaks you know someone who dresses in the garments of an opposite gender and you know it goes way beyond just doing that they want to be the opposite gender and you know like that bud light freak the dylan whatever his name is or she or whatever the heck it is i don't know what it is the one that they put on the bud light can now he's i think he's a woman that that wants to be with women but he was a man i don't know i don't understand it like it gets confusing to me at that point but you know they become something that they want to be and then they want to be with what they originally should have been with anyway it's just they're confused they're they're just their mind is just confused and defiled and i like the point that brother jason made in his sermon if you didn't get a chance to watch it it's uh it's taken down right now but maybe i'll sneak out and sneak away to have it uh watch but it was a great sermon and one of the points he made is that he said there's no such thing as trans children and i agree with them they people make them trans their parents do this to them they're talked into it no little child is confused about what they are and if a little boy was playing with a doll just because there's probably nothing else to play with you know i take that doll out of their hand but you know you use a man doll like the gi joes or whatever but listen no kid is confused when i grew up i never thought of anything like that at all did anybody else think about that you know why because it doesn't happen and so these people these children are you know you hate trans children i don't hate chance children i hate the parents that make them that way look at deuteronomy chapter 22 verse 5 deuteronomy chapter 22 verse 5 and i'll call them what they are they're trannies they're freaks they're transvestites but i wouldn't say they're trans they try to soften the blow a little bit but who would have ever thought that the most disgusting and vile creatures on the planet are now being defended by everybody they're twerking and dancing in front of small school children at schools the school boards are letting them come in the libraries are letting them dress up like freaks and just to file children's eyes and this is going on under the government that we are under right now and you know what the russians are doing right now they're laughing at us they think that our country's weird you know what happens when they have a pride parade people throw rocks at them and beat them up and the police take them to jail and you know what i don't agree with everything obviously that the russians are doing i'm just saying that at least they have that right at least uganda or what is it is it uganda yeah uganda has that right they might not be right about some things but they're right about that they're spot on and actually they don't go far enough with their new law i'll get into that in a minute deuteronomy 22 verse 5 says the woman should not wear that which pertaineth unto a man neither shall a man put on a woman's garment for all that do so are abomination unto thy god the lord thy god excuse me so what's it talking about here dressing up if you're a woman don't dress up like a man if you're a man don't dress up like a woman what is it it's an abomination and it leaves your mind on a weird road you know in hollywood they like to put men in dresses and like do movies where men are wearing dresses they're pretty you know at first it was like supposed to be funny you know it's funny that this guy dresses up it's disgusting who wants to look at a man in a dress it's it's filthy but now now drag queens are all over the place you know rue paul's drag race or whatever i can't even look at a picture of that freak it just defiles my eyes and you know one of the oldest trannies in i think it was the oldest tranny in the country or whatever what started this weird uh what was the name of that place anybody know the the i don't remember his name i just say that's why i want to just block him out of my mind but huh do you remember him who it was um i can't remember what his name is anyway it'll probably come back to me but anyway he had the the oldest drag queen place in downtown portland and he died just recently and everybody's like oh god bless rest in peace it's like no i went i went into the youtube comments and just handled business like he's in hell but anyway um so the bible has a clear distinction that we're not supposed to dress men and women are supposed to dress like they are but you know this it says they're an abomination it's abomination just to do that but what about to actually go even further look at deuteronomy 23 verse 1 and obviously you know there was eunuchs back in the times of the bible and there probably still is today in other places the world but that's not really something that we deal with where someone would get you know castrated or castrate themselves so that because a lot of times they put them around queens so that they couldn't like you know do anything behind the king's back and things like that but um but look what it says it says he that is wounded in the stones it's talking about you know a man's you know the stones that's what it's talking about it's a euphemism anyway it says or hath his privy member cut off shall not enter into the congregation of the lord why don't i let transvestites in this church well you know if you chop your nuts off you're not allowed to come in here if you cut your breast off and try to look like a man you're not allowed in here the bible says they shall not enter into the congregation of the lord whatever reason they did that for they're not welcome so all these people we got to let the trans people in i watched two trainees walk into that church down there i i hope they kicked them out but they just walked in last week i was just like wow that's weird what so all the kids had to look at those clowns the whole time that they were in church if they let those people stay in church that's just wicked it's wrong the by i mean what does the bible say if you have your stones wounded or your privy member cut off you know what that's talking about you know what that's a euphemism for you can't come into the congregation and you know trainees are the worst out of all of them in my opinion they're the most disgusting you know because at least a gay dude or whatever a queer dude can look normal you know they might go and talk all weird or whatever and and prance around on their little tiptoes or whatever that's gross enough to me but to see someone dressed up like a woman some six foot five dude with a dress on and you know some short skirt and nylons and all done up and you notice they always wear dresses the the dudes the dude drag queens they never wear pants why do you think that is because they know that a woman's garment is a dress they never wear pants but what do the women wear that are the opposite the women that want to be men they dress up in suits and ties and they wear pants they don't wear dresses so that should just tell you something even the freaks know that it's wrong to wear it for women to wear pants and men to wear dresses right so they they you know they that's what they want to be they want to be they're confused so if someone does that if someone is a tranny they're not allowed in here no queers allowed no fags allowed no child molesters none of these things are allowed in our church now the q is basically stands for queer and i think that tries to like encompass everything or something but there's synonyms in the bible for the word queer it's strange it's weird it's bizarre and you know i i think that you could throw all these other weird things into this category you can throw the lesbians and the dudes and the bisexuals all in this category but also the people that would lie with a beast child molesters aka pedophiles or chomo's as they're called in the california penal uh you know in the in the california state prisons they call them chomo's child molesters it's short for child molesters you know what they do in california if you're a child molester they kill you you you have to be in protective custody in the california state penitentiaries any of them or you're dead the moment they find megan's log that you did some kind of sexual uh any kind of sexual thing they'll kill you you know they'll trademark you slash your face and then they'll they'll kill you so they all have to be in protective custody and the reason why because they're not if you go into general population in california and you're a queer or a child molester you're dead just dead so they have to go on pc anyway leviticus chapter 18 look at leviticus chapter 18 so i would categorize people you know the bible so i don't want to get too crazy with this but the death penalty falls upon anybody with that would molest their own brothers and sisters or their mom and dad which that's what happened to noah it's out there folks or their own children that's you know that's incest it's called incest and the bible the bible does carry the death penalty for that but look what it says about beasts it says that neither shalt thou lie with any beast to defile thyself therewith neither shall any woman stand before a beast to lie down there too it is confusion and you know it carries it doesn't say it here but it does carry the death penalty in the bible to lie with the beast i'll get to that shortly here but you know when romans one is again one when romans one is talking about is the homos and and god's wrath being revealed in these fags and it's very obvious they all want to kill themselves at some point a lot of people are like trans lives they always well you know it's because of preaching like you preach is the reason why they want to kill themselves it's like no they want to kill themselves because they know how disgusting they are they know that they're confused they know that something's wrong with them you know nobody's preaching that except for us so you're saying that we're responsible for the deaths of all these fags and trannies that kill themselves they probably you know in most cases they've never even heard of us they they've been doing this for years before this kind of preaching was really hitting hard they were still killing themselves they were killing themselves before you know why because you know when you molest kids and you do all these violent evil things it probably you know even though they don't have a conscience anymore judas tried to give back the money didn't he but he was a reprobate the bible says it'd be better for him that he was never born that's what jesus said so what and there's no evidence that judas was a fag there's no evidence i mean everybody thought he was saved until the moment he walked up and kissed jesus on the face and then he killed himself after he tried to give the money back so look they can know their state and they can know that there's something seriously wrong with them and maybe they just don't want to store up more wrath upon themselves maybe they're just tired of being what they are and can't change so they just kill themselves but it's not because you know and if it's because of what the bible says well the bibles the the word of god you know it's it when it's preached it always does what it's intended to do so if that's the case then it's the word of god don't try to blame me for any people killing themselves that's that that's on them so but uh the words that god uses to speak about the lgbtq folks or whatever you want to call i hate even using that term but it's just for the purpose of the sermon but here's some synonyms that are some things that god calls these queers beasts you know he calls them animals you know i saw this chart that major beta put on his twitter page and it has all these different animals that do homosexual acts or whatever and then it's just like i think dylan was the one that said he was like yeah i mean that's why they're called beasts in the bible because if they're doing that stuff in nature that's why god's saying you're an animal because that's what animals do so i mean you're just proving our point thank you hamlet beta so but anyway it says that you know so here's some of the things he calls them he calls them dogs in more than one occasion they're referred to as dogs and don't give that which is holy unto the dogs that's why we don't preach the bible to queers you know so and so the bible calls them beasts the bible calls them vile we've already seen that the bible calls them wicked we've already seen that and exceeding wicked in in genesis chapter 19 it calls them abomination it calls them sodomites it calls them strange it calls them sons abelial we saw that so if they're a son abelial how are they saved then how can they get saved after they're already a child of the devil they can't we're not children of the devil if you're a child of the devil you can't be saved at some point they've given themselves over to the reprobate mind and they can't be fixed after that and you know it says uh you know in god's society or god's word excuse me tells us how to deal with these situations and the problem with this world the reason why it's spreading the reason why it's getting worse is because we've gone away from what god said to do this would never be happening in the 16 17 1800s just wouldn't be because everybody knew it was filthy they were called in the closet for a reason because they had to be because the people found out someone was a queer they wanted to run them out of town or string them up or whatever they were deviants in society for thousands of years and now all of a sudden you want to celebrate them and and and let them walk around wearing the weirdest i mean last week those freaks look how they were dressed and you know why they were mad they were mad because we put those barricades up because they wanted our children to see them they said it they wanted our children to see them and that's why they dress like that so they can groom more people and people go oh they're they're they're seeing the groomer conspiracy theory they are groomers what do you call dancing half naked in front of a bunch of children on poles or whatever else they're doing that's grooming if you change a child that's six years old into some other gender that's i mean that's the epitome of grooming it's child abuse you know people are all mad about jason saying well the parents should be shot or whatever for turning their children into transgenders it when did this country become okay with abusing children when did this country become okay with pedophilia with children when how dare they come at us when they're the ones that are grooming kids they're the ones that are harming kids they're the ones that are chopping their parts off and calling them different names and saying something different those kids don't want that and here's the here's another point they're not going to and i've already made this point before a kid in washington state can go and become some other different gender if they leave their parents they say i want to leave my parents's house the state will come in and take that kid and harbor them from their parents and allow them to get this opera some operation and pay for it hide them from their parents they have no say in it according to state washington state law but they can't buy a pack of cigarettes they can't buy a gun they can't buy alcohol you got to be 21 to do all three of those things i mean you can't even ride on certain rides on a roller coaster if you're not a certain height or a certain age but you can get a sex change operation that's how far down the pipe we've slid folks it's not some ramblings of a maniac up here just preaching something that's just strange strange and weird no they're the ones that are strange and weird and we got to keep seeing this we got to keep preaching this and yeah it's pride month and that's why i'm preaching this because already we're being bombarded with all this weird stuff everything and they just want to jam it down our throat and they have the backing of the united states government to do it therefore we'll never get a fair shake in court we'll never get you know that when they do something to us that they have a double standard so they can show up with ar-15s at our church but if we showed up with ar-15s at their you know sleazy strip club that they go to i guarantee you you'd get arrested guarantee you but that cop last week said oh no no no we wouldn't arrest you and it kind of makes me want to just do it just to see whether they would i'm not saying i want to harm anybody i'm just saying what if we showed up to some trainee bar which i i don't want to defile my eyes so i'd never do that but what if we all just showed up with ar-15s and just stood around with masks on and and tactical gear do you think they wouldn't arrest us they would arrest us in a heartbeat we would be go to jail do not pass no do not collect 200 you're going to jail that's what would happen folks you know it's true but yet they can stand out there and try to intimidate us they want to defile our children's eyes with their disgusting perverted acts is i mean if you i mean i didn't even want to directly look at them it's like directly looking in the sun it's harmful for your eyes right but i just want to make sure they weren't trying to do anything so anyway here's what the bible says should be done to these types of people look at deuteronomy chapter 22 verse 25. now i mentioned this earlier but i kind of want to just show you the scriptures here deuteronomy chapter 22 verse 25 says but if a man find a betrothed damsel in the field and the man force her and lie with her the then the man only that lie that lay with her shall die what's the penalty for a rapist death they're going to die it says but unto the damsel thou shalt do nothing there is in the damsel no sin worthy of death for as when a man riseth against his neighbor and slayeth him even so is this matter so the bible's equating it to being similar to murder so when a a man molests a child wouldn't that fall into the same category when a man or woman molest a child that's it's exactly the same category they can't fight back they're defenseless that's why they they like children because they they're easy to believe their lies they're easy to talk into getting in their car they're easier to talking to doing things and they're just like i don't know what to do you know they're overpowered by the intellect they're overpowered by the physicality of the person and they can't do anything back that's what it says here for he found her in the field and the betrothed damsel cried and there was none to save her and you know what there's millions of people getting these types of things done to them all over the world probably every single day that don't have a voice to cry out to have somebody save them but you know what god is going to recompense in them their error which is meat you know maybe they never get caught in this life but you know what when they're caught by god in the end they're going to burn in the lowest hell for the things that they've done to people and it is like it is similar to killing someone because a lot of these kids they get molested by people they grow up to become the molesters themselves that's why again they target them and it's being done on a massive scale now to where we just have all these people getting molested and then all these people turning reprobates it's it's just increasing you know exponentially you know the the goal of a christian is to get exponential growth out of our soul winning and when we start new churches we want to you know grow that way but they grow in a different way they grow by grooming people they grow by molesting children they can't have children of their own so unless they adopt them and steal them from christian parents like i'm sure happens let's take them away from them and give them to them they have you know surrogates that they have you know what these fags are always caught molesting their own kids and some of them actually are their own kids but some of them are adopted that's you know they always just want a right to get married but then they want the right to adopt now they want the right to chop their nuts off at a hospital when they're six years old and you know what our wicked governor j the gay insley is the one that put that law into practice and at the same time reducing the amount of firearms that we can have you think that's coincidental and then them taking over six city blocks in seattle washington those things are experiments folks where rape and crime and murder are happening that's what's going on in our world on the way up here there's tents all the way up and down andreessen they're they're doing it from the inside out they're they're they're legislating crime and violence and wickedness in our nation and vancouver used to be a pretty normal place to be and now look at it i saw a guy pushing a shopping cart up by my house in northeast vancouver that's the first time i've saw that you know it's just getting worse they're after they terrorize the whole neighborhood and they've stolen everything they can steal and burn down everything they can burn down they're just going to move to the to that neighborhoods that haven't been hit yet but hopefully you know the people in vancouver washington have a backbone and don't allow these freaks to camp in their you know in their spaces in front of their houses that's what happened in portland they just take over whole neighborhoods when's the last time you've been over there i try to avoid that place like the plague but you know so someone's a pedophile rapist they deserve the death penalty right matthew 18 6 matthew 18 6 people always say this well jesus never preached this this way jesus never you know he never said for people to kill themselves he never said that people deserve the death penalty well what about when it says if he cursed he said well if you curse your parents they should die the death isn't that what moses said he's quoting moses they should just be killed for it he actually said that a really severely rebellious child should be executed he said it look at matthew 18 6 it says but who so shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea so i've always kind of just imagined this is that he's telling someone that would offend a child to tie the millstone around their own neck and then kill themselves right but look what it says though it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck so either way that's if it's them doing it to themselves or someone else doing them jesus is saying it'd be better for you to have this gruesome death where your head explodes like a like an alka-seltzer pill and a seagull as you're dropping to the depths of the sea than to offend a child he's basically saying and this is what i think that he's that he's meaning by this is that if you can't quit doing what you're doing or if you're having these thoughts of hurting children it'd be better for you to just kill yourself now or allow someone to kill you now so that these children can't be hurt because your punishment's going to be far worse than hell turn to luke chapter 17 verse 1 this is kind of a parallel passage now notice it says offend one of these little ones which believe in me in matthew chapter 18 6 but are little children saved already if they die if they say they just die in a car accident or something and they're three years old do you think they go to heaven yeah so i mean if someone offends someone that age and and it happens even younger than that then this is this is what he's talking about he's saying little ones he's talking about little children right luke 17 1 says then said he unto the disciples it is impossible but that offenses will come but woe unto him through whom they come so offenses right it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck and he were cast into the sea than that he should offend one of these little ones now what do they call people that are child molesters what do they call them legally what's the legal term for that they're sex offenders offenders they're offending children what did jesus say it'd be better for them to be dead what did deuteronomy chapter 22 say if they have no one to help them when they're crying out then you know they that's something that it's like murder and that's the death penalty so people get mad because i say i preach the death penalty the bible says it the bible's the one i'm preaching what the bible says what about bestiality leviticus chapter 20 verse 15 if a man lie with a beast he shall surely be put to death and he shall slay the beast so what is the penalty for lying with a beast the death penalty and the animal gets killed too oh not the animal the animal too it says verse 16 and if a woman approach unto any beast and lie down there too thou shalt kill the woman and the beast they shall surely be put to death their blood shall be upon them it sounds like it's a pretty serious sin now you're you're saying well maybe that's not called considered being a sodomite to me it's in the same ballpark though and it's even weirder okay but that's what the bible says should happen to people and you know i think it used to be the death penalty in washing i think it used to be the death by hanging i think it was like in maybe like i don't know around 2009 2010 where they repealed that law and made it and made it not a criminal offense or something i remember a pass my pastor preaching about it one time but the bible says woe unto them that call evil good so when they call them out there that were here the other day good and us evil and we're being treated as the evil people people have lost their minds they call god all these filthy and vile names and said jesus had nine disciples and whatever that he they were saying that that jesus was a queer there's they're worshiping satan they put a satanic sticker on my car i mean it's literally we're fighting against satanists because they're all part of the same posse they're all part of the devil's posse whether they're a fag whether they lie with beasts whether they worship the devil whether they're in witchcraft or wizardry or whatever or abortion on demand people people that love death those people are all on the same team so why not just unite under one banner lucifer that's what they did they wrote it on the sidewalk hail lucifer they're putting their mark on our church that's what they're doing satan is after this church satan hates this kind of preaching and so he brings his hordes in to try to stop us it says woe unto them that call evil good and good evil that put darkness for light and light for darkness you call the things that are dark and wicked good you say that's the true light isn't that what lucifer is supposed to be the light bearer but he's really evil he's the one he's the reason why people die he's the reason why this world is the way it is but they call him the light bearer you know he is the he's you know bringing light to the world because god was trying to hide all the good stuff from us right and it says put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter it's basically the bible saying when you're saints the opposite of what's really true then woe to those types of people now i want to read for you a cnn article and i know i'm going over a little bit but i think this is really important there's a new law that was put in place in uganda it's brought to the floor and this is a cnn article that i read about it so i i just want to share it with you so uganda's president yo weary moose of eenie i think that's how you say it i put the little things in there so i could say it right yo weary is that right does anybody know it's not oh okay uh yo we're so anyway his name is moose of eenie has signed some of the harshest this is a cnn article this is not me saying this the harshest anti-lgbtq laws in the world the speaker of parliament said define international pressure isn't aren't they a sovereign nation isn't uganda have its own so why do they have to defy international pressure because people are pressuring them not to do this including from the united states which said it was deeply troubled the bill includes the death penalty for aggravated homosexuality which is child molestation and um you know rape of a child and having sex with hiv positive you know if you're hiv positive and you know it and you're spreading it to other people or you commit incest the death penalty so to the the bill criminalizes sex education for gay community and makes it illegal to expose what it calls perpetrators of aggravated homosexuals to the police so if you know someone's a fag you know that they're molesting children you know that they're a homo it's against the law for you to not tell the police about it it calls for the rehabilitation widely discredited conversion therapy for gay offenders now i i think that that's not you can't you can't convert them back so i think that people think that but that's part of it which i don't agree with obviously viciously discriminating against its sexual minorities the battle lions are drawn and the next stage of the contestation shall or will be in a court of law nicholas apoyo a prominent human rights lawyer told cnn the civil society in uganda together with the lgbtq whatever community are prepared to take this to the courts and challenge the law because the law is deeply discriminatory and repressive law that doesn't meet any international human rights and local standards so you just listen to the same thing that i just read right what was the death penalty for raping children giving people aids and incest that's what it's for now if you're just a homo and you commit some homo act on another homo that's life in prison that doesn't go far enough in my opinion it should be the death penalty for any sodomite if they're found guilty in a court of law this is what the government's supposed to do this is romans 13 in action and they don't even go far enough but what are people upset about they're upset about the fact that they're saying it's the death penalty for raping children it's the death penalty for giving someone hiv which kills you it's the death penalty for molesting your own children i mean that should be standard cut and dry that's what this country needs and uganda is doing that and america america is deeply troubled the nation supposedly leads the world in quote unquote righteousness it's not we're the we're the leaders of filth and smut in this world and the fact that our our leaders would even say that this is wrong is just weird it says the court indeed off the courts could indeed offer an avenue for uganda's gate community a similarly homophobic law was struck down by the courts in 2014 ugandan rights lawyer sarah casanda said that the law has already been challenged as soon as the president assented to the bill human rights activists and lawyers immediately filed petition to the constitutional court she told cnn well why not just go move to another country because they don't it's not enough that everybody else in the world doesn't want to do what the bible says everybody has to do what america says everybody has to do what america champions in this world says we are hopeful that the constitutional court will nullify this law because it does not stand any constitutional scrutiny it goes against the bill of rights enshrined in uganda's own constitution ugandans are fighting back this bill does not reflect our values well it sounds like people are voting for that president and those are his values and so it sounds like the p that is the people's values maybe not the fags values that live there but it says u.s president joe biden described the bill in a statement on monday as a tragic violation of universal human rights so i would say that those people are not human that they want to execute they're beasts they're vile they're reprobate they've committed sodomy they've committed crimes against children they're passing knowingly passing on hiv and aids onto other people and molesting their own children and he says that's a tragic violation of universal human rights you know but it doesn't surprise me that a hair sniffing freak with a degenerate son that he covers up for who has still not been charged for all the stuff they found on his sick laptop but he's saying it's a unit it's a violation of human rights to kill a pedophile to kill someone that diddles their own kids to kill someone that knowingly passes on trying to kill somebody else with their aids he said he had he had instructed the national security council to evaluate the implications of this law on all aspects of u.s engagement with uganda including our ability to safely deliver services under the president's emergency plan for aids relief so they want to take away the aids relief that they were already helping them with because why do they need aids relief because all these faggots are out of control that's why they passed the law so they don't have to deal with this anymore and all other forms of assistance and investments so what are they going to do this is how the one world government deals with people they just cut you off financially and we're the richest nation in the world don't let anybody tell you anything different we're the most powerful country in the world don't let anybody tell you anything different and we're the most evil country in the world don't let anybody tell you anything different now we're not evil and yes there's good allowed to to to go on in the u.s for now but people are already calling for hate speech laws they've been calling for it for a while they're look all these shootings that are happening do you think that's an accident no they want to go and get rid of all of our guns they want to take all of our guns away and it's a it's going to be a hard fight for them to do that but i think that they're going to do it they did it in england they did in australia they don't it's illegal to have a gun there you cannot have a firearm unless you go through you know unless you're a person that has a shotgun and you're a farmer but anyway it says biden also warned that his administration is considering additional steps including sanctions restrictions on entry to the u.s for anyone involved in serious human rights abuses or corruption that says anyone how long do you think it's going to be before they turn on their own citizens and do the same thing wait oh they already do like when we had the masa conference down in florida then all the pastors paypal's accounts were destroyed and all the all the wives too that we could no longer use paypal because we went to the masa conference people are watching what we're doing you know in this little church in a little strip mall you know they're so afraid of what we're going to say that they try to shut our internet down last week they're so afraid of what we have to say they don't want us on youtube they make laws you know laws even though we're in a free country and this is an american company but somehow they're allowed to restrict our freedom of speech and shut us down why why are they so if we're so off the off the beaten path and so weird and nobody agrees with us then why are they trying to shut us up so bad why because they know that the bible is powerful they know the message of the bible is powerful and they know that if people that are spirit-filled will get up and preach the bible then people will respond to it there people understand there's something wrong and someone that's seeking truth can see look at this world as weird as it is and go hey there's something wrong here and people are looking for truth but that's why they want to suppress the truth so that people won't be normal but even normal people are like okay you're going too far and so but this is how the agenda works they go far and then they draw back they put ellen on she gets canceled because people freak out and then she's on for another 20 years later when they bring the show back on because they're just slowly boiling the frog they're slowly trying to make everybody think that being a faggot is normal and they already got to that point and now they want to make it to be that transvestites are normal too and they've succeeded people are mad about the sermons we preach about stuff like this but what's the bible say did i did i use anything that was not in the bible to show you that these people are wicked the article goes on british and european leaders also condemn the law big surprise there with the european union's top diplomat joseph burrell describing it as deplorable and so my question to the united states is this and all these lefty weirdos that always say don't go to the indian reservation because you're colonizing them like when we did the soul wanting thing in the akima the first time i like all these messages and people are mad because we're going to the indian reservation to preach the gospel during covid but why are you trying to colonize an african nation i thought you were against colonizing african nations i thought you were against our ways of life colonizing their ways of life but what it really is is they want to colonize africa with sodomy and filth and child molestation and aids and they've succeeded all over the place there but a lot of a lot of african people they don't like it but the country's pumping billions of dollars into making them want to you know to accept all this stuff when pastor anderson was banned from batswana in south africa they were they paid the government paid a radio station to just pop up and go against pastor anderson to where uh the country banned both countries banned him from being there because why because of what he preaches here and so when they got there then he's on somebody else's turf now they can't really mess with us so much now and what we say now is free speech even what brother jason said the police even said what he said was protected free speech freedom of speech otherwise they would arrest us but they can't arrest us because we have freedom of speech so what i'm saying here today is freedom of speech is freedom of religion and you know more importantly than the fact that the constitution gives me that right god gives me that right he said to go and preach all things that i've commanded you right so that's my question to the united states and all these left-wingers that are just so mad about the the the new laws in a country that has nothing to do with you why are you grooming this african nation why are you colonizing uganda with your filth stay out of uganda let them manage their own affairs but see they won't do that and it's just like if you if you relate it to our our type of church the new a new ifb type church they're not going to be happy until we stop preaching it too they're never going to stop they're never going to quit coming after us they're never going to quit making trying to make rules against us because like i mean if you think about it uganda is the last the the only place that's trying to go against all this sodomy in the whole world and what the whole world is saying against pressure from other countries and now we're going to have to sanction them now we're going to have to take all their money away and make them even more poor than they already were see they're not happy unless they control everybody unless they have everybody's mind unless they shut down every church and it's so funny these these protesters of steadfast they're so bored because they can't find the church that they're protesting a church that doesn't even preach against sodomites it's just some i forget what the name of the church is but they're they went to protest a church that uh shut down like some farmer's market or something for what i don't even know really why they're doing it but they're not even against the sodomites and they're just like well we're bored we need some practice let's go to attack this church if they if we let these churches fall they're going to do that to every church we are the last stand when it comes to this stuff right here and you better know that that's true and you better know that there's a price to pay for living godly in christ jesus and preaching the whole bible so here's what ted cruse said i know pastor shelley commented on this and i liked what he had to say but here's what ted cruse said the republican you know master debater of the congress or whatever was trying to run he ran for president and you know he acts like he's some right-wing guy he's for israel he said the uganda law is horrific and wrong any law criminalizing homosexuality or imposing the death penalty for aggravated homosexuality is grotesque and an abomination so this look if you're just like i'm republican he's republican too and he says it's grotesque and an abomination no you know what's grotesque and an abomination to to molest children molest your own children and give people aids to be a sodomite that's grotesque the bible says that's an abomination but ted cruse is saying what the opposite of that he's calling good evil and evil good it says in all caps all civilized nations should join together in condemning this human rights abuse all civilized nations so what's he saying they're not civilized what's he calling them he's calling africans uncivilized oh that's that's not very pc is it but the hashtag at the end is hashtag lgbtq from a supposed christian on the right a supposed you know someone that speaks for the conservative people in texas in in this nation at ted cruse so you know i mean we have our president's a hair-sniffing freak who's a reprobate by the way he can't even he's not even cognitive anymore i think they probably have to give him drugs to function in society it's probably a deep fake every time he talks when he's actually making sense i mean he fell down the other day tripped over a blade of grass or something i don't know what it was but piece of carpet he like when he gets up he's looking at it's like you just fell dude you're old so he just he's not fit for duty but imagine if somebody on the right was in that position and saying all the weird stuff that he said over the years america could be summed up by one word it's like what in the world that should be done let's find somebody else but god forbid we would have to have kamala harris as our president after that people are like you know we take away their tax exemption for talking about politics i'm talking about everybody well i'm not bound by some rule where i can't talk about i'm talking about the right and the left i'm not political but i'm just telling you there are politicians or crooks look john the baptist preached against harrod who is the king of israel that's political isn't it don't tell me what i can and can't say i'll preach whatever i want i'm going to preach what the bible says and if you don't like it you can sit on a tack so anyway i'm out of time i know i'm done but you know there's some other scriptures you might want to write down genesis 19 24 through 28 for your own personal study second peter chapter 2 verse 5 through 9 jude 1 7 and 8 romans 1 32 says they're worthy of death first first kings 14 24 first kings 15 12 first kings 22 46 for second kings 23 7 all talks uses the word sodomites didn't god barbecue the sodomites so why is why is he still calling them sodomites later because he's referencing back to the same type of people that were in genesis 19 and judges 19 so and you know all you have to do is just read genesis 19 and judges 19 and you'll get a really good handle on what these people are actually like and the last verse i'm gonna the last verse i'm gonna read is leviticus 20 13 if a man also lie with mankind as he lieth with a woman both of them have committed an abomination they shall surely be put to death their blood shall be upon them i didn't write this verse this verse has been in this bible for 412 years it's been in the word of god for thousands of years and you know what god wants us to preach every word every doctrine everything in the bible and that's what the bible says should be done to sodomites they should be surely put to death it's a capital crime murder is a capital crime rape is a capital crime kidnapping is a capital crime all these crimes should be punished by the death penalty if we lived in a righteous nation but i just got done reading you what our own president said what our own supposedly maggot conservatives said or whatever this is what our country believes folks don't get twists don't get a twist don't think trump's going to help you he said caitlyn jenner can pee in his bathroom anytime he wants i don't know if he pees standing up anymore or not but another freak that they prayed in front of us anyway i gotta be done let's pray lord we thank you so much for the scriptures and lord how clear you make things and lord this isn't a pleasant topic to preach about but lord it's the fight of our generation and lord i pray that you'd help us to never back down on this issue help us to never fear the enemy lord we should fear you who can throw people in hell and lord i know you're not going to throw us in hell because we're saved but i pray lord that you just help us to understand the end of them and they're going to only be able to fight against us for so long before you defend us and you protect us lord i pray you protect us in this country that's gone so wicked help us to lord reach out to the ones that can be saved and still uh care about people in our community and lord i pray that you just burn the sodomites quickly in jesus name we pray amen and let's sing our last song this morning let's turn to page 401 we're gonna sing set my soul afire page 401 set my soul fire page 401 sing out loud on that verse set my soul afire lord for thy holy word burn it deep within me let your voice be heard millions grow in darkness in this day and hour i will be your witness fill me with thy power set my soul afire lord set my soul afire my soul make my life a witness of thy saving power millions throw open darkness waiting for thy word set my soul afire lord set my soul afire on the second set my soul afire lord for the lost in sin lost in sin give to me a passion as i seek to win help me not to falter never let me fail fail me with thy spirit let thy will prevail set my soul afire lord set my soul afire fire make my life a witness of thy saving power millions grow in darkness waiting for thy word turn set my soul afire lord set my soul afire not the last set my soul afire lord in my daily life far too long i've wondered in this day of strife nothing else will matter but to live for thee i will be your witness as you live in me set my soul afire lord set my soul afire make my life a witness of thy saving power millions grow in darkness waiting for thy word set my soul afire lord set my soul afire amen great singing this morning thank you for coming out to our morning service june is here so great sermon pastor thompson we're looking forward to more of that um we'd love to see you here for soul winning and for our 3 30 service brother uh jeremy you want to end us with a word of prayer amen you're dismissed you