(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You Please find your seat and open your green handles page 410 find your seats and open your green handles to page 410 faith is the victory Page 410 faith is the victory Please find your seat and open your green handles page 310 find your seats and open your green handles page 310 Oh Try Our shining Oh Over comes the world on every hand the fall we find drawn up and read We're to the Which Go in the shower There's the victory Why Jesus The victory And great scene with sean, can you open us with a word of prayer? You And then page 324 will be your second song page 324 draw me near You Page 324 draw me near Sing out loud me on that first verse I long to rise in the arms of faith To the Me now to thy service, lord by the power of grace divine Let my soul look up with the steadfast hope and my will be lost in Draw me Blessed lord When I kneel To the Out on the last I rest This time we'll have our announcements It's pronouncements uh, tony, can you cut the uh baptismal, please All right, if you need a bulletin, would you lift up your hand and one of the ushers will bring you a bulletin? All right on our front cover we have our verse of the week It says be kindly affection one to another with brotherly love in honor preferring one another Romans chapter 12 verse 10 great scripture there about brotherly love and our service times Our sunday morning at 10 30 a.m. And our sunday evening service is 3 30 p.m Thursday bible study is at 6 30 p.m. We're in a brand new book the book of titus. We're still uh, Going towards in in sunday evenings. We're still in genesis and uh, I feel like chapter 49 is never going to end but As I start to write the sermons I start to find more stuff that I like and i'm sort of extending it So I apologize for that, but it's good. It's good to study god's word, right? So anyway, our soul winning times are listed below. We do have soul winning today at 1 p.m If you're planning on going out, please let brother sean conlon know and uh We also have regional times there below we had Um, let's see. I think brother nebb and the gang up in washington Northern washington or mid washington or whatever it is had a salvation yesterday If you look down you can see the praise report the salvation totals for may april and uh baptisms and attendance from last week And uh, we had a soul winning marathon on Friday up in bellingham and we had eight salvations and we had two baptisms. So That was a real blessing I think I baptized Uh, his name was joshua thompson Baptized him. I think it was like 10 o'clock at night or something anyway, so, uh and Yeah, it was it was just a great great weekend. We fellowshiped with our brethren yesterday and I preached two sermons We all I think everybody that went on that trip is pretty dead tired. So um Anyway, uh, but it was it was worth being that tired for us It was good to hang out with the brethren up from canada and we had people that visited even from edmonton Uh, which is a 12-hour drive to that location And uh, we we drove four hours And our trip back yesterday was about 16 hours. No, i'm just kidding. It wasn't that bad We need to stop i'm, just like No, i'm scared Oh, man, anyway, it was a good trip. So, uh, thank you everybody for coming out and being part of that and you know giving up your uh free time To have a marathon of church services this weekend. So Anyway, it was great. And uh, thank you so much for everybody that came and helped out and All the stuff that gets done behind the scenes Is usually other people not me. So I really appreciate y'all For helping make this church run smoothly so, uh What's coming up this week? Uh, june 1st, which is wednesday. We're going to have church camp That's going to be at union rogue baptist camp And we have pastor pazarsky coming to preach for us On friday night and saturday morning. So it's noon On wednesday to noon on saturday. We have to be out of there by noon on saturday So, um, but we have meals planned, uh, we do still need some spots filled for serving and cleaning in the kitchen and uh just I mean, i'm sure you already know this but when we leave the camp we need to leave it Like we found it at least or better so Um, so make sure you're when you're done For saturday that you make sure you sweep out your cabins and everything and take out the trash and all that good stuff If you don't like what's on the menu you're more than welcome to bring whatever you want if it's grass fed beef or whatever, I mean whatever special things that you like to eat or if you Have some dietary issues that you can't eat the food that we're providing I think my wife is kind of trying to help out with that a little bit but um We're not providing snacks necessarily maybe just s'mores at night. So we'll do s'mores. We'll have a s'more station. Is that right sherry? We're gonna have Miss jessica's gonna do the s'more station. Praise god and uh, make sure you get peanut butter cups Put that on the list. That's the best kind of s'mores. Anyway, um, So yeah, it's gonna be a great time and there's still room for people to come you can it's not too late to sign up But we're going shopping tuesday. So then it might be Too late reprobate. No, i'm just kidding. Not reprobating. It's too late. You'll be reject. Well reprobate means rejected So you'll be rejected from the camp I'm kidding. I'm kidding. Anyway, so i'm not calling you a literal, you know, like bad reprobate See how I saved myself right there. Anyway So the directions and details will be posted as soon as I get a free moment of time I will make sure to post that so everybody has the directions Because if you just look up union rogue baptist camp, it's going to take you to a spot But it's not going to be the right spot. So It is about four and a half hours south of here. So anybody that's going from Up north it's going to be longer. So like probably six and a half Seven hours depends on how many breaks you take on the way down And let's see. Uh, is there anything else? Um Yeah, so that's going to be a great trip. We're looking forward to that and Let's see, june 10th. I'll be preaching in new jersey with pastor. Jimenez For the northwest northeast. Do I have to be conference night? And i'll be preaching at 7 p.m. And pastor men will be preaching at Uh after i'm done, so i'll try to preach a short short sermon for him So he doesn't have to trim his down to a half hour. I'd rather hear him than me. So Anyway, there's a sony marathon there The next day. We're also performing baptisms. So local churches Allowing us to do some baptisms there if we need to And it's going to be a great trip. I've never been in new jersey before so i'm excited about that And I think michela's going are you still going michela? Where's she at? Yes She she's excited so Um, anyway, I think that's the only person coming from our church. But uh, we're uh, my sister's gonna be there She's driving from pennsylvania. So i'll get to see my triplet nephews and niece So that would be exciting too. They're probably grown a lot since the last time I saw them Uh, let's see the homeschool field trip to oaks amusement park is for bracelets and rides only it's not for skating You're welcome to go skating, but we're not paying for that whole package. It's enough To just Ride the ride. So anyway, um, that's on june 14th. Please see miss rachel for Details about that and the men's shooting event is still on in stevenson, washington We'll probably meet around noon is what i'm thinking brother. Sean. Is that what we always do? noon at the bridge of the gods small g um And then what was that? Down the washington side. So if you come from the oregon side, don't you have to pay a toll? It's like two bucks or something With biden's inflation. It might be more and then uh let's see father's day is june 19th, and that will be Uh a day that I preach a sermon for the dads In the room and men in general and there'll be a gift for every dad in attendance And the fwbc faithful word baptist church mega conference is basically a conference where pastor anderson is going And traveling to all the churches in the new ifb And so while he's at our church In spokane i'll be preaching down in phoenix at the same time And so that's kind of what he's doing. He's preaching here on thursday night the 23rd of this month. So, please Be here for that if you can be and uh Let's see. We got july 4th fellowship at the yankee residence And uh, that's not talking about new york yankees. It's the yankee family right over there While Brother kyle isn't here right now, but that's where we're going to do our fourth of july celebration. That'll be on monday the fourth And we'll be launching Fireworks, is that right? And i'm not sure what else but i'm sure food is involved because we're baptists and so What else uh, I don't know we'll get we'll talk more about that as we get closer Miss alana's baby shower is on july 9th here at the church building and the red hot preaching conference is july 14th through 17th And we are family integrated church. That means the children infants are welcome during the church services Make sure to utilize the mother baby rooms and dad baby rooms for your convenience and follow the rules in those rooms and then Please reserve the back rows for families with young children The gliders or rockers are for pregnant nursing mothers and elders only please know men allowed in the mother baby rooms and vice versa No unattended children in any area of the building at any time and i'm going to take this time to Spill out a grievance I notice the children are just like playing on that wall that little fake wall that we have right there And they're it's really getting torn up I just straightened it out, but I don't want the kids running and pushing their faces through it it doesn't look expensive but it kind of was so I just noticed that it's kind of become a a jungle gym of some sort And i'm not trying to pick on any parents But if you're if you see your children playing on that, please correct them and make them stop doing it. Okay I appreciate it And let's see Uh, no food in the assembly area, please and then silence your cell phones if you would at this time And escorts are available to your vehicles by the ushers and the giving information How much uh offerings have come in so far for may is down at the bottom and ways to give besides just in person Are online at our website and our text giving numbers. So we also have some birthdays to celebrate And uh, let's see we have brother stephen he is 29. Oh, no, this is birthday's on the 29th. That's what it is He wishes he was 29 he's 42 Your 40 is it today is your birthday, right? Well, happy birthday brother And uh brother gabe harrington is gonna be how old are you gonna be this time? 10 he had to he had to count he had to count on both 10 years old. All right, that's a good age and then we have uh Sean conlon on the third, which is this I mean what saturday? Is it friday? Yeah and then remy thompson who's Not here right now is uh on the third also. So Anyway, let's sing happy birthday to all the birthday Happy birthday Happy birthday God bless you There's no anniversaries here i'm wondering if that's a reality nobody's married in june in this room Raise your hand if you have a anniversary in june right rylan and juji June 11th, and he didn't even put his own anniversary in the bulletin Well, once again rylan you're dead to me, all right, let's sing another song and we'll receive the offer All right, let's turn to page 402 402 our best Next Page 402 Our best sing it out loud on the first here The master's call give me the best Fall that is his test Do then the best you can not for reborn God for the praise of men, but for the lord Every work for jesus will be blessed But he asks from everyone Our talents may be few these may be small But unto him is due our best Wait, not for men to lot eat not their spine Winning the smile of god brings its delight Hating the good and true It goes unblest All that we think or do be it the best Every work for jesus will be blessed But he asks from everyone Our talents may be few these may be small But unto him is due our best Amen gracing this morning at this time. We'll receive our offering Brother shaw can you bless the offering for us? Dear heavenly father again, I thank you for this day lord. I pray that you would uh, You bless the preaching lord fill house with your spirit lord I pray that you fill the boldness and clarity mind lord for you bless this offering bless both the gift and the giver I pray this things in jesus name amen So So So So All right turn with me to deuteronomy chapter 13 Deuteronomy chapter 13, if you don't have a bible raise your hand and one of the ushers will bring you one deuteronomy 13 Deuteronomy 13 the bible reads if there arise among you a prophet or a dreamer of dreams and giveth thee a sign or a wonder And the sign or the wonder come to pass Whereof he spake unto thee saying let us go after other gods which thou has not known and let us serve them Thou shalt not hearken unto the words of that prophet or that dreamer of dreams for the lord your god proveth you To know whether you love the lord your god with all your heart and with all your soul You shall walk after the lord your god and fear him and keep his commandments And obey his voice and you shall serve him and cleave unto him And that prophet or that dreamer of dreams shall be put to death Because he has spoken to turn you away from the lord your god Which brought you out of the land of egypt and redeemed you out of the house of bondage? To thrust thee out of the way, which the lord thy god commanded thee to walk in So shalt thou put the evil away from the midst of thee If thy brother the son of thy mother or thy son or thy daughter or the wife of thy bosom or thy friend Which is thine own soul entice thee secretly saying let us go and serve other gods Which thou has not known thou nor thy fathers Namely of the gods of the people which are round about you nigh unto thee or far off from thee From the one end of the earth even even unto the other end of the earth thou shalt not consent unto him nor hearken unto him Neither shall thine eye pity him Neither shall thou spare neither shall thou conceal him, but thou shall surely kill him Thine hand shall be first upon him to put him to death And afterwards the hand of all the people And thou shall stone him with stones that he die Because he has sought to thrust thee away from the lord thy god which brought thee out of the land of egypt from the house of bondage And all israel shall hear and fear and shall do no more any such wickedness as this is among you If thou shall hear say in one of the cities which the lord thy god hath given thee to dwell there saying Certain men the children of belia bileal are gone out from among you and have withdrawn The inhabitants of their city saying let us go and serve other gods which you have not known Then shall thou inquire and make search and ask diligently and behold if it be truth And the certain thing and the thing certain that such abomination is wrought among you Thou shall surely smite the inhabitants of that city with the edge of the sword sword Destroying it utterly and all that is therein and the cattle thereof with the edge of the sword And thou shall gather all the spoil of it into the midst of the street thereof and shall burn it with fire The city and all the spoil thereof every wit for the lord thy god And it shall be in heap forever It shall not be built again And there shall cleave not of the cursed thing to thine hand that the lord may turn from the fierceness of his anger And show thee mercy and have compassion upon thee and multiply thee as he has sworn unto thy fathers When thou shall harken to the voice of the lord thy god to keep all his commandments, which I command thee this day To do that which is right in the eyes of the lord thy god brother robert. We pray for us Lord and off the lord just be there with those that are sick. You can't make the word Amen all right The sermon title this morning is the jehovah's false witnesses the jehovah's false witnesses and it's out of my series on the kingdom of the cults and I was going to do the Roman catholic church, which they're going to get their their day in court here pretty soon, but I uh the reason why I want to preach this is because I end up getting a former jehovah's witness saved And so if you remember my if you watch my sermon from thursday night I kind of was talking about how the jehovah's witnesses use isaiah chapter 43 and chapter 45. Well, I got to use those The very next day by you know when I was leading this lady to the lord and you know, she was disgruntled against the jehovah's witnesses obviously because She was kicked out. She was disfellowshipped by them Because basically they believe that once you become part of their cult, which they are a cult That you're supposed to live a certain way, of course we believe that you should live a certain way also, but she was basically disfellowshipped for smoking cigarettes and She had left and then they enticed her to come back and and said oh come well We're going to help you with all your problems and all this other stuff and they they basically coerced her back Isn't that what she said brother shawn and then when she got there there was three basically like the judges or? Appointed, you know elders or whatever that That actually disfellowshipped her so they basically tricked her in saying that they were going to love on her and take care of her And help her with her issues and instead they disfellowshipped her for smoking cigarettes And so she's never gone back and her family has basically disowned her And uh, you know, I just thought it was today would be a good day to preach about that while it's fresh in my mind And I I end up having to go to a lot of scriptures that I normally wouldn't go to In uh presenting the gospel I end up having to go to those verses in isaiah And I had to show the deed of christ because even though she wasn't necessarily still a jehovah's witness She was still those things were implanted into her mind and she said that she wasn't sure about jesus being god She said that she's heard different things and obviously she was trained Uh, you know from home that jesus is not Uh god, and so I basically had to show her several verses. I mean she believed them all She she she received everything great. I didn't have to like, you know, I wasn't like there was no challenge She's like i've just never seen that before i've never noticed that before she's like I wish you could talk to my mom And and show her these things and I said well It'd be like taking candy from a baby, you know, because we as independent baptists We should be able to defeat any jehovah's witness out there with our bible knowledge and if you can't Then you need to read more, you know You need to know What we believe so that when someone comes out with a false doctrine in our presence so we can defeat that with the bible Obviously, we're not always going to have every single answer, but we should try our best to be able to know and I you know I'm preaching this i'm doing the the research for you so that you don't have to just dive into some you know dirty snake pit in order to to study it all yourselves, you know because You know, I mean I I just even though i'm preaching this series on the kingdom of the cults I don't think that our mind should dwell In that stuff all the time because you know, we should know more about our own religion our own uh christian faith and then that should be able to defeat the other false prophets and so, um Anyway, so the jehovah's witnesses are a dangerous cult. They're wicked as hell They try to pretend in in sight to look like baptists. They dress like baptists. They go door to door like baptists should But you know most of the time people think that we're jehovah's witnesses when we come to their door or mormons because those cults Are the two only other basically the only other ones that are going door to door and actually trying to convert people But what they're trying to convert people is False they're trying to convert people to a false god Because if they don't believe that jesus christ is god then what they don't believe in the right god I mean that verse that would apply to the jews if they don't have the son They don't have the father and they don't have the right son of god they have another jesus another gospel another spirit Don't they and there's it's a spirit of wickedness so that's kind of what inspired me to preach was This lady that I end up getting saved and she ended up getting baptized the same day And then her husband ended up getting saved later on when we all went out to dinner And then he ended up getting baptized about 10 o'clock at night or so And it was just a real blessing it was a real treat and it's funny because I was talking on thursday night about how You know converts should get baptized, right? You know right the same day and then like the next day, you know The the preaching that I preached on thursday night helped me a lot On the next day and I honestly I did not feel like going soul winning when I got there We drove four hours i'd already been up and it was just a really long week And I was just kind of in one of those. I don't want to go moments, but i'm glad that I did And that should be a testimony when you don't feel like doing something like that Then maybe there's a reason why you don't feel like doing that. Maybe that you know when we're weak then we're strong, right? So when we're when we're our weakest that's when we should just push through And try to go soul winning anyway, even though we don't feel like it we're hurting or whatever it is Um, you know, obviously there's a time to rest. So i'm not saying don't ever rest. I'm just saying that you know, sometimes There's a reason why our flesh is fighting us And we should just try to overcome the the flesh and be filled with the spirit, right? so anyway, so basically And one of the stories that this lady said and by the way, her name was ashley And her last name was thompson and then her husband's name was joshua thompson So I thought that was i'm never going to be able to forget their names because of that but uh anyway, so She told me about how I mean she was probably talking to other people there about her different things that she had gone through as a joe's witness, but one of the things was that her mom said when she was like looking into buying a house, I think it was From from her. But anyway, she said that her mom was saying just pick out any house you want because all these people are dead already so like the joe's witnesses believe that You know they're going to inherit the earth and that they believe that they do the works on earth now because they're going to inherit the earth as It is and like basically all the houses that are already You know filled with people all those people are dead already And that basically they're just going to be able to go into their houses or whatever like the children Israel went into canin and they did take over people's houses like that But that's not going to be how it works. So But she said and she also called little children rats. Look at those little rats over there and and then she said that her you know that her moms would say things like Those little rats grew up to be big rats So that's like kind of how she you know, and maybe not all joe's witnesses view people like that But that's how her mom viewed things like that. And so that's a pretty you know That's a pretty bad way to think that every everybody else besides them are just rats Uh little you know, get your little rats out of here, you know Anyway, so but it was a great victory to to get someone saved like that and to have that family get baptized and i'm hoping to be able to do some research and find a decent church they can go to around there because I'm, just not really sure. I don't want to recommend churches when you know, they might be Not something that I would think is a good church. But anyway So we're in deuteronomy chapter number 13 And I am going to preach more than one sermon about this. So i'm not definitely not covering everything. I'm just kind of Introducing kind of some of their thoughts and the things that they're built upon and i'll go through a couple different things They believe in their theology, but i'm also going to preach another sermon at least About this so deuteronomy 13 1 says if there arise among you a prophet or a dreamer of dreams and giveth the a sign or a wonder And the sign or wonder come to pass Whereof he spake unto these saying let us go after other gods which thou hast not known and let us serve them Thou shall not hearken unto the words Of that prophet or that dreamer of dreams. So so it's saying even if the sign or wonder comes to pass But they say hey, let's go After other gods that you didn't know Then don't hearken unto that person don't hearken to that prophet or that dreamer of dreams It says for the lord your god proveth you To know whether you love the lord your god with all your heart and with all your soul You shall walk after the lord your god and fear him and keep his commandments and obey his voice And ye shall serve him and cleave unto him And that prophet or that dreamer of dreams shall be put to death The bible prescribes the death penalty anybody that is a false prophet. Okay That's the bible saying that that's not me saying that so, you know people will always try to accuse us of inciting people to violence So now you're inciting people to kill all the false prophets. No, i'm not inciting that at all. God is saying that God is saying in his government This is what would be done. This is what should be done And unfortunately, if you read the bible you see that israel failed to do this and that's why they always failed And and always had to have god come and they always had to turn back to god and you know many of the many of the people were lost because god had to wipe them out because They were breaking this commandment And it says because he has spoken To turn you away from the lord your god Which brought you out of the land of egypt and redeemed you out of the house as a bondage to thrust The out of the way which the lord thy god commanded thee to walk in so shalt thou put the evil away From the midst of thee, you know, and so this kind of flies in the face of religious liberty too, doesn't it? I mean, obviously god allows people to believe what they want But when someone is taking over a city or taking over a family or taking you know It explains those situations it explains that if someone just comes to you just anybody and they're trying to to say this is not right This is the real way that that person's a false prophet and they deserve the death penalty for that Isn't that what it says? And then it talks about how if someone even in your own family does that then they deserve the death penalty It says your hand shall be the first one upon them That means you're grabbing a hold of them and you're saying hey, they're trying to you know, get me to worship false gods And then it says then all the people will put hands on them and then they'll stone them with stones And that's probably a lot of the reason why the death penalty didn't get carried out because a lot of people You know, they had they feel bad for that family member. I still love that family member But if that person is a wicked false prophet, then you should not love that person anymore It says so shalt thou put the evil away from The midst of thee now skip down to verse number 13. And so let me just be clear about this I'm, not advocating violence at all to do something to anybody. We obviously live under american laws And you know just like in jesus time, you know, the jews were not allowed to put people to death You know, but that didn't stop the the bible from being preached didn't stop the bible from saying what it said even at that time even with the woman caught in adultery Jesus said who's whosoever is without sin let him cast the first stone didn't he say to cast the stone? But you know, they they didn't do it and because basically jesus was trying to flip it back on them because they were trying to trap him and make him say Yes, she should be put to death right now put her to death and then Then they would have been able to accuse jesus, right? So but they weren't able to accuse jesus because he was way smarter than them and he always had The right answer at the right time, didn't he? So skip down to verse number 13 says Certain men the children of belia are gone if certain men that are the children of belia are gone out from among you And have withdrawn the inhabitants of their city saying let us go and serve other gods, which you have not known Then shalt thou inquire and make search and ask diligently and behold if it be truth And the thing certain that such abomination is wrought among you thou shalt surely smite the inhabitants of that city With the edge of the sword destroying it utterly and all that is therein and the cattle thereof with the edge of the sword, so Basically in israel you had all these different towns just like you know It's so israel was one nation and then all the tribes were divided up And they had cities within those tribes and towns and all these different places He's saying if one of these towns that are part of your nation just start following after other gods, you know, like salt lake city You know something like if salt salt lake city is basically a mormon stronghold in this country. They all went over there And you know if if we were operating under god's laws that city would be destroyed by the people That that, you know, god would appoint to do such a thing So it says destroying it utterly, you know, it even talks about it becoming a heap Forever and that you're not supposed to build anything basically upon that land again But why am I bringing all this up? Well, because the founder of the jehovah's witnesses his name is charles taze russell In 1876, he's the founder of the jehovah's witnesses is also called the watchtower and tract society And he predicted that christ would return in 1914 He also predicted in 1878 1881 and 1918 1925 And later reinterpreted as a confirmation of the eschatological framework of the bible study student movement and jehovah's witnesses so all the you know, he had all these false prediction of christ coming and he was basically influenced by Uh william miller, I think his name was he was the the basically the founder of the sda the seventh day adventists And so there's you know, once their predictions stopped coming true Then people there would be splits and start different kind of factions within the framework of those false churches but You know if you predict something and it doesn't come to pass. Let's look at deuteronomy 18. I don't have my notes But let's see what the bible says about that real quick Deuteronomy 18 Verse 15 says the lord thy god will raise up unto thee a prophet from the midst of thee of thy brethren like unto me unto him ye shall hearken according to all that doest and desires of the lord thy god in horror of the day of the assembly saying let me not hear Again, the voice of the lord my god neither. Let me see this great fire Any more that I die not and the lord said to me they have well spoken that which they have spoken I will raise them up a prophet unto among their brethren like unto thee and I will put my words in his mouth And he shall speak unto them all that I shall command him This is talking about jesus and as we come to pass that whosoever will not hearken unto my words Which he shall speak in my name I will require it of him But the prophet which shall presume to speak a word in my name, which I have not commanded him to speak Or that shall speak in the name of other gods even that prophet shall what? die, right and if thou shall Excuse me, and if thou say in thine heart How shall we know the word which the lord hath not spoken when a prophet speaketh in the name of the lord if the thing Follow not nor come to pass That is the thing which the lord hath not spoken, but the prophet has spoken it presumptuously thou shalt not be afraid of him. So Charles taze russell fits in this category. He made predictions He said that things were going to happen that did not come to pass. And so what does that mean that he is? He's a false witness he's a false prophet and guess what he's burning in hell right now and he's never coming out And he's led millions of people astray There's millions of jehovah's witnesses around the world. They're all dying and going to hell because they believe the garbage that this guy preached He started something and based upon lies and the lies came to pass and you know what people are just suckers You know, I think it was barnum and bailey or whatever one of those guys Said there's a sucker born every day. It's true There's a lot of suckers out there that just you know, cling to stuff like this no matter even though the bible says specifically That if that person's predictions don't come to pass they're a false prophet. They shall surely be put to death. They shall die You know, they'll still just cling to it and just make excuses as to why the prediction didn't come to pass so Uh, let's see the watchtower society. Oh, okay. Let me read this. It's from wikipedia It says english researcher george d Presides, I think that's how you pronounce his name has argued that although there have been some unrealized expectations Changes in watchtower chronology are are attributable More to change chronological schemes rather than to failed predictions The watchtower society has acknowledged errors Yeah Yeah, they've acknowledged errors because you know what it didn't come to pass How do you not acknowledge when you say hey christ is coming back in 1914 guaranteed then he doesn't come That's not an acknowledged error. That's a false prediction from a false witness and a false prophet Hey, the jehovah's witnesses don't have anything right about them They don't have anything right about them They're wicked as hell and then when they come two by two to your door that those people are false prophets And so you're not supposed to let them come in and do a bible study with them You're not going to convert them. They're false prophets. Do you understand that? So if you know that false prophet is coming to your door preaching another gospel, let them be accursed Is what the bible says that's what the apostle paul said and he said hey, let me say it again Let them be if they're preaching any other gospel then that which you have received. Let them be accursed Isn't that what the bible says it is what the bible says so You know and now obviously this lady that got saved she obviously wasn't a false prophet because she believed The truth and she and you know, she was just raised in it and was able to escape it And thank god that they kicked her out for smoking You know and I said this in my sermon yesterday You know, she got kicked out for smoking which is to her advantage, right? But those people that kicked her out are going to be smoking in hell for all eternity Not in a way that's pleasurable okay, so and you might get upset about this kind of language, but That's this is what the bible teaches folks, but we're not supposed to pity them We're not supposed to feel sorry for them if something happens and one of those false prophets die You know, I don't feel bad But here's what christians will do all over facebook when some false prophet dies. You didn't know their heart They might have got saved right before it's like no false prophets are children of belial Yeah That's what it says if a chill if one of the children of belial take you away and teach you this stuff why is it saying that because Anybody that's taking you from the truth and trying to teach you lies and try to teach another god And even if that other god is still named jesus or if that other god's named jehovah and it's not the true god Then they're wrong. They're lying and they're children of belial It wasn't just a mistake he made in his bible study folks This guy was a wicked false prophet and then he has led people millions of people into hell with his false doctrine So why do I preach against the joseph's witnesses because they're wicked as hell We need to avoid look there and in reality to us. They are more dangerous than the catholic church Why well because they go out and knock doors And it's a stumbling block to other people for us to knock their door What if it was just baptist knocking doors, what if it was just christ, you know bible believing christians that were knocking doors You know, then they'd be mad at us all the time still but at least they wouldn't confuse us with some cult And so why are they even existing probably because the devil wants everybody that thinks of them, you know Or or anybody that comes to a door is a cult also Just like the mormons, you know, so we got basically two other factions that are cults that are knocking people's doors and then you got true Bible believing christians that are doing it. So, you know two out of the three are are actually cults And so people will say we're cult members because we go and knock people's doors. No, we're doing what the bible says to do We're knocking people's doors because paul, you know said daily in every house And you know, they cease not to teach and preach jesus christ, right? So daily in every house That means every house, doesn't it? And so he paul went door to door paul reached the whole World basically through his ministry And you know, he was a great man of god and he said twice in the scriptures that he went house to house So we go house to house because that's what the bible says to do Right. So charles tase russell false prophet false witness in hell today So and and you know, obviously i'm going to get more deep into the doctrines that they believe so that we can defeat them And and you know, I had to go Into some deeper wells, like I said and and so but can you do that? You know, can you show people that are you know, jahovah's witness type people that are like disgruntled or whatever. Can you show them? You know the the things that would that would you know that they're hung up on Can you show them that jesus christ is god out of the bible? Can you show them that there's no other savior besides besides god and the savior in the new testament's jesus So he must be god. Can you show him those scriptures? Because we we we got to be ready when these because there's a lot of I mean we knocked the door up top And it was uh, you know indian the red dot indian kind, uh, not the native american kind but uh, They they we couldn't speak and communicate with them. But you know what I saw I saw the gray Pleather bible That they used the jahovah's witnesses now That's that's like one of their main ones the new world translation. They've updated it since You know 1984 or whatever But I knew right away that their job was witnesses by looking at the bible that they had which has All their pad answers to try to refute us. They always go on their cell phones too now They have they're pretty technologically savvy for the most part and they they have their little list of Questions that they'll ask you or they'll go to their their pad verses, you know right away I had to dispel the 144 000 just so she saw in the bible that there was people from all nations All kindreds all tongues that appeared in heaven. It's like there's not just 144 000 There's you know million, you know untold millions of people that are Going to be in heaven someday so Let's see. So here I just want to kind of cover what they believe about the bible and some of this will sound okay But in reality the bible they use is not a right bible So here's what they believe about the bible. Jehovah's witnesses believe The bible is inspired by god and is historically accurate. Okay, I believe that too They see the bible as the main way in which god communicates his will to human beings and they interpret it literally except for passages that are obviously meant to be symbolic or Poetic i'm just I got this off the internet the things that they they believe so but They're not really being truthful about this Because it's really based on how they interpret it through the joe's witnesses doctrine See the watchtower is just that it's a watchtower. They're watching all their members They have spies that spy on their members and things like how do you think that they knew she was smoking? I'm sure somebody told her maybe it was their own mom that turned her over, you know You know, she she's turning her own daughter in so she can get you know kicked out for smoking. It's it's wicked. So anyway Witnesses test any religious idea or teaching against the bible If an idea or teaching doesn't agree with the bible, then they regard it as wrong unless you show them Plain scripture right in front of their face And then they they refuse to acknowledge it Like all cult members they'll refuse to acknowledge it. The witnesses have their own translation of the bible That's a big red flag the new world translation of the holy scriptures They refer to the new testament as the christian greek scriptures and they call the old testament the hebrew scriptures While they don't regard them as scripture the witnesses greatly respect the various doctrinal articles published in the watchtower Charles taze russell's books Studies in scriptures are respected but no longer circulated or relied upon Well, yeah, I wonder why because he kept predicting things falsely all the time So it's hard to hang your hat on something like that. But you know a lot of cults will basically They'll equate their false teachers own own commentaries and and and studies as equal with scripture like joseph smith like bringham young Like charles taze russell They do hold it in high regard. Don't don't make any mistakes about that but I pointed this out yesterday. I'm going to point out again today and some of you probably heard this but They they've done revisions to the new world order translation that they have and one of the The stupidest things that they translated before they did they you know They've updated this since then joe 66 go ahead and turn to joe 66 and then i'm going to read for you the pre-update joe 66 Pre-updated joe 66 says Will taste and you can read along in your king james and see if it matches what they say Will tasteless things be eaten without salt or is there any taste in the slimy juice of marshmallow? Is that what is that what the king james says? No, it doesn't say that does it And as far as I know when joe was written Marshmallows did not exist. Okay So So But it theoretically if they did Would there be a taste to the slimy juice of a marshmallow there probably would be If you take some marshmallows and put them into a ziploc bag and leave them out in the sun There's gonna be some slimy juice in that marshmallow bag isn't there? If you leave them out in phoenix arizona, there's gonna be some slimy juice On that marshmallow and what do marshmallows taste like? They taste sweet don't they So if there was slimy, I mean if there was slimy juice of a marshmallow and you ate it It would have taste wouldn't it it would taste gross It'd probably look gross. I mean if it was a fresh marshmallow, it was slimy. I mean, I don't know I mean We're gonna eat some marshmallows this week and they're not going to be slimy unless you know Someone does some kind of weird thing to it to make it slimy, but i'll guarantee you this it's gonna taste like something It's gonna taste like something it's probably gonna taste sweet so I mean just this verse right here shows That their bible version is corrupted. Amen. It's corrupted First of all, it's just idiotic I mean, what did the campfire, you know, the camp scout leader or something? Help translate this verse for them or something. Like he's eating marshmallow. He's like, hey, well, let me just fix it to this Because it doesn't make sense At all there's no such thing as marshmallows in ancient, uh, you know edom or whatever wherever job lived so I mean, it's just ridiculous. What's the king james say you're right there. It says can that which is unsavory be eaten without salt Or is there any taste in the white of an egg? I mean those are very different, aren't they? And anybody that knows that's eaten an egg before knows that it doesn't really taste like anything without salt on it, right? So what is it saying? It's saying, you know, and is can can that which is unsavory be eaten without salt? I mean it can be But it's not going to taste good An egg has to have salt on it for it to taste good. Otherwise, it has no taste I mean have you had a egg whites before i'm sure you've bitten into a hard-boiled egg before and what did it taste like? With no salt on it. It's like it's unsavory. It doesn't taste like anything So you got to get the salt and pepper out and you know put a little bit of salt on each bite and then you know You eat it like that Or roll it around in a ziploc bag with salt and pepper in it and then you eat it like that. It's really good but You don't want to eat Something that has no taste without salt on it. That's basically what the bible verse is saying But when you get the jahovah's witnesses New world order translation then it doesn't make sense Therefore they're making a mockery of the scriptures. They're making a mockery of god's word And it doesn't make sense because marshmallows were not around back then And marshmallows would taste like something. So there's just a lot of things wrong with just this translation of this verse And so now they've updated it. They probably watched pastor anderson's, you know interview with james white and like, oh man We really screwed up on this one. And so then they changed it and made an update But I guarantee there's still a lot of bad things in the new world order translation That they've come out with it's called the new world translation, but I call it the new world order translation Okay And so they've changed things in the bible to suit their doctrinal positions But this one I I don't know why They trained they they this isn't really a doctrinal position in jobe 66, but it's just an example Of how they have corrupted manuscripts And they've changed the word of god to suit their own wants and needs and apparently they like marshmallows or something anyway John 1 1 let's turn over to john 1 1 and we'll see what they did with one of the most famous verses in the whole bible One of the most famous verses in the whole bible So I just want you to turn to john 1 1 and follow along with me and see if you can catch What's wrong with their translation? As I read it says in the beginning was the word So far so good And the word was with god so far so good And the word was a god small g What does your bible say? The word was god, right? So that is a major change. There's no even even liberal Translations like the niv and the nlt and all that no other translation of the bible says a god in it None of them so the jeba's witnesses when it says that they have their own version of the bible It literally is their own version of the bible And so when they're when they're standing on sinking sand for their doctrine It's no wonder why they can't understand what's going on because you know They they used to use the king james a long time ago But i'm sure people would read the bible ver the bible and it would say it would say something different than what they're teaching And so then they just said well, we need to come up with our own bible version. Otherwise people are going to keep leaving so They said the word was a god That is blasphemy folks. That is wicked as hell. It's corrupted. It's it's evil And look at verse two what they say. This is this one in the beginning with god All things came into existence through him What does the king james say? That all things were made by him, right? That's a big difference So they're saying that because they believe that jehovah that jesus christ is not they believe he's a god he's lesser than jehovah and and so they say That all things came into existence through him that god the fault of the jehovah used jesus to make the worlds But what's the bible actually say? What's it say? By him it was made by him All right, so it says and apart from him not even one thing came into existence And it reads robotically a little bit. I mean you see how they like just It's like they put it into a computer And I don't know the king james is poetic and sounds a lot better, doesn't it? John 1 1 and you're already there says in the beginning was the word the word was with god and the word was god The same was in the beginning with god all things were made by him and without him was not anything made that was made Jesus christ is the word of god and everything was made by him. That's what the bible says, right? In the beginning was the word the word was with god And the word was god. That's what the truth is And so they have a corrupted bible that cannot be trusted. These are just two very Uh ones an example that really doesn't mean anything in the matter of doctrine. It's just if it's wrong Then it's not really the bible is it if it's incorrect if it's inaccurately If it's something that's not true, then it can't be the bible Right And so in john 1 1 when it says he's a god and you should just dismiss that because no other bible even the most liberal translation Does not say a god it says that he was god, okay And correct me if i'm wrong But i'm pretty sure the jehovah's witnesses bible is the only one that does that there could be some obscure one that I don't know About but as far as I know, it's just their new world over translation that does that So, what do they believe about god Well, joe's witnesses believe that god the father whose name is. Jehovah is the only true god so That's what they so they hang their hat on that and that they say that jehovah's his only name Well, let's turn over to exodus chapter 6 number 2 verse number 2 exodus 6 verse number 2 Kind of went over this recently actually It says and god spake Unto moses and said unto him. I am the lord That's capital l-o-r-d. Jehovah god, right? And and I appeared unto abraham Unto isaac and unto jacob by the name of god almighty. So just right there does god have other names besides. Jehovah Yes, he does. That's what the bible actually says Abraham who is the friend of god Isaac His son and jacob a prince of god You know base and renamed israel, you know They were they only knew god by the name of god almighty Okay so If jehovah was such I mean i'm not saying jehovah is not an important name I'm, just saying if it was so important then why did why did was he not known by that all throughout the scriptures? Right So it says by my name. Jehovah was I not known to them, but they didn't know the name. Jehovah And so but in the new testament, there's a name that we get saved by because you know Calling upon the name of the lord is a doctrine that's taught from genesis chapter number three All the way through the bible through the end And we're supposed to call upon the name of the lord to be saved by believing on the lord. Jesus christ But in times past they might have said they called on god almighty Was that legit at that time? Yeah, that was his name. What about calling upon the name of jehovah? Same thing so And then if you turn turn over to psalm chapter 83 verse 18 psalm chapter 83 verse 18 This is a verse that they'll take you to almost every time we'll get into 144 000 thing the next time I preach about this, but they like to Say well, jehovah's his only name And this is what they the verse that they go to for it It says in psalm 83 verse 18 That men may know that thou whose name alone is jehovah art the most high Over all the earth and I say amen, but they're saying whose name alone and they take that to mean that That's his only name And that's not his only name I just proved that with the bible that he has other names besides just jehovah But his name is jehovah. There's no doubt about that But they they'll take this verse and and twist the cont or twist what it's what it's meaning And and say that that's his only name when in in the bible you can go through and there's many names that god has But jehovah is one of them obviously But they'll say see his name alone is jehovah and they'll and they'll they'll use that to try to beat you over the head And say well, you know the king james only says jehovah a certain amount of times in our bible says it every time But uh, look at psalm chapter 68 verse number four psalm chapter 68 verse number four they really hold You know that the using the name jehovah is a big deal to them like that's one of their biggest Deals, it's one of the things that they'll always try to take you to To prove that they're right So psalm 68 verse 4 says sing unto god sing praises to his name extol him that writeth upon the heavens by his name jaw and rejoice before him so it sounds to me like You know, his name is also jaw Isn't that what it says? Upon his name is jaw So so see the jehovah's witnesses have a contradicting verse That's af that's be even before psalm 83 verse 18 and so Does god have more than one name? He does And so if we say, you know, when you say hallelujah That yah at the end is it's praise the lord. That's what it means so That yah, you know to call him yah would be a right name so and and Obviously by The new testament standards we are supposed to call upon the name of jesus Okay And they'll say well jay wasn't invented before or whatever look jay's been over the word the word jay might not have been In an alphabet somewhere, but people have been pronouncing That word the same and we speak english So we're going to speak it differently than we're going to speak names and things like that There's you'll see in the old testament and the new testament names are translated from greek To english and they and they look different, don't they? So the greeks would say that they would pronounce something different. They pronounce jesus different and things like that. So But jesus christ they say is the firstborn son the firstborn son That's an error, isn't it? He's the only begotten son Not the firstborn son. There's only one Begotten son and everybody else's sons and daughters by adoption, right? They say that jesus christ is the firstborn son is inferior to god and was created by god. Is that what the bible teaches? No, it's not. Well, let's look let's Look at some scriptures together Look at revelation chapter one verse number eight revelation chapter one verse number eight This is a really good one to take jehovah's witnesses to Revelation chapter one verse number eight, so they're saying that jesus is the firstborn son So would that imply there's a second born or a third born That's wrong And is inferior to god And was created by god What does the bible teach? Well, look at revelation 1 8 if you have a red letter edition in your bible It says these these words are in red, aren't they? Words are in red, aren't they? This is I am alpha And omega, what does that mean the beginning and the ending? saith the lord Which is and which was and which is to come what does it say? the almighty This is jesus saying that he's the almighty Right. So the lord it would be you know in the in the new testament. It doesn't capitalize that or have the Tetragrammaton in the new testament, but the you know, you'll see from quotes That that it'll still say lord. So that's why we use the english word lord In the old testament a lot when it's talking about the lord all caps, but in the new testament it doesn't do that, but it's still if you refer back to some of the mentions it's still even though it's you know, The capitalization is not Necessarily something that's inspired. Okay, if you go over and look at the 1611 that we have over there. There's there's different Punctuation there's different writing style. That's old english. It's really hard To read sometimes the f's the s's look like f's, you know, it's just it's just you know, it's not wrong It's just wrong. You know, we just we look at uh At at words and different font old english font is hard to read, you know, it really is And you know, it's supposed to be majestic or whatever, but it's hard for me to read over there I mean I can get down into it. It's still the same word of god It's just there's been updates to the punctuation to the spelling of the words And to the capitalization in some regards some people make a big deal out of what king james you use And and they're like, well this one doesn't capitalize this word and so on and so forth But like the again the punctuation the capitalization Is added after the fact, okay but anyway, it says I am the alpha i'm alpha and omega the beginning the end. This is jesus saying that and it's saying say it the lord Which so is jesus the lord if this is he's the alpha and omega doesn't sound like you know, he is the beginning He is the ending is what he's saying. He's saying that they're you know, i'm god basically And so if that's true, then jesus christ is god. He was not created by god the father He was always with god the father he was in with him in the beginning according to john one one He was god. He was in the beginning with with god and he was god So he's not created. He's not inferior to god. He's equal with god And he is god so we believe in the trinity here and i'll i'll discuss that on the next sermon, but They're off on that too. I mean they have so many damnable heresies in their cult That it's just innumerable almost I mean they have multiple Damnable heresies and and one of them is who they believe jesus is, you know And and the bible says in revelation 1 8 that he's the almighty He was known to abraham isaac and jacob as god almighty He's known as god almighty in revelation chapter 1 verse 8 2, isn't he? Turn to mike in chapter 5 verse 2 mike in chapter 5 verse 2 another Scripture we've had recently in our bible studies But mica chapter 5 verse 2 this should dispel the fact that jesus when it because it's talking about jesus here was created Micah chapter 5 verse 2 says but thou bethlehem of rata though Thou be little among the thousands of judah yet out of thee shall he come forth unto me That is to be ruler in israel whose goings forth have been from old From everlasting and another scripture that just popped into my mind that I don't have in my notes is talking about how abraham You know wanted to see his day and saw it and was glad And then the jews were like you're not even 50 years old and you've seen abraham. He's like before abraham was I am Which proves that jesus christ Was around before abraham This verse says that he's from old from everlasting. What does everlasting means it lasts forever There was no beginning to jesus. There was no there's no end to jesus. He's everlasting And so how can something be created if they're from everlasting? Explain that one away. Jehovah's witnesses now turn to john chapter 10 verse 27 It's a very famous verse we use uh to prove eternal security John chapter 10 verse number 27. The bible says my sheep hear my voice and I know them And they follow me and I give unto them eternal life And they shall never perish neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand My father which gave them me is greater than all and no man is able to pluck them out of my father's hand I and my father are one So, you know in context he's talking to the jews right here and it says then the jews took up stones again to stone him Why are they doing that? Why well it says jesus answered them many good works have I showed you from my father for which of those works do you stone me? so they're they're stone they're picking up rocks that stone him thinking he's a false or They're they're making him out to be a false prophet, right? And it says the jews answered him saying for a good work We stone thee not but for blasphemy and because thou being a man makest thyself god What's the accusation here? Well, he's a man he's standing before them and he's he's equating himself to be god And is he doing that? Yes, he is. He said my father are one he's calling god his father So, you know, we only believe in one god, but it's revealed in three persons the father the son and the holy ghost and again, i'm gonna get into that the next time but You know, why did they want to kill him because he was saying that He was god, right? philippians chapter 2 verse 5 philippians chapter 2 verse number 5 the bible says in philippians chapter 2 verse number 5 And you know the bible even says things about jesus to prove that he was god And jesus himself said things to prove that he was god and I I couldn't even go through all the scriptures in one in one sermon I'm, just going to show you some but it says let this mind be in you which was also in christ Jesus who being in the form of god Thought it not robbery to be equal with god so the jehovah's witnesses say That he's not equal with god. He's lesser than god But what's the bible say who being in the form of god thought it not robbery to be equal with god This is you know, not jesus saying this is the apostle paul writing this under the inspiration of the holy ghost But made himself of no reputation took upon himself the form of a servant and was made in the likeness of men So was he made into a man? Yeah, who who was made into a man? Jesus christ who existed before he was a man. None of us existed before We were Born, you know, I know that the mormons say that you know God was making spirit babies and constantly making spirit babies and we had lives before this or whatever That's not true our lives do begin here And when you're born, you're made a living, you know, god made adam a living soul Anybody that's born on this earth is a living soul But we didn't have a pre-beginning. I mean obviously god saw us through the annals of time and knew who would choose him And he knew everybody to be born and whoever would die and all that stuff. I'm not saying that so but uh The bible says that he was made in the likeness of men and says i'm being found in fashion as a man Who who's he talking about? He's talking about god Who being found he's talking about jesus christ, but he's saying he being found in fashion as a man He humbled himself and became obedient to death even the death of the cross Wherefore god also hath highly exalted him and given him a name which is what? above every name is that above Jehovah Yeah, it says above every name right So they're they're all emphasized on the name of jehovah, but what's the by what's the new testament emphasize? It emphasizes the name Of jesus look what it says in verse 10 That at the name of jesus every knee should bow of things in heaven And things in earth and things under the earth and that every tongue should confess that jesus christ is lord to the glory Of god the father is jesus christ. Lord Is he equal with god? He is equal to god and he is god Okay His name is above every name If we invite someone to call upon the name of the lord, what name are you having them call upon it better be jesus Because that's what the bible says In the new testament we're supposed to call upon the name of the lord. His name is jesus Okay, it's not jehovah that's not the name that we call upon it's not lord god almighty And obviously we can call on those names once we're saved But when someone's getting saved they need to be getting saved in the name of jesus So when you're praying with someone, please make sure That you're praying in the name of je you're you're saying dear jesus Not dear jehovah Not dear god almighty and those names aren't bad. I'm not saying they're bad But god is instructing us to call upon a certain name that name is jesus Okay so Now turn to uh, acts chapter number four acts chapter number four Verse number 10 acts chapter four verse number 10 It says be it known unto you all And to all the people of israel that by the name of jesus christ of nazareth They're being very specific here whom ye crucified Whom god raised from the dead even by him doth this man stand before you whole? This is the stone which was set at not of ye builders which has become the head of the corner Neither is there salvation in any other? or there is none other name under heaven given among men whereby We must be saved I mean That is very clear, right? There's none other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved so as soul owners, please Have people call upon the name of the lord jesus christ because that's what the bible teaches, right? So but the joe's witnesses, what do they emphasize? Jehovah, joeova, joeova, joeova That's you know that it's not even really that emphasized in the old testament. It'll say lord the lord And you know, that's great But the name the lord still has meaning to it It's the lord jesus christ though that we are saved by Look at john 1 14. We already looked at john 1 1 through verse 3 Let's look at john 1 14 The bible says in john 1 14 and the word was made flesh That word is god right according to john 1 1 and the word was made flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld his glory The glory as of the only begotten of the father full of grace And truth, he's the only begotten the king james bible emphasizes the fact that he's the only begotten begotten basically, you know when when when we have children a man, you know And a woman they make a baby. Okay. I'm not gonna go into details about that But you know men and women have babies and they're begotten from their dad, right? So That's what the bible is saying about jesus. He's the only begotten of the father. Okay, we're all children of god through faith Through the adoption of sons, but guess what? We all get to inherit the same level As as the lord jesus we inherit with jesus Right and so we're not like red-headed stepchildren We're actually equal as far as what we inherit from god so We inherit all the things that he gets to inherit Now turn to first timothy chapter 3 15. This is one of the verses that I showed um miss ashley on friday afternoon first timothy chapter 3 verse number 15 But if I tarry long Thou mayest know how thou ought us to behave thyself in the house of god, which is the church of the living god the pillar and ground of the truth So the apostle paul is telling hey the pillar and ground of the truth is the church That's where you're supposed to get Your your ways to behave and and how you should you know, you're going to get your truth From the from the uh, the the church if it's a right church is preaching the right things, right? And here's here's a truth about about god that you need to know And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness. God was manifest in the flesh Justified in the spirit seen of angels preached unto the gentiles believed on in the world received up into glory This verse is talking about jesus christ being made or god being manifest in the flesh So is jesus lesser than god? No, he can't be lesser than god because he is god. He's god manifest in the flesh In hebrews chapter number one, we'll that'll be the last scripture I show you here tonight this morning And we'll close there'll be another sermon about this later on i'm not promising next week, but maybe next week Hebrews chapter number one the bible says God who at sundry times and in diverse manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his son Whom he hath appointed heir of all things By whom also he made the worlds So there again it talks about jesus making the worlds right who being the brightness of his glory and the expressed image of his person He looks just like god the father He's got glory He resembles him it says and upholding all things by the word of his power So everything consists according to collagions. It says that everything consists by him. It says when he had by himself Purged our sins and set on the right hand of the majesty on high Being made so much better than the angels He hath by inheritance obtained a more excellent name than they Now the jehovah's witnesses they will teach that michael the archangel who is an angel is actually jesus Okay That's what they teach But what does the bible say about him? It says being made so much better than the angels And has a more excellent name than they Right for unto which of the angels said he at any time thou art my son This day have I begotten thee And again, I will be to him a father And he shall be to me his son. What is the bible really making clear right here? Jesus is not an angel Very good. He's not an angel of god in the in the sense that he Is michael the archangel, okay Now if you want to say he's a messenger, you know in the old testament They would say the angel of the lord and sometimes those are you know, pre-incarnate appearances of christ But angel just means messenger So now it's talking about an angel of god. It might be talking about an angel that god is created You know, but it's when it's talking about. Jesus. Jesus was not created. So it's not talking about that also in the new testament uh in in the book of revelation It talks about the seven churches and the seven angels of those churches I personally believe and I think a lot of other people agree with me that those angels are not Angels of god that there are messengers the ones that are like the pastors of the churches at that time So messenger, you know the bible taught, you know, the same word that's used to call john the baptist a messenger Is the same word for angel in the new testament? Okay, and john was the messenger right of god So anyway, so this verse right here verse number five Says that angels are never called his son There goes your nephilim doctrine too just kiss it goodbye The nephilim doctrine is a false doctrine it's science fiction at best, all right Now hebrews chapter 1 verse 6 says and again when he bringeth in the first begotten into the world He saith and let all the angels of god worship him So why would they be allowed to worship him if he wasn't god? And the angels he saith and excuse me and of the angels he saith who maketh his angel spirits and his ministers a flame of fire But under the sun he saith thy throne. Oh god is forever and ever a scepter of righteousness Is the scepter of thy kingdom? So here we have god the father calling god the son god God Because he says unto the son he saith Thy throne. Oh god, so he's here's god the father calling his son also god and that his Scepter of righteousness is the scepter of thy kingdom, but it says His throne is forever and ever verse nine But thou Or excuse me thou hast loved righteousness and hated iniquity Therefore god even thy god hath anointed thee with the oil of gladness above thy fellows And thou lord in the beginning hast laid the foundation of the earth and the heavens are the works of thine hands Here it's talking about the lord. Jesus christ Once again creating the world laying the foundations of the world and the heavens are the works of his hands. He made the worlds He's not lesser than god. He is god. Okay And so the jehovah's witnesses Are false prophets based upon the teachings of their own false prophet charles taze russell and they had this this judge Rutherford that took over after him who's also a false prophet You know these this watchtower society is really weird. All right, it is a cult They believe a lot of danable heresy and false doctrine They're wrong about their bible version They're wrong about who god is and what his name You know, what name is the most important name? And they're dead wrong about jesus also, aren't they? So We need to understand how to deal with these people. Obviously, you don't have to do the deep dive. I'm doing it for you but We should you know if you if you took notes I think that you should if you want to put something in the back of your bible so you can just show The jehovah's witnesses because sometimes they don't come right to you Even though I preach that sermon on thursday night. I had to have brother shawn help me find pinpoint which verse and I was just You know, sometimes you're you're in the mode And it's not just right coming to you right away But we we took care of it. We had it we had it handled so But uh, it's good to be able to just look in your bible and under jehovah's witnesses. You got some verses you can prove Your doctrine to because look you're never going to get a jehovah's witness saved If you can't defeat their doctrine If you can't defeat their doctrine and they look like if they think for one second That you don't know what you're talking about or you can't come up with a scripture to defeat something that they brought up to you They'll dismiss everything you have to say But I have gotten other jehovah's witnesses saved former jehovah's witnesses Now not the ones that knock on your door. I've tried to get them saved before but guess what? I've never gotten one saved and you know why because they're false prophets. They can't be saved They're done. God's done with them but for the Poor souls that are trapped into this cult from the time that they're born and grown up They're they're not necessarily reprobates. I'm sure there's some mormons that aren't either but it seems like The reprobation rate amongst mormons is way higher than it is with joe's witnesses At least jehovah's witnesses will can concede that you're right about things And you know, even though they cut the conversation off They probably go in and just like they're distraught because you just hand it in their head In front of their whole family or whatever not literally, but you know Through the bible, you know, and we should be able to as baptists. We should be able to Defeat any of these people's doctrines. So let's pray heavenly father We thank you lord so much for the scriptures and how clear they are about who jesus is what the most important name is And lord the fact that the jehovah's witnesses are a cult we should avoid them And we should not ever let them in our house to do bible studies with us Otherwise we're partaker of their evil deeds lord I pray that you just uh help us to study to show ourselves approved lord unto you and that when we're out We're not confounded by our enemies when it comes to these doctrines or any doctrines lord Pray to help us to be students of the bible true students of the bible in jesus name. We pray. Amen So Sing our last song let's open our hymnals to page 198 Page 198 joy unspeakable Page 198 joy unspeakable Singing out loud on that verse verse I have found his graces all complete. He supply in every me While I sit and learn at jesus' feet I am free. Yes It is joy unspeakable and full of glory full of glory Glory full of glory. It is joy unspeakable and full of Glory all the half has never yet been told I have found the pleasure I once craved in his joy and peace within What a wondrous blessing I am saved from the awful Sin It is joy unspeakable I have found that hope so bright and clear living in the realm of Grace Oh the savior's presence is so near I can see his smiling face It is joy unspeakable And on the last I have found the joy no tongue can't tell how its waves of glory It is like a great or flowing Springing up within my soul It is joy unspeakable It is joy unspeakable Amen great thing everyone Pastor are we having a baptism? This morning. We're not having a baptism Okay, then we'll close it out brother joe. Can you end us? Anyone need rebaptize right now, okay, brother joe. Can you end us with the word of prayer? You You