(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) All right, so it's good to see everybody tonight and the title of the sermon over in John 16 Of course and the title of the sermon is the works of the Holy Spirit. Of course, I'll be talking about other things throughout the chapter, of course, there's other topics going on here, but just kind of wanted to Get everybody caught up with where we're at in the story here in the Gospel of John. Thank you so much So, where are we here we are I Mean what I presume is either on the way to the Garden of Gethsemane or they're in the Garden of Gethsemane at this point and They've already had the Lord's Supper and from chapters 13 to chapter 18 Jesus is talking with his disciples and teaching them many different things and just to kind of sum those things up He is giving them that new commandment to love one another He foretells the betrayal of Or the denial of Peter or he denies him. He's gonna die him three times he tells them he's gonna come again for them in chapter 14 and He tells them that If they've seen him, they've seen the father the Thomas asked them You know plainly show us and he says if you've seen me using the father He promises to send the Holy Spirit and he covers that a little bit in 14 a little bit He briefly touches on it in 15 then he's gonna touch on it again here in chapter 16 And then he also tells them of persecution and tries to help them understand it and to prepare for it which he does throughout and he talks about how important it is to bring forth fruit and how important soul winning is and So He's also, you know kind of just giving them that last pep talk before he goes to the cross So he's just really trying to prepare them and and really sometimes it's hard to prepare for something that you don't realize How bad it's actually gonna be because right now they're just kind of chilling or you know He's talking with them and some things are going over their head. I feel like and obviously in this chapter I feel like they they try to pretend like they're getting what he's saying, but then he's just like yeah, I don't know about that Because he knows he knows what's gonna happen in the future, right? So and I feel like to truly understand something sometimes you have to Experience it or start to experience it. So like to say we're we might go through a great tribulation I mean in our lifetimes it could happen it could start to take place and we've read about it multiple times You know, we we probably feel like hey, we're prepared. We know what it's gonna be like, but when it actually hits It's probably gonna be the worst thing that we've ever experienced in our lives and there's nothing that really prepares you for that Other than the fact that Jesus is giving words of comfort that we can cling on to and the fact that we're saved We have the Holy Spirit, you know, he's called the comforter Jesus specifically calls him the comforter in these passages and that's the only places where you see that being said So, you know, it's nice, you know, everybody probably has something at home. They call a comforter It's like a blanket right and what's that do it, you know when you're cold you kind of wrap up in it or you know It's just something that you cover yourself with that gives you comfort right and some some of them are actually really comfortable They're made out of really comfortable material that feels good on your skin, right? So, you know, they called those things comforters for a reason because they give you comfort and the Holy Spirit Gives you comfort and Jesus is kind of explaining these things to them now Let's just back up before we get into the chapter. I just want to back up to verse 18 in John chapter 15 and we're really kind of just We're we're getting I just wanted to back up to where you know, he's basically telling them that The world's going to hate them and they really I kind of said something about this last week that they really haven't experienced Persecution themselves Jesus has kind of been a shield to them and everybody hates him and everybody wants to kill him And really his disciples not like they're saying hey, we need to kill Jesus and his disciples They're like we need to kill Jesus, you know, where is he bring him to us? They want the leader they want to kill the leader and So he's explaining to them. Hey, they they're gonna hate you because of me look at verse 18 It says if the world hate you, you know that it hated me before it hated you If you were of the world the world would love his own but because you're not of the world But I have chosen you out of the world Therefore the world hateth you so and I kind of talked about this last week also that you shouldn't be surprised When the world hates you when you start talking about you can talk about benign things of Christianity in In the world in the office and people are like, oh, yeah, that's so great You know I'm so glad that you have this or whatever and then you start talking about the doctrine and people freak out And it can be really mild stuff nowadays because there's everything so watered down right now that you can't really Talk about much without people getting offended even just you even just why we would home school or why you know Just the the basic things that we really believe in Christianity people cannot get down with it Even so-called Christians get offended So the first thing I want to look at tonight is Jesus preparation for persecution here in verse number one the Bible says so he's kind of continuing off of his thoughts because remember chapter chapters were Not put in until much later. Yeah, so this is all the same conversation This is all the same talk that he's having with them from 13 to 18 right verses 13 to 18 So John 16 one says these things have I spoken unto you that you should not be Offended So he's what's he why is he speaking him? So they won't be offended and Christians shouldn't get offended anyway But we do people do but the Bible says great great Peace have they that love by law and nothing shall offend them. So we really shouldn't get offended But what is being offended? Well, it's to feel resentful or upset about something so now What's he talking about? Well when people start hating you it's it's not a fun feeling When people just hate you and it's just like why do they hate me so much and then when you when you put it in Perspective they hate you because of Christ then it shouldn't feel so bad. It's like you're actually getting to be glorified with Christ a little bit because you're partaking of his punishment You're partaking of his persecution. And so he's saying hey, I'm speaking these things to you So you won't be offended and then he says they shall put you out of the synagogues Yes, the time cometh When or excuse me that whosoever kill if you will think that he doeth God's service now He's directly talking to his disciples here. Obviously, we don't have to we don't go to synagogue So we don't understand this necessarily, but I believe that there's probably future References to us in here. Obviously, there's multiple layers to Bible prophecy but you know this is immediately these are things that they're going to have to deal with because they're coming into this transition period where it's going from the nation of Israel to a nation a spiritual nation of all believers in every single nation on earth a spiritual Israel and He says that people are gonna think that they're doing God a service and I mean I think specifically of the Apostle Paul He did it ignorantly in an unbelief where he's going around and hailing people and torturing them and he specifically You know, he thought he was doing God a service He had a zeal for God, but not according to knowledge not according to wisdom and so he at first was persecuting and wreaking havoc upon the disciples and He you know God had mercy on him because he did it ignorantly in unbelief But there will be people that think that they're doing these things for our you know like in the future because people will want to kill us too in the future in the Great Tribulation in The times of you know, the very end that people will feel the same way about us and they'll be like these are the haters I mean, it's already being you can already see the groundwork has been laid Hate is a bad word now, if you hate something then it's like, you know this Star Wars mentality where you know everybody turns into Master Yoda or something as soon as the word hate comes and it's like You know, that's not what the Bible said people say God doesn't hate anything or anybody. He hates sin, and that's it well, I mean I can show you verses in the Bible that say that he hates people and Sometimes he does obviously God is love God wants to save all people But some people have pushed him too far which I'm not going to really get into that Tonight, but it says in these things they will do unto you because they have not known the Father nor me So what is that saying? Well, they're not saved so they might have this zeal to and they think that they're doing God a favor by killing Christians and killing these disciples and They're not really doing that and they're not saved. Their zeal is in the wrong place. They don't even believe the truth So, you know, there is this thing called immediate full you know, there's the immediate fulfillment or the primary fulfillment of something and then you have future fulfillments of Bible prophecy and you know, so that's I mean, I believe that this will probably play out again in the in the future and so Society and Christianity will get so bad that people will be glad to see people like us suffer And I kind of I see like I said that you see the groundwork is already laid now and then you also see people having that attitude Towards Christians also that good. I don't care if that person got hurt or you know, there was this guy This is a fear you a few years ago It's probably several years ago now but he went to this island off the coast of India where these native these natives are left alone by the Indian government, but it's a it's actually you know, it's the island is like Part of India, right? Yeah, and this guy goes and he wants to give the gospel to these natives But they're very hostile towards people and they end up killing him and it becomes like a big news story And then people are like, you know play stupid games win stupid prizes and you know, you know He was trying to do something good But I mean obviously there's people that won't do that too. You can go preach the gospel to And when you don't speak the language or anything. Yeah, I mean it was kind of you know a dumb thing but like to be glad that someone got killed because you know of this movement against colonization and and how Christians were so bad and they you know, they killed all the Indians and they you know They just killed all the natives like well, you know number one a lot of these people were cannibals that they were killing right a lot of these people were worshipping other gods and Sometimes God just wipes nations out. I mean when the Aztecs got conquered they were Killing people and eating them and pulling they're still beating hearts out of their chest I mean, sorry kids, but they were I mean this is you know Society will tell you that all they were just peaceful basket weavers will know they were catching their heads and baskets at the bottom of The temple that they were throwing them down, but they were not peaceful basket weavers. They were Actually really bad people. So I mean obviously there's white people that did the same thing over in Germany and those types of areas You know people just when people get into this super satanic Culture eventually the end of that is cannibalism. The end of it is satanic, you know satanic cannibalism and You know sacrificing human beings on altars So and you see the evidence of this all over the world. How is that possible that all these? Temples exist all over the world that basically are pretty much the same They're pretty much worshiping the same things. Well, it's because Satan, you know put those things into place Anyway, let's look at Matthew chapter 24 Matthew chapter 24 actually, let's let's move past that. Well, we know what's gonna happen the things are gonna get worse there will be many false prophets and Things are gonna get worse and worse. They're not gonna get better and better So we're not gonna just preach Jesus and then all of a sudden the world's all gonna get saved and then you know It's gonna turn into the millennial reign or something. That's not how it works out. It's gonna get worse We can already see like I mean, you know when Jack Hiles day when he was the biggest Sunday school Had the biggest Sunday school had the biggest church attendance in the country. It was an independent fundamental Baptist Church And now you can't you can't find independent Baptist churches that are that big anymore It's just the decline of Christianity and Christianity isn't a decline especially in the United States Of course, you know, we still have a lot of Christians in this nation, but it's nowhere near At the level that used to be let's go to first Peter chapter 4 first Peter chapter 4 But of course there is a time coming when It's gonna be the worst persecution of all time But first Peter chapter 4 now we shouldn't be surprised when we go through persecution though I mean, this is what Jesus is really kind of trying to You know tell them is that hey, you know I'm telling you these things so you won't be offended when these things happen to you. Don't just think oh wow I wasn't expecting that it's not like he just was keeping it from them. Then all sudden they're gonna get persecuted No, he's telling them beforehand and first Peter 4 12. It says beloved. I think it not Figuring out strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you as though some strange thing happened unto you But rejoice in as much as your partakers of Christ sufferings that when his glory shall be revealed He may be glad also with exceeding joy So we rejoice in as much we are partakers with Christ's suffering So when we suffer we're suffering with Christ and we're suffering And and that's something to rejoice about that's something to be you know, you're like Well, it doesn't feel like something to rejoice about when you're going through it But why does it why do we always get reminded of this that we should leap for joy when we're persecuted? Why did the Apostles when they were beaten and and thrown in jail for a while and then got let out? They were joyful for the fact that they got to suffer shame for Christ's sake. Well, it's because We get great rewards for that, you know And we've never nobody none of us have ever gotten beat up or thrown in jail for preaching the gospel So there's countries where you would though and at some point it will be this country But look at verse 14 says if you be reproached for the name of Christ Happy are ye for the spirit of glory and of God resteth upon you on their part He is evil spoken of but on your part. He is glorified So they're really what they're doing is they're persecuting Christ and they're persecuting you because you believe in Christ They're persecuting you because they can't persecute Christ because he's up in heaven And so who are they gonna persecute they're gonna persecute his believers And if they called the the master of the house Beelzebub, they're gonna do a lot worse to us so Jesus is preparing for that verse 15. It's look at first Peter. Okay, we're in first Peter We'll get verse 15 says but let none of you suffer as a murderer or as a thief or as an evildoer Or as a busy a busy body and other men's matters These are things we shouldn't get caught up in You know if you get caught if you get punished and you're like, oh, I'm being punished for my belief in Christ And you're doing these things. No, you're just being punished because you're being because you're being wicked There is a difference Yet if any man suffer as a Christian let him not be ashamed, but let him glorify God on this behalf So we shouldn't be ashamed for suffering for Christ, but we should be ashamed if you're you know, getting in other people's business You're a thief. You're an evildoer. You're a murderer Busybody and other men's affairs like it says verse 17 says for the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God And if it first began at us What shall the end of them that obey not the God be of them that obey not the gospel the gospel of God? And if the righteous scarcely be saved, where shall the ungodly and sinner appear? Wherefore or for this reason let them that suffer according to the will of God commit the keeping of their souls to him in well-doing as unto a faithful Creator so let them that suffer according to the will of God that would be Christians Commit the keeping of their souls to him in well-doing So just knowing that you know, we have someone that's going to keep our souls, you know We shouldn't fear those people that can kill the body. We shouldn't fear those that can't kill our soul We should fear though that that one that could kill our soul that could cast us into hell Which of course he can't when we're saved obviously But we should fear that Creator he's the only creator we should fear God and not man or any kind of devil number two tonight I want to look at the work of the Holy Spirit This will probably be the lap of the biggest chunk of my sermon here. But look at verse 4 it says but these things have I told you that when the time shall come you may remember that I told you of them and These things said not unto you I said not unto you at the beginning because I was with you But now I go my way to him that sent me and none of you asketh me wither goest thou But because I have said these things unto you sorrow hath filled your heart Nevertheless I tell you the truth it is expedient For you that I go away for if I go not away the comforter will not come unto you But if I depart I will send him unto you now some of this chapter is dealing with some order Some order and you know, the comforter is not going to come unless Christ goes up to heaven. This is God's order I don't understand why but I guess if he's here if Christ is here on the earth and there's you know I mean, I really I guess I just should say I don't really understand why But this is just what he says if I don't go then he's not going to come So, I mean, I guess that's that's an explanation good enough for me, right? So but it says he you know, so So some of the work of the Holy Spirit. Well, he's called the comforter and he will be sent to us That's that's some of the work that he does. I mean the Holy Spirit is is You know, he does a lot of work and a lot of it. It seems like it's incognito But if you think about it, hey, there's a lot of things that that's spoken of with the Holy Ghost And of course, I don't have time to really do it justice tonight, but I'll attempt my best to do that So, you know it says, you know, nevertheless I tell you it is expedient for you that I go away So it's the best thing for you that he goes away. It's it's it's for the best and because Every believer can be indwell with the Holy Spirit, but he's called the comforter and he will be sent to us So I kind of mentioned, you know about the blanket or whatever But of course God is better than any blanket that you could ever have, right? And he's gonna comfort you better than anything that makes you feel comforted You know kids like when they're when they're little they will suck their thumbs and that comforts them and helps them go to sleep or whatever They have some blanket that they chew on or you know what? I mean like kids get these little ticks about them that help comfort them to when they're scared or when they you know They're going trying to go to sleep It helps them But God comforts us when we go through our troubles too and sometimes we don't even realize that he's doing it and it's the work Of the Holy Spirit Look at John 14 6. I won't have you turn too far away, but John 14 6 and This is where he's already spoken of this and now he's speaking of the comforter again But in John 14 6 16 excuse me 16 it says and I will pray the Father and he shall give you another comforter That he may abide with you for how long? Forever so did we ever lose the Holy Spirit? Absolutely not verse 17 even the spirit of truth Whom the world cannot receive the other great thing about the Holy Spirit. That's that's Just other people cannot receive it It's not just something that's gifted upon other people the unbelievers cannot receive the spirit of God They can't receive the spirit of truth. They have to believe and be saved first It says because it seeth him not neither knoweth him But ye know him for he dwelleth in you and shall be in you So these are things Jesus is teaching us here about the indwelling of the spirit It says he dwelleth with you and shall be in you So this is something different from the Old Testament the the Holy Spirit could indwell people it could rest upon people But it also could leave people so it left Saul, but remained upon David Which was a picture of the New Testament because David pictures Christ right and Saul pictures the law. So It says I will not leave you comfortless. I will come to you So when Jesus left, you know, he sent the Holy Spirit so that they wouldn't be without comfort they wouldn't you know Feel not feel God in their presence and in their life anymore And when that veil was rent, you know that partition was knocked down so now instead of having to have some priests go in and Have some animal sacrifice and sprinkle blood and all these different rituals that they had to do Then now we can go straight to the throne room of God by the blood of Christ So we have a different relationship with God than the people in the Old Testament had we have it better in all reality So what does it cut? What does comforter mean? It means it's a person or thing that provides consolation So, you know when you don't win first place and you get a consolation prize It's like kind of like well here's second place, you know, you feel good you get the truth now everybody gets the trophy So everybody gets consolation right, but it's we we all get the trophy, too So, you know everybody gets a trophy that believes right we get the trophy is the whole, you know, obviously I don't want to be blasting this here But I'm just saying that we all get that it's not just the special people in Christianity that get the spirit Everybody gets the spirit So and we all need the cut all the comfort that we can get don't we? So the other thing about the Holy Spirit is that he is God. He's not the force like The Jehovah's Witnesses believe I think you know before Star Wars came out They were pushing this theory of the force and it comes through, you know Hinduism and all these other Eastern religions Promote this force type God, but I don't even think that the Mormons believe that the Holy Spirit is God I think that they that they believe some kind of weird stuff about it, too but anyway, the Holy Spirit is just as much God as God the Father is and God the Son is and he just he kind of You know, he's the Spirit of God and we're just like we have a spirit we have a soul we have a body God the Holy Spirit or God the Holy Ghost is the Spirit of God. So look at John 14 26 It says but the comforter which is the Holy Ghost So it tells us right here when he keeps saying the comforter who what's he saying? He finally explains it to us in verse 26 in chapter 14 But the comforter which is the Holy Ghost so the Holy Ghost is the comforter whom the Father will send in my name He shall teach you all things and bring all things to your remembrance whatsoever. I've said unto you so He has multiple jobs that he does and and you know, I'm gonna go through these here But he shall teach you all things, but I wanted to show you that he's God first. So let's look at Acts chapter 5 so Acts chapter 5 And of course I could show you many other verses to prove this but look at just Acts chapter 5 It says but Peter This is what Ananias and Sapphira, you know They they lied about the selling their land and all that says but Peter said Ananias Why has Satan filled thine heart to lie to the Holy Ghost? So who did they lie to the Holy Ghost and to keep back part of the price of the land? Whiles it remained was it not thine own and after it was sold was it not thine in thine own power Why hast thou conceived this thing in thine heart thou hast not lied unto men but unto who? God so right there is that what does that prove that the Holy Ghost is God. It's not some force It's not just some you know thing that some power that God sends I mean even though he is power and he does it is a power that God sends but he is still God Okay, it's not some weird mystical things so Now he also will teach you all things. It says in verse 26 back in John. Let's go I should have just had you keep your finger there. So I'm sorry about that, but flipped back to John 14 verse 26 So it says but the comforter which is the Holy Ghost whom the Father will send in my name. He shall teach you all things So he shall teach you all things. Well, what does that mean that you're gonna know the whole Bible? Because you read it one time no, but the things that you learn from the Bible the things that you just read in your daily Bible reading who who's teaching that to you the the great truce that you learn from Bible reading You're gonna get that from the Holy Ghost. That's what it's saying. He shall teach you all things now let's go ahead and just keep your finger here or keep a bookmark here and then flip over to 1st John 227 1st, John 227 in case you didn't realize we're in a Bible study tonight. This is called Wednesday night Bible study Like I don't like how how many verses you go to pastor Thompson wall Sorry, it's the Bible study anyway 1st, John 227 it says But the anointing which you have received of him abideth in you the anointing is what the Holy Spirit being Poured upon you right and ye need not that any man teach you But as the same anointing teach you of all things and his truth and is no lie And even as it hath taught you he shall abide in him So what is this saying you can you read the Bible and figure out if you're saved figure out what the Bible says too for yourself yeah, because The the Holy Spirit is the one that's teaching you what the words say and it says but that same anointing Teacheth you of all things. So you're like, well, what do we need you for pastor? Well, I'm helping perfect the Saints That's what I mean. If you listen to my sermon where I ordained brother Sean that's what my job is to preach the Word of God to exhort the brethren to Edify the brethren to reprove rebuke exhort with all along suffering a doctrine, you know Preaching is needed also Not just Bible reading Bible reading is is important and you're gonna learn a lot of your doctrine From there and you don't really need me to teach you doctrine, but it is helpful. So Look at so, okay. I Had you hold your finger in John 14, but go ahead and turn to John 15 since you already have your finger in John 14 Just go to John 15 Whenever I try to pull the pastor a man is it just doesn't work I just it's not as good as him alright John 15 verse 26 it says But when the comforter is come whom I will send unto you from the Father even the spirit of truth which proceedeth from the Father he shall testify of me and He also Shall bear witness because you have been with me from the beginning So the comforter when the comforters come he's going you know, he is the spirit of truth and he proceeds from the Father He's gonna testify of who he's gonna testify of Jesus So he's gonna teach you all things, but he's also gonna teach people about Jesus Right and and so it's important that we understand who Jesus is So the Holy Spirit is gonna reveal to people who Jesus is and so when we're actually preaching at the door You know the Holy Spirit, you know has to open up that person's understanding for them to get saved He uses the soul winner to preach the Word of God The Holy Spirit opens up their understanding because they're not going to understand the gospel unless the Holy Spirit allows them to understand it Turn to 1st Corinthians chapter 2 1st Corinthians chapter 2 1st Corinthians chapter 2 verse number 10 The Bible says but God hath revealed that Them unto us by his spirit For the Spirit searcheth all things yea the deep things of God So when you're finding the deep things of God in the scriptures who's revealing those things unto you Well, the Bible says it's the spirit that searcheth all things and he reveals things to us And it says for what man knoweth the things of man save the spirit of man Which is in him even so the things of God knoweth no man, but the Spirit of God Now we have received not the spirit of the world But the spirit which is of God that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God Which things also we speak not in the words, which man's wisdom teacheth. That's why I preached the Bible But which the Holy Ghost teacheth comparing spiritual things with spiritual So why do we why do I jump in and go to other scriptures to prove my points? Well, because we have to use the words that the Holy Ghost teacheth not my wisdom But what God's wisdom teaches and compare spiritual things with spiritual, you know, I'm not comparing spiritual things with my opinion I'm comparing the spiritual things with the other spiritual things in the Bible to help us understand what the Bible is teaching here It says but the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God for their foolishness unto him neither Can he know them because they're spiritually discerned? That's why we don't believe that people could just pick up a Bible read it and get saved Because does it say they cannot receive the things of the Spirit of God? So if the Spirit is not in them and they're reading the Bible, that's why most unsaved people are like, yeah I don't even understand it at all. Right and And you're like, well, yeah, it makes sense because you're not saved and so we have to That's why it's so and so important because we have to show people what the Bible says by the Spirit of God and show them and then the Holy Spirit can open it up to him and He also another work of the Holy Spirit is that he will bring all things into your remembrance in John 14 26 be it says Go ahead and turn to mark 13 11, but it says in John 14 26 the latter part it says and Bring all things to your remembrance whatsoever. I have said unto you so one of the the things that the works of the Holy Spirit is that he helps us to remember the things that Jesus said and so the word so the words in this book are You know the things that Jesus said and the things that he said to his disciples He's even telling them in the current chapter that we're in that they're gonna remember these things later And so and a lot of things a lot of times in the Bible you'll see it and then the disciples Remember that he had said this the disciples remember he had said that so So he's gonna remember he's gonna bring things to remember Have you ever been soul winning and then some verse just pops into your mind that you don't even know by heart But God just gives it to you and you're like, I don't even know where that came from It's the Holy Spirit Helping you remember the things that God has already taught you in this book and just because you don't have it memorized doesn't mean you Can't recall those things or recall an excerpt from that scripture and sometimes I'll quote something word-perfect that I don't even have memorized How does that happen the Holy Spirit? That's how so you're in mark 13 verse 11 It says but when they shall lead you and deliver you up take no thought beforehand What you shall speak neither do you premeditate but whatsoever shall be given you in that hour that speak ye for does not ye that speak but the Holy Ghost and see in in the end times it talks about these times we're Gonna be taken and captured and it's saying don't just sit there and think of some speech that you're gonna give or write some speech You know on the wall and memorize it or something. Just let the Holy Spirit speak through you And that's what the Bible says you're gonna be the Holy Spirit's gonna be speaking through you and what do you think? He's gonna be speaking Do you think he's gonna be speaking his own words? No He's gonna be speaking the words that were already spoken By Christ helping us remember those things and those are the words that the Holy Ghost teaches Romans chapter 8 verse 26 Romans chapter 8 verse 26 It says I'll just start reading while you turn there if you want It says in Romans 8 26, likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities So sometimes we just you know, have you ever gone to prayers like I just I just don't even know what to say Like, you know, you know, you need to pray but you just can't really quite put it into words or thoughts This says he helps us in these times that we need him for we know not what we should pray for as we ought But the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered So the Spirit of God that's in us prays to God for us when we're to when we it says that we We're not praying as we ought to the Spirit of God just intercedes for us anyway and praise to the Father for us For the things that we need and the things that we should be uttering it says and he that searcheth the hearts Knoweth what is the mind of the Spirit because he maketh intercession for the Saints according to the will of God and What is the will of God, you know that we keep Christ's commandments whatsoever? He taught us to do and so again, he's bringing into remembrance the things that Christ has taught us. I Mean, he might even he's not even bringing into remembrance to his hearing He's just doing it without us even knowing about it He's just praying those things that Christ told us to do or the things that we need to be praying for And we don't even really necessarily Know it's even happening. I mean, how many times has the Holy Spirit prayed for you and you don't even realize it I mean think about that And then he shall testify of Christ John chapter 15 verse 26 B It says and he shall testify of me. He shall testify of me So another work of the Holy Spirit is that the Holy Spirit will testify of me who's talking there? Jesus is talking there and What's another word for testify? starts with the W witness turn to Hebrews chapter 10 Hebrews chapter 10 so Testify, you know, he's gonna testify of Jesus Because the Holy Ghost doesn't go around preaching the Holy Ghost. He goes around preaching What you know when we are filled with the Holy Ghost, we don't preach the Holy Ghost. We preach Jesus Now the Pentecostals will go around preaching the Holy Ghost and preaching uttering tongues that are non discernible and Spitting off balconies and you know flopping around the floor and all this other weird stuff, right? but The Spirit of God is actually testifying of Jesus It says in Hebrews 10 15. It says where of the Holy Ghost also is a witness to us Which is another word for testify for after that he had said before This is the covenant that I will make with them after those days sayeth the Lord and I will put my law into their hearts And in their minds, will I write them and their sins and iniquities? Well, I remember no more So the Holy Ghost is a witness to us and what is he talking? What's it talking about here the New Covenant? Who's who's the who's the one that's the mediator of the New Covenant it's Jesus Christ So like his job, you know one of his he's got multiple things that he does multiple works of the Holy Spirit But one of those things is to testify of Jesus to testify of the New Testament So when these people these clowns they they want to bring in the old Judaic System and blow shofars and people's churches I've had to kick people out of a church before the pastor said get that guy out of here and This guy just walks in and just blows the shofar at the end of our Sunday school service or whatever. He's like Aaron get that guy out of here He was a bozo, you know, he's just one of those judaizing Hebrew Israelite type people or whatever, but they want to bring us back to those things But what's the Holy Spirit do he witnesses and and and he and he shows people? Hey, no, the right covenant is the one that gives you the new heart The right covenant is the one where I'll put the law of God into your hearts and circumcise your hearts and not your foreskin, right? so the other thing he does is he reproves the world and So not everybody gets saved and we know that better than anybody, you know It's it's I don't know how however many people however many doors you have to knock before one person gets saved if you Keep track of that but brother Justin in Indianapolis was telling me it's one out of every 21 doors I don't know. I don't think we get that good of results here I know we definitely don't get that in Vancouver, but one in 21 doors That's I mean if you knew that everyone in 21 doors, I mean, I think we probably that'd be pretty awesome So if you ever want to take a trip someplace is receptive. That's a good receptive place to go to but You know, he he still goes forth and reproves people and when we pray hey, I pray that the Holy Spirit would go before us and reprove people and to show people their need for Christ because he's gonna testify of Christ and Like how many doors do you do you knock on and people are like hey I was just thinking about what a new church that I need to go to or I you know We were just talking about this and then they're like, yeah, I don't really have time. It's like God so it's not that God doesn't do the work. He does still do the work I mean because there are people that even though they say that testimony But I was just thinking about this and then yeah, I'll come visit your church and they never come right, right But it's not that the Holy Spirit didn't do the work It's just that they they didn't respond to what the Holy Spirit was was trying to prod them into doing So they kicked against the pricks so John chapter 16 back in our text that says and when he has come he will reprove the world of sin and of righteousness and of judgment and It says of sin because they believe not on me of righteousness because I go to my father and he see me no more of judgment because the prince of this world is Judged so he will report was reprove me to tell someone that they're wrong. Hey your religions wrong Hey your religion stupid. Yeah. Hey, you're really you know, this is real righteousness is by Christ Hey, I'm you know, just real judgment is Going to be the judgment that God is going to judge this world He judged he's already judged the prince of this world. You need to find the right religion And so I'm sending someone to your door, you know He might not tell me sending them to a door but there's some something that the Holy Spirit impresses upon people look, this is what the Bible says and That you know, he's he says the Holy Spirit the Holy Ghost reproves the world of sin and So when we go we through the Holy Ghost also reprove them of sin It's not just the Holy Ghost going for us It's also when we get to the door and we say hey, you're gonna go to hell if you don't believe this You know, you're pleading with them to get saved I mean, so I'm sure some of us get downright almost to begging people to get saved and you know They're right there. They're at the they're at the two-yard line They're trying to punch it in you're trying to punch that touchdown and they're just like, you know They get their biggest ugliest defensive lineman and they're just like, you know, they just stop it They just they don't want the men love darkness rather than light because their deeds are evil. And so ultimately They still have free will you know as much as their grandmother? That's a Baptist might be praying for them that we were coming to their door or we sit are sending people You know someone's sending us to their door or God the Holy Spirit sin whoever, you know, God is sending us to their door Well, we are sent out that is us being sent out to people and God knows who's gonna get their door knock that day But sometimes people sin away their day of grace they just you know, but they were reproved they were told and Sometimes they get told and they just choose not to get saved I won't have you turn there. But Acts chapter 24 verse 24. It's when Paul is before Felix He says it says after certain days when Felix came With his wife Drusilla, which was a Jewess He sent for Paul and heard him concerning the faith in Christ and as he reasoned of righteousness Temperance which you know, if you're not temperate at sin, right and judgment to come Felix trembled So Felix, you know, he he heard the Word of God and he trembled Do you think he was just trembling because he wasn't feeling that reproof of sin from the Holy Spirit Of course, he was feeling that It says an answered go thy way for the for this time when I have a convenient season I will call for thee but you know what the Bible doesn't ever say that Felix got saved instead He was hoping for a bride So whatever feeling he got whatever that trembling he had where he was afraid of God at that moment and thought hey I should probably get saved. He just ignored that and left Paul in prison for two more years after that Probably send away his day of grace, you know that we sing that song some more convenient day, you know almost but lost You know people will say hey, you know, I'm gonna get saved some other day and then they don't get that chance they don't get that opportunity because They just harden themselves or they die or whatever happens to them. It's sad But the Holy Spirit does reprove of sin. It says I have many things to say into you, but you cannot bear them now So as we progress on with the story here, he is now telling them. Hey, there's a lot of things I still want to say to you, but you can't you can't hear them right now. You're just not gonna get it So and you know I feel like there's a lot of things that will happen Like I said in the end times that we can't bear right now. It's hard for us to fathom I mean when we read the things that happen in the book of Revelation, it's hard for us to even picture those things and You know you think you like see pictures of like World War two and just how bad it was but living through it. I Mean it's wet, you know, yeah, and this is way worse. We're talking about a reprobate army of The end times I preached the whole sermon about it several years ago And I want to preach an updated version of it, but think about this when the mark of the beast is given There nobody can buy or sell except for they take that mark everybody in every hospital everybody in every police station Everybody in every municipality and government anybody that's working any job has to have that mark Yeah, or they and and so what does that mean they're damned eternally so they become reprobates everybody in the military everybody in the fire department Everybody in any system in this world is gonna be a reprobate that still works and is not like avoiding this beast system What a scary thing to think about That these milk, you know, I mean you see like stuff where the military is going doing these actions where they're not You know knocking doors and kicking doors in and doing imagine it being all reprobates With no kid, you know, and if you're a Christian and they find you and they're a reprobate that literally worships the devil I mean, it's not it's it's not it's gonna be a scary world. It really is There's there's not going to be any conscience left in these people, right? So, you know you want to get fixed up at the hospital. You don't got that mark not happening You know, I guess it's it is scary to think about isn't it, yeah But it says in verse 13, it says how be it when he the spirit of truth is come He will guide you into all truth He shall not speak of himself But whatsoever he shall hear that shall he speak and he will show you things to come So and you know when Daniel is told seal these things up for the you know for the time of the end Daniel was never told what was happening next. He just had to kind of be like, okay. Sorry Daniel This is the end of your chapter you know you in 1335 days after the beginning you'll you'll be in your lot, but you don't need to know anything else And he got to see all these crazy revelation you know, he got to see some of the things that John got to see in the book of Revelation, but He doesn't get he didn't get to know and we got we get to see the revealing of the book of Revelation But I don't I think there's just some things we're not fully gonna understand until we actually see it take place You know, but one thing that we do know for sure is that The next thing that's happening is the Antichrist being revealed And I'm gonna preach a series of on the fall feast at some point But when the fall feasts start taking place, they start taking place in the middle of the final seven years Like if you just look like in Bible like if you look in Leviticus chapter 23 You got the spring feast that happened and then you have the fall feast that first fall feast What is it the blowing of the trumpets and what does that signify the Antichrist? It's a warning Right, and what is that? What is the Antichrist revealed at the midpoint of the seven years and then you have the Day of Atonement? Which you know you have the other blowing of the trumpets, which is the Day of Atonement Which we've already had all of our sins atoned for so it's kind of like why is it being blown then? Well, that's when the rapture happens. That's what our full atonement, you know That's when we fully get everything that Christ has promised us so that's kind of you know, that's that's that I wrestled with that for a long time, but Then you know you have that blowing of the trumpets for the Jubilee So that all kind of takes place at the same time, which is what 75 days later approximately and You know, then you have what what's after that? The booths the Feast of Booths was or the Feast of Tabernacles And what does that represent? Well that we're gonna live forever with God and he's made a tap, you know he's he's he's made a place for us the Eternal city of Zion, right? So anyway, I'm gonna preach a certain series about that. But anyway, it's really interesting. So And so he's gonna teach us of things to come end times Bible prophecy in John 16 14 It says he show and he shall glorify me for he shall receive of mine and shall show it unto you All things that the Father hath are mine Therefore said I that he shall take of mine and shall show it unto You So now the other thing that he is a part of is salvation Now I don't have to I want to kind of save a little bit of time here But in John 3, I'll just kind of read that you can turn to John chapter 7 But I'm gonna read for you in John chapter 3 verse 5 It says this is when Nicodemus comes to Jesus at night Jesus answered verily I say unto thee except a man be born of water and Of the Spirit He cannot he cannot enter into the kingdom of God That which is born of the flesh is flesh that which is born of the Spirit is spirit So when you're born again, what are you born again of you're born again of the Spirit of God You're like well doesn't Jesus save? Yes, you believe in Jesus He saves you but the Spirit of God regenerates you and you were born again. He gives you everlasting life, right? so And then it says Marvel not that I said unto you you must be born again the wind bloweth where it listeth and Thou hearest the sound thereof but can'ts not tell whence it cometh and whither it goeth So is everyone that is born of the Spirit. I had you turn to John chapter 7 Look what it says in verse 37 It says in the last day the great day of the feast Jesus stood in And cried saying if any man thirst let him come unto me and drink He that believeth on me as the scripture has said out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water But this spake he of the Spirit which they that believe on him should receive For the Holy Ghost was not yet given because Jesus was not yet glorified so, you know He when he's talking about living water and and and the Spirit of God He's talking about the everlasting life that you receive when you get the Spirit of God and It's talking specifically about the Holy Ghost. So the regeneration that takes place at salvation is being born again Isn't that being given a new life? It's a it's a I mean, yeah, because it's being born again. So there's the second death There's also the second it's kind of like the second life. You're being born not once but twice So it is kind, you know, it's it's it's a life-giving thing that you're you know Because we don't have everlasting life until we get saved We have a life that terminates it dies So with that second birth comes that everlasting life that is given to us by the Spirit of God And then of course his work in creation is where you know in John or Genesis 1 1 You don't have to turn there turn to Matthew 1 I'm gonna have you I'm gonna just gonna read Genesis 1 1 It says in Genesis 1 1 in the beginning God created the heaven and the earth and the earth was without form and void and darkness was upon the face of the deep and The Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. So in creation, we see the Spirit of God moving upon the face of The waters so he's present there and participating in creation Of course, we know that Jesus is the Word of God and God said let there be light and there was life. So you have the Trinity in the first three verses of the Genesis and then in verse 26 where it says let us make man in our image after our likeness, you know He's speaking in plurality as the Father the Son and Holy Spirit So Matthew chapter 1 verse 18 says now You know because he creates life he you know, the Holy Spirit brings life Okay It says what Matthew 1 18 says now the birth of Jesus Christ was on this wise When and of course, this is a good Christmas some good Christmas stuff here When his mother Mary was espoused to Joseph before they came together. She was found with child of who the Holy Ghost When Joseph then Joseph her husband being a just man and not willing to make her a public example was minded to put her away privately but while he thought on these things behold the angel of the Lord appeared unto him in a dream saying Joseph thou son of David Fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost So the life of Jesus as a human being was placed into Mary's womb by who the Holy Ghost So he gives life he creates life And He was there in the creation But he also brings forth the life of Jesus in Mary It says now shall bring forth the son now shall call his name Jesus for he shall save his people from their sins so he creates life and everlasting life and so the I mean that's a lot of stuff that the Holy Spirit does isn't that I probably I mean You probably preached multiple series about that But I felt like I preached a series while I was here with you guys anyway so Moving on but the Holy Spirit, you know, he has you know, he's just he kind of takes a backseat You know, you always say the Father the Son the Holy Spirit. They are co-equal in power they are you know, they're all but they they still do have a chain of command that they You know, of course the Father you have the Son than the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit kind of takes a backseat You know, but he's still God he's still equal with them But that's just how the Godhead works so and you know, we do we understand everything about the Godhead No, we don't do we understand how God is a Trinity yet one God it's hard for us to Understand those things, but I just believe it because the Bible says it So can I fully understand it? Can I fully wrap my mind around it? No, I can't But I know it's true because the Bible says so so and then three Tonight is your sorrow will be turned into joy So Jesus, you know, he's he's still speaking with him here says in verse 16 in our text It says a little while you shall not see me and again a little while and he shall see me Because I go to the Father and he said and and then said some of his disciples among themselves What is this that he saith unto us a little while and he shall not see me and again a little while and he shall see me and Because I go to the Father they're confused They said they said therefore what is this that he saith a little while we cannot tell what he saith So they're like there's kind of like, you know, he's talking to you know all 11 of them or whatever and Then there's some like back talking going on in the background and they're just confused now Jesus knew that there were desires to ask him and sit and said unto them Do you inquire among yourselves of what I said a little while and he shall not see me and again a little while and he? Shall see me verily verily. I stand to you that you shall weep and lament but the world shall rejoice He shall be sorrowful, but your sorrow shall be turned into joy And I'm guessing that he's talking about his crucifixion here. It says a woman when she is in travail has sorrow Because her hours come But as soon as she is delivered of the child she remembers no more the anguish For joy that a man is born into the world, which is true. I mean I've Viewed children being bored because you know my children I was there when my children were born and you know My wife's just like, you know She's just in all this pain and travail and and then as soon as the baby's born She's like all that just goes out the window. They want to hold the baby. They want to nurse the baby They're excited about the baby and all that pain just kind of is forgotten It's kind of like when we go through hard times in our lives, too You know, it's it's all seems like a you know, when you're going through something really hard It's like it's all you can kind of focus on but then you know when it's all goes away There's like a distant memory to us, you know, and so that's I think he's just trying to explain to them that you know When we go through hard times, you know, hey, yeah, it's tough when you're going through it But when it's all over, you know, you can you can rejoice And You know as in verse 22 and you now therefore have sorrow, but I will see you again That's like that's a that's a comforting verse there up, but I'll see you again and your heart shall rejoice and your joy No, man taketh from you. Nobody can take that away from you Nobody's gonna be able to take Christ away from them and it says in that day He shall ask me nothing verily verily I say unto you whatsoever. You shall ask the Father in my name He will give it you hitherto you've asked nothing in my name Asking you shall receive that your joy may be full You know, so we haven't seen Jesus. They got to see Jesus They got to hang out with them and learn from him face to face and and hang out with them every day You know, so our situation is different, you know But the Bible says blessed are they that have not seen and yet believe so we have our own special blessing to look forward to Will we see him for the first time it'll be a joyous occasion for us also and because you know We will be you know, seeing that which we believe by faith, you know for the very first time and our sorrow of this world will be forgotten just like the Woman forgets her sorrow of childbirth when her child is born So, you know, that's it's something positive for us to think about You know when we're going through our darkest times to remember that, you know Jesus said I will see you again You know, we can't really he can't really say that to us necessarily because we have never seen him before but we will see him And that is a promise to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord So when we die, we're gonna go to Jesus number four the disciples seemingly Finally get it seemingly. All right verse 25 Says these things have I spoken unto you in Proverbs But the time cometh when I shall no more speak unto you in Proverbs, but I shall show you plainly of the Father At that day you shall ask in my name and I say not unto you that I would pray The Father for you for the Father himself loveth you because you have loved me and have believed that I came from God I came forth from the Father and I'm come into the world again. I leave the world and go to the Father so He's just kind of explained what he's already said to him before his disciples said unto him lo now Speakest thou plainly and speakest no proverb. So they're like, okay now we get it, you know And it says now we are sure that thou knowest all things and needest not that any man should ask thee by this we believe Thou camest forth from God Jesus answered them Do you now believe? I just kind of feel like he's just like do you really believe though? It's kind of like a sarcastic thing that he's saying because like he knows that Peters gonna deny him three times He knows that when they go to capture him just a little, you know After this next chapter in chapter 17 that they're all gonna forsake him and flee you know, they're the Shepherd smite the Shepherd and the and the sheep will scatter so They're really they believe but he's sitting there telling them all this stuff And they're kind of I think that they're kind of just like yeah. Yeah now we get it. Yeah Yeah, because sometimes when people are just sitting there explaining things to you for a long time. You're like, okay Yeah, uh-huh. I get it. Uh-huh, and you're shaking your head. Mm-hmm. Yeah so I Think that that's kind of what's going on here So but cuz Pretty soon they're not gonna get it pretty soon. They think he's really dead They don't I mean he's been telling them all this time. Hey, I'm gonna rise up in three days and They're all just like all sad and you know, if they really believe what he said, then they know they're gonna be like yeah In three days, he's gonna rise from the dead. He said to meet us a gal, you know, meet me in Galilee Yeah, and then yeah So number five the last thing tonight here in the world you shall have you shall have tribulation So, you know we we get a lot of this old IFP garbage where they're just like we're not gonna go God isn't a white beater. He's not gonna bring his children through the tribulation and all this other stuff and it's just like The Bible is filled with people going through tribulation. Yes with the enemies of God Attacking us tribulation, you know, it can be something that we go through from our enemies But it also can go, you know, God can put us through tribulation But affliction You know that this is talking about this is talking about the affliction that the world puts upon us Look at verse number 32 in our text. It says behold the hour cometh. Yea is now come So he's saying it's it's it's upon us here that ye shall be scattered every man to his own and shall Leave me alone and yet I'm not alone because the Father is with me So, I mean they just got done saying that they that they believe everything he's like do you believe them and he's like You're all gonna leave me. You know, um, let me tell you So the reason Jesus is saying all these things to him is to help them afterwards He's like trying to pre, you know, give him the pregame, you know plays here and they're just not they're really not getting it So but he's also telling them for not just after his passion not just after he's crucified But for the future because the future is when they're gonna have to deal with these things themselves look at John 1633 it says these things have I spoken unto you that in me you might have peace in the world. Ye shall have tribulation But be of good cheer. I have overcome the world so he said ye shall have tribulation in this world and You know, it's not just It's not just the disciples that were he was talking to right then it's people throughout the ages Since Christ is gone have received tribulation and even us in this room have received tribulation of some sort Even if it's not like, you know people threatening to kill us or chasing us and we have to run or we're gonna die or something Like that, but that's not always what tribulation is like I mean when they were you know casting things in his teeth as the Bible says When they're mocking him that was part of the torture Nobody likes to be made fun of I mean he's on the cross, you know, it says naked You know, basically he's just you know, at least not in his I mean basically I mean just if he's covered down there That's all you know, you're still Still You know, you're in your underwear or whatever right nobody wants to be just displayed like that It's embarrassing and the spitting and the shame and I mean pulling his beard out of his face I mean if you think about what he probably looked like People probably wouldn't even have probably been able to look at what he what his face looked like right? It was bad So and and just it was just a gruesome scene and so he's trying to prepare him for these things and It says in verse 3, let's see Let's turn to a couple more verses here, then we'll wrap it up here though But it says in Mark, let's turn to Mark 4 verse 16 So the world you shall have tribulation, but you have good cheer. I've overcome the world So In March number 4 verse 16, it says, you know, he's taught this is a parable Where it's talking about the the different people that receive the word the seed of the Word of God It says these are they likewise verse 16 which are sown on the stony ground and when they have heard the word immediately receive it with gladness and Have no root in themselves and so endure for a time afterward when affliction or persecution Arise for the word's sake immediately, they're offended some people they get saved and then immediately Somebody says something to them and they're just like, okay. I'm out of here. They don't want anything to do with it It doesn't mean they're not saved just means that they can't handle the affliction and the persecution But I want to show you that though because affliction or persecution affliction and persecution mean the same thing you're being afflicted for your faith in Christ and Correct, you know these things happen throughout the ages not just back then now, let's look at Acts chapter 14 verse 21 But this idea that that we're gonna be just you know The people because look even with the Jews they think this they think well all Israel shall be saved And like Jesus is gonna come out of the at the rapture He's gonna come down and then they're gonna the Jews are gonna go. Oh, it's it's him now. We believe in him and That they're all gonna be saved, right That's what they believe But it's kind of like they they kind of believe this for the people that you know There's only one generation of people that are gonna be at that rapture You know and but he's like nobody but they're like people are gonna go through persecution You know, we're not gonna have to go through the tribulation And it's like well, where's the Bible say that? It doesn't say that But they're like well but the that's the tribulation Saints and It's like also the tribulation Saints they get put in a different category These people deserve to go through this they might not say that But that is what they think If you think about it, oh because this is what they always say. Oh, but the tribute those are the tribulation Saints The Tribulation Saints, you know, they weren't saved when the rapture happened. So they kind of deserve to go they were left behind So they deserve to go through that and it's just like so, okay Do you know what I mean? like so there's one generation of Jews that supposedly get saved but all the ones now you're still supposed to worship them and lick their Boots and you know put their flags in your churches and stuff and then you know, you have this one generation also So it's like you have the you know be good to all the Jews and then they all get saved at the same time and Then when it comes to the Christians and Jesus comes those people are second-class citizens That have to go through the tribulation that are saved. It's not weird. Yeah Look at acts 14 21 though It says and when they had preached the gospel to the city To that city and had taught many they returned again to Lystra and to Iconium in Antioch Confirming the souls of the disciples and exhorting them to continue in the faith and curtain What is exhorting encouraging them to continue in the faith and that we must through much? tribulation Enter into the kingdom of God. It's not just through a little bit. It's through much tribulation Why is he having to exhorting them to exhort them to continue in the faith? Because when people are trying to kill you all the time because of your faith then it can be like hey Maybe I should just stop this maybe you know, maybe this isn't what you know, this isn't what we signed up for Because what a lot of us got saved we probably didn't realize we're getting enlisted in the army Yeah, the Lord's Army that our name just automatically got signed on this paperwork You know when you're in the military you sign that on purpose and you're like, yeah I'm gonna go fight, you know an operation desert storm or whatever, you know You know the tower the twin towers happen or whatever the the two, you know buildings get we got attacked or whatever and then everybody's like yeah, I'm gonna go fight and You know, of course the weapons of mass destruction weren't there, you know, we kind of got lied to about some things anyway, that's another sermon for another time, but We we don't get lied to but you know, we just we get drafted immediately We don't really realize it and some people can't handle that Some people don't want to go through the persecution and our persecutions very light Very light but there might come a time when it's not and we might need some more exhortation to continue in the faith It's hard enough just living in the world that we live in and going just having problems in our day-to-day life People quit anyway people just quit over some of the smallest things and look, you know life is tough I get it and you know, sometimes I feel like quitting too. I'll just be honest with you You know, everybody feels like quitting. Yeah, but that's just the flesh It's like, you know the Prone to wander Lord. I feel it prone to leave the God. I love here's my heart Oh take and seal it seal it for like to thy courts above, you know, that song probably reaches every everybody loves that song why because everybody feels that way sometimes and we all feel like quitting sometimes but Paul's exhorting them to stay and to continue in the faith and that hey We're gonna have to go through some tribulation to enter into the kingdom of God look at Matthew chapter 24 verse 21 Matthew chapter 24 verse 21 Running out of time I'm out of time The Pete's already here All right. Well, I have no more excuses. All right. I want to finish this chapter though. Just I'll be quick here So Matthew 24 verse 21 says for then shall be great tribulation such was not since the beginning of the world To this time no nor ever shall be But only only if you're a tribulation saint. Well, you have to go Then you deserve it Except those days should be shortened there shall no flesh be saved But for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened seems like God likes the tribulation Saints Enough to where he makes the day shortened so that they don't all die. Yeah So again, that is a weird it is a weird belief that they have the tribulation Saints they won't say like they deserve it or whatever, but like What do they think about that? Oh, that's just the tribulation Saints like they're just some lesser class But in heaven, they're a higher class, aren't they? Yep, because in heaven they're like how long Oh Lord, you know how long is it gonna be till you judge those that are upon the earth and That he God's hearing their prayers Yeah, and they have a better resurrection and God is you know It seems like God favors those people that have that are the tribulation Saints. Yeah, okay They're not a lesser class. It seems like they're kind of they get a little more accolades They get like maybe an extra star or something so the little extra shine to them and John 16 33 be it says but be of good cheer. I have overcome the world So, yeah, we do have to go through some tribulation and maybe our generation won't see these things that it's talking about maybe it will and Again, we won't we won't be able to fully prepare for things like that until they start to happen but like when all the COIV ID Stuff started happening. I can't really say it out loud or they'll just knock my youtube channel off or whatever But when all that started to happen and look how fast that happened Yeah, and now they got all their stuff in place now now they get all their contact tracing and all that stuff and now They can just you know They can track us and do all kinds of weird stuff and you know that if you can't leave the country you can't fly Oh, did you get that test? That was all just like a big experiment. Yeah, and why do they why do they want to get rid of gas cars? Why do they want to get rid of that? Well, they want everybody on the grid, yeah, they want to be able to track everybody for everything that they do Why do they want to get rid of all kind of all the fossil fuels? Because you can't trip you can't trace that right but you can trace electricity How many watts are they use it in their house to run their heaters? You know how they just want to trace us and track us on everything that we do and that's what the big push is for Do they really care about the environment? No, they don't care about the environment. They just like to make billions off of people are like Oh, I put this in the red in the yellow box today And now I got my Brit my brownie points for the week now. I've saved the world. I Didn't shave my armpits. So now I've saved the world anyway That's the hippies. All right So but you know, we should what is Jesus saying here though? He's saying be of good cheer It's not saying like be positive. Yeah, I have overcome the world And so since he's overcome the world we get to overcome the world. Yes, and that is something to be happy about that is something to be cheerful about and Let's not just have a negative outlook on everything, but let's stay positive So yeah, we're gonna have tribulation. We're gonna have treachery. We're gonna have heartbreak. We're gonna have heartache. We're gonna suffer loss We're gonna be downtrodden. We're gonna be maligned by other people. We're gonna be abused We're gonna be evil and treated like the Bible says But stay positive. That's what Jesus is saying. That's the last part of the verse He's like hey be of good cheer though. I've already overcome the world and because he's overcome the world we get to live forever Yeah, we'll have some temporary problems. But you know what we get to live forever with our own place You know, I don't think he's gonna make us pay rent. He's not gonna raise the rent every month for every year Make us sign a new lease and up all the prices and all that stuff. I mean just that I don't think there's taxes I don't think we'll exist. I Mean, yeah, we're probably have to work or whatever, but like we'll probably enjoy it because it'll be ours nobody's got their hand in the pot trying to take it, you know what I mean and Sometimes I think that we're just guilty of focusing too much on the negative and I was kind of listening to Just some little clip and it wasn't necessarily a Christian clip but what they said was made sense They said the problem with people today is that they fixate on everything bad that happened in their life It's kind of a Gen Z type thing Yeah Or they just want to fixate on all the bad stuff that happened and they want to talk about other problems They want to focus on all their stuff that happened to them when they were a kid or whatever. It's like dude 80s kids You know it's just like we had the key waiting for us on the a little magnetic strip a hide a key and then we open the door and took care of ourselves made our own lunch or made our own snacks before people got home and Got myself ready for football did my homework Play a little Nintendo watch some GI Joe and I went to football practice or whatever I did, you know and that were called the key latch generation or whatever We had problems too. We got spanked too We you know, we had all kinds of stuff that happened to us But you know, you don't see us getting up and making videos about it and whining We've gone through problems too, so look it doesn't help you if you just keep focusing on everything It's negative all the time. It's just gonna drag you down. That's why Jesus like be of good cheer I have overcome the world. Yeah, so don't be so down in the mouth Let's focus on the things that are good in our lives instead of just always focusing on all the negative Well, this is going wrong and that's going wrong Look, there's so much going on in the world that you could focus, you know, once your algorithm starts going on negative news That's all you're gonna see when you're swiping The Twitter it's like everybody's getting jumped by moths of people every you know, all these women are you know? A bunch of god haters, you know, but it's not really true All these things are just an algorithm of our negativity that we're we seek the negativity or we we click on the negativity because that's more interesting but then You know and then we just end up in this negative mess that we're in and I just I like what Jesus says here be of good cheer Because that's where we actually should have our mental state to be of good cheer because he's overcome the world And that means we overcome the world who is he that overcome with the world But he that believe that Jesus is the Christ Right, and so because he's overcome we get to overcome and that is something to be cheerful about Let's pray or we thank you so much for this great chapter in the Bible Lord Pray that you just bless the food and the fellowship afterwards Pray you just help us to be a positive people Lord and being get down about things I pray you'd help us to not focus on things help us to have good mental health where we're thinking on the positive thinking on all the righteous things that you've done for us and and how you've overcome and how we've overcome because of you and I pray that you just help us to Not get depressed not get down not focus on all of our problems But Lord that we would focus on things that are right and true and good Pray that you just bless as we go our separate ways and keep us all safe as we travel home tonight Jesus and we pray Amen