(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Well, it's good to be back again. This time was a lot shorter in between so thankful for that and Sorry that everybody's been kind of getting some kind of whatever weird Viruses that's been going around and of course my wife has got something I'm not sure what she's got, but she's got something and she's just quite not quite recovered but she wishes she could see you all she's watching on the live stream tonight and So What was it a couple weeks ago? We were in John chapter 11, and we basically covered the topic of Lazarus and him being brought back from the dead and he was four days dead and Jesus he allowed him to die So that he could bring him back to life so that people would be saved And so that we'd be able to see that story many many years later and be able to preach out of that chapter and show the great work of the Lord Jesus Christ and how he has power to bring the dead back to life and Also, we saw the definition of what death truly is because for people that are saved we would say yeah that person's dead But in reality, they're not really dead because if you believe in Christ, you know, even though To everybody else it might seem like you're dead. You're not really dead your body's dead, but you do go to heaven straight away and You are with God forevermore. We don't have to spend a second in hell or quote-unquote Abraham's bosom the good hell or anything like that, so And then so at the end of the chapter though, there was this Conspiracy to kill the Lord Jesus Christ and in this chapter We're gonna see not only is there a conspiracy to kill the Lord Jesus Christ, but there's also a conspiracy to kill Lazarus and So we're gonna and this is this chapter right here is a big turning point in the Gospel of John now It begins we begin this big wind up to the crucifixion in this chapter and it's a culmination to the crucifixion and in Chapters 12 to 19, that's eight chapters from 12 to 19 covers six days So all the stuff that we go on from here out is only a six-day time period so And then I'm just I got like points, but they're not really they're just kind of you know markers in the chapter basically but the first marker here is Is in verse number one and that's Mary anoints Jesus at Bethany Mary anoints Jesus at Bethany Look at verse number one The Bible says then Jesus six days before the Passover came to Bethany where Lazarus was which had been dead whom he raised from the dead and so if you remember last Wasn't last week, but the week before last go just flip back over to chapter 11 really quick I got to get a bigger pulpit here. This drives me nuts. All right chapter 11 verse 2 or a smaller Bible one of the two But my eyes don't want to allow me to do that So ok chapter 11 verse 2 it says it was that Mary which anointed the Lord with ointment and wiped his feet with her Hair whose brother Lazarus was sick so here we have the story actually being told as to so the Bible tells us Which Mary it's talking about and then it introduces and tells the story in the next chapter Which is kind of it's kind of different, right? But there's multiple different Mary's in the Bible Mary was apparently a very popular name in the first century before Christ and it's still a very popular name today and of course Jesus's own mother was named Mary and then you have Mary Magdalene and you have Mary of Bethany And I think that there might be another is that is there Mary the mother quick Cleophas or am I mixing that up? I don't know. I feel like there's a lot of Mary's though. Okay so anyway, so Let's see. Let's look at verse number two there It says back in our text it says there they made him a supper and Martha served so she's back to serving She she she's good at doing that but it says but Lazarus was one of them that sat at the table with him So back from the dead still alive here then took Mary a pound of ointment of spikenard Very costly and anointed the feet of Jesus and wiped his feet with her hair and the house was filled With the odor of the ointment. So apparently there was no people that were allergic to fragrances at this house Wasn't a company policy back then But What what what you have to understand about this? Specific I'll actually I'll explain this later what the spikenard is But it's not something that you probably anybody in here is probably ever smelt or note, you know Has anybody ever smelt it actually do you know what it do? You know what it is? Does anybody know what is it? You just raise your hand if you know, okay I'll explain it to you in just a little bit here But it's so it has such a smell to it that it just the odor goes about the whole house So it's it's definitely some pretty smelly stuff, but it doesn't smell bad Obviously, it's very expensive and there's a reason why and I'll get to that in a little bit But it says then one then sayeth one of the disciples and this is a pound of ointment I mean you think about what a pound feels like it's you know, it's a pretty hefty amount there, but This is then sayeth one of his disciples Judas Iscariot Simon's son Which should betray him? Why was not this ointment sold for three hundred pence and given to the poor? so that's how expensive it is is three hundred pence so it's very expensive and And give it to the poor. So this is Judas making a very hyper spiritual statement But we know that he doesn't really care about the poor the Bible explains this to us That he doesn't care for the poor. He cares about what's in the bag because he's a thief, right? And it says this this he said yeah It says it right here that not that he cared for the poor because he was a thief and had the bag and bear What was put there in? so Judas, of course is a false prophet Judas is an infiltrator and Jesus did kick him knowing that he was this But Judas is the is a typical type of person that will infiltrate churches. They come in to steal Kill and to rob they want to kill the church They want to rob people and they want to infiltrate and pretend like they're one of us They are the literal hypocrite a real hypocrite is someone that knows they're not saved But pretends that they are so they can gain some kind of advantage Which is probably very weird to us because most people Can't understand that to pretend to be something that you're not in order to you know to pretend to be a Christian Like that's just so bizarre and weird There's people that think that they're Christians, but they're just deceived by the devil and they believe a false gospel or something But these people actually know Judas knew what he was and so when people feel sorry for him and make plays like Jesus Christ Superstar and make him the focal point and the messages from the the the view of Judas and You know, they'll people feel sorry for Judas people think that Judas was saved and that he lost his salvation Just all kinds of weird stuff, you know people like manly Perry will teach that you just got more people more Disciples more people saved than all the other disciples. He didn't get anybody saved because he's a false prophet so it says Then okay, then he said not not that he cared for the poor. Okay, let's see verse 7 then said Jesus Let her alone against the date the day of my bearing has she kept this So she's been hanging on to this and she knows that he's gonna die and you know It seems like she knows more than what the disciples know because she's kept it against the day of his bearing It says for the poor always you have with you, but me you have not always so there's nothing wrong with doing something nice or buying something nice or Doing a nice thing that might be more a little more on the spendy side for someone every once in a while Yeah, you know Jesus Christ. He was poor. He came into this world poor You know, of course, he's the king of kings and Lord of Lords He owns everything but as a man when he came into this world, he had nothing, you know He's born to a poor family. He was a carpenter's son. He was a blue-collar tradesman, you know his lease his dad was that he probably did what his dad did and You know probably had a very meager amount of money and he didn't have all he had You know, he depended on people helping him while he ministered to others So he also had an outfit that they gambled for in the end. That was a pretty expensive outfit So they didn't gamble for it because he was in rags folks. They gambled for it because it was a nice outfit So to say that Jesus just never had anything nice or never had anything nice done for him That's just not true. And here we have this this account or this woman who they had a lot of money I mean remember last chapter they sent you know, they sent the Pony Express to go and send him a message They sent him the the old-school text message from back in the day They were like here write this up and then be swift about it You know, I'm sure that cost a lot of money. These people are apparently have a lot of money So anyway, it says for the poor you have you have with you Excuse me for the poor always you have with you But me you have not always now when Jesus was in Bethany. Oh, I'm sorry. Excuse me Let's turn to Matthew chapter 26. So I want to look at the different accounts of this Because there's some different details and there is like a little bit of a controversy about Mary of Bethany There's there's people that think that Mary of Bethany and Mary Magdalene are the same person and they also think that Mary And the woman in Luke chapter 7 are the same person that Mary anointed Jesus twice Which I don't agree with that, but I'm just gonna let you look at the verses for yourself But there's also different details given in the different accounts in the gospel. So I just want to take a look at that So let's look at Matthew chapter 26. So Right now we have the details that you know, Mary's the one, you know, Mary the the sister of Lazarus Mary it says Mary of you know, the Bethany right and So she gets the very expensive spike nard and she begins to anoint him you have Judas in the picture he pipes up and he's upset and In reality the Bible tells us the reason why he's upset. It's not because he actually cares for people It's because he wants the money and so like I said at the beginning of this this study This is a turning point in the gospel, this is where Judas decides Okay, I'm gonna now this is where I'm gonna reveal myself as to what I am now He doesn't just come out and do it now But this is what turns his heart to make him do what he's going to do so he activates here and his sleeper cell activates, right and He's tapped by the devil here So Matthew chapter 26 verse 6 the Bible says so you're gonna want to keep your finger in John chapter 12 But Matthew chapter 26 verse 6 says now when Jesus was in Bethany in the house of Simon the leper So here's a new detail. Where did it take place in the house of Simon the leper, right? There came unto him with unto him a woman having an alabaster box So here's another detail that wasn't in John It's an alabaster box of a very a very precious ointment Doesn't say what it was but we already know it's spikenard, right and it says and poured it on his head so here's another detail so first she pours it on his head and then she also rubs it on his feet and and wipes it with her hair and her tears right as As he sat at meat, so he's eating But when his disciples saw it, so here's another detail When his disciples saw it they had indignation Saying to what purpose is this waste? But we know that who who's the one that actually? Instigated this Judas instigated this and so the lesson I think that we can get out of this right here Is that hyper spiritual wicked people that infiltrate can influence? Saved good people to be like, hey, yeah. Well, why is this happening? Why you know, why it why couldn't we sell this to the poor and so these these types of hyper spiritual people like Judas That really are bad people can influence save people to act in the same manner So that's why it's so important to root these type of people out, you know Once you realize what they are to get them out Because whatever their little hyper spiritual thing is whether it's they do more soul winning than everybody else or They do more work than everybody else. They want everybody else to know about it or You know, they give more to everybody else they help more people or whatever it is They want their whoever they have in their little clique to start doing those things also And that's what that and that'll look that'll turn a church sour real quick Because when it's a little quick and you got one of them is just a really bad person But they're you know They're pointing that all towards the rest of the church and they kind of get this puffed up attitude that they're better than everybody else So not all hyper spiritual people are bad people But they've been they they like in this case are the the rest of the Apostles evil No, the rest of the Apostles aren't evil. The rest of the Apostles are good, but they're influenced by Judas To say the same thing and they're being vicious aren't there that says they had indignation So they're they're really pissed off is what it means, right? They're upset So what is the purpose of this waste? I mean you think about this She's doing this as a nice thing to the Lord and they're calling what she's doing a waste I mean, that's pretty hyper spiritual That's pretty that's pretty wicked And you know when someone's doing something nice for the spiritual leader like that and then for someone else to say Hey, why are you doing that? Why are you helping that man of God like that? It's like that's a weird that's a weird attitude to have right Verse 9 it says for this ointment might have been sold for much and given to the poor When Jesus understood it he said unto them why trouble you the woman for she hath wrought a good work upon me Free of the poor always with you But ye but me have not always for in that she hath poured this ointment on my body She did it for my burial Verily I say unto you Wheresoever the gospel shall be preached in the whole world there shall also There shall also this that this woman hath done be told for a memorial for her of her so tonight a Memorial of her is being spoken once again. Just like Jesus prophesied. This is coming true in your ears tonight so And so she what she did was a great thing She was doing something right and she was persecuted for it by a wicked false prophet But this is the type of evil people that we don't want around us But will come from time to time look at verse 14 Then one of the twelve called Judas Iscariot went unto the chief priests so see he goes and takes it further because he's a wicked person and Said unto them What will you give me and I will deliver him unto you and they covenanted with him for thirty pieces of silver and from That time he sought opportunity to betray him So he's already gone Full bad now So again this event John 12 Matthew 26 and then go ahead and turn to mark chapter 14 verse 13 or verse 3 Again triggers Judas here to you know, activate the sleeper cell agent of the devil that he is And you know and why because he was spurned by the Lord Jesus at his fake attempt of hyper spirituality that's what it really boils down to and When you call people on being hyper spiritual like this or you check people that are acting hyper spiritual Or you know this type of person they do get mad They might pretend like they're not like I'm sure he didn't say anything That's probably the end of the conversation the Lord's spoken and that's it But deep down inside that that that really pissed Judas off and it made him Betray him to the death. I mean, it's what type of people will creep into churches Look at Mark chapter 14 verse 3. Here's another account and it will we'll get some more details here It says for being in Bethany in the house of Simon the leper as he sat at meet There came a woman having an alabaster box of ointment of spikenard very precious and she break the box and poured it on his head So we have all these details now so far say would you agree? This is the same person same event, right? Okay, and there were some that had indignation within themselves and said why was this waste of the ointment made? For it might have been sold for more than 300 pence And have and have been given to the poor and they murmured against her So that word murmured, of course, we've studied that before and when they're murmuring, you know, that's that's a wicked attitude They're under their breath. They're talking crap about her Just like they did to the Lord in the wilderness, you know to Moses and Aaron in the wilderness and they did it to Jesus of course They've already we've already seen that and it said and they murmured against her and Jesus said let her alone Why trouble ye her she hath wrought a good work on me for you have the poor with you always and whensoever you will You will you may do them good, but me you have not always she hath done what she could She has come a forehand to anoint my body to the burying Barely I sent you where so ever the got this gospel shall be preached throughout the whole world this also that she hath done all shall be spoken of For a memorial of her and Judas Iscariot one of the twelve went unto the chief priests to betray him unto them So there you have the three accounts look at verse 11 and when they heard it They were glad and promised to give him money and he sought how he might conveniently betray him So like I said, this is a mate. This is a major turning point in the Gospels This is where Judas, you know, he's like now I'm gonna have to you know Have him killed or whatever and he gets 30 pieces of silver. I mean, that's the price of a 30 year old male Servant that's how much you'd have to pay for a 30 year old male servant Now let's turn to Luke chapter 7 and we'll look at this different account and You should probably be able to check right away whether this is actually Mary of Bethany or not It doesn't say who it is first of all But people will say that it is or they'll say this is Mary Magdalene one of the two Well, let's look at the details here Luke chapter 7. It is a similar sounding story though Luke 7 36 and one of the Pharisees desired him that he would eat with him and he went into the Pharisees house and sat down to meet and Behold a woman in the city Which was a sinner when she knew that Jesus sat at meat in the Pharisees house brought an alabaster box of ointment so that is a similar detail right the about the box of ointment and Stood at his feet behind him weeping and began to wash his feet with her with tears and did wipe them with the hairs of Her head and kissed his feet and anointed them with the ointment Now when the Pharisee which had bidden him saw it he himself He spake with himself saying this man if he were a prophet would have known who and what manner of woman This is that touches him for she is a sinner and Jesus answering said unto him Simon I have somewhat to say unto thee He says say on sit master say on there was a certain creditor which had two debtors The one owed five hundred pence and the other fifty and when they had nothing to pay he frankly forgave them both Tell me therefore which of them will love the most Simon answered and said I suppose that he To whom he forgave most and he said unto him thou has rightly judged and He turned to the woman and said unto Simon see us this will see us thou this woman I entered into thine house Thou gavest me no water for my feet But she hath washed my feet with her tears and wiped them with her hairs the hairs of her head Thou gavest me no kiss, but this woman since the time I came in I have not Came in hath not ceased to kiss my feet My head with oil and out. It's not Anoint but this woman hath anointed my feet with ointment Wherefore I say unto thee her sins which are many are forgiven for she loved much But to whom little is forgiven the same loveth little and he saith unto her thy sins are forgiven And they that set up meet with him began to say within themselves who is this that forgaveth sins also? And he said unto the woman my father or excuse me. They my faith have saved thee go in peace so It doesn't say who it is. It doesn't say her name and It doesn't seem to fit the timeline either, so I'm actually going to look in at Luke chapter 7 real quickly here. I don't want to misspeak here Luke 7 As it is interesting that it says that isn't she he's talking to a guy named Simon though So that's what kind of just messed me up when I started reading this Let's see verse 36 Yeah, does it say where it's at it doesn't say where it's at does it Hmm Well I mean I guess it's kind of a mystery isn't it But it does it doesn't seem to fit the timeline does it I mean did I miss the point where it showed? What it where it was does it say what city it's in? Where's he at in the city Here, I am trying to figure out the sermon right now I just realized that when I was reading I saw that detail is like oh, maybe Maybe I'm not right here Let's see All right well it could be Is that what they're at now where they're talking Okay The city of name Nope that's not Bethany is it Yeah, so I mean it seems like now and I don't know I mean But what it is what is weird though what I started reading this and it says he's in the house of Simon the leper Is Simon the leper perhaps a Pharisee that could be possible So I don't know yeah, all right well There so the theory is that there's two different anointings Maybe that there's an anointing but like Simon the leper lived in Bethany So but I don't know that it is kind of interesting isn't it? But it does seem to say that be the same thing But a lot of the same things are not happening in the same So what my theory was is it's possible that Mary had heard of this It doesn't name who this is but maybe the story was told her and she did the same thing But you don't have the same people You know but he is talking to someone named Simon, and I always kind of assumed in this that he's talking to Simon Simon Peter But if it is the other Simon if it's Simon the leper Simon the leper could be a Pharisee. I don't know well. Let's just Table that one. I'll have to do a little deeper study on that but But anyway, so look at verse 8 though Look at verse 8 or chapter 8 verse 1 So here's a this is why people think it's Mary Magdalene though So if you just flip the page though It says and it came to pass afterward that he went through the every city and village preaching and showing the glad tidings of the kingdom of God and the twelve were with him and A certain and certain women which had been healed of evil spirits and infirmities Mary called Magdalene out of whom went seven devils and Joanna the wife of choosa Herod steward and Susanna and many others which ministered unto him of their substance So here you do have Mary Magdalene introduced into the story and it says and it came to pass afterwards So we're talking about like right afterward basically So and and then it's so Jesus has the twelve with them But then it also makes mention of these women that are helping him and they are they are you know names who they are One of them's name is Mary But it's a different Mary and then it like even like Herod steward is a disciple But it says they ministered unto him out of their substance So these ladies had money and they helped Jesus and gave money to him So I guess my theory was kind of that this wasn't the same Instance and it doesn't seem to me like it still might be So but it is interesting that he's talking to a guy named Simon But it does say he's a Pharisee it doesn't so it could just be that all four gospels are giving a different details And this is like some very different details that are not in the other story So whatever it is, which you know again I would have to kind of maybe put more eyeballs on Luke chapter 7 and maybe look at more of the context surrounding it but one thing is for certain those that Jesus did have a lot of women that helped him and Ministered to him and there was definitely more Mary's than just one Mary So and then the other thing is is that the other thing that made me think it wasn't Mary of Bethany, you know the fact that they're in the city of name It's a Pharisees house It doesn't mention that Simon the leopard is a Pharisee anywhere else that I've seen but here's the other detail Look at Luke chapter 10 Luke chapter 10 so Luke chapter 10 seems to now introduce Mary and Martha and This is after chapter 7 and 8 So, I don't know this is kind of what convinced me that it wasn't the same person But here's the thing like if there was this precedence already of a woman already doing this with the alabaster box And the ointment it doesn't say it was spikenard though So maybe she just was like well, I'm just gonna go on a different level and get the spikenard She's got the extra money She can afford that or whatever because I'm gonna explain to you what spikenard is and it's I dare I didn't even know this until I was like looking it up last night But Luke chapter 10 well, I'll explain it to you right after we leave this So it says now came to pass as they went that he entered into a certain village and a certain woman named Martha received him into her house and She enters and a sister called Mary which also sat at Jesus feet and heard his word So doesn't it seem to be like they're just he's just meeting them then now for the first time So that's why I tend to think that chapter 7 is not the same Mary in the same instance anyway So different details too and it says and she had a sister called Mary which okay verse 40 I'm sorry But Martha was cumbered about with much serving and came to him and said Lord Dost thou not care that my sister hath left me to serve alone bid her therefore that she Help me and Jesus answered and said to her Martha Martha thou art careful and troubled about many things but one thing is needful and Mary hath chosen that good part which shall not be taken from her and This is a great story here. Also just on top of everything else that Mary she was focused on what she want, you know, she wanted to learn from the Lord Jesus Christ And there's a time to learn and there's a time to serve, you know, and she chose To listen to what Jesus was saying and Focus on what Jesus was saying and sometimes it's hard for mothers with little children and things like that And of course, we have the mother baby rooms, but you know babies still make noise and and things like that but you know, I'm not saying just like put some tape on your kids mouth and and and hear the sermon or something but There's a you know, she it sounds like she doesn't have little children She can focus in on what she spoke of focusing in on But it is it is good to try your best to get as much as you can out of a service yeah, and if you if you didn't get everything out of it go home later and maybe get pick up on the parts that you didn't get out of it, but It's a it's a very important lesson because sometimes Ladies can get like this. It's like what was she fixated on? What was Martha fixated on? She's not fixated on Jesus she's fixated on the fact that her sister's not helping her You know and instead of being you know, envious or jealous of what her sister's doing she's She should have been thinking. Well, maybe I should have just put the sandwiches down And go and find out what Jesus is talking about and because Jesus said I'm not gonna make her do that You know, sometimes people would come to Jesus with some questions or say hey, hey make my brother divide our stuff He's like man. I'm no divider, you know Take care of your own stuff, you know, whatever They've tried to involve Jesus and other people's issues. You know, it's just it's funny But you know Jesus does give her this lesson just says hey, she's chosen the right the right part I'm not gonna take that away from her You know, but and then the chapter and we're in tonight. It's like and Martha was serving So she she probably didn't learn the lesson though I'm sure but some ladies are just like that and they want to help and serve and I think that's great Okay but don't forget that with all your serving and all you're taking care of taking care of your husband or taking care of your children That you need to take care of yourself and the fact that you need to also You know, you need to go and learn at the feet of Jesus also so So again, I mean, I'm still even after reading all that stuff in Luke 7 reading those extra details on my god, oh, you know, but You know reading Luke 10 still convinces me that I think that that is a different instance I think that probably it doesn't say who it is. You know, it's probably just some other lady It doesn't name her doesn't say her name is Mary or anything like that And I think it's kind of strange that later on it names who Mary is But then it wouldn't name who she is in Luke 7 Maybe that's just Luke's writing style that he didn't want to maybe embarrass her or something I don't know what but he doesn't mind telling an embarrassing story about her sister here in chapter 10 So, I don't know if that's the point either. So But I again I tend to think that That Mary saw or heard of that story and then did this in John chapter 12 Matthew chapter 26 or Mark chapter 14, so anyway Maybe There's just this custom of buying alabaster boxes and buying perfume and what you know doing wiping people's feet I don't know. Maybe this is a thing back then I don't know because the washing of feet that's just a custom that we're just is lost on us. Yeah, you know we have baths Running water, you know, we don't have we're not living in the desert, you know, we don't have those types of issues So it's we have to worry about getting mud off of us or than anything or you know, we have rain on us most of the time is really what it is, but So what's the deal with the spikenard? Well spikenard is like a precious essential oil This might be the only time you ever hear me in favor of essential oils but It's I'm just I'm just I know that there's some useful stuff in the essential oil You know the Bible talks about oil being a blessing so You know, I'm sure that there are oils that are a blessing. It's just don't go too far with it. All right You know like have you seen my collection of essential oils, you know anyway So spikenard grows in India and China that's where it's native to so why was it so expensive well because you had to get it in India and China and It's It's a specific type of plant that has shoots that come out of it, and I don't know what it looks like I don't know what it smells like but I know it's still very rare and very expensive in comparison I'm sure it's probably easier to get now than it was then I'm sure that to get stuff from China India was a little hard, but they still had trade routes They still had you know traders that they came by and did and but you know You just had to pay a lot of money for it. So This stuff is very expensive. It doesn't just naturally grow in Jerusalem in Israel It doesn't naturally grow in this in this area So that's why it's so precious and when something's called precious It means that it's hard to find it's a rare substance. It's like something that's rare to us Gold or diamonds or rubies? It's a rare thing, but this is a rare type of Oil that smells really really good. It's kind of like out of a it's like a honeysuckle type smell or something So I'd like to smell it actually now that I'm all interested in it Don't try to buy any for me for a cologne or anything like that Sounds like if you just a little dab will do you right but Turn to Song of Solomon chapter 1 Song of Solomon chapter 1 And I'm spending quite a lot of time on this I'll spend shorter time on the rest of it but I Just thought it was interesting stuff here, so so the smell of spikenard is compared in the Song of Solomon to the love between a married couple and In verse 12 in Song of Solomon 1 it says while the king sitteth at his table my spikenard sendeth forth the smell thereof a Bundle of myrrh is my well-beloved unto me. He shall lie all night betwixt my breast so spikenard is compared to the love of a you know, it's kind of you know, this is kind of like a new love a newlywed couple and So, I mean if you know what that feels like or you know what that's like which I'm sure there's some people in here that knows what that's like that's what it's being compared to and It's it's used as a burial it's used to to make Jesus's body smell good When he got when he dies because when people die, you know, they start to smell right? But Jesus's body didn't corrupt. I don't know they said there's medic medicinal Things they'll go along with the spikenard I'm not sure I didn't delve too deep down that road because I know that people can turn You know like apple cider vinegar it here's everything 409 What else Windex, yeah What does that stuff you spread that's lubricant it's wd-40 What else Oh Coconut oil that cures everything So yeah, you don't want to go too far with it's it can be cuts things can become the new snake oil So anyway, I just thought that was a very interesting study about Mary and The whole deal with her and the turning point. So let's let's move on to number two here the Conspiracy to kill Lazarus look at verse 9 back in our text here verse 9 It says much people of the Jews therefore knew that he was there Talking about Lazarus and they came not for Jesus's sake only but that they might see Lazarus Also, because everybody's heard about this it's buzzed throughout the land Whom he had raised from the dead, but the chief priests Consulted that they might put Lazarus also to death. So they want to kill Lazarus, too What's the reason what's his ultimate crime? He was brought back to life And the evidence is is that people could go and see him and this is what people are doing Like let's see this guy who got brought back to life it says because that by reason of him many of the Jews went away and Believed on Jesus they left the Pharisees they left, you know the golden the golden boys or whatever the ones that were ruling over everybody and threatening to kick everybody out all the time if they Dared confess him or you know kicked out the blind man that was healed and his parents tried to kick his parents out Anybody that confessed Jesus. They're they're ready to throw him out, right? So People are just like, you know what? I don't even care anymore Some of these people are like they went away and believed on Jesus and because of this miracle Specifically and remember the Jews that stood by and saw they wet they saw Jesus weep They saw Mary and Martha weeping over Lazarus they saw Jesus weep they saw the passion that he had for his friend that he loved him and They even made a comment look look how much he cared for him, you know, look how much he loved him And then they saw him bring him back to life and then remember at the last In at the end of that that a lot of those people got saved But then a few of them slithered off back to the Pharisees, right? Tell them right But so some of these a lot of these people are believing because of what happened And I mean just imagine how wicked you have to be to plot to murder people because someone got brought back to life I mean instead it wouldn't that be something like it if we heard of something like that and we were had the ability to go Travel to see someone that got brought back to life wouldn't we would be like we wouldn't be like hey, let's go kill him Yeah, that's just this is the bizarro world of the reprobates This is what reprobates are like and we just can't fathom this So and I've talked a little bit about HB 6090 the house bill that passed did I talk about this last time? Okay, HB 90 60 90 which is a very interesting lettering for a bill, but it's the it's the see anti-semitism bill that passed through the house and It basically is Here's what the bill is for to provide for the consideration of a definition of anti-semitism set forth by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance for the enforcement of federal anti-discrimination laws Concerning education programs or activities so it's because of all the college, you know stuff that was going on and For other purposes. This is what it says in the bill that I read off the website Just me going to independent Baptist, you know, I knew I have be.net or something This is from the actual bill itself. So our own government passed three almost four to one the yeas which was Republicans and Democrats they spot they co-sponsored this bill to make it to where if you say certain things that it's Discrimination it's it's anti-semitism. It's hatred. It's considered to be hatred against Jews So now I'm not going to go through the whole thing because I don't have time for it But one thing I did want to say that is in the bill or it's so again so the anti-semitism definition set forth from a website of The International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance, so you can't see what's in the bill You have to go to the website that has the definition so you have to go to the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance and then that tells you what the definition of Anti-semitism and it's got this long list and bullet points. Here's just one of them. This is the only one I'm going to share with you is Using the symbols and images associated with classic anti-semitism example claims of Jews killing Jesus Or blood libel to characterize Israel or Israelis So if you claim that Jesus killed the Jews They passed the bill that went through Congress that passed with flying colors And now it has to move on to the Senate then it would have to be moved on and signed by the president And it would be illegal for us to say that Jesus Was killed by the Jews that they turned him over to Pilate So The problem with this is number one, you know, we have the freedom of religion Okay, what their little dumb laws that they try to pass in the house have nothing You know, that doesn't mean anything when it comes to going against the Constitution But they basically want to make it all the other stuff is stuff that's already laws in all the European countries What are those laws? Well, you can't question the Holocaust You can't question the not you can't even question the numbers of the Holocaust You can't say the Jews control Hollywood or the media or that it's a conspiracy that there's any kind of conspiracy like that You can't that's that's anti-semitic. You can't do that. You can't talk bad about the religion There's a bunch of other stuff that you can't do Obviously, we would never take it as far as like the Nazis and everything and say, you know Whatever people that say that you should just kill all Jews or whatever. That's just ridiculous. We don't believe that We want Jews to be saved, of course, but that doesn't mean we're gonna whitewash the truth And whitewash history and the Bible clearly says and and throughout the whole New Testament Throughout the whole look the whole book of John every chapter aren't the Jews trying to do something to Jesus Yeah, every chapter they're trying to kill him or plot to kill him now They want to kill people that he's doing miracles on and him so Conspiracies are you know people that want to they want to label people like us conspiracy theorists But it's like conspiracies are a fact of history conspiracies are fact The Jews just didn't stop conspiring after they killed Jesus Because there's this book called the book of Acts where they're conspiring to kill The Apostle Paul throughout the whole book. We'll turn to Acts chapter 23 Acts chapter 23 Acts 23 the Bible says in verse number 12 The Bible says here's a conspiracy and when it was day certain of the Jews banded together and bound themselves under a curse Saying that they would neither eat nor drink till they had killed Paul And they were more than 40 which had made this what to say their conspiracy and They came to the chief priests and elders and said we have bound ourselves under a great curse That we will eat nothing until we have slain Paul. So they want to murder Paul because he's preaching about Jesus Why do these wicked Jews want to kill? Jesus and Lazarus because many why do they want to kill Lazarus in particular? Because by reason of him many of the Jews went away and believed on Jesus. What is their problem? What was their problem last time I preached was that many of the Jews are believing on him And that's why they want to kill them. And why what's their problem this week? Well, somebody that Jesus brought back to life people are going to see him and they're believing in Jesus because of them today Why do people want to why do they want to stop Christianity because they don't want people to believe in Jesus Because you know what? They are of their father the devil That's what the Bible that's what Jesus said. Yeah So if they're and if they are Jews by religion, they are Antichrist. That's what the Bible says So you can say that's anti-semitical you want but Shem had more than one son Yeah Shem had multiple sons and they weren't it wasn't just the ones that were the progenitors of the Jews They had the Assyrians and a bunch of other there's like he had like six sons So what are we against all shit all Shem sons? No, we're just against the evil plotting conspiracies Digging tunnels under New York for whatever reasons and popping out of tunnels with dirty bloody mattresses on You know and then filling it all in with cement. Oh nothing to see here But we're what were the ones that are bad, right? well, they're you know, like crawling through these little tunnels and That stuff I mean who knows what they were doing there we'll never know the real truth about it until it's revealed in the day of wrath, but There is a true conspiracy. There's still conspiracy today to stop Christianity I mean, what do the Olympics have to do with drag performers? Well, we don't really know but you know what? They start sure want to show us And why do they want to mock Jesus? I don't I don't I don't remember seeing any kind of public drag queen mocking of Islam or Hinduism or Sikhism or any other religion in the world, but they just want to attack Christianity because they they that's what they hate They hate Jesus. I mean they gave The Planning Commission to some faggot in in in France and allowed him to plan all this stuff And what does it have to do with? Why is Snoop Dogg running with a torch in his hand and a goat head on his necklace? He's like he's like what I don't know what you guys are tripping on I'm just did this because I know someone said I was the goat so I made a goat necklace Like so you're proclaiming yourself to be the goat Well, I mean Greatest of all time so it's a goat head. Come on, dude. What goat is like an acronym greatest of all time It's not an actual goat So that your little goat head is that's that doesn't represent the greatest of all time. Let's We know what you really are a dog Anyway number three tonight The triumphal entry let's look at John chapter 12 verse 12 The Bible says on the next day much people that were come to the feast when they heard that Jesus was coming to Jerusalem So remember that what is the feast? It's the feast of the Passover So and and here's the thing about the Passover could be very confusing the Passover is a day. It also can mean It can mean different days on the the feast or it can mean the whole feast Combined so they were come to the feast They had to go to the feast every year So this is I think they're just talking about the feast in general here But it says when they had heard that Jesus was coming to Jerusalem So people heard and they're like, hey We're going to they took branches of palm trees and went forth to meet him and cried hosanna Blessed is the king of Israel that cometh in the name of the Lord And there's no doubt that this is talking about this is alluding to him being the Messiah the son of David It says in Jesus when he had found a young ass sat there on as it is written So it's prophesied in the Old Testament That this would happen fear not daughter of Sion behold thy king cometh sitting on an asses cult What's an ass an ass is what we would modern-day call a donkey? So a full-grown donkey and he's riding on what a a cult He's riding on the full of an ass so a full is like the child, you know, like not a fully grown adult Donkey basically for us modern-day an ass is cold. So a cult is like a young Donkey or a donk young ass these things understood not his disciples at the first but when Jesus was glorified Then remembered they the things that were written of him and that they had done these things Unto him So they were they look back and they were like, oh, yeah When they put that when they put the palm branches out and in other, you know other chapters of the Bible It explains how they cut down branches. They screwed them in the way and they said other things too So this is just again one account, but where's the Old Testament account? What's in Zechariah 9 9 this in Zechariah 9 9 There's other verses You don't have to go there. I'll just read it for you says rejoice Greatly Oh daughter of Zion shout Oh daughter of Jerusalem behold thy King cometh unto thee. So he's the Bible verse is calling him a king He is just and having salvation lowly Riding upon an ass and upon a cult the full of an ass So why is it lowly? Well, because it's it's he's not coming in on this giant Stallion white stallion, he's gonna do that when he comes back to rule and reign But as when he comes into the city, he's coming Peacefully, he's coming humbly He's coming justly and having salvation. He's bringing for salvation to the people He didn't come to judge the first time he came to bring salvation in Psalm 118 25 It says save now I beseech thee. Oh Lord. Oh Lord. I beseech thee send now prosperity And then in verse 25 26, it says blessed be he that cometh in the name of the Lord We have blessed you out of the house of the Lord So these also tie in with the passage turn to Matthew chapter 21, Matthew chapter 21 real quickly Matthew chapter 21 The Bible says and a very great multitude spread their garments in the way others cut down branches from the trees and strawed them in the way and Multitudes that went before and that followed cried saying Hosanna to the son of David So here's more details to this blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord Hosanna in the highest So there's the tie-in to Psalm 118, but also, you know calling him the son of David They you know, they know what they're calling him. They're calling him the Messiah here. They're believing that he's the Messiah Now I'm gonna have you turn to Genesis 49 now, of course what what's being fulfilled is Zechariah 9 9 But there's also things earlier in the Bible, of course Jacob's Prophesying of his sons and saying what's going to become of them in the latter days I'm not gonna read the whole thing, but Genesis 49 10 says The scepter shall not depart from Judah See Joseph was given the actual birthright even though it should have been Reuben Reuben was the firstborn son The firstborn son is supposed to get the double portion of the inheritance. He's supposed to get the blessing and he's supposed to be kind of like the prince of the family basically, but he laid with his father's concubine and then He let's see then Joseph, of course Was the one that actually did right and the rest of his sons kind of did him wrong did him dirty So it went, you know, he picked the right one, but Judah prevailed as the actual leader of all the tribes Now and this is Jacob saying that it's gonna happen It says the scepter shall not depart from Judah nor a lawgiver from between his feet until Shiloh come now I I take that to mean that Shiloh when Shiloh come it's talking about the Messiah Because Shiloh kind of means like peace Tell Shiloh come and unto him shall the gathering of the people be So and it says binding his full unto the vine. What's the full? It's the yeah, it's the coal right and his ass is cold unto the choice vine He washed his garments and wine and his clothes and the blood of grapes Of course, this is when he comes back. His eyes shall be red with wine and his teeth white with milk So again, that's coming forward but I mean there's no doubt that it's it's it's telling us about him being the scepter a king rules with the scepter and binding the full so it's alluding to Zechariah 9 9 here and what happens in John chapter 12 and Matthew chapter 26 and then let's see Malachi chapter Well, I'll just skip that but now Malachi chapter 3 does say, you know talks about John the Baptist coming But then it says the Lord whom you seek will suddenly come to his temple Even the messenger of the Covenant Covenant whom you delight in So, I mean and Jesus did suddenly come to the temple didn't he? This is what it's talking about heat and then app so afterwards he goes up to the temple Right now go back to John 12 Says verse 17 the people therefore that was with him when he called Lazarus out of the grave Raised him from the dead bear record for this cause the people also met him For that they heard that he had done this miracle the Pharisees therefore said among themselves Perceive you how that you prevail nothing behold the world is gone after him So no matter what they do to try to stop it. Everybody is gonna is coming towards Jesus They're they're focusing on Jesus and in number four some Greeks seek Jesus Under verse 20 it says and there were certain Greeks among them that came up to worship at the feast The same came therefore to Philip which was a Bethsaida of Galilee and desired him saying sir We would see Jesus. So even the Greeks are like hey, you know, these are the guys that you know The Apostle Paul talks about you know, they seek after wisdom You know the Hebrew the the the Jews seek after a sign the Greeks after wisdom But in reality some people are gonna just seek after Jesus They're gonna hear the preaching of God's Word. They're gonna hear about Jesus And they're gonna say well, I want to check into this and this is what they're doing. They're saying sir We would see Jesus, you know, I'm yeah Philip you're pretty cool But you know, we want to see Jesus and this is what anybody that's gonna be seeking People that seek the truth are gonna find the truth and this is just a fact I'm sure everybody in this room has a story about how they were seeking the truth and they found it So they're seeking the truth. They're gonna find it turn to let's see John John 18 John 18 I'll read a couple verses while you're going there Matthew 7 7 says asking it shall be given to you or given you seek and you shall find 8 John 832 says you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free John 1837 pilot therefore said unto them unto him art thou a king then Jesus said thou sayest I'm a king to this end was I born and for this cause came I Into the world that I should bear witness unto what the truth Everyone that is of the truth or that is yeah that is of the truth heareth my voice So this is what I'm talking about If you're of the truth, you're gonna hear the voice of the Son of God at some point and you're gonna believe in him And nothing's gonna stop that no Pharisees tricks no devil's traps Some you know You're gonna be able to break through all that if you're a seeker of truth and you're gonna find what the truth is Any truth or any person that's actually really does want to know what the truth is I remember praying and I wasn't even saved at all and I was a grown man at this time I was like 25 years old. I remember saying God if you're true this review just show me what the right what the truth actually is Here I am an independent fundamental Baptist anyway It's true, I mean I'm not saying that's the only right way but you know, it's it's Christianity's in the right way. That's for sure so John chapter 12 verse 22 Philip cometh and telleth Andrew and Again, Andrew and Philip tell Jesus and Jesus answered them saying the hours come that the Son of Man should be glorified Verily verily I say unto you except the corn of wheat shall fall to the ground and die it abideth alone But if it die it bringeth forth much fruit, he's talking about the fact that he's gonna die He's gonna be buried he's talking about, you know, like when a plant, you know the seed, you know Not Monsanto seeds, but like real seeds they fall and then they become trees or whatever or other plants But if it died bringing forth much fruit He that loveth his life shall lose it and he that hated his life and this world shall keep it unto eternal life And that's and this is what you call a paradox. A paradox is a seemingly absurd or self-contradictory statement or Proposition that when investigated or explained may prove to be well founded or true And so Jesus has brings forth a lot of paradoxes in his preaching and this is one of those things It's like it doesn't seem to make sense if you love your life It seems like you would do everything to preserve it But the more you hang on to this life the things of this world the more you actually lose it you know if you give up every if you give up God for everything else, then you're actually losing your real life and Giving up the true life that you should be having. Yeah Matthew 16 25 says for whosoever will save his life shall lose it and whosoever will lose his life for my sake Shall find it. So and that's this is kind of what you know I hate to use the the matrix as I saw this stupid this is before I got saved, but I saw that movie and when you know, they he takes the red pill or whatever and You know then he realizes he's in this, you know, he's actually hooked up as a battery to you know To juice the robots up or whatever and he realizes that everything in his life was just fake and it was a construct The matrix but that's I mean it is kind of what happens like when you get saved you realize that everything is pretty fake That the system that we live in is fake. You know, we are in this world. It is reality Okay, I'm not saying we're hooked up to a battery or something but I'm just saying that the devil has all these the these fake traps for us the system that we live in that we Think, you know, everybody felt you know, we gotta go to college. We gotta go to college You know We got to send our kids to college college college college. It's like they people think that the American dream is Putting your kids in the government babysitter school Saving up all your money working really hard to send them off to college and all they do when they get there is play beer pong and waste your money and Then you're in debt up to your eyeballs and then they use it or don't use it the government now is just babysitting your kids and in training them to be these Weirdos that protest and and and you know, they get put bones in their noses and you know fishing tackle box in their face and dye their hair and Become lesbians and homos and stuff I mean, this is what they're but even through all that people are still gonna get saved like not not the homos But I'm talking about, you know, people are still gonna get saved. They're gonna cut through all this But my point is is that when you get saved that stuff just kind of like wow I can't believe that I was lied to about all this stuff like evolution and just all the false science and and you know, you just find out a lot of stuff isn't really true and you lose that old life and you you gain that new one in Christ and you go to church and you learn the Bible and you learn what God wants from you and you learn about that new life that he wants you to have And he died that we could have a life that's more abundant and free. Yeah See we we were enslaved in a system that we didn't even realize we thought we Had a good life, but we always knew that there was something wrong. And if you're if you're a person that loves the truth You're gonna come to that truth that truth's gonna make you free and then you spend the rest here You know you get saved you're trying to get all your family and friends say go I want to show you this freedom and like no no no You're like, you know that meme where the guys is like holding that lady's eyes open You're like you just want to show them the truth or whatever. You know what I'm talking about He's like just holding her face like look at what I'm showing you or whatever But they just don't you know, some people just will not see the truth but Jesus said you know that we need to lose our old life and Love his lot the life that he's going to give to us, right? So the context of Of Jesus telling us this is if we decide to follow Jesus That he's gonna save our life. That's what's gonna save our life And people say you're throwing your life away to go to church every way three days a week to read a Bible To pray to the imaginary sky daddy. This is what they say What are you doing waking up in a toilet every night with your face in a toilet, yeah What are you doing whoring around? What are you doing cheating on your spouse? What are you doing letting someone else watch your children? What what are you doing putting your choke letting your children, you know fornicate before they're of age like what are you doing? Doing drugs with your own kids Smoking pot with your own kids doing what are you doing? Do you think that what we're doing is weird? So what you're doing is weird You're the one that's living in a weird psycho world You're praying to the porcelain the white porcelain God That You piss into every morning John chapter 12 verse 26 says if any man will serve me let him follow me and where I am There shall also my servant be if any man served me him will my father honor So what is he talking about here? He's talking about following him And there's another in Matthew 10 10. He says something similar and he's talking about following me So when we follow him we are forsaking that old life While we follow him, but when we get off the path Then we're you know, and try to go back to Egypt or try to go back to our life That's when we're failing but you know, he says if any man served me him will my father honor So it's very important that we follow Jesus not for salvation You know and and even if good work, you know getting rewards isn't your motivation It should just be that you're want to please the Lord that you serve Number five the Son of Man must be lifted up John 10 12 27 Now is my soul troubled and what shall I say father saved me from this hour But for this cause came I unto this hour So he's having this conversation with his father in front of other people, right? And he's saying my soul's troubled, you know, because again, we're six days to the time so he's starting to count down here He's he's getting upset. Yeah, because he knows what he has to go through It's his father glorify that thy name then came there a voice from heaven saying I have both glorified it And I will glorify it again Like imagine you're standing there and all of a sudden these these voice this voice is thundering It says the people therefore that stood by and hurt it and said that it thundered others said an angel spake to him Jesus answered and said this voice came not because of me But for your sakes now is the judgment of this world Now shall the prince of this world be cast out and if I be lifted up from the earth Will draw all men unto me Calvinist. Yeah all men So they want to say that now these Calvinists these idiots Want to say that God only draws certain people. Well, what does the Bible say? I will draw all if I if I be lifted up does Jesus get lifted up Yeah, he gets lifted up onto a cross nailed to it Then it's not just Calvinist that he draws Calvinists. It's all men Every person in the world gets a chance to be saved they get some kind of light You know these arguments were well different someone was born into Buddha a place. That's mostly Buddhist. They've heard of Jesus Everybody has cell phones. Everybody has the internet I mean, I'm sure that there's faraway countries where that's limited, but they've still heard of Jesus Yes, the gospel has gone around many many many many times so God is going to give them some sort of light and allow himself to be revealed to people And a lot of times we'll knock at doors and it's like the person we think well, you know They just didn't want to they don't want to listen They maybe they've never heard what we've had to say and they just had that one chance Maybe they'll never hear somebody will never come to that door again But how do you know how many people have ever talked to them before we just don't know I'm not saying that someone ever came to the door before maybe they did maybe they didn't but maybe they're Friends, maybe they went to Sunday school. Maybe they went to a church. Maybe they had other opportunities Maybe that was just the last time God was given him that last chance. Yeah To send someone to their door We just don't know. We just need to do what he says God will draw all men and Not everybody does get a door someone knocking at the door. I know that's true But you know a lot of people still get a shot somewhere I mean, we have a lot of technology where people can get saved now There's a lot of videos that you can chat with people online and show them the gospel I mean, there's a lot of ways to get people saved says the people answered We have heard out of the law that Christ abideth forever And how sayest thou the Son of Man must be lifted up. Who is this Son of Man? It's like the it's Jesus. But anyway Then Jesus said unto them yet a little while is the light with you Well, yeah walk while you have the light Lest darkness come upon you for he that walketh in darkness knoweth not whether he goeth Now at first I was like this is kind of a confusing statement But just remember that he said this because he's going to kind of come back to this statement While you have the light so here in verse six it had a kind of or excuse me number six The reprobate doctrine is clearly taught in the New Testament. Okay Says in verse 36 while you have the light believe in the light that you may Be the children of the light So I guess it's gonna be explained right here these things spake Jesus and departed and did hide himself from them Remember, he would he would pop in Because they were trying to kill him. Yeah, then he would leave So he preaches to them So this is really interesting because he kind of did this darkness light talk in the last chapter, too But he's come this is a spiritual darkness that he's talking about a spiritual light. He's the light he's in the world right now and In really what do you think about this? He came to his own? He came to the Jews and he said I'm come to the house of Israel I'm you know, he's coming to the the lost tribes of Israel he's coming to the people of Israel He was he said don't go in the way of the Gentiles their main mission was to go throughout all Israel and preach the gospel and Then the gospel is supposed to go out to the other nations So while Jesus was on the earth this he really means this Because he knows what's gonna happen is that they're gonna call for him to be crucified He's gonna get crucified and then most of them are gonna reject him outright from here on out So this is why what he's saying is so important let me read this verse again yet a little while is the light with you Walk while you have the light lest darkness come upon you for he that walketh in darkness knoweth not whether he goeth While you have light believe in the light that you may be the children of life What's he saying? He's like get saved right now while you have the opportunity These things speak Jesus and departed so now look at verse 37 It says but though he had done so many miracles before them Like raising Lazarus from the dead yet. They believed not on him All believe Jesus if you'll just come down and show me himself he'll reveal himself to me He'll jump in my test tube so I could test him scientifically or whatever It's like who do you think you are? Peon You're just a man. You're just a woman What God owes you what's he's your genie? Well, you get you got to rub your little bottle so he can jump into it or something. I don't think so Right. Why don't you just believe what he said and take him for his work. It's more important than your word It's more believable than your word Yes But it says that he done all these miracles and people saw they saw Lazarus They saw him walk on water. They saw him do all these things They saw a blind man healed that people still try they still kill them They still kill them even though he did these things they still nailed him to the cross That doesn't matter Let's think about the people in Exodus All the things that Moses did and the children of Israel saw all the things they did and they said let's kill Moses and Aaron Right, let's stone him and God's just always like alright, that's it. I'm killing everybody Moses I'm gonna make a nation out of you. It's like people can see God do things and they still won't believe and Yet here we are in church. We've never seen Jesus and yet we're here Faith, you know, it just is either have it or you don't either gonna believe or you're not going to But what happens to those people that don't believe on Christ? Well, I mean every Christian believes the reprobate doctrine to some extent If they're a real Christian every real Christian believes that hell is the eternal abode for the people that reject Christ ultimately and There'll be people that'll say well, you know You can you can you can reject him until the final end and then if you believe on him right before you You know right on your deathbed. You'll still be saved. I'm sure those cases have existed in the past But I mean, I think that that's probably a very rare situation So someone's just gonna just trash God all their life and all sudden like Right when they're about to die of cancer then all sudden they just believe I don't know. I mean The thief on the cross happened, so we do know that it can't happen. All right, but he was next to Jesus So, I don't know. I mean again, I think it can't happen But what's gonna happen, you know, but people they'll say oh you guys preach this reprobate doctrine You think that people you know, you believe in limited atonement Number one. No, I don't believe in limited atonement. That's what Calvinists believe. Yeah, I believe though that Like what this chapter teaches right here that They if they don't believe on him that there comes a point where God will reject them because they've rejected him What it says in verse 38 this what the Bible says folks That's that the scene of Isaiah's the Prophet might be fulfilled. Does every scripture have to be fulfilled Yeah, yes, it does everyone Which he spake Lord who hath believed our report and to whom hath the arm of the Lord been revealed Therefore they could not believe Does it say they could maybe at the end of their life on their deathbed? No, it says they could not believe Because that as I said again He hath blinded their eyes Who's the he God right and harden their heart? That they should not see with their eyes nor understand with their heart and be converted and I should heal them What's he saying? I don't want to save them anymore. Is that what it's saying? He he he blinded their eyes. He hardened their heart that they should not see with their eyes He doesn't want them to understand. He doesn't want them to be converted. They're like, well, that's kind of a mean God Well, you don't know what the other side did first You don't know what they said first or what they felt first or how they have treated God first Because you can push God too far, you know what you can do some pretty wicked things and still be saved so obviously they've pushed God to a point or They've done something that you can't come back from They just have completely rejected him. There's no chance that they're gonna get saved and he knows it. That's really what it is He knows what they are and he's not and then he's just like I just want I just want him to die Go to hell now at this point. Yeah It says these things said he's is when he saw his glory and spake of him So he's is the prophet Isaiah the prophet He prophesied these things under the inspiration of the Holy Ghost You know what? I get sick and tired of Baptist and other Christians saying that the reprobate doctrine is something made up by the new IFB the new independent fundamental Baptist No, this is just the Bible. Yeah being preached This is what the Bible says, please explain these verses to me if it's not true explain to me how I'm wrong here Explain to me how God's wrong here because that's what you really have to say because he's the one that's saying them I'm just reading to you what the verses say. I Mean, I'm expounding on them a little bit. Yeah, but but what is he saying? He's blind to their eyes and harden their hearts They should not see they should that they they can't understand he doesn't want them to understand that they won't be converted He doesn't want them to be converted That I should heal them no, he doesn't want them to be healed He wants them to what not to not come back He wants them to die and go to hell And you know, here's the thing independent fundamental Baptist believe this too, but they just won't admit it every altar call Maybe not every altar call, but I've heard a lot of altar calls and new IP in old IP churches And they say if the Holy Spirit's speaking to you This might be the last giant chance. He ever speaks to you. This could be your last chance. Why do they say that? Because they because that's what the Bible says folks, but then they won't admit it later on It's good for their altar call But it's not good for when they're doing their Bible studies and preaching the Bible It's because that's what the Bible teaches Yeah, it might be the last time that God ever speaks to their heart the next time I would be like this Where he's destroying their heart He's hardening their heart. He's making it where they can't believe so whether they believe their altar call Reprobation or whether they believe the deathbed rip, you know that once they find that because look once they die and get thrown into hell You can't say that God still loves them at that point They have to say that they're reprobates at that point, right? When God, you know at the final judgment When they're being cast into the leg of fire, does God hate them then? I mean, well some of them won't even admit that well, no, they don't really doesn't really hate them They just have you know, just shut up dude. Yeah, look just you're so loving that you're more loving than God And this is what that's what makes me sick. That is hyper spiritual I mean and that makes me suspect of people when they are so spiritual. They're more spiritual than God Because look if you're more loving than God then you know There you got that person to me. That's a red flag When they when someone says that they're when someone acts like they're more loving than God They love queers more than God does but because God doesn't love them at all, right? So but then they're like getting on to us about our stance on it's like hey, we don't want child molesters in our church I don't know why that's such a problem. Oh, I don't either. Well, then why do you want them in your church? Because that's what they are Jesus came to save the world look at verse Number, oh, okay. I didn't finish these verses verse 41 These I gotta finish the chapter you guys i'm almost done. I'm, sorry pizza pizza, all right 12 verse 42 Nevertheless among the chief rulers also many believed on him, but because the Pharisees because of the Pharisees They did not confess him lest they should be put out of the synagogue So this you know, there were other people that believed in him, but they didn't want to say it out loud Because why for they love the praise of man more than the praise of God so number seven Jesus came to save the world look at verse 44 now. It says that he went off and hid himself And now all of a sudden he's talking again. So i'm not exactly sure Where this is being said or in what context, you know? Maybe this is just something that john heard him saying just kind of adding it into the chapter I'm, not really sure because it kind of you know, john starts talking of the inspiration of the holy spirit He's he's telling us and this is narration That we need to understand that this is absolutely true. This isn't just john's opinion that we just got that I just got done reading, right? But jesus starts talking again Maybe he just came back for one for one last cry Well, because it says it and jesus cried and said so he's obviously pleading for one last time to get these people saved it says He that believeth on me believeth not on me, but on him that sent me who's that? God the father, right? And he that seeth me Seeth him that sent me who's that god the father I am come a light into the world that whosoever believeth on me should not abide in darkness so he is Again, whosoever believeth that's what the bible says not whosoever repented of their sins, right? It's not two sides of the same coin. You're simultaneously repenting of your sins at the same time believing on jesus That's astute that the bible doesn't teach that folks The bible doesn't say that but I I see it in people's statements of faith all the time, it's like where are you getting that from? Decide there's no coin in the bible. It's just like there's no shelf to put your salvation back on There's no double-sided coin of repentance and salvation You know by believing at the same time so But the bible says that men love darkness rather than light because their deeds are evil. So people Well, you know he's giving people a chance, but he knows what the truth of it is A lot of people just won't get saved because they love darkness and if any man hear my words and believe not I judge him not For I came not to judge the world but to save the world this time, right? He that rejecteth me and receiveth not my words Hath one that judgeth him the word that I have spoken The same shall judge him in the last day And what was he talking about? Well the words that he's spoken Right the word, you know people are going to get judged according to their works that aren't saved And the words that jesus had spoke, you know, some soul winner came by and said hey, you know They preached in the gospel and they say well i'll think about that And then they never do and then they just die and go to hell those words that were preached to him That jesus's words are going to be the words that judge him in the end This is for i've not spoken of myself, but the father which sent me He gave me a commandment what I should say and what I should speak and I know that his commandment is life everlasting Whatsoever I speak therefore even as the father said unto me So I speak So very powerful chapter tonight very powerful statement by jesus at the end of the chapter I'm, sorry, I went a little bit over but I did want to finish that chapter Anyway, let's pray lord. We thank you so much for this great church. I pray that you continue to build it and grow it And lord that their love would Shine through in this area and lord would be a great beacon of the gospel for many years to come I pray lord that you would bless the food that we're about to receive in our fellowship together in jesus name. We pray Amen So Thank you for that sermon pastor let's go ahead and turn in our handles over to Number 197 and we'll sing our last hymn for the evening number 197 singing I go