(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Amen, well last week we studied what defiles a man and talked about the Talmud some and so this week we're going to be talking about the Syrophoenician woman but the title of the sermon tonight is Jesus doeth all things well. Jesus doeth all things well. Let's have a word of prayer. Heavenly Father we thank you Lord for this great night. Pray Lord that you would help us as we study the Bible Lord to Lord to understand what we're studying and Lord help me to present it in a way. Help me to be able to teach through the power of the Holy Spirit tonight. Fill me with the Spirit now. Fill me with boldness Lord. Fill me with power as I preach your word tonight. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen. So yeah the title of the sermon Jesus doeth all things well and but tonight we're going to look at a lot of the time we're going to be looking at the Syrophoenician woman. So let's pick it up at verse 24 where the Bible says and from thence he arose and went into the borders of Tyre and Sidon and entered into a house and would have no man to know it but he could not be hid. For a certain woman whose young daughter had an unclean spirit heard of him and came and fell at his feet and the woman was a Greek, a Syrophoenician by nation and she besought him that he would cast forth the devil out of her daughter but Jesus said unto her let the children first be filled for it is not meet to take the children's bread and cast it into the dogs and she answered and said unto him yes Lord yet the dogs under the table eat of the children's crumbs and he said unto her for this thing go thy way the devil has gone out of thy daughter and when she was come to her house she found the devil gone out and her daughter laid upon the bed. So this is a really interesting story and there's also a parallel passage to it in the book of Matthew. Turn over to Matthew chapter 15 verse 21. Matthew chapter 15 and verse number 21. So this Syrophoenician woman is you know basically Jesus calls the children that would live up their dogs. So Jesus goes up to the borders of Tyre and Sidon meets this woman her daughter's possessed with devil she's asking him and pleading him for him to heal her daughters and he said yeah it's not meet to you know feed the children the dog you know the dogs the children's food. That's pretty offensive isn't it? I mean it sounds like Jesus is intentionally trying to offend this person you know and I think that maybe he is and I'll share with you why here in a little bit but let's look at Matthew chapter 15 verse 21. Let's look at the parallel passage here. It says that Jesus went thence and departed into the coast of Tyre and Sidon and behold a woman of Canaan came out of the coast. See there's something different here. She's Syrophoenician but she is of the land of a woman of Canaan. It's the same woman though and cried unto him saying have mercy on me O Lord thou son of David. My daughter is grievously vexed with the devil but he answered her not a word. He wouldn't even talk to her and in this passage it gives us a little different details. He wouldn't even talk to her. He just didn't even answer. Isn't that rude when someone talks to you to not even answer them? I mean to me it looks like he's kind of being rude to her on purpose right? And look what it says. It says and his disciples came who sought him saying send her away for she crieth after us but he answered and said I'm not sent but under the lost sheep of the house of Israel. So it's true though Jesus's mission was to reach Jerusalem and then and then he was going to go all around Israel preaching the gospel. Where's he at right now? Is he in Israel? No he's not in Israel. So it's very interesting that he's not in Israel. Why is he not in Israel? I don't know. Why is he being rude to this lady? I don't know why. But look what it says. It says then she came and worshiped him saying Lord help me but he answered and said it is not meat or fitting to take the children's bread and cast it to dogs. Now obviously we at this church when we hear the word dogs in the Bible we automatically think that they're sodomites right? Well obviously this woman's not a sodomite but maybe the place where she lives there's a lot of sodomites. Maybe that's why you know you know he's up in this land but obviously he's going to this one woman. Does it say anything else about anybody else he talks to while he's there? Just this one woman right? Look at verse 27. I'm setting you up here. And she said truth Lord yet the dogs eat of the crumbs which fall from the master's table. Then so that just proves right there that even if she is offended she doesn't care right? So she doesn't care. She realizes she's a Gentile. She realizes that Jews think that they're dogs. They think that they're cattle. They think that they're goyim. They think that they're not as good as them. And Jesus is kind of acting like he feels the same way right? Says then Jesus answered after she said this Jesus answered and said oh woman great is thy faith. Be it unto thee even as thou wilt. And her daughter was made whole from that very hour. So very interesting you know what I think is really interesting about this story is that he's just he's in Israel and then he just goes up to Tyre and Sidon. Does it say why he goes up there? I thought he was just going for the lost sheep of the tribes of Israel right? That's what he said. He says not me it's not me for me to feed you know the children the you know the dogs the children's food right? So why is he go up there? Why do you think he goes up there? Well all right let's look back at Matthew or Mark chapter 7. Let's go back to Mark chapter 7 in verse number 24. Let's read this real slow now. And from thence he arose and went into the borders of Tyre and Sidon and entered into a house and would have no man know it but he could not be hid. She knew who he was. She calls him in Mark in Matthew chapter 15 oh son of David. So Jesus is remember Jesus is super popular at this time. People are trying to beat him to the spots where he's going to vacation with the disciples. You know the people are following him everywhere he goes. So he goes up to Tyre and Sidon but doesn't say why he goes there. I just think it's really interesting. But look what he says. Let's look at it again. Mark chapter 7 verse 24 says and from thence he arose and went into the borders of Tyre and Sidon. Jesus arose and went. Why? It's not Israel. Why is he there? Well you know why I think he's there? Because God cares about individuals that's why I think he's there. And he knew that if he went up there that lady's gonna get saved, that lady's daughter's gonna get healed and he cared about her. Even though she's a Gentile, even though he calls her homies dogs, the people that she lives around dogs, I mean that's pretty insulting. But yet she's so humble and so full of faith that she would say truth Lord but even the dogs eat from the crumbs of the master's table. She said hey even if I could just get the second the pieces of the fall into the floor I'll take that. Because you know what she just wanted to have her daughter be healed. And I think that that's why he went there. I think that you know let me show you something real quick. So this is a map you probably can't see it but you can walk up at the end and look at it. So here's Israel. Okay here's Tyre and Sidon up here. Does that look like Israel to you? No that's not Israel. That's Tyre and Sidon. And right here's a little town called Sarepta. Okay that's between Tyre and Sidon. So he went out of his way, out of Israel and it just says you know he arose and went into the borders of Tyre and Sidon and entered into a house. So I believe that Jesus went there because he knew that that lady would get saved. I think he went there because he knew that one lady would get saved. I think he went there because he cares about every individual person. And hey if he he's the King of Kings and Lord of Lords do you think he didn't know that she was gonna get saved when he went out there? Of course he did. So not only that but he also cares about those that are extremely poor. He cares about the fatherless. He cares about the widows. He cares about the sick. And he cares about people that he cared a lot about people who were possessed with devils because he freed them from them many times especially in this book here in the book of Mark. So again I'm not sure why he referred to this Syrophoenician woman and her people as dogs. I can only assume that maybe they were dog like people. You know dogs are pretty you know they're they're great companions but they're kind of nasty sometimes right? But she was willing to take the crumbs from the master's table. The children's crumbs. You know your kids look we know in this church crumbs get dropped don't they? Our kids drop some crumbs in this church don't they? Some more than others. You know the bigger the family the bigger the crumbs. Maybe we should invest in some little dogs to come in here and just pick up would be a lot easier wouldn't it? You don't have to bend over or anything like that but I think that I think that this is a great story in the Bible and it's it kind of really bothered me for a while like I thought well is Jesus being racist here? Of course he's not being racist but I think he's going out of his way to offend her a little bit to see how if he could push her. You know and I don't know why he did it that way but you see that happen in the Bible too like when you think of Elisha was he nice to Naaman the Syrian? No he didn't even go out to talk to him either. Isn't it funny the parallels you know Naaman the Syrian he wasn't he wasn't Israelite either but yet he came and then he was just like just tell him to go dip in the River Jordan seven times and he wouldn't even talk to him he was the guy was furious but then he humbled himself and did what he was supposed to do and he was healed from his leprosy right? So I think he's kind of doing a little jab to her kind of the same way you know to see if they'll be offended or not and you know cuz sometimes sometimes you got to offend people when you're out soloing don't you a little bit? Sometimes you got to be a little rough with people I know we're supposed to be nice and I get that but you ever get that person it's like no you got to pay attention what you know you got to kind of get a little a little bit gruff with them and I do that sometimes not all the times and sometimes the backfires be careful when you're doing something like that but sometimes people just need to hear the straight-up truth and I think that that's what the Lord was doing he was just saying hey you know my job is to go preach to the people in Israel not you and to see where she what she would do and that was a lot of people think about this a lot of if a lot of people would be offended by that wouldn't they you're calling me are you calling me a dog you know that's what people would that's what people would say are you calling me a dog get out of here don't come back to this apartment complex wouldn't they but she didn't do that she was humble and she accepted the what she would consider the crumbs from the table I think that's really cool now this isn't the first time that God would go out of his way for people in foreign lands now we know in the Old Testament that the physical nation of Israel was the people that were supposed to present the gospel and get people saved back then so and it was a physical thing today we're a spiritual nation and we go out and spiritually give the gospel and things like that but back then it was a little bit different so God would send his prophets now turn to Jonah chapter 3 verse number 1 Jonah chapter 3 verse number 1 so God went out of his way for a place called Nineveh which actually isn't too far from the places that it's talking about in the Bible tonight so he went to a place called Nineveh which was an Assyrian city okay so look what it says in verse number 1 and the word of the Lord came unto Jonah the second time so you remember first he wouldn't go because he was racist right he didn't like him he thought there were dogs didn't he but he wouldn't go but he did end up going after he went through a little bit of hell right he went through the well it's into the well's belly you know and that probably wasn't a very fun experience he was puked up onto the ground he's like okay I think I'll go now right and here we are in verse number 1 it says and the word of the Lord came unto Jonah the second time saying arise go unto Nineveh that great city and preach unto it the preaching that I bid thee so what happened so Jonah arose and went Mark chapter 7 verse 24 and from thence he arose and went Jesus arose and went Jonah arose and went unto Nineveh that great city and it says Jonah rose and went excuse me unto Nineveh according to what the word of the Lord now Nineveh was an exceeding great city of three days journey so I think it's very interesting the language is exactly the same you got the Old Testament story of Jonah where he God told him to go and preach unto these people in Nineveh who are Gentiles who he didn't like who Israel's Israelites would have just walked on the other side of the road to get out of their way but God loved those people and obviously it wasn't in individual but it was individuals that did get saved there but Jonah was told to go just like Christ was told to go and you know what he did he arose and went Christ arose and went also and that was a whole city he cared about but he also went to other individuals in the Old Testament so turn to 1st Kings chapter 17 verse number 8 1st Kings 17 verse number 8 I hope you're following along my logic of thinking here tonight it made sense when I wrote it so hopefully it's making sense to you 1st Kings chapter 17 verse number 8 the Bible says and the word of the Lord came unto him saying arise get thee to Zarephath which belongeth to Zidane and dwell there behold I have commanded a widow woman to sustain thee we're talking about Elijah the prophet here where did he go Zarephath right where was Zarephath right here Tyre and Zidane right right in the same area Zarephath which belongeth to Zidane and dwell there behold I have commanded a widow to a woman to sustain thee why why did he need to be sustained well there was a great dearth in the land Elijah actually prayed that it wouldn't rain for three and a half years and so here he is the brook Cherith dried up on him and he sent him to this widow up in Tyre in between Tyre and Sidon isn't that where Jesus went to yeah that's interesting isn't it and what's it say in verse number 10 follow along with me verse number 10 we're talking about a different guy now here this is Elijah so he arose and went he arose and went to Zarephath and when he came to the gate of the city behold the widow woman was there gathering of sticks and he called her and said fetch me I prayed thee a little water and a vessel that I may drink so Elijah walks up to this woman he doesn't know fetch me some water isn't it wouldn't that be offensive to you you're you're you're starving to death you barely have any water and then some guy comes out some hairy guy comes out he's like give me some water wouldn't that be offensive to you wouldn't it and look at verse 11 it says and as she was going to fetch it he called her he called to her and said bring me I pray thee a morsel of bread in thine hand go give me some water ah get me a morsel of bread too while you're at it that's pretty interesting isn't it and he says in verse 12 and she said as the Lord liveth I have not a cake but a handful of meal in a barrel and a little oil on a cruise and behold I'm gathering two sticks that I may go in and dress it for me and my son that we may eat it and die they're basically they're starving to death she's like this is the last cake I'm gonna make I'm gonna make me and my son something and then we're gonna die and he's like fetch me some water get me some food bring me a morsel of food you know that's offensive isn't it would you do that which is that how you would respond how you go up to somebody that's visibly starving to death go get me some water go get me some food no it's not but I think again that he's trying to intentionally do this to see where her heart is to see how how she receives him to see you know because most people be like get out of here you weirdo I'm not giving you anything to drink me and my son are gonna drink this water we're gonna eat this cake and we're gonna die go go somewhere else but she didn't act like that did she she went to go get it and it says let's see in verse 13 and Elijah said unto her fear not go and do as thou has said but make me thereof a little cake first now he said now he's saying make me the cake first well not funny and bring it unto me and after and after make for thee and for thy son for thus saith the Lord God of Israel the barrel of meal shall not waste neither shall the cruise of oil fail until the day the Lord sendeth rain upon the earth and she went and did according to the saying of Elijah so she obeyed what Elijah said she said okay all right but you know obviously that would be a miracle but would you believe someone that just walked up and said hey don't worry about you make mine first and then you can make yours and your son's after me and don't worry it's not the cruise is never gonna run out the food's not gonna run out don't worry about it to a total stranger that just shows that she did have a faith that just shows that she want at least wanted to believe what he was saying right and so she went did according to the saying of Elijah and then look at verse 16 and the barrel of meal wasted not neither did the cruise of oil fail according to the word of the Lord which he spake by Elijah so I kind of just imagine this is like you know it's just a little cruise of oil there's just a little bit left they're probably left a little bit love less than this left whatever it takes to make a cake I think that's all she had left and then she had a little bowl of meal or whatever and then every time she went to make one together it just never ran out for months and months and you know Elijah was true to his word it's a great miracle why did he go there of all places why did he go to that place for those people right there so because it wasn't wasn't just the Syrophoenician woman that Jesus was going to help he was going to help her daughter too that's two people how much is two people worth to Jesus a trip out of the way a trip where nobody else was gonna reach her why did Elijah why did God send Elijah to Zarephath for those two people because you know what he cares about individuals he cares a lot about the multitude he's not willing that any should perish but all should come to repentance but he does care about the individual he does care about the one person that gets saved he cares enough to go out of his way to send a prophet to that person to that town so two people get get saved so never think that it's a failure when we go to some small town or we go out soul anyway just get one save that day you know what it's worth a lot to God and he sends us forth to go preach the gospel and you know what in the modern day today we're God's prophets out there preaching the gospel to people we're the ones that he says he said he says that the sons and daughters shall prophesy right and so that means ladies you're welcome to we want you in the in the labor force helping us get people saved but you know what God he shows us in this chapter he shows us just in this little capsulation of time that he went out of his way to go to Tyre and Sidon to go save this lady and her child and to release them from the bondage that they were in and you know he kind of played a little gruff with her didn't he but in the end what ended up happening he said great is thy faith great is thy faith and he didn't say that to a lot of people in Israel did he most of the time it was people that were Gentiles that had greater faith than the people that were in Israel like the centurion he said I didn't I haven't found anybody with the faith that he has and so the centurion that hit that you know he asked us for a servant to be healed is who I'm talking about so look at verse 17 it says and after these things out and it came to pass after these things at the son of the woman the mistress of the house fell sick and his sickness was so sore that there was no breath left in him I said unto Elijah and she said unto Elijah what have I to do with thee O man of God art thou common to me to call my sin into remembrance and slay my son so what is what is it that you see right here that she's saying she understands that she's a sinner doesn't she and she's saying are you coming to kill my son because of the sins I've committed so she has a little her face a little rocked right here but you know look at verse 19 it says and he said to her give me thy son and he took him out of her bosom and carried him up into a loft where he abode and laid him upon his own bed and he cried unto the Lord and said O Lord my God hast thou also brought evil upon the widow with whom I sojourn by slaying her son and he stretched himself upon the child and cried unto the Lord and said O Lord my God I pray thee let this child's soul come into him again and the Lord heard the voice of Elijah and the soul of the child came into him again and he revived so another great miracle done by Elijah the Prophet and he rose her son from the dead it says the Lord heard the heard the voice of Elijah the soul of the child came into him again he revived and Elijah took the child and brought him down to the chamber of the house and delivered him unto his mother and Elijah said see thy son liveth he was like he's okay he's fine here take him you know I think it's funny the way he says that but anyway and the woman said unto Elijah now by this I know thou art a man of God and that the word of the Lord in thy mouth is truth and hey I would that any door that we knock on here in this area or in any area of the world or the country that we go to that they would say the same thing about us hey I know that what's coming out of your mouth is the truth and you know why it's coming out as the truth because it's coming from the Bible and that's when that's where we get our strength is through the Word of God and the Holy Spirit now turn to Luke chapter 4 verse 16 Luke chapter 4 verse 16 and it says in verse number 16 and he came to Nazareth we're talking about Jesus here where he had been brought up and as his custom was he went in the synagogue on the Sabbath day and stood up for to read and there was delivered unto him the book of the prophet of Zias and when he had opened the book he found the place where it was written the Spirit of the Lord is upon me because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor he hath also sent me sent me to heal the brokenhearted to preach deliverance to the captives and the recovering of the sight to the blind to set at liberty them that are bruised why did Christ come to preach the gospel to the poor why did Christ come to preach deliverance to the captives why did Christ come to set at liberty them that are bruised why did Christ come to heal the brokenhearted that's why he came you know why he came he went to go up there and preach to that woman up in Tyre and Sidon the Syrophoenician woman and her daughter and heal her he says to preach the acceptable year of the Lord and he closed the book and gave it again to the minister and sat down and the eyes of all them were in this then that were in the synagogue were fastened on him so it was like and they weren't I don't think they were happy you know he gets up this is his hometown that he's preaching in and says and begin to say unto them this day is the scripture fulfilled in your ears and all bear him witness and wondered at the gracious words which proceeded out of his mouth and they said is not this Joseph's son and he said unto them he will surely say unto me this proverb physician heal thyself whatsoever we have heard done in Capernaum do also here in this country in thy country and he said verily I say unto you no prophet is accepted in his own country and really that's the reception he got in a lot of different places they didn't accept him you know what they didn't accept the Lord Jesus Christ the King of Kings the Lord of Lords in his own country so look don't be surprised when your family members don't want to hear it from you don't be surprised when your old friends don't want to hear it from you don't be surprised when your dear sweet grandma doesn't want to hear it from you and they reject you you know why because of this scene here that a prophet no prophet is accepted his own country and you know what it's the same with us and that's why it's hard you know I rejoice when I hear about family members of church family getting saved because it's not a real common thing it really isn't and so you know sometimes we just have to have someone else go preach the gospel to them have someone else go reach them because you know what they grew up with you they know exactly what what you're like you know sometimes they just can't accept that a dirty rot no good like you is telling them how to be righteous how to become righteous how to get saved they don't want to accept it so look what it says it says I think it's really interesting look at verse 25 this is how it connects with our story here tonight but I tell you of a truth many widows were in Israel in the days of Elias when the heaven was shut up three years and six months when great famine was throughout all the land there's a lot of widows out there that time but unto none of them was Elias sent save unto Sarepta a city of Sidon unto a woman that was a widow who are we talking about the same one that he sustained with the meal and the little cruza oil same lady and many lepers were in Israel in the time of Alyssius the Prophet and none of them was cleansed saving Naaman the Syrian so out of all the people the only person in the Old Testament that you see get healed from leprosy is a Gentile the only woman that used to you know this great miracle happened and you go and you see God specifically send a prophet to this woman was she an Israelite no she wasn't she was a Gentile and where was she from Sarepta Sarepta that's where she was from the same place that Jesus went interesting isn't it it says and look at verse 28 says and all they in the synagogue when they heard these things were filled with wrath why were they so mad you know why they were so mad because he's he's caused a foolish nation that did that didn't know him to make them jealous you know and they get really upset the Jews I'm talking about the Jews they get really upset when Gentiles are going around saying that they're saved and that they're part of God's family when they think that they're nothing but cattle and dogs yeah really upsets them but you know what God loves those people he loves us dirty filthy dog Gentiles in here just like he loves anybody else and you know who ends up getting saved in the New Testament more than anybody else the Gentiles if you we went through the book of Acts but what was always happened he'd go to this they'd go to the synagogue some of the Jews have received them some of the you know but then the Gentiles they received him way more than everybody else so Jesus got they've got filled with wrath why because the Gentiles because he brings up those stories that really made him mad why did it make him so mad because God cares about the Gentiles too and that's what he was saying to him he's like they have more faith than you guys do the Gentiles have more faith than you and what they try to do they rose up and thrust him out of the city and let him on the brow of a hill where on their city was built that they might cast him down headlong but he passed into the midst of them went his way so they tried to murder him for preaching that sermon you know his first sermon is hometown they try to kill him try to throw him off a cliff so Sarepta is you know right now it's near modern Sarafand which is in Lebanon okay and it was a Phoenician city in the Mediterranean coast between Zidane and Tyre known biblically as Zarephath so Zarephath and Sarepta are the same place okay and so in the Old Testament it calls it Zarephath and then Sarepta also in the New Testament and the Old Testament so but you know what's really interesting though is this this is where do you see the connection here you see the connection that Jesus went to the exact same area that he sent Elijah to and then said the exact then the Bible says the exact same things that they are that he arose and went just like when God commanded see Jesus listened to God and went where he was sent so I believe that God the Father sent Jesus Christ to that place so those people could get saved and I don't think it's any coincidence that he mentions these in his sermon and then the Jews are filled with wrath so let's look at let's move on and look at Mark chapter 7 verse 31 I just think it's really cool how it all ties together like when I'm studying for my Bible study and I find stuff like that I just think man it's so neat and just tying together all the things and I think it's neat if you don't think it's neat and that's whatever you just you just have no spirit no I'm just kidding I'm teasing look at Mark chapter 7 31 we'll move on in the sermon here Jesus heals a deaf man look at Mark 7 31 it says and again departing from the coast of Tyre and Sidon he came into the Sea of Galilee through the midst of the coast of Decapolis and they bring him unto him one that was deaf and had an impediment in his speech and they beseech him to put his hand upon him so he's deaf he can't hear and he also has an impediment in his speech I'm sure anybody in this room has heard someone try to talk that's deaf and they can't talk right and it says and he took him aside from the multitude and put his fingers into his ears come here Anthony can I put my fingers in your ears real quick anybody want to be a tester I can put my fingers in here come here Ethan come on come on some of you I grabbed the back I've put my fingers you know right here in the back and tried to put your brain to sleep remember that I do it to Josh he's immune to it now though come up kids come up and I'll put your brain to sleep after the service okay your parents will probably thank me for it anyway it's just what I call it it's but so that's putting my fingers back here Jesus put his fingers into his ears don't you think that's kind of a interesting thing to do put his fingers in his ears then he spit and touched his tongue now I'm not exactly sure what or what you know if he spit in his hand then touched his tongue or if he just spit pulled his fingers out his beers to touch his tongue kind of an interesting thing to do isn't it another offensive thing I mean if someone just walks up and sticks there you know hey come here sticks their fingers in your ear spits on the ground and then touches your tongue I would that weird you out a little bit weird me out I definitely want to try it out on someone tonight but it says in looking up to heaven he sighed and saith unto him a father that is be opened oh did I say that right brother Eli probably didn't okay CJ okay whatever it doesn't matter I don't speak Greek so anyway says and straightaway his ears were opened and the string of his tongue was loose and he spake plain they charged him that they should tell no man but the more he charged them so much the more great deal they published it and we're beyond measure astonished saying he hath done all things well he maketh both the deaf to hear and the dumb to speak and not only that he also healed lepers he healed blind people he rose people from the dead he walked on water he rose from the dead he you know lived a perfect life you know it's funny some people do multiple things well don't they like you know that person at work this like they just seem like they can do everything good and it's like you're really good at like maybe one or two things and then you suck at everything else or maybe you're just not as good have you heard that term jack-of-all-trades master of done it's like you can do a little bit of everything I think all Russians can do that all Russians are able to do something of everything but and they can tear apart cars and rebuild them I mean they can tear speakers off the walls in five seconds and put them back up they're like magic anyway I'm kidding but some people do a lot of things well some people do one thing really good you know just people are just different but you know who does all things well the Lord Jesus Christ does all things well and that's what they said he had done all things well and you know I'm gonna brag on my Savior just for a little bit before I close the sermon so you know Jesus is the one that does all things well I do a few things okay I do a few things well but I don't do all things well that's my Savior that's the one that does all things well and I just think about his works I mean that's what they're talking about here his great works his great healing the things he does he does he did that well too it's not like he just partially could hear it's not like you know he could talk a little bit better no he talked perfectly fine after that and he heard perfectly well it wasn't just a partial thing when he rose Lazarus from the dead he wasn't halfway dead and halfway alive he came out all the way alive right when he put you know drove Devils out of people he drove them all the way out and then and then they were free from the devil from from that day forward he does all things well his per his preaching even though people want to throw him off a cliff he still preaches better than anybody else that ever existed he does all things well you know if you want to measure your preaching measured by the preaching that Jesus said hey if someone wants to throw you after off a cliff after the time you get done preaching you're doing a good you might not like being thrown off a cliff Jesus didn't either he escaped out of the mess of them didn't he but you know his preaching eventually got him killed but you know hey if we have to fall on his footsteps someday so be it you know I would just be glad that I would be able to suffer persecution you might not feel good about at that moment but you know just grin and bear it it's all over and you get a crown the faith is not away right you get a great crown of person for being persecuted what else does he do good well his redemption he did that really pretty well didn't he so much that he got everybody sins able to be forgiven in the whole world for anything that they've ever done from the time they were born to the time they died every single sin was put on Jesus on the cross right so just in this room alone that's a lot of sins a lot more on this side probably than on this side but you know what he was able to wash all of our sins away and when he put his blood on the mercy seat that perfect blood that was able to wash everybody in the whole world that's ever been born and that ever will be born to the last sin that they commit it was so good he do with all things well his redemption is good and he did it well how about his gifts that he gives out his gifts of salvation you know he his salvation he did well too didn't he it's not you're just not saved for the rest of the time you're on this earth like some people would believe but the Bible teaches that you have everlasting life and guess what it's a gift he made it to be where it's a gift for us that's how good his salvation is there's a lot of people walking around in this world today and they think that their good deeds are gonna get them saved they think that they have to believe in Jesus and do good things or maybe they don't even believe in Jesus but you know what the the salvation that's in this book he did well and it's a gift of God it's not of works lest any man should boast and it's everlasting life that's a he did he does all things well his salvation he did that well and when we're in heaven all together someday you know maybe for the first 10,000 years you don't want to be around me that's okay but it really won't be 10,000 years it'll just be like eternity right maybe you just want to stay away from me for part of eternity that's fine but you know what we're all gonna be together at some point we're all gonna be friends for the rest of our lives so you better be friends now because you don't want to have to hug it out later on okay let's all be friends while we're here and up there amen so also the rewards he gives out he does that well too guess what he's building a mansion for each one of us I got a mansion just over the hillside right and the Bible says that he's preparing a place for us if he prepare if he goes to prepare a place for us he's gonna come again and receive us unto himself that where he is there where we are but where he is we may be also okay I'm not set up but anyway his rewards are good you know what we get rewarded on this earth for the things we do and guess what in the life to come everlasting life we get rewards for the things we do he's a great God he do with all things well even his reward program is great right he did he rewards us for the labor that we put in you know if you're in a hard area to get souls saved like this isn't exactly Hawaii this isn't exactly the Philippines but you know what it's the labor that you put forth if you put 10 hours here and someone else puts 10 hours in the Philippines guess what God's gonna equally pay you and so his care for us he does well look at the care he had just for a woman up in Zarephath he loved her he cared for her you know what he sustained her and her son for months because he does all things well and his creation he did that well too didn't he you know Jesus created the heaven and the earth his word he spoke the world into existence and guess what you can count every every day you can count on the Sun coming up you know you might not be able to see it or in Vancouver but at least you know it's come up all right there's like some kind of Sun hopefully but you know we can count on the things that God does you know but because the the earth endure forever the moon the Sun we can count on those things we can count on the fact that birds are gonna be chirping in the morning we can count on all these the way the creations made a seven day week you know we operate within the system that God put in place and you know what he did it well he didn't just make it well hey maybe the Sun will come up in 30 days no the Sun comes up every morning and we can be thankful for that we take things for granted we take things for granted we take the fact that we have food on our tables for granted you know it's all part of the system and design of God and if he cares for the sparrows enough to feed them guess what he's gonna feed us too and you know his power his name Jesus doeth all things well and aren't you glad tonight that Jesus goes out of his way for individuals just like we saw in the story you know he cares about the individual and I said this I alluded to this a little bit Sunday night but think about the fact of where you were before you got saved think about the hellhole that you were in and you might not even have thought you were in one but when he realized and got saved it changed everything and you know I I'm glad that God changed me I'm glad that he changed the person that I am and yes I know that just because I change doesn't mean it's a different sermon okay but there is a change that takes place it's a spiritual man and hey if you grab a hold of that and you exercise your faith you are gonna change you know and some people don't want to change some people just want to keep on playing video games and living in la la land and they're saved and that's fine but you know I don't think that's why he saved us just to be in la la land to do whatever we want he wants us to serve him and I'm glad that he sought me out when he did because I'd probably be dead not right now honestly so think about where you were when Jesus found you and now where you're at I mean do you I mean just think back to what's taken place since you got saved it's been it's different isn't it I hope it is some people are closing in their right minds in here that's great you know you but where would you be right now if you had never met Jesus if Jesus has never made sure that a soul winner talked to you or that you watched a video where the gospel was presented or something like that where would you be right now you'd be living you'd be on your way to a devil's hell that's where he'd be and I'm glad that he cares for the individual I'm glad he cared for me you know what your life might not be easy you know you're like well I'm saving my life's not any easier did Jesus say your life was gonna be easier oh you know call upon the name of the Lord and thou shalt be saved and thy life shall be easier is that what he said no that's not what he said your life you know it might your life might not be perfect right now raise your hand if your life's perfect right now come on I don't see any hands raised you know what he didn't say you know believe on the Son of God and your life will be perfect after that did he no he didn't say your life is gonna be easier he didn't say it's gonna be perfect but you know what we have riches in heaven to look forward to and look God's gonna bless our life still here on this earth God loves and cares for each and every single person in this room dearly you know and I think that that shows crystal clear in the story tonight about the cyber Phoenician woman and her child so don't lose sight don't take it for granted the fact that you're saved tonight go home tonight rest your head on your pillow and thank God for the life that you have in Christ thank God for the salvation that you have and pillow your head and just thank God tonight because you know what we could be a lot worse off than we are right now let's pray Heavenly Father we thank you Lord so much for the life we do have and for the salvation that you've given us freely we thank you that you do all things well because Lord if you didn't this world wouldn't be what it is right now where we could be saved through salvation by grace or faith and have everlasting life Lord help us to be sensitive to other people as we pass them by and Lord we know that we should be given them the gospel and we don't pray Lord that you'd help us to care for individuals like you care for individuals Lord and then we'd reach out and go out of our way even if we're busy or having a hard time in our life Lord help us remember there's other people that you want to see saved and help us to have a heart for souls and a passion for souls Lord and that you would help us this week to find someone find some time to go talk to somebody go knock on some doors and present the gospel if we're able to Lord we thank you for it we thank you for our precious everlasting life Lord Jesus name we pray amen