(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music He heard there was some Mexican food being cooked today so he was like I'm here That's the only thing that got me coming actually I was going to just let somebody else do it this week Anyway our verse of the week says remove not the old landmark and enter not into the fields of the fatherless Proverbs chapter 23 verse 10 It's great scripture there and our service times are Sunday morning at 10 30 a.m. Saturday morning soul winning at 10 or excuse me Sunday evening service at 3 30 p.m. And our Wednesday Bible studies at 6 30 p.m. and you're in Acts chapter what Jason 14 14 coming up this week OK and what is it 13 B OK all right so you'll be in so if you want to read ahead of time you'll get the gist of the of the passage before he gets to preach it and our sewing times are today at 1 p.m. and I don't know if that's going to get fudged to like maybe one thirty or something do you think it will be we're having a potluck right after the service and so we're going to enjoy some great food and I feel bad that those ladies after going soul all day yesterday ended up making all that food that's probably wasn't the best decision I've ever made I apologize about that I'll never do that again to you they're probably just like Pastor Thompson never coming back but I was wondering why I was getting all these dirty looks when I walked in today I'm just teasing but there's also Saturday soul winning at 10 30 a.m. yesterday we had a solely marathon and there was 30 soul winners and 16 salvation so praise the Lord for that I'm sure that was a shot in the arm to a lot of people because I saw that the last couple months has been pretty sparse so you you knocked that out of the park yesterday that was a great location who picked that location was a brother Ryan yeah it was brother Ryan good job brother Ryan good Ryan all right so there will be so many today but I'm not sure it might be a short short in time who's the leader today it's who's the leader oh brother Jason so what do you think about 130 or something like that okay well I just figured if we needed time to eat or whatever 115 whatever you decide brother you're the leader so all right and then our praise report salvation for February was 6 March 16 so got that 16 that is from yesterday right all those salvations all right great and so let's see you can see the attendance totals baptisms and then the upcoming events today I'm preaching both services for our anniversary and so I'm excited about being here to preach for you all and so the next upcoming event says January or July 14th through 17th is the Red Hot Preaching Conference which it is but there's a couple in there that I just wanted to sneak in real quick for you I'll be preaching at Shield of Faith Baptist Church on April 24th but on that same weekend we're having a Detroit soul winning trip so if anybody wants to get in on that the tickets are still pretty cheap the hotels are pretty cheap so if anybody in our church wants to go to that brother Teno is here for the day and if you want to get any details about that just talk to brother Teno we also have a video on our site about that and on that weekend brother Corbin Russell the deacon from Faithful Word Baptist Church is going to be there and he's going to be preaching for us that Sunday so we'll have a place that we're renting and there'll be a preaching service there I think he's going to preach a couple sermons on Sunday so at least one and so that'll be a great trip June 1st through 4th we're having our camping trip is back on after a two year not being able to go and obviously that trip is free you just have to get there so it is a long drive though because it's about four hours south of Vancouver so and you guys are about six hours so it's like a 10 hour trip just to drive down there but you know you could always just you know come to Vancouver and spend the night there and then drive down it or something that Wednesday but it'll be a great camping trip and we always have a lot of fun there and you know we provide all the food and all the stuff like that so you just have to be able to get there so you're obviously invited to that you were part of our church and our prayer request we'll still continue to pray for Steadfast Baptist Church and their legal battle and obviously the eviction is already done but they're looking for a new place to meet permanently right now they're kind of just kind of in between church buildings right now and so let's continue to pray for them Pastor Shelley for guidance and Josh and let's see Josh and wife to get saved I'm not sure who that is so from Kyle's follow up OK gotcha all right and then the Larson's moving residences they were asked for prayer about that and they got a new house so praise the Lord for that and they weren't sure where they were going to go they got the eviction notice at the beginning of February he had 28 days to get out so well God moves quickly when his people need it amen and also for Daniel's unspoken and ongoing legal battle with Alejandro for his home school situation and Nate's moving and travel also unspoken for him and for more souls to be saved that was answered yesterday and then for more visitors and church growth so those are all great things to pray for let's keep those things in our prayers and for mothers with Child and Marina Kutsar, Melina Graber and Jessica Baker so not to be confused with the Jessica Baker a different Jessica Baker is the Jessica Baker that comes to our church sometimes all right and let's see the preaching schedule you can see that we're of course a family integrated church and the children and infants are welcome to the church services but please utilize the mother baby room for your convenience as needed and let's see don't leave your water bottles in the church building reserve the back rows for families with young children and let's see be careful with the food and drinks in the assembly area so these are like altered from our church a little bit so a little bit different but and then please clean up after yourselves that should be a given and silence your cell phones if you would at this time please you can see the ties that have come in so far I think that's March the birthdays that says February but it's actually for March so and we don't have any to sing today or anything like that but let's see I think that's all we got for announcements so let's go ahead and sing another song and then we'll receive the offering all right if you want to take your Bibles and turn to Psalm 150 that's Psalm one hundred and fifty Psalm one hundred and fifty praise ye the Lord we'll sing it out on the first praise ye the Lord praise God in his sanctuary praise him in the permanent of his power praise him for his mighty acts praise him according to his excellent greatness praise him with the sound of the trumpet praise him with the psaltery and harp praise him with the timpani and strings and organs praise him upon the loud cymbals praise him upon the high sounding cymbals praise every link that have breath praise the Lord praise ye the Lord all right excellent singing everybody at this time we'll take up the offering brother Paul would you please pray for the offering Heavenly Father thank you so much for all the blessings that we receive and let us always remember that it is only by your hand that we have anything keep it in mind and understand it in Jesus name Amen so so so so so go ahead and open your Bibles and turn to first Samuel 17 1 Samuel chapter 17 and we will read the whole chapter as our custom is and the Bible reads 1 Samuel 17 1 Samuel 17 1 Samuel 17 1 Samuel 17 1 Samuel 17 1 Samuel 17 1 Samuel 17 1 Samuel 17 1 Samuel 17 1 Samuel 17 1 Samuel 17 1 Samuel 17 1 Samuel 17 1 Samuel 17 1 Samuel 17 1 Samuel 17 1 Samuel 17 1 Samuel 17 1 Samuel 17 1 Samuel 17 1 Samuel 17 1 Samuel 17 1 Samuel 17 1 Samuel 17 1 Samuel 17 1 Samuel 17 1 Samuel 17 1 Samuel 17 1 Samuel 17 1 Samuel 17 1 Samuel 17 1 Samuel 17 1 Samuel 17 1 Samuel 17 1 Samuel 17 1 Samuel 17 1 Samuel 17 1 Samuel 17 1 Samuel 17 1 Samuel 17 1 Samuel 17 1 Samuel 17 1 Samuel 17 1 Samuel 17 1 Samuel 17 1 Samuel 17 1 Samuel 17 1 Samuel 17 1 Samuel 17 1 Samuel 17 1 Samuel 17 1 Samuel 17 1 Samuel 17 1 Samuel 17 1 Samuel 17 1 Samuel 17 1 Samuel 17 1 Samuel 17 1 Samuel 17 1 Samuel 17 1 Samuel 17 1 Samuel 17 1 Samuel 17 1 Samuel 17 1 Samuel 17 1 Samuel 17 1 Samuel 17 1 Samuel 17 1 Samuel 17 1 Samuel 17 1 Samuel 17 1 Samuel 17 1 Samuel 17 1 Samuel 17 1 Samuel 17 1 Samuel 17 1 Samuel 17 1 Samuel 17 1 Samuel 17 1 Samuel 17 1 Samuel 17 1 Samuel 17 1 Samuel 17 1 Samuel 17 1 Samuel 17 1 Samuel 17 1 Samuel 17 1 Samuel 17 1 Samuel 17 1 Samuel 17 1 Samuel 17 1 Samuel 17 1 Samuel 17 1 Samuel 17 1 Samuel 17 1 Samuel 17 1 Samuel 17 1 Samuel 17 1 Samuel 17 1 Samuel 17 1 Samuel 17 1 Samuel 17 1 Samuel 17 1 Samuel 17 1 Samuel 17 1 Samuel 17 1 Samuel 17 1 Samuel 17 1 Samuel 17 1 Samuel 17 1 Samuel 17 1 Samuel 17 1 Samuel 17 1 Samuel 17 1 Samuel 17 1 Samuel 17 1 Samuel 17 1 Samuel 17 1 Samuel 17 1 Samuel 17 1 Samuel 17 1 Samuel 17 1 Samuel 17 1 Samuel 17 1 Samuel 17 1 Samuel 17 1 Samuel 17 1 Samuel 17 1 Samuel 17 1 Samuel 17 1 Samuel 17 1 Samuel 17 1 Samuel 17 1 Samuel 17 1 Samuel 17 1 Samuel 17 1 Samuel 17 Saul and he sent for them and David said to Saul let no man's heart fail because of him thy servant will go and fight with the Philistines so nobody wants to fight Goliath you guys all heard if you were following along in the scriptures that you know his brother got mad at him because he came to try to help and David just literally just wants to do something for God and nobody wants to fight Goliath you know he's nine foot nine he's got armor he's got a spear the size of a weavers beam and nobody wants to fight him but David you know he steps up to the plate here and he says in verse 32 and David said to Saul let no man's heart fail because of him thy servant will go and fight with this Philistine and Saul said to David thou are not able to go against this Philistine to fight with him for thou art but a youth and he a man of war from his youth so he's talking about experience here experiences in life and obviously Goliath is a mighty warrior and he just doesn't Saul doesn't even really know David he doesn't know what David's done before but he's you he's young he's a young man and he doesn't know what what David's able to do he doesn't know the faith of David and it says and David said unto Saul thy servant kept his father's sheep and there came a lion and a bear and took a lamb out of the flock and I went out after him and smote him and delivered it out of his mouth and when he arose against me I caught him by his beard and smote him and slew him thy servant slew both the lion and the bear and this uncircumcised Philistine shall be as one of them seeing he hath defied the armies of the living God David said moreover the Lord that delivered me out of the paw of the lion now the paw of the bear he will deliver me out of the hand of this Philistine and Saul said unto David go and the Lord be with thee and Saul armed David with his armor and he put a helmet of brass upon his head also he armed him with a coat of mail and David girded his sword upon his armor and he is saved to go for he had not proved it and David said unto Saul I cannot go with these for I have not proved them and David put them off him and he took his staff in his hand and chose him five smooth stones out of the brook and put them in the shepherd's bag which he had even in a script and the sling was in his hand and he drew near to the Philistine so what's happened here is that David has given this armor of Saul's and it probably saw the Bible says that Saul was head and shoulders above the rest of the people so so he was probably like my height I'm guessing he was a you know so if we all stood together right now I would be head and shoulders above the rest of you so what does that tell you about the armor that he it was his armor that he tried to give David David wasn't head and shoulders above the rest of the people in height and stature and so he puts this armor on it's probably like just slinks to the ground you know his chainmail slinks to the ground you know he's got this helmet it's probably just wobbling on his head and he says I I cannot go with these for I have not proved them and it's just you know he's probably like this doesn't even fit man but and it says David put them off and then he grabbed the things that he knew how to use he knew that if he chose five smooth stones it might be able to get his other brothers in case they come after him too but he took a staff in his hand so he was a shepherd so he knew how to use a staff and he took his sling was in his hand so he knew how to use a sling and we think of you know it's like something you can you swing it around and you let it go and that rock will fly or whatever object you have in it and hit whatever and he was obviously very good with that also because the Bible says that when he he took him one shot he nailed him right between the eyes and the stone sunk him into his forehead so David was able to kill Goliath not with Saul's armor that was something that he hadn't proved yet he was able to do with something he already knew worked and so you know we need to go today with the things that we know work and so that's why I titled the sermon I know what works because as a pastor I've been a pastor for you know three years a little over three years and I know what works I know what built our church I know how you know God builds a church that's not with you know all kinds of new gadgets and new different types of ways of soul when he knew different types of ways of preaching hey he just God just continues to build churches based on what the Bible says to do so we got to know what we got to use the things that are proven by God to work we can't you know with the people that bring the purple lights of the smoke for the musics and and you know they do 15-minute sermons and they don't want to preach for an hour they don't want to preach the Bible they don't want to preach more than two verses and then they tell stories and poems and all that you guys have all been to churches like that before we know what works and we know what we need to continue to do and you know sometimes we're probably like well you know the church isn't growing or maybe we lost some people and and this or that but you know what hey I I'm okay with the people we lost sometimes we got to get rid of that bad element that's in our church and I think our church is better for it I believe that I really do believe it I don't care if there used to be 40 coming here and now there's only 30 I don't care about that I care about the quality of the people that are in this church I care about the works that are being done in this church I care about the Bible that's being preached in this church oh you know and we had a lack of some of the Bible being preached in this church and that was part of the problem so I'm glad that some of these people are gone and I want to just continue forward with the people that we got and don't get discouraged because you know what the things that work 50 years ago the things that work a thousand years ago the things that work 2,000 years ago are still the things that work today and God will build his church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it you know I like using the Samsung s series of phones shut up you know the Apple phone a lot of people like the Apple photo logo it's Apple versus Samsung or whatever you know what but I don't know how to use the Apple phone I know how to use the Samsung s series phones and you know what those s series phones have worked great for me over the years why you know an Apple might be great yeah it might be you know that I know Samsung stole some of their stuff and got sued for billions of dollars or whatever Samsung just took the good things from the iPhone and incorporated into their better phone don't say pastor Thompson you need to get a Motorola those are really good pastor Thompson you need to get a Hawaii phone or however you pronounce that pastor Thompson you don't understand the Google phones are really good and up-and-coming you know what I like the Samsung and those other phones might be great but I have not proved them I know what works I know that the Samsung s series phones work really good so why would I go and grab an Apple phone something I have not proved and try to use that because let me tell you something I use my phone for a lot of different things a lot of different things and you know I I've heard that this the Apple phones are pretty simple all right I don't want to be simple I want to be no I'm just kidding I use degree deodorant the white chalky kind okay I have used agreed deodorant for probably 20 years now you're like well pastor Thompson the TMI I don't really need to know that all right let me tell you something about this type of deodorant now here's the important thing about deodorant okay that when you've gone through a hard day when you sweating bullets or whatever you're doing at the end of the day you can go like this and you still smell like you know not Bo you smell the deodorant still they're lingering all right so you know you're like that's not so well you don't understand arid is pretty good Tom's look Tom's doesn't work guys I know it's natural and all that stuff but you know what I put that stuff on I start sweating ice I stink like I smell like Lazarus after four days all right so right guard you might say right guard works really good pastor Thompson you know what I have improved right guard I have improved old spice you know what I know that works I know that what's worked for me for the last 20 years is degree deodorant this message has been brought to you by degree deodorant but the point is is that I've proved degree I know it works so why would I want to change to something else you're like well you don't know it might be better it might be it might be better but I know that the deodorant I'd use works all right degree so now I mean I'm not super particular about a lot of things but as I've gotten older one thing I know is that I want to have comfortable shoes on okay comfort in your shoes that you can go cheap on everything else a lot of my clothes are hand-me-downs and stuff I've gotten a Goodwill or whatever but I don't go cheap on the shoes anymore I want to wear something that I know works I want to wear something that's comfortable and I normally wear the the slip-on style shoe by echo all right and I've been wearing that same type of shoe to preach and go soloing in for the last five years okay so this is a newer thing but if you go buy your shoes from Walmart you know why they call Walmart fall apart because they're they fall apart and any shoe eventually will fall apart on you but you know what I like about the the slip-on shoe by echo is that you know it has 14 levels of comfort okay that's the selling point for me 14 levels of comfort now my wife got me my first pair that were used from like some you know some I forgot where she got them but she got them they're used and like normal I wouldn't wear you shoes but I tried them on I liked them and I beat the brakes off those shoes I mean I just threw him away the other day but I pulled them out so I could look because you notice I'm not wearing them today you probably know what they look like these are Skechers okay and these are okay but the reason why I'm wearing Skechers today is because I forgot my echo brand slip-on leather shoes at the last hotel that I was at and I was looking for them everywhere and I was I just really upset because I like a specific kind of shoe and why do I like that specific kind of shoe because it works for me I can preach and go so many of that and my feet don't hurt and so that's an important thing you know there's lots of different types of shoes out there maybe there's another type of shoe that's more comfortable than that but while I'm waiting for my new pair of echo brand shoes to get here I'm having to wear something that's you know semi comfortable that I haven't fully proved yet well they're definitely not church pastor type shoes right they're Skechers okay but you know it's I'm in a bind but normally that's all I wear when I preach I don't like those you know those barefoot style shoes I have a pair of them but by the time I get done preaching an hour and a half long sermon my my back hurts when I wear those so I want to wear something that's comfortable you know what I've proved the echo brand shoes that I have the slip-on 14 levels of comfort shoes that I have and you know why I wear those because I have proved them I know what works I know that those shoes work for my feet I like to wear v-neck style t-shirts I don't wear wife beaters or what you know the sleeveless t-shirts I wear a t-shirt with a V why do I wear the t-shirt with a V because I don't like the t-shirts sticking out underneath my you know out for my neck it looks dumb and so if I don't wear a v-neck shirt those ones will it'll come up sometimes up to here and I just don't like the way it looks I don't like the way they feel if you're wearing a wife beater your sweat just drips down your sides I don't like that I'm particular about what my mom got me some really nice t-shirts they fit me really good but you know they had the they were just the regular t-shirts she's like well what's wrong I was like well I just I can't wear these when I preach because you know they'll stick out so I know what works for me when it comes to t-shirts you're like pastor Thompson is this like an infomercial for all the stuff you like I'm just making a point here is that when you know what works that's what you stick with and when the Bible tells us the things that are going to work those are the things we need to stick with so let's look at first Samuel chapter 17 verse number 39 it says and David girded his sword upon his armor and he is saved to go and he had not for he had not proved it and David said unto Saul I cannot go with these for I have not proved them and David put them off so David knew what worked when he killed the lion David knew what worked when he killed the bear and it was not a helmet of brass or chainmail that he wore or some other man's outfit or sword it was his bare hands it was his sling and his stone the things that he knew how to use that's what he used as his weapons for war are we not in a spiritual warfare as Christians we absolutely are and so when we go to war we need to go with the battle the battle gear that we know will work the Bible tells us the things that we'd work will work David put off the things that he had not proven and went back to the weapons that worked for him in the past the weapons that he had proven okay so we need to stick with what the Bible says is going to work first Samuel chapter 17 verse 48 says and it came to pass when the Philistine arose and came nigh excuse me and came and drew nigh to meet David the David hasted ran toward the army to meet the Philistine and David put in his hand in his bag and took thence a stone and slang it and smote the Philistine in his forehead that the stone sunk into his forehead and he fell upon his face to the earth David used what he knew was going to work and he says and so David prevailed over the Philistine with a sling and with a stone and smote the Philistine and slew him but there was no sword in the hand of David so they had David proved Goliath sword yet he hadn't but here's the thing Goliath's already pretty much done all right so at this point he's he can kind of reach out and try something new right what's he do verse 51 therefore David ran and stood upon the Philistine and took his sword and drew it out of the sheaf thereof and slew him and cut off his head therewith when the Philistine saw their champion was dead they fled so here's an instance where he just grabbed somebody else's sword but if you're able to stand on top of the Philistine you know if a rock sinks into the middle of your forehead you're pretty much dead you know maybe he was twitching or something I don't know but he just wanted to finish him off and he cut his head off with his own sword and so but the problem is is that today Baptist churches have gotten away from the things that are proven like old-fashioned hell-raising barnstorming you know face ripping preaching they've gotten away from that you know why would you come to a church like this because you know you're gonna get the type of preaching that you need and a lot of people just don't care but you know what the people in this room care about the type of preaching this type of preaching you know the hot preaching is what got you turned around and the people that preach this type of preaching are the same type of people that know that soul winning works also and so a lot of people in this room are saved or have major dramatic changes in their lives because of the preaching that they heard from a pastor like me or a pastor like you know pastor Anderson or pastor Jimenez or you know any of you know pastor Shelley any of these pastors pastor versions you know all these all this type of preaching there's a reason why we flock to it because it helps us in our life it not only gets people saved but it also helps us to get the sin out of our life that we need to get out it helps us it it encourages us to continue in the faith to run the race itself before us it encourages us to do the works that we're supposed to be doing but you know that hey we're gonna do a Bible study and you know we're gonna go okay one verse we got we got and and the and then they just like do like a whole study on and and the I've actually I've actually sat down in churches where they do preach like that it's not preaching friends that's not the type of stuff you know you might exegete to the unteenth degree or whatever but that exegete is not always going to help you in your daily life is it it's not going to give you a swift kick in the pants and get or dress and make you get out and do the things that you need to do it's not going to help you to to make the changes in your life that you need to make it's not going to encourage you and exhort you to continue in the faith but you know what I know works I know that hard preaching works I know it I've seen it it's helped me in my life I've seen it help multitudes of people in their lives you know what these people that hate our kinds of churches and they're and they're like oh you guys are a cult and you're hate preachers and all this other stuff you know what they're missing out you know they've listened to whatever their pastor said or whatever so-and-so said on the internet and they're just like oh yeah these guys are bad that you know this is their cult or whatever it's like you know what you know what what helped me is hard preaching I'm sorry that doesn't help you I'm sorry you're a loser and that you just want to go to a church that sucks and you know you're just going to go to a rock concert with the smoke and all the purple lights and all that stuff you want to go to that fine you're missing out in the Christian life in major ways that you could be missing that you're missing out you're missing out on the great truce of the Bible you know nobody's going to sit there and preach for an hour at some of these Baptist churches they're not going to do it you know and I might give you more than an hour you just never know you might get into two today Bob I'm teasing but number one I know hard preaching works what works hard preaching who got their life changed in here because of hard preaching amen and so we know this church never should stop hard preaching the minute we stop hard preaching that's when we start so we stop growing that's when we stop caring about things because you know what we need to be prodded we need to be goaded to do great things for God because we're like sheep we go astray we turn everyone to our own ways you know and and we need a guy to get up and rip some face and tell it like it is turn to Isaiah chapter 58 verse 1 Isaiah chapter 58 verse number 1 you know a lot of men of God are afraid to get up and preach the truth they're just afraid they're afraid of what's going to happen if they preach the truth and that's not how we're supposed to be you know go read the prophets in the Old Testament were they afraid of the things that they had to say they didn't like having to say some of that stuff sometimes but they did it anyway because God said to now we need to get back to thus saith the Lord Isaiah 58 verse 1 says cry aloud spare not lift up thy voice like a trumpet and show my people their transgressions and the house of Jacob their sins what is God telling Isaiah to do he's saying cry aloud it's not you know cry tears you see that in a lot of Baptist churches where they're just like crying over everything look you Millennials we don't have to cry about everything and you know if we be weeping is what the Bible calls it and hey if I get you know a little weeping something it happens every once in a while okay but I'm not crying in every sermon I preach I mean I'm not weeping in every sermon I preach because it makes people sick okay people like oh I really love it when that pastor cries or whatever II weeps I think it's disgusting we had a pastor a long time ago that we went to his church and every time he would start weeping in a sermon my wife's mom would just be like rolling her eyes because he did it like on almost every sermon it's like when someone cry oh I keep saying cry when someone weeps in every sermon they preach it starts to not be seemed genuine anymore he can just cry at the drop of a dime I think that's kind of weird especially for a man to do that every service but anyway so we need to get out and preach the Bible and the Bible when it's saying cry aloud it's saying raise your voice spare not don't just not preach on certain things because you're afraid that it's gonna make people leave your church I preach sermons where people have left or we have a visitor come in and they came into the hot battle zone sermon and we never saw him again but you know that's not gonna stop me from sparing not it's not gonna stop me from crying aloud the Bible says to lift up thy voice like a trumpet and show my people their transgressions you're like why are you always preaching hard on sin because God said to show my people their transgressions and it's like I don't know what all your sins are but God does and there's a big book that we preach we're supposed to preach the whole counsel of God and and not spare because of people's feelings if they can't take it they can't take the heat they get out of the kitchen go to John MacArthur's Church if you want to exegete the scriptures for 15 weeks on Romans chapter 1 verse 1 ok but that's not the kind of church this is now I'm not saying we shouldn't go deep doctrinally but I believe that we should but you know I know what's gonna work for our church to motivate us to help us get sin out of our life is going to be to preach hard sermons I thought I was talking about this with somebody yesterday and I was like it was last year and I preached this sermon to genders and we had visitors that walked into the service a lady wearing pants and a man with long hair okay and I'm like really Lord because those things were in my sermon notes already before they ever walked in the door but you know those visitors never came back the ones that were the where the lady was wearing pants or whatever but you know what I still let it rip didn't I and I still let it rip about the long hair you know and sometimes it changes people and sometimes it doesn't sometimes people you know they reject what it says and then sometimes they get a haircut I went to a church in Yakima and preached the pain off the walls there in a sermon and I didn't even preach about not having long hair and a guy came up to me after the service I'm not kidding you he walked up and he goes I'm getting a haircut and buying a suit I like I didn't even preach about that it's like he my God must have already been dealing with him about that you know cuz I didn't even mention it he's like I'm telling you he said he said I'm cutting my hair I'm buying a suit and I'm going soloing with the pastor every week I was like okay great I didn't have to say it but that's what hard preaching does it like you know the Holy Spirit takes that message and he puts it into your heart and he's like hey you need to make some changes you need to do this better you need to do you know get this out of your life and that's what hard preaching does look at Ezekiel chapter 6 verse 11 Ezekiel chapter 6 verse 11 and people will say you know you're just frothing at the mouth you're yelling and screaming all the time what do you think the prophets in the Old Testament did what do you think John the Baptist did John the Baptist ripped face you know he's like hey you Pharisees what are you doing here and he's just calling them vipers and you know saying I'm gonna cut the tree down and you're gonna be into hell fire he's just like ripping on the leaders of that day because they were they were false they were wicked and there were the leaders of that people and John the Baptist was like I don't care who they are you know God the Bible says God is not a respecter of persons and so with some you know if Donald Trump walked in here I'm not gonna change my sermon because it might offend him because he's a whoremonger or something you know I'm saying like it doesn't matter the Bible tells us to not be like that Ezekiel chapter 6 verse 11 says thus saith the Lord God smite with the hand and stamp with thy foot and it said and say alas for the evil abominations of the house of Israel for they shall fall by the sword by famine and by the pestilence why is God saying hey it's like smite with the hand or smite with the hand or stamp with the foot to give people's attention so they'll wake up and listen to what the Bible is saying because he's saying otherwise they're gonna fall by the sword you know they're gonna fall they're gonna fall by the famine or the pestilence unless you get up and be you know dynamic and animated with the way you preach second Timothy chapter 4 verse 2 see God is telling us how we should deliver those messages you know so when I clap my hands or stomp my foot or scream and yell and get loud and the Bible is telling us to do that the Bible is telling us to be loud the Bible's telling us to cry aloud the Bible's terror telling us not to spare people's feelings because of what sin they might be in or because of their queer uncle we're not gonna spare the message because of someone's feelings about something they just don't know the truth you know the people that can take it they take it the people that can't they don't come back oh well but you know what our church is still gonna be strong when we have the people that are gonna take it are still gonna be sitting in this room second Timothy chapter 2 or second Timothy chapter 4 verse 2 says preach the word be instant in season out of season reprove rebuke exhort with all long-suffering and doctrine so what is Paul commanding the preacher to do what is he commanding Timothy to do preach the word see this is where fundamentalism kind of went wrong too is that they preach two verses and then just tell story after story after story after story and you know what that's you know they're I'm not saying that they were bad preachers but if we're supposed to preach the word one scripture or two scriptures or three or four is not gonna cut it you know if you want to be a Baptist you're gonna have to learn to love the Bible and so when someone gets up in this church to preach the Bible they should be doing that preach the word and we're supposed to be reproving people you know reproving people is telling them they're wrong gently or just not yelling and screaming rebuking is telling them they're wrong in a harsh way okay that's what the Bible tells us to do and it says exhort with all long-suffering and doctrine so we're supposed to encourage people to do the right thing encourage people to take the Word of God and apply it to your life and let it work in your life and heart that's what the Bible says to do when we preach why because verse 3 for the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine but after their own lust shall they heap to themselves teachers having itching ears and you know these are very famous verses here but here's the thing there is a time when they will not endure sound doctrine I think that's today I think that's been since the Apostle Paul penned this but it's gotten worse and worse but there's a time when they won't endure sound doctrine but after their own lust see people want to hear the type of preaching that they want to hear that's why you know Bill Hybels and Rick Warren they send out these these places when they're gonna start a new church and say what kind of music do you want to listen to what kind of preaching do you want to hear and they do these like you know surveys of the area to see what they want and so then they come in and run their church like the people want to hear like the people want to do and then so if they're like in the south and they like country music or whatever then they'll have more of a country theme or if they're in Detroit it's Rock City or whatever they you know Metallica or so I don't know I don't know you know how they do all that but that's why they send the surveys out but you know what we don't want to try to help people to hear what they want to hear we need to tell people what they need to hear we need to preach what needs to be preached and it says and they shall turn away their ears from the truth and shall be turned onto fables you know fables like the Nephilim doctrine fables like Abraham's bosom fables like altar calls in churches in the New Testament fables like I mean I don't know the flat earth fables like the mask being the mark of the beast this is what people are being turned to this is what people are being turned away with you know what all the all that stuff's going away pretty soon then what are you gonna talk about next what's next after that the gas prices now this has happened before it's just history is just repeating itself but it's gonna get worse but you know what needs to stay the same is the preaching needs to stay the same the people the preaching needs to be the way God said to do it and it needs to be hard so and you know just a little quick thing for the guys that like to preach here use your own preaching style and I'm not saying you don't but anybody that wants to preach hey you know you don't have to take on someone else's preaching style in order to be effective now you still have to preach the way the Bible says to preach but be you don't be Saul Saul's armor didn't work for David be yourself do what you know how to do use the tools that you know how to use use the style preaching that you use but just make sure that you're being loud make sure that you're not sparing make sure that you're lifting up your voice like a trumpet make sure that you're smiting with your hands and stomping with your feet make sure that you're preaching the Word of God and not your own opinion make sure you're reproving rebuking and exhorting so double negative one positive all right you know people just you all you do is preach negative sermons well two-thirds it says two-thirds of it should be negative one third positive okay because we're sinful we need to be given negative sermons you need to feel like crap when you walk out of here sometimes you need to feel bad for what you've done and you know we all need that when I prepare sermons sometimes like oh you know I'm already trying to get right with God before I preach the sermon because God deals with me too I'm just a man you know I have my own issues so but everybody in this room has been affected by hard preaching and we know it works we know it's proven right and it will always work and even if we only have a church full of 30 35 people here for the next 15 20 years we're still going to use the same type of preaching and hey little as much when God is in it so if we're not a mega church in the next five years don't let that get you down you know because we don't have a bunch of visitors every single week hey we can work on that you know we're gonna get a different building and we're gonna start working you know maybe a place where it's a little easier to find or something right there's not like three flights of stairs to walk up but all those things yeah it's only been three years so don't worry about that and hey we've had a split we've had people leave we've had all kinds of stuff go on but you know what we're still here we're still strong this church is strong when I come here I see strength when I see when I come here I see people that are dedicated and willing to do the work regardless of what happens next man up you know this is a great church don't let anybody tell you anything different than that number two you know what else works door to door soul winning works we know that door-to-door soul winnings works we've proven that door-to-door soul winning works but all these churches out here they're like well it doesn't really work anymore you liar you just don't want to do it because you're too lazy you don't want to do it because it's too hard it's too cold it's too hot yeah you know it always has like Pastor Johnson saying though only in 70 degrees that's the only time it's good or whatever it's a good point turn to Romans chapter 1 verse 16 Romans chapter 1 verse 16 the first thing we know works is hard preaching we know that works that's proven number two we know that door-to-door soul when he works look at Romans chapter 1 verse 16 this isn't I'm not ashamed for I'm not ashamed of the gospel of Christ for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth to the Jew first and also to the Greek so the Bible says that we're not supposed to be Paul said I'm not ashamed of the gospel of Christ it what is the it the gospel is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth everyone you know the only way people are gonna get saved is if they hear the gospel they're not gonna get saved in the other way you know we know works the gospel works we know that's true we know that's proven you know you're telling the gospel in your own words that doesn't work leaving some kind of door hanger on their door that doesn't work you know what handing out you know rate comfort you know illusion tracks or whatever that doesn't work giving them a million dollar bill you know you give one of those great comfort million dollar bills to a homeless person you're probably gonna be picking yourself up off the ground what a dirty trick that was you know but we know the gospel works and the Bible says it's the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth turn to Acts chapter 5 verse 42 what do we know works door-to-door soul when he works just going one-on-one and telling someone the gospel preaching the gospel to someone works Acts 5 verse 42 I'd like to see these preachers that say the gospel doesn't work door-to-door anymore go up to the apostles and say that tom in home well we didn't think it worked anymore oh really what are you basing that off of because the Bible says something different Acts 5 42 says and daily in the temple and in some of the houses no it says no it says in every house they cease not to teach and preach Jesus Christ this is what the Apostles did every day in the temple every day in every house they went door-to-door they cease not to teach and preach Jesus Christ they were told to stop they were commanded to stop they were beaten and said don't do this anymore don't preach in this name don't talk show people this way anymore and what they do they said you know what we got to obey God rather than men we got to preach the gospel and you know what we got to do it in every house turn to Acts 20 20 Acts chapter 20 verse 20 Acts 20 20 says and how I kept back nothing that was profitable unto you but have showed you and taught you publicly and from house to house so is going door-to-door in the Bible yes it is going two by two is in the Bible and the reason why we need to have two people or we should have two people is so there's a witness there you know you don't want to get a cute in this day and age you know you can have someone pull pastor Jones is telling the story how a guy pulled out of 357 was just like you know you guys can't be doing this out here or whatever yesterday they knocked on a door and the sign says what did it say it said something like are you you want to know what what attorneys like or something like that and it says trespass on my property and you're gonna find out they walked up but the ladies were bold and walked up and knock on that door and the guy you know he came out with an Iron Maiden t-shirt on giant gauges in his ears and my wife said he was the nicest guy that I talked to all day you know what because when you're bold as a lion you know people see that and when we're knocking every house regardless of what we think when we look out we know man looks on the outward appearance but God looks on the heart you know that guy didn't get saved but he was listening he received the seed of the Word of God and you know hopefully someday he does get saved he was in a bad spot in his life at that time but you know we went house to house yesterday we went door to door yesterday and hey when you pick up when people are walking past you you know they're in your path scoop them up God's sending them along your path for a reason there's a prepared place for a prepared person so if you're prepared to preach the gospel you know what the Bible says it's the power of God unto salvation you know we're going to door to door that's what we're supposed to be doing house to house testifying both to the Jews and also the Greeks repents towards God in faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ yesterday we had 30 South soul owners out preaching the gospel you know some of those were kids so they weren't preaching but we count them all we count everybody that goes with us because everybody's important all right but 16 salvation oh it doesn't work door to door so when he doesn't work really well it worked yesterday with 16 different people and they're like you know this is what really gets me upset is when preachers will say stuff like well were they in church today where's all the 16 people you guys saved yesterday they were kids most of them were teenagers and kids and they're like you know do you think they're like hey mom and dad can we go go to this hate church and go go get baptized you idiots no most kids are just you know they kept playing basketball or whatever but just because they didn't come to church to get baptized doesn't mean that they're not saved it means they are saved you know and do we know for sure all 16 people were saved for a hundred percent surety you know all we can do is count what we hear them say with their own mouth okay when they tell us their salvation testimony when they say yes I do believe that yes I will call upon the name of the Lord we count that person is safe and if they tricked us well that's bad on them you know if they trick us it's their bad not our bad we did what we were supposed to do we're commanded to go and preach the gospel go ye therefore into all the world and preach the gospel okay that's what we're supposed to do and you know what it still works 16 people yesterday do you know how many churches in Spokane probably went out so when yesterday got 16 people saved zero sorry I'll say it I'm sure they're there there probably is some some Baptist churches that are preaching the gospel around here but I'm telling you what the program that we have you know what we do it's not one two three repeat after me easy it's easy believe ISM but it's not easy prayer ISM or whatever I don't know that we get accused of all kinds of stuff I'll tell you what it's easy to be saved and we planted a lot of seed yesterday too I'm sure but one thing I know for sure hard preaching works number two door-to-door soul winning works okay it's proven it's something that we proved it's something we know we can go out with that weapon of war with the sword of the Lord the Word of God in our hands and we can get people saved amen number three speaking of the sword of the Lord the King James Bible works still doesn't it and the Bible that we use is the King James it's been tried and true it's been proven it's been tested you know the NIV missing verses the NLT missing verses the NASB missing verses translating it wrong and they're off of different texts but you know what I know works for sure you know we got a 1611 King James replica out there in the hallway if you look up John 3 16 it still says exactly what's in my 1789 revised edition or whatever it still says the same thing it just spells Sun S O N N E instead of S O N ooh big change hey he didn't say he was gonna preserve the spelling of every single word but the words are still the same you know what they've been the same for 411 years so you know why would I try to trade this in and use some other cruddy Bible version that doesn't even have all the verses in it this sounds like a robot translated it why would I use those stupid Bibles you know people get on the pastor Shelley for burning Bibles or whatever he's burning corrupted Bibles what's wrong with that it's just one piece of trash out of the world you're like well that piece of trash to get people saved really really so an incorrupt a corruptible Bible that's gonna get people saved corruption is gonna bring forth in corruption I don't think so turn to 1st Peter chapter 1 verse 23 why do I why are we King James only because it works because it's perfect because it's preserved I was led to Christ by a King James Bible I know the King James Bible works because I got saved by one and I'm saved I've led other people to Christ with nothing but a King James Bible I've never used another version why would I trade it for something else that I don't know if it works as a matter of fact the Bible kind of makes it clear that they won't work but you know what I know works I know the King James Bible works 1st Peter 1 23 says being born again not of corruptible seed but of incorruptible by the Word of God the Word of God is what saves you through the preaching of the gospel and we use Bible verses we show people out of the Bible what it takes to be saved you know we say well it's just the gospel that saves people yeah but the gospel is found in here folks it's found in the Bible it says which liveth and abideth forever for all flesh is as grass and all the glory of man is the flower of grass the grass withereth the flower thereof falleth away but the Word of the Lord endureth forever and this is the word which by the gospel is preached unto you this is the word by which the gospel is preached unto you it's not with your own words it's not with you know your own little gimmicks that you want to try to use people preach the gospel by the Word of the Lord the Word of the Lord is the King James in English you know if you're in Spanish it's a different version or whatever but we got to use the perfect Word of God to get people saved amen so you know we know that the King James Bible works and that's always been my test that's my litmus test you know I know what works why would I try to go outside and get some other Bible version that doesn't work but the Bible says not of incorruptible seed you know and let's look at Psalm chapter 12 verse 6 Psalm chapter 12 verse 6 the Bible says the word of the Lord excuse me the words of the Lord are pure words as silver tried in a furnace of earth purified seven times so isn't that word tried it's not the same as it's kind of the same as tet or approved or tested kind of means the same thing right as silver tried in a furnace of earth purified seven times so you know what's proved is the pure words of God they've been tried in the furnace of the earth they've been purified seven times the Bible says thou shalt keep them o Lord thou shalt preserve them from this generation forever so the Bible is forever hey when was the Bible written it's been forever it's always been written in heaven and you know it's always been there for us now obviously on the earth it hasn't always been but up in heaven it has been it's settled it's fixed it's rooted you know what we have a perfect translation of the King James we don't need to go outside for any other stupid version why would we need to I'm not a member of the Bible of the month Club I don't get the news fat Bible that people are making millions of dollars off of then nobody reads you know what the most read Bible is it's the King James period go ahead and turn to Acts chapter 8 verse 36 my wife knocked on the door of a Calvinist the other day and he was just he's like how do you guys why you got you know he I think he just thought that we go around trying to preach the gospel of the King James like that you got to be King James only that's we're interested in getting people saved first okay if that comes along afterwards we give them a Bible we give them a show them a few things about the King James that's great but we're not out there just trying to grab people's Bibles out of their hands and hand them a King James look if they're not saved it's not gonna help them so while you're already in acts 836 I'm gonna read Hebrews 4 12 Hebrews 4 12 says for the Word of God is quick and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit and of the joints and marrow and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart that's the kind of weapon that we need we need a weapon that's sharper than any two-edged sword and the Bible is called the sword of the Lord isn't it we need that book that is a weapon that's been proven in battle that's a weapon that's always gonna help us preach the gospel to people and get people saved it's also the one that's gonna convince and convict and and and and show people their sins and show people that they need to go out and do works for the Lord and it's gonna teach us doctrine but if you have a counterfeit it's not gonna help you you know what would you rather have a two-edged sword that's sharper than any two-edged sword or one that's not you know the illustration of the butter knife and the butter knife is not it's not gonna it's not gonna cut very well is it but you know a sword that's sharper than any other sword that's the one we need now acts 836 is a very famous scripture and it says and as they went on their way they came to a certain water and the eunuch said see here's water what does hinder me to be baptized and Philip said if that believes believe us with all thine heart thou mayest and he answered and said I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and verse 38 says and he commanded the chariot to stand still and they went down both into the water and both Philip and the eunuch and baptized him but you know what you're not gonna you're not gonna see verse 37 in the NIV the NASB the NLT the ESV all these modern Bible versions are not gonna put this very important scripture in here that says if thou believeth with all thine heart thou mayest what's stopping you from getting baptized well you got to believe and then he answered and said I believe that Jesus Christ is Son of God now the NLT is like the Calvinist they love the NLT or not the NLT the ESV the Calvinists are in love with the ESV you know that's like their go-to Bible that's the John MacArthur promoted Bible and they love these Calvinists love the ESV well why would you love a version that has something missing out of it let me read from you the same three verses in the ESV it says and as they were going along the road they came to some water and the eunuch said here see here's water what prevents me from being baptized and he commanded the chariot to stop and they both went down into the water Philip and the eunuch and he baptized him and when they came up out of the water the Spirit of the Lord carried Philip away in the eunuch saw him no more and went on his way rejoicing some manuscripts add all or most of verse 37 and Philip said if you believe with all your heart you may and he replied I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God some manuscripts add all or most of verse 37 so he's saying that in the notes there that we're adding to the Word of God no they're minusing from the Word of God that's a trashy translation straight out of the pits of hell because you know what you're not supposed to get baptized until you've believed with all your heart that's what the Bible says the manuscripts that back up this book are better than the manuscripts that back up the NLT or the ESV or NLT or HIV JK omen OP whatever you want whatever version of the month they all these people love out there you know they put up these screens and then they put up their verse and I've been in churches where they're putting up different versions you know it's just like whatever version they want to fit the message that they want to tell you well that's corrupt friends you know we need to stick with what's proven you know David stuck with what was proven in his weapons of war you know what we need to stick with the same proven things in our warfare also let's turn to second Samuel chapter 6 verse 2 now David went when he was king he's trying to bring the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem and you know the Bible when it says to do things a certain way that's the way you're supposed to do them God when he says hey only the Levi's are supposed to bear the Ark and they have to put the staves in those staves are coated in gold and they have to bear the Ark with the Levi's but look what happens in 2nd Samuel chapter 6 verse 2 doesn't David arose and went with all the people that were with him from Baal of Judah to bring up from vents the Ark of God whose name is called by the name of the Lord of hosts that dwelleth between the cherubims and they set the Ark of God upon a new cart and brought it out of the house of a Bennett of Abinadab that was in Gibeah and Uzzah and Ohio the sons of Abinadab drave the new cart so the Levi's were supposed to be carrying the Ark of the Covenant but they made a new cart see it's like making a new way to do something that God did not tell them to do this is so just apply this to the fact that people try to make these new ways to go soul winning these new modern Bible versions these new way of preaching we need to stick with what God already's proven to us we need to stick with what we know is already proven and quit trying to come up with a gimmick or a life hack you know people have these life hack about this there's no life hacks for what the for what God's Word says we need to stick with what he said and they were trying to life hack into the new cart and say well this is gonna be easier we'll just carry it on this cart and that'll be that'll be a lot faster and a lot easier and they're you know their shoulders aren't gonna get sore from carrying it or whatever skip down to verse 6 it says and when they came to Nachon's threshing floor Uzzah put forth his hand to the ark and took hold of it for the oxen shook it and the anger of the Lord was kindled against Uzzah and God smote him there for his error and there he died by the ark of God you're like thinking well God was mean why did he do that no David didn't do what he was supposed to do and make the Levi's carry it the Levi's were supposed to carry it the way that the Bible said to do but they had a new way to do it you know what God doesn't like that new way and he's like hey I'm gonna show you the error of your ways and Uzzah should have never reached out and put his hand on that ark and he'd still be alive today or well not still be alive today but it was still lived the rest of his life okay I don't know what strange doctor I'm trying to teach here but anyway and David was displeased because the Lord had made a breach upon Uzzah and he called the name of that place Perez Uzzah to this day and David was afraid of the Lord that day and said how shall the ark of the Lord come to me you know what preachers need to be afraid of the Lord to do this new stuff but they're not you know they won't they're not blushing they're not they're not they're not sticking with what's old and what's in what works good we need to stick with the proven ways that the Bible tells us to do things and hey we can't just come up with new ways that God said not to do because it's gonna anger him you know people should fear the Lord and not try to do all this new stuff because it angers God I'm sticking with the King James folks I'm sticking with hard preaching I'm sticking with door-to-door soul winning why because it's proven why why change it if it ain't have you heard that term if it ain't broke don't fix it yeah well if it ain't broke don't fix it now I gotta hurry up here I'm almost done but here's a couple other things just to throw in for free turn to Ephesians chapter 5 verse 18 so a new cart doesn't help if it's not in God's will to do it all right if it's not told by God to do it we don't do it the New Testament is good but that's what he told us to do you know he sent Jesus Christ died for our sins hey the New Testament is better than the Old Testament isn't it but that's something that God prescribed to have to happen so you know what we stick at this church with old hymns Psalms and spiritual songs why because the Bible says so look at Ephesians 5 18 says be not drunk with wine we're in his excess but be filled with the Spirit well how do we do that one of the ways is we can ask but another way is speaking to yourselves in Psalms hymns and spiritual songs today we sing Psalms hymns and spiritual songs in our church service you know what there's no reason to change that because we know it's proven because I don't feel the Spirit of God moving in CCM and in crap music Christian rap or crock music Christian rock I don't I don't hear I don't feel the Spirit of God in that the Spirit of God does not speak to me and fill me with the Spirit with that garbage the carrying of the TV and you know the washing the windows and all that stuff hey look but if you want to do that that's fine but you better do it with some old-fashioned hymn that has real doctrine in it has real melody in it you know we're supposed to what we're supposed to sing and make melody in our heart to the Lord it's hard to do that when you're you know when when you're listening to you know some Christian rap artist you're just like you know how's that helping you how's that making you spiritual how's that filling you with the spirit that's a bunch of garbage I'll stick with the old path where in the good way is here's another one three to thrive still works like well the Bible never to say you have to be three to thrive well no but it says we're supposed to go to church more more and more right he was 1024 you don't even have to turn I'll just read it for you it says unless consider one another to provoke unto love and good works now if you're not here how you can provoke people to do great things for God you're not not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together as the manner of some is but exhorting one another and so much the more as you see the day approaching so hey maybe we should just do four times a week now maybe we should do it every day like the Apostles did daily and in the temple like no pastor Thompson no well people are like the order they're like oh you're weird you go to church three times a week why is that so weird we need it you know what we know that it works you know what doesn't work one lame church service a week that doesn't work where you're preaching a I don't even understand how these pastors could take a paycheck you're like literally preaching a 15-20 minute sermon and you have one service a week and you know you got a worship team a worship pastor they have the little ShamWow mics and they're just like come on people forever God it's great whatever I don't know some whatever they sing it's all about praise and worship with the smoky lights and the you know the breathy type music or whatever it's like man we need to get back to the old ways we need to go with what's proven what the Bible says and the Bible says we need to go to church more and the last thing is the old paths work Jeremiah chapter 6 verse 16 says thus saith the Lord stand ye in the ways and see and ask for the old paths where is the good way and walk therein see there's no reason to make a new path when the old path is still working you know it's funny the Romans you know you we heard that term the Romans Road you know that's what we we use that kind of as a as a way to lead people to Christ we go by the Romans Road well the Romans had networks of roads that are still visible and walkable to this day I mean they're probably in disarray and disrepair in a lot of different places you know things have been built over the top of them but even in places like Turkey and stuff like that they're still the Romans Road is still there you know and it just kind of makes me think about you know Paul is the one that that wrote the book of Romans and and we you know why would we skip out and stop going and using the path the other than the Romans Road you know obviously we put our own little other verses in there and stuff like that John 3 16 and Titus 1 2 and all those things but why not just stay in the path that we know is proven you know when when your husband's driving and he wants to take a shortcut you already know that's a bad idea you're gonna get lost out in some goat trail someplace and he's like no I really not know where we're at trust me it's like no you don't dummy get back on that that proven road once you have a four-wheel drive and like a hitch and all that stuff but guy you know guys is we just want to see new stuff or whatever but hey stick with the old path stick with the way that we know works the way that we know is proven we know hard preaching works right we know door-to-door soul winning works we know this King James Bible still works it still gets people saved everybody in this room was saved by it I was saved by it you know what that's what we use to save other people with we know the old hymns Psalms and spiritual songs are good and we should still use them because the Bible says to we know that being three to thrive is gonna help us in our spiritual life and just chopping out and doing one lame service a week is not going to be enough even if it was a great service it still wouldn't be enough and the old path is where we need to stick we just stick with the old paths where the good way is and walk therein all right let's pray Heavenly Father we thank you Lord so much for this great church Lord and we just ask that you would help us to not lose sight of the mission not lose sight of the goal but Lord that we would continue to walk in the ways that have were proven to us Lord and Lord I pray that we would just walk on the old path where the good way is Lord and I just pray that you bless this church Lord help them to grow spiritual spiritually and numerically and Lord but let those numbers that are that are coming and be quality people Lord people that we can count on people that we can trust and Lord we know that adversity is going to come and we know persecutions are going to come and we know there's bozos that are out there just trying to hurt us and destroy us and get us off the mission but Lord help us to stay focused and fixed on the path and not to beat off go off into the different directions where there's not a clear path or sign Lord we just pray that you bless and help us get some people saved today Jesus name we pray