(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) today for when the Lord is near the dove of peace sings in my heart the flowers of grace appear father sunshine blessed sunshine when the peaceful happy moments roll when Jesus shows his smiling face there is sunshine in the soul there's gladness in my soul today and hope and praise and love for blessings which he gives me now for joys laid up above oh the sunshine blessed sunshine when the peaceful happy moments roll when Jesus shows his smiling face there is sunshine in the soul good morning thank you so much for coming to steadfast Baptist Church if you didn't already get a bulletin just lift up your hand nice and high one of our ushers would love to come by and get you guys a bulletin on the front we have our Bible memory passage John 1 40 and if your child is able to quote this verse on the Wednesday evening service they can get an ice cream treat also on the inside we have our service and soul winning times take note that the church wide so many times meet here at the property regional meet at different parts throughout the city and so I can see those respective leaders our last Saturday of every month we kind of have a special combined regional sewing time do we have that location is it still gonna be kind of Arlington area okay it's gonna be kind of like Arlington area again it's been really receptive over there people have been telling me that it's been some really good soul winning and so hopefully we'll get that added in the bulletin as well also our church stats we have down below make sure to turn your soul winning numbers into your soul winning captains so we have their soul winning captains that are helping facilitate that also on the right we have our list of expecting ladies continue to pray for all of those ladies that are expecting we have our prayer list if you have any other prayer requests you can submit those either via your email or submit it through a communication card and our offering we'd like to be in prayer with you as far as upcoming events we have our this is a new thing but the last Sunday of the month if you go soul winning with us on Sunday from 2 to 4 we're gonna have Sundays afterwards so I try to get Sunday Sunday Sundays all right and so I'm excited about that it'll be a lot of fun and then it'll get you right in the mood for our Spanish services okay so how do you know Domingo Sunday Sunday Domingo right there you go also we have a Shreveport Louisiana soul winning marathon September 24th that is gonna be a great event to go to if you can make it it's only about three hours from here we will have a church transportation option if that's something that you would like to participate in but it's really receptive over there we really enjoyed it last year when we went and I know people that went out there were kind of impressed with how receptive it was and so I have a couple spies of the land they went over there recently they said it still seems really respective and so they really like it over there and so I'm excited about that opportunity there in September that's pretty much all I have as far as the bulletin is concerned we did have our men's conference this this week and I preached enough sermons on Thursday to cover for this weekend so if you want to listen to that but we have a special guest with us today pastor Aaron Thompson and we're really excited that he stuck with us I for the weekend is gonna preach both sermons today and he brought his family brought brother Remy his son and he also brought one of his sons-in-law Brandon he has and so definitely thank them for coming out here and participating I think everyone survived the men's conference so it was it was definitely a lot of fun I highly encourage you to consider participating next year when we have it everybody always seems to really enjoy it we had a lot of our men even preach sermons on Saturday and they did a really good job hopefully early this week we can kind of get all that posted and not like a higher quality you're out in the woods so you can't necessarily live stream the highest quality out there but hopefully we'll get some of that uploaded also we had a competition this year so we had an interesting event was like a decathlon event and most of the guys participated in this in the first event was a plank so you had to sit there and plank as long as possible and only the top ten guys survived and I was impressed because the the group of guys doing it I mean they lasted quite a while until the first person fell I kept thinking I was gonna fall first and I was just like I can't fall first I'm the pastor you know I'm like yeah this is gonna be so embarrassing so I like kick the guy next to me and he felt no I'm just kidding but we we did have ten people go on to the next round and the winner gets to pick the next event so we had like a bunch of event options and one of the event options I don't know who decided this but they decided to drink a full warm coke was the was the next idea and I guess we need to talk to the people that organize this and come up with better solutions no I'm kidding but we had to drink a warm coke and that was intense but then we had like running challenges kicking a football throwing a football long jump it's a lot of events and we were gonna crown and give some prizes to our top finishers and this year's second place went to Matt Ili so congratulate him we've got a we've got a card for him is he here this morning there he is come on down Matt Ili he did really good and don't underestimate Matt Ili I mean he's he's definitely an athlete out there and unfortunately the the away team won this year and he almost won like every single competition but Brandon D house come on down he got first place this year we got a prize for him so we got a hundred dollar gift card to second place and we got a $200 Academy gift card to first place so congratulations good job alright Brandon's definitely a mighty man he's he's he's built like an ox so and we really we really like Brandon he's a good guy and so we appreciate him coming out here and participating I told him since he won we're gonna have to fly him back out here to defend his his championship next year so but we're gonna train and find out all his weaknesses and he better watch out next year okay so let's go to our third song this morning we're gonna go to the 238 Christ liveth and me song 238 238 Christ liveth in me got to sing this one out nice and loud with some passion 238 Christ liveth in me you once far from God and dead in sin no lie my heart could see but in God's Word the light I found now Christ liveth in me Christ liveth in me Christ liveth in me Oh salvation this that Christ liveth in me as rays of light the flowers of earth set free so life and light and love came forth from Christ living in me Christ liveth in me Christ liveth in me Oh what a salvation this that Christ liveth in me as lives the flower within the seed as in the tree so praise the God of truth and grace his spirit dwell within me Christ liveth in me Christ liveth in me Oh what a salvation this that Christ liveth in me with longing all my heart is filled that like him I may be as on the wondrous thought I dwell Christ liveth in me sing it out Christ liveth in me Christ liveth in me Oh what a salvation this that Christ liveth in me as the offering plates are passed around turn in your Bibles to 1st Peter 5 1st Peter chapter 5 and as is our custom we're going to read the whole chapter before the sermon you can follow along silently starting at verse number 1 1st Peter chapter 5 the Bible reads there the elders which are among you I exhort who am also an elder and a witness of the sufferings of Christ and also a partaker of the glory that shall be revealed feed the flock of God which is among you taking the oversight thereof not by constraint but willingly not a filthy lucre but of a ready mind neither as being Lords over God's heritage but being in samples to the flock but when the chief Shepherd shall appear you shall receive a crown of glory that fadeth not away likewise ye younger submit yourselves unto the elder a all of you be subject one to another and be clothed with humility for God resisted the proud and give it grace to the humble humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God that he may exalt you in due time casting all your care upon him for he careth for you be sober be vigilant because your adversary the devil is a roaring lion walk at the bout seeking whom he may devour whom resists steadfast in the faith knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished and your brethren that are in the world but the God of all grace who hath called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus after that ye have suffered a while make you perfect stablish strengthen settle you to him be glory and dominion forever and ever amen by a Sylvanus of faithful brother unto you as I suppose I have written briefly exhorting and testifying that this is the true grace of God wherein you stand the church that is at Babylon elected together with you salute at you and so does Marcus my son greet ye one another with a kiss of charity peace be with you all that are in Christ Jesus amen let's bow our heads for a word of prayer mother God I just pray that you would bless all aspects of our service this morning and help us to glorify you and everything that we do and I pray that you feel pastor Thompson with your spirit now and enable him to preach his sermon with boldness and help us to pay close attention to the message that you've laid on his heart and we love you and in Jesus name I pray amen amen well it's great to be here at steadfast Baptist Church and had a great time at the mighty men's conference and I got to know some of you a little bit better and I'm very thankful to be here to preach today I really appreciate all the hospitality and of course I love my son-in-law Dylan and Jasmine my daughter and the grandkids and there's a lot of people I just know here from going to conferences and things like that I also want to thank pastor Shelley for giving me the opportunity to to preach here to this great church and you should realize that you do have a great church I mean I hope you're thankful for the great church that you have and this morning we're gonna be in focusing in on first Peter chapter 5 verse number 8 where the Bible reads be sober be vigilant because your adversary the devil as a roaring lion walketh about seeking whom he may devour the title of my sermon this morning is how predators operate how predators operate and in this verse you can see that the devil is painted as one of the apex predators in this world a lion they have no equal in the jungle they're the king of the jungle and sometimes lions are pictured as kings but in this in this instance the devil himself is pictured as a roaring lion and you know what he's doing he's seeking someone to devour that means to eat he wants to eat you and and he's who's he want to eat he wants to eat everybody but mainly he wants to have every Christian this room as a snack you know for his disposal because devour means to eat that's what predators do they go about seeking to eat other animals and other human beings right and the devil is our greatest adversary he hates us he wants us dead and in hell where he's gonna go and he wants to take as many people as he can with him he's a violent predator the Bible says that he is a liar from the beginning he was also a murderer the Bible says and he wants to eat us up he is the actual apex predator of the earth he's the you know and I'll give you that definition here just a minute but a predator is an animal that lives mostly by killing and eating other animals and also they eat humans I mean some animals will stalk humans to kill them and eat them and an apex predator is basically just means they're at the top of the food chain so as far as our enemies go predators out there that want to harm us the devil is pictured as this roaring lion walking about seeking whom he may devour he says be sober be vigilant you know be paying attention to what's going on around you because you know if you're out just walking in the jungle in Africa somewhere don't you think that you'd be kind of having your head on a swivel a little bit just like looking around like you know there's a lot of things in Africa that can kill you and you're out in the bush you know and and they hide they lie in weight and they jump out and kill their prey they have all manner of ways that they operate there's different types of predators in this world there's different ways that they operate and so that's kind of what I want to talk about and and basically I believe that it's a picture for us to see what we're gonna have to go through in our lives as Christians have you ever noticed so if you've ever watched those nature shows like on Discovery Channel or whatever whatever it is this you know these specials where they're talking about these different types of animals that hunt people I mean hunt hunt other animals you ever noticed like the ones that are this the ones that they go after are always like really scared they're always like walking around they like they they go in packs so that they can you know escape or like maybe even look bigger to the predators but they're looking for specific types of animals that definitely can't fight back against them and that's how predators operate and you know you ever you ever seen the video where the the deer I think it's a deer it's just like going down towards the water it's like being really you know it's looking around and they're like gets down to the water and then it's like right about to get like it takes like one lick of the water this big crocodile just comes out God just gets it and pulls it into water and kills it that's how predators operate they couldn't he couldn't see it it was camouflage underneath the water but they instinctively know to look out for these things and as Christians we need to understand that we live in a world where there's many predators that are out to get us I mean I kind of walked past some of them on the way into the building today and they're definitely predators out there so I'll talk about that more in a little bit but why are the predator animals in the world today why is that well we live in a world that's fallen in sin but I do believe also that God put them there like I said for a picture for us and they are the predators we are the prey when it comes to Christians there's always gonna be people are trying to prey on us in one way shape or form turn to Psalm chapter 14 verse 4 Psalm chapter 14 verse 4 in the Bible compares our enemies a lot of times that are coming after us or in the scriptures about different you know like David and and they're always comparing these evil people to predators they're they're comparing them to predator type animals Psalm chapter 14 verse 4 says have all the workers of iniquity no knowledge who eat up my people as they eat bread and call not upon the Lord so you know it even says here these workers of iniquity these workers of iniquity of course are reprobates every single time that it mentions the workers of iniquity these people are evil people that are going to hell someday turned out Romans chapter 8 verse 35 Romans chapter 8 verse 35 and the body I mean obviously that I could have exhausted many scriptures I'm gonna I'm gonna go through many of them but not all of them all right so but Romans chapter 8 verse 35 says who shall separate us from the love of Christ shall tribulation or distress or persecution or famine or nakedness or peril or sword as it is written for thy sake we are killed all the day long we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter so we are the sheep and sheep in case you ever noticed they're not exactly the most defensive animal in the world they don't have claws they don't have teeth of sharp teeth that they can bite back with they can't fly away they're pretty weak animals when it comes to being able to defend themselves but like Jesus was the Lamb of God pictures that as the Lamb of God slain from the foundation of the world Jesus Christ is a Lamb of God that taketh away the sins of the world the Bible says so he picked is pictured as a sheep but then later on in Scripture he's also pictured as a lion because when he comes back he's not gonna he's still gonna be the Lamb of God amen but he's also going to be the lion of the tribe of Judah so he's gonna turn the tables on this world system that we live in he's gonna turn the tables against the predator someday he's gonna turn the tables against the nations and the and the wicked people and the rulers of this world and the people like those people outside he's gonna turn the tables and he's gonna become the apex predator and you might say well you're calling him a predator well I mean it pictures them as a lion right what do lions do they eat things don't they so and I'll show you that at the end of the scripture or I mean at the end of the sermon but look at Luke chapter 22 now Luke chapter number 22 the Bible says in Luke chapter 22 verse number 31 I'll give you a second to get there Luke chapter 22 verse 31 and the devil being our main enemy in this world he does have an army that's underneath him though see people think that you know I mean if people think that the devil's unorganized they're very wrong about that he's the general of the armies and underneath him is legions of demons or devils as the Bible calls them that are at his disposal and then he also has his own children that are you know spiritually his children the children of Belial the children of Baal Baal is the devil so but look what it says in Luke chapter 22 verse 31 it says and the Lord said Simon Simon behold Satan hath desired to have you that he may sift you as we that doesn't sound very nice does it Satan wanted to kill Peter well look what it says but I had prayed for thee that thy faith fail not and when thou art converted strengthen thy brethren so Jesus Christ is praying for us also he prayed for us in the Garden of Gethsemane he prayed for us that we wouldn't be taken out of you know that we wouldn't be taken out of the world but you know because we're not supposed to be of the world we're supposed to be in the world in order to reach the lost you can't reach people on a compound underneath ground hiding from all the predators so we have to just learn to navigate this world that we live in because the people are in the cities the people are you know which we're supposed to be reaching are in these cities and so we have to understand it's kind of like being in some safari land or some you know place in South America or where all these different types of predators are and we have to navigate around these people and we just we we got to be warned about them Satan desired to sift Peter as wheat and it's basically making big things sifting is making you know taking the clumps or the rocks out of something or you know like the big pieces of wheat you know it's putting it through and making it smaller it's taking big things and making them littler right more little so Satan wanted to take Peter and put them through the grinder basically so you know and and the ultimate goal of the predatory animal again was what to devour or eat of animals and humans to kill them now again lions are mentioned multiple times in the Bible and again definitely a predatory animal the devil is compared to a lion in in the focus verse we have but he's also he what did he come as first he came as what a serpent didn't he let's turn to Genesis chapter 3 verse 1 so he appeared now obviously there was nothing killing and eating each other at this time but how did how did Satan appear what animal did he pick to go to deceive Eve with well it says in Genesis 3 1 it says now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field so the serpent this serpent and serpents can mean dragons these serpents you know are they're called flying fiery serpents and some some scripture so a serpent is not necessarily only a snake it could be you know a dragon you know the Bible talks about dragons multiple times in the Bible and in the scriptures and it says that the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made and he said unto the woman yea hath God said you shall not eat of every tree of the garden so what does Satan appear as the apex predator this serpent or the dragon okay he's known as a dragon and serpent and dragons are kind of used interchangeably in the Bible so the the first people God made was approached by what is later to be you know an apex predator right after the fall of man after the flood I believe is when the animal started to be you know we they had the fear of man upon them they were afraid what that we're gonna eat them right there we're gonna capture them and eat them so turn to Revelation chapter 12 verse 3 and we'll see some real clear scriptures where it basically pictures the devil as a dragon you know he's he walks about like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour but he also is known as the dragon in the book of Revelation Revelation 12 3 says and there appeared another wonder in heaven and behold a great red dragon having seven heads and ten horns and seven crowns upon his head and his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven and did cast them to the earth and the dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered for to devour her child as soon as it was born so what do dragons do what's a characteristic of something that dragon does well they devour don't they and and most people know that dragons or lizards or reptile animals they grab things and they swallow them whole don't they and so the devil is pictured as a dragon because he is seeking whom he may devour and he tried to devour the Lord Jesus Christ when he was born and he went and used Herod to go and murder a bunch of children that were under the age of two in order to try to kill the Lord Jesus Christ and he escaped out of his hands the Lord God would not allow Jesus Christ the the father would not allow Jesus Christ to be devoured by this dragon so it tells me that the devil knew the prophecies of Jesus Christ of course we know that and so he had a plan that when he appears he was going to have a plot hatched in order to destroy him and the Bible uses this imagery of a predator trying to devour a baby and what's more innocent than a baby that he couldn't what's the what do predators like to do they like to grab the weakest things that they can they will grab small children they will grab people that are halt or lame or can't get away and then the animal kingdom you see that like these animals will circle around you know and try to who do they go after they they spot the weak one and they go after that weak one don't they and that's the one that they usually try to take down because they don't want to take down the toughest one of the herd they want to take down the one that they can catch the one that they can kill and gang up on and you know they do that in church life too don't they they try to these predators that creep into churches and try to take people out when they when they're discovered they want to you know text everybody in the church and tell them you know who's coming with me and all this kind of stuff and they want to and they want to just spit lies and and and just try to get people to come out they grab they try to grab the weak Christian that's in the group now you're like well it's not right for you to call Christians week well there are some weak Christians I mean there there was lot lot was a weak Christian you know and he but he was saved you know so say people could be dragged out by these predators so we got to be you know what should that tell you don't be the weak Christian be the strong Christian be the one that reads his Bible be the one that prays every day be the one that you know goes soul winning every week be the one that comes to church and it's three to thrive because you know you don't want to be weakened you know I I didn't get a chance to hear the sermon but Brandon preached a sermon about how the devil weakens the nation's and it's true and you know how he does that he accomplishes it through many different ways but he wants to weaken you as a Christian and how does he do that well give you something that's that's uh that you feel is more important to do than to come to church and it's funny because people that don't go to church at all like everybody here like I'm preaching to the choir right now but people that don't go to church they always have a reason or an excuse why they couldn't make it but then I I guarantee you that they went to work or they got food that day or you know took their kids to the park whatever it is they always have time and chance to do all these other things in their lives but they just can't seem to make church a priority and you know what that does it weakens you as a Christian you need to be here three times a week so that you can get the Word of God preached to you the Bible you know God put a man over this congregation so that he could edify you so he could teach you so he could warn you about the things of the pitfalls to not fall into and you know you got to be here so you can listen to it it's not the same as doing online church now I realize that people probably in here drive from long distances I'm not sure exactly how long you drive from but you know you should make an effort to be here three times a week we're in Revelation chapter 12 verse 9 that was a commercial break it says let's see we're yeah let's look at verse 7 and there was a war in heaven Michael and his angels fought against the dragon and the dragon fought against his agent his angels and the great dragon was cast out now this is it's going to tell us who this dragon is that old serpent so see how it's used interchangeable he's the dragon he's that old serpent called the devil and Satan which deceiveth the whole world he was cast out into the earth and his angels were cast out with him so when he's finally cast out not able to go before God in heaven anymore he's gonna come down to this earth having great wrath and you know what he's gonna do he's gonna take it out on us he's gonna take it out on the Christians and it says in verse 13 and when the dragon saw that he was cast to the earth he he persecuted the woman the woman that brought forth the man child skip the verse 17 it says and the dragon was wroth with the woman and went to make war with the remnant of her seed which keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ because remember the seed of a woman is what brought forth the Lord Jesus Christ not the seed of a man his father was God but it says the remnant of her seed this woman is is is the the woman that brought forth Jesus and Jesus brings forth us through his blood through his shed blood on the cross of Calvary through his death and resurrection he brings us forth and we are children of God by faith in Christ Jesus so it says that he is gonna make war with the remnant of his of her seed now look at Revelation chapter 13 verse 2 Revelation chapter 13 verse 2 so it's like just using this term the dragon the dragon the dragon you know people like I got this this little Liam drew me a picture this morning it says pastor Aaron Thompson and you see what it's probably hard to see right here but to me it looks like a t-rex is that what it is where's Liam at he's embarrassed all right he's shy but anyway is that a is that a is that a dinosaur right there okay so dinosaurs are real the devil didn't hide him there to trick Christians they're actually large lizards that lived during the time they were made at the same time Adam and Eve was thank you Liam for this picture is very nice of you but I was it's pretty cool because it kind of you know what do people say about dinosaurs they say that the t-rex was the apex predator of his of his time or whatever or you know obviously we we read about Leviathan Leviathan is a fire-breathing dragon that flies in the Bible okay Job talks about him but so we would say what that that is the apex predator you know in the you know we don't see dragons anymore I mean I saw one this weekend but it was like this big so it didn't have 900 years to get you know 100 meters tall or whatever so I mean why is it picturing him like this because the dragon probably is the apex predator that God has made Leviathan has talked about as something that people can't even come close to trying to kill and but God made that dragon and it says in the end of that chapter it says he's the king of all the children of pride and that that'll preach right the children of pride right out there right out the window there they are the they are the children of the devil aren't they because that picture of Leviathan is picturing the devil so look what it says in Revelation 13 2 it says and the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard and his feet were the as the feet of a bear in his mouth as the mouth of a lion and the dragon gave him his power and his seat and great authority so see this end times beast this this nation here is is drawing from what different types of predators isn't it and you know the leopard is a very formidable beast and predator and a bear it definitely is and then the lion and then on the top of it is the dragon you see that so I mean it just makes me think well if it's if the devil's our biggest baddest enemy and obviously he can be pictured as different things but the dragon is the main thing that we know him as the dragon of Revelation so it says in verse 4 and they worshiped the dragon which gave power unto the beast and they worshiped the beast saying who is like unto the beast who is able to make war with him now skip down to verse 11 it says and I beheld another beast coming out of the earth and he had two horns like a lamb and he spake like a dragon so this false that's the false prophet right so the false prophet comes looking like a lamb but he's actually speaks like a dragon he's speaking wickedness and you know the whole world is gonna wonder after the beast saying who is able to make war with him he's gonna be the biggest baddest dude on the block right and it says and they worship the dragon so they're work they're not only worshipping the beast his image they're giving heed to a false prophet but then they're also worshiping the devil himself it isn't that what the devil wants he wants people to worship him that's what he's always wanted he's always wanted to take God's job at his job is just not available so he's never gonna be able to take his job but you know what he sure is trying isn't he turn to Jeremiah chapter 51 verse 34 Jeremiah chapter 51 verse 34 Jeremiah chapter 51 verse 34 the Bible says Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon hath devoured me he hath crushed me he hath made me an empty vessel he has swallowed me up like a dragon and hath filled his belly with my delicates he hath cast me out so here you have men also being compared to dragons Nebuchadnezzar being compared to a dragon you also have Pharaoh king of Egypt and his kingdom being like the dragons that are in the rivers of Egypt so human beings are compared to these different predators the beast system the every single beast is represented in the end times the end times of government is compared to some kind of apex predator and what do they want to do they want to swallow us up and fill their belly with our delicates that kind of sounds creepy doesn't it he had cast me out so how do these predators operate well I just kind of came up with a small list and it's probably not all inclusive someone's probably gonna come up at the end of the sermon go well pastor they also do this it's like you're right but it's okay for you to do that I would like to know what I missed here but how do they operate well they lie in wait don't they they lie in wait and and many animals do this snakes do this they'll lie someplace and wait for something to come by and then they'll just snatch it venom eyes it and then swallow it whole if they don't have venom they'll bite it with their teeth curl it up strangle it to death and then swallow it right you're getting a little bit of a science lesson here today to homeschoolers but that's how they operate right so when they lie in wait and in lions they'll they'll hide in tall grass and they blend in because what color are they they're like yellow right the same colors the grass that's around them they'll lie in wait and then when they see what they want they'll just come out and kill it so also you have frogs now you think frogs are predators they kind of are have you ever had a pac-man frog anybody ever seen a pac-man frog they'll bite your finger if you put it in front of them they eat mice that if you know most people that get the pac-man frogs they feed them those little baby mice that you get at the pet store I don't know if you're allowed to do that anymore because a pita or whatever but I'm sure people still you know do do that but but frogs they're also opportunistic they lie in wait and when something goes past them like even a fly or some kind of insect they stick their tongue out and snatch that thing with their tongue and then swallow it right so all these predators have these you know different types of ways that they do things spiders they make traps don't they they make these webs that the the other insects or whatever it is that flies into their their their web gets caught in it and as soon as it starts to struggle that's like you know it has all these webs set up so that it can you know get down to it and you know ventimate it and then you know wrap it up like a little cocoon who's ever seen a spider like trap something and wrap it up and then the later on they they just eat it at their leisure you know and a lot of predators they'll they'll bite something or attack something and then eat them while they're still alive and that would that's I mean that's just that's gruesome isn't it but that's what predator human predators like to do too they like to torture people they like to they like to trap them they lie and wait for them and then they like to just kind of keep coming back and doing damage to them and you know cats who has cats in here so cats are like just many you know predators they're just smaller predators right you know even a cat that you feed every single day you got the litter box in there they're still gonna go out if they go outside they're gonna bring you back some trophies and like sometimes they'll be still living right when they bring them back and they'll just like you know pat at them and stuff so they're like I mean they like to play around with their victims it's it's pretty I mean we think it's funny or whatever and it kind of is sometimes but especially if it's a mouse or a rat because they're vermin right but that's the type of things that predators like to do they like to hurt and toy with things they set traps they utilize their camouflage and pretend to be something that they're not don't they they try to pretend to be something they're not like wolves in sheep's clothing they're really a wolf but when they come in they dress like you they talk like you they might even give the gospel correctly even but eventually you know an ear flops out of the tail wags and you're like oh whoa and you'll see these red flags in these in these people and but you know us being Christians if it's if it's not something super major we're usually just like well they're probably just still learning or whatever and that's why that's how they take advantage of us they mimic what we do they mimic how we talk but eventually the truth about them is going to come out and it could take years it could take a long time and they like to infect everybody with their poisonous doctrine and they like to lie in wait pretend to be something they're not and they want a loyal lull you to sleep through their subtlety right like I mean you think about the story of Little Red Riding Hood who knows the story of Little Red Riding Hood I don't even know if I can remember the whole story but what I do remember about that story because it's been a long time since I read it is that basically at the end the wolf dresses up like her grandma who she's already eaten right or the wolf sort of eating the grandma I think and then puts her glasses on and her in her nightgown or whatever and Little Red Riding Hood comes in and she's like you know what big ears you have grandma and then you know she like goes to this list of what big eyes grandma you have what big teeth you have grandma and then like the wolf is like saying all the better to eat you or whatever so they want to pretend to be something that they're not so that they can inflict maximum damage on us there's a fish called the angler fish and these fish are live deep into the sea but they have this like this little like fin that kind of sticks out over the top of their head and it glows a translucent glow and what it does is it attracts other fish to come by and be like oh what's this you know and then as soon as they get close to it then the angler fish I mean it's got big sharp teeth it's really freaky looking all right you definitely want that to nibble on your toes when you're out in the lake right so but anyway it's what's it doing it it's it's setting a trap for unsuspecting victims and then when those victims get close to it then they spring the trap on them this is how predators operate this is what they do now some predators will overpower you through their size and might right so bears are us are definitely an apex predator and you get it the further up north you get the bigger they get because they obviously have a good lots of good things to eat up there apparently but you know polar bears get really huge Kodiak and grizzly bears get really huge and they will hunt humans down they will kill them polar bears contract things for like hundreds of miles and they'll track humans who's ever seen the video where the polar bear is like a tack of this guy makes like this big glass dome was reinforced and the polar bear is doing everything it can to get in there and kill them because it wants to it doesn't want to give them a hug it wants to eat it like a tasty snack right so but polar bears that you know and bears they they don't operate necessarily in stealth they're just so big and so fast that they just overpower you know whatever it is that they're hunting for and kill them because they're the most powerful thing around and you know people do this you know because they'll have an advantage like I mean you guys have had people that have come against you and even though you're right they still use their advantage as this powerful person to negate what the real laws teaching and allow you guys to be kicked out of that building that you're in before even though it was proven beyond the shadow of a doubt that what what what they were doing was wrong and so the judges that sit in these courts the district attorneys that are over you know places like this where they'll just like in multiple places all around district attorneys will say I'm not gonna we're not gonna press charges against this certain group and then they'll attack other groups so it's okay to be you know antifa and go and and spray-paint buildings and throw fire molotov cocktails at police officers and all these different types of things and nothing happens so why because they have the biggest most powerful beast in control of what happens when a current one when a police officer arrests them or you know when they're facing criminal charges and you know there's so there's just all types of predators out there animals and humans and they all have their part to play to come and what do they want to do they want to destroy not only humanity but they want to destroy Christianity they really hate Christians I'll turn to the first Samuel chapter 13 verse 34 first Samuel chapter 13 verse 34 now obviously David pictures Jesus Christ in a lot of different ways but I was just thinking about this specific chapter and it's obviously a huge chapter I'm only going to show you a few verses here but David goes to the camp to give his brothers some food and Goliath the Philistines like the biggest baddest dude right he's scary he's a man of war from his youth and he is challenging anybody to come fight me come at me bro but what else is he doing he's cursing them by his gods which is not the God of the Bible obviously and you know he's so of scary that nobody wants to fight him Saul who's probably a similar size to me he's head and shoulders above everybody else is afraid to fight him but David he's like you know a small ruddy you know well complected kid but he's not just that he appearances can be deceiving folks and David was a tough a tough young man at this point though it says in verse 34 it says and David said unto Saul thy servant kept back kept his father's sheep and there came a lion and a bear and took a lamb out of the flock so these two particular animals are apex predators okay David will go David says and I went out after him and smote him and delivered it out of his mouth and when he arose against me so you know he got the the the sheep out of his mouth and then it arose against him it tried to get him and it says I caught him by his beard and smote him and slew him not many people can say that they've you know taken you know a bear by the beard or a lion by the beard and smote them before you know Samson like ripped one in half or whatever but you know this is a picture of how I believe it's a picture of how you know these predators come at us and you know David pictures Christ here and he pictures that he's over the flock right because Jesus is the Great Shepherd the Good Shepherd the great the Good Shepherd among it and and so David goes even after one has been taken away and he goes and tracks that thing down takes that lamb out of his mouth and kills it he kills the predator and he knows that these two animals are mentioned in Revelation chapter 3 where it's talking about this diff these all these different beasts and then the dragon that gives him power so you know it kind of picture like in my mind and maybe I'm wrong about this but in my mind it picked Goliath pictures the ultimate apex predator at the end of this list so he's like I've already killed a lion I killed a bear you know I'm prepared to do this thing and then when he gets in front of Goliath what's he do he throws one single rock he slings one single rock and hits them square right between the eyes and drop some dead in the end times you're gonna you know this statue the the dream of Nebuchadnezzar is this statue that he's the head of gold over whatever but it represents the you know these cysts these major world powers and and up until the very end even the ten-tone kingdom and Christ is going to be the rock that comes and smashes that image in pieces and then we'll forever be under the rule and reign of the Lord Jesus Christ so he takes out you know because I mean Goliath's a man right but obviously he represents the biggest baddest guy on the planet that the Antichrist is going to be the maybe not the biggest but he's gonna be the baddest man on the planet didn't say you know who was able to make war with him isn't that what Goliath said who's able to make war with me he does and so we know what happens though that the rock you know is thrown by the sling of David who represents Christ that rock smashes you know I mean he smashes it right through the skull of Goliath and then you know just to make sure he's dead takes his own sword out and chops his head off with it and carries it around with him for the rest of the day he's like yep I'm the man you know and you know how big do you think that that head was I mean who bowls in here I mean some bowling balls are pretty could get big and get really heavy but I'm sure that his head was heavy it talks about all of his different armor and like how big he was and how big the armor it was I'm sure he had a big head and Dave was just like carrying it around like a bowling ball for the rest of the day and he's like here you go Saul you know so but I think that's a cool picture of how the Lord Jesus Christ is going to take out these big apex predators also and then in the end he's going to destroy it when he comes back and destroys the beast and the false prophet and the devil throws him into hell so look at verse 36 just finish a couple more verses here in 1st Samuel 17 says thy servant slew both the lion and the bear and this uncircumcised Philistine shall be as one of them seen he hath defied the armies of the living God David said moreover the Lord that delivered me out of the paw of a lion and out of the paw of the bear he will deliver me out of the hand of this Philistine and Saul said unto David go and the Lord be with me he's like sure I didn't have to fight him you know and then you know he tries to try his arm he doesn't even have armor on did you know Goliath has a shield someone that's bearing his shield for him and David just goes out and just smokes this guy so even though predators are scary you know God is oh if God's on our side then we don't really have anything to worry about they can huff and puff and blow the house down they can you know act all scary but you know by faith we get the victory and obviously we're not going out and slaying literal Giants but there's a lot of Giants that come against us aren't there and they are in the Bible they're always shown as bad people they're always having to go and kill the remnant of the Giants and all this stuff so what else do predators do well they stock their prey looking for the weakest to take out they circle you and stock your steps now we also see this in you know there's you got some stalkers out there the stalker Razzi they're all stalking out there just waiting to yell something bad at one of your kids they're waiting to yell some filthy thing in your ears and you know what they want to do they want to pull the weak ones out and make them quit don't be weak be strong be strong in the Lord and the power of his might don't worry about what these filthy sodomite fags are doing just keep on keeping on at steadfast Baptist Church be steadfast be unmovable always abounding in the work of the Lord you know what your your work is not in vain look at Psalm chapter 17 verse number 8 Psalm chapter 17 verse number 8 so predators also stalk and they circle around people now specifically dogs now obviously we have dogs that are domesticated but they're still they still have the tendency to do things that dogs do like bite fight other dogs herd of their dogs I mean pit bulls are a pretty are pretty apex when it comes to dog the dog family you know they're like the they're the reprobate dogs right they want to just kill I don't even don't send me an email don't send me a text don't talk to me about how your pit bulls the one-of-a- kind the one you know the exception to the rule I'm sure there are pit bulls that are exceptions to the rule but most of them if you let them out they'll kill things my dad had a dog a pit bull dog and it was a cool dog and it never bit me or anything like that or bit me kids at all but any time that it got let loose it went and killed anything that it could find any like it gutted more cats than I can count and he if she escaped she was just gone and my dad would have to go chase the dog down and find it and like usually it's like you killed my cat it's like sorry come on come on blondie let's get let's go name was blondie but anyway it also like I watched it like break forth and attack a snake it like went right to this big snake and it wasn't poisonous or anything but like she just like put her paws on it and just like just like ripped it to shreds it's pretty gross but it's pretty cool too at the same time because I don't like snakes either so but anyway you're in Psalm chapter 17 verse number 8 so you know there's many different animals that will stock they will circle around and try to find weaknesses in flocks or in one animal by itself or whatever Psalm 17 8 says keep me as the apple of the eye hide me under the shadow of thy wings from the wicked that oppress me from my deadly enemies who what to say compass me about and you'll notice that this is a theme in the Bible that the predators like to encompass people about right and so this is David speaking under the inspiration of the Holy Ghost he's like you know hide me under the shadow of thy wings he's counting on God to protect him and it says the wick from the wicked that oppress me my deadly enemies so we have a we have a lot of deadly enemies out there today and and you know there's there more than we can count you'll have more enemies than you realize probably but there's a lot of ones that you have realized right and they want to take this church down they want to stop this church from going forth and preaching the gospel and baptizing people and teaching people the Word of God the message of truth that's coming out of this church they want to shut that up and they want to do that to any church that is actually doing what they're supposed to be doing and you know when there's very few of us standing up then it makes it easier for all the predators to kind of encompass about us and try to you know they're gonna it's easier to attack a smaller amount of group if all the independent Baptist in this country of the 6,000 churches that are Baptist churches in this country all stood up against the sodomites tomorrow this battle would be over but they're afraid they're scared they're instead of hiding under the shadow of God's wing they're hiding in the shadow of their church building they're hiding in the shadow of not preaching it from the housetops they're hiding under the shadow of their wife they're afraid they're afraid to take on the enemy and they'll say no you guys are just being mean that's what it is no the Bible is true folks the Bible says what it says so just remember that when the Bible is being preached you know what it's you know whether it's true or not what's being preached here don't let these predators try to tell you what the Bible says they're not even saved how do they know what the Bible says how do they know you know my Jesus doesn't do this your Jesus is a figment of your imagination freak there Jesus doesn't exist it's another Jesus another gospel because the gospel that I preach those freaks don't get saved from it ever that's why I don't preach in the gospel anymore but anyway let's look down at verse 11 it says they have now compassed us in our steps they have set their eyes bowing down to the earth like as a lion that is greedy of his prey and is and as it were a young lion lurking in secret places isn't that a stalker isn't that you know just anonymous trolls isn't that these people that are stalking us in secret and trying to like just you know just lie and and and just drop comments and and all these other weird things that they like to do but sometimes you know you know they're just stalking as in they're just encompassing you about like you literally have predators outside of this church building you know compassing you about now it's not as big of a crowd today I guess as it normally is so they only have like part part of it blocked off or whatever but they're still trying to compass the people of God about I mean isn't the Bible just true over and over David had many stalkers he had people that were greedy of prey these young lions lurking in secret places he says arise Oh Lord disappoint him cast him down deliver my soul from the wicked which is thy sword so David had stalkers he writes about it over and over again I could even go to all the Psalms that he talks about it but just know this that there's always going to be predators trying to come they're always going to try to be defiling your children's minds with their stupid posters and the things that they say but you know just if you have to just cover their ears when they're walking in you know these predators aren't going to win turn to judges chapter actually turn to Psalm chapter 22 I'm gonna read judges 16 to and it says that it was told the gays I'd saying Samson has come hither and they compassed him in and lied wait for him all night in the gate of the city and we're quiet all the night saying in the morning when it is day we shall kill him so even Samson had stalkers they were just lying outside and way to the city they thought they were going to kill him but you know when he picks the gate up and walks around with it and whatever every time they tried to kill Samson when he was in his strength they could not do it and so but they what did they want to do they wanted to kill him didn't they Psalm 22 verse 11 says be not far from me for trouble is near for there is none to help many bulls have compassed me strong bulls of Bay Shan have beset me round and see these predators aren't weak they're not always weak sometimes they are strong sometimes they're stronger than we are sometimes they're physically stronger sometimes that you know the devil is giving them some sort of power but of course this is a prophetic chapter talking about how all the people that turned against Jesus Christ on the day that he died says in verse 13 they gaped upon me with their mouths as a ravening and roaring lion see how it just keeps over and over again talking about these predators I am poured out like water and all my bones are out of joint my heart is like wax it melted in the midst of my bowels my strength is dried up like a pot-shirt and my tongue cleaveth to my jaws and thou hast brought me into the dust of death Jesus at his crucifixion his disciples had forsaken him and what's he's what's surrounding him as he dies a bunch of filthy reprobates and predators says my strength is dried up like a pot excuse me look at verse 16 look what it says for dogs have compassed me the assembly of the wicked have enclosed me they pierced my hands and my feet see dogs are not usually looked upon favorably in Scripture and as a matter of fact it's a synonym for sodomites so but it says dogs have compassed me about the assembly of the wicked it's talking about it's comparing these children of Belial to dogs right to a predator animal it says on my tale tell all my bones were 17 they look and stare upon me they part my garments among them and cast lots upon my vesture they're gambling for his clothes but be not that far from you Lord oh my strength hasty to help me deliver my soul from the sword my darling from the power of the dog so the power of the dog is kind of a power that's trying to encompass this church roundabout also isn't it the power of the dog and you know what the Lord will deliver you from the power of the dog they're gonna eventually they're gonna stop something's gonna happen they're gonna stop I'm not saying I'm gonna do anything or eat anybody else here I'm just saying that God's gonna stop them God's gonna shut their mouths and you know what even if he never does they still have hell to look forward to so the worst predator besides Satan is man because that's what keeps getting compared to these wicked type and or you know their animals aren't necessarily wicked in themselves but I mean they do things that that wicked people do and that is considered wicked they don't have souls folks that the animals don't have souls they don't go to heaven or hell they'll all never mind I'm not gonna say it I'm gonna say all dogs go somewhere but they go down to the back to the earth okay so but the worst kinds of predators that the devil has in his army are mankind right turn to Genesis chapter 19 verse number 4 and what's worse than a fag what's worse than a queer what's worse than a molester there's nothing worse because even if they don't kill their victims that victim is scarred for the rest of their lives and yet these people will say all the you know 60 days suspended sentence from a person that joins the big brother group and then instead of being a big brother to somebody they molest multiple children being a big brother and then get a 60-day suspended sentence and get to walk free and breathe the same air that we're breathing wicked as hell these people are not are getting slaps on the wrist that's why other people are getting molested and you know what these judges that are that are suspending their sentences are probably perverts too how could you give somebody such a light sentence knowing that they destroyed some child they destroyed some person that was looking for someone to come up and and be kind to them and to love them and to nurture them and then they turn against them and do the worst thing that they could possibly do to them it's wicked and you know what they try to join churches they try to join the Boy Scouts they try to join the Big Brothers Club right so that they can get close to kids and molest them the Boys Club or the boy the Boy Scouts excuse me probably the Boys Club too but the Boy Scouts of America has this huge settlement that was written against them and they knew that the Scoutmasters were perverts and still let them be Scoutmasters even after knowing in Portland Oregon the worst offenders of all of them and they're coming out from from the 60s 70s 80s 90s all these perverts that molested these kids and they're like hey you know let me teach you how to tie a knot hey let me you know why don't you try to work and get your Eagle badge or whatever you know and they they have it's just like a thing to try to help young boys and young girls or I think they're the Girl Scouts they try to help them to like just be part of society and do good things and and learn how to tie knots and light campfires and all that kind of stuff right but what are these perverts and predators do they infiltrate groups like them and then they molest and harm people they're the worst kind of scum on the face of the planet is what they are Genesis 19 4 says but before they lay down the men of the city even the men of Sodom what does it say compass the house roundabout they circled around them didn't they and you know they didn't know that these two men were angels of the Lord that could smoke them at any second that they wanted to and as a matter of fact when they left the city the whole city did get smoked in it it got burned down with fire so it says both old and young all the people from every quarter and they called unto law and said unto him where are the men which came in to thee this night bring them out unto us that we may know them what are they trying to just like get to know them and be friends no because law a couple verses later says my brother do not so wickedly do not you know and and so what are they what they're trying to do is they're trying to rape men there are men trying to rape other men and raping women is bad enough but raping men is like the ultimate crime in the Bible you know what other city that God barbecue besides Sodom like it's an example for for those that should live on godly it's an example for them that should live afterwards live on godly right so what does God think about it look at Sodom and Gomorrah what does God think about it check it out it's it's a it's still a wasteland filled with sulfur today God took completely smoked it with hellfire that's how he feels about it Jesus Christ the same yesterday today and forever he hasn't changed he's never changed his mind about this turn to judges 19 these people are absolute vile predators I know you guys already know this stuff but judges 19 sent similar style story here it says now as they were making their hearts marry behold the men of the city certain sons of Belial so what does that tell you about them that reprobates he set the house roundabout and beat at the door and spake to the master of the house the old man saying bring forth the man that came into thine house that we may know him same language same people you know why do we still call them sodomites today because they still do the same thing that they did back in Genesis 19 they still do the same thing that they did back in judges 19 they still do the same thing in Romans chapter number one in the New Testament Paul you know like Paul wouldn't tell people that they need to die oh what about the end of Romans chapter 1 it says they're worthy of death I mean New Testament folks New Testament so it says and the man the master of the house went out unto them and said unto them nay my brethren nay I pray you do not so wickedly see that this man is come into my house do not this folly so the worst type of predators are these sodomites these freaks that are outside your building right now they're the worst types is uh you know is the job are the Jehovah's Witnesses out there today mad at you because he ripped on them a couple weeks ago or whatever are the Mormons out there today no they're not are the Roman Catholic Church are they encircling around I mean and they're bad enough who's the worst these people these freaks and you know what if there wasn't a cop parked right there they'd be doing a lot worse stuff than they're doing right now but the only reason why they're like on better behavior is because the police presence and you know so I'm sure you guys are thankful that there's a cop outside there because the worst the when nobody's stopping them what do they do the worst possible things that they can I was told oh you know a couple days ago that these people will put signs out in front of you as you're trying to turn out into the traffic what are they trying to do they're trying to kill you they're trying to hurt your family they're trying to they're trying to murder you I mean and nothing and nothing has gotten done about that I just I just can't believe it all the stalking that gets done driving past people's houses yelling things at them I mean finally one of those freaks got arrested last week thank God but they had to literally make a threat right in front of a cop in order for that to happen it's just you know if if we drove past their houses if we stock their homes we would get arrested for hate crimes why aren't they getting arrested for hate crimes why don't you answer me that because you know when the predators are in charge that's what's gonna happen and basically they've kind of just you know and I know that people are starting to be like man these people are really are bad I mean the drag your kid the pride thing that happened in Dallas good night and I and I always explained to people like this so so they're like literally allowing children to come into this this bar this serves alcohol where there's transvestites on stripper poles and allowing children to walk up and put money in their waistbands little children drag your kid to pride force your children to look at this filth in LA there was a I saw this video where this boy is trying so hard to turn away from it his mom is just like yanking him and making him look he's like no no and then why do they always have to dress up in the weirdest outfits and sport about their nakedness why are they dancing naked in your parking lot all the time and all this other weird stuff because they want to infest your mind they're like bugs in a way bugs infest I noticed in this area of the country that there's a lot of different types of bugs I hit I hit a predator on my way out of the the men's camp like what not that kind of predator I'm driving out of the the mighty men's camp it's at night and like as soon as I turn my brights on this bird hit my windshield and bounced off anybody see the dead owl on the side of the road out you know birds are predators and it was probably flying to get some mouse or something and I killed that predator no I didn't know I was freaked I was like ah but it was like a little owl like this big it was just laying on the side of the road dead when I came back the next day anyway TV TV timeout there but listen these people what do they do what do they do in both situations and Genesis 19 and Judges 19 what do they do they compass them in they tried to come in so that there's no way for them to escape it says that in in verse 22 see I want to make sure I'm getting this right here and they beat at the door they beset the house roundabout that's what it says it doesn't say that they compassed it in Judges 19 but it still means the same thing doesn't it they beset the house roundabout they're probably blocking all the exits making sure that nobody's gonna escape and what do they want to do they want to molest and rape a man and what do they end up doing they end up raping and beating a woman to death so and then the Benjamites refused to give up these predators and so God just like you know here's here's what I think that we should do let's just smoke them all should we go up against them yes and basically Benjamin almost ceased to be a tribe because you know this supposedly godly tribe is protecting perverts and predators and you know that's what makes me think of like when Baptist churches and all these churches like oh come in this could be your safe space too you're just like they're they're just like Benjamin they're just like Benjamin they're holding and allowing these perverts to come in you know what a lot of the times people don't even know that these perverts are amongst them these people will come to the pastor and they'll be like hey you know I got charged with molestation a while back and you know I'm totally reformed I've done my time and then the pastor will like say well you can't be in the children's ministry but you can still come to church trust me it happens in multiple churches that I've been in Baptist independent fundamental Baptist churches they protect them they allow them to be there you know how do you know that that person isn't going doing something behind that pastor's back some you know just we had this pervert that went to our church in in Vancouver we found out that he was like he had like 200 and some odd images of porn child pornography and and he got in trouble by the feds because he searched eight-year old boys he wore pink and lavender shirts he was the song leader big surprise there right so the day we joined that we come back from visiting faithful word for the first time ever we come back to our church and we're like you know we've me and my wife made this decision we're like we're gonna join this church so that we can you know because you know they want you to join the church or whatever they want you to come up and you know go before the altar or whatever and say I want to be a member of this church or you know they'll do it in a business meeting they'll vote a man or whatever so we're like on this spiritual high we were at Mecca I mean faithful we're Baptist church not just kidding we're at the the stronghold of the new IFB because I think that was only two churches at that time you know in the new IFB it was Board of Truth and faithful word but we're just like we're jacked up you know we're like excited and then we come back we get voted in as members at the business meeting and then he goes we have one last thing we need to talk about Justin Gillen who was their song leader or whatever you know well that I guess he like I don't know if he just thought he needed to tell us this or he had to tell every single member about them because of some law or something I don't know why but then he you know after we were already officially joined the church he says you know this guy got in trouble he didn't give details of what he did he goes I would I would let my kids eat dinner at his house I would eat dinner at his house I don't think that there's anything to worry about but you know he's in the sound booth and just like that sound booth right there he's got two like plants next to it like he kind of just like peeks over and leers at people you know he's he's training young men how to song lead and I'm not joking I don't think he ever wore like a manly colored shirt the whole time that he was there so then I you know I was really upset and I I wanted to go talk to the pastor so I talked to the pastor I was respectful to him and he just he sincerely believed that they could be saved or whatever I was just like I was like well pastor if he does anything else ever and I'm not gonna be friends with him I'm not gonna be nice to him but I said if he does anything else I hope you kick him out for good and it wasn't too long later after that I can't remember exactly how long it was I was just furious about it though and I knew it was just a matter of time before he did something to somebody else so his wife catches him looking up incest videos with ten-year-old girls he's got a ten-year-old daughter he's got a child that's you know young a young man child I forgot how old he was but the babysitter ended up shaking his baby boy to death I felt sorry for the mom who's being told stay with this guy you know that's a horror story I actually was going to a church where it happened the other church I went to before that same thing thank God that you're in a church where if pastor Shelley finds out there's some pervert coming here guess what's gonna happen to them they're getting bounced out the door period it's gonna be the same way at our church look you can't just allow predators to come in and and go to church with you and guess what he kicked him out though thank God he actually did kick him out he probably didn't want to but he said to me I will kick him out if he does anything else and then his wife catches him but then they're still telling her telling her to stay with him it's like good night just run lady that's what I wanted to say time is it okay I got plenty of time I'm not even near the record okay turn to Psalm chapter 40 Psalm chapter 40 verse 12 the Bible says for innumerable evils have compassed me about mine iniquities have taken hold upon me so that I'm not able to look up they are more than the hairs of my head therefore my heart fail with me be pleased O Lord to deliver me O Lord make haste to help me let them be ashamed and confounded together that seek after my soul to destroy it let them be driven back backward to and put to shame that wish me evil let them be desolate for a reward for their shame that say unto me aha aha that those verses speak to me as a pastor look we got plenty of enemies and they're they're more than we can imagine they're more than we know they're more than the hairs of our head and they're constantly coming at us with new things new tricks new ploys new subtlety new stalking I mean stalkers are pretty weird like I was watching this documentary about stalking and it's you and there were it's mainly about women being stalked by these weird guys but sometimes women will be stalked for years and years and they used to not have laws on the books to stop stalkers from doing the things that they do like there was this lady to England they just had no law against it she he was miking her apartment for like years and years and years he finally like got thrown in prison for trying to kill some other woman he didn't kill her but it's just really it's a it's a very strange phenomenon that men and women stock to women are stalkers too sometimes you know it's usually these love things but like cyber stockings of crime too did you know that but get good luck trying to get a prosecuted on on the on the stalking laws of cyber stalking laws but it is this it's the same you always feel like the next stockers gonna just a ride around the corner and it's just it sucks they love doing it though they love playing the game it's a game to them it's just another thing that predators do so what I what I what would I say to you today I'd say well don't be a prey for the spiritual predators don't allow yourselves to be taken by serial adulterers or your children to be around family members and I know that in a group like this it shouldn't need to be said but there's still people that believe that they can be saved or whatever and they will still allow their children to be at well not my sister not my daughter not my son they're so nice all that they're the exception to the rule none of them are an exception to the rule they're all bad I'm sure that they have degrees of evil but these reprobates out here that are right outside your doors every single time you come to church they are just as bad they're not there's no redeeming quality in them whatsoever keep your kids away from them keep your kids away from family members I don't care if he's not talking to your kid or not you know predators they just they they look for the weakness I'm telling you and they'll try to find the weakness in your kid keep your kids away from them and guard yourself against you know spiritual and physical predators guard your kids away from her don't let your kids stay the night at people's houses I don't know how many times people have to say these things from the pulpit and then people still let their kids have sleepovers with other people's houses just it's just bad a bad idea unfortunately the only people we can trust is us the only people you know I'm not saying everybody's guilty obviously we're not supposed to suspect everyone but we're also supposed to not trust people with the most precious commodity that we have just so you can get a break I mean you know obviously your mom or dad could be someone that you'd allow your kids to be around or whatever but you got to protect them you got to keep them away from predators turn to Matthew chapter 7 verse 15 Matthew 7 verse 15 Matthew 7 verse 15 the Bible says beware of false prophets which come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly they're ravening wolves look don't don't listen to these people don't be around these people you know I'm sure people in your families are Pentecostals or what are some other kind of false prophet and obviously not everybody that's in one of these religions is necessarily a false prophet but they're definitely a false convert but if you have someone in your family that's a pastor of a Pentecostal church I definitely would not let your kids around them because the Bible says that they're wolves in sheep's clothing they pretend to be the sheep but they're actually wanting to eat you up they are predators isn't that what it's saying though like is a wolf a predator or not a wolf is a predator so what's Jesus saying here he's saying hey they're gonna come in and pretend to be a sheep but they're a predator they're a wolf stay away from them watch out for them second Peter 12 to chapter 12 you don't have to turn I'll just read it for you the Bible says but these as natural brute beasts made to be taken and destroyed speak evil of things that they understand not and shall utterly perish in their own corruption see these false prophets they're like brute beasts they're like wolves and sheep's clothing they are wicked they are evil now I found out some you know not super shocking news but like some some new I was Remy was listening to some videos of Tyler Doka now claiming to be Jesus Christ have you seen that I just said not to watch it I'm just kidding it's kind of like you know it's like it's such a train wreck that you kind of just want to see it happen sometimes but he I mean I listened to his own words I heard what he said he said I am Jesus Christ if you don't believe in me you you won't have everlasting life I mean he goes from you know this would be the great what is it the best day of your life or today's gonna be a big day for you guys and then he preaches the flat earth or whatever but see this is how false prophets work you know he crept into our movement unawares and obviously there's people that had him paid from day one I know okay whatever but like you know sometimes people give people the benefit of the doubt too but I know Pastor Shelley had him pegged but anyway he creeps in he goes to the soul winning he goes to the soul winning conference right pretend you know he gets hooked starts trying to do documentaries he has this project he's doing with Pastor Anderson about all the different books of the Bible being in one place and in the preaching or whatever and then he preaches the flat earth he gets massacred by almost every pastor in the movement Pastor Anderson brings a globe up and you're like oh it's over but this guy this Joker's saying now so he but you know he's still King James only just so you know he's still flat earth so he has all these videos on his channel and and a lot of its flat earth videos the fish the what is the Operation Fishbowl you know or the hillbillies were trying to blow up the glass encasement above our heads or whatever but now he's saying stuff like our spinal fluid is the Crystal Sea our brain is in four and you know we have four parts of our brain and they're like the the four beasts of Revelation or whatever so I mean people are writing comments though and are really being hooked by this guy so he uses the engine of creeping into the new IFB trying to be a normal pastor goes to flat earth that should tell you that when people go to flat earth that they're not coming back and you know that's all the videos that's all they want to know about is how how the earth is flat and how the you know disprove the globe ball or whatever and then he still sticks with the King James only so people will be drawn to his site because they see a video of King James only you know people I say people loosely well we'll be attracted by the flat earth documentary stuff that he does and then they're gonna come across I am Jesus Christ I am your Lord and Savior if you don't believe in me you won't be saved that's what he's actually saying folks it's it's just plain as day Tyler Doka apparently is Jesus Christ and if you don't believe in him you're gonna go to hell because he discovered that the book of John was different than the rest of the Gospels those were all false Gospels or whatever and that the real gospel is the Gospel of John it's like he's saying all kinds of weird stuff but yeah he is gonna burn in hell but you know what this is just a perfect example of a predator that wants to he creeped in pretended to be like us pretended to believe like us and then ripped his mask off in front of everybody hoping to drag some of the people that were still flat earth out of our churches and attach themselves to him so that eventually he could say believe on me I'm Jesus Christ what a clown what an absolute buffoon and what a you know he's gonna burn in hell in the lowest hell he's a false prophet he's wicked as hell and you know he's gonna get everything that he deserves but people are actually in the comment section saying I believe in you Jesus unbelievable look what let's look at Matthew chapter 24 I only have a few more verses to go through and we'll be done here I say a few of this like more than a few a few sections one of the comments that he said was this guy said you know I don't believe you know I believe that this other stuff like he was talking about believing the flat earth and then he said but this other stuff I can't get on board with and he's like I'm sorry we can't be we can't be brothers because you don't believe that I am he Wow so Matthew chapter 24 prophesied of these things Jesus said answered and said unto them verse 4 take heed that no man deceive you for many shall come in my name saying I am Christ and shall deceive many people are gonna follow this clown right off the cliff into hell that's why they're here they're here to rip rip apart the brethren and try to stop people from getting saved says any many shall come in my name saying I am Christ and shall deceive many and he shall hear of wars and rumors of war see that you be not troubled for all these things must come to pass but the end is not yet for nation shall rise against nation and Kingdom against Kingdom and there shall be famines and pestilences and earthquakes in diverse places all these are the beginning of sorrows then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted and shall kill you and you shall be hated of all nations from my namesake look they hated Jesus folks they're gonna hate you too just a fact of being a Christian I know they didn't tell you that in the gospel presentation that's probably why it's not part of the gospel I don't know it says and they shall and then shall many be offended and shall betray one another and hate and shall hate one another and many false prophets shall rise and shall deceive many that's Tyler Doka false prophet wolf in sheep's clothing now we all know that he's a wolf the people that are saved are not gonna be fooled by this garbage but what's he looking for he's looking for the people that are searching out these flat earth videos and he's using it as a catapult to catapult them into hell with his false doctrine about him being the Lord and Savior unless you believe that I am he he shall die in your sins he says ridiculous watch out for money predators money predators are you know the Pharisees obviously were money predators but false prophets are money predators publicans Judas was a money predator you know he the the most evil thing that he did was betray the Lord Jesus Christ but he was really he the Bible just you know he was stealing money that was his that was his big thing so beware people are trying to bring these weird things to you at church you know we we preach about that and saying don't make God's house a house of merchandise but then yet people will still get involved in business dealings of things that are just like you know what you're gonna have a 300% guaranteed increase out of this you're gonna get all your money back plus 300% it's like that's that's just a scam don't fall for scams don't fall you know people will join churches to try to make money off of them don't fall for these money predators turn to Psalm chapter 91 verse 13 Psalm chapter 91 verse 13 see one of the day one day all the predators are gonna be gone all the predators are gonna be gone and that'll be a great day they'll quit stalking tormenting killing prey they'll stop being able to be lording over us in all manner of things they'll stop being able to be principalities and powers and the rulers of wickedness and the rules of darkness of this world Psalm 91 verse 13 says thou shalt tread upon the lion and adder the young lion and the dragon shalt thou trample under feet obviously this is a prophecy of the Lord Jesus Christ you know he's gonna smash the lion he's gonna smash the snake he's gonna smash the dragon all these things that Satan represents all the things and systems underneath Satan and all of his power crisis I mean he's already basically destroyed him it's just kind of waiting for the reckoning right now but they're all gonna be gone why because Jesus is gonna get rid of them right and I kind of already told you that I talked to you about that but let's look at a couple more scriptures and then we'll be done I promise all right Isaiah chapter 65 verse 25 Isaiah chapter 65 verse 25 this is a great picture for us as Christians because right now we live in a world where we can't imagine that there isn't predators around us not just animal predators but people predators but there's gonna be a great blessing when when when all these things are changed look at Isaiah chapter 65 verse 25 it says the wolf and the lamb shall feed together that that don't happen right now though and the lion shall eat straw like the bullock they're not gonna eat meat anymore they're gonna eat straw and dust shall be the serpent's meat I guess he's gonna eat dirt they shall not hurt nor destroy and all my holy mountain sayeth the Lord there's gonna come a day when the predators and the prey there won't be any more predators they'll be all you know all just in one accord you know the lion and the lamb and the bear and all that they're all gonna be together you know a child is gonna be playing on the on a snake hole of the asp or whatever it's gonna be playing with the cockatoo you know it's gonna be playing with the rattlesnakes there's gonna be like a Pentecostal service or whatever little your little kids really get me walking around mommy look what I found you know and it's like these rattlesnakes or whatever but they won't bite they won't hurt people they won't do any any harm to people isn't that what the Bible says they won't destroy they shall not hurt now turn to Revelation chapter 29 or 20 verse 9 excuse me not 29 revel you're like are you sure you're not the boss brother it was a trick this is the last verse and this is where God destroys the last predator and all and then we get to go on and to you know eternity future not having to worry about this stuff not having to like and no more animals doing this scared out of their minds we're not gonna be getting PTSD from all this stuff it's gonna be over because the devil's gonna be released after he's captured for a thousand years in hell the Lord's gonna release him so that he can gather the rest of the trash to come against the city want to come against the Saints one last time look what it says in verse 9 and they went up on their breath on the breath of the earth and what does a encompass the camp of the Saints about one last hurrah let's circle one more time and the beloved city and fire came down from God out of heaven and what does it say and devoured them see predators want to devour you but you know God is the ultimate power in this world and he's gonna take out that find that last apex prayer the the main enemy that we fight against them the one that's sending all these freaks against us the one sending all this stuff against us all the time the one is trying to stop us any possible way that he can and God's gonna devour them with fire he's gonna destroy they're gonna get so I mean devour means to be eaten up right so the fires just gonna be like I mean they're gonna be done and the devil that deceived them was cast in the lake of fire and brimstone where the beasts and the false prophet are and shall be tormented day and night forever and ever amen amen so there is gonna be you know we don't have to necessarily fight back you know as a matter of fact we're supposed to be like sheep I mean when's the last time you saw a sheep just go crazy on a lion you've never seen it when the last time you saw a sheep you know just start hoofing against like you know some kind of wolf or something it just doesn't happen so we have to play by the rules and sometimes it's really hard for us to deal with it sometimes it's hard for us to just like not to go out and just you know do what the old man wants to do right you might even here know what I'm talking about right you want to take care of business the way you used to be able to take care of business we can't do that anymore we can't do that as Christians look remember vengeance is mine I will repay sayeth the Lord vengeance is mine so remember that when the vengeance is gotten by the Lord it's gonna be a great vengeance and we're gonna bathe our feet in the blood of the wicked I know that sounds gross but they will we can't get AIDS will be a will be all new bodies that can't die so anyway so how do predators operate just just a recap they compass about they stalk their prey they lie in wait they seek to devour they hurt and kill they pretend to be something they're not they camouflage themselves and try to come in amongst us they try to trap and snare and overpower and dominate so we should be vigilant we should be sober we should be watching things and I'm not saying suspecting everybody I'm just saying that you know when someone gives you a giant red flag make sure that you keep that in the back of their mind if it's so super bad you should probably tell your pastor about it if someone is telling is bringing into the corner saying guess what I'm the Son of God you need to go talk to Pastor Shelley immediately okay all right so that's all I got for this morning let's pray Heavenly Father we thank you Lord so much for the fact that you're gonna take care of business for us and that Lord we don't really have to worry about it but while we're here on this earth Lord I pray you'd help us to be vigilant and sober and I pray you help us to be steadfast and unmovable Lord pray you'd just help us to get along in this world where predators are trying to attack us at every front and help us to walk through this world wisely and we ask for your protection Lord for this church and that you would bring them under the shadow of your wing Lord and help them through the trying times that they're going through pray that you bless pastor Shelley and his family I pray you bless each and every single family represented here and that no predator would have his hands on one single person in this church in Jesus name we pray amen one quick announcement before our last song miss Lucy was gracious enough to make everyone some homemade cookies so there's tons of homemade cookies right there at the front of the church just make sure you protect the prey which is those cookies from the predators the little kids because you know they might be like licking one putting it back I want this one instead so get your kids the cookies but everyone's welcome to have those let's turn to our last song 207 only a sinner 207 only a sinner 207 only a sinner not have I gotten but what I received grace hath bestowed it since I have believed posting excluded pride I am a I'm only a sinner saved by grace only a sinner saved by grace only a sinner saved by grace this is my story to God the glory I'm only a sinner saved by grace once I was foolish and sin ruled my heart causing my footsteps from God to depart Jesus had found me happy my case I now am a sinner saved by grace only a sinner saved by grace only a sinner saved by grace this is my story to God me the glory I'm only a sinner saved by grace tears unavailing no merit had I mercy had saved me or else I must I sin had alarmed me God's face but now I'm a sinner saved by grace only a sinner saved by grace only a sinner saved by grace this is my story to God me the glory I'm only a sinner saved by grace suffer a sinner whose heart overflows loving his Savior to tell what he knows once more to tell it would I embrace I'm only a sinner saved by grace only a sinner saved by grace only a sinner saved by grace this is my story to God me the glory I'm only a sinner saved by grace God bless thank you for coming you are dismissed