(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Then right Well, the thing that kind of gets me out of a food coma is preaching two hour-long sermons, so I just wanted to Prepare you for that. No, I'm just kidding. It won't be two hours, but maybe an hour and a half Hour and 45 minutes or so. I'm kidding. So I've been preaching and I've been preaching some sermons about honey badger Baptist and this is my third and final Sermon about it, but in Chicago, I preached one at an old IFB Church. Were you guys there when I preach that sermon? Okay, so I kind of preached my old IFB version of it and really didn't have a lot of time to prepare about it but Who's listen to any of those sermons anybody? Okay a few people so and basically what I've done is Compared honey badgers the animal the honey badger to how some characteristics that Baptist Should have and specifically John the Baptist here has a lot of the same qualities is he He seems to like honey and eating weird foods and that's what honey badgers like to eat some pretty weird foods They like cobras and you know, honey, and you know all kinds of insects and rodents They'll eat anything basically now and we ate all kinds of things today But they were nothing like that kind of weird stuff but but Baptist like to eat honey badgers like to eat so, you know, you see the correlation there, but So last week I preached and the things that I didn't really get there was a lot of things that I thought of I thought man That would have been good, too So I kind of preached a a 2.0 version new IFB cut and this is going to be the 3.0 version the final cut so And I just kind of want to quickly recap if you'd never listen to sermons, you know I would encourage you to maybe go back and listen to him. You're like, what are you talking about Pastor Thompson? Well You know a honey badger is like a small ferocious little badger who knows what they are at least Who doesn't know what they are? You're like, I'm totally clueless. Okay, so everybody pretty much knows what they are. They're little tiny Badgers about this long pretty much 11 to 20 pounds They're the size of a small dog, but they take on lions and hyenas and they're pretty ferocious little creatures They're pretty much loners like John the Baptist was alone in the wilderness Crete, you know and then he came out of the wilderness preaching and he was a hard preacher So he was kind of ferocious in his preaching. Well, just like a honey badgers ferocious against other Animals that are his enemy when he when he's preaching in this chapter He said who hath warned thee to flee from the wrath to come and so he's ripping face on these false prophets the Pharisees that come out to kind of challenge and like what authority do you have to come preach these things John? It's like God's the one that gave me the authority to preach those things So just a recap on what I've already preached about this One point I preached is honey badgers are little in stature and few in number which is a true story and and true Christians are few in number. Also. Jesus says there's few that be saved, right? So in reality There's a lot of people that call themselves Christians, but in reality out of all the groups that say they're Christians There's few that are actually saved people right and Jesus makes that clear so and there's also and also in the Bible you see a lot where God does a lot of great amounts of works with a small amount of people like Gideon's 300 and You know two lepers basically go and spoil the whole camp of the Assyrians basically after God just completely decimates them all and really the children of Israel didn't have to do anything and David kills Goliath very small Stripling defeats a mighty giant who's a man of war from his youth And so God had there's a lot of lessons in that Paul the Apostle his name is, you know He started calling himself Paul, but Paul and Paul means little so his name was Saul But he started calling himself Paul because he was little in his own sight later on Saul in the Old Testament was little in his own sight but head and shoulders above the people But then he got too big for his britches right later on so interesting little concepts there and then honey badgers take on kill and eat poisonous snakes and so I kind of illustrated that and They don't they they eat all kinds of things but they really have their diet is Poisonous snakes black mambas cobras. They'll hunt them. They'll kill them and You know like Baptist we like to eat something take a bite of something and take a power nap And then finish eating it later on. No, I'm just kidding. But Like brother Rob, you know during this is during the break here now with a coat like there's a video where a cobra actually bites a honey badger and Poisons it and it all it does is go to sleep for a little while rolls over It's on his on his back and just lays there and then it wakes up and finishes eating the cobra. So they're pretty pretty skilled at Defeating their enemies and they're fearless. They're fearless is one of my points From the previous sermon the Bible says to fear not 62 times being unafraid 26 times God doesn't teach us to be fearful. The honey badgers are fearless So as Christians we should also be fearless and the only person we should fear is God and honey badgers are fierce again talking about my kind of my point on that is that They're fierce in the way that they stand up for the things of God stand up for the Bible and the preaching should be fierce at times so and focused on the honey is was one of my points and let's look down at verse number four and The thing about honey is that honey badgers will go after the honey no matter how many bees are trying to sting it. So They have this really thick hide that it says and I'll get into that my next point though But they're really they have really thick hide and so bee stings actually don't hurt. So we had some bees attacking the children out here a little while ago and we had some kids crying we had some adults crying and My brother Chris is tending to his boo-boos over there He's got some kind of he's got some kind of healing crystals on there No, he's got he's got some kind of plants herbs on there. No, I mean bee stings hurt If I would have they would have been attacking me you would have seen a big tall white boy running for his life from those bees but But they don't so and I kind of just apply this to Look at verse number four says of the same John had his raiment of camel's hair and a leather and girdle about his loins and his meat was locust and wild honey So locust were something that was allowed in the Old Testament If you look at the dietary laws and restrictions locust were okay for them to eat Those locusts only eat plants. So that was kind of one of those things But I mean, I don't know very many people that eat locusts. So not necessarily on my diet. Not one of my choices but the honey is something that is Particularly good and I think a lot of Christians enjoy honey, but what does that picture? well it pictures God's Word in a lot of different verses of the Bible and I my point on that is just That we should seek God's Word like a honey badger seeks honey and the Bible really alludes to us having this desire for the honey of God's Word and to get that precious Word of God every day and You know, we should also if you know if a honey badger will go and get stung a thousand times to get some Honey, we don't have to go very hard to find the honey of God's Word though Do we have the King James Bible just at any place in our room? It's it's completely in print for us to use We don't have to worry and hide under a blanket with a flashlight to read it We have you know we are so spoiled with the Bible that we don't we don't realize that people had to only just have one page and then Try to memorize that page and pass it on to somebody else There's times in history where people didn't even have Bible in their own language Or the people were burned at the stake for even just memorizing the Lord's Prayer and how much more should we Go after God's Word and if and you know, we don't have to be stung by bees in order to raise God We're God's Word. So we should strive to go after the Word of God the honey That represents God's Word. So numbers so number six on my list of how honey badgers are like Baptists or Christians is that honey badgers have thick skin and thrive in harsh environments They have thick skin and thrive in harsh environments So the honey badger has exceptionally thick skin In fact thicker than almost any other animal apart from elephants rhinos and giraffes Would you have thought that I mean? Probably not if you look at them You can't really just see that by looking at them, but their skin is at least six millimeters thick now to me I don't understand what that means because I don't use the metric system, but What quarter-inch? Okay. Is that six millimeters a quarter-inch? See they just just like that. I mean they got it, right but That might as well be Chinese to me. So but I Mean on a tape measure. I might be able to see that but so it says which To put into perspective is thicker than a buffalo An animal which is 50 times its size. So and a buffalo has thick hide So it's 50 times this you know as thick as a note as any other So it's just 50 times the size of itself a buffalo. It's it's that thick of skin. So And my point about this is honey badgers, you know They've been found in these different areas that are harsh environments And so one of those places is in sub-saharan Africa, which is probably where you've seen most of the videos of them But Saudi Arabia is also one of those other places. So Where did Moses and the children of Israel go? During when they were given the law of God. Does anybody know so yeah Saudi or Yeah, this so but that's Saudi Arabia Sinai is in Arabia. The Bible says that in the book of Galatians, right? So there were honey badgers that lived in Saudi Arabia at that time but you know, what's funny is that the modern versions will say that that's a mistake in the King James when it says that the Tabernacle is made by badger skins. Who's seen that in the Bible before that these badger skins, okay? but I'll get to that but They say it's a mistake and that it should be say porpoise skins dolphin skins Manatee skins all these different versions. If you just look in your phone right now just look at the different versions like if you look at you know, those sites that like Bible hub or something just look at Exodus chapter 26 verse 14 and see what all the different versions say and you'll just have a pretty good laugh about that But in Matthew chapter 3 verse 1 it says in those days came John the Baptist preaching in the wilderness of Judea in verse 4 again, it says and the same John had his raiment of Camels hair and a leather and girdle about his loins So the guy's wearing animal skins himself as he comes out of the wilderness So what does that tell you that it's important to have the proper? Amount of clothing on or the right kind of clothing to live in the wilderness, right? And a honey badger God gave him that natural ability to have this thick skin to live in an environment as harsh as Saudi Arabia or Africa or places like that? So he's got the camel's hair and what do you know about camels? They can walk in deserts for miles and miles and miles without a lot of water, right? So they have those humps that store the the water in there and they don't have to drink much water but John is Representative of the fact that he's living in a harsh environment With his camel's hair and this leather and girdle. What's a leather and girdle? Well, it's a leather belt What is leather made out of? Animal skin, right and it says it's about his loins. So what does that mean? John's Using that to hold something up What do men wear? That they would need a belt to hold something up with what is it they wear anybody know? Wake up people. Come on. What do they wear? Yeah So is he is he using it to wear to hold up his dress that he wears and the flannel graphs in Sunday school But they show absolutely not even wear a dress Come off it. I mean people that think that are just ridiculous. Oh, oh you think you wore pants though? Yeah, I do think you wore pants. I think men have been wearing pants for thousands of years. I Mean, I just ridiculous that people would think well John's wearing Accessory just for his dress or something because I know women do that They wear dresses and they have an accessory belt or whatever, but that's just a style They don't need it to hold anything up. Do they I mean do they But men do need a belt to hold up their pants That's why the Bible says to gird up your loins like a man Why would a man need to gird up his loins because men wear pants, right? That's what it says so It says and his meat was locust and wild honey, so Baptists are not afraid to preach in harsh environments Maybe where they're not wanted or maybe just in a harsh crowd in harsh weather in harsh Conditions or preach harsh sermons and John was not afraid to do those things either He preached against the people that were so quote unquote in charge that at that time and people were probably like I Can't believe he just said that to those people that came the Pharisees. What is what is John doing? Is he trying to be trying to ruin his ministry right now by preaching against the Pharisees of the Sadducees But you know what? He didn't care because he's preaching what the Word of God says He's like you think you're children of Abraham. You're not children of Abraham. I can make of these stones children of Abraham And so because that's what they he says think not to say within yourselves because he probably knew what they were thinking We're children of Abraham. We're saved already. That's the same lie that they're still saying today, isn't it? It's the same stuff They're still spouting today. It's the same stuff that independent Baptists have fallen into the trap of saying today to 2,000 years later. We're still having to say here the same old crap from these guys and it's just not true They see God still he could raise up a bunch of white people to be children of Abraham, too And a bunch of Chinese people and a bunch of Filipino people to be children of Abraham, too It's not about a bloodline. It's not about what color your skin is It's the fact that you are saved that makes you a son or daughter of Abraham. So and so we can't Be just whining when we get Reproved or rebuked in sermons and Baptists are known for preaching hellfire and damnation style preaching and People have you ever heard people say that well What kind of sermons does your church teach or preach about is it hellfire and damnation style preaching? Yeah, it is Yeah, I mean it's like we might as well just tell them now because when they get it come and get offended They're just gonna leave and not come back anyway. So what's the point? Just tell them what we're about It's like not every sermons hellfire and damnation preaching but what they mean by that is Preaching where the preaching gets excited or you start rebuking sin Or you start rebuking ideas that are wicked and wrong or the things in this world that are wicked and vile and reprobate And and people don't like that People just like to hear their TED talk their 20-minute TED talk and feel good about themselves and go home and feel You know, I just love God and God loves me and he's never mad at me for any reason not true He can get upset with us and you know, sometimes preachers got to get up and reprove and rebuke and Especially, you know, we should just not be offended when we have it coming You know the people just love hard preaching until it roosts on their front porch Until the chickens come home to risk and they're like, you know I can't believe he preached about that or I can't believe he preached against my sins Like so at some point if the preaching never preaches against your sin, then the preacher is doing something wrong Because we all have sin we all have sin that we have to deal with and you know what the preaching of God's Word is gonna is gonna Pull that out of you and you know, you think well he must know somebody must have said something No the Word of God just It just has a way of just slicing through your heart soul and the joints and the marrow and all that stuff And it's a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. So when the Word of God gets preached Sometimes, you know your little feelings get chopped in half But you know don't get mad at the preacher Don't get mad at the Word of God and don't get mad because somebody preached against your sin or said something you didn't like Why don't you just get mad at yourself because you need to fix something and just get it, right? Instead of complaining about stuff instead of whining about stuff. Just fix it because that's what God wants you to do We should not and so what am I talking about here? Well, we should have thick skin like a honey badger does and not be offended about every little thing you know, we're supposed to be as men we're supposed to be manly and tough and Strong and courageous and not worrying about all these little things and then you preach one thing That's one of the guys don't like it. There's like They melt like a little snowflake Isn't there a place called snowflake here Maybe you need to move the snowflake or something because you can't handle God's were being preached We shouldn't be easily offended little snowflakes That's where the term comes from because as soon as you know, you're seeing it preached on you melt just like a snowflake You know that's weak. Look at Exodus chapter 26 verse 14 So honey badgers have thick skin 50 times Well, they have the same thickness of a buffalo which is 50 times the size of the animal that they are it's pretty thick skin They're kind of like Baptist. They're kind of like what God wants us to be like animals that have thick skin Humans that have thick skin and not just like literally thick skin But thick skin in the fact that we don't get our feelings hurt over every little thing We don't get offended over God's Word or over every little thing that someone offends us over Doesn't even have to be God's Word people just are offensive. We're sinful We're gonna say things to each other. Sometimes that pisses off that is, you know, we're gonna get upset with each other But you have to hold it against them to the end of time But I just don't like the way they looked at me that one time. Maybe they were just having a bad day Maybe they just got done yell at their kids all the way to church and you walked in and said hi to Them or something. They're like, yeah, you know, it wasn't you it was them You sometimes it's just hard to hide the feelings on your face, you know what I mean? So don't just get us so offended about everything. It might not be you it might be them the kids You know, they just got done whacking them all the way to the to the to the inside of the door or whatever You don't know You're laughing because it's true sometimes isn't it so You got them screaming at him for four hours, you know, or however long it took you to get here But you're like pastor you're going off and you're going too crazy Well, let's look what the Bible says here in verse 14 says thou shalt not make a covering for or thou shalt make it covering She's before the tent of ram skins dyed red and a covering above of badger skins So notice that it says badger skins. Why would God say make a tabernacle a Covering so there's all these different coverings for the tabernacle But the top cover is what badger skin, why would he pick badger skin? Hmm? I don't know maybe because it's 50 times thicker than any other kind of animal that size It's leather when you stretch it out. It's probably gonna last the longest It's probably gonna be the toughest and what was the tabernacle used for a mobile tent to house? God when he comes down and meets with the people of God and when they're doing all the Sacrifices and all those things but they're packing all that stuff up and who knows who who's been camping in here before When you camp it in and the more you set up a tent and take it down The holes start getting jabbed into the tent and all your stuff starts to wear away And you got to fix it and patch it all that stuff and that probably after 400 years I'm sure that tent had to be repaired didn't it? But when you have the thickest skin you could possibly put on the top of it That skins probably not gonna get poked through very easily because it's a badger skin It's going over the top and what's the tabernacle ultimately represent in the Bible us? Right. We're the tabernacle which the Holy Spirit comes into us in the New Testament There's no tabernacle the tabernacle the tabernacle of God is with us The Holy Spirit comes into us and we have a shelf life too just like in the Old Testament that that tent was only it lasts so long and So we're only gonna last for so long, right so we're here for a specific amount of time and then we're gonna wear away like a tent would and then we're gonna Not be able to be used anymore. Just like the Old Testament tabernacle So but God made us to be able to last for a certain amount of time to Ultimately, we're gonna be able to live forever and that tents never gonna wear out right which is nice We're gonna have that everlasting Body that won't wear away But that tabernacle was made a badger skin for durability purposes That's I mean probably the main reason right and so in a harsh environment You know, we're gonna be in harsh environments. Also, I mean think about when we go out soloing sometimes you're gonna be in Phoenix, Arizona and I mean if it's 120 degrees outside and you're knocking doors in the middle of summer. It's pretty harsh, isn't it? And so you're gonna need that leathery skin To kind of help you out a little bit. You need a base tan before you go there, right? You need to have a little bit of you can't just go there fully white You got to kind of work it work your way up to it or wear some hats or something SPF 1000 but We know, you know, we do a lot of work and it's not necessarily always in the wilderness But I mean think about here you have a different kind of wilderness You have the plains and you have the heavy-duty snow, but do you still go soloing during the snow? Yeah, because your honey badger Baptist up here just a different kind of honey badgers You're the other kind of badgers, but you're still badgers, right? But As Christians we need to have thick skin and you know We need to learn to let the transgressions pass brush off the ridicule brush off the light affliction brush off the persecution Now Jesus didn't whine and complain all the time when he was stalked and mocked and ridiculed Every single time he went someplace every time he went and preached, you know It's a blessing that I don't get ridiculed and mocked every time I go someplace and preach I mean literally every place he went these little weasels would come and just think of questions to ask him to trip him up They would challenge him openly they would get mad when he would do great things like heal people. They're like There's always there's always just someone like this one Just looking at him sideways, I mean that would probably get annoying I mean he had some patience because I probably only put up with that for a little while then they'd be going out the door Headfirst, but we need to be able also to handle some criticism You know because a lot of times peep criticism is real And a lot that we don't like get criticized nobody likes it but sometimes criticism is good for us and And even if it's not in the right spirit or out of a wrong heart sometimes we do have to internalize criticism and think what can I take out of this and fix about myself and Even though they might have meant it for a slight against you Maybe some of that criticisms true and you can take that and work on it and make a positive out of it Because you know, I get criticized all the time and you know What I try to do is I just try to make the best of it and try to get better and not bitter About the things that I get criticized about so but people have way too many feelings in 2024 they have a lot of feelings we say that at work all the time about these You know liberals that need safe spaces and stuff like that because that we had some you know the office workers were always like the people are like My safe spaces and all this other stuff and it's like We're out working in the harsh environments and harsh weather and stuff like that And it's like yeah way too many feelings and if you're a man and you're talking about safe spaces You got way too many feelings You need to do some push-ups. You need to like grow some hair on your chest or something You know quit shaving your legs be a man Turn to Psalm 119 1 6 5 Psalm 119 165 And like this kind of encapsulates the honey badger mentality of a Christian when it comes to having thick skin this is a very famous verse in our circles and It's a true verse So Psalm 119 1 6 1 65 says great peace of they which love thy law Which we should all love God's law write the Bible and nothing shall offend them Does it say something shall offend them? No says nothing shall offend them. We shouldn't get offended about anything really But yet people do people get offended all the time, but yet the Bible says what nothing should offend them We shouldn't have anything be offensive to us like that. But yet it happens all the time and We just need to have the right attitude and we wouldn't have any problems, you know, just let stuff go We don't have to write every wrong We don't have to challenge every person that challenges We don't have to say something back to every person that challenges us. Did Jesus always say something back? He didn't always say something back It's a matter of fact, there's a lot of things he let go and I'm just to me like that's my struggle I have a hard time Just not saying something back to people when I feel like they do I'm kind of like one of those people that like when I Drive and Like someone's just a bad driver, but I need to teach them you Will learn You will learn by the numbers. I will teach you how to turn the proper way or whatever, you know I just I just want you know, someone cuts me off or something. I just I get to the bottom of the hill with them I just want to say How long you been driving like, you know, I'm not like a road rager that like tries to fight people or something but I just want to be like you realize you were turning to my lane when you turn with me or you know people just are so bad about Driving and just just people just have no respect for Anything anymore. It seems like when it comes to walking. They'll just like, you know, you're in the airport We'll just like walk up and stand like right in the middle of it the walkway It's like we're just cut right across as if you're not, you know, you're walking fast you got your luggage and then they just like do like a diagonal walk really slow right in front of you like Yeah, sure. Oh, yeah. I'll just get out of your way. It's no problem, you know, or you're waiting for a shuttle bus I'm just using travel because I've been traveling lately But we'll get will be sent me my wife would I'm we're in San Sacramento and we're waiting We're going to the Red Hot Preaching Conference. So I'm already fired up, you know, but then we were waiting for this for the shuttle bus for like 25 minutes and Then you know, we're there we're in line And then all sudden this big crowd comes and they all just think that they're just gonna walk in front of everybody else and get Into the front of line and I was like, hey buddy My wife's like don't don't stop stop It's like hey buddy the back of the lines back here he's like And he's just like cut starts walking back he's like does that make you feel better it's like yeah as a matter of fact it does So now I just take Ubers to the places So my wife doesn't get embarrassed because of me, but I don't know what why I'm telling you that but I just Sometimes it's hard though is all I'm saying. It's hard because we live in a society Is very selfish and they don't think about other people they don't have situational awareness and It's hard enough to not say some to people but we don't always have to say something So and believe me, I don't always say something because if I did be a scenes of a lot So turn to Proverbs chapter 9 verse 7 Proverbs chapter 9 verse 7 Proverbs 9 verse 7 Proverbs 9 verse 7 Bible says he that reprove at the scorner Get at the shame. Yeah, excuse me. Get it himself. It's to himself a shame Either rebuke at the white a wicked man. It is himself a blot Now it's not saying don't ever do it necessarily But if you do do it just expect you're gonna get some kind of a repercussion for doing it So you're getting yourself a shame if you reprove someone's a scorner right or someone's a wicked man You're gonna get something back So if you already know that they're like that the best thing to do is maybe they're just not saying anything to them But it says reprove not a scorner lest he hate thee Rebuke a wise man, and he will love thee. So who are the people that we should be rebuking according to this? Well, it says a wise man, they'll love you. So when pastor weed gets up and rebukes and Reproves rebukes and exhorts. Who's he supposed to be doing that with? They supposed to be just doing it to his kids to his wife No when the Bible says to do that it's talking about doing that with when you're preaching So when the people in the congregation cannot handle those rebukes Then whose problem is that? What does that mean that you are? Because if you're a wise man or a wise woman You're gonna love him for doing that because he's helping you get better as a Christian or as a person so but it says give instruction to a wise man and He will be what be yet wiser teach a just man and he will increase in learning See, these are things that the pastor is supposed to be doing and these are designed to help you not to hurt you So don't be so weak about Receiving correction because these are things when they when the correction comes it doesn't feel good It doesn't always feel good. And when it's someone stomping on something that you're doing wrong It does kind of hurt it stings It doesn't feel good. And when you feel like your sin is getting preached against it kind of is this feeling like of Intensity like oh man, you're like caught in this weird moment where you know It's you and it hurts and it doesn't feel good, but it is good for you Because why would God say to do it if it wasn't? It says rebuke a wise man, and he will love thee But if you do it to a scorner, they'll hate you if you reprove a scorner you get yourself a shame If you rebuke a wicked man, you get is a blot So, how do I know that I as a pastor if I'm dealing with a wise man? Well when he gets rebuked, he loves me for it. That's how I know he takes the correction and gets better not bitter and You know what? I'll never ordain a man or hire a man to the ministry that cannot take Correction if someone can't take correction and there are a little snowflake about any type of correction It's like oh, yeah, tell me where I'm doing something wrong. Please. Help me. Tell me and then when you tell me like It's like you baby What do you call yourself a man? You don't even have a beard you have a beard How do you how can you not handle being corrected shave your beard off? You don't deserve that beard that you're wearing on your face It's wrong with you. I Just I can't I don't understand that So One way to know that someone has wisdom is that he's able to receive instruction Right. It says give instruction to a wise man, and he'll be yet wiser So one way to know a just man to teach him and to watch him increase in learning So when you teach people and they learn in your congregation or just in general it at all or to Show someone wisdom and they receive that and receive instruction, you know, sometimes People just instead they just get all pouty and they get all whiny and then they get all you know Get around you and they're just they don't want to be around you They just you know get all bottled up and stuff. It's just like, you know, why are you acting like that? I've been rebuked before I've been reproved before I've been preached against before And you know what? You just got to take it Sometimes you got to take it you internalize it Yeah, it doesn't feel good, but do something good with it because that's the purpose. I mean, isn't that what the Bible saying? Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't that what it's saying? You know, if you're a wise man You're gonna love being rebuked when you're wrong When you're wrong about something and then get it, right? So Stop being a spiritual baby that never has been told no Because that's kind of what people act like when they get rebuked Or never told that they're wrong Everybody is wrong. Sometimes, you know what the funny thing of is that people never think that they're wrong It's like I'm never wrong, but people won't say that but they act like that Because everybody thinks they're right because nobody would say nobody would ever have their opinions all the time you know, most people just will not admit that they're wrong and and some people do it to such a fault that they just you can have them dead to rights and They just won't admit that they're wrong But just admit it Like is there really that hard to admit that you're wrong? Just get over it. Nobody's perfect. Nobody's asking people to be perfect so People that cannot handle reproof or rebuke they melt away like little snowflakes and they just prove to me that they're not wise and they're mentally weak and fragile and it's really hard to help people like that and They can't make it as a pastor and if they're trying to be a pastor They're never gonna make it like that And you know what if I melt a little snowflake that's trying to be a pastor by just reproving them lightly over something That's not even rebuking them. They were there. I'm doing you a favor. You were never meant to be a pastor anyway I'm not talking about pastor. We I'm just saying just in general. Okay So if you cannot handle or receive Rebuke reproof from men How can you receive it from God because I mean God is gonna rebuke you or reprove you way harder than I would ever do It might not be in words like he's gonna audibly say it to you He'll do it through the word or he'll just do it when he punishes you for not doing what's right Turn to Hebrews chapter 12 Yes, I'm still on the same point about the skin But I really see this as a failure with people sometimes in the Christian life. It's like the Bible says not to be offended Over things and then everybody's just offended over things It's like girls Remember like you ever seen that meme where it's like, you know, the the women referee They throw a flag for something that happened four years ago or something You know I'm talking about in football American football. Okay, so There's this thing called American football and It's not Canadian football American football But you know, so it's just a funny thing because women like to keep track of you know All the things that you've done wrong is funny. All right, women aren't laughing but the guys are But You know, we shouldn't just be keeping track on people like that. I mean, I'm not saying women only have been do it, too So Hebrews 12 5 though, well it says and you haven't forgotten the exhortation which speak of them to you as children my son Despise not thou the chastening of the Lord nor faint when thou art rebuked of them. See God rebukes us He says don't faint when God does it because God does it too For whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth and scourges every son whom he receiveth If you endure chastening God dealeth with you as sons, but what son is he from the father chasteneth not But if you be without chastisement where of all our partakers then are you bastards and not sons? Furthermore we have fought we've had fathers of our flesh which corrected us and we gave them reference Shall we not much rather be in subjection unto the father of spirits and live? so What is the saying that we have fathers that correct us and we give them reference reverence so our parents we give them reverence But when it comes to God, we should also even much more Be subject unto God the Father and live For they verily for a few days chastenest after their own pleasure But he for our profit that we might be partakers of his holiness Now no chasing for the present seemeth to be joyous, but grievous This is what I'm talking about When you're being reproved or rebuked in a sermon or just in general life in general even by your boss at work Sometimes bosses can say or do harsh things or you know If you're a lady here, your husband is like you're the boss of the home You know, you don't like being reproved by your husband and sometimes it stings and you want to lash out But you know, what is the Bible saying here? It's saying no chasing for the for the present Joyous but grievous. Nobody likes being corrected. Nobody likes being told that they're wrong Nobody likes being in trouble for things but says nevertheless afterward It yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness unto them which are exercised thereby I'm not talking about husbands punishing their wives. Okay, don't get don't get twisted All right, but God does punish us and he rebukes us sometimes and we should just be able to take that But again, if you can't take the punishment of God, you can't take the rebuke of God How can you take just a pastor rebuking you or reproving you for doing something wrong? I mean, you're not gonna be able to handle what God has to give you So the Bible says in 2nd Timothy chapter 4 verse 2 you don't turn there But turn to 2nd Timothy 2 verse 3 I'm gonna read 2nd Timothy 4 2 it says preach the word the instant in season out of season Reprove rebuke exhort with all long suffering and doctrine. This is the job of a pastor and if you don't like that Then there's plenty of other churches and this isn't my I'm not pastoring this church anymore I'm just saying there's plenty of other churches that don't preach like this You're not gonna have to be reviewed for reproved or anything like that And you can go and you can go along to get along and never have to worry about ever being reproved or having Anything but you know what you can also have happen that you're never going to grow Nothing ever is going to happen where you are challenged to improve your character improve your life improve your works improve the things in the Christian life because they're never going to challenge you on those things and so you should want to be in a church that's going to challenge you to do better in the Christian life and to get those things out of your life or those attitudes that you have and Change them and if the Word of God corrects you then you know have some thick skin like the honey badger does and just let it brush off of you and Learn and get better and endure hardness. Look what the Bible says in second Timothy 2 3 it says Therefore thou thou therefore, excuse me endure hardness as a good soldier of Jesus Christ Whether you like it or not the moment you got saved you got drafted into the Lord's army And whether you're carrying water or putting band-aids on boo-boos or whatever it is You're doing you're working for the Lord in his army in some way shape or form don't be a deserter and Don't be one of those people that is Insubordinate to the Lord to the Lord's commands. He's the captain of the army It says no man that warth and tangles himself and the affairs of this life that he may please him Who have chosen him to be a soldier God chose you to be a soldier so soldier up Endure hardness and don't be so, you know upset and disheveled about every little thing that happens that you don't like So have some thick skin like the honey badger number seven. All right, I'm all off this So, you know, I'll chill I'll chill a little bit here. All right, so but that I mean that's a that's a really important point of my sermon is You know, we need to get a little bit more thick skin as Christians and stop being offended about every little thing Including preaching or just in general life number seven of you know, of course I didn't go through all seven, but I gave the review. So number seven honey badgers are highly intelligent Now I watched a video one time where this guy has this honey badger named Stoffel and Stoffel He he has this like four foot like concrete wall and he has this like Terrarium where he allows him though. It's a pretty big, you know Enclosure that he has a man and he shouldn't be able to get out of it But this honey badger is so smart that he's like Movie pushing stuff up where he can climb up and get out and he escapes like every time he finds a way somehow to climb even puts like a stick and climbs up the stick and climbs out and Then he gets like a partner like a mate or whatever that the guy puts in there and then they figure out how to do things Together, you know as mates They're like he's even like putting these pretty elaborate ways to not let them get out of the gate Once they get out of the enclosure there's a gate that you have to you'd have to do two things at the same time one honey badgers climbing up and Pushing one thing and the other ones on the bottom pushing the other one. That's how smart I mean, that's pretty smart Like they're pretty amazing at how smart they are So, you know, he would also they'd also break in the house They'd find ways to open the door and get in the refrigerator and start eating the food. I Mean and when you get you wake up in the middle of night There's a honey badger in your refrigerator. Like you're probably like, ah, you know They got some pretty sharp claws and sharp teeth. So but yeah, I mean, they're very clever very intelligent And the Bible talks about turn to Proverbs 4 Proverbs chapter 4 The Bible says Proverbs 4 7 Wisdom is the principal thing Now when the Bible talks about wisdom, I mean it can mean a lot of different types of wisdom But the most the principal wisdom is what when it comes to Christianity Getting saved is the boat is the most important thing And so when you're saved when you get saved that is the principal thing You know, you can be saved and never learn anything else. And as long as you're going to heaven, that's the most important thing That's why we you know, people will criticize us and say things like well You get the people saved then you threw the baby in the dumpster or whatever It's like we didn't throw any babies in any dumpsters I don't know what you mean by that But what they do mean by that is you don't give me the discipleship You don't give a church to go to it's like you didn't even go you didn't even do anything They wouldn't be saved if we didn't go at least they're saved I Mean, yeah, the baby might not be able to take care of itself right now. At least we give them a Bible I mean that's not leaving them in the dumpster. The Bible is everything that they need We tell them to get baptized we give them some here's some DVDs here, you know, here's some scan codes I mean we try to make everything in scan codes now. I try to make it easy, but Here's some scan codes. Here's some DVDs Here's some stuff about the Bible and we try to give them everything we got But some people are just like oh, that's just not good enough. It's like well, you know, at least they're not going to hell buddy right, but the Bible says wisdom is the principal thing therefore get wisdom and You know honey badgers are wise They're smart and like intelligent as for as an animal But When you translate that as far as us as far as Christians or just far as human beings are concerned The most important thing we can do is get saved and get other people saved and it says therefore get wisdom and with all By getting it understanding. So it's not just important to get saved That is the most important thing principle means the first thing right? So the the most important thing is to get saved but also get Understanding with that and so get saved and then get understanding get that with that wisdom get understanding and with all like getting get understanding and You know, so Christians are counted as wise because they're saved according to God. So there's people that like Well, there's this guy that's been emailing me some weirdo He's just like, you know It's it's a shame that you're teaching children these things and you know, it's like oh, what are you teaching them? So they came from monkeys They have no hope I mean look at what the schools are producing a Bunch of people at one America a bunch of people that are beating each other up at school Stomping out people that are smaller and weaker than they are There I mean, they're just kind of living up the evolution rules. I mean, you know Mercy's for the week. No mercy for the week, you know like the karate kid, right? they're just There's one a pack of kids beating up one little white kid or whatever or one little kid They're beating up people that are weaker than them It's not even one-on-one at least when I was the back of my day you didn't do more than one-on-one It was a one-on-one thing I don't know when that became a thing where people just jump in and fight like that But when I write come from that you just didn't do that Was that the same way with you? Yeah, I mean one-on-one. Let's do this one-on-one, right? But nowadays is just 30 on one and then you stop when they're convulsing on the ground That's what school that's a public schools teaching people That's what's so great about public school. I Mean, what what is what is communism? Produced You know, like so upset about what Christianity's produced. How about America wouldn't even be here without Christianity Canada wouldn't even have been put here without Christianity. The people are just so upset about colonizers This place people would still be in teepees and chasing, you know chasing Buffalo around if it wasn't for the colonizers that came and taught people Christianity and Taught people language and taught people culture. Yeah, there was some wicked people that came over with them But that's not that has nothing to do with me. You know, I don't know I can't can't help that But I I thank God there's people that are here in these cities now that can still get saved, right? Massive amounts of people that can get saved so I guess we should just give it all back to the natives that were worshiping totem poles and Eating each other and fighting each other and enslaving each other instead Let's just go back to the old roots, right? I don't think so so The Bible says the fool has said in his heart that there is no God So the fool is likened unto The person that doesn't believe in God So you you know, this person is like there's people that have you know an eighth grade education and I would rather be I Learned that God's not real because I learned science and math and all this other stuff I'm like, you know what? I would rather be handicapped and going to heaven Mentally handicapped and going to heaven then believe all you didn't know all your science and all your knowledge and be going to hell Which is where you're going to when you die You know What is what how does God track wisdom you get saved? That's what he how he tracks wisdom You know and all giddy if I would rather just know the Bible then all the math and all the science and all that other stuff and all the things that the Public fool system teaches people so they can grow up and grow to come I mean, what is what is the goal here for society to send their kids to college? That's just like the biggest deal Let's save all their money and and so we can give it to our kids to go to college So they can go play beer pong at school and waste all the money that we spent Working hard our whole lives to save up in some Account so they can go and waste it on, you know underwater basket weaving For their major and in college or whatever so they cannot get a job so they can go and you know protest against The you know Israel or something on the college campuses. It's like is that what it's really all about? No, it's not what it's really all about it's about being wise and having salvation and not being a fool and being an atheist who's done abominable works and Does nothing that's good for this society. What does an atheist do for our society? Just scoff and mock at God's Word and I mean Let me let me write you an email so I can tell you how stupid Christianity is You know and and maybe that'll be on his you know, what God says to him right before he throws him into the lake of fire see John the Baptist was a righteous man, he was a wise man because he was saved and We're wise when were saved but that's just kind of scratching the surface, you know We can learn a lot more than that I think that that verse that's saying you therefore get wisdom and with all that getting get understanding It's not the end we should be lifelong learners of Biblical things but others I'm not putting down learning other things like science and all that stuff. I'm not saying that I'm just saying that that's not as important Being saved is the most important thing So number eight honey badgers have dangerous enemies and We have dangerous enemies that are always trying to come at us Some idiot was trying to deliver a pizza here just a little while ago How many times have they tried to deliver pizzas to you guys? Yeah, there's some weird fag is just always messing with us about trying to deliver pizzas or whatever. It's a Pizza Hut's Calling me right before the service Like we didn't order a pizza. He's like, yes you did. I was like no we didn't Yes, no. No we didn't We're not we didn't order pizza, but you're gonna argue with the customer the customers always right? We're not taking your pizzas anyway, but honey badgers particularly young ones They can You know predators will come and try to kill them and take them from their parents And we kind of live in a world that's like that today you know lions leopards hyenas dogs and snakes and in particular try to Hunt the Honey badgers cubs. So let me read that list to you again lions leopards hyenas dogs and snakes so those are similar enemies that we Are talked about in the Bible that come against Christians spiritually, right? you know the devil is called the serpent the red dragon and Of course dogs were talked about quite a bit in the Bible and not in a positive way and Lions now, of course, Jesus Christ is the line of the tribe of Judah But also the devil is pictured as a lion and also his demons are also pictured as and look Let's look at Psalm chapter 35 Psalm chapter 35 You Psalm chapter 35 Bible says but in my adversity they rejoiced and gathered themselves together Yea, the abjects gathered themselves together against me and I knew it not they did tear me and cease not With hypocritical mockers and feast they gnashed upon me with their teeth Lord how long wilt thou look on Rescue my soul from their destructions my darling from the what's-it-say there the lions. I Will give thee thanks in the great congregation of appraise thee among much people Let not them that are mine enemies wrongfully rejoice over me neither Let them wink with the eye that hate me without a cause For they speak not peace, but they devise deceitful matters against them that are quiet in the land Yea, they opened their mouth Against me and said aha. Aha our eye has seen it This thou has seen Oh Lord keep not silence. Oh Lord be not far from me Turn to Psalm chapter 22 verse 12 Psalm 22 verse 12. So, you know, a lot of the psalms are prophetic and talking about the death of Jesus and This specific one here is one of those Prophetic Psalms Psalm 22 verse 12. The Bible says many bulls have compass me about strong bulls of the Shawn have Beset me round. So and you'll you see this a lot where they're be setting round. This is what predators do they like to circle around their prey and Go after them, but it says they gaped upon me with their mouths as a ravening and roaring lion Now, I don't know if anybody's ever been around a roaring lion before has anybody actually heard a lion actually roar for real Like been around it anybody Okay, have you seen it on like a zoo? Like Discovery Channel or some kind of thing like that. Yeah, okay The some of those lions their war their war just terrifies people Because they are the king of the forest. I don't learn that from the Wizard of Oz I learned that from the Bible says they're the king of beasts. So and that's most people that's what they believe, right? So they're a pretty scary animal to come face to face with and The Bible talks about them being you know, one of the enemies, you know, and this is spiritually speaking It's not like there's literal lions. He's talking about this is the types of people that they are And so these are the types of enemies that we have that are coming against us also Jesus Christ here talking about bulls and Lions says I'm poured out like water and all my bones are out of joint. My heart is like wax It is melted in the midst of my bowels. My strength is dried up like a pot shirt my tongue cleaved with my jaw Jaws and thou has brought me into the death of dust for dogs have compass me The assembly of the wicked have enclosed me. It was another word for dogs that we know the sodomites, right? So it's really interesting that the Bible calls the dog sodomites and we and people say well there You know Jesus doesn't mention the sodomites in the New Testament. Well, he mentioned when is this happening? This is when he's at the cross, right? It doesn't mention him when he's at the cross But what does the Bible say was it literal dogs that are accomplishing about? No, there is but it says dogs. So he's saying bulls Lions dogs all powerful and scary type animals that are very powerful But he says dogs have compass me about the assembly of the wicked have enclosed me They pierced my hands and feet. What's it talking about? It's talking about the crucifixion who was around him a bunch of reprobates and a bunch of scumbags It says I may tell all my bones they look and stare upon me. They part my garments among them They cast lots upon my vesture But be not thou far from you Lord all my strength Hastie to help me deliver my soul from the sword my darling from the power of the what the dog Isn't it weird how sodomites are just so if that's like the big thing of our day right now But what if I told you that that's probably what it was like back then and we just don't realize it I mean, I think it probably was more I mean, do you think that there were just no sodomites in Jesus day? Well, it just doesn't talk about them. But does that mean that they weren't around of course they were around I mean, why is this same dog? You know if you think that this is just a regular, you know, man's best friend or something type of dog That's not what it's talking about So when it's talking about, you know, when Jesus says give not that which is holy unto the dogs And when he's saying, you know The dog returns to its vomit and the sow to its wall in the mire Or when it says give not that which is holy unto the you know And when it's saying cast out your pearl before swine, what's he talking about? You think he's just talking about just Animals, you know your literal pearls. Oh, he's talking about the the the pricely things of God Casting them before the pearl the swine now because swine are You know like a filthy animal to the to the Jews and dogs are no are not much better we were talking about it earlier and this is kind of disgusting but Talking about if some of the guys and I was I wasn't saying this they were But how they would put like piles of manure chicken was a chicken manure who was saying that? Yeah, and that their dogs would go eat it Or the frozen cow pies in the field the dogs would go eat the frozen cow pies in the field I mean, that's how disgusting dogs are But like I mean the things that they do the that the actual you know, the sodomites are doing are pretty disgusting, too Isn't it? But yet there's commercials on television about it. They're celebrating it for a whole month a whole month. I Mean Jesus Christ is celebrated for one day. Maybe two if you count Easter, but it's not a whole national holiday in our country one day Christmas That's it in a whole month in June where they're putting you know using Money from the government to put crosswalks down. You have to walk across that across the street. I mean this it's disgusting They're celebrating filth and they're putting it right into our faces Jesus is talking about these types of freaky beasts that were surrounding him and encompassed and encompassing him about Circling him around about and this is the kind of stuff that we have to deal with too And like we're not dealing with it right now But we do deal with it and it's not just that they come to our physical presence But it's always something that we have to worry about Just like the honey badgers have to worry about their children being taken by these predators or them themselves Because they're small in number You know, these lions are way bigger these types of animals these snakes also, these pythons way bigger way more powerful and if you're not paying attention they can ensnare you and Kill you and destroy you first Peter 5 8 says be sober be vigilant because your adversary the devil as a roaring Lion walketh about seeking whom he may devour so We have to be on guard against these things and we have to be leery of These types of things and not not say oh we got to let him in and hang out with us No We got to let them out keep them out and keep them away from us and keep them away from our children See the honey badgers they'll fight tooth and they'll fight to the death for their little cubs You know what we need to fight against these evils and not allow this sickness to infest and infect our churches and we need to always continue to fight against this mentality where They're normal. They can be saved and all this stuff. No, they can't be saved folks They cannot be saved their reprobates. We need to put on the full armor of God. Look at Ephesians chapter 6 Ephesians chapter 6 Ephesians chapter 6 verse number 10 You The Bible says in Ephesians chapter 6 verse 10 Finally my brethren be strong in the Lord and the power of his might Hold on the whole armor of God that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil for we wrestle Not against flesh and blood but against Principalities against powers against the rules of the darkness of this world against spiritual wickedness in high places This is what they really are. These lions these beasts these dogs This is spiritual wickedness in high places They've crept into every crevice of every school system every government facility Up into the highest levels of our governments in this government in our government back home They're in they're dug in like ticks everywhere we go every system we have and We the only way we can resist this is a spiritual resistance. We wrestle not against flesh and blood We can't like literally fight against them because they'll destroy us, right? So we have to put on the whole armor of God like the Bible says in verse 13 there wherefore take on the whole armor of God that you may be able to Withstand in the evil day and having done all to stand Stand therefore having your loins gird about with truth and having the breastplate of righteousness and your feet Shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace and this is where a lot of Christians Don't they don't get taught this they don't get taught You got to have this your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace They don't teach that so there's a lot of Christians walking around They've heard a lot of sermons about having the full armor of God on but they forget to tell them about their feet don't they? this is pretty important to have something covering your feet when you go out into battle and you know part of the battle and Part of staying in the fight and being a soldier of the Lord is that we're prepared to preach the gospel of peace This is the battle What is the fight all about it's about getting people saved and that's what Jesus came to do is to seek and save that which is lost So part of the battle is actually putting on the shoes and that represents going so winning doesn't it? And to have the best kind of shoes on to be able to keep going and keep you know It's nice to have a good pair of shoes These are the shoes I wear they're echo unlimited I think yeah Size 48 the British size, you know, I like these shoes. There are 14 points of comfort made in England Well, I've already Beat the brakes off a couple pairs of these shoes And I and I try to buy a couple pairs extra just because I like them so much I don't want them to like stop making them and for me not have any more So I like those shoes because I can go so any of them and preaching them super comfortable It's good to have a good pair of shoes Don't go cheap on your shoes Don't I mean with kids? Yes, because they grow out of them like two minutes Like I just buy you new pair of shoes like two weeks ago Will they grew again? So kids? Yes adults. Take care of your feet, especially if you're a soul winner Get the most comfortable shoes You can wear out someone in because if you're gonna be doing it for a long time do it turn to Ezekiel chapter 16 verse 10 Now I talked about the badger skin being used to cover the tabernacle, right? Why do they use that because it's extra thick skin, right? It goes it covers that tabernacle for many many years and That tabernacle that they had was used for about 400 years before they built the temple So I'm not saying that that first layer lasted for 400 years Maybe they had to renovate it or whatever. I'm not sure but It lasted a long time and a good pair of leather shoes are gonna last you a long time Isn't that true? If you buy leather good quality leather it lasts a long time Look what God says here. He's talking about all the quality stuff that he's given to the children of Israel Look at verse 10 Ezekiel 16 10. I clothed thee also with broided work and Shod thee with badger skin. So what does shod mean? He made them shoes out of what? Badger skin the best kind of leather you can get baby badger skin, right? And I girded thee about with fine linen and covered thee with silk So he's talking about these fine things and he's talking about these badger skin now Badgers usually hunt alone, but when they mate they hunt in pairs So like Stoffel when he got his little buddy, you know, his his wife or whatever They were partners in crime after that right getting out of everything, but they will hunt in pairs You know what and and God wants us to hunt for souls and pairs and I mean hunt in a good way All right, or we're trying to get people saved, you know, he sends us out to and to you know And and shoes come in what pairs don't they so you got to have two? Shoes because you have two feet most people do anyway, so, you know, I'm not saying anything bad about people They have one foot. Okay, or no feet, but I'm just saying in general you have shoes you have two of them, right? So God shod them with badger skin shoes fine leather very important and This is part of the armor of God. I'm not saying that particularly badger shoes We don't have we're gonna go kill some badgers tomorrow I mean, it might be a good thing to get into I mean if you guys are thinking about lucrative business You know badger skins might be the way to go, you know, but I'm just saying that it's part of the armor of God and we need to Have that mentality that we're not gonna quit soul winning till the very end We're never gonna quit We're gonna keep going and you know The most important thing we can do is seek and say that which is lost because Jesus found it so important He actually gave his life and shed his blood and went to hell for three days and three nights and and faced the lowest hell for three days and three nights and rose again for us so that we could be saved and the and the and the best thing we could do is serve him all the days of our lives and The last point I just want to say is that they're fierce protectors of their family so We need to protect our families from the evils of this world from the wickedness of The hella vision the wicked music of our day the wicked agendas of our time the erosion of our society And we need to be able to willing to protect our family spirituality and their physical Needs if needed we need to protect them with our lives dads We need to protect our children with our lives and our wives with our lives Protect our churches protect our integrity protect our doctrine our unity in the faith with fear with the fierceness of a honey badger Jesus Christ one fearless man thick-skinned tough Strong in spirit fervent zealous willing to die for those he loved Took on the Lions took on the bowls of beige and took on that old serpent called the devil and Satan He took on the Leviathan He experienced the sting of death and the fires of hell and You know we were you know he took on the great red dragon. He took all this for us and Like the honey badger fighting off a pack of dogs for us And he took upon himself the form of a servant and gave us an example To look up to because you know what he gave up himself dying for others He did things for other people You know what we need to think about other people besides ourselves like Jesus did that example of him taking on for himself the form of a servant and Giving up his life for us making of himself of no reputation and Humbled himself in the form of a man right became obedient to the death even the death of the cross Jesus Christ fought the forces of hell on earth and the power of darkness of Satan himself allowing himself to be seemingly defeated Yet actually securing our ultimate protection, and what is that it's eternal life It's our eternal protection. I mean you want to talk about being protected He protected us didn't he I mean right now. It seems like we're unprotected a little bit But we're not really because the moment we die we're going straight to heaven Eternal life eternal security we can't lose it. I mean it's nice to have security isn't it? It's nice to have safety eternal safety, so he gave us eternal life eternal security and eternal safety Think about that and Let's Let's look at I know I'm running out of time here I'm pretty much done, but I wanted to look at a couple of more verses here with you if you don't mind revelation chapter How about chapter 21 You Start with the verse 4 In the future we're not gonna have to struggle so much It's not gonna be so rough says and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes, and there shall be no more death Neither sorrow nor crying neither shall there be any more pain for the former things are passed away So that's a good something to look forward to no more death no more crying no more sorrow all these things are gonna go away and in verse 8 we also Have this promise here says but the fearful and unbelieving the abominable and murderers and whoremongers and sorcerers and idolaters And all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone Which is the second death, and we use that verse a lot out so wanting But you know what's nice about that is that we're not gonna have to deal with those people when we go to heaven There's gonna come a day when we don't have to worry about those people being around us being around our kids We're gonna be safe from those things We're not gonna have to worry about anything like that Cuz God protects us forever by keeping these freaks and weirdos and predators away from us forever That's safety, right? No more sorcerers. No more idolaters. That's gonna be great. No more murderers and It and verse 2 of look at chapter 22 verse 3 Actually, I'm sorry look at verse 27. I'm sorry. I didn't get there verse 27 Got three more places, and we're done What's in this next chapter anyway? But I'm revelation 2127 and they're showing no wise enter in to it anything that defileth neither whatsoever worketh abomination No more homos they work with abomination don't they guess what there's no more queer there's no queers in heaven Or make it the lie, but they which are written in the Lamb's book of life look at Revelation 22 verse 3 There shall be no more curse But the throne of God and the Lamb shall be in it and his servants shall serve him We get to serve him without worrying about anything else. We were 15 or without or what? dogs by by homos and sorcerers and Hormongers and murderers and idolaters and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie I Think that there'll be actual maybe dogs like the ones you can pet maybe But the other kind of dogs. They're not coming in they're done So that is something to look forward to so you know if there's a silver lining this month for us Just think of this verse in heaven. There's no dogs Verse 17 and the spirit and the bride say come and let him that hear us say come and let him that is a thirst come and whosoever will let him take the water of life freely and We have this promise that all salvation's just free You know and we can go and offer that to people and you know what anybody that you know is a child in this Room that maybe you're not saved. We know what Jesus gives it to us for free So anytime you ever want it you can just ask them for it. It's not great All you have to do is believe on Christ and you're saved and you're safe And you're eternally saved And you can't lose it forever So let's pray Lord. We thank you so much for this great new church and Just want to pray especially again once again for pastor weeb as he begins to lead this church And to pray that Lord you would be with them with your spirit and Lord this whole congregation I pray you Lord that you would just help them to help him and that Lord This would be a powerhouse of soul winning for many many years to come and that many churches would Would come from this this church location here and be formed in Canada and Lord that Many soul winners would be trained here and in other places in Canada and Lord that many Salvation's would spring forth from this church Lord a fountain of life a fountain of water That people can get for free in this great nation of Canada Lord. We pray these things in Jesus name. Amen