(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Amen So as many of you know Evangelist Billy Graham died last week who heard about Billy Graham dying last week, okay? So it's been all over the news the media the radio and to many people as a sad thing I'm just gonna read a little write-up about Billy Graham here real quickly William Franklin Graham jr.. So I Let's see better known as Billy Graham was an American evangelist of evangelical Christian evangelist and an ordained Southern Baptist minister who became well-known internationally after 1949 he had been looked upon as one of the most Influential preachers of the 20th century he held large indoor and outdoor rallies with sermons that were broadcast on radio and television some still being rebroad broadcast into the 21st century and his six decades of Television Graham hosted annual Billy Graham Crusades which ran from 1947 until his retirement in 2005 he also hosted the popular radio show hour of decision from 1950 to 1954 he repudiated racial segregation in addition to his religious aims He helped shape the world view of a huge number of people who came from different backgrounds Leading them to find a relationship between the Bible and contemporary secular viewpoints Graham preached to live audiences of nearly 215 million people in more than 185 countries and territories through various meetings Including BMS world mission and global mission he also reached hundreds of millions more through television video film and webcast Graham was a spiritual advisor to American presidents and Provided spiritual counsel to every president from Harry Truman to Barack Obama He was particularly close to Dwight D Eisenhower Excuse me Lyndon B. Johnson one of Graham's closest friends and Richard Nixon he insisted on racial integration for his revivals and crusades in 1953 and invited Martin Luther King jr. To preach jointly at a revival in New York City in 1957 Graham Bailed King out of jail in the 1960s when King was arrested during demonstrations He was also lifelong friends with another televangelist the founding pastor of the Crystal Cathedral Robert H Schuler and Graham talked into starting his own television ministry Graham operated a variety of media and publishing outlets according to his staff more than 3.2 million people have responded to the invitation at Billy Graham Crusades to accept Christ as their personal Savior and As of 2008 Graham's estimated lifetime audience included radio and television broadcast topped 2.2 billion because of his Crusades Graham preached the gospel To more people in person than anyone in the history of Christianity Graham was Repeatedly on Gallup's list of most admired men and women he appeared on the list 60 times since 1955 More than any other individual in the world Grant Wacker Reports that by the mid 1960s he had become the great legitimater so Graham also during his his time He was converted at age 16 according to his write-up He was he was Apparently led to the Lord by Mordecai Ham and during His time at Wheaton College Graham decided to accept the Bible as the infallible word of God And this was later on so after his conversion Okay, according to the write-up that I was reading so but quite frankly. I was just wondering if he was ever going to die Many people revere Billy Graham as a great televangelist, but not me and You know I'm going to show you why here and in just a few minutes But the title of the sermon today alone is enough to hair lip the Pope Okay, the title of the title of the sermon today is why Billy Graham is roasting in hell Why Billy Graham is roasting in hell? Let's have a word of prayer Heavenly Father Lord We thank you for the Word of God and Lord. We know you hate false prophets Lord you hate wicked People that would that would preach a false gospel and Lord Let's pray that you would help me today. Fill me with the Holy Ghost in Jesus name amen You might say brother Aaron. Why are you saying that about Billy Graham? He was a great man You know I read the write-up right he reached all these people so but the thing is He reached people with the wrong message And I'm just gonna take things that he said himself And you know if it upsets you about you know me ripping on Billy Graham today Then you just need to get in the Bible and read it more Because the Word of God Clearly declares how God feels about false prophets you're in the book of Jude look at chapter Chapter there's only one chapter look at Verse three it says beloved when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation It was needful for me to write unto you and exhort you that you should earnestly Contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the Saints For there are certain men crept in unawares You see that there's gonna be certain people that creep into churches unaware, and you're gonna think that they're good guys But in reality they're not good guys. It says who were before of old ordained to this condemnation ungodly men Turning the grace of God of our God into lasciviousness and denying the only Lord God and our Lord Jesus Christ So the reason why I picked the book of Jude this morning is because the book of Jude lays out that we're supposed to earnestly Contend for the faith that was once delivered look. There's only one kind of faith, and that's faith in Jesus Christ There's no other faith Okay But Billy Graham didn't believe that so as Christian as people want to say he was look everybody adored Billy Graham That's all I heard all week Listening to the radio in my service truck. I heard Oh Billy Graham died all poor Billy Graham You know he was such a great man look if the world loves you then obviously You're not you know a friend of the world is not a friend of God So Many people across this nation are mourning Billy Graham why because the world loves its own That's why the world loves its own you wouldn't see people say oh pastor Anderson died today in the world mourning for him Would you or you know if pastor Jim as was to pass away? Do you think the sack of the city of Sacramento would be upset about that? Oh poor pastor men's nose They'd be cheering and throwing a party Because The world loves their own they don't love people that actually preach the truth and in real Bible doctrine So reason number one why Billy Graham is roasting in hell this morning is because he was unsaved So I'm just gonna take this little excerpt also from the that I got from the internet, which is always true You know that but this is true The Graham had turned down was turned down for a membership in a local youth group for being too worldly Could you imagine that Billy Graham being too worldly? So like I said before he was converted supposedly by a guy named Mordecai Ham who preached a false gospel I looked him up. He was repent of your sins all that stuff but supposedly Graham was converted in 1934 at age 16 during a series of Revival meetings in Charlotte led by Ham after graduating from Sharon High School in May 1936 Graham attended Bob Jones College Then located in Cleveland, Tennessee after one semester. He found it too legalistic in Both coursework and rules so Bob Jones University at that time was was a fundamental Bible college Okay, it was so apparently it was too legalistic. See that's what people like to say too legalistic about When someone would preach the truth, and I'm not sure whether you know What what Bob at Bob Jones University at one time was supposedly a good Bible college? So if that's even if that even really exists, okay a good Bible college But during his time so he went to Wheaton College after that and during his time at Wheaton Graham decided to accept the Bible as the infallible word of God. So do you see something wrong with this already that Billy Graham? He supposedly was saved at 16 But then having gone through Bible college, and then here he goes to after being at Wheaton College He finally decides to accept the Bible as the infallible word of God well Don't you think you before you you know before you get saved you have to accept that already? I mean, that's that's kind of weird so Henrietta Mears of the First Presbyterian Church of Hollywood Hollywood, California imagine that was instrumental in helping Graham wrestle with the issue so apparently he was wrestling with the fact that The Bible is the Word of God the inspired inspired infallible Word of God So she was instrumental in helping him wrestle with the issue He settled it at Forest Home Christian Camp now called Forest Home Ministries Southeast of Big Bear Lake area in Southern, California a memorial there marks the site of Graham's decision Well yay Billy Graham you realize that the Word of God was infallible when you were already supposedly saved That doesn't make sense that dog doesn't hunt so explain to me. How he was saved yet. He didn't believe the Bible Explain that to me. I don't understand how that's possible because you know the Bible is very clear. How you get saved Here's another here's something from Billy Graham's website though So supposedly he said that he believed that the Bible is the infallible word of God After being saved for several years But this is from Billy Graham's own website and it before you say well Billy Graham probably didn't write this you know he wasn't On the internet or whatever well, it's under his ministry Webpage okay, and Billy Graham liked the NIV he liked all different kinds of Bible versions, okay? He was King James only when it was the the main book that was used But when all the new modern versions came out then he switched and just used whichever one he wanted So here's this is from Billy Graham's own website says is the King James Bible the only reliable Bible It says the work of the Bible translation is very complicated and men and misunderstandings easily arise we do not have the original Hebrew Aramaic Old Testament or the original Greek New Testament as Written by inspired men of God what we have is an Old Testament in Hebrew Aramaic and thousands of Greek manuscripts apart or all the New Testament painstakingly copying and passed on to us through the centuries There are differences in the Greek Manuscripts such as minor issues of punctuation spelling word order certain verses including in some Manuscripts and not in others etc, but none of these differences affect any of the major doctrines of our Christian faith What a load of bull, right? Some people prefer the King James translation because they have been familiar with it often from childhood Others prefer modern translations because they are more easily understood Also modern translators have the advantage of using many older Greek manuscripts of the New Testament Discovered since the King James translation was made most scholars Consider these old older manuscripts more reliable than the few Later manuscripts available to those who translated the King James Bible. You see how they're just lying They're just lying and trying to make it seem like the older manuscripts supposedly are better than the ones that they used on the King James So basically what they're doing is they're just crumpling up the King James and throwing it in the trash can So here it goes on to say this it is also helpful to remember that while King James Authorized a particular translation for the Church of England in the 17th century It is no more authoritative for us today than any other translation It was highly criticized in its day for those who preferred earlier translations And it went through a number of revisions the King James version most widely used today as a 1769 Version, okay, so when they when they revised the King James though all they really did just change the font type I have the 1611 right there If you want to come look at at the end of the service and you compare it with what's in here It's exactly the same all it is, so that's that's at an old English typeset and The S's look like the F's look like S's and stuff like that. So they changed the font type and they changed Spelling and they changed punctuation. Okay, they didn't change the verses So the modern versions change Major they say that it doesn't affect the mock the it doesn't affect the doctrines Yeah, it does the new all the new versions affect Bible doctrine. That's why in acts eight 837 is not in the modern Bible versions because it says you have to believe in Jesus Before you get baptized that verse is completely taken out of every modern version So How does that not affect doctrine be you know, that's Catholic. That's exactly what the Catholics believe They pour water on baby's heads that can't even believe So how they're gonna get it's called believers baptism for a reason because you have to believe before you get baptized anyway, so Let's see, where was I out here Okay, so people sometimes pick up to translation to expect them to be word for word the same When they find words missing or changed they think something sinister has happened. Yeah, because it has In reality both can be perfectly faithfully translate translations of the original language the basic structures of languages Defer one from another the translation is not just a matter of taking a Greek sentence and finding English words to match The helpful resource on this topic is how to read the Bible for all its worth by Gordon fee Douglas and Douglas Stewart do not get caught up in divisive and fruitless controversy Over which of many good translations is best instead consider using a number of them for your study and reading and join in prayer and all the peoples in all Countries of the world might soon have the Word of God in their own language. So that's they're even ecumenical with their Bible Translations, but does it sound like Billy Graham really did accept the infallible Word of God? If he thought that all my all Bible versions are the same as this then he did not accept That the Bible is infallible He did not accept that because there's different Versions that have taken out things and they've taken out key doctrines and they're not as good as this book here. They're just not Anybody that actually looks at it and sees it for what it is. You can't deny it So And here's the other thing that Billy Graham said This is what this is that what he how he what version he for using for writing articles Billy Graham said that he liked he preferred the NIV while writing articles and then the early years he did use the King James but you know The thing is is that if he didn't believe that The Bible was the Word of God when he supposedly got saved at that tent revival and he doesn't believe Later on that the Bible is the infallible Word of God. Is he saved? Turn over to 1st Peter chapter 1 And I love to go to this one because it's so clear It's just crystal clear And people still get mad about this every time I preach it and I don't care 1st Peter 1 23 says being born again not of corruptible seed but of incorruptible by the Word of God So, how are you born again? Not of corruptible seed but of incorruptible seed you see that So can a corrupted Bible version save somebody? No, the NIV if it's missing whole verses out of there. It's intentionally corrupted Look, it's not just that it's missing verses. They change verses They change the meaning of it and if they're doing that they're corrupting God's Word So are you telling me that a reprobate? So the minute you take a verse out of the Bible because you don't like what it says the minute you add Something in the Bible because you don't like what it says or you want to make it say something It doesn't your name is blotted out of the book of life Instantly you're done. You can't be saved anymore. So you're telling me that a corrupted version that these Reprobates try to translate they mess with the Word of God They corrupt the Word of God and then all of a sudden you can get saved by their corruption That doesn't make sense what does make sense is that you got to have the The incorruptible Word of God just like the Bible says right it says by the Word of God Which liveth and abideth forever verse 24 for all flesh is as grass and all the glory of man is the flower of grass The glass the grass the glass the grass withereth the flower thereof fall away But the word of the Lord endureth forever and this is the word Which by the gospel is preached unto you turn to chapter? Romans chapter 10 Romans chapter number 10 So the Bible is very clear that It's the incorruptible Word of God that gets you saved right is that what the Bible says or am I just making stuff up? It's what the Bible says right so turn to Romans chapter 10 verse 16 Romans 10 verse 16 It says, but they have not all bait all obeyed the gospel for Isaiah saith Lord who hath believed our Report so then faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God You have to hear the Word of God preached to you by someone that's saved in order for you to for that person to get saved Okay, the Bible is very clear about this That faith comes by hearing hearing by the Word of God and the Word of God has to be an incorruptible seed is that right? Okay, so tell me how Billy Graham is saved How was he saved when he didn't even believe that the Bible was the incorruptible Word of God? Explain that to me nobody can explain that to me and yet millions of people are saying Oh Billy Graham poor Billy Graham He's he was saved. He just got a little mixed up there in the middle years now. He was always mixed up He was mixed up from the beginning He was never saved and he stills not saved and he's still roasting flame broiling in hell right now today Reason number two Billy Graham is roasting in hell's because he preached a false gospel He preached a false gospel listen this Billy Graham crusade in Los Angeles 1949 I'm just gonna kind of to go through some of the things that he would say When he would give his invitation and he would do his little altar calls and stuff But he would say specific things that we know are not right 1949 Los Angeles speaking in front of thousands of people. He said Christ could be received by repenting of your sin That's what he said So Is that how you're saved no crusade? 1957 by Billy Graham you must be willing to renounce and turn from your sins It will cost you your sins your salvation will cost you your sins So basically what's he saying? He's saying that you have to give up all your sins in order to be saved, right? Is that what the Bible teaches? No You've never if you've never really surrendered your heart and your life to him But then you're not really saved. That's another thing he said What is repentance? This is what he's saying. What is repentance being willing to renounce your sins? Willing to give up your sins and will give my life. I will surrender to him Okay, and I'm gonna show you what the real gospel is here in just a minute I'm just gonna tell you what he says what he says in his gospel Supposedly the gospel that reached and and and had 3.2 million people trust Christ, right? Here's Billy Graham preaching the moral problem part 4 of 4 1964 to receive Christ first you must be willing to repent of your sins Must be willing to turn from your sin 1971 in Dallas He said turn Repent you'd be willing to turn from sin then you must be willing to obey him So you see how false teachers work is is this that they give the right? Gospel and then they mix in they throw a little bit of dirt into the water. Okay, they throw a little bit of Crud into the water, right? So they make there's see salvation is crystal clear in the Bible But if you throw mud into it that makes it muddy, doesn't it? Right, that's that's you know If you've ever had like a clean glass of water and some like a chunk of food goes in there or something It's kind of gross, right? You don't want to drink after it, right? It's the same way with the gospel you throw a little you know chunk of food in there It's gross. You don't want to drink it, but that corrupts the gospel. It's it's a corruption of God's Word It's a corruption of the gospel and then in 1981. He said what do I have to do to receive Christ? This is Billy Graham three things Repent of your sins be willing to repent Third follow him and obey him That's what he said. You have to do to be saved and look I'll tell you what every religion in this world teaches the same exact garbage and Almost every Christian Church teaches it So how is so do you see how the one world government is gonna is gonna make a one world religion? Or they're teaching the same thing repent of your sins You must be willing to turn you must be willing to obey obey turn repent all this other stuff look That's not what repent means First of all, it doesn't always mean repent of your sins look repent of your sins Show me in the Bible where it says that you have to repent of all your sins Show me now people can say well, you know you repentance towards God and faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, right? But look it says repent it doesn't say repent of all your sins There's not one time in the King James Bible where it says you must repent of all your sins turn to Galatians chapter 1 See Billy Graham is a very charismatic person he had a charismatic preaching style and people loved him But but look the message look when we go to the door when we go to people's doors And we try to preach the gospel to them, you know, what do they always say? Yeah, I'm saved. Why are you saved? I just heard it yesterday because I'm a good person You know people and people are lulled into sleep and lulled into thinking that they're saved because they think they're a good person But the Bible doesn't teach that the Bible doesn't teach that you have to be a good person to be saved Galatians chapter 1 verse 6 Says I marvel that you are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another Gospel, which is not another but there be some that trouble you and would pervert the gospel of Christ So there's people that are Bible their gospel perverts Billy Graham is a gospel was was a gospel pervert And so he threw in some other junk in there that didn't belong and Because he wasn't saved. How did he get other people saved if he wasn't saved himself? You can't do that So it says which is not another but there be some that trouble you and would pervert the gospel of Christ but though we This pop the Apostle Paul talking here though We or an angel from heaven preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you Let him be accursed So is the title of my sermon so bad the bot God says let him be accursed As we said before so say I now again if any man preached any other gospel unto you than that which you have received Let him be accursed Okay, God's really clear on the subject the Apostle Paul was really clear on the subject He's accursed and what happens if you're accursed are you are you all sudden friends with God? No, you're not friends with God if you're accursed that accursed means you're going to hell Jonah chapter 3 verse 10 turn over there Jonah chapter 3 verse 10 Jonah 3 10 Jonah 3 10 the Bible says this and God saw their works That they turned from their evil way and God repented of the evil that he said he would do unto them and he did it not So the reason why I'm reading this verse to you is because people will say oh you got you got to turn from your sins You got to repent of all your sins, right? But look at look at let's let God define what turning from your sins is let's let's let God define What repentance is for you? Okay, it says and God saw their works. Okay. So what did he see? He saw their works, right and then he defines it for you what the works are that they turned from their evil way So repentance people will say repentance means to turn right it depends on the context of what you're turning from Turning from unbelief to belief that's getting saved Turning from going to walking over to plaid pantry to just changing your mind and deciding to come back That's turning that's that's repenting Okay, but says that they that they turn from their evil way So what was the works that the people in Nineveh did after they heard the preaching of Jonah? They turned from their evil way So they but you know before this they believed the preaching of Jonas Okay, so they believed Jonah they believed his message and then they got saved Okay, then they turned from their evil way. That's the difference You don't turn from your evil way to get saved you turn from your evil way because you got saved That's the difference So when God defines it for you in this verse it says and God saw their works that they turn from their evil way So is turning from your evil way work? Yes, it is So when Billy Graham give God up and said you got to repent of your sins. You got to be willing to repent He's putting repentance before salvation He's saying you have to turn from your evil way before you get saved that's not what the Bible says is it It says and he's and and God repented of the evil that he said he would do unto them and he did it Not so it's funny that the word repent is in there see God saw their works Because he was gonna destroy Nineveh because of the things that they were doing But once they got saved then they got right and did the right thing so Then God spared them he repented of the evil that he said he would do unto them now people will take the word repent And they'll go yeah, I mean repenting of your sins, so you're saying God God's a sinner Because in this verse it says God repented of the evil so was he was he doing something bad No evil just means to do harm God was gonna destroy Nineveh it just like he destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, and they deserved it Okay, so God repented of the evil the the bad the harm. He was gonna do to that city Because of what they did Okay, and that he said that he would do unto them, and he did it not so what is the gospel turn over to 1st? Corinthians chapter 15 What is the real gospel? 1st Corinthians 15 These are the clearest verses I think that you can that it just says what the gospel is okay 1st Corinthians 15 gospel means good news or glad tidings Says moreover brethren I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, so what's he talking about the gospel? This is the Apostle Paul once again, which you have received and wherein you stand By which also you are saved if you keep in memory that which I preach unto you unless you have believed in vain For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received so Paul So remember I told you faith cometh by hearing here by the Word of God It says first I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received so Paul had already received the gospel Paul was saved he preached to them the gospel, and they got saved Okay, and how it says how Christ died for our sins number one according to the scriptures and That he was buried Number two and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures so Jesus Christ died on the cross He was buried and he rose again the third day according to the scriptures So and it says and that he was seen of Cephas That's Peter then of the twelve after that he was seen of above five hundred brethren at once of whom the greater part remained unto this present But some are fallen asleep after that he was seen of James then of all the apostles and last of all he was seen of Me as one born out of due time so people saw the resurrected Lord the Lord Jesus Christ They saw him resurrected It's a fact of history that Jesus Christ was a real man And that he really did die on a cross and you know the faith that you have to believe is that he rose again That's the faith you have to believe in that he is not only just the son of God But that he is God the Bible says that Jesus was God Manifest in the flesh, so how are you really saved turn over to ask chapter 16 verse number 30? Remember Billy Graham said you have to repent you have to be willing to repent So first you have to repent then you have to be willing to repent then you got to obey God That's the stinking worst gospel. That's out there right now. That's what everybody believes in Christianity right now It's not true though Because the wolves have crept in and not spared the flock and they are lording over God's heritage and There's just a few There's just a few people that are preaching the right thing I'm not just a few, but I don't know very many people in this town that are preaching the right gospel But let's see Acts 16 verse 30 it says and brought them out and said sirs. What must I do to be saved? That's the only time that's ever asked in the whole Bible Just one time sirs what must I do to be saved? And look what and look what he's told and they said believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved and thy house, and they spake unto him the word of the Lord and To all that were in his house, so they didn't just say hey believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and they're like okay I do know they preached the Bible to them they preached the gospel to them from the word of the Lord So what does the Bible say you have to do to be saved you have to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ? What's Billy Graham say you got to repent of all your sins? You got to turn over a new leaf you got to be willing to turn, right? That's that's what Billy Graham says so what do you see how the Bible says something different than what Billy Graham was saying? John 647 I won't have you turn there. It says verily verily I say unto you he that believeth on me Half Everlasting life you just have to believe on Jesus you have to put all your trust in Jesus alone Romans 10 13 says for whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved So who what's the name of the Lord Jesus Christ you have to call upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ? In faith you have to believe in him you call upon him you ask him to save you you're saved forever You can't lose it you can't even if you killed yourself you'd still go to heaven But you know it's not by being willing to turn. It's not by being willing to repent of your sins. It's a bunch of garbage Billy Graham preaches another gospel, that's why he's in hell today 2nd Corinthians chapter 11 turn over there 2nd Corinthians chapter 11 You Know there's many things I could have preached about today But the thing is I was thinking how often does the most famous false prophet in the world die? Serious I mean how often does that happen happen this last week, so I thought I can't I can't pass up this opportunity I Said Corinthians 11 2 says I am jealous Over you with a godly jealousy for I have espoused you to one husband that I may present you as a chaste virgin to Christ But I fear lest by any means as a serpent beguiled Eve through his subtlety So your mind should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in the gospel look the the gospel should be simple Little children can understand the gospel. It's not complicated Jesus Christ came to this earth. He lived a perfect life. He died. He was buried. He resurrected from the dead You can't save yourself. You're not good enough to save yourself someone had to pay the price for you Someone else had to redeem you because we're all sinners And we all deserve to go to hell But God made a way for us to not have to go there And he sent his son in order to have that accomplished that's pretty easy It's a free gift. You don't earn gifts. You don't buy gifts You don't have to keep obeying God to have a gift a gift is something that you get for free So he said so your mind should be corrupted so your mind should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ For he that cometh preacheth another Jesus See there's people that preach another Jesus Whom we have not preached or if you receive another spirit like Pentecostals That's another spirit Which you have not received or another gospel, which you have not accepted See that's what happens is they creep in they start preaching another gospel see, but it's not completely different It's a lot of truth Mixed in with just a little dirt right just a little bit of garbage and That little bit of garbage is enough to not have someone get saved it is So it says which you have not accepted you might well bear well with him skip down to verse 12 It says, but what I do that I will do that I may cut off occasion from them which desire occasion So there's wicked men that will creep into churches and they desire just an occasion They just desire an occasion to bring in false doctrine to mess with the gospel and muddy it up That wherein they glory they may be found even as we for such are false apostles deceitful workers transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ and no marvel for Satan himself is Transformed into an angel of light see all these religions around the world They think that they're following a light, but that light is Lucifer Because all of the religions are of the devil, okay? The only one that's right is the one that says that there is no other way to get to the to heaven But through the Son of God and that and that and that man is Jesus Christ He's the mediator turn over to first Timothy chapter 2 first Timothy chapter 2 I Am going to finish that last verse though it says therefore is no great thing that his ministers Also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness Whose end shall be according to their work see Satan has his own ministers and his ministers like Billy Graham Or out preaching a false gospel sending millions of people to hell I know people that say oh, I was I was converted by Billy Graham So the first thing I think of is that you're not really saved That's what I think Because how are you saved by a false prophet the Bible's the Bible doesn't say that so first current first Timothy 2 I'm in the wrong Timothy there first Timothy 2 Verse 5 The Bible says there is one God and one mediator Between God and men the man Christ Jesus There's only one way to get there, and that's that one man. There's only one God There's only one way to get to get to that God and it's through the man Christ Jesus the man that came and Did all those things for us that we could go to heaven? So reason number three moving on reason number three the Billy Graham is roasting in hell today is that he's a false Prophet he's a false prophet so not only is he not saved not only does it preach a false gospel But he's also a false prophet Okay, Billy Graham was a very popular preacher to the world everyone seemed to love his preaching including Donald Trump Who said this in a tweet? The great Billy Graham is dead. There was nobody like him. He'll be missed by Christians in all religions a very special man How profound by the president But but notice that it says by Christians and all religions notice that So turn over to Luke chapter 6 Luke chapter number 6 Luke 6 verse 26 Luke 6 verse 26 the Bible says woe unto you when all men shall speak well of you For so did their fathers to the false prophets you see false prophets people are gonna speak well of them People think that they're good people think Billy Graham's good you asked not ten people today Just go up to ten people say hey Did you think Billy Graham was a good person and they're all gonna say yes? Unless they're just total you know Weirdos, but some people just hate everything so That's the city. We live in right or at least the one across the river But you know and all the world is mourning Billy Graham though like I said before They speak well of him. Why do they speak welcome because he is a false prophet That's why they speak well of him because that's why Jesus said this oh Woe unto you when all men shall speak well of you look if you don't have any enemies in your life and Everybody thinks you're a great person everybody thinks you're fantastic. Maybe you're a false prophet Says so for so did their fathers to the false prophets, but you got to have a little bit of salt Yeah, you got to have you know if you got to be a salty Christian right people use that word salt all their salty But the thing is is that Jesus said that you have to be salty You know salt irritates if you ever got salt in your eyes before when you sweat you get salt in your eyes Right it irritates you it irritates people when he preached the right things to them They're gonna just naturally be offended because it's the Word of God. It's the right thing. It's the truth so Let's see why would all religions miss him Why did Trump say that that all religions are gonna miss him why not just Christians? Well there's a there's a word called ecumen ecumenism and that's the principle or aim of promoting unity among the world's Christian churches and So it's also Trying to put promote unity and all the world's religions So I've seen video clips of Billy Graham sitting up with all these other religious leaders the Dalai Lama the Greek Orthodox The you know any Orthodox any Catholics he's just sitting there hanging out with them So if you're really a Christian, why are you hanging out with all these different religions of the world Buddhist monks? Whatever it was something. I think it was in the vat at the Vatican where it happened But Billy Graham was into ecumenism the you know and in 1957 after a crusade in New York some more fundamentalist Protestant Christians criticized Graham for his ecumenism Even calling him Antichrist so look. It's not a secret that people think that Billy Graham's wicked I mean I've been hearing about Billy Graham being wicked for a long time Billy Graham expressed Inclusivist views suggesting that people without explicit faith in Jesus can be saved And this is I think this is the most damnable evidence against him And in 1997 interview with Robert Schuller who's also a false prophet by the way Graham said I think that everybody that loves or knows Christ whether they are conscious of it or not They are members of the body of Christ So even if you don't even realize it That's look that's what Catholics believe if you my grandma showed me of the catechism book and it says that they believe that anybody everybody's Catholic whether they realize it or not and That they still have a chance to be saved because they're gonna be in purgatory And then they have another chance to get saved after that that's what that's what Roman Catholicism teaches That's exactly what Billy Graham's teaching right here So he says God is calling people out of the world for his name Whether they come from the Muslim world or the Buddhist world or the non-believing world They're members of the body of Christ because they have been called by God So he's saying that people that don't believe at all or in the body of Christ. He's saying Muslims and Buddhists Non-believers are going to heaven. That's what he said They may not know the name of Jesus But they know in their hearts that they need something they do not have and they turn to the only light They have yeah Satan And I and he says this I think that they are saved and they're going to be with us in heaven Well, you know first of all Billy Graham's not saved. He's not in heaven. So all you know, that's just a big fat lie Not everybody's going to heaven Billy Graham. He realizes that now he knew that when he said it and then that guy Robert Schuler after he says all this says I'm so glad that you said that Billy, you know It's it's a you know, God's mercy is a wide I think it's something like he said something like it's a wide gate or something like that. No narrow is the way That's what the Bible says narrow is the way straight is the gate Turn to Romans 1 Romans 1 So Billy Graham's saying that anybody that doesn't believe or anybody from another religion is saved. They're gonna be in heaven with us Okay, Romans 1 says something different than that. So the Bible says something different. What are we gonna go with? we're gonna go with what the Bible says Romans 1 8 says for the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and Unrighteousness of men who hold the truth in unrighteousness because that which may be known of God Is manifest in them for God hath showed it unto them God has given light to every person that's ever born on this planet because God's not a monster God wants everybody to be saved. He wants everybody to come to the knowledge of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ He doesn't want anybody but he's not willing that he should perish but that all should come to repentance That is changing your mind on the world. Whatever you believe in Buddhism, you know Whatever you believe to believing on Christ and being saved Verse 20 says for the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen being understood by the things that are made even his eternal power and Godhead so what they have lots of excuses. Is that what it says? Does it say they have lots of excuses so so that they are without? Excuse So it doesn't matter if they say well, I didn't know about Jesus. They're not there without excuse Everybody that's why it's so important that we reach this world with the gospel because they are without excuse There's people everywhere around this world. They're without excuse. We got to reach them. We got to get to them That's our job. That's why Christ left us here. It's not so we can do Country Club Baptist Church It's Not so we can play bingo down in the basement every Sunday It's not so we could go on, you know and do all these fun things. Look I like doing fun things I think it's great But the thing is is that we got to reach this world for Christ and I'm I thank God that there's a church of Vancouver Washington that is still reaching the world with the gospel Second Peter chapter 2 second Peter chapter 2 I hear minimal Bible-turning Second Peter chapter 2 how you learn your Bible if you never turn Second Peter chapter 2 look at verse 1 But there were false prophets also among the people even as there shall be false teachers among you who? Privately shall bring in damnable heresies even denying the Lord that bought them and bring upon themselves swift Destruction and many shall follow their pernicious ways by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of You see Billy Graham Was friends with the Pope did you know that he's been friends with all the popes that have been around since he's been around And you know to many of the American presidents I read that that little short You know, there's a picture on the internet of Billy Graham holding Barack Obama's arm like in some kind of weird Masonic You know pose, you know, I wouldn't even shake Obama's hand. I Wouldn't even look at him. I wouldn't shake his hand because he's a murderer and he's a he's a wicked person and You know Billy Graham's they're holding his hand, you know, it's like hey, we really did a great job together didn't we? It's really weird But the Bible says that there will be false prophets among the people even as there shall be false teachers among you And they're gonna privately they're gonna privately bring in these damnable heresies and deny the Lord that bought them and bring upon themselves swift destruction verse 3 says and through covetousness They with feigned words and feigned means pretend they're just they're just it's a fake It's fake feigned means fake with feigned words shall make merchandise of you whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not and their damnation slumbereth not So these people they have they have all different agendas false prophets have different agendas Turn over to chapter Matthew chapter 7 verse 15 Matthew 7 verse 15 So Billy Graham Pretended to believe in the Lord he pretended Well, do you think that Billy Graham doesn't have millions of dollars that he didn't have millions of dollars when he died Of course, he did his son's just as wicked as he is. He's just not as well known He believes the same exact thing preaches the same exact garbage Matthew 7 15 says beware of false prophets which come into you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly They're ravening wolves so Billy Graham he looked on you know, he had a suit and tie on he looked real nice and sharp But he looked good on the outside But on the inside if you could see what he looked like on the inside. He was a ravening wolf ready to devour I was listening to Just like at some YouTube guy last night, but I guess when he came to Portland, Oregon or somewhere I think was Portland, Oregon one time The people there was it fundamental people that were there Baptist churches, you know because it's like a big ecumenical deal like he's got Catholics and Mormons and and all kinds of people and they have altar call workers from all these different religions that would come and he was The the fundamentalists that were there the Baptists were there said hey Billy Graham took all the decision cards and gave him to the Catholic Church That was in the area so all the decision so that so who followed up with those people the Catholic Church Because Billy Graham was was he was an ecumenical devil He was a false prophet. He didn't he he didn't like Baptist. He was a Baptist minister that didn't really like Baptist That's why the Baptist, you know, it was pretty smart of him Get the Baptist name, but don't and then that's his way to corrupt all the Baptist churches And what do all the baton what do most Baptist churches preach now? They don't preach the right gospel anymore They preach repent of your sins just like Billy Graham their father and their father the devil So the Bible says you shall know them by their fruits do men gather grapes of thorns or figs of? Thistles even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit But a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit a good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit neither Can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit? So Billy Graham was a false prophet Okay, he was a corrupt tree So look an orange tree is gonna bring forth oranges, right? Apple tree is gonna bring forth apples So if if an app if you saw an apple tree and it brought forth, you know sticker bushes Would you think that that was a right? That was a good tree? No, it's a corrupt tree. There's something wrong with it. So Whatever whatever Billy Graham's disciples believe That they're they're falling after they were brought forth as corrupted seed Okay, so a corrupt tree can't bring forth good fruit and he's a corrupt tree Every tree that bringeth forth not good fruit is hewn down and cast into the fire The Bible says wherefore by their fruits you shall know them. So by their fruits, what are they preaching? So I believe that people are gonna tell you what they believe from their mouth That's why we ask people the door Are you 100% sure if you were to die today that you'd go to heaven or would you have some doubts about that? Okay, and if they say yeah, I know for sure. Well, how do you know for sure? Well, I'm a good person or I repented of all my sins heavy who's ever heard someone say I repented of all my sins Okay, so where did they hear that from a corrupt tree and we're sitting there and in our analysis at that point Is this person's not saved? And I need to preach the gospel to them. They think they're saved But they're not because they've they've received a false Gospel okay, there's Thousands and thousands of people in this city that believe that junk because of all the false prophets the Bible citizens Matthew 7 22 it says many will say to me that day Lord Lord. Have we not prophesied thy name? Did Billy Graham preach in his name? And in thy name have cast out devils and in thy name done many wonderful works Then I will profess unto them I never knew you depart from me that work iniquity Jesus is gonna look at Billy Graham on that day. He's gonna say well, we're not Lord. I've done many wonderful works He's gonna say get out of here Billy. You're going straight to hell the lowest hell So those are the three main reasons why Billy Graham's roasted in hell this morning and he was a wicked false prophet He preached a false gospel, and he was never saved in the first place the Bible says let him be accursed Okay, we shouldn't have any Issues with that preaching if you have issues with that preaching You know I'll be happy to talk with you after the service and you know see see I want people to be saved I don't want to be like Billy Graham. I want to preach a clear gospel message. That's very clear to understand If I ever get up here and preach some weird Jumbled up garbage that even comes remotely close to preaching works Yeah, throw me out of here Maybe you know people make mistakes, but that's not a mistake that a preach a true preacher of the gospel should make So I understand that sometimes we flub our words like I was listening to a clip that Brother Robert put up last night, and I said can you get saved by the incorruptible order so I I messed up What I was saying because I would say incorruptible incorruptible, and I didn't mean to say that that there's a difference between a flub And there's a difference between just straight out preaching you go you must repent come up to the altar brother Matt come up here Right now. I know you need to get saved. You know repent of all your sins right here. That's garbage Jude go back to Jude where we first started. I'm almost done Jude verse 3 Says beloved when I gave all diligence to write unto you the common salvation It was needful for me to write unto you and exhort you that you should earnestly Contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the Saints As a Christian and as a preacher It's our job to defend the common salvation and people get mad about preaching like I'm preaching today But I'll tell you what we got to defend the gospel tooth and nail We got to defend the right and common salvation that's in this book right here That's what we got to defend and if you got a fuck. What does content mean content means you wrestle with it? Yeah, you know it can it's a strife isn't it you got to contend for the faith You can't just let someone come in here and start preaching heresy That's what brother Ryan and the announcement said you know don't preach heresy in our men's preaching night If someone comes in here starts preaching some kind of garbage It's gonna be time out Too many heresies on the field 20-yard penalty you're going straight to hell. Sorry my football world. This is coming Look I've had to do that before it's not fun You know it's embarrassing for everybody involved But what does earnestly mean it means that it's it's serious Earnest is to be serious or sincere with an intense conviction, so we got to earnestly content It's not just we're just contending just because we want to start fights It's we're contending for the faith once delivered because it's important It's serious business to God and otherwise he wouldn't have said it in the Bible in the first place Contend means to assert something as a position and an argument to struggle with to grapple to fight And I will fight for the truth of the gospel and and I will always do that And I'm never gonna let somebody get up here and preach that has some kind of junk in their gospel presentation ever It's not happening if they're confusing or being confusing at all. They're never getting this pulpit to preach ever And if I let it you better come and talk to me and say Aaron you said you're never gonna let this happen And I'll say you're you're right Beat me no, I'm just kidding But we're supposed to defend that common salvation we're supposed to fight for the truth of the gospel Salvation is by faith alone and Christ alone. It's a gift and it's eternal it lasts forever. You can't lose it Paul defended the gospel in Galatians chapter 2 turn over there with me real quickly See Even saved people can get messed up on Correct things in the gospel. There's influences that can come in and they can they can kind of just you know mess with things They can put pressure on you to change in a way that you shouldn't Look at the Galatians chapter 2 This is the Apostle Paul He said then 14 years after I went up again to Jerusalem it with Barnabas took I and took Titus with me also And I went up by revelation and communicated unto them that gospel which I preached among the Gentiles But privately to them which were of reputation lest by any means I should run or had run in vain but neither Titus who was with me being a Greek was compelled to be circumcised and that because of false brethren unawares brought in who came in Privately to spy out our liberty which we have in Christ Jesus that they might bring us into bondage So there was people that that believed wrong They they crept in and they were trying to spy out their liberty and they were trying to bring them into bondage Like saying you got to do this or you're not really saved that kind of stuff Verse 5 says to whom we gave place by subjection. No not for an hour Not for an hour that the truth of the gospel might continue with you But of these who seem to be somewhat whatsoever they were it maketh no matter to me God accepteth No, man's persons Person, excuse me for they who seem to be somewhat in conference added nothing to me See, it doesn't matter who you are It doesn't matter where you preach doesn't matter how many people you're the pastor of the church of if you've got a wrong gospel Then God has no respect of persons for you period It says but contra wise verse 7 when they saw that the gospel of the uncircumcision was committed unto me as the gospel of the circumcision was unto Peter for he that wrought effectually in Peter to the apostleship of the Circumcision the same was mighty in me toward the Gentiles and when James Cephas, that's Peter and John who seemed to be pillars perceived the grace that was given unto me They gave me and Barnabas the right hands of fellowship that we should go into the heathen and they unto the circumcision only They would that we should remember the poor the same which I was also forward to Do so look at this verse 11 says but when Peter was come to Antioch I was stood him to the face because he was to be blamed Oh, look at that Peter supposedly the first Pope did something wrong, right? That just proves right there that the Roman Catholics are a bunch of liars So but it says but Peter so this is Paul he was stood Peter to the face Why did he withstand him to the face because he was to be blamed Why was he to be blamed look at verse 12 it says for before that certain came from James He did eat with the Gentiles But when they were come he withdrew and separated himself fearing them that were of the circumcision And the other Jews dissembled likewise with him and so much that Barnabas also was carried away with their dissimulation So what was happening here false doctrine was being was creeping in and it was on Peter's watch Okay, Peter the Apostle, you know Peter who loved the Lord. He was a saved guy There's no doubt about that but see fear can creep in and false teachers can creep in and We got to keep this stuff straight and Paul's like no This isn't happening and it said and notice that it was Paul that rebuked him Okay, when I show you this Paul rebuked him It's not you know It should be an another guy of the same status as far as being an apostle to rebuke him I think that was the right thing to be done It says but when I saw that they walk not in verse 14 when I saw that they walk not Uprightly according to the truth of the gospel. I said unto Peter before them all if thou being a Jew Livest out as the manner of the Gentiles and not as the Jews why compelest out of the Gentiles to live as do the Jews? Who we who are Jews by nature are not sinners of the Gentiles knowing that a man is not Justified by the works of the law, but by the faith of Jesus Christ and we have believed in Jesus Christ So we might be justified by the faith of Christ and not by the works of the law For by the works of the law shall know flesh be justified Period and so Paul rebuked him why because they were trying to there were there was works creeping in That's why saying you have to keep the law or you didn't really get saved right there should be a change Or you didn't really get saved you they should come to church and get baptized that first day, or they didn't really get saved That's garbage. That's muddying up the gospel Okay Jude said in in verse 4 For there are certain men crept in our wares who were before of old ordained to this condemnation Ungodly men turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness and denying the only Lord God and our Lord Jesus Christ That you know that verse kind of baffled me before and maybe I'm just a little slow But that verse baffled me And I'll show you what the part where it says did I and denying the only Lord and our Lord Jesus Christ So these people you know, but but then it says many people Prophesied Lord have I prophesied in your name But then it says here it says turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness and denying the only Lord and our Lord Jesus Christ So I used to think well if they're not denying the Lord then that maybe they're okay. Maybe they're just mixed up But here's the thing. What Lord are they talking about? What Jesus are they talking about? so Because many that say that they believe in Jesus. They still trust in their own good works, don't they? You know and like I said, maybe I'm slow, but I finally realized what this means You see you can say you believe in Jesus, but if you trust in your work somehow You think you have some part in your own salvation like I got to keep obeying the Bible or I'm not saved I have to repent of my sins every time I do a sin Then you've denied Christ because that's not the Christ that's preached in the Bible Because the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord It's a once you receive it. It's yours it's a free gift and so then if you think that you obeying the Bible somehow or Repenting of your sins afterward keeps you saved then that's not the Jesus you've denied the Lord You've denied the Lord Jesus of the Bible Billy Graham preaches a works-based salvation he preached a workspace salvation now. He's in hell excuse me. He was very smooth, but If he preaches if he preached Jesus plus repentance of your sins Jesus plus lordship salvation Jesus plus you have to take up the cross and follow him or you're not really saved That's not the faith that was once delivered by the Saints And that's why I'm preaching the sermon today because look we can't let it in With this church. I'm not letting it in here I'm gonna be the gatekeeper here, and I'm not letting that garbage into our church no matter who it is I don't care who it is. I'm not gonna respect that person okay, so But anyway, I got a lot more here to do but I'm gonna. I'm gonna end with this that you know the Bible is very clear about what happens to false prophets They go to hell That's what the book of Jude is spelling out for us is that these filthy dreamers they have before ordained To this condemnation. They're going to hell You know and once you know Billy Graham lived 99 years, how many people did he corrupt with his false gospel? Millions it said didn't say he millions accepted his invitation to receive Jesus as their person or Lord and Savior I hate when people say that Because that's not what the Bible says you believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and now shall be saved That's what the Bible says so let's have a word of prayer Heavenly Father. We thank you Lord for the scriptures Lord and we know that There's many false prophets are gonna come Lord one of the biggest ones just died and what the hell And I'm thankful for that and that might sound weird to people But it's just the truth is in your word Lord, and we just ask that you bless everybody well There's so many things so much turmoil going on in some people's lives right now Especially pray for Stephanie and her family Lord And I pray for CJ's grandparents Lord who lost their home of many years And or just a lot of things going on And I just pray that you comfort those people and that you'd help them Lord lift them up in Jesus name Amen