(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) All right, well it's great to be back in Spokane Valley. I always get corrected about that, so. Spokane, okay. I don't know. People fight about that here? I mean, I don't know. Anyway, it's great to be back and I wanted to kind of make up for time that I couldn't be here, so I just decided to come up for a one-tonight service and I'll be back in a couple weeks, a few weeks. So for the second year anniversary I'm excited about that and Pastor Jones coming to preach and I remember when we were just young whippersnappers that were just kind of just going salt winning together and we had a big group of people are going salt winning and now me and him we're both pastors. That's just like, wow, that happened pretty fast. But yeah, I'm very excited about Pastor Jones coming up and he's gonna, he's gonna preach a good sermon, no doubt about that. And so I wasn't gonna baptize. Julia, Julia, did you, do you want to get baptized in the sink? Is that something? No, I was teasing her before the service saying that, you know, I would, she's lucky I wasn't baptizing her because I'd hold her down a little bit longer. No, she has nightmares about baptisms tonight. It's not my fault. Yeah, you better be here on Sunday. I'm just teasing. So that's great that you're gonna get baptized and so I'll be the first baptism of the year. Is that correct? All right. Well the church is doing great up here and very excited about the second year anniversary and I'm pumped. So looking forward to that. So thank you everybody for coming out tonight. I appreciate it and I want to preach a different type of sermon tonight and the title of sermon is, Help Wanted, Need Pastors Willing to Train. Help Wanted, Need Pastors Willing to Train. All right, let's pray. Heavenly Father, we thank you Lord for this great night and for the people that have come out tonight. I pray you bless them with a special blessing Lord and I pray that anybody under the sound of my voice that is thinking about becoming a pastor someday and they're just not sure, I pray you'd put it in their heart to know that there's definitely men that need to stand in the gap and we have a very big, lots of gaps in this country, lots of gaps around the world for pastors that actually preach the truth and aren't out for themselves and trying to just make money or or send people to hell with their false doctrine. Lord I pray that you just bless the sermon tonight, help me to preach it, help it be bold and fill me with your spirit. In Jesus name I pray, amen. So Help Wanted, Need Pastors Willing to Train. Who's ever seen signs that say, Help Wanted, Willing to Train. So I basically have three points tonight and so I'm gonna go through an introduction before I get to there because if you notice, if you were reading along in the chapter, it's a pretty serious chapter. There's a lot of, you know, harsh judgments coming down, God's wrath, so he's gonna melt people and it doesn't sound like God's very happy about this, right? He's not happy about the state of affairs with the children of Israel and Ezekiel was kind of one of those prophets like Jeremiah who basically just had to rip face all the time and people weren't listening to him and he was basically one of the only guys in the world that was standing for the Word of God and preaching what was true and and honestly it's probably always gonna be like that but there's certain times in history when it just gets worse and so we do have a dearth in the land and I'm not talking about lacking Bibles. You can go to the Dollar Tree and buy a stack of Bibles but there's plenty of Bibles, there's just not a lot of people to preach them. That's the problem is that we have plenty of Bibles, you know, it's not that we don't have a vision, me and my pastor friends, we have a vision to reach the world, we have a vision to reach Spokane Valley and also Idaho, I guess, and I'm kidding, the whole world, right? And so many of you probably know that I'm starting a church in the UK on February 14th, we're gonna have our first official service over there and, you know, right now because of the flight restrictions and stuff I'm not gonna go to the actual first service that's our official first service but as soon as I get a chance to go over there I'm going to and I'm gonna preach and but, you know, we can't just stop the work of God because, you know, the world's gone crazy right now so I want the work of God to go on and, you know, what we need men that will stand in the gap in all these different areas so we can start churches. The people in the UK have been asking for a church for a long time and so and basically I just was watching what they were doing and they still continued to meet, they were gathering together monthly for soul winning trips and things like that and it really just started to affect me and I know I don't know why it is but I just like to start churches but, you know, I don't think that's a bad thing I'm just, you know, my pastor friends probably think I'm a nut job or something but someone's got to do it, someone's got to stand in the gap, we got to get we got to have there's a lot of gaps in the world and we need to have some men that will rise up and look not every man of God has to be a pastor but we do need pastors. We need men of God who will stand up and lead their families. We need, I mean, there could be it's just, you know, pastors is a special position but look any man that if you're disqualified for whatever reason or you can't ever get qualified you can still be a man of God in your church. You can still help the pastor in your church and help them to reach the reach the land that you're in. So there's a dearth in the land. We have a vision to reach the world but there's a dearth in the land and what's lacking is pastors. It really is a lacking thing and it just it makes me sad to see people that I know could be a pastor someday just flake off things that they that they could approve upon the things they could start getting ready for and look I didn't become a pastor until I was 42 years old. You know I passed Moses's age. He was 40 when he finally went to the children of Israel and led them to the Promised Land and you know he was reluctant. If you think about Moses he was trying to get out of it wasn't he? He's like I'm not very good at speaking. He's like I'll send your brother can speak for you. You know and then he just like made excuses and God finally just got angry with him and said hey you're gonna be the one that's going. You're going and then he just basically submitted to that and why did Moses do that? He was the one that God picked and and you know he saw the need. He was reluctant but he saw the need and he did what God asked him to do and he was a faithful man and he talked with God face-to-face and so Moses was a great man of God but see people get this idea that like people just are just wanting to be pastors all the time. You know I can't wait till I can become a pastor and there are some people are like that that's not bad. It's good to want to be a pastor. It's a good thing but sometimes people are reluctant to become pastors when they have everything that's needed for to qualify and you know I don't understand that. I mean some people just aren't cut out to be pastors. I get that but you know in this day and age and the types of church that we go to we need more men to rise up. We need more men to rise up and get trained. We need more men to rise up and preach because even if you can't be a pastor you can still preach behind this pulpit and there's men that step up and preach behind this pulpit all the time. They're not pastors so you know God wants all of his men to be filled with the Spirit. He wants all his men to preach sermons. He wants you know I think Joshua was the one that said my Lord Moses forbid them. There was some guys that were preaching in the camp and he said envious thou for my sake would the God that all of his all his people I think I'm butchering the verse but all of his men were prophets right. He wants all of his men to preach. He wants all his men to prophesy and it's not talking about prophesying into the future just talking about preaching. So if you you know there's a brother Chad preached about being introverts. There's a lot of people that are introverts some men that just don't want to talk or get up behind the pulpit. There's some Pastor Jones is not like a big talker like you know I mean he talks to me he just might not talk to you but no I'm just kidding but he really isn't a big chatty Kathy you know he's he doesn't he doesn't just blow off of the mouth whenever he feels like it but you wouldn't know that when he gets behind the pulpit and preaches God's Word anybody can preach God's Word you got to be saved and then you know you got to preach the Bible of course and you just got to be willing to do it so you know and I was not like this guy that just couldn't wait to be pastor I can be number two I could be number 29 doesn't matter to me I just want to be in a church that served God and I want to be part of it so but I just really you know I was asked by a couple people to consider becoming a pastor and you know after thinking about it for a while I you know I'm praying to God about it I just decided that that was a road I was gonna go down you know and here I am 46 years old you know I wish I would have started when I was earlier earlier in my life I wish I would have started preaching way before I wish I hadn't wasted some of my years as a Christian just like teetering on it because there was times when I would go to my pastor I'd say hey would you consider training me as a pastor you know and he was like oh yeah and then it's kind of like Pastor Anderson asking his pastor to do it he refused to do it it's just you know all those things I and then I finally got to the point where I felt like I was too old to do it and maybe I am but you know someone has to stand in the gap someone has to stand in the gap in Vancouver Washington and I'm not some great person just a regular guy just a regular dude all right and so you don't have to be some special holier-than-thou person to be a pastor now obviously you have to meet qualifications I'm gonna get into that but you know it's really sad today that we have a dearth in the land a scare that and dearth means a scarcity or lack of something so there's a lack of pastors isn't there there's a lack of men of God that want to step up and preach and you know there's a lot there's a lack of ladies that don't they don't want to follow their husbands and the things that they want to do and ladies you need to get behind your husband and follow him he shouldn't be following you you should be following him that's how the Bible explains it you know God is our head the Lord Jesus Christ is that you know that God is the head of Christ Christ is the head of man and man is the head of the wife period that's what the Bible teaches so if you're holding your husband back from doing a great work for God you shouldn't do that you should try to get behind them you know and try to you know just be supportive of them and so even just about going to church with them you know don't kick back and not go to church and say you know I just don't really feel like going and don't you know be all in if your husband's all in be all in with him so in our day we are living in a time when there's a lot of false religion and apostasy isn't that true I mean if this isn't the great following away I'm not really sure what it is I'm serious like even amongst Baptist preachers and amongst Baptist churches they've lost their way like most independent Baptist churches around here they won't preach the things that we preach about they're too scared they don't want to lose their tithing they don't want to lose their glorious building or whatever and they're too scared to preach the whole counsel of God because they know they're tied they're gonna walk out the moss-backed deacons that they pick to be the you know the deacons of the church you know they it's usually the guys with the most money and then those guys run the pastor and tell him what they're gonna spend money on and all that stuff so you know I don't know where Christianity came up with this whole thing where they're you know have a deacon run church you know I guess they got that from voting in America or something but you don't see that in the Bible was Moses led by a deacon board in the Old Testament no he told them what to do that's how God has always worked in any leadership position does David have a council of people that told him how he was supposed to rule no that's the way the Bible has it there's one person that rules over the people and that's just the way it is so but unfortunately you get a lot of bad apples in the new or not in the new IP but in the old IP you know I mean brother Chad preached a whole sermon about Bonner's Ferry and how that pastor treated him up there and you know it's the same story I could go around this whole room and I could get the same story about the pastor that sucked at the church that they used to go to they're preaching lies they're preaching repent of your sins they're preaching a bunch of trash and all they're doing is just hindering the people from serving God they don't go so wanting themselves so they're just you know what are they doing they're running the Country Club they're running a garden ministry they're running you know sorry brother Robert you've heard me say that before the church that he used to go to they literally have when they have outreach they have this tab that has like six or seven things on it and one of them is a garden ministry and look there's nothing wrong if you want to give your garden you know the best watermelons in the city to people that are poor and try to get them saved or whatever there's nothing wrong with that it's that Hanford that Hanford water but anyway but there's nothing wrong with that but what happened to soul winning what happened to that oh it doesn't work I talked to that pastor he said that doesn't work here you know I wanted to do a soul winning marathon in Tri-Cities and I like to go through the local pastor that maybe is just they've kind of lost their way maybe they used to go so winning and stuff like that but he just blew me off he got mad at me so I was just like all right well whatever but that's the state of affairs that we're in and that's just independent Baptist churches they're preaching lies they're preaching Shekinah glory and all this other garbage Shekinah is some kind of female goddess do you think our God is a female you're mistaken about that if that's what you think I mean there's you know when a pastor gets up and says Shekinah glory you know you just know that they don't know what they're talking about but it's not just that it's about all kinds of different subjects they just even when the bombing happened with a pastor from his church there so I got I'm banned on Facebook so don't try to get a hold of me on Facebook right now every count is down right now I just called a guy a piece of trash and you know why I call him a piece of trash because he's sitting there bagging on pastor Mejia about what he preaches about the Jews and what he preaches about the rapture I mean it is real is really that a big thing to go against your brother in Christ over their their church being bombed because you don't agree with some doctrine that's not about salvation it's ridiculous and they're wrong about it too by the way every time you out anytime I ever ask a pre-tribulation rapture believer for one verse that's clear they never can give one you know why they can't because it doesn't exist so if your whole doctrine is built up off of a verse that doesn't exist then you're wrong that's simple so in Ezekiel chapter 22 look at verse 23 so just like in Ezekiel's day today we're dealing with the same thing apostasy we're dealing with just a bunch of wicked people basically running the religious centers in that day and and we're living in a day just like that but look what it says in verse 23 says the word of the Lord came unto me saying son of man say unto her thou art the land that is not cleansed nor rained upon in the day of indignation there's a conspiracy of her prophets in the midst thereof like a roaring lion ravening the prey they have devoured souls they have taken the treasure and precious things they have made her many widows in the midst thereof does it sound like they're religious people are in a good track here no they're like ravening wolves they're like they're there's a conspiracy of the prophets of the midst thereof they have devoured souls what does that mean they're leading people to hell because those people like the like Jesus said that people those Pharisees would would compass see land to bring forth one process proselyte and that they would make him twofold more the child of hell than they are themselves and so they would like literally travel for miles and miles to get some person to convert to Judaism and basically make them unsavable I mean these guys are already unsavable then making them double unsavable whatever that means but so but seriously I mean this does not sound like a good situation that Ezekiel's in in his day it says her priests have violated my law and have profaned my holy things they have put no difference between the holy and profane and as a preacher our job is to put a difference between the holy and the profane it says neither have they showed difference between unclean and clean and we're supposed to preach about the wickedness of sin and specifically preach on those types of things and say hey this is clean this is not clean avoid this this is what you cling to the goodness and the things of God and keeping his commandments and stay away from wickedness fornication adultery theft and what and all the other sins that there are but seeing in this in his day they weren't making a difference between that you walk into any Baptist Church and they'll probably divorce a couple because of whatever reason they want to oh he's not following God okay well you can divorce him and then they'll remarry that person to another person that goes to that church it's wicked and you know there's there's one thing that I deal with that I really have a hard time with it's it's divorce and marriage problems I don't like to see marriage problems I don't like to see divorce and remarriage issues and you know why it's because the prophets are devouring the people they're not telling them what's right and what's wrong the Bible's so clear about that subject that if you divorce and remarry somebody else it's adultery but how many how many different Baptist churches you think will actually teach that I know my friends teach that but like most Baptist churches will not teach that they'll say oh it's okay for the cause of fornication they don't even understand the Bible fornication and adultery are two different things but you know it doesn't surprise me they're listening to Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity more than they're reading their Bible that's the problem they're what they're watching they're you know going on Newsmax and they're going on Fox News they don't do Fox News apparently I'm behind the times on that but Newsmax is like the new thing somebody listened to a sermon and I was just looking at their comment on one of my youtube sermons they say you lost me you lost me when you start talking about Trump it's like what do you mean he's the most fag-friendly president we've ever had I mean there's a picture of him actually holding up an LGBT flag and saying I love the homos or whatever he he loves them he said he'd let Caitlyn Jenner use all of his bathrooms I mean and you expect me to not preach against that you expect me not to preach against the pride of Trump and I look I know that new IFB people got wrapped up in the Trump thing it's okay I understand but he's done now now he's lost now you can quit listening to Q non and start listening to the Bible being preached is that how you say that sorry Q non they're always saying stick to the plan get you the point you just gotta stick with the plan yeah the plan is he got beat and now he's done and now we got some whoremonger wicked pedophile as our president look if he's willing to sniff little girls hair in public he probably does a lot worse things behind closed doors and I have no use for a president like that not my president and that what they said for like the last four years or whatever not my president unless he's unless he's signing that check that I got oh I didn't see him sending back the check so that whole six hundred and twenty bucks that we got or whatever it was on the lot was it six hundred or something did he get it now Chad didn't get it makes too much money but look look look at what the Bible says in verse 26 it says they put no difference between holy and profane neither have they showed difference between I'm Queen and Queen and they have hid their eyes from my Sabbath you know translate that into modern day people don't go to church you know these people aren't going to church they're hiding their eyes from my Sabbath and I am profaned among them it's in a sad state but you know what Christianity today is in a sad state also says their princes in the midst thereof are like wolves ravening the parade to shed blood and to destroy souls and get dishonest gain that's what the pastors are doing today you know and and you know I think there used to be a lot more saved by faith alone pastors in the country but I think they've all been basically replaced by a bunch of you know repent of your sins you got to turn from your sins to be saved and all this other garbage and you know what they might call themselves Baptist they might call themselves fundamental they might call themselves King James only they might call themselves hard preaching or whatever they might call themselves fundamental but you know what they're not really that way there are a bunch of not that I mean they might as well just you know get the pink shirts and you know roll their pant legs up and not wear socks with their shoes because they're just like those preachers they don't preach specifically about sin hardly at all anymore you know obviously I'm not saying every single old IFP is like that but pretty much a lot of them are and not only even if they are hardcore fundamentalists they're still wrong on a lot of their doctrine so look what it says in verse 28 and her prophets have daubed them with untempered mortar seen vanity and divining lies unto them saying thus saith the Lord when the Lord hath not spoken you get a lot of that today too they saying God said this but that's not what he really said isn't that cares mom met cares maniacs do cares maniacs they always get up and say God told me this you liar sit down and shut up Pentecostals are the worst it just pisses me off and you know why because they're lying and saying that God spoke to them when he really didn't they're getting up I had a lady that was cutting my hair and I thought well she's Christian or whatever she talked about Glenn Beck the whole time but back then I was probably a little more of a Fox News Baptist than I am now but one time she got up at the end of cutting my hair and she said the Lord is took and she tells me all this stuff that the Lord said I said shut your mouth I'm done I'm never coming back here again liar it would piss me off but I would never give I'd rather give my money to a regular barber that wasn't saved and give it to her so anyway so and it says their profits have daubed them with untempered mortar what is untempered mortar well if you ever done construction you've ever mortared a Chevy ever mortared a chimney for the chat I know you have that was I used to hate doing that I was afraid to do it I you know you have to cut the chimneys out and put new flashing in there and like yeah it's if you've never done roofing before you wouldn't understand what I'm talking about but chimneys have mortar in between the bricks and so if you don't mix the mortar right then what happens is it doesn't harden right or maybe you put too much water in it to put too much water in it or not enough it's not going to hold up so basically it's saying that they have the prophets have daubed them with untempered mortar so basically everything that they say basically just falls apart see and they seen vanity and divining lies so they're building stuff it's a house of lies and they're building it with untempered mortar mortar that will not harden or it's not it's basically something that's not brought to the proper consistency now ladies you can probably get this one but when you're making cookies you know you got the blender and you're trying to get everything to the right consistency who makes cookies in here ladies all right see me after church but making cookies yeah or whatever you make you know is you have to mix stuff right and so basically you have to mix things a proper consistency that's what these prophets are doing and you know basically this time in Ezekiel is like the time that we're living in now there's nothing new under the Sun there's been followers false prophets then there's false prophets now there's false teachers now there was false teachers back then look at verse 29 it says the people of the land have used oppression and exercise robbery and have vexed the poor and needy yeah they have oppressed the stranger wrongfully and I sought for a man among them that should make up the hedge and stand in the gap before me for the land that I should not destroy it but I found none and that's one of the saddest verses in the Bible to me is that when God's looking for a man he's seeking for a man that could actually stand up before the Lord and stand and make it a stand in that gap that there is for the land and it says that I should not destroy it because look God has to destroy sin God has to destroy wickedness and you know what he wants he wants a man to stand up and stand in the gap for the land and that's what a prophet or a preacher is supposed to do well that's what a pastor does well you know as a pastor in Vancouver Washington I'm there trying to stand in that gap so that God won't destroy that place and look I'm not waiting for fireballs to come down at any moment but you know what God has destroyed societies all throughout history you know Machu Picchu used to be some great marveling engineering you know what they think aliens built it or something that's how well together the stones are put but there's rope marks on them so it wasn't aliens but anyway look there's societies all over that have just been destroyed you know what happens they don't have a man to stand up in the gap the devil just basically takes over that society and the people just are in wickedness and total utter wickedness they turn to cannibalism and human sacrifice and that's the end of that that culture you know we're not doing human sacrifice on an altar in this country but we're doing it in the abortion clinics all over this country you think God's just not going to do anything about that you'd be wrong about that God is absolutely gonna do something about that and when people say they don't believe America's Babylon you got to take a look at the big picture we lead the world in all kinds of wickedness we lead the world in homosexuality we're the ones that are paying for it in other countries to be promoted billions of dollars in Africa promoted for homosexuality they're taking the stimulus money or whatever that what do they call it the they're taking money of our of our money in these big bills that they're passing and they're using it in Pakistan to do gender studies you know well that really makes a big difference that's why and we get 600 bucks thanks for your hard work essential workers it's wicked for giving away money for wickedness and why because they want to just promote that country to be just as wicked as they are I mean to me it seems like the devil's a homo I mean what in the world why is that the big agenda seriously the Bible says that the man the the Antichrist is not gonna have the desire of women to me that translates as faggot I mean or that he just as a eunuch you know I don't know it's Johnny Nixon or something Johnny Nixon's the Antichrist but anyway so it's really sad when God looks at a land and he says you know what there's nobody standing in the gap for Spokane Washington there's nobody standing in the gap for Seattle Washington there's nobody standing in the gap in the UK you know those people don't even have it they didn't have a church to go to you know that was legit most of them even if they were King James only they were scared to preach the truth they don't go soul-winning what good are they you know worth yeah they're like supposed to be trodden down by the foot of man they're worthless God just cast them out so we need to rise up you know in this generation and get a whole group full people are willing to stand in the gap we'd men we need women we need children everybody ever this is a big team this is one big team that we have here and everybody in this church counts it's not just about one man but you know what it's men that are supposed to lead the charge and he's that's the way God's ordained it so but we need our you know obviously if a man wants to be a pastor then you know his children got to be in subjection his wife has to be in subjection and they have to you know basically that's what helps qualify a man of God to be a pastor in the first place because if you can't control your kids and kids you have a responsibility to obey your parents it's not just hey you know I'll just do whatever I want until I get caught that's not is that right before the Lord do you have to get caught before you do the right thing that's the way a lot of kids are hopefully nobody in our no kids in our churches like that sure they never do anything wrong right but you know sometimes it's kit you know kids you have a choice you could serve the Lord or you can serve yourself or you can I can't wait to get out until I'm 18 to go move wherever I want I hope our kids aren't like that our kids aren't like that our kids are all in church so and it because I wanted to change I wanted my life to be different I wanted our kids lives to be different and so I purpose to my heart to make that happen was I a perfect parent absolutely not perfect but you know you gotta you gotta make good decisions with your children you know letting them date when they're 16 not a good idea you know can you can you support a household right now are you ready for a girlfriend no you're not daddy and mommy be very upset so men should be ready you know to before they get married you should have a good job and be willing to you know make that sacrifice to support a family by yourself because in the Bible that talks about men working outside the home not women so anyway I'm off track here so let me let me just say this do you see what happens when there's no man to stand in the gap do you see what's happening in this world right now you know why is it that just you know a dozen churches or whatever are leading the charge and soul winning and trying to make a difference in this world why is it why is it that I have to start five or six churches by myself why because there's not people that are standing in the gap there's no other people that are trying to do to start churches and raise up men you know we got I'm glad we got men in our churches that do a good job you know I'm happy about that but we need more so we're heading into the end times folks I mean there's no doubt about that we are actually biblically we are in the end times we just don't know when everything's gonna kick off I mean if they can already do global currency and they could basically shut down all the nations of the world to make it more masks how far away are we I mean they're bait that's basically what they're doing except for in Idaho it's Goshen Idaho's Goshen I went into a restaurant no mask I had it on when I walked in I looked like a total idiot I quickly took it off it in my pocket but seriously I mean all and then our cell phones have apps that can tell you who you got in contact with that had the coronavirus I mean things are escalating not not in a good way I mean pretty soon they're probably gonna say past jobs and you can't travel anywhere because you haven't taken a vaccination or whatever they are talking about that I I'm not sure if that's actually gonna happen it might it might in some countries you know what I'm just not gonna travel to some countries I guessed but hopefully that day doesn't come but it probably will I mean it probably will so and so when you when you think about how important it is to have a man to stand in the gap between the living and the dead that's what Aaron did he stood between the living and the dead it's easy to see though that there's a dearth in the land isn't it easy we got a lot of young guys in this church you know do you want to be a pastor someday I hope that somebody does I hope that one of you guys want to or even just like a deacon or or an evangelist or whatever there's lots of different things that you can do and so point number one is help wanted we need men to stand in the gap okay and all that was introduction well I'll try to preach this really fast so I'm not here that often so I'm gonna just give it all to you all right so point number one is help wanted so the so help wanted pastors needed train that's what that's what the points are so let's look at verse 30 again it says I saw for a man among them that they should make up a hedge and stand in the gap before me for the land that I should not destroy it but I found none that's the sad thing is God's looking for men that will stand in the gap and he finds none or funds hopefully he finds some there's a few that have answered the call but the stakes are high there's millions of people billions of people on this planet and how many are getting up and ripping face and starting churches and you know just knocking doors like crazy for soul winning I know this church is right here you guys are doing a great job and this church is gonna grow and we're gonna get a different building at some point both Chad's trying to make that happen but we'll see what happens so yeah in Idaho it's time he's trying to go to the Promised Land Idaho but proper 20 verse 6 says most men will proclaim everyone his own goodness but a faithful man who can find that's a sad verse to a faithful man who could find it's hard to find faithful men that are willing to stand in the gap and be counted turn to Ephesians chapter 4 verse 11 Ephesians chapter 4 verse 11 and look not every church is always going to get a pastor it might not happen because look at Ephesians 4 verse 11 says and he gave some apostles and some prophets and some evangelists and some pastors and teachers does it say that those are at every church no you might just be stuck with an evangelist for a long time which is not a bad thing you know Chad's doing a great job but ultimately you want a pastor to lead a church that's the goal so you know in all of our churches I'm trying to to get where we can get pastors for the churches so that we can start more churches but it's not happening all that quickly but it does take time I don't want to just ordain the willy-nilly the you know the worst people of the land or something like Jeroboam it's like hey let's get the worst hey I know you're not qualified I'm gonna have you be the pastor I'm not gonna do that I know I know the old IFP does that you know they come right out of college ordained with a Bible college certificate in their hand you know wet behind the ears they've never done anything and then they become pastor pastor with no wife no kids and and that's not what the Bible teaches there's qualifications that you have to meet and in churches like ours there's strict qualifications we actually believe what the Bible says and so in order to get ordained guys it's actually harder because a lot of places you can go and you can be a path you can send away for a certificate and be an ordained minister out of a cracker jackbox practically I mean I think that there you can actually send away and spend like 250 bucks and you or an ordained minister you can do weddings you can do you know bar mitzvahs or whatever I don't know but the Bible has strict qualifications for you to be a pastor but it's a gift to have a man of God a man to stand in the gap in your area there's people all over this country that are begging me to start churches in their areas all the time like I don't know why they picked me why would you but you know my cup runs over I can only handle so much you know but so that's why I train them to do the job and then I just leave them alone so they do all the work for me so I just they call me for the big stuff it's like you know I'm just following that pattern in Exodus chapter 18 or you know Moses's father-in-law said hey you got to get some people they can do the work underneath you so but brother Chad was pretty much ready-made he was plug-and-play like okay bye Chad see you later happy ordination bon voyage that wasn't really the plan but coronavirus like basically hit right when we ordained brother Chad so it's kind of been a nightmare a little bit with certain things but you know we just people are just it's a strange time that we're living in yeah and you just wonder what is the ultimate goal for all this weirdness and it's probably something to do with a one-world government a one-world religion and a one-world leader always something to have to do with that I mean the whole globe is in the outside globe this is fair the whole globe is locked down in some kind of pandemic mode right now look I'm not saying that people don't get sick from what they do I'm not saying people don't die from it I know they do but is it worth shutting down the whole world economy and all this other stuff that's going on I mean it doesn't seem like it's as bad as they said it was so but according to according to they got five hundred thousand deaths in the United States so far that's what they're saying you know any drive-by shooting that happens in Los Angeles COVID I don't know I really I mean I don't know I'm not I don't want to stand here and say I know every little statistic or whatever but you know when it comes to the government it's kind of hard to believe them a lot of times I mean they did kill JFK and said one magic bullet like bounced around and then shot him all these one all these times it bounced around the car and then killed him it was Lee Harvey Oswald with the bolt action rifle from you know like I can't remember how far away it was but if you buy that that's ridiculous if you think that the you know the 9-11 was done and it wasn't an inside job I mean you need to do some research the government is not always on our side just put it that way so in verse 12 it says for the perfecting of the Saints so that you get the evangelist the pastors and teachers for what the perfecting of the Saints it's not so that's the only time you ever get preached to it's for the perfecting of the Saints so you can get better so you can get to be you know not not that you're gonna be ever a hundred percent perfect but it's to perfect your Christian life it's to give you stuff that you need to hear because you can learn all things just by reading the Bible on your own but God gave us pastors and teachers and evangelists and apostles and prophets to perfect the Saints for the work of the ministry is the is the work of the ministry hard brother Chad that's not what he's helped me on the phone it's not easy it's a heart it's a sacrifice and you know especially if you're working another job at the same time it can be very difficult but it is a gift that God gives the people in the land and if a man but it takes a man to rise up it takes a man to take that challenge and say yes God I will stand in the land I will stay in that gap for you I'm going to do what I can do to help the kingdom of God but they're few and far between so and it says for the edifying of the body of Christ so we all come to the unity of the faith the knowledge of the Son of God unto a perfect man unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ that we henceforth be no more children tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine like the flat earth and all this other garbage that comes up by the slight of men and the cunning craftiness whereby they lie in wait to deceive you know there's many false prophets out there there's many people that want to take you out of this church there's many people that are lying in wait you know when you think of lying in wait in the Bible it's like they're usually are lying in wait to attack because that's basically what it is but this is a spiritual attack that's talking about says where look where they lie in wait to what deceive they wanted people want to deceive you and that's what most of Christianity quote-unquote is these days that's what most that's what all the other religions are for sure they want to deceive you they want to pull you from your position in Christ they want to stop you from soul winning look the devil do you think the devil likes you going so winning no you got a big target on your back here because you are doing the sowing because you are doing the work and you know you see all the drama that happens in the new IFB right why do you think that is why are people always throwing darts at us you know I mean like the reason file guys and all these other people are just you know just gnashing their teeth on us and trying to get us to fall trying to just make they just make up stuff they just make up things and then so that they hope that you'll be deceived by that but you'll believe those lies and people just make up anything I mean the sodomites make up anything when the sodomites came to our church to the protest us they just made up the whole story they said we attacked them by leaving an invitation on the door when we knew that they were homosexuals but why would I leave an invitation on the door of homosexuals when I don't want them to come to my church and I explain that to them and I explained that to them I explained it to all of them with all their freaky Elton John looking costumes on all this other stuff twerking in spandex in front of our kids showing pictures filthy pictures of themselves to people as they walked in but we're the bad guys saying that they're this that girl said that she was gonna make our daughters of the lesbians I mean that's how she she's like it just attacked us you know what I I just told them I said I'm gonna do a retraining I'm gonna go in and I'm gonna preach a sermon I'm gonna tell them don't knock if someone has homo flags and a bunch of LGBT stuff on their house or on their cars don't leave an invitation don't talk to them you know why because they're just gonna say we're targeting them and there might be someone that could be saved in that house or you know that we could get saved in that house but I don't want the hassle I mean if they're they're showing art their banners to us it's like when you go to those houses and they have Seahawk everything that's on Sunday and you're going soul winning and it's the Seahawks are playing at that time what do you get they're worshipping their gods just like the LGBT have their rainbow flags that they stole from God they stole that they stole the rainbow flag and are trying to take the rainbow for themselves that's pride and so what do they do what they just want to throw in God's face well there's people out there that are lying in wait to deceive us and we need God's men to stand up and make you know make up the hedge stand in the gap we need that now more than ever and people in the world right now are saying well there's no jobs to go to have you heard about people you know there's there are all these unemployment did you know that the state of Washington was hacked everybody that applied for any unemployment in Washington 1.6 million people hacked all their information so but it's funny you know these people they're on they're on this unemployment and there's people they're making more than people that are actually outside working yeah and they're just accepting anything oh you know you know my cat's sick or something you know I got to stay home and take care of my cat I actually have my work on a thing that if you need to take time off of work because your dog or your cat that you could take time off work for that I mean they're just giving it for any reason I looked at that and I was like you got to be kidding me so you know everybody in this room probably has to go out work their guts out to make to make a dollar and those people are sitting on their rear end plane call of duty and making sweet moolah and and just doing whatever they want you know and then here's your 600 bucks enjoy it I mean what's 600 bucks gonna do buy your groceries for a month or something I mean and then these guys are just sponging off the government but you know these lazy bums that they don't want to work and do the jobs that are available to fill and so this sermon is about like we need pastors we need man to stand in the gap there's help wanted God wants your help you know but to be a pastor you have to be qualified you know you can't it's not like working at McDonald's you know anybody can go get a job McDonald's you know some of you are probably overqualified to work at McDonald's but when you hand in an application to God you got to have all the everything you know ready to go you got it when your resume goes to God you got to meet all the qualifications are in the Bible so it's not just like taking any regular job but if you desire to be a pastor someday you gotta start building your resume now you gotta start building your resume and so you know it's something that takes time to do you know and we require ten times that you read the Bible is ten times read in the Bible gonna make you a pastor oh hey great you're a pastor now no it's more than that pastors job is a hard job and you know you're talking with people all the time you know sometimes I get tired of talking not right now but sometimes I get tired of it you know and I just don't want any more questions no more questions so like when I get home my mom asked a lot of questions so I like mom come on please then her and my wife are at the same time they're doing rando questions I just they want to know the details when you find out tomorrow what time in the morning I think I just make it difficult on purpose it's okay for my wife to ask me questions I'm just kidding but there gets to be a point where it is hard you're dealing with a lot of people and when you have a lot of churches there's a lot of people problems so but I love being a pastor I'm not up here trying to complain I like it it's a great job it's fulfilling and I want to continue to do it till I die or until I'm too old and I can't preach anymore or something but you got to have to get a job as a pastor though you know there's help wanted but to get a job as a pastor you have to have a good resume you have to have the right resume not to be just a man that will stand in the gap hey just read your Bible come to church go soul winning you're doing a great job you are standing in the gap you're doing a great job but pastors is a different story so there is more qualifications you have to meet so if you're wanting to be a pastor start right now don't wait until you're 42 years old to become a pastor start right now start meeting those qualifications now nobody ever instructed me in that way nobody ever said hey if you want to be a pastor someday why don't you just start reading your Bible like crazy I never even heard about reading your Bible cover to cover until I heard it from Pastor Anderson like I didn't I used to read the Bible all the time but I didn't keep track of how many times I read it so I'm sure I've you know I don't know even know how many times I've read the Bible but I know I had to start counting to be ordained as a pastor right so certain things that you have to be able to do so but you know the first thing you need to start doing is following the leaders that you have in your life that would be that's what I would say is the number one thing you gotta start doing you want to be a pastor follow the leader that you have in your life follow the leader at church follow your leader at work you know not don't follow your wife she's not the leader you know she's supposed to follow you but I'm just saying the first thing you need to do is you need to be able to have people that you follow was what did Elijah do you know when he called Elisha he's just like come on let's go he was like I gotta go say goodbye to my family he killed he killed the cows he burned him up with the with the the wood and what did he do he poured hands are poor hands poured water on Elijah's hands I mean that's not a very fulfilling job is it you know but you got to start somewhere well here I need some water wash my hands and that's just the way that everything started with Elisha you didn't really see Elisha preaching or doing any great miracles or anything until Elijah was already done so what did he do in the meantime he was just helping him and so if you want to be a pastor the best thing to do is help that man of God that's already that you're already serving under and start helping them start pouring the water on his hands you know but just make sure he knows that you're doing it I think it's kind of weird brother Chad here you go hand sanitizer so number one there's help help wanted God has a help wanted sign and it's it's open for invitation but to be a pastor that's the thing that that's the thing that I'm gonna focus on point number two we need pastors and other full-time workers so Titus chapter 1 verse 3 turn to Titus chapter 1 verse number 3 it says but hath in due times manifested his word through what preaching which is committed unto me so Paul had preaching committed unto him this is according to the commandment of God our Savior to Titus mine own son after the common faith grace mercy and peace from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ our Savior for this cause left I thee and create that thou should have set in order the things that are wanting and ordained elders in every city as I appointed thee so what did he what did he commissioned Titus to do to ordain elders in every city and that was just on a small island called Crete if you look up Crete it's not really that big of a place but at that time he said I want you know elders in every city so do you think if God wants elders in every city and Crete that he wants elders in every city in this country absolutely but we're well behind that I mean that's a tough that'd be a tough job just to have elders in every city in Washington because there's a lot of cities here so we have a big job to do but you know I feel like part of my job is going and ordaining elders in every city and how do I do that well at first I got to start a church then I got to train a man and then I got to ordain those elders so but it says as I appointed thee so Paul had an appointment to Titus to start churches and ordain those elders they were probably already started so he didn't just like go hmm I'm here today to ordain an elder and that's like the first time they ever met I'll pick Robert elder okay bye here's my I'll lay my hands on you it doesn't work like that there's training that has to go into that man and so it took it takes time to get someone that you can ordain so it says if any be blameless the husband of one wife so you can't be divorced you can't be divorced pre-married this is the husband of one wife having faithful children not accused of riot or unruly so you have to have your house in order it says for a bishop must be blameless as the steward of God not self-willed not soon angry not given to wine no striker not given to filthy lucre which is money but a lover of hospitality a lover of good men sober just holy temperate holding fast the faithful word as he has been taught that he may be able by sound doctrine both to exhort and convince the gainsayers for there are many unruly and vain talkers and deceivers especially they have the circumcision whose mouths must be stopped who subvert whole houses teaching things which they ought not for filthy lucre's sake it's a hard job you got to maintain all these different things and in 1st Timothy chapter 3 gives you all the other ones that you're supposed to do too so I'm not gonna I'm gonna leave a couple or read a couple of those go ahead turn to 2nd Timothy chapter 3 though well look it's a hard job and so if you want to be a pastor you got to learn and you got to get all this stuff in order it's like it's like you're multitasking multiple different things at the same time because it's not easy being a pastor you know and you think you got everything all oh everything's good to go smooth sailing for the Sunday morning service and all of a sudden like the printer won't work you can't download your sermon for some reason you accidentally erased your whole sermon you ever had that happen talk about a nightmare that that's happened to me before once the whole sermon gone right before I supposed to preach in Sacramento like in front of all those people the Red Hot preaching conference so that happened to me it was only like a eight-minute sermon though so it was like the first time I ever preached there but I delete I don't know how I did I was doing like the Bible software for you know I was I was using their copy and paste method inside I don't know what I did but I deleted the whole thing I was just like really and some of you know it's harder to write a 10-minute sermon than it is a full-length sermon sometimes so anyway all these things have to be a requirement it says if any be blameless the husband of one wife having faithful children that's the first part you got to get down getting the bot your Bible reading in you know you can't be a striker you can't be an MMA champion apparently given if given the money if you're in it for the money you're in it for the wrong reason Robbie Zacharias when he kicked the bucket was had seven million dollars that we know about I preach a sermon calling him a false prophet right after he died because that's kind of what I do but I got really criticized over that sermon but then it now it's slowly coming out you know he's been in all these places where he was like had massage parlors and making passes at all I mean I'm sure more is gonna come out you know that's a parachurch ministry he wasn't a pastor he was just some dude that went and talked he was good at talking he was good at talking about you know things that make sense he never preached the Bible though he will he didn't preach the Bible he was not a preacher but you know what false prophets love money and they love deceiving people so I mean they're they work for the devil so the devil promises whatever deal they made and then you know he gets to live for a certain amount of time then dies of cancer and then all of his dirty secrets come out and you know what it's a huge black eye for the Christian community it really is because he was like the most respect like people are really mad that I preached that sermon because he was so respected by everybody even when the texting thing came out where he was committing adultery on his wife and all that stuff even after that they were still giving him book offers and all this other stuff but now I mean and people are still like he's like King David you know he just sinned and you know maybe he repented at the last second it's like it's pretty obvious what all this followers believe yeah that they could lose their salvation but if they repent then they get it back you know and they're just covering for this guy and it looks so stupid to sit there and cover for the charlatan that didn't use the right Bible version for one thing and so even if he did preach them I've heard Billy Graham preached right salvation before but I've also heard him say you had to repent of all your sins and turn from all your sins and then I've also heard him say that you could get to heaven by not even believing in Jesus you know have you heard that clip where he just says I don't everybody go everybody goes to heaven like no they don't what are you talking about that's what false prophets do they want to deceive and that's why it's so important to have pastors that can take those people down a notch you know that's we're supposed to convince the gainsayers we're supposed to preach sound doctrine we have to bring held fast a faithful word what is the faithful word well how about a King James Bible that's pretty faithful isn't it you got a whole for the right Bible version first of all and then you got to preach what you've been taught you got to preach sound doctrine and hey you know how you get sound doctrine by line upon line precept upon precept here little bear little and that's how you get together doctrine you know it's not I think that this Irish girl that had a had some kind of trance and told it to John Nelson Darby and now you know everybody believes the pre trip rapture I mean everybody believes the pre trip rapture they think we're crazy but their verses are zero they twist that they say well Matthew 24 is the second coming I agree it is the second coming because he came once that would be number two right what they think it's like at the end of the seven years and that we're taken away before any of that even starts they think that he could come back at any moment but that's not true he can't come back at any moment there's a couple things that after they come first you know the apostasy the great falling away and then the Antichrist has to be revealed first so what where does that take you in the timeline takes you to the midpoint doesn't that so that's stupid but you know it look Matthew 24 so he says when you know the abomination of desolation happens which is when the Antichrist is revealed that's halfway through the tribulate or halfway through the final seven years then you know that Jesus can't come back before that let no man deceive you by any means and then it's funny they use those verses as their text verses to show you that the preacher of rapture is true it's like hello is anybody home but that's why we have to have sound doctor that's why we have to have preachers are actually qualified to get up and preach the Bible because they just run through jumping jacks and they're selling their books and there's this guy named Doug Stauffer or something that used to be I don't know all he does is sells his books for the whole sermon that I that I watched and then like tries to string together some verses that are out of context and don't make sense it's just it's a mess but why does everybody believe that it's a great deception so but I'm not gonna say that I think someone's not saved because they believe it people but they will say we're not saved because we believe it because we believe the poster of pre-wrath but look we got to be able to stand in the gap and preach sound doctrine that's why we need pastors that are qualified look at 2nd Timothy chapter 3 verse 1 it says this know also that in the last days perilous times shall come are we in the last days right now yes we are that what's that mean perilous times are going to come for men shall be lovers of their own selves covetous boasters proud blasphemers disobedient to parents unthankful unholy without natural affection truce breakers false accusers and continent fierce despisers of those that are good I think we're getting there aren't we traders heady high-minded lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof from such turn away why do we need pastors today why is it such a dearth in the land for pastors why do we need them so much well because we're in peril perilous days are ahead of us we need men of God that will rise up and lead the congregation and lead their families in the truth why it's important they can't it can't just be a bunch of people living and in grandma's basement watching pastor Anderson sermons we got to have people that rise up we got to have people that come together as a church and do the work of God there's a lot of people just there's a lot of people live in Portland and in Vancouver that I know believe the same kind of preaching that we preach but they're too lazy to just drive across the bridge they're too lazy and they just want to sit home and they want to do nothing they want to watch and they like the sermons and all that good stuff and that's great but once you get into some action the book of Acts is called the book of Acts because it's about a lot of action going on people say I just want to go to church just like the book of Acts well hey why don't you come to sure foundation Baptist Church why don't you go to faith for Baptist Church why don't you go to Verity Baptist Church why don't you go to Mountain Baptist Church why don't you go to first works Baptist Church why don't you go to the church in your area and support the man of God because perilous days shall come first Timothy chapter 4 turn to 1st Timothy chapter 4 says the verse Timothy chapter 4 verse 13 till I come give attendance to reading to exhortation to doctrine neglect not the gift that is in me which was given me by the presbytery with the laying on of hands or by prophecy excuse me with the laying on of hand of the hands of the presbytery so apparently you know Paul's seeing that Timothy has a special gift well what's the special gift that hands were laid upon him when someone gets ordained then the the anointing of God is upon their life and he says don't neglect that gift if you're if you're an ordained man of God don't neglect that gift and it says it was given to thee by prophecy not that someone preached in the future that Timothy would be you know a pastor it's talking about by preaching so when I ordained brother Chad I preach a sermon for him and then I laid my hands on him and so God has a special anointing on brother Chad's life and he might not see it but I see it I'm sure everybody else sees it it says meditate upon these things give thyself wholly to them that thy profiting may appear to all so look he said you know he's saying meditate upon all these things what doctrine you know and what else did he say let me put back here real quick he said attendance to reading to exit exhortation and doctrine so preaching and encouraging people to do things reading the Bible you know the man of God's supposed to read the Bible and it should be a daily thing so we're supposed to give ourselves wholly to those things that thy profiting may appear to all well that's so the man of God has to prove his work and show his works look at 2nd Timothy chapter 4 I probably had you turn there before but no 2nd Timothy 3 so turn to 2nd Timothy 4 verse 1 it says I charge thee therefore before God and the Lord Jesus Christ who shall judge the quick and the dead it is appearing and his kingdom preach the word we need pastors why so they could preach the word be instant in season out of season reprove reprove rebuke exhort with all long suffering and doctrine so a pastor's job is to reprove that means to tell someone they're wrong you know if something nobody likes to be told that they're wrong but sometimes you've got to be told that you're wrong and so if that offends you then you know I'm sorry that the word of God offends you but sometimes brother Chad's got to get up here and rip some face and he might not even know what's going on in your life I'm sure he doesn't have cameras in your house I'm sure he doesn't have speakers in your house that tell it say what what you're doing or what you're talking about or whatever but you know what the Word of God hits you right here when brother Chad preaches the word when he preaches things that are in season or out of season that's the job of a man of God and to reprove rebuke and exhort with all long suffering and doctrine so we got to rebuke sometimes that you got to just rip face and tell someone they're wrong and some people can't handle that but you know what if you're a Christian nothing should offend you don't let the Word of God offend you just take it in and change whatever you're doing wrong and that's what a pastor's job is to do says for the time will come when they will not endure sound doc doctrine guess what we're in that time right now people are not enduring sound doctrine look at all the the weirdos that preach all the weird stuff that they preach and so it says by but after their lot own lust shall they heap to themselves heaps and heaps right heap to themselves teachers having itching ears they want people want to have their ears ears tickled they want to be told how great they are and how much God loves them every week and you know just pat them on the back you know do like a 45 minute jam session where people are going yeah you know and then the pastor to get up and tell them how great they are for 15 minutes a poem a couple scripture verses from the NIV and send you home and people come they put their money on the offering plate and they do that week after week and they're accomplishing absolutely zero for God absolutely zero and so look there's gonna there's this time we're living in right now what people are not going to endure sound doctrine and they're heaping to themselves teachers having itchy nears that's why people watch TBN that's why people watch Benny Hinn and all these other fruitcakes run around and shaka shaka you know and whipping people with coats and like tons of people fall down and why do people heap to themselves teachers have any engineers because they want to hear what they want to hear the Bible says my people love to have it so concerning people just false prophets preaching false lies to them people even God's own people love to hear people lie to them it's not weird but what we need is someone's gonna get up and tell people the truth no matter who it offends whether it hair lips every person in the congregation whether it hair lips every dog in the county it doesn't matter take it in do something about it and let the man of God preach to you the man of God should not be afraid to get up and just rip your face off and tell you you know you should go out feeling bad sometimes you should go out feeling bad whatever happened to that but everybody's always smiling at the end of the sermons except for the person you're offending they're just like I won't even look at them I guess I just I get you know I've just learned to look at people's face I did Bible says told Jeremiah not to look at their faces why because they're doing this now I know why as a pastor I know why he said not to look at their faces cuz they're all contorted and they're just like he's talking about the homos again know why we preach against the homos so much because it's a big fight in our day it has to be preached against you know whether they stand in front of our building or not it has to be ripped on it has to be people have to know that just because it's out of season it's out of season preaching but you know what nobody else is doing it and everybody's letting them in their churches everybody but you know what they're not going to be allowed in this church brother Chad had to kick a guy out of here the couple weeks ago right comes on a on a Wednesday night and then tells that he raped his own daughter or something right the stepdaughter 12 year old stepdaughter those pieces of trash need to be out of this building they're not allowed in here and all the babies said they're liberal but we have to rip on that stuff you know what they didn't come to my church because I was ripping on that stuff you know they came by because I put an invitation or someone put an invitation their door you know it can happen organically Pastor Mahia doesn't know how it happened just some crazy lesbian looked up his website and saw some of his preaching and then they went and raged against them and blew up his building this is the time we're living in and guess how many people have been arrested zero there's been no rest made you know what they're probably told to stand down you know if someone gets arrested tomorrow then shut my mouth but you know what it's gonna I just have a hard time believing that anybody's gonna be brought to justice for what they did but you know what they will be brought to justice one day when God judges them and throws those queers in the lake of fire so it's just the way it is but it says watch thou in all things excuse me let's look at verse 4 says and they shall turn away their ears from the truth and shall be turned unto fables but watch thou say we're supposed to as pastors we're supposed to be watching what's going on watched out in all things endure afflictions afflictions another word for afflictions is tribulation sometimes fags are gonna rage out and you know what we're gonna do we're gonna tell them I don't apologize for anything I said you're a fag get out of here you're not a welcome go to the other church down the street that lets you in but see why do they always want to get into the places that nobody wants them at because that's what they do they're implacable they're just they just want to just want they want everybody to have a rainbow flag hanging off their church door that's never gonna happen here so not long the pastor says watch down all things endure afflictions do the work of an evangelist so pastors are supposed to do the work of an evangelist what's an evangelist do they go get people saved right they lead churches they lead congregations they get people saved and they start churches right what the Apostle Paul do went got people saved started churches and then sent people to ordain them or he ordained them himself that's what the work of an evangelist is and so it says make full proof of thy ministry so the proof that you're a good pastor you're a good leader is that people can see what you're doing and say that's good they can see that you're starting churches they can see you're getting people say they can see that you're preaching the truth and that's what a pastor supposed to do so we need pastors help wanted we need pastors we need men that will stand up and help that pastor if you can't be a pastor help the pastor is there extra stuff you could be doing around here I'm sure there is you know I mean sometimes you just got to ask hey is there something I could do because you know what everything that you do to help take some of the burden off of brother Chad and his family I'm sure they appreciate it I mean it's not like he's just only being an evangelist he's got a full-time job that he has to do also and they got 10 million kids so just kidding you got lots of kids and so miss Jessica it's got a big load so but anyway if something you could do to help out I'm sure that they'd be thankful for that number three the last thing willing to train so I'm willing to train you if you want to be a pastor someday let me know and I'll help you but I don't want people being wishy-washy if you want to be part of our class I have a pastor's class I've been or pre yeah but class spiritual leadership class I've been doing every month and if you want to be a part of that just let me know I'll send you the videos okay so just email me and you can take part in it you can maybe every once in a while you could actually come and take part in the class but I want to train men of God I want even if you don't want to be a pastor even if you can't be a pastor I could still train you to do things you know if you knew everything a pastor was supposed to do and you could do everything that the pastor can do but you can't be a pastor you could be a good help to that pastor right I mean don't you think if you know how to upload videos at YouTube if you knew how to do song leading piano playing whatever whatever it is that you can do you know go out and be a soul winning captain you know there's lots of things that you could do and not be the pastor so Titus or excuse me second Timothy 2 1 2nd Timothy 2 1 thou therefore my son be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus and the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses the same commit thou to faithful men see that's part of being a pastor or a full-time leader in the church is that you have to be faithful you know and it's there's hardly people are faithful right who shall be able to teach others also so you want that person that you train to pass that knowledge on to somebody else so that's how the cycle keeps going that you keep getting more people that are ready look there's another generation coming up where's all the pastors at where's all the guys that said they want to be a pastor don't look at what we go through and say I could never do that yeah you can God can give you strength you know just because there's you know a hundred queers in front of your building doesn't mean that you can't get through that you can't get through it look pastoring his church is still going strong isn't it they're under a tent you know they're going back to the Old Testament they're under the tabernacle but he's gonna get a building back God's gonna take care of him he's gonna take care of the people that went against him too so it says we're supposed to commit to faithful men the things that I've heard the things that pastor Jimenez taught me the things I've learned from the other pastors that I'm friends with you know I'm supposed to take that and commit that stuff to faithful men who shall be able to teach others also so I will train that's my part of my job as a pastor is I'm supposed to train those next generation people thou therefore endure hardness see sometimes it's hard isn't it brother chap so doubt endure hardness as a good soldier of Jesus Christ see everybody in this room is soldiers whether you're male or female or whatever you know baby child you're all part of God's kingdom and you know you can God wants us to be a soldier for him now it's in soldiering there's ranks isn't there so the pastor is the head over the church Jesus the head of the church the pastors the head of the congregation who does the under-shepherding for the Lord and then you know you have leaders and and different people that are in charge of different things so but sometimes those things get hard and sometimes it's hard to get up and go three times to church a week and be held captive on Wednesday night when it's pastor bedtime you know by the pastor when he comes every once in a while and preaches long sermons sometimes things get hard though sometimes you know when you have a lot of children it's hard you know but look there's seasons of life that we all go through you know we had little small children that we had to take care of too and couldn't be part of all the action that everybody else is part of but you know sometimes you just have to take your kids home at the end of the service and you can't fellowship you know but you know my wife's here with me by herself you know we're in our we're in our what do you call it hon like she can't talk nevermind our golden ears or whatever that's what she calls it so we could just go together and go do stuff those days will come but you know while you're with your kids train them and teach them the ways of the Lord because do you want your kids to grow up and be serving the Lord or do you want them to grow up and marry some heathen and go off and drift off in the world you know it's what you do now in your season of life that makes a difference so but we have to endure hardness no man that warth and taken with himself with the affairs of this life that he may please him who have chosen him to be a soldier God's chosen us all to be soldiers and we shouldn't entangle ourselves with the affairs of this life our job as soldiers for the Lord is to go soul-wanting and win souls and be a help in our church and as a pastor to lead those people into doing those things and if a man also strive for masteries yet he is not crowned except he strived lawfully the husband men that laborer must be first partaker of the fruit so you know the pastor should be the first full-time person or evangelist the first the full-time person that the church hires so I'm trying to accept her 14 verse 21 I'm almost done here I'm sorry I know it's getting late I just cannot stress how important it is that men will rise up and look again you don't have to be a pastor to be a great man of God you don't have to be a pastor's wife to be a great woman of God you know as far as I know Ruth was not you know a pastor's wife but she was a great lady wasn't she and asked her when she was a queen so but she wasn't in the greatest of situation she really didn't have a choice you know to who she married so but there's a lot of women in the Bible have done great things a lot of children in the Bible have done great things a lot of young men in the Bible have done great things Shadrach Meshach and Abednego Daniel now they were in a captive in a place that wasn't their homeland they still did the right things because someone trained them to do what's right so let's see Acts 14 21 it says and when they had preached the gospel to that city and had taught many they returned again to Lystra and to Iconium and Antioch confirming the souls of the disciples and exhorted them to continue in the faith and that we must go through much tribulation through much tribulation excuse me enter into the kingdom of God see we're gonna have tribulation our lives every Christian if we're not serving the Lord you're not gonna have tribulation you'll have to worry about it but you'll know that if you if you ever leave this church and go to some weak church you go to some you know charismatic Church or some just even if it's just a Baptist Church that's doing nothing for God you're gonna realize you're a sucker because you didn't do what God was asking you to do you didn't you didn't go through any tribulation because you weren't doing anything for God all that live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution all so if you never suffer any persecution in your life it doesn't have to be someone trying to kill you or something like that or bombing your building it could just be anything to be your family or friends or former friends or whatever your boss your co-workers we're gonna suffer tribulation if you're living godly in Christ Jesus so just remember that and it says and when they ordained them elders in every church and had prayed with fasting they commended them to the Lord on whom they believed so what did Paul do he went into places got a bunch of people saved sometimes he stayed a little bit sometimes he stayed longer sometimes he stayed years but you know Paul wrote like half the New Testament and in that half he's writing to who the church at Corinth Church of Ephesus churches of Galatia all these places where he started churches and that's how I mean people say well I want to be a church just like the Church of Acts well Antioch had a lot of rewards going to happen you know going towards them right the pastor of Antioch he wants to you know he had Paul as his missionary so I mean he's set up right he's got a lot of rewards but they never Paul never stopped going and going to these places and setting up these churches in these different areas he never stopped you know and then he run he ran his race and he won he won he did everything he was supposed to do and he turned the world upside down for God so and one person can make a huge difference in this world one person can make a huge difference in this church you know but don't quit I mean you've already been here you've already endured all these sermons you've already endured Chad for as long as he's an evangelist I'm just kidding he's doing a great job but you know I'm saying look endure we're gonna endure hardness we're gonna endure tribulations but you know what don't quit don't quit on the Christian life because you're just gonna regret that that song we sang come now found I think there's a story behind that that him were the guy that wrote it and I don't know if it's true or not it might be Baptist lore could be still makes for a good story but that he wrote that song early in his life and that he was coming west on the Oregon Trail and somebody was singing that song that him come now found and he was all upset because he is backslidden and he wrote that one at a time in his life when it was really just on fire for the Lord and it just broke his heart because you know he realized that he wasted a lot of years and realized that he'd left God and you know it's a sad story but it happens to people all the time people get out of church and you wonder what happened to them you know they quit because it's hard but you know what it's rewarding the Christian life is rewarding we just can't see what all the rewards are for us right now but look I guarantee you if you take on the role as a pastor someday that you're gonna be rewarded by God you just got to be faithful you got to meet the requirements you know what and God needs help he needs help on this earth to for people to stand in the gap and he needs pastors pastors are needed help wanted pastors needed I'm willing to train you so if you want to be a pastor I mean and if I say hey well we can't really do it right now and say no pastor remember the time you came and preached at our church and you said hey I will train you throw that in my face and then I'll be like okay I'll train you I remember show me this video Pastor Thompson you said you'd train me and I will so I want to and why because I want I think that there's a big problem in this country in this world of having not enough pastors last verse I'll have you turn to first Timothy chapter 1 verse verse 12 says in verse 12 and I thank Christ Jesus our Lord who hath enabled me for that he counted me faithful putting me into the ministry who was before a blasphemer and a persecutor and injurious but I obtained mercy because I did it ignorantly in unbelief you know a lot of people think that they can't overcome their past but and I've heard people say well I wouldn't have this person be a pastor because they did drugs or they've done this or that Paul murdered people or was complicit in their murder he tried to get people to recant their faith so I mean when Paul says he's the chief of sinners that's scripture you know I mean maybe he wasn't the worst sinner of all time I you know but you know you can overcome your past I got a past everybody's got a past some people's pasts are worse than others but if you if you still can meet the qualifications you can still be a pastor and even if you can't you can still be a great man of God or a great lady of God you know just serve God with your life you take anything away from this sermon take this way serve God for the rest of your life and wives be with your husbands this is this is this is something that I found as a problem with like trying to get people to become pastor sometimes the wives don't want to do it and here's the thing behind every good man there's a good woman that's not a Bible scripture but it is true and so look if you do the good man's gonna need a good woman and they need someone that's gonna back you up no matter what and it's gonna always be there for you and listen to your whining and my wife's a good wife I said I just said hey what do you think about me being the pastor I just kind of laid it all out for and she said I will follow you and she did she has taken and screaming but she still did just kidding look the ministry is hard it's rewarding it's not always gonna be easy but we need people to do it we need people and we need everybody in this church to do their part and this is gonna be a great it's already a great church but it can be even better let's pray Lord thank you so much for this great church here in Spokane Valley and it's pretty you continue to bless this church Lord and it's been a weird like a year and a month and ever since brother Chad got ordained just it's been a different world but we've been living in Lord but even if that doesn't change and things just keep getting weirder I pray that you just be with him and his family and Lord I pray that every single person this church to back brother Chad up and and just help him with whatever he needs and that they'd be kind to miss Jessica and and and Lord that they would be kind of their children because Lord we know that sometimes people like to attack the wives and it just happens sometimes and people never say anything bad about me in front of my face but they say things behind my wife's back sometimes and it's just they can hurt their feelings I just pray Lord that you'd help this church help them to be a support nothing but a support to the argon family and Lord I pray that you just bless continue to win souls help us win souls through your through your word in this church in Jesus name we pray amen all right if you want to take your hymnals and turn to page number 327 it's page number 327 Hired Ground page number 327 all right we'll sing it out on the first shout please close the word of prayer