(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) 🎵Music🎵 Grab your songbooks and turn to page number 437. We're going to be singing Send the Light. Welcome to Shure Foundation Baptist Church. You can find your seats and grab your blue songbooks and turn to page number 437, Send the Light. 🎵Music🎵 Song 437, let's all sing it out together on the first. There's a call comes ringing o'er the restless waves, Send the Light, Send the Light. There are souls to rescue, there are souls to save, Send the Light, Send the Light. Send the Light, the blessed gospel light, Let it shine from shore to shore. Send the Light, the blessed gospel light, Let it shine forevermore. We have heard the Macedonian call today, Send the Light, Send the Light. And a golden offering at the cross we lay, Send the Light, Send the Light. Send the Light, the blessed gospel light, Let it shine from shore to shore. Send the Light, the blessed gospel light, Let it shine forevermore. Let us pray that grace may everywhere abound, Send the Light, Send the Light. And a Christ-like spirit everywhere be found, Send the Light, Send the Light. Send the Light, the blessed gospel light, Let it shine from shore to shore. Send the Light, the blessed gospel light, Let it shine forevermore. Let us not grow weary in the work of love, Send the Light, Send the Light. Let us gather jewels for a crown above, Send the Light, Send the Light. Send the Light, the blessed gospel light, Let it shine from shore to shore. Send the Light, the blessed gospel light, Let it shine forevermore. Amen. Amen. Our second song will be song number 414, Throw Out the Lifeline. Song number 414, Throw Out the Lifeline. Song 414, let's sing it out together on the first. Throw out the lifeline across the dark wave, There is a brother whom someone should save, Somebody's brother, oh, who then will dare, To throw out the lifeline his peril to share. Throw out the lifeline, throw out the lifeline, Someone is drifting away. Throw out the lifeline, throw out the lifeline, Someone is sinking today. Throw out the lifeline with hand quick and strong, Why do ye tarry, why linger so long? See, he is sinking, oh, hasten today, And out with the lifeboat away then away. Throw out the lifeline, throw out the lifeline, Someone is drifting away. Throw out the lifeline, throw out the lifeline, Someone is sinking today. Throw out the lifeline to danger-fraud men, Sinking in anguish where you've never been. Winds of temptation and billows of woe, Will soon hurl them out where the dark waters flow. Throw out the lifeline, throw out the lifeline, Someone is drifting away. Throw out the lifeline, throw out the lifeline, Someone is sinking today. Soon will the season of rescue be o'er, Soon will they drift to eternity's shore, Face then, my brother, no time for delay, But throw out the lifeline and save them today. Throw out the lifeline, throw out the lifeline, Someone is drifting away. Throw out the lifeline, throw out the lifeline, Someone is sinking today. Good evening, everybody. Welcome to Church Foundation Baptist Church. Let's take our bulletin to go through some announcements. If you need a bulletin, I think we've got two more left. Anybody need one? On our front cover, we have our verse of the week. It says, And whatsoever you do in word or deed, Do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him. Our service times, our Sunday morning service is 10.30 a.m. Our Sunday evening service is 3.30 p.m. We'll be in Exodus chapter 11 this Sunday night. And Thursday Bible study is 6.30 p.m. You're here at that time, of course. And we're in Hebrews chapter 6 tonight. Our sowing times are listed below. We had sowing tonight. Brother Robert, did you guys have anybody? Okay, we had one salvation, so praise God for that. He was a 16-year-old kid named Ben. So, let's pray for him that God will lead his life and maybe he'll come get baptized and maybe plugged in. So, anyway, if you look down below, you can see the praise reports, the salvations, baptisms, and attendance totals from last week and our upcoming events. The youth rally is over. Was it fun, Miss Kimmy? Was it fun, the youth rally? All right. It looked like it was a lot of fun. Had a lot of our church people were down there. And so, I'm glad that it was a success. And our men's leadership class got canceled, but I'm going to reschedule that. So, I'll let you guys know as soon as it's rescheduled. And then the crochet class, I guess, went well. So, they showed up with their needles and did some damage or whatever. So, it sounds like everybody had a good time. And the stewardship meeting is still going on this Saturday. It's at 10 a.m. And so, I just want to say that if you're not an usher or you don't even want to be an usher, that's fine. If you're in the men's spiritual leadership class, you should probably just attend it because at some point, if you ever want to become a pastor or a full-time worker, you're probably going to have to have ushers. So, you're going to need to know what they do. So, I would just say it's a good class to come to and it's also for stewardship. So, you know, maybe you're not going to be one of the people that count the ties or take the ties, but would you be willing to fill in every once in a while if we didn't have anybody, everybody's sick? I mean, believe it or not, that does happen sometimes. So, if you want to come to it, you're more than welcome to come. You don't have to be an usher. You don't have to be a counter or whatever, but it'd be nice to have some backups every once in a while. And it's just something good to know. And I'm also going to feed everybody afterwards. So, if you, I was thinking about just going right over to that Mexican restaurant over there right afterwards, instead of just going through all the complications and you guys can order what you want. And so, now I got all these people, strangers coming up, I want to come to the class. Now, I don't care if you want to come, just let me know that you're coming. And so, there'll be around two hours of class time. So, anyway, that's this Saturday at 10 o'clock. And then, March 17th through 19th, which is next Friday, we're going to be celebrating the four-year anniversary of our church up in Spokane. I can't believe it's been four years already, but it has. And Pastor Jared Pazarski from Hold Fast Baptist Church is going to be preaching there on Friday night at 7 p.m. So, you don't want to miss that. And so, even if you can't make the trip up to Spokane, just tune into the live stream. Is anybody going from our church besides the Harrington family? Is anybody else planning on going? Okay. Well, you guys are going to miss out because we're going to have a lot of fun. But anyway, I understand it's kind of a treacherous drive. It's about a six-hour drive from here. So, anyway, so just pray for that weekend, this weekend, next weekend to go off really well. And they've been, we moved the church building and there's been a lot of receptive soul wanting. They've been just basically doubling what they normally do for salvation. They said the area around the church building is very receptive. So, I'm looking forward to that. April 1st is our big soul wanting push and soul wanting marathon. It'll be around the Vancouver area. April 2nd is the Lord's Supper and that will be at the p.m. service on Sunday the 2nd. So, again, we only do that once a year and only people that are saved and baptized are allowed to partake. So, I mean, obviously, if you're not baptized and you partake, I'm not going to just like jump on you and tackle you or something. But that's just, you know, the Bible has things in lists by way of order and it doesn't say they that gladly received him took the Lord's Supper. It says they that gladly received him were baptized. So, anyway, just wanted to throw that out there real quick. But let's see, I'll be teaching a whole thing about it before, obviously, before we do it. So, and teach you what we believe in our church about it. We believe it's only once a year. So, it is a special time and we do it in a special way. So, hopefully, everybody makes plans to be able to attend that service. And then, obviously, we're going to have, let's see, April 8th, a big another soul wanting push that'll be in Portland and probably St. John's or Gresham, which is not really Portland, but it should kind of is. And then, Easter Sunday, we're going to have probably a potluck after the service. But, obviously, there's going to be some preaching about the resurrection. And we'll have a potluck. And then, I actually bought a backdrop for pictures. No, it doesn't have bunnies. No, it doesn't have anything like that. Just like flowers. So, if you just want, like, to not have to brave the rain, if it's raining or something like that, we'll have a backdrop. And I haven't asked somebody to take pictures yet, but I'm sure somebody will. So, if you want to be the one that takes pictures that day, you're more than welcome to do so. Or you can just take your own pictures, you know. They've got these little things that you can set up on your phone and you can put, like, a stand right there and just, you know, take your own or whatever. But, if somebody wants to volunteer for that, that'd be appreciated. My homeschool-filled trip to OMSI is going to be April 11th, and that'll be at 9.30 a.m. General Admission and Planetarium Show. The head count, we need by March 27th, so see Mrs. Woods for that. I think they're traveling up from the conference, so they're probably not going to be here tonight. But, I'm sure they'll be back soon. Their family's been sick, too. So, anyway, April 12th is another crochet class that'll be put on by Mrs. Boda also, so if you have any questions, see her. April 13th through 17th is the Detroit soul-winning trip, and I got my tickets, got my hotel, ready to go. So, I'm excited about it, and we might be able to, we're talking about maybe possibly preaching at a Baptist church that's there. I'm not sure if that's going to happen or not, but that's kind of in the works, maybe. But, we are going to have a preaching service on that Sunday, so me and Brother Corbin are going to be preaching that Sunday. So, there'll be two full soul-winning marathon days, and of course, food will be provided and things like that. But, if you're going, we'll have some more. I was thinking after this next weekend, we'll probably make another video kind of announcing some other stuff. Anyway, and then, of course, we have the King James Conference coming up in Maine. That's a long ways off, but it's not really that long. It's already almost the middle of March now. I'm just like, what? It's happening to the time. But, that's going to be a great conference, and we're going to start gearing up for that pretty soon. But, it's going to be a great conference. We have our whole church from Spokane. It's going to be traveling down here. We rented a big house, so they're going to be all staying together in the same house. I don't know how that's going to work out, but they must really like each other a lot. But, anyway, it's going to be great. It's going to be nice to have our whole church here. We're actually probably going to have to cancel church there, because everybody from the church is coming. So, anyway, that'll be a great weekend. And then, I know that some people from up north at our surrey church are planning on possibly coming. So, it's going to be a great weekend. Hopefully, we have a lot of people, and it's packed out. So, all the other stuff, family integrated church, you all know that. And, just please, you all know the rules. I hate reading them over and over again, so I'm not going to. But, just make sure you look at all the information there. And, we sang happy birthday to everybody. Titus' birthday was yesterday, right? Was it yesterday? Huh? Well, is he here? Where's he at? I haven't even seen him. I walked in in a rush. Let's sing happy birthday. It was his birthday yesterday. Yeah, it's an epitasm, so just shut up. But, anyway, let's sing happy birthday. I'll stay away from the mic. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday, God bless you. Happy birthday to you. Yay! You only turned one once, so it's a special one. Anyway, that's all I have for announcements. Let's sing another song, and we'll take up the operating room. Alright, our next song will be song number 427, Passion for Souls. Song number 427, A Passion for Souls. Song 427, let's sing it on the first. Give me a passion for souls, dear Lord, a passion to save the lost. O that Thy love were by all adored and welcomed at any cost. Jesus, I long, I long to be winning, men who are lost and constantly sinning. O may this hour be one of beginning, the story of pardon to tell. Though there are dangers untold and stern, confronting me in the way. Willingly still would I go, nor turn, but trust Thee for grace each day. Jesus, I long, I long to be winning, men who are lost and constantly sinning. O may this hour be one of beginning, the story of pardon to tell. How shall this passion for souls be mine? Lord, make Thou the answer clear. Help me to throw out the old lifeline to those who are struggling near. Jesus, I long, I long to be winning, men who are lost and constantly sinning. O may this hour be one of beginning, the story of pardon to tell. Brother Alex, could you bless the offering for us? O may this hour be one of beginning, the story of pardon to tell. O may this hour be one of beginning, the story of pardon to tell. O may this hour be one of beginning, the story of pardon to tell. O may this hour be one of beginning, the story of pardon. O may this hour be one of beginning, the story of pardon to tell. O may this hour be one of beginning, the story of pardon to tell. O may this hour be one of beginning, the story of pardon. O may this hour be one of beginning. O may this hour be one of beginning, the story of pardon. O may this hour be one of beginning. O may this hour be one of beginning, the story of pardon to tell. O may this hour be one of beginning. O may this hour be one of beginning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .