(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Stand up stand up for Jesus While you're sitting down Song number 491 In your blues song book Stand up stand up for Jesus Music Song 491 in your blues hymn book Let's sing it together on the first Stand up stand up for Jesus He's soldiers of the cross Lift high his royal banner It must not suffer loss From victory unto victory His army shall he lead Till every foe is vanquished And Christ is Lord indeed Stand up stand up for Jesus The trumpet call obey Forth to the mighty conflict In this his glorious day Ye that are men now serve him Against a numbered post Let courage rise with danger And strength to strength oppose Stand up stand up for Jesus Stand in his strength alone The arm of flesh will fail you He dare not trust your own Put on the gospel armor Each piece put on with prayer Where ever you go Put on the gospel armor Each piece put on with prayer Where duty calls or danger Be never wanting there Hey man brother Sean could you help us up with a prayer Amen Amen our second song will be song number 487 Faith is the Victory Song number 487 in your blues song books Faith is the Victory Song 487 let's sing it together on the first Tempt along the hills of light Ye Christian soldiers rise And press the battle air The night shall veil the glowing skies Against the foe in veils below Let all our strength be hurled Faith is the victory we know Overcomes the world Faith is the victory Faith is the victory Oh glorious victory that overcomes the world His banner over us His love our sword the word of God We tread the road the saints above Out of triumph trod By faith they like a whirlwind's breath Swept on o'er every field The faith by which they conquered death Is still our shining shield Faith is the victory Faith is the victory Oh glorious victory that overcomes the world On every hand The foe we find drawn up in dread array Let tents of ease be left Behind and onward to the fray Salvation's helmet on each head With truth all gird about The earth shall tremble neath our tread And echo with our shout Faith is the victory Faith is the victory Oh glorious victory That overcomes the world To him that overcomes the foe That raiment shall begin Before the angels he shall know His name confessed in hand Then upward from the hills of light Our hearts with love aflame Will vanquish all the hosts of night In Jesus' conquering name Faith is the victory Faith is the victory Oh glorious victory That overcomes the world Welcome everybody to Sturt Foundation Baptist Church for our midweek service. Let's go ahead and take our bulletins and go through some announcements If you need a bulletin, Brother Sean will bring you a bulletin No cost, just keep your hands up On the front cover we have our verse of the week It says there is no fear in love, but perfect love casteth out fear because fear hath torment he that feareth is not made perfect in love. 1 John 4 verse 18. Our service times are listed below on the inside page there and 1030 a.m. is the preaching service, Sunday mornings, Sunday evenings 3.30 p.m. and of course this week is Mother's Day We will be in Exodus chapter 16 for the afternoon service Thursday Bible study is the study you're in tonight 6.30 p.m. and we're in Hebrews chapter 11. We're drawing near the end of the book. It's been a fun study. It's been a lot harder than I thought it was going to be, but I should have just known that. There's a lot of great doctrine in Hebrews, a lot of great truths in Hebrews, but it's been great studying this book and we're going to get through chapter 11 tonight Our soul winning times are listed below. We had soul winning tonight. We had 16 out and zero salvations, but God rewards us for the labor that we do. We've had some good months the last few months here soul winning, even January We've gotten a lot more salvations than we did at this time last year, so keep up the good work soul winning We got skunked last night in Seattle too, but we've already had 27 salvations in two weeks at that new church plant up there, so praise the Lord for that. Then we had the men's leadership class. That was Tuesday night and on May 13th, this Saturday is going to be the ladies' tea It's going to be here at the church building at noon. Ladies, feel free to dress up I guess everybody votes on who the best dressed is and there's multiple different prizes that you can win. My wife went and picked out a bunch of nice gifts for everybody Well, they're not gifts. I guess you win them You have to dress up. If you don't want to dress up, you don't have to. It's for all ladies. It's not just mothers and daughters. It's all ladies are welcome to attend That's at noon and lunch will be provided, tea will be provided dessert will be provided, and fun will be provided and fellowship Hope you come. If you haven't signed up yet, please let my wife know Just message her on WhatsApp or whatever And then Mother's Day, of course, is May 14th and it kind of put the challenge out there to get a certain type of food, like if the ladies had some ideas, and Crystal had a couple ideas that were really good. However, Pastor Shelley did not approve of the Indian food. No, I'm just kidding But yeah, I figured, I don't know how many people actually like Indian food But I like Indian food, so I think Pastor Shelley is wrong on that doctrine But it depends on where you get it from Anyway, we're going to actually have round table pizza, so sorry about that Miss Crystal, I got a garlic chicken so that it would be kind of like, I don't know I don't know what that even means, but anyway, so we'll have pepperoni, we'll have Indian, meat lovers, and then the chicken The fancy chicken. We'll have salad, so I did actually for the gluten-free people, got three small pizzas So I got pepperoni, Hawaiian, and meat marble? So those small pizzas, don't touch them kids, don't touch them anybody else, they're for the celiac people They're suffering when they eat flour, so brother Ryan, I know, he really has it bad So if he touches anything that's been cross-contaminated He's sick for days, so anyway, but we got that going on Of course we'll provide water, but if you want to bring any drinks You're more than welcome to do so, but lunch will be provided after the service There will be a gift for every mother, there's actually two gifts for every mother And I do have to explain that, so I got on the Sword of the Lord website, I got Preaching for Mothers, and it's like It's from an independent Baptist website, we get our Sword of the Lord stuff for our music and things like that And one of the sermons that's in it is from Charles Spurgeon So I gotta have a disclaimer on that So we don't promote Charles Spurgeon here, so if you want the book You can take the book if your husband's okay with that or whatever, but I want to see you just put a big X on those pages Or just cut them out if you want to, but you don't have to take a copy of it That's fine, but I got something else that's a special surprise Also along that, because I felt bad about that and I don't want to give out Stuff that has preaching from false pastors and Calvinists And stuff like that, so anyway Those will be available upon request, and then please dash that With a potter's vessel. Alright, so also we have coming up A church work day, that's next Saturday at 10.30 There's a lot of furniture that we've been buying for the conference I need people to help build, so There's chairs, there's like four chairs A table, and there's some other stuff, but there's also I'd like to have some people help clean up around the building and inside the fenced area We got a bunch of those, you know, whatever, getters Trash picker uppers, or whatever you want to call them So you don't have to touch anything, you can wear 10 pairs of gloves if you want But we'll have all the stuff you need to help make it look nice for the conference That's kind of what we're shooting for, so I hope that you would show up for that, I don't want to interrupt soloing or anything like that So if you could just come for a couple hours that day, that'd be great, and there's other stuff that's around here that you've probably been saying, pastor needs to do this, but I need help, so if you can come help for the church work day I'd really appreciate it, I think it's the first time we've ever had something like that Anyway, we kind of need it, so it's kind of a spring cleaning Brother Sean's sermon inspired me to do some real spring cleaning too, so anyway, also we have the conference coming up that next week, and that's on Thursday Starts on Thursday, ends on Sunday, and Thursday we'll have Pastor Shelley preaching for us, Friday Pastor Anderson, those are both at 7pm, Saturday Pastor Jimenez will be preaching for us in the morning at 10.30am, Sunday morning Pastor Jones, then I'll be preaching the last service There's a note in there to RSVP for hats or ladies teas So I guess they're not, I don't think that they're cut like a ladies tea though So if you're RSVPing for that and you're telling me your shirt size, it's just going to be like a regular shirt size I don't think they're cut for ladies, at least not the one I saw wasn't So the men are getting the hats and the ladies are getting the t-shirts That's kind of how that's going, but I'm asking if you would just please RSVP and let me know that you're going to be here, if you're going to be here for the whole conference If you're here for any day, it's fine, I realize not everybody's going to be able to come to every night, but with this all-star lineup at the beginning of the conference, you're not going to want to miss that I already know what they're all preaching about, and so they're going to be very exciting sermons To RSVP, you can either text and say, hey this is so-and-so I'm RSVPing, and then you can also just email me at shirtfoundationbaptist.com and just let me know, and I need to know the shirt size and the t-shirts and hats are for 13 and up, we will have prizes and stuff like that for the kids, so don't worry about they're not getting the shaft, so there will be some nice stuff for them too, so anyway, please make sure you RSVP because here's the thing, if a bunch of people RSVP and then there's no more hats left, I don't want our own church family to not get them, and most of the people that have RSVPed are church family, so I appreciate that church family, well done, you're making strides in the new IFB for RSVPing, so it's been a problem for seven years, Pastor Jimenez, he's always trying to get people to do it for the Red Hot Preaching Conference, I think he kind of gave up, but anyway let's see, so the last thing on there, we have, and also for the conference, just real quick, we have 3 o'clock on Thursday and Friday there will be soul winning, there will be meals provided at 5 o'clock on both nights so you can come in, you can go soul winning, and then come right in and eat so the meals will be provided, and then lunch on Saturday lunch on Sunday, and then there's going to be Q&As after each pastor preaches, and so it'll just be Brother Dylan's going to kind of be the MC, and he's going to let you guys ask whatever questions you want, and I will make this option available, if you want to just put your question on a communication card, you don't want to stand up, maybe you're shy and you don't want to stand up and ask, we'll take some you know, you can put your, whatever question you have on a communication card and drop it in the donation box that's up there, that's the donation slash communication card box that's right there as you walk into church, so if you have a question, go ahead and do that, or you can just do it live during the Q&A session, and then we're going to probably take some from the internet, and then it'll be a quick like 20 to 30 minute, well that's yeah, anyway, you just never know with the pastors like one question could be like a 30 minute answer with me anyway, so that's the conference, it's coming up, it's coming up fast, Miss Bobby, do you need help with anything, or do you have like stuff that you want to delegate, that you're just waiting for that person to come up and say, what must I do to help with this conference? You do, okay, so if anybody wants to help with any of the, as you can see it's getting decorated, it's supposed to kind of look like a king's court, so there's a lot of stuff that still needs to be done so if you want to help, please see Miss Bobby or Brother Ramon they're kind of doing the decorations and stuff like that, so they'd be happy to put you to work, and let's see, June 9th through 12th is the Sure Foundation Baptist Church Winnipeg official launch and they've already been running under our banner since October Brother Jim Weeb is leading a group of about 28 people up there and he's been doing that for about 5 years just as like a soul winning group and he's been preaching, and he's been doing a good job, and so I'm going to go up there, and if anybody wants to go, it's more than welcome to go and I'm going to be ordaining Brother Jim as an evangelist there so that's all I have for announcements there, and then of course the spiel, we are a family integrated church, that means we don't separate the children from the parents for any reason, and please make sure you're utilizing the mom baby room or dad baby room located in the back areas of the church there, there's the dad baby room back there, mother baby room there and please know mom's in the dad baby room and dad's in the mom baby room during the service please, and no running in the building no letting your children go into areas by themselves where there's no adult watching, so please just make sure you're watching your children, silence your cell phones, replace them on silent for the airplane mode for the service, and if you need an escort to your vehicle the ushers are available to do that for you, they're the guys with the gold pins or silver pins that say usher on them, and the jackets, online donations are available on our website and our text giving numbers on the page there, the ties from last month are at the bottom of the page, and what's the date today? It's the 11th, and it's Jack's birthday tomorrow, right? Where's Jack? Hey Jack, how's it going? How old are you going to be? Nine. That's one of the best ages to be. Nine and ten. Anyway, well happy birthday Jack, let's go ahead and sing happy birthday to him. Happy birthday to you Happy birthday to you Happy birthday, God bless you Happy birthday to you Alright, enjoy that nine year old year, it's going to be a great one. Alright, that's all I have for announcements, let's go ahead and sing another song I'm sorry, I just have one more thing, I'm sorry, but wait there's more, no, I am starting to implement the communication card system, and we did it when we first started as a church and I just think it's probably a good idea, our church is growing, so for now, if you're new to our church and we don't have your information like your birthday or phone number or address and stuff like that, obviously we're not going to sell your information to Google or anybody else, they already have it anyway, so we'll keep your information private, it's just if we want to communicate with you or if you want to communicate with us but anyway, if you fill out one of those communication cards, if you're new to our church or maybe you've been here a while and you're not really new but we still don't have that information, please fill one of those cards out how many people in your family, how old your children are what their birthdays, the birthdays and anniversaries, all that kind of stuff so we can update our database as far as being able to put that stuff in the bulletin alright, that's all I have this time, and you can drop it in the, if you fill out a communication card, you can drop it in the plates as the ushers go by, and the reason why I have that box back there is so that if you forgot, but you want to still do it those will be there until the end of the service, and then at the end of each service we'll take the box and unlock it and check the communication cards, alright? Alright, let's sing another song alright our next song is song number 177, He Included Me song number 177 in your blue hymn books, He Included Me song 177, He Included Me, let's sing it together on the first, I am so happy in Christ today, that I go singing along my way, yes I'm so happy to know and say, Jesus included me too, Jesus included me, yes He included me, when the Lord said, whosoever He included me Jesus included me yes, He included me when the Lord said, whosoever He included me, gladly I read, whosoever may come to the fountain of life today but when I read it I always say Jesus included me too Jesus included me, yes He included me, when the Lord said whosoever He included me, Jesus included me, yes He included me, when the Lord said, whosoever He included me ever God's Spirit is saying come hear the bride saying no longer roam, but I am sure while they're calling home, Jesus included me too Jesus included me yes, He included me when the Lord said, whosoever He included me Jesus included me, yes He included me, when the Lord said whosoever He included me, freely come drink words the soul to thrill oh, with what joy they my heart do fill for when He said, whosoever will Jesus included me too Jesus included me, yes He included me, when the Lord said whosoever He included me, Jesus included me, yes He included me, when the Lord said, whosoever He included me Amen, good seeing brother Robert, could you bless the object for us? 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