(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Amen all right the title of the sermon this morning is Halloween is a wicked holiday Halloween is a wicked holiday well you had to have known that this was coming because we're in Halloween week and I thought well you know we're gonna actually be here on Halloween but the thing is that it'll be too late by then maybe there's some people that are you know flip-flopping in their hearts and they're just they just want to take their kids trick-or-treating or something I thought well I better just prepare him right now you know and also the pressure comes to celebrate Halloween from family members and it's a real pressure it's not it's just something that you have to prepare your heart for maybe getting a good dose of God's Word in your heart tonight or this morning will help you to be able to face down those family members I know Ron is just real big on Halloween and he's gonna pressure his I'm just kidding just trying to wake you up brother I'm just kid no he's not part of Halloween as far as I know but anyway you know hey look there's people get wrapped up back up into it once they've already you know forsaken it and you know they're sort of thinking well it's not really that big of a deal but I'll tell you what you know just reading through Deuteronomy chapter 18 if you were following along this morning do you think God thinks that Halloween's okay because a lot of the things that he's talking about in this chapter are things that are promoted during the time of Halloween and that's what it's all about is you know basically the devil's day to just you know subvert Christianity and to make people worship him that's like his Christmas basically that's like the devil's Christmas you know what he really loves to do he loves Christians to come and bow down before him and so that he can go and accuse them before God and I'll tell you what if he can accuse you before God over this holiday you're gonna be in trouble because you know sometimes God has to deal with his people you know the Bible says judgment begins in the house of the Lord and so if we get wrapped up into this or anything to do with this wicked holiday then God's judgment might be coming forth upon you and you're like all Pastor Thompson it's just the time for us and our kids to get candy and we don't really worship the devil and this and this and that way look look just at the end of the sermon why don't you tell me that that's what it is it's just an innocent little time for your kids to get candy and look even if it is even if that's what it is for you I'll tell you what you're still walking with and and and partaking in something that is wicked all right and you can say you can paint it with any kind of brush that you want but I'll tell you what you know God does take it seriously these things are not something we joked around about and God actually pronounces the death penalty look at verse number 22 it says when a prophet speaketh in the name of the Lord if the thing fall not nor come to pass that is the thing which the Lord hath not spoken but the prophet has spoken it presumptuously thou shalt not be afraid of him and look at verse 20 it says but the prophet that shall presume to speak a word in my name which I have not commanded him to speak or that shall or that shall speak in the name of other gods even that prophet shall die okay so God finds it a very serious subject this is one of the greatest chapters in the Bible I think and it just flat-out tells you don't be involved in any form of Satanism period and he and he makes this great list in here of things that we should avoid things that we shouldn't do things that we shouldn't partake in and people that we shouldn't hang around and so look if you're celebrating Halloween you are hanging around people and look most those people probably aren't going home and and drawing pentagrams on the ground and calling unto Satan and all this other stuff but I'll tell you what there are people that are and their desire is to pervert the ways of God and make it seem like it's okay to just worship the devil it's okay to just go and dress up like demons it's okay to be Frankenstein and all these other things and it's celebrating the dead it's celebrating demons it's they say it's a day where the spirits are out the biggest day where spirits are out I'd say that probably is true because they're channeling a lot of that energy off the people that are going and partaking in this wicked holiday and it is a holiday it's become a major holiday because like I'll tell you what all the stuff has been out for over a month before it even happens been out for like two months on the shelves and so every year they try to you know put it a little so you got what two months to shop for your Halloween stuff now and every place you go the places are filled with all kinds of monsters and spiders and just all these you know wicked things images of wicked witches and and skeletons and ghosts and all this other garbage it's not actually true you know there are devils but who knows what they look like they're probably can look like whatever they want but we can't see them unless God allows us to see them but it's still promoted and you know I'll just tell you a story real quickly about a month ago we were soul winning and this person had made it these apartments were so winning that it made this big huge production of all this haunted house stuff and all this Halloween stuff and I was I talked to those people were zero interest in the gospel zero interest and then I went over and I started giving the gospel to this lady and she ended up getting saved but during the course of that one of our some of the other people in our soul winning group came up and one of her little boys came up and saw that and the guy came running out and scared him really badly and he started crying and this is the kind of things that Halloween promote do you think it's normal for someone want to scare a little child like that do you think that's normal that's not normal you know and the last thing you want to do is have your children scared but you know what you can't even walk down the street during this time of year without having your kids have to ask you questions about it and you know people think it's all it's just fun and games no it's not fun and games that kid was scared he was screaming he was crying do you think it probably gave him nightmares do you think that's okay it's not okay and they were laughing about it they were laughing until they saw how bad they scared him and then and then you know they realized they're like oh I'm so sorry and then the lady I got saved was was like oh he always gets people like that you know and look I'm excusing her because she didn't know any better all right but that guy had no interest in the gospel you know what his interest is ghouls and goblins and scary things and you know he had long hair they're listening to you know heavy metal music and we first walked up I mean look they're they're just you know looking the part of everything that is satanic and look they made you know maybe he's not having you know child sacrifices in his house or something like that but you know what he has zero interest in the gospel he has zero interest in the things of God as a matter of fact he sees an innocent little child he runs up and tries to scare him that's ridiculous that's that's wicked and people those just he's just having some fun really you think that kid was having some fun he wasn't he was scared out of his mind and I I've just grown to hate the Halloween holiday I liked it when I was a kid but you know what Moses probably liked living in Egypt but you know at some point he said you know what I'm gonna forsake Egypt and I'm gonna suffer with the people of God you know we got to learn that we just you know just because it's fun just because our kids like it and all this other stuff it doesn't mean that it's right to do sometimes you got to hold your kids back from things that are dangerous to them you're like well it's not dangerous they're just getting candy but it is dangerous what are you teaching them that it's okay to just mingle with the world and to do the things that the heathen do and to do the things that God commanded you not to do because it's very clearly laid out in Deuteronomy chapter 18 so Halloween is a wicked holiday it's straight out of hell it promotes things that God hates things God calls abomination and this morning I'm gonna show you how according to God's Word that everything to do with the Halloween holiday is wicked all right so let's start off with Deuteronomy chapter 18 verse number 9 it says when thou art coming to the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee thou should not learn to do after the abominations of those nations so let's see everything that he's gonna list from here on out our abominations in the sight of God and we're not supposed to do or learn to do the things that these heathen do all right he's talking about the heathen nations around them that God told him to wipe out because they got so bad and what were they doing they're literally partaking in these things it says there shall not be found verse 10 there shall not be found among you anyone that maketh his son or daughter to pass through the fire or that useth divination or an observer of times or an enchanter or witch and it says or charmer or consult her with familiar spirits or a wizard or a necromancer for all that do these things are an abomination unto the Lord and because of these abominations the Lord thy God doth drive them out from before thee he says they are an abomination not they you know it's just it's saying the same language as someone that's a sodomite right the sodomites are an abomination to the Lord too right they are an abomination and so it's not just you know kind of just oh it's just okay it's just it's you know they're just doing something different they just worship different gods freedom of religion you know what God isn't for freedom of religion you know this country might be and people might think that's all good and fine but I'll tell you what if God had his way there would be no Halloween as a matter of fact anybody participating in it would probably be dead so keep that in mind that God you know what you think oh it's not that big of a deal it's not that serious well God does think it's serious that's why he wrote basically a whole chapter about it and it's not just the only chapter look there's so much about this that I couldn't even put it in the whole sermon there's just too much about this type of subject so now number one before I before we go into the to the rest of the sermon I want to pray though Heavenly Father we just thank you Lord so much for this wonderful day Lord I pray that you would just help our people and Lord help them from the pressure that they get from family Lord and help them in their hearts that they might not ever turn back and maybe some of them have celebrated Halloween in the past but Lord I just pray the Lord that that your word would convince them otherwise to not do that again and Lord help us today and fill me with the spirit and Jesus name we pray amen so number one reason why Halloween is a wicked holiday well the number one reason well it promotes death and you know God is a God of the living amen he wants us to live forever so he's not the god of death he's the god of the living the Bible says that and he doesn't want death promoted you know do you think it's okay to just walk around and have like skulls all over you all the time and the school ring and look you're promoting death when you do that here's you're showing that it's so that you just like skulls and stuff people have these fancy these things where they like that collect skulls and things I think it's kind of weird I don't really like to collect things of dead people or dead animals I think it's kind of strange like I don't know maybe I'm wrong but I think it's I think it's weird I think God thinks it's weird too because the verse number 10 it says there shall not be found any of you any one that maketh his son or daughter to pass through the fire okay and you're like well what does that have to do with Halloween Pastor Thompson well you know sacrifice child sacrifice is something that these people were doing okay what does it have to do with what Halloween well Halloween promotes death okay and these people were promoting death by letting their sons and daughters to walk through the fire and what does that mean to pass through the fire what do you think happens to a child when they walk into a fire they're gonna die and so these people were into human sacrifice not only just human sacrifice sacrifice of innocent children that don't deserve to do that to have that happen to them and they're probably just wondering well why why in the world would you let me do this mom and dad is because their parents are wicked and they're and they're serving false gods that's why God puts the death penalty on these types of things because God is a want the land filled with blood he doesn't want people to be sacrificing their children now obviously if you'd sacrifice your children in a fire today in modern-day America you know what's gonna happen you're gonna go to jail unless you're Hillary Clinton or Bill Clinton or Barack Obama or one of these other Satan worshipers that run this country Donald Trump you know who knows what kind of weird stuff they're doing behind the scenes but I'll tell you what they're satanic Joe Biden is satanic and people that say oh you're you're crazy for teaching that really well you know Joe Biden just recently said that he wanted to put Christians on some national terrorism registry you know the pervert that he is I'm sure he does I'm sure he doesn't like when a Baptist preacher gets up and says you're wicked reprobate for being a child molester grooming children in front of people have you seen the videos of him just like walking up and touching girls and just you know it's really strange you know people all it's just innocent no it's not I don't walk up to people's kids and touch them it's that's weird if I do I'm gonna grab them by the neck you know what I mean just what do you think you're doing no it won't be a soft pet or whatever but so what do we got going on today well we got child sacrifice going on today in this country they're being sacrificed on the altar of convenience so now it's you don't have to put them through the fire now you just kill them before the fire you can just kill them before they're born in the place where they're supposed to be the most protected the womb right we've had all these babies born this week you know what praise God God loves to see newborn babies born he loves to see you know families growing and and and growing up with the nurture and admonition of the Lord you know what he doesn't like to see some wicked abortion doctor killing and murdering children by the thousands every single day and that is death being promoted because they you know what's all over the news oh well you know I believe in a woman's right to choose what choose death what choose murder that's what you believe it's okay and while the man doesn't have any say so in the whole thing this world has become twisted and you know they thought it was okay back then and in these Canaanite places and God said hey you know what I'm gonna put it into this I'm gonna tell you what I want I don't want this I don't want death and in a little bit Leviticus chapter 18 verse 21 it says thou shall not let any of thy seed pass through the fire to Molech neither shalt thou profane the name of thy God I am the Lord seeing today people are maybe they're not letting them pass through the fire but they are letting them be murdered you know and and God forbid you'd be a Christian that would say oh I think it's okay for abortion no it's like Peter Ruckman saying well they're not a living soul until they're born well the Bible I apparently he's never read the Bible maybe he dispensational eyes is even children because that's a strange thing to say because God said before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee you know God's the one that forms children in the womb God loves Jesus the Bible says you know that that song Jesus loves the little children all the children of the world even the ones that are still in their mother's womb and Halloween promotes death and he said you're not supposed to letting of your children pass through the fire and you know it's tied to satanic rituals that's what it has to do with Halloween and you know have you ever heard the news stories where people do these sacrifices I'm sure that they do do sacrifices for children still we just don't know about it because it's an occult practice it's a satanic practice and children disappear all over the world every single day and some of them they never find you know why well I'm sure that a lot of them are being prostituted out or whatever but a lot of them and a lot of them are being killed you know and there's still people that believe this satanic stuff and they do practice it don't think that it doesn't happen so Proverbs chapter 8 verse 36 says but he that sinned against me wrongeth his own soul all they that hate me love death and so the the Halloween holiday is promoting death and God says you know what the people that hate me they love death and so hey yeah if you if you love death well why don't you just go ahead and celebrate Halloween then if that's what you love you know but the Bible says that they that hate me love death God doesn't want you to just like be fascinated by death he doesn't want you to think that death is something that he wants you to be involved with I mean there's a lot of things that promote death these days even video games video games promote death too and there's a lot of different practices and things that promote death how about the the people that are mesmerized by being an American soldier they love death too I just want to go and kill them all and make you know Iraq a parking lot or whatever that's weird that's a weird mentality to be a person that wants to go and just kill people for America if you're a Christian that should not be a desire in your heart God's not called us to be a soldier like that he's called us to be a soldier in a spiritual battle and I I think it's just wrong for you to have an attitude like that there's a lot of Fox News Baptist that have that exact attitude and it really pisses me off when I hear people say stuff like that that are supposed Christians and supposed Baptist you know but the haters of the Lord want to kill your children's purity also and you know we're talking about how the reason Halloween is a wicked holiday it promotes death and these people want to your kids to see death and skeletons and all this other scary things that scare them and it'll kill your children's purity it obviously we can't keep their eyes from everything that we want them to but you know you shouldn't partake in it and and make it something that you're intentionally doing with them that's not right and it also will kill your children's spiritual lives too and these people that don't care about letting their kids stay up and watch the movie Halloween and all this other stuff look you're defiling your children's eyes because that's not all they put in the scary movies either they also put you know other things of the flesh in there that you shouldn't be watching and your kids shouldn't be surely watching it either many today are sacrificing their children's purity look Christians are involved in Halloween all the time they just call it something different they call it trunk or treat have you heard of trunk or treat where all the Christian you know people just pull up with and they put candy in the trunk you know that's kind of a weird thing I don't know it's like here have some candy get in the trunk you know I don't know I don't know where that came from that's strange but you know I know a bit there's a big church Grandview Baptist Church they're promoting on their Facebook page trunk or treat come on down and invite the whole family yeah so you can bow down to bail them in front of everybody and show them that you're a compromiser there's another church on right before right the day before Easter they had the Easter bunny bouncing around and giving a false gospel to every kid that was in that was there at their church that day we were at the same park as their there's their person that was supposedly given the gospel wasn't even saved and these are the types of things that people do to compromise with the world these are the things that churches do to compromise with the world thinking well we'll just reach the kid children through Halloween no you won't you know because God thinks it's wicked and look you're not gonna reach them to the Easter Bunny either why don't you reach them through Jesus kids aren't stupid they know what the Bible says you can sit there and show a kid the Bible and they'll get it way faster than the hardened hard-hearted adult would it's true I love it when a kid will will hear the gospel but they're so you know they got all this stuff on their minds nowadays they got you know parents just want to put them in front of a screen and you know do what they want so they can look at their screen it's kind of what's going on today in this country and kids are just you know desensitized and no wonder they don't want to hear the gospel story that's boring that's boring I'd rather go play video games I'd rather go do this I'd rather go do that you know that's the problem is that people are raising children and they're like whatever my kid wants to do that's what I want to do too I just want to let them do whatever they want and the problem is when you let your kids do whatever they want you know when they get older they're gonna do whatever they want to the last thing they don't want to do is set foot inside of a church like this so the Bible says in Psalm 103 101 verse 3 it says I will set no wicked thing before my eyes I hate the work of them that turn aside it shall not cleave to me it says I hate the work of them that turn aside what is that talking about well I'll tell you what things that will turn you aside from serving Christ things that will turn you aside from serving the Lord and so there are people that will that that's their they put that as their main job is to try to turn people aside from the truth whether it be the atheists or whatever but there's people out there they want to turn your children aside from the truth and I'll tell you what Halloween is one of those holidays where they would try to do that you know what if these things are real you know look at the powers that they have you know they try to proclaim that they have these powers you know what God has a lot way more power than they got way more power than they could ever hope for you know what God has all the answers that we need in this book right here and if you go a whoring after all this stuff then God's not gonna be pleased with you and I'm gonna show you some examples of that today but Romans 12 1 you know says I beseech you therefore brethren by the mercies of God that you present your bodies a living sacrifice go ahead and turn over there Romans 12 1 that you present your bodies a living sacrifice holy acceptable unto God which is your reasonable service now that verse has been getting preached here a lot maybe that's why you know maybe God wants us targeting this verse there's a lot of great stuff in these in this verse right here he wants our lives to be a living sacrifice so normally a sacrifice is something that you kill and burn on an altar right but he wants us to make our bodies a living sacrifice and he wants us to be holy he wants us to be acceptable unto God which is our reasonable service that's pretty reasonable since he saved us and you know we don't have to go to hell that we would serve him and we would be a sacrifice a living sacrifice to him it says it be not conformed with this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God see what is being conformed to the world celebrating Halloween who is the world the heathen the unbelievers so why in the world would you want to get wrapped up in the middle of that when God says hey you need to not be conformed to this world but you need to be transformed by the renewing of your mind hey get in this book it's gonna tell you what your mind should be thinking about what your mind should be doing where you should be going who you should be hanging around with and hey if you're gonna be in a living sacrifice then why are you hanging out with a bunch of people at a Halloween party we went to a church not too long ago and they every year celebrated Halloween there had thriller playing they had all this candy and stuff and then he was a deacon of the church I was just like okay well apparently you know he wants to be holy about all this other stuff but then when it comes to Halloween he didn't want to be holy about that day instead inviting other families in his church to go to and partake in it and so the Bible says that we're supposed to be a living sacrifice well what about your kids are you supposed to guide them and the way they should go well if you're not living as a living sacrifice and they see you not living that way then when you expect them hey why aren't you doing this well you don't you know it's a compromise and look you got we got all these other holidays that we could celebrate that are fine Thanksgiving fine Christmas it's all good Easter that's a good one you know there's a lot of great holidays that we can we can go to and have fun with our kids why does it have to be that one what do you think your kids are missing out on looking at devils looking at demons looking at witches looking at vampires and watching all this other garbage just so what they could get some cancer free candy why don't you just go buy them a bag of candy just go buy a bag of candy and put a mask on or something I don't know but don't do it on Halloween I don't think there's anything wrong with playing dress-up or whatever what you know your kids playing dress-up not you but then I might think you're a little strange but you know I think kids just like doing that it's it's it's fine you know but if it's as a witch yeah you probably shouldn't dress up like that but you know kids like to like dress up like animals and stuff but people have even perverted that these days these furries walking around with tails hanging out of their clothes and stuff what in the world and like you can tell the parents that are real furries that take their kids to school because they take their kids to school like that that's scary you know so they think that they're an actual unicorn or something or it's like no you're just a kid I mean you gotta separate the reality from the non reality right you know kids need to understand they're playing a game because otherwise they're gonna think that they need to become a girl they're good they think they're gonna need to become an animal I identify as an animal you're an idiot you're never gonna get a job you're always gonna be a loser go ahead and become an animal you moron anyway number two the reason Halloween is a wicked holiday promotes divination promotes divination number one it promotes death number two promotes divination Deuteronomy 18 10 says there shall not be found among you anyone that maketh his son or daughter to pass through the fire or that useth divination now what is divination divination is the practice of seeing seeking knowledge of the future or the unknown by supernatural occult practices so basically when it's talking about these prophets that serve other gods in verse number 20 there's prophets all over the world there's preachers all over the world they're just preaching something different they're preaching another religion and look the devil has put them in the world to be a stumbling block for other people and so what do they do well they preach the future they preach good things are gonna happen in your life they preach by by their own hearts they're not preaching by God and that's proven over and over again in the Bible just because someone's called a prophet in the Bible doesn't mean they're a prophet of God and so some of these people are just false prophets and prophets of other religions and we have to understand that divination is the practice that they use to foretell the future or to preach some kind of of good tidings for that person because they have their prophets to predict the future too but see God's prophets are the ones that can really do it God's prophets are the ones that when they said it it came to pass but see remember in Jeremiah's day they would say something and it didn't come to pass and then Jeremiah said well you're gonna die next and then next year the guy would die or whatever so God wants us to make sure that we're following the right prophets he wants us to make sure that we're hey look we got the law and the prophets right before us at all times I mean most of you have multiple Bibles in your house you got the law you got the prophets you got the words of Christ right in front of you and he's gonna tell you what your future is you know what your future is if you're saved you have everlasting life now he's not gonna tell you the details of what that everlasting life is gonna be like that's the surprise but you know what he does tell us he tells us we have rewards he tells us we're gonna be blessed he tells us our families that are saved are gonna be there our friends that are saved are gonna be there and it's gonna be a huge blessing it's not gonna be boring I can't play Call of Duty up here oh man it's gonna be so boring I'm gonna be honest cloud like playing a harp all the time you think that's what you're really gonna be doing you've been watching too much Bugs Bunny but divination is an occultic practice and what occult practices are there things that are against God's law what are we what chapter we in right here Deuteronomy what's it saying it's saying God's law and so things that are opposite of these things that he's saying or the things that he's saying not to do those are wicked divination things of divination and things that are occult practices okay so Jeremiah chapter 14 verse 14 let's take a look and see what Jeremiah says about these prophets so Jeremiah 14 verse number 14 says then the Lord said unto me the prophets prophesied lies in my name I sent them not neither have I commanded them neither spake unto them they prophesied unto you a false vision and divination you see even the prophets that say that they're preaching in the name of the Lord God that are false prophets they're diviners too they're they're using divination also and it says a thing of not and it is seat of their heart so they're basically just making things up like these Pentecostals to say I got a message from the Lord and he's telling me that you shut up you false prophet you're a liar because the Bible did not say that and so you're a liar you're a false prophet shut your mouth it makes me so mad when people say that because it's wicked you're speaking in the name of the Lord you know what you are you're you're you're in divination you're speaking falsely you're speaking of false vision and divination and deceit of your own heart God didn't tell you to say that you liar I get tired of that whole you know God's someone just told me that not too long ago Oh God told me no he didn't if he told you it was out of this book right here and if it's different than what this book says then you're a liar the Bible says don't be afraid of him but there's other prophets out there we got to be aware of that it's not just false prophets and what would be considered our own religion but also false prophets from other religions and they're called diviners they're they're using divination and speaking falsely about things of the future turn to Acts chapter 16 verse number 16 Acts chapter 16 verse number 16 Acts 16 16 says and it came to pass as we went to prayer a certain damsel what does it say possessed of a spirit of divination so not only is this just something that comes out of their own hearts it comes out of the hearts of devils that that that are possessing them the spirit of divination met us which brought her masters much gain in soothsaying what is soothsaying well it's lying they're saying something that's false and saying it's a prediction of the future or some prediction of some good fortune to come to you you know next year you're gonna meet the love of your life and you're gonna live happily ever after that's a that's a line divination because they don't know that they can't know that only God knows what you're gonna be doing they don't know I had this happen with a tarot card reader one time and yes before I was saved I let someone to read my tarot cards yeah that's a big mistake but you know what it proved false very quickly because they said in one year you're gonna be married to this girl and I was what I was it was my girlfriend and guess what we broke up like two months later and never got back together again so guess what she was she was a lying devil and a false prophet she's dead and in hell because she died and that lady that did that you know she's making false prophecies about and that's called divination she's using cards to divine someone's future and tell them what's gonna happen next and palm reading is the same thing if you get your palm read have you ever heard of palm reading before palm reading is also divination and they'll say well the wrinkles in your hand you know will tell you how long your life's gonna be and how in the world are you gonna figure that out by the wrinkles in someone's hand really I mean we have wrinkles in our hands we can't help it but they're sitting there like oh yeah you know you're gonna join to this house I was like what are you talking about that's false divination it's a wicked sin and every time I drive by one of these psychic reading places you know what I do pull out my fake bazooka and I pray against them that they'll die and go to hell and go out of business have you ever seen my fake bazookas anybody ride with me before okay I also have the ar-15 people probably think what in the world's he doing I don't know I just do it I'm pronouncing doom upon them anyway so there's another practice in the Bible it's talked about in Ezekiel chapter 21 verse 21 check that out real quick Ezekiel 21 verse number 21 it's talking about the king of Babylon Nebuchadnezzar now I believe Nebuchadnezzar ended up getting saved later on but before he was a heathen but God used him to destroy the nation of Israel look at Ezekiel 21 21 says for the king of Babylon stood at the parting of the way at the head of the two ways to use what divination he made his arrows bright he consulted with images he looked in the liver so I don't know what looking in the liver is but apparently it's like palm reading you can like read the veins or I don't know it's something weird but I'll tell you what it is it's divination you're looking at something you're using some kind of artifact to predict the future that is divination and it says he consulted with images so what do you I mean he's always talking to statues that's what it's talking about and but we know that you know in first Corinthians 10 it says what say I then that the idols anything or that he which is offered a sack in sacrifices to idols is anything but I say that the things with the Gentiles sacrifice they sacrifice the devils and not to God I would not that you should have fellowship with Devils so what is Nebuchadnezzar doing he's having fellowship with Devils and you know part of Halloween is fellowship with Devils you know all this demonic stuff and all this divination you know and you know tarot cards might not be the main thing behind Halloween or whatever but there's other things they got the crystal balls and you know the cauldrons of the witch cauldrons where they you know and just all kinds of weird stuff psychic readings Ouija boards you know Ouija boards look those aren't something that you want to play around with I know Hasbro makes them I know how you know part or Parker brothers or who I think it's Hasbro makes them and sells them as a game in the store it's not a game you know that is divination that's trying to look and see your future and contacting spirits and you think well is my brother Dan still you know what's what happened with my brother Dan in the in the afterlife well I'll tell you what if he wasn't saved he's in hell that's your answer but who are they really contacting they're not contacting their dead relative they're contacting the dead relative that maybe knew some things about him because like these devils were cast out of heaven a long time ago and they can go to and fro back in the earth and they can do all these things and Jesus dealt with them on a daily basis he was always casting them out and and and putting them in herds of swine and throwing you know send them off into the cliffs you got to be careful you know what you know a lot of this stuff I'm teaching you today the kids maybe have never even heard about like Danny what's that well something you should stay away from something you should stay away from not touch you know you never know when some you're gonna be caught in a situation where you're asked to do something that you that you know is forbidden by God kids stay away from stuff like that you know you might think well it's just a game it's not a game it's not something you want to play around with you go play with your dolls or something go play with your baby dolls don't play with Ouija boards those are wicked and they're they're a thing for divination so let's look at number number mile on here number three how it's a wicked holiday because it promotes observing of times it's a it's a wicked holiday because it promotes observing of times while you're talking about what does that mean Pastor Thompson well I'll tell you what it means it means someone who believes who observes times that they believe in specific bad or good omens or luck that will occur and it's also in the divination family okay so someone that observes times as a person that like says well you know this day is your lucky day because you know you're gonna win the lottery or whatever and then you go and take your rent check and dump it into some machine or something you know these are things that are kind of like your lucky numbers you know your lucky years your lucky days you know the year of the monkey Josh is the year of the monkey no I'm just kidding where's Josh there it is I don't think he's the year of the monkey but anyway he looks like one but there's also like you know having been to the Chinese restaurants and they have all the different things that you are whoa I'm the dog whoa I'm the rat that's that stuff too it's kind of like astrology you know well hey if you were born on this year then you're like this and it's the same thing and God hates that stuff God doesn't want you to be an observer of times and look I got wrapped up in that when I was younger too look I didn't know any better I'll tell you what kids in here and adults in here you better know better because you're reading the Bible you're saved and you should never get involved in stuff like this but you know Halloween does promote it to a certain extent with their Ouija boards and crystal balls and things like that you know and the witch's brew and whatever you know toil and trouble double double toil and trouble or bubble bubble toil and trouble or whatever they say look witches are heavily promoted at Halloween and you know they like people like all the witches are good witches there's no such thing as a good witch I'll get to that later but so also fortune cookies you know fortune cookies are a thing a way of observing times you know next year at this time we're gonna fall in love with a handsome hunk or whatever it's just a bunch of lies you know it's just things that you should avoid we used to open our fortune cookies too but you know what I do with them now I say no thanks I abstain cuz it's a fortune cookie it's telling you your future you're gonna get your future from a printed little piece of paper and a cookie there's people to believe that stuff though and maybe you don't but I'll tell you what if you open it up and do that in front of people and people see that you're a Christian they look at your table enough you know I don't know people really think it's a big deal but I'll tell you what if I saw another Christian family doing that I think it was not right you know I would judge them no turn to Isaiah chapter 47 I'll give them that judgment look Isaiah 47 verse 13 the Bible says thou are wearied in the multitude of thy counsels let now the astrologers and stargazers and monthly prognosticators stand up and save thee from the things that shall come upon thee so what's Isaiah talking about he's talking about astrologers people that are interested in horoscopes and star signs look if the same thing is in the newspaper in the LA Times over in Boise over in New York and it says the same exact things as your says do you think that that's legit or is it your specifics people will not some people will you know open up their horoscope before they do anything else in the day you know and it's leading them astray they think that it's gonna teach them some special thing and it because they were born on this day on the third month of Capricorn or whatever that they're like you know they that there's certain things that that are a lot of that are certain things that there are characteristics that they have and characteristics and traits that they have and they'll live by a newspaper article that has a little thing saying what your lucky numbers are and you know what your horoscope is for the day and so instead of doing the things that you probably should be doing that day you're looking for you know something else you're looking for something to happen that was in your horoscope that day and I'll tell you what if people you know don't take this seriously you can get wrapped up into stuff that's ungodly it's devilish it's wicked and God was saying hey if you're involved in this hey why don't you let your why don't you let these guys help you out when all these things come upon you why don't you let why don't you let your stargazers and astrologers stand up and stop the things that are about to happen to you because you know what God thinks it's wicked and God will judge these sins says behold they shall be a stubble the fire shall burn them they shall not deliver themselves from the power of the flame there shall not be a coal to warm at nor fire to sit before it so a prognosticator is somebody that's a fortune teller like a psychic reader type person so God's saying look hey they're not gonna stop these things from happening to you now you can sit up there and say oh today's my lucky day I'm gonna go play some lottery tickets you know that might be the day that God judges you and look I'm talking about you know Christians can get wrapped up into stuff like this too I've seen Christians post horoscopes on their Facebook timeline I'm just like what in the world what church do you go to how in the world did you come to find that you think that you should be involved and in all these horoscopes and stuff the Sun's and the skies and all this other stuff is not going to tell you what your future is God is gonna tell you what your future is number four to this morning Halloween is a wicked holiday because it promotes casting spells and curses Deuteronomy chapter 18 verse 10 says there shall not be found among you and among you anyone that maketh his son or daughter to pass through the fire or that use of divination or an observer of times or an enchanter so an enchanter is a person who uses magic or sorcery especially to put someone or something under a spell or a curse now if you remember Balaam was supposed to go and curse Israel but God wouldn't allow him to do it he was also said that he had the rewards of divination in his hand so all this stuff really does tie together it does tie together but God is making a difference between them because there are differences between them that's why I'm trying to show you this morning but someone that is an enchanter or which you know someone is an enchanter is a person that uses sorcery black magic to put a curse or spell on you and they do these magic and incantations and I'm sure you guys know what I'm talking about but also sorcery is also has drugs involved with it too the the Native Americans you know like they have this religion called the peyote it's the peyote religion basically and it's only really been around for over a hundred years and so people think that like Native Americans have some history that goes back with this peyote for thousands of years or whatever it's not true some white dude came up with it and now they like you know dance around totem poles and whatever I mean but I'll tell you what they they do all this stuff through sorcery you know they they get themselves in a trance with drugs with mess it's called stuff called masculine or peyote right and so they get into these trances and you know they do all these different chants and stuff like that but drugs is one way to get into a satanic stronghold why don't you go ask the people downtown Portland what got them to where they're at now the drugs broke them down and the drugs make it easier for Satan's entities to go inside of you just a fact so because what are they doing down there doing heroin they're doing hard drugs and their bodies are giving up to these demons and some of them you know you'll see them like this lady that like was doing all this weird chanting toward me one time I was sitting in my car I was like is this really happening and she comes around here sometimes you know who she is a short little lady with dark hair but then I've also seen her when she's perfectly fine in her right mind and she doesn't even recognize who I am but then she'll see me again when she's all spaced out on drugs and start her stuff again you can't tell me that that isn't some sort of satanic thing going on because of the drugs it is and the devil has a stronghold on him because of the drugs they're doing I witnessed a man doing witchcraft and doing some spells on a corner at where is it the Rose Garden and it was Ryland's not here but it's his little buddy everybody seen the picture of the guy that's like really weird he's like you know he doesn't have his arm around Ryland but he's like he was trying to he's a queer for one thing and so I saw this picture I didn't recognize who he was but it's the same guy that like was just acting weird and and and yeah anyway he was making this big spell on the sidewalk and I walked up and I was just like what are you doing because I was like putting barricades out or something and and he's like this is this house and like he was just like he wasn't he wasn't crazy like I at first I thought he was just crazy but he's doing a legit spell on the side of the sidewalk and writing as above so below and and then he's like this is he's like what is the the Kabbalah he said this is the spell from the Kabbalah that I'm doing and the Kabbalah is like the Jewish witchcraft book or whatever right and so he's doing that amongst other things and he's like has all my cones the reason why I actually just stopped to talk to him because he's used my cones as like a thing to make his little pentagram out of I was like yeah I'm gonna need those back bud so anyway he was telling me what everything was representing and all that but what was he doing he was doing a spell and what is Halloween have a lot of spells of witchcraft and things like that and it's even gotten worse because of all the Harry Potter stuff so but you know and being an enchanter is someone who puts spells on people and and and you know I mean the word chant is in there so it's something that people like wizards or something would mutter and peep and things like that so number five Halloween's a wicked holiday because it promotes witchcraft Halloween is a wicked holiday because it promotes witchcraft Deuteronomy 18 verse 10 says there's not be found among you anyone that maketh his son or daughter to pass through the fire or that uses divination or an observer of times or an enchanter or a witch so a witch is a mean woman no I'm just kidding which a witch is a woman thought to have magic powers especially evil ones popularly depicted as wearing a black cloak and pointed hat and flying on a broomstick or stirring a cauldron for spells looking into a crystal ball you know they try to make which pack witchcraft like a packageable thing and serve it to children nowadays and they act like it's not a big deal but I'll tell you what it is a big deal to God and being a witch is something that God hates and God hates witchcraft he hates people that that he hates the person he hates the witch themselves and it is a capital crime to be a witch but I'll tell you what in today's United States there's all kinds of witches around here there's witches all over the place doing doing their thing and they're openly practicing what they do in the military you know in neighborhoods I've run into witches in neighborhoods that we were so wanting out and they have like spells written on the ground there's little spells on the ground that's a thing that they do so and you know but God is not gonna let any weapon formed against us prosper against us so I'm not worried about that kind of stuff but you know it is promoted it is a real thing I mean Pharaoh's people Pharaoh's guys there were magicians they were able to replicate a lot of the plagues that were in the Bible so what they do is real it's not like you know sometimes it'll show like in the the Moses cartoons or whatever like they had like some some fake bleach or you know they have they had some food coloring that they put in the water it made it I don't think that's what they do I don't know how they did it but you know the devil has power too and he's able to give it to his minions also but God hates witchcraft and witchcraft is the practice of magic especially black magic the use of spells so an enchanter is someone also that could be a witch and they use these spells and black magic but you know black magic what does that tell you that it is it's evil it's wickedness it's of the devil it's not witches aren't just some you know it's not just some separate religion they're straight up demonic they're straight up satanic and they're not they don't have your best interest in heart you know the Wizard of Oz tried to promote like witches as good witches or whatever but you know what is it Glenda the good witch of the of the I don't know West or something good which of the East I don't know I can't remember but you know they dress her up in all sparkly diamonds and make her look all pretty and cute and then the other one is like all haggardly and green and that was like a witch of the West right so but they make it they try to make it look like hey there's good witches and bad witches but so that's why people hate it when the Wizard of Oz came out people freaked out over that you know now it's just like a staple and in American society but back then it was a big deal when it first came out and I'm sure that we got preached against pretty hardcore but obviously it still made its way into everybody's homes and you know people get that thought in their mind well there's good witches too I had a friend whose mom said that she was a white witch and that she would you know you want me to burn him a green money candle for you and she'd say stuff like that to me you know like at the time I didn't you know I'm just like whatever you know I didn't care but now I know that that's wicked as hell it doesn't matter what you call it it's still something that God hates so Acts chapter 8 verse 9 says go ahead and turn to Exodus 22 verse 18 I'm gonna read Acts 8 9 it says but there was a certain man called Simon which before time in the city used sorcery and bewitched the people of Samaria giving out that himself was some great one now witches can be saved it says you know I mean Simon ended up being saved so he's called Simon the sorcerer but it said he bewitched the people and so what was he doing he was casting spells upon people and making himself out to be some great one people were bewitched by him you know that defiles a person's mind when they think that this person has some kind of power that they believe in right but God you know he has something to say about it next is 22 verse 18 he says thou shalt not suffer a witch to live you know except they're wickets or white witches you know then that's okay no that's not what it says it says thou shall not suffer a witch to live because it's wickedness because it's evil and it's a capital crime you know it's a capital crime to be a witch you know people want to make fun of all this the Salem witch trials and people got all weird about that I get it and we're trying to call everybody witches but how do you how do we really know were we there when it happened maybe there was some that were real witches who knows it's not like real witches don't exist today but you know they've made that into such a big deal that like if you even mentioned that witches deserve to die people just like whoa what are you talking about well the Bible says thou shalt not suffer a witch to live so God is always right and everybody else is wrong if they're opposing what he says and number six Halloween is a wicked holiday because it promotes charms and see Halloween promotes witches Halloween promote promotes all these charms and and all this other stuff a charmer is a is a consultant or excuse me a charmer is is someone that puts spells or curses on certain items or objects and so Deuteronomy 18 verse 11 it says or a charmer or a consultant with familiar spirits or a wizard or a necromancer so you're not supposed to be a charmer it promotes Halloween promotes charming charming people making putting spells that will make you or putting spells on a certain objects that will make you afraid of them that will make you think that there's some kind of power because of the spell that's put on it what are some things that you could think of that people would put spells on objects that would be some kind of a charm anybody have any yeah huh a voodoo yeah voodoo dolls want a perfect perfect example rabbit's foot lucky lucky red lucky rabbit's foot horseshoe what else lucky charms yeah like you eat them charms but yeah really poor four-leaf clover things like that but people you know these these people would like do these charms and I'm sure false idols is part of that you know you think that that's a god they make it into a god but really there's a demonic being attached to it so you know then of course you got the love potions hypnotism you know people try to do all kinds of weird stuff but being a charmer is a wicked thing the Bible says it's not you know it might sound charming but it's not it's not charming to God you know you also got you got to think about the snake charmers you know the ones with the snakes like well turn it up Psalm 58 I thought this is an interesting verse a couple verses here Psalm chapter 58 now it's not saying that the charmer the snake charmer is a bad person necessarily in this verse but watch how God uses it though look at verse 3 it says the wicked are estranged from the womb they go astray as soon as they be born speaking lies their poison is like this poison of a serpent they're like the deaf adder that stoppeth her ear which will not harken to the voice of the charmers charming never so wisely so like God's talking about the snake that's a deaf address a snake that can't hear and they're trying to like and the snake can't hear him and so what are they gonna do they're gonna they're gonna strike him and kill him but that you know if someone's a snake charmer they don't they don't realize that you know this the snake particularly can't hear your charms and it is a thing that really goes on in India and things like that you know it's some kind of a magic trick that they try to do with the stinks but like have you seen people with cobras they put the cobras in the baskets but you know charms are basically a way to control or achieve by magic and it's usually in some sort of an item that's supposed to be lucky or something number seven Halloween is a wicked holiday because it promotes familiar spirits wizards and necromancy so I put all these three in in the last category here and because it promotes Halloween's a wicked holiday because it promotes familiar spirits wizards and necromancy so familiar spirits it says in Deuteronomy 18 11 says or a charmer or a consultant with familiar spirits or a wizard or a necromancer so I put them all together because they're kind of all the same thing so someone that consults with familiar familiar spirits is a wizard and they're also a necromancer because they're trying to get people from the dead to come and talk right and a wizard is the person or witch that would consult with a demon a familiar spirit is a demon it's a devil or demon suppose supposedly attending and obeying a witch often said to assume the form of an animal I don't know about that but I know that the witch of Endor is a perfect example we could go to in the scriptures where it shows basically that she is you know she's a witch you know she uses a familiar spirit and she tries to speak with the dead so that's why I kind of wrapped them all three in the same thing a wizard is basically a person who practices sorcery or black magic it's like the male version of a witch necromancy is a method of divination through alleged communication with the dead it's a black art that's what that's what the dictionary said magic in general especially that practice by a witch or sorcerer sorcery witchcraft conjuration they conjure demons up so they can speak with the dead turn to 1st Samuel chapter 28 verse 3 for Samuel chapter 28 verse 3 so we have this story about Saul and it's obviously a famous story I'm sure we've heard it lots of times we've had it apply to Sam Gipp and but let's just take the traditional rendering of it today verse number three says now Samuel was dead and all Israel lamented him and buried him at Rama even in his own city and Saul had put away those that had familiar spirits and the Wizards out of the land so Saul was doing a good job you know he was getting rid of these type of people he was said he'd cut him off you know he cut him off he cut them out of the land right it says and the Philistines gathered themselves together and came and pitched and Shunem and Saul gathered all Israel together and they pitched in Gilboa and when Saul saw that the host of the Philistines he saw the host of the Philistines he was afraid and his heart greatly trembled and when Saul inquired of the Lord the Lord answered him not neither by dreams nor by Urim nor by prophets then said Saul unto his servants seek me a woman that hath a familiar spirit that I may go to her and acquire of her and his servants said to him behold there is a woman that hath a familiar spirit at Endor I wonder how they knew that maybe they were going to that witch themselves who knows and it says and Saul disguised himself so he was tricked he went trick-or-treating he put his his costume on and put on other raiment isn't that what people do on Halloween is they they put the another costume on so and then go be with the witches anyway and Saul disguised himself put on other raiment he went and two men with him and he came to the woman by night and he said I pray thee divine unto me by the familiar spirit so he's using divination he's seeking a woman that has a familiar spirit he's going to a witch it says and bring me him up whom I shall name unto thee and the woman said unto him behold thou knowest that salt what Saul hath done how he hath cut off those that have familiar spirits and wizards out of the land wherefore then layest thou a snare for my life to cause me to die and Saul swear to her by the Lord saying as the Lord liveth there shall no punishment happen to thee for this thing then said the woman whom shall I bring up unto thee and he said bring me up Samuel and when the woman saw Samuel she cried with a loud voice and the woman spake to Saul saying why is thou deceive me for thou art thou art Saul so there's a lot of controversy about this and people some people think that that it was just of someone pretended to be Samuel that came up but I think that the woman freaked out because it really was Samuel she was expecting a demon to come up to talk to her and it actually was Samuel well why is how to see me for thou art Saul verse 13 and the king said unto her be not afraid for what saws thou and the woman said unto Saul I saw gods ascending out of the earth and he said unto her what form is he of and he said an old man cometh up and he is covered with a mantle and Saul perceived that it was Samuel and he stooped with his face to the ground and bowed himself and Samuel said to Saul why hast thou disquieted me to bring me up and Saul answered I am sore distressed for the Philistines make war against me and that God is departed from me and answerth me no more neither by prophets nor by dreams therefore I have called thee that thou mayest make known unto me what I shall do so he's basically he's going to a witch who has a demonic spirit and using divination to try to bring up Samuel because God won't answer it what he wants done right he won't answer him his questions I mean that's just crazy you know that he drove all these people out of land but then he's going back to seek after something that he knows is demonic says then said Samuel wherefore is thou does thou ask me ask of me seeing the Lord is departed from thee has become thine enemy and the Lord hath done to him as he spake by me for the Lord hath rent the kingdom out of thine hand and given it to thy neighbor even to David so another thing to think about is that when you keep disobeying God and things like this that he can become your enemy now he's not going to send you to hell he didn't since all to hell but he definitely become his enemy and you know us as Christians if we get into junk like this if we go back or we let our family entice us into things like this you know God's to be come your enemy really quickly because if you're not if you're a friend with the world you're the enemy of God the Bible says verse 18 says because thou obeyest not the voice of the Lord nor execute us his fierce wrath upon Amalek therefore hath the Lord done this thing unto thee this day moreover the Lord will also deliver Israel with thee into the hand of the Philistines and tomorrow thou and thy sons will be with me the Lord also shall deliver the host of Israel into the hands of the Philistines so he's saying basically Saul because you've done all this stuff you're done God's gonna kill you tomorrow you and your sons are gonna be with me so what does that tell you it tells you that Saul is saved even though he's doing this his sons are saved but they're being judged and you know we gotta understand that we as God's people can get wrapped up God he was saved he went to a witch you know what I mean we can who are we do we think we're higher than than any other Christian before us we can fall into traps like this and this is why I'm preaching the sermon because I want to make sure that you know this kind of stuff has to be hit on a yearly basis and we got to understand we can't get soft on stuff like this God's not soft on it God wasn't soft on Saul about it was he he picked Saul to become the king of Israel but then he rejected him why because he wouldn't obey his voice first Chronicles chapter 10 verse 13 I'm almost done first Chronicles 10 verse 13 the Bible says so Saul died for his transgression which he committed against the Lord even against the word of the Lord which he kept not and also for what for asking counsel of one that hath had a familiar spirit to inquire of it so why did God kill Saul ultimately what was the final straw that broke the camel's back well for also for asking counsel of one that had a familiar spirit to inquire of it so because he went to the witch you know we can't go back to the witch we got to get away from the witch and we got to go to the to the Lord to inquire of him it says inquired not of the Lord therefore he slew him and turned the kingdom unto David the son of Jesse so he slew Saul for going to the witch see Saul did good at the beginning of his life but then he started slipping and doing all this stuff wrong and eventually ended up so backslid then he actually started celebrating Halloween again he put the costume on he went to the witch you know what I mean and so it can have it can happen to Saul who was a great king of Israel it can happen to anybody and he said you inquired not the Lord but did it is that true he did inquire of the Lord but the Lord didn't answer him so because the Lord didn't answer him the way he wanted to in the timeframe that he wanted him to he ended up going to a witch instead which is wicked he went to the wicked witch anyway so this should tell you also that you know we're not supposed to seek after wizards either you know because it's who's who's the ones that are enacting these familiar spirits these are wizards these are witches and Harry Potter is not a kids a good kids book it's a wicked book well but it promotes reading for children Pastor Thompson don't you know anything yeah I know that it took the nation by a storm and now look at this country I mean you think that these things don't come in these blocks and they and they just they just chip away at righteousness they chip away at the moral foundations of our of our country and now everybody thinks Harry Potter is the coolest thing since sliced bread I'll tell you what I I promise you this I've never watched a Harry Potter movie I never will watch a Harry Potter movie I didn't allow my kids to watch the Harry Potter movies and if you did I'm sorry but you shouldn't allow them anymore don't let them read those books you know they actually do have real spells in them those books have real spells in them the author even admitted it so you know they try to go for realism don't they well they really did put real spells in there so you think that's something that your kids should be reading spells witch spells wizard spells you know we need to get that garbage out of our house we need to get that garbage and throw it throw it in the garbage and burn it those are the types of books you should burn all right living against 1931 says regard not them that have familiar speed spirits neither seek after wizards to be defiled by them I am the Lord your God we're not supposed to seek after wizards what's Harry Potter you're a wizard Harry he's a wizard we're not supposed to seek after wizards to be defiled by them the Bible says that you're defiled by them why would you read a book like that why would you go see a movie like that you know I don't care if you think it's a just an all in fun kids me oh well they're not really witches yeah they are they're not really wizards yeah they are in the books they're really wizards and witches it's not something that we should be watching or reading Leviticus 20 verse 6 says and the soul that turneth after such that have familiar spirits and after wizards to go whoring after them I'll even set my face against that soul and I'll cut him off from among his people God said hey if you want to go after that kind of garbage you want to walk you want to listen to Harry Potter or watch Harry Potter you want to read his books you're gonna whore after Harry Potter then I'm gonna cut you off from among your people you know what did he do to Saul cut him off from among his people killed him that's what it's talking about so hey you might not think it's a very big deal to celebrate Halloween but you know what God thinks it is you're going after all those things and and getting involved in that kind of stuff even if it just looks like it's still bad I'll live it against 20 verse 27 says a man also or a woman that had the familiar spirit or that is a wizard shall surely be put to death they shall stone them with stones their blood shall be upon them just like the sodomites hey which is a wizard should be stoned to death too that's what the Bible says pastor Thompson I can't believe you stoned Harry Potter to death well first of all you know he's a fictional character but second of all I would if he was real in the millennium that is anyway so Isaiah 8 let's see I'm just gonna skip through some of this because I'm way past my time but so the Bible says let's go back to to Deuteronomy chapter 18 I'll finish this up Deuteronomy chapter 18 Deuteronomy chapter 18 verse number 10 there shall not be found among you among you who's he talking to he's talking to the nation of Israel or the spiritual children or the spiritual Israel right should not be among you anyone that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire or uses divination or an observer of times or an enchanter or witch or a charmer or a consultant with familiar spirits or a wizard or a necromancer for all that do these things are an abomination unto the Lord and because of these abominations the Lord thy God doth drive them out from before thee for these nations which thou shalt possess hearkened and to unto observers of times and unto diviners but as for thee the Lord thy God hath not suffered thee to do so so what does the word suffer mean it means allow he's not allowing us to do it he's saying don't do it and you're like well pastor Thompson this is the Old Testament hey that's still the moral law it's not some spiritual thing this is the moral law that we're not supposed to break and then look what it says the Lord thy God will raise up unto thee a prophet from the midst of thee of thy brethren like unto me unto him shall you hearken you want to hearken unto someone once you hearken unto Jesus you want to hearken unto someone once you hearken and listen unto God he's telling us right here in his word we shouldn't be messing around with this stuff it's not fun it's not games it might be candy big deal you can get candy anywhere at any convenience store go to Walmart they got bags of it you don't have to have the devil's candy do you you don't have to be partake of the devil's table and drink and you know drink from his cup you know you're Bob for apples where you're getting slobber other people slobber and snot all over in your face that's gross yeah I hope it grosses you out thoroughly so you never do it again but the Bible says that he'll raise up a prophet that prophet is Jesus amen maybe we ought to listen what the book says this book right here instead of listening to our family members our friends people that are calling us crazy and you know what's crazy the people that are out there you know those people crazy these people right next door to us the drink themselves to death every single day maybe I actually heed the one that does know the future you know Jesus does know the future maybe you know he can make your life better he can protect your life he can give you all the health that you need he can bless your family and comfort you about your dead loved ones but it might not be comfort maybe it's gonna be a you know it's something well God's gonna just tell us the truth a lot of these people to go these familiar spirits and they go and do seances and stuff like that they want to go and say oh it's my is he in a better place are they in a better place if they didn't believe in Jesus they're in hell just deal with it a lot of people won't get saved because they know that their family members are in hell that's stupid get saved they made the bad choice you don't have to follow them right down into hell you know and we definitely don't need to go and see some wizard or some sorcerer to tell us where they're at because you know what they're gonna bring up they're gonna bring up their familiar spirit it's gonna tell you lies you're gonna tell you lies and we don't want to be in that boat and obviously I mean I'm preaching to the choir here tonight but hey I don't know where your hearts are I don't know if you were planning on going trick-or-treating on Thursday and skipping church I don't know because we're not a cult what's the last time I've been to your house it's been a while hasn't it I don't go over and look at your DVDs and I'm not going in there inspecting people's houses you know I expect that you know if you're God's people you're gonna try to tow the line and do the best you can to please the Lord and that you're not gonna want to partake in a wicked holiday like Halloween and let your kids see these abominations Anton LaVey I said this last year at the beginning of my sermon but this year I'm gonna say it again Anton LaVey was the satanic high priest or whatever he wrote the the satanic Bible he said I'm glad that Christian parents allow their children to worship the devil at least one night out of the year and you know what that should kick us in the pants right there and let us you know he's basically saying that hey Christian parents let their children worship the devil he's just throwing it in our face you know he's in hell right now too but you know if you let your children celebrate Halloween that's exactly what you're doing you are letting them partake of the devil's table you're letting them partake in the things of the devil and you're glorifying death and witchcraft and sorcery and demons and false religion you're allowing them to be in something and partake in something that glorifies that stuff so you can say oh pastor Thompson I'm not letting them do that you're crazy I'm just letting them get some candy well here let me just shut it down for the with this last verse and it says in 1st Thessalonians 5 22 it says abstain from all appearance of evil so hey even if you say I'm not the one that I'm just I'm just getting candy I promise abstain from all appearance of evil because if you're walking around knocking on the same doors with those same people maybe you should just be knocking on doors for God and getting people saved instead of knocking on doors for a free candy from the world abstain means to restrain oneself from doing or enjoying something hey you guys sometimes we got abstain from from the appearance of evil sometimes we got abstain from doing things and enjoying things that we shouldn't be partaking in okay and if the kids the poor kids they get a lot of fun stuff they have a fun life but quit trying to just make everything be about your kids sometimes it's got to be about God Halloween's a wicked holiday case closed let's pray Lord we thank you so much for this wonderful day we pray that you bless our soul winning today I pray that you'd help us and and Lord that we see people saved today at the door in Jesus name we pray amen