(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Amen, all right, and the title of the sermon this morning is Great Doctrine is Built. Great doctrine is built, and I was going to actually preach this sermon at steadfast for the conference, but I kind of decided to go with the false accuser about King James and all that kind of stuff. So I've kind of had this one tucked away, and it just so happens to be Guy Fawkes Day, and it's not only important that we have the King James Bible, but it's important that we actually know the King James Bible, and we know the doctrines that are taught in the Bible, because a lot of people, you know, they'll come and they'll just depend on the preaching to understand God's Word, but the Holy Spirit, if you're saved today, you have the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Spirit will teach you all things, but you actually have to put your nose in this book and put your eyeballs upon it and search the Scriptures to know doctrine. And if you don't understand doctrine, then you need to do what this chapter tells you to do, which is to learn here and there. You're not going to get all the Bible, you read it one time and then you're done with it. Well, I know the Bible. No, you don't. You just have scratched the surface. You might not even really understand where all these things happen in history or why it's put in the order that it's put in for us to be able to go through. And you know, that Psalm 139, a lot of people probably cringe to sing that song. And they're like, is this even right? Like should we be doing this? But that's because people don't get the whole counsel of God in a lot of churches, and that doctrine is not taught. Now we're supposed to love our enemies and pray for them that despitefully use us. We're supposed to do good unto people that try to harm us, but what is, you know, what David said in Psalm 139 was that he's going to hate those that hate God. And that's taught also through Scripture. There are people that are so evil. They're workers of iniquity. They're children of Belial. And we're not supposed to love those people. We're not supposed to pray for those people. And look, David is a man after God's own heart. He is the one that wrote Psalm 139. And so is David wrong for writing that? That's how people will explain away the imprecatory Psalms of David where he's saying, break their teeth out, let them melt like a snail, and as an untimely birth, let them pass away, and all these other things. And it's like, well, how is he a man after God's own heart if he hates people because hatred reads to the dark side, right? You're Star Wars brainwashed today in our churches. And you know, should hate be our main thing? Of course it shouldn't be. But there is a section of people that are beyond the hope of salvation that we should not pray for. We should not love them. We should not love false prophets or homos or any other kind of reprobate that there is. Now obviously sometimes that's hard to tell, I understand that. But the doctrine is still true. There's also, I think it's 2 Chronicles chapter 19 verse 2 where a king of Israel is reproved by a prophet and said, hey, why are you loving those people that hate the Lord, therefore wrath is upon me before the Lord. So I mean, this isn't just an isolated psalm. And I didn't even know Remy was going to have that psalm sung today, but it goes perfectly with Guy Fawkes Day. And this sermon and then the preceding sermon tonight, tonight is going to be a pretty heavily doctrinal sermon tonight. But I don't want you to shy away and let scales fall over your eyes tonight. I'll try to preach it as dynamic as I can. But sometimes we need to just study the doctrine. So I would say to take notes, especially tonight, on what I'm going to preach about tonight, about seeing God. And it's in Exodus chapter 24. But let me get into the sermon now, I've kind of spent a little bit of time on the build up here. But we need to understand what the Bible says. We need to understand what doctrine is, and look at Isaiah chapter 28 verse 9. The first point I have this morning is doctrine and biblical knowledge are built upon clear scriptures with other supporting scriptures when possible. And then if there's not a clear scripture, and it's a practice in the Bible, then we need to go by the examples that we see in the Bible of how things are done. Like baptism. People argue, well, there's no clear scripture that says that an ordained man has to baptize people. But what do you see as the example in scripture? It's always an ordained person, a man, not a woman. And it's never a child baptizing anybody. Because if we just let anybody baptize, wouldn't that be kind of strange? Do you think it'd be weird if you let your four year old kid baptize you? Well, what does the Bible say you can't do that? Well, it doesn't say you can't do that, but the example you see in scripture is men ordaining, ordained, excuse me, ordained men baptizing people. So again, so is it a command to baptize? It is a command to baptize. So look at Isaiah 28 verse 9. So it says, whom shall he teach knowledge? And whom shall he make to understand doctrine? Them that are weaned from the milk and drawn from the breast. And what this is talking about is babes in Christ, okay? Babes in Christ, and there's nothing wrong with being a babe. Everybody's a babe in Christ at some point. But once you're weaned from the milk, you understand the simple doctrines like salvation, eternal security, and hell, and just all those simple doctrines that we should know, then you're drawn from the breast, and then he's going to help you to understand doctrine. So it says, for precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept, line upon line, line upon line, here a little, and there a little. So what is this talking about? You take from different sets of scriptures and that's how you build doctrine. Now, I'm not teaching some fancy theological system of theology here, but isn't it true that just a person that's never gone to Bible college or doesn't sit in some ivory tower studying theological terms, can't God just teach doctrine to anybody? It didn't say anything about going to Bible college here. It didn't say anything about being classically trained in the doctrines of grace or in all these fancy theological terms. You just have to know the Bible. You just have to build your doctrine upon the Bible, and it says, for with stammering lips and another tongue will he speak to this people, and so again, yeah, I stammer sometimes, everybody does, but it's not the person that's the eloquent speaker necessarily that's going to be able to teach doctrine. It's just regular people. So you don't have to be some special, classically trained, theological professor to understand doctrine. We don't need to learn necessarily from those types of people. The Bible is good enough, right? And so it says, to whom he said, this is the rest wherewith, he shall cause the weary to rest, and this is the refreshing, yet they would not hear, but the word of the Lord was unto them, precept upon precept, precept upon precept, line upon line, line upon line, here a little and there a little, that they might go and fall backward and be broken and snared and taken. So the doctrine can also turn people the other direction, and where they don't want to hear, and they fall back because they don't want to accept the things that are being taught to them, and maybe they just can't handle the scriptures. And that's the problem with people that get up and they go, well, this is what I've always been taught. It's wrong to hate people. This church is a hate cult. This church is a hate church. This pastor's a hate preacher. No, the Bible teaches that concept. It's not all about hate, but there is hate. And I'm just using that example because it's just fresh in my mind from singing that psalm. But skip down to verse 16, and this is the scripture that we named our church after. It says, therefore, thus saith the Lord God, behold, I lay in Zion for a foundation stone, a tried stone, a precious cornerstone, a sure foundation. We build our doctrine and our beliefs upon the word of God. Jesus Christ is the word of God, made flesh. And so Jesus Christ is that precious cornerstone. That is what our church is built on. It's built upon the rock, the Lord Jesus Christ. And where do we get the things that we build upon it? The Bible. The Bible builds upon every, I mean actually the Bible is the cornerstone of our faith and our practice at this church. And so if it's in the Bible, we believe it. If it's in the Bible, it's part of our foundation. And so that's how we build everything. And the Bible talks about how it's built upon the prophets, and the apostles are built upon that. And then we as lively stones grow up into a great house that reaches to the heavens, right? So now look at 1 Corinthians 2, verse 13, 1 Corinthians 2, verse 13. So everything that we stand for at this church is gonna be found in the Bible. But do you think all churches around this area can say that? I mean, there's a church, a Lutheran church just down the street here that has doors in the front yard or whatever of it. And they've been knocked down and vandalized, and I didn't do it, okay? Nobody in our church did it, but people keep vandalizing it. Why? Cuz Vancouver still is not given fully over to bail, that's why. And there are some people that just can't stand that stuff. But of course, that makes the front page of the news, doesn't it? That makes every Twitter feed from every single news source in our area, that somebody vandalized those faggot doors over there, and knocked them down or whatever, that say all are welcome, all include, whatever, God doesn't close the doors on anybody, and neither do we. But we do close the doors on people, and we will close the doors on people, and we will tell people to leave. We're not gonna fly some rainbow banner off the side of our building. We're not gonna put any LGBT flags in the front of our building and say all are welcome. They might be welcome in every church in this whole city, but they'll never be welcome here. Why? Because the Bible says that there's no Sodomites of the sons of Israel. The Bible says that they're reprobate. Why would you let predators and wolves come into your church? So I would say, to all these people that say we're hateful, and all this other stuff, well how about you're hateful? You know why you're hateful? Because you hate your children, you hate the children in your church, you hate the congregation of the Lord, you hate the church people, because you let a predator roam around and just devour whoever they want. And you're not gonna do anything to stop it. In fact, the person behind that pulpit's probably a queer of themselves. And I haven't really looked into them, but I'm guessing if you're gonna put that in front of your church building, that that's exactly what you are, and that's exactly what you promote. It's not the Bible, friends. And look at 1 Corinthians chapter 2 verse 13, it says, which things also we speak, not in the words which man's wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost teacheth, comparing spiritual things with spiritual. You know what, this is a spiritual book in order to get our doctrine, in order to clearly understand the Bible, we do have to compare spiritual things with spiritual. And when someone says something to you that you're not, well, I don't know, that doesn't really sound right, go to the word of God. The people in Berea were more noble than they infest in Micah because they searched the scriptures daily to see whether those things were so. So Paul would get up and preach a sermon, and they'd go home and they'd go, they probably took notes, I'm guessing, and then they compared whether those things were so or not, that he was preaching about. So, now when you get this precept must be upon precept, line upon line, here a little, there a little, it makes me think of building something. Building a wall. You know, a house has to have a foundation, doesn't it? Every house has to have a foundation. Now, if you just throw these walls and everything on a pile of sand, it's not going to be as effective as if you poured on a concrete slab. Now, or just a rock, you know, people didn't really necessarily have concrete slabs at their houses all throughout history, but they probably built their houses on places that weren't going to wash away, weren't going to sink down. That is the way it's supposed to be. So, if you think about how a wall is built, and I didn't want to bring a trowel and some mortar and things like that, but you understand how brick work probably is made, right? You don't just put bricks on top of each other and call it good. Somebody posted a meme on Facebook and it says, when we lean on our own understanding, like this brick wall that has, it's all mortar, but it's like all different directions and just looks, they didn't obviously understand how to build a brick wall. But when it says that line must be upon line, it's obviously the slab is what we put everything, the rock, the clear cornerstone, the firm foundation, all those things, and we build lines upon those things. It's the same thing with scripture. You build your doctrine off the bedrock of a very clear verse, like John 3.16. For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life. That's very clear about salvation, isn't it? You believe on Christ, who God sent for you to die for your sins, and you put your faith in him and he saves you. It doesn't say, you know, repent of all your sins and do all this other stuff. It says, whosoever believeth in him should not perish, go to hell, but have everlasting life. So it's a life that never ends. So if anybody's teaching you anything different than that, you have a clear verse, and that's not the only clear verse on salvation. There's many, many clear salvation verses. But when you have your solid foundation, and then you start building your stones or your stone wall, then you gotta put mortar down. You know, when you're building like a rock wall or a brick wall or anything like that, you have to put the mortar down. You have to mix it up. You have to have the right amount of water in it, and then you put that layer of mortar down, and you don't just keep stacking as fast as you can on top of those walls. And that's why I say that it's here little, there little. And as you read the Bible, God's gonna give you more doctrine to understand. He's not gonna let you just know everything at once. It's just not how God works. He's gonna give you things as you can handle them as you've been weaned from the milk, and He's gonna allow you to understand doctrine. Maybe He'll let you understand a doctrine that maybe nobody else understands before somebody or that someone's been saved longer than you, but maybe they can't handle that truth at the time, or they need to learn a different lesson. So we all learn at different levels. We all understand doctrines differently and at different times. But the important thing is that you allow that doctrine to be built, and you don't just slap the mortar on, put the next row on, slap another one on, because you know what happens? Is that those walls, if they're not tempered, you have to let it dry and solidify to a certain extent before you just keep building up on top of it. You're not gonna learn it all at once. You're not gonna build a rock wall in one just really fast and then think it's gonna hold. It'll fall down. So that's why it's important that we get the here little, there little, precept upon precept, line upon line, comparing spiritual things with spiritual. We can't just plug a flash drive into our brain or download it from a computer. We live in a time where everything's just download, screen, get the knowledge, it's right there. But you still have to read stuff. You know, we don't have some computer chip. You know, we don't have a computer brain. We're not robots. You can't just throw a thumb drive in there and now I know the Bible, dude. You know, it's not like The Matrix or whatever where he knows Kung Fu or whatever from downloading it to his brain. That's just not how it works. So you can't just click a button and you know doctrine. Turn to 2 Timothy chapter two verse 14, 2 Timothy chapter two verse 14. Point number one is doctrine and biblical knowledge are built upon clear scriptures with other supporting scriptures or the principles that teach those things. So now look at 2 Timothy chapter two verse 14. It says, of these things put them in remembrance, charging them before the Lord that they strive not about words to no profit but to the subverting of the hearers. Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. Now all the dispensational people will say, well that's what, you know, you have to rightly divide. I agree you have to rightly divide but it's not their system of theology. It's you have to rightly divide the word of truth and understand, you know, is it for the, you know, because we still gain knowledge from the Old Testament. But the New Testament is what covenant we're under. So you do have to understand where you are in time, what covenant you're in. You know, in the Old Testament they didn't even know about the New Testament necessarily. They knew it was coming but they didn't know, they didn't even know the name of Jesus. And we have knowledge that they didn't have so you have to just understand that we have to divide the Bible the way it's meant to be divided and obviously we're not living in Old Testament Israel. We as God's people aren't allowed to put people to death. You know, we're not in that covenant, we're not in that, we're not in Old Testament Israel where we can carry out those things and hire our own judges or whatever. Now, so but it says, rightly dividing the truth and we're supposed, it says, study to show thyself approved. You're like, well this is to a pastor. Yeah but everything that are in the pastoral epistles are things that we should be able to implement in our lives also, okay? It's not just the pastor that has to rightly divide the truth. It's not just the pastor that's supposed to study the word of God. We are all accountable to God to study the word of God ourselves and to be approved unto God. It says a workman that needeth not to be ashamed. You know, isn't it a shame if a Jehovah's Witness has more Bible knowledge than you? I think it is. And they don't even understand the Bible because they're not even saved and they just have false doctrine but isn't it a shame if we can't battle any of their false doctrines because we don't know it ourselves? Because whatever reason you just are too lazy? Because it says it's a workman that needeth not to be ashamed. You know it's work to study the Bible but you know the Bible doesn't say, well don't do any work. No it says we should work. We should be a workman that's needed not to be ashamed and we should be able to rightly divide the word of truth, the word of God. It says but shun profane and vain babblings for they will increase unto more ungodliness. So we also should understand what to avoid. You know things that don't matter, things that are vain, things that are profane, things that we don't really need to answer those questions. You know we're not supposed to have these foolish questions that we're always trying to talk about. I mean real doctrine's what's important. It's not all these other weird doctrines that people come up with. I mean right now all the Israel stuff is coming across our screens. And now the independent Baptist finally has something they can shout hooray for. The revival that they always talk about, their revival what they mean is when Israel's about to go to battle or something. Or when you know people come up to the altar to pray in their churches. They don't understand that real revival is when people are out winning souls and churches are battling and striving together for the faith of the gospel. When all the churches start doing that, that's revival. It's not revival to be sitting on your hands doing nothing, waiting for God to come back at any moment, waiting for Jesus to come back at any moment because you know what? They should have studied to show themselves approved and not just been spoon fed from some Bible college or from some Schofield reference Bible where they start believing the notes more than they believe the word of God. Amen. So it says in verse 17, and their word will eat as doth a canker of whom is Hymenaeus and Phalidas, who concerning the truth have erred, seeing that the resurrection is already passed and overthrow the faith of some. Why is it important to understand the Bible so that these types of people can't get in your mind with false doctrine? It says nevertheless, the foundation of God stand is sure. And that's another verse I like to use concerning our church because the foundation of God is what? The word of God, the Lord Jesus Christ, says having this seal, the Lord knoweth them that are his, and let everyone that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity. But in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and of silver, but also of wood and of earth, and some to honor and some to dishonor. If a man therefore purge himself of these things, excuse me, from these, he shall be a vessel unto honor, sanctified, and meet for the master's use. That means fitting for the master's use, and prepared unto every good work. So it is our responsibility to understand doctrine. Not just the men, but the women also. The wives, the teenagers, the young children. You sit in this church, if you can read, you can have a Bible in your lap. If you know how to write, you can write down notes and study those things later, and make sure that what I'm saying is right. Just because you're a kid doesn't mean you don't have a responsibility. If you're saved, you have a responsibility to understand what the Bible says. You have a responsibility to read the word of God. You're like, well, I can barely read. Well, you know what's gonna get you smarter? Reading the Bible. That, I mean, throw out everything else. If you know the Bible, then you're okay with God. I'm not saying, you know, don't be educated. Don't get me wrong. You should be educated. There's nothing wrong with being educated, but when that becomes more important than the education of the word of God, then we as God's people are lost on those things. And it says if you wanna be meet for the master's use, sanctified, and a vessel of honor, and prepared to every good work, you're gonna be a workman that studies to show yourself approved and rightly dividing the word of God under standing doctrine. Turn to Matthew chapter seven, verse 24. Matthew chapter seven, verse number 24. And this, Jesus kind of, you know, you can use the parables for a lot of different things. There's a lot of different interpretations for it. But as far as what we build our life upon, what we build our doctrine upon, you know, I would say this is a great parable for understanding these truths. It says in Matthew 7, 24, it says, therefore, whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, the sayings, what are the sayings? The word of God. He's preaching to them, right? And doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man which built his house upon a rock. Who's the rock? Jesus Christ is the rock. And if you're building your life upon the sayings of Jesus you're building your house upon a rock. And it says, and the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house, and it fell not, for it was founded upon a rock. When you build something, when you build your doctrine, when you build your life on something that's true and strong, it's gonna be the word of God. And when the storms of life come and beat against the house and you feel like all hope is lost, you still have your foundation upon the Lord Jesus Christ and upon the rock, and nobody can ever take that away from you. The storms of life are not gonna destroy that. But it says in verse 26, and everyone that heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man which built his house upon the sand. And it says, and the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house, and it fell, and great was the fall of it. And you know what, if you're building your life upon other things besides the word of God as a Christian, and you're just betting everything is right that the pastor is saying, or things you're hearing on the internet, or things you're watching on YouTube, that's the bedrock of your faith. When the floods come, when everything is about to fall, your house is already built upon the sand, it's gonna wash it away. So that's why it's so important to build our life, to build our families, to build our churches upon the bedrock of the word of God, and line upon line, precept upon precept, we all have this responsibility, which leads me to point number two, which is Christians not having a personal, biblical, and doctrinal knowledge allows false doctrine and false teachers to thrive. This is the problem, this is why the apostle Paul is just saying, hey, it's so important that you know the word of God, it's so important that you're a workman, and you won't need to be ashamed, because when you open your mouth, you're gonna know what you're talking about. When someone challenges your faith, you're gonna understand how to defeat that. But a lot of people just allow themselves to be spoonfed at everything, or they just go along with whatever my husband says. And I'm not saying you shouldn't listen to what your husband says, I'm just saying that you should know what he knows. And if you have a question, you go to your husband and ask him, and if he doesn't know, then he's ashamed. And he needs to get into the Bible and get an answer to his wife, because that's what the Bible teaches. You should be able to teach your children the doctrines of the Bible. Look what it says in Ezekiel, go ahead and turn to Ezekiel chapter 13. Ezekiel chapter 13, verse 10. The Bible says in Ezekiel 13, 10, it says, even because they have seduced my people, saying peace when there was no peace. And one built up a wall, and lo, others dobbed it with untempered mortar. What would untempered mortar be? False Bible versions, false doctrine, false prophecies, all these types of things. Remember when Jeremiah was warning the children of Israel and preaching them the word of God, and they had gotten so wicked and so backslid and so wrong that they were just slapping him around, throwing him in outhouses. His own family members where he was from were trying to murder him. He was put in prison and given the bread of affliction. Why? Because he was challenging the false prophets of that day, and they were saying, no, Jeremiah's lying. Everything he's saying is not true. We're gonna defeat the Babylonians. And it was just lies, and the devil was just destroying that nation, and they were going right along with it. But there was someone named Jeremiah who was really just trying to get him to stop, and Ezekiel, of course, is a prophet around the same time as Jeremiah. And it says, saying to them that dob it with untempered mortar that it shall fall. So I was talking about the rock wall, and if you put untempered mortar on it, then you're not gonna be able to build the wall correctly. So basically what they were believing, all the people were believing, was lies, was false truths, and it goes on to explain here why it'll fall. It says there shall be an overflowing shower, and ye, oh great hellstone, shall fall, and the stormy wind shall rend it. Lo, when the wall is fallen, shall it not be said unto you, where is the dobbing wherewith you have dobbed it? Therefore, thus saith the Lord God, I will even rend it with a stormy wind in my fury, and there shall be an overflowing shower in mine anger, and great hellstones in my fury to consume it. When God's people are falling into traps and lies, God's gonna destroy that false doctrine. That's why it's so important to understand Jesus' parable. If you're building your life and your doctrine on the sandy ground, it's gonna come crashing down. So it says, so will I break down the wall that ye have dobbed with untempered mortar, and bring it down to the ground so that the foundation thereof shall be discovered, and it shall fall. And ye shall be consumed in the midst thereof, and ye shall know that I am the Lord. Thus will I accomplish my wrath upon the wall, and upon them that have dobbed it with untempered mortar, and will say unto you, the wall is no more, neither they that dobbed it. So God is gonna destroy false doctrine. He's gonna bring it down to the foundations. And that's why it's so important for us to just understand the Bible for ourselves, so that false teachers can't come in and teach us false doctrine. That's why these churches fall. That's why it doesn't seem like a church can get past a generation or two before it crumbles and falls, because somebody let in the wolf. Somebody let the wolves take over, and now the churches are dying. So even like, you know, if you think about Jack Hyles' church, one great generation, and I'm not saying it's not a good church now, I don't really know, but he had the biggest Sunday school program in the world. You know, there was a time when independent Baptists were the biggest churches in the United States. And you're like, well, that just means they're bad. No, they were good. People have changed. But letting the wolves in the door really has stopped the independent Baptist movement in a really bad way. Now they get up and talk like the professors of theology instead of just thundering forth the Bible like it should be. They want to explain everything, what it symbolizes everything, which is good. It's okay to do that when you're talking about the tabernacle and what these things represent. Those things are good, I understand that. But you also need to mix your preaching up a little bit, have a little bit of dynamic, have a little bit of spiritual application to these things. But God says he's gonna strip those things down. Look at verse 16, it says, to wit the prophets of Israel which prophesy concerning Jerusalem, and which see visions of peace for her, and there is no peace, saith the Lord God. And people are getting up right now and saying that there's visions of peace for Israel. And that's what they're gonna say in the end times too. This isn't anything new that we're saying or seeing. I got a sword of the Lord in the mail because we order our hymns and stuff from them and they just kind of automatically send me stuff. And on the splash page, it's just the Star of Remfan or the Star of Molech right on the front, and then a big article about Israel. How we should lick their boots and worship them, basically. And we're just lucky that we got in on the plan and all this other stuff. God's plan was always for the Gentiles to be saved. But like I said, that's the drum they want to bang. And I'm not saying the sword of the Lord doesn't focus on so many, it does. But even last month, there's an article, and I just like to read what the old IFB's saying sometimes, and there was an article about the rapture. And like just all these unbiblical points, you know, they say Matthew chapter 24 is not written to us, it's written to the Jews, in dispensationalism. But then he uses Matthew chapter 24 to prove a point about the pre-trib rapture. No man knoweth the day or the hour. Why are you going to something you don't believe is for us, and then trying to prove your pre-rapture tribulation, whatever pre-tribulation rapture points out of that? It's just garbage. It's just sloppy theological work. It's sloppy workmanship. They're going by what their Bible college told them. They're being ordained by their Bible colleges. That's not biblical. They're being ordained without having children. They're being ordained without having a wife. And then they're just going off and being assistants, and then if they're really bright and shining stars, they'll give them a pastorship somewhere. And as long as you stay in the good old boys' club, then you can preach at all their conferences and all this other stuff. So it says, verse 17, likewise, thou son of man, set thy face against the daughters of thy people, which prophesy it out of their own heart, and prophesy thou against them. See, even this time, they still have women prophesying and preaching. It says, the daughters of thy people, which prophesy out of their own heart. They're saying stuff that God didn't tell them to say. That's what's happening. And it says, prophesy thou against them, and say, thus saith the Lord God, woe to the women that sow pillows to the armholes. You're like, what is that talking about, pastor? I don't know. I'm just gonna say I don't know. But I mean, at face value, you know what pillows are, you know what sowing is, and you know what an armhole is. Okay, so I don't know if that just means they're sowing pillows here. Maybe they just, so they don't rub their, I don't know. I don't know what that's about. But it says, and make kerchiefs upon the head of every stature to hunt souls. I mean, I don't know. But the point is, is that God's just, he's against whatever they're doing here, he's against it. Will ye hunt the souls of My people? Will ye save the souls alive that come unto you? And will ye pollute Me among My people for handfuls of barley and for pieces of bread to slay the souls that should not die, and to save the souls alive that should not live by your lying to My people that hear your lies? It's associated with lies. It's associated with false prophets and it's associated with hunting the souls of God's people. See, we don't think, we're saved and we think, oh, we can't be affected by false prophets if you suffer them, if you allow them, they can come in, they can corrupt what you believe. There's saved people that believe the pre-trib rapture. But it's still a false doctrine. It's still not true. So is it heresy? I believe it is heresy because it's not true. But I wouldn't say it's rank heresy that you can't be saved or something. But it says in Ezekiel 13, 20, it says, Wherefore, thus saith the Lord God, behold, I am against your pillows. I'm against your pillows. And I don't know, maybe this is, you know, I'm against pillows too if you're comparing this to the word of God. You know, you don't bring a pillow to a rock fight. This is the rock and whatever they're resting on is pillows apparently. It's like the pre-trib rapture. They believe that they're gonna be taken up in a soft little pillow and they never have to go through any hard times. So I don't know if this is like helping them be a little more delicate and soft or not have to take some kind of brunt. But it says, behold, I'm against your pillows. God's against their pillows. He's against your feathered pillow doctrine that nothing bad's gonna happen to you, that nothing hard's gonna happen in your life. He's against the pillows. Wherewith you hunt the souls to make them fly and I will tear them from your arms. So he's, I mean, to me it's, I don't know, I don't understand this because I've never seen arm pillows before like that, but I mean obviously we use pillows to comfort us. Who doesn't sleep with a pillow at night? I sleep with a pillow at night, every night. If I don't have a pillow, I'm making one out of something. If I, I can take a nap pretty much anywhere if I really needed to as long as I have something to pillow my head with, right? It's funny, in our chapter verse in Isaiah, it talks about how you have a bed that you can't fully stretch out on. That's the worst feeling ever. That's why I need to have a king-sized bed when I go places because otherwise, I can't do a double bed because my legs hang over like this far. And then you have to kind of curl up so there's really not enough, I can sleep diagonally on one and I'll be fine, but it still feels weird to sleep diagonally on a bed. I don't know, this is tall people problems, first world tall people problems, but anyway. But also, when it talks about how the blanket doesn't quite stretch enough for you to wrap your whole body in, you know when you're cold and all you have is like a little tiny blanket? You're like, maybe have a baby blanket, you don't want to wake up the rest of the family or something. If you have a family, you understand this. But you're like using some baby blanket and you just wrap it around your feet and legs and you're just like curl up with your coat or something. I don't know, I've been there before, maybe you haven't, but this is, I don't know what exactly this is talking about, but God is against whatever this is. He's against their pillows. He's against your comforter, I guess. And your kerchiefs also will I tear. And everybody knows what a kerchief is, it's like a handkerchief, right? It's kind of short for that. And deliver my people out of your hand, and they shall be no more in your hand to be hunted. And ye shall know that I am the Lord because with lies ye have made the heart of the righteous sad, whom I have not made sad, and strengthened the hands of the wicked that he should not return from his wicked way by promising him life. Therefore ye shall see no more vanity nor divine divinations, for I will deliver my people out of your hand and ye shall know that I am the Lord. So God's against the false prophet. He's against the person that's gonna come in and probably offer you comfort, a soft hankie, a soft pillow. And in reality, there's hard times coming, or there's hard understandings that you need to understand. And God is gonna, because really ultimately the false prophets, what were they saying in this time? Don't worry, the king of Babylon's not gonna destroy us. He's not gonna knock down the walls. And they're building this false doctrine and this false premises based upon lies out of their own heart. Based upon things that God did not tell them to say or to do. So what is untempered mortar in this passage? Well, it's false doctrine. It's false Bible versions. It's false Israel doctrine. It's false rapture timing doctrine. It's false trinity doctrine. It's false salvation doctrine. It's false fags able to be saved doctrine. Whatever false doctrine it is, this is the untempered mortar of today that we're dealing with and we have to build our lives. We have to build our doctrine on solid verses and good study out of the real Bible. Not the face, not the pillow, not the pillow arm, the arm pillow of the NIV or the soft hanky of the NASB or any other false Bible version out there. And look, all the new Bible versions are based upon false Greek and false doctrine. It's like a Frankenstein that's been put together off of three garbage Greek texts. And really the whole thing about the Greek text argument is this. There's the received text, the Texas Receptus, right? These are the Bibles that have been passed down and widely accepted as the word of God. There's more of those than the three outliers that they have. One they found in the basement of the Vatican. Do you trust that one? You trust what the Catholic Church is pumping out? And one was found at Mount Sinai, which is not the real Mount Sinai, by the way. And I think it was Constantine's mother declared that to be the real Mount Sinai, but I think she was wrong. But they found it and basically they were using it to start fires with. And supposedly it was a Tischendorf comment and he found it and he's like, oh, let me rescue this out of the fire. Well, if they were about to burn it up, it must not have been that important, right? And then the other one, where's the other one from? Brother Sean? It's escaping me right now. See Alexandria though? Is it Alexandria? Yeah, they found it in Egypt. But yeah, it's like a Frankenstein. They put fragments together and whatever they liked, they kind of put together. That's untempered mortar, folks. I'm gonna take, they'll say, well, they're older so that means they're better. That's not true. Because you can find an old NIV that's in perfect condition on my bookshelf and then one that I read out of regularly, King James, and you take it and you're like, well, this one's older. It was printed before this one. This one's just all worn. It must not be the right one or whatever. And it's like, no. The reason why that one's not read in good conditions is because no one's ever read it because it's garbage. And people knew that it was garbage. So that's what all, the Frankenstein, Nestle's Greek or whatever you want to call it, the Westcott and Hort text is what all the modern Bible versions are based upon. And all the good ones were built upon the Texas Receptus. And not all of them were necessarily great translations. Because translating work, it takes someone that actually knows the language and so on and so forth to do that. So we have a translation of the Greek and the Hebrew and the Aramaic perfectly preserved in the English text. That's good mortar. That's what we can build our lives, our churches, our doctrine upon, not the untempered mortar of the modern Bible versions. So number three, my last point this morning is we need to take responsibility to know and understand doctrine seriously. It's not something we can just be like, oh yeah, I'm just gonna show up for church and I'm gonna learn what I learned. No, we need to take it seriously. It's something that's serious. I mean, I've kind of already showed you this. The false prophets are banking on the fact that you're not gonna read your Bible. They're banking on the fact that you'd rather scroll through YouTube Shorts or scroll through YouTube videos and find your doctrine than to actually do the work that you should be doing and getting your study done. Turn to Psalm chapter 11, verse three. We need to take it seriously because there is an active element out there and of course it's run by the devil and the devil's people to destroy the foundations of the word of God. They'll never be able to do that completely, but they can destroy the foundation in some people's lives. They can destroy the faith of some people's lives. They can have people build a whole life and a whole doctrinal belief system upon false premises, false Bible versions, and false teachers. We see it everywhere today. Do you think we have a problem in this country with good Bible-believing churches? I mean, we have Bible-believing churches. There's some, but what is the majority now in America? It's not 50,000 congregants going to an independent Baptist church. It's 50 congregants going to an independent Baptist church. And all the other churches are mega churches and non-denominational, the Church of Christ, Seventh-day Adventists, and really it's the non-denominational. And non-denominational just means no doctrine. You're not gonna get doctrine. You're not gonna get truth from there. And if it is, it's very small and minute. You're gonna get, you know, we had a poem read this morning, but do we read poems at every service? Do we read poems, do I read poems in every sermon? No, I don't. Because poems aren't what we build our life upon. They're cool sometimes. That one's a cool one. To help us remember, you know, something, a great thing in history that providentially helped us to get the King James Bible in our hands. Look at Psalm 11, three. It says, if the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do? And we can't allow the foundation of the Word of God to be destroyed in our lives, in our churches, in our families. Look at Jeremiah chapter five. Jeremiah chapter five. Jeremiah chapter five. And again, I kinda brought this up Thursday night, but when I turn to a place in the Bible, you should be turning to that place too. Whether it's in your smartphone or whatever, I realize we live in different times now, but that's how I learned to go to what places. You know, if you learn the books of the Bible song, it'll really help you to know where to turn. You can see the little jingle in your head and oh yeah, Leviticus number is Deuteronomy, and you know that's the beginning. There is a song that you can learn, the books of the Bible song. I suggest that you teach it to your kids. I suggest that you learn it yourself so that you can know the Bible, and then you're gonna know also where to flip by just flipping to the pages of the Bible when the preaching is happening. It'll help you learn your Bible fast. So Jeremiah 5, 26 says, for among my people are found wicked men. What's it say? For among my people are found wicked men. They lay weight as he that setteth snares, they set a trap, they catch men. It's happening, folks. It happens even among God's own people. This is how independent Baptist churches get taken over by wolves. They allow it to happen. It says, as a cage of full birds, so are the houses full of deceit. Therefore, they become great and waxen rich. They are waxen fat, they shine. Yea, they overpass the deeds of the wicked. They judge not the cause. So overpassing the deeds of the wicked, this happens a lot in churches today, doesn't it? Oh, fornication, yeah, it's just fine. Oh, adultery, yeah, it's just okay. Oh, covetousness, yeah, that's good. Yeah, just divorce your spouse and marry somebody else in the church. That's fine, don't kick them out. Don't say anything. That's overpassing the deeds of the wicked. They judge not the cause. There should be a man in the congregation that is able to judge the cause and get up and call out sin. It says, the cause of the fatherless. Yea, or yet they prosper. And the right of the needy do they not judge. Shall I not visit for these things, saith the Lord? Shall not my soul be avenged on such a nation as this? A wonderful and horrible thing is committed in the land. The prophets prophesy falsely and the priests bear rule by their means. And my people love to have it so. My people love to have it so. See, this is what happens when you allow false doctrine and false pastors to get into these churches. The prophets prophesy falsely, the priests bear rule in their means, and my people love to have it so. They love to have false doctrine spoon-fed to them. At some point, they don't want to hear the truth because the truth is hard sometimes. Doing the truth is difficult sometimes. There's a lot of, you know, people say, yeah, you just believe you can just be saved, it's so easy, da da da da, you believe in free grace. Yeah, I do. I believe it is easy to be saved. But the Christian life is not always easy. And taking these doctrines, just like that song this morning, people will cringe at that song. They'll sing it low so they're just like, I don't know if this is right. It is right. It's the word of God, folks. How could it be wrong? How could it be wrong? But the people love to have it so. Why? Because it's easy. Their message is easy. Their message is, life is easy, God's never mad at you. Let's sing some songs. Let's wave our hands back and forth like this and play some breathy music and have the purple lights and the feel good stuff and come on up to the altar and pray and just let everybody in. Don't ever, you know, it's just always positive. It should just always be positive. You know, the devil's message is positive to Christians. Isn't that weird? How everything the devil does is positive for us because if we never have any negativity preached to us, if we never read the Bible, look, if you don't read the Bible, you're only gonna get at those churches the feel good grace 32 times in a row sermons. I literally looked up Paul Chappell who's basically like the Pope, the West Coast Pope of the Independent Fundamental Baptist Movement now. He had like, he was on sermon 32 of a series of grace. Like, that's how, I mean, that's a lot of grace. You know, I believe in God's grace. I believe God's grace is infinite and he's merciful but isn't there other things to preach about besides just grace? Yeah, and so if all you ever get 32 weeks in a row is a sermon on grace, how are you ever gonna fix the things in your life that you're not doing right? Because the Bible will kick you right in the pants, right in the skirts and tell you you're wrong about stuff. Because we start getting these ideas or we have these ideas that are wrong, let the Bible fix your mind. Renew your mind with the Bible and think how God thinks. We're gonna have to think how he thinks anyway at some point. Why make it difficult in your life? Learn the word of God. Learn your responsibilities. Learn what God wants. Look at 2 Timothy chapter four. 2 Timothy chapter four, I'm almost done. Rest easy. Lunch is gonna be on time today. Unless you piss me off. No, I'm just kidding. All right. 2 Timothy 4, two. Preach the word. Be instant, in season, out of season. Reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering. What's it say there? Doctrine. So don't get upset when I'm not preaching a 32 week series on why I hate the homos. Sometimes it seems like that's the only ones that people wanna hear. It's not just all about that, folks. As a matter of fact, I wish it was less about that. I really do, but it is the fight of our generation. And it's getting worse. But there's other stuff to preach. I'm supposed to just preach the word and that is exhorting, reproving, rebuking with all longsuffering and doctrine. And people get up and are like, why do you have to yell about stuff? Why do you have to always yell and try to just get all dynamic and say things like that? It's just like, because that's how the Bible tells us to preach. We're supposed to shout, lift up our voice like a trumpet. Trumpets are not soft playing piano jazz music. Trumpets are loud. Trumpets blast things out. When you clap your hands or stomp on the pole or hit the pulpit or whatever, whatever you have to do to get people's attention to keep them paying attention, that's why God tells you to preach like that. Because if it's always like, we're gonna study the word and today. We're just going verse by verse, line by line through the Bible and we're just gonna do a little study on this word and. And then you're like 32 weeks in the first verse of Romans chapter one or something. Like that's not how it should be either. So you can get too ridiculous with things. Look at verse three though. Why do we have to preach the word? Why do we have to rebuke, reprove and exhort? Why do we have to do that? Well it says, for the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine. But after their own lust, shall they heap to themselves, a heap is a big pile, right? Heap to themselves teachers having itching ears. They want their ears tickled. My people love to have it so. They want to hear things that make them feel good. That your life, how you're living your life is just perfectly fine. How you're raising your family, how you're leading your home, how you're studying your Bible, your prayer life, your soul winning, all these other things. You're just, it's just fine. God's not mad. No. The Bible says that they're gonna not be able to endure sound doctrine. Don't be that person. Don't allow yourself to be that person that is not going to learn doctrine and learn the Bible. It says that they shall turn away their ears from the truth and shall be turned onto fables. Stories that aren't true. Like that the Nephilim are 450 foot tall giants and they are human demon hybrids even though the Bible teaches that everything brings forth after its own kind and that the sons of God are saved people. They're always saved people but for some reason they're giants and they're still here today. Yeah they play in the NBA most of them. But I mean I'm pretty sure they have human parents. Like they're like no you just don't understand. You can't see them. It's the two seed doctrine. I preached a sermon about the two seed doctrine. The two seed doctrine is that they say that Satan's literal son was Cain. Was he his literal son or his spiritual son? The spirit of the devil versus Abel having the spirit of God. Saved people have the spirit of God and if you're a reprobate or a son of Belial or a worker of iniquity as the Bible calls them, you are a child of the devil but it's not a literal paternal DNA child okay. So because those types of doctrine and the Nephilim and the two seed doctrine go together and there's Baptists that actually believe this. Again I preached a whole sermon about it and then you got the flat earth doctrine. It's not even a doctrine. It's just not true. It's not scientific. It's not true folks. And you know what are they gonna, why are they gonna turn their ears away from the truth because they won't, they refuse to listen to sound doctrine. They refuse to learn the Bible. They shall be turned to fables like the pre-trib rapture. It's a fable. There's no solid verse that you can build upon that says there's a pre-trib rapture. And then obviously you have Calvinism. Where'd that come from? The Catholic church. I mean he was a Catholic priest. Calvin was a Catholic priest and so was Martin Luther. You know there was Reformation day. It was like yesterday or the day before or whatever. It's like I'm not a reformer. I was never part of the Catholic church. The Baptists have not been part of the Catholic church or biblical believers have not been part of the Catholic church. Now I'm not saying that people weren't forced that were saved to go to Catholic church or weren't forced to go to these reformer type churches. In England you had to go to church and you couldn't be Catholic. So which I, you know, again I'm for things that, I'm for people going to church but not forced church. Why would you want a bunch of Catholics inside your church service? They're forced to be there. They're gonna subvert everybody there. So and Calvinism is just, it's a joke. It's a joke God. It's a cruel God. It's a God that just says, oh you know Jeremy, just don't like him. I don't know what it is, something about his face but I just don't like him. He's going to hell. It's not because of anything that he did or didn't do. It's just because I just want him to go to hell. Calvinism is the stupidest, it's an evil doctrine. It's false and every point of the tulip is false. So why would I listen to their theological terms? Because a lot of the theological terms that are out there are made up by them. But what about repent of your sins? What about lordship, salvation? What about the Jews have a separate covenant and they're still God's chosen people even though God broke their branch off and grafted us in? I mean it's just, these are the fables of our day. I mean it's a big one right now, the whole Israel thing. Zionism, all that stuff. You know and there's just all kinds of turmoil coming because of it in the Middle East right now and really they're both wrong. I don't like Muslims and I don't like Jews as far as their religion goes, okay? Let me make sure that that's clearly understood. Don't put me, don't put a swastika on my face or whatever. So, look at Luke chapter 12. This is the last verse I'll have you turn to. But do you see, like the Bible, Paul warned Timothy to preach the word and when the pulpits are dry of doctrine, they're dry of, when's the last time you saw Joel Osteen jump up on a pulpit and scream and yell at anybody? When's the last time you saw Joel Osteen not smiling? He's just like, don't let the devil steal your joy. And his wife gets up there and says, we're not doing it for God, we're doing it for ourselves. She's like, wow. I mean she just looks like a straight up demon when she says that. You're not gonna hear that kind of preaching going across the television pulpits. You're not gonna hear that kind of preaching on the radio unless you turn to some accidental Baptist channel driving through the South or something or through Tri-Cities. But you won't even hear the preaching then. It's just like instrumental hymn music and some discussions on family or whatever. You're not gonna hear face-ripping preaching coming out of a radio. You know where you're gonna hear it in a good, old-fashioned, King James only, salvation by faith alone, eternal security of the believer Baptist church with old songs, hymns, and spiritual songs. Look at Luke 12, 47, it says, and that servant which knew his Lord's will and prepared not himself, neither did according to his will, shall be beaten with many stripes. But he that knew not and did commit things worthy of stripes shall be beaten with few stripes. For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required. To whom and to whom men have committed much, of him they will also ask the more. Why are we asked to do so much? Because much has been given to us. You know, in the time that we live in, the book that we have, the King James Bible is the most important Bible of all time. It really is. I mean, it's been over 400 years. Millions of people have been saved through it. Hundreds and hundreds, probably thousands of missionaries have gone forth using this translation and gotten multitudes of people saved. It's the most important, English is the most important language right now. God knew this. God knew that when he didn't allow King James to get blown up by a bunch of gunpowder in the basement and all of his family and all of Parliament. How could that guy not be a reprobate when he's just about, they literally found him with the matches in his hands, ready to blow it up. Why? Because they wanted a Catholic monarch. They wanted Catholicism to not be against the law anymore and they wanted to take King James' daughter and insert her as the puppet queen of the Catholics and God was like, no, there's something important that has to be done first. And that was the providence of God. And that's not in a chapter in the Bible, but you can still see the providence of God without it having to be a chapter in the Bible. We have a great heritage and so don't neglect the fact that you have a way to understand doctrine. You have the book, you have the spirit of God in you and there's no excuse, man, woman or child, boy or girl, wife or husband should not understand and know the Bible. And it's as men, we have the responsibility to know the word of God and to fight the false doctrine that's going on in our churches. We have the responsibility of husbands and fathers to teach our family to be able to answer the doctrine or questions that they have. As young ladies and women, it's important to know the word of God so that you're not duped into marrying some slick-tongued fool, some pretender. Oh, I'm gonna get me a wife from here because she's prim and proper and she's a Baptist or whatever. But if you don't know the word of God, you can't see these things coming. It's everybody's job to know. As wives, it's important to know doctrine so you can help your husband to be the best man that you can. Yeah, it's his responsibility to lead and to know the Bible, but how about you being able to help him be the best man that he can be? A help meet created, the help meet, the wife was created for Adam to be a help to him, not a hindrance. And just because you're a woman, it doesn't mean I'm just allowed to be biblically ignorant. You don't get to play that card. God expects us all to know what we're talking about and what we're doing. And as mothers, you have the duty to teach your children the word of God. You have fathers also. And children should, you should honor your mother and father, receive the teachings of the doctrines of the Bible, and this honors your heavenly father and the Lord Jesus Christ. You think you being rebellious against your parents because you think you're smarter than them is like making God happy? It's not. He wants you to honor your parents. And older men and women and grandparents, you have the responsibility to know doctrine to help teach the younger men and women to support the previous generation, not to just run off in your motor homes and kiss the world goodbye. I worked my 30 years. I'm outta here. Let them raise the kids. And yeah, it is the parents' job to raise them, but hey, isn't it important? It's funny. People will believe, well, I'm just supposed to leave mother and father completely and just go somewhere else in the world. It's like, is that what Jacob did? I mean, he did because he had to, but where did Jacob and Esau live around? They lived around their parents. Where did Isaac live around his parents? And I'm not saying it's wrong to just leave. Abraham left his, but he took his dad with him. Just, you know, he died in Haran. So I think that there's a belief that we should just leave and never kiss our parents goodbye. That's not necessarily biblical either. You know, when the children of Israel went into the land, they were all related pretty much, right? If they're all related, then they all were, and they were all around each other, obviously they became more distant related as time went on, but I mean, they lived in the same area. They could still visit each other. It's not like they're just like, oh, I just need to completely leave everything on everybody I know. It's not necessarily wrong to do that, but you know, if you have godly parents and godly people in your life, why would you leave them behind if you don't have to, you know? So don't just get in your motor homes, grandparents, and just forget about your grandchildren because you can be a good influence on your grandchildren. Don't meddle, but help. Help the next generation. Isn't that what Titus says, that the elder women should teach the younger to love their husband, to love their children, love their husbands, and those types of things, and the young men should be, the older gentlemen should be helping the younger gentlemen to get better in this world, to teach them doctrine. You have the opportunity to be a greater, these kids in here have the opportunity to be a greater generation than we are ourselves, but you know what, we have to put some time into them also. You can't just be, this is what happened with the children of Israel. They rose up a generation. You know, obviously they rose up a generation that didn't know God. They didn't follow, they stopped following Joshua and all the rules, and then they became, they just did whatever they wanted. They didn't, they just did whatever they felt like doing and that's not where we want this next generation to go. So in closing, we get our doctrine one layer at a time, here a little, there a little, line upon line, comparing spiritual things with spiritual things. And not knowing, not knowing doctrine or the Bible allows false doctrine to creep in and destroy churches, number three, we have a great responsibility to know doctrine and study the Bible for ourselves to be approved unto God, let's pray. Lord, we thank you so much for this great church. Lord, I pray that each and every person would just take it seriously, Lord, that they would really seriously study the word of God and not just depend on being spoonfed by other people because the danger of that, Lord, is that that person could be teaching them something that's not true. I pray that you'd help us, Lord, to not want to have our ears tickled, not want to have it where false prophets and false teachers are teaching us things that aren't true, but Lord, that we would stick in the old path wherein it is the right way. Lord, that we would trust your book and for all knowledge and doctrine that we can learn, pray that you fill us with your spirit and help us to know the word of God in this church. In Jesus' name we pray, amen.