(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) and sing it greater far than all my sin and shame oh magnify the precious name of Jesus praise his name 96 God leads us along song number 96 on the first let's sing it out in shady green pastures so rich and so sweet God leads his dear children along where the water's cold flow bathe the weary one's feet God leads his dear children along some through the water some through the flood some through the fire but all through the blood some through great sorrow but God gives a song in the night season and all the day long last one Kylie 134 song 134 my anchor holds song 134 let's sing it out on the first though the angry searches roll on my tempest driven soul I am peaceful for I know wildly though the winds may blow I've an anchor safe and sure that can evermore endure and it holds my anchor holds blow your wildest then oh gale on my bark so small and frail by his grace I shall not fail for my anchor holds my anchor holds all right good singing welcome to sure foundation baptist church for our morning service and happy mother's day to all the mothers out there or expecting mothers um this day is going to be all about you all right so I've tried to make sure that it's a special day for everybody here and especially the mothers all right so but anyway let's look at our bulletin on our front cover if you need a bulletin would you raise your hand up brother Ramona bring you a bulletin and the verse of the week is she looketh well to the ways of her household and eateth not the bread of idleness proverbs chapter 31 verse 27 of course famous verse from the great proverbs 31 where it details the proverbs 31 woman so something all ladies should strive to try to be like obviously we're not we're gonna fall short in a lot of these areas right but uh anyway uh our service times at sure foundation baptist church sunday morning service 10 30 a.m sunday evening 3 30 p.m and our thursday bible study is 6 30 p.m we'll be in first corinthians chapter 4 and uh also our soul winning times are listed below and I think we had like three salvations last week and today we'll have soul winning today please let brother Brandon know that you're going you're going to have all the maps ready to roll okay so the maps are going to be put into the whatsapp group and we are having um round table pizza after church so uh-huh uh-huh yeah all right we got wings we got some wings so I I didn't get enough wings for all the kids to have wings so and the other thing is when we all line up after afterwards the the ladies are going first mothers first and then ladies second and then men last all right so like I said it's all about the moms today right anyway uh so round table pizza got 15 pies coming so you know once the ladies get theirs then guys like vultures swoop in and get the prey okay but anyway it's gonna be a good day in God's house today amen because we got round table pizza and we got special prizes for all the ladies if I can get the ushers that I asked to come up so if your color runs out then sorry but anyway what these are is um they're first aid kits and because uh you know sometimes our kids just get war wounds you know I've seen a couple of kids dashed up in here so but uh if you take them out and look at them they have uh all the things that you would need to close a wound quickly all right even a little mini flashlight in there and so the there's also a tweezer kit that has like all these different things it's like a I don't know brother Sean what's all in that just explain it a little knife all right hey I like that tourniquet is there a tourniquet in there no okay well mr and mrs Harrington they put those together for all the moms and they did a great job I really appreciate it and I hope you appreciate it too I mean a lot of hard work went into it so anyway I hope you enjoy it if there's some left over I know there's some moms that aren't here for whatever reason so we'll make sure to save those for you also so anyway enjoy and uh you can practice on your husband after you hit him so whatever just kidding just kidding all right so uh let's see the praise report you can see that and um the attendance totals and all that good stuff and our Spanish kids class is going to be at 6 p.m on Tuesday and so please let miss Alejandro know that you're going and we have of course today's Mother's Day and you got your special gifts so and then you get you're gonna get the food cut the food's covered and so it's all about you today all right moms so and then we have the 11th we have a leadership men's leadership class which is this week sorry about that the short notice on that guys if you can't make it for whatever reason because you didn't have it planned out you should already had your homework done from last month anyway so anyway so if you can't make it just let me know men's preaching night's gonna be next Sunday night so if you guys want to preach who's gonna preach next Sunday night raise your hand one two three four five six seven Ryland Josh eight Remi nine what no he doesn't know what I'm talking about but anyway so prepare a message uh next Sunday night we'll have a men's preaching night and then the next day we're all taken off to Yakima the check-in time is at three o'clock at the hotel if you didn't get one of those sheets that have the itinerary that has the address it has what we're doing and on that sheet it doesn't say anything about sewing on Monday or Saturday but we're we're gonna go soul winning on Saturday we'll probably hit Wapato up on the way out of town like we did last time um or some or maybe Ellensburg I don't know we might actually finish Ellensburg with as many soul winners we have like 80 people signed up to come to the trip so it's going to be estimated about 400 hours worth of soul winning done when you when you consider all the man and woman hours that are going to be going into it so anyway if you have any questions about anything or you need any special things then you're not special I'm not giving no I'm just kidding no if you need anything just let me know if there's something that's wrong on the itinerary let me know and I think the itinerary got stuck up there wherever everything else gets stuck but if you need one just let me know and I'll get you an itinerary sheet or I'll send it to you in an email or something but our main mission next week not this week but the week after is to get people saved amen so we're gonna do well I want to I want to beat whatever we did last time which was 125 salvations and obviously you know it's going to depend on what areas we go to and what's receptive but we're trying to reach the Yakima Indian tribe there and then obviously we'll probably move on to do Yakima the the church service there's only one church service it's going to be on Thursday night and it'll probably be at the hotel so and I'm not publicly announcing where the hotel is because you know how these people these haters are right they'll try to get us canceled canceled cultured anyway so looking forward to that trip May 31st through June 7th is the Hawaiian missions trip Pastor Mendez will be preaching there with me on Sunday the 6th but we'll have soul winning every night at three o'clock from six to from three to six for anybody that's going and obviously you can go soul winning as much as you want you know when when you're on a trip though and it's hot it's hot in Hawaii like if you've never been there before if you're planning on going bring sunscreen especially if you're really white so because you can get tan in the shade but anyway it's gonna be a great trip there's a lot of people coming from other churches to that also and so we're we're planning on going there every six months brother David started services last week he's our new leader in Hawaii and I put the his sermon on our web on our YouTube page so but anyway we're looking for a building right now we've actually found a possible building over there so things are moving really quick over there which is good and so just looking forward to that trip and lots of people getting saved there if you're still interested in going the fares are pretty cheap but you do have to take a COVID test three days before you go I know how you conspiracy theorists are that's going to put DNA in your brain or something like that but I don't think that's true they didn't put it up in my brain when I got tested did they put it in your brain brother Sean they just swirled it around my nose like that which is gross enough but they didn't like shove it into my brain so if that happens to you I it wasn't my fault I'm just going off the information that I know personally so anyway but if you are wanting to go like literally the the tickets are cheap to go there now the hotel the hotel is actually not bad either if you stay in Waikiki you can stay for under 150 a night that's cheap so like this would probably be a good time to go to Hawaii if you have some last you know even if you can only go for a few days I mean it's still well worth it and the soul winning is excellent we're trying to get a midweek service going there too it's just kind of going to depend on on what we can get I know we're renting a room there for Sunday for this for the preaching services and stuff like that but anyway if you're interested in going it's not too late but you got to probably start you know getting towards getting your tickets purchased men's preaching night will be June 6th which will be the same day I'll be in Hawaii but I just figured the men you know I kind of went like a couple months without having one so anyway so that night June 6th here at our church if you're not in Hawaii then you please sign up for that or not sign up but you know just make sure you got a sermon ready for preaching and the Red Hot Preaching Conference July 15th through 18th that's in Sacramento California Verity Baptist Church and so if you haven't made plenty who's planning on going to the Red Hot Preaching Conference lots of people okay cool so as you know there's no football game this year you know they just couldn't hang they got scared so they went to something that they could beat us at which is ping pong okay but we will see we might have some surprise ping pong players in here we might need to get a table tennis well table tennis or ping pong thing we'll practice before the Red Hot Preaching Conference in our new building well we won't be in the new building yet but we'll be able to work on it so maybe we can just do some late night practices there or something like that I don't know while we're working anyway so also we got yeah our grand reopening is going to be our third anniversary also in our new building July 30th through August 1st and Pastor Bruce Mahin will be preaching for us on Friday night at 7 p.m we're also going to have a soul winning marathon on Saturday and from 10th so that'll be 10 30 to 12 30 we'll have lunch provided at the building and we're going to go soul winning in our new area which is the most receptive area in all Vancouver so we'll be focused on that area I mean I know we've knocked a lot of it before and probably most of it but you know the the good area is we like to knock more than once right so and then from 2 p.m to I don't know why I put 420 good night it's not 420 430 wow I can see the reason files is going to be all over this one but anyway second soul winning session is going to be Sunday night and the or Sunday night we'll have a men's preaching night for for the anniversary weekend so bring your best a game there we're a family integrated church that means the children infants are welcome during the church services and we have mother baby rooms debby rooms available for you please reserve the backrest for families with young children no men in the mother baby rooms no dads in the mom rooms and then let's see latch the baby gates when you're going down the stairs please no food in the assembly area and that might be suspended for today but please don't let your kids just grind pizza into the chairs up here you know be mindful of our stuff but we can we can put some tables and chairs up in the upper room up here but yeah just if your kids are going to eat in here don't let them eat in here anyway just make sure you clean up after yourself today too because it's a lot of work to clean up after 100 people so just make sure I mean I'm not saying off the floors and stuff like that but it is nice and to not have to have like one or two people cleaning up everybody's mess okay and silence your cell phones or put them on airplane mode escorts are available to your vehicles by the ushers and please utilize that service ladies and our ding it our online donations are available at surefoundationbaptist.com not dot church and Ryland failed I told him he does this to me every week no I'm just kidding but anyway the text giving numbers on there also and we have Jack Harrington's birthday on the 12th which is this what is it Tuesday or Wednesday huh I'm not getting the message Jack it's your birthday how old are you gonna be seven I remember when I was seven a whole year one time anyway uh let's sing happy birthday to Jack for his seventh birthday happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday god bless you happy birthday to you all right happy birthday Jack all right let's sing another song and then we'll receive the offering we will continue off with a couple more favorites from the mothers that didn't get picked yet so if you have a favorite and you haven't raised your hand now's the time don't be shy somebody anybody I'll pick a song for you Miss Chantelle I love thee my Jesus let's figure out what number is that 184 song 184 I love thee my Jesus song 184 I love thee my Jesus let's take it on the first what words can I find to tell the G I love him love me because of my ransom he paid with such suffering upon the cursed tree in the morning at the noontime and when cleaning shadows I love thee my Jesus I love thee my king in rejoicing and in sorrow today and tomorrow I love thee my savior and lord miss crystal what'd you say 245 the old account was settled on 245 let's sing it out on the first there was a time on earth when in the book of heaven an old account was standing for sins yet unforgived my name was at the top and many things below I went unto the keeper and settled long ago long ago ago long ago yes the old account was settled long ago hallelujah and the records clear today for he washed my sins away when the old account was settled long ago miss britney 261 on the third turn your eyes upon Jesus let's sing it out on the third turn your eyes upon Jesus 261 his word shall not fail you he promised believe him and all will be well then go to a world that is dying his perfect salvation to tell turn your eyes upon Jesus look full in his wonderful face and the things of earth will grow strangely dim in the light of his glorious grace last one I'm looking at you for right here you guys haven't picked one what you got what you got what you got this is good 472 472 this is my father's world song 472 let's sing it out on the first this is my father's world 472 and to my listening ears all nature sings and round me rings the music of the spheres 472 this is my father's world I rest me in the thought of rocks and trees of skies and seas 472 his hand the wonders raw amen good scene brother Sean could you bless the offering lord thank you so much for this day so so so so okay turn in your bibles if you would to genesis chapter three genesis chapter three we'll begin in the first verse now either shall you touch it lest you die and the serpent said unto the woman you shall not surely die for god doth know that in a day you eat thereof then your eyes shall be open and you shall be as gods knowing good and evil and when the woman saw that the tree was good for food and that it was pleasant to the eyes and a tree to be desired to make one wise she took of the fruit thereof and did eat and gave also unto her husband with her and he did eat and the eyes of them both were opened and they knew that they were naked and they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves aprons and they heard the voice of the lord god walking in the garden in the cool of the day and adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the lord god amongst the trees of the garden and the lord god called unto adam and said unto him where art thou and he said i heard thy voice in the garden and i was afraid because i was naked and i hid myself and he said who told thee that thou was naked hast thou eaten of the tree whereof i commanded thee that thou shouldest not eat and the man said the woman whom thou gave us to be with me she gave me of the tree and i did eat and the lord god said unto the woman what is this that thou hast done and the woman said the serpent beguiled me and i did eat and the lord god said unto the serpent because thou hast done this thou art cursed above all cattle and above every beast of the field upon thy belly shalt thou go and dost shalt thou eat all the days of thy life and i will put enmity between thee and the woman between thy seed and her seed it shall bruise thy head and thou shalt bruise his heel unto the woman he said i will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception in sorrow shalt thou bring forth children and thy desire shall be to thy husband and he shall rule over thee and unto adam he said because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of thy wife and has eaten of the tree of which i commanded thee saying thou shalt not eat of it cursed is the ground for thy sake in sorrow shalt eat of it all the days of thy life thorns also and thistles shall bring forth to thee and thou shalt eat the herb of the field and the sweat of thy face shalt not eat bread till thou return unto the ground for out of it was thou taken for dust thou art and unto dust shalt thou return and adam called his wife's name eve because she was the mother of all living unto adam also and to his wife did the lord god make coats of skins and clothed them and the lord god said behold the man has become as one of us to know good and evil and now lest he put forth his hand and take also of the tree of life and eat and live forever therefore the lord god sent him forth from the garden of eden to till the ground from whence he was taken so he drove out the man and he placed at the east of the garden of eden cherubims and a flaming sword which turned every way to keep the way of the tree of life brother travis we pray amen all right the title of the sermon this morning is great attributes of mothers in the bible great attributes of mothers in the bible and today we have an attack on mothers today we have an attack on mothers and uh it's just really sad it's not just mothers it's the whole family unit and the new what they would call the nuclear family to you know they call it two kids i think and of course a mom and a dad but our our nuclear family in our church would be like 10 kids and two parents right but there is an attack and so you're probably wondering why did you pick genesis chapter three well because i think that eve has some redeeming qualities and i'll get to that here in just a minute but people are getting offended by mother's day today people are getting offended by mother's day today and there's this well of course you know there's this cancel culture uh society that we have and they're trying to turn everything on its head and now people are actually offended because we have one day out of the year where we celebrate mothers and and and we thank our mothers for the things that they've done for us and and for being good mothers and and we we thank our wives for being good mothers to our our children and it's just really sad that that's an attack because you know all these freak shows want to just change everything in society and make a and make everybody all inclusive well why can't we just call it mothering day you know dove had this commercial where they had these two freak shows on it and one and they were both like and the and the man was like the mother or whatever and had a beard or something it's like this is the society we live in today but you know what we want to celebrate mothers today and that's why today is dedicated wholly to mothers in our church and i'm going to preach to the moms today but obviously everybody can get something out of the word of god maybe dads maybe you can help uh help your your wife to be a better mother and a better wife and maybe you can so you'll see some things you can glean some things to help and hey kids maybe you can be learn how to be better children for your mothers because you should appreciate all the things that they do for you you know they they bore you they've raised you they take care of you and now they got first aid kits so when you fall and and hurt yourself they can fix you and all these things but mothers are not appreciated enough and so what's wrong with having one day of the year where we actually appreciate the moms in this world and on twitter there was this weirdo that said this let's call it mothering day and make mother's day a fang of the past why would you want that well because they're feminazis because there's a bunch of freak shows that are saying that they're women when they're actually men you know it's just really weird to me how they'll let these trans athletes compete against women and then they want to talk about how much they love women and how much women should be celebrated and look i'm not a big advocate of women's sports or something but you know they shouldn't if there is women's sports should they have to have some dude you know coming and wrestling them or some dude beating them in a track meet because you know men are stronger than women that's why they have women's sports and men's sports because it's there's a difference women just don't have the shoulders to and the strength to do some of the things that men can do and it's just sad and sick but they said you know let's call it mothering day and make mother's day a thing of the past thank you for your cooperation well you know what no freaks i'm not going to cooperate with that and i'm not going to you know you just go to hell i don't want to i don't you know and you're like well how dare you say that pastor thompson i'm talking about the freaks they're trying to ruin our society and make and downplay mothers and unfortunately they didn't have a good enough mom to raise them right so you know we're going to celebrate mothers in this church and i'm going to preach a whole sermon about it about the great mothers of the bible it's important now to have more godly mothers than ever and we need women to to to be in their roles as mothers and to to realize that it's not a knock to say hey you should bear children and guide the home and love your husbands and love your children that's not a knock against you that's something a special assignment that god's giving you and only you can do that you know unless you're some trans freak but they're still women biologically aren't they and unfortunately they're actually bringing forth children into this world and and mind-defiling them in this society but we want to celebrate traditional mothers and what the bible says mothers should be like and so i wanted to take eve as my first example of a woman that had some godly attributes of a mother so and and you're like well what what was that well look look at verse 16 in our text so number one eve was willing to have children even though it's hard and painful eve was willing to have children even though it was hard and painful did she mess up is the whole world sinful yes it is and it's and it's partly her fault and partly her husband's fault but obviously god held adam to the standard not eve because he was the leader right so but look what it says unto the woman he said i will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children and thy desire shall be to thy husband and he shall rule over thee this is the curse that god put on women because of what eve did but even though she messed up she she i believe eve was saved i believe that she was i believe adam was saved also obviously they probably feel really really really bad about what they've done but you know she did redeem herself in a lot of different ways and one of those things is that she knew that the curse of god was going to be greatly multiply thy sorrow and and what does sorrow mean it means it means distressed caused by loss or affliction or disappointment so in in the case of having children it's distress from affliction of having children because you know those children come out and it doesn't look like it feels very good it doesn't sound like it feels very good but yet women still get up and have you know they still have more children even though they know how bad it hurts like i don't know if i'd want to go through something that i know is so painful that it's gonna just you know basically be called great sorrow greatly more god said he would greatly multiply thy sorrow that doesn't sound like fun and i've i've watched my wife have children and it doesn't look like fun i'm just like push you know but uh you can do it honey you know we just men will never understand that and men don't have that curse against them you know we have our own things that we have to deal with but having children is great sorrow and distress and eve knew it was going to be painful and she had multiple children she didn't just have one or two she didn't say well i'm just i have a one child policy well the whole human race would be gone right now if that was the case right so she had multiple children she didn't just have cain and able and seth the bible says that adam and he've eve had multiple children and so because of eve you all are here today and so unfortunately though there's this there's a movement of not having children and they're saying oh the environment is too polluted to have children or you know we need to think about climate change and i was listening to pastor shelley's sermon this morning he said something to the effect of 33 of women do not even want to have children now but you know what the bible says in the last days that people would have the people would not have natural affection and it is natural for women to want children it's natural for men to want to have children with their wives i mean it's a big deal in the bible it's very it's stressed fairly heavily about having children so much that a lot of women were barren and they went through travail of their soul just because they couldn't have children and it was a great blessing to them to have children but i'll say this that eve is bad of a rap as she gets you know what she did do she had lots of children so that all the human race would move on knowing it was going to be hard knowing it was going to be sorrowful she still did it anyway and hey if if you're a a wife in here and you've had and you've had children have more children multiply your children don't be don't be sad and upset when you you know or found out you're with child again that's what god wants you know and you're like i don't know if i can handle it well maybe you just need to change something in your life to make it easier for you because you know what having children isn't easy first of all having them isn't easy raising them isn't easy either and raising multiple children is not easy but it can be done and so if there's some if you just you know just beating your head against the wall doing the same thing over and over again you know if you're having trouble raising your kids it's just too hard for you we'll do something different change the way you're raising them change the way you know you manage your household because and is it still gonna be hard yeah it's still gonna be hard but you know what there's things you can do in your life to make it easier to handle your children you know my wife had four littles pretty much at the same time and she managed you know she managed to to get through it we managed together but you know there's a lot of nights where i never woke up with the kids like never but i know i was a heavy sleeper back then but now i'd probably wake up but you know i went i got up and had to go to work and so my wife would be up all hours of the night feeding kids taking care of them when they're sick and things like that having children is not easy but you know what it's what god wants so look at verse number 20 in our text it says and adam called his wife's name eve because she was the mother of all living and isn't that true she is she was the mother of all living she still is the mother of all living you know every person in this room was is a direct descendant of adam and eve you know because that's where all humans came from that's the origin of mankind so the the second attribute of eve that was great is that she was willing to continue having children even though one went bad and this can break someone's heart when one of your children goes bad when one of your children doesn't love the lord maybe they go the other way and the first child ever born was a reprobate false prophet her first kid was a reprobate false prophet the first born and look at verse let's move over to genesis chapter 4 verse 1 it says and adam knew eve his wife and she conceived and bear Cain so Cain of course is of that wicked one the bible says and so he was a he was a child of the devil you know he if it says he was of that wicked one now people say well satan had a child with eve that's ridiculous that's not what it's talking about it's talking about a spiritual thing it's just like we're spiritually sons of god they're spiritually sons of the devil so there's different kinds of spirits in this world right so but look what it says and said i've gotten a man from the lord and she again bear his brother Abel and Abel was a keeper of the sheep but Cain was a tiller of the ground but you know and what happened well Cain killed Abel didn't he so the first two children born you know one was a wicked false prophet and an evil person and the second one was a prophet of the lord who is the first martyr in the whole bible and so what happened did she give up on motherhood no but a lot of people will and you know a lot of you know ladies have miscarriages and things like that and it's really hurtful to them but you know what you got to keep going you got to try again because you know those children are in heaven so you should be comforted in the fact that they're going to heaven instantly when they pass on and i and i know it's very hurtful and obviously if you carry a child full term and that happens but you know it's still it's still hurtful no matter how long it's been because you want those children you want to multiply your family but you know when one and even some people or some ladies in here got saved later in life and maybe one of their kids went bad maybe one of your kids have gone bad but you know what that doesn't mean you have to give up on the other ones and maybe you're having a hard time with one of your children that's harder to deal with than the other ones that happens too doesn't it but does that mean that does that mean you give up on the rest of them no you and i'm not saying that they're just because they're harder to deal with that they're bad you know they're bad now but you know if you chase it of b times then they get better but anyway but you know look you should be dedicated to still being a mother even though one goes bad and like there's some you know grandmothers in the world that they messed up with all their kids i know people like everybody has a different story to tell and i've met people that all their kids went bad but does that mean you have to be bad as a grandparent no you can still have redeeming qualities as a grandparent as a grandmother as a granddad and you can you know make a difference for your grandchildren in this world for the lord jesus christ but you know what you don't do you don't give up on motherhood don't give up on it and and when something goes bad or when you lose one of your children that doesn't mean you give up you know that child you know that goes bad you know there's there's obviously maybe you could have done something better to help them maybe you could have been a better parent at that time but you know what you don't do you don't just give up on the rest of them don't just say you know what i give up that kid went bad and now i just don't care about the other ones but here's the other thing that people do that mothers do is that one they're having a problem with one kid and then they for they do forget about the other ones and you shouldn't just take all your focus off your good kids so that you can only care about that bad kid you know what i'm saying so you don't want to get there either so don't focus on the ones you've lost and forget about your other children so you need to live godly and help your other children to get saved so if you've had one go bad then you know obviously you want to try to help the other ones and again if they're your grandchildren be a powerful influence in their lives eve also continued to have children after the bad son murdered the godly good son so you should continue and you know obviously you're not going to be necessarily in that exact position right but what did she what what was the what happened after she had Cain and Abel will look at verse 25 this is Adam knew his wife again and she bare his son and called his name Seth for God's said she hath appointed me another seed instead of Abel so Abel was the good seed right he was probably going to be that seed of Christ but because he was murdered then Seth became that son Seth became that son where the seed would be called through and so Eve didn't give up she still had another child and his name was Seth and he was a good he was the seed instead of Abel whom Cain slew and to Seth to him also there was born a son and he called his name Enos then began men to call upon the name of the Lord so Eve did do a good thing didn't she even though she sinned and she you know got her husband to sin and she was beguiled by the devil you know what she did do that that was a godly attribute as she had children even though she knew it was gonna be hard and even though she lost one of her children to the devil she still moved on and she still had that godly seed and that godly seed got got killed and here's the other thing that you can think about you know if you're worried about your your child going to the ministry like one of your sons being a pastor and maybe they'll be martyred someday you can't worry about that stuff you know what you have you look these kids are not that they're your gift from God and so you you can't try to hold your kids back from things if you want them to serve the Lord let them serve the Lord you know what if they get martyred guess what they get a better resurrection so Mary knew what was gonna happen I'm sure ultimately as he that the simian said that a sword would pierce through her heart also and so she lost her son who was righteous and goodly and he she knew that that was for the betterment of mankind because Jesus died for all of our sins right so we can't worry about those types of things we have to just let God deal with our children and if things like that happen you know obviously it's very hurtful it's very harmful and I'm sure hurt her deeply but you know what I'm sure she doesn't regret it either I'm sure she doesn't regret the fact that her son that she brought forth she was a chosen vessel of the Lord and she brought forth the son that would save all of mankind so that's a blessing it's a blessing to be a mom and and it might not seem that way sometimes but you know look look circumspectly look what of what's gonna come next don't worry about your life now and all that kind of stuff you know once you have children you have to live your life for your children and obviously for the Lord but you should have a just like she she she found it a blessing that God hath appointed me another seed instead of Abel what does what does that mean though that she that he's a he's gonna be a saved a saved person and so do you think she cared about her children being saved I think she did she recognized the fact that Cain was bad and that Abel was good and that Seth was was us the seed the seed that was talking about in Genesis chapter 3 is that seed of Christ so and then began men to call upon the name of Lord so that means her grandson Enos was saved also and so you see that that's the line of saved people and Enos he's he began to call you know it says then begin men to call upon the name of the Lord and so Eve did care about her children being saved and so I think there's a lot of redeeming qualities about Eve as a mother was Eve perfect yes she was and then she fell so Adam and Eve were both perfect weren't they until they sinned that was a trick question but but you know she is a picture of someone who falls and stills continued continues to serve the Lord and her godly motherly attributes were to have children despite the sorrow and pain and to continue on even though one went bad after losing one of her and after losing one of her children so I want to look at Sarah now let's look at Genesis chapter 21 and so here's another godly mother that we can learn some godly attributes about motherhood from Sarah obviously there's a lot of examples I could have used for this one but attribute number three is breastfeeding is a great attribute of women breastfeeding is a great attribute of women in the Bible look at verse number one in Genesis 21 it says and the Lord visited Sarah as he had said and the Lord did unto Sarah as he had spoken for Sarah conceived and bare Abraham a son in his old age at the time set of which God had spoken to him so they had that child that promised child that they were supposed to have that God said they were gonna have and skip down to verse 6 it says and Sarah said God hath made me to laugh so that all that here will laugh with me remember she laughed you know she laughed within herself and now she's saying that God had you know made her to laugh so that all all the here will laugh with me so you know they weren't laughing at her they were laughing with her right so but anyway look at verse 7 it says and she said who would have said unto Abraham that Sarah should have given children suck for I have borne him a son in his old age and the child grew and was weaned and Abraham made a great feast the same day that Isaac was weaned and so it's very important for mothers to breastfeed their children and in the Bible that's what you see you don't see them and they grabbed infamy and and gave them to suck no and look I'm not beating up on women that haven't breastfed in the past look there's a whole generation where they try to say don't breastfeed and breastfeed now breastfeeding now is easier than it ever has been for for chill you know because even in the hospitals they promote breastfeeding now obviously they get all weird with the birth weight stuff and try to stress you all out and things like that but you don't have to listen that garbage so but they do they're like we need to make sure they're at weight and you know but a lot of people fail to do it right because breastfeeding is hard I'm just saying it's easier you have more support these days to be a breastfeeding mom which is a blessing you know because there's a lot of things that are cursed right now but one of the things that aren't cursed is breastfeeding is promoted in hospitals which you know it's promoted in the Bible it talks about it all throughout the Bible it doesn't say you know goats you know goats milk and cows milk is what they need they need their own mother's breast milk so and I'm obviously I'm not saying don't give them that kind of milk later on or you can't breastfeed for whatever reason that some it's not a viable thing to help but if you can breastfeed you should Sarah breastfed and she was like old really old you know and she still was able to breastfeed so and and look it's it can be hard and all of the process that for especially for a first-time mom but when our kids were born they weren't promoting breastfeeding and they were just like yeah I give up just give up you know and they they want you they wanted you to give up back then and and the look the world doesn't understand this but like if you read the Bible you're gonna see a lot of breastfeeding going on and you know why because that's the way God intended it to be that is the natural order of things and it's a blessing but it's not easy and there's a lot of there is a lot of naysayers about it or people that think it's just not that big of a deal but and some people some children can't breastfeed some mothers can't breastfeed and look I'm not trying to get on to you for that but hey you know you can you can you can pump that milk for him though you know I I didn't ask Nia for permission about this but I'm gonna bring it up anyway well she she has a child that's special needs and she can't breastfeed the way a normal child can but you know Nia has been very diligent about the fact that she wants to give her breast milk and so she's very she's very orderly and and and make sure that she gets that breast milk to Olivia and that's all she drinks so that's good because you know that it's hard it is hard to have that kind of a rigorous thing because she has Olivia was on has been on a like a strict feeding schedule since she's been born she's really had you know she it's just been a hard thing you know but hey Nia thinks it's important for her child to have breast milk because it is you know and there's a lot of redeeming qualities with breast milk it's it has healing qualities and think about this if we're trying to get we're we're not we're like a non-vaccinating church here right I mean if you that if you get vaccinated than whatever it's your business I'm not gonna tell you how to live your life but but look when you're one of when a woman breastfeeds her antibodies and things that she has go to that child you know how they get it through the breast milk so if you are person that hasn't been vaccinated a lot or ever vaccinated then you're you're helping your children be more healthy because I'm gonna I'm gonna read you a little article from WebMD it's uh it just says the benefits of breastfeeding for a baby and this is like you know the the world's you know government WebMD site or whatever I don't know if it's a government but it's like a hospital type site anyway it says breast milk provides the ideal nutrition for infants it has a nearly perfect mix of vitamins protein and fat everything your baby needs to grow and it's all provided in a form more easily digested than infant formula breast milk contains antibodies that help your baby fight off viruses and bacteria breastfeeding lowers your baby's risk of having asthma or allergies plus babies who are breastfed exclusively for the first six months without any formula have fewer ear infections respiratory illnesses and bouts with diet of diarrhea they also have fewer hospitalizations and trips to the doctor you know why because they're getting those natural antibodies from the mother but there's a name there's also all these people that they think that they need to get all their vaccinations I mean their baby's got the COVID shot their babies get every shot that there is and then they feed him formula and they wonder why their kids have ear infections all the time why their kids are sick all the time why they're always having to take their kids to the ER all the time well it's because you need to breastfeed your children get that breast milk to them that's what's natural that's what God intended for them to have you know it and I again I'm not against milk from other sources because I like cows milk too I like raw vitamin D cows milk if I can get it or at least organic all right I'm one of those guys yeah I like the organic milk it tastes better but you know when I was a baby I should I should have had breast milk you know when when you're when when you're a baby you should have the milk of you know the kind of creature that you are right it doesn't make sense that like a cow is born and they like have dogs milk or something right you know I'm saying so like whatever kind you are that's the kind of milk you should be drinking at least while you're an infant okay and like I've seen firsthand like children that are not vaccinated versus children that are like and I'm not saying all kids no kids get sick because of breast smoke I'm not trying to say that that's going too far but like just with Emmy she she didn't even get sick for like a year and a half almost and I think she got like a little bit of a cold and then I just said hey give her some breast smoke and she did and she was like better the next day I don't know how you explain that but must be some good milk but anyway so it's important for kids to have breast milk it does have healing profit you know even WebMD agrees you know that and and that's what the blessing is breastfeeding has been linked to higher IQ scores in later childhood in some studies so what's more of the physical closeness of skin-to-skin touching so when you're breastfeeding your child that's a skin you know when a child's born they they used to put the child right into the mother's lap without washing them or anything like that and now like if they're born at a hospital they go through all this these processes and sometimes they don't even get to hold their baby for a while especially if there's some kind of complications but skin-to-skin touching with the with the child is very important and breastfeeding provides that closeness and you're gonna be closer with your child because of it and it says an eye contact all those all these things help your baby bond with you and feel secure breastfed infants are more likely to gain the right amount of weight as they grow rather than becoming overweight children that's not always true but the AAP says breastfeeding also plays a role in the prevention of SIDS sudden infant death syndrome that's probably because they're not a vaccine a lot of the children aren't vaccinated but anyway it's been thought to lower the risk of diabetes obesity and certain cancers as well but more research is needed so it I can't stress to you how important it is to be a breastfeeding mother and so let's look at verse number nine in our text so verse nine says and Sarah saw the son of Hagar the Egyptian which she had born into Abraham mocking wherefore she said unto Abraham cast out this bond woman and her son for the son of the bond woman shall not be heir with my son even with Isaac and there's gonna be mockers about breastfeeding and I'm not saying that's what he was mocking about but I just found it interesting that that's you know they're at the weaning party and then this this kids mocking the the toddler here or how I don't know how old he was but don't let don't let mockers and naysayers detour you from breastfeeding because these same mockers and naysayers were also mock you about how many children you want to have and they're gonna mock you about wanting to homeschool your children they're gonna mock you about not wanting to vaccinate your children and just have your child grow up with the natural antibodies that God gave them they're gonna mock you about trying to raise your children as a Christian and taking them to church but you know what don't let those things detour you when it comes to breastfeeding people will try to mock you people will try to detour you but you know what cast out that bond woman and get that person out of your life or just tell them to shut up and quit giving you medical advice look you got to listen to the Bible you got to listen to God's Word and look science agrees about the breastfeeding you know but there was a generation that was the baby boomer generation where they just like you know they had all these kids but then they stopped feeding them breast milk you know why because they're a bunch of ostrich parents that's why that's why their kids turn out to be rotten most of them and that's why their generation you know helped destroy this country so you know and that's just one of the things that they did stop breastfeeding but don't allow mockers and naysayers to deter you from breastfeeding that's it's not right so look at a lamentations chapter 4 verse number 3 lamentations 4 verse number 3 the Bible says even the sea monsters draw out the breast they give suck to their young ones the daughter of my people has become cruel like the ostriches in the wilderness so what is what is God saying here he's saying hey even a sea monster gives their baby a breath of the breast milk and the it says the daughter of my people who's who's the daughter of my people well saved women right my people would be saved Christian women the daughter of my people has become cruel like the ostriches in the wilderness and you don't want to become an ostrich mom as a Christian lady you better care more about your children than you care more about yourself because what's more important the the next generation obviously you want to live for God in your generation but you also want to pass things on to the next generation of mothers and you know you heard about all the healing qualities and how good it is to have breast milk for your children so then why won't you give it to them because the Bible says if you don't that you've become cruel like the ostrich in the wilderness the tongue of the suckling child cleaveth to the roof of his mouth for thirst the young children ask bread and no man breaketh it unto them now obviously this is talking about the fall of Jerusalem and things like that as lamentations but it still it has a lesson for us too is that God does think it's important for us to care about our children and you know what he says to give them breast milk breast milk that's what you find throughout the whole Bible that's what Hannah Hannah weaned Samuel before she lent him to the Lord for the rest of his life and there's just multiple occasions in the Bible about giving your children breast milk so Eve was the mother of all living and she was willing to have children even though it was going to be hard and painful that's number one and he was also willing to have more children after failing with Cain and so also she Sarah was willing to breastfeed and all godly women should be should breastfeed if they can and so I know that this doesn't cover all the women in the Bible took this morning and I'm actually done with my sermon so but I want to make sure that we had time for it to enjoy ourselves this afternoon and so I am going to continue this this sermon it'll be a part two in the evening but it's it's important that we understand that that motherhood is being attacked in this country and Christian women should be different think about this I think about the whole mask thing and and look whatever side you're on with us it's okay I'm just using it as an example when you go to a store and everybody else is wearing a mask and you're not it makes you feel weird doesn't it it makes you feel like some people just like it I don't even care but like my wife went to Fred Meyer the other day or was it yesterday or the day before and she for we were in we were in the south where there we didn't have to wear a mask the whole time we were there except for on the airplane which stinks but anyway she came she just went to Fred Meyer's and she was shopping and she said this lady was like dancing around her like jumping out of her way and stuff and she just kind of noticed it out of the corner of her eye and didn't even realize until she had gone through the checkout that she wasn't wearing a mask the whole time but here's here's here's how it relates to Christianity is that everybody else would you know everybody else is doing what the world's program is doing okay but Christians are supposed to be different and when you're different people are gonna see that you're different and you're gonna get persecuted for it or people are gonna they're gonna have a problem with you just like they had a problem with my wife not wearing a mat that one weirdo is jumping around trying to avoid her or whatever and look I'm not saying that like I said it doesn't matter what you believe about the mass I'm just using it as an example is that when you're different than the rest of the crowd people are gonna notice that and people will persecute you for it just like Isaac's brother persecuted him and mocked him because he was different because that just showed it's a picture of you know the children a promise versus you know the children that are basically of the law like the you know the difference between the Jews and the Gentiles or whatever but saved not saved so when you're different people are gonna notice it just like when when you're wearing skirts and dresses only people are gonna notice that and they're gonna say are you Russian like Russians are the only people that wear dresses or something but they always ask my daughter if she's if she's Russian because she wears dresses people notice when you're different people notice when you're different and it seems like sometimes women just wear dresses out in the world just because you know it's it's almost like a special fashion statement for them because most of the time they're walking around in pants you know but as Christian women as mothers you need to be different than the world so the world wants the infamil the convenience of the infamil the world wants you know they want you to only have one child because you're ruining the environment yeah you're brave you're breathing out too much carbon dioxide you know I was at the Georgia Guidestones recently and one of the the first thing on there says keep the population at 500 million 500 millions a lot of people but you know that there's 7.9 billion people in this world so how would you reduce the population to 500 million well 7.4 million people or billion people would have to be murdered wouldn't they and Bill Gates is fine with that and his his man Melinda that he's married to or whatever it is Big Mike wants you to have less kids look this world wants you to be like them and if you don't conform to this world that's what God wants he doesn't want you to conform to this world be not conform to this world is what the Bible actually says so God wants you to be different as mothers he wants you to you know have multiple children he wants you to keep moving on after you failed with one child he wants you to breastfeed even though you know and now it's popular but there's been times when it wasn't popular but look you're not doing it because it's popular doing it because that's what the Bible teaches that's what the Bible guides you to do and so you should do what's best for your children and and and give suck to your children and they'll be better off for it avoid vaccinations what's what's popular right now have you taken the vaccination I'm kind of wondering where the backlash is gonna be for that oh the only reason why we can't open up all the ways because you Christians didn't want to get the vaccination well when I watch people dying from it or people they don't even know what it's gonna cause long-term they studied it for a year first time in history that's ever happened and people die from people have literally died from their like lots of out of millions of people well do you want to be that one and if you do something that God knows that you're not supposed to do and you're saved does he punish Christians for that yeah he does so you know obviously we should avoid vaccinations they're unclean they're unclean and and so obviously this isn't a vaccination sermon but I'm just saying this is that as mothers as godly mothers God wants you to be different and he wants you to get on his program get off the soy and get on the breast milk all right get off the infamil get on the breast milk have children children are a blessing you know and you're like well speak for yourself pastor Thompson you don't have to have them well no but I have helped raise them and you know what I look back fondly on those memories I look back fondly on the memories of raising my kids and you know it'd be nice to be able to do it again but now but that's not the way life works you have one life to live on this earth and so you should live for God and be a godly mother like he wants you to let's pray Lord thank you so much for the godly mothers in our church Lord and I pray that Lord they get a lot of praise today and no mother is perfect even Eve was perfect for a while but she fell the Lord she did have redeeming qualities and she cared about having a godly seed Lord I pray that the women in our church would would care about these things would care about pleasing you Lord which is the most important thing is living godly in Christ Jesus I pray Lord that they would take the persecution and the affliction and the things that they get from their family and old friends and just live with the comments about how many children they have Lord it's it's it's harder to be a Christian right now then it has been a long time I just pray you'd bless the women in our church and Lord open their wombs Lord and I pray that they'd be fruitful and multiply Lord and that they would care about pleasing you and raising a godly seed for you in Jesus name we're praying amen all right the last song it's under 56 when we all get to heaven song number 56 when we all get to heaven song 56 and we all get to heaven song 56 singing on the first sing the wondrous love of Jesus sing his mercy and his grace in the mansions bright and blessed he'll prepare for us a place when we all get to heaven what a day of rejoicing that will be when we all see Jesus we'll sing and shout the victory while we walk the pilgrim pathway clouds will overspread the sky but when traveling days are over not a shadow not a sign when we all get to heaven what a day of rejoicing that will be when we all see Jesus we'll sing and shout the victory let us then be true and faithful trusting serving every day just one glimpse of him in glory will the tolls of life repay when we all get to heaven what a day of rejoicing that will be when we all see Jesus we'll sing and shout the victory onward to the prize before us soon his beauty will behold soon the pearly gates will open we shall tread the streets of gold when we all get to heaven what a day of rejoicing that will be when we all see Jesus we'll sing and shout the victory amen great singing brother bill would you close with what a prayer