(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) brother eli can you open us with a word of prayer thank you that we have a chance to hear it and uh to have it preached to us lord help us to sing uh to your honor and your glory lord in jesus name amen amen favorites tonight pick your favorites does she have one zoe or do you guys have one amazing grace okay does anyone know the page of amazing one one two thirty three two forty four two forty four amazing grace so amazing grace on the first amazing grace how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me i once was lost but now and them was blind but now i see evan three zero two i don't know that one sorry bro you got another one work on another one uh kyle four eleven hold the fort page four eleven hold the fort on the first oh my comrades see the signal waving in the sky reinforcements now appearing victory is nigh hold the fort for i am coming jesus signal still wave the answer back to heaven by thy grace we will steve 19 in the blue i need a blue hymnal so page 19 in the blue jesus is the joy of living jesus is the joy of living on the verse i have found a wondrous savior jesus christ the souls delight every blessing of his favor fills my heart with hope so bright jesus is the joy of living he's the king of life to me unto him my all i'm giving is forever more to be i will do what he commands me anywhere he leads i'll go jesus is the joy of living he's the dearest friend i know lots of favors tonight uh rachel in the green all right back to the green page 65 just over in the glory land page 65 on the first i've a home prepared where the saints abide just over in the glory land and i long to be by my savior's side just over in the glory land just over in the glory land i'll join the happy angel band just over in the glory land just over in the glory land there with the mighty host i'll stand just over in the glory land right here page 40 again every i love it you guys will have the song memorized no disappointment in heaven page 40 on the first it's no disappointment in heaven no weariness sorrow or pain no hearts that are bleeding and broken no song with a minor refrain the clouds of the earthly horizon will never appear in the sky for all will be sunshine and gladness with never a sob nor a sigh i'm bound for that beautiful city my lord has prepared for his own where all the redeemed of all ages sing glory around the white throne sometimes i grow homesick for heaven and the glories i there shall be what a joy that will be when my savior i see in that beautiful city of gold leilani 302 is that the is that sweet will of god i'm sorry i don't know that one working on another one evan 202 page 202 my redeemer page 202 on the first i will sing of my redeemer and his wondrous love to me on the cruel cross he suffered from the curse to set me free sing oh sing of my redeemer with his blood he purchased me on the cross he sealed my pardon paid the debt made me free holly 136 master the tempest is raging age 136 sing it out out loud on the first master the tempest is raging the billows are tossing high the sky is or shadow with blackness no shelter or help is nigh carest thou not that we perish how canst thou lie asleep when each moment so madly is threading a grave in the angry deep the winds and the waves shall obey my will peace be still whether the wrath of the storm to see or demons or men or whatever it be no water can swallow the ship where lies the master of ocean and earth skies they shall sweetly obey my will peace be still peace be still they shall sweetly obey my will peace peace be still liberty 188 on the third the love of god page 188 on the third could we with think the ocean fell and were the skies appartment made where every stock on earth a quill and every man ascribed by trade to write the love of god above would drain the ocean dry nor could the scroll contain the whole though stretched from sky to sky oh love of god how rich and pure how measureless and strong and shall forevermore endure the saints in angels song amy 22 are you washed in the blood page 22 on the first have you been to jesus for the cleansing power are you washed in the blood of the lamb are you fully trusting in his grace this hour are you washed in the blood of the lamb are you washed in the blood in the soul cleansing blood of the lamb are your garments spotless are they white as snow are you washed in the blood of the lamb alana 52 in the blue found come now found page 52 in your blue handles come now found on the first come now found of every blessing tune my heart to sing thy grace streams of mercy never ceasing call for songs of loudest praise teach me some melodious sonnet sung by flaming tongues above praise the mount i'm fixed upon it mount of thy redeeming love last one eli one in the blue page one on the blue in the blue all right join serving jesus joy in serving jesus on the first there is joy in serving jesus as i journey on my way joy that fills the heart with praises every hour and every day there is joy joy joy in serving jesus joy that throbs within my heart every moment every hour as i draw upon his power there is joy joy joy that never shall depart good singing at this time we'll have our announcements good afternoon welcome back to your foundation let's take our bulletins and go through some announcement announcements announcements okay that's where we're at that's what jet lag does for you all right we do have some bulletins so raise your hand if you want one brother sean or brother ramona bring you one on our front cover of the announcements we have uh the verse of the week it says the wicked flee when no man pursueth but the righteous are bold as a lion proverbs 28 verse 1 great scripture and our service times are 10 30 a.m sunday morning sunday evening 3 30 p.m and we're going to be in genesis 50 tonight we're going to finish genesis uh and then maybe i'll do some standalone sermons and i'll think about another book to do later on but uh so many times or listen blow did we have any salvations for the so many times how many we have one all right well praise god for the one soul that got saved and uh let's see you can look down you see the praise report so that's six so far for the month of june six and i wanted to kind of give you an update about the new jersey uh soul winning that we did i said we had 15 at halftime well i ended up with 40 salvations for the day and 82 soul winners so and eight people were baptized so this goes to show we can pretty much go anywhere in this country and people are going to show up to listen to preaching so the like i said the the event was totally filled like almost every seat there was filled i only preached one family out the door so that was at the beginning so i think we had we had 130 and then by the time my summer was done we had 127 so i don't know what they're so mad about anyway june 14th is the homeschool field trip to oaks park please let miss rachel know if you're going i think there's a few slots left and should be a lot of fun so they're meeting there at noon at oaks amusement park that is in portland um let's see june 15th is the funeral service for miss mary cornchook and that's going to be at futon rose and hoyt funeral home 2308 pacific avenue forest grove oregon 97116 or just you can look in the bulletin or i mean the whatsapp group and my wife i think put the to put the pictures of the bulletin in there anyway the burial is going to be at union point cemetery in banks that's at 5 p.m ish and uh you're all invited to go uh is there anybody that's planning on going okay all right i'm gonna be there and brother alex you'll be there at two is that right or is there are you gonna be there okay all right sounds good all right so yeah you can be there too if you want and listen to the testimonies of the family members and just if you want to be there be there to support brother alex um you can definitely use the support and then pray for people to be saved because the gospels the gospel the gospel is going to be presented at uh the three o'clock portion i think are you going to present the gospel at two or are you going to wait for me okay all right so and i'm i'm definitely going to give it an invitation to be saved um so but i'm also you know if there's people there that are soul winners then i will invite them also if they want to talk personally to somebody that they're able to do that so hopefully if you're there and i call upon you to like maybe talk to one of the family members um would you be willing to do that i hope so anyway on june 18th we have the men's shooting event in stevenson washington we're meeting next saturday on the bridge of the gods side of uh or the bridge of the god side the washington side of the bridge of the gods good night it's gonna be a long sermon tonight you're like no if i can speak okay then mike i might get through it quicker all right um so that's going to be a shooting event for all men all men are invited to go the church is providing some ammunition and lunch at 12 o'clock so be there or be you know a vegetarian so no i'm just kidding be there be square 12 o'clock next saturday and there'll be a shooting competition there'll be some prizes for whoever wins and kyle is not allowed to participate like i said he was too good last time all right and then father's day is going to be the next day sunday and there'll be a gift for each dad in attendance and you'll get a pick from a few different things and there'll be a sermon geared toward uh dads that day fathers the fwbc mega conference stop location for our church here is going to be june 23rd that's a thursday night at 6 30 p.m pastor anderson will be preaching for us that night and then in spokane on june 26 which is sunday for both services so if you're wanting to get your fix of pastor anderson and you want to you don't want to have to go all the way to phoenix you can just go all the way to spokane which is almost as far as phoenix no it's not really it's about six hours though it's a six hour trek but you know if you want to go and hear some great sermons and just fellowship with our brethren up there uh they're holding it down in spokane and still soloing every week and and preaching great sermons and uh if you want to go up there fellowship with our brothers and sisters there and uh here's some pastor anderson preaching then you are more than welcome to go there i won't be offended at all so um let's see the 4th of july is going to be at the rank the renke the renke residence the yankee residence excuse me and uh her baby shower is going to be july 9th i wanted to let you know that they're uh registered at amazon for the baby registry and what is it under your name miss alana holl and alana renke yankee just kidding uh and then july 9th july 14th man i'm in trouble fly 14th through 17th is red hot preaching conference so all this other stuff we have gone through this morning and there's no visitors here so i'm just gonna quietly put this down and we'll take the offering up okay let's turn to page 144 in your green hymnals page 144 the mighty fortress is our god page 144 so a mighty fortress is our god on the first a mighty fortress is our god a bold work never failing our helper he amid the flood of mortal ills prevailing for still our ancient foe does seek to work us woe his craft and power are great and armed with cruel hate on earth is not his equal did we in our own strength confide our striving would be losing we're not the right man on our side the man of god's own choosing just ask who that may be christ jesus it is he lord sabaoth his name from age to age the same and he must win the battle and though this world with devils filled should threaten to undo us we will not fear for god hath will is true to triumph through us the prince of darkness grim we tremble not for him his rage we can endure for lo his doom is sure one little word shall fail him on the last that word above all earthly powers no thanks to them abideth the spirit and the gifts are ours through him who will side if let goods and kindred go this mortal life also the body they may kill god's truth abideth still his kingdom is forever amen great singing at this time we'll take our offering brother sean harrington can you bless the offering for us dear jesus thank you so much for this day lord thank you so much lord that we can come to your church and listen to your word preach lord i pray that you would bill pastor tomson your spirit lord pray that you would bless this offering lord we do a great work with it please bless the gift and the giver in jesus name so so so i go and turn your bibles to genesis chapter 50 genesis chapter number 50 if you don't have a bible raise your hand and one of the ushers will bring you one genesis 50 genesis 50 the bible reads and joseph fell upon his father's face and wept upon him and kissed him and joseph commanded his servants the physicians to embalm his father and the physicians embalmed israel and 40 days were fulfilled for him for so are fulfilled the days of those which are embalmed and the egyptians mourn for him three score and ten days and when the days of his morning were passed joseph spake into the house of pharaoh saying if now i have found grace in your eyes speak i pray you in the ears of pharaoh saying my father made me swear saying lo i die in my grave which i have digged for me in the land of canin there shall there shall thou bury me now therefore let me go up i pray thee and bury my father and i will come again and pharaoh said go up and bury thy father according as he made thee swear and joseph went up to bury his father and with him went up all the servants of pharaoh the elders of his house and all the elders of the land of egypt and all the house of joseph and his brethren and his father's house only their little ones and their flocks and their herds they left in the land of goshen and there went up with him both chariots and horsemen and it was a very great company and they came to the threshing floor of atad which is beyond jordan and there they mourned with a great and very sore lamentation and he made a morning for his father seven days and when the inhabitants of the land the caninites saw the morning in the floor of atad they said this is a grievous morning to the egyptians wherefore the name of it was called abel misrium which is beyond jordan and his sons did unto him according as he commanded them for his sons carried him into the land of canin and buried him in the cave of the field of mal macpella which abraham brought with thee with the field for a possession of a burying place of ephron the hittite before mamra and joseph returned into egypt he and his brethren and all that went up with him to bury his father after he had buried his father and when joseph's brethren saw that their father was dead they said joseph will peradventure hate us and will certainly requite us all the evil which we did unto him and they sent a messenger unto joseph saying thy father did command before he died saying so shall you say unto joseph forgive i pray thee now the trespass of thy brethren and their sin for they did unto the evil and now we pray thee forgive the trespass of the servants of the god of thy father and joseph wept when they spake unto him and his brethren also went and fell down before his face and they said behold we be thy servants and joseph said unto them fear not for am i in the place of god but as for you you thought evil against me but god meant it meant it unto good to bring to bring to pass as it is this day to save much people alive now therefore fear ye not i will nourish you and your little ones and he comforted them and spake kindly unto them and joseph dwelt in egypt he and his father's house and joseph lived in 110 years and joseph saw ephraim's children of the third generation the children also of makar the son of menassah were brought up upon joseph's knees and joseph said unto his brethren i die and god will surely visit you and bring you out of this land under the land which he swear to abraham to isaac and to jacob and joseph took an oath of the children of israel saying god will surely visit you and ye shall carry up my bones from hence so joseph died being 110 years old and they embalmed him and he was put in a coffin in egypt brother eli we pray for us amen amen on the kids all right no i'm just kidding all right well we're finally here we're at the end of the book of genesis and we're in chapter number 50 tonight and i'm going to try to preach this quickly because there's a lot of stuff to cover i will try i will try okay uh let's look at verse number 50 and uh before i before i do that though i just uh i want to remind everybody where we're at here or where we've come from so of course we got the beginning where god created the heaven and the earth and created all the animals and the people adam and eve we have that story and how they fell and how their children were born and one killed the other one we have uh the generations of the families that was promised christ was promised to be born of the seed of a woman and noah was basically he found grace in the eyes of the lord god told him to build an ark he destroyed the whole world after i think around 1500 years um we've we studied about how the world is actually only about 6200 and some odd years old i can't remember the exact number off the top of my head here but then we have after that we have abraham and the story of abraham and his faith we have isaac and then we have of course jacob and we've learned about joseph and his brothers now and so here we are we're going to get to where this book leaves off is about 3900 years in the past from right now so all this stuff happened a long time ago ancient times but not millions of years ago all right so here we are at the end and joseph of course this story about joseph's been 10 chapters or more than 10 chapters it's been a lot so god really focuses here on the 12 tribes of israel and israel has passed away in the last chapter he gave up the go he yielded up the ghost the bible says and he pictures christ you know both joseph and jacob of course picture christ in many different ways and we've learned about how joseph pictures christ i mean he he pictures christ a lot but so does jacob and here we have in verse number one where the bible says and joseph fell upon his father's face and wept upon him and kissed him it's very clear that joseph really loved his dad a lot and didn't really get to spend a whole lot of time with him in comparison to his brothers getting to spend the time with him and you know we've seen what's happened with his brothers and we'll get to that here in a little bit but i just want to say this that you know joseph respected his dad so much and we'll see that this chapter really a lot of what this chapter is talking about is having respect for the dead and for those that pass away and what those pictures are for why why do why does the bible say that we should be buried why does the bible say we embalm people i mean there's a lot of different words in here that that we still use today and that are still in practice today because they are biblical now i don't want to hurt anybody's feelings i know that some people have had their you know their families have been you know not buried they've been what do you call it huh yeah cremated yeah cremated and look if your family member is saved and they got cremated god's still going to resurrect them from the dead okay so but the picture of burial and the fact that people get embalmed is a picture of the fact that they trust in the fact that one day christ is going to raise that body that was put into the tomb or grave or wherever and that you know when they embalm people it's kind of they're trying to make that person look like they're still you know not maybe not still alive but not make them look like they're gonna decay very quickly so it's a process that they do in order to make the body look you know when you have a funeral and you see the body you know they they have modern embalming techniques but they've been embalming people for thousands of years and i believe you know the children of even in jesus's time they still continued this process and we'll see we'll take a look at that but a lot of people don't have respect for the dead in this country anymore and we should have respect for the dead we should respect our parents and go to their funerals and have funerals for them and you know i i believe that we got to get back to the biblical basis of burying people and unfortunately burying people is a lot more expensive than to cremate and that's why people use the cremation process instead and you know the funeral business is a big business it's a business it's never going to go out of business because people are always going to die you know it's going to be something it's just like a hospital worker or whatever you know these there's certain trades that you're always going to need and so the funeral business is really kind of you know fleecing people because you're really at their mercy to pay and if you want to have a nice casket it's going to cost you if you're going to have a nice headstone it's going to cost you if you're going to have a nice burial plot it's going to cost you but just think about this abraham paid for a burying place for his family not and it wasn't just abraham and sarah that were buried there it was isaac and rebecca were buried there jacob and his and uh leah were buried there and then we'll see at the end of this chapter that joseph is actually taking well it's not at the end of this chapter but it's at the end of joshua actually when they actually go back into the land and after they conquer the land joseph is taken and buried in the same place and so the bible you know it gives us these pictures because this is like a pattern of what we should also be doing and so but if you can't afford it or whatever or someone has different wishes the last wishes of what people want or you know people have wills that they do or they say this is what i want done with my body this is what i want to happen i mean what can you do you can't stop whatever their wishes are it's a legal form so don't feel bad about things like that don't be upset and if that loved one was saved they're going to be resurrected all right but we should respect the dead we should respect those that pass away and we see in this chapter that joe uh joseph i mean good night jacob was a great man of god and there was a great mourning made for him look at verse number two it says then joseph commanded his servants and the physician the physicians to embalm his father and the physicians embalmed israel so you know the burial techniques have been around like i said for literally thousands of years what does it mean to embalm to preserve a corpse from decay originally with spices and now usually by arterial injection of a preser of a preservative so that's what embalming is it's to preserve a dead body you know it says corpse but corpse is not like a bad word or something it's not disrespectful corpse just means a dead body okay so and and the point is to to slow down that decay process for things like burial for things like viewing and you'll see the long periods of time go by where jacob before jacob even gets buried you know he's he's embalmed and then like mourn for for a long time but let's uh go back one chapter look at verse number 29 in genesis 49 remember that jacob this is what jacob wanted he wanted to be buried and where do you want to be buried look at verse 29 it says and he charged them and said unto them i am to be gathered unto my people bury me with my fathers in the cave that is in the field of ephron the hittite this is the same cave that abraham bought and this is the same place where he wants to be buried he wants to be gathered unto his people but obviously a body is just a body until it has a spirit of soul in it so that spirit and soul once you we dot we close our eyes and the last time we close our eyes in depth then we go as a if you're saved you go straight to heaven if you are not saved you go straight to hell so but he said he charged them this is he said this is what i want this is my last will and testament basically so that term you know what the the last will this is the last will this is what i want you to do with my stuff with my body this is how i want to be buried and so last wishes is a biblical concept you know and i keep putting this off and i really need to take care of it because i don't want my family to have to deal with me and then all those things are divided and like there's some kind of probate or something that's something i really need to get done i'm just am i am i talking out loud right now okay because i was i was about to tell you that you need to do it but i was like i need to do it too but it's something that we should we should try to get done because we don't want to have people guessing what we want done with us we don't want people to guess what who we want to have what so last wishes are biblical and jacob charged them he said i want to be buried here's where i want to be buried it's already bought and paid for my plot is paid for abraham my grandfather you know basically did this so now verse 30 it says in the cave that is in the field of magpila which is before mammary in the land of canin which abraham with the field of ephron the hittite for a possession of a burying place what would another word for burying place be it'd be like a graveyard right so you see graveyards all over the world i'm sure you've you know and when you go to places that are really old and ancient you'll see lots of old gravestones and things like that and those people are buried and that tells who they are and uh what year they died and what year they were born and maybe a little tidbit about them a lot of times and but those kind of headstones and things like i said they cost a lot of money so it's something that we should probably try to put back or put uh away for that process because it's not cheap so if you want to have you know a nice funeral a nice bearing for your spouse or whoever you know put away for that i remember my wife's mom she had all that stuff picked out and i think she paid like a monthly payment or something for her for years and i think it was what is it what's the cemetery oh you can't say anyway it's a cemetery in town but she pre did all that stuff and took care of it and so when she passed away we didn't have to worry about all that expense and all that stuff we just had to worry about the morning and you know all that kind of stuff so um so a graveyard is a biblical concept also turn to matthew chapter 27 verse 58 we'll see thousands of years later the lord jesus christ when he dies what is done with him well look at matthew chapter 27 verse 58 keep your finger in genesis 50 because we're going to come back to that but matthew chapter 27 verse 58 the bible says he went to pilot this is joseph of aramathia and begged the body of jesus then pilot commanded the body to be delivered and when joseph had taken the body he wrapped it in a clean linen cloth so whatever the process was this is the first thing that joseph did okay and laid it on his own new tomb so this tomb was made for who it was made for joseph and it says which he had hewn out in the rock so this is a tomb that's carved out of probably some big huge rock carved into the side of it or whatever and it says and he rolled a great stone to the door of the sepulcher and departed so he put him in there it was hewn out of rock he rolled a great stone to the door of the sepulcher that's like the tomb and departed so and then in john chapter 19 verse 39 go ahead and turn to john chapter 19 verse 39 so tombs are also a biblical concept being buried you know sometimes people are buried in like stone tombs it's okay that's fine you don't have to literally be buried in dirt or something because jesus's tomb was carved into rock and that's where he was laid with the stone placed in front of it john 19 verse 39 says and there came also nicodemus which at the first came to jesus by night and brought a mixture of myrrh and aloes about an hundred pound weight so this nicodemus that came this is the nicodemus of john chapter 3 and he came and he brought the things for what are those things for they're for embalming those things are for the preserving of the body it's a mixture of myrrh and aloes and remember jesus when he was a child the wise men came from from afar and they gave him gold frankincense and myrrh so frankincense is also a spice and it's supposed to represent you know the the burial of jesus or whatever and it says it was a hundred pounds weight so it's a lot it says they took then took they the body of jesus and wound it in a in linen cloths with the spices as the manner of the jews is to bury so i'm not sure if their manner of burial is exactly the way the egyptians were but didn't the egyptians do the same thing they were commanded to him joseph commanded the physicians to embalm him and basically you know we find or you know maybe not recently but they find people that are mummified or wrapped in these linen cloths in ancient egypt and they're they're very preserved sometimes when they find them like of course king tut was like a really huge discovery in the early 1900s and uh but we see that jesus they do the same thing with him they wrap him in linen cloths with these mixtures of myrrh and aloes and those and and spice so it's called with spices so when i looked up the definition of an embalming it's they embalm people with these spices now modern day they use some kind of preservative to do to do this but it says then took they the body of jesus verse number 40 and wound it in the linen okay i already read that so as the manners of the jews to bury so so the jews they buried people and they're the point of doing this embalming is to preserve that body right so we when we're saved we are preserved forever in reality when god when jesus comes back he's going to make our bodies to be everlasting bodies so the same body that we died in is going to be resurrected but it's going to be changed it's not going to be like the bodies we have now that have aches and pains and dandruff and body odor long toenails whatever you know we're gonna we're gonna look different but we're gonna be the same so and i think that this is a picture when the reason why people are embalmed one of the things that it pictures is everlasting life right so obviously it's not a perfect picture because eventually they do decay but why do they do this so they can warn for that person so they can have the funeral and all manner of other such things but jesus when he was buried he was basically you know as a mummy basically that's kind of what they do so now turn back to genesis chapter number 50 verse number three genesis chapter number 50 verse number three the bible says in 40 days were fulfilled for him for so are fulfilled the days of those which are embalmed and the egyptians mourn for him greece score and 10 days so i was trying to figure out like you know because for the the number 40 appears in scripture a lot now not too long ago i did like a study about the three score in 10 or the 70 and i kind of came to the conclusion and i still feel that this is true that the three score and 10 or the 70 represents maybe the beginning and the ending of something so you know it's a lot of times you'll see that that time period 70 years or 70 years of weeks things like that and so i believe that that does mean it's a beginning the beginning and ending of a time period basically but 40 years i was trying to think like what does this represent and and basically kind of what i come up with is that it's a fulfilling of time to complete something so it's not necessarily the beginning or ending of something but it is the fulfilling of time to complete something why do i think that well what does it say in verse number three and 40 days were what fulfilled for him now if you if you just think about all the times that 40 days are fulfilled for something we'll look at a couple examples but i'm just gonna kind of just remind you of some that are in the bible we don't have time to go through all of them but turn to numbers chapter 14 verse number 34 numbers chapter 14 verse 34 the bible says after the number of all the days in which he searched for the land even 40 days each day for a year shall you bear your iniquities even 40 years and he shall know my breach of promise so it's a time period that what is has to be fulfilled right after the number of the days that they searched the land so god or even moses sent the spies out to spy out the land and they came back after spying out the land 40 days later but 10 of those spies brought forth an evil report and it made god very angry it discouraged the hearts of the people and so even though joshua and caleb came back with a good report god did spare them though but the point is is i'm trying to show you is that this 40 year or 40 days turned into a specific fulfillment of time that god is calling for and for so for 40 years they wandered the wilderness because of what they did god counted that 40 days and added it as years that they were going to know the breach of promise so and then you think about how long did it rain on the earth when in the days of noah how long 40 days and 40 nights so it fulfilled the time of what it was supposed to do so and then moses how long did he fast for 40 days right and what happened at the end of 40 days god gave him the two tables of stone right and so that's to complete the giving of the law elijah went on the sustenance of what the ravens gave him and on that meet he was sustained for how long 40 days right and then he was to go and find out what the will of god for him was you know he was depressed he was having a hard time and then on 40 days he traveled to mount sinai and god you know he was spoke to him in a still small voice now jesus fasted for how long 40 days as a time period of fulfilling of time to complete something what was he completing the fasting for 40 days and then what was the what was the purpose of that well because after 40 days you're gonna be pretty dang hungry and he was tempted of the devil after that so i mean you want to seriously dress someone to the to the uttermost and then after that say hey why don't you make this rock a piece of bread and it's like the first you know the first thing he has to go through after start you know could he have made that rock into a piece of bread absolutely and his physical body was hungry but you know that's that's you know that's how bad jesus was tempted to be tempted of the devil and the first thing he tempts him with is food so my point is is that 40 is a fulfilling of a of of time to complete something and jesus stayed on the earth for how long after being resurrected 40 days right and then he went what went up to heaven right goliath challenged israel for 40 days he came out every day just to challenge them to a fight and then at the at the fulfilling of those 40 days david came out and threw one rock and hit him right between the eyes and killed him how long was jonah preaching that it was going to take for ninova to be overthrown 40 days right so i mean 40 days is obviously it's you know this isn't numerology this is just something that's god is trying to show us something with this 40 days and i believe it is the fulfilling of time to complete something acts chapter one verse three let's just look at that real quick act chapter one verse number three if you guys are freezing to death somebody can turn the ac off brother ryan are you freezing to death is anybody else freezing to death raise your hand if you're freezing to death i'll give one vote it's perfect all right kids put a coat on i got i got mixed reviews here i can't i can't count the hands i feel great but i don't want to freeze you all to death so anyway acts chapter number one verse number three bible says in the show or excuse me to whom also he showed himself alive after his passion talking about jesus by many infallible proofs being seen of them 40 days and speaking of the things pertaining to the kingdom of god and then they had to wait another 10 days for the holy spirit to be poured upon them after that so back to genesis chapter 50 verse 4 the bible says and when the days of his morning were past joseph spake unto the house of pharaoh saying if now i have found grace in your sight in your eyes speak i pray you in the ears of pharaoh saying my father made me swear saying lo i die in my grave which i have digged for me in the land of canan there thou shalt bury me now therefore let me go up i pray thee and bury my father and i will come again so here's a lesson on doing what you're say you're gonna do but here's the thing we should not swear to do things okay so am i saying that joseph did something wrong uh not necessarily i mean jacob made him swear i guess he could have said no i'm yes dad i will bury you there but jesus did say in the new testament that we're not supposed to swear so and here's how let's just turn over to number chapter 30 verse number two but so jacob or joseph's dad jacob made him swear that he would bury him now think about this what would have happened if pharaoh would have said no then he wouldn't have been able to keep the word the swear that he told his dad that he would do so like the reason why we're not supposed to swear is because we not we might not be able to fulfill what we said out of our mouths so and we don't want to be liars we don't want to say something and not do it look at number chapter 30 verse 2 and i realize that this is a vow okay it says if a man vow a vow unto the lord or swear an oath so they are different to bind his soul with a bond he shall not break his word he shall do according to all that proceedeth out of his mouth so we are supposed to when we vow a vow or whether we swear an oath we're supposed to do it but in the new testament you know obviously when we get married we vow to be with our spouse till death do us part can we keep that we can keep it but does everybody keep it no they don't but marriages tell death do us part so that is a vow that you're allowed to make because of the fact that god expects you to be married and to keep the covenant that you made with your spouse the covenant is tell death do us part right but a swearing swearing an oath so swearing is like saying you know i put this on my my baby mama or whatever that i didn't do this thing or whatever it's you're you're like and some people say i swear to god have you ever heard someone say that i'm sure i've said it when i was a kid i'm sure i did it's not right to do that because you're swearing to tell the truth you know and when people swear to tell the truth so help you god what if you just forgot the details what if you're on the stand you're like you know you think you're saying what the truth is but then you kind of got something a little bit mixed up then you're swearing to god in front of everybody that what you're saying is true and it might not be you can't always trust your memory okay you can't so what does jesus say well yeah turn to matthew chapter five matthew chapter five and i know i preached about this before so i just want to cover it quickly matthew chapter five verse number 33 the bible says this again you've heard that it hath been said by them of old time thou shalt not forswear thyself but shall perform unto the lord thine oaths but i say unto you swear not at all neither by heaven for it is god's throne see the difference between a swear it's saying if you swear by heaven which is god you're swearing by god's throne nor by the earth for it is his footstool neither by jerusalem for it is the city of the great king neither shalt thou swear by thy head because thou canst not make one hair white or black see some people say you know cross my heart hope to die stick a thousand needles in my eye i mean you're swearing an oath that you're going to do that that's pretty stupid a thousand needles is a lot isn't it but it says but let your communication be yea yea nay nay or whatsoever is more than these cometh of evil why does it cometh of evil why is it evil well because again you're swearing on something you're swearing that something's going to happen if that doesn't come to pass and you can't always what have you said you know pastor thompson i i swear i swear on the bible that i'm going to come to every single church service for the next year is that a wise thing to say no because if your car breaks down you're done you swore on the bible so it's wrong to do that okay so that's what the bible is teaching here but when it comes to what joseph did he already swore he swore to do this thing which is right but like again the situation is he works for somebody else his boss could have said you know i don't really have i need you here in egypt and he could have just said no and then jacob has sworn something to his dad that he does not keep that's why we should not swear oaths turn back to genesis chapter 50 verse number six genesis chapter 50 verse number six the bible says and pharaoh said go up and bury thy father according as he made thee swear so pharaoh's a good man he allows him to do this thing and joseph went up to bury his father and with him went up all the servants of pharaoh the elders of his house and all the elders of the land of egypt so think about this i mean the egyptians think just eating with you know a hebrew is an is an abomination like they they just don't want to eat with them being a shepherd's an abomination but joseph commands so much respect that all the main people all the big dogs and and princes and elders of the people all go with him into the land of canin and so this is a big you know kind of parade of people going back into the promised land and think about this here's something that we do modern day have you ever been in a funeral procession and there's like just tons of cars and the police come and they escort with motorcycles and things like that so procession funeral processions are also apparently a biblical thing now of course they didn't have motorcycles and stuff like that back then but they had other things it says and all the the house of joseph and his brethren and his father's house only their little ones and their flocks and their herds left they in the land of goshen and there went up with him both chariots and horsemen and it was a very great company so there's your funeral procession in the bible and verse number 10 it says and they came to the threshing floor of a tad which is beyond jordan and there they mourned with a great and very sore lamentation and he made a mourning for his father's seven days so they've already you know the embalming time of you know they have this 40 40 day time for the embalming and then they had the seven 70 day time for the morning then they all pack up and go and there's seven more days added unto this time of mourning i mean that's that's a funeral like no other it's it's a great uh it's a great company of people and they're not just mourning because it's that it's they're supposed to because joseph's their boss or something they literally do care and mourn for uh jacob so it's a very sore lamentation it says that when the inhabitants of the land the king and i saw the morning of the floor of a tad they said this is a grievous morning to the egyptians wherefore the name of it was called abel mizraim which is beyond jordan so that word basically means mourning to the egyptians what it means so why why would it be mizraim well mizraim is the name of the father of the egyptians so he was a son of one of the sons of ham okay so but uh it says that they had this grievous morning so i mean think about this jacob must have had a big impression upon them also because jacob lived like a lot longer after he got into the land so i'm sure people respected him a lot and cared about him i mean when's the last time you cried for somebody that passed away that you didn't know at all or you didn't think was a great person or something that didn't make you set you know so obviously these egyptians cared a lot about both joseph and for jacob so if you want a reference for the mizraim thing look at first chronicles chapter 1 verse 8 or just write a note down and it'll say who mizraim was so anyway genesis chapter 50 verse 12 it says and his sons did unto him according as he commanded them and his sons carried him into the land of canan and buried him in the cave of the field of makfilah which abraham bought with the possession with a field for a possession of a burying place of ephraim the hit type before mammary and joseph returned into egypt he and his brethren and all that went up with him to bury his father after he had buried his father so you know at the time of funerals a lot of times people just put away the issues that they have with family members and they just go to the funeral that's the way it should be you know don't bring your drama to a funeral all right here's a lesson for you you know all those brothers they kind of had some adversity and obviously there was some unsaid things some some things that probably some bad feelings that were harbored between them but that's with any family i mean but don't bring those issues and disrespect somebody else's funeral now if you can't do that just don't go i just i some people just are super dramatic and they just want to tell you finally how they really felt about that person or whatever like don't even go if you're going to disrespect someone like that it's just not right so look what happens though after the funeral verse number 15 and when joseph's brethren saw that their father was dead they said joseph will peradventure hate us that peradventure word means perhaps joseph will peradventure hate us and will certainly require us all the evil which we did unto him now in most cases people probably would do that in most unsaved cases where people are unsaved and sometimes even when people are saved they're not going to be the way joseph was to his brethren you know but joseph was not out for retribution against them he never even indicated that now he did toy with them okay when they didn't know who he was he did torment them some you know a little you know he tormented them right so but it says and will certainly require us all the evil which we did unto him verse 16 and they sent a messenger unto joseph saying thy father did command before he died saying so shall you say unto joseph forgive i pray thee now the trespass of thy brethren and their sin and they did unto the evil and now we pray thee forgive the trespass of the servants of god the of the god of thy father and joseph wept when they spake unto him so part of this is a lie okay i mean there's no record of that happening so what are they doing they're just trying to like if he hates them if he's planning on doing it they thought well maybe he'll just maybe they'll he'll respect dad's wishes because he respected his wishes to take him all the way into canin and bury him there so maybe he's going to respect this if he thinks that this is what dad really said to do but the other part of it i believe is truth and sincerity from them because you know people that aren't sorry they're not going to just say that they messed up they're going to try to somehow make it your fault too well you know if you had done this and i would have never had to do that or something along those lines but look what they say forgive i pray thee now the trespass of thy brethren that's all of them and their sin for they did onto the evil they admit what they did was evil they admit it was sin and it says and now we pray thee forgive the trespass of thy servants of the god of thy father so what are they saying that they also are servants of god now they weren't very good examples for a time period but it seems as if they've amended their ways some but you know not everybody that gets saved is immediately going to be the perfect christian so i mean if you look at this as a picture of you know sometimes it takes time for someone to get on the right track but you can't really see from the time that they end up going to egypt they do care about their dad they do care about their children they do care they they feel bad for what they did to joseph but what happened happened but then when they realize he's alive they are sorry and i and i feel like they're sorry here i think they're genuinely sorry for what they did and it says and joseph wept when they spake unto him so joseph you know i mean why does he cry why does he weep here well i mean things have been forgive and forget and that's how we should be with people that ask us to forgive also and you know they're not just his brothers in reality they're also his brothers in christ according to their own mouth where they say that they are the servants of the god of thy father so even more so you know and if anybody really asks you to forgive them you should forgive them so joseph probably never imagined that this day would come because when before you know before when they they hosed him basically they hated his guts like remember how bad they hated him they couldn't even stand to see him when they saw him come and they started plotting against him and they couldn't even speak kindly to him at all and then they sold him as a slave basically they told dad that he was dead i mean they really did him dirty but joseph has always had the attitude that i'm going to forgive them i think that's why he toyed with them i think he wanted to see what they're really made of i've covered this before but it says and his brethren also went and fell down before his face and they said behold we be thy servants so here we have where his dream is is true once again that he dreamed that his brethren would fall down before him and then joseph says something really cool here he says and it says and joseph said unto them fear not for am i in the place of god so you know god expects us to forgive people when they ask us to forgive them okay that's what's happened here they came to him and admitted what they did and then they said they were sorry and i believe you know you can tell when someone has a fake apology right it's like when you tell your kid tell your brother you're sorry and they're just like they're still pissed you know like give them a hug you know you know they get all mad that's how that's how it is when people don't really want to apologize you know so i i think that he realized that they were truly apologizing look what matthew chapter 18 says matthew chapter 18 verse 21 i don't have time to get into the full story of this but this is what jesus said and matt and peter asked him this question in matthew chapter 18 verse 21 it says then came peter to him and said lord how oft shall my brother sin against me and i forgive him tell seven times he's like surely there has to be like a limitation to this right and jesus saith unto him i say not unto thee until seven times but until 70 times seven so that's a lot of times right so jesus saying if they ask for forgiveness that you should forgive them right isn't that what the bible says now look down at verse 34 so jesus tells this story about a guy who owed money to his lord his lord forgave him this debt and this lord represents god and then the the debt isn't really you know that big you know it's a big debt actually excuse me that debt is a big debt and then the lord forgives him for all the bad thing you know all this debt that he owed him not bad things but debt then afterward after he's been forgiven this big debt his his brother or some dude owes him money and he grabs the guy by the throat and says you'll pay everything that you owe and so this is a picture of like hey god forgave you this huge sin debt and look if you want to pile up all the sins and count how many you got right now it's probably a substantial amount it's a huge debt not including all the ones that you're gonna commit in the rest of your life so this guy does this slight against a bro you know you know it's a brother in christ or whatever and like this guy's just ready to strangle this guy to death over the debt that he owes him which is very small in comparison so god's showing us this picture to show that hey i forgave you this great debt you can't forgive this one person for the small debt that they owe you for the oh they gave you a dirty look during the church service you can't forgive that they didn't shake your hand maybe the person was having a bad day people have bad days guess what everybody in here has a bad day sometimes and you're not on top of your game you're not the greatest christian on the face of the planet and then you're going to not forgive one of your brothers and sisters of christ that just kind of give you some kind of a little bit of a slight or what you perceive as a dirty look or they they burn you in front of your friend or what you know what i mean they they roast on you a little bit like oh and then you're just mad at them forever about it you just hold that against them to the end of time it's not right and so joseph had a lot of bad things done to him right what did he do he forgave them but look what it says in verse 34 and the his lord was rough and delivered him to the tormentors till he should pay all that was due unto him so likewise shall my heavenly father do also unto you if you from your hearts forgive not everyone his brother their trespasses now i do believe and i will caveat this a little bit that in this instance even in the story the person asked that person to forgive him his brothers asked for that forgiveness you can forgive anybody you want for anything you want but i would say this as a caveat you don't have to if they don't ask that's what i believe so you can say i'm wrong for that all you want but does god forgive everybody for everything that they don't ask for forgiveness for they he does ultimately but if so if someone doesn't ever get saved they never ask for forgiveness for anything does god forgive them no he doesn't but he does forgive us for all of our sins regardless of on earth whether we ask for them or not but he still chastens us for those sins that we don't ask for forgiveness for in this life so i'm not saying don't be forgiving i'm not saying well they never asked and you know sometimes you just forgive them it doesn't what does it matter like especially if it's a small infraction just suffer yourself to be defrauded every once in a while and let something pass by jesus did say you know father forgive them for they know not what they do he asked for forgiveness for people that didn't deserve it so we should be the same way we should be ready to forgive you know obviously if a serial killer comes in and kills your whole family i don't think you should forgive that person you know even if they ask because they're probably lying because they're a serial killer anyway so let's go back to genesis chapter 50 verse number 20 genesis chapter 50 verse number 20 it says but as for you see because he said joseph says look at verse 19 again it says and joseph said unto them fear not am i in the place of god but as for you you thought evil against me but god meant it unto good to bring to pass as it is this day to save much people alive so really this is ultimately what god brought to pass all this evil happened unto joseph but then joseph was promoted because of his love for god and the fact that he kept god's commandments god blessed him he he he just every time he was tempted he just refused to be tempted and and god blessed him greatly in the land and made it to be where joseph was in the position to help people literally survive this giant famine that hit the whole face of the earth and this is how he's like christ is that he saved much people alive his what he did saved all these people but what jesus did when he he was done dirty too wasn't he his brothers dealt with him roughly just you know the the the he came to his own and his own received him not these are his brothers these are the 12 tribes of israel and well how'd they treat him they treated him roughly they they they killed him they crucified him they plotted against them just like joseph's brothers did to him and you know jesus god worked that out for good for everybody in the whole world and the fact that his death because of his death everybody is able to be alive forevermore turn to romans chapter 8 verse 28 see god has a plan for all of our lives you know we have different paths we can walk down in these plans but he does have alternate plans if you mess up here or mess up there and as long as you're breathing on this earth god can still use a christian but you know what we have to be willing to be used we have to actually work with god look what it says and we know that all things work together for good to them that love god if you love me keep my commandments to them who are the called according to his purpose and so look if you're saved in here today you are the called and guess what god has a purpose for you also and all things will also work together for good for you because you love god and you're called according to his purpose now if you don't love god you know you have something wrong with you so you know some people you know the bible jesus did say if you love me keep my commandments so some people can be saved and really not love god that much it's just like someone that gets free stuff they don't necessarily love that person that gave them the free stuff because they really didn't do anything for it you know it's just like the people they get free food you know i was talking about that earlier i'm not going to go into it again because i'll just start getting mad but anyway you know not everybody you know appreciates the free gift what i'm saying but look if you love god all things are going to work together for you also and this this verse encapsulates what happened with joseph right here turn back to genesis 50 verse 21 so joseph loved his brothers he forgave them and look at verse 21 it says now therefore fear ye not i will nourish you and your little ones and he comforted them and spoke kindly unto them so here's joseph not just saying yes i forgive you but really i'm still going to hold a grudge against you for the rest of your life that's not real forgiveness what what did he show how did he show he really forgave them well he comforted them and then he spoke kindly unto them so he obviously wasn't holding what they did against them that's true forgiveness folks i mean that's what it's all about turn back into matthew chapter 5 verse 38 matthew chapter 5 verse 38 and i won't go through all these scriptures but in the new testament jesus teaches us these same principles here matthew chapter 5 verse 38 says you have heard that it had been said an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth but i say unto you that ye resist not evil but whosoever shall smite thee on the right cheek turn to him the other also and if a man will sue thee at the law and take away thy coat let him have thy cloak also and whosoever shall compel thee to go to a mile go with him twain that means to give to him that asketh thee and from him that would borrow thee turn not thou away you have heard it that it had been said thou shalt love thy neighbor and hate thine enemy but i say unto you love your enemies bless them that curse you do good to them that hate you and pray for them which despitefully use you and persecute you you know you're like well pastor thompson that's not what you said this morning but i didn't say to hate your enemies did i i said god's enemies so this says love your enemies the people that are enemies of you people that curse you people that do you know do good to them that hate you and pray for them which despitefully use you and persecute you so it's not god you know and obviously some of this can spill over but we're supposed to love our enemies we're supposed to bless them and not hate them i was soloing in new jersey and i walked by this guy's house and i i walked up and he was kind of working there was like a a ramp that went down to a garage type house and i said oh hey how's it going i'm from a baptist church we're just out here and i'm preaching the gospel and he's like come on pastor come on pastor you're gonna preach me the gospel right now can't you see i'm busy can't you see i'm working here i was like hey you know i'm really sorry and i said have a good day and then he just like kept he was just like jabbing me and because i was trying to be nice you know when we're out sewing we should be nice and i'm not trying to make myself the star of the show because i'm not always you know i'm not always perfect out there okay but how should we respond to people that are like that to us hey do we have to freak out on them we don't have to you know maybe he's having a bad day maybe he's you know he's basically saying how he was going to have to you know because he goes well i'm a jew you know so he's i don't know if he's just trying to mess with me he didn't look like a jew it was the sabbath day so i don't understand why he was working on his house but anyway that's neither here nor there so he said that like there's a drain that goes down and the water keeps filling up and and flooding his garage i could see how that'd be annoying and then all of a sudden some pastor yeah i didn't say i was a pastor he just i was wearing a shirt and tie he said pastor but anyway that's another sermon no i'm just kidding but anyway and so i walk off you know just being nice he was like hey maybe i could just have the church you know give me five thousand dollars so i could get my stuff fixed i was like yeah we don't really have five thousand extra dollars but you know i hope everything works out for you and so i walk off again so we go down to the end of the street come back again and as i'm walking back we see him again and he's like he just like because he just keeps saying stuff to me to try to piss me off and it was almost working i was just having too good of a day you know he's just mocking me and and ribbing me and saying all this stuff and i just you know i kind of was like joe ebb's brother for a second i was just like you know cut this guy's head off her well this don't let this dead dog curse you you know it's just like give him the business but then i was just like the good angel was like no don't do that but uh so he said he's i'm walking back and he goes he goes yeah maybe uh you know walking around knocking all these doors you can lose some of that weight and i was just like i was like yep that's the plan and i just kept walking but the point is is that he just he was just trying so hard to get me but you know maybe that guy will realize that he mistreated me and even though he was trying to do evil and to me and trying to say all these uh these you know he's just trying to take shots at me the whole time i never once like showed i was mad and i just i just was nice to him and so maybe that person someday will end up getting saved because he said well i know i really treated this guy bad one time he might feel bad for it later that stuff actually happens but if we if we freak out on everybody that acts like that to us then what are the what are we leaving them with that here's how christians act and tell you antagonize them and make them mad and call them fatties or whatever then they're they're gonna freak out and and and treat you roughly see this is why i never go to church see this is why i'm never gonna get saved and so look when we're out knocking the doors let's try to be as kind as we can and let's put this stuff into place let's put this stuff into action in our lives and and even in our just our daily lives so you know we're supposed to turn the other cheek we're supposed to love our enemies we're supposed to pray for them that despitefully use us and persecute us it says that you may be the children of your father which is in heaven for he may give his son to rise on the evil and the good and send it to rain on the just and the and if you love them which love you what reward have you do not even the publican's the same don't people when you when you like someone and they like you back or they like you and you like them back you know what's the reward in that it says and if you if you salute your brethren only what do you more than others do not even the publican so don't unsay people say hi to each other and are nice to each other be therefore perfect as your father which is in heaven is perfect so you know this should be how we respond you know i know that i'm one of america's hate preachers or whatever but i really i love people and i want them to be saved and you know we didn't get anybody saved yesterday me and my so many partner but we got into two really interesting conversations one where we were invited in for cappuccino and then the other one was you know coming at me bro and i you know i was having a good day i you know but even if we're having a bad day that's how we should respond okay so look at uh verse number 22 let's finish off this chapter verse number 22 says back in genesis 50 it says and joseph dwelt in egypt he and his father's house and joseph lived in 110 years and joseph saw ephraim's children of the third generation the the children also of makir the son of manassa were brought up on joseph's knee so he saw the blessings of grandchildren and it says and joseph said unto his brethren i die and god will surely visit you remember joseph's a prophet and bring you out of this land unto the land which he swear unto abraham to isaac and to jacob so he's given him this prophecy and and we know that that's moses moses is the one that he visits his children through and it says and joseph took an oath of the children of israel saying god will surely visit you and ye shall carry up my bones from hence so joseph wants to be buried too it says so joseph died being 110 years old and they embalmed him and he was put in a coffin in egypt see coffins are also biblical all right so i mean this this chapter really kind of talks a lot about burial and death and these different types of things from thousands of years ago and it still hasn't changed today but one thing i noticed here that was really interesting i just want to have you turn to one more passage and we'll be done okay joshua chapter 24 now i wasn't even really thinking about this but remember when i preached last week i was talking about how ephraim uh you know he was the one that was really blessed of joseph he was a son of joseph he was he was the second born but was actually blessed by the right hand of jacob okay now joshua was you know moses's servant and the captain of the armies of israel and after moses died joshua takes the children of israel into the promised land right and then they destroy all their enemies pretty much not everybody but most of them and joshua he gives that famous speech where he says as for me in my house we will serve the lord and he and he's like trying to admonish them to continue believing in god and to teach their children look what happens at the end of chapter in verse 29 it says and it came to pass after these things that joshua the son of none the servant of the lord died being 110 years old so he's the same age as joseph he's also related to joseph i mean i never really think about that you know when you're reading the bible you just kind of who's related to who doesn't really maybe necessarily jump out at you but when i preached sermon last uh whatever whenever it was at camp i was thinking about this and it says and they buried him in the border of his inheritance in timnath sera which is in mount ephraim on the north side of the hill of ge'esh and israel served the lord all the days of joshua and all the days of the elders that overlived joshua and which had known all the works of the lord for he that he had done for israel and the bones of joseph which the children of israel brought up out of the out of egypt buried they in shechem and a parcel of ground which jacob bought of the sons of hamor the father of shechem for 100 pieces of silver and it became the inheritance of the children of joseph so all these years later you see the blessing of ephraim in in joshua and the fact that he lives to be 100 years old then you see it gives this little tidbit that the children of israel were faithful to take the bones of joseph and do what he asked to be done with them so that's the end of the book of genesis it's time to go it's time to wrap it up but that's it and i hope you enjoyed the study in the book of genesis because i really did i kind of want to start over again but i know you don't want that it's been two years since we've been studying this book so i really enjoyed it anyway let's pray heavenly father we thank you lord so much for all the lessons and the great doctrine and the great historical truths that we learned and the great science and just lord everything about this book and all the things that we've seen about the lord jesus christ in here lord i pray that you would just help us to take all these things to heart and lord as we go our separate ways i pray you watch over us protect us and keep our churches safe keep our church safe and all the churches that we are supporting and and just all of our friends lord we pray for steadfast baptist church for brother dylan and for pastor shelley and for all the people there that are having to endure all the things that they're having to adore lord i pray that they'd stay strong and steadfast and lord i pray that you would come through for them and protect them in jesus name we pray amen a song this evening will be page 135 in your green hymnals i know i am saved page 135 page 135 i know i'm saved see now on the only verse i know i am saved for christ set me free he ransomed my poor soul on the cross of calvary and now i can't sing for christ is my king i'll see his face in glory by and by i know i am saved for christ set me free he ransomed my poor soul on the cross of calvary and now i can sing for christ is my king i'll see his face in glory by and by amen thank you for coming out uh this evening i'd like to see you here next week uh brother joe can you end us with a word of prayer bring us back