(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) All right we're in Genesis chapter 39 and we've been in Genesis for quite a long time and I'm anxious to get it finished but at the same time it's been a great book it's been a great study and so from here on out it's basically chronicling the life of Joseph and the life and kind of what happens to his brothers the providence of God is shown in these chapters and basically kind of what happens to the children of Israel before they're basically stuck in Egypt for 400 and however many years I think it's 430 years but let's look at verse number one and verse number one says that Joseph was brought down to Egypt and Potiphar an officer of Pharaoh a captain of the guard an Egyptian bought him out of the hands of the Ishmaelites which had brought him down thither so I remember last time we were in the story of Joseph in chapter 37 his brothers sold him in to slavery to the Ishmaelites instead of killing him they took back his coat of many colors after they dipped it in blood and showed it to their dad and so he believes that Joseph is dead and he basically kind of is dead to them they thought but they didn't realize that all the things are going to happen through the rest of this book happen the way they do remember the dream that Joseph had was that you know they would end up bowing down to him and doing obeisance to him including his parents so and at the end of the book we'll see how that comes to pass now God allowed him to go to Egypt for his protection and from his brothers that were persecuting him remember his brothers threw him in the pit and they were wanting to kill him but they were talked out of that Judah talked him into selling him and Reuben wanted to set him free but when he came back he was already gone so and a lot of that stuff pictures Christ I preached two sermons about how Joseph pictures Christ and we'll see other pictures as we go through and one of the things like right off the bat is the fact that he went into Egypt this word Christ was sent into Egypt you know to be protected from the people in Jerusalem let's look at Matthew chapter 2 verse number 1 and just keep your finger in Genesis chapter 39 while you're turning there I'm going to pray Heavenly Father we thank you Lord so much for this great day in church for the people who got saved Lord and for just the fact that our church is getting better and the Lord I pray you just help us keep the sickness away and help us to just move forward and and and do many great works for you this year we thank you for the book of Genesis and for the lessons that this book teaches us and something thankful for the Word of God tonight pray that you just help us and help us to concentrate just for this little while on your word before we go home and start our week pray that you just fill me with your spirit in Jesus name I pray amen so Matthew chapter 2 verse 1 says now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea in the days of Herod the king behold there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem now remember the Ishmaelites kind of I said that they pictured the people because the Ishmaelites came from the east and you know they were they were they had spices and things like that and so they kind of picture like the wise men coming from the east and it says behold there came wise men from from the east to Jerusalem saying where is he that was born king of the Jews for we have seen his star in the easterner come to worship him when Herod the king heard these things he was troubled so now he was troubled and it says and all Jerusalem with him so were they excited that he was the messiah or were they troubled they were troubled because you know they're saying that Herod was troubled what was he and he was troubled so much that he tried to have Jesus killed didn't he and he killed all the children under two years old in the coast of Bethlehem and so basically you know Jesus was sent to Egypt to protect him for his own protection and God called him back and Joseph also was sent to Egypt for his own protection and you know he didn't maybe Joseph didn't see it that way maybe he thought I got a raw deal here this is bad but ultimately we find in the book and I don't want to spoil obviously the ending you guys have read the book of Genesis I'm sure you know how the story goes but you know that what comes out in the end is that God was doing all this and making all this stuff happen so that he could save many people alive right so he could save much people alive and so let's turn back to Genesis chapter thirty nine verse two and so you can see that you know even not just Herod was troubled at the fact that Jesus was there but all of Jerusalem with him now look what it says in verse two in Genesis thirty nine it says and the Lord was with Joseph and he was a prosperous man and he was in the house of his master the Egyptian so Joseph was very blessed by the Lord and you know because Joseph really didn't do anything wrong did he he didn't do anything to deserve what happened to him and so his brothers hating him because they just were their deeds were evil and Joseph's were righteous I mean basically that's what it boils down to and Joseph was also a person that dreamed dreams so what the Bible teaches that someone that dreams dreams and they come to pass that person's a legitimate prophet right and so you know you see Joseph you know and Jesus Christ was a great prophet as well so anyway so Joseph was made a servant just like Christ was too and I kind of mentioned that in the other sermon and go ahead and turn to Philippians chapter two verse seven and you know Joseph became he was sold as a servant but Jesus Christ came in the form of a servant right and you know ultimately that he did that for the betterment and goodness of all mankind and it's said later that God allowed these things to save much people alive just like the bad things that happened to Christ for the good of all mankind so you see he's like Christ in that way also that God sent him and set him aside for the purpose of saving much people alive now he saved much people alive physically through storing up all the grain and making it so all these because all these nations were coming to him to buy what the grain so they could have bread I mean think about that so anyway so it said let's see you're in second Philippians two verse seven it says and but made himself of no reputation and took upon him the form of a servant and was made in the likeness of men and being found in fashion as a man he humbled himself and became obedient unto death even the death of the cross wherefore God also hath highly exalted him and given him a name which is above every name that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow of things in heaven and things on earth and things under the earth so Jesus Christ because of the taking upon himself the form of a servant and humbling himself dying on the cross for all mankind he was exalted highly by God and given a name above every name think about Joseph he humbled himself he was a servant in the house of Potiphar everything he did he did with great service even when he goes into the prison you'll see he gets great favor from the prison guard and things like that so but he you know had a great name and Joseph's name becomes great also he comes from humble beginnings but then he becomes a great man and his name is like second highest in the whole kingdom right he's Pharaoh gives him everything into his hand but you notice that that's something that everybody does for Joseph because Joseph is such a good guy and so well favored and so faithful and humble and a servant that every place he goes they treat him exactly the same way and God blesses him for that right and so let's look back in our text at verse number three Genesis 39 verse three it says and his master saw the Lord was with him and that he and and that the Lord made all that he did to prosper in his hand and just like Christ Christ was you know well favored of God because why because you know he everything prospered in his hand too because the Lord would say like this is my son hear him this is my son and who I'm well pleased you know God was well pleased with his you know his son Joseph you know he made everything that he did to prosper also and God blessed him tremendously so if you're blessed by God your masters in the flesh can see that you're blessed by God also and they will favor you as well it's not just something that happened back then you know but unfortunately some Christians give Christianity a bad name at their job and we should be a good name and a good testimony to the places where we work and we should make sure that God can bless us at work you know are you working just are you working harder than everybody else are you being honest are you being a pain in the neck to your boss or are you being a blessing to them when you're gone do they miss you when that when you're gone do they want can't wait till you get back so you can help out or do they're just like oh man I wish he would just quit you know we don't want to have that reputation that we're just someone that's just a disturbance we're always bringing up things so that we can cause strife or anything like that we need to work our job when we work at a job is to work it's not to convert everybody to Christianity necessarily you know as a matter of fact if you do that at the wrong time you could be actually stealing from your work by not concentrating on what you're supposed to be concentrating on and doing what you're supposed to be doing instead you're proselytizing you know I'm all for proselytizing I'm all for you know preaching the gospel but there's a time and a place for everything you know if you're gonna give somebody the gospel at work do it on a break do it after work do it before work do it on a lunch break that you're you know that you're you're not being paid by the company to do that so look at verse four it says and Joseph found grace in his sight and he served him and he made him overseer over his house and all that he had he put into his hand so potter I mean this guy's a slave you know bought from Israel brought brought brought from Canaan land and this guy Potiphar who's a powerful man in Egypt he gives everything that he has into his hand everything so then it came to pass from that from the time that he had made him overseer of his house and over all that he had that the Lord blessed the Egyptians house for Joseph's sake and the blessing of the Lord was upon all that he had in the house and in the field so God blessed the Egyptian for the fact that that Joseph was being treated well by him I believe and also for the fact that Joseph was a blessing that Joseph was keeping God's commandments Joseph was a good hard worker and so he looked at him he could see that he was being blessed by God and he's like hey I'm gonna have this guy just rule my whole house I trust him he's trustworthy he's a hard worker you know every he does all thing you know he's doing all these things well and the fact that he did that then God in turn blesses the Egyptians house for the sake of Joseph and so you know it's a double blessing basically and that guy is not a Christian but see God can still bless other people because of our presence you know and you see that happen you know in the life of Abraham in the life of Isaac in the life of Jacob you see it happen throughout the Bible where maybe non-believers or people like even Laban I mean Laban wasn't exactly the model Christian if he even was and he wasn't very good to Jacob but God blessed him because of Jacob's faithfulness and hard work so because Jesus and because Jesus was obedient other people are blessed because of his hard work and good works think about that so Jesus was obedient in all things to the father and because of his obedience we get to get in on the deal right so I mean because did we do something to earn our salvation I hope you don't believe that because that's not what we teach what we get to get in on the righteousness of Christ by faith you know Potiphar saw Joseph's the blessed the God's blessing on Joseph's life and you know God blessed him for that but in the same way you know God blesses unbelievers all the time by getting them saved and blessing their lives because of the fact of what Christ did his son. Genesis 39 verse 6 says and he left all that he had in Joseph's hand and he knew not ought he had saved the bread which he did eat and Joseph was a goodly person and well favored another prophet that it talks about later on in Exodus is Moses he was a goodly person also he was well favored he was a goodly child I think is what it actually says but you see the same thing being said about Joseph here because Joseph without a doubt pictures Christ in so many different ways I mean I probably miss stuff you know I'm probably gonna miss stuff and you know the more you read the Bible the more you start to see that spiritual stuff but he was well favored and you know Moses was well favored Christ was the prophet that was to come that was like unto Moses right he was like unto Moses here you know people were supposed to listen to this prophet and Joseph in the same way is like Christ you know you don't see Joseph do a whole lot of wrong do you now there's one part that I think that he definitely did I mean obviously he's not sinless but he was a goodly person he was well favored and God blessed him tremendously so you know that he probably was really good at keeping God's commandments really good about not sinning was he sinless no he wasn't and we'll get to that in later chapters but it says that he was a goodly person well favored and Genesis 39 7 and it came to pass that after these things that his masters wife cast her eyes upon Joseph and she said lie with me but he refused and said to his masters wife behold my master wadeth not what is with me in the house and he hath committed all that he hath to my hand now Joseph pictures Christ here also with his ability to be greatly tempted because Christ wasn't he tempted in all points like we are yet without sin now this is a really hard challenge for Joseph first of all Joseph Joseph is probably a virgin he was taken away when he was 17 years old I'm guaranteeing he was probably a virgin he was not married at this time and 17 year old boys have a lot of hormones going through their bodies at that time don't they so and and definitely men have a harder issue with things like this this woman is throwing herself at him it's his masters wife but he you know he's not willing to be tempted in this area well before we move on here let's look at Hebrews chapter well actually I just quoted the verse it's Hebrews 4 verse 15 if you're writing notes I was just gonna I quoted the verse already but it says for we not have I'll just read it for we have not a high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities but was in all points tempted like as we are yet without sin that's the actual scripture so he's tempted at all points yet without sin and we think that like you know well Jesus was God it was easy for him or whatever you might think that but it probably wasn't easy for him it probably wasn't easy for him so Christ was also a virgin he died a virgin he was you know he was born of a virgin he died a virgin right he he didn't have any marriage or anything like that and Joseph is in the same situation here being tempted and this is a hot point to attempt a young man with look at verse number three verse number nine there is none greater in this house than I neither hath he kept back anything from me but thee because thou art his wife how then can I do this great wickedness and sin against God a very powerful verse there you know and Joseph saying hey this is not just some normal sin that you're asking me to commit with you this is great wickedness and a sin and an affront to God and he said how could I do this I'm not gonna do it he was tempted but he didn't do it how can I do this and unfortunately in the world that we live in today people don't see adultery and fornication as the big deal or a great sin or great wickedness that it actually is would the God that we'd be horrified and people in Christianity today and in the world be horrified over the fact that someone wanted you to commit adultery with your neighbor's wife or that you you know you know because obviously Joseph wasn't married so it would have been a double sin for him or maybe you know a combo right there fornication for not being married but also adultery which is the death penalty you know and and people just don't think it's a big deal anymore it is a big deal and children and young people in here hey keep your purity stay a virgin until you get married that's the right thing to do look at that's what God expects you to do that's what God expects you to do and you might be under a lot of pressure there's a lot of pressure nowadays and and and like if you've gone to public school you know the pressure that the young people go through about this people that are virgins are tormented in school tormented oh you're still a virgin you know yeah you whore I am so look it's a big deal it's you know God thinks this is this is a big deal and Joseph even realizes this and says how can I commit this great wickedness and sin against God and look it's wicked today to fornicate it's wicked to commit adultery the Bible is very strictly against it it's a great great sin it's not something that's just not a big deal it's a big deal and it's the death penalty for adulterous or an adulterer and God has killed people for fornication God could kill a Christian for fornication especially if you're a Christian you already know I'm not saying that people that aren't don't you know they they don't have an excuse either but someone that is in church and does hear this preached you do have a greater responsibility because you know that the Bible says it's wrong you know that the Bible is strictly against it you know adultery is preached against hard it's one of the Ten Commandments I like verse number ten it says and it came to pass as she spake to Joseph day by day that he hearken not unto her to lie by her or to be with her so Joseph's doing a good thing he's he's doing well but she's just coming at him it says day by day I mean it's not just one time he was tempted it's every single day he's having to put up with this temptress it says that he hearkened not to unto her so he's tempted in this point isn't he yet he does not sin and he's he won't even lie by her or be with her so he didn't want to be around her at all and he was doing really good about not doing that according to the Bible right here but look at verse eleven it says and it came to pass about this time that Joseph went into the house to do his business and there was none of the men of the house there within and this is I'm not saying that Joseph is sinning here but this is a mistake this is a mistake he should have maybe had a buddy system going on or something but you know and obviously Joseph passed the test even though they were alone but here's the thing is that when you are alone with somebody and you you shouldn't be alone with that person you're putting yourself at great risk to be falsely accused or to be tempted to do something that you ought not to do there's two things at play here now Joseph's doing his business you know he's just he's he's being you know he's not doing anything wrong but you know I you don't see me having meetings with women that are not my wife in my office with the door closed to you that's something that we got to be cognizant about that's something that we have to think about what are people perceiving you as doing you know the Bible says it's good for a man that he touched not a woman why is it saying that so that you don't go further than you're already going you know and obviously you can give your mom a hug okay you can give your mom a kiss you know as a matter of fact if you don't she'll probably offended but you know there's you know if you're dating someone you shouldn't be holding hands with that person what does that lead to it leads to more touching it does you're like no it's so stupid the Bible doesn't say that the Bible talks about fornication we can do all this other stuff you know what leads to fornication doing all that other stuff it does it's a fact it's like the gateway drug to fornication isn't it touching is the gateway drug tell me I'm lying I'm sure that there's people on here that know exactly what I'm talking about so kids keep your hands to yourself leave room for Jesus when you're dating too you know leave a little bit of space you don't got to be all hugged up on someone that's not your spouse you know when you guys are married then you can do that kind of stuff you know but I realize that young people have strong feelings and they want you know we're in love and you know why can't we just love is love or whatever you know look when that's your spouse then you can love them all you want but until then keep your cotton finger fingers off of them keep them off man don't I mean you're like here pastor you're just you're going too far with this am I am I really look what happens with Joseph though look at verse 12 it says and she caught him by his garment saying lie with me and he left his garment in her hand and fled and got him out now Joseph did a good thing here too he's like he just booked it it doesn't say he walked away he fled that means he ran so he just bounced he's like see ya the coats like left in her hand like ah you know but the Bible teach that's funny that that it says that he fled because the Bible actually teaches that this is what we're supposed to do in this kind of case look at 1st Corinthians chapter 6 verse 18 1st Corinthians chapter 6 verse 18 now we live in a world where fornication is normal that's what we're up against that's what you're up against with your children that's what I mean look you have to be super strict with your kids about stuff like this like you might think that this is weird but I'm gonna tell you a couple of my dating rules that I had for my kids no sitting next to each other in the car in the backseat that was a rule wasn't it under penalty of death but they always had to have a chaperone with them so and someone I could trust I know that the kids will rat each other out in a heartbeat so I mean those are rules that I would put in place I mean I'm not saying you have to follow my rules but I'm just saying that my kids went to the marriage alter virgins and so that's the goal isn't it but if you just let your kids run off and go hang out with whoever they want even if it's their boyfriend or girlfriend and you know what do you think's gonna happen do you think everything you know nothing ever is gonna lead to another thing do you remember when you were kids do you remember when you were a teenager how you thought but like we're not supposed to think like the world we're supposed to think different and you know I've talked about this a lot how I want to change how my family is I don't want them to be the dysfunctional family that I've lived under generations of and who knows how far that goes back I'm sure it goes back to Adam and Eve or something I don't know my family is dysfunctional I come from a family of divorced people and I come from a family where you know fornication wasn't a big deal but as a Christian as a Christian parent look hurting your child's feelings hurting your teenager's feelings making them mad at you for you and forcing the rules that's the right thing to do you can't be their best friend all the time sometimes you got to be their parent you got to be their dad you got to be their mom and you can't just let them do whatever they want you have to restrain them from doing what they want sometimes and you're like oh I just feel so bad that I don't feel bad about it you know what you should feel good about is what if your children go to the marriage altar versions that what that's what you should care about and they marry a right spouse they marry a spouse that they're gonna get along with for the most part you know nobody's perfect right and anybody in here got the perfect marriage waiting oh some of the girls were like no I'm just kidding but you know nobody's got a perfect marriage but like you should try your best to search out and I preach about this a lot I know to find a spouse that you can get along with and one that you can live the rest of your life with and you have the same ideas you have the same hopes and dreams together and you have just everything is kind of this is how it's gonna be you know and then when they flip on you later it's not a big surprise you know you you I mean it should be a big surprise because you had some plan and then if they change later that's their fault but you know you gotta you gotta get to know people listen get to know them think about this you're gonna be with them for the rest of your life it's not a temporary thing it's tell death do us part so if you're gonna if you don't you think you should actually like the person that you're with for the rest of you think the rest of your life the rest of your life with them leaving the toilet seat up the rest of the life with them throwing their dirty socks in the floor whatever it is that you don't like about each other those things are magnified when you move in together you know and it takes time to you know get to know each other doesn't it so but you should try to get to know them as best as you can before you get married and you're you know if you're thinking that when you get married well I thought that was Prince Charming I thought that was Cinderella well I thought everything was gonna be it's not gonna be easy folks it's never it's not always easy but the fact that you stay together it does a lot of it depends on how you get to know that person beforehand so I had to turn to 1st Corinthians 6 18 it says flee fornication what did Joseph do he fled out of the house didn't he flee fornication every sin that a man doeth is without the body but he that committed fornication sinneth against his own body what know you not that your body is the temple the Holy Ghost which is in you which you have of God and you're not your own for you're bought with a price therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit which are gods now a lot of people will teach you know health things out of this verse but what's the context of it the context is fleeing fornication isn't it and so when you are fornicating this is destroying your body it's destroying someone else's body and you know the Bible says you're bought with a price and you're supposed to you know you're not supposed to be attached to some harlot you know as a Christian you know and look I'm not getting down on people that have already done this or something in your life has already happened I'm talking about let's move forward okay all that stuff's in the past don't do it anymore if you've done it before if you've fornicated in the past don't do it now if you've committed adultery in the past don't do it again you know and and so these are things that we got to learn this is things that need to be taught in the house of God and to flee fornication is a biblical term isn't it it's almost like first Corinthians 6 18 it's almost like he was thinking of Joseph when he wrote that flee run get out of there Genesis chapter 39 verse 13 let's go back to our text Genesis 39 13 says and it came to pass when she saw that he had left his garment in her hand and was fled forth that she called unto the men of the house and spake unto them saying see he hath brought in in Hebrew to mock us he came in unto me to lie with me and I cried with a loud voice so what is she doing here she's she's basically lying and saying that she yelled rape but there was nobody there to help her so here's the other thing about being in a situation with someone by yourself especially with the opposite gender here is that you can be falsely accused for things because we have we have this kind of this this this concept that's going on right now that any woman that ever says she's sexually abused is always telling the truth that's not true what happened to Joseph he was falsely accused of being of trying to rape you know his master's wife that's exactly what he's being accused of what do you see today you know there are legit obviously you don't want to discount things but people lie people lie about it you know and it's not it's not so the Bible I think the Bible showing us this also because we have to understand that not every woman that says that she was sexually abused or raped is telling the truth same thing you know and men obviously this doesn't happen to men as often you know I mean it takes a pretty brute woman to be able to do this to a guy right but like there's other dudes there's sodomites you know you got to be careful out there people who you're hanging around with you hang around a bunch of queers don't be surprised if they try to pull some queer stuff on you I mean the Bible shows that every single time so you know oh he's just so funny you know I love his little gay sense of humor or whatever well you never know what's gonna happen to you when you're hanging out with some pervert predator molester you might get predator molested by the pervert I mean it's common sense it's like I mean there's people that like you know they might not subscribe to how I feel about the sodomites or whatever or or how we subscribe to it or whatever but here's the thing there's people about oh I would let my homo cousin watch my children you're an idiot you're an idiot do not let some homosexual be around your children as a matter of fact don't let people you don't know really really well watch your children I mean I teach at this church and I and I know that hopefully most people agree with me on this that you should just you know be with your kids and if your parents are trustworthy then trust them or whatever or someone special in your life that's you know a family member or something but I don't I don't think that you should just pawn off your kids on whoever you know you need to watch your kids because you know they might be great we knew this this couple and it was at a church we used to go to and they're there they had a babysitter that was from the church that had been their babysitter for a long time and one of their babies was being watched by this person and the baby was head was smashed into the wall and they killed the baby while they were babysitting never had a issue with that person before but that's that's the worst case scenario is it not how do you know how people are a po away from you you know people have those nanny cams and stuff why do you think they have those if you have to have a nanny cam why are you leaving your kids alone with somebody but they catch people on those nanny cams like I've seen ones where they're slapping people's kids and treating them really you know beating them abusing them it's just like what in the world like if you have to have a nanny cam maybe you just shouldn't let your kids be watched by anybody out of the phone book or they don't have phone books anymore but I'm saying my old my old my my boomer this comes out sometimes you know the phone book like no we don't know the phone book there's some people in here that know what the phone book is give me it give me a hands up if you know all right god bless you I see those hands all right so the kids are like what's a phone book dad it's like Google but it has phone numbers in it but in his papers like this has businesses and stuff anyway all right so listen so Joseph was accused of being raped or not accused of being raped he was accused of raping or trying to rape Potiphar's wife so and listen to me false accusations like this can hurt a man's reputation for life especially in the day that we live in now so listen ladies if it's not legit I mean you better be really sure before you accuse somebody of something and you know because you can ruin someone's reputation now obviously if they're guilty of a crime then I'll by all means say something I'm not saying hide things for people but like if some dude just like touches your shoulder or something he tried to you know stop and and this happens a lot with you know sometimes kids get wrapped up in this stuff where they want to accuse somebody because maybe they're just upset with the stepdad or the stepmom or whatever just all kind look we're in church but you guys know all manner of evil happens in ways like this I know that Mike Tyson for one thing was accused of rape by a woman who went up to his apartment you know you know at really late at night he's worth millions and millions of dollars and then he's accused of rape there's one witness one witness and she went to his place I've never believed that Mike Tyson did that Mike Tyson's a dirtbag in a lot of different ways he's not the greatest guy in the world but like when you got millions and millions of dollars you don't really need to do that do you I mean maybe you're like well maybe he just did it because he that's just how he is well yeah but you can't you shouldn't be able to convict somebody just on someone say so and that's kind of what happened here she was accused by one person and then he gets thrown in prison for it so you got to be careful with throwing out accusations against people because it can be very damaging to their reputation and it goes without saying here that people will just flat-out lie and falsely accused why do we go two by two to the doors for safety if it's two men and some young lady or old lady whatever it is a lady says two guys came to my door and they assaulted me well you got two witnesses against that one person which I don't know in today's day and age whether that matters so much anymore but it matters to God and you don't want to be put in a position where you can be accused of something so that's why I really stressed the two by two I don't think that we should just be running off to other doors and leaving your partners behind you know that's that's that's and stated because first of all it's something in principle in the Word of God that's how Jesus sent his disciples out two by two you know it's for safety it's for protection it's for two witnesses so just think about that so don't put yourself in a position where you can be accused by somebody and then people are questioning your integrity people are questioning whether you're a good person or not so and that's this is what happens to Joseph and that's why it happened because he didn't have anybody else there to be a witness for him right so we got to be careful in situations like that so Genesis 39 verse 15 it says that it came to pass when he heard that I lifted up my voice and cried that he left his garment with me and fled and got him out and she laid up his garment by her until his Lord came home so she's just like sitting there with his coat probably being all dramatic right and she laid up his garment by her see verse 17 and she spake unto him according to these words saying the Hebrew servant which thou hast brought unto us came in unto me to mock me and it came to pass as I lifted up my voice and cried that he'd left his garment with me and fled out now she's probably just got the waterworks going on she's crying and everything but I mean Potiphar is not an idiot you know I think at some point he realizes that maybe not the whole story isn't really adding up but he gets pissed at first look at verse number 19 it says and it came to pass when his master heard the words of this of his wife when she spake unto him saying after this manner did thy servant to me that his wrath was kindled now any red-blooded man in the world would instantly get angry over something like this wouldn't they and that's normal isn't it it's normal to be jealous for your spouse it's normal it's not you know these people these that have all these weird relationships nowadays where guys are letting their wives have separate relationships and other dudes living in the house with them or something that is so weird what's wrong with you you know wearing your skinny jeans and your pink shirt letting your wife do whatever she wants in the house that's crazy it's guy people have just men have just been emasculated these days they are total sissies I mean I can't even some of these guys I can't even stand is to look at what they're wearing just dude you look like a queer what's wrong with you got your pant legs rolled up it's wrong you're wearing a pair of Converse with the no shoes are no socks and you got your pant legs all rolled up nice and neat you got some pink shirt on I mean you look like a queer or you're going to Gilligan's Island or something but anyway turn to Proverbs chapter 6 verse 32 so here's the thing so Potiphar's Potiphar was upset because of this situation and you know like I said normal men would be upset about this situation normal men would be jealous for their wife and they'd be enraged if they found out that somebody has been trying to put the moves on their wife right that's normal the Bible says it's normal it's normal to feel like that but what does society tell you right now they tell you oh you're just jealous oh my husband's just jealous yeah and they should be because you belong to each other they don't belong to you scum back off Proverbs 6 32 says but who so committed adultery with a woman lacketh understanding he that doeth it destroyeth his own soul a wound and dishonor shall he get and his reproach shall be not wiped away for jealousy is the rage of a man therefore he will not spare in the day of vengeance so what is it what's the Bible explain here that what a man thinks that someone's put the moves on his wife or done some kind of adulterous affair it's they go into a jealous rage you know and and a jealous rage over something that belongs to you your spouse and yes I know it's 2022 you still belong to each other in the Bible it says you belong to them okay yeah I'm not owned by any man shut up you feminist jealousy is the rage of a man he will not spare in the day of vengeance that means no matter what you do no matter what you say you're getting a beat down or you're getting killed or something in like manner it says he will not regard any ransom who let me pay you all this money no don't want it just want to beat you up neither will he rest content he's gonna track you down he's gonna find you he's gonna make you pay even though thou give us many gifts here's money here's gifts a new car nope I don't want that I mean nobody in their right mind is just gonna let their wife be taken advantage of like that not think it's a big deal the Bible says that men are gonna get in a rage over this kind of stuff they're gonna get jealous they're gonna get enraged and you know God doesn't God go into a rage in jealousy sometimes is it wrong it's not wrong you know if you're playing the whore you know spiritually you're worshipping other gods or putting things in front of him what's he do he gets into a jealous rage and he and he you know destroys you he punishes you he just the belt is flying is ah you know when you get into a rage something don't do that with your kids count to ten go out of the room for a few minutes maybe wait a day but you know I mean the pay you're gonna freak out that's what the Bible says that men will do and obviously women are the same way some women are worse than than their husbands but like you know what's weird is if you weren't jealous at all like these effeminate dudes that just let their wives go around and have affairs with other people or they live with them it's so weird I mean in Portland I'm sure it's like a it's a normal thing now but it's not it shouldn't never be normal to a Christian that's your wife that's your husband and hey if you if you got to get yelled at on the way home because you were talking to so-and-so for too long then that's what has to happen jealousy can be the rage of a woman too right I don't hey you were in that face for too long you were talking you know and maybe it's just not there's nothing there but sometimes you got to keep each other accountable you know you got to do a freak out rage every once in a while to let them know hey I'm still jealous for you do you ever talk to that person for that long again no I'm just kidding but anyway Genesis 39 verse 20 but the moral of the story is here you know Joseph was doing everything right he just made that one mistake of walking in and not having a buddy with him okay but did he do anything wrong no he didn't do anything wrong but he was able to be accused his integrity was called into question and he basically lost everything you know here he is he's got the whole run of the house he's the ruler of the house and next thing you know he's where well it says in Joseph verse 20 and Joseph's master took him and put him in the prison a place where the king's prisoners were bound and he was there in the prison so the reason why I think that Potiphar might have kind of maybe thought that she was lying is because you know he should have got the death penalty you know rape is a capital crime I don't know if it was in Egypt at that time but you know considering he was the he was this high up you know person in Egypt he probably could have pushed I mean the guys is you know Joseph's a slave he probably could have pushed and had him killed pretty easily so my I mean obviously I'm reading into that a little bit but in my opinion it's my opinion that maybe he didn't fully believe what his wife was saying you know maybe she's been known to be like that before who knows but he instead of getting the death penalty he just gets thrown in prison which is bad enough it says in verse 21 but the Lord was with Joseph and showed him mercy and gave him favor in the side of the keeper of the prison so here he is he's in a new place getting favor all over again now he's running the prison you know first he's running this rich guy's house and now he's running the prison he's like the shot caller right he's he's telling everybody what's going on here this says and the keeper of the prison committed to Joseph's hand all all the prisoners that were in the prison so they're all under his control and whatsoever they did there he was the doer of it you know he told people what to do that is not a shot caller he's telling everybody what they're supposed to do he whatever they did he was the doer of it the keeper of the prison looked not to anything that was under his hand because the Lord was with him and that which he did the Lord made it to prosper so here again God is blessing Joseph why because he's a man of integrity and even though he got falsely accused God knew the truth that he didn't do any of that stuff that he was accused of and God blessed him anyway so he's being persecuted here for something he didn't do and someone falsely accused him and guess what people are going to falsely accuse you two people are going to falsely accuse Christians and they don't even really have to have a reason for it you know people lie when we go solely to people that I get calls all the time from apartment complex managers they were really mean to me and they said this and that I'm sorry but I don't believe you I know that person I know that they wouldn't have done that now maybe we get a little smart mouthy sometimes you know they're being rude you know but they don't what they don't ever say is I was yelling and screaming at them and chasing them and pulling all the invites off and yeah you know badgering them they don't say that part they just say the part where you were a little bit snippy with them or whatever it's like you know what sorry I'm gonna believe my church member that I know that goes solely all the time over you so but people are gonna falsely accuse you they do it all the time people are gonna falsely accuse you at work because they know you're a Christian people are gonna falsely accuse you and your family because they know you're a Christian I've been falsely accused by family members lots of times about the dumbest things ever you know I mean according to one family member I was the next David Koresh so you know I got a bunch of guns back there you guys not just kidding we're turning this into a compound I didn't tell you that that's why we're getting the new building but like I just trust me if you're trying if you're a Christian you're going to get falsely accused you ever been falsely accused brother Joe you ever been falsely accused of course everybody in this room is been falsely accused of something as a Christian as long as you didn't do what they actually said that was wrong then you're okay and God you know what God's gonna bless you he's gonna take take care of you and he's not gonna allow you to you know your name to be shamed to the point where people actually believe that why I mean what ends up happened to Joseph well he takes over the prison next you know and he's ruling the prison he's got favor there and that's all for a purpose God has this plan for him that he doesn't see so but it says God everything he did the Lord made it to prosper everything turn to a proverb 16 verse 7 Proverbs 16 verse 7 we're almost done almost only counts and hand grenades and horseshoes so remember that Proverbs chapter 16 verse 7 the Bible says when a man's ways please the Lord he maketh even his enemies to be at peace with him now that doesn't always happen sometimes your enemies are still gonna be against you but in general you know if and that's that's Joseph is is fulfilling this verse in his life I mean even the enemies like Potiphar didn't have him killed you know they're even his enemy I mean he threw him in prison but that's a lot better than being killed isn't it and then every time you know that if you're in prison the prison guards aren't really supposed to be nice to you and it was even worse probably I'm sure back then now they probably have to be nice you know now if they might if a prisoner is gonna get COVID they're gonna let them out early and you know they're gonna let them have sex change operations and all kinds of weird stuff in the prisons right but there was a time when you just said the wrong thing and you're getting beat with a billy club and that's all there is to it you're getting thrown in the hole for 30 days or whatever generally speaking you know prison guards and in the heads of prisons aren't being nice to the people that come into prison are they now obviously you get some kind of you know favor when you have good behavior and stuff like that but I mean it seems like right away Joseph's just like running the prison and he doesn't even look at what he's doing isn't that what it says it says the keeper of the prison looked not to the things that was under his hand because the Lord was with them and all and that what he did the Lord made to prosper turn to Psalm chapter 1 Psalm chapter 1 Psalm chapter 1 verse 1 the Bible says blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly nor standeth in the way of sinners nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful see Joseph didn't go you know to the to the gangs and try to get in with them so that he would be protected in the prison he wasn't you know shanking people in the prison he was being a good guy right and so blessed is the man that doesn't walk in that counsel of the ungodly that doesn't stand in the way of sinners nor sitteth in the sea of the scornful but what's the Bible say it says but his delight is in the law of the Lord and Joseph was a man whose delight was the law of the Lord it says and in his law doth he meditate day and night and he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water that bringeth forth his fruit and his season his leaf also shall not wither and what to say and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper so what does this tell you about Joseph that he's that type of blessed he's not doing those things that the Bible is saying in Psalm 1 he's not walking in that counsel he's not sitting in the seat of the scornful he loves God's law he loves God's commandments he's keeping God's commandments and he's like that tree that's planted he's a strong tree and he brings forth his fruit in his season and his leaf shall not wither you know Joseph was a fruitful bough his branches went up over the tops of the of the well or whatever it says whatsoever he doeth shall prosper and so when God's ways when your ways are pleasing to God he's gonna make your ways to prosper too he's gonna bless you also so let's apply all this and then we'll be done so not all the bad things that we go through is bad in the duration you know sometimes things bad happen to us and when we look back and we think well I'm kind of glad I went through that you know at the time it doesn't feel good to go through bad things but Joseph is going through all these bad things but then at the end of everything he realizes that God had a plan for him the whole time right and so we have to understand that sometimes we go through hard times we go through trials we go through temptations and God is trying to bring us forth he's trying to purge us from the dross that's in our lives he's trying to clip those branches so that we can bring forth more fruit he'd you know sometimes we go through things because it's something that we need to learn for later on in our lives it's something maybe we can help somebody else with later on through our own testimonies so and when you work hard for God and keep God's Commandments he's gonna bless you and he's going to keep you and he's going to protect you and all things are gonna work together for you because you love God and you are the called according to his purpose and wasn't Joseph the called according to his purpose what was the purpose to save much people alive and so God worked mightily in Joseph's life and allowed him to be falsely accused he allowed his brothers to be to sell him into the slavery and all that stuff here's another thing you can apply minimize areas in your life where someone can he accuse you of something minimize areas in your life where someone can he accuse you of something so just think about where you're at situational things who you're with and just you know try to be above reproach the best of your ability and obviously we all make mistakes but you know you definitely don't want to be caught yakking with somebody else's spouse for too long over in a corner somewhere or something like that I mean just be mindful of those types of things because you don't want to be put in a position where someone's also gonna you're gonna make your spouse jealous you know you don't want to just make a mad you know remember jealousy is the rage of a man that's what it says right so don't make me jealous this Sherry you don't make me mad all right you know make me rage but anyway it's just anything in your life minimize the times when someone can question your integrity or you know accuse you of something they didn't do flea fornication obviously this this goes for the young singles in here and it goes for the young children in here that's not something that you should ever be wrapped up in your name avoid it pass by it and just like Joseph he was 17 years old and he ran he booked it he said I'm out of here so and that was the right thing to do because that's what the Bible says in 1st Corinthians is that you're supposed to flee so just run be like Forrest Gump and just take off you know just take off running and don't stop until you're away from that person because that's the that's better than get yourself in a whole lot of hot water with the Lord and here's here's another application adultery is wicked as hell and it's not worth it it's causes a lot of pain in people's lives and it's not something that she named among Christians and then again here's another thing don't assume that every accusation against a man or a woman is true you know sometimes people get falsely accused of things you better know and diligently seek the truth of those things before you just go around talking about somebody and you don't know the facts because that can get you into hot water so don't just assume that everything that everybody says about something is true just because it's on the internet just because it's on a YouTube video just because it's on Facebook or whatever we need to be careful about just believing accusations against people and you know was it true with Joseph did he do what he was accused of doing he didn't you know and there was only just him and Potiphar's wife you know who else who the other witnesses the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit told us in the book of Genesis that Joseph did not do it he ran but see you might not have the opportunity of the Holy Spirit writing a chapter of the Bible for you so that you can be off scot-free for all eternity like Joseph is so we got to be careful what positions we put ourselves into all right well that's the end of Genesis chapter 3 let's pray Heavenly Father we thank you Lord so much for this great day in church and pray that you just help us to be wise Lord help us to be wise and make wise decisions and who we hang around Lord and just help us to not put ourselves in a position where our integrity could be questioned Lord or the people could accuse us and just Lord all these things great lessons from Genesis chapter 39 we thank you Lord so much pray you bless us as we go our separate ways take us home safely in Jesus name we pray Amen