(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Leaning on the everlasting arms, Leaning, leaning, Safe and secure from all alarms, Leaning, leaning, Leaning on the everlasting arms, On the last. What have I to dread, What have I to fear, Leaning on the everlasting arms, I have blessed peace with my Lord so near, Leaning on the everlasting arms, Leaning, leaning, Safe and secure from all alarms, Leaning, leaning, Leaning on the everlasting arms. Grace, sing this evening. Brother Alex, can you open us with a word of prayer? Your Heavenly Father, thank you for bringing us back safely. Thank you for our church here. Thank you for your word. Thank you for pastor, rightly dividing it. We pray you fill it with the Holy Spirit. Fill us also so we can hear and put it to work. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen. Amen. We're doing favors tonight. Brother Robert. 138. Page 138. The Haven of Rest, page 138. ["The Haven of Rest"] Sing it out on the first. My soul in sad exile Was out on life's sea So burdened with sin and distress Till I heard a sweet voice saying, Make me your choice And I entered the Haven of Rest. I've anchored my soul in the Haven of Rest I'll sail the wide seas no more The tempest may sweep o'er the wild, stormy deep In Jesus I'm safe evermore. Rachel. 4.15. ["The Haven of Rest"] Victory Through Grace, page 415, on the first. Conquering now and still to conquer Righted the King in his might Leading the host of all the faithful Into the midst of the fight See them with courage advancing Clad in their brilliant array Shouting the name of their leader Hear them exultingly say, Not to the strongest the battle Not to the sweetest the race Yet to the true and the faithful Victory is promised through grace Eli. 4.24. The last one, or the first one of this? Let's do it. O Come All Ye Faithful, on the first. O Come All Ye Faithful, joyful and triumphant O Come ye, O Come ye to Bethlehem Come and behold Him Born the King of Angels O come, let us adore Him O come, let us adore Him O come, let us adore Him Christ the Lord He's already looking forward to next Christmas. Sheila? It's 63 on the second. 63 on the second. What a day that will be, page 63. On the second. There'll be no sorrow there No more burdens to bear No more sickness, no pain No more parting over there And forever I will be With the One who died for me What a day, glorious day that will be What a day that will be When my Jesus I shall see And I look upon His face The One who saved me by His grace When He takes me by the hand And leads me through the Promised Land What a day, glorious day that will be CJ, page 409. The fight is on, page 409. 409 on the first. The fight is on The trumpet sound is ringing out The cry to arms is heard afar and near The Lord of hosts is marching on to victory The triumph of the Christ will soon appear The fight is on, O Christian soldier In face to face and stern array With armor gleaming and colors streaming The right and wrong engage today The fight is on, but be not weary Be strong and in His might hold fast If God be for us, His banner o'er us We'll sing the victor's song at last Liberty, or Kathleen? 135? 335? If Jesus goes with me, page 335 on the first. It may be in the valley where countless dangers hide It may be in the sunshine that I in peace abide But this one thing I know, if it be dark or fair If Jesus goes with me, I'll go anywhere If Jesus goes with me, I'll go anywhere Tis heaven to me where I may be if He is there I count in a privilege here His cross to bear If Jesus goes with me, I'll go anywhere Page 100 day by day on the first Day by day and with each passing moment Strength I find to be my trials here Trusting in my Father's wise bestowment I've no cause for worry or for fear In whose heart is kind beyond all measure Gives unto each day what He deems best Lovingly it's part of pain and pleasure Mingling tall with peace and rest Good singing. At this time we'll have our announcements. Good evening. Welcome to Church Foundation Baptist Church for our afternoon service. Yeah, no more Christmas music. That's outlawed until next Christmas. But it's okay, because it was a cute child that asked, but no more cute children. That's one. That's the exception to the rule. He's the only cute child that gets to do it. So, anyway, it's still a good song though. So, anyway, let's take our bulletins and look through them real quick. On our front cover we have our verse of the week. If you need a bulletin would you raise your hand and Brother Sean will bring you a bulletin. Our verse of the week is in the house of the righteous is much treasure, but in the revenues of the wicked is trouble. Proverbs chapter 15 verse 6. Our service times are 10 30 a.m. Sunday morning, Sunday evening at 3 30 p.m. Thursday evening Bible study, 6 30 p.m. Did anybody get any salvations this afternoon in the soul winning? He had soul winning this afternoon. I think Ramon was still working on one. That's why he might not be back yet. I think he had a hard case, but they were still willing to listen. So, maybe we'll have a good report when he comes back. But anyway, our soul winning times are listed below. And Brother Sean, are you going to be running the soul winning times this week? You got different? Okay, so the soul winning will be scheduled as, you know, obviously sometimes it gets canceled, but those are the soul winning times there. Our salvations, and I made a note that our year-to-date salvations for last year is actually 554 for our church here. And because we had a miscount for Hawaii, but I got the right number there was 77 in Hawaii for the year. And let's see, our baptisms were 57. And our attendance is terrible, so I'm not even gonna read that. But everybody's been sick, and so you can see that we're missing a good chunk. So, I think that we're not the only ones in that boat. So, but anyway, we're, for the upcoming events, we're in the midst of the, maybe not the midst quite yet, but we're getting close to the middle of the New Testament challenge. So, nine chapters a day to get it done in 31 days. So, hopefully you're still sticking with that. If you're not, you're doing the two month challenge, or you're still trying. So, just try your best. And so, the point is to get the Bible read, right? So, that's what we want. And that's what God wants. So, and then January 15th, this weekend, we have the USA Canada Preaching Event and Fellowship at Peace Arch State Park. That's gonna be at the American Kitchen Building. So, that's what it's called. I don't know, I didn't name it that, but it's American. So, you know, half the name's good. Kitchen's good too. So, anyway, that's where it's gonna be at, the building. And we do have the building from 8 to 5 p.m. So, if you want to get there early, you're more than welcome to do that. If you're planning on staying up there, it is about a four and a half hour drive from here. So, if you live north of here, it's gonna be easier for you. If you live south of here, it's gonna be much harder. Is anybody planning on, I just want to raise the hands of people that are coming. Can you give me, can I get a witness over here? All right, good. So, like I said, if you needed help with the hotel, just let me know. But I'm only paying for one night, because you better be in church on Sunday morning. So, if you need help, just let me know. Anyway, so just see me after the service, all right. And then the schedule is there. We got the breakfast, preaching service at 11, 1230 for lunch. And food is provided for the day, dinner is not provided. So, if anybody wants to meet up afterwards, I'm just gonna be barnstorming at home, because I was doing the math on how many sermons I'm preaching this week. Two today, one on Thursday, two on Saturday, two on Sunday. That's seven sermons in seven days. That'll be my world's record. So, I don't know. I might be angry at the end of the week. So, no, I'm just kidding. Anyway, I'm looking forward to it though. I'm looking forward to seeing our brethren up in the great north, the great north country there. The directions are there on the paper there. And so, if you do not follow these directions and you end up in Canada, that's on you, because there's been plenty of announcements. If you're there and you call me and you're like, Pastor, the Mounties have me, I'm gonna be like, sorry, you're defected Canadian now. You did not heed the warning. It's your fault. So, please take these directions home with you. Take a picture of them with your cell phone. Actually, that's even better, because I know you'll lose this. So, take a picture with your camera right now while you're thinking of it, if you're gonna drive up there, because if you go past exit 276, you're gonna go to the Canadian border and then they'll search your car and ask you for your papers. What are your papers? What are those immunization shots? And then you might get vaccinated or something. I don't know what's gonna happen. So, anyway, but the hard address there, if you type that into Google, just make sure that it doesn't cross you across the border in any way, because if it does, you're done. So, that's what's going on this Saturday. So, again, it's a four-hour drive. So, if you stay in a hotel in Bellingham, it's 27-minute drive to the location. So, if you stay the night, you're saving yourself a 27-minute drive Friday night, and you're also only gonna have to travel 27 minutes in the morning. All right. But if you're a diehard, you want to leave at five o'clock in the morning, then you're crazy. But anyway, if that's what you want to do, that's what you want to do. It's fine with me. But however you want to get there, we just want to make sure that we have people there. So, it's going to be a good time. Looking forward to it. All right. So, Friday, February 11th, we have our Married Couples Sweetheart Banquet, and I believe we're going with the Spanish theme. So, I'm trying to get food from there, over there. And Pastor Shelley is going to come preach for us. So, I've asked him to preach for 20 minutes. So, it should be a good hour and a half long sermon. So, no, I'm just kidding. But I don't care if he preaches for an hour and a half. I like Pastor Shelley's preaching. So, it's great. But anyway, he'll also be preaching for us Sunday the 13th. So, looking forward to having Pastor Shelley up here to preach for us. He hasn't been to our new building. He hasn't been here since I think we were being hounded by the Sodomites like over a year ago. So, anyway, so that's what we got coming up. And then all this other stuff you all know. On the backside, I think we sang Happy Anniversary to Sean and Chantel. They're married for two years. Two. You got past one. Now you're there at two. You're almost there. All right. So, congratulations on that. And then happy birthday to everybody who had a birthday. I think that's all I got for announcements. Let's sing another song. We'll receive the offering. Let's turn our green handles to page 191. In my heart there rings a melody. Page 191. Hold on one second. I forgot. Stay right there. Did somebody lose $15 this morning? Anybody? Huh? $15? You? You? We got your $15. Make sure you tie it on. No, I'm just kidding. All right. Page 191. In my heart there rings a melody. Let's all sing it out loud on the first. I have a song that Jesus gave me. It was sent from heaven above. There never was a sweeter melody. Tis a melody of love. In my heart there rings a melody. There rings a melody with heaven's harmony. In my heart there rings a melody. There rings a melody of love. I love the Christ who died on Calvary. For he washed my sins away. He put within my heart a melody. And I know it's there to stay. In my heart there rings a melody. There rings a melody with heaven's harmony. In my heart there rings a melody. There rings a melody of love. Twill be my endless theme and glory. The angels I will sing. Twill be a song with glorious harmony. When the courts of heaven ring. In my heart there rings a melody. There rings a melody with heaven's harmony. In my heart there rings a melody. There rings a melody of love. Man, great singing this evening. At this time we're going to have our offering. Brother Sean Harrington, can you please bless the offering for us? Dear Jesus, thank you so much for this day, Lord. Thank you so much so we can come to your house, bless your word, preach, Lord. I pray that you would bless this offering, Lord, that we would do a mighty work of it. In Jesus' name, amen. I turn in your Bibles to Zechariah, chapter 9. Zechariah 9, if you don't have a Bible, raise your hand and one of the ushers will bring you one. Zechariah 9. Zechariah 9, the Bible reads, the burden of the word of the Lord in the land of Hadrak and Damascus shall be the rest thereof, when the eyes of man, as of all the tribes of Israel, shall be toward the Lord. And Hamath also shall border thereby, Tyrus and Zidane, though it be very wise. And Tyrus did build herself a stronghold and heaped up silver as the dust and fine gold as the mire of the streets. Behold, the Lord will cast her out and will smite her power in the sea and she shall be devoured with fire. Ashkelon shall see it and fear, Gaza also shall see it. And be very sorrowful in Ekron for her expectation shall be ashamed and the king shall perish from Gaza and Ashkelon shall not be inhabited. And a bastard shall dwell in Ashdod and I will cut off the pride of the Philistines and I will take away his blood out of his mouth and his abominations from between his teeth. But he that remaineth, even he, shall be for our God and he shall be as a governor in Judah and Ekron as a Jebusite. And I will encamp about mine house because of the army, because of him that passeth by and because of him that returneth. And no oppressor shall pass through them anymore, for now I have seen with mine eyes. Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion. Shout, O daughter of Jerusalem. Behold, thy king cometh unto thee. He is just and having salvation, lowly and riding upon an ass and upon a colt the full of an ass. And I will cut off the charlat from Ephraim and the horse from Jerusalem and the battle bow shall be cut off and he shall speak peace unto the heathen and his dominion shall be from sea even to sea and from the river even to the ends of the earth. As for thee also by the blood of thy covenant I have sent forth thy prisoners out of the pit wherein is no water. Turn you to the stronghold ye prisoners of hope. Even today do I declare that I will render double unto thee when I have bent Judah for me filled the bow with Ephraim and raised up thy sons O Zion against thy sons O Greece and made thee as the sword of a mighty man. And the Lord shall be seen over them and his arrow shall go forth as the lightning and the Lord God shall blow the trumpet and shall go with whirlwinds of the south the Lord of hosts shall defend them and they shall devour and subdue with sling stones and they shall drink and make a noise as through wine and they shall be filled like bowls and as the corners of the altar and the Lord their God shall save them in that day as the flock of his people for they shall be as the stones of a crown lifted up as an ensign upon his land for how great is his goodness and how great it is is his beauty corn shall make the young men cheerful and new wine the maids. Brother Robert will you pray for us? Amen all right well I'm continuing in Genesis chapter 37 because normally we do Genesis at night but I had too much to put into this sermon so I had 10 pages of notes at four o'clock in the morning I was like okay I'm gonna have to make a an ending of this so anyway I just decided to preach this a great chapter in the Bible and the story of Joseph's a great story I mean just everything I mean from the beginning of the story to the ending of the story and how you know his his breath you know everything gets reconciled with his brethren and it's shown that God allows all these things to happen in Joseph's life for the betterment and salvation of a multitude of people but what I'm preaching about tonight is pictures of Christ in the life of Joseph and so I'm preaching part two of this because I only got through 23 verses now I kind of made a challenge in the sermon that if anybody could find any other pictures of Joseph in here that I would make mention of them so before we get into the scriptures and before I explain to you why we read out of Zechariah I want to have you turn to verse number 13 because right after the service I had a few people give me some ideas that I thought were really cool now just so you know like not everything's an exact you know it's not an exactly perfect picture necessarily but there are pictures in here it's just like 20 pieces of silver that Joseph was sold for I'm going to get into that how many pieces was Christ sold for 30 pieces of silver so it isn't an exact match it's not an exact match but it is a picture of Christ so we're looking at pictures of Christ through the life of Joseph now I think Miss Molly came up with this one I thought it was really good verse number 13 so turn to verse number 13 now let's see if I can actually get to verse number 13 okay verse number 13 it says in Israel said unto Joseph do not thy brethren feed the flock and shechem come and I will send thee unto them and he said to him here am I so I talked about this and said that this is a picture of God the father sending the son the son was willing to go and willing to do the will of the father and it says in verse 14 and he said unto him go I pray thee see whether it be well with thy brethren and well with the flocks and bring me word again so he sent him out to the veil of Hebron and he came to shechem now this is this is what she brought up to me it says and a certain man found him and behold he was wandering in the field and a man and the man asked him saying what seekest thou so she kind of came up with the theory that this represents John the Baptist because John the Baptist went to the children of Israel before the appearing of Christ and he did it does show that he talked to them and knew where they were and said that they're not here anymore but it's just interesting there's this man just out in the field who just kind of appears and says what what's uh what's it say uh and the man asks saying what seekest thou and it's funny because Jesus in the new testament he says what went you out to see a reed shaking in the wind and so I just thought that well that's that's that's a pretty cool picture of John the Baptist and it says he he said I seek thy breath my brethren tell me I pray thee where they feed their flocks so and then you think about this John did speak to the children of Israel before Jesus did so then you have this man between Jesus going to see that to go see his brethren and Jesus Christ actually doing I thought it was a pretty cool picture again not a perfect picture but it's pretty cool and then um verse 15 again so I think this is from brother Shawn Harrington so um verse 15 says and a certain man found him and behold he was wandering in the field and the man asked him saying what seekest thou and he said I seek my brethren tell me I pray thee where they feed their flocks and the man said there departed hence I do and I heard them say let us go to Dothan and Joseph went after his brethren and found them in Dothan and so oh yours was verse 12 okay yeah I was just reading the same exact ones verse 12 I'm sorry I was like this isn't making sense okay so it says and his brethren went to feed their father's flock and shechem so this is this is the one that Shawn had so um so he was sent to go find his brethren that were feet that were sent to feed the flock now remember the nation you know the the children of Israel the nation of Israel was supposed to be the ones that were supposed to feed the people of the world so to speak and to present the word of God to them so they could be saved and Jesus had to be sent because basically you know obviously he was gonna be sent anyway but they fell down on the job and weren't doing the job right and so here you have Jacob saying hey I need you to go check up on what's going on and then what did Jesus find when he came that they weren't really doing the job that they were supposed to be doing is that basically the gist of what you were saying and then verse 20 this is from brother Shawn the other brother Shawn um verse 20 and it kind of mentions this beast multiple times but look what it says in verse 20 come now therefore and let us slay him and cast him into some pit and we will say some evil beasts have devoured him and we shall see what will come of his dreams now look at verse 33 it says and he knew and said it was my son's coat an evil beast hath devoured him joseph is without doubt and rent in pieces now and it said there was another verse that said the beast it says it like three different times but what do we know that like I don't think it's necessarily an accident that it's talking about some evil beast because in the book of revelation you have the beast right now Judas is represented he's called the son of perdition right and he is he is also and so who what is the antichrist called in first Thessalonians he's called the son of perdition so you have Judas betrays Jesus Christ and has him put to death and so you have this beast so I mean I mean it's a it's kind of an obscure one but it still kind of fits a picture of you know this beast who you know could represent Judas being this son of perdition so those are pretty good ones if you think of anything else after the service you might not get honorable mention but I still will think it's cool did it end up happening no it's a hard case okay all right so let's let's begin our the second part of this sermon I just want to show you a couple of things that people came up with but let's begin our our uh text here in Genesis chapter 37 verse 24 but keep your finger in Zechariah because we're going to come right back to it if you're in Zechariah still but Genesis 37 24 says and they took him and cast them into a pit and the pit was empty and there was no water so they the his brothers remember they came he they saw him afar off and they conspired to murder him right and then you know his brother tried to stop him from doing that and then basically they kind of came up with this plan to throw him in the pit and uh you know they're gonna you'll see what they do after this but what does this pit represent well you know hell is called the pit isn't it and it's a it's a bottomless pit it's a pit of darkness it's a pit of everlasting fire but notice that it says they cast them into the pit and the pit was empty and there was no water in it and so it makes this point to say that the pit was empty and there was no water in it and I would submit to you that this is a picture of Christ going to hell for us and being cast into the pit for us and and and I know that that's what this is representing because if you were paying attention in Zechariah it has the same phrase it's the only place that's found in the bible is in Genesis chapter 30 37 verse 24 and then again in Zechariah chapter 9 but let's look at Zechariah chapter 9 verse 9 and so it says rejoice greatly oh daughter of Zion shout oh daughter of Jerusalem behold thy king cometh unto thee he is just and having salvation lowly and riding upon an ass and upon a colt the full of an ass so we know that this is a messianic prophecy that that is is fulfilled in the triumphal entry of Jesus Christ right it says I will cut off the chariot from Ephraim and the horse from Jerusalem and the battle bow shall be cut off and he shall speak peace unto the heathen and his dominion shall be from sea even to sea and from the river even unto the ends of the earth talking about his dominion being for you know over the whole earth but look what it says here in verse 11 as for thee also by the blood of thy covenant I have sent forth thy prisoners out of the pit wherein is no water now do you think that that's an accident that that's put in there it's absolutely not an accident so that's that's definitely connected there there's a pit where no water is and then in Zechariah you have this messianic prophecy about Jesus is talking about this pit where no water is so and it's funny because now I would say this is probably a secondary you know you would get this you know the the doctrine of Jesus going to hell for three days and three nights is is rock solid in scripture okay but this I would say is a secondary a place to take it from but there's no doubt that that's the picture it's painting for us in Genesis chapter 37 it's talking about this pit that's empty with no water that's where they took Joseph and threw him into it right and they conspired to kill him that's what happened to Jesus right they conspired to kill Jesus they crucified him and then he was put into a tomb for three days and you know he was in there for three days and three nights but he was also his soul went to hell for three days and three nights and so this pit with no water represents hell represents the bottomless pit that Jesus went to for three days and three nights now he didn't stay there see this is where people people get upset that we teach this and it's like we don't teach that he's still there I mean why are you so upset about it my savior didn't go to hell yeah he did yeah he did because if he didn't experience you know he experienced hell for us why would we why would he not experience hell for us if that's what our just desserts are that doesn't make sense and actually the bible actually does say that he went to hell in multiple places but turn to acts 2 31 this is a really clear scripture rylan I think that there still is a ringing is that so just a slight like ring going on here okay thank you I think that's better all right so acts 2 31 says he's seen this before spake of the resurrection of christ that his soul was not left in hell neither his flesh did see corruption so the bible says his soul was not left in hell this is talking about Jesus this is talking about the resurrection so peter you know he's preaching this famous sermon and everybody every baptist agrees that this is a great sermon that peter's preaching right but then they'll just say that's not the that's not the hell that you you know the fiery hell that's that's hades that's the grave is that what it says do we have to go back to the greek to understand what hell means does anybody on the street if you ask them where's the fiery place of torment where people go when when they die if they're not saved they're going to say it's hell nobody knows what hades is nobody knows what she'll is you've seen uh what is it uh new world revival versions where they go and just interview people and they say what's shield he's like shield it's not like a shield or something you know or they're like hate you know hades they don't they know what hell is though people know what hell is so anyway i believe that jesus went to hell for three days and three nights i believe that this pit this empty pit with no water in it represents that think about the rich man in lazarus what did he say he said dip the tip of your finger in water and you know put it on my tongue because there's no water in hell there's no relief in hell and so there's no water there now let's look back at genesis 37 verse 25 let's look at the next one genesis 37 verse 25 and like i said not all these are a perfect picture but it's not like i'm just making things up to just make it fit what the bible says i mean you can see it for yourself you know the story of jesus you know that this stuff's true so genesis 37 verse 25 says and they sat down to eat bread and they lifted up their eyes and looked and behold a company of ishmaelites came from gilead with the camels their camels bearing spicery and balm and myrrh going to carry it down to egypt so you have ishmaelites coming well where do you so you might not know this but the ishmaelites would have been east of this area so where did the wise men come from why is the wise men when they came to see the star of jesus where did they come from wise men from the what from the east right so i'm not saying that the wise men were ishmaelites i'm just saying that these ishmaelites were coming from the east and it says they were bearing spicery balm and what myrrh so gold frankincense and myrrh was the things that the three wise men brought obviously it doesn't say gold frankincense a myrrh but myrrh is one of them you know and so they're going and going to carry it to egypt so i think that this represents you know it's a picture of the three wise men coming to you know bring the the things to to jesus right now um look at verse 26 it says and judah said into his brethren what profit is it if we slay our brother and conceal his blood now this is really interesting too so this is judah judah's the judah's the tribe that the lord jesus christ is going to come from eventually right so what's judah saying he said unto his brethren what profit is it if we slay our brother and conceal his blood come let us sell him to the ishmaelites and let us not our hand be upon him for he is our brother in our flesh and his brethren were content so now jesus came to his own his own received him not but who's the one that betrayed him what was his name judas right so judas is just the like greek transliterated transliterated form of judah did you know that i mean this name sounds similar right okay you guys you're with me all right did anybody need a cup of coffee all right so so i would submit to you that judah also is a picture of judas selling you know because what's he say let us sell him and judas sold jesus for 30 pieces of silver didn't he and so it says come let us sell him to the ishmaelites now look at matthew chapter 26 verse 14 matthew chapter 26 verse 14 it says then one of the 12 called judas iscariot went unto the chief priest and said unto them what will you give me and i will deliver him unto you and they covenanted with him for 30 pieces of silver and from that time he sought to betray him so judas sold him for 30 pieces of silver and so i said juda and judas same name okay but another thing that i thought about and this might be a little bit of a fringe theory here too but you see that juda you know he he does he does good but he also does wrong doesn't he so you think of jesus christ being the second adam the bible says that he's the second adam right the first adam was perfect until he sinned right now you see juda in the next chapter like genesis 38 is just like a one-off chapter that kind of breaks apart the story of joseph doesn't it it's like why is it why is it chronologically like that well maybe it's chronologically in order of the events that it takes place in but it also shows a picture of juda doing you know he makes some mistakes doesn't he so juda makes some mistakes but then at the end when joseph is you know he's kind of tricking his brothers what does juda do juda offers to die for his brother benjamin doesn't he and so there you see juda as the redeemer of joseph now obviously um i mean that that's kind of you might say well that's that seems like kind of a stretch but i don't know i think it's valid i think that my theory on juda is that he represents the first and second adam because we know that he comes you know god picks that tribe for jesus christ to be born from for a reason so now let's look at genesis 37 verse 28 genesis 37 verse 28 says then they're passed by midianites merchant men and they drew and lifted up joseph out of the pit and sold joseph to the ishbalites for 20 pieces of silver and they brought joseph into egypt now joseph was sold for 20 pieces of silver does that translate perfectly to jesus being sold for 30 pieces of silver no but why is joseph sold for 20 pieces of silver why is it 20 pieces why is jesus sold for 30 pieces why is there a difference there you know huh right yeah so turn to leviticus chapter 27 and so basically when you know that we had the tribes of levi levi but you know these people needed farms houses people to work for them too and so they were a tribe that kind of you know they they were in service for the lord but people could sanctify themselves and people could could work and and and work and sell their houses basically use their houses for the levite service and so in leviticus 27 you know it talks about estimating the value of a human being how much they would be redeemed for so say i'm going to work for a levite now the the priests were supposed to value that person according to what age they were are you following me so far let's look at verse number one it says and the lord speaking to bozid saying speak unto the children of israel and say unto them when a man shall make a singular vow the person the person shall be for the lord by thy estimation so they're estimating what they're supposed to you know what the value of them is and thy estimation shall be of the male from 20 years old even unto 60 years old even thy estimation shall be 50 shekels of silver after the shekel of the sanctuary so if a person is 20 years old to 60 years old what are they supposed to what is their value 50 shekels of silver right do you guys see that so now look what it says in verse four and if it be female then thy estimation shall be 30 shekels now at first glance you might think that this is like why are they only given 30 for the women well men can work harder than women and do more work physically in most cases all right now i know some women that can tear men up but the exception proves the rule doesn't that so look at verse number five so it's not like some slight it's just men are physically stronger than women okay and it says if it be from five years old onto 20 years old then thy estimation shall be of the male what does it say 20 shekels and for the female 10 shekels so the point i'm so how old was joseph remember at the very beginning of the chapter how old does it say joseph was 17 right he's 17 years old so if the estimation between five and 20 years old what would be the proper price for joseph 20 shekels what did they sell them to the ishmaelites for 20 shekels right so verse number six says and if it be from a month old unto five years old then the estimation shall be of the male five shekels of silver and for the female estimation shall be three shekels so i'm just kind of you know just showing you what what the bible is saying you know because everybody is you know based upon their age is worth a certain amount right so like this is basically if someone vows a vow and say hey i'm going to vow my family you know maybe for the service of the lord and then they would go and get their estimation done by the priest and the priest would give that money to be redeemed okay they could redeem that money and the priest would value them but they would do that with houses or cattle or any other thing too and they could transfer that into like a monetary value so now turn to exodus chapter 21 you're like well why would jesus only be sold for 30 shekels by judas why why would that be different well shouldn't it have been 50 shouldn't have been 50 well let's look at exodus chapter 21 verse 28 and i'll i'll explain to you why so look at it says if an ox gore man or woman that they die then the ox shall surely be shall be surely stoned and his flesh shall not be eaten but the owner of the ox shall be quit so if you had like an ox that gored somebody that they died and that ox wasn't like a crazy beast in times past that you knew was bad it's like these pit bull owners are like oh he doesn't bite you know if you didn't if you didn't know that your ox was like that or just say any kind of animal you know i'm sure this is just using it as an example if any animal that you have killed somebody would probably be the same rule that happens here but it says the owner of the ox shall be quit so if it wasn't known to be like this in times past the owner you know the ox would be stoned that it died flesh should not be eaten but the owner of the ox shall be quit so they they're not going to get in trouble for it because it was an accident right that says verse 29 but if the ox were want to push with his horns in time past and it hath been testified to his owner and he hath not kept him in but he hath killed a man or a woman the ox shall be stoned and his owner shall also be put to death so wouldn't it be nice if things were like that in modern day america you know these people that let their dogs kill people or bite people those dogs should be put to death those animals should be put to death but if an owner of an animal knows that their dog is vicious knows that their dog bites knows that their dog will attack people or they bred it to be a super killer dog and then they let that dog out then that person according to the bible should be put to death amen but you know they don't do that do they and in a lot of cases they won't do that but that's what the bible says it's not right to own an animal that would hurt somebody and then you just you know are negligent allow that dog to get out and kill somebody you're supposed to be put to death now maybe well here's the kind of escape out of that so to speak maybe the judge doesn't think the person should be put to death but they still have to pay money for what happened to that person it's like a restitution look at verse 30 it says if there be laid on him a sum of money then he shall give for the ransom of his life whatsoever is laid upon him so if the judge just says well it can't really fully be proven or whatever that you know he knew or maybe there was just some extenuating circumstances that doesn't make it a straight death penalty situation but someone dies anyway well then this sum of money is laid upon them whatsoever is laid upon them by the judges right because the judge judges are the ones that make these determinations it says whether now verse 31 whether he have gored a son or have gored a daughter according to this judgment shall it be done unto him if the ox shall push a man so if it was a son or daughter that they gored to death it'd be depend on how what the age of that person was right and so if it was between 20 and 60 how much would they have had to pay for it 50 shekels right if it was from five to 20 how much would they have had to pay for the restitution of that animal killing that person 20 between five and 20 be it'd be 20 shekels so now it says if the ox shall push a man servant or a maid servant now these are people that now this isn't like the slaves from Africa okay like like slavery like it was in the American south this is not what this is talking about so people if they ran out of money you know or they had no money to feed themselves they could go and and and work for somebody and they would get paid basically by that person and then even and so but how long were they allowed to work for that person that they worked for six years right and then they had to let them go free or maybe they just owed money for something a debt that they couldn't pay they charged their credit cards up and couldn't pay well it wasn't like America today where you could just file bankruptcy you could charge up a bunch of stuff and file bankruptcy they had to pay their bills and so they would have to go into servitude as a man servant or a maid servant to pay this off so so basically you know it's like I said it's not like you know they kidnapped these people and then they were they were born into their house like that or whatever now there was an exception to the rule where if they were there for six years and they said hey I want to serve this person for the rest of my life then they had that law where they had put them up against the doorpost and put it all through their ear signifying that they said hey I know I was allowed to go free but I'm going to stay with this person I'm going to work for this person for the rest of my life and then they would do that that certain thing and then you had the year of jubilee where they would let everybody go free and all their land would go back to who was supposed to go to by the lot of their tribes okay I know there's a lot of explaining to do but I just wanted you to understand that this man servant or maid servant they were a slave but they weren't necessary or a servant but they weren't necessarily like you know an indentured servant or whatever so but it says he shall give unto their master what's it say 30 shekels of silver so that is the price of a man's servant right so where did where did the this is what they gave to judas is 30 pieces of silver so what was jesus sold for the price of the price of a man's servant right so it says and the ox shall be stoned okay so where do we get the 30 pieces of silver for jesus because he was born or he was well look jesus came to this earth and took on himself the form of a servant didn't he so he took him upon himself the form of a servant so that's why he was sold for 30 pieces of silver because jesus christ was the sir basically he was the servant of all wasn't he even though he was lord of all so jesus christ was sold for 30 shekels of silver now turn to zechariah chapter 11 zechariah chapter 11 verse number 12 so see the bible i mean if you want to figure some stuff out you can figure some stuff out people act like you just have to check your brain at the door to be a christian but in reality if you just dig into the bible you can find the answers to the questions that you have now zechariah 11 verse 12 says and i say unto them i said unto them excuse me if you think good give me my price and if not forbear so they wait for my price 30 pieces of silver now this is the prophecy about judas betraying the lord jesus right it says in the lord the lord said unto me cast it onto the potter a goodly price that i was prized at of them now this verse also proves the deity of christ because if you think about it look it says and the lord said unto me cast it into the potter a goodly price that i was prized that of them and this basically tells you just how lowly these sadducees and pharisees thought about jesus christ that they said you know what he's only worth 30 pieces of silver the price he wasn't even get full price for him he didn't get full price for a man between the age of of 20 and 60 did he they paid him they paid judas the price of a man's servant right that's that's how little of value these jews had for our lord jesus christ it says and i took 30 pieces of silver and cast them in the potter in the house of the lord so why was jesus uh why did they give him 30 pieces of silver well number one it was prophesied in the bible but because the jews esteemed him as the price of a slave basically the price of a man's servant so now the other part is that you think about this joseph was sent into egypt wasn't he he was bought and he was sent into egypt now i seem to remember that jesus also was sent into egypt also so there's another uh just little piece there that um is is how joseph is like jesus now look at 30 uh genesis chapter 37 verse 29 genesis 37 verse 29 it says and ruben returned unto the pit and behold joseph was not in the pit and he rent his clothes so ruben remember ruben wanted to kind of let him go they said let's just throw him in the pit and beat him up or whatever and then he planned on giving him back but when ruben returned to the pit now what's the pit represent you know well it could represent the grave here but he returned to the pit and behold joseph was not in the pit so i mean that that to me kind of shows that you know it's comparing it to you know the disciples came to look for jesus and he was not in the tomb so there's another piece that i think uh pictures christ so the bible you know when when they came the angel said he is not here for he has risen so ruben tried to come back and find joseph but he was already gone now look at verse number 30 it says and he returned unto his brethren and said the child is not and i wither shall i go and they took joseph's coat and killed a kid of the goats and dipped the coat in the blood so remember the joseph's coat of many colors was stripped you know was stripped from him here and remember they stripped christ's coat off of him but here you have where that says they killed a kid of the goats and dipped the coat in the blood so now obviously this would represent jesus's blood being shed you know instead of joseph you know it's a substitutionary thing here but they did this to try to trick jacob into thinking that an evil beast had killed his son but there's a pretty interesting thing here and and this is something i thought about after the sermon but you know they take they take that coat and present it to jacob who is joseph's father you know and and jesus took the blood that he shed and took it where to the uh huh to the altar didn't he took it up to heaven and and and presented it as the bloodshed for all mankind but that was just a side note that i kind of thought about but the main thing that i think it kind of represents here is that is that well if you turn to revelation chapter 19 so first of all how that the coat was stripped off of him just like jesus coat was stripped off of him and then the blood you know it talks about how how in revelation 19 how uh he's going to come back jesus is going to come back what his coat's going to look like look what it says and as he was clothed with a vesture remember we when we looked at john 19 earlier this morning the vesture was the coat right he was clothed in a vesture dipped in blood and his name was called the word of god you think that's an accident you think i'm stretching on that one i mean you know they dipped joseph's coat in blood but it says jesus christ vesture was dipped in blood and his name was called the word of god so there you have another picture of christ in joseph so look at genesis 37 verse 32 let's go back there we're winding down to the end here getting pretty close anyway so um genesis 37 32 says and they sent the coat of many colors and they brought it to their father and said this have we found no now whether it be thy son's coat or no so they bring this coat they show it to to jacob and it says and he knew it and said it is my son's coat an evil beast hath devoured him joseph is without doubt rent in pieces and jacob rent his clothes and put sackcloth on his loins and mourn for his son many days and all his sons and all his daughters rose up to comfort him but he refused to be comforted now it's really interesting because in the new testament when it talks about harrod killing the innocents you know in bethlehem he killed all the children from two years old and on and under it said rachel refused to be comforted because her children were not and then you have her husband you know later on saying the exact same thing i just find it interesting that they are both saying the same thing that they refuse to be comforted it says instead for i will go down to the grave unto my son mourning thus his father wept for him now as we go through the the rest of the story of genesis we're going to see how all this ties together and god just kind of wraps it up into a perfect bow in the end of this story and it's a great story i think it's one of the greatest stories in all the bible that when we go from genesis chapter 40 to genesis chapter 50 10 straight chapters in a row just dealing with joseph and all the things that he went through it's a great story and it's a great story of redemption it's a great story of forgiveness and you know basically everything that he says in his dream ends up coming true but the way he enacts everything like the way god works everything out is just awesome and it's it's really a fantastic story so but right here jacob is upset because his son's dead and even his sons because they know what they've done they're they've tricked their dad i mean they probably feel like dirt bags but what's done is done at this point they can't really do anything about it they've sold them off and done whatever they wanted with him and so you know even it says his daughters went to comfort him they comforted him but he refused to be comforted and the midianites sold him into egypt into potiphar an officer of pharaohs and the captain of the guard so um and let's let's look at matthew chapter well you know what i'm just gonna skip all this because i kind of already covered it just by talking about it but again so so like there's a lot of stuff in this chapter that just points you right to christ and so there's other stuff that happens with the life of joseph that obviously points to the life of christ too but you know it's funny you would think like joseph was such a good son and he was so good well why why didn't the line of christ go through joseph you would think that you know he was the you know he pictured him in a lot of ways why was it judah and we don't know why necessarily but that's just god just picked who he wanted i guess i mean maybe he just knew how joseph would be later on down the line i don't know because joseph you know ephraim and manassa they didn't end up being very good tribes did they they ended up being pretty bad actually i think he cast ephraim off ephraim was the biggest of all the tribes i think and then he just got rid of them because they were worthless but judah ended up being the the main tribe that still you know it was called judia in the times of jesus christ because mainly the people that were still serving the lord were out of the tribe of judah so anyway that's it that's all i got and uh so hopefully that was a blessing to you and if you thought of anything else come see me after the service and i'll use it as my own later on down the line and give you no credit no i'm kidding all right let's pray heavenly father we thank you lord so much for this great chapter in the bible lord and once again lord i just pray as we're going through our nine chapters a day lord that we would really just settle to settle in and just learn to love the bible lord not just have it as some hindrance in our day lord that would be something we look forward to and lord that we would glean things out of it you'd help us to understand your word lord because there's just a lot of things that people can skip over and they're just not paying attention lord there's so much in the bible that just points us to christ and i just pray that you'd help us to discern the scriptures lord help us to love reading the bible for the rest of our lives and to serve you with gladness and to serve you with vigor pray that you just help our church lord to just love the bible love people and love you most of all in jesus name we pray amen sing our last song page 160 in the green hymnals page 160 crown him with many crowns so page 160 crown him with many crowns sing it out loud on the first crown him with many crowns it's awake my soul and sing of him who died for me and hail him as thy matchless king through all eternity crown him the lord of love behold his hands inside rich wounds yet visible above in beauty glorified no angel in the sky can't fully bear that sigh but down where bent his wandering eye at mystery so bright crown him the lord of life who triumphed o'er the grave who rose victorious to the strife for those he came to save his glories now we see who died and rose on high who died eternal life to bring and lives that death may die crown him the lord of him one with the father known one with the spirit through him give from yonder glorious to be endless praise for thou for us has time be thou a lord through endless days adored and magnified amen thanks for coming out tonight great sermon pastor thompson good singing everyone you Thank you very much. Thank you very much.