(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) his life and atonement for sin and open the life gate that all may go in praise the Lord praise the Lord let the earth hear his voice praise the Lord praise the Lord let the people rejoice oh come to the father through Jesus the son and give him the glory great things he hath done Oh perfect redemption the purchase of blood to every believer the promise of God the vilest offender who truly believes that moment from Jesus a pardon receives praise the Lord praise the Lord let the earth hear his voice praise the Lord praise the Lord let the people rejoice oh come to the father through Jesus the son and give him the glory great things he hath done great things he has taught us great things he hath done and great are rejoicing through Jesus the son but purer and higher and greater will be our wonder our transport when Jesus we see praise the Lord praise the Lord let the earth hear his voice praise the Lord praise the Lord let the people rejoice oh come to the father through Jesus the son and give him the glory great things he hath done amen good see brother Evan could you open my water prayer amen so for seconds we're gonna be doing favorites so if you have a favorite song raise your hand and now is the time to choose it brother Jack 100 yeah let's check it out day by day let's sing it out on the first day by day and with each passing moment strength I find to meet my trials here trusting in my father's wise be snowmen I've no cause for worry or for fear he whose heart is kind beyond all measure gives unto each day what he deems best lovingly it's part of pain and pleasure mingling toll with peace and rest miss Kayla 455 I don't know that one you got another one no thank on it I'll come back to you next who else go miss Bobby 257 look and live song 257 let's sing it out I've a message from the Lord hallelujah the message unto you I'll give this recorded in his word hallelujah it is only that you look and live look and live my brother live look to Jesus now and live test recorded in his word hallelujah it is only that you look and live another one Kayla 24 I don't know it now you got to come play on the piano well we got an easy one alright and can it be that I should gain number 24 let's sing it out and can it be that I should gain an interest in the Savior's blood died he for me who caused his pain for me who him to death pursued amazing love how can it be that my god should die for me amazing love how can it be that my god should die for me my known brother 353 song number 353 from every stormy wind singing on the first from every sore me when that blows from every swelling tide of woes there is a calm ashore retreat tears found beneath the mercy see Leilani 364 standing on the promises song number 364 let's sing it out standing on the promises of Christ my king through eternal ages let his praises ring glory in the highest I will shout and sing standing on the promises of God standing standing standing on the promises of God my Savior standing standing I'm standing on the promises of God song number 294 step in the light 294 let's sing it on the first trying to walk in the steps of the Savior trying to follow our Savior and King shaping our lives by his blessed example happy how happy the songs that we bring how beautiful to walk in the steps of the Savior stepping in the lie stepping in the lie how beautiful to walk in the steps of the Savior let in paths of life last one mom 293 huh what is that he just preached against altar calls I don't know this one you got a different one no which one Kathleen oh yeah I got it right let's go 335 Jesus goes with me song 335 let's sing it out on the first it may be in the valley where countless dangers hide it may be in the sunshine that I in peace abide but this one thing I know if it be dark or fair if Jesus us goes with me I'll go anywhere good night if Jesus goes with me I'll go any way this heaven to me where I may be if he is there I counted a privilege here his cross to bear if Jesus goes with me I'll go any way all right good job for everybody except the song leader all right good evening welcome to your foundation Baptist Church let's take our bulletins and go through if you need a bolt don't you raise up your hand and one of our ushers will bring you a bulletin good job brother Ryan he's all over it the good Ryan all right thank you on our front cover we have our first week it says therefore I say unto you what things so ever you desire when you pray believe them or believe that you receive them and he shall have them mark chapter 11 verse 24 it's a great verse there on our inside first page we have our service times our Sunday morning service is 10 30 a.m. Sunday evening service 3 30 p.m. will be in Genesis chapter 28 tonight Thursday Bible study is at 6 30 p.m. will be in 1st Corinthians chapter 13 our so many times are listed below and we had so many today did anybody have a salvation one salvation there's anybody else all right well at least we got one I heard it was pretty rough out there today but praise God for the one and you can see all the rest of the numbers down below there and of course take note of the Yakima the new Yakima regional leader is Cody Chandler out in Yakima Washington we still got brother Daniel out there going soul winning and some other people so praise God for that or we have a new three-part preaching series I'm going through and it's the right kind of preaching I preach the first sermon this morning and I'll again preach two more each on the next two Sundays and so got off to a good start there in that series and then October 16th we have the busy farms pumpkin patch trip for all all church family is welcome to come to that it's not just a homeschooling event today at the end of the service is your last chance to sign up for that so if you haven't signed up for it by the end of the service I'm gonna grab that sheet and I'm gonna call and order all the tickets all right is there anybody on the fence anybody need to cross her name off all right so well if you change your mind you know go ahead and sign up but so that'll be this coming Saturday at 11 o'clock so 11 a.m. all right and let's see we got the Yakima soul winning trip the 18th through the 20th and that'll be so Monday through Wednesday and I'm actually gonna have a service on Wednesday night so if you need to spend that last night there we're gonna what my plan is is Monday morning get up and leave and if anybody wants to go so wanting early want to just get up there early and get something done we'll have maps and we might have brother Corbin there with us not sure about that he's gonna let me know tomorrow but he's regardless we're gonna have maps for anybody wants to go up early we're definitely having an afternoon soul winning time on Monday and then stay the night and then Tuesday we're gonna hit it hard and try to go at least five hours you know do a big chunk of soul winning on Tuesday and we're probably gonna clean up some of the maps that we left we let we let go but we also are gonna try to hit Yakima proper and to see just how receptive this place really is so it's been very receptive so I'm sure anybody wants to you know just preach the gospel all day long hey this is the trip for you if you you have a chance to go this is the time to go so and then the like I said Wednesday I'm gonna have a service at the hotel room like we did before I'll be preaching then we're gonna come back Thursday so if anybody needs to stay the night I just need it when we do the sign up we need to make sure that you tell me how many people are coming how many nights you're staying what days you're coming what days you're staying how many family members and we're gonna stay at the same hotel we're not gonna change anything as far as breakfast eat breakfast in the morning and then we'll get something for lunch and then we'll have dinner in the evening so but the last night is Wednesday you're able to stay if you want a soul winning juice any soul any Thursday you're more welcome to do so and then we're gonna have service here Thursday night so apparently brother Corbin loved Thai time so he might even consider coming back here he's like tight I was like hey you know it's a well-known it's a it's a well-known thing for us but he loved it so he's like I want to try everything on the menu so I was like easy tiger not so anyway but it was great to have him preach here I still have got a chance listen to sermons I heard they're really good so I haven't downloaded and ready to roll so anyway so we got that but then on let's see the 23rd so the 23rd there's another thing to add on here so we're gonna be have a busy October here the 23rd we're having a Seattle soul winning marathon and that's gonna be it's actually Lakewood so it's not necessarily Seattle proper to be it's 30 exits south of Seattle so it's not too far up for us it's probably a little ways past so it's right by Tacoma so probably two-hour drive or something like that it's a Lakewood and it's been pretty receptive there and then so anybody they can't make it to the Yakima trip well maybe you can just make it to the the Saturday trip up in Lakewood what's called the Seattle soul-winding marathon but it's not really Seattle it's just the Seattle area but I want to give people a chance up north to be able to come down and and preach a gospel with us so all the details are online we put a video up about it just a little while ago so probably make a video for the Yakima one brother Robert let's make a video for the Yakima one all right anyway I'm gonna get through this quicker than I did this morning so October 27th we have a men's leadership class that's Wednesday at 6 p.m. October 31st we have the potluck after the morning service and a men's preaching night that's Halloween so we're gonna do our own thing here stay away from all that wickedness that's out there and no we're not giving candy away to the trick-or-treaters okay we'll give them we'll give them a trick we're not gonna know I'm just kidding all right so and then November 6 we have the men's safety team training that more details will be coming up about that and then November 14th we have pastor Roger Jimenez coming up here to preach for us for the PM service and so it's gonna be great to have pastor minutes here he hasn't been to the new building yet so and then November 21st we have the Thanksgiving potluck the main course will be provided by the church and then just bring your best goodies and pies and all that good stuff whatever goes with turkey and enchiladas whatever you want to do you know it's just like making an international Thanksgiving meal or something my wife so I probably go no international okay but anyway men's preaching night will be that evening also and then November 24th we'll have a Wednesday service so there's no Thursday service that week December 19th is gonna be our Christmas service we'll have a children's choir and a prime rib dinner after the morning service and then December 23rd we'll have a candlelight service on Thursday night for a family integrated church that means the children infants are welcome during the church services please utilize them other baby rooms and dead baby rooms for your convenience let's make sure we're not locking that door over there we had a little mishap this morning where someone locked the door we don't want that to happen so please don't lock that door at any time and the mother baby rooms and Debbie rooms are not for just chatting and talking and all that stuff you're like you're you're being or in a church service so supposed to be trying to pay attention to preaching so and when people are in there trying to listen and everybody's talking then it's just it's distracting I realize we only have one main mother mother baby room now but just be respectful to the other people that want to listen okay and then reserve the back rows for families with young children rockers are for pregnant and nursing mothers and elders only please no men in the mother baby rooms or dads of the mom baby rooms no unattended children at any time in the building please no food in the assembly area and silence your cell phones if you would at this time please or place them on airplane mode escorts the vehicles are available by the ushers upon request and online donations are available on our website and the text giving numbers on the page and the ties and offerings for September is on the bottom of the page and I made a little note of this but there's a couple people that weren't here this morning I just want to let you know that the ties and offerings don't get updated for like a week or so usually at the end of the month I have to go through and total up all the online donations and so usually we're running like a week or two behind on there so at least a week so but that's this is the total here for September at the bottom of the page and we already sing happy birthday to Jacob alcorda and to Anthony and I think that's it anybody else have a birthday that's not in the bulletin all right Ryland's off the hook all right let's sing another song and then we'll receive the offering all right our next song is number 175 it's just like his great love song number 175 it's just like his great love let's sing it out on the first a friend I have called Jesus whose love is strong and true and never fails how rare Tis tried no matter what I do I sinned against this love of his but when I now to pray confessing all my guilt to him the sin clouds rolled away it's just like Jesus to roll the clouds away it's just like Jesus to keep me day by day it's just like Jesus all along the way it's just like his grave love sometimes the clouds of trouble begin the sty above I cannot see my Savior's face I doubt his wondrous love but he from heaven's mercy see beholding my despair in pity burst the clouds between and shows me is there it's just like Jesus to roll the clouds away it's just like Jesus to keep me day by day it's just like Jesus all along the way it's just like his grave love when sorrow clouds or take me break upon my head when life seems worse than useless and I were better dead I take my grief to Jesus then nor do I go in vain for heavenly hope he gives that cheers like sunshine after rain it's just like Jesus to roll the clouds away it's just like Jesus to keep me day by day it's just like Jesus all along the way it's just like his grave love oh I could sing forever of Jesus loved Yvonne of all his care and tenderness for this poor life of mine his love is in and over all and winds and waves obey when Jesus whispers peace be still and rolls the clouds away it's just like Jesus to roll the clouds away it's just like Jesus to keep me day by day it's just like Jesus all along the way it's just like his grave love amen good same brother Sean Harrington could you bless the offering you you you right for me in your Bible to Genesis 28 Genesis 28 if you don't have a Bible raise your hand one of the ushers will bring you one Genesis 28 Genesis 28 the Bible reads and Isaac called Jacob and blessed him and charged him and said unto him thou shalt not take a wife of the daughters of Canaan arise go to Padan Aram to the house of Bethuel thy mother's father and take thee a wife from thence of the daughters of Laban thy mother's brother and God Almighty bless thee and make thee fruitful and multiply thee that thou mayest be a multitude of people and give thee the blessing of Abraham to thee and to thy seed with thee that thou mayest inherit the land wherein thou art a stranger which God gave unto Abraham and Isaac sent away Jacob and he went to Padan Aram unto Laban son of Bethuel the Syrian the brother of Rebecca Jacobs and Esau's mother when Esau saw that Isaac had blessed Jacob and sent him away to Padan Aram to take him a wife from thence and that he and that as he blessed him he gave him a charge saying thou shall not take a wife of the daughters of Canaan and that Jacob obeyed his father and his mother and was gone to Padan Aram and Esau seen that the daughters of Canaan please not Isaac his father then went Esau unto Ishmael and took unto the wives which he had Mahalatha the daughter of Ishmael Abraham son the sister of Nebuchadnezzar to be his wife and Jacob went out from Beersheba and went towards Haran and he lighted upon a certain place and tarried there all night because the Sun was set and he took of the stones of that place and put them for his pillows and laid down in that place to sleep and he dreamed and behold a ladder set upon set up on the earth and the top of it reached to heaven and behold the angels of God ascending and descending on it and behold the Lord stood above it and said I am the Lord God of Abraham thy father and the God of Isaac the land where on thou liest to thee will I give it and to thy seed and thy seed shall be as the dust of the earth and thou shall spread abroad to the west and to the east and to the north and to the south and in thee and in thy seed shall all the families of the earth be blessed and behold I am with thee and will keep thee in all places whether thou goest and will bring thee again into this land for I will not leave thee until I have done that which I have spoken to thee of and Jacob awake awake out of his sleep and he said surely the Lord is in this place and I knew it not and he was afraid and said how dreadful is this place this is none other but the house of God and this is the gate of heaven and Jacob rose up early in the morning and took the stone that he had put for his pillows and set it up for a pillar and poured oil upon the top of it and he called the name of that place Bethel but the name of that city was called Luz at the first and Jacob vowed a vow saying if God will be with me and will keep me in this way that I go and will give me bread to eat and raiment to put on so that I come again to my father's house in peace then shall the Lord be my God and this stone which I have set for a pillar shall be God's house and of all that thou shalt give me I will surely give the tenth unto thee brother Owen we pray for us amen all right we're in Genesis chapter 28 and it's been a couple weeks since we've been here we're here and remember last time in Genesis chapter 27 how Jacob tricked his brother out of the blessing by putting a hairy garment on them goats goats fur and all that stuff and tricked his dad into giving him the blessing and Esau was pretty upset about that I got a ringing coming on through here Ryland correct thyself all right still doing it okay we're good okay so so anyway so like I said and Rebecca helped Jacob out and she kind of favored Jacob and then of course Isaac favored Esau and wanted his tasty venison his savory meat and I kind of made some application how this pictures Christ how Rebecca pictured Christ and he Isaac pictured God the Father and so anyway you can watch that sermon but I just want to kind of remind you where we're at just basically where Esau ends up angry and wanting to kill his own brother and it kind of pictures the Old Testament the New Testament and also pictures how the Jews were replaced by you know the spiritual Christians so Jacob kind of pictured the spiritual Christians and Esau pictured Israel after the flesh so we're here in Genesis 28 verse number one the Bible says and Isaac called Jacob and blessed him and charged him and said unto him thou shall not take a wife of the daughters of Canaan so point number one tonight and the title of the sermon is Jacob's ladder I guess I couldn't think of anything better than that but Jacob's ladder so it kind of applies but Jacob obeys his father and is blessed for his point number one and so Isaac this is Isaac called Jacob and blessed him so he's already blessed him before but now he's blessing him again and says and charged him so he's commanding him isn't he it says and said unto him thou shalt not take a wife of the daughters of Canaan this is a big deal because Noah's flood was for the purpose of you know the sons of men the son the sons of the sons of God going into the daughters of men and basically pictures that save people were marrying unsaved people and that that can cause things to go really bad it can cause things to go bad in your family we're not supposed to be unequally yoked together with non-believers we're not supposed to marry outside of the faith so if you're saved you should be marrying someone else that's saved or it's just gonna cause havoc in your life and I always kind of make this point because I've seen people just say well they're Catholics so I mean they they are Christians technically no they're not it's Catholic people aren't saved and they're basically worshiping their pagan gods that were mixed together with Christianity a long time ago so he's charging him and he's saying Jacob don't marry a wife of the daughters of Canaan and later on we know that that the children of Israel were told to go and conquer Canaan because they became such wicked people so they're obviously non-believers he's saying don't don't take a wife of the daughters of Canaan because they're wicked people and so look at verse 2 it says arise go to Padanarim to the house of Bethuel thy mother's father and take thee a wife from thence of the daughters of Laban thy mother's brother so basically you know and this is a picture of us keeping you know keeping our marriages within the family of God okay and so they're obviously family and he's saying hey go to people that believe go to people that are saved and it says in God Almighty bless thee and make thee fruitful and multiply thee and that thou mayest be a multitude of people and give thee the blessing of Abraham to thee and to thy seed with thee and that thou mayest inherit the land wherein thou art a stranger which God gave unto Abraham so they're saying hey if you're gonna look if you're gonna here's the blessing that God will bless you that God will make you fruitful that God will multiply you and that thou mayest be a multitude of people that's a blessing when you're when your family multiplies when the family line ends that's not a blessing right when your posterity is cut off that's not a good thing it's not a blessing it says it give the blessing of Abraham to thee and the blessing of Abraham was the blessing of faith wasn't it Abraham was the father of the faithful Abraham believed God and was counted to him for righteousness and so that blessing of Abraham he's transferring upon his son who also had the you know Isaac also had that blessing of Abraham it says to thee and to thy seed with thee now we know when the Bible's talking about thy seed it's talking about the Lord Jesus Christ see we got to remember that there's a that there is a bloodline that Christ came from and these people are the people that the line of Christ came from so there is a blessing in that fact but it's also the blessing is that you know they're faithful and then God's gonna bless their seed and this the seed of Christ is going to come through that family line it says that thou mayest inherit the land wherein thou art a stranger with which God gave unto Abraham and Isaac sent away Jacob and he went to Patanarim unto Laban the son of Bethuel the Syrian the brother of Rebecca Jacob's and Esau's mother so Jacob obeys his father doesn't he and see that's a far cry from what Esau was doing Esau was marrying daughters of the land it was upsetting his parents remember we have talked about that before I'm not gonna spend too much time because I've kind of talked about this a lot but this theme keeps coming up it's very important to God that we marry within our own family the family of God saved believers I'm not talking about your sister okay all right that's not allowed that's against the law so and it's just weird but anyway we need to pick a saved person to marry and Esau did not do that but look at what so number two tonight look what Esau learns from Jacob's example so I know I picked on Esau you know several weeks ago and I kind of showed where he wasn't really considered to be a good guy and even in the New Testament though the Bible doesn't say really anything good about Esau but here Esau does do some things that I think are good examples and he learns from the example of Jacob his brother so look at verse number six it says when Esau saw that Isaac had blessed Jacob and sent him away to Patanarim to take him a wife from thence and that as he blessed him he gave him a charge so Esau is observing this he's seeing this happen saying thou shalt not take a wife of the daughters of Canaan and that and that Jacob obeyed his father and his mother and was gone to Patanarim so what's Esau watching he's watching his brother do the right thing remember Esau was born first and then Jacob was born second latching on to his heel as he came out all right he wanted to be first he wanted you know he was close behind him but he wasn't the firstborn son he was the very quickly born second son right but Jacob always wanted to supplant his older brother you know and he wanted to be the one with the blessing he wanted to be the one that received the inheritance but Esau you know he kind of he despised his birthright the Bible says and he was a profane man and the Bible says he sought repentance with tears and was not able to get that so but here's one thing that Esau does right says Esau seen the daughters of Canaan please not his Isaac his father then when Esau on to Ishmael and took on to the wives which he had Mahalath the daughter of Ishmael Abraham's son the sister of Nebuchad to be his wife so why did he do that well he was already married he shouldn't have got married again all right so we're supposed to just have one spouse and obviously if your spouse passes on then you could get remarried you're not supposed to have more than one spouse at a time you're not supposed to men are not supposed to have more than one wife that was never the plan God's very clear about that in the New Testament you know people will try to justify these people having multiple wives and that it's okay in the culture it doesn't matter if it's okay in the culture God's not okay with it it's supposed to be one man one woman right but Esau seeks to please his father and mother after messing everything up didn't he so I mean that is one redeeming quality that I could see about him also the fact that he forgives his brother later on so Esau did do a lot of things but in the new tech like I said the New Testament doesn't really speak favorably about Esau but he does do a couple things in the Old Testament that I would say kind of have a little bit of redeeming quality for the character of Esau and one thing you know obviously it wasn't good to multiply wives but at least he went and tried to get one that was considered part of the family you know if you're looking at it in a spiritual way he's trying to marry someone within the family of God so and this also shows that Esau does understand that he upset his parents and is seeking to do something to please them see and he's seen the example of Jacob who is pleasing his parents who is following after their commandments it says that Jacob obeyed his father and his mother and so that's you know that's retelling this story for a reason so that we can see that hey you can be a person that fails your parents but there is you can get redemption and make things right with them and I think that that's a picture here because a lot of people maybe even people that grew up in this room maybe rebelled against your parents when you were younger but you know you can you can win their favor back later on you can make things right with them later on I think that that's what Esau was trying to do he understood that his parents were upset with him because of the wives he chose and then he tried to do something about it to fix the problem so at least if he's gonna multiply wives at least marry someone within the family or whatever so it does show that Esau does understand that he upset his parents and he's trying to do something to fix it now Jacob's obedience is a good example on the Esau see it doesn't matter you know obviously the firstborn had these special privileges in the Bible and and they were supposed to get a multiple their inheritance was supposed to be a double portion and so also they got the blessing the spiritual you know there's a lot of a lot of blessings that you got for being the firstborn son in the family but you know you can be a younger sibling and still be a good example to your others your other siblings you can be the younger sibling and be a shining beacon of light within the home because sometimes the older the older brother goes bad you know or the older daughter goes bad and then they're a bad example to the younger ones but you know you don't have to follow the lead of a bad example of a sibling that you have a sibling that's not doing right or not pleasing your parents you know you can you don't have to follow them off the cliff you know to where you're being bad too you know you have an individual choice children and teenagers in here that you can follow what the Bible says you can be pleasing to your parents you don't have to just follow you know I look up to my older brother or I look up to my older sister you know you can be an example to your older siblings and say hey I'm gonna be a good child I'm gonna be a goodly child I want to be you know pleasing to my parents because you know what rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft the Bible says so and witchcraft is not something that we should be dabbling around with and so the Bible says it's as the sin of witchcraft God hates rebellion he hates rebellion in the home he hates rebellion in children he hates rebellious wives he hates rebellious husbands you know God just hates rebellion and he says it says the sin of witchcraft was what does the Bible say is supposed to happen to a witch suffer not a witch to live that's what the Bible says and so God is not pleased with rebellion at all but I just want to say this that kids and sit you know siblings you can influence each other to do right by being a good example in the home maybe you know maybe your older brother's a jerk or whatever just mouse off to the parent to the parents all the time makes bad decisions that upset them you know you can be a redeeming person in the home and so maybe your older brother might look at you and say hey you know so-and-so is doing better than me maybe I could take a lesson from that and do what's right that's what that's what happens here right Esau's looking at his brother and he's saying hey this is what pleased our parents well I'm gonna go and do likewise and so you know the Bible says in Ephesians chapter go ahead and turn Ephesians chapter 6 Ephesians chapter 6 verse 1 and I've read this verse multiple times in this church look what it says Ephesians 6 1 it says children obey your parents in the Lord for this is right it's the right thing to do why should you obey your parents because it's right well my parents are dumb no they're not you're dumb your parents are smarter than you because you know what they've lived longer than you and they know more and they've had more life experience than you and it seems like when kids turn to be like 13 like they know everything they think they know everything I was 13 once and I thought I knew everything too but you know I didn't know everything and as I grew up I realized that my parents were right my grandparents were right that I just kind of had like this I thought I was smarter than everybody else but really my life experience made that not true and when you start thinking you're smarter than everybody else it makes you puffed up makes you have not think you have knowledge you don't really have and it's not right and so you know as I've gotten older I realized a lot of things about me when I was younger was messed up so but you know it's not too late to change that aspect of your life if you realize that you failed in other areas in your life you can make up for those things later on you know but don't wait till it's too late don't be proud be humble say you took maybe you've given your parents a hard time why don't you apologize to them why don't you say I'm sorry I was such a pain in the neck to you I'm sorry I didn't listen to you about this you were right about this you know people like to hear that they're right sometimes you know parents like to hear that they're right every once in a while whenever my wife says you know you were right I was I always say will you repeat that one more time well hold on a second he said one more time as usually she doesn't you know oh yeah you were right so but there's nothing wrong with telling your parents you were wrong and apologizing for something something wrong with telling your brother or sister that you treated them badly and that you wish that you would have done things differently you know you can you can redeem relationships with simple humbleness and apologies says honor thy father and mother which is the first commandment with promise that it may be well with thee and that thou mayest live long on the earth hey kids you want to live long on the earth or do you want to have it cut short because the choice really is up to you you can live a long life but hey respect your parents maybe you don't agree with their decisions so you're not the boss the parents are the boss mom and dad's the boss I don't care what the people at school tell you you know if your parents spank you at home don't go to your teacher and go who my parents spanked me my kids came home one time and said hey you know you go to jail for that right I was like well where are you gonna live get out pack your bags right now let's go I'm not I'm not joking I did do that you know what they were they never said that to me again they might have thought it they might have wished something in their hearts later on but they never said that to me again because I was dead serious I was like get out you want to sit there and threaten me in my own home where I paid all the bills here I pay the rent it must have been tell the kids to rebel against your parents day at school because it wasn't just one of them I think it was a couple of I'm not sure which ones it was I always get the stories wrong Josh is always like it wasn't me it was do whatever but it was a couple of them I'm not sure which ones it was it's been it's about parts of blur but I do remember specifically when it happened I remember where I lived when it happened and you know the thing about parents have more experience is I did the same thing when I was a kid too I said the same thing but I got a little dose of reality also and got told the same thing so you know you know the teachers can say whatever they want but they're not the ones I have to go home with you they're not the one your teachers aren't the ones paying the bills the teachers aren't the ones taking you the doctor when you're sick or taking care of you at night or buying your clothes or buying your food or taking you to Disneyland or whatever they're doing your parents sacrifice a lot for you and you know what the least you could do is honor them like the Bible says if you name the name of Christ depart from iniquity just to get yourself right you're not as smart as you think you are you know what you're gonna you're gonna wake up later on go man I wish I would have listened and a lot of people rebel and they leave home you know a lot sometimes Christian kids they leave home and they do things that they wish they hadn't done and at that point it's too late to fix the mistake you made but you can still make it right so and the Bible says it'll be well with you if you keep the commandments of your father and mother just like Jacob kept the commandment of his father and mother and it went well with him didn't it he lived to be along an old age he respected his parents even though he just lied to Isaac but that's another situation so but he got the blessing so I don't know I mean he it was wrong of him to do that you know it was wrong to do that but like at least he listened in this instance so he did it about face to didn't he he's like hey well now that I got the blessing haha no I'm just kidding but he got the blessing he's obeying isn't he so I got first Timothy chapter 4 verse 12 first Timothy chapter 4 verse 12 you want to keep a finger in Genesis 28 because we're gonna come back there but it's good to obey your parents or this is right kids you can be an example to your other brothers and sisters and you're like well I don't really care about that well once you start caring about something why don't you could start caring about something beside yourself because a lot of times we you know kids can feel entitled to mom and dad are just gonna take care of me they're gonna do whatever I you know they're gonna buy me stuff because I'm their kid it's like you know that might not be the case your parents might have to buck up on you you know and tell you what's what and parents you should do that if your kids start treating you like garbage you know what you do just spank them spank them take away their privileges whatever you got to do but you got to correct them while there's hope correct them while there's hope because you don't want to turn out to be little monsters and you want them to turn out to be saved you know well guess what if you just give them everything that they want and let them talk to you any way they want and let them hit you or whatever you can't let that happen you have to correct them and get it and get a handle on that while there's hope amen first Timothy chapter 4 verse 12 says let no man despise thy youth but be thou an example of the believers in word and conversation and charity in spirit and faith and purity so the Bible you know obviously this is talking to a young preacher the Apostle Paul but as a child don't let anybody despise your youth you can still be an example of the believers just because you're young doesn't mean that you mean nothing until you turn 18 that's not the truth the truth is you know what you can be an example in your home you can be an example even to your parents sometimes you know your parents can see the way you're acting and say hey maybe I need to take a page out of my own kids book and do what's right and get my heart right you can be an example of the believers in word in conversation which which that means your lifestyle the way you live your life in charity the way you love in spirit you know the the spirit that you have in your in yourself the the spirit of Lord that dwells in you in faith they can see people can see your faith you can be an example of purity there's a lot of kids out there ruining their lives today in fornication the world doesn't care about Christian beliefs you know the Chris the Bible teaches you to be a virgin until you go to the wedding altar the Bible teaches you that you should stay a virgin until you get married have your first kiss at the wedding altar hold your first hand on the day that you get married that's the what that's really should be the standard ever every single person that's a young person that's not married in this room obviously some people have messed up in here everybody you know has their own road that they've walked but if you haven't made that mistake keep yourself pure you can be an example to other people and say hey I want my first kiss to be at the wedding altar I want my first hand I hold you know that's not your mom or dad okay at the wedding altar I want you know to be a virgin when I get married I think that's a good thing to be an example in the Bible says let no man despise thy youth you know you can be a youth and have other people look up to you even adults because God is not a respecter of persons God doesn't respect me more because I'm older than you you know there's no fool like an old fool right just because someone's older doesn't mean they're they're wiser they can be wiser in some areas but I'm saying wise as far as the Bible goes and what the Bible says and about morality now as a younger person or a sibling you can be a great example to others in your family and as the older sibling be that example to turn to Daniel chapter 1 verse 8 Daniel chapter 1 verse 8 there's many examples in the Bible of younger people that inspired other people and Daniel was one of those people that you know he was taken from his homeland he was taken from Jerusalem and brought to another nation he was made a eunuch which probably wasn't the best day of his life and he was taken into a castle and taken under the tutelage of of people that he had to do what they said he didn't have his mom and dad anymore it's just Nebuchadnezzar was his master but even so Daniel still tried to keep the commandments of the Lord and do that which is right look at Daniel 1 it says but Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with the portion of the king's meat so whatever that meat was it wasn't something Daniel was supposed to be eating nor with the wine which he drank obviously that wine was a type of wine that he was not able to drink probably alcoholic wine therefore he requested the prince of the eunuchs that he might not defile himself and so God seemed that he didn't want to defile himself like that and that he cared about the commandments of the Lord you know he allowed Daniel to thrive in that in that setting Daniel ended up becoming basically like the second in command of all of Babylon because he was faithful because and as a youth he purposed in his heart that he wasn't gonna do something that would defile him and then in the eyes of the Lord and even Shadrach Meshach and Abednego stood up to the king and said I'm not gonna bow down to your statue that was an example I mean could they have bowed down and not really been worshiping that that idol they could have been but you're still bowing down you're not you know they stood up while everybody else bow down didn't they they were an example and even though they were threatened with being thrown into a fiery furnace you know they still said you know whatever happens happens but we're not we're not gonna bow down and so Nebuchadnezzar got really angry what'd he do threw him in the fiery furnace but they Nebuchadnezzar didn't realize that Jesus Christ was gonna be in the furnace of fire helping them and protecting them and so as a youth you still can be an example and you can be an inspiration to other people to follow even all these years later these thousands of years later we read about Daniel Shadrach Meshach and Abednego young young kids that stood up to tyranny they stood up and said we're gonna do what's right in the eyes of God no matter what happens to us so let's look at Jacob's dream let's go back to Genesis chapter 28 verse 10 Genesis chapter 28 verse 10 the Bible says and Jacob went out from Beersheba and went toward Haran and he lighted upon a certain place and tarried there all night because the sun was set and he took the stones of that place and put them for his pillows and lay down in that place to sleep so this is a curious story here Jacob's just you know he's going and doing what his parents told him to do he lights into a certain place now remember I preached about the body of Christ and how that place is a certain place that you would go to it's not just some universal church well I think that this this picture here obviously is talking to it's a picture of the church it's a picture of who we're supposed to rest our our salvation in and and it talks about these stones the place of them for his pillows he lay in that place to sleep so I think this is a picture of you resting upon Jesus Christ and his works for your foundation for your salvation he rested on those stones those stones represent Christ and because and I can prove that to you here in just a couple verses but you know we we don't rest in our own works we rest in the works of Christ and so you know ultimately you can't you can't put a little bit of your percentage on the on the feathery pillow you got to put it all on the rock you got to put everything a hundred percent of your salvation is in your faith in Christ and rested in the finished works that he did so do you think that those rocks were created on the on the first day do you think when he created the heaven and the earth those rocks were created that day probably look at Genesis chapter 2 verse 3 Genesis chapter 2 verse 3 because God created the heaven and the earth didn't he and and how long did it take him to finish created in heaven the earth six days what did he do he rested on the seventh day didn't he look at Genesis chapter 2 verse 3 it says and God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it because that in he had rested from all his work so the whole creation was done in six days which God and it says which God created and made so God finished created the whole heaven and the earth in six days so these stones that he laid his head upon were already finished in the first week of creation weren't they probably the first day of creation so turn to Hebrews chapter 4 verse number 1 Hebrews chapter 4 verse number 1 it's all the way in the New Testament Hebrews chapter 4 verse number 1 it says let us here there are excuse me let us therefore fear lest a promise being left us of entering into his rest any of you should seem to come short of it for unto us was the gospel preached as well as unto them but the word preached did not profit them not being mixed with faith in them that heard it so he's talking about the people you know during the time of the Exodus these people that were in the wilderness and you know that the gods it says the gospel is preached unto them but it was not mixed with faith so a lot of those people didn't believe but it says for we which have believed do enter into rest as he said as I have sworn in my wrath if they shall enter into my rest although the works were what finished from the foundation of the world see that so the works were finished from the foundation of the world Jesus Christ was the lamb slain from the foundation of the world you gotta understand God's outside of time he knows the beginning from the end and the end from the beginning he knows all things and he knew you know just as sure as he created the earth and the heavens that one day he was gonna that Jesus Christ was gonna be the Lamb of God that was slain for our sins and so it's as if it was already done just like the Bible says we're seated in heavenly places so even though we're at the same time seated in church right now we're also at some point and you know we live inside of time God lives outside of time so somehow we're already seated in these heavenly places because it's already done all the works are already done from the foundation of the earth we were already God already looked down the annals of time and saw that we were gonna believe in and accept Christ as our Savior and so that means that we're gonna live on for all eternity that means we already are seated in heavenly places so you know it says that God did rest although the works were finished from the foundation of the earth look at verse 4 it says for he spake in a certain place of the seventh day on this wise and God did rest the seventh day from all his works so it says and this place again if they shall enter into my resting therefore remaineth that some must enter therein and they to whom it was first preached entered not because in it because of unbelief again he limited the certain day saying to David today after so long a time as it is said today if you will hear my voice harden not your hearts for if Jesus had given them rest they would then would he not have afterward have spoken of another day there remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God so we are going to rest but so and what I'm showing you all this is because Jacob you know that picture of him laying those stones for his pillows is a picture of him resting on the finished works of Christ on the finished works that God had already done from the foundation of the earth says in verse 10 for he that is entered into his rest he also has ceased from his own works as God did from his so we have to understand this this is very important that you know he entered if for he that is entered into his rest he had also ceased from his own works the picture of the Sabbath the picture of the day of rest you know when Jesus Christ died that was a high Sabbath day they were supposed to be on they were not supposed to be doing any servile work for those days that he was in the tomb you know what did he die at that particular time for a reason yes he did so he could show that we don't do any works for our salvation that Jesus did all the works for our salvation including going to hell for three days and three nights and rising from the dead on the third day and we have to put away from us anything that we think would get us into heaven we have to completely rest in the works of Christ so just like God entered just like God you know rested for you know after he did his works we also have to cease from our own works as God did from his so Jesus died for the church gave himself for us that we can rest in our own works and rest our hope in that rock so this rock I mean it's just it's kind of a strange story if you're just reading it you know it was like Jacob just comes to this place all sudden he's you know using some stones for his pillows like I don't know if you ever used rocks for pillows before but it's not exactly the most comfortable thing in the world but when you're talking about Christ it is comfortable it's comfortable because he did all the works for us and we rest on that rock that foundation that chief cornerstone and then you know of course the prophets and the Apostles are built upon that chief cornerstone because because a chief a chief cornerstone you know is has a purpose doesn't it it's not you know one building is not just one rock that was a chief cornerstone things get built upon a cornerstone don't they it's a very important piece is the most important piece of the whole building and then so you got the prophets and the Apostles being built upon it and then us as lively stones being built upon that and so this is the church that Jesus died for Jesus died for this church for everybody in here and the church is not again some universal church it's a body of believers in the local New Testament Church everybody in this room today gathered together in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ this is the church this is a church here in Vancouver there's multiple churches and I'm not gonna re-preach my sermon from the from a couple weeks ago but you should listen to that if you weren't here on that Thursday night and and get an understanding of what this church believes about the local church Genesis chapter 28 verse 12 says and he dreamed to behold a ladder set up on the earth and the top of it reached to heaven and behold the angels of God ascending and descending on it so Jacob's dreaming so just the fact that Jacob is having a dream what does that make him he's having a dream of these things what does that make him makes him a prophet he's dreaming of things in the future he's dreaming and God is revealing things to him through dreams and the Bible says that when someone God does that and those things come to pass that person's a prophet it says and so he dreams of this ladder this ladder it's set upon the earth and the top of it reaches the heaven and behold the angels of God ascending and descending upon it they're going up they're going down now what is this a picture of well this is a picture of Christ this ladder is Christ let me prove it to you turn to John chapter 1 verse 51 keep your finger in Genesis 28 but look at John chapter 1 verse 51 this is specifically speaking about Christ see the whole Bible is gonna be ultimately the whole subject encapsulated is about Christ and you're gonna find things about Christ in Genesis Exodus Leviticus Numbers Deuteronomy Joshua Judges Ruth 1st and 2nd Samuel 1st and 2nd Kings 1st and 2nd Chronicles Ezra Nehemiah Isaiah Jeremiah Ezekiel Daniel Esther Job Psalms whatever book of the Bible you want to talk about I could probably do the whole thing but it's been a while but anyway I learned it from a books of the Bible song we got to learn that song but anyway John 1 51 look the bot the old the New Testament is going to reveal what the Old Testament means for us so when you see a New Testament passage reflecting its light upon an Old Testament passage this is the interpretation of it John 1 51 says and he saith unto him verily verily I say unto you hereafter you shall see heaven open in the angels of God ascending and descending upon what the Son of Man the only way to get to heaven is that ladder that was Jacob saw in his dream and what did the latter represent the Son of Man Jesus Christ so when Jacob's dreaming this dream the ladder set up upon the earth he's dreaming about Jesus Christ that's the interpretation of it because the New Testament tells us Jesus is telling us here he's it's he's specifically talking about the ladder because he's talking about you'll see you shall see the angels of God ascending and descending upon the Son of Man in the Bible a great book just helps us and reveals to us the secret things of God so Jesus is that ladder that allows man to enter into heaven so I've ever seen those pictures where there's a cross going over this like chasm this you know and it's like the bridge is like this big cross that cross is Jesus I mean the way for us to get to heaven the only way for us to get to heaven is through Jesus Christ through that ladder through that bridge that leads to heaven and he is that bridge he is that ladder turn to Exodus chapter 3 verse 14 now Jesus Christ is God and he revealed himself as God in the Old Testament when he when he appeared to Moses he appeared to him in a bush didn't he the Lord appeared to him in a bush in a in a fire and the bush didn't burn you know we call it the burning bush but it really wasn't burning because the fire didn't burn the bush up but he revealed himself to Moses look what he said in verse 14 and God said unto Moses I am that I am and he said thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel I am hath sent me on to you so from from Exodus you know Jesus you know and Jesus Christ you know reveals to the Apostles and to he reveals us to the Pharisees in John chapter 8 go ahead and turn to John chapter 8 he talked about how Abraham was rejoicing to see his day you can't mistake that Jesus Christ is saying that he is the I am but what it says in John 58 56 your father Abraham rejoiced to see my day and he saw it and was glad whose day Christ day and and listen what the Jews say to him then said the Jews unto him thou art not yet 50 years old and hast thou seen Abraham Jesus said unto them verily verily I say unto you before Abraham was I am is that him calling himself I am yes it is then they took up stones to cast at him but Jesus hid himself and went out of the temple going through the midst of them and so passed by why did they take up stones to cast at him because they're saying that he blasphemed by calling himself God he said before Abraham was I am they're specifically addressing that he's specifically addressing the fact they said you're not even 50 years old you're saying that that Abraham you know you know Abraham yeah because Jesus was before from before from everlasting Jesus always has been and always will be and he said that he was I am in the book of John he makes a lot of statements calling himself the I am look at John chapter 10 verse 9 so John Jesus makes all these statements saying who he is and I want to go through this because I feel like it's important for us to understand who Jesus is always continuously claiming who he was he makes these perfectly he makes these statements and it makes the Jews very angry but he's he's telling them exactly who he is he's God manifest in the flesh he is the Son of God look at verse number 9 in John chapter 10 it says I am the door by me if any man enter in he shall be saved and shall go in and out and find pasture so what's Jesus saying he's the door you know that same door that Judas kissed and went straight to hell he is that door he's the only way to get in he this is what he's trying to say he's the he's he's it he's the only way he's the ladder he's the only way for men to get up and down between the earth and heaven and he's the only door that you can walk through to get saved it says the thief cometh not but the steel and to kill and to destroy I am come that they may have life and that they might have it more abundantly then he says I am the Good Shepherd the Good Shepherd giveth his life for the sheep so he's the door he's the Good Shepherd turn to John chapter 14 verse number 6 John chapter 14 verse number 6 Jesus said unto them I am the way the truth and the life no man cometh unto the Father but by me you know remember in the in the vision of the ladder God is standing up on the top of the ladder isn't he and then you have the ladder then you have the earth so God is at the top of that ladder the only way to get to the Father is through the Son the Son is the ladder in the picture Jesus says right here flat out I am the way there's only one way to get to heaven my friends and that's through the Lord Jesus Christ and he is the truth that means he you know the is the definite article th e the definite article he's the way he's not a way he's not some way a lot of people we go to their door they're like well I think that you could just I think that you know there's multiple ways you know God just reveals himself as different persons you mean you believe in God a oneness that's not the guy that I believe in there's only one God and he only in Jesus Christ is the only way to heaven he's the Son of God he is God it says I am the way the truth and the life no man cometh unto the Father but by me John chapter 6 verse 35 John chapter 6 verse 35 the Bible says that Jesus said unto him unto them excuse me I am the bread of life he that cometh to me shall never hunger and he that believeth on me shall never thirst so he's the bread of life he's also you know that living water he's the water that if you drink it you'll have everlasting life bubbling up in your belly John chapter 6 verse 51 says I am the living bread which came down from heaven if any man eat of this bread he shall live for how long forever and the bread that I will give is my flesh which I will give for the life of the world he's that living bread that came down from heaven so the manna that appeared in the wilderness represented the Lord Jesus Christ that manna came down from heaven and every morning they went and picked it and made it up but then what happened they ended up not wanting that man anymore right they wanted to go back and have the leaks and the garlic and all that other stuff but Jesus Christ is that living bread that came down from heaven look at John 11 25 there's another I am statement John chapter 11 verse 25 Jesus said unto her unto her I am the resurrection and the life he that believeth me though he were dead yet shall he live he is the resurrection who's the firstborn from the dead the firstborn of creation it's the Lord Jesus Christ he's the first one to have a glorified body and he was risen from the dead he's the only one right now that has a glorified body to this day now there's gonna be coming day when he comes and he's and he's gonna speak in the dead or in Christ are gonna rise and they that are alive and remain shall be caught up to meet the Lord in the air so shall they ever be with the Lord now turn to John chapter 8 verse 12 John chapter 8 verse 12 so he's the resurrection he's the Good Shepherd he's the way he's the truth he's alive he's the bread of life he's the door and also he's the light of the world look what it says in John chapter 8 verse 12 it says then spake Jesus again unto them saying I am the light of the world he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness but shall have the light of life now in heaven there's not gonna be any need for the Sun because the Lord is the light of that place I remember when in creation and God said let there be light who's that light you know that's the Word of God speaking he's saying I am that light it wasn't the Sun the Sun was made on day four so there was a light that existed before the Sun that light is Christ John chapter 15 verse number one John chapter 15 verse number one this is my last one of the I am statements in John John chapter 15 verse number one the Bible says I am the true vine and my father is the husband then so these things you can all just put these in places along with that ladder right Jesus Christ is that ladder the only way to heaven Jesus Christ is the only way he's the only truth he's the only life he's the bread of life he's that water that living water he's that resurrection he's that lie to the world everything revolves around Christ for us the only way you're gonna get to heaven is through Christ alone and nothing else and this is what Jacob was dreaming about look at Genesis chapter 28 verse 13 Genesis chapter 28 verse 13 it says and behold the Lord stood above it and said I am the Lord God of Abraham my father and the God of Isaac and the land whereon thou liest to thee will I give it and to thy seed so of course again the seed is talking about is Christ Christ is going to come from this line of people and he's saying I'm the Lord your God of Abraham see it says and behold the Lord stood above it what do you stand above the ladder okay and look at verse 14 it says and thy seed shall be as the dust of the earth and thou shall spread abroad to the west and to the east and to the north and to the south and in thee and in thy seed shall all the families of the earth be blessed so this is the blessing of Abraham this is what he's talking about he's like I'm gonna bless your family and I see which is Christ is going to be he's gonna it's gonna be as the dust of the earth there's many multitudes of saved people because of the Lord Jesus Christ so it's gonna spread from the West to the East you know we're in the West they call us the this is the Western world you have the East you have the North I mean there's people all over this this is what you'd call the four corners of the earth right the north or the west the east the north the south and these shall all the families of the earth be blessed and see anybody that's saved is part of that family anybody that's in Christ is blessed with faithful Abraham anybody that's in Christ is blessed with all the other families of the earth that believe so it's not just being a Jew it's not just being a son of Abraham it's being a son of Christ thy seed is the seed is Christ look at Genesis chapter 28 verse 15 it says behold I'm with thee and will keep thee in all places whether thou goest and will bring thee again into the land for I will not leave thee until I have done that which I have spoken to the of and Jacob awake that of his sleep and he said surely the Lord is in this place and I knew it not so Jacob you know he realizes God was in this place what's that place that he was at well look at verse 17 it says and he was afraid and said how dreadful is this place this is none other but the house of God and this is the gate of heaven and so he's saying he's water in the house of God he's at the gate of heaven now here's where the New Testament is going to shine light on this scripture turn it first just keep your finger here turn to 1st Timothy chapter 3 verse 15 1st Timothy chapter 3 verse 15 it says in 1st Timothy chapter 3 verse 15 it says but if I tarry long that thou mayest know how thou oughtest to behave thyself in what the house of God which is the church of the living God the pillar and ground of the truth so this New Testament scriptures putting light on this scripture that we're reading in Genesis chapter 28 verse 17 Jacob saying this is the house of God this is the gate of heaven you know what the New Testament local New Testament Church is the house of God today and it's also the pillar and ground of the truth the same pillows that Jacob put his head upon spiritually we put our head on the pillow of the Lord Jesus Christ the stones of the pillow and we are you know this is where the truth is launched out of this place the truth the truth of the Bible salvation this is the gate of heaven this building right here is the gate of heaven why because our people are going out almost every single day and trying to preach that truth into people's hearts and this is the ground and put the pillar and ground of the truth just like Jesus Christ is the truth he is the life he's the way he's what we put our rest upon and you know it's in a specific notice how it says the Lord is in this place you know what the Lord is in this place right now his spirit is walking amongst us the Lord Jesus Christ is amongst us even right now and this is the house of God it's not you know you know this is a picture in Genesis chapter 28 of the local New Testament Church in the New Testament how do I know that well cuz first Timothy 3 15 sheds that light on us so it's the pillar this place is the pillar and ground you're like well you know it doesn't seem like anything special but it is because it's the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ you know and we're a bunch of imperfect people that come here and we meet to hear the God's Word preached and to go out and preach the gospel like he told us to do and so this is the pillar and ground this is where the truth is gonna come out this is where the truth should come out but you got a lot of churches around here that aren't preaching the truth there they say that they're the pillar and ground of the truth but they're really not because they're not even preaching the truth at all this place over here with a woman's a preacher over here do you think you're getting the truth over there no do you think at this Russian Church on the corner over here they're getting the truth every week they're not you know the they're using our parking lot and and and walking over there their place is more filled than our place is but you know what this place is getting more truth than that place is getting they don't even have salvation right over there they're like well how do you know that because I know cuz they're Russian I'm just kidding but because look they don't believe the truth now there's a lot of places that say they're the pillar and ground the truth but they really aren't it has to qualify as a place of as a true New Testament Church in order for it to be one it has to proclaim the truth this place is the pillar and ground of the truth and don't you forget it and don't take it for granted because there's not a lot of places that are like this place just like Jacob he he was there he's like I didn't even know it this this is the house of God I didn't even know well you're in the house of God and you do know don't take it for granted look at verse number 18 it back in our text it says and Jacob rose up early in the morning and took the stone they had put for his pillows and he set it up for a pillar see we have the pillar here and what he do he poured oil upon the top of it what does that represent that represents the pouring of the Holy Spirit so Jesus Christ is that stone and he was filled with the Spirit without measure he poured and so he poured this oil upon the top of it this is a picture of the Holy Spirit being poor poured upon the Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit was poured out to the to the believers at Pentecost to write the power of the Holy Spirit was given upon the church look if you're in the pillar and ground of the truth you're at this church today the Holy Spirit has poured his spirit upon us too and we should take advantage of that fact don't forget that we have the God of heaven and earth on our side at this church and he will go and do great mighty works and he'll vanquish our enemies they can do they can breathe fire on us they can do all this other stuff they can come against us they can protest against us they can malign our names and drag us through the mud but you know what God is on our side that's the difference between them and us and so it says and he called the name of the place of Bethel but the name of the city was called Luz at the first so what does Bethel mean it means the house of God Beth is house El is God Beth El I didn't even have to go back to the Hebrew for that just that's what it means but the name of that city was called Luz at the first and Jacob vowed a vow saying of if God will be with me and will keep me in the way that I go and will give me bread to eat and raiment to put on so that I come again to my father's house of peace then shall the Lord be my God so here's Jacob here proclaiming that the Lord is his God here and I think this is a good picture of the fact that Jacobs alone here isn't he he's all by himself you know what he has this dream that this ladder is on the earth and the angels of God ascending and descending upon it he realizes hey I'm in the house of God I'm in a special place and he pours he lays it before that he lays his head on a pillow and rests upon this this stone which represents Christ of course being the rock he vows a vow that he you know God's gonna be his God and so just like Jacob making this decision by himself we have to make a decision by ourselves salvation is a decision that you have to make on your own salvation isn't your mommy and daddy making sure you know saying hey my kids saved no no no you children have to make a decision yourself of whether you're gonna put your faith in Jesus Christ or not and you can pretend all you want but ultimately there's gonna come a day when you know that you you either know you're saved or you know or you don't know and if you don't think if you don't know you're saved you better make sure you know and your parents are there to help you but you know don't just pretend that you're saved just so you can please your parents you know we should please our parents but hey you know what's gonna please your parents more than you pretending to be saved is that you actually are saved because you can say all the prayers you want you can whatever but if you're not really if you don't truly believe in your heart then you're not saved period and I'm not trying to do some altar call type sermon here I'm just saying that like a lot of people a lot of kids want to please their parents and a lot of siblings want to please their parents and they want they want to you know hey I want to be in the club too I don't want to feel like a freak on the outside or whatever but hey don't don't just sin away you know and just sit there and pretend like you're saved when you're really not just get saved that's gonna make your parents more happy than anything if you don't understand ask them to help you anybody in this church pretty much can help you understand how to be saved so but Jacob had to make this decision on his own didn't he I think it's a perfect picture of that you know at some point you have to make the decision in your heart whether you're gonna be saved or not and so Jacob had to make a decision to make the Lord his personal Savior and Ruth had to do the same thing you know she's married into this family and you know they're they believe in the Lord God and Ruth is a Moabitess and she's got her own gods that she was raised with but at some point she was like hey I want I want my God to be the Lord in Ruth 1 16 she said it says and Ruth said and treat me not to leave thee or to return from falling after thee for whether thou goest I will go where thou lodest I will lodge thy people shall be my people and thy God my God see she made a personal decision to have the Lord be her God also and every single person on the face of the planet has to do that you're not just saved because you come to this church you have to make that personal decision so Genesis chapter 28 verse 22 says and the stone which I have set for a pillar shall be God's house and of all that thou shalt give me I will surely give the tenth unto thee and this is the one that people this is a verse where people say well you know that's a scribal error I don't have to go those just put there for the church to control people so they'll give them their money that's stupid folks tithing has been around before the law tithing has always been around and God just wants you to trust him with 10% of what you make you know what God's gonna bless you for it he said I'm not gonna go on to a whole sermon about it cuz it's 5 o'clock and I gotta end but you know he realized he's at God's house and what's he said I'm gonna give a tenth of what whatever you give me I'm gonna give it back to you and look at how Jacob was blessed after this what we'll see in the in the coming chapters just how much God blessed him and just think back to this verse and say you know he really put God to the test God tells us to put him to the test and says hey you know prove me down here with saith the Lord whether he's gonna open up the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing so and once you give that money you're giving it to the Lord that's something that God told you do it and look where he does it he does it at church doesn't he you know and obviously he's not in the traditional church there's not a pastor there but this is a spiritual picture for us to get that this stone which he set for a pillar shall be God's house and he's gonna give the tenth or he's supposed to give the tithe in the Lord's house or they give it the Old Testament in the Lord's house you know and obviously things were a little bit different back then they brought all their cumin and their anise and you know they brought all the vegetables and stuff like that if that's something you want to do you know I'll take your pickled peppers okay but hey they're good but you know obviously things have changed a little bit you know there's no Levitical priesthood anymore and things like that so things have changed but you know giving the tithe has not changed the Bible still talks about in the New Testament just like it talked about in Genesis you know Isaac said the same thing Abraham said the same thing you know so the Bible is very clear and consistent throughout so if it was already being done in the Old Testament before the law then why would you think it's just like disappeared now it's not and some people try to do that because they're just cheap they're just cheapskates don't be a cheapskate with God the Bible says if you don't if you hold back the tithe then you're robbing God you're not robbing me you're robbing God so don't rob God you know that should scare you because when you're when you're robbing God it's like you know robbery is like when you hold somebody up right like if you like the definition of robbery in America it's not just stealing something from somebody it's like it's a stick up taking all your money and robbery is a more it's a bigger offense than just stealing something you just you know someone drops her wallet and you take it that's not robbing them that's just I mean I guess it is but it's not armed robbery funny way Genesis chapter 28 you know great great spiritual messages in this chapter and as we will see in the coming weeks how much Jacob is blessed because you know he just puts it right here he makes a decision I'm gonna follow God I'm gonna you know I acknowledge his house I'm gonna tithe I'm gonna make you my God if you take care of me Lord then I want you to be my God and so God's always gonna take care of us amen you might not give us the Lamborghini or whatever else that you're asking for but he's gonna make sure you're taking care of he's gonna make sure you have food and raiment you know and everything after that's a cherry on top amen let's pray Lord Lord we thank you so much just for your many blessings Lord we thank you for the spiritual lessons in Genesis chapter 28 pray Lord you just bless our church continue to bless it Lord as you have throughout these years and let's pray you'd help us to trust you Lord help us to pray for each other this week in all of our afflictions and Lord pray that you'd help us to get as many people save as we can this week in Jesus name we pray amen all right our last song song number 184 I love thee my Jesus Jesus song number 184 I love thee my Jesus song 184 let's sing it out in the first what words can I find to tell Jesus I love him because he first loved me because of my ransom he paid with such suffering upon the cursed tree in the morning at the noontime and when come evening shadows I love thee my Jesus I love thee my king in rejoicing and in sorrow today and tomorrow I love thee my Savior and Lord oh come let us magnify Jesus together for praise be cometh thee and blessings about me I owe to my Savior who all things bought for me in the morning at the noontime and when come evening shadows I love thee my Jesus I love thee my king in rejoicing and in sorrow today and tomorrow I love thee my Savior and Lord may never my praises be slow or be silent nor air my love grow dumb this center is saved and my sins all forgiven the Savior's work is done in the morning at the noontime and when come evening shadows I love thee my Jesus I love thee my king in rejoicing and in sorrow today and tomorrow I love thee my Savior and Lord oh how can I love the enough dear Redeemer how air repay my friend I'll spread the glad sound of my praise and my heart love on every joyful win in the morning at the noontime and when come evening shadows I love thee my Jesus I love thee my king in rejoicing and in sorrow today and tomorrow I love thee my Savior and Lord amen good scene brother Ramon gives you closer what a prayer