(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Hello everyone, welcome to Sure Foundation Baptist Church. Thank you for coming out to our Sunday morning service. Let's all take our seats and find our green hymnals and turn to page 419. We'll sing Sound the Battle Cry. Page 419, Sound the Battle Cry. Sound the Battle Cry, sing it out loud on the first. Sound the Battle Cry, sing it out loud on the first. Sound the Battle Cry, sing it out loud on the first. Sound the Battle Cry, sing it out loud on the first. Sound the Battle Cry, sing it out loud on the first. Sound the Battle Cry, sing it out loud on the first. Sound the Battle Cry, sing it out loud on the first. Sound the Battle Cry, sing it out loud on the first. Sound the Battle Cry, sing it out loud on the first. Sound the Battle Cry, sing it out loud on the first. Sound the Battle Cry, sing it out loud on the first. Sound the Battle Cry, sing it out loud on the first. Sound the Battle Cry, sing it out loud on the first. Sound the Battle Cry, sing it out loud on the first. Onward, forward, shout out loud Hosanna. Christ is Captain of the mighty throng. Amen. Great singing this morning. Brother Alex, can you open us with a word of prayer? Thank you, dear Heavenly Father, for our church here. Thank you to all the families and brothers and sisters at this time of day. We pray for those who have taken their kids. We ask you to bless all those who worship you. Amen. Let's turn to page 75. We'll sing On Jordan, Stormy Banks. Page 75. Page 75. On Jordan, Stormy Banks. Sing it out on the first. On Jordan, Stormy Banks I stand and cast a wishful light. To Canaan's fair and happy land where my possessions lie. I am bound for the promised land. I am bound for the promised land. Oh, who will come and go with me? I am bound for the promised land. All o'er those wide extended plains shines one eternal day. There God the Son forever reigns and scatters night away. I am bound for the promised land. I am bound for the promised land. Oh, who will come and go with me? I am bound for the promised land. No chilling winds nor poisonous breath can reach that helpful shore. Sickness and sorrow, pain and death are felt and feared no more. I am bound for the promised land. I am bound for the promised land. Oh, who will come and go with me? I am bound for the promised land. All the last. When shall I reach that happy place and be forever blessed? When shall I see my Father's face and in His was oppressed? I am bound for the promised land. I am bound for the promised land. Oh, who will come and go with me? I am bound for the promised land. Hey, man, I'm glad we won't have to suffer for that dreadful breath when we're bound for the promised land. I need a bulletin up here, please. Thank you very much. Good morning. Welcome to Shore Foundation Baptist Church. Let's take those bulletins and take a look at some announcements. On our front cover, if you need a bulletin, would you just lift up your hand and Brother Robert will bring you one. On our front cover, we have our verse of the week. It says, Is not my word like as a fire, saith the Lord, and like a hammer that breaketh the rock in pieces? That's Jeremiah chapter 23, 29. And, of course, we have the King James Conference going on this week. And I'll get to the details about that here in just a few minutes. But on the inside left page there, there's a short message from me. And if you ever need time to talk about spiritual matters or anything, I'm available to come talk to. So, also, if you need to be saved, you're not 100% sure that you're going to heaven or not. Or you just need to be baptized. You can see one of the ushers after the service or even in the middle of the service. Or you can come talk to me after the service and I'd be glad to show you how to be saved or point you in the direction of a person that can do that. And if you've never been baptized before, if you're saved and you've never been baptized, that means that you're a candidate. So if you're saved, you can be baptized. So we had a baptism last week. And so we're definitely doing well in our baptisms this year. And so let's pray that more people get saved and come to church and get baptized. Amen. We also have our service times listed. Sunday morning service is our preaching service. And that's at 10.30 a.m. Our Sunday evening service is at 3.30 p.m. We'll be in Exodus chapter 17 tonight. And Thursday Bible study is at 6.30 p.m. And this week that'll be canceled due to the conference. But we're still having church obviously. But when we come back we'll finish off the book of Hebrews two Thursdays from now. That'll be at 6.30 p.m. And our soul winning times are listed below. We do have a modified soul winning this week. But today we do have soul winning brother Sean Conlon is leading that. So if you're interested in going soul winning maybe you've never gone before. And you want to break into it. Well there's no day like today right. Don't put off tomorrow what you could do today. So if you're interested in going soul winning it's not as scary as you might think. You know we get maybe occasional door slammed in your face or someone just rolls their eyes and close the door. That's pretty much as bad a persecution it gets is unless somebody you know is some freak and they answer the door and they're already mad. That kind of stuff happens sometimes but generally that's not what happens. So and if you do want to go soul winning and you've never gone before we'll put you we're not going to ask you to talk and and try to explain the gospel to someone until you're ready to do that. So we just have you be what we call a silent partner. The silent partner is they're learning and their job is just to be silent and and to learn what to do and then you can gradually work yourself up to being able to knock doors and get people saved yourself. Right. So if you are running late to one of those only times you can text the group leader. But then they'll get you a map and if you're not in the WhatsApp group and you want to be in the WhatsApp group to go to be included in the soul winning events and other things in our church just get with me or my wife and we'll add you into the group. So our praise report you can see the salvation's baptisms attendance from last week. And the only thing I put in the upcoming events is this week because that's what's really going on. So it's going to be a big week for us. And the conference kicks off on Thursday night. We're gonna have a lot of people coming from out of town. So but Thursday the 25th is when it starts and soul winning is going to meet here at the building. If you're planning on going soul winning that day you probably if you're one of our church members that go soul winning a lot you could just meet on location. I'm sure the address will be posted in the WhatsApp group. But Brother Alex is leading Thursday. I don't have anybody to volunteer for Friday yet. I don't know if somebody is available to do soul winning on Friday but I imagine it's probably going to be a good sized group of people that are wanting to go each day. So we might need a couple of guys to help out with that. So we have Thursday and Friday soul winning meets at the church at 3 o'clock for all the out of town guests. And again if you're part of our church and you're not helping organize the soul winning then you can just meet at the spot. And we're going to have Brother Brandon is just going to print paper maps also so that it's not such a complicated thing with the maps that we do in the WhatsApp group. There will still be a map posted but the maps we're going to use for the week are going to be the paper maps. So if you complete a map then just don't bother turning it in. We'll count it as done. But if you don't finish the map please turn that in back here at the church. Just give it to the soul winning captain that gave it to you. Or to Brother Brandon. Brandon is the one that is making the map so he can mark them off and stuff. Anyway so then at 5 o'clock on Thursday we're going to have dinner. It's going to be hot dogs and Pastor Shelly will be preaching from Steadfast Baptist Church and Peer Words Baptist Church at 7 p.m. So our Thursday time is different. It's 7 p.m. is the actual church service. We're going to do sword drills that we're going to have a special reading before everything starts. Then Pastor Shelly is going to preach and we're going to have a Q&A after the service. So if you have a question for the Q&A then so in your bulletin you should have got a communication card. If you have questions that you want to ask make sure that you ask you put what pastor you want to answer the question. So maybe and you can submit new ones every day if you want to but on the communication card just write that's what you want. Because there's other little things you can check on here and you can update your information through the communication card. But there's a little box over here when you first walk into church. If you want to mark that for a pastor question what pastor you want to ask that question. I'm going to go through the communication cards and on the on the time of the Q&A instead of you having to stand up and be embarrassed or if you're maybe you're shy. But please legibly write your question too by the way. And then brother Dylan my son-in-law is going to be here and he's going to be doing it running the Q&A. It's actually going to be right here but we're going to go through the questions and we'll ask as many questions as we can before like 30 minutes is up. So anyway that's kind of how we're doing the question and answer thing instead of just having it be like you know I kind of want to vet the questions a little bit. I just want to be honest. So if it's some corny question or maybe it's just something that's not you know not appropriate or something I just want to make sure that we kind of vet that deal. So I'm not worried about you guys. I'm worried about other people. So but anyway so that's kind of how the Q&A is going to work. And you can just drop the communication card. You can either put it in the offering plate or you can put it in that box and we'll put that we'll go through those every day. So Friday is going to be soul winning at 3 p.m. 5 p.m. dinner. We're going to have hamburgers or cheeseburgers whichever kind you want. And Pastor Anderson is going to be preaching at 7 p.m. We're going to have a Q&A service after that. And then Saturday the 27th we're at 10 30 in the morning we're going to have Pastor Roger Jimenez. He's going to be preaching for us and we'll have to try to do a fast Q&A with him because I think his plane leaves at like 2 30. So whenever he's here it seems like the spirit of Pastor Thompson comes upon him and he ends up preaching like a really long sermon which is not really his normal normal routine. So we might end up not being able to get a Q&A with him unless it's just maybe a short one. So we'll see how it goes. But afterwards there's going to be a lunch provided we're going to have nachos. And then from 1 30 to 4 30 we're going to have just like a special family fun time and we're going to have a bounce house that's going to be in that fenced area back there if you noticed. It's all cleaned up back there. It's been pressure wash. It's really nice. So we have a bounce house from 1 30 to 4 30 and then that's for the kids of course and then a mechanical bowl for the adults. So we'll see who the real Cowboys are here and I want to maybe we could have a friendly competition between churches or something. But if there's not enough churches represented then we'll just make it a friendly competition between everybody. So but I'm probably not going to allow kids to go on that unless it's like maybe after the adult tournament. You kids you get the bouncy house. That's all yours. But I know kids will want to go on the bowl. But there will be someone here that the guy that runs the company is going to be here kind of running the machine. So maybe there's an opportunity at the end for some of the kids to ride. But obviously you know make it age appropriate if you try to put your one year old on there. I'm going to say no. OK. I don't care how tough they are staying on the bowl. So you mess with the bowl you get the horns right. Anyway so that's that's just kind of a fun day. And obviously we're going to be able you can go soul winning that day if you want. We'll have maps available if that's maybe that stuff isn't your your thing then we'll have maps available. And Sunday the 28th Pastor Jones will be preaching for us and that'll be in the morning service. There'll be a Q&A afterwards. We're going to try to have to crunch a day in here. It's going to be a little difficult but he's preaching not me. So you know I'm the one that usually goes over on Sunday morning. So that's why I put myself last so I can torture you at the end of the night. But anyway so we'll have pizza. And I know some people are sick of pizza but you're sick of everything else too. So pizza is what we're going to do is probably the easiest thing. And let's see I'll be we'll have soul winning in between the services and I'll be preaching and then I'm going to be ordaining Brother Daniel Kutzar as the evangelist after my sermon and then we'll do the Q&A. So in the drill game I made a video about the drill game the Bible drill and basically I put it in two categories. So I put it 12 and under and 13 and up. So if you're an adult and you want to do the drill game you're more than welcome to. You want to show these young punk teenagers how it's done. Or maybe you just want to learn your Bible. That's the whole point of the game is so you learn to get through your Bible. And so I'm not putting any limitations on what kind of Bibles you use except for that's King James and you know that's it. So no phones. You can't use your phone app that's cheating. But if you have a tab Bible I'm not really I don't think that that's necessarily an advantage because usually it has three three books in that tab. So then you still have to go through and try to find the one. It's harder for me I would just rather have a non tab Bible to do it with. But so there's no rule about that so please don't go snitching. They're using a tab Bible. Well you could have used one too. So I'm not trying to get that crazy with it. But basically each night there's going to be a champion of the night that gets the first five points. So whoever gets the first five points wins the championship for that night. And then you'll go on to the tournament of champions which is on the final service. So and if the same five person wins every single night then guess what they're the automatic champion. So if the same two people only win then it'll be between those two people at the very end. So I don't want to make you know provision for somebody that's just not as good as the other people to be in that championship. So so you might want to practice those things at home. There's a drill Bible that you can actually use but you can use any Bible you want but you might want to practice. And if you know the verse by heart then you can stand up but don't just blurt it out until I call upon you. I'll go through all the rules when we do when we actually do it. But a lot of times the first person to stand up will turn to the wrong verse and then that person is just going to have to sit down. So just because someone gets picked and they stood up first that person could be wrong. So don't sit back down to stay standing up. We're going to have judges to judge you. Yes judge to see who the first second third fourth and all that is. So you never know. And if you know the verse by heart you get two points. But here's the thing about that. You have to get it word perfect. So if you know the verse but you mess up and don't say I believe if you say something else or you say you forget an and or an. Then it's not. If it's not word perfect you'd still get one point but you don't get two. All right. Does that make sense. OK. So hopefully everybody wants to partake in this. We'll see. Well we're going to have prizes for the kids and stuff like that. And also prizes for the adults. So anyway all the rest of the stuff you all know we're going to have kind of a heightened security day on Sunday. But other than that that's that's kind of all I got for announcements. But what's the date today. Anybody know. Oh it's right on my bulletin. So Eli Woods's birthday is on the twenty third. So we're going to sing happy birthday to him. And how old are you going to be Eli. Eight. You're going to be eight or you are eight. You're going to be eight. All right. Cool. It's a great age. Let's go ahead and sing happy birthday to Eli. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday. God bless you. Happy birthday to you. Make sure you give him a birthday spanking today. Brother CJ. Don't spank other people's kids. All right. So that's all I got for announcements. Let's go ahead and sing another song. And then we'll receive the offering. All right let's open our Bibles and turn to Psalm one hundred fifty. Psalm one hundred fifty. Let's start on that first verse. Praise God in his sanctuary. Praise him in the firmament of his power. Praise him for his mighty acts. Praise him according to his excellent greatness. Praise him with the sound of the trumpet. Praise him with the songs free and more. Praise him with the tambourine dance. Praise him with string instruments and organs. Praise him upon the loud cymbals. Praise him upon the high sounding cymbals. Let everything that have breath. Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord. Praise ye the Lord. Amen. Great singing this morning. At this time we're going to have our ushers come forth to receive the offering for us. Brother Robert can you bless the offering please? Lord the St. Curtis Church, Lord. Bless this day in church and pray bless the preaching. Bless this offering, Lord. Help us all give us a shofar, Lord. And help us all sing out to you. Pray to you, Lord. We pray that you give us your back. We pray that you give us your back. We pray that you give us your back. All right go ahead and open your Bibles to 2 Corinthians chapter 11. 2 Corinthians 11, if you don't have a Bible there should be a Bible under the seat in front of you. 2 Corinthians 11. 2 Corinthians 11 the Bible reads, Would to God you could bear with me a little in my folly, and indeed bear with me. For I am jealous over you with godly jealousy. For I have espoused you to one husband, that I may present you as a chaste virgin to Christ. For I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtly, so your mind should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ. For if he that cometh preacheth another Jesus, whom we have not preached, or if ye receive another spirit, which ye have not received, or another gospel which ye have not accepted, ye might well bear with him. For I suppose I was not a whit behind the very chiefest apostles, but though I be rude in speech, yet not in knowledge, but we have been thoroughly made manifest among you in all things. Have I committed an offence in obeying myself, that ye may be exalted, because I have preached to you the gospel of God freely? I robbed other churches, taking wages of them, to do you service. And when I was present with you, and wanted, I was chargeable to no man, for that which was lacking to me the brethren which came from Macedonia supplied. And in all things I have kept myself from being burdensome unto you, and so will I keep myself. As the truth of Christ is in me, no man shall stop me of this boasting in the regions of Achaia. Wherefore, because I love you not, God knoweth. But what I do, that I will do, that I may cut off occasion from them which desire occasion, that wherein they glory, they may be found even as we. For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. And no marvel, for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness, whose end shall be according to their works. I say again, Let no man think me a fool, if otherwise yet as a fool receive me, that I may boast myself a little. That which I speak, I speak it not after the Lord, but as it were foolishly in this confidence of boasting. Seeing that many glory after the flesh, I will glory also. For ye suffer fools gladly, seeing ye yourselves are wise. For ye suffer if a man bring you into bondage, if a man devour you, if a man take of you, if a man exalt himself, if a man smite you on the face. I speak as concerning reproach, as though we had been weak. Howbeit, whereinsoever any is bold, I speak foolishly, I am bold also. Are they Hebrews? So am I. Are they Israelites? So am I. Are they the seed of Abraham? So am I. Are they the ministers of Christ? I speak as a fool. I am more, in labors more abundant, in stripes above measure, in prisons more frequent, in deaths oft. Of the Jews, five times received I forty stripes, save one. Thrice was I beaten with rods. Once was I stoned. Thrice I suffered shipwreck, a night and a day I have been in the deep. And so in journeys often, in perils of water, in perils of robbers, in perils by mine own countrymen, in perils by the heathen, in perils in the city, in perils in the wilderness, in perils in the sea, in perils among false brethren, in weariness and painfulness, in watchings often, in hunger and thirst, in fastings often, in cold and nakedness. Besides those things that are without, that which cometh upon me daily, the care of all the churches. Who is weak? And I am not weak. Who is offended? And I burn not. If I must needs glory, I will glory of the things which concern mine infirmities. The God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, which is blessed forevermore, knoweth that I lie not. In Damascus, the governor under Aratus, the king, kept the city of Damascus, the city of the Damascenes, with a garrison desirous to apprehend me. And through a window in a basket was I let down by the wall, and escaped his hands." Brother Bill, will you pray for us? Father, thank you for bringing us off the church today. Thank you for the reading of the word. Thank you for this perfect Bible we have. We'll put our ears to understand the Scriptures until we have confidence in all of this. And I hope you'll pray for this. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen. Alright, we're there in 2 Corinthians chapter 11, and the verses I want to focus on are first found in verse number 4, where the Bible says, For if he that cometh preacheth another Jesus, whom we have not preached, or if he receive another spirit, which he have not received, or another gospel, which he have not accepted, you might well bear with him. So the apostle Paul here is talking about how there are people that preach another Jesus. So, in order to be saved, you have to believe in the right Jesus. And it talks about if they preach, or you receive another spirit, which is not the one that you receive the Holy Spirit, then that's obviously a problem. And you know, when people believe a false gospel and a false Jesus, they also have a false spirit about them. And it says, Or received another gospel, which he have not accepted. So, there is things that people would say is the gospel, but really is not the gospel. And the world is filled with false teachers and false prophets that want to preach a false Jesus, a false gospel, a false spirit. And he's basically warning them that they need to stay away from these people. And look at verse 12, it says, But what I do, that I will do, that I may cut off occasion from them which desire occasion. And this is what false prophets also do. They desire an occasion to try to lead people astray, to preach their false Jesus, to preach their false gospel. And look, they creep into churches, they take over churches, and then in the name of Jesus preach these false concepts, these false, you know, Jesus, spirit, and a false gospel. Look at what it says in verse 13, For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. So Paul was dealing in his time with people that were saying that they were apostles, but they actually weren't. They're false, he says. They're deceitful workers. And they're transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ, while at the same time casting doubt upon the apostle Paul. And the apostle Paul was a true apostle. And even the people in the Corinthian church were kind of doubting Paul at certain points, and that's part of what he writes about in 2 Corinthians. But look what it says in verse 14, And no marvel, for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. So the devil appears to people and it seems like he's right, it seems like he's light, it seems like he's the right way, but obviously he's not going to appear with horns and a pitchfork, with smoke coming out of his ears or whatever. He's going to appear to people as if he's righteous, as if he's good, because what's he want? Ultimately, he wants God's job. God's job is not available. He wants to be number one. And so if he can take people away from God and have them serve him, whatever appearance he gives, that's what he's going to do to get people to follow him. That's why you have all these other false religions. You're like, well, how do you know your religion's right? Well, every other religion believes in a workspace salvation. The only religion that doesn't actually believe in a workspace salvation is Christianity. However, we have people that have crept into churches, they profess that they're Christian, they profess that they're right and they're preaching the truth, but in reality, they're false. They're false teachers, they're deceitful workers. And it says in verse 15, Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness, whose end shall be according to their works. And these people that are transformed into ministers of righteousness, well, what would that look like in our modern time? Well, how about people saying that they're Christian, but they're preaching a false message? People saying they're Christian, I mean, just take Jehovah's Witnesses and Mormons. They come to your door, what are they wearing? Shirts and ties. You know, even the Mormons will have a King James Bible, but they don't believe it. They believe in the Book of Mormon, the Book of Moron. And, you know, they're false witnesses. And the Bible says we're not supposed to even receive them into our house, otherwise we're part, or don't bid them Godspeed because we'll be partakers of their evil deeds. And nobody wants that, right? So there are people out there that pretend to be Christians, and they're really not. So this shouldn't surprise you. But, and it says, whose end shall be according to their works. And what works are they working? It seems like they might be doing something nice. Oh, yeah, can we unload your U-Haul for you? Can we mow your lawn? You know, this is the things that they do to get into people's lives, and then next thing you know, people are baptized into their cult. And, you know, then trying to get them saved after they've been, you know, kool-aid eyes by these, or flavor-aid eyes by these cults, those things are hard to undo. I've never gotten a dyed-in-the-wool Mormon saved, not one time. I've gotten Jehovah's Witnesses, and former Jehovah's Witnesses saved, but never a Mormon. And the Jehovah's Witnesses are tough nut to crack, too. But look at Revelation chapter 20, verse 11. So, Revelation chapter 20, verse number 11. I just want to kind of lay the groundwork for this sermon, because when I preach sermons like this, people get offended, you know. And so I just kind of want to set the stage for this, because the things I'm going to bring up are not popular. And people are like, well, why are you preaching against that person? They're a Christian, too. It's like, no, they're not. And I'm going to prove that today, and I'm going to tell you who I'm preaching against in just a minute. But Revelation chapter 20, verse 11 says, And I saw a great white throne, and him that sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away, and there was found no place for them. And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God, and the books were opened, and another book was opened, which is the book of life. And the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works. Isn't that what the Apostle Paul said? These people are going to be judged according to their works. And let me just tell you something. If you are judged according to your works, you're going to die and go to hell. We have to be judged upon Jesus' works, because we take upon ourselves the substitution that Christ substituted Himself for us. He died for our sins. He took our place on the cross. He took our place in hell for three days and three nights, and He rose from the dead. And so, if you don't have the blood of Christ applied to your life, if you don't have the imputed blood of Christ and the righteousness of Christ upon you, you're going to be judged according to your works also. And that's not a good thing to be judged according to your works. These false prophets that Paul is talking about, it says they're judged according to their works. In Revelation chapter 20, where I have you right now, is talking about the great white throne judgment. And this is not a good judgment to be a part of. Look what it says. According to their works, in verse 13, And the sea gave up the dead which were in it, and death and hell delivered up the dead that were in them, and they were judged, every man, according to their works. And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire, this is the second death, and whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire. So, where do the people go that are judged according to their works? The lake of fire. So, our good works will never and can never get us to heaven. The title of my sermon this morning is Franklin Graham, a Bad Apple from a Rotten Tree. Franklin Graham, a Bad Apple from a Rotten Tree. Let's have a word of prayer. Heavenly Father, we thank you, Lord, so much for the scriptures, Lord. I pray, Lord, that as I preach this sermon, people won't be offended, but they'll actually look at the scriptures for themselves, and they'll actually hear what is being said from their own lips as to why I would say that there are false apostles, false Christs, and they preach a false Jesus and a false gospel. Lord, I pray you'd help me to preach this sermon. Fill me with your spirit. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen. So, many of you might know who Franklin Graham is. He's the son of the deceased Billy Graham. Now, Billy Graham was very loved in this world, and when the Bible says that if you're loved in this world, then you're probably not of Christ, right? So, Franklin Graham is the son, and he took over the Billy Graham Evangelistic Society after Billy Graham died, and so he's taken over since 2018, and Billy Graham died when he was 99 years old. I preach this sermon, Why Billy Graham's Roasted in Hell, a long time, right after the week he died, right? And a lot of people attack me over that and still attack me over it to this day, and Remy's not here, so I'm just going to bring Billy Graham up anyway, but he's always saying that I bring up Billy Graham too much, but I'm talking about his son today, and one of the things that people criticize me for is that, did you ever go to Billy Graham and tell him he was wrong, or did you Matthew 18 Billy Graham, and it's like, well, here's the thing about that. Billy Graham wasn't in a church. Billy Graham was in some quasi-church organization, a parachurch ministry, and that's what Franklin Graham took over, the Billy Graham Evangelistic Society. Does that sound like a church to you? No, it sounds like they're playing church, but in reality, it's like a big money-making scam for these false preachers and these false apostles. So now, the reason why I titled the sermon that is because there's an expression, and it says, the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree. You ever heard that before? Well, that's usually often described of how children tend to inherit characteristics from their parents. This saying usually points out similarities between a parent and child, whether physical or personality traits. So you see a kid acting like their parents or looking like their parents or saying something their parents might say. Some people will throw that comment out there, well, that apple doesn't fall too far from the tree. And a lot of times, it might be in a negative context, right? But I would say this, that spiritually, this is the case also, because his dad was a false prophet, Billy Graham was a false prophet, and not everybody that's a son of a false prophet necessarily is a false prophet, but in this case, it is true. Now, Franklin Graham, of course, is the son of Billy Graham, like I said, or Billy Balaam, if you want to call him that, a wicked false prophet. He died and went to hell on February 21st, 2018. And again, he's not to be confused with the professional wrestler that died two days ago, also named Billy Graham. Okay? And you're like, well, is that what made you think about it? No. I'll explain that here in just a minute, but Billy Graham, his dad, was ordained as a Southern Baptist preacher and ended up as an ecumenical Pope toe-kissing false prophet. He was going to the Pope and best friends with the Pope. Now, look, if you're a true preacher, you're not going to be best friends with the Pope, okay? The Catholic Church is the mother of harlots and abominations of the earth. It is a wicked, false, pagan, just wicked as hell organization that calls itself the Church, and it's not the Church. And people say, well, the Catholic Church has been around longer than anybody else. Well, I think Jesus and John the Baptist would disagree with you about that. I think the 12 apostles would disagree with you about that. And the Catholic Church wasn't started until 300 years after Christ resurrected and went back up to heaven. So I don't understand how you would say that the Catholic Church is the oldest church, because it's not. It was the first really major split off of Christianity that really had nothing to do with Christ. And if you just look at what they believe, they believe a false gospel. They believe when the Pope speaks that he's speaking as if he is God himself. And they believe in a workspace salvation. They worship the saints. They kiss bones of the saints. I mean, I don't know if they still do that now, but I know that they used to. They do a lot of just weird pagan acts. They have Mary as a co-mediator with Christ and say that Mary basically has to appease the angry Jesus or something. And they just believe a lot of false stuff. They believe in purgatory, which is not taught in the Bible. They believe in a multitude of wicked things. So that's who Billy Graham was friends with. So he was good friends with the Pope. But my first point is Franklin Graham preaches another gospel just like his daddy Billy. And Billy Graham did preach a false gospel and it was so bad that he basically said that everybody is saved, whether they know it or not, whether they believe in Christ or not, from the Muslim world, from the atheist world, from the non-believers. They're part of the body of Christ whether they know it or not and they're all going to be saved. I mean, he said that himself. Now, you'll hear him also say that believing is the way to heaven. You'll hear him say from old quips that repenting of your sins or making Jesus the Lord of your life, those types of things. He'll say those types of things. But, you know, sometimes false prophets, they put out that they believe something true just to hook people to make them think that they are a genuine man of God. Now, the reason why I'm preaching this actually is because around Easter time, I got this email from their headquarters or whatever from Franklin Graham. I don't know if somebody just signed me up for it because they know I don't like them or what. But all of a sudden, I just started getting these emails from Franklin Graham. And so I'm going to base this sermon based upon the email that was sent to me and the things that were said. It just made me so mad, but I didn't want to come in and just thunder some stuff on Easter. So I decided I'd wait for a little while and preach this sermon. So here's how the letter starts out from Franklin Graham. It says, I recently returned from an incredibly fruitful trip to Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. And that's, of course, where, you know, I think that's where the United States surrendered, right? That was the headquarters of the North Vietnam. But anyway, Vietnam, when we fought that war, we lost. You know, we retreated, and then all of Vietnam became communist. So that's kind of the background to this. But it says, Where God opened the door to me to preach the gospel. Sounds okay so far, right? During the spring love festival, this marked the first time that an evangelistic event was held in Vietnam outside of a religious holiday like Christmas or Easter. What a blessing it was to watch thousands come forward at the invitation to repent of their sins. So that's what they were coming forward for, to repent of their sins, and to receive Jesus as Lord of their lives. So not only is he teaching that you have to repent of your sins to be saved, and he's also teaching that you have to make Jesus the Lord of your life to be saved. And he said people like Tsang. So Tsang is somebody that he is using as an example. But let me just tell you this right now. Repenting of your sins is a works-based salvation. It's taught in a lot of Christian, quote-unquote, churches, but it's a works-based salvation. The King James Bible that you have in your hand, I hope you have a King James Bible in your hand, never says the term repent of your sins one time. If you just do a search into your Bible software program that you use, you're never gonna find, if you just search the term repent of your sins, it's not in the Bible one single time. So don't you think if that's something that we would preach as a gospel message that that would be something that would be found in the Bible? Now the word repent is in the Bible, and here's another thing that I got criticized about on that sermon, is that the Bible says to repent everywhere in the Bible. Yeah, that's true, but it doesn't say repent of your sins. And people just, they've heard it so much, it's been shoved down their throat so much that when they hear that term repent in the Bible or they read it in the Bible, they automatically put, they add this in their mind, of your sins. Anytime it says repent of your sins is what they think. But it's funny that God repented of his, supposedly repented of his sins 37 times. The word repent is used by God himself 37 times. Does God have sin? God does not have sin, so the word repent doesn't necessarily mean of your sins. It means to turn or to change your mind. So the term repent of your sins is what he uses. So he preaches a false gospel just like his dad did because his dad said the same thing. So turn to Jonah chapter 3 verse 9. Now, the Bible defines terms for us sometimes, and this is a great passage to go to, and I'm sure a lot of you already know this, but it's good to recap this kind of stuff. But if repenting of your sins or turning from your sins was a requirement for salvation, then it wouldn't be called works, would it? Jonah 3.9 says, who can tell if God will turn and repent? And it's funny how God even uses the word repent for himself in this passage. The Holy Spirit chose those words for God. So who can tell if God will turn and repent? So what does it mean? Turn and repent, change your mind, right? And turn away from his fierce anger that we perish not. So when God has fierce anger, is he sinning? Sinning? No. So that can't be what repent means. And it says, and God saw their works. Here's the part you really need to focus in on. And God saw their works that they turned from their evil way. So what were their works? That they turned from their evil way. So turning from your evil way, repenting of your sins, is what? Works, isn't it? Isn't that what it says? I mean, I'm not reading that into it. And then it says, and God repented of the evil. Was he sinning? No. Evil just means harm. So God was going to harm Nineveh because they were so wicked. And, you know, here's what happens before you would repent of your sins as a Christian. Should you repent of your sins as a Christian? Yes. But not to be saved, not a prerequisite for being saved. You repent of your sins after you're saved. So it says, God repented of the evil that he had said he would do unto them, and he did it not. So that there is the definition, or a definition, of works. Turning from your evil way. Alright? So if turning from your evil way and repenting of your sins was a requirement for salvation, it would be works, wouldn't it? Right? Now look at verse five of the same passage there. Back up. Back up. Because I believe that you have to have faith before you can turn from your wicked ways and have that count as some kind of blessing in your life. But look what it says. So the people of Nineveh believed God. What does the Bible say it takes to be saved? Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. At this time in the Old Testament, they believed on the name of God that they knew at that time. The people of Nineveh believed God. Jonah preached a message to them. They believed it. They received it. And they believed God and proclaimed a fast and put on sackcloth from the greatest of them even to the least of them. So what happened first? The belief or the repenting? The belief or the turning? Which one happened first? The belief happened first. They believed the word of God and then they changed. So had they not changed, God probably still would have punished them, but they would have still been saved. And the Bible actually says that the people of Nineveh shall rise up with this generation because they repented at the preaching of Jonas. So in Matthew when it says that that they repented at the preaching of Jonas, they did repent. But what was that repentance meaning? Well, they believed God first. And then they did good works. And so should Christians do good works? Absolutely we should. But it's not a prerequisite for being saved. Look at Ephesians chapter 2, verse 8. Ephesians chapter 2, verse 8. And you're like, well, Pastor Thompson, you always go to this verse. Well, it's a rock solid couple verses here. And so remember what the definition in Jonah was of works. It was turning from your evil way, right? Repenting of your sins. Look at Ephesians 2a. It says, For by grace are you saved through faith, and that not of yourselves it is the gift of God, not of works, lest any man should boast. So is it turning from your evil ways that save you? Is it repenting of your sins that saves you? No. So if someone is preaching that message, they're preaching a false gospel. They're lying to you. They're saying you have to clean up your life. They're saying you have to repent of your sins. That's the first thing he said. Well, I preached the gospel to them, and many came forward to repent of their sins, right? That's not how you get saved, folks. That's not what the Bible teaches. It says it's not of works, lest any man should boast. Now I'm going to go back to the letter and read the same last passage. It says, What a blessing it was to watch thousands come forward at the invitation to repent of their sins. And receive Jesus Christ as Lord of their lives, people like saying. So the other part of it that's a false gospel is the fact that they're saying that you must receive Jesus Christ as Lord of your life. That is called lordship salvation. That is also a false gospel. That is also a false message of salvation. Obviously, Jesus Christ is our Lord, but again, nowhere in the Bible does it say we must make Jesus the Lord of our lives in order to be saved. This concept is a works-based false gospel. And so I'll give you the definition of lordship salvation. And this is what people that believe it say. This is what they teach. So it says, When a person yields to the lordship of Jesus Christ, he or she acknowledges his ownership and gives up his or her personal rights. Yielding to the lordship of Jesus Christ also involves total and unreserved obedience. So have any of you guys done that in here today? Have you given Jesus Christ total and unreserved obedience since you've been saved? Well, that's the requirement of lordship salvation. Which, again, is a works-based salvation. So it says, If he is the Lord of your life, you're going to do what he tells you to do. That's really interesting because I'm pretty sure that every single person in the Bible, even the greatest people besides Jesus, of course, have been in instances, or there's things shown us in the Bible, that they didn't do 100% right. They weren't in 100% obedience to Christ. So if someone's saying you have to repent of your sins, that means you have to give up all your sins and renounce them or be willing to get rid of them. And you have to make Jesus the Lord of your life, which to them means total obedience and that you're going to do whatever he says all the time. That again, so not only do you have to repent of all your sins, but you also have to stay sinless according to them. But anybody that believes this junk, they're going to say, well yeah, of course I sin. So there's sometimes when I don't have obedience, it's just like, well then what are you talking about? That's not a true doctrine in the Bible. Now obviously we should believe, we should receive Christ and we should do what he says, but we don't always do what he says, do we? If that was a requirement, we'd all go to hell, period. If it was a requirement to repent of all your sins, we'd all be in hell on Judgment Day along with these false prophets that are teaching this false gospel here. Ephesians 2, 10, if you're still there, it says, we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus under good works. And they'll be like, yeah, see, we're supposed to do good works, yeah. It says, which God before, or hath before, ordained that we should walk in them. So we should keep God's commandments, but do we always keep God's commandments? No, we don't, right, Brother Robert? So, we were talking about this in the car the other day. But anyway, let me give you a couple examples. I'm not gonna have you turn to any Bible verses, but think about Noah. Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord. God said build an ark, he obeyed him, he did it, but he found grace in the eyes of the Lord. You know why? Because grace is what God gives for every person that's saved. Noah was a sinner just like everybody else. And so, after the world was destroyed and his family got off the ark, Noah began to be a husband man. He began to plant grapes and then he drank the wine that he obviously made his grapes into alcoholic wine. So, let me ask you this, was Noah in total submission when he got wasted and fell asleep naked in his tent? Was he in total submission when his queer son came in and molested him, when he was drunk and naked, passed out from his wine? No, he wasn't in total submission. To say that Noah was always in total submission, that's just not true. He was not the Lord of Noah's life at that point, was he? So, you see how it's just a false doctrine that to say that someone has to make Christ the Lord of their life is just false? What about Lot? The only reason we know Lot was saved is because the New Testament tells us he was. The Bible says they call him righteous, that righteous man in seeing and hearing the things. So, the things that he went to Sodom and Gomorrah, he lived his life there, but even up until the end, we don't really see Lot do anything good in anything that's talked about in the Old Testament. But it does say that righteous man was vexed because of the things he saw in Sodom and Gomorrah. So, if he was a righteous man, and the Bible says he was that just Lot, when it says just Lot, that means he was justified before God, he had been saved. So, justified is just as if I'd never sinned, right? So, there's another man in the Bible, and he's a really good example of how you don't have to make Jesus the Lord of your life in order to be saved. You can be saved by faith because that's the only way you are saved. No one's ever going to be perfect. No one can ever repent of all their sins. It's impossible. While we're in this flesh, we will never be able to repent of all our sins, and you're never going to always obey Christ every single time. So, here's some of the rest of the letter here. It says, Although her Aunt Ha had talked to her about Jesus Christ before, she had never made the decision to follow him. Isn't that one of the answers that we get a lot of times when people say, Well, what do you believe it takes to be saved? And they say, Well, you just have to follow Jesus. Is that what the Bible says, though? The Bible does say you should follow Jesus. We're supposed to take up our cross daily and follow after him, but that is not for salvation. That is for sanctification. You know why you have to do it every day? Because every day you fail. And every day you have to pick up that cross and decide, I'm going to serve Christ today. I'm going to serve God today. And whatever I did yesterday is gone. I'm going to look forward to today and do better today. That's what taking up your cross and following Jesus is. You're supposed to live a sanctified and holy life. That's what he expects of you. But to follow him does not mean that's how you're saved. So here's another false. This is another false gospel. Why do people always say that? Because this is the junk that they hear coming from these false prophets. Why do people say they have to repent of their sins to be saved? And they tell us, Well, unless you repent. This is another thing that people like to do. Well, I'm saved as long as I repent. So you're saying that every time you sin, that you have to repent or you're not saved? That's what a lot of people teach. It's a false gospel. It's a false gospel, folks. And it's just straight out of the pit of hell. If it's not faith alone, it's from the pit of hell. Period. So he says she's never made the decision to follow him when Ha invited Sing to the festival. She decided to attend, and she brought her 12-year-old son with her. Now, Franklin's father, Billy, I already mentioned that he had said he did it on a show called The Power Hour or something like that. And there's like an interview between him and this guy named Robert Shuler, who's a false prophet also. And Billy Graham is just explaining. I'll read you the transcript of what it says here. It says, this is Dr. Shuler asking him questions. Tell me what is the future of Christianity? Dr. Graham. Well, Christianity and being a true believer, you know, I think there's the body of Christ which comes from all the Christian groups around the world, so all the Christian groups, or outside the Christian groups. How is it from outside the Christian groups? That doesn't make sense to me. I think that everyone that loves Christ or knows Christ, whether they're conscious of it or not, they're members of the body of Christ. So what's he saying? He's saying everybody's saved. That's what he's saying. And I don't think that we're going to see a great sweeping revival that will turn the whole world to Christ at any time. What God is doing today is calling out of the world for his name, whether they come from the Muslim world, or the Buddhist world, or the Christian world, or the non-believing world, they are members of the body of Christ because they've been called by God. So he's saying Muslims, Buddhists, non-believers are part of the body of Christ, and they're members of the body of Christ because they've been called by God. Everybody's been called by God, but many are called and few are chosen, the Bible says. So that's a bunch of hogwash, folks. It says, and I don't think, oh, let's see, I've got to get back to my spot here. So they may not even know the name of Jesus, but they know in their hearts that they need something that they don't have. They turn to the only light they have, and I think they're saved, and they're going to be with us in heaven. That is ecumenical garbage. That is just trash doctrine. So Franklin Graham's dad, that's what he believed. He might have said that you had to believe in Christ in the past, but that interview nails him down as a total false prophet. He's saying everybody is saved, and that's the point I made about my sermon. Do you think a person that says that is in heaven now? They're not because you know what they're doing? Billy Graham was so popular, but he was leading people to hell. So it says, and Dr. Shuler, what I hear you saying is that it's possible for Jesus Christ to come into a human heart and soul and life even if they've been born in darkness and have never had exposure to the Bible. Is that correct? Is that a correct interpretation of what you're saying, Dr. Graham? Yes, it is, because I believe that. So he's affirming what he believes. So what does the Bible say, though? Romans 1, verse 18, you can turn there with me if you want to, but Romans 1, verse 18 says, For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness, and on righteousness of men who hold the truth in unrighteousness, because that which may be known of God is manifest in them, for God has showed it unto them. So what's the Bible saying? The Bible is saying that people know there's a God. It doesn't matter what dark part of the earth they're from. They know there's a God, and look, God's law is written into our conscience. People automatically know it's wrong to kill people. It's wrong to murder people. It's wrong to steal. That's why, you know, when I wasn't even saved as a three-year-old kid, I was in a Kmart, and my grandma said, No, you can't get those toys, and you know what I did? I took them and I stuck them in my pocket, and I hid the fact that I did it. At three years old, I was a thief. But the fact that I was looking around and knew that something bad would happen, I mean, I just knew what I was doing was wrong. How do you explain that? With no church background. Not that I remember, anyway. How do you explain that? Well, it's because God has given us a conscience, and in that conscience is his law. Now, obviously, people suppress that, and that doesn't make you saved, but it does help you understand that there is a God, and the things that are made helps us understand that there is a God. This world did not make itself, folks. This world was made by somebody. Somebody made this building. For you to say a bomb blew up and this is what this building looks like is ridiculous, but that's what the Big Bang teaches, that a little dot, an infinitesimal dot, as small as the period at the end of a page, blew up and created everything you see today. So thank you, Dot, for bringing us into this world. I mean, how retarded is that? What do they call science? Well, I believe in science. That's not science, folks. That's a fairy tale. So it says in Romans 1-20, it says, For the invisible things of Him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so they are without excuse. So the Bible says that people that don't get saved, they're without excuse because they know that there is a God, but they want to suppress that. They want to believe in anything else because, look, people want what they want. They don't want things the way God wants to give it to us. And that's a big lesson that we have to live in life. We're a very rebellious people. We're very rebellious in our hearts about a lot of things. You have to get saved based on how God tells you you have to get saved, not how you think or what you feel. It's not about feelings, folks. This is what the Mormons try to trick people with. Well, I had a feeling in my bosom, a burning in my bosom, that made me know that the Book of Mormon was right. That is retarded. And you don't think the devil can come up and just kind of give you a little warm feeling? You're like, it's true! Look, we don't base our faith based upon some warm, fuzzy feeling. We base our faith upon the Word of God. And you're like, why are you so angry about this? I'm angry at false prophets. I hate their guts, and I'm glad they're going to hell. You're like, well, I can't believe you're saying that. What's God saying? They're going to be cast in the lake of fire. Their end is to be judged according to their works. So if God doesn't like them, then why would I? Are you better than God? And this is the pious attitude that you get from people when you try to expose people for what they are and the lies that they're teaching. Well, you're just judgmental. You're hateful. Yeah, I have a balance in my life. There are certain things I hate. I hate weeds in my yard. I like grass. And so weeds are a detriment to my good yard. And so what do people do with weeds? Well, you're hateful for plucking those weeds out. You shouldn't hate those weeds. Yeah, you should. You should pluck them out. If you like flowers, you like grass, you've got to pluck the weeds out. There are certain things in this world that are a detriment to our society. They're a detriment to our people, and we should not be fostering this weird, strange generation that's coming up right now, where everybody's hair is a different color and they look like they fell into a fishing tackle box or something. I mean, it's just a strange world we're living in where our children are literally getting groomed in the schools that they're in. They have stripper pole drag queen story hours at school. And here's what I'm blown away by. Why are you letting your kids still go to school there? You think going to the school board is going to help? They're the ones that let them in. They're not going to let... Get your kids out of public school while you still can, while they're still normal, while they're not groomed already, where everybody's telling them that there's something that they're not. Well, you know, you could be a boy and they're born a girl. No. Genetics and, you know, you want to talk about science. Science is that there's two genders. It's not whatever you feel like being. You can say that all you want, but on your birth certificate, it's going to say male or female. That might change soon, too. Who knows? But this is just ridiculous. Yeah, they put litter boxes in kids' bathrooms now because people think they're cats. You're like, well, that's not proven. That's been fact checked. I've heard that from multiple sources, multiple sources. And I know someone that was installing urinals in a woman's bathroom. Why would you have urinals in a woman's bathroom? Why is Target selling bathing suits? Why are they doing that? Because this world has gone insane. And they think that we're the crazy ones? Oh, no, no. You're crazy. And I don't care if the majority thinks that that stuff's normal. It's not normal. It's vile. It's reprobate. So turn to John, chapter 3, verse 15. What's the Bible actually teach? Well, I mean, I already showed you Ephesians, but, you know, the book of John's a very interesting book. I'm doing a Bible study on Wednesday nights at our church plant in Seattle. And the word believe, or a form of it, is in there 99 times. 99 times. And in the book of John it says, these things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God that you may know you have eternal life. What is the book written for? That you may know you have eternal life. Right? There's only about 300 verses in the whole Bible that say believe. Only 300 instances in the whole Bible I don't know the exact numbers, but it's somewhere around there. So one third of those verses are put into the Gospel of John. In the whole Bible. The Bible's a big book, folks. Why does it stress the word believe? I think maybe because God used a book that he said is for people to get saved with and put that word in there a lot of times so that we would understand what it takes to be saved. And you know what it's not? It's not repenting of your sins. It's not making Jesus the Lord of your life. It's not following after Christ. It's believing on the Lord Jesus Christ. That's what the Bible teaches. John 3.15 says that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have eternal life. That's pretty simple. Right? Verse 16, the most famous verse in the whole Bible. For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son that whosoever believeth. Not whosoever repenteth. Not whosoever makes Jesus the Lord of their life. Whosoever believeth. That's faith. That's trust. In him should not perish but have everlasting life. What's the gift? It's everlasting life. Who gives it to you? Jesus gives it to you. Verse 18, he that believeth on him is not condemned. But he that believeth not is condemned already. So is Billy Graham right? Was Billy Graham right that everybody saved? No, the Bible says that if you don't believe, you're condemned already. Dead man walking. You're already going to die and go to hell. And why? Because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. That's what it's required to do to be saved. What did the people of Nineveh do? The people of Nineveh believed God, didn't they? Then they repented of their sins. Then they turned from their evil way. Look at John 3.36. He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life, and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abideth on him. So what does that mean? Anybody that's not saved, anybody that has not believed, the wrath of God is abiding on you right now. You're not saved. If you die, you're going to go straight to hell. That's what it's talking about. John 5.24 will be the last one I show you here, but there's 99 of them. I'm not going to go to all 99. I'll go to a few. So John 5.24 says, Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life. That means you have it. And shall not come into condemnation. You can't go to hell. But is passed from death unto life. This is not what Franklin Graham is teaching, is it? This is not what Billy Graham taught. And so if the book that claims it is written so that we would know how to be saved, says believe in it like 99 times, then that's what's required for salvation. And let me just give you a little note also. The word repent is not in the book of John one time. And I'm not saying that repent is a bad word or something, but maybe just God, for lack of confusion, didn't put that word in there. But you know what he did put? Believe, believeth, believes, belief. So number two this morning, you're like, number two, these are faster, okay? Number two, Franklin Graham is sending multitudes to hell with his false gospel just like his daddy Billy. So in the letter it says, with Ha by her side, she listened closely to the message of salvation, which is not the message of salvation, we've already covered that, at the end of the service both Sang and her son walked forward to receive Jesus Christ in repentance and faith. Ha couldn't stop smiling as she watched her niece and nephew, or grandnephew, embrace the promise of the life that is in Christ Jesus. 2 Timothy 1.1 ESV. That's not my version, that's his version. So, but what does the Bible say about this? Well, when people are preaching a false gospel, they're actually sending people to hell. Look at Galatians chapter one verse number six. Galatians chapter one verse number six. This is what Paul said about someone that preaches another gospel. It says, I marveled so soon, excuse me, I marveled that you are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel. And then Paul explains what he means by that, which is not another. It's not a real gospel. There's not multiple ways to get saved. It's not really another gospel, that's what people are calling it though. But there be some that trouble you and would pervert the gospel of Christ. So that's what Franklin Graham is, he's a pervert of the gospel. He's preaching another gospel, which is not really a true gospel, and he's perverting the true gospel of Christ. And then Paul says, but though we, so even if it was Paul or any of the apostles, or an angel from heaven came down to say something to you, if they preach any other gospel unto you, then that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. What does that mean? Well, that means damned. That means cursed. That means that you're cursed to hell. So you're preaching a mean Christianity, what would the apostle Paul say? Let them be accursed. And then he reiterates it in verse nine, where he says, as we said before, so say I now again. Let me just help you understand this one more time. If any man preach any other gospel unto you than that which you have received, let him be accursed. Let him be damned. Let him be under the curse of God. And you know what? Franklin Graham's gospel is another gospel, it's not the real gospel, so what is he? He's accursed from God. Let him be accursed. Well, don't you think you should pray for him and hope that he changes his mind? No! I don't think that. I think he's done. I think he's reprobate. Now the Pharisees, when Jesus rips on them, and you know the Pharisees preach the false gospel, but it says about the Pharisees in Matthew chapter 23 verse 15, Woe unto you scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you compass sea and land to make one proselyte, which is one convert, and when he is made, you make him twofold more the child of hell than yourselves. So what's he saying? You Pharisees are children of hell, but when you go and preach your false gospel, you compass sea and land. Well, Franklin Graham compass sea and land to go to Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam to preach a false gospel. And you know what? Poor hoe and whatever is saying, they were converted under a false gospel, to a false belief, to a false Jesus, to a false message with a false spirit. And why does that spirit contend against what we preach at this church? Because they don't have the same spirit. That's why. Why do people fight us tooth and nail over repentance? You know why? Because they're not saved. That's why. I mean, you're like, well, that's kind of a harsh thing to say. Listen, anybody that clings to that repent of your sins gospel, even though you correct them with it and show it to them, and they still hold to that, that person's not saved. They don't understand the voice of the shepherd. The voice of the shepherd is a foreign voice to them. That's why this bozo is using an ESV instead of a King James. Billy Graham started off with a King James, but you know what? He didn't end with it. He ended with whatever modern version you could get because, you know, he pretended to be something, he was ordained as an evangelist, as a Southern Baptist, but he didn't stay a Southern Baptist. He wasn't in the Southern Baptist Church. Franklin Graham doesn't probably even attend church. He writes letters to suck your money dry and make you have a sad little story about how someone got saved in Vietnam. But he tells us with his own words what he was preaching. False gospel. Number three, Billy Graham, I mean, excuse me, Franklin Graham uses false Bible versions just like his daddy Billy. So here's the rest of the letter here. It says, there is so much ministry underway right now and none of it would be possible without your prayerful support. Let me just tell you this. This is a way of asking for money. You know, this is what missionaries do when they visit churches. They're like, you know, if you can't afford to give to us, then we just ask that you just pray for us. You know, that is the cue that they want money. Because that's what they want. Why are they coming to your church to try to get on this mission field? Well, because they need your money to go. That's why. And you know what? The missions system is broken in this world. And we need to change that. You know, we go on mission trips with our church all the time. And guess what? We don't have to drum up a bunch of support in order to go there. People pay out of their own pocket to go to these locations around the world where people are getting saved in the droves. So in his verse that he ends with, he says, well, he says, Well, thank you for your commitment to tell people about Jesus Christ, the blessed and only sovereign, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, which is 1 Timothy 6.15 in the ESV. But the King James says, blessed and only potentate. So the word sovereign is not even in the Bible. And this is a term that Calvinists like to use a lot. You know, God is sovereign. And look, I believe he's sovereign. But that word is not in the King James Bible. So do a search on your Bible app or whatever and look for the word sovereign. You're not going to find it because that word is not in the King James. So he's using false Bible versions. And the Bible says in 2 Corinthians 2.17, We are not as many which corrupt the word of God as of sincerity, but as of God, in the sight of God we speak we in Christ. So we're not corrupting the word of God. At this church, we believe in the King James. It's the best translation into English. And it's perfect. There's no reason to make another one. And you know what? There's no reason to keep making all these different English versions when we already got the good one right here. And look, this version right here, the 1611, it's hard to read because it's an Old English font. It's hard to read some of it because the S's look like F's and the F's look like S's. And the spelling is different. And the punctuation is different. This is an exact replica of the King James that we're still reading out of today. So is the spelling different? Yeah. But you know what's not different? The words are not different. The words are the same. So we're using the Bible that's been passed down. It's 412 years old. And it's still good. It still gets people saved. I got saved out of the King James Bible. Every person that goes solely in here uses the King James Bible. And every person that we get saved here gets saved out of the King James Bible. So where's the NIV-onlyists that are just knocking the doors in the area? Where's the ESV-onlyists? Where are they at in their soloing programs? They don't exist. So the soloing that's getting done is getting done out of the right book by the right people with the right beliefs. So we're not going to corrupt the word of God and we're not going to use a corruption of God's word in this church ever. So at the end of it, it says, may God richly bless you. Well, he wants you to richly bless him is what that really means. Franklin Graham, president. So Franklin Graham is a bad apple. And he didn't fall too far from the tree, did he? Just like his daddy, Billy. So don't be deceived by feigned words and cunning craftiness wearing these false prophets' lying weight to deceive you. The Bible talks about there being false prophets. Jesus warns us about false prophets that would come to us in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they're ravening wolves. And so Franklin Graham is one of those people. He looks like a sheep. He dresses like a sheep. He talks like a sheep. But inside, he's a ravening wolf. He works for the devil. You're like, how do you know that? He's preaching a false gospel. His ministers transform themselves into ministers of light. Just like he transforms himself into an angel of light. Why would it surprise you that his ministers look like Christians? Look, they're not going to come with satanic emblems. If someone comes up with a satanic emblem on their shirt and says, do what thou wilt, thou shall be the whole law, they come in here, do you think that they're going to trick us in any way, shape, or form? They're not. If they get up and preach some message dressed as a Satanist, no one's going to pay them any mind and think they're Christian. So how do they have to do it? They have to pretend. They have to fit in. They have to bring themselves in and pretend to be something that they're not and that's how they lead away the masses. That's why the Bible says in the end times that they'll be heaping to themselves, teachers having itching ears. Heaps is like piles, right? There's piles of false prophets out there. They're on television. They're on the radio. Stop listening to that stuff. Don't watch that garbage. They're not true prophets. They're false prophets. So Franklin Graham looks and sounds like a sheep but his words condemn him even in the simple letter that was designed to get you to send him money. That's what it's really all about. Now that leads me to my fourth point which is Franklin Graham is after money just like his daddy Billy was. So turn to 2 Peter 2 verse 1. Now there's different types of false prophets, some and a lot of them, obviously they want their reward too and the devil allows these people that work for him to profit off of other people's suffering, profit off of other people's destruction. That's part of the deal. Satan offered Jesus the kingdoms of this world if he would just bow down and worship him. So that's all these false prophets have to do. Kenneth Copeland's got a couple jets and he's loaded and has all this money. He looks like a demon and he's the guy that's like, COVID-19! He's just like a super weird guy. But anyway, he looks like just pure evil. I don't know how people can even go after a guy like that. But you have all these false prophets on television and the Bible says that Satan is the prince and power of the air. I'm not saying that every person that's ever been on television that's preaching is a false prophet. If you find them on those cable access channels or something, that might be okay. Like Pastor Mendez is on television in Sacramento, I think still, but I'm not sure. Obviously he's not a false prophet, but he's also not on NBC on Prime Time either like Billy Graham used to be. Billy Graham, his crusades used to be put all over the air and people loved him. The masses loved him. You know what? Satan loved him too. Because he led a lot of people astray and just from the feedback that I've gotten preaching against him, still today people are like, no, you're the false prophet, Billy's the good one and all this other stuff. But I wanted to preach this sermon also before Franklin Graham died because that's the other thing I got accused of is I never said anything bad about him until after he was dead. This is another little tactic that people like to use. So I just figured I'd get that out too that I'm preaching against him before he dies. So 2 Peter 2 verse 1 where I had you turn says, but there were false prophets also among the people even as there shall be false teachers among you. This is Peter warning us of this. Who privately shall bring in damnable heresies even denying the Lord that bought them and bring upon themselves swift destruction and many shall follow their pernicious ways by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of and through covetousness shall they with feigned words, that means fake words, make merchandise of you. So this is what the false prophets do. They're covetous. They want your money. They use fake words. Oh, may God richly bless you, but really I mean richly bless me. That kind of stuff. And it says they'll make merchandise of you. They're going to use you for everything that you're worth to make their millions. It says whose judgment is now long time lingereth not and their damnation slumbereth not. They're going to get what's coming to them. And you're like, well, they don't sound like they're that bad. They're so bad that they're damming people to hell, right? They're damming people to hell with their false gospel and so millions of people are going to hell because of the things that they preach. That is the worst kind of scum on the face of the planet because people can physically do things to you and you can recover from those things. But you know what you can't recover from? Believing a false gospel and being a child of hell yourself. Now obviously there's people that are in false religions. I'm not saying everybody in a false religion is a child of hell. I'm saying the prophets and the teachers and the preachers that are behind it, they are for sure dammed to hell. So there's a newspaper report I looked up and it said Franklin Graham reported he receives an annual compensation of almost $900,000. That's a pretty hefty sum. But it says from two nonprofit organizations he supervises Samaritan's Purse and the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. His net worth is $10 million. Now I mean obviously in the future $10 million might not be a lot. I mean with inflation the way it is it might be a pretty meager salary at some point. But I mean to be a millionaire as a preacher is just ridiculous. And that's why we're not supposed... pastors should be able to be fairly comfortable in their pay. But they're not supposed to be rich. If a pastor is rich that's a bad sign. It's a bad sign that they are some wicked false prophet. I mean he's got $10 million. I wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't actually have more than that. But his dad made a lot of money off of doing all these evangelistic things. I'm sure they charged money to get into the places and the stadiums that they went to. What's his name? Joel Osteen charges like hundreds of dollars to go to his church services just to sit in those seats. So it's like you're going to an NBA Finals game every week and having to pay like a huge crazy amount. I can't remember how much he charges but it's a lot. So this guy, he's after money. He's using a false gospel. He's working for the devil. Him and his dad were ecumenical scum. Parachurch ministry shams. They promote false gospels and filthy lucre. They've converted millions to hell. They use and promote false Bible versions. They're just total scum. And you know what? Billy Graham is roasting in hell. And Franklin, his wicked son, is going to follow him in the afterlife. Maybe they can share stories of how wicked they are together. But they probably won't be able to talk to each other. But Franklin Graham is going to join him soon enough. And I've already preached a sermon. So there's the Franklin Graham is going to be roasting in hell sermon sometime soon. So Billy Graham's daughter is also a false prophet and she's a preacher. Billy Graham's legacy basically is a devil passing on his legacy to another devil in perpetuity. So I'm sure that Franklin's son is going to be the same thing. But hopefully they can break out of that. Hopefully they can get away from that. But I would say, God have mercy on their souls, but I know he's not going to. So I'm not going to pray for him. There are certain people that the Bible says we shouldn't pray for. I'm not going to pray for a false prophet. I'm sorry, I'm just not going to do that. I'm not going to pray for a reprobate. And he doesn't even go to church, so I can't Matthew 18 him, so just shut up. I just was trying to cover the bases that people are going to criticize me over the sermon. But Franklin Graham's a great guy. He preaches a false gospel. He's a piece of garbage. And he's going to roast in hell for all eternity. So that's the one place that they are going to go together to a devil's hell. Let's pray. Lord, we thank you so much for the Bible. And Lord, I know sometimes sermons like this can upset people. But Lord, I pray that they would just hear the words of the Bible that I read. And maybe some of this is my opinion. Maybe some of my language is a little vulgar in their mind. But the truth is that you hate false prophets, Lord. I pray that you'd help us to hate the things that you hate and love the things that you love. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen. We're going to sing Verily, Verily. Page 263. Our piano player was taking a nap in the back room. Just kidding. Page 263, Verily, Verily. Let's sing it out loud on the first. Verily, verily, I say unto you, Verily, verily, message ever new, He that believeth of the Son is true, Hath everlasting life on the second. All my iniquities on Him were lame, All my indebtedness by Him was pain, All who believe on Him the Lord has said, Hath everlasting life. Verily, verily, I say unto you, Verily, verily, message ever new, He that believeth of the Son is true, Hath everlasting life. Though poor and needy I can trust my Lord, Though weak and sinful I believe His word, No glad message every child of God, Hath everlasting life. Verily, verily, I say unto you, Verily, verily, message ever new, He that believeth of the Son is true, Hath everlasting life. Sing it out loud on the last. Oh, I'll look worthy and I will not doubt, For Him that cometh He will not cast out, He that believeth of the Good News shall, Hath everlasting life. Verily, verily, I say unto you, Verily, verily, message ever new, He that believeth of the Son is true, Hath everlasting life. Amen. Thank you for coming out to this morning's service. We'd like to see you back here this afternoon at 3.30. Brother Otemo, can you end us with a word of prayer? Amen.