(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music And it is a challenge. Nine chapters a day gets you through the New Testament in 30 days with a few cheat days in case you just for whatever reason forget or just get behind. Pastor Dave Berzins is going to be here preaching for us on both services on Sunday January 15th on Marxist Lucifer King holiday weekend and we have the married couple's sweetheart banquet is going to be February 11th so I just want to kind of give everybody a heads up I know it's a couple months out but just in case you're planning on doing something different we usually have a great time doing the game. Last year I didn't do the game and I was really happy about that Pastor Shelly had all the pressure of being the warden and so I just kind of felt this really calm. It was almost like salvation. No I'm just kidding. But it was fun man. So it's a lot more fun when somebody else does it. I'll have Pastor Mahina do it hopefully this time. But he's going to be preaching for us at the married couple sweetheart banquet and his whole family is coming up and he'll be preaching for us that Sunday February 12th. And then we are a family integrated church that means the children and infants are welcome to the church services. Please utilize the mother baby rooms and daddy room for your convenience. And if your children are being super distracting or super disruptive please just take them there. Close the door put tape over their mouth. No I'm just joking. Now just utilize those rooms and obviously we don't want the service to be really distracted. So please just use those rooms for what their purpose for. Obviously you can feed your kids in there and whatever change diapers and all that. But the dad baby room does have audio and all that stuff. And if it's not being used I wouldn't be opposed to someone like a lady going in there. But if it's being used obviously you know we don't want mixed mixed couples in the dad baby room. So anyway I should just leave it alone to say only dads allowed. But anyhow I'm thinking out loud and shouldn't be doing that while I'm doing the announcements. But anyway rockers and gliders are for pregnant nursing mothers only or elders and no dads in the mother baby room vice versa especially during the church services. Unattended children. No one attended children in any area of the building. Please no food in the assembly area. Silence your cell phones and make sure that that if you're a lady here and you're by yourself and it's dark out please get an escort to your vehicle by the ushers and the online donations are available at our Web site. Sure Foundation Baptist dot com. Our text giving number is in the bulletin normally but you if you don't use it then don't worry about it and our ties and offerings. You'll be able to see it in the next bulletin when we actually have them saying happy birthday to brother Sean. It's your first time here. We're very happy that you're here. And we do have a special gift that we like to give our first time visitors and it's a little. We actually have some little Christmas bags around the corner. You grab one of those on your way out. It has some information more information about our church has some DVDs and it also has a nice pen and stuff like that in there. So please take one of those as a token of our appreciation for being a first time guest. If there's anything we could do to be of service to you we'd be happy to do that. If you are not sure that you're saved we'd like to make sure that you get the gospel before you leave here. And also if you need to be baptized. We also have a baptismal here so we also have towels and changes of clothes and whatnot. So if you need to be baptized don't hesitate to come talk to me after the service. All right. That's all I have for announcements. Let's see another song will receive the offering. All right our next song is song number two hundred eighty two. Oh holy night. Singing it again from this morning. I'm going to California so it's the last time I get to sing it. So if you have a problem with that you can come up and try to take my spot. Have a wrestling match. But if anybody's not opposed to eighty two. Oh holy night. Song two hundred eighty two. Oh holy night. Let's sing it together on the first. Oh holy night the stars are brightly shining. It is the night of our dear savior's birth. Long lay the world in sin and error pining. Till he appeared and the soul felt its worth. A thrill of hope the weary world rejoices. For yonder breaks a new and glorious morn. Fall on your knees. Oh hear the angel voices. Oh night divine. Oh night when Christ was born. Oh night. Oh holy night. Oh night divine. Led by the light of faith serenely beaming. With glowing hearts by his cradle we stand. So led by light of a star so sweetly gleaming. Here came the wise men from Orient land. The king of kings lay thus in lowly manger. In all our trials born to be our friend. He knows our need. Our weakness is no stranger. Behold your king before him lowly man. Behold your king before him lowly man. Truly he taught us love one another. His law is love and his gospel is peace. James he shall break for the slave is our brother. And in his name all oppression shall cease. Sweet hymns of joy in grateful chorus raise we. Let all within us praise his holy name. Christ is the Lord. Oh praise his name forever. His power and glory evermore proclaim. His power and glory evermore proclaim. Jesus. Jesus. Jesus. Amen. Turn in your Bibles if you would to Exodus chapter 7 second book of the Bible Exodus chapter 7. If you don't have a Bible you can raise your hand and an usher will bring you one. Exodus 7 the Bible reads and the Lord said unto Moses. See I have made thee a God to Pharaoh and Aaron thy brother shall be thy prophet. Thou shalt speak all I commanded I command thee and Aaron thy brother shall speak unto Pharaoh that he send the children of Israel out of his land. And I will harden Pharaoh's heart and multiply my signs and my wonders in the land of Egypt. But Pharaoh shall not hearken unto you that I may lay my hand upon Egypt and bring forth mine armies and my people the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt by great judgments. And the Egyptians shall know that I am the Lord when I stretch forth mine hand upon Egypt and bring out the children of Israel from among them and Moses and Aaron did as the Lord commanded them. So did they and Moses was four score years old and Aaron four score and three years old when they spake unto Pharaoh and the Lord spake unto Moses and unto Aaron saying when Pharaoh shall speak unto you saying show a miracle for you. Then thou shalt say unto Aaron take thy rod and cast it before Pharaoh and it shall become a serpent. And Moses and Aaron went in unto Pharaoh and they did so as the Lord had commanded and Aaron cast down his rod before Pharaoh and before his servants and it became a serpent. And Pharaoh also called the wise men and the sorcerers now the magicians of Egypt. They also did in like manner with their enchantments for they cast down every man his rod and they became serpents but Aaron's rod swallowed up their rods and he hardened Pharaoh's heart that he hearken not unto them as the Lord had said. And the Lord said unto Moses Pharaoh's heart is hardened he refuseth to let the people go. Get thee unto Pharaoh in the morning lo he goeth out under the water and thou shalt stand by the rivers brink against he come and the rod which was turned to a serpent shalt thou take in thine hand. And thou shalt say unto him the Lord God of the Hebrews hath sent me unto thee saying let my people go that they may serve me in the wilderness and behold hitherto thou wouldest not hear. Thus saith the Lord and this thou shalt know that I am the Lord. Behold I will smite with the rod that is mine hand upon the waters which are in the river and they shall be turned to blood. And the fish that is in the river shall die and the river shall stink and the Egyptians shall loath to drink of the water of the river. And the Lord spake unto Moses say unto Aaron take thy rod and stretch out thine hand upon the waters of Egypt upon their streams upon their rivers and upon their ponds and upon all their pools of water that they may become blood and that there may be blood throughout all the land of Egypt both in vessels of wood and in vessels of stone. And Moses and Aaron did so as the Lord commanded and he lifted up the rod and smote the waters that were in the river in the sight of Pharaoh and in the sight of his servants. And all the waters that were in the river were turned to blood and the fish that was in the river died and the river stank and the Egyptians could not drink the water of the river and there was blood throughout all the land of Egypt. And the magicians of Egypt did so with their enchantments and Pharaoh's heart was hardened neither did he hearken unto them as the Lord had said. And Pharaoh turned and went into his house neither did he set his heart to this also and all the Egyptians dig round about the river for water to drink for they could not drink of the water of the river and seven days were fulfilled after that the Lord had smitten the river. Brother Robert, would you pray for us? And then we're in Exodus chapter number seven and like I said in the announcements we're covering the first plague where the water is turned into blood. Of course if you were following along you saw that. I remember Moses had been given things that he was supposed to show unto Pharaoh and unto his servants to prove that he was God's messenger to God's prophet. But let's look down at verse number one where the Bible says, And the Lord said unto Moses, See, I have made thee a god to Pharaoh, and Aaron thy brother shall be thy prophet. Thou shalt speak all that I command thee, and Aaron thy brother shall speak unto Pharaoh, that he send the children of Israel out of the land. So the picture here obviously is Moses being God to Pharaoh. And you're like well that's kind of weird he's a man why would he say that? Why would God say I've made you Moses a god to Pharaoh? Well you know if you think about this as maybe a picture of John the Baptist preaching before Jesus came. Remember John was sent and he was out in the wilderness until it was his turn, his time to go out and preach. Remember Moses came from the wilderness and Aaron met him and so they were to go and tell Pharaoh to let the people go. But think about this Jesus Christ was a prophet yes, but what else was he? He was God wasn't he? He was God manifested in the flesh. So here you have you know a picture of obviously you know Aaron you know and obviously he probably wasn't the preacher that John the Baptist was. But you have the picture of a precursor to a Christ-like figure. Moses was the deliverer he was you know Jesus Christ is also the deliverer. So Moses is a picture of Jesus and that's why I believe that God's saying that you're going to be like a god unto Pharaoh. And so Moses is telling Aaron what to say and then Aaron is the one that's doing the speaking remember? Because Moses said that he wasn't eloquent and he was tongue-tied or whatever. But you see the picture where because God doesn't God tell the prophets what to say? He teaches them and tells them the word of God, teaches them what to say. So I mean I guess that kind of makes sense there and obviously you know Jesus even said something to the effect that have you not read that you're you know you're gods? Now the gods with a small g would be like you know like judges. Small like so the judges were basically called gods. There are people that judged you know in the place of God for God's law. So when you're thinking of gods it's not when it has that small g there it's obviously not talking about you know there's only one God. But when it's talking about gods it's talking about basically people that are human beings that are put in the place of God to judge the people. But so it says in verse number three it says, And I will harden Pharaoh's heart and multiply my signs and my wonders in the land of Egypt. This is not all just not going on for no reason. It's not just because the children of Israel were enslaved now. That was part of it and God remembered his covenant. Remember last week he remembered his covenant with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. And he you know he made that covenant with Abraham saying that you know that he was going to make him of a great people. Well that actually happened here in Egypt because they were given Goshen and the more that they were persecuted. Remember early on in the book of Exodus it said the more that they were persecuted the more they grew. Right? The more damage they did to the people the more they grew and that kind of also happens in church. You know if we start getting persecuted it seems like people want to show up to church more. It's like well is that what it takes? Well you know I can just preach a lot of sermons that will get people really mad at me if you want me to. If that'll improve our church attendance. But anyway so he says I will harden Pharaoh's heart and multiply my signs and my wonders. So remember that although he's allowed you know he's allowed the signs and wonders Moses to be you know I mean God excuse me. God is allowing these signs and wonders to be done through a man isn't he? And so similarly Jesus did signs and wonders. Obviously his signs and wonders were a lot better than as far as like the things that Moses was allowed to do. Obviously Jesus rose people from the dead and cured the blind and walked on water and all this other stuff. Obviously Moses' signs were very powerful also. But the thing that you have to understand is that even though he allows signs and wonders to be done by men in the Bible, they're still God's signs and wonders. It's not like Moses like does some hocus pocus thing and then waves his staff around and you know things happen because of what Moses is doing. No God just tells Moses this is how you do it you know put forth your staff and then this is what I'm going to do. So it's not like Moses is the one that has the power. The power of God is upon Moses through the Holy Spirit and God is the one that's doing the signs and wonders. So it's important to understand that because it's not just Moses doing it. But it also helps when you think about you know a lot of people say that Moses is one of the two witnesses and I disagree with that. There's several reasons why I disagree with it. I see why people do believe it. They you know I always say it's you know you can be sincere but you could be sincerely wrong. You know and that's what I would say if you think that but it's because you know number one Moses already died okay and Elijah hasn't died. So Elijah I think you know it's for sure Elijah is one of them. So why would it be someone that already died? Wouldn't it be someone that hadn't died yet? I don't know that just makes sense to me that it's Enoch but you know he walked with God and God took him. He went up the same way that Elijah went up. I mean there's a lot of similarities between Elijah Elijah's miracles and Moses' miracles and the miracles of the prophets, the two witnesses. But isn't it just God's miracles? It's not like you know obviously some of them might be specific to Elijah like calling fire down and things like that. But it's not you know turning water into blood and all that and obviously those things happen in the end times but it's God's miracles. They're the things that he does and so many prophets do the same type of miracles but I mean I don't think that that is in itself a proof that it is Moses. Because if the two witnesses come before the rapture right they come before the second coming right before the second coming and they don't go up in the rapture they stay behind. So Moses I mean it just doesn't make sense if it would be Moses because you know Moses is already dead huh? Yeah the dead in Christ shall rise so if Moses had truly already died then wouldn't he rise in the rapture. But see because these are two anomalies that have been witnesses before the Lord of the whole earth for all these years. I mean that alone to me is the coup de gras on Moses being one of the two witnesses. Now are they a type of the two witnesses? I believe they probably are. I mean it's Moses and Aaron so but I don't think that they are the two witnesses so Elijah is definitely one. What is like him when it comes to Enoch? They both are translated. They both did not see death you know and they're both so they both have never died. And then what's going to happen when the beast comes out of the bottomless pit? It kills the two witnesses and then three days their dead bodies are laying in Jerusalem. And people are giving each other presents like it's Christmas time. And they're all giving gifts to each other and then those prophets, those two witnesses are resurrected by God and then they go up and then that's the end. So the last two people and here's the thing the Bible says you know it's a point of the man wants to die and after this the judgment. But you know it also says the scriptures can't be broken. So anybody that is born unless they so those that are alive and remain are you know are caught up to meet the Lord and socially ever be with the Lord. But that's a special case. Those people that are alive and remain get that opportunity but what do you do with Enoch if he's not one of the two witnesses? What do you do with him? I mean when did he die? So if the scriptures can't be broken and Enoch doesn't die and never records his death anywhere then the scriptures are broken aren't they? One person didn't die. He was translated and went up to be with God. So where's his death? Where does his death take place? And obviously I think that they're supernaturally still alive after all this time and Enoch is what the seventh from Adam? He's been around a long time and also Elijah went up in the whirlwind with the chariot right? And he's still alive. It doesn't record their death. So those two guys are still alive. They're the two witnesses. Anyway if you don't believe me study it out for yourself. But you wrong. No I'm just kidding. But I mean that to me yeah the thing about Moses you know not going up in the rapture that doesn't I mean if the dead in Christ shall rise and Moses you know died and then he's alive again. To me the circumstantial evidence for Moses' case does not stack up with what the scripture says. That's just my opinion. So I'm not dogmatic about it but I do believe that. So anyway. So let's look at verse number four. Verse number four says, But Pharaoh shall not hearken unto you that I may lay my hand upon Egypt and bring forth mine armies and my people the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt by great judgments. So God has bigger plans than just saying let my people go. He knows that Pharaoh's not going to let them go. He knows that there's going to be a big fight. And he knows that he's going to show forth his great judgments. Well what's he judging? Well he's judging the king who is Pharaoh. He's judging his servants. He's judging anybody that is believing in these false gods. And they're a nation filled with idolatry. I mean you can still see the stuff on the pyramid walls to this day because of how arid the desert is there. There's still paintings on there from hundreds and thousands of years ago. But these people you know are idolatrous. They believe in these god shape shifting looking. You know they got like an eagle's head and then a human being's body or whatever. And they have all these different gods that they believe in. Well God's judging their gods also. He's judging their false gods who and we know if you've read the whole Bible or if you've just read a lot of it. You know that those people or those things that are proclaiming themselves to be gods are actually devils. And the gentiles, what they sacrifice, they sacrifice to devils. They're not gods, they're devils. So God is judging these devils that are in control. And you know the Bible kind of alludes to the fact that there's princes and principalities. It actually says that. But even like the prince of Persia and Daniel, he was the prince, like the king over Persia that stopped Gabriel from being able to get the message of the prayers to God or whatever. So there was like a fight that went on and apparently the guy was pretty, or this angel or whatever, this prince, obviously is pretty tough. He's got a lot of power. But you know Egypt has its gods and rulers over it. All the nations of the world probably have their own. You know because the devil is, he's the general of an army. He's the leader of an army of rebellion against God and he's organized. You know, he's organized. So it helps for God to be, you know God's obviously organized. He's organized the church to be his engine to where he pushes the gospel through the whole world. And he's organized. He's got a captain. God's people should be organized because the devil's people are organized. And they, you know, they have a lot of insights and things and they've been given over, you know a lot of these people that actually are children of the devil, they have power that Satan has given to them. You know, I mean we were talking about this, me and brother Ramon were talking about this on the way back from Solon that, you know these Jews that always seem to be good at all these certain professions, like banking, making movies, making music, I mean all this other stuff and they seem to be successful in life at having money. Well the devil also offered Jesus all these things if he would just bow down and worship, but of course Jesus Christ did not do that. Why? Because he was going to get all that stuff anyway. So why would he bow down to the devil, a created being, somebody that he actually created. You know, Jesus had to actually even be weakened if you could say that, you know obviously his human body, his human form was weakened when he was tempted in the desert for forty days and forty nights. To not eat and the first thing he says is, how about you make yourself a loaf of bread Jesus? You know obviously that's a temptation, but like Jesus passed the test with flying colors, it wasn't even close. Because he's God, you know he stopped that, you know he was tempted in all points like we are, yet without sin. And so he's tempted to what? Even be the ruler of the whole world by the devil. I mean who's ever been tempted with that? I mean there's people though that are obviously because the devil can give those things to whoever he wants to. Isn't that what he says in Matthew chapter 4? He's like it's mine to give to whoever I want. He's like bow down and worship me, all this stuff you see will be yours. He even gets Jesus to try to tempt God by jumping off the pinnacle of the temple or whatever. And how does Jesus rebuke him? God's word. Every single time. But anyway, God wants to test these Egyptians and judge them. He wants to judge them and he wants to bring forth his armies, that's his purposes, and his people. So it says in verse 5, and the Egyptians shall know that I am the Lord when I stretch forth my hand upon Egypt and bring out the children of Israel from among them. So what else does he want them to know? He wants the Egyptians to know that he's the Lord. And later on in the book you're going to see where he wants his purpose to destroy Pharaoh and all the wonders that he performs is because he wants the whole world to know who he is. And so how does he do that? Well how about crushing the most powerful nation in the whole world through two guys with sticks? I mean, right? His powers, his wonders, his signs obviously through two men that are 80 years old by the way, 80 and 83. I mean, God just loves to have the odds stacked against him so people will just think that he's going to fail. And he takes two over 80 year old guys and totally destroys the whole Egyptian empire. And so he wants them to know, the Egyptians, to know that I am the Lord when I stretch forth my hand upon Egypt. Verse 6 says, and Moses and Aaron did as the Lord commanded them, so did they. And it's always nice when God's people do what God says when he commands them. That's a great testimony about Moses and Aaron here is that they were commanded to do something and they did it. And Moses was four score years old and Aaron four score and three years old. So 80 and 83 years old when they spake unto Pharaoh. So I'm not sure what they looked like because they both lived a lot longer. They lived, I think, what another 40 years after this or whatever. And their natural strength did not leave them. It did not abate. So most people, you're 80 years old, you're in a walker, you know, you're in a wheelchair, you're laid up, you're not really doing a lot. I mean, some 80 year olds are in decent shape and they can get around still pretty good. But you know, you get to be 90, 100, 110, 120, you know, you're probably not alive, number one. But if you are, you're probably not doing a lot, right? And Moses is doing a lot of fighting battles, you know, crushing enemies, preaching hard. He's still old and preaching hard. You know, I mean, in case you didn't realize this, that Moses is the one that wrote down Leviticus 20, 13, right? And all the other verses that are pretty gnarly in the Old Testament. And he preached through his brother Aaron as his prophet, right? So Moses was a prophet, Jesus was a prophet. Moses was as a god, Jesus was god. Aaron was a prophet, John the Baptist was a prophet. And so, and they both, you know, obviously, and also the other picture there is that Aaron is older than Moses. Not only the older son is the one that's doing all the, you know, they're the ones that partake in all the leadership roles and things like that. But John the Baptist was older than Jesus too. And then he came before Jesus. So I don't know, it's another picture there for you. That was for free. I don't charge anything for that one. But anyway, where are we at here? What verse did I leave off? Verse number, yeah, so seven. So four score is obviously 80 years old. And then 83 for Aaron. And the Lord spake unto Moses and unto Aaron, saying, When Pharaoh shall speak unto you, saying, Show a miracle for you, then thou shalt say unto Aaron, Take thy rod and cast it before Pharaoh, and it shall become a serpent. Moses and Aaron went in unto Pharaoh, and they did as the Lord had commanded, and Aaron cast down his rod before Pharaoh and before his servants, and it became a serpent. So notice it's not just before Pharaoh. Obviously Pharaoh has his bodyguards and his servants, the people that serve him. But he's showing, they're showing this to other people on purpose because they want them to see it too. But remember, this is one of the signs, the first sign, remember Moses ran away from the serpent. So this time he's doing it in front of, you know, God's enemies here and says, Then Pharaoh also called the wise men and the sorcerers. Now the magicians of Egypt, they also did in like manner with their enchantments. So they did this, they were able to do the same thing. So they threw down their staffs, their sticks, and those became snakes also, serpents, right? That's what it says they did in like manner, and these people were called what? Wise men. And then, and they were called sorcerers. And in the, obviously later on, there's going to be a law written against these people that sorcerers and witches and magicians and people like that should be put to death. So not all people that are called wise men in the Bible are necessarily these witches and magicians and all this other stuff. Sometimes they're just people that are smart, you know, people that are wise counselors or whatever. But it's kind of throwing them in with the sorcerers here, isn't it? But just like Joseph, he had wise men, Daniel had wise men. There was people that, Daniel saved their lives by telling Nebuchadnezzar his dream, right? So remember Nebuchadnezzar forgot the dream, and he said, Well you've got to not only tell me the dream that I forgot, but you have to also interpret it, I'm going to make your houses into dung hills. Dung hill, the word of the day, right? So he said, and so Daniel saved them, didn't he? He not only saved the sorcerers and those guys, but he also said he saved the wise men too. So I mean if these guys were all like reprobates, I don't think Daniel would have tried to save all of them. He probably wouldn't have cared about those guys getting smoked, but you know, whatever. What he did saved the lives of all of them. And then they still throw them under the bus later on and try to feed them to the lions. But anyway, let's move on with the story here. So what happens? Verse 12, For they cast down every man his rod, they became serpents, but Aaron's rod swallowed up their rods. So the snakes, so Aaron's snake was a cannibal, cannibalized all the other ones. And so basically that's what? Showing that God's serpent is more powerful than the devil's. Because they had several of them, right? It says they cast every man down his rod. So you're talking about one guy throwing his rod down, it's one snake, right? One serpent and all the other guys, however many they were, and they ate all of them. So one snake ate the rest of them. And he hardened Pharaoh's heart and he hearkened not unto them as the Lord had said. Now obviously, you know, God says he's going to harden Pharaoh's heart. And I just want to kind of clear up a little bit of confusion when it comes to this. So the way that Romans 1 teaches how people become reprobates is that they don't want to retain God in their knowledge. You know, they became vain in their imaginations, their foolish heart is darkened. But they don't want to retain God in their knowledge because they reject God. So you see that they reject God first in Romans chapter 1 and then God rejects them. That's how it works. So just because we don't see Pharaoh rejecting God, we saw that in the last chapter though. When he said, who is the Lord that I should obey him? So he had a chance to listen to what God had to say and do it, but God already knew the decision that Pharaoh was going to make. So when the Bible talks about him choosing Pharaoh as a vessel of destruction, you know, he's choosing him. Why? Because he already knows what he's going to choose. Because we read in 2 Peter chapter 3, God is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. So was he willing, was his will for Pharaoh to actually be destroyed before he became a rejecter of God? No. Because he's not willing that any should perish. So you have to jive things along with the Scriptures. So just because you're like, well, it says that God was going to harden his heart. Yeah, he did, but you know, when it gives us the process of someone becoming a reprobate in the New Testament, it's them rejecting God first. And see, then God rejects them. And you're like, well, why do we got to talk about this again? Well, we're in a chapter where it's talking about someone's heart being hardened, so I'm going to have to explain this once again. And you know, there's people that haven't maybe heard this in here before. And you know, if you haven't been here for more than a week, no, I'm just kidding. You need to turn to John chapter 12. Okay, John chapter 12. Because, you know, I get a lot of messages that say, you know, who are you to judge? God can save someone any time. God, you know, God can save someone up to the very moment that they're on their deathbed and they die. And I would say that that's true if they're not one of these people. If they're not hardened in their hearts. Could a 99-year-old person that's about to take their last breath get the gospel and get saved? Absolutely they could. But if it's a 99-year-old queer that's dying of AIDS in a hospital bed, they ain't getting saved. Okay? I mean, because why? Because you already know that God's given them over to a reprobate mind. We know that for sure because the example that we get in Romans chapter 1 is that, isn't it? Now, God loved the whole world that he gave his only begotten son. Right? So at one point he's loved everybody enough to where he died for, he sent his son to die for all their nasty sins that they've committed. Because he didn't just die for the sins of, you know, not just people that are saved, he died for the sins of the whole world. That includes every single evil reprobate that's walked the face of the earth. That's a lot. You know, that's a big heavy burden for him to lift, but you know, Jesus got big shoulders. Amen? So John chapter 12, I want to show you in verse 37 an example of where God just says, and this is just one, I could turn to other ones. I could turn to Eli's sons how God wanted to kill them because they were children of Belial. And when the Bible says someone just every time you see the word children of Belial or sons of Belial in the Bible, those people are given over to a reprobate mind. They are unsavable. Okay? They're done. God's done with them. Because why would God say, well the sons of Eli were wicked sinners before the Lord and he wanted to kill them. Why would he say that if they were still savable? Because if God's not willing that any should perish, he's going to say, well, you know, maybe I need to send a prophet to Eli's sons or whatever. But that's not what happened. It says God wanted to kill them. So, you know, they didn't listen to what their dad said. Their dad did try to reprove them, but in a very weak way. So John chapter 12 verse 37. Now if you believe in the doctrine that God's never done with anybody yet until the final bell, then let's read these verses together. Look what it says. But though he had done so many miracles before them, yet they believed not on him. Talking about Jesus. Here's the people that will say, well if Jesus jumps into my test tube and I can test him scientifically, you know, whatever, whatever, then I'll believe. If Jesus comes down and appears to me and does some kind of miracle in front of me, then I'll believe. Is that true though? It says though that he had done so many miracles before them, yet they believed not on him. They saw him. They saw the miracles. They saw him heal blind people. They saw ten lepers get healed and one come back. They saw him, you know, do all manner of things. Raise Lazarus from the dead after he's been dead and stinking for four days. They saw the things he did and they wanted to kill Lazarus just because he was evidence of the fact that Jesus raised somebody from the dead. The conspiracy was big. But it says in verse 38 that the scene of Esaias the prophet might be fulfilled which he spake, Lord, who hath believed our report and to whom hath the arm of the Lord been revealed. Therefore they could not believe. Do you see that? Let's read it again together. Let's look at verse 39. Therefore, for this reason, they could not believe. See that? How they couldn't believe? These are people that have rejected God. They've blasphemed the Holy Spirit. God's done with them. It says, Therefore they could not believe because that Esaias saith again, he hath blinded their eyes. Who? Who's the he? It's God, right? He hath blinded their eyes and hardened their heart. He did this. That they should not see with their eyes nor understand with their heart and be converted and I should heal them. So, let's unravel this a little bit. I thought that anybody could be saved until the final bell. Isn't that what every bleeding heart says to you when you teach them the reprobate doctrine? A guy sent me an email and it was a nice email for once. He was actually just genuinely concerned about what I believed and I was just like, you just don't, you know, I was being nice. I just said, you know, I said just most Christians don't understand the reprobate doctrine. That's why. He's like, what do you mean exactly? What do you mean? Because this doctrine is not taught in churches today but, you know, we're going to teach everything the Bible says and this is what it says. That God blinded their eyes and hardened their heart. Just like he hardened Pharaoh's heart. So could Pharaoh be saved? Everybody knows he couldn't be saved. God said he was going to harden his heart and when your heart gets hardened by God, you're done. You are done. And it says, nor understand with their heart and be converted. What is that talking about? Getting saved, right? They can't get saved. They can't believe. Because what does it take to be saved? It takes belief. So if you can't believe, what can't you be? Saved, okay? This is not rocket science. This is just a basic scripture 101. But yet people just refuse to believe this doctrine. But then they'll gladly agree when you say, well, what's the only sin that you can't be forgiven of? And it's blasphemy of the Holy Ghost. But you know what else? Is under the umbrella a blasphemy of the Holy Ghost? Taking out chunks of God's Word and removing it from the Bible because you don't want to believe that. Pulling a Thomas Jefferson and just taking the Bible and taking all the miracles out of it and rewriting it, calling it the Jefferson Bible. Yeah, our founding father, wave your flags everybody, was a reprobate. Sorry. Sorry, not sorry. I mean, you want to put your faith in some reprobate, then go ahead and put your faith in some reprobate, but I'll put my faith in the Bible. I'll put my faith in God. So I don't care how many great quotes he has. I don't care if he's a father of our nation. But why would I respect and look back on Adolf Hitler? No. Would I respect and look back on Joseph Stalin? No. Well, you're like, well, he wasn't as bad. Still a reprobate though. Still a reprobate. So obviously he was a wicked person. If you're going to take all the miracles of Jesus out because you don't believe in miracles, but you still want to retain the things that Jesus did that were moral and whatever, I mean, he had to eviscerate a whole lot of scriptures in order to take all that stuff out. And what does the Bible say happens to you if you add to or remove from His Word? You're done. That's it. It's over. You blaspheme the Holy Ghost, you're done. It's over. If you take the mark of the beast, it's done. It's over for you. You cannot be saved after that because you're basically, you know who the beast is, you're believing in the beast, which is the antichrist and the devil, and you're believing in that instead of believing in God and you're taking that mark willingly, you're done. That's what the Bible says. So John MacArthur's not right about that. He's not right about a lot of things, but he's definitely not right about that. And to teach otherwise is just really weird when the Bible says the opposite of that. It doesn't matter what your understanding of other scriptures are with that. If that's what the Bible says, then you're going to hell. It's just that simple. So there's things that you can do where you step over a line with God that you can no longer come back from and He hardens your heart. Now we don't know when that happens with every single person, but we know because of Romans 1 that when fags do it, then they're done. God's done with them. Period. So we also know that when false prophets are teaching damnable heresies, you know, coming to your door with another gospel, then God says what? Paul says what? Let them be accursed. Let them be accursed. No, pray for their salvation. Is that what it says? No, it says let them be accursed. Paul, the sweet, gentle, you know, missionary. I mean, people just don't understand the Bible and sometimes it's just really sad that people, you know, they'll seem like they have a grasp on things and you teach them something like this. They're like, whoa, wait a second. It's just because they put a God in their own image, in their own mind, and that's the God that they believe in, but that's not the God of the Bible. And it's really devastating to find out when that happens, but anyway, look at Romans chapter 9 verse 17. Romans chapter 9 verse 17, the Bible says, For the scripture saith unto Pharaoh, so this is Paul writing about Pharaoh, Even for this same purpose have I raised thee up, that I might show my power in thee, and that my name might be declared throughout all the earth. Therefore hath he mercy on whom he will have mercy, and whom he will he hardeneth. So, but he hardens them after they've hardened their heart first, okay. I know a lot of you all know this doctrine, but just like, you know, there's certain things that are battles of our time and this is one of those battles. So we got to kick that puppy when we walk by it every once in a while, like every time. Sorry if you love puppies, but this is a puppy of a bad puppy that peed on the floor, okay. Anyway, so now let's go into the first plague. So the first plague that gets brought forth, I'm sorry puppy lovers, but anyway, the first plague is the water being turned into blood. Now I kind of want to give you just a little bit of background about this. So God, you know, he's going to start attacking the gods that they believe in. And he uses ten plagues to do this. And the last plague, of course, is the death of the first born. But the first one is water being turned into blood. Now the first thing that you know about water is that you can't survive without it. Somebody get me some water. Oh, some fag's calling me. Anyway, could somebody get me a cup of water real quick? Oh, thank you. So anyway, they must be watching. Sorry if the scriptures hurt your feelings. But anyway, so the first plague is water being turned to blood. And God, you know, so what is the thing we know about water? We need it to live. That's good. Thank you. You can't live more than a few days without water. And so what is their life source? The Nile River. The Nile River is probably the most famous river in the whole world. You know, everybody knows and has heard of the Nile River. I mean the Mississippi River is pretty famous. The Amazon River is pretty famous. But I mean the Nile River, everybody knows the Nile River, right? So this is their main source of life. And so they had a god that they worshipped called Hapi. Hapi, I don't know if I'm pronouncing that right, but it looks like H-A-P-I, was the god of the annual flooding of the Nile in ancient Egyptian religion. The flood deposited rich silt, fertile soil on the river banks, allowing the Egyptians to grow crops. Hapi was greatly celebrated among the Egyptians. Sorry, I've got to try to turn this watch off. Excuse me for just a second. Usually I have this off. Okay. Goodbye. So this is the god that they worshipped, the god of the annual flooding of the Nile that, you know, helped them grow their crops and all this other stuff, right? So God hits right at the source. The first plague is hitting right at the source of their livelihood. But they're putting their adoration in the wrong place. They're worshipping a god that's not real, number one. They're worshipping some devil. And so God's going to hit them right where it hurts. Look at verse 14. It says, And thou shalt stand by the river's brink against he come, and the rod which was turned to a serpent shalt thou take in thine hand, and thou shalt say unto him, The Lord God of the Hebrews hath sent me unto thee, saying, Let my people go, that they may serve me in the wilderness, and behold, hitherto, thou wouldest not hear. Thus saith the Lord, In this thou shalt know that I am the Lord. Behold, I will smite with the rod that is in mine hand upon the waters which are in the river, and they shall be turned to blood. So this is where you get that first plague happening. And what does a rod represent? Obviously the rod that we're talking about is kind of like a walking stick or whatever you'd use. Obviously you could, you know, you could push sheep around or hook sheep with it if you needed to like a shepherd's crook. But you could also, you know, beat animals with it. You know, they're trying to kill you or whatever. You can throw snakes away from you or whatever. But a rod is something that God says that we're supposed to spank our children with, right? So the rod represents judgment, doesn't it? The rod represents the judgment of God when it comes to these things. That's why he's saying take this rod and smack the water with it. Just like later, you know, he tells, you know, the reason why God said Moses couldn't go on the Promised Land because he was so mad, that instead of talking to the rock like he was supposed to, he smacked it a couple times and then it kind of broke that picture or whatever. And God was angry with Moses because he didn't obey his voice. Just one simple thing. Instead of talking to the rock like he was supposed to, he smacked the rock. But anyway, it represents, you know, being punished. It represents judgment. So it says, And the fish that is in the river shall die, and the river shall stink, and the Egyptians shall loathe to drink the water of the river. And the Lord spake unto Aaron, Take thy rod and stretch out thine hand upon the waters of Egypt, upon their streams, upon their rivers, and upon their ponds, and upon their pools of water, that they may become blood, and that there may be blood throughout all the land of Egypt, both in vessels of wood and vessels of stone. So they're not just, it's not just the Nile that's cursed. Now he's turning all water into blood in all these different vessels. So not just upon the Nile itself, but it says upon their streams and their rivers and their ponds. So there's no way for them to get a drink of water. And you know, they live in a desert place. So water is pretty dang important for them to be able to live and to water their animals for themselves and so on and so forth. And it says, And the fish that was in the river died, and the river stank, and the Egyptians could not drink the water of the river, and there was blood throughout all the land of Egypt. So, and it is really interesting that Jesus says that we have to have living water. You know, when he talked to the woman at the well, he talked about how that she, you know, that he asked her for a drink from the well that was Jacob's well. And then, you know, he said, well, if you would have asked me, I would have given you living water. And so, but it's interesting that that living water, you get that living water through the blood of Christ. So, you know, when we do communion, what does the blood represent? I mean, what does the juice represent? It represents the blood, doesn't it? The blood of Christ. The precious, pure blood of Christ. And the bread represents the body that was broken for us on the cross and his punishment, right? So, basically this, but the things that, you know, are a blessing to us are a curse onto the people that are unbelievers. Because blood to an unbeliever is a curse to them. If they had to drink blood, like literal blood, that's a curse. So God's, instead of blessing them with the things that we'll be blessed with, the living water that we get through the blood, they're getting cursed with the water that they had being turned into blood because that's, and that's all they got to drink. Pretty gross. Like, would anybody in here drink a cup of blood? I mean, that would be pretty disgusting, right? You'd probably be throwing up. Like, tomato juice is, like, looks really close to blood, but it doesn't, I mean, it tastes good. So, but, yeah, blood would be pretty gross. And blood, you know, it's got all that iron in it, you know? You can smell the iron and blood. Like, have you ever cut yourself that you can smell the metal? Ugh, yeah, so I wouldn't want to do that. And God says we're commanded to not drink blood. But what does he do to his enemies? Makes them drink blood. Like, that's pretty gross. Yeah, well, I mean, maybe they shouldn't be worshipping false gods. Maybe they shouldn't be, you know, enslaving whole people, a whole people, and making them do all this hard bondage and killing their children and all kinds of the other things that they were doing. So, and then blaspheming God. So, the curse happens, the river stinks, all the fish die. So not only do, they don't have anything to drink, but I'm sure a lot of their source of food was probably fish. You know, they didn't really particularly care for keeping cattle, but they do have cattle, and the Jews were the ones that take care of them, the Hebrews, the children of Israel. But, look at verse 22, it says, And the magicians of Egypt did so with their enchantments, and Pharaoh's heart was hardened, neither did he hearken unto them as the Lord had said. And really, what's the purpose of these people being able to counterfeit God's miracles here? Well, it's to get Pharaoh to say, well, why would I believe in God when these guys can do the same things that he can? That's the point. And that's how the devil's ministers always trick people. They'll, you know, they have these psychic type people or whatever. They had Miss Cleo back in the 1990s, man, you know, some fake psychic that you could call in. Anybody remember that that's old? Okay, Miss Cleo. So, there's also Jonathan Edwards. He was like a famous psychic. Whatever, Casey something or other from the 60s. There's always just psychics, but they're, you know, they commune with devils. They're necromancers. They're communicating with the dead, so they say, but it's funny because they'll give details that are true. They'll say, you know that ring that you lost in the sink? Yeah, it's down in the drain. Well, I know exactly where that was, and your uncle, you know, is telling me that he knows where that ring is. And so, when they go fish that ring out and it's actually there, how do they know where it was? Well, because devils can see things. They've been on this earth for a long time. And so, you know, when people talk about having generational curses and things like that, the generational curse might be that they just have a devil that's kind of attached to their family for a long time. It's not that you have, you know, the curse would be that you have some devil vexing your family for generations. But what else do they know? Where you lost your wedding ring? Because they were around. They saw it. And so, then they can tell these things to these psychic medians, and these psychic medians can tell somebody on some television program and make a whole bunch of people not believe the truth by just giving these fake false prophecies. But they can never predict the winning lotto numbers, it seems like. That'd be a handy, that'd be a handy tool of the psychic ability, right? So, please just tell me what the winning powerball numbers are. It's only 300 billion dollars, so, you know, it's like, they can't, you know why they can't do that? Because they're, you know, they're phony in a lot of ways. But obviously, they communicate with devils. And, you know, they can't predict the future. Devils can't predict the future. They might be able to predict to a certain extent, you know, based upon how you act or based upon, you know, certain variables, but they can't read minds, they can't predict the future, because only God can do that. God can predict the future, but they can't. So, anyway, but they do have a certain level of power, don't they? And even in the end times, they're going to be able to call fire down. God's going to allow them to do certain miracles because, you know, He's going to allow the nations that won't accept Him to be deceived. And so, just like He's allowing Pharaoh here to be able to be deceived by his own false prophets, and the Bible actually names them later on, and maybe next week or the week after, we'll kind of go into that a little bit. But, so Pharaoh, you know, he's just like hardens his heart even worse. Because if they can turn water into blood, then, you know, who cares? Why would I hearken unto Moses and Aaron? So it says, the magicians did, of Egypt did, verse 22, so with their enchantments and the Pharaoh's heart was hardened. Neither did he hearken unto them, as the Lord had said, and Pharaoh turned and went to his house, neither did he set his heart to this also. And all the Egyptians digged round about the river for water to drink, for they could not drink of the water of the river. And seven days were fulfilled after the Lord had smitten the river. So basically they had to, have you ever dug at like a river, like, and you're up, even far up on the shore, and you can dig to a certain point to where you can get to where the water table is, and the water, yeah. So basically that's what they're doing, the water table that was already there, and they were able to get a drink that way, but it's not exactly the best tasting water, I'm sure. I mean, you probably have to put it through some purifying processes in order to drink it, but, you know, seven days in the desert with no water, they did something. At least God allowed them a little bit of grace to be able to at least drink something, because in seven days without water, you're dead. So, and it says in seven days were fulfilled that the Lord had smitten the river. Now, let's, I want to turn to a couple verses, because I kind of want to just wrap this up. I'm only going to have you turn to two more places, and then we'll be done, okay? So, what is the purpose of the book of Revelation? What's the purpose for us to know the book of Revelation? What is it revealing to us? Well, it's revealing how God's going to deal with the nations in the last days. So remember, Egypt represents the world, and worldliness, and the things of the world. And the Pharaoh represents, you know, the wicked kings that are going to, you know, he obviously, I preach a whole sermon where I felt like he represents the Antichrist. You know, he's obviously against God. You know, he won't let the people go. He comes after them and tries to kill them later on, and he gets smoked, just like the Antichrist does. Easily. It's not like he even puts up a fight. You know what, the Antichrist isn't going to put up a fight either. It's all going to be a lot of huffing and puffing, and I'm going to blow your house down, and then Christ is going to return with all the saints with him, and he's just going to destroy them with the sword of his mouth. What does that mean? Well, the Bible talks about the two-edged sword, you know, the word of God being sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even through the divine asunder of joints and marrow, and it's a discernment of the thoughts and intents of the heart. I probably didn't get that right, but anyway, but that's what, you know, the word of God is a double-edged sword. It's sharper than any double-edged sword, and that's why when Jesus comes back, it says that he's going to smite the nations with the sword of his mouth, because he is the word of God, right? So, he can just speak and things blow up. He can speak and molecules come together. He can speak and things are created and made that are good, but he also can speak and things are destroyed like that. So, really, the devil is not even really a very good enemy as far as, like, comparing power, because God created him. He could destroy him at any point that he wants to, but, you know, even the devil serves his purposes. So, what's, you know, what's... God gave man free will, and ultimately we have choices, right? So, people, we're not Calvinists at this church, in case you were wondering that or not. Calvinists believe that God does everything for his glory. So, anytime a pedophile molested kid, that was for God's glory. That's sick if you believe that. That's not the God I believe in. God, that never came into God's mind. So, if that's what you think, that God just does all this harm and allows all this stuff because he's sovereign. I was talking about, what was that guy's name I was talking about from England earlier is Cromwell. You know, Cromwell was a Calvinist, and he cut the king of England's head off, had him killed in some kangaroo court, but isn't it weird how they always talk about how sovereign God is all the time, but then he wouldn't admit that the king was sovereign? It's pretty weird that you're a Calvinist and you would not say that the king is supreme. Because that's what they believe about God, right? Which, you know, God is supreme. God is sovereign, even though the word sovereign is never found in the Bible one time in the King James. So, you can't just, you know, the Bible is what reigns supreme. The Bible is what, I lost my train of thought, babies. All right, that's all right. But anyway, yeah, so it was just weird that Cromwell, you know, I don't know if you even know who I'm talking about, but basically it was King James, his son Charles, his son Charles is the one that got his head cut off by Oliver Cromwell, who was the lord and protector of England. But he let all the Calvinists take over, and then they start persecuting all the other Christians. So, it kind of got to the point where Cromwell just realized that, like, you know, what I've unleashed is just the same thing. Like, he was against the church of England, which, whatever, I get that. But when some group that's not doing what's right takes over and kills and murders a king, basically, then you think that it's just going to be all hunky dory for you after you do all this stuff? It's not going to be. But I just thought it was funny that Calvinists don't believe that the king was sovereign, because that's like their favorite word. Sovereign, sovereign, sovereign! It's just like that's all they want to talk about, even though it's not in the Bible. But anyway, so turn to Revelation chapter 8. Turn to Revelation chapter 8. So what is the purpose of Revelation? Well, it's to show, it's to reveal what's going to happen in the last days. It's telling us about the final week in Daniel's prophecy. It's telling us about the 70th week prophecy coming to pass. And it's showing God's judgment upon the earth. Now, when you start to see the plagues in Exodus, you'll notice that the plagues in the book of Revelation have a lot of similarity to them. But see, the difference is this was taking place in one place in the land of Egypt that the world may know, but the Revelation is taking place in the whole world, and all of the world is going to see it and feel it happening to them. So we're talking about a small place geologically in this one nation, but in the book of Revelation it's a punishment to the whole world. And it also shows His love and care for His people. Just like we'll see through the rest of these plagues in Exodus, you'll start seeing how God, even though these things are happening to them in this land, that God's hand of protection is still upon them the whole time. And God does love His people, and God will rescue His people, and God is going to protect His people, and we're not going to have to face this wrath. So obviously there will be still, you know, after the rapture, after that, there is still going to be people that will be saved. Why are the 144,000 coming down to preach the gospel if nobody else is getting saved? People are going to get saved. There's your tribulation saints if you want to receive that. But do you think that the tribulation saints are going to have to feel the wrath of God? They're not appointed under wrath either. And all those people that are sealed in their foreheads that come back, nothing happens to them. What about the scorpions? Are the scorpions allowed to hurt them? No. They're like, oh skip that guy, nom nom nom nom, whatever they do. They bite and attack these long-haired scorpion things or whatever. Pretty freaky stuff. But, you know, this is the other purpose of revelation, is that the world may know that He is the Lord. Because they will know. As soon as the scrolls roll back, and then what are they afraid of? The face of God. The face of the wrath of the Lamb, right? We talked about this last week, or actually on Thursday. Look at Revelation 8, 8. It says, The second angel sounded, and as it were, a great mountain burning with fire was cast into the sea, and the third part of the sea became, what? Blood. So, same God, same type of plague, different, you know, He's using a fiery mountain, which is probably some kind of an asteroid or something, I don't know. But it says a great mountain burning with fire, and the sea became blood, and the third part of the creatures, which were in the sea and had life, died. So what happens in the plague of Egypt, this first plague? Is this, you know, all the fish die, seven days upon the land. I mean, there is, the plagues don't correlate because there's seven trumpets, seven bulls of wrath, or vials of wrath. So that's fourteen, right? And then there's ten when it comes. So they're not going to line up perfectly, but is this plague like the plague, the first plague that hits Egypt? Yeah, it is, but we're just talking about on a global scale. So a third of everything in the sea dies, and a third of the sea becomes blood. So, I mean, we're talking about global level judgment. And so God's purpose in Revelation is just to close everything out with Him winning, with us winning. And I'm really happy that we win. I've read the last chapter of the Bible, guess what, we win. There's a new heaven and a new earth, and all of our tears are wiped away from our eyes, and we won't have to worry about any of this garbage that we have to look at every day, and everybody's going to be happy. So that's when everything's going to be happy, everybody. Okay, but it's not right now. But we have that stuff to look forward to, and praise God for it. Because if we didn't have things to look forward to, it'd be a pretty tough life here, wouldn't it? But, again, there's always a silver lining. Yeah, there's a lot of stuff going wrong in our world, but you know what? There's also a lot of places for us to shine in this world. And hey, nobody got saved when we went out soloing today, but you know what? Our light still shined out there regardless. That's what He wants us to do is shine the light. You know, people have the choice of whether they want to receive it or reject it. And some people rejected it. Some seven-foot-tall woman rejected it today. There's no thanks. All right, okay, yes sir. I mean, I was just like, all right. Turn to Revelation 16. Last place will have you turn. But I believe that these plagues and what happens here is a picture of the end times' destruction of the world by God. And obviously, you know, it's going to be a lot of fire happening because we've talked about that on Thursday night, a lot of fire taking place, a lot of burning of elements and things like that. But look at Revelation 16.3. It says, then the second angel poured out his vial upon the sea and it became as the blood of a dead man, which is probably pretty gross, right? And every living soul died in the sea. So there's the vial judgment. So the first judgment's a third of the sea life and then this one is just everything dies. You know how many people live off of the things that we get out of the ocean? Like millions, probably billions of people. So we're talking just mass extinction of all sea life, right? Isn't that what it says? It became as blood of a dead man and every living soul died in the sea. And the third angel poured out his vial upon the rivers and fountains of waters and they became blood. And I heard the angel of the waters say, Thou art righteous, O Lord, which art and was and shalt be, because thou hast judged thus. For they have shed the blood of saints and prophets and thou hast given them blood to drink, for they are worthy. So God's going to be like, hey, how about a little bit of blood for you? Drink up, buddy. You want to spill the blood of innocent people and prophets of this world throughout all these ages? Well, guess what? In the end, in the book of Revelation, they're going to be given blood to drink. Everything is going to be turned. The tables are going to be turned. We get to be the winners. The Bible says that people get killed all the day long. For thy sake, they are counted as sheep and killed all the day long. People have been killing Christians and people that believe in God for a long time, but guess what? It's all going to come back on them and God is going to repay and He repays in a mighty way. He judges. Just like He said in the book of Exodus here, that one of His purposes is to show judgment in the land, right? And in the end times, we're going to see similar things, but on global scales where the whole ocean is going to be made into blood and every living soul dies, right? So it's going to be pretty gross. I mean, but, you know, we're not going to be here. If you're saved and you are caught up in the resurrection, you're not going to be here to see that, but if you're left behind, you're going. But it says, and I heard another out of the altar say, Even so, Lord God Almighty, true and righteous are thy judgments. So, you know, people can say, well, your God is so mean and He's this and He's that, but He gives mercy to those that will seek it. He's long suffering to those that will take, you know, the blood of Christ upon them and be saved and have their sins forgiven and He's full of mercy. He's the most merciful being in the whole universe. He is love, isn't He? But He also has His patience. And you know what? He doesn't have to let people into heaven that He doesn't want there. And you know who He doesn't want there? Sinful people that refuse to believe on His Son Jesus Christ for salvation. And that's just the way it is. You can't have everything your way. You just can't. So, you know, if you're here and you're saved today, you better thank God for that. And thank God that He's going to back us up and that we are the winners of this whole thing. That we're all sitting here, we're not rich right now monetarily, but one day we're going to be the richest people around. We're going to have the whole kingdom. We're going to inherit with God. We're going to inherit with His Son Jesus Christ, right? The Father's going to make us to inherit. You know, we get everything. You know what they get? Blood to drink. Okay, I'll take heaven for 1,000, Alex. Anyway, let's pray. Lord, we thank you so much for this great chapter in the Bible, Lord. I pray that you just help us to discern the things in the Old Testament that are helpful to us in the New Testament here. Lord, we're New Testament believers, but Lord, everything in this book is ours. And I just pray, Lord, that you'd help us to love this book and to read this book every single day. And Lord, that we wouldn't take our salvation as something for granted. Lord, that we would actually do something with the new life that we've been given, the new lease on life. Lord, that we have as saved people. Let us not just waste it in silliness and going after the things of this world, Lord. I pray that you just help us to have discernment. I pray that these young people that are in here, Lord, that they would just, you know, they would follow after you with all their heart and forsake the ways of the world because the ways of the world just lead to destruction and pain and death. Lord, I pray that you'd help us to have wise hearts and I pray that you'd bless each and every one that came. Thank you so much for all the faithful people that are here today. And I pray that you just take them home safely tonight. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen. Two hundred and seventy-eight. Three hundred and seventy-eight. Three hundred and seventy-eight. Three hundred and seventy-eight. Three hundred and seventy-eight. Three hundred and seventy-eight. Three hundred and seventy-eight. Three hundred and seventy-eight. Three hundred and seventy-eight. Suddenly the Lord descending in his temple shall appear. Come and worship, come and worship, worship Christ the newborn King. Amen. Good singing. Don't forget to grab your roasts if you're taking a roast home to cook for next week. Don't forget or you're going to go hungry. All right, let's pray. Lord, we thank you so much for this wonderful day. We pray that you just bless us as we go our separate ways and bless our fellowship afterwards. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen. Amen.