(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) We have this really famous story in Exodus and I'm really excited about actually preaching through it. It's it's kind of definitely a different we've we've already seen Moses on the mountain and he's explained all the stuff of the tabernacle and we've gone through several chapters where we're just focusing on what they were supposed to make and and all the outfits and all the spoons and forks and altars and just everything and now we're finally to you know a real action-packed chapter so Moses gets done speaking with the Lord on the Mount and he comes down and they've already corrupted themselves they've already turned back to Egypt basically and started practicing the practices that they had seen other people do and it's kind of a big picture here a really good picture for us to see is the difference between what how God wants things done and then how you know just because someone's saying this is of the Lord doesn't mean that that's actually so because they changed their gods and said these be thy gods O Israel and then they're eating and drinking they're saying it's a feast of the Lord but is an actually is it actually a feast to the Lord or is it a feast to idols that God had just got done saying you're not supposed to make these and then you also have the music you know they're there clearly there's music going on and it's it's such bad music that Joshua was saying it sounds like you know war is happening so like you kind of wonder like what kind of music is this and I'll cover that later on I want to get too ahead of myself but you see the Egyptian coming out of them you know in their quote-unquote church service so let's look at verse number one and it says in verse number one there when the people saw that Moses delayed to come down out of the mount the people gathered themselves together unto Aaron and said unto him make us gods which shall go before us for as this Moses the man that brought us up out of the land of Egypt we want not what has become of him so again the theme of this chapter really is the theme of the children of Israel you know they're rebellion and they're this generation here is not a great generation and God you know he obviously there's some great people in this movement here but all these people later on are going to die in the wilderness that are 40 years old and under so they really had a bad rebellious heart but you know the children of Israel represent save people and save people can go back to the world and their heart can go back to the world and want to go back to the things that they've already done before their sinful habits and sometimes it doesn't take very long and as a saved person you can fall into pitfalls that's why it's so important to live separated to be separated from the world and to just obey God and obey his commandments and you know don't let your heart get called back to Egypt because it's just kind of how what happens but you know we there's a lot of enticements in this world and it seems like you know what here's another thing to get out of it when the cats away the mice will play so Moses is gone and so their leadership is gone and so you know it says they rose up to play that doesn't it but that's a saying that like when the boss is away you know then the mice are gonna play around and do whatever they want slack off or you know just not be with it but and so they basically just throw the man of God aside throw him under the bus because he's not there and say we don't even know what happened to him but he's up on this mountain getting the Ten Commandments and all that stuff but so they're just ready to throw off the ways of the Lord and go back to Egypt and forsake the laws that God just got done explaining to Moses so turn to Acts chapter 7 and there's some commentary in the book of Acts in this chapter where Stephen is preaching this great sermon and he kind of gives a history of Israel and I just want to show you some verses where it's actually specifically talking about this passage in the Bible and Acts 7 37 go ahead and keep your finger finger or bookmark in Exodus chapter 32 because we're gonna come back to it a lot but Acts chapter 7 verse 35 and a really important thing to understand is that the New Testament gives commentary on the Old Testament and so whenever you see commentary from the New Testament interpreting the Old Testament for us that is that is the right interpretation so verse 35 the Bible says here in Acts 7 it says this Moses whom they refused whom they refused saying who made thee a ruler and a judge the same did God sent to be a ruler and a deliverer by the hand of the angel which appeared to him in the bush so of course we know that God spoke to Moses out of the burning bush but they refused him and so what is this a picture of well as Moses is refused also because he does picture Christ the children of Israel refused Jesus Christ when he also came to to be the ruler over them also but anyway verse 36 says he brought them out after that he had showed wonders and signs in the land of Egypt and in the Red Sea and in the wilderness forty years this is that Moses which said unto the children of Israel a prophet shall shall the Lord your God raise up unto you of your brethren like unto me him shall ye hear so that's out of Deuteronomy chapter 18 and then verse 38 says this is he that was in the church of the wilderness with the angel which spake to him in the Mount Sinai and with our fathers who received the lively oracles to give unto us to whom our fathers would not obey but thrust him from them in their hearts turned back again unto Egypt so the Bible the New Testament is explained to us here this is what happened to them their hearts turned back to Egypt and even though they were literal slaves they're not necessarily getting paid they're probably getting room and board but I mean in the end they're making them do all this extra work because Moses was trying to free them in the first place and they're getting whipped and they're getting mistreated and you know they're they're killing their children they're only allowed to have daughters and they were throwing the sons to the into the into the river and killing them and they want to go back there but isn't that how the world is today to these wicked women out there that love Planned Parenthood and want to just get out and show people just how nasty they really are about how they aborted their children I mean but the world again Egypt represents the world in this book and all throughout the scriptures Egypt is not really talked about in a high in high esteem at all it's usually that picture and it says they turn their hearts back again into Egypt and we ought to be careful as Christians not to turn our hearts back to Egypt and want to go back to our old ways because the ways thereof are death I mean sin bringing forth death and you know the the more you sin the quicker you're probably going to die as a saved person so verse 40 saying unto Aaron make us gods to go before us for as for this Moses which brought us out of the land of Egypt we want not what has become of him and they made a calf in those days and offered sacrifice unto the idol and rejoice in the works of their own hands so very clear they made this calf and it is an idol it's a it's a it's a graven image that God forbids and he really just it's one of the sins that he hates the most is where you'll make gods unto yourself like this and it says rejoice in the work of their own hands then God turned and gave them up to worship the host of heaven as it is written in the book of the prophets oh ye house of Israel have you offered to be slain beasts and sacrifices by the space of 40 years in the wilderness yay he took up the tabernacle of Molech which is a false God and the star of your God Rem fan now of course you see in Israel's flag today it's this star and they call it the Star of David but there's no place in the Bible where it mentions anything about a star you know being something that there is supposed to be an emblem of their people and the Jews today they don't even know where the star came from but you know what the Bible tells us where it came from it's the star of their God Rem fan and it says figures which he made to worship them and I will carry you away beyond Babylon so God gives his commentary here and you know that's like I just I can't understand why somebody would put an Israeli flag in their church building and that that flag what's it represent an unbelieving nation doesn't it so why would we put an unbelieving nation flag in our church building I mean and just you know because the people over there are by and by not Christian so but you know people want to worship and lick the boots of Israel and it's like you know what they're doing over there right now is not right either I mean obviously you know Hamas didn't do something right either but I mean basically I don't really have a side to cheer for because they're both doing wicked things you know but obviously wiping out a whole a whole population is pretty bad so and everybody's just oh it's fine for us to do that we can defend our borders we can kill everybody in our borders but you know then America you know we want to fight everybody else's border wars when we don't even have our own border under control right but anyway verse 30 back to verse 2 and Exodus chapter 32 so Aaron is the leader while Moses is gone if you remember back a few chapters that Moses said hey if there's any issues and take them to Moses and the other leaders I mean excuse me to Aaron and the other leaders and so they go to mo they go to Aaron they say we don't know what happened to Moses we're gonna go to Aaron now and Aaron is not the leader he's a leader he is the high priest which is a high position but Moses is in charge Moses is like the judge of them and he's in charge and so they go to Aaron because why because they want to just be you know they want to go and and and and placate to you know try to get placated with Aaron and Aaron is not a very strong leader is as it as it shows in this chapter but and that's why Moses is a leader so verse 2 and Aaron said unto them break off the golden earrings which are in the ears of your wives of your sons and of your daughters and bring them unto me and all the people break off the golden earrings which were in their ears and brought them unto Aaron now apparently the boys had picked up the Egyptian practice of wearing earrings in their ears and you know in our culture today and when I was a young a young lad and when if you had an earring in your ear you were queer I mean especially if you had it in the right ear so you know people will say well see men in the Bible wore earrings and that's okay well I mean I think it looks queer it does and I've had I this ears pierced right here I got a pierced when I was 16 years old a rebellious punk teenager but I haven't put anything in there in a long time obviously so hopefully it's all the way closed up but I don't think it's a manly attribute to have earrings in your ears I mean if you look at Egypt of course the Egyptians are always pictured you know there's a lot of art that's been preserved from there and they the men wore earrings so you're like well pastor Thompson is saying that the men wore earrings so that it should be okay but here's the thing about the Bible just because something says something that doesn't mean that what they were doing was right it doesn't it doesn't it's not saying hey you know it's okay for you to for your sons to wear earrings it's saying hey give me the earrings that your sons are wearing so you can melt it down but there's no place in the Bible this really states that wearing earrings is necessarily a sin but it does you know it does have a negative connotation even in our culture today and why is that because we had we came from a Christian culture and so now earrings is a big deal and piercings and all kinds of tackle box things are put in people's faces and you know they got the gauges in their ears now so they want to look like a yabangi warrior or something and you know they have these you know these little clear I don't know what you call it like a glass window that so you can see people's teeth and I mean people just put the weirdest things in their face and you know God doesn't I just don't think that God wants us to mutilate our flesh now and again I'm not saying the earrings on a girl are wrong but if both men and women are wearing you know if everybody this guy in this church is wearing earring why don't you guys wear earrings I don't see one person in here with earrings in their ears it's a guy why don't you wear them because it looks gay that's why it looks queer I mean when I was growing up in the 80s again it was a you know but there were like my uncle was a sodomite and I didn't realize why he was wearing earrings and then but at that time I mean that was just like a telltale sign you know it's same thing if like a guy's wearing thumb rings on a certain hand or something I don't know how they you know do all these little communications these queers but they know how to find each other in crowds by what they're wearing sometimes and so like when I was growing up they'd say hey don't don't get an earring in this ear because people think you're queer right who remembers that okay lots of guys all right cool I know I know I'm not alone in this fight tonight but there's a song that was done by it was during the MTV days when they actually played music videos on there and it was it was that I want my MTV is a dire straits I think sing the song and I'm not saying I'm not condoning their music or whatever but they had a song and in one of those lyrics and there was see the little faggot with the earring in the makeup yeah buddy that's his own hair a little faggot got his own jet plane that little faggot he's a millionaire and that song plays on the radio but back then they actually didn't bleep out the words but it's because look we live in a different age if you said that word out loud you know today people are like oh you're a bigot you're this you're that but even the guys that were singing the music back then we're saying that you get a earring you're a little faggot right I mean that's because this culture was raised to believe that that it's just kind of a queer thing so so he breaks off the golden earrings and like I said just because someone's practicing something doesn't mean that the Bible is condoning of it means they took that practice out of Egypt and and we're still you know probably still dressing the same way in a lot of ways and they had you know the like that picture of them being saved and and and taken out of captivity out of slavery you know it takes a while for a Christian once they get saved to kind of get that worldly stuff out of there and so this is kind of a picture here of you know hey Aaron you know Aaron's not definitely doing a lot of things right here he's doing a lot of things wrong he's not a very good leader he like wants to go with what the people want and that's the problem because Moses you know we're gonna see we saw what Moses does he freaks out right but Aaron just like here let me just make up some golden calf story or whatever let me see your earrings so I can make a graven image it's like he's the high priest I just I don't understand that but it's because you know and this is what happens when leaders will take over sometimes and they'll bow to the will of the people and instead of just preaching what the Bible says they will preach what people want to hear and they and they'll avoid topics that will take the tithers out of their church or offend somebody that has a queer cousin or something they're afraid to just preach what the Word of God says and obviously dire straits lyrics are not the scriptures okay I understand that but the point I'm trying to make is that it was a stigma in this society to wear for men to wear to not wear earrings if they were if they wore earrings they were considered a queer when I was growing up now again I got mine done when I was 16 years old and I regret that okay I'm not saying that it was a good thing it was bad I also had my hair frosted like vanilla ice so is that was that cool too I mean it's kind of queer ish too wasn't it I mean I wasn't a queer at all but just look society just in imprints things on us and we don't even realize that it's happening sometimes people you know they just don't realize what they're doing wrong but when you get saved then God wants you to clean it up and so one of these things obviously that they probably didn't intend on but you know they took the earrings out of their ears the guys did and praise God for that even though it was to make a golden idol but there's just something I believe it's just something that they picked up on in that culture so anyway verse 4 says and he received them at their hand and fashioned it with a graving tool after he had made it a molten calf and they said this be thy gods o Israel which brought brought thee up out of the land of Egypt so I mean just a queer click the part quick departure from the ways of the Lord and you know they go to the kind of second-in-command and he just kind of just caves to whatever they want now the Bible is very clear that having graven images is a wicked sin in Exodus 24 you can or 20 verse 4 you can turn there if you want but I'm gonna read a few verses here thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image God's very clear on this Exodus 20 verse 4 thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image or any likeness of anything excuse me that is in heaven above or that is in the earth beneath or that is in the water under the earth thou shalt not bow down thyself to them nor serve them fry the Lord thy God I'm a jealous God visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me so I mean he kind of goes on a little tangent here not all the Commandments does he kind of give this commentary but he hates graven images he hates that people make them he hates that people bow down to them and it says and showing mercy unto thousands of them that love me and keep my Commandments so idol worship is kind of you know part of the downward spiral of society that's why it's mentioned in Romans 1 as kind of one of those catalysts they kind of lead people down the downward spiral to reprobation where they just no longer could be saved and so it's it's part of the formula it's when people start taking and worshiping animals and combining them like the Egyptians did and they have all these paintings on their walls of these false gods and God basically just destroyed all their gods in Egypt the children of Israel saw it happen because you know they worship frogs and all these different kinds of you know animal combinations with human beings and called them their gods and God himself just kind of struck down every single God that they had and showed who the who the real God really is but yet these people are just going back in their hearts to Egypt because they miss the leeks and garlic they miss the the good southern food or whatever it was there and they you know they probably enjoy the music I mean what what is targeted in this chapter you know the things that they're wearing or not wearing later on and then the music and the and and the religious practice that they're doing a religious ceremony aren't they they're doing some kind of church service and these it's wrong so and do you see that happening today where religious services are going wrong absolutely that's why we like to stick with the fundamentals that's why we like to be old-fashioned because we want to please the Lord and when you start bringing the world into the church that's when people start having the problems that's when churches start becoming not churches so verse 5 and when Aaron saw it he built an altar before it and Aaron made proclamation said tomorrow is a feast to the Lord confusing isn't it and they rose up early on tomorrow and offered burnt offerings and brought peace offerings and the people sat down to eat and drink so they have this feast that God didn't call him to do it's to you know these golden calves and it says and rose up to play now what does that mean exactly well they rose up to you know I don't know if it's to play music or to just play and you know whatever they're doing is not right so they're playing around or whatever but it says they rose up to play and so they're kind of enjoying this this this service thing that they're having that's to a false to false gods like literal calves golden calves they're worshiping something that was made by Aaron he even built an altar I mean it sounds like Aaron's facilitating all this stuff and that's what happens when you get the wrong kind of leadership in a church or you know that the the weak leader is gonna just do whatever the people want and that's why we have to have strong leadership in churches and not allow these you know pansy sissy leaders to get up and run things so you know that these churches you know there's churches out there that are run by deacon board so the pastor's hands are tied they design the church to be like that but where in the Bible does it say that the deacons are supposed to run the pastor it doesn't say that at all there's no verse you can find it as a matter of fact the deacons were made we read about those verses this morning they were put it they were ordained for what reason to help the pastor did not have to do certain things because he was there they were supposed to be preaching and praying and and doing those other things and so the deacons were were put into place to serve the church and to do the daily ministration for the widows but today you know you have these elder plurality of elders running churches and you have and which is not also and also not found in the Bible and then you have deacon boards running the Bible and then whatever deacons so the deacons take power basically and it's usually not it's not deacons that are biblically qualified they're the best business people in the church and they have the most money or something so the pastor's like oh they're good with money so let's just make them the deacons but those deacons would have to be you know there has to be a vote on what the pastor wants to do so if the pastor's like say he's just not going soul winning and he's like you know what I need to do soul winning and then the deacons don't like that well they can just remove them they can just fire that pastor and bring in someone that they can puppet control and look this is how independent Baptist churches are run today a lot of them and it's wicked it's wrong because when when do you see Moses going to the deacon board to ask what he's supposed to do no God he spoke to God face to face and Moses was out telling the people what God said and that's what a pastor supposed to do and sometimes the pastor has to say no sometimes the pastor has to say no golden calves no golden earrings no worldly music and someone has to be in charge and it was one man his name was Moses and when Moses went off to go just commune with God and do you know the godly things he's supposed to be doing his brother you know goes all liberal and this is what happens a lot of Baptist churches there'll be a strong powerful Baptist preacher that does a good job and then in one generation one fool destroys everything that that person has done I mean just think about pastor Jack Hiles I mean well look at what that church had turned into you know his wicked son-in-law takes over and run you know basically it's never been the same since and then you have you know I mean I'm sure that there's just multiple you know churches where the man of God was there and then now it's just nothing because the Aaron comes in and takes over and gives the people what they want and you know there's whole church movements that do this what does that say it's Saddleback I think what's the guy's name that runs Saddleback it's like one of them huh Rick Warren yeah and he wrote that book called the purpose-driven Church or whatever and in that in that manual that book that he writes he this is one of the practices he does when he goes to start a church in an area he does a questionnaire of what kind of music do you guys like and then whatever the most popular music is in that area then he tailors the services to go after the music that people like it's not it's not even talking about save people just what kind of church would you like to go to and like this isn't something that God deals in ever in the scriptures where he's just like hey it doesn't matter what I want because I'm God what do you guys want no God tells us what we need God tells us what we should want God tells us how to do things the right way now look at verse number seven it says and the Lord said unto Moses go get thee down for thy people which thou brought us out of the land of Egypt have corrupted themselves they they have turned aside quickly out of the way which I commanded them they have made them a molten calf and have worshipped it and have sacrificed there unto and said these be thy gods o Israel which have brought thee up out of the land of Egypt so God's telling Moses hey you need to get down there and take care of business because they've corrupted themselves to the point where they're already like breaking you know this commandment to not bow down to worship idols they're sacrificing to it they're you know you're not supposed to make them bow down to them or serve them you're not supposed to serve the idols because isn't it weird how people will serve a statue that's what they do I mean go into any Chinese restaurant and fat Buddha is there with some orange peels by him and some drink offerings and we don't think anything of it because it's just normal to us but there I mean they say that they don't worship Buddha but why is he why is there a statue of him holding offerings in his hands and stuff and they like I mean he can't drink it it's not like they go they close the shop down at night and then little Buddha fat little Buddha drinks the drink offering that they gave him and eats the oranges or something that stuff just sits there and rots because it's not real but to them it is and they serve that that idol we saw like a brother Jesse well was that like a Hindu or Buddhist style it was a statue where there it's holding his hands out it has these like symbols in his hands but it was a dog it was like a puppy dog or something boot a Buddha statue puppy dog never seen that before but you know obviously there and when people put those kind of statues outside their house there what are they telling you this is my god Oh Israel this is you know when you come to the door you know a lot of times they have those Buddha statues and stuff because that's what they believe and they're they're going after idols and God hates that it's just ridiculous they're not really gods they're not they're just an idol that somebody made with their hands and so you could understand why God's the one that made everything and provides all these great wonderful gifts for us in a world that we can live in it's it's made you know for us and and he makes sure that we have the Sun I mean the rain rains on the just and the unjust right so even people that hate God still get to partake of the benefits of the world that he's made and then to have them you know say this is my god this is statute it upsets him and it makes him angry he's jealous he's a jealous God and jealousy isn't isn't a sin see if jealousy is used in this world today like oh you're just jealous but really that's they mean envy but jealousy for you know your spouse is normal but today what what is society what does Egypt tell us today about being jealous if you're jealous for your spouse oh there's something wrong with you you're just too jealous no you should be jealous God tells us to be jealous of our spouses and he is jealous when his people you know commit spiritual fornication or spiritual adultery with the things of this world it upsets them so verse number eight says they have turned aside to them quickly out of the way that I've commanded them so and then it says these be thy gods Israel towards the end of that verse there but who said that who's the actual person that said that to the children of Israel it was Aaron he said that to the children of Israel these be thy gods Oh Israel after he makes it after he collects the things to make it he's the one that says that and as a leader you just can't leave someone in charge that's not a good leader you have to have somebody that has you know a little bit of strength and a little bit of backbone and so like if I'm away you know this church has never fallen apart when I've been away because we have good men and good leaders and they're just not gonna let and obviously some things I know what you guys do when I'm not here you're wicked but I know that sometimes things get a little more lax around here but that's just the way it is but you know I haven't had full-blown you know church splits as I was gone some place hopefully that never happens but you know I don't want to put Aaron in charge because I don't want some weak leader to just start giving the people everything they want you know so we have to make sure that as God's you know like as a pastor I don't want to put people in charge that are wishy-washy in this kind of way and that this is but this is the kind of pastors that are turning out these days so Aaron should have smashed that rebellion Aaron should have said what are you talking about you idiots what did God just say to you and instead he's just he's taking part in what they did like literally facilitating their idol worship but I mean do I think Aaron was saved absolutely I think he was saved he just wasn't a strong leader he was the type of leader that you don't want in charge and that's why God obviously picked Moses instead of him so because who's the older brother Aaron's the older brother isn't he but that theme that you see in scripture is the younger brother usurping the older brother and it kind of pictures Christ you know being picked over the Old Testament you know he's the you know he's the younger well he's the only begotten son but you see that picture though Jacob and Esau and you see it here with Aaron and Moses Joseph and his brethren you know Joseph ends up being picked as the highest and he's the second to last born so but there's a reason why but Aaron's the one that you know Aaron pictures Christ in the way that he is the high priest and he's the one that's allowed to go in but I mean it's definitely not of merit I mean to me it's like I think that most people say well Aaron's no longer qualified to be the high priest because I mean he literally made idols literally let them get naked and dance around or whatever so he should have smashed it he didn't smash it and this is you know again the a good example what happens when bad leadership takes over so look at verse 9 the Bible says and the Lord said unto Moses I have seen this people and behold is a stiff neck people now therefore let me alone that my wrath may wax hot against them and that I may consume them and I may and I will make a V a great nation so God's ready to just right now after the children of Israel just came out of Egypt basically to hit the reset button and kill everybody and people like well the God of the Old Testament you know he was he was just mean you know he was different well the God of the Old Testament is the God of the New Testament also okay and if you haven't read the book of Revelation he put some pretty serious curses on the people in the end times also and God is just he's not gonna play around when it comes to stuff like this so he's upset because of what they've done and he's ready to just say hey Moses I'm gonna take you and I'll make a V a great nation and he was one of the children you know he's a child of Israel you know so he wouldn't have been wrong in doing that it's still you know gonna happen but of course I'm sure he knew that Moses was gonna be like Christ and he's gonna make intercession so that that's the picture here is in verse 11 it says and Moses besought the Lord his God and said Lord why doth thy wrath wax hot against thy people which thou hast brought forth out of the land of Egypt with great power and with a mighty hand so I mean if you picture this as salvation then yeah God saved them took them out from being slaves in Egypt just like we were slaves to our sin and so it's like well God you brought them out why are you so mad at them like you kind of know what they're gonna do but to me it's kind of a weird question though because he's like well Moses knows what why God's mad it's like why are you mad at him it's like and then Moses about to explode here any minute here but the picture here for us though is that Moses is an intercessor like Jesus Christ was an intercessor and Moses loved the people even though they rejected him just like Christ you know people as a whole people reject Christ but he still loved each and every person and died for each individual that's ever been born and that ever will be born on the face of the planet so Moses even though like he's gonna have uprisings that happen his own brother has made gold I mean how embarrassing like he just memory he just ordained his son I mean his his brother and his sons to be in the ministry and then it's like Moses is making a calf the next day it's like what are you doing you know but anyway so let's look at verse number 12 it says wherefore should the Egyptians speak and say for mischief did he bring them out to slay them in the mountains and to consume them from the face of the earth turn from my fierce wrath and repent of this evil against thy people and again evil doesn't always mean that you're like wicked or something but it can mean that but evil actually means to do harm so what was the harm that God was gonna do he was gonna kill all of them and restart with Moses and Moses is pleading for their case he's an intercessor for the children of Israel that don't deserve it obviously and you know we don't deserve to be saved either honestly and you know the only difference between us and someone that's not saved is the fact that we believe in Christ and he saved us and so they're saved and unsaved that's the difference but Moses then Moses goes back to you know he goes back to Genesis and verse 13 says remember Abraham Isaac and Israel thy servants to whom thou swearst by thine own self and said unto them I will multiply your seed as the stars of heaven and all this land that I have spoken of will I give unto your seed and they shall inherit it forever and the Lord repented of the evil which he thought to do unto his people now that word repent you know obviously I've preached about this a lot of times I'm just gonna briefly mention this but see the Lord repented but it says of the evil so people will take stuff like that you know verses like report the word repent and apply it to us as that every time a man repents that he's repenting of their sins but God doesn't have any sin so that that's not what this is saying God changed his mind the word repent actually means to change your mind that's what it actually means and you can change your mind about your sin you can do that but that's not what's required of salvation which is what a lot of preachers will get up and say they'll say well you got to repent of all your sins or you got to repent of your sins to be saved it's like no that's not what the Bible says the Bible says believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved so our faith is what saves us the faith in Christ and his shed blood for us and the fact that he died and rose again and lives liveth evermore and he ever liveth to make intercession for us just like Moses is doing here in that picture but you know the word repent has become kind of a buzzword and sometimes you know there's a spectrum of course of people saying repent of your sins and they might mean you know you just have to admit that you're a sinner but again I mentioned that this morning that's not what that's not what you're saying though it's confusing to people and I don't think we should be confused and I think that we should be straightforward with our language but the fact that God repents of evil here you know everybody knows that God's not a sinner so that's not what it's saying so that means he changed his mind and decided not to kill all of them and start a new nation with Moses does that make sense now it's this man Moses you know the one that they're talking bad about and constantly complaining about and questioning his leadership at every turn was really the only thing right here standing between God's wrath and the destruction of this whole nation I mean think about that Moses could have said yeah you're right you know just make just make me one of you know but he didn't do that you know his intercessory prayer saved a bunch of rebels and a lot of you know some of them end up being reprobates and wicked people and they didn't even realize it you know this guy they're gonna constantly complain about later he's interceding for them to God right now and saying hey don't do that God you you promised that you know to Abraham Isaac and Israel and you swear by your own self and said you'll multiply their seed as the stars of heaven now of course Jesus Christ is that seed that it's talking about and Jesus Christ was born out of that line and he's born of the tribe of Judah so yeah if he would have done this that would have changed everything so but but again Moses is here just sticking up for a bunch of people that really just want to throw him in the trash we don't even know what happened to Moses you know just willing to just throw their leader into the dirt for you know and and he's a great leader you know he's one of the greatest leaders and one of the greatest men in the whole Bible and then you have a whole generation that he pastored over that were trash I mean there were some pretty bad people in this group and you know we deserve wrath just like the children of Israel deserve wrath but we have an intercessor for us that's the Lord Jesus Christ and we've done a lot of wicked things and you know we would be in the same mess that these people were if it wasn't for Christ so look at verse 15 it says Moses turned and went down from the mount and the two tables of the testimony were in his hand remember God wrote on these tables of stone with his own fingers the the law right and it says the tables and the tables were written on both their sides on the one side and one on on the other were they written and the tables were the work of God and the writing was the writing of God graven upon the tables again with his own finger but you know for these people that like to say that you know the Bible is just a book written by men well how about the fact that it says that it's the work of God the tables were the work of God they weren't Moses didn't write this down obviously Moses wrote things down later but it is the Word of God what what is written on there was the Word of God written by his own finger and it says the writing was the writing of God so who wrote the Bible you know these bozos like to say oh well you know it's just a fairy tale that men made up to control people I guess I'm controlling all of Vancouver by having our church service tonight everybody in battleground I'm controlling them through you know us having a Bible like that's just not true it's just it's just a thing that they've heard somebody say their atheist uncle said at the Thanksgiving table or something and it's just like there's all these sayings that people say these unsaved people that passed down from generations like how about the saying well you know we don't talk about religion or politics at this table where did that come from I'm sure it's been said for a long time you know why it's probably said because politics will destroy a family you know if they're opposing then their politics and religion can destroy a family and and sometimes you know things need to get destroyed I guess but it's probably a good idea not to talk about politics I mean my whole family is pretty much liberals and they love to go back and forth with me at holiday things I mean I don't even get invited by the holiday things anymore but but it used to be kind of a fun thing to do you know but people that scene religion and politics are not shouldn't be talked about is that's just like some boomers saying from from probably after World War two or who knows it might have been longer than that but I mean I think it's it's because of how much chaos it causes because it's so funny you see this today I have family members that won't even talk to me today just because of something I said about politics earlier on because I don't really care you know about that so much anymore but it's also because of the God I believe in and so nothing divides quicker than politics and religion and and so that's the reason why it's being said but what I'm talking about here is that people will just you know the Bible's been translated all these different times okay well you know what do you mean by that you're just saying that like it doesn't make sense because it's been translated so many times I mean you know the King James was translated once it was translated from the Greek and Hebrew so and obviously a lot of the work had already been done by great men before the council that did it 54 scholars of the highest intellect who are proficient in speaking multiple languages I mean I guarantee you that the people that do the translations nowadays they probably can't even speak in any of those languages I mean did I say guarantee they probably in the most I mean they're not like Lancelot Andrews who knew like 21 different languages and could speak Greek and Syriac and all these languages like he's speaking English and and just so fluent in there they would have whole conversations in Greek in their councils when they were translated the Bible King James spoke Greek King James spoke French King James understood Hebrew he actually translated from the original tongues his own a French version of the Bible did you know that he actually translated and then you know when he writes letters to his son and things like that he's he's kind of just trans you know he probably if he could speak Greek fluently then he could probably read it fluently and then translate on the fly with some of the verses that I mean some of them don't match like the King James because the King James come out at that point but he was a smart man and people just act like Oh King James he just he just wanted everything changed because he wanted to have absolute power it's funny though because King James wasn't known to be a tyrannical ruler at all in fact it made the people mad that he wouldn't you know that he wasn't an Englishman and he wasn't some lustful power hungry King like all the other ones were and so they called him the wisest fool in all Christendom because he didn't want to get into wars that wasn't his thing I mean he founded the new world I mean pretty much he sent the colony to Jamestown I mean he King James was not the kind of King that King John was that Henry the eighth was I just found this out the other day about the coin shaving you know when you have a quarter and it has like you know you'll see that quarters have like ridges on them and stuff like that I never knew this and I but I just I just never thought about it but because they used to clip coins and actually Henry the eighth used to just like take you know the silver and shave some of it off so he could put more because he just was spending himself into oblivion and you know so those little edges on on quarters and things like that got put into place so you couldn't shave the coins anymore is that am I kind of accurate on that a little bit yeah so yeah so the machine stamp so you can't just take a quarter and peel some of it off I mean obviously you know the money we use nowadays isn't real money but and it's that's a whole subject for another time it's kind of fiat money or whatever but it's anyway so we'll get verse number 15 I kind of went off in the weeds there for a minute but see actually no we're past that okay so I mean God is the author of the Bible the Bible says that right there in Exodus right that it was the work was his work and the words written were his words so verse 17 says and when Joshua heard the noise of the people as they shouted he said unto Moses there is a noise of war in the camp I think it's a very interesting way that Josh is inter Joshua is interpreting this he says he heard the noise okay and that's what a lot of music is today it's just noise and a lot of this just ungodly satanic music now rap music is completely changed and now there's all these sodomites doing the rap music and stuff it's just it's really changed but the point is is that Joshua he heard this noise of the people as they shouted and said unto Moses there's a noise of war in the camp so he hears the music that they're that they're playing and that they're singing to and he thinks that there's a fight going on why does he think that I mean are they singing you know the hymns or something the hymns of the faith there well if someone came in and heard us singing do you think they're gonna go well it sounds like there's a war going on in there you know that's not what he's gonna say so I mean just like they took the earrings out and the dress and all this other stuff they probably took the music out of Egypt too and haven't gotten rid of that stuff either and so Joshua he's hearing what he perceives to be war so I don't know if Pantera was playing a concert for them or something you know just like I mean that's like that's what kind of what I think of but I also think of you know in in history when wars are going on a lot of times there's trumpets that are that are blown but there's also drums and drums are one of those things have you ever heard you know the drums of war that saying because drums is you know kind of like one of those things that they would march to a beat to right and I'm not it doesn't say that there's drums here but it does sound like the noise of war so and their people are shouting so it's kind of sounds like I mean maybe rock and roll has been around a lot longer than we realize or something I don't know but it says and he said it is not Moses corrects him here he says is not the voice of them that shout for mastery neither is it the voice of them that cry for being overcome you know and cry is talking about like yelling out loud right but the noise of them that sing do I hear so Moses interprets this for Joshua says this isn't a fight or a battle or a war happening this is people singing music they're singing a song and it doesn't sound like it's a godly song if you think it's war I mean just play any which I'm not recommending this but any heavy metal rock band and turn it up really loud it's just drums and loud screaming and yelling and you know they have this thing called death metal you ever heard of death metal well that's just like the screamo type you know music that whatever but I'm not sure you know obviously they didn't have amps and stuff back then but whatever it is it's ungodly it's something that was mistaken for war and Moses is like no this is people singing songs they rose up to play right and so I just think it's really interesting that that's the conversation that happens like how how can you confuse godly music you know it's a feast to the Lord right but look this is what happens in churches all the time today is that it turns into a rock concert to the point where people are changing the lyrics to highway to hell which is an AC DC wicked rock band to we're on the highway to heaven and they're playing that exact tune those exact things except for they're on the highway to heaven you know and you know they'll play Bon Jovi living on a prayer which is not I don't think that was written for Jehovah God I don't think that that's what it was intended for but you know people will say well it's not it's not the music pastor that the pro is the problem it's you know the all music it can be godly the music can be godly but it's what the words say that matter but is that what it's what you see here in this in this verse no it's it's it is that does matter because if you can't tell the difference between godly hymn music or Psalms being sung and that sounds like war to you then you know it's just like everything they're doing here is wrong it's all it's almost like he came to like some you know modern-day church they're going back to some modern-day church service it's it's kind of what it is you know so you know to say that Christian rock is okay how can you say that because it's based upon the world's music it's something you can't just take something out of Egypt and make it Christian that's just not how it works look at a church like this we want people to see a difference we want people to see a difference in the way we dress in the way that things are laid out in the music that's played here and sung together as a congregation it doesn't sound like war and it doesn't sound like rap music or rock music because God said to come out from among them and be separate saith the Lord he didn't say tailor everything to what people want that's Aaron's Baptist Church and I know my name is Aaron so it just you know vexes me about that but do you understand what I'm saying like it shouldn't be you know Aaron's Baptist Church allows Pantera apparently to be played or AC DC or whatever they're listening to here it allows you know all this idol worship and sacrificing to other gods it's just basically the opposite of everything God wants us to be doing in the Christian life people shouldn't come in here and wonder whether they stumbled into a rock concert or not they shouldn't be wondering that and when they see how we're dressed they shouldn't say well I can't believe they dress like that because look the world does notice just because we came out of the world that we have a hard time differentiating when we're going back to it doesn't mean that other people do and I don't you know people can be like oh yeah I want that kind of music that's because that's all they know they're just going to non-denominational churches because they think well well of course it's non-denominational so that's kind of what probably God wants but really that those denominations turn into their non-denominational is actually our denominational I mean they really do become a denomination called non-denominational they just say they're non-denominational but they really are denominational I mean and they're playing and they're catering to what the world's standards are and what the world wants and again we should be wanting to do what God wants not playing Christian rock or Christian rappers we shouldn't have Christian rappers coming up and doing things in church services like Lecrae the son of Bozor or whatever or you know these just it's a lot of these guys are just fake they're just people that couldn't make it in the real Christian are not the non-Christian world and so but they're good enough to make Christian records that's really what it is I mean Katy Perry couldn't cut it you know doing gospel stuff so she became you know Satan's one of Satan's minions she was too good I guess for the Christian music or whatever according to her handlers but she literally said I sold my soul to the devil Bob Dylan I sold my soul he didn't say I sold my soul the devil but he said you know I you know I sold my soul or whatever and then the interviewer is like what do you mean by that he's like who did you sell your soul to he's like you know the big guy and he's talking about the devil and he says that he can't even write music anymore you know Bob Dylan's like known as this great this great musician or whatever but all that stuff he basically was saying that was given to him and I know that I'm delving into things right now that are just like disputed but when they say it out of their own mouth are they all just lying is Eminem lying when he says he sold his soul to the devil or all these musicians and it's like and our people just love to have that that kind of music and love to go back to Egypt and that's what they're doing right here they're going back to Egypt and they're playing the music that they learn there and it's unacceptable and as Christians we shouldn't accept this stuff Christian metal Christian pop all this other stuff Christian rap is crap and Christian rock is crock but now we're about to see Moses blow a gasket at this point like just a few minutes ago he's like God don't kill them all you know repent of this evil you're going to do under your people and then he like sees them look what it says in verse 19 and it came to pass as soon as he came nine to the camp he saw the calf and what the dancing Oh about to hit another topic here dancing and it's and so when he saw the calf you know obviously that makes him you know he's like triggered you know just he sees the calf and then he sees what the dancing so we already know they're playing music and now they're dancing but it says and Moses anger waxed hot and he cast the tables out of his hands and break them beneath them out so all those words that were front and back on both tables of stone he just like he breaks the original manuscripts into a billion pieces or whatever we'll never know what the real 10 commandments actually said because Moses destroyed them and that's the way people think these days about these original autographs what are you talking about God's word is eternal it just got they got rewritten Moses made more they're exactly the way that God made them but God made those first ones God wrote those originals but just because you know Moses broke them doesn't mean that he lost some of the words are lost but that's what the modern scholars will tell us is that oh we only we only believe what's in the original autographs well there's none in existence today there's no originals in existence so we have to trust that God kept his word and that he said he would preserve his word from this generation forever so we have to you know that's just kind of like a little interlude about this but he breaks the original 10 commandments and why because he's mad why is he mad because he saw the calf it's a it's an idol so he has what's called righteous indignation here and people say well it's not good to be angry no it's not good to be soon angry you know Moses is pretty patient he's the meekest man on the face of the world on the face of the earth he's the meekest man but he had a temper problem when he blew his stack he did blow his stack hard and you know somebody just might get killed and buried in the sand or something but Moses you know he already is known to kind of have this little bit of a temper but when he sees the calf that's wicked as hell they'd already said God already said not to make that stuff and then he sees what the dancing you're like pastor you're gonna tell me right now the dancing's wrong whatever this kind of dancing was was wrong whatever this was because he's mad because he sees the calf and the dancing isn't that what the Bible says so why would he be mad if dancing just okay well it's not it's not the dancing it's the music you're dancing to man you can dance any way you want that's the same argument people use for music the music can be wicked too folks if it's not it's if it's you know some ungodly sounding thing that sounds like war it's it's not good and if it's you know if it's causing you to dance in a worldly Egyptian style way here then it's it's enough to make Moses break the original autographs now the Bible does say there's a time there's a time to there's a time to dance okay but it's not talking about you know the mambo and you know all these it's not talking about all these different dance I mean do you think that they're dancing the polka here is that what you think or they're they're bar you know what is that called when you do the good night it's the old style yeah square dance yeah they're probably not square dancing they're probably not line dancing you know they're probably probably not doing the boot scoot boogie here I don't know what they're doing but you know what it was it was enough to make Moses's anger wax hot now when I see little children just kind of dancing to whatever you know it's it's pretty cute it's innocent I mean my granddaughter rocks out to the hymns she's just kind of like does this kind of thing and she's smiling while she does it but if I turned up mega death to the ultimate do you think that she'd be back there doing the same thing no she'd probably try to run and hide because she thinks that the war's happening in the camp and it's loud it's just too much but when that music that ungodly music causes you to dance I mean there's dance clubs and whole places dedicated to dancing every Friday night every Saturday and probably now every night of the week any day that ends with a Y people have an excuse to go out and drink alcohol and what do they like to do they like to dance and they like to dance close and they like to you know take a lot of their clothes off and show a lot of skin while they're dancing so you can say well dancing is not wicked well whatever this kind of dancing was it was wicked would you agree with that isn't that what you know why would Moses be mad about it if it was just good dancing no they're dancing to whatever screamo music was going on before and they're whatever they're singing so you know and Moses is mad at this ungodly music and he's mad at the dancing because it's worldly because it's Egyptian right I mean that's the conclusion that I draw with my fundamental mind but I mean whatever but worldly dancing is not okay worldly music not okay look at second Corinthians chapter six verse 14 I will actually well actually I don't have time for that but I did read I did kind of quote the verse where it said come out from among them and be separate saith the Lord and touch not the unclean thing and I will receive you because we shouldn't be saying you know because it says like what Concord have Christ with Belial what does Christ and the devil have to do with each other they don't have anything to do with each other what part with he that believeth with an infidel or him that believes with him that doesn't believe we're supposed to come out from among those things just like God said you he didn't just leave the children of Israel in Egypt he said you got to go out of here right and so just like the children of Israel had to leave there and God set up his own way of worship in his own rules in his own laws but they had to get out of there but they brought a lot of that stuff with them they had a lot of baggage from their past life and they just really always wanted to go back to it and the Bible talks about people that are earthly sensual and you know sensual is a word that means relating to or involving gratification of the senses and physical and other types of pleasure that you know I'm not gonna mention out loud here but when music is sensual when dancing is sensual then it's not godly because we're supposed you know and judges are yeah judges one Jude 119 says they that be they that who separate themselves sensual not having the spirit so you know being sensual is not has nothing to do with the things of the Spirit of God just like alcohol you know this though you can have two different spirits to be filled with the Holy Spirit or what be not drunk with wine wearing those excess so you know when you start drinking alcohol and you start mixing that with music ungodly music and start mixing that with dancing bad things start to happen holes start getting taken off and things that are ought not to be done get done now look at verse 20 Moses goes scorched earth here so he's already upset he destroys the the Ten Commandments and then it says in verse 20 and he took the calf which they had made and burn it in the fire and grounded the powder and strutted upon the water and made the children of Israel to drink it drink of it excuse me and Moses said unto Aaron what did this people unto thee that thou has brought so great a sin upon them and Aaron said let not thy anger the anger of my Lord wax hot thou knows the people that they're set on mischief so another thing that bad leaders do is they blame the people instead of blaming themselves because you know the buck really stopped there with Aaron but he just allowed them to steamroll look at verse 23 for they said unto me make us gods which shall go before us for as for this Moses the man that brought us up out of the land of Egypt we want not what has become of him and I said unto them whosoever hath any gold let them break it off so they gave it gave it me then I cast it in the fire and there came out this calf so his story is that he just kind of threw this stuff in fire and poof this this calf just came out magically out of nowhere right I mean Moses but I mean he's the older brother most of the time the older brother is not afraid of the younger brother but Moses must have just had this look on his face like okay this is the one fight that I'm not gonna win but you know to the fact where he's just like now he's just bald face lying about what happened so and usually people like to cover a lie to cover up for what they're doing something wrong so obviously Aaron knows he did something wrong look at verse 25 when Moses saw that the people were naked so again here's the the other part like I said you know when when the you know everything goes back to the world then this is the other thing you know people it says the people were naked for Aaron had made them naked unto their shame unto their enemies so you know I mean they're naked they're dancing and they're singing wicked songs and they're worshiping a golden calf I mean it doesn't get much worse than that in God's eyes so it says then Moses stood at the gate of the camp and said who is on the Lord's side let him come unto me and all the sons of Levi gathered themselves together unto him and he said unto them thus saith the Lord God of Israel so who's telling him to do this God's telling him to do this put every man his sword by his side and go in and out from the gate to gate throughout the camp and slay every man his brother and every man his companion and every man his neighbor and these are the ones that aren't on the Lord's side because he said who's on the Lord's side come and stand with me and anybody who's not they're getting killed right and the children of Levi did according to the word of Moses and there fell of the people that day three thousand men so it's the opposite of what happens in the book of Acts the book of Acts three thousand people get saved in chapter two but here you have in this wicked church service you have three thousand men getting killed for Moses said said consecrate yourselves today for the Lord every man upon his son and upon his brother that he may bestow upon you a blessing this day and it came to pass on the moral that Moses said unto the people you have sinned a great sin and now will go up unto the Lord paired venture that means perhaps I shall make an atonement for your sin and Moses returned unto the Lord and said oh this people have sinned a great sin and have made them gods of gold yet now if thou wilt forgive their sin and if not blot me I pray thee out of thy book which thou hast written and the Lord said unto Moses whosoever has sinned against me him will I blot out of my book now people will use this passage here to say that you can lose your salvation but if you understand how the book of life works everybody is already written into that book and then if you don't get saved your name gets taken out of it but also if you are some kind of reprobate that's unsavable then he just blots it out then and so everybody's in the book of life but you don't lose your salvation if you don't have salvation but your chance to be saved is removed that's what God's talking about here and so if everybody starts out in the book of life with the chance to be saved the ability to be saved then your name is blotted out if you don't end up getting saved or you end up becoming a reprobate so and there's lots of verses I could go to but Revelation 3 five I'll just read it for you real quick it says he that overcometh shall be clothed in white raiment and I will not blot out his name out of the book of life but I will confess his name before my father and before his angels so the blotting out is like what does blot mean it means to take ink or just something and remove that name or whatever that is so that you can't see it anymore and so sometimes you can kind of scratch something out and still read it but when it's talking about blotting something out it's like your name is completely removed so that means it had to be there in the first place but not everybody's saved from the moment they're born so if you understand it in the way that your name is starts out there as in you have the chance because God is not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance and that he wants you to be saved he did the works for you to be saved and you got that chance but once it becomes impossible for you to be saved anymore blots it out so pretty simple and if you want to write these down you can study them later I got to get done here Philippians 4 three talks about Paul's fellow laborers who are in the book of life Revelation 13 eight talks about those whose names are not written in the book of life because there's some people whose names are already removed out of it so talking about the people that take the mark of the beast once you take the mark of the beast your chance to be saved is over once you mess with this book and change it in any way the plagues of the Bible of what God says in the Bible your name is gonna be taken out of the book of life if you blaspheme the Holy Spirit your name is taken out of the book of life it's blotted out it's like when you see redacted things like a lot of the stuff that you're seeing from the Jeffrey Epstein files and all that where they just blot out like whole pages and whole sections it's because they don't want you to see that and so that's what God does when someone loses their chance to be saved by doing some kind of abominable thing they've blasphemed the Holy Ghost like the Pharisees in the New Testament they blaspheme the Holy Ghost and he says you have no forgiveness in this life nor the life to come you can't be saved anymore and people just they freak out about this kind of doctrine they're like what do you mean they can't be saved anymore they can't be saved anymore that's what it means and so there you can push God too far where he says you know what I'm taking their name out of the book and that's what he's telling Moses he said well Moses is saved so he says I want you to replace and take blot my name out and so here's another intercessory thing that relates him to Christ he says blot my name out of the book and God's like no because Moses is saved he can't blot his name out and he says those that have sinned against me those people all blot their names out and so what he means by that is the ones that are reprobates the ones that have pushed God too far he'll blot their names out but he can't blot Moses's name out because once you're saved you're always saved that's why because when Jesus said I'll give unto them eternal life I'll give unto them everlasting life that literally means forever so how can you lose something that lasts forever it's an oxymoron it doesn't make sense okay so now back in let's finish up this last couple verses here so Exodus 32 verse 34 says therefore now go lead this people into the place which I have spoken unto thee behold mine angel shall go before thee nevertheless in the day when I visit I will visit their sin upon them and the Lord plagued the people because they made the calf which Aaron made you know so this shows that even though we may get forgiven and shown mercy that God will still punish the sin so you see how they're they're plagued and he's talking about visiting their sin later on and that can happen with us too so don't think that just because nothing happened right away or that God didn't punish you right away that there isn't a punishment coming so the best thing to do is to forgive other people for the things that they do unto you when they you know especially when they ask you to and not hold grudges like that against people but to fall on God for mercy for the sins that we commit on a daily basis and don't forget to go to God and confess your sins before him because there's nobody in this room that doesn't commit sin but you know God's gonna let us not have as harsh of a punishment you know he'll be merciful to us when we are humble and ask him for forgiveness so I really had some other verses I want to show you about the blotting out thing but you know it's pretty self-explanatory I mean and people that think you can lose your salvation like I said they'll go to those verses but that's they just don't understand that your name's already written in there and then if he blots it out that means you've lost your chance to be saved and it's not you can lose it because he said Moses can't lose it right Moses he won't blot him out why because he was saved and so that's Exodus 32 let's pray Lord we thank you so much for this great church and for the word of God in this great chapter Lord I pray that you just help us to take these things to heart Lord let us not go back to Egypt in our mind or in our practice I pray that you just help us Lord to forsake those things and even though some of those things are hard we've come out of Egypt we've come out of bondage but sometimes Lord it's easy to go back to the way that we were and our hearts to go back to the things that we used to do and I just pray that you'd help us Lord and strengthen us that we wouldn't be a people that would disappoint you Lord and if we do disappoint you I pray that we would fall on you for mercy and you'd be merciful to us for the sins that we commit against you Lord in Jesus name we pray amen.