(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Thanks for watching! Thanks for watching! Thanks for watching! Thanks for watching! On a gold one, that silver line I've got a mansion, just over the hilltop In that bright land where we'll never grow old And someday yonder, we will never more wander But walk the streets that are purest gold Though often tempted, tormented and tested And like the prophet, my pillow's stone And though I find here no permanent dwelling I know he'll give me a mansion my own I've got a mansion just over the hilltop In that bright land where we'll never grow old And someday yonder, we will never more wander But walk the streets that are purest gold Don't think me poor or deserted or lonely I'm not discouraged, I'm heaven bound I'm just a pilgrim in search of a city I want a mansion, a harp and a crown I've got a mansion just over the hilltop In that bright land where we'll never grow old And someday yonder, we will never more wander But walk the streets that are purest gold Amen. Good scene. Brother Joe, could you help us with a word of prayer? Amen. Our second song will be our new song again. Song 499, Keep on the Firing Line. Song number 499. Keep on the Firing Line. Song 499. Let's sing it together on the first. If you're in the battle for the Lord and right Keep on the firing line If you win, my brother, surely you must fight Keep on the firing line There are many dangers that we all must face If we die of fighting, it is no disgrace A coward in the service group will find no place So keep on the firing line Oh, you must fight, be brave against all evil Never run or even lag behind If you would win for God and the right Just keep on the firing line God will only use the soldier he can trust Keep on the firing line If you wear a crown then bear the cross you must Keep on the firing line Life is but to labor for the master dear Help to banish evil and to spread good cheer Pray you'll be rewarded for your service here So keep on the firing line Oh, you must fight, be brave against all evil Never run or even lag behind If you would win for God and the right Just keep on the firing line When we get to heaven, brother, we'll be glad Keep on the firing line I will praise the Savior for the call we had Keep on the firing line When we see the souls that we have helped to win Leading them to Jesus from the paths of sin With a shout of welcome we will all march in So keep on the firing line Oh, you must fight, be brave against all evil Never run or even lag behind If you would win for God and the right Just keep on the firing line Let's see, we have the verse of the week on the front page there If you need a bulletin, you didn't get one earlier, just raise your hand and one of the ushers will bring you a bulletin On the front page we have the verse of the week, it says I will both lay me down in peace and sleep For thou, Lord, only makest me dwell in safety Safeties of the Lord, Amen Psalm chapter 4 verse 8 And our service times are 1030 a.m. for our morning service And Sunday evening is 3.30 p.m. we'll be in Exodus chapter 30 tonight And Thursday Bible study we are in the book of Ezra And that is chapter number 2 that we're going to be on this coming Thursday And let's see, we do have a baptism tonight So I just want to make sure we have people ready to take pictures And I know the baptismal is working on getting ready And so I just want to let everybody know that after the service we're going to sing a song And then Ezra's going to, or not Ezra, Nick is going to get, I don't know why I was thinking Ezra But, because I just said, I was preaching out of the book of Ezra Anyway, sorry about that, Nick's getting baptized tonight So anyway, we also have so many times there to choose from And we did go so many today, it was a little rough, we got the police called on us But we got done before, you know, they came So apparently it was not as big of an emergency as the security people thought it was So, you know, all those people committing crimes out there And, you know, we're out there inviting people to church, trying to get people saved So, you know, whatever But did anybody get a salvation? I know there's people in different areas So did anybody get a soul out there? Anybody? Alright, well, that's okay At least we tried, so, and our job is to go out there and give the gospel And at that point we're off the hook, right? So we did our best Alright, our praise report, you can look down and see the salvations, baptisms, and attendance totals from the week before last And then our upcoming events and things that we have going on We're getting close to the end of the challenge, I can't believe it's already, what is the date? The 21st? Good night This month's almost already over, but we've got still another 10 days to finish the challenge And I hope you're on task on that, and there'll be a nice prize at the end Remember to email the church if you complete the challenge When you've completed, just email the church And then February 3rd and 4th is the launch of the Indianapolis church And that'll be Saturday, February 3rd There'll be a 10am preaching service, an 11.30am to 1pm lunch and fellowship And a 1pm to 3.30pm soul winning, that'll be on the Saturday of the 3rd And then the 4th is gonna be the regular Sunday morning service, starts at 11am and 4pm for the pm service And then brother Justin Zong is the boots on the ground leader If you wouldn't mind, if you have YouTube, if you wouldn't mind subscribing to the YouTube channel It's just SFBC Indie is the handle there, and just subscribing to the channel, so that'd be great And then February 10th is the homeschool Valentine's party here at the church building There'll be pizza provided, and games So that'll start here at 10am at the church building, sign up through the homeschool group, or see Ms. Sherry And then February 16th is the sweetheart banquet, married couple's sweetheart banquet So if you're going to that, we're gonna have the sign up sheet in there soon I'm gonna get the menu, you'll have choices on the menu And hopefully you can get along about what you're choosing to get And we'll get all that information in there, so RSVPing for this is very important So it's so important that if you don't do it, that you won't have any food So you don't want to show up to a Valentine's banquet and then have no food, your wife's gonna be really mad at you So now he did say something, I forgot to mention this in the morning service That dietary things and substitutions on some of the things are okay And some of the roles, he said like, there's certain roles that they could maybe do like four or five of them But if everybody's picking that specific role it might be a little difficult Just cause they don't have a big kitchen So there's just a few specific things that if it's too much total to get onto a certain one We might have to have you choose a different option But for the most part, you can either order two roles, like sushi roles or whatever Or you have an option of three different bento dinners or whatever So they have various different things So that's what I'm choosing, just going with that right now But anyway, it's a pretty good sushi place But that's kind of what we're doing, it's a Japanese theme So Pastor Jones will be preaching for us and it'll be a marriage challenge for us And he's also preaching for us that Sunday So don't be sad that you don't get to hear him on Saturday Because Sunday he'll be preaching for us on the night service That will make people have to come for the PM service So if you want to hear Pastor Jones preach that is And I want to, so I'll be here But anyway, April 8th and 9th is the Next Generation Youth Conference And you've seen that January is already almost gone So if you're going to have your teen go to that Please just get them signed up as quick as you can So Pastor Mendez can count how many people are going And look at the rules, you know the rules Kind of went over some of the rules They're beautiful rules, no I'm just joking That was a bad Donald Trump impression Anyway, ties and offerings that have come in so far And then we already sang Happy Birthday to everybody So that's all I got for announcements Let's go ahead and sing another song, we'll receive the offering And hey, any guys, I brought some extra tie clips that I had I don't know why I brought this But if you want one, they're up here You can run up and grab one whenever you want Alright, that's all I got Alright, our next song will be song number 392 It is Well With My Soul And just a reminder for the chorus The ladies sing that first part, It Is Well And the men do the echo, It Is Well It'll make more sense when we sing it Song 392, It Is Well, let's see it on the first When peace like a river Attendeth my way When sorrows like sea billows roll Whatever my lot Thou hast taught me to say It is well, it is well with my soul Ladies on this first part It is well with my soul It is well, it is well with my soul Great singing, keep it up on the second Though Satan should buffet Though trials should come Let this blessed assurance control That Christ hath regarded My helpless sustain And has shed his own blood For my soul It is well with my soul It is well, it is well with my soul My sin, oh the bliss of this glorious thought My sin not in part But the whole is nailed to the cross And I bear it no more Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, oh my soul It is well with my soul It is well, it is well with my soul On the last and Lord hasteth a day When my faith shall be signed The clouds be rolled back as a scroll The trump shall resound And the Lord shall be sent Even so, it is well with my soul It is well with my soul It is well, it is well with my soul It is well with my soul It is well with my soul It is well with my soul It is well with my soul It is well with my soul It is well with my soul It is well with my soul It is well with my soul It is well with my soul Exodus 30 Exodus 30 the Bible reads And thou shalt make an altar to burn incense upon Of Shittim wood, shall thou make it A cubit shall be the length thereof And a cubit the breadth thereof Four squares shall it be And two cubits shall be the height thereof The horns thereof shall be of the same And thou shalt overlay it with pure gold The top thereof, and the sides thereof round about And the horns thereof, and thou shalt make unto it A crown of gold round about And two golden rings shalt thou make to it Under the crown of it By the two corners thereof Upon the two sides of it Shall thou make it And they shall be for places For the staves to bear it withal And thou shalt make the staves of Shittim wood And overlay them with gold And thou shalt put it before the veil That is by the ark of the testimony Before the mercy seat that is over the testimony Where I will meet with thee And Aaron shall burn thereon sweet incense every morning When he dresseth the lamps He shall burn incense upon it And when Aaron lighteth the lamps at even He shall burn incense upon it A perpetual incense before the Lord Throughout your generations Ye shall offer no strange incense thereon Nor burn sacrifice, nor meet offering Neither shall ye pour drink offering thereon And Aaron shall make an atonement upon the horns of it Once in a year with the blood Of the sin offering of atonement Once in a year shall he make atonement upon it Throughout your generation It is most holy unto the Lord And the Lord spake unto Moses saying When thou takest the sum of the children of Israel After their number Then shall they give every man a ransom For his soul unto the Lord When thou number'st them That there be no plague among them When thou number'st them This they shall give every one that passeth Among them that are numbered Half a shekel after the shekel of the sanctuary A shekel is twenty geras And half shekel shall be the offering of the Lord Every one that passeth among them That are numbered from twenty years old and above Shall give an offering unto the Lord The rich shall not give more And the poor shall not give less Than half a shekel When they give an offering unto the Lord To make an atonement for your souls And thou shalt take the atonement money Of the children of Israel And shall appoint it for the service Of the tabernacle of the congregation That it may be a memorial unto the children of Israel Before the Lord To make an atonement for your souls And the Lord spake unto Moses saying Thou shalt also make a labor of brass And his foot also of brass To wash withal And thou shalt put it between the tabernacle Of the congregation and the altar And thou shalt put water therein For Aaron and his son shall wash their hands And their feet thereat When they go into the tabernacle of the congregation They shall wash with water That they die not Or when they come near to the altar To minister to burn offering made by fire Unto the Lord So they shall wash their hands and their feet That they die not And it shall be a statue forever to them Even to him and to his seed Throughout their generations Moreover the Lord spake unto Moses saying Thou shalt also unto the principal Excuse me Take thou also unto the principal spices Of pure myrrh 500 shekels And of sweet cinnamon half so much Even 250 shekels And of sweet calmus 250 shekels And of cassia 500 shekels After the shekel of the sanctuary And of oil olive and hen And thou shalt make it an oil of holy ointment An ointment compound after the art of the apothecary And it shall be in holy anointing oil And thou shalt anoint the tabernacle of the congregation Therewith And the ark of the testimony And the table and all his vessels And the candlestick and his vessels And the altar of incense And the altar of burn offerings With all his vessels And the laver and his foot And thou shalt sanctify them That they may be most holy Whatsoever toucheth them Shall be holy And thou shalt anoint Aaron and his sons And consecrate them That they may minister unto me In the priest's office And thou shalt speak unto the children of Israel saying This shall be in holy anointing oil And to me throughout your generations Upon man's flesh Shall it not be poured Neither shall ye make any other like it After the composition of it It is holy And it shall be holy unto you Whosoever compoundeth any like it Or whosoever putteth any of it Upon a stranger Shall even be cut off from his people And the Lord said unto Aaron And the Lord said unto Moses Take unto these sweet spices Stacked in anacha Anacha and galbanum These sweet spices With pure frankincense of each shall There be a light weight Like weight And shall make It a perfume A confection after the yard of the apothecary Tempered together pure and holy And thou shalt beat some And thou shalt beat some And thou shalt beat some Some of it very small And put of it before the testimony Of the tabernacle of the congregation Where I will meet with thee It shall be unto you most holy And as for the perfume which thou shalt make Ye shall not make to yourselves According to the composition thereof It shall be unto thee holy For the Lord Whosoever shall make like unto that To smell thereto Shall even be cut off from his people Brother Jesse, would you pray for us? Lord, thank you for the reading of your word this afternoon. So I see the fellow pastor with the little spirit and the message is apparently here. Amen. Alright, well it's been a while since we've been in Exodus. We had a little snow days off there. Were you turning up the heat or turning down the heat? Off? Okay. No. The hot flashes went. Just kidding. So basically the topic tonight so we're still, Moses is still being instructed by the Lord here. And I don't know if I necessarily have a title to this sermon but the topics tonight are basically the incense altar which is the first topic and then the census tax I guess you would call it. The laver of brass which is like that water there's like a brass thing that they have to wash your hands and feet in. The anointing oil and also the recipes of the anointing oil and how they put that together well this sounds pretty boring. All this stuff has a spiritual meaning for us in the New Testament and so I like to try to make application to what does this stuff represent for us in the New Testament. Why? Because God just doesn't do this stuff or have all this stuff in place for no reason. There's reasons why He has these had them do all this stuff and if you remember last time we were in Exodus chapter 29 it's just like all this cleansing, all this washing all these different things that they had to do and sprinkling blood all over everything and there's a purpose behind it and it's just to me what I got out of that chapter is that the terrible price that Jesus had to pay for us to even come close, which it doesn't come close to Christ's righteousness of the blood that He shed for us all the scrubbing, all the they're having to wash things and burn things in fire and kill all these animals and just this is how clean, this is what it takes to clean something up and that wasn't even good enough. That the blood of Christ, you know the blood of bulls and goats could not cleanse us from our sins. It's just a picture and it made a temporary kind of atonement but in reality if Jesus didn't come and die for everybody's sins and raised from the dead then we would die in our sins and so here we are in chapter number 30 and now He's going to describe the other things that Moses so Moses being told these are the things that have to be made and then he also says these are the things you have to do and the other thing that I wanted to bring up is that remember Moses is being told you have to do these things and so he has to put their clothes on him, he has to kill you know he was being told that he has to do all these things and that is a picture of you know because Christ is not just our God but He also is our high priest and He also is our King He's the King of Kings and Lord of Lords He's the high priest forever after the order of Melchizedek so when you kind of put all that picture together you know Moses pictures in that chapter that you know he's doing all that stuff for them first and then the priests have to continue to do those things and continue to cleanse themselves and we kind of see a lot of that in this chapter here so let's start off in verse number 1 and we're going to look at the altar of incense and what it is and kind of what it represents so look at verse number 1 it says so this altar of incense I believe is placed before the holiest place outside of it I think it maybe explains that but anyway it says so remember this is a tabernacle and all the stuff in it is stuff that they had to carry from place to place for 40 years while they wandered in the desert and so this is a mobile worship place a mobile tabernacle and so they can't just pick it up and carry it with their hands they can't just put it on a cart and let animals drag it they have to carry it in specific ways and that's why they have to build it these ways anyway it says Aaron shall put it before the veil that is by the ark of the testimony before the mercy seat that is over the testimony where I will meet with thee so I was right yeah so they put it before the veil that is by the ark of the testimony and Aaron shall burn thereon sweet incense every morning when he dresseth the lamps he shall burn incense thereon so you know the first thing he does in the morning is when he lights the lamps you know the high priest is doing this that he burns this sweet specific incense on there and so we're going to find out kind of what that incense represents and he shall burn the incense upon it verse 8 and when Aaron lighteth the lamps that even he shall burn incense upon it a perpetual incense before the Lord throughout your generations he shall offer no strange incense thereon no burnt sacrifice nor meat offering neither shall you pour drink offering thereon so this altar is not for burning sacrifice for animal sacrifices or for drink offerings it's specifically just for the incense burning okay and it says and Aaron shall make an atonement upon the horns of it once in a year so remember the actual altar they had to clean that every day which probably would have been a chore I mean if you've ever cleaned a barbecue before after just one day of your family eating on a barbecue and sometimes it can get pretty ugly if you let it build up it gets even worse but you know cleaning a Traeger is not fun after you haven't cleaned it for a while or just whatever but this thing only has to be atoned for once in a year whereas you know the other stuff more often why well because it doesn't get as dirty it doesn't get as gummed up it says so once a year with the blood of the sin offering of atonements once in the year shall he make atonement upon it throughout your generations it is most holy unto the Lord so what is this picture what is this altar of incense for well I believe that you know the scriptures teach that it's a picture of prayer to the Lord the incense being offered up goes up and it's being offered unto the Lord as a sweet smell because incense if anybody's ever lit incense before in whatever capacity you've done it it smells doesn't it and it's not designed to stink and bother you it's designed to make your house smell nice but a lot of people use it in religious reasons it's used in witchcraft it's used in Buddhist temples it's used probably I think in Catholic churches it's used in a lot of different it's used in religious practices a lot but in this case it represents something turn to Luke chapter 1 Luke chapter number 1 and we'll see that there is specific you know obviously I'm just going to prove to you and show you that this is basically what it represents in the New Testament anyway it says in Luke 1 5 it says there was in the days of Herod the king of Judea a certain priest named Zechariah of the course of Abia and his wife was of the daughters of Aaron and her name was Elizabeth and they were both righteous before God walking in all the commandments and ordinances of the Lord blameless and they had no child because that Elizabeth was barren and they both were now well stricken in years and it came to pass that while he executed the priest's office before God and the order of his course so what it tells you he's a priest of the Lord he's ordained in the office of the priesthood and we've kind of gone over that before what all that entails but his specific course it says in the order of his course according to the custom of the priest's office his lot was to burn incense when he went into the Lord's temple so this guy is specifically this is John the Baptist's dad he specifically his job was to do the burning of the incense like it's describing in our text tonight according to the custom of the priest's office his lot was to burn the incense when he went into the temple of the Lord and the whole multitude of the people were praying without at the time of incense so you can see that it's connected with prayer isn't it so he lights the incense and everybody without is praying to the Lord so this is like you know kind of a praying you know God's house is supposed to be a house of prayer and so there at the time of the lighting of the incense this is when the people prayed and it says and there appeared unto him an angel of the Lord standing upon the right side of the altar of incense and when Zechariah saw him he was troubled and fear fell upon him so you have here connected with this prayer you know with this incense you know this prayer that's being offered without also and then the angel of the Lord appears next to the altar of incense now turn to John 17 John chapter 17 now of course Jesus Christ is our high priest and you know he remember a lot I mean when I talked about this last you know obviously Jesus is our high priest of the order of Melchizedek and he prays this prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane and a lot of people call this the high priest prayer where he's praying for people not only he's not only praying for the disciples at that time but he's also praying into the future and for us ourselves here look at what he says in verse 17 he says sanctify them through thy truth thy word is truth so how are we sanctified in the New Testament? through the word of God his truth we're set apart because of the word of God you know we get saved by the word of God we get cleansed from the word of God and it says as thou hast sent me into the world even so have I also sent them into the world and for their sakes I sanctify myself that they also might be sanctified through the truth neither pray I for these alone but for them also which shall believe on me through their word so you know I mean this is Jesus praying for them but he's saying for the people that are saved through their word so here we are a couple thousand years later a bunch of saved people reading the words of Jesus where he's praying for us specifically he loves us I mean he he loves us and prays for us specifically he makes intercession for us but that sanctification he says he sanctifies us or himself so that he can sanctify us and you know he is our high priest and makes intercession for us turn to Romans chapter 8 Romans chapter number 8 trying to get through all this pretty quickly but there is a lot of verses to go through so if you just get like we're just numb just listen try to keep your eyes open or whatever Romans chapter 8 verse 34 who is he that condemneth it is Christ that died yea rather that is risen again who is even at the right hand of God who also maketh intercession for us Hebrews chapter 4 Hebrews chapter 4 so Jesus Christ is the high priest he makes intercession for us and that altar of incense who's the one that lights the altar of incense what does it say in Exodus chapter 30 who was supposed to do it was it Aaron and what was Aaron he was the high priest but then you see Zacharias doing it and the lot felt to him did it say he was the high priest or did it say he was doing it in the priest's office so you know obviously Christ did everything before for us so that we could become also we also could become priests and kings like he is but obviously we're like the little kings we're like the little priests right in the same picture that we see as Christ is the high priest or you know the high priest in the Old Testament was Aaron and his sons were also you know they weren't the high priest but they were also priests working for God but all that sanctification process had to happen so that they actually could even serve God in the first place look at Hebrews 4 14 it says seeing then we have a great high priest that is passed into the heavens Jesus the son of God let us hold fast our profession for we have not an high priest that cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities but was in all points tempted like as we are yet without sin let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace that we may obtain and find grace to help in time of need so we can come boldly because of what Christ has already done for us I mean that is the big that is a big main difference between the Old Testament and the New Testament the Old Testament I mean we've seen all the stuff that just the priests have to do to even come close to speaking with God and they really can't do it Aaron can only go into the holiest place one time a year and it's not like he's necessarily talking with him he's just you know making that atonement or whatever but Jesus made it to where we could just boldly come to the throne that is a huge difference in the New Testament it's a huge blessing for us look at Hebrews chapter 7 verse 19 Hebrews chapter 7 verse 19 but this this priestly duty is it is connected to this altar of incense I know kind of drifting away from that a little bit but I'll get back to it here in a second Hebrews chapter 7 verse 19 for the law made nothing perfect but the bringing in of a better hope did by the which we draw nigh unto God and as much as not without an oath he was made a priest for those priests which were made without an oath but this with an oath by him that said unto him the Lord swear and will not repent thou art a priest forever after the order of Melchizedek by so much was Jesus made a surety of a better testament and they truly were many priests because they were not suffered to continue by reason of death but this man because he continued with forever hath an unchangeable priesthood so like all these Jews that are saying that you know they're waiting for their Messiah and everything he's already come he's already been here and we're not going back to the Old Testament in any way shape or form this is a better testament it's going to continue forever and it's unchangeable we have an unchangeable priesthood we have an unchangeable high priest we have an unchangeable king and you know someday soon we're going to be able to enjoy that kingdom and you know life eternal but it says wherefore he is able to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him seeing that he ever liveth to make intercession for them for such an high priest became us who is holy, harmless, undefiled separate from sinners and made higher than the heavens who needeth not daily as those high priests to offer up sacrifice first for his own sins see Aaron had to sacrifice for his own sins but Jesus didn't because he didn't have any and then for the peoples for this he did once when he offered up himself for the law maketh men high priests which have infirmity but the word of the oath which was since the law maketh the son who is consecrated forevermore so again all that consecration that we talked about the last time we were in Exodus chapter 29 and all the consecration you're going to see from the rest of this book you know Jesus Christ just did it all and now we you know he just basically made it to where we don't have to worry about those things anymore we really got in on a really good testament or in the best testament I mean we are blessed beyond measure now turn to Revelation 5 7 I'll show you where it connects with the altar that it's talked about in heaven because obviously the tabernacle is made after remember it's made after the pattern of the things that are already in heaven and he showed Moses these patterns and he said make sure that you make these things after the pattern that I showed you right? So while you're turning to Revelation chapter 5 I'm going to read 1 John 2 1 it says in 1 John 2 1 I mean the Bible is real clear you know Jesus Christ is the high priest forever after the order of Melchizedek and now you're in Revelation chapter 5 verse 7 it says the four beasts and the four and twenty elders fell down before the Lamb having every one of them harps and golden vials full of odors which are the prayers of saints so here you have a connection with the prayers of the saints with these golden vials full of odors now you know incense is what? it's odors that you burn and it smells good right? verse 3 and another angel came and stood at the altar having a golden censer what did the priest have to use? a censer to light to use to light the incense and there was given unto him much incense that he should offer it with the prayers of the saints upon the golden altar which was before the throne so before the throne in heaven there is a literal what was patterned in the Old Testament it was patterned after what's in reality in heaven and obviously the one here was real too but it was patterned after what's in heaven and so you see how it's connected with the prayers of the saints though and these vials up there are offered with the prayers of the saints so it is connected and the picture of it is to show us that that is a connection with the prayer the prayers that we would offer up and a picture of prayers being offered up unto God and it smells good to God, God likes the fact that we pray to him and he wants to hear from us and it says with the prayers of the saints upon the golden altar which was before the throne verse 4 and the smoke of the incense which came with the prayers of the saints ascended up before God out of the angel's hand and the angel took the censer and filled it with fire of the altar and cast it to the earth where there were voices and thunderings and lightnings and an earthquake so I mean really you see the big picture right there is that this altar of incense in Exodus chapter number 30 connects with the one in heaven in Revelation chapter 5 so now let's look so we looked at that so obviously the connection is with the altar of incense the New Testament connection is that high priest offering you know he offers up those prayers and then you know obviously he's sanctified and then he makes us kings and priests and we our prayers mean something to God he collects he collects those prayers and then they don't just go away so every prayer that we pray to God means something to him it's not just frivolous you're not just praying you know obviously if you're not praying you know if you're just like just going through the motions and it doesn't really matter to you I'm sure that he knows the difference but it says that there's a big amount that go up but how many are going out from you that's a good question to ask there's some application for us like how much are we actually praying or any of those ones going to be offered from you is brother Bill I'm sorry I'm just calling you out here but are you going to have some up there that are going to go up on the altar I mean it's a good question to ask because the more you pray you know God is hearing your prayers it's not like he just doesn't hear he hears your prayers and so I think that it's probably a good motivation it's like hey you don't want to be the only one that prayers weren't offered on the altar there you know they're actually going to be offered up at some point and he captures those and puts them you know there's something awesome that happens in heaven with them anyway so number two tonight we're going to look at this census tax ok so verse number eleven the Bible says back in our text it says and the Lord spake unto Moses saying when thou takest the sum of the children of Israel so this is talking about you're counting how many people there are right and it's not just this is not just counting every you know we have a census every so often in the United States right where they pester you and tell you give them how many people are in your household and all that stuff right but this is a sum so it says the sum of the children of Israel after their number then shall they give every man a ransom for his soul unto the Lord so this is somehow connected to a ransom for your soul and don't don't we say like Jesus paid the ransom for us I mean there's a direct connection with that you know he's redeemed us and so money is usually counted in that redemption right so this is this is a redemption that you have to give for this counting it's like well they count me and I have to pay how does that work out well I mean I don't know that's just how God wants it done but it says when thou numbest them that there be no plague among them when thou numbest them so the ransom has to be given if they're counted when they're numbered that there be no plague among them now that's very important because there's a Bible a couple chapters in the Bible where it deals with this specifically about David counting the people and being tempted to count the people when he shouldn't have done it so this is you know this is really about you know kind of counting when you're about to go to war when it's some kind of wartime situation and this is you know they're about to go and be counted to go into the promised land to fight these wars and whatever and this is why God specifically asked them to be counted this isn't what he's doing now he's just saying when you do it when I tell you to do it this is how it's supposed to be done so verse 13 this they shall give everyone that passeth among them that are numbered half a shekel after the shekel of the sanctuary a shekel is 20 geras and half shekel shall be the offering of the Lord so they have to give an offering of the shekel of the sanctuary it's like their monetary number of whatever what is a shekel that's why I said I need you what is a shekel like in American dollars or how would that compute it's probably like a dollar or something right or kind of our equivalent to a dollar I didn't look I'm sorry sorry brother Bill I told you to be ready in an hour what you think not you know Pastor Thompson is going to call on you so he's our coin guy he just failed I'm just kidding I'm kidding sorry brother Bill I'm picking on you tonight for some reason it's because he's sitting right there that's why but no so anyway they have so I don't think this is an exorbitant amount of money obviously it's a half a shekel you know there's some Jews today that would be upset about a half shekel right now but I don't think this is like some big giant amount of money but I mean it might have been fairly significant but not it's you know when you're talking about millions of people half a shekel you know it's probably not a big deal but notice that it's only the men that have to give it so it didn't say every man woman and child has to give it it's the man that's responsible for taking care of the household which is the way it should be but and every man that was over the age of 20 is the one that had to give of this so because they were the ones that were counted as to be soldiers for war so but notice what it says it says in verse 15 the rich shall not give more the poor shall not give less than half a shekel when they give an offering unto the Lord to make an atonement for your souls so notice that this is talking about making an atonement for your souls and it's also fair for everybody it's not you know the rich don't get taxed more and the poor don't get taxed less this is the different this is different from the economic situation that we live in right tax the rich to give to the poor and really the poor aren't really they're not talking about giving to the poor they're talking about giving to the people that don't want to work in most cases nowadays I mean drive around the back of the church and see what they're giving it to and it's just awful I mean just leaving trash and garbage everywhere that's not where I want my tax dollars to go personally but I'm not rich by any stretch of the imagination either so um but anyway so this is just talking about you know if you think about the fact that Jesus ransomed us he paid for us he bought us back basically if you think of it that way he you know we are lost but he found us and he he paid for us in every way you could possibly think of but if you think of it in the fact that he bought us back monetarily he paid for us and you know he's not he he doesn't do more for other people he the the the baseline's the same it's I died for you you can be saved everybody's saved the same way everybody gets the same thing for being saved the rewards are something different the rewards are what you get for serving him but everybody gets the same thing and you know we don't have to pay for our salvation he's paying it for us and so when he redeems us it's all the same you know he paid the price for everybody and nobody gets it you know it's it's nothing more nothing less we don't have like the poor people don't have to do more to get saved than the rich people do and vice versa if you think of it like that so and it says and thou shall take the atonement money of the children of Israel and shall appoint it for the service of the tabernacle of the congregation that it may be a memorial unto the children of Israel before the Lord to make an atonement for your souls so what did they use the money for? for the service of the tabernacle of the congregation so who did that go to? it went to the Levites and you know the priests or whatever to make and probably for repairs whatever you know it went to the service of the tabernacle so this is something that everybody had to do when they counted the sum of the people and who did they count? the men you know it was 20 years old and upwards so let's look at that Numbers chapter 1 Numbers chapter 1 verse number 1 the Bible says and the Lord spake unto Moses in the wilderness in Sinai in the tabernacle of the congregation on the first day of the second month and the second year after they were come out of the land of Egypt saying take ye the sum of all the congregation of the children of Israel after their families so here he is commanding them to do it now with the number of their names every male by their poles from 20 years old and upward all are able to go all that are able to go forth to war in Israel thou and Aaron shall number them by their armies so you see how it's counted for by their armies for this purpose so and that it's 20 years old and upward so they're responsible you know people talk about this age of accountability who's ever heard about age of accountability well when you're talking about age of accountability you know just when you turn 20 years old that doesn't necessarily make you a man automatically but what it does make you is responsible to pay for yourself financially according to what this is saying it makes you responsible to pay for the half shekel for the temple for the congregation and it makes you responsible to be able to go to war so is 18 I mean obviously in this country it's 18 and we've had people in this country you know when all the World War I and II were going on people were like 15, 16 trying to get in and and lie about their age so they could go and fight and I know that it happened I'm sure it did but biblically God didn't want people under 20 years old fighting in the battles so that's just the way it is but that's what the Bible says so and then they're responsible for you know there's also a lot of other rules like if they just got married God didn't want them to fight in an army if they just got married he wants them to comfort their wife and get to know them and comfort them because they need a lot of comfort you know in that first year and you know so that's that's kind of you know this is God's way of you know making sure that things are paid for and up kept but also you know I was talking about the age of accountability well who knows what that is there is no age in the Bible but people will say well I've heard people say that 20 years old people aren't responsible for their sins until they're 20 and that's just I don't believe that at all I think that's just ridiculous like people know I think people know way earlier you know but everybody's you know accountability is probably different depending on where they're at mentally or where they're at you know even just probably a lot of factors go into that a lot of factors go into that what is their exposure to the gospel what is their exposure to church I think that God probably takes all that into consideration that's probably why there isn't like you know here's the age of accountability at seven years old you know this is when you're responsible like it varies I think that there's kids that are you know from four or five years old that are wise enough to understand salvation to get saved probably under those ages I would say probably can't quite grasp it yet I don't know that I've ever seen a four year old understand it yet but I know that there are people that say that they were saved at four years old but you know I mean and you don't remember much from those years a lot of people don't remember much but um I I remember at three years old knowing it was wrong to stick things in my pocket that weren't mine I've told the shoplifting story before being three years old three or four years old and stuffing toys in my pocket that I my grandma said I couldn't get and so I put them in my pocket and then when I was trying to mess around later and she was like what do you got in your hand there I was like nothing you know she caught me made me call the store and say I was sorry I think she maybe I think she took me back there and they probably had security scare me or something I don't know it was Kmart but why do I remember that when I was three years old I mean you know why because I knew it was wrong I knew it was wrong when I did I remember looking both ways and going and I got away with it I was that slick but you know was I accountable at that point I don't know and so people ask this well what do you think the age of accountability is I don't know I really honestly don't know but do I think babies go to hell if they die in a car accident or something no I don't think that I don't think little children go to hell I don't you know and again I'm not sure what the age of accountability is but I don't think it's 20 I think you're accountable for you know paying taxes probably and all that stuff but again we live in a country where it's 18 18 you're a man or 18 you're an adult and it's like I know a lot of 18 year olds that aren't ready for society yet but you know that's just but what does God say they're responsible at what age they're responsible for being you know you can be drafted into war at age 20 doesn't say 18 doesn't say 17 doesn't say 19 so now look at verse 16 it says let's see okay I'm sorry where did I end at there verse 3 from 20 years old and upward all that are able to go forth to war in Israel thou and Aaron shall number them by their armies and with you there shall be a man of every tribe everyone head of the house of his fathers now skip down to verse 16 these were the renowned of the congregation princes of the tribes their fathers heads of thousands in Israel and Moses and Aaron took these men which are expressed by their names and they assembled all the congregation together on the first day of the second month and they declared their pedigrees after their families by the house of their fathers according to the number of the names from 20 years old upward by the poles and the Lord as the Lord commanded Moses so he numbered them in the wilderness of Sinai so I'm reading all that because there's that story that I'm talking about is in 1 Chronicles chapter 21 and for the sake of time I'm not going to read all that but let's go there and we'll look at some of the verses here 1 Chronicles chapter 21 verse number 1 so there's a famous story of course and I mentioned it already but where Satan provokes David to count and number the people so remember God is the one that told Moses to do this and why is because he wanted to see where the numbers were because if you're a military general it's pretty important to know how many soldiers you have in your army before you go to battle but here's the thing God was on their side and God was the one that is obviously the power behind their army because all those nations were more powerful and more mighty than they are the Bible is very clear about that and most of the time the children of Israel had some great warriors obviously David and his mighty men were obviously some of them were killing Samson killed a thousand men with the jawbone of an ass but that's because he had the power of God on his side David's mighty men are killing 800 people at a time and things like that but God is the one that has the power and so what David's problem is what David's sin is here is that he wants to see how powerful he is in his army and I think it's pride because Satan always tempts you to be proud and that's why we got to be careful not to get once we start having pride in our looks or our intellect or how well we do things pride does want to creep up in our lives and tempts us to sin in lots of different ways but look at 1 Chronicles 21 it says and Satan stood up against Israel and provoked David to number Israel so just that verse right there just tells you he stood up against Israel so he's trying to do something to topple Israel the nation right and how did he do that well he provoked David to number Israel so he's provoking him to do what he's provoking him to sin so that he can accuse him before God now I think in the account of 1 Kings or I think it's in 1 Kings it says God had him but God allowed Satan to tempt him so people will say there's a contradiction there but I'm not going to go into that but obviously you know from Job that Satan has to go before God to allow him for God to allow him to do anything to anybody but it says and David said to Joab and to the rulers of the people go number Israel from Beersheba even to Dan and bring the number of them to me that I may know it so he wants to know how many soldiers do I have and Joab answered the Lord made his people a hundred times so many more as they be but my Lord the King are they not all my Lord's servants why then doth my Lord require this thing why will he be a cause of trespass in Israel nevertheless the King's word prevailed against Joab wherefore Joab departed and went throughout all Israel and came to Jerusalem and Joab gave the sum of the number of the people unto David and all they of Israel were a thousand thousand and a hundred thousand men that drew sword and Judah was four hundred threescore and ten thousand men that drew sword but Levi and Benjamin counted he not among them for the King's word was abominable to Joab so here's like one time where Joab is actually the good guy in the story I mean this is a rare moment so pay attention but this is actually one time you know it's like people say well was Joab saved this actually kind of makes me think well maybe Joab was saved I mean he's talking spiritual here so I mean obviously he's a murderer there's no doubt about that but anyway he's really upset because David's doing something wrong here what's he doing wrong well he's being prideful he's like how big's my army Joab go find out and then he doesn't even count some of the people because he's so upset and it says and God was displeased with this thing therefore he smote Israel why did God smite Israel why because they didn't pay the half shekel that they were supposed to pay because when you count the sum of the number then you have to pay the fee right the half shekel or what's going to happen the plague is going to burst out upon you so when David gets the three choices to fall into his I think it's to fall into his enemy's hands the Lord's hand or I forget what the other one is but it's in here somewhere but anyway he chooses to fall in the hands of the Lord because the Lord is merciful and what's the Lord do he plagues the people he does exactly what is said in the word of God so some people are confused by this story so I just kind of want to explain that that's why God did this and people are like well it's David's fault why didn't he you know and even David says well like why are you punishing them I'm the one that did it but you know sometimes the people pay for what the leaders do and so it's important as leaders that we do the right thing because the people can pay for what they do so and you know some more application is you know again obviously the application for us as far as the ransom is that Jesus did it for everybody so um and also that you know in church life you know when we have when we start counting numbers and being proud of the numbers that we have that can be a prideful thing too and I'm talking about like so many numbers or you know even just like you know people I'm sure churches get all proud about their church their church attendance numbers and things like that and I just think that you know numbers are good there's a book called Numbers we were just in it and there's nothing wrong with counting things but I think that we need to do things with the right spirit and the right purpose so you know just a little application for us that you know just have the right reason and the right spirit for doing things because if it's about you know a thing of pride like it was for David he didn't care he didn't care it wasn't a thing about it wasn't a righteous reason for counting the numbers it was an unrighteous reason wasn't it he was provoked to do it out of pride and you know it cost him dearly because he was doing it for the wrong reason so now let's look at the laver of brass the laver of brass in verse number 17 back in our text and brass remember kind of represents judgment and it also represents justification but judgment is a big thing because obviously you know you have the altar that's made out of brass the sacrifices are done in the brass in the brazen altar and then so verse 17 it says in the Lord speaking of Moses saying thou shalt also make a laver of brass and his foot also of brass to wash with all and thou shalt put it between the tabernacle of the congregation and the altar and thou shalt put water therein so I should have brought the tabernacle out so there's the tabernacle you know the tent thing and then there's the laver and then the altar so between the altar and the tabernacle there's the laver so to wash therein it says for Aaron and his son shall wash their hands and their feet thereat when they go into the tabernacle of the congregation they shall wash with water that they die not so this is a make or break situation here you know in the New Testament you see the Pharisees and Sadducees are always mad at Jesus because he's not washing his hands and his disciples are not washing their hands because they're not obeying the traditions of the fathers okay but this is not that this is a command to wash your hands and wash your feet but this is a different situation Jesus wasn't offering sacrifices this is a command to wash but it's not to wash your hands before supper okay so this is something the priest had to do it's a ceremonial thing but it says that they wash with water that they die not or when they come near to the altar to minister to burn offering to burn offering made by fire onto the Lord so shall so they shall wash their hands and their feet that they die not and it shall be a statute forever to them even to him and to his seed throughout their generation so apparently before and after or whatever each thing that they have to not only wash their hands but they have to wash their feet so it immediately made me think of John chapter I guess John chapter 16 where after they get done with the Lord's Supper Jesus puts that what wraps that towel around him and he gets down and he washes the disciples feet and he says you have no part with me you know because Peter like gives him a he's like well you'll never wash my feet Lord and he's like if you don't if I don't wash your feet you have no part with me and so like he you know as again as the high priest he gets down and washes their feet and that must have been really weird for the disciples to have their Lord wash their feet obviously that's a picture of servant leadership and servitude and saying hey like I did that's what I want you guys to do so true leadership is going to serve the people that they lead that's Jesus' example but obviously this is you know symbolic of just being clean when you're doing the work of the Lord so but there's there's two washings that kind of we've looked at here in the last couple chapters so the first washing of the priest so ceremoniously the priests have to wash right the first washing of the priest was to hallow them to minister unto the lords of the priests office and you know we see the children of Israel you know we know they've been you know as we as God's children have been made priests and kings in order that we can offer up spiritual sacrifices unto God right in Exodus 29 4 you don't have to turn back there but you can if you want you're right there anyway it says in Aaron and his sons thou shalt bring unto the door of the tabernacle of the congregation and shall wash them with water so Moses was supposed to wash them right with water now in this chapter they have to put that laver there and they have to wash their hands they have to wash their hands and feet doesn't say that Moses has to wash their hands and feet so the first washing is what Moses washes their hands and feet and then they wash their hands right or it doesn't say their hands and their feet in verse in Exodus 29 4 it says thou shalt wash them with water so now I might just I might not have you turn to every verse but I'm going to read some verses for you and have you turn to some of them so revelation chapter one verse five revelation chapter one verse five and so the first washing the priest did remember Moses washed them the second one they washed themselves so let's look at some verses revelation chapter one verse five it says and from Jesus Christ who is the faithful witness and the first begotten of the dead and the prince of the kings of the earth unto him that loved us and washed us from our sins with his own blood and hath made us kings and priests unto God and his father to him be glory and dominion forever and ever amen so he first washed us right so again you get the picture the first washing Moses washed them he pictures Jesus right and then the second washing they're they're they're kind of washing themselves so Jesus washed us with his own blood and then he makes us kings and priests right now look at first Peter chapter two verse five first Peter chapter two verse five this is you know this is great stuff here if you're lost if you're tired if you're need to go back and look at some of this stuff then do it later but this is the stuff I like first Peter two five says he also has lively stones are built up a spiritual house and holy priesthood to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God by who? Jesus Christ okay so we're a holy priesthood in the New Testament first Peter two nine says but you're a chosen generation a royal priesthood that's a king priest right and holy nation a peculiar people that you should show forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness through his marvelous light Titus three five I'm just going to keep reading you can turn to him if you want Titus three five not by works of righteousness which we have done but according to his mercy he saved us by the washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Ghost so we are washed by the regeneration when we are saved and the renewing of the Holy Ghost first Peter chapter one verse two elect according to the foreknowledge of God the father through sanctification of the spirit unto obedience and sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ grace unto you and peace be multiplied Hebrews chapter 10 verse 22 let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience our bodies washed with pure water so I mean none of that is just said for no reason it is picturing the things that we have been looking at in these chapters you can't deny that Jesus washing us you know being washed by pure water sprinkled with blood I mean all the things that Moses had to do he had to I mean you remember he is sprinkling the people with blood he is sprinkling all the sprinkling all the stuff he is washing with water all these different things now the second washing again so the first washing Moses washed them and we get washed by Jesus Christ by his blood okay and you know in that picture the Holy Spirit coming into us that is the washing of the water baptized by the Holy Spirit right that is you know isn't that what it is called the baptism of the Holy Spirit when we get saved sealed by the Holy Spirit now the second washing of the priest was performed by the priest on themselves and they were to wash themselves how does that apply to us today well let's look at some verses real quick 2 Corinthians chapter 7 verse number 1 2 Corinthians chapter 7 verse number 1 if you are not going to turn there I don't hear anybody turn in there if you are on your smart phones go fast or whatever 2 Corinthians 7 says having therefore these promises dearly beloved let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit perfecting holiness in the fear of God so are we supposed to cleanse ourselves yes we are supposed to we are supposed to work on our sin problems folks but yeah we have God's you know obviously God has forgiven us and cleans us from all unrighteousness and all that but yet we still sin while we are in our bodies while we are here on this earth and look it is a fight it is a dog fight every single day to get sin out of our lives but it is a continual cleansing why do the priests have to keep going back and cleansing at that wash that labor that breeze and labor because every day it is something that we have to continuously do and it is several times a day probably we just have to just try to get right and try to do our best to cleanse ourselves from all the filthiness and stuff that we have to endure in this world and not only that our own bodies betraying us all the time because our body wants to sin it just always wants to escape and do what is wrong and look at what is not right and feel what is wrong and just be in places that are wrong and and hear things that are wrong I mean it is a fight James 4-8 says draw nigh to God and he will draw nigh to you cleanse your hands you sinners and purify your hearts you double minded so are we supposed to how are we supposed to draw not how does God how do we get God to draw nigh to us well he says to cleanse your hands how do you do that I mean it's obviously it's a spiritual thing but he's picture what is it picturing that brazen labor I mean cleansing your hands right so this act of cleansing is often just referred to as the individual sanctifying himself to the service of God so let's look at another one 2 Timothy chapter 2 verse 21 2 Timothy chapter 2 verse 21 if a man therefore purge himself from these he shall be a vessel unto honor sanctified meat for the master's use that means fitting for the master's use and prepared unto every good work you see this is what the priest we're supposed to this is the picture of the priest that we're going to also you know he sanctified himself first then he sanctified them us you know picturing us so that we can actually be useful to God because without being saved without being cleansed from all these things we're kind of worthless you know and obviously we can't do this on our own Jesus has to help us but we do have a personal responsibility to try to you know be useful to God and cleanse ourself from this filthiness of the flesh and of the spirit not just of the flesh but the spirit also so the order of washing in the Old Testament was that the priests were first washed and then later they were continually washing themselves and likewise the order of washing that takes place in life of you know a child of God is that they're washed first washed by the Holy Spirit in the new birth then having been born of the spirit of God they are continually cleansed themselves from ungodly living and ungodly practices this is done because they have been justified by the blood of Christ so that's a pretty good picture of the labor right? So you have the first cleansing chapter 29 then you have the second cleansing so let's see how much time do I got here a few more minutes I don't know if I have time to do it all though here I'm gonna pickle and make you guys mad already hosed you well we had like two weeks off oh man I don't know this is risky alright so the anointing oil number four the anointing oil and incense so they had to make it a specific way okay verse 22 in our text moreover the Lord spake unto Moses saying take thou also unto the three unto the principal spices of pure myrrh 500 shekels and of sweet cinnamon half so much even 250 shekels and of sweet calamus 250 shekels and of cassia 500 shekels after the shekel of the sanctuary and of oil olive and hen so this combination is what they're taken right? and thou shalt make it an oil of holy ointment an ointment compound after the art of the apothecary and it shall be a holy anointing oil so back then they had this specific compound that was used specifically for the anointing of things not just things you know I mean I'm just gonna skip past all this but if you were paying attention to the Bible reading it's like everything is anointed with this oil all the vessels all the burnt offering vessels the candlesticks the altars everything and then the people and their clothes so everything has to have all these things on it and now let's look down at verse let's skip down to verse 33 or verse 32 it says upon man's flesh shall it not be poured neither shall ye make any other like it after the composition of it it is holy and it shall be holy unto you whosoever compoundeth any like it or whosoever putteth any of it upon a stranger shall be cut off from his people so I mean it's a pretty big deal to not remake it and make it and call it obsession cologne or something and sell it outside and have other people use it this is a special thing that God uses specifically for the anointing of things okay what is the anointing oil represent does anybody know the Holy Spirit yes so when the oil is poured on something it represents the anointing of the Holy Spirit correct so now let's look at verse let's see 37 and it says and as for the perfume which thou shalt make you shall not make it to yourselves according to the composition thereof it shall be unto thee holy for the Lord whosoever shall make like unto it to smell thereto shall even be cut off from his people so it probably smelled pretty good it's probably smelled really appealing you know it's probably smelled better than petroleum oil that hippie you know stink covering stuff that they make right but you know I would just say just thinking about the fact that it's a unique thing that nobody else can you know it's a it represents something that's holy unto the Lord it represents the Holy Spirit well you know no other there's no other spirit like the Holy Spirit and so you don't want to have any other spirit besides the Holy Spirit there's no other saving regenerating thing like the Holy Spirit and so why would God you know this picture is like this is you know because the Bible talks about how you know test the spirits whether they're of God and talks about there's many there's all these different types of spirits out in the world and there's demonic spirits but they but the Holy Spirit is totally different and set apart and is called the Holy Spirit for a reason and so it's not like you know anything else so that's why God's like don't make anything like this because this is you know unique this is the Holy Spirit of God is what it's representing so I mentioned that that colon obsession right in the 90s colon and stuff like that and I grew up in the 90s a little bit 80s 90s and colon was a big deal when I was in high school who went to yeah what was the ones what was your favorite brother Joe see ok Ramon I liked obsession anybody else want to weigh in Axe body spray there you go this is when things start to go downhill Old Spice Brute no but like there's ones like Cool Water Cologne Eternity Drakkar those were really popular CK Polo Nautica Clinique Happy those are the girl ones but Ralph Lauren Old Spice I put Axe body spray in here because I knew it was really popular with my boys but you know they also sell fake brands of that have you ever seen like those those bootleg looking they're like well it's like Drakkar or it's like obsession or whatever but you know there's a there's a reason why is because there's trademarks involved in making cologne and perfume and you have it's just like the Colonel's secret recipe you know it's locked in a vault and you're not supposed to you know Coca Cola has its own secret recipe and it's trademarked you can't make any other thing like Coca Cola so that's why Coca Cola has its own unique taste or Pepsi or whatever else you want to talk about but you know cologne specifically has its own smell and all that so like if you get those bootleg Louis type stuff or you know even Louis Vuitton there's like fake Louis if you go to the Philippines you're going to people are going to be trying to sell you all kinds of fake Louis Vuitton all this other stuff and when you get back to America it falls apart but so my point is is that it doesn't it's not like the original you'll they'll say it's like that but it's not really like that because they don't really have the right recipe but you know there's nothing like the Holy Spirit there's nothing like that holy anointing oil we're not supposed to make anything like it obviously and I don't even know if those components even exist to be able to make it now anyway but it doesn't really matter because we're in the New Testament so the only time the New Testament talks about putting anointing oil on somebody is when you anoint someone that's sick when you bring them to the elders of the church and I and I personally believe that that's talking about when someone's like has some really bad sickness that it's not just every cold you know people are coming up and I think it's a special like occasion or some special thing that people can't get over something but I don't I'm not gonna make this blend it's just gonna be straight up extra virgin olive oil and I'm gonna dump it on your head I'm gonna pray it's not gonna be like on you know I'm not just gonna go you know see you later you know but I have done that before I've you know done it with other pastors before and you know it's it's but do I think that there's something magical about that oil or special about that oil it no I think that it's doing what God says by faith that's what that's what the Bible says to do to you know anoint them with oil calling upon the name of the Lord and you know the prayer of faith shall save them it's the prayer of faith that saves them and if the Bible says we're supposed to put the oil on them then we put the oil on them but what is the purpose behind doing it well it's hallowing those things so to put the anointing oil on to the priest was what it was hallowing them it was setting them apart it was you know it was what is the picture it pictures the Holy Spirit's power upon that man's life that's being ordained you know the beard the oil ran down Aaron's beard and you know all the things that are you know anointed with it it shows that it's holy unto the Lord it's got the power of God behind it the power of the Holy Spirit so so I mean that's what the purpose of it is and it'll talk about that more in Exodus chapter 40 but in addition to the tabernacle so the priests were anointed with oil the kings of Israel were anointed with oil Samuel was anointed with oil or excuse me David was anointed with oil Saul was anointed with oil Solomon was anointed with oil you know and even Elijah or Elisha Elijah anointed the Syrian kings with oil and he anointed Elisha to it with oil people were anointed with oil in the Old Testament now when we're when we get the Holy Spirit we don't pour oil on people when they get saved it's not like we get them saved at the door and then we just pour a thing of oil on top of them but I mean because but that is the picture the picture of the Holy Spirit being poured upon them that is the picture of the oil it just I think that people would probably be weirded out if we just you know it's like praise God you got saved just like and run off like that what was that king and like you know it's Jehu is like he just like cracked the oil and ran off he's like just run away don't talk to him but you know in the New Testament we have a better anointing and you know we have again Jesus as our high priest Hebrews 6 20 and him being the king of kings lord of lords it's written on his thigh it's written on his on his breast the king of kings the lord of lords revelation 1916 and you know so he's he was anointed well when do you remember seeing Jesus being anointed with oil in the New Testament do you remember seeing that in the New Testament you're doing the New Testament challenge when was Jesus anointed does anybody know turn to Luke chapter 3 Luke chapter 3 we're almost done I'm sorry I'm gonna get this point done and we're done almost done almostdone.com I can't just preach a one page sermon later on I just I gotta get it done alright so Luke 3 21 now when the people were baptized it came to pass that Jesus also being baptized and praying the heaven was opened and the Holy Ghost descended in a bodily shape like a dove upon him and a voice came from heaven which said thou art my beloved son and thee I am well pleased I mean is that the picture of him being anointed I mean he's literally the Holy Ghost literally comes down upon him and rests upon him and the Bible also talks about him being filled by the spirit filled with the spirit without measure so Jesus Christ was anointed and what you know people say you know the Messiah means the anointed one or whatever they'll say you know that Jesus Christ is the anointed one well is he the anointed one yes he is he's the anointed of God and in Luke chapter 4 verse 18 it says he says after his baptism he says the spirit of the Lord is upon me because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor and he has sent me to heal the brokenhearted to preach deliverance to the captives in recovering of sight to the blind and to set at liberty then that are bruised so Jesus Christ here admits that he's anointed doesn't he so when you know when did Jesus's earthly ministry start when he got baptized right when I mean I'm not saying that Jesus wasn't spiritual before that he was I'm just saying when was when do you see the clear anointing in the Bible you see it in the baptism and then after that's when he started doing all the miracles and the great mighty works right Acts chapter 4 verse 27 says for of a truth again thy holy child Jesus whom thou hast anointed both Herod and Pontius Pilate with the Gentiles and the people of Israel were gathered together Acts 10 38 how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost I mean there you go right there I mean that really just clearly says it how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power who went about doing good and healing all that were oppressed of the devil for God was with him so the Holy Spirit did the anointing and he is the anointing oil that the anointing oil represents in this passage tonight he's not like any other and so thus through the anointing of God Jesus is both our holy high priest and holy king so you know that's just I mean that just kind of seals and ties everything together in my mind it's like well because God always anointed priests he always anointed kings and you know his ultimate anointing was at his baptism where he became the high priest and king of kings lord of lords I mean obviously we know that Jesus is God and he's always been and he's almighty and whatever but but we have an unction the Bible says from the Holy One and you know all things so in conclusion the anointing of the Holy Spirit is the miraculous work of the new birth and it's made us saints and enabling us to minister in the offices of king and priest and you know and Jesus Christ of course is our high priest and our king of kings and lord of lords that's it let's go let's pray lord thank you so much for this great chapter and pray you just help us lord it's a lot to to kind of just take in but pray that you'd help us lord to just soak it all in and that lord you give us a better understanding of the old testament what applies to us in the new testament what it pictures and lord I know it's a lot of details to think about and to go over a lot of scripture but I just pray that you'd help us to understand and that lord you take care of us and keep us safe and bring us back for the next service in Jesus name we pray amen oh that's okay no worries my we're done okay song three nine nine let's each get on the first sup dude i need no other argument i need information overload i really like that about the washington first and the second jesus says this ends my fear and doubt a simple soul i come to him he'll never cast me out i need no other argument i need no other plea it is enough that jesus died and that he died for me my heart is leaning on the word the written word of god salvation by my savior's name salvation through his blood i need no other argument i need no other plea it is enough that jesus died and that he died for me my great physician heals the sick the lost he came to save for me his precious blood he shed for me his life he gave i need no other argument i need no other plea it is enough that jesus died and that he died for me you