(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) We're Exodus chapter 24. Last week, I only covered two verses, and I preached a sermon about basically the biblical view of leadership. And so today I'm going to do my best to get through everything, but if I don't, I probably will just move on to the next chapter. But the title of the sermon tonight is Seen God, Seen God. So it's my second sermon out of this chapter. There's just a lot of great stuff in the book of Exodus, and it's hard to pass things over. But my first point tonight is going to be about the covenant being confirmed through the word. So we had Moses, we saw in verse, let's see, verse one and two, we had Moses come up unto the Lord with Aaron, Nadab, and Abihu, and then the 70 elders also. So I kind of believe that that's a picture of obviously Jesus, Moses being Jesus, for the sake of spiritual application, but just like a picture or a shadow fulfillment kind of what you saw in the transfiguration. A lot of it seems similar to the transfiguration, but Aaron, Nadab, and Abihu were the only ones allowed to go up as close, but Moses was obviously the closest one, just like Jesus was the closest one to God the Father. And then you had Peter, James, and John up at the transfiguration, but not the rest of them. And then of course, the Lord did ordain 70 apostles besides the 12 apostles. And then in here we have the 70 elders. So the pictures kind of coincide with each other a little bit, but it also kind of shows us biblical leadership, and I'm not going to preach that sermon again, but see how it says, Moses alone shall come near the Lord, but they shall not come nigh, neither shall the people go up with him. So there is biblical leadership. Moses was obviously the boss, but here we have in verse 3, we have the covenant confirmed through the word. Now look what it says in verse 3. It says, and Moses came and told the people all the words of the Lord. So he's a faithful man, a faithful prophet, saying everything that God said to say to them, right? And it says, and all the judgments, and all the people answered with one voice and said, all the words which the Lord has said we will do. So that's them confirming the covenant with the people, and they are agreeing to the covenant. So they kind of locked themselves into this agreement with God, and so we kind of see that modern day. There's a lot of covenants out there, isn't there? You had of course the marriage covenant. Even when you sign your lease for some place that you're renting, or even just a car, there's all kinds of covenants out there, and you're basically, they're basically here, they're signing their name to agree to all the things that God is asking of them in the Old Testament. So it says in verse 4, and Moses wrote all the words of the Lord and rose up early in the morning and built an altar under the hill and 12 pillars according to the 12 tribes of Israel. So you have God telling Moses all the words. Moses tells all the words that the Lord said and all the judgments to the people. They agree to the covenant, and then Moses writes down the words. It doesn't say, and Moses wrote down some of the words, or kind of what it seemed like, or pidgin, or pig latin. He put everything that God said to him in the book, and this shows the inspiration and preservation of the Bible, if you will, because that's how the Bible was preserved. God spoke the words, and those words were written down, and here we have a book with those words. The words that Moses wrote down, and Joshua, and all the other prophets, they are written in a book for us to know. It says, and then Moses rose up early, and it says in verse 5, and he sent young men and the children of Israel, which offered burnt offerings and sacrifice peace offerings of oxen unto the Lord, and Moses took half the blood and put it in basins, and half the blood he sprinkled on the altar, and he took the book of the covenant. What's the book of the covenant? The law of God, the word of God. We're reading out of it right now, and read in the audience of the people, and they said, all that the Lord hath said we will do, and be obedient. So here they are agreeing to it again after the words were given to them, after Moses wrote it down in a book, and then he reads it back to them, and then they say it again. You're like, well, why is this happening? Well, I believe that this is just showing us also the authorship of the Bible, and many people say that the Bible was written by men, and they'd be right in the aspect that man wrote it down, but it's not the word of man. It's the word of God, and of course, it's a fitting day, being Guy Fawkes Day, for us to kind of talk about this a little bit. It says that Moses took the blood and sprinkled it on the people. So he takes the blood, and what is this representing? Of course, Moses representing the Lord Jesus Christ and the blood of his covenant, and he sprinkles it all over the stuff, and when you see them build the things of the tabernacle, and when they start instituting the tabernacle, Moses takes blood, and he puts it all over the veil, and every year they had to splash the veil with blood, okay? And Moses took the blood, sprinkled it on the people. That's pretty gross, isn't it? But what is that representing? That we need the blood applied to us in order to be saved, right? But it says, and behold the blood of the covenant, which the Lord hath made with you concerning all these words. So the words of the Lord are perfect, the words of the Lord are something that we are not to let go of, but God's not going to let them go away. There's always going to be a faithful witness and a faithful translation of his word that we can count on, and we have it right now, and so we should be thanking God for the fact that we have a great Bible in the language that we speak. So of course, Moses here is picturing that Christ is the mediator of the covenant through the shedding of blood and the sprinkling of blood, as evidenced in the book of Hebrews talks a lot about this. There's too many passages to go through, but I'm just going to read Hebrews 9, 23. It says, it was therefore necessary that the patterns of things in the heavens should be purified with these, but the heavenly things themselves with better sacrifices than these. So the things that were made, the patterns that Moses was supposed to make things after, were something that was in heaven already. It's something, it's a picture of what's already in heaven, and so the things that were sprinkled, the things that Moses, you know, I mean, he sprinkled blood on people. I mean, that's pretty gross, isn't it? Like, you're just standing there all of a sudden, it's just like, here, let me sprinkle some blood all over you. I mean, that would be pretty nasty, right? But that's what the Bible says. But we do need to be sprinkled with the blood of Christ in order to be saved. And so, in order for the heavenly things themselves to be purified, they have to be with better sacrifices than these. So in order for us to actually go to heaven, we need the real blood of Christ to get us there. And so, you know, obviously, again, it's Guy Fawkes Day, happy Guy Fawkes Day, but I just want to talk a little bit about preservation. I did bring it up a little bit this morning, but there are people out there that want to put down the King James Bible, and they want to lift up the modern perversions that nobody died for, nobody plotted to murder their translators, nobody burned them at the stake, nobody killed them in the most gruesome ways that a reprobate could think of killing somebody. Go through and look at what happened when people tried to translate the Bible into English, and see that you can see the trail of blood. I mean, William Tyndale is saying, Lord, open the king of England's eyes as he's being burnt at the stake. People suffered greatly to bring us the translation of the Bible. And we do take that for granted. Obviously, God's word prevailed, preservation prevailed, providence prevailed to where we could get where we're at right now with this book. But, you know, nobody killed the translators of the NIV, even though they probably should have, because they're abominations, and they shouldn't even have been allowed to be sitting on a Bible translation committee. Open sodomites that are in hell right now, thank God for that. But, you know, there was no, you know, and the plot to kill King James was a Catholic Jesuit plot, literally. Like, people say stuff like that now, they'll even say that we're Jesuit plants or whatever, we're the new IFB or whatever, Pastor Anderson's a secret Jesuit and, you know, we're all his loyal Jesuit flock. I've been in a Catholic church twice, and both times I didn't understand anything that they were saying. And all I knew is I had to kneel down and get back up a lot of times. I was like, what are we doing this for? But like, it was a, it was like an old school, they did like some of the mass or whatever was in a different language. I think it was Polish or something. But anyway, I had to do that to hang out with a friend of mine. And like, his parents made me go to church with them so that I could hang out with them or something. So, hardcore Polish Catholics or whatever. But the Jesuit plot to murder King James and his family and the rest of Parliament and anybody else involved with him was a literal plot. But why did nobody plot against Westcott and Hort? I think people spoke out against them for wanting to make that a Frankenstein Greek text that they made and, you know, that they got through spurious sources. And I mentioned that this morning about how they got one of them from a Catholic monastery on the supposed Mount Sinai and the other one in the basement of the Vatican and the other one from Alexandria, Egypt, and other places where they've found stuff that are not the Word of God. If they were buried in a clay pot in the earth somewhere, and we didn't have the true Word of God until then, that's just garbage. You think God's just going to let us go without the Word of God for that long? It's just not going to happen. The Bible says in Psalm 12, 6, the words of the Lord are pure words, as silver tried in a furnace of earth purified seven times. Thou shalt keep them, O Lord. Thou shalt preserve them from this generation forever. You know what? I believe those verses. I believe that they're true. And I believe that God's responsibility is to keep the Word of God and to keep it preserved and to pass it on from generation to generation. I believe in the inspiration and the preservation of the Scriptures. And I believe that we have that, and I'm thankful for that. You know, sometime if you have time to study this, I believe it's Jeremiah chapter 36, where it talks about how he had to explain this to the princes. Baruch, the scribe, had to explain to the princes how Jeremiah was able to dictate the Word of God to him. And basically he just said, well, he said things and I wrote them down. It's not that complicated. But also in that chapter, they take a pen knife and cut the Word of God up, the original manuscript, and they cut that up and throw it into the fire. And then God at the end of the chapter just says, write another one. God's Word is forever. God's Word is not lost if it gets cut up and thrown to fire. When Moses comes down, and we'll get to that chapter eventually, he comes down and he throws the Ten Commandments and destroys them in a million pieces. The original autographs. Can you believe he did that? And the ones that God actually, with his own finger, wrote the words of the Ten Commandments on there. How blasphemous of Moses to do that. Now we'll never know what the Ten Commandments said. Do you believe that? No, of course you don't, because that's idiotic. Anybody that believes this doctrine of having to go back to these manuscripts that were dug up in the dirt to know what the true Word of God said, really we can't really know what it says. Well then your belief in Christianity, your belief in the doctrines of Christianity is built on sinking sand. Because how can you actually say that you believe salvation is by grace through faith? Well maybe that's not what it said in the original manuscripts. That's retarded. What are you talking about? That's not what the Bible teaches. That's not how we have faith. We have faith in the fact that God has preserved his Word and that he will do what he said. It's his responsibility to keep him. It's his responsibility to preserve them from this generation forever and I believe that God will do that. Now do I believe some scribe is going to do it? I believe God is going to help a scribe be faithful to do it. But would I trust men? No. But God uses men to preserve it. That is a fact. And people can say whatever they want. Here's what the argument is. Well the Bible has been rewritten so many times. How many times have you heard that? Like a lot. I mean I've probably heard it on a weekly basis for many years in a row. At least from somebody. Well you know the Bible has been rewritten. It's not been rewritten. It's been translated out of a bad, corrupt text and translated hundreds of times so that people can make money off of changing the Word of God and destroying people's faith. And anybody that's an Omo, which is an original manuscript only-ist, they trust in sinking sand. They trust in something they've never seen before. But if it's okay for the original to be destroyed by Moses, it's okay for the princes of Judah, I mean they weren't right to do it, but to destroy it and throw it in a fire, God's Word still was preserved, isn't it? We went through the whole Ten Commandments. There's nothing missing. There's nothing missing out of that book. So we, I mean, we have to have this fact down in our lives that God, we just have to have faith. See, Christianity involves having faith, right? You have to have faith to be saved and to believe the promises, but you also have to have faith in the book. You can't just say, well, you know, I don't really know if all this is right or not. Well then you're on sinking sand. You really are. You've got to put your faith and trust in the Bible as to that we have everything that we need in there for faith and practice. Number two, tonight I want to point you to the fact that Moses the priest and the elders see God. They see God. Look at verse nine in our text here. It says, Exodus 24, 9 says, Then went up Moses and Aaron, Nadab and Abihu and seventy of the elders of Israel, and they saw the God of Israel. What does it say there? They saw the God of Israel. And there was under his feet, as it were, a paved work of sapphire stone, and as it were, the body of heaven in its clearness. And upon the nobles of the children of Israel he laid not his hand. Also they saw God and did eat and drink. So two times here it says that they saw God. Now what does that exactly mean? Well again I'll point you back to the transfiguration where they saw the glorified Christ. They didn't see Christ like looking like you and me as the normal human. He was transfigured. His appearance was changed and shining and bright. And then you can see how Revelation chapter number one, it explains what Christ looked like when John turned to see him in the vision. So he didn't look like when he's in his glorified state, he is bright and shining. His eyes are like a flame of fire. His hair is white like wool. And his voice is the sound of many waters. But when Jesus was on earth, aside from that transfiguration, he was just like you and I as far as like appearing normal, looking normal. He wasn't giant. He didn't look like Arnold Schwarzenegger. He just looked like a normal guy. And his voice probably was loud, but he didn't have the voice of many waters when he spoke. I mean he gets in a boat and preaches from the boat to make sure his voice is being heard loud enough. But I noticed that it says that there was under his feet as it were paved work of sapphire stone. So it's describing the paved work that they see underneath. And I don't know to what capacity they saw God, but we obviously can't see God unless he allows us to see him. And we can't see the face of the Father and live. That is what the Bible teaches. So let's turn to Genesis chapter 32, and we'll see another place where Jacob actually sees God face to face. Genesis chapter 32, keep your finger in Exodus chapter 24. But I kind of want to talk about this for a really great length of the sermon here, about being able to see God. And there's this view of the Trinity. I believe the view of the Trinity that we have is the right view. And I'll get into that in a minute. But I believe that there's the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit, and these three are one. That's what the Bible says. But the Bible says there's only one God. But that one God reveals himself in three persons, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. Why do I believe that? Because the Bible says that. Because the Bible teaches that. And I also believe that they have their own distinct body. They have their own distinct will. And they're co-equal in power. I'm going to read our doctrinal statement that we believe about this, but there's this idea that what we believe about the Trinity at this church is heresy according to the tradition of the church Fathers. And who is that exactly? Who would the church Fathers be? Who do you think that is? What, the Catholics? So, if I don't believe like the Catholics believed, then I'm in heresy? Okay. Well, look at Genesis 32. I'll just get to this verse real quick, and then I'll have you turn to 1 John 5.7 after that. But Genesis 32, 30 says, And Jacob called the name of the place Penuel, for I have seen God face to face, and my life is preserved. There's this belief in the Old Testament, and their belief was true because God confirms this, that if they saw God face to face, they would die. And if any of us in this room saw God face to face, the Father, we would die instantly. Okay? Because we can't look upon his face. And, you know, God the Father is invisible to us. The Holy Spirit is invisible to us. But does that mean that they don't have an individuality? That God is just this big blob that you can't see ever? There's no form that you can see him in? And obviously God is infinite. God is omnipresent. He's all-knowing. And we understand that, and we understand the whole universe can't contain him or whatever. But does that mean that he doesn't have a body? That the Father doesn't have a body? The Spirit doesn't have a body? And the Son doesn't have a body? We know the Son does. But I just kind of want to show you some of the reasons why we believe these things. And obviously there's kind of a spectrum within the Trinity camp that I would say, you know, if they differ in us in maybe some slight ways. But once they start teaching oneness or polytheism, then they've gone off the rails in either direction. We don't believe that God is three different gods. That's not what we believe. They're like, well, I'm confused, Pastor. What do you mean three persons? Well, I'm not going to try to explain it through cute anecdotes or anything like that. I'm not going to say, you know, it's like water or whatever. But I will give you what I believe that God, kind of how God is here in just a minute. But let's look at the doctrinal statement. Actually, turn to 1 John 5.7 if you haven't already turned there. And let's just, I think that we should believe the Bible at face value in what it actually says. And so whatever kind of things we can compare God to, God can't really be compared to anything because there's nothing like him. And all we can take is the words that he says in the book at face value to get our doctrine. And then the new versions want to take this out, and they change it to say things that it doesn't say. But here's what it says. For there are three. So how many are there? Three. That bear record in heaven, the Father, that's one, the Word, that's two, that's Jesus, right? And the Holy Ghost, and that's three, right? And these three are one. Well, what does that mean? That's what it says. Like how else more further do you want me to explain it? And at this church, this is what our doctrinal, if you look at our doctrinal statement on our website, this is what we have on our doctrinal statement. It says, we believe in the Trinity, which is the belief that there is one God that exists in three persons. The three persons or members of the Godhead are the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The three members of the Godhead are distinct and separate persons, each possessing their own body. So that's a controversy too. Intellect and will. The three are all equally God and eternal. That means the Son always existed, the Father always existed, and the Holy Spirit has always existed. Meaning that they have eternally existed as three persons. The three members of the Godhead voluntarily submit themselves under a chain of command. We acknowledge that each member of the Godhead is not partially God or a part of God. He's not like a slice of a pie that makes up a whole pie, okay? They're individually all powerful, yet God, yet one, right? It says, but believe that each member is all God and all of God. We reject partialism. That's the belief that each member of the Godhead is part of God that comes together to make up one God, which would be like Voltron or, you know, some of these, you know what I mean? Like it's, Voltron didn't become the giant robot until all the different, you know, parts came together. That's not what we believe. So, I mean, I'm just trying to help you understand, you know, that that's not what we believe. Anyway, we reject polytheism. That's the belief that each member of the Godhead is a separate God. We reject polytheism in the fact there's only one God. That's what it says. But he reveals himself in three persons. So, we reject oneness. Oneness is the belief that each member of the Godhead is the same person playing different roles. And the God of oneness is the same God of Hinduism. You're like, well, but Hinduism has millions of God. What are you talking about? Well, they believe in that one God is like playing the part of all, you know, the millions of gods are playing the part that one of that one God. That's what they believe. Muslims believe in oneness. So, it's easy to see how it's an end times heresy to believe some weird stuff about the Trinity. Now, the Mormons, they believe, they say that they believe, because here's the thing. The Mormons will take the same words and things that we say, but they mean something different with them. They believe that Jesus is a creative being. The Jehovah's Witnesses believe that Jesus is a creative being, and that, you know, the Mormons believe that Jesus and Lucifer are brothers, and one had a better plan than the other, and he became the devil, and Jesus became the savior of the world, of this world. Because, really, the Mormons do believe in millions and billions of gods. They believe that, you know, that we, if you were a Mormon, that you get to become the god of your own planet someday if you follow the rules of wear the magic underwear and get married in their temple and do the secret handshakes, right? And that your wife can make eternal spiritual babies for the rest of her known existence. It doesn't sound like heaven, does it? But especially to some of you that just had babies. Anyway, so the verses you can look up, and we'll probably look, we're going to look at a couple of these, but of course, John 1.1 explains that Jesus was in the beginning, the word was with God. In the beginning was the word. The word was with God. The word was God, and that, you know, so we believe that Jesus is God. That's what the Bible teaches, and in there's, so the verse we use is Genesis 1.26 and 27, Colossians 2.9 and 1 John 5.7. Of course, there's many other verses, and people say, do you believe that, if we ask people, do you believe that Jesus is God? And sometimes people say, no, no, he's the son of God. Yes, he is the son of God, but he still is God, okay? The Bible teaches very clearly. Turn to Hebrews chapter 1.1. Hebrews chapter 1.1. The Bible says in Hebrews 1.1, God, who at sundry times and in diverse manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets. How did he used to speak? To the prophets. Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds, who being the brightness of his glory and the express image of his, what's it say there? Person. So is God a person? Well, it says he's the express image of his person, so it means he is a person, and if Jesus is the express image of the person of God, who at sundry times, right, God the Father, he's the brightness of his glory and the express image of his person. Was Jesus a person? So people like to attack the fact that we say three persons, one God, but isn't that what the Bible says right there? It says person, doesn't it? And it says in upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had by himself purged our sins, notice that term by himself. It says by himself, right? Purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the majesty on high. So who's the one that atoned for our sins? Was it Jesus? Yeah. Was he a person? Yes, he was. Was he God? Yes. Was he human? Yes. So the term express image, the word express and image both have different meanings, but for this exact phrase here, the word express is, and of a likeness, exact. Express is like exact. And then the word image is a person or thing that closely resembles another. And so here's the example it gives in the dictionary. He's the image of his father. That's a pretty good one, right? And then the second definition that I wanted to give you here is semblance or likeness. So an image is a semblance or likeness. Here's another example. We are made in the image of God. Those are two really great examples because I'm going to be talking about that for this sermon. So when it says, who being the brightness of his glory and the express image, that means the exact likeness of who? The father, right? Jesus looks like the father, but yet we can't see the father. Why? I can't explain that, but I just know that we can't. We cannot be in the presence of the father at this point, but there will be a time in Revelation 22 that talks about how we will be able to see his face. And I don't want to get ahead of myself, so I'm not going to talk about him being invisible, but I will talk about that here in just a minute. But I have a question. If Jesus looks like the father, then doesn't that mean he looks just like him? I mean, isn't that what express image means? Exact likeness? Yeah, I mean, I don't know. It's not really complicated, is it, so far? Am I complicating anything? You all following me so far? All right, let's go to Genesis chapter 1. Genesis chapter 1. Look at verse number 26. Like, how can a man see God? How did they see God? Well, obviously they didn't see the face of the father because they'd be dead. Jacob didn't see the face of the father when he wrestled with that, what they call an angel. An angel means messenger, and there's the angelic beings, and then there's angels that are messengers, okay? So when it says that he wrestled with an angel, the Bible also says that Jacob saw God face to face and lived. So obviously he didn't see the face of the father, but he saw what? When he wrestled, was the guy like a man? Yeah, he wrestled with that man, and of course I believe that's a, you know, a pre-incarnate appearance of the Lord Jesus Christ. I think most people believe that, and it says, so is it possible to see Jesus and live? Well, a lot of people saw him and lived. When he was transfigured before them, did they live? They did, but his brightness and glory appeared to them. So Jesus looks like the father, and he is the brightness of his glory, but look what it says in Genesis 1 26. It says, and God said, let us, that's a plural term, isn't it? Let us make man in our image, another plural term, after our likeness. So what's an image again? A person or thing that closely resembles another, okay? So let us, God said, let us make man in our image after our likeness. So a likeness is something that looks like something else, isn't it? Or is like something else, and it says, and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the fowl of the air and over the cattle and over the earth and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. So God created man, look what it says very carefully here, in his own image. In the image of God created he him, male and female created he them. So is mankind like God? Are we created in the image and likeness of God? Is that what the Bible says? Yes it does. So to say that God doesn't have a likeness like we do, then that's just not what the Bible teaches, is it? It says that we're, and again, I know that God can be everywhere everywhere and filling up everything and going past the heavens and we, nothing can really contain God, but he does still have a, like when it says that he's sitting on his throne, do you believe that that's just hyperbole? Or that he actually has a throne that he's going to sit on? When Jesus comes back and rules and reigns for a thousand years and it says he's going to be sitting on a throne in Jerusalem, is that just, it's not a real throne though. No, it is a throne. What are you talking about? And when the Bible says that God created man after his own image, what would you expect that God is like then? Well, has a body, has a soul, has a spirit. That's what we're made up of, right? Have you ever seen your soul? Have you ever seen your spirit? Can you see that? Is it invisible to you? It is, isn't it? But you've looked at your ugly mug in the face multiple times, haven't you men? Sorry, some of y'all aren't ugly, but you know what I'm saying? We've looked at ourselves in the mirror, we can see ourselves, but you can't see into your soul. The eyes are called the window of the soul. Our soul sees out, but you're like, well how are we like God then? I didn't say we are God, I said we're like God. He made us like him in a lot of ways. Now, we're never going to be God. I'm not trying to teach that at all or say that in any way, shape, or form. I'm just saying that God said he made us like himself, didn't he? As a matter of fact, it uses the word image and likeness. So, if God doesn't have an image or likeness, then how are we like him again? That doesn't make sense. Now, let's turn to Exodus chapter 33. We haven't gotten there in our study yet, but we're going to look at this really quickly because when I say that I believe that all three persons of the Godhead have their own bodies, I think that the Bible teaches this very clearly. Now, look what it says in verse 18. And he said, I beseech thee, show me thy glory. This is Moses talking to God. Show me thy glory. And he said, I will make all my goodness pass before thee. I will proclaim the name of the Lord before thee and will be gracious to whom I will be gracious and will show mercy on him who I will show mercy. And he said, thou canst not see my face, for there shall no man see me and live. Who is this that's talking to Moses here? It's the Father because we can see Jesus's face. People, like he lived and people saw his face. People saw the glorified Christ and lived. So, this has to be the Father, right? It says, for there shall no man see me and live. And the Lord said, behold, there's a place by me and thou shalt stand upon a rock and it shall come to pass while my glory passeth by that I will put thee in the cliff of the rock and I will cover thee with my hand while I pass by. Does God have a hand? No, that's just hyperbole. That doesn't really mean hand. It means just like a blob that covered himself. Do you believe that? There's people that believe that God just has no form and this is just like some trick on us or something. And when it says that they saw under his feet this sapphire pavement, why did it say feet? God doesn't have feet, does he? Yeah, that's what it says. I realize that there's things that are not necessarily, like when it says that God covers thee in the pavilion of his wings or something. Like a lot of times that God just, you know, he is using hyperbole in examples and not everything is literal. I get that. But to say that God doesn't have a hand, you know, he obviously allowed Moses to see him, which normally could he even see him? No. You notice that whenever God's appearing to the children of Israel, he's coming down in a cloud. He's coming down in fire. He's not letting them visibly see him, but the leadership was able to see him to a certain extent. It says they saw God. It doesn't really explain to what capacity they saw him, but it says they saw him. Is God invisible? Yes or no? Yes, he is invisible. He's called the invisible God. But does that mean we can never see him or nobody's ever seen him? No. Man can't see the true final form of God or whatever. The father, they cannot see his face. That's what he explains to Moses right here. And so he passes by and then he covers him with the cleft of the rock. He covers with his hand, you know, he's standing on a rock. That's what it says, you know, which of course pictures Christ. And then there's like a like a little cleft, like a little indent or whatever. And when he passes by, he covers him with his hand so he can't see what? His face. And when he looks, he finally is able to see the back parts of God. Now I don't know how big he was. I don't know exactly what he looked like, but it says glory. And glory means something that's shining, right? It's bright. So I believe that Moses was able to get a glimpse of God's hinder parts, the back side of him, not his face. So did he see God? Yes. His face glowed for 40 days after that, just seeing the back side. Okay. So to say that God doesn't have any form and he's just like this massless blob or whatever, I don't know exactly what all Christianity believes on this, but to just say that that's not really his body, that's not really his hand, those aren't really his feet, you know, that's just not what the Bible says. And you know what? I'm going to take the Bible's word over some fat bottom professor that was in a Catholic dungeon or some Calvinist or some Lutheran or something about what they believe about God. So let's turn to John chapter 4. John chapter 4. John chapter 4 verse 23, the Bible says, and this is Jesus speaking to the woman at the well, he says, But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshipers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth. For the Father seeketh such to worship him. God is a Spirit, and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth. Now when it's saying God, when he's saying God here, who's he talking about specifically? He's talking about the Father, which he mentions in verse 23. Worship the Father in spirit and in truth. And then it says God is a spirit. So now you're like, well God is a spirit. Yeah, he's invisible. Okay, well that doesn't mean he's completely invisible at all times. Doesn't the Bible say like that the angels see the face of God? Right? The angels see the face of God. We're going to be able to see the face of God sometime. But when it says he's invisible, I believe that we just can't, we can't see the spirit world. Can you see demons? Can you see angels? You know, Elisha allowed his, I think it was Gehazi, to see all the people that were on their side in the spiritual world because God allowed them to see that. But there's a spiritual world outside of us that we, you know, that's here with us in the same world, but we just can't see it because we're not allowed to see it for whatever reason. Probably because it would freak us out all the time. So, because there's also God's angels coming and protecting his people. And, you know, so but if we saw the demons, the angels, you know, whatever is going on in the spirit world, it'd probably freak us out really bad because every time someone sees an angel in the Bible, they fall on their face as dead. So they must be pretty freaky to uphold, you know, to see with our eyes. But I'm just pointing this out to say that God is a spirit. They worship him, must worship him in spirit and truth. But does that mean that God the Father does not have a body? I mean, we just saw that Moses was allowed to see the body of God the Father. His hand covered him up. Now, whether he just covered his eyes or what he did, maybe his hand was really big, I don't know. When I picture it, I mean, and my picturing isn't the word of God, so don't get me wrong, but when I picture it, I kind of picture like a giant hand, right? But that might not be so. I mean, he could just like cover his, I don't know. But anyway, it doesn't matter what I imagine in my mind. It's what the Bible says. So anyway, turn to Colossians chapter 1 verse 12. Colossians chapter 1 verse 12. This is a very important passage in understanding some of this. So Colossians chapter 1 verse 12, the Bible says, giving thanks unto the Father which hath made us meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light, who had delivered us from the power of darkness and had translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son, in whom we have redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness of sins, who is the image of the invisible God. So again, here's Jesus being called the image of the invisible God. He's invisible to who? He's invisible to us, isn't he? And the firstborn of every creature. So God the Father is invisible and unable to be seen at all, but unless he allows you to see him. Could God pass by our church and hide us with his hand if he wanted to? Of course he could. He's God. But this is given to us as an example and Moses was a faithful man and he asked to see the glory, but he just said, Moses, you can't see my face. Now look at verse 16. It says, for by him were all things created that are in heaven, that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones or dominions or principalities or powers. All things were created by him and for him. And he is before all things, and by him all things consist. And he is the head of the body, the church, who is the beginning and the firstborn from the dead, that in all things he might have the preeminent. So he's the firstborn of every creature and then he's the firstborn from the dead. And it says, for it pleased the father that in him should all fullness dwell. When Jesus was baptized, you saw, and we're going to look at that here in a minute, but actually go ahead and turn to Luke chapter 3. We'll look at it really soon. But when Jesus was baptized, the Bible talks about him having the fullness of the Spirit without measure. So Jesus was the only person that's ever been filled with the Spirit of God without measure. And then Jesus also talks about a lot in the Gospels how the Father is in him and he is in the Father. So they are one God, but again, existing in three different persons. So the Father is not the Son, the Son is not the Father, and so on and so forth. So now Luke chapter 3 verse 21. Does the Spirit of God have a body? Is it able to be seen if it wants to be? And I say it, he is what I should say. It's not an it. But the Holy Spirit is actually God also. It's not the force from Star Wars. It's not what the Jehovah's Witnesses believe. He is God. Look what it says in verse 21. Now when all the people were baptized, it came to pass that Jesus was also being baptized and praying the heaven was open. And look what it says here really carefully. It says, and the Holy Ghost descended in a bodily shape. Did the Holy Ghost descend in a bodily shape? And it says, like a dove upon him. So people will draw pictures and they'll have like a dove. People will get doves on the back of their cars and things like that. But I'll just submit to you, I don't believe that he came down in the form of a dove. I don't think that's what it's saying at all. It says in a bodily shape. And then it also says, and the Holy Ghost descended in a bodily shape like a dove, and a voice came from heaven. What voice is the one that came from heaven? Well that would be God the Father. Which said, Thou art my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased. So you have the Trinity in these verses here. So you have the Father saying from heaven. Why is he in a different location? Well because he's the Father and he's in heaven. Where do you see the Holy Spirit? In a bodily shape coming upon Jesus. Now doves fly in a different way than any other bird I've ever seen. Now I could be wrong because I haven't seen all birds fly in my whole life, but doves do fly in a very particular way. They kind of do this like, I don't even want to imitate it because I don't want screenshots going around. But you know how a dove, it kind of like rises up when it flies up and it kind of like, it just has a different flying motion than most birds do. And then when it comes down it's the same way. It kind of flutters down or whatever. That's what I think it's talking about. I think it's just talking about how the Spirit of God descended upon Jesus. That it was like a dove when it flies. Because it says like a dove. It didn't say he was a dove. It's not the Father, the Son, and the Holy Dove. It's the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. But a ghost is a spirit isn't it? That's what ghost means. But it says the Spirit of God descending like a dove and lighted upon him. So now turn to Matthew chapter 3 verse 16. And so in Luke 3 22 it says the Holy Ghost descended like a dove. And then this is going to say that they actually saw the Spirit of God. So how do you see something that doesn't have a body? In the first one we looked at it says in a bodily shape like a dove. But the dove, it wasn't a dove okay? I don't believe that. Look at Matthew 3 16. I think this helps us realize what it's really saying here. And Jesus when he was baptized went up straight way out of the water and lo the heavens were opened unto him and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove. So he saw the Spirit of God. Well it's invisible. How did he see it if it's invisible? Because he can make himself visible if he wants to. That's why. Descending like a dove. So when it says descending like a dove that's how doves fly right? Does that make sense? I hope that makes sense to you. And lighting upon him and lo a voice from heaven saying this is my beloved son in whom I'm well pleased. So again there you have the Trinity in the the parallel passage to it. Now turn to Luke chapter 24. Luke chapter 24. So now when Jesus died he had a regular human body but at the same time Jesus was God. You can't really separate Jesus from God because God is his father and his mother is Mary the human being that bore him. Which is Mary right? His mother. But is Jesus fully God? Yes he is. Was Jesus fully man? Yes he was. So he was the God-man Christ Jesus right? And you know people say well how he would have to be 50-50. No because you can't really separate you know it was it only the man Christ Jesus that died for our sins or was it God also? Like how do you well it was only 50% Jesus on the cross 50% man and 50% God. That does that doesn't make sense. He was the God-man Christ Jesus. Look at Luke 24 verse 36. And as they thus spake Jesus himself stood in the midst of them and said saith unto them peace be unto you but they were terrified and affrighted and supposed that they had seen a spirit. So what they supposed that they had seen a spirit. So this is the resurrected Christ. He just appears in the room out of nowhere in the midst of them. Well that will freak you out right especially someone they thought was dead. So he appears in the in front of them and they were terrified and affrighted and they thought he was a spirit. But he look at what he says in verse 38. And he said unto them why are you troubled and why do thoughts arise in your hearts? Behold my hands and feet that it is I myself handle me and see for a spirit hath not flesh and bones as you see me to have. So Jesus is not flesh and blood necessarily anymore. He's changed. His body is changed. When he comes back it's still yes it's still the same body obviously but it's changed in the in how it how it is. There's something different about it but it's still him. So when we are resurrected we're going to still be us. You're not going to be a 33 year old Jesus if you're a woman okay. That's what ruckmanites believe and we don't believe that. So I believe you'll be who you are but you'll just have a different body a body that can't die. You know if you fall and bang your head against something you're going to bruise your head. If you cut yourself you're going to get cut but I don't believe that our bodies will be able to be hurt like that when we get a resurrected body. But Jesus still had the scars didn't he? But it says you have not seen a spirit a spirit hath not flesh and bones as you see me to have. So he's not a spirit like as in intangible but he does walk through walls and appear in the midst of them. How do you explain that? Well he's just he's different and we're going to have a different type of body yet we'll be who we are we'll still look human all that stuff. So it says verse 40 and when he had thus spoken he showed them his hands and his feet and while they yet believed not for joy and wondered he said unto them have ye here any meat and they gave him a piece of broiled fish and of a honeycomb and he took it and did eat before them. Why do you think he did that? Because he wanted to prove that he was still a human at the same time you know that he was still had a body it wasn't just some spirit that they were seeing that freaked them out and so Jesus apparently can we can still eat meat amen amen amen at least fish anyway and honeycomb so I like that kind of cereal but anyway but so he did eat before them. Now turn to Ephesians chapter 4 verse 6. I realize we're going through a lot of verses but I just kind of want to get the full picture so so far we've seen that the father did have a body that we could see you know he's the invisible God but he can't allow people to see at least his hinder parts and one day we'll be able to see his face the Holy Spirit descending like a dove in a bodily form so and then we see of course the resurrected Christ and we had the the Christ that was before the resurrection and we also had the theophanies in the Old Testament that are clearly you know when when the when the the three guys come to Abraham right before they're about to go nuke Sodom the Lord was with them who was that he was he looked like a human so people say well he didn't have a body until he was born in Bethlehem the Bible actually does say in a place and I can't remember exactly off the top of my head where it's at but a body that hast thou prepared for me so yeah it's in Hebrews a body hast thou prepared for me so the body of Christ that he was going to die and make the atonement was prepared for him but Christ existed for all he's existed ever since the father and the Holy Spirit have and so I mean I don't know at one point at what point he had a body but I know when he went to visit Abraham he had one and a lot of people believe that he was Melchizedek in the Old Testament and I'm not necessarily I mean I'm not dogmatic on it but I just personally don't believe it was him but a lot of people do and if it was then it was a pre-incarnate Christ and he wasn't a spirit you know he was you know when when Jacob wrestled with the angel who do you think he was wrestling with the spirit the father no obviously a pre-incarnate Christ so anyway look at Ephesians 4 6 it says one God and father of all who is above all and through all and in you all you're like well I thought he had a body he does but he also is above all and through all and in you all I mean the the Christ in you the hope of glory the Holy Spirit has has entered into you and you're sealed unto the day of redemption according to the Bible so we all have God in us so that means when we're not here I mean obviously we're all here the Holy Spirit's and everybody that's saved here and then when we're outside and everybody around the world also has the Holy Spirit so is God in all people that are saved yes he is his spirit is so God is not limited by our limitations and it says but unto every one of us is given grace according to the measure of the gift of Christ wherewith he saith when he ascendeth up on high he led captivity captive and gave gifts to men unto men now that he ascended that is but that he also descended first into the lower parts of the earth he that descended is the same also that ascended up far above all heavens that he might fill all things so God can fill all things look I'm not limiting God that he has to only be you know these bodies or whatever that I've been talking about but but he does have a location doesn't he heaven is a location the throne of God is a location a hand is a body part a foot is a body part like I mean I guess just what traditional Christianity believes about the trinity might not be what we believe and you know just because tradition says something different it doesn't mean that they're right I mean what else are they wrong about let me go on a list here in a little bit what else are they wrong about now turn to first kings actually I'll just read first kings go ahead and turn to Acts chapter 17 and Acts chapter 17 is Paul quoting this verse from first kings 8 27 where Solomon is like basically praying about the temple the temple's been built or whatever but it says but God will indeed but will God indeed dwell on the earth behold the heaven and heaven of heavens cannot contain me how much less this house that I have built it so Solomon understood that God you know fills up all things and that the heaven of heavens cannot contain him talks about Jesus going far above the heavens that he might fill all things in Acts chapter 17 you know he's talking to these people that ignorantly worship the unknown God all right and it says then Paul stood in the midst of Mars Hill and said verse 22 he men of Athens I perceive that in all things you're too superstitious for as I pass by and beheld your devotions I found an altar with this inscription to the unknown God whom therefore ye ignorantly worship him declare I unto you so it's it's it's possible to ignorantly worship God isn't it and you know even though they're not truly worshiping that God they kind of put their own little shrine just in case they miss somebody God right they didn't actually worship the true God and they they ignorantly did so but it says God that made all oh excuse me verse 27 God that made the world and all things therein seeing that he is Lord of heaven and earth dwelleth not in made with hands neither is worshipped with men's hands as though he needed anything seeing he giveth to all life and breath and all things so God doesn't need us to exist he doesn't need us to worship him and he's just fine without us he wants us he loves us he wants us to be a part of his world and his kingdom but he doesn't need us right if we just everybody in the world just stopped believing in God he still wouldn't need us so we we start thinking we're the center of everything and we're really falling off the path but it says over 26 and hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth and hath determined the times before appointed and the bounds of their habitation that they should seek the Lord if happily they might feel after him and find him though he be not far from every one of us for in him we live and move and have our being and certain also of your own poets have said for we are also his offspring for as much then as we are the offspring of God we ought not to think that the godhead is like unto gold silver or stone graven by art or man's device and man's device so notice how it says we're the offspring of God this is what his poets are saying now we don't believe in the doctrine that the Mormons believe where we're all sons and daughters of God you don't become a son or daughter of God until you believe by faith but as far as offspring goes he did create us and and built us to be self-replicating with you know male and female of course so but basically he just tell you know Paul's just kind of going after them for believing in something that's not real and and he's trying to kind of explain to them that God is everywhere and he's and he's we're part of him and obviously I believe all that stuff but to say that God doesn't have a body that there's not three separate bodies there's not three separate wills I mean explain to me how Jesus didn't have a separate will when he said not my will but thy will be done like his will was not to get punished and crucified and spit upon and everything that's not what he really wanted to go through but he did it because he you know he wanted to obey the father and please him so but that would just per like well that's just the man part well the God part probably didn't want to get hurt either you know he was he basically subjected himself to be mortal someone that's immortal became mortal and able to die because like you know the manly perry's little thing that he said a long time ago was tell me how God can die right and he said a lot of weird other things that whatever but God did die on the cross he he left heaven and and took on himself the form of a servant and you know took you know lived a sinless life and was punished for what we've done and what mankind has done so yes of course God fills up everything God the father wasn't nailed to the cross the Holy Spirit wasn't nailed to the cross in the sense that you know that was them there because it was Jesus by himself right and then the father forsook Jesus when he was on the cross he became sin for us right and so God the father abhorred him while he was on that tree he was cursed and then died and went to hell for three days and three nights and what I would submit to you is the lowest hell because if he died for the sins of everybody and everything that everybody's ever done then doesn't make sense that someone else would go to a deeper hell than him but then of course the father raised him up he raised up himself and the spirit raised him up explain that well that's what the Bible says how how else to explain it he's God right so anyway turn to first Corinthians 15 and I want to kind of help you understand a little more about the body in which we return in the body that Christ returned in and the difference between a natural man and a spiritual man so look at first Corinthians 15 35 the Bible says but some man will say how are the dead raised up and with what body do they come and notice what Paul says thou fool that which thou sowest is not quickened or made alive except it die so we have to die first that's that's you know because we're our flesh is sinful and cannot be it cannot be fixed while we live here on this earth but our the new man okay I don't want to over explain it but anyway verse 37 that thou excuse me and that which thou sowest thou sowest not in the body that shall be but bare grain it may chance of wheat and of some other grain but God giveth it a body as it hath pleased him and to every seed his own body so the seed he's talking about the seeds get planted in the earth and he gives to every seed his own body so here's a proof text right here that we don't all appear like Jesus at 33 years old without belly buttons in heaven anyway verse 39 all flesh is not the same flesh but there is one kind of flesh of men another flesh of beasts another of fishes and another of birds so each type of animal has its own kind of flesh right that's what it's saying and there are celestial bodies and bodies terrestrial but the glory of the celestial is one and the glory of the terrestrial is another so the heavenly bodies versus the terrestrial body the earthly body and it says there is one glory of the sun and another glory of the moon another glory of stars of one star differth from another star and glory he's just saying that there's different bodies different glories different types of bodies right and then verse 42 he says so also is the resurrection of the dead it is sown in corruption it is raised in incorruption so when we are raised up we're incorruptible right it says it is sown in dishonor it is raised in glory it is sown in weakness it is raised in power it is sown a natural body it is raised a spiritual body so what kind of body are we going to have when we're raised up a spiritual body so is it a body yes is it spiritual yes so it's kind of like the combination of a body of a of a you know it's a tangible body but it's also a spiritual body how did jesus walk through the wall well i mean it sounds like he has a spiritual body he has this body now we we will have this body someday praise god right tony new hips but anyway it says and so it is written the first man adam was made a living soul and the last adam was made a quickening spirit a spirit that what makes is alive right how be it that was not first which is spiritual but that which is natural so adam was a natural man made of the dust of the earth right and it says afterward that which is spiritual so jesus is that spiritual man and it says the first man is of the earth earthy the second man is what the lord from heaven so jesus christ is the lord from heaven who came and became a man and took on himself the form of a servant he took on a body of flesh and but he was also the lord from heaven at the same time so you know it's different isn't it but yet you know go back to genesis 1 26 and he made god god made man after his own image after his likeness and you know when jesus is talking he said the son of man who is in heaven when he's standing on earth how do you explain that well because he's god he's not bound again by our limitations but look at verse 48 says as in the earthy such are they that are earthy and as isn't as the heavenly such are they that are heavenly and as we have borne the image of the earthy we shall also bear the image of the heavenly so what is what is that talking about well as the as is the heavenly such are they that are heavenly and they which are born the image of the earthy so we've been earthy before we're earthy right now we shall also bear the image of the heavenly so what is that talking about well we're going to bear that image of god god made us in his own image after his likeness now turn to collagens 2 8 i realize i'm getting deep into this sermon here but i'm almost done actually kind of kind of getting close collagens 2 8 the bible says beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit after the tradition of men after the rudiments of the world and not after christ we should not be getting anything that we believe about the bible from some man's philosophy or through some vanity just like the people in athens they had a false belief about who god was let's get what we believe about god from the scriptures themselves and i mean that's the only way we should do it for in him dwelleth the fullness of the godhead bodily who's the him it's christ christ is the fullness of the godhead bodily so and again i don't care what ancient heresy you describe what i believe as or what this church believes or what some church father said about what i believe and how it's wrong i don't care what you think i really don't i don't care what professor fat bottom in the ivory tower has to say about my doctrines okay i get my doctrine from the bible the the pure word of god not the niv the nasp the catholic dewey reams bible or anything like that i don't care what some pedophile catholic priest has to say about what the trinity says i'm going to believe the trinity based upon what the bible teaches not some homo catholic okay and i'm not going to you know i'm somebody that calls themselves pope or daddy you know it's funny because we're supposed to be holding to this to these beliefs of traditional christianity or whatever about what they believe about the trinity when they're wearing dresses and dressing like wizards and putting their their collars on backwards and stuff really what else tell me what else you believe that's that that we're you know what other ancient heresy that i'm teaching about salvation because that's what they believe you have to confess your sins to the priest you have to have absolution you have to uh do the last rights before you die is that what we believe too do we have to subscribe to that too no i'm gonna i'm gonna not believe everything that they say pretty much of some pagan catholic cult i'm not i you know if the if the catholic trinity is different than what i've explained or what i believe about in the bible then the catholic trinity is wrong just because they say they believe the trinity also believe that jesus descended into hell but when you actually pin them down on what they believe they don't really believe it like we do do they so again using familiar terms doesn't mean that they believe exactly what we believe or why we believe it from the bible i don't care what the monk the the cardinal the friar or the padre has to say about that okay because none of those things are in the bible but you're going to look down your nose at what i believe about the trinity sorry you know i don't wear a dress behind the pulpit i don't make people bet you know bow down and kiss my big toe and i never will and i don't care what historical christianity says either i don't care what the church father said you know they burned and tortured the true and faithful witnesses along the way so i'm supposed to like hold up some theological system that somebody preaches in the three four five hundred six hundreds the council of nycia or any of these other councils or the reformers for that matter who were wrong on a lot of things also you know they still baptize babies oh you haven't when's the last time you saw me dunk a baby in the in the baptismal what else are they wrong about and i'm supposed to just hold to their traditional trinity view i don't think so i'm going to go by what the bible says and that's what baptists have always done and i don't care what so and so said in the third century i'm going to believe the bible i'm going to believe the trinity like it's taught in the bible and i'm going to believe the things about god from the bible so and i don't care what the baby baptizers and the reformers say or the calvinists or they don't even have salvation right i'm supposed to believe what they believe about god i don't think so they're wrong about salvation and you know what they call that is soteriology you know the doctrine of salvation why don't you just call it the doctrine of salvation how about that let's just use some great plainness of speech and say things so the common man can understand it i don't need these fancy theological terms when i could just say what do you believe about salvation not soterology i don't care about that word or you don't even know how to exegete the scriptures oh where's the exegete in the bible where is that word soteriology i mean yeah i understand their theological terms but i'm not bound by people's theological terms i'm bound by the the terms that are found in the bible instead of saying i really exegete the scripture is really good today didn't i how about i just preach the bible today isn't that more plain i hey let's preach the word that's pretty understandable isn't it i don't need all this other you know what the other church fathers believe i believe what the bible says i'm never going to apologize for that i'm never going to relent from that and i'm going to try to give the sense of the bible as plain as i possibly can and and not try to mince words and try to wax eloquent with all my theological terms i'm just going to just preach it straightforward am i saying i should be ignorant no but you know i really don't care about your theological terms i don't care about them because the bible doesn't teach us to care about that does he i mean what's moses's education yeah he was educated in in egypt but he cast those things aside was paul an educated man yes he was but he cast that all as dung he didn't he didn't care about that he cared about christ and the doctrines of christ the doctrines that he believed that were taught to him by christ and again i'm not saying be stupid and we shouldn't talk eloquently when we can but i think that sometimes people get this idea that we have to have some system of theology that we follow and that's what that's what calvinists do folks that's what you know people in bubbles that don't go soul wanting do people that are in there they got their books surrounding them and they don't go out soul wanting but be smart i don't care but um you know i i and i believe we should be as smart as we possibly can be but not to the point where it's crippling our education in the bible and you know when it comes to what the bible says and what some traditional church christian father said i i'm going to go with what the bible says every single time turn to acts 24 verse 12. acts 24 verse 12. and this is kind of what paul said when it came down to disputing his doctrine and what he believed and people were just trying to nail him for heresy too but look what it says in acts 24 12 it says and and they neither found me in the temple disputing with any man neither raising up the people neither in the the synagogues nor in the city neither can they prove the things whereof they now accuse me but this i confess unto thee that after the way which they call heresy so worshiped by the god of my fathers believing all things which are written in the law and in the prophets you know what i'll rest my hat i'll lay my head on that every single time and paul's just like i don't care what you say the way that you call heresy that's the way i'm following the way the right way the true way the way the truth and the life and it says and have hope toward god which they themselves also allow there shall be a resurrection of the dead both of the just and the unjust so paul's making this this big argument back as he's been on trial in all these different places but anyway let's uh let's let's move forward i mean hopefully the things that i told you you you you kind of understand where i was coming from and really just understand where the bible is coming from hopefully i explained all those things uh good enough to you but we believe the trinity at this church we believe in how the bible teaches it and you know if the bible says that the spirit came down and they saw his body you know the the form of his body then that means that he probably has a body doesn't it now again he's a spirit i understand that but people get uh hung up on some weird stuff but anyway look at exodus 24 12 we'll just scoot through the rest of this really quick i realize i'm going late here but the last thing is uh to see the picture of us getting the word and waiting for jesus to come so again there's a lot of pictures in this chapter also but but the the picture you see is kind of moses going up and seeing god and people waiting for moses to get back he says to wait for him right look at verse 12 it says in the lord said to moses come up to me into the mount and be there and i will give thee tables of stone and the law and the commandments which i have written that thou may mayest teach them so he told moses to what to give them you know he's going to give them the tables he gave them the tables of stone the law the commandments which i have written that thou mayest teach them so didn't he have jesus teach the disciples yes he did it says moses rose up and his minister joshua and moses went up into the mount of god he uh and he said unto the elders tarry ye here for us until we come again unto you and behold erin and her are with you if any man have any matters to do let him come unto them so i mean you see this picture of moses leaving and having people wait for him to come back it's kind of a picture of the rapture i guess because that's kind of what he did he left able men for us to learn from the apostles so the apostles were to teach that next generation and to go into the whole world and teach so you kind of have a picture of that here and then waiting for moses and at the end of the chapter explains how moses was there for 40 days and 40 nights without eating right so luke 1912 says and there was for a certain nobleman went into a far country to receive of himself a kingdom to return and he called his 10 servants and delivered them 10 pounds and sent them occupy till i come so we're supposed to occupy and and and do kind of how moses has left the men the men of god to to teach the people god's left us here to do the same thing and he's left able-bodied men here and so that's why it's so important like the sermon i preached earlier to know doctrine to know what you're talking about so you can teach others these things because god that's what he left us here he left us here to get people saved and to teach people the bible right and so let's let's finish this off here verse 15 it says and moses went up to the mount and a cloud covered the mount and the glory of the lord abode upon mount sinai and a cloud covered it six days in the seventh day he called into moses out of the midst of the cloud and the sight of the glory of the lord was like devouring fire on top of the mount in the eyes of the children of israel so the glory of the lord was like what they say it was fire or does it say it's like fire it's like fire devouring fire and so when jesus christ comes back he's going to come back in flaming fire taking vengeance upon them that know not god and believe not the gospel right so but it says that moses went to the midst of the cloud and got him in the mount and moses was in the mount 40 days and 40 nights and it didn't say that he didn't eat or drink there but i think it in other might be the next chapter or other chapters that moses wrote but we do know that he fasted for 40 days and 40 nights and so that's a miracle and the only other person to do that is elijah the prophet so you got what what does jesus always say in the new testament what's written in the law and the prophets and so moses was a very special man of god elijah was a very special man of god and who else was also a really special man of god jesus and he fasted for 40 days and for 40 nights so you know jesus the law and the prophets you got the law you got the you know the the times of the covenants when the prophets preached and then you have of course jesus christ and he came the dear son of god to give us the new testament all right let's pray lord we thank you so much for this great chapter in the bible and lord afraid help us to understand doctrine help us to learn how to build the doctrine and to understand what the bible says i pray that you just bless our church and we thank you for the faithfulness of of the soul winners here and lord all the people have been getting saved lately we're so thankful lord and we don't thank you enough we thank you for this great church and pray that you just keep us safe as we drive home tonight in the rain and that you bless our fellowship afterwards in jesus name we pray amen