(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Amen, well I apologize about something I gave CJ the wrong text of the wrong order so it's actually supposed to be 2nd Corinthians chapter 5 so let's go ahead and turn over there but we have our scripture reading done for the evening so that's great it's a great passage anyway but that is not what I'm preaching about this morning so but we'll chalk that up as already read tonight and we'll get right into the sermon it'll save us about five to seven minutes so anyway the title of the sermon this morning is Christian mothers must walk by faith Christian mothers must walk by faith let's get the the context of the actual sermon in 2nd Corinthians chapter 5 5 says now he that hath wrought us for the self same thing is God who also hath given unto us the earnest of the Spirit therefore we are always confident knowing that whilst we are at home in the body we are absent from the Lord for we walk by faith not by sight let's pray Lord we thank you so much for all the mothers that we have in this room that raise their children in a godly Christian home Lord I pray that this sermon will be an encouragement for women to walk by faith and to raise their children by faith Lord and for us to as men and husbands and dads to support them in these things and Lord that we would be a people that wants to raise our children after your ways and not the ways of the world pray you'd help the moms in here to be encouraged I pray you fill me with your spirit and boldness to preach what needs to be preached this morning in Jesus name I pray amen so the Bible says here for we walk by faith not by sight it's here in parentheses because the Bible says not you know we're always confident knowing that while we're at home in the body we're absent from the Lord for we walk by faith not by sight we are confident I say and willing rather to be absent from the body and to be present with the Lord so the Bible teaches that while we're here we have to walk by faith not by sight because nobody's ever seen Jesus that is in this room at least right now the disciples got to see Jesus people during his time saw Jesus but that was just one microcosm of time that basically got to see him for you know a thirty to thirty three whatever span of time but we have to walk by faith because we have not seen the things that happen in the Bible and so I want to apply these scriptures though to Christian mothers and as a Christian mother you must walk by faith and not by sight and it says we're confident rather to be absent from the body to be present with the Lord so here we have to walk by sight in heaven we are going to be when we pass away in this world when we die in this world our bodies died we are automatically going to be with the Lord in heaven but it says wherefore we labor for this reason we labor that whether present or absent we may be accepted of him so the Lord does expect us he wants us to labor for him and when it comes to mothers you know being a Christian mother is a laborer that should be by faith because the world outside is going to tell you completely different things on how to raise your children it's going to tell you completely different things on how to behave how to teach your children to behave it's going to tell you completely different things and the world has nothing to offer you as far as child rearing goes when it comes to these things now obviously there are things we can glean from the world's knowledge and we can learn things from unsaved people of course but the things of faith the things that we have to believe how God wants us to raise our children those things come from the Bible those things come from the Word of God it says wherefore we labor that whether present or absent we may be accepted of him so you have a really difficult job in being a Christian mother in this world because the things that God pre preaches and teaches in his words are not popular today is spanking a popular thing today it's not is it is period the purity doctrine where your children should be virgins when they grow up in your home is that acceptable today it's not acceptable today you know they're handing out contraceptives at school without parents consent is put is homeschooling a popular concept today it's not a popular concept today it's just not is having a lot of children a popular concept today it's not is you know being you know not taking you know the VAX you know the back you know I don't want to say it because I'll get this a strike for it but we're taught to just give children all these shots tell you know multitudes of shots to make sure that they're healthy but the Bible says he that is holding it's not a physician so actually Jesus said that and of course he's taking it talking about in a different context but what he's saying is still true nonetheless why would you need to do something that you're in your when you're not sick why would you need to do something like that so there's a lot of things that the world teaches that mothers have to have faith and say hey no I believe what the Bible says is true and this is how I'm gonna raise my children so it says for we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ that everyone may receive the things done in his body according that he hath done whether it be good or bad now you know apply all this stuff to raising your children mothers and dads also but I'm focusing on mothers but you can obviously like I said you can apply these things men to yourself as well but we all must appear before the judgment seat of Christ and we usually apply this to works what we do as Christians but isn't raising your children in a Christian home works isn't that part of the package how you raise your children what you you know what you accomplish in your own home how you reach the next generation aren't those things counted at the judgment seat of Christ they are and and mothers how you raise your children and and how you live by faith when it comes to the job that God gave you to do is going to be counted for you or maybe loss of rewards and obviously I know that all the mothers in this room want to raise their children in a Christian home at least I hope that's the case skip down to verse 15 the Bible says and that he died for all that they would live should not henceforth live unto themselves but unto him which died for them and rose again see the thing about being a Christian parent or a Christian mother is that we no longer live for ourselves and you know that's true for both parents when you have children and I tell dads this you know because I don't know what it's like to be a mom necessarily you know going through all those things but I know what it's like for a dad when my first child was born it changed something inside of me it like I just started to see things from a totally different perspective and it helped wake me up a little bit as to responsibility so and hopefully that's true with everybody here too but even more so as a Christian parent that should be the case we're not just living for ourselves we're living a life so that our children can be reached for the next generation and we're supposed to live henceforth not unto ourselves but also for Christ and so when we raise our children for Christ that's a different thing than just raising your children in the world being a generally unsaved person now wherefore it says verse 16 henceforth no we know man after the flesh yea though we have known Christ after the flesh yet now henceforth know we him no more therefore if any man be in Christ he is a new creature old things are passed away behold all things are become new so again applying this to being a Christian mother hey you are so you're a new creature in Christ Jesus and your parenting should change now some people get get saved you know in the middle of their children already being somewhat grown that people get saved at all ages of life so you just have to apply this as to how old you are when you became a Christian you know if you haven't had kids and you became a Christian already then obviously you have a different road as far as you already know these things going into it but some people get saved you know when their kids are already teenagers or maybe their kids already grown up and out of the house so don't beat yourself up over things that you can't fix now you know sometimes these things you know are difficult but just do the best you can and reach forward onto those things that are new don't live in the past don't parent your other children out of the guilt that you had before don't continue to parent the children that you have now out of the guilt of what you did in the past you have to parent your children after the ways of the Lord and how the Bible says to raise them you're like well what about that that hey you got to walk but you got to get away from that whatever you did before you can't continue to keep doing because if you parent out of guilt listen if you parent out of guilt you're gonna just that you're gonna ruin that kid too so don't do that now verse 18 says and all things are of God who hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ and hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation of course this is talking about getting people saved but is it your responsibility parents to make sure that your children get saved isn't it your responsibility mothers to make sure that your children get saved I mean you spend the most time with them of anybody else dads should be outgoing and working and bringing home the bacon obviously spending time with your children to dads but you know the mom obviously is gonna be the one that spends the most time and so you're gonna be the one that they're gonna look to you're gonna be the one that probably instills most of the the moral values most of the biblical knowledge in reality to them on a daily basis you're gonna be the one that's teaching most of the things to them and dad is gonna be the one setting forth this is what's gonna happen in our home this is how it's gonna go and that's another thing you have to do by faith be willing to follow your husband be willing to listen to him be willing to follow him no matter what and obey and listen and they're like well not no matter what okay if they're telling you to do wicked things obviously that's a different thing altogether but anyway I'm getting off the tracks here I'm talking about when they're asking you to read the Bible with your kids home school don't don't take them behind my back to the doctors and get them you know what the jab or whatever those kind of things okay it says to it that God was in Christ reconciling the world unto himself not imputing their trespasses unto them and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation so God has committed that to all Christians not just the Apostles when Jesus gave the Great Commission but to all Christians and to mothers also so mothers you have a great responsibility to win your children to Christ dads too but with these things of mine again applying these principles as a Christian mother you are to walk by faith and not by sight not with that which the world shows us and not what everybody else has always done not to you know and again not to say that unsaved moms don't have something to add they can help you with a various different amount of things but as far as them telling you how to discipline your children you know who you know who should be the boss in the home all these types of things these are not things that you should get advice from unsafe people about if you're having problems at home with your husband don't go tell your unsafe family members about those things you know what they're gonna tell you oh honey he doesn't deserve you you better divorce him and all this other stuff and you don't tell you that even without you asking him for advice so and if they start doing that just say hey you know what I'm not gonna be able to hang out with you anymore if you continue to keep talking about my husband like that you got to draw lines in the sand you gotta make boundaries in your life because if you don't make boundaries in your life then you know your parents and your family members and your old friends they're gonna try to infringe upon your Christian life and it's gonna cause problems in your marriage way worse problems than it would if you know you just hey you leave and cleave you leave mother and father and you cleave unto your spouse and nothing should be able to get between you and your spouse so let's look at Hebrews I'm just gonna go ahead and turn to Genesis chapter 7 verse 5 I'm gonna read Hebrews 11 6 Hebrews 11 6 says but without faith it is impossible to please him for he that cometh to God must believe that he is and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him you cannot parent your children without faith it's impossible to please God in your parenting unless your parenting out of faith so mothers you must walk by faith and not by sight and in Genesis 7 5 we have the account of Noah and when he got in the ark and who he took with him well I want to talk about Noah's wife for just a second here what was Noah's wife's name well we don't really know what her name was look at verse 5 it says and no it did according to all that the Lord commanded him Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord in a really bad time and Noah was 600 years old when the flood water of waters was upon the earth and Noah went in and his sons and his wife and his sons wives with him into the ark because of the waters of the flood you're like well what's the big deal that his wife went that just shows you that his wife followed him that just shows you that his sons and their spouses followed why because even though nobody else listened to him nobody else believed and said oh you crazy old coot you know what do you build this big old boat for it hasn't even rained before what are you doing but you know what I'm sure that Noah's wife had something to do with the faith that those sons and those daughter-in-laws had in getting on that boat because behind every good man there's also a good woman and you know I don't know what her name was but she obviously had some sort of you know the Bible doesn't say this but I believe that this is true that at least she was an obedient wife she got on board and her kids got on board with her and that just tells you that there was sort of harmony in the home there was some sort of goodness going on there's some kind of teaching that was going on the home they had their traditional what we would call today nuclear family now obviously one of those sons end up being bad but I believe that in their home during the time that they had them in their home they did the best that they could and enough to where all of them end up getting on this boat now wives you need to back up your husbands when they want to walk by faith and do something don't you know you got to build them up build them up with your children don't fight them on every nuance of things that you don't disagree with see submitting and obeying your husband is not just agreeing when you agree with them it's agreeing even when you disagree with them doing what they say even when you disagree it's not fighting every single decision that your husband makes that's not submission it's not submission when you just feel like it it's submission even when you don't feel like it and the Bible says that the wives are supposed to submit themselves unto their own husbands doesn't it so when we started this church we were going to another Baptist Church in town they had a big youth department our kids were teenagers they were very involved we were very involved in that church we did a lot of things my wife took them to a lot of conferences and you know just we were just very involved we were soul winning there on you know multiple times a week we were very involved our kids had good friends that went to that church and also other churches that we fellowshiped with and so when we were gonna start Verity Vancouver there was no other teenagers there and you know that is a big thing for kids and on teenagers well hey there's no other kids my age here and that's a lot of the way that people shop for churches when they're shopping churches they're shopping for the youth department they're shopping for all these other reasons that are not really the right reasons necessarily now is it nice to have other other youth your age yet sure is but kind of my my thing was well there will be other kids your age there will be other people that your age that come to the church and it just is gonna take some time but you know my kids were I'm sure that they were doubting there were they weren't like challenging me or anything necessarily outright but you know I was funny my wife was talking to me about this and she said she told me about this conversation I don't know that she'd ever told me this before maybe I just you know forgot but she told me about this yesterday and she's she apparently they were concerned about it and she just said hey do you trust dad do you trust dad has he ever led us wrong and she said you know my kids so my kids are today and has he ever led us wrong no and so all of my kids came there they weren't they did they might not have been super happy about it at the time but you know our kids still come to our church and I'm glad that they still come to our church but the point is is that my wife could have been like this is a bad idea you know of course we wouldn't have started the church my wife was saying you know she had kind of had to be on the team with me right or it wouldn't have never have happened but I'm just I'm just saying that she with her wisdom backed me up backed up my decision and decided to follow me and let our kids know that she's following me and and put it in their remembrance hey dad's never led us down the wrong path dad's always you know done the right thing and so I just kind of imagined that maybe Noah's wife did the same thing hey is dad ever led us the wrong way you know dad you know Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord why did he find grace in the eyes of the Lord because Noah was saved no that's what that means that Noah was saved and they probably trusted their dad to make the right decision so I would just say as far as Noah's wife goes you know and let me just ask you this question would your would you follow your husband's and would your kids and their and their wives follow you to some kind of arc I mean maybe not now but you know I'm just saying like would your kids follow you if you just if you wanted to go and do some graded like say you just wanted to be a missionary somewhere say you wanted to be a pastor would your wife follow you and say hey you know what honey I'm behind you a hundred percent and that your kids would say you know what I want to follow dad too and and that's the kind of home that you should have as a Christian that you're walking by faith not only in God's Word but especially you know well yeah because of God's Word that you follow your husband and you trust in what he is deciding to do and hopefully he's not a bozo that you married okay but you know you trust your husband when he's making biblical decisions you're like well how do you know it's biblical well is he trying to serve God is he trying to serve God the right way is he is he is he trying to lead us in a way that oh we should just stop going to church that's not that's not a good decision that's never a good decision should we you know just stop going to church and start going to baseball games instead all the time that's a bad decision but is your husband saying hey we should go to church more we should go so many more we should have more kids you know whatever it is if it's based on biblical principles you should be willing to follow your husband wherever he wants to go now so don't challenge every decision and is your husband always gonna be right they're probably not always gonna be right but you know what it's not your job as a wife to question every decision that they make you trust that by by obeying him that you're doing what's right and God's gonna deal with your husband if they're doing the wrong decision okay they're not gonna deal with you but you know what they're gonna deal with you when you're getting in your husband's face about everything decision he makes and second-guessing everything and arguing with him in front of your children and telling them how wrong they are that's where you're gonna have problems with God at that point you're disobeying the commandment of God to obey and submit to your husband okay now that's the that's the rough part okay I'm gonna try to be nicer from here on out now so that was number one but Noah's wife but number two Moses's mother Jochebed walked by faith look at Exodus chapter 1 verse 22 Exodus chapter 1 verse 22 to me this is a really an amazing story because she lived in a hard time you know what we live in hard times too we're not forced to get to throw our sons in the river though when they're born are we this is a hard this is a hard time it says in X just flip back to Exodus 1 22 the very last verse it says and Pharaoh charged all his people saying every son that is born he shall cast into the river and every daughter he shall save alive what are they trying to do they're trying to stop the men population they're trying to stop their population from booming because because of the persecution that they're being put through and the rigor that they're having to serve with God's blessing them he's blessing them to be fruitful and multiply and Pharaoh is recognizing this so he's just like okay we'll just kill all the the men children that are born and we'll put a stop to this we don't live in such a rough time as that do we now the Bible says that we're supposed to be that command comes in in Genesis chapter 1 verse 28 he blessed Adam and Eve and says be fruitful multiply and that command is still in effect today and some people will get this idea in their head that you know the times are too rough that we're living in and people that are not saved will do this too and they'll be like yeah it's just it's just too much there's too much bad in the world going on I don't want to have kids I don't want to have kids in such a hard time as this and the things that might be coming I don't want to have you know but as a Christian the Bible says to be fruitful and multiply so we're not to question what God says hey still have children and jock a bed still continued to have children even though that mandate was put forward she didn't say you know what I'm just gonna stop having children because I might have to put them in the river look at verse 1 and Exodus 2 1 it says and there went a man out of the house of Levi and took to a wife a daughter of Levi and the woman conceived and bare a son and when she saw him that he was a goodly child she hid him three months so she disobeyed the commandment of the king it says and when she could not no longer hide him she took for him an ark of bull rushes and daubed it with slime and with pitch and put the child therein she laid it in the flags by the river's brink and his sister stood afar off to wit what would be done to him and the daughter of Pharaoh came down to wash herself at the river and her maidens walked along by the riverside and when she saw the ark among the flags she sent her maiden to fetch it and when she had opened it she saw the child and behold the babe wept and she had compassion on him and said this is one of the Hebrews children then said his sister to Pharaoh's daughter shall I go and call to thee a nurse of the Hebrew women that she may nurse the child for thee and Pharaoh's daughter said to her go and the maid went and called the child's mother and Pharaoh's daughter said unto her take this child away and nurse it for me and I will give thee thy wages and the woman took the child and nursed it so she had faith that if she put Moses in the river herself made this little special boat for him made a little special ark for him and you know she didn't know what was gonna happen but she still decided to have Moses and she didn't give him over when he was first born as a newborn infant he probably wouldn't she was hoping that he was just gonna survive that think about being a parent think about being a mother and having to send your three-month-old down a river where there's crocodiles hippopotamus all these different types of poisonous snakes all different I mean lions and leopards and all kinds of different stuff nearby and you're just sending your little three month I mean who has a three-month-old in here anybody raise that child up so we can all see it baby Moses I mean that's how little that's how little that's scary right I mean miss Rachel could you imagine putting him in a boat and just say bye Moses you probably couldn't but this woman had great faith she she believed that God was gonna protect him she did everything that she could to hide him for three months and he she just couldn't hide him anymore he's probably crying he sounds like a boy's cry I don't know why she couldn't hide him anymore she just couldn't and then she just did what she what she could his sister Miriam kind of followed around to see what was gonna happen and God by his divine mercy you know allowed Moses not only to be saved by someone rich and powerful but so rich and powerful but that she even gave the baby back to his real mother so she could nurse him until it was time for him to be weaned and be raised in an educated in Egypt and become the most power one of the most powerful men in Egypt and then make that decision enough was instilled upon him from his own parents that he became one of the greatest men in the whole Bible because by faith she put Moses in that arc and sent him down but still decided to have him in dangerous times knowing that those were the laws because didn't she already have two other kids she had Aaron was he a male child somehow he survived the cut I don't know maybe that law wasn't necessarily in place right then but you know you had Miriam also but she knew the chances that she was taking that Moses would be a male child and let me just say this that you know God is seeking a godly seed he's seeking for Christian to have more children and for those children to be born into that Christian home so that they can be raised in a godly way now all the times getting weirder yes are the times getting rougher yes but then I mean none of us are being killed for our faith right now we're still in a pretty okay situation don't be so black-pilled that you you know just think that there's no hope for our kids in this next generation you know we me and my my wife we think about you know the world that our kids grandchildren being brought into you know but there God is gonna protect those that follow him those that are gonna listen to the commandments and are he's gonna bless those that continue to follow the commandment to be fruitful and multiply like the Bible says number three Sarah Sarah knew that she needed to protect her son from a bad influence and unfortunately that bad influence was a member of her household so to speak now we don't have multiplicity of wives that's against the law here so you're not gonna run into that situation here unless you're in a Mormon cult in Arizona somewhere but look at Genesis chapter 21 Genesis chapter 21 now there's a lot of faithful things about Sarah you know she had a child in her old age but she also when Isaac was weaned she realized that there was a dangerous situation for her son and that she needed to get this dangerous situation away from him look at Genesis 21 8 it says and the child grew this is talking about Isaac and was weaned and Abraham made a great feast the same day that Isaac was weaned and Sarah saw the son of Hagar the Egyptian which she had born unto Abraham mocking so this is Isaac's half brother this is actually Abraham's firstborn son from Hagar Hagar was a bond made that you know Sarah was trying to fulfill the prophecy on her own and basically gave him gave her to Abraham the wife and she had a child by or he had a child by this Hagar but he's mocking the actual chosen seed the chosen you know the chosen son Isaac she's he's mocking him so making fun of him and what happens it says wherefore she said unto Abraham cast out this bond woman in her son for the son of this bond woman should not be heir with my son even with Isaac now of course there's an allegory involved in this that I'm not gonna have time to get into this morning but I just kind of want to say it on surface level that there's some people there's some children there's some people you just don't want your kids to be around and look as parents do you have the right to make those decisions say hey I don't want this kid around my kids I don't want these people around my children and we have the right to do that and you should do that if you have this feeling that you don't want a certain child around your kids you know because they're doing something evil I'm not saying just because you don't like the way they look okay well you know they have a little evil look or something it's like you know you know don't don't think that you got to judge people based upon righteous judgment all right but if they're doing evil things and your children are falling after those evil things then you need to step in and put boundaries in place for your children see and this is something you know people think that other people should have boundaries for them but you need to teach your kids to have boundaries also with other people and when it like if you don't like your kids being picked up by other people you tell your kids don't let people pick you up you know and I'm talking obviously little babies can't can't say that okay but you know obviously and you have to put boundaries in place of course for what you want if you don't want people picking up your children you need to say something but you know you can still be nice about that obviously I'm just saying that there's things in life when it comes to our children that we have to we have to protect them we have to protect them from wicked people that's why we don't let a bunch of homos and child molesters that are supposedly you know reformed or something in this church you know I step in for everybody's sake and say that's not happening they're not coming in here ever and I make that decision for everybody's children I don't want anybody's children to get you know to have something happen to them on my watch as the shepherd so but you have to watch out for your children and make sure that they're not you know having some person mocking them or doing harm to them or influencing them in a way that you don't want them influenced and it says and this thing was grievous in Abraham's sight because of his son because this is his son but God said what and God said unto Abraham let it not be grievous in thy sight because of the lad and because of thy bond woman in all that Sarah hath said unto thee hearken unto her voice for an Isaac shall I see be called so God is just saying he agrees Sarah's right get this kid away there's gonna be a problem you know Isaac is the chosen seed here obviously you know this doesn't necessarily apply directly on things but you don't if your child is you want your child to be saved and you got some unsaved person or child influencing them in a way you don't want them to be influenced get that influence away from them you know get them away number four Samson's mom Samson's mom okay let's look at Judges chapter 13 verse 2 Judges 13 2 now Samson's mom was barren and not able to have children and you know this is a common thing and women don't like to be barren women want to have children it's just something in them in their internal system that they want to have children most women want to have children so look at verse 4 the Bible says now therefore beware I pray thee and drink not wine nor strong drink and eat not any unclean thing now obviously in the Old Testament there were certain things that the children of Israel were not supposed to eat or drink and there was unclean beasts that they were not supposed to eat food eat from or whatever but the principle here that I would say is that you know if you are wanting to have children maybe make sure that you're healthy make sure that you're not partaking of things and eating things that you shouldn't be or drinking you know obviously you shouldn't be drinking alcohol at all but when it says wine or strong drink it's just you know it could be regular fruit juice or you know actual alcoholic drinks but it says for lo thou shalt conceive so you know there's this you know there's people that have children or want to have children and they don't want to get healthy enough to actually bear children and sometimes it is a health issue as to why you can't bear children and so if you want to bear children hey do everything you can in your body to be able to conceive and you know sometimes people just don't they want the easy answer you know obviously God is the one that makes women to be stop being barren but there are things that you can do to help yourself and the angel the Lord here is saying hey that Samson's gonna be set apart from his birth till his death he's not able he's not supposed to eat anything that comes from the grape he can't have grape nut cereal he can't have any a vine from it he can't even eat a grape that has no alcohol you know grapes don't have alcohol in it so he can't do any of that stuff but he's also saying for her not to do it what what does that matter well he wants God wants her to be as pure of a vessel as she possibly can be says for lo verse 5 thou shalt conceive and bear a son and no razor shall come on his head for the child shall be a Nazarite unto God from the womb and he shall be begin to deliver Israel out of the hand of the Philistines then the woman came and told her husband saying a man of God came unto me and his countenance was like the countenance of an angel of God very terrible but I asked him not whence he was neither told me he told he me his name excuse me and he said unto me behold thou shalt conceive and bear a son and now drink no wine nor strong drink neither eat any unclean thing for the child shall be a Nazarite to God from the womb to the day of his death so she's telling her husband all this now look skip down to verse 13 it says and the angel the Lord said unto Manoah this is Samson's dad of all that I said unto the woman let her beware so she had the responsibility also to keep herself clean to eat the right foods to not drink certain beverages you know and what happens to a woman if they drink alcoholic beverages when they're pregnant they can kill the baby right it says in verse 14 she may not eat of anything that cometh of the vine so she has the same strict things in place for her neither let her drink strong or drink wine or strong drink or eat any unclean thing all that I command her let her observe so mom if you want to be a mom be clean and sober be serious about your health prepare your body the best way you can to have and give birth and so also it's her job to be an example on to Samson what if you know I mean maybe that was part of it too you know hey I'm not doing these things you don't do these things either and of course Samson after he was older and got out of the house he did whatever he wanted to but while she while he lived in her house there were certain rules and a certain example that she was to set forth to her son and and and moms you should be an example also to your children what they see you do they're gonna do also what you practice in your life they're gonna practice also so be you know prepared she prepared herself to help him to live holy healthy and a sober life for his special purpose and you know if you're a mother what's what's the special purpose that your children are gonna grow up for they might not be a pastor they might you know maybe they're just gonna be a regular Christian which there's nothing in the world wrong with that that's great be a regular Christian that does works it's saved and and all that but you know we should still set an example at home of clean godly living and an example that your children can see of you living godly for Christ Jesus and you know what moms be strong when dad is not home because dad's not home because he's supposed to be working so don't just let your sons just steamroll over the top of you and do whatever they want and then threaten them till for when dad comes home you know you how you can overpower your sons at an early age and then when dad comes home he can give them the licking of a lifetime so that they're gonna respect you and respect him so don't let them just steamroll you at home number five Elizabeth and so Elizabeth the just the example I want to show from Elizabeth is her being an older woman and giving birth okay so Samson's mom she was just told to kind of live clean and to make sure that her son lives clean but Elizabeth turn to Luke chapter 1 Luke chapter 1 verse 24 Elizabeth it says in Luke 21 24 says and after those days his wife Elizabeth conceived and hid herself five months why did she hide herself for five months well I mean I think it's because she was older and you know when when a when a woman is older and they're and they're with child there's risk of more complications there's risk of more you know there's a bigger risk of losing the child and so if you're an older and you know I say older but when you get into your like 40s and you're still having children it's it's a good idea to rest yourself more than when you were a younger woman and sometimes that's hard especially if you have multiple children Elizabeth this is her first child and she's still hiding herself you know she's hiding herself for five months maybe she just didn't want all the questions well you know I don't know how old she was necessarily but I think she was pretty old to have children but she hid herself five months saying does that the Lord dealt with me in the days wherein he looked on me to take away my reproach among men so I'd say you know some good advice for mothers that are you know older and having children still no obviously just keep having children but take concern for your health also you know you can't still just keep having the same pace you did when you were 20 years old having children as when you're 40 years old there's more risk so hide your you know you I'm not saying don't go to church be a recluse and a shut-in or something but you know doing the same routines you know maybe you need to hide yourself a little bit and make yourself you know make sure that your child is gonna be born healthy and that you're not putting too much stress upon yourself and the baby now Mary is another example and she is a is an example of lots of different things but I just want to specifically talk about how Mary did know you know that song Mary did you know she did know she knew her baby boy was gonna be the Savior of all nations she was told those things look at Luke chapter 2 Luke chapter 2 she was told by Simeon that he was going to be the Savior of all nations that he was going to be a light to the Gentiles look at verse 31 it says well look at verse 30 it says for mine eyes have seen thy salvation so Mary's come to the temple to you have him circumcised or whatever and it says which thou has prepared before the face of all people a light to light in the Gentiles and the glory of thy people Israel and Joseph and his mother marveled at those things which were spoken of him and Simeon blessed him and said unto Mary his mother behold this child is set for the fall and rising again of many in Israel and for a sign which shall be spoken against Yea, a sword shall pierce through thy own soul also that the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed so she gets a great prophecy about her you know her son you know she had angels coming and telling her about the birth of her son she was a virgin they gave birth to the greatest man that ever walked the face of the planet our Lord Jesus Christ the Savior of all mankind the reason why we're even meeting here today but then she also got some bad news in the same prophecy that a sword would pierce through her own soul also and this is obviously talking about the fact that Jesus Christ was going to die at an early age and be hung on a cross and she's there at the crucifixion she you know she Jesus gave and said you know told John the Apostle to take care of his mother after he died and so she did have a sword pierced through her own soul there's nothing worse that I could think of that a mother would have to see her own son die in such a way but Mary did know Mary knew that her son was destined for great things but also knew that he was going to die in early death you know that she didn't really that wasn't a lot of detail that she got there but maybe he wanted to spare her of the true nature and horrific death that her son was gonna have to go through but I would just say this when it comes to don't hold your mother's don't hold your children back from the greatness that they could do for God because you're afraid of what there was going to happen to them they're never gonna have to go through what Jesus did but don't be so coddling to children that you're gonna just stop them from serving God because you're afraid of what's gonna happen to them out in the world if they decide because if you just if your child if your son decides to be a pastor or your daughter decides you know that she's gonna go and you know maybe marry a pastor or get in full-time ministries in some way shape or form you know those people are gonna be persecuted more heavily than other people in a lot of different ways don't hold your children back from doing great things for God Mary never held him back I don't think she could have anyway and he takes off at the fact that the feast and all that stuff and then they're all worried about him he's like hey you know with see not that I must be about my father my father's business so he's at 12 years old you know chopping it up with the Pharisees the Sadducees and asking him all these questions but Mary it does say that Mary kept all these things in her heart so it's not like she didn't know that there might be some hard times coming there's a lot of prophecies that happen in these passages of course the angels come at the birth of Christ and all these different things so she knew a lot of things but those things didn't stop her from being the mother that she needed to be for the Lord Jesus Christ now those are Matthew 15 Matthew 15 verse 21 talk about the Syrophoenician woman real quick doesn't even say what her name is but this woman had a great faith Jesus actually says this to her and Jesus was sent to the sheep of the lost of the lost sheep of the house of Israel look at Matthew 15 21 it says then Jesus went thence and departed into the coast of Tyre and Sidon and behold a woman of Canaan came out of the same coast and cried unto him saying have mercy on me O Lord thou son of David my daughter is grievously vexed with a devil but he answered her not a word and his disciples came and besought him saying send her away for she crieth after us but he answered and said I'm not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel seems kind of like a cold thing for him to say doesn't it then she came and worshipped him saying Lord help me but he answered and said it is not meet to take the children's bread and cast it to the dogs I mean that sounds pretty that sounds really harsh doesn't it it's like he's calling her a dog right I mean that's what he's saying right and she said truth Lord yet the dogs eat from the crumbs which fall from their master's table so what's she saying she said I might be a dog but I'll settle for the master's spiritual crumbs just give me what you got just give me whatever is left over you know and and and I kind of take this as you know she's begging she doesn't care she doesn't care about the insults she doesn't care what anybody else thinks she knows who she needs to go to for the source and what she most cares about is the fact that her daughter is grievously vexed with the devil and that she wants that devil to leave and she's heard the rumors that Jesus cast out devils and heals the sick and and saves people and raises people from the dead and she doesn't care that she's not one of the lost tribes of the house of Israel she doesn't care about any of that she cares about what her daughter and you know as mothers you should care enough to beg God for the sickness that your child's going through or for any hard things that your children are going through to get on your hands and knees like this woman here and you know and she didn't take no for an answer she didn't take no for an answer did she she's she's crying after them hey Lord help me Lord help me my daughter and they're like send her away this woman's annoying you know that's that's kind of the disciples like attitude a lot of times in the Bible if you notice like Lord make her leave like she's annoying us and he's even just insulting the woman but I think that Jesus just wants to see he wants to show this woman's faith do you think he didn't know that she had this great faith of course he knew but he wants us to see it and he wants us to see hey if you keep bothering him enough you know if you keep at it that the Lord is going to answer you but sometimes he wants you to really want it sometimes he wants you to have that fervent prayer sometimes he wants you to take a little more time than go dear Heavenly Father in Jesus name amen he wants you to have some passion in your prayer and some and some real want in your life when you come to him for something and look when your kids are sick you know and they're sick a lot aren't they moms I mean art we have a lot of sicknesses that kind of roll through our church and it's like you know it seems like you're always asking but keep asking it's important and sometimes they get really sick don't they what did Jesus say then Jesus answered and said unto her oh woman great is thy faith be it unto thee even as thou wilt and her daughter was made whole from that very hour see she was persistent and she cared about her daughter and look as a Christian mother you should have that same faith and say you know what I care about my kids and and it's not just necessarily about them being sick or having all these vexations life how about you know praying fervently like this for their future spouses for their salvation you know just anything in life you know for the your sons to have direction in their life that they would have good jobs or that they would serve God with their life I mean really in the end of it I want my kids to serve God for all their days and I want my grandchildren to serve God for all their days and that really is the greatest prayer that we could have that our children would be Christians and they would serve God so I mean it's funny how many times in the Bible that these Gentiles just come up and they kind of it's kind of like you know when the twins were born in you know they were born and they put the scarlet thread on one of their hands and then the other one breaks forth and like so the one that has a scarlet thread isn't the one that was actually his hand came out first but then it goes back in and then the other one's born this is like what the Gentiles do in the Gospels it's like you know that they went to the chosen people of Israel but then the Gentiles would come in with their great faith and just hey well I'll show you our faith and you know God loved the Gentiles and interceded for them so let's see I got time for a little bit more here let's see first Kings chapter 17 first Kings chapter 17 the woman of Zarephath Jesus actually preaches about this woman in Isaiah out of the book of Isaiah in I think Luke chapter 4 and they try to throw him off a cliff for preaching about this specific woman but basically this woman and her son are about to die of starvation there's a great famine in the land and Elijah asked her you know he comes up and the God's already told her I'm gonna I'm gonna sustain you by this widow woman and so it says in verse 10 he arose with the went to Zarephath and when he came to the gate of the city behold the woman the widow woman was there gathering of sticks and he called to her and said fetch me I pray thee a little water in a vessel that I may drink and as she was going forth or going to fetch it he called her to her and said bring me I pray thee a morsel of bread in thine hand and she said as the Lord thy God liveth I have not a cake but a handful of meal in a barrel and a little oil in a cruise and behold I am gathering two sticks that I may go in and dress it for me and my son that we may eat it and die and Elijah said unto her fear not go and do as thou has said but make me there of a little cake first and bring it unto me and after make for thee and for thy son so it's a kind of a strange request like you know to the to the woman she's like I don't even know you I love my son a lot more than I love you I love myself a lot more I don't even know you like why would I make him a cake first but it says for thus saith the Lord God of Israel the barrel of meal shall not waste neither shall the cruise of oil fail until the day that the Lord sent rain upon the earth and she went and did according to the saying of Elijah and she and her house did eat many days and the barrel of meal wasted not neither did the cruise of oil fail according to the word of the Lord which he spake by Elijah so what is the what is the message that moms can take out of this that you need to put God first that you need to put God first this is what Elijah is trying to teach her hey put God first trust in God's Word first and then God's going to sustain you God's going to add these things to you the Bible says seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you we need to be able to put God first in our lives and you have to you know the Bible says we're supposed to love the Lord our God with all of our with all of our might with all of our soul with all of our strength and we're supposed to love our neighbor as ourself the first commandment is that we love the Lord our God first above all things so Elijah you know he's teaching this let God's teaching her this lesson you know hey put my man first and I'm not saying you know put pastors above your kids I'm not saying that I'm just saying why did he ask for him first it's just kind of a strange thing but he's just teaching her hey put the things of God first doesn't necessarily have anything to do with Elijah himself necessarily but just that she put those things first because her faith was what I'm gonna eat these and we're gonna die but see when she when when Elijah told her hey you're not gonna die God's gonna make sure that this lasts until that it starts raining again she believed what Elijah said and then she did as he said to do see when you're obeying God God's going to take care of you but if you have this mentality this I got to take care of my kids first and I got to make everything about my family first and my husband first yeah those things are good but God's first actually God should be first in our life no matter what and hey if it comes down between God and your kids you have to pick God it comes down between God and your husband you got to pick God that's that's the order of things and people are like I that's crazy no it's not crazy that's Bible folks that is Bible and hopefully you never have to make that decision but if you ever do make the right choice because if you love anybody else more than God that's an idol that's what the Bible teaches no matter what situation you were in if you put God first he's going to take care of you he'll never leave you nor forsake you don't worry about these things God knows you need things God knows you need to eat God knows you need clothing he knows he knows you need all these things and you know if you put him first he's going to make sure he takes care of you and like well yeah but we're just scraping by I need to get a job so I can help my husband no your husband has his job you have yours his job is to work enough to support the family if it's not enough you get by on what you have that's that's the way that it is and sometimes that's the way it has to be and it's like the Bible says in Proverbs 15 16 betters a little with the fear of the Lord than great treasure and trouble therewith it's better to have just a little bit enough and you're fearing God and you're loving God than it is to just have all this treasure and then you have trouble because you have too much it's what it's saying now I'm going to skip through the last one it was about Timothy but it's good but I gotta I gotta be done here so turn to Acts actually just turn to first Titus chapter 2 Titus chapter 2 Titus chapter 2 the Bible says this the aged women likewise that they be in behavior has become with holiness not false accusers not given to much wine teachers of good things so talking about the elder women in the church and how they should behave in church and it says that they may teach the young women to be sober to love their husbands to love their children everybody has their role in church everybody is important and the age women God wants you to teach the young women to be sober to love your husbands to love their children you know it's like why should that have to be taught it just does people fail but that's a good thing to teach people to be discreet not to just tell everybody your business not to tell everybody else's business chase that means you know pure keepers at home doesn't say going out and working for some other man so he can tell you what to do if you won't even obey your husband at home you're gonna go and obey some other man out and out in the world he's gonna tell you to put a pair of pants on do what I say be here at this time but you won't listen to your own husband I mean that's not a good thing to do but God wants you to be a keeper at home good obedient to their own husbands you don't know I don't care what anybody says you don't have to obey other people other men you obey your husband that the Word of God be not blaspheme so why would that be blaspheming because when people say well this is how Christian families are supposed to work and they don't see it working like that then they're like well why why why is this the wire why should I follow this if the people that I go to church with don't even follow this that their women are just talking back to their husbands and and back talking them they're not you know rule you know the husbands aren't ruling their house as well but we have to have faith in raising children how God says it you know no matter what and that's right no matter what the world says and no matter what some feminists with tattoos on her face and purple hair and a bullring in her nose says they can say that they're happy all they want all they want but go ahead and look at some feminist videos about how they're complaining about everything do they look happy do they have a happy look on their face they don't they actually look really bizarre they're not happy at all they're miserable and they're just waiting for some man to come and tell them what to do they're just waiting for some strong man to come in their life and say pull that bullring out of your nose cut your hair get your hair did I'll pay for your hair get your nails done you know we'll try to scrub them tattoos the best we can go make me some cookies hun I mean that's what that's what they really want they just don't know it they're miserable the world says not to spank your kids but how's that gentle parenting working out in the world who's seen kids have mega meltdowns in stores when they don't get what they want you seen that you know they're falling on the floor like they're needed an exorcism or something the world says not to vaccinate them you know but it's kind of weird how autism was wasn't such a huge thing until they just started upping all those those shots right you know and the world says what's the world say spare the role spare the rod what spoil the child but it's kind of true I'm just hearing out for just a second because spoil means to make something rotten doesn't it so they're just kind of taking their own interpretation of it but if you spare the rod you are spoiling them you're ruining them as well as what they're saying but the Bible actually does say he that spared the rod hateth his son because if you love them you would chase in them so that they wouldn't turn out like the kids having the conniption fits in the in the aisles where they're not getting what they want or on the airplanes and you know I don't even want to turn you those videos those are the things that nightmares are made of but the Bible says apply then hard to the instruction and I'm ears to the words of knowledge withhold not correction from the child for if thou beatest him with the rod he shall not die thou shalt beat him with the rod and shall deliver his soul from hell hey trust what the Bible says trust what the Word of God says when you beat your children and I'm not saying beat them like you're just like you know I'm talking about just a spanking on the you know applying the rod to the seat of learning right the backside there the Bible says in Proverbs 29 15 the rod and reproof give wisdom but a child left himself bringeth his mother to shame do you want your child to bring you to shame mom well go ahead and just keep not spanking them keep saying oh just one more time I'm gonna take your screen away I'm gonna give you a timeout I'm gonna gently gentle parenting that just makes me sick I can't even look I actually had somebody explain this to me at the door and I just I just sat there with my probably had my mouth open like this because I just couldn't believe it no consequences it's what it really is but they say well no it's not no consequences if they throw a fit we just leave it's like well how you gonna get him out of there you gotta pick him up don't you don't you got to carry him out I mean what if they stop try to stop you I mean you ever have a no consequence with a 16 year old boy they can beat you up or something I don't know it's crazy have faith that homeschooling works the Bible says we're supposed to teach our children diligently we're supposed to talk about the things of God you know and the most the most important thing they can know is this you want to teach your kids how to read have them read the Bible around the dinner table or just around the table during part of their homeschooling hey you want to teach them how to read teach them this you're like well that's that's crazy hey educate your children I'm not saying don't educate them educate them but if they get so educated and but they forget they don't know this then you're not educating them right they need this too so homeschool your children that's what the Bible says do it by faith why because God says so he said we're it's our responsibility to raise them it's not the government's responsibility it's not the government's responsibility to take them at three years old put them in head start then get them in preschool then put them in kindergarten cradle to grave government brainwashing you want to talk about brainwashing people go oh you brainwash your kids with the Bible you brainwash them with evolution and all kinds of false science falsely so-called from the time that they pick up the first book about a dinosaur billions of years ago it's not billions of years ago the world hasn't been around for billions of years but you know what God has a higher calling for Christian mothers and that higher calling is that you serve God's will with your life and that you mother your children like God says to do the Bible says that the just shall live by faith three times it says in Romans 1 17 the just shall live by faith Galatians 3 11 the just shall live by faith Hebrews 10 38 the just shall live by faith says it three times in the New Testament and if you're saved it's talking about you and so as a mother you know your job is to raise your children by faith and to have faith in this book and what it says and raise your children in those ways and a godly mother should walk by faith not by sight and forget about all those worldly things and you know a godly virtuous woman her price is far above rubies and rubies are the most precious stone on the planet more precious than diamonds I know it's not out there like diamonds are supposedly the most precious thing but rubies actually are more precious than diamonds it's what the Bible teaches so but a godly woman of Proverbs 31 wife Proverbs 31 mother you know they are far above rubies there's nothing more precious than that and we want our kids to remember us with fondness with love not regret so the world says the hand that rocks the cradle rules the world but I would say this if that's true which it kind of is but we don't want to rock it the way that the world rocks it we want to rock it on the rock of the Lord Jesus Christ so rock on okay but rock on in the Christian way okay let's pray whatever thank you so much for the great mothers in our church I pray Lord that you just bless them that Lord you bless this church with many more pregnancies and in births Lord and pray they'd be fruitful multiply Lord I pray that our wives would be submissive to the husbands that they have and Lord they would trust in them and Lord that their husbands will be able to safely trust in them and Lord I pray that you just bless all the children in our church Lord pray that you just bless the mothers that they would they would raise them up in the faith Lord and you'd help us to foster those things Lord as husbands as grandparents as just people in our church Lord that we would always hold the mothers in our church in high regard for the great works that they do pray that you just bless everything that's done for the rest of the day in your house Lord that you bless the soul winning you bless the food that we're going to receive following the service and you bless everybody for being here we thank you Lord so much for the mothers in our lives pray that you bless the rest of our day in Jesus' name we pray. Amen. We're going to have a baptism.