(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Page 36, Christ Arose Christ Arose, sing it out loud on that verse Lo, in the grave he lay, Jesus my Savior, waiting the coming day, Jesus my Lord Up from the grave he arose, with a mighty triumph o'er his host, he arose a victor from the dark domain, and he lives forever with his saints to reign. He arose, he arose, Alleluia, Christ arose, on the second. Mainly they watch his bed, Jesus my Savior, mainly they seal the dead, Jesus my Lord. Up from the grave he arose, with a mighty triumph o'er his host, he arose a victor from the dark domain, and he lives forever with his saints to reign. He arose, he arose, Alleluia, Christ arose, out loud on the last. Death cannot keep his prey, Jesus my Savior, he tore the bars away, Jesus my Lord. Up from the grave he arose, with a mighty triumph o'er his host, he arose a victor from the dark domain, and he lives forever with his saints to reign. He arose, he arose, Alleluia, Christ arose. Anybody need one, just raise your hand there. On the front cover we have our verse of the week. Of course it's an Easter directed scripture there. It says he is not here, for he has risen. As he said, come see the place where the Lord lay. Matthew chapter 28 verse 6, great scripture there about the resurrection of Christ. And on our inside page there, there's a message from me to any first time visitors or anybody that's been attending our church for a little while there. And it just states, kind of our mission here at Shure Foundation Baptist Church, that we're an independent fundamental Baptist church. We're King James only, soul winning, salvation by faith alone, and family integrated. And we also sing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs. You're not going to get a rock concert when you come here. And we're hard preaching. So we preach the Bible, we don't apologize for that. And I do set aside time after the service for any questions about spiritual matters. Feel free to come talk to me. If you're not 100% sure you're saved, and you're here today, you're not 100% sure, please come see me after the service or one of the ushers. And they'd be happy to show you from the Bible how to be saved. And also, if you're not baptized, you've never been baptized before, the only prerequisites that we have is that you're sure that you're saved. You've believed on the Lord Jesus Christ and trusted Him alone for your salvation. We'd love to baptize you scripturally. And so if you want to be baptized, you want to talk to anybody about baptism, of course, you can come talk to me or one of the ushers after the service. Or you can fill out a card, one of the cards that we have. The ushers have a card that you could fill out and just say, We'd like to talk to the pastor about baptism or salvation or whatever. Or if you have a prayer request, you can just fill that out, drop it in the plate as it comes by later on. Or you can just hand it to one of the ushers after the end of the service. You can follow us on those various social medias underneath that little message there. We have a YouTube channel, Facebook, Rumble, and we're on X, formerly known as Twitter. And we have our service times there, 10 30 a.m. for our preaching service every Sunday morning. And Sunday evening service is at 3 30 p.m. And we won't be in Exodus tonight. I'll be preaching a stand-alone sermon. And the sermon is going to be, Is Easter pagan? So you would think that that's a pretty easy question to answer. But a lot of people do think that Easter has pagan origins. And I'm going to debunk that myth tonight. So I'm going to talk about that. And so it's not a sermon you're going to want to miss. It's a little different. I'm sure you might have heard a sermon like that, like that before. But I definitely am coming at it from a little bit different of an angle this evening. So it is going to be a really interesting sermon. So you don't want to miss it. And then Thursday evenings, we just finished the Book of Ezra. So what I'm going to do is I'm going to, we've been in the Book of Exodus for quite a while now. So I'm going to switch Exodus from Sunday nights. I'm going to start finishing it off on Thursday nights. So we'll go 36 through 40 on Thursday nights. And I'm going to start preaching stand-alone sermons on Sunday nights. And try to hit some topics, some stand-alone topics about standards, the home, finances, things like that. I'm going to try doing something like that for a little while. And see how long I can last without just going back to a Book of the Bible. Because I like preaching the books of the Bible personally. But we'll see how long I can last doing that. But for the meanwhile, that's kind of what we're going to be doing. And so this morning I'm preaching out of Leviticus chapter 23. And you're like, Leviticus, what does that have to do with Jesus rising from the dead? Well, the feasts are a picture of Christ, his death, his burial, his resurrection. And so I'm going to talk about the first feast, the spring feast of the Bible. And how that's a picture of Christ. And then obviously the whole chapter is about all seven feasts that you see in the Bible. And I'm not going to cover all seven feasts because we don't have that much time. But I'm going to preach another sermon covering the other feast later on. Maybe not this next weekend, but maybe the weekend after that. Anyhow, we also have our church soul winning times. We do have soul winning today, but we do have a meal right after the service. So stay tuned for that. But that will be right after the service, probably around 1230. We'll have everything ready. And we'll have soul winning today, but it will be a limited time. So what we're going to do is we're going to hit that housing complex behind the church. It's just right around the block here. We usually only hit that once a year. It's been fruitful in the past, and we usually can go in there, knock the whole thing in a little bit of time, and get a bunch of people saved, and then come back for the evening service. So if you look down, you can see the praise report. And also, soul winning is when we go door to door and preach the gospel like Jesus said to do. So He said that we're supposed to go out and preach. And so that's what we do at this church. We take the Bible and just show people what it says to be saved. And we give people the opportunity at the door to trust Christ as their Savior. Of course, we want to invite people to church and be a blessing to people at the door. But the most important thing is salvation. Jesus came to seek and save that which was lost. That's what the Bible says. And so there's a lot of opportunities to do that if you want to get involved in that. You know, maybe you've been like one of those Christians that's like, I want to learn how to share my faith. Well, we teach people how to share their faith at this church. There's no doubt about that. So if you'd like to get involved in that, you can see me or one of the ushers, or one of the soul winning captains that are listed here under the soul winning times. And all those times are available. And I think we're going to be expanding the summer hours. I think we've been changing some of the hours to go a little bit later. We kind of had some winter hours scale back there. But now the sun is out longer. So we can go out longer or have later times. So anyway, the praise report, you can see the salvation's big whopping numbers there for March. We had a soul winning marathon that gave us a big boost. But we've just been doing a lot more soul winning lately at this church. And the numbers are reflecting that. And you can see the salvation's, the attendance from last week. And then the events on the right hand side there. Once again, happy Easter or resurrection Sunday as some people like to call it. And we're going to have a ham dinner tonight. And the Gentiles, you know, as Gentiles, you know, there's a picture in Acts chapter 10 where Peter, you know, you have this sheet where all this different food that the Jews were not allowed to eat. And that's a picture of the Gentiles being able to get in on the plan of salvation or whatever. And so ham and all that stuff is back on the menu. So we're allowed to eat that. So don't get all weird about it. I'm going to be preaching about that again a little bit tonight. But anyway, so don't worry. Ham is okay to eat. There's nothing unclean of itself. That's what the apostle Paul says in Romans chapter 14. So anyway, we're going to have a potluck meal. It's going to be great. You're welcome to stay here. Anybody that's attending the service today. We are going to have a baby shower for Miss Stacy on April 6th, which is this Saturday at 11 a.m. here at the church building. We also have Pastor Ian Tavner from Strong Tower Baptist Church. And he's coming all the way from Southend by the sea, which is southeast of London. It's about, well, with traffic, it's about an hour and a half or two hours, depending on how bad the traffic is. And you think the traffic is bad here or in Seattle? It's really bad in London. So if you look at a map, it looks like it's really close to London. And it kind of is. But not with the traffic. But anyway, Pastor Tavner is a great preacher. I ordained him last year. And he's doing a great job. He's doing a lot of great missions. He's already trying to start other churches. So he's doing a great job. He's going to be here preaching for us next Sunday. So you don't want to miss Pastor Tavner. He's going to be preaching some great sermons for us. He'll be with us during the weekend. And then he's going to be traveling down to Sacramento with me while I preach at the conference in Sacramento for the Next Generation Youth Conference. We believe it's important to reach the next generation. And obviously every generation has to reach the next generation. Otherwise we're going to have a season where it's like it was in the day of the judges. They followed Joshua until Joshua died. And then there rose up a generation that knew not Joshua or the Lord. So we don't want that to happen. So we're trying to reach the next generation at that conference. So hopefully we have a great showing. I think a lot of people from our church are going to be going there. If you haven't signed up, there's still time to sign up. The link is right there. Or you could email info at VerityBaptist.com I think is the email address. Or just get on their website. They'll direct you. You can sign up. You can get a t-shirt. And that's not next week but the week after. The 8th and 9th which is Tuesday and Wednesday. And Pastor Tavner will be preaching there also. And Pastor Jared Przarnski and Pastor Jimenez will be preaching there of course. That's his church. So that's in Sacramento, California. And April 28th we have the one year anniversary of our church plant in Seattle which is doing really well. And Pastor Bruce Mejia will be preaching there for both services on Sunday at our Seattle location. So we are a family integrated church. That means the children and infants are welcome during the church services. It is a little bit different. We don't have Sunday school classes and things like that. But the children are allowed to stay with their parents of course. We don't separate them for any reason. We do have a dad baby room located in the back room there. That room back there in the mom baby room where you can take your children out if they become really distracting. Or you just need to feed them or change their diaper or whatnot. And please we don't want any mixed crowds in there as far as like dads going into the mother baby room or moms going into the dad baby room. But those rooms you can still hear the preaching. In the dad baby room you can still watch the preaching and hear it. There's comfortable seating. There's changing tables and things like that. And if you need anything just ask our ushers. They'd be happy to direct you where the restrooms are. The restrooms are around the corner there. There's several restrooms you can use in the building. And if you're a first time guest we're really happy that you're here. And we do have a gift bag. They're right around the corner past that curtain there. And it's basically just like a welcome or a thank you packet for being a first time guest. It has a film in there called Being Baptist. It just explains what Baptists believe. It has a little bit of information about our church. Also some extra information. So we just want you to take one of those as a token of appreciation for being a first time guest here at our church. So feel free to grab one of those on the way out. Please silence your cell phones at this time if you would please. And the information of giving is on there at the bottom of the page and how much offerings have come in this far. And we also have some birthdays to sing Happy Birthday. We have Miss Alana. I don't know if she's here but it's her birthday today. Miss Rebecca L. Corda. And she is how old now? Eight. Wow. I thought she was like 15. Eight years old. All right. That's a great age. And then Miss Pam. She's 29. There she is right there. And so we have three birthdays. And then Timothy Harrington is not here but his birthday is tomorrow. I think they're up in Seattle today. So let's go ahead and sing Happy Birthday to all the birthday people. Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday to you. All right. Happy Birthday. That's all I have for announcements. Let's go ahead and sing another song and then we'll receive the offering. All righty. Let's turn to page 31 of our Green Hymnbooks. He lives. Page 31. He lives. Page 31. Sing it out loud with me on the first. I serve a risen Savior. He's in the world today. I know that He is living. Whatever man may say, I see His hand of mercy. I hear His voice of cheer. And just the time I need Him, He's always near. He lives. He lives. Christ Jesus lives today. He walks with me and talks with me along life's narrow way. He lives. He lives. salvation to impart. You ask me how I know He lives. He lives within my heart. In all the world around me, I see His loving care. And though my heart grows weary, I never will despair. I know that He is leading through all the stormy blasts. The day of His appearing will come at last. He lives. He lives. Christ Jesus lives today. He walks with me and talks with me along life's narrow way. He lives. He lives. salvation to impart. You ask me how I know He lives. He lives within my heart. On the last. Rejoice, rejoice, oh Christian, lift up your voice and sing eternal hallelujahs to Jesus Christ the King. The hope of all who seek Him, the help of all who find. None other is so loving, so good and kind. He lives. He lives. Christ Jesus lives today. He walks with me and talks with me along life's narrow way. He lives. He lives. salvation to impart. You ask me how I know He lives. He lives within my heart. Amen. Great singing this morning. At this time, we'll receive our offering. And Brother Ramon, could you please bless the offering for us? Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Right, go ahead and open your bibles to Leviticus chapter 23. Leviticus chapter 23 if you don't have a Bible there should be a Bible under the seat in front of you Leviticus chapter 23 Leviticus 23 the Bible reads and the Lord spake unto Moses saying speak unto the children of Israel and say unto them Concerning the feast of the Lord which he shall proclaim to be holy convocations. Even these are my feasts Six days shall work be done. But the seventh day is the Sabbath of rest and holy convocation You shall do no work there in it is the Sabbath of the Lord in all your dwellings These are the feasts of the Lord even holy convocations, which he shall proclaim in their seasons in the 14th day Of the first month that even is the Lord's Passover and On the 15th day of the same month is the Feast of unleavened bread unto the Lord seven days He must eat unleavened bread in the first day. He shall have an holy convocation He shall do no servile work there in But you shall offer an offering made by fire unto the Lord seven days and the seventh day is in holy convocation He shall do no servile work there in and the Lord spake unto Moses saying Speak unto the children of Israel and say unto them When ye become into the land, which I give unto you and shall reap the harvest thereof Then he shall bring a sheaf of the first fruits of your harvest unto the priest and he shall wave the sheaf before the Lord To be accepted for you on the morrow after the Sabbath The priest shall wave it and he shall offer that day when he waved the sheaf and he lamb without Blemish of the first year for a burn offering unto the Lord and the meat offering thereof shall be two tenth deals of fine flour mingled with oil an offering made by fire unto the Lord for a sweet savour and The drink offering thereof shall be of wine the fourth part of an hen And you shall eat neither bread nor parched corn nor green ears until the self same day that you have brought an Offering unto your God It shall be a statute forever throughout your generations and all your dwellings and you shall count Unto you from the morrow after the Sabbath from the day that ye brought the sheaf of the wave offering Seven Sabbaths shall be complete Even unto the morrow after the seventh Sabbath shall you number 50 days and you shall offer a new meet offering unto the Lord You shall bring out of your habitations to wave loaves of two tenth deals They shall be of fine flour They shall be bacon with leaven they are the first fruits unto the Lord and you shall offer with the bread of seven day seven lambs without blemish of the first year and one young bollock and Two rams they shall be for a burnt offering unto the Lord With their meat offering and their drink offerings even an offering made by fire of sweet savour unto the Lord Then he shall sacrifice one kid of the goats for a sin offering and two lambs of the first year for a sacrifice of peace offerings and The priest shall wave them with the bread of the first fruits for a wave offering before the Lord with the two lambs They shall be holy to the Lord for the priest and he shall proclaim on the self same day That it may be and holy convocation unto you. You shall do no servile work Therein, it shall be a statute forever in all your dwellings throughout your generations and when you reap the harvest of your land Thou shalt not make clean riddance of the corners of thy field when thou reapest Neither shalt thou gather any gleanings of thy harvest thou shalt leave them unto the poor and to the stranger I am the Lord your God and the Lord spake unto Moses saying Speak unto the children of Israel saying in the seventh month in the first day of the month Ye shall ye have a Sabbath a memorial of blowing of trumpets and holy convocation You shall do no servile work therein, but you shall offer an offering made by fire unto the Lord and The Lord spake unto Moses saying also on the tenth day of this seventh month There shall be a day of atonement It shall be in holy convocation unto you and you shall afflict your souls and offer an offering made by fire unto the Lord And you shall do no work in that same day For it is a day of atonement to make an atonement for you before the Lord your God For whatsoever soul it be that shall not be afflicted in the same day He shall be cut off from among his people and whatsoever soul it be that doeth any work in the same in that same Day, the same soul will I destroy from among his people. He shall do no manner of work It shall be a statute forever throughout your generations in all your dwellings It shall be unto you a Sabbath of rest and you shall be ye shall afflict your souls in the ninth day of the month at even from even unto even shall you celebrate your Sabbath and the Lord spake unto Moses saying speak unto the children of Israel saying the 15th day of this Seventh month shall be the Feast of Tabernacles for seven days unto the Lord on the first day shall be in holy convocation He shall do no servile work there in Seven days you shall offer an offering made by fire unto the Lord on the eighth day shall be in holy convocation Unto you and ye shall offer an offering made by fire unto the Lord It is a solemn solemn assembly and ye shall do no servile work there in These are the feasts of the Lord which he shall proclaim to be holy convocations to offer an offering made by fire unto the Lord a burnt offering and a meat offering a Sacrifice and drink offerings everything upon his day beside the Sabbath of the Lord and beside your gifts and Beside all your vows and beside all your freewill offerings which you give unto the Lord Also in the 15th day of the seventh month when ye have gathered in the first of the land You shall keep a feast unto the Lord seven days on the first day shall be a Sabbath and on the eighth day Shall be a Sabbath and ye shall take you on the first day the boughs of goodly trees Branches of palm trees and boughs of thick trees and willow of the brook and you shall rejoice before the Lord your God seven days And you shall keep it a feast unto the Lord seven days in the year It shall be a statute forever in your generations. He shall celebrate it in the seventh month You shall dwell in booths seven days all that are Israelites born shall dwell in booths That your generations may know that I made the children of Israel to dwell in booths When I brought them out of the land of Egypt I am the Lord your God and Moses declared unto the children of Israel the feasts of the Lord Brother Eli we pray for us Amen All right, well the title of the sermon this morning is Christ the firstfruits Christ the firstfruits so the feast of the Lord here are important because they're literally fulfilled and also If you're paying attention going to be fulfilled in the future with future events, so The fall feasts have not happened yet in history So those are feasts that we're still looking forward to Be fulfilled, but the spring feasts have been fulfilled Most I mean, I believe that it's possible that the fourth one has some some extra future fulfillments possibly but It's kind of like how the end times there's there's a splitting mark in between You know the the halfway mark of the tribulation well the final seven years, I guess people always say the tribulation, but there's the The the times times and half a time and then the Antichrist is revealed and that so you have here So you have seven years of final human history you also have seven feasts of the Lord and and the first half of this chapter is kind of explaining the the spring feast that Christ fulfilled already and then of course like I said the The other feast or things to be fulfilled in the future So the Old Testament sacrifice and laws are More you have the moral laws and the ceremonial laws and the ordinances to be kept as picture things that are literally Literally will will be fulfilled and some of them have already been fulfilled now the reason I'm titling this Christ the first fruits because Jesus Christ is the first fruits of them that slept and He fulfills literally that specific That specific feast so and also the Feast of Passover the Feast of Unleavened Bread and the also the Sabbath so Every week there was a Sabbath that they had to rest on and that's talked about here in the chapter so basically what you have in this chapter is all seven feast of the Lord that Are spelled out for us in very great detail and you it's kind of a long reading of the chapter, but I'm gonna I'm gonna go back and forth in this and and we're gonna cover the spring feast this morning But I'm gonna mainly focus on Christ the first fruits now How do I know that Christ is the first fruits and how do I know that he fulfilled this well? Let's turn over to 1st Corinthians and keep your finger here in Leviticus chapter 23, and I'm going to Read for you from verse 20 to verse 28, and we'll see what the Apostle Paul says so the Apostle Paul He He basically just tells us and one thing one principle you have to understand in Scripture Is that the New Testament is going to shine light on the Old Testament and help us to understand the meaning of? Old Testament passages because a lot of the scenes in the Old Testament are dark scenes Or things that we have a hard time understanding without the light of scripture in the New Testament to give light to those to those dark scriptures, so First Corinthians 15 20 says, but now is Christ risen from the dead and become the Firstfruits of them that slept you see that word firstfruits there. It says for since by man Came death by man came also the resurrection of the dead and as an Adam all die Even so in Christ shall all be made alive, but every man in his own order Christ the firstfruits Afterward they that are Christ at his coming So we're still waiting for Christ to come back He has not come back yet if he had come back. We're not gonna. We would not be here right now So I know there's people like they're called preterists that say that all everything's already been fulfilled in the old You know that Christ has already come back and all this other stuff all the things have already happened in the Bible And you know we're just ushering in this new kingdom the world's getting better and better But that's not what I see I see the world's getting worse and worse right now It's gonna get better when Christ gets back. That's for sure, but the Bible actually teaches that the world's gonna get worse It's gonna wax worse evil men and seducers shall wax worse, and there's a time coming That's gonna be the worst time in history for any Christians called the Great Tribulation now That's all bad news But the good news is that Christ is going to come back and rescue us and we'll ever be with the Lord After that, but you see how it says Christ the firstfruits that means he's the first one to ever resurrect from the dead and At this point. He's the first one and the only one and still is the only one that has a Resurrected body and he resurrected from the dead all those many years ago After being dead for three days and three nights as the Bible says so he is the firstfruits and he correlates with that that feast that part of the feast where it's the wave offering and We'll get to that here to submit in a little bit here but that wave offering on that that day after the Sabbath if you were paying attention during the reading is representation of the fact that Christ rose from the dead and is the firstfruits that's and that firstfruits is talking about like in farming and In the springtime there's a firstfruits of things that were planted and they were supposed to bring that to the Lord and Wave that before the Lord and then he gave them back a portion He gave them back what they were offering to him in the first place And so I'll kind of explain all that as we go along here But it says afterward they that are Christ's at his coming So he's the firstfruits But we're also gonna get glorified bodies like Christ has and we get to inherit with him That's the cool thing is that Christ did all the work for us to be saved He lived the perfect life that we can't live. He walked a walk that we can't walk He put he was put through torture Spit upon his beard was ripped out of his face. He was the crown of thorns was put upon him He received the stripes. He was his body was broken for us He shed his precious blood for us on the cross of Calvary He was punched in the face. He was mocked. He was spit on all those things We didn't have to go through any of that, but that's what he paid for our salvation and then the Bible says he died and his soul went to hell for three days and three nights according to you know Jonah the prophet and Of course acts chapter number two where the Bible says his soul was not left in hell Neither did his flesh see corruption So his body was in the grave for three days, but also his soul went to hell for three days and three nights that's what the Bible teaches very clearly and in Acts chapter number or Psalm chapter 16 if you ever take a chance to read that and it says then cometh the end When he shall have delivered up the kingdom of God even the father when he shall have put down all rule and all authority and power so There's a point that comes when it's just the end now there's a resurrection coming when Christ Resurrects us from the dead all those that are dead in Christ Shall rise first all the prophets all the people from that died from righteous Abel Until the time that Christ comes all those that have died in Christ who were saved And then those are alive and remain will be caught up to meet the Lord in the air that is the general first Resurrection now after that resurrection there will be people that are saved that move on into the millennial reign of Christ a thousand year reign of Christ and Those people will also have a resurrection and so that at the final judgment There's those that are resurrected that are saved and they will also They'll get resurrected after the thousand years and then those that are dead in They're gonna end up being cast into the lake of fire Those people are brought up they're not resurrected to life, but to everlasting death and destruction so That's the end and it says for he must reign till he has put all enemies under his feet now when Satan is loose from heaven from I mean from hell from his He's captured. He's thrown into hell for a thousand years, and he's allowed loose for a short season And that's then he gathers up another army and tries to come at heaven He are not heaven, but he tries to come at Jerusalem one last time To the armies and he brings all of his armies and then God destroys him and his armies with fire And then that is when the end comes so and it says the last enemy that shall be destroyed is death There's coming a time folks when there's not going to be any more death now Christ has already defeated the devil when he when he when he paid for Everything at the cross and his resurrection, but death still is occurring right now Unfortunately that is something that mortals are still going through But there's gonna come a time when we put when we we put off these mortal bodies, and we become immortal incorruptible unable to be hurt Unable to die and that's gonna be a great day. Amen But Jesus Christ already has that body and he is the first fruits of them that slept look at verse 27 It says for he hath put all things under his feet But when he when he saith all things are put under him it is manifest that he is accepted Which did put all things under him and when all things shall be subdued unto him Then shall the Son also himself be subject unto him that put all things under him that God may be on all so Christ is going to be given Everything and then he's going to give it all back to God the Father in the end And then there's gonna be no need for You know there's gonna be no need for the Sun because they're the light we're gonna be in the light And everything's gonna be great no more death no more sorrow no more pain. It's all gonna be good So let's go through these feast I'm gonna go through some observations here so and and they're not gonna correlate necessarily with the feast and this might complicate my brain a Little bit, but I do want to go through some Observations, they don't necessarily correlate with each feast But my first observation is that just the Feast of the Lord in general. I want to do a quick overview So let's look at Leviticus go back to the text Leviticus chapter 23 verse number 1 and We'll go through this quick overview Okay It says in verse 1 and the Lord spake unto Moses saying Speak unto the children of Israel and saying to them concerning the Feast of the Lord Which he shall proclaim to be holy convocation so these are special times when people there were feasts They're like like today is kind of like a special day Where a lot of people that don't normally come to church come to church. You know they call you know Easter only Christians or Sometimes it's Christmas only Christians where they only go to church one or two times a year Which hey I'd rather have people come to church one or two times a year than to never come at all but Holy convocations are these special feasts and the people were asked to come to and some were required to come to and They were not optional so you have the Passover you have the Day of Atonement you have the Feast of Ingathering and You have Let's see oh I missed one so the Passover the Feast of Unleavened Bread the Day of Atonement the Feast of Ingathering or the Feast of Booths are The first spring spring feast okay, and then of course it talks about the Sabbath a weekly Holiday of rest and then you have the fall feast So let me let me back up here so the spring feast the festivals whatever you want to call them The Passover you have a lamb slain and roast with fire in the 14th day of Nissan or a bib The months are used interchangeably in the Bible, and it's the first That's the first of the year for them the first full moon of the year was For them a new the new well that month was the new year for them and the 14th was the Passover and That happened at even they they slayed the lamb and roast it with fire The second one is the unleavened bread Seven days from the 14th to the 21st of Nissan or a bib so the Passover was actually a feast that lasted For seven days, and then you have the first fruits Which is which falls into the same feast which is interesting because That first fruits is the date after the Sabbath in That first feast so which is it's confusing, but I'll tie it all together here, and then then you have from from that so then you have 50 days after that first fruits you you number 50 days and That is the seventh day of the third month of siven which is basically the third month so and If you kind of think about it you have the Passover, that's when Christ died, and then you have the the first fruits is when Christ rises from the dead, and then you have the Pentecost basically or the Feast of Weeks you count 50 days and gee that's when Jesus Christ Went back to heaven right so he was Here with the you know after he rose from the dead he stayed on the earth for 50 days And then he rose up into heaven, and he's coming back someday Which would correlate to the fall feast okay now? Similar to the first three spring feasts the fall feasts take place one right after the other The Feast of Trumpets starts the first day of the seventh month And that's Tish Tishrai the day of atonement or the tenth day of Tishrai Excuse me on the day on the tenth day of Tishrai the Feast of Tabernacles Or boosts on the 15th to the 22nd of Tishrai so so the fall feasts all come right after the other just like the spring feasts come all after the other and Then so you have the Feast of Trumpets. That's the first day of the seventh month now I'm not going to cover this in this sermon, but I do want to just say this that if you correlate that to the time of the end then that is Actually the warning the trumpets are a warning to for people to run And what are we told to do when the Antichrist reveals himself or told to run and so you're like well That's the seventh month, but when you talk about so in the end times there has to be The way that the Jewish calendar works is that Yeah, there's three and a half years and three and a half years in the Bible But you have to add a leap month in there So the reason why it's the seventh month on the first day of the month is because there's that leap month that has to be Added in that seven years and so if you want to correlate the time Into a one-year date, you know when you put that percentage in there It's going to the halfway point is actually going to be the seventh month of that of those seven years I know that's complicated, but I'll cover it in the sermon when I preach it But but that Feast of Trumpets is a warning double that trumpet blast is a warning not to say hey Christ is coming back It's the Antichrist is here the Day of Atonement Which is supposed to be a day of fasting and affliction afflicting your souls That represents the fact that people are going through great tribulation and the tenth day So if you look and if you talk about if you think about Revelation what it says, I'll put all have you in a great tribulation for ten days and then you go the seventh day of the tenth month and that's that equals out to be about 75 days after the halfway point of the final seven years, so Basically, you have a short period of time where it's great tribulation So the tribulation to the great tribulation is only a little over the halfway mark of The final seven years the whole seven years is not tribulation This is taught in many churches that the final seven years of human history is all the tribulation. It's not The tribulation is the tribulation of the Saints the tribulation of the Saints is tribulation by Mankind and by the devil and he's behind the tribulation against the Saints You know, he overcomes the Saints and is given power to Behead the Saints and to hunt the Saints down, but then when Jesus comes back he's gonna rescue those that are alive and remain and and you know, if he's given a short, you know, we're given a short great tribulation because You know if it wasn't a short time then there would be no flesh saved And so that great tribulation starts when the Antichrist reveals himself He says run for the hills the trumpets blow then you have about 75 days or so Until Christ comes back now, of course I'm not setting a date or saying exactly when he's coming back or anything like that But that's kind of what those those represent then you have the Feast of Booths that take place and of course, you know we are We are gonna live with God one day and we are going to have our own place in a place It's safe, you know God told them to have these this Feast of Tabernacles or the Feast of Booths is what it's called But it kind of represents, you know being resurrected and raptured But also it kind of represents those three different those three different time periods or whatever, but the year of Jubilee Also figures into that sixth atonement day Or that atonement day when when this when the tenth day happens, that's the end of the tribulation Christ comes back takes the Saints up to himself and so shall we ever be with the Lord, but You know you have that You have the year of Jubilee when the trumpets blow again And then Liberty is proclaimed throughout and everybody is freed from all the burdens that they had And so that kind of represents the rapture when Jesus comes back. So anyway, that's kind of a brief overview I know it's a lot to a mouthful there So but let's move on to the second observation about the about the festival So that's kind of an overview of the whole thing a very brief one, but the second observation is the Sabbath So let's look at verse 3 in our text. It says Six days shall work be done but the seventh day is the Sabbath of rest and holy convocation so this was a feast day or a holy convocation that they did every week and This is a day off every week basically and at this time in The Bible if you didn't do this you were put to death This is a picture of the fact that if you try to work your way to heaven That you're gonna die and go to hell That's what it's a picture of There's a lot of people that think That if they do enough good works that they're gonna go to heaven or if they're good outweighs their bad It's a balancing act and maybe at some point in time Hey, I might just I might make it if you counting on your works in any way shape or form if you think that your Works are gonna get you to heaven then you're gonna die in your sins That's what it's talking. That's that's why it was such a strict thing So there's a guy that's just picking up sticks on the Sabbath, and he gets thrown to death the first time I ever read that in the Bible. I was like man. That's harsh But but think about this. That's the same, but isn't it harsh That So you're gonna die and go to hell someday. That's harsh, but what's God's message Well, if you don't trust in me alone, if you don't trust in Christ alone, you're gonna die and go to hell That's really harsh So the picture is hey you trust in your own works. You think you're gonna work your way to heaven You need to rest while Christ does the work for you. That's the picture of the Sabbath See God made the world in six literal days According to his word Six day what it says six days shall work be done But the seventh day is the Sabbath of rest and holy convocation you shall do no work therein It is the Sabbath of the Lord in all your dwellings now in other verses of the Bible will say in Six days, you know God made heaven and earth and so like in the tank in the Ten Commandments It says that in Exodus chapter 20 He made the world in six days in the seventh day He rested and so Like God rested from his works So we must rest from our works while he does the works for us and he go ahead and turn to Hebrews chapter 4 verse 3 Hebrews chapter 4 verse 3 And kind of get a little glimpse of this Hebrews chapter 4 verse 3, but keep your finger and Leviticus 23 verse 3 Hebrews 4 3 says For we which have believed do enter into rest. So who gets to enter into rest? We which have believed does it say we which have done a lot of good works We which have worked our way to heaven We which got baptized We which got catechized We which said hail Mary full of grace swing your beads all over the place swing them high swing them low swing a merry go-go-go No We which said our Father which art in heaven. No, we which have believed do enter into rest As He said as I have sworn of my wrath if they shall enter into my rest Although the works were finished from the foundation of the world For he spake in a certain place of the seventh day on this wise And God did rest the seventh day from all his works Now skip down to verse 9. It says there remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God and He that is entered into his rest he also has ceased from his own works as God did from his so we have to cease from our own works and Trust in the works of Christ or we're not going to make it to heaven folks So anybody in this room that is trusting in some kind of well, you have to have the works You have to show the works Well, you know, they're not really saying because they don't have the fruits or whatever. Look the fruits of the Spirit It's not the fruits of you. It's the fruits of the Spirit You get saved you get the Spirit of God that the fruits of the Spirit are not you that's the fruits of the Spirit So when you're talking about fruits, that's not how we judge whether someone's saved or not We judge how someone's saved or not by what they believe When I ask somebody at the door what they believe and they say well, you know, I'm just a good person You know, I just live by the golden rule and you know, I was baptized That's that doesn't tell me that they're saved folks that tells me they're not saved so when I go to the door and I'm Soul winning or soul warning or witnessing or whatever you want to call it I'm doing a triage I'm like a nurse or a doctor that's trying to get a spiritual stethoscope out and find out whether this person is Saved or not. So when I say hey, are you a hundred percent sure you're on your way to heaven and and they say Oh, yeah, I'm a hundred percent sure and they and I say well, how do you know you're sure you're going to heaven? They say well, you know, I believe in Jesus Amen That's what it says You know believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved. That's what the Bible says, right? It doesn't say believe on Lord Jesus Christ and walking away to cross the street with the groceries and thou shalt be saved Doesn't say believe on Lord Jesus Christ and if you're not baptized you won't go to heaven It says believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved and it's everlasting life by the way And it's a free gift by the way, a free gift is not something you can give away Now normally in a real life situation Yeah, you could if I give you something you could give it away. You could regift it You can put it on a shelf or whatever, but there's no verse in the Bible It says you can put your salvation back on a shelf. I don't know where that shelf came from This is an imaginary shelf that people believe in I don't know where this came from but it's not in the Bible This theoretical shelf that you could put your salvation back on or you could give away No, if it lasts forever, that means you can't give it away. That means you can't lose it no matter what you do. So That the the salvation by faith alone is fact folks. It's not my opinion It's not how I read the Bible No, it's John 3 16 for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son that whosoever whosoever believeth in him Should not perish but have everlasting life Doesn't say Neverlasting life doesn't say Life until you mess up again life until but you have to repent again No, no this it doesn't even say repent does it people oh well, oh you don't believe in repentance No, I do believe in repentance, but you know what repentance means a change of mind If you're a witch and you say hey, you know what? I believe in Jesus And you and you put away your witchcraft and you say, you know what? I'm gonna I'm gonna put my faith in Christ You're stop believing in witchcraft. You stop believing your pagan religion and you put your faith in Christ. That's salvation You Change your mind You put away that wicked religion that used to believe you quit worshiping Mary You quit worshiping the Saints you quit you quit doing some kind of pagan idolatry Religion or you stop believing in some demonic tongue-talking fire walking Pentecostalism or something Look and it's gonna get uncomfortable. Look that's out of hell It is and you can get mad about that all you want, maybe you had some Utterance of tongues that people look Pentecostal say if you don't speak in tongues, you're not saved That's not true folks They spoke in if you look and acts when the Holy Spirit came upon them They spoke and other people heard That the language in their own tongue So I spoke English She heard it in Spanish if she was speaking Spanish That's what the gift of tongues was. That's what that day was. It was so people could get saved God used the Holy Spirit allowed them to understand in their own language. It wasn't them going And falling on the ground and rolling around on the floor And anyway the Bible says, you know, if you want to get technical about tongues when it's talking about it in 1st Corinthians chapter 14 It says you're only supposed to do that one at a time, but you know what I think it's talking about I think it's talking about, you know, if someone speaks a foreign language and they come in here to preach They come in here and say someone's comes in here and nobody speaks Spanish in here and the guy is preaching in Spanish No one's gonna be edified by that because nobody understands what he's saying So you have to have an interpreter to let the people interpret what he's saying So there has to be an English interpreter interpreting The understand Spanish to interpret to the people But it also says in that passage that women are not allowed to speak in the church so how is it that you have in Pentecostal churches where people are getting up and Women are getting up and going I just want to testify and then And then nobody's interpreting what she's saying and then bunch of people are getting up and saying at the same time That's not that's not in the Bible folks That is not in the Bible and people getting slapped with coats and being slain in the spirit and all that stuff and It's on television That's fake. It's not real You know and maybe we people being a church like ours ago. You guys the church is dead or whatever I think our church is alive I think when we're singing songs about the Spirit of God We're singing songs and maybe not every single him in our hymn book is like the most biblical Him ever or something, but I think a lot of them are you know what they're singing about Jesus. They're not going He with purple lights and and smoke and stuff look we're not trying to have some kind of an attraction here We want to be away from the world. We don't want to be of the world This this church is not this is a different church We're not trying to be of the world You can go out to any other church and get the purple lights and smoke all you want, but if you want the on Unfiltered raw truth you come to a church like this And you're gonna hear the Bible preached and you're gonna hear things They're gonna hurt your little feelings and your little toes are gonna get stepped on every once in a while You know what and that's what's needed today Reprove rebuke Exhort with all long-suffering and doctrine you know that's two negatives and a positive in case you didn't realize Anyway, so now I got I got sidetracked there all right, so But you know I'm just I get tired of the work salvation stuff the work salvation peddlers Salvation is crystal-clear Don't throw dirt clods in it. Don't don't don't put your garbage your work salvation in there It's salvation by faith alone folks. That's it. He did all the work for us. Just like when he made the world Everything in it including us He also did all the work to purchase our salvation and redeem us from the curse of the law being made a curse for us Because it's written curses everyone hanging from a tree, so When he was in the grave he suffered even the pains of death and hell now observation number three the Passover look at Leviticus chapter 23 verse number 4 Leviticus chapter 23 verse number 4 Now that's back in your in your main text says these are the Feast of the Lord even holy Convocations which he shall proclaim in their seasons So just I'd point this out when Jesus was in the grave for three days and three nights He was in there on a Sabbath day now the first Sabbath day That he was in the grave was on a high Sabbath day So it spells that out in the book of John it says that they got him off the cross after he died quickly and Buried him quickly because the Sabbath was the high Sabbath was drawing nigh That wasn't just the regular Saturday Sabbath good Friday's a lie Okay, you can't get three days and three nights from Friday to Sunday. Just you can't do it. It's mathematically impossible It was probably Thursday. All right, so I'm not preaching about that right now. But yeah, it wasn't Good Friday Okay, you can you can be in love with that all you want. But you know, it definitely wasn't Friday. So but anyway So but Jesus did go in the grave on a Sabbath a high Sabbath day so like that first That notice how the first thing that it mentions is the Sabbath. So he did fulfill the Sabbath While he worked for our salvation we rested so that that's the picture you have of him of us resting We had to rest while he did the work. So you're like well he was dead. What work was he doing? I already said he was in hell for three days and three nights as Jonas was three days and three nights in the well's belly So shall the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth What's in the heart of the earth hell's in the heart of the earth? That's where the wicked dead go Jesus Had all the sins of the whole world put upon him on the tree and people and I'll always ask this Well, where did Jesus go when he died? Nobody like heaven? No, he had the sins of the whole world put upon him every single Serial killer every single rapist every single racist Every single wicked person every single adulterer and whoremonger that's ever lived including all of you Every I mean just in this room alone. That's a lot of sin. I Mean, I'm not gonna go around and ask for sin stories here But I'm sure we all have some things that we've done that we're not proud of And that we would probably not want anybody else to know about but think about Cain I Mean he murdered his own brother. That's the first major sin after Adam and Eve just ruined it for us all but Cain murdered his own brother and then you just all the people who have lived in history for thousands of years since then All that was put upon Christ. So yes, what and just let me explain something what death is What is death? Death isn't just your body laying in a grave and that's it you cease to have a conscience or something You're gonna go to heaven or hell Okay, the moment your body dies Your soul and your spirit are gonna go someplace if you're saved your soul and spirit are gonna go to heaven but if you're Not saved you go straight to hell So if Jesus put it took upon himself the sins of the whole world Then he went to hell for three days and three nights Now the Bible says he couldn't be holding of that because obviously Jesus didn't commit any sins Now I'm not people be like well, that's just blasphemy to say that Jesus went to hell for three days and three nights Is it really? Well, let's just turn over to Acts chapter number two And let's just look at a couple verses here before you just start calling me a heretic Because Peter preaches this great sermon on Pentecost and In verse number, let's see Okay, so the definition of death Okay, it's it's when someone dies and goes to hell The way it says Verse 24 whom God hath raised. Okay, so, let's see Verse 22 you men of Israel hear these words Jesus of Nazareth a man approved of God among you by miracles and wonders and signs which God did by you in the midst of you as You yourselves also know him being delivered by the determinant counsel and foreknowledge of God you have taken and by wicked hands of Crucified and slain whom God hath raised up having loosed the pains of death Because it was not possible that he should be holding of it for David speaketh concerning him I foresaw the Lord always before my face for he is on my right hand that I should not be moved Therefore did my heart rejoice and my tongue was glad moreover Also, my flesh shall rest in hope because thou will not leave my soul. What's it say there? Read it out loud in hell Thou shalt not leave my soul in hell neither wilt thou suffer thine holy one to see corruption They're like, well hell doesn't really mean hell there. It just means the grave. No, his body was laid in the grave That's not in the heart of the earth folks If the last time I checked Jesus those stone was rolled away So he wasn't buried very deep into the ground was he saw he was buried in the heart of the earth No, his body was in the heart of the earth, but his soul went to hell, right? So because it said and this is date you're like well that's talking about David look no saved person ever has gone to hell No saved person has ever gone to hell So it says neither what thou suffer thine holy one to see corruption that's talking about Jesus Thou also made known to me the way of life thou shalt make me full of joy with thy accountants men and brethren Let me speak freely or excuse me freely speak unto you of the patriarch David That he is both dead and buried in his separate court is with us to this day He's saying David's you can see his grave is right there. He's still here Therefore being a prophet and knowing that God had sworn with an oath to him that the fruit of his loins According to the flesh would raise up Christ to sit on his throne seeing this before Spake of the resurrection of Christ. Okay, the resurrect. What's he speaking about the resurrection of Christ that his what his soul Was not left in what hell Neither his flesh did see corruption this Jesus hath God raised up where of we are all witnesses And let me just tell you this Jesus did go to hell. That's what the Bible says He went to hell But he's not there anymore. So don't get mad about it. He rose from the dead That's the great story about it and look we'll never have to spend one Inkling one time stamp one second in hell because Christ spent it there for us Doesn't and and that makes the gospel even better But no church is gonna teach you that hardly today. They don't want to teach you that they'll say well hell was just like Abraham's bosom Oh Abraham had a heartburn so you're saying Abraham with the heaven folks There's no holding chamber and there's no paradise hotel down and and it's good hell down there What are you talking about? Abraham's bosom is his chest. That's a body part folks So if hell is Abraham's bosom, then you know, we must have had heartburn that day. He had acid reflux or something What are you talking about? So look Jesus went to hell for us. That's you know, don't get mad about it. What's the Bible say? So, like I said people are gonna get offended over some of the things I say but look It's just facts. It's Bible if you don't believe the Bible. Well, the Greek is I don't care what the Greek says I speak English You know in the Greeks the Greek says Hades Look, just because the Greek says Hades, you know, what do you believe in in the Greek gods to? Hades is just a word for hell in the Greek language. Okay, that's all it is so Anyway observation so we're in an observation three the Passover So these are the Feast of the Lord even holy Convocations which he shall proclaim in their seasons in the 14th day of the first month that even is the Lord's Passover So Jesus Christ was killed at even on the 14th Just like the Passover was supposed to be killed in the Old Testament turned to Exodus chapter 12 verse 6 Exodus chapter 12 verse 6 so I'm sure we're all familiar with the Passover and How you know, I I don't want to cover this too much because I've preached about it just recently But I am gonna just show you a couple verses here now the Passover Jesus Christ John the Baptist when he saw Jesus coming He said behold the Lamb of God which taketh away the sin of the world. Jesus Christ is the Lamb of God He died at even on the 14th just like the feast says in the Passover. Okay Look at Exodus 12 6 it says and he shall keep it up Until the 14th day it's talking about the Lamb of the same month and the whole assembly of the congregation of Israel shall kill it in the evening So and when it says the whole assembly of the congregation shall kill it And that's kind of a picture is we all put Jesus on the cross in reality our sins all put Jesus there we all you know our sins put Jesus there he came because of that and It says and they shall take the blood and strike it on the side post and on the upper door posts of the houses Wherein they shall eat it So and what was that to do is to keep away that plague of death? That was going to come for every single person in Egypt that night Now that angel of death only came that night in Egypt But they still had to continue to do that as a picture of what would happen later So, but I mean think about you're striking these doorposts Right and then you're and then you're putting it across. I mean, that's a picture of You know, obviously there's three nails one two Three, you know, you got one two three Nails that pictures the cross of Christ It pictures the blood on the wood because a doorpost the last time I checked is usually made out of wood unless you know You got a modern home It could be it made out of something else But it does form a picture of the cross, right? And so you have that picture of Jesus being that sacrifice for us and then of course first Corinthians 5 7 Go ahead and turn to 1st Corinthians 5 7 so Jesus fulfilled that part that That so that's the main the first main one besides of course the Sabbath day Of course he did all the work for us We rest while he does all the work the Passover He died for us at the day. He was supposed to at the exact time. He was supposed to he shed his blood He was the precious innocent spotless Lamb of God Who didn't deserve it? So if you think about it like a little cute baby lamb You know who's gonna walk up and and strike some baby lamb and just start beating it up and killing it, right? Like nobody in this room would probably do that unless you're just some kind of a sadistic weirdo I'm talking about a baby spotless fluffy Newborn lamb nobody's gonna do that But that's what it was. That's what the picture is right that that's what you're doing to Jesus because he didn't deserve what? Was done to him So in first Corinthians 5 7 it says purge out there for the old leaven that you may be a new lump As you're unleavened for even Christ our Passover is sacrificed for us so the Bible Specifically tells us that Christ is our Passover So when he died that day all those years ago. He was the Passover lamb for us fulfilling that portion of the feast now, of course the Feast of Unleavened Bread is That you're not supposed to have any leaven in your house look at Leviticus 23 6 That's the fourth observation on the 15th day Verse 6 of the same month is the Feast of Unleavened Bread unto the Lord seven days You must eat unleavened bread in the first day. You shall have a holy convocation. You shall do no servile work They're in so when they put him in the tomb They were hurrying up because this is the day that they were trying to avoid Having to break that rule. So the 14th and the 15th So here they're not allowed as a sat It's a Sabbath day that begins it even on the 14th and ends on the eat on even at the 15th Okay in the fifth day you shall have oh, excuse me in the first day. You shall have a holy convocation You shall do no servile work there in so they couldn't work So there again is the picture of them not working Because it's the Sabbath day who's working Jesus is working because you know what being in hell for three days and three nights is work It's it's enduring. It's tribulation. It's it's he's enduring things that he doesn't deserve All right So it says but you shall offer an offering made by fire unto the Lord seven days in the seventh day and holy convocation You shall do no servile work there in Seven days you shall Eat unleavened bread even the first day You shall put away leaven out of your houses for whosoever eateth leavened bread From the first day unto the seventh day that soul shall be cut off from Israel So obviously the unleavened bread is a picture of what it's Sin, it's it's you know, leavened bread is a picture of sin unleavened bread is a picture of No of not having sin Obviously these people had sin, but Jesus didn't so, you know, Jesus said unless you eat my flesh and drink my blood You shall have no part with me. And so people freaked out when he said that but he's talking in a spiritual sense Okay, so he didn't you know Catholics all around the world take that literally but you know That's just not what the Bible is actually teaching there. So anyway, look at verse Let's See I skipped I I had I was reading in Exodus, let me just move forward here to the fifth observation Actually, no, let's go to 1st Corinthians chapter 11 verse 23 1st Corinthians chapter 11 verse 23, so I'll finish off so what is the picture of The bread so we don't we don't do the Passover anymore. Do we this is called Easter Sunday or Resurrection Sunday as some people like to call it Well last week we did what's called the Lord's Supper and we ate unleavened bread Together as a church family and we drank grape juice. You're like grape juice Yeah, grape juice because Jesus had sinless blood. Why would I use alcoholic wine to represent? Jesus's sinless blood Alcoholic wine that gets people drunk So it's and and ruins families and and causes problems and then of course I'm not going to use leavened bread to picture those sinless body of Christ Look at 1st Corinthians 11 23 it says for I've received of the Lord that which also I delivered unto you That the Lord Jesus the same night in which he was betrayed took bread And when he had given thanks he break it and said take eat This is my body which is broken for you this do in remembrance of me After the same manner also he took the cup and when he had supped Saying this is the cup of the New Testament of my blood this do as oft as you drink it in Remembrance of me for as often as he eat this bread and drink this cup you do show the Lord's death Till he come so we don't do the Passover in the New Testament anymore And if you do the Passover anymore, you're really kind of blaspheming Christ Because the Lamb of God has already been slain. It's Jesus Christ So if you partake of a lamb and you do some kind of Jewish You're you're some somebody's judaizing you into doing some kind of lamb dinner, and you're partaking of a Passover It's blasphemy folks because we don't partake of the lamb anymore. We've already partook if you're saved today You've partaken of the lamb. He's the Lord Jesus Christ He's the he's the he's the Passover and so what do we do will we remember him? through the elements of the Lord's Supper We remember the blood he shed and the body that he broke as pictured in the bread and the the pure blood of the grape the grape juice and we do that every year as a continuance of The picture of the Old Testament, you know We basically believe that the Lord's Supper is a continuance of the Old Testament Passover in the elements and the remembrance. So Now number five to the Feast of the First Fruits observation number five So remember all these things are happening in sequence you have the Passover then you have the Unleavened bread and then you have the Feast of First Fruits look at verse 9 in Leviticus chapter 23 it says and the Lord spake unto Moses saying Speak unto the children of Israel and say unto them when you come into the land Which I give unto you you shall reap the harvest thereof Then shall you bring a sheaf of the firstfruits of the harvest unto the priest And he shall wave the sheaf before the Lord to be accepted for you Look at what it says right here on the morrow After the Sabbath the priest shall wave it. So this is during that feast It overlaps and so when it when is it done? The morrow after the Sabbath what what day is the Sabbath what day of the week is the Sabbath anybody know? The seventh day, right? So what's the what's the next day the first day of the week? What day did Jesus rise from the dead the first day of the week? So This pictures the firstfruits. What did Paul say? Jesus is the first fruits of them that slept and he shall wave the sheaf before the Lord to be Accepted of you on the morrow after the Sabbath the priest shall wave it and he shall offer that day when he have the wave and when he waved the sheaf and He and he lamb without blemish of the first year for a burnt offering unto the Lord and and just you know Just to throw a little fuel on the Jesus went to hell for three nights Fire there notice that when it talks about the Passover It's talking about the whole burnt offering everything including the head the entrails Everything the whole lamb was burnt Burnt not cooked in any other way not boiled not it not broiled or baked or anything like that burnt with fire Why is that? Why is that picture there? Well, I think it's probably because he was burnt for three days and three nights in in hell so the meat offering thereof shall be two tenths deal of fine flour mingle with oil an Offering made by fire unto the Lord for a sweet savor and a drink offering thereof shall be of wine the fourth part of an hen and he shall neither eat Excuse me You shall eat neither bread nor parched corn or green ear until the self same day That you have brought an offering unto your God it shall be a statute forever throughout your generations and all your dwellings So this this feast of firstfruits Let me just explain to you. Let me go ahead and turn to Exodus chapter 29 verse 24 now this kind of explains a little bit the wave offering and I talked about this in a sermon a while back, but This is just consecrating the priest But it does explain the wave offering a little bit and there's a wave offering and there's a sheave offer or a heave offering so What is a wave, you know, I've ever been at a sports event and like people do the wave, you know Somebody goes like this and then it goes around Like the stadium and everybody kind of does this and then eventually it dies out right but a wave is kind of like a side-to-side motion, right So the wave is like this and then a heave is Like an upward motion like this when you heave something you're doing this So like when you think of the heave and the wave so you're waving it You're heaving it. What is that? What is that picture? Pictures the cross, doesn't it? Which obviously we're not Catholic here. I'm not you know, they they they took this to the whole, you know, whatever Spiritus Sanctus all that stuff, but obviously this is just a picture again of the cross but Jesus You know, he does they do this wave offering why because it's the first fruits it pictures the first fruits of the resurrection Which is what Jesus is and again, he's the only one right now with a resurrected body still to this day Now Exodus 29 24 explains this wave offering a little bit says thou shall put all verse 24 says and thou shalt put all in thy hand in the hands of Aaron and in the hands of his sons and Shall waive them for a wave offering before the Lord and thou shalt receive them of their hands and Burn them upon the altar for a burnt offering for a sweet savor before the Lord It is an offering made by fire unto the Lord now when it says it's a sweet savor when you smell meat cooking It's a sweet savor men. Can I get a witness in here when you smell the barbecue? It smells good This is what's cooking, you know, their meat offerings like not a human I mean when God When he saw when his son made the offering for our sins It was like a sweet smelling savor to him because he knew that what Jesus did sat that satisfied the wrath of God and You know, it might seem well, that's kind of weird. Well, it's not weird because Jesus rose again from the dead, okay That's what was required to pay What our great cost of salvation was Now when someone Aaron and the priest here there, what are they doing? They're taking this shoulder and that you know, the the shoulder was the wave and the wave offering and So they take this ram. They they they take the kidneys. They sprinkle the blood over all those stuff It's a picture obviously of Jesus, but when they when they do this wave offering they get back What they offered to the Lord So look at verse 26 It says now shall take the breast of the ram of Aaron's Consecration wave it for a wave offering before the Lord and it shall be thy part And thou shalt sanctify the breast of the wave offering and the shoulder of the heave offering which is waved Which is heaved up of the ram of consecration even of that which is for Aaron and that which is for his sons Now Jesus Christ has made the high priest forever after the order of Melchizedek He earned that position by doing all the things he did for our salvation and now he is forever You know our high priest he ever liveth to make intercession for us so now obviously Aaron and his son so like we So Jesus Christ is God's son. He's also our king. He's also our priest and We are also Sons of God by adoption or daughters of God by adoption in John 1 12 it says It says Good night, I'd Somebody give me the first Yeah, but as many as received him I'm sorry But as many as received him to them gave he power to become the sons of God even to them that believe on his name Once we believe on his name we get the power to become the sons of God and so Aaron and his son So their sons Aaron's the son so Jesus the high priest we also become priests we get in on The priesthood we are also kings and priests unto God Just like but we're not you know Jesus Christ is the son of God the only begotten son of God But we are also sons and daughters of God also so When you think about this firstfruits Jesus Earned all that and got all that and we just get to get in on it for free nepotism I Mean basically right all the one requirement believe and we get to get in on everything else It's pretty cool deal right. It's all free. It's a it's a gift You know the gift is everlasting life, and so when? When he rose from the dead then That purchased our Salvation that was the completing of the thing and so when so let's turn to Matthew chapter 28. We'll finish off here We'll finish off here Actually I might have a couple more but Matthew 28 for sure all right Matthew 28 verse 1 So Remember it was after the Sabbath day. They did the wave offering right? Look at Matthew 28 verse 1 it says in the end of the Sabbath as it began to dawn toward the first day of the week Came Mary Magdalene and the other Mary to see the sepulcher so is that not the fulfilling of The wave offering in the feast Is Jesus right They can't they came to see Jesus and behold There was a great earthquake for the angel the Lord descended from heaven and came and rolled back the stone from the door and sat Upon it his countenance was like lightning and his raiment white as snow and for fear of the keepers did shake and became His dead men and the angel answered and said unto the women fear not ye for I know that you seek Jesus Which was crucified he is not here for he is risen as he said come see the place Where the Lord lay so Jesus Christ was not there because he was risen In the end of the Sabbath as it began to dawn toward the first day of the week he was already risen just like the Bible said in the picture of that feast of the sheaf so and it says Well look at verse seven it says and go go quickly and tell the disciples that he has risen from the dead and behold He goeth before you into Galilee there shall you see him lo I have told you and they departed quickly from the sepulcher with fear and great joy and did run To bring his disciples word and as they went to tell his disciples behold Jesus met them saying all hail And they came and held him by the feet and worshiped him So Christ has risen indeed folks and Christ is the high priest now like I said he is not Aaron But he replaces Aaron in that covenant There's no more Levitical priesthood Christ is the priest forever after the order of Melchizedek and and the thing is that he waved You know in in the priest where they were consecrated what I was showing you with Aaron and his sons They waved that offering and then God gives it back to him so That that picture is that sacrifice? Jesus waved off his life He he sacrificed his life and said you know what I'm gonna give up my life for you I'm gonna give up my life rope for my people and When he wait and when he came you know when he waved that off God gave him back his life he rose him from the dead and So we because we get to get in on the deal just because We believe we get to have it waved back to us, too And so that was given back to Aaron and his sons that wave offering came back to them Which was of course remember? They're standing there, and and I might not have read this, but they had one piece of bread in a basket They had the flesh in another basket. That's their offering there. They're waving it to the Lord and then he gives it back to them, and then they have to eat that and Then there's not supposed to leave anything of it till the morning And if they do they burn it with fire so remember when Aaron's sons get killed Because they offered strange fire to the Lord on if you know that story or not, but Moses is mad because Aaron didn't eat the offering and then he gave him an explanation and Moses was satisfied with that But they were supposed to eat that but again. It's because of the picture the picture is what you they wave that offering it's a picture of Christ giving up his life and then God giving it back to him when he rose on that third day on that Sabbath day or after that Sabbath day excuse me, so now I Don't have time to get into the Feast of the Week, so I'll just cover that the next time I preach about it, but I will say this about the Feast of Weeks obviously You had 50 days So you count the weeks. It's 50 days Seven Sabbaths are completed. That's 49 days right and then you have so after that day We'll see you count and unto the morrow after the Sabbath from that day brought the sheaf the wave offering seven Sabbath days completed So 50 days Jesus goes back to heaven Well for so no 40 days he goes back to heaven he says wait for the Holy Spirit That's ten more days on that day. That's when Pentecost happens, and then the Holy Spirit is poured upon everybody with power and the power of the Holy Spirit is given to the church and then You know Jesus at one point said the harvest truly is plenteous, but the laborers are few There's a great harvest that we're going out trying to go and collect now That's what Jesus left us for it's not just so we could play church It's not so we could just have some kind of country club or something It's so that we could go out and labor in his fields and try to bring forth a great harvest every generation That's been since Jesus. He wants us to go out and win souls That's that's the mission folks. He left us here to do a job That's to go get as many souls saved as we can and we have the power You know Jesus by himself he said you're gonna do greater works than me Because he he can't you know obviously he's Jesus he could be here everywhere at once right now But he said it's expedient that I go from you Because this if I go then I will send the Spirit unto you so we have all these millions of Christians that have the Spirit of God, but the laborers are few and So we should be praying that the Lord of the harvest that he'll send forth laborers into his field This is what we're doing now and So we're kind of in this holding period it's not the church age or whatever It's just a holding period until the final harvest Comes and then we're gonna see these fall harvests start to take place And this is what everybody's fearing and you know what there should be people afraid Because the world is getting darker. It's not getting better But as Christians we shouldn't be afraid We should be excited, but you know what we should also be working till Jesus comes and so the the day the feast of Pentecost Was a picture of that harvest and it says don't glean the fields completely you know and that's why I said that might be a secondary fulfillment because there's a gleaning of another you know Resurrection after the first resurrection in the final days, but anyway, that's something I'll get into at a later time but You know the question is asked of Jesus in John chapter 9 and I'll close on this for real this time John chapter 9 verse 35 says Jesus heard that they had cast him out talking about the blind man That was healed by him and when they had found him He said dost thou believe on the Son of God and that's a question that you might want to ask yourself today Dost thou believe on the Son of God? I talked a little bit about this in the sermon. That's all that's required for salvation folks That's what Jesus said Dost thou believe on the Son of God? He didn't say do you do good works? That's not what he said. He said dost thou believe on the Son of God? He didn't say do you pray the penance? No, he didn't say you know have you rubbed Buddha's belly? Do you believe in science bro? He didn't say that he said does thou believe on the Son of God? he answered and said who is he Lord that I might believe on him and Jesus said unto him thou hast both seen him and it is he that talketh with thee So Jesus is witnessing to this man that he cured of blindness. He fixed him and he said Lord I believe and he worshipped him and I would just say this if you haven't put a hundred percent of your faith in Jesus and Zero percent on yourself or any other works Then today should be the day of salvation Don't put it off if you're like you have any doubts in your mind whatsoever not look I'm not gonna have some altar call where people come up here and cry and Whatever and get saved all over again or something. Look, you know if you're saved or not The Spirit of God bears witness with our spirit that we are the children of God But if you don't know that for sure you should make sure before you leave this building today that you're going to heaven so and If you don't know just hey talk to Basically anybody in our church that can you can pretty much show you but we do have you know Some ushers that you could talk to or me or whatever if you're not 100% sure just make sure before you go you know and you know, feel free to stay for the meal afterwards, I've got plenty of food and No children under 12 getting plates by themselves, by the way We're gonna pray I'll bless the food now so we don't have to redo it over again It's blessed for at least 20 minutes. Okay, I'm just kidding But I just want to say thank you for everybody for coming for all of our first-time guests I really appreciate you being here and If there's anything I can do for you or anything we can do for you be a service to you Just please just ask. All right, let's close an order prayer Heavenly Father We thank you Lord so much for this great day and the fact that you rose for the debt from the dead to Complete our salvation Lord pray Lord if there's anybody here Lord that isn't saved to pray that they would make today the day that they got saved and Lord I pray that you just bless everything done in your house today for the rest of the day I pray you bless the food to our bodies and I pray bless our soul anytime that it'd be fruitful and I pray that you would Bless the services to come and we thank you for all things that you that would are done in your house today in Jesus name we pray Amen We praise the Son of God We praise the Son of God We praise the Son of God We praise the Son of God We praise the Son of God We praise the Son of God We praise the Son of God We praise the Son of God We praise the Son of God We praise the Son of God We praise the Son of God We praise the Son of God We praise the Son of God We praise the Son of God We praise the Son of God We praise the Son of God We praise the Son of God We praise the Son of God We praise the Son of God We praise the Son of God We praise the Son of God We praise the Son of God We praise the Son of God We praise the Son of God We praise the Son of God We praise the Son of God We praise the Son of God We praise the Son of God We praise the Son of God We praise the Son of God We praise the Son of God We praise the Son of God We praise the Son of God We praise the Son of God We praise the Son of God We praise the Son of God We praise the Son of God We praise the Son of God We praise the Son of God We praise the Son of God We praise the Son of God We praise the Son of God We praise the Son of God We praise the Son of God We praise the Son of God We praise the Son of God We praise the Son of God We praise the Son of God We praise the Son of God We praise the Son of God We praise the Son of God We praise the Son of God We praise the Son of God We praise the Son of God We praise the Son of God We praise the Son of God We praise the Son of God We praise the Son of God We praise the Son of God We praise the Son of God We praise the Son of God We praise the Son of God We praise the Son of God We praise the Son of God We praise the Son of God We praise the Son of God We praise the Son of God We praise the Son of God We praise the Son of God We praise the Son of God We praise the Son of God We praise the Son of God We praise the Son of God We praise the Son of God We praise the Son of God We praise the Son of God We praise the Son of God We praise the Son of God We praise the Son of God We praise the Son of God We praise the Son of God We praise the Son of God We praise the Son of God We praise the Son of God We praise the Son of God We praise the Son of God We praise the Son of God