(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Amen. I just want to also say thank you to brother Justin and his wife for all the effort put into making this happen and all the church family from the Indianapolis church plant. I just really appreciate it and I just want to say thank you for all the hard work you've been doing and you've been doing a lot of great works. A lot of people have been getting saved so it wasn't a mistake in starting that church and when people are getting saved it's never a mistake. Amen. No regrets. So we have here in Ezekiel chapter 22 a very famous portion of scripture here and let's look at verse number 30 the Bible says and I sought for a man among them that should make up the hedge and stand in the gap before me for the land that I should not destroy it but I found none. The Bible teaches this principle that's very important there's certain men that are very important for the actual land the places where people live that if there's not a man to stand in the gap for the Lord someone to fight the Lord's battles and to preach the word of God and to motivate people to do what's right then what's it say that I should not destroy it but I found none. So when God doesn't find men to stand in the gap then that place eventually is going to get destroyed because man eventually will corrupt themselves and God then has to judge sin. Look at verse 31 the Bible says therefore have I poured out mine indignation upon them I have consumed them with the fire of my wrath their own way have I recompensed upon their heads saith the Lord God. It's very sad when things like this happen when nations destroy themselves when cities destroy themselves when places destroy themselves when the land gets so corrupt that God just has to wipe it off the face of the planet but we've seen this throughout history we've seen this in Bible you know in Bible history and also in world history that God just it gets to a point where he just has to be done with it. Now I want to read you just a little excerpt from the great Chicago fire. The great Chicago fire burned in the American city of Chicago during October 8th through 10th 1871. The fire killed approximately 300 people destroyed roughly 3.3 square miles of the city including over 17,000 structures and left more than 100,000 residents homeless. The fire began in a neighborhood southwest of the city center a long period of hot dry windy conditions and the wooden construction prevalent in the city led to the conflagration. The fire leapt the south branch of the Chicago river and destroyed much of central Chicago and then leapt the main stem of the river consuming the near north side. Now that happened in 1871 it's called the great Chicago fire who's heard of the great Chicago fire probably most of the people around here I've heard of it and I live on the west coast I've heard their songs saying about sung about the Chicago fire and 300 people dead that doesn't seem like a lot but you know 17,000 structures 100,000 people homeless churches buildings burnt down it was it was a pretty big deal. Today there's 9.45 million people in the Chicago metro area it's the third largest city in the United States it's the largest in the Midwest it's the fourth largest city in North America and so today the greater Chicago area is spiritually dry in a lot of ways and windy and it's a fire hazard just waiting for God's destruction it's in danger of the Lord destroying it and you're like well why do you think that well I mean it's very obvious to see the problems that this city has and you're like well don't talk about my city like that how dare you well I'm just saying that spiritually it has a lot of problems I mean the continual you know just degradation of the the leadership of government here is just one just one picture I mean you had I mean you have a guy that seemingly isn't isn't a queer but he certainly acts like a queer doesn't he I mean with all the policies that and then the last one he had Beetlejuice the last mayor that you had Lori Lightfoot you know I think she's starring in the new in the new film that's coming out or something but but when the new mayor is more of a queer than the actual queer that you had before I mean your city's in a lot of trouble and you know obviously you know this we're not in Chicago today but this is a suburb of Chicago it's kind of considered part of the metro area and you know the Lord is not going to just continue to allow you know these these great metropolitan areas to just slide further into degradation eventually there's going to be a stop put to these things and you know it's gotten bad the crime is excessive and wicked I'm sure that there's just a lot of people crying out because of the oppression that they have in this city there's millions of souls in this area that are just one heartbeat away from everlasting fire that shall never be quenched the title of my sermon tonight is Chicago needs another fire Chicago needs another fire and I'm not talking about unnecessarily like physical fire although it might need some of that too obviously I don't want people to just die and burn up in a fire but you know God does use natural disasters he does use fires and tornadoes and all those sorts of things to pour his wrath upon people but what Chicago needs is a spiritual fire to burn through the city and sub suburbs of Indiana and Illinois today my first point is that Chicago needs a fire for the things of God Chicago needs a fire for the things of God and the first one of the first things that they need a fire for the things of God is for his house turn to John chapter 2 John chapter number 2 Chicago needs a fire for God's house a fire for God's house in John chapter 2 Jesus goes to the temple and Jesus had a zeal for his for his house for the Lord's house verse 14 the Bible says and found in the temple those that Jesus found those that sold oxen and sheep and doves and changers of money sitting and when he had made a scourge of small cords he drove them out of the temple and the sheep and the oxen and poured out the changer's money and over through the tables and said unto them that sold doves take these things hence make not my father's house a house of merchandise and the Lord Jesus Christ this is the most angry you ever see him get where he physically does something where he physically makes a tool of punishment to actually drive people out that are sitting there using God's house to make money to make merchandise of God's people to sit there and set up like a basic store inside his house and today though you see the same thing people selling their books and selling their DVDs and making a mockery of God's house and then acting like oh that's okay though no it's not okay and you know what today people need to have a zeal for God's house what it says in verse 17 says and his disciples remembered that it was written the zeal of thine house hath eaten me up so the disciples remembered this and what does zeal mean well zeal is an intense enthusiasm or fervor or passion compelling one to action in something that you are devoted to in this case God or God's house he's devoted and has this enthusiasm intense passion for the things of God for the things of his house so today Chicago needs a fire for the things of God and number one the things of his house and it's like how can you be zealous for the things of God if you're not even there and a lot of people just forsake the assembling of going to the house of God they just think it's just okay like as if there's no commitment to go to God's house you know and if people would make church a priority then maybe this city might be a little bit better maybe your church would be a little bit better if you actually just showed up for church and made it a priority in your life but you know people just act like you know it's just whenever they feel like it or when they're whenever they're not too busy to go or you know it's just not you know when it's convenient for me I'll go to church but you know it might come a day soon where you know you're tracked every time you go to church or you're trying you know they have an app that tracks you like they did with the coronavirus or something where they're tracking you know hey you bumped into somebody that had the coronavirus last week well maybe they use that as an app for you know hey you bumped into you were 10 feet from a church you know did you know that I mean the the systems that they can implement in our future lives we just don't know the extent of how far they're going to reach into our lives but why don't you go to church now while it's easy and you know people just you know they get all upset about the things of you know we had people that were so upset that you know we were just not sure what was going on with the whole pandemic thing and then you know we like broke up our church services and had them at a house and for like a little while but those people didn't even come to the last service that we had where everybody was together because they were mad about that it's just like but you forsook the assembling before even the time was was to come because you were mad about that and then stop coming to our church because of it it's like what are you proving right yeah that you just don't care about church that much you just have a hobby horse that you like to rock on so the bible says we're not supposed to to forsake the assembling of ourselves together as the manner of some is so don't let that be your manner you know if we want to make our city better then we should have a zeal for god's house we should have a zeal for the things of god and another thing we should have a zeal for is his book the bible turn to psalm 119 verse 139 i'm going to read joshua 1 8 joshua 1 8 says this book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth but thou shalt meditate therein day and night that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous and then thou shalt have good success you want to have a successful christian life well meditate in the bible and what's it say day and night we're supposed to meditate in god's word take some time isaac went out in the even tide and meditated why because it was important to him we should find god's word important don't just do it in the morning but do it at night too think about the things of god think about what god's word says think about you know how to apply god's word in your life and just take the time to read it you know you can read it in a very short time if you just put a little bit of work in it morning and night it actually only takes about seven and a half minutes in the morning seven and a half minutes at night to read the bible cover to cover all the way through if you're just an average reader so i had to turn to psalm 119 verse 139 says my zeal hath consumed me my zeal hath consumed me because mine enemies have forgotten thy word so david is upset over the fact you know he's just consumed with the fact that even his enemies don't know god's word hey our enemies should know what we believe in what we think you know we we talked with an enemy today that he knows what we think he knows what we believe so you know what we we want to preach the word of god we want the word of god to be known even so that our enemies know it but see how david had a zeal for the things of god for the word of god that his hey just in case my enemies i want i want to make sure that i'm making sure my enemies know what the word of god says look at um first peter chapter one verse 22 we should have a zeal for the things of god his book his house and also his people fellowship you know do you just run out of church as soon as church is over trying to get home before the traffic or whatever it is that you have to do that's so important that's more important than caring about the people that you go to church with your actual spiritual family well first peter chapter 1 22 says seeing you have purified your souls and obeying the truth through the spirit unto unfeigned love of the brethren see that you love one another with a pure heart fervently so what does the bible say how should we treat those that are our brethren well it says that we should love them we should love them with a pure heart fervently now fervently is kind of a similar word to having zeal it's a it's a hot passionate type love that we have for people like hey that's my brother or that's my sister i love this person i i would you know i would do anything i could to help this person i would do anything i could to have this person's back and i care about this person i have compassion for this person when they're weeping i'm weeping when they're having joyous times in their life i want to rejoice with them that's how we should love our brethren not fake but an actual love now also we should have a thing uh you know uh that we should care about the things of god and have a zeal and a fire in our hearts for the things of god with his form of communication and that form of communication is what prayer we should pray to god we should have some sort of a prayer life don't you think you know the bible says you know pray without ceasing now do you think that means that we're just supposed to be you know just rattling off prayers in our mind like 24 7 like robots just like walking around we wake up you're praying i mean i don't think that's what the intention of what it's saying pray without ceasing is just like don't stop your prayer life you know have your heart when you quit when you cease from smoking you so it's called smoking cessation right you stop smoking cigarettes well you don't want to stop your prayer life either the bible says in james chapter 5 verse 16 confess your faults one to another and pray one one for another that you may be healed the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much so there you got that word fervent again your prayer when it when it's actually from the heart and from a place of passion and compassion and you know just a red hot prayer or are the things that move god to action look at what it says availeth much i mean in the context elijah makes it stop raining for three and a half years because and he's just a guy just like us like passions puts his pants on one leg at a time just like all of us yes i think he wore pants but he didn't wear a dress i'll tell you that right now says he had a leather and girdle i mean come on what do you use that that for to make your dress look better or something no so you can hold your pants up right anyway that's a different subject for a different time but number two tonight so number one we should have a passion for the things of god we need to have a fire in our heart for the things of god but number two we chicago needs some spirit-filled men to preach some fire chicago needs some spirit-filled men that preach fire now there's been some famous preachers in chicago and some probably not so famous ones i don't really know a lot about the past preachers here i've heard of dl moody he was here when the chicago fire actually happened i don't i mean i'm not sure whether the guy was saved or not it seems like he might not have been but i think he was kind of one of those repent of your sins people or whatever but i'm not 100 sure i don't really know everything there is to know about him but um jack hyles is one that comes to mind though jack hyles you know he was i believed saved for sure and i believe he was a one-of-a-kind preacher for his time when we think of fundamentalism you know i think a lot of people think of jack hyles i think they still think of jack hyles he's been dead since 1993 but uh just read a little uh little snippet here about him jack fraser hyles i had no idea his middle name was fraser he probably didn't say that a lot because you know he probably didn't like that name fraser but uh jack hyles was uh born september 25th 1926 and oh he died february 6 2001 i was wrong about the date so but uh was a leading figure in the independent baptist movement having pastored the first baptist church of hammond in hammond indiana from august 1959 until his death he was well known for being an innovator of the church bus ministry that brought thousands of people each week from surrounding towns to hammond for services hyles built first baptist up from fewer than a thousand members to a membership of a hundred thousand in 1993 and again in 1994 it was reported that 20 000 people attended first baptist every sunday that's pretty that's quite a lot bigger than my church is so uh but uh making it the most attended baptist church of the united states in 2001 at the time of hyles death 20 000 people were attending church services and sunday school each week jack hyles you know he inspired countless men to go into the ministry and he had the pastor's school and he inspired women and families to serve god and i automatically suspect the people that start down talking and bashing jack hyles i automatically think that this person's you know they got problems because i'm not saying that he was perfect and i'd agree with all of his doctrine because i don't but i do think that he built his church on hard preaching practical preaching that actually you know motivates people to do something i think that he cared a lot about soul winning he talked a lot about soul winning he implemented soul winning and you know i don't necessarily agree with the whole bus ministry thing but you can't deny the fact that he did get people saved through the bus ministry and i don't think that that's practical for our times necessarily but and it's not really what the bible says to do but hey you know let's get him saved i i don't really have a problem with that really i'm not envious of of his you know his fame or anything like that i think that he was a great man of god and i don't have anything bad to say about him i didn't know him personally i never met him but i know that the church i used to go to there was a faction of people that just they didn't like jack hyles if you ever brought up jack hyles they're like they had this like you know and you know why because they didn't like someone that church moved away from soul winning they moved away from you know all the sword of the lord stuff they used to have like a rack of stuff that was sort of the lord and had all their stuff out and then slowly as the new pastor took over all that stuff disappeared all that's left is the hymn book you know the soul winning songs and hymns or whatever but there was actually a guy that went to hyles anderson college from that church when i first started going there and he was a missionary to scotland poor guy but uh he came and he preached a sermon and he preached things that i'd never really thought about before like he was just saying he was preaching a story about this you know about columbine about because it was pretty new that the columbine massacre had happened and all that stuff and he was talking about the girl cassie that she's you know when they asked her you know are you a christian and she said yes and then they killed her but he was talking about this guy that he got shot at the columbine massacre and he was like this little snowboarding guy that smoked cigarettes that had won like a thousand people to christ after you know the whole massacre thing but you know he's preaching that and what i didn't realize is that nobody really liked what he was having to say but you know it spoke to my heart all the things he was saying about soul winning and winning people's to christ i was just like yeah i went up and talked to him afterwards and i was really excited about what he preached but you know they didn't like him they didn't like him because he went to hyles anderson college and there's a faction of baptists out there that just don't like jack hyles and you know that they don't like the new ifb because we like jack hyles and we like the preaching style of jack hyles we like the soul winning of jack hyles so you know when jack hyles was alive and he mentioned like i said fundamentalism his name was in the same sentence as fundamentalism he was a special preacher so i call these special types of men of god firebrands that's what i like to call them and he was like the lord's one of the lord's fire brands men that have caught fire and are used of god to set other men on fire and women and young people for on fire for the lord go ahead and turn to zechariah chapter three zechariah chapter number three and you have this story about joshua the high priest and you know joshua the high priest was during the time of zechariah and he was you know during the cap when the captivity came back from babylon but it has this little section here about i think pastor shelly's preaching through zechariah are you preaching to that right now hopefully i'm not contradicting anything that he said sorry i haven't heard that sermon yet we're you're pretty fired up on chapter four though right that's what you said all right verse uh number one though it says and he showed me joshua the high priest standing before the angel of the lord and satan standing at his right hand to resist him you know when a man of god stands up satan is going to be there to resist him at his right hand to resist him so the you know the right hand is usually like the power hand too so the devil wants to you know stand and resist a great man of god that's doing great works for god and it says and the lord said unto satan the lord rebuked thee oh satan even the lord that hath chosen jerusalem rebuke thee is not this a brand plucked out of the fire and i feel like he's referring to joshua as this brand plucked out of the fire and what is a brand what is it what is it talking about well a fire brand is just basically like a piece of wood or something that's on fire that you use to catch something else on fire and i feel like joshua was one of those guys that he was one of the leaders that helped bring the children of israel back to the land and he was a great man of god along with all this county you know haggai and and zechariah and all those other guys but uh as a robobell but uh he i believe is like one of those men that i mean is a special kind of guy that comes along in a generation or maybe special few guys that come along in the generation that do great works for god so but again satan is going to be resisting people like that and of course jack hyles had all his people that resist him and you know what great people great men of god in our days have the same thing and people say well they're not you know they're doing something wrong that's why they're being resisted now okay joe's friend you know if you want to believe that we'll believe that but you know sometimes the devil is just trying to stop what good men of god are doing turn to acts chapter number 18 acts chapter number 18 the bible says in acts chapter number 18 verse 24 and a certain jew named apollos born in alexandria an eloquent man and mighty in the scriptures came to ephysis this man was instructed in the way of the lord and being fervent in the spirit he spake and taught diligently the things of the lord knowing only the baptism of john so here we have this jew name of scriptures that's a good thing to be said about you right and instructed in the ways of the lord so he's not completely unschooled and fervent in the spirit the bible says that we are supposed to be fervent in the spirit right fired up in the things of god and he spake and taught diligently the things of the lord so he's got a lot of great things going for him look at verse 26 and he began to speak boldly in the synagogue whom when aquila and priscilla had heard they took him unto them and expounded unto him the way of god more perfectly so he's already a great man of god and then he allows other people to come and make him even better this is a man that's humble this is a man you know most people be like oh you know what i don't need your advice i'm already good enough but no what's he he allows them to make him even better because he's allowing these people to sharpen him even more and you know what we need a lot more men like apollos today who would be fervent in the spirit the bible says in roman chapter 12 verse number 11 not slothful in business fervent in the spirit serving the lord so the bible commands us as servants of the lord we're not i mean not everybody's a pastor but everybody can be a servant right we're called to be servants of the lord jesus christ and you know what he wants us to be fervent in the spirit fired up it's better to be hot than it is to be cold it's better to be hot than way better to be hot than it is to be lukewarm and he wants us to be fervent in the spirit turn to jeremiah chapter 5 verse 14 jeremiah chapter 5 verse 14 we need men in this generation to rise up and preach the word of god and not be afraid to say what the bible says because here's the thing people want to shut us up they want us to stop preaching the things that we preach i mean again we have a meeting today with a guy and he wants to shut us up he wants to you know take clips and make clips about us so that people get mad and i don't know what he wants to have happen but you know i mean we get the death threats and we get all the the protesters and all this other stuff i mean he's basically giving us rewards in heaven i appreciate that but they what what do they want to do though satan wants to stand at our right hand and resist us you think he likes that we're here to win souls in chicago this weekend he doesn't like that he doesn't like that you went down to gary to get people saved he doesn't like that we're going to cicero tomorrow to get people saved he wants to shut us up he wants to shut it down he wants to shut this generation down from reaching because every because look every generation needs to have men of god that are going to stand in the gap so that the land will not be destroyed jeremiah chapter 5 verse 14 the bible says wherefore thus saith the lord god of hosts because you speak this word behold i will make my words in thy mouth fire so when we speak what god wants us to speak he says i'm going to make my words in your mouth fire and it says and this people would and it shall devour them i love that verse it's a great verse obviously i don't want people to be burned up literally but i want the word of god to come out of my mouth and hey if it needs to be fire to devour them in such a way then it needs to be that that kind of fire if it needs to be fire that you know nothing's left except for hey what must i do to be saved then i want that to go forth i want the word of god to go forth and do what it is meant to do to whoever it's meant to do it too and i don't want to hold back you know if i hold back what i have to say because i'm afraid of what's going to happen to me then that's why i just need to step down and stop preaching jeremiah chapter 20 let's look at jeremiah chapter 20 jeremiah wanted to stop preaching he he kind of got to the point where he's like sick of everybody hating him because it does kind of suck sometimes you know and me and my pastor friends sometimes we go periods of time where we're kind of doing our own thing we're really busy and we we're kind of on an island for a while or whatever and it's like you start preaching a lot people are hating you and it's just you know just to be honest i'm not trying to complain but it does kind of suck sometimes when it's just only negative that you're getting from everybody but jeremiah everybody hated him like i don't think that everybody hates me but a lot of people do but everybody pretty much hated jeremiah he had only had a couple friends but it says in verse seven oh lord thou has deceived me and i was deceived thou art stronger than i and has prevailed i am in derision daily everyone mocketh me for since i spake i cried out i cried violence and spoil because the word of the lord was made a reproach unto me and a derision daily then i said i will not make mention of him nor speak anymore in his name so he's like i'm done i'm done preaching sick of it but his word was in my heart as a burning fire shut up in my bones and i was weary with forbearing and i could not stay he's like once i got the preaching i can't i can't stop the preaching no matter what i tried to do it just it was burning in here and you know that's the thing about being a preacher it's like sometimes i'm like every once in a while and i'm not saying i feel this way all the time but every once in a while i kind of feel like quitting i mean pastor chelly have you ever felt like quitting before see he's yes yeah he's got the big yes and you know i know that it kind of can be one of those feelings you know that you have every once in a while but then you're like what am i going to do i'm not going to preach the word of god yeah right and then you're like okay well i better just keep doing it and you do it i i can't imagine not being a man that preaches the word of god whether i'm a pastor or not i still want to preach the word of god the bible says and it says there for i heard the defaming of many fear on every side report say they and we will report it all my familiars watched with my halting or for my halting saying pared venture perhaps he will be enticed and we will prevail against him we will take our revenge on him this is literally what people do to us all the time like they're just constantly just watching us and you know trying to catch something that we say you know and when it says familiars i'm thinking like that's kind of what you know the familiar spirit familiar the familiar spirits that are just kind of watching and they're defaming us they're telling things about us that are not true it says but the lord is with me as a mighty terrible one therefore my persecutors shall stumble and they shall not prevail they shall be greatly ashamed for they shall not prosper their everlasting confusion shall never be forgotten you know so when i start feeling down i just know that god's on my side you know as long as i'm living right and i'm doing right god's gonna be there for me and whether i'm preaching and i get persecuted or not it doesn't matter but that's what we need in this generation is we need a new generation to rise up because we can't do this forever someone's gonna have to fill our shoes eventually right and as pastors you know we have to preach against the things that don't are not popular like how about false prophets you know we preach against false prophets and surely someone's going to get upset about it maybe someone in the church but mostly it's the people that follow the false prophets turn to jeremiah chapter 25 23 jeremiah chapter 23 jeremiah chapter 23 verse 25 because people will say like what gives you the right pastor thompson who told you to preach against that person who told you to preach against the band skillet pastor thompson skillet rocks bro i want to go listen to skillet now because you preach that it's like i haven't even preached a sermon i just preached like a little thing about him and they just get people are just mad and salty about it still but anyway and if you preach against billy graham or you preach against ravi zacharias or anybody else they get all butthurt about it who else so john mccarther any of those guys they get mad look what it says verse 25 i've heard what the prophets said the prophets they prophesy lies in my name saying i have dreamed i have dreamed how long shall this be in the heart of the prophets that prophesy lies yea they are prophets of the deceit of their own heart which think to cause my people to forget my name by their dreams which they tell every man to his neighbor as their fathers have forgotten my name for bail the prophet that hath a dream let him tell a dream and he that hath my word let him speak my word faithfully what is the chaff to the wheat saith the lord so basically just saying you know i don't care i want you as a man of god to preach what i have to preach faithfully you know what is the chaff to the wheat well who's the wheat we're the wheat who's the chaff when people are going to get burnt up and thrown in the fire with false prophets right now it says in verse 29 is not my word like as a fire saith the lord and like a hammer that breaketh the rock in pieces therefore behold i'm against the prophets who told you to preach against the prophets pastor thompson god did i'm against the prophets saith the lord that steal my words every one of them from his neighbor behold i'm against the prophets saith the lord that use their tongues and say he saith there he said it twice right look at verse 32 behold i'm against them that prophesy false dreams i went to heaven for 32 minutes and i came back and here's what i have to say shut up you liar you didn't go to heaven you're gonna go to hell though and it says in the lord saith the lord and do tell them and that and cause my people to air by their lies and by their lightness yet i sent them not nor commanded them therefore they shall not profit this people at all saith the lord who told you to preach against the false prophets pastor johnson god did god wants us to preach against them he's against them three times he says it right there a man of god needs to have zeal and he needs to be able to be infectious to others to pass that zeal on to other people like jehu he said come and ride in my chariot and you know he says you know see my zeal for the lord you know you can't just he said see my zeal for the lord let me show it to you you can't just get up there and preach lip service you can't let me tell you about my zeal for the lord let me just tell you about it no he said see my zeal for the lord didn't he and he took him with him he's like hey ride my my chariot you know he had the like the the chariot they like drive it furiously right he's like the fast and the furious but what'd he do wiped out ahab's house completely obliterated them and you're like well that's kind of mean that's what god told him to do that's what the word of god said he was supposed to do that by the word by the mouth of elijah the prophet he did it to a t you know and even killed all the prophets of bale he was a bad dude you know killed jezebel or at least had her killed you know walked over a dead body he was a gangster but you know what he showed his zeal didn't he he showed it he didn't just say oh go soul wanting i'm not going to go though that's not how he was now i know dylan will like this but george jones sang a song a country song calling donut i'm just kidding george who knows who george jones is you know he's a wicked country singer whatever he's a drunk but anyway he had a song called who's gonna fill their shoes who's ever heard that song before all right i'm not saying don't get on youtube and look for it later on but it's basically this concept of when elvis dies when all these different people these great country western singers die who's gonna who's gonna fill their shoes after they're gone you know and i'm just using this to make the point of who's gonna fill the shoes of the great preachers when they go on someone's got to fill their shoes because like ezekiel was saying in chapter 22 he said that he sought for a man to stand in the gap but he found none so is it possible that god's not going to find someone it is possible so who's going to stand and feel the shoes of jack hyles did jack stop fill the shoes of jack hyles yeah he filled them and and and just spread mud all over that ministry and jack hyles shoes have still not been filled in you know at least you know the nobody's ever going to obviously be exactly like him but what about pastor anerson he's a great man of god who's going to fill his shoes when he goes who's going to fill pastor burton's shoes who's going to fill pastor humanities shoes who's going to fill pastor shelley's shoes or pastor mahia or pastor jones or pastor bazarski or pastor robinson or pastor stuckey or pastor sepulveda or pastor tavern who's going to fill these guys shoes and what i'm saying here is we need more men to rise up and say you know what i want to do what the guys before me did and i don't want there to be a gap i want to stand in the gap i want this place to have somebody that has a vision i mean you could so win for the rest of your life and probably not knock every door here but you know what if you have a bunch of people that will follow your zeal and they'll and you and you have the preaching and you have the backbone to get up and say what needs to be said hey this this area could be won back to christ this area could be won back is it possible of course it's possible all things are possible now turn to uh i gotta move on with this sermon but uh philippians chapter three turn to philippians chapter three i preached this passage last year in the red hot preaching conference and i preached it from an outside perspective but i want to preach a little bit about it from the inside perspective paul says here in verse number one finally my brethren so he's basically saying like one last thing let me tell you one last thing rejoice in the lord to write the same things to you to me indeed is not grievous but for you it is safe he's like i got some safety tips for you let me warn you about these filthy faggots and false prophets and jews one more time i mean because that's what he's about to say right beware of dogs beware of evil workers beware of the concision it's paul the beloved paul he would never say anything like that would he well i mean he's calling them dogs is that a nice thing to call somebody why is he saying why is he calling dogs because that's what the bible compares male homosexuals to throughout the whole bible dogs evil workers what would that be well false prophets false brethren that creep in unaware how about the concision well that's talking about jews isn't it those that would and so what's he saying these are the top three things you got to worry about what do you worry about them what is the what is the number one thing that you run into out soloing i mean it's actual dogs isn't it like isn't that like the number one deterrent to soloing like in reality but there's also the other kind of dogs that are also a deterrent to your soul isn't it when you knock on the wrong one they're like oh you're christian and then they just start following you around and taking down all your invites and all that kind of stuff right so both dogs we should beware of you know the little yappers the big pit bulls that come out you guys got pit bulls in indianapolis don't you you guys are always like talking about them there's no dead pit bulls or no dead dogs or whatever i don't know justin's talking about barbecuing them or something anyway so but paul says here he says we're for we are the circumcision which worship god in the spirit and rejoice in christ jesus and have no confidence in the flesh what's he saying you know when he says beware the concision he's saying we are the circumcision which worship god in spirit and rejoice in christ jesus they're not the real ones we are the real ones so that safety the safety topic of the day for paul was like beware of dogs the ones that bark and the fags and what do we see past baptist pastors preaching though in most ifb churches or southern baptist churches or just regular baptist churches what do we hear bring the dogs in so that we can get them saved isn't that what they say well we got to love them so what does deuteronomy 23 17 say well it says there shall be no whore of the daughters of israel nor sodomite of the sons of israel so there's not supposed to be any sodomites of the sons of israel so what does that mean well for us in the new testament you know no real saved person is going to be a queer and then it says thou should not bring the hire of a whore or the price of a dog into the house of the lord so if you're not supposed to bring the price of a dog into the house of the lord how are you going to bring an actual dog in there we're not talking about puppies we're not talking about your seeing eye dog or something we're talking about the ones that they just talked about in the previous verse which is the sodomite okay so what so what is the normal about the the kind of the other baptist churches say hey bring these people in we should get them saved you shouldn't be mean to them every how's that quote go from what's his name john getch every person deserves dignity and respect regardless of their sexual orientation right is something like that that's what he says right let them use your bathroom don't don't say anything to them or give them a dirty look if they come into your church what did paul say beware of them beware of them he says then they'll also say yeah bring those bring a man so we can preach to the dogs and sows i like pastor stucky's uh sermon about how the sows are like the female sodomites right so if you haven't if you haven't heard that sermon you should watch it but matthew chapter 7 verse 6 says give not that which is holy unto the dogs who are the dogs again the sodomites so should we be giving the gospel to the sodomites i mean accidentally we have and on purpose i have maybe i shouldn't have done that but you know if they were just being cordial i've done it before just even just as an experiment i've done it just to see like am i actually am i wrong about this like here let me try one more time i think i did it with brother temo one time he was probably like what are you doing you know but did she get saved she didn't get saved did she she's like oh i'm a joel's witness she has all these other lesbians in the house with her anyway that was a long time ago but what does the bible say give not that which is holy unto the dogs neither cassie or pearls before swine don't give those precious things lest they trample them under their feet and turn again and rend you second peter chapter 2 verse 22 says but it's happening to them according to the true proverb the dog is turned to his own vomit again who's ever eaten their own puke before in here anybody like you were just really you're out in the wilderness you had to eat it to survive like the smell of puke makes me puke i'll just tell you right now my weakness my kryptonite is puke snot that's like someone like a loogie that someone spits on the ground if i see that i'm just puking it's like i just can't help it disgusting smells like when you just started talking about maggots today pastor shelly i was just like anyway but a queer doesn't mind eating their own vomit a dog a real dog will eat they'll puke up something and then like eat it again who's ever seen a dog do that before crayons whatever else they were eating that day the sow that was washed to her wallowing the mire so a sow is a female pig so it says the dog the sow so that's where the concept comes from but where's the hard preaching against lori lightfoot where's the red hot sermon that came out of hammond indiana or chicago illinois that's just ripping face against that beetlejuice looking freak that just shut this whole place down is totally corrupt totally wicked where's that red hot preaching where's the red hot preaching against what's his name now something johnson or something does anybody know the new mayor's name brandon is it brandon johnson let's go brandon sorry his name is brandon okay you can't say i cussed okay but i was reading that 7.5 so basically that guy brandon and the other guy that was running with him they were both competing to see who could pander more to the queers in chicago because 7.5 percent of adults in chicago identify as homos that's a high percentage that's a big percentage and it doesn't surprise me but i mean the guy's married and has a few children and he's pandering to them because that's what's important to pander to them and to get their votes you know where's the hard preaching that's come out against that guy i haven't heard it maybe it's just hidden on some website that you have to have the code to type in or whatever but you know you would think that i mean i looked up there's some a lot of baptist churches around here where's the preaching where's your spine get up and rip against these things and you know what you might not build you know the church where everybody gets along and everybody believes different salvation and maybe some of your tithers will leave or whatever but you know what at least you'll go to sleep at night knowing that you preach what the bible said instead of just going to sleep knowing that you're a complete sellout and you're afraid to preach what the bible says the day that i'm afraid to get up and preach the bible says the day that i need to retire and i will but this city needs a man with a spine to get up and preach what the bible says and quit being afraid of what their church members say about us or about anybody else that comes to visit like just i just don't understand that you know stop you know get rid of this deacon run model too by the way while you're at it holding back the people of god holding back a vision of soul winning because you're just too moss back to do anything different than what's already been done in the past well you've had your time deacon a deacon means servant it doesn't mean you know the boss of the pastor but what do the baptists say well they say the jews are god's chosen well i skipped something i'm sorry they say beware of they say hey okay i'm sorry i was still on the whole homo thing i'm sorry i lost my place i was just off on a tangent here okay so yeah what do they say well instead you're gonna get born that way after all here's the book read it your your homo kid's actually a eunuch that's what you're gonna get instead of ripping face they just like do gymnastics mentally and spiritually and then put their people in danger to give them this book this faggot book that tells you that oh they're just a confused you they put them in your sunday school classes that's what that's what you're good that's what they're preaching that they can get saved just like it's just a sin just like every other sin oh is that why god said it was an exceeding sinful place in sodom exceedingly sinful that means more sinful than other things they were more sinful so what else are baptists preaching well pray for the evil workers pray for billy graham why didn't you talk why didn't you matthew 18 billy graham before he preached that sermon pastor thompson they take pictures with john mccarthur instead of ripping face against them they don't call them names the only one that they care the only the only names that they'll call is steven anderson that's right they'll call steven anderson they'll kick his people you know people that you know listen to his preaching they'll kick them out but if it's john mccarthur no we'll just take a picture of him here me and john mccarthur it'd be like this with me finish him off anyway what does paul say beware of evil workers don't embrace them don't give them a hug beware what does jesus say beware of false prophets which come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravening wolves i mean why are we getting the opposite preaching that we should be getting from baptists right now you know paul's like hey i'm the safe i'm the safety officer he's got the what do they wear like a white hat or something or no a yellow safety hat right when they come on the job site let me tell you some safety some safety topics for the day you're aware of dogs you're aware of evil workers and then you know somebody else comes on don't listen to him dogs are nice pit bulls are man's best friend you know homos would never molest a child what are you talking homos can be saved bring them into the church i mean it's just insanity and then to then to be friends with the false prophets and then the last thing is that what else do they preach well the jews are god's chosen people they don't even understand like all the parables that jesus was teaching them was basically against the jews that they rejected their savior and they are the kingdom of god's been taken from them and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof and they're just like oh no but they're still the best doctors and the best you know you better go to a jewish doctor you better go to a jewish dentist they're you know we're just lucky that we got in on the plan man if they hadn't done that you know it's like shut up man that is the stupidest thing ever and it's like yeah but but all israel shall be saved you mean so but from the last 2 000 years all of them weren't but they're still god's chosen people how's that work and they're like even these baptists are like i just heard somebody the other day tell me they just need to kill every palestinian i'm like well what about the christian ones what about the ones that have christian churches they're going to should they have blown up that baptist hospital that one too oh oh yeah oh what baptist hospital oh you just they just you know how did jesus feel about that when he goes through samaria and they're like jesus you know should we you know just call fire down and destroy them like elijah's told like elijah did he's like you don't know what spirit you're of you know jesus came to save lives to save men's lives not to destroy them and then we got baptists saying kill them all let god sort them out turn their place into a parking lot turn their place into a turn their little gaza into a sea of glass or whatever it's wicked and it's the opposite of what the apostle paul said we follow paul except on the sodomites and evil workers and the jews except for that you know other than that paul's right about everything it's weird jesus said you know beware of men the before the synagogues so we're supposed to believe like could you imagine if you had a person that trained he's your safety person he's the one that's teaching you the safety stuff and then right after the safety talk is over he just goes just don't do any of that stuff it's not real you know do the actual opposite of everything in the safety videos like who works who works construction in here don't you have like things that are just like you would die if you didn't do those safety things aren't these things like life or death situations in reality i mean you just oh yeah almost can be saved that one's saved he he changed his lifestyle is that how you get saved by changing your lifestyle it's not last thing is i gotta i know i gotta be done i'm sorry pastor chelly hey it's only been an hour one more minute it'll be an hour it's justin's fault okay blame justin but we do need some men that will rise up and preach fire and not hold back number three chicago needs the gospel to spread like a fire across the land just like that chicago fire but spiritually obviously and now you know we need a fire here of zealous soul owners i mean you can see the need here right i mean it's pretty much every neighborhood seems like it looks receptive to me i mean maybe i'm wrong but it looked pretty receptive to me so uh turn to judges 15 and uh i'm not gonna be able to finish everything i have here but i'm just gonna turn here and just kind of end here judges 15 verse 4 i kind of want to take a spiritual interpretation of this passage here samson he's given the philistines everything they give him and he's like i'm going to pay him back more for what they've done and but if you'll if you look at this the spiritual picture here of samson it says samson went and caught 300 foxes and took firebrands and turned tail to tail and put a firebrand in the midst between the two tails so what you got two foxes he's tying their tails together he's lighting them on fire and what's he do with them it says and when he had set the firebrands on fire or the brands on fire excuse me he let them go into the standing corn of the philistines and burnt up both the shocks and also the standing corn with the vineyards and olives now he basically just destroyed their food source but remember when jesus he he's with the woman at the well and the disciples go off to get food and he gets this lady saved and then he starts to get and then you know the lady goes the woman at the well gets saved she goes and brings all the people back and the disciples come back and they're like just surprised they're just like what are you doing talking you know they don't say it out loud but they think it in their mind they think why is he talking to her you know he said why is he talking to this woman and in john 435 it says say not ye that there are four months and then cometh harvest behold i say unto you lift up your eyes and look on the fields for they're white already to harvest so samson lets these foxes go on fire to burn up these fields that are what already risen up right so the the spiritual picture is what we go to and to with uh our hearts on fire for the lord jesus christ with a fervent spirit to what love people and get them saved right we go two and two like jesus said and we go out and we go out to people that are ready to get saved this for it says he says lift up your eyes and look on the fields for they're white already to harvest there's people everywhere there's 10 million people here there's people everywhere that are ready to get saved and not just here but everywhere you know and if we have a little bit of fire in our spirit and say hey i want to make a difference then we go out two and two to the standing corn and with our with ourselves on fire in our spirit and we go out you know we're going to get people saved jesus wants us to hey just just look up because a lot of people are just looking down you're looking at something else but you're not looking at what jesus was looking at that was their problem they're like what's he doing you know they go they're going off to get food and jesus is sitting around waiting for this woman to come up so he could get her saved and when they come back with a stupid thought in their head he doesn't even say anything to him about it but the bible records that that they thought that it's like what a stupid attitude to have but we have the same stupid attitude sometimes don't we but he said if you just look up the fields are white and raid harvest you know and samson pictures jesus a lot in those stories and i would say that he pictures jesus when he sends those foxes two and two to go out to the already white fields so chicago needs another fire all right they need a fire for the things of god they need a fire for men to get out and preach the fire of god's word and and they need a fire of the gospel to spread out so people will get saved and and we don't just need it in chicago we need it everywhere in every city in every town in every place across the land and yay the whole world let's pray lord we thank you so much for this gathering here i pray lord that many people will be saved tomorrow lord that we would go out with a fire in our belly and a tear in our eye to get as many people saved as we can lord pray you just bless pastor shelley as he comes up to preach the word of god in Jesus name we pray amen