(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Music Go stand by there please. Music It's going to cut my hat off. Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Good morning everybody. We're Marker Foundation Baptist Church. Let's take our boltons together. You need a boltons to raise your hand brother. Bring the boltons. Alright, on the front cover we have our verse of the week. It says, better is the end of the thing than the beginning thereof. The patient, the spirit is better than the proudest. I changed the verse last round but I figured it's the end of the road for this place. So better is the end than the thing in the beginning thereof. It's not the end for our church. Today is our last day in this building meeting together. It's been a great building for us. We've outgrown it and now it's time to move on to enlarge our tents and lengthen our states. Our service finds the Church Foundation Baptist Church Sunday morning service 10.30 am. Sunday evening service 3.30 pm. Thursday Bible study is at 6.30 pm. Just remember that there's no church service this coming Thursday because it's going to be replaced just like Israel was. So Friday will be our midweek service next week. So we're going to need all the time we can get. Make sure that building looks nice over there. As nice as we can possibly make it. So I do appreciate everybody's help that's been helping there. And I know that there's more to come so it's not time to put it yet. We still need to do a lot of things. Our soloing time is listed below. Please let Brandon know if you're planning on going soloing today. Brandon not going today. We have the maps already. Ok great. So we're going out today. Make sure that you let Brandon know. If you're meeting on location just text that in the WhatsApp group. If you're not in the WhatsApp group you should be. If you're not you're just technologically deficient. So where your phone sucks or something like that. Anyway our regional soloing time is listed below. So you can look down and see the salvation's baptism. Brother Wayne had a baptism yesterday. They had great service. Last week they had eight first time visitors for their services. So that church up there is doing very well. So I think they have more baptisms than we need this year. So anyway they're doing great up there. And just wanted to mention that. We had to shut our church down in England last week because of the Covid. So but it's back up running this week. So when the only person that preaches goes down that makes it tough right. So anyway we also. Anyway you can see the attendance totals and all that stuff. That's probably the lowest attendance totals I've seen this year. But that's because we had like 60 something people down at the Red Hawk Preaching Conference last week. So anyway so those numbers aren't real. So anyway the events that are coming up. Tomorrow is moving day for our church. And that's going to begin at 9 a.m. I'm picking up the view hall at 830 driving up straight here. You can see right out front I have the parking removed. If anybody's able to be here to make sure that nobody parks in those spots. That'd be great if you're planning on meeting here in the building. Can anybody say that they've been able to meet here at 830 or close to 830. And then just take up those spots. And when you see the big old U-Haul coming and just move out of the way. And then we'll just start. So we've got to get all of this stuff and everything out of here. I've got the biggest U-Haul you can get. Two reserve parking spots right there. So anybody parked. Does anybody have any parking cones? Maybe two or three parking cones. You do? Are you going to be here though? Oh you're coming. Okay. Okay. Can you bring those cones with you? And then when we're not here then we'll just put the cones out. That's a little secret trick that I use at work. So anyway. So moving day. So 9 a.m. until finished. So we just have to. What I mean by finished is we have to have everything out of here. And the U-Haul empty everything over to the other building. Now they are installing the carpets tomorrow. For some reason I thought that the 26th was Tuesday and we have like a full day to do that. But it doesn't matter because we have other doors we can go in. We're only putting stuff on the left hand side of the church anyway. So we need to try our best to stay away from the public peoples outside of the room. But we're just going to put all the chairs and stuff in the fellowship hall. If you're there moving with us and you haven't seen the building yet. You'll get a chance to see it. The carpets are supposed to be installed by Wednesday. So I don't know what time they're going to be finished. After that we can begin some of the downstairs cleaning and organizing. Stuff like that. Laying the chairs out to code and all that stuff. Hanging all the fire extinguishers and all that kind of stuff. Anyway, tomorrow if you can help anytime during the day. Just please do that. I'm old. I can't move like I used to. I'm going to bump my head. That's not what I'm trying to do. I'm trying to come up with all these excuses. But my head really is bad. I can use some help. I appreciate all the people helping thus far. It's been great. It's almost done. Let's see what else we got. The sign is being installed on the 29th. So that's good because people won't have a chance to shoot it out before we have our first meeting. So that would be great. We can't promise anything after that. But it's a big sign if you look at the building. The sign is going to be UH. It's going to be great. Anyway, we should be all ready for Friday. Brother Robert, do you need help with anything as far as the sound? Do you have someone helping you? How about the tent team? The 20 is down. He's sick. Anyone know how to do a tent team? Can I do a tent team? Can you watch a YouTube video? So we have the outside letters like we have here. The snow will be going on the outside of the building. So that's not a good problem. All that stuff is coming in to sleep. So anyway, lots of stuff to do. So I've been on the 26th. Cleaning day for the old church. That will be Tuesday. So if any of you ladies have been asking, hey, what can I do to help? Well, I'm getting this place cleaned up. I'm ready to transfer back to the owner. With the mucho appreciate-o on Tuesday. Whatever time you can come. I'll let you ladies figure it out. So obviously, we need this building cleaned. We also need the new building cleaned. So we're going to get this cleaned up. We're going to get this cleaned up. We're going to get this cleaned up. And then we also need the new building cleaned. My wife, Mishila, spent several hours over cleaning up the upstairs. So it's so big that they didn't get it done. So it's a big area. And it was pretty gnarly. So the toilets look good again. And it doesn't look all nasty. But we do have a bathroom that's out. So when we start next week, don't use that urinal in the upstairs, guys. Because it's leaking. We'll clean it up. So anyway, so that's all I can think about for what we need to do this week. Obviously, there's lots of, you know, I think Brother Pat said he was going to help set up the speaker stuff. Brother Robert, do you want to coordinate with Brother Pat and Brother Sean about that? So there's speakers all throughout the building. And so like in the mom baby rooms and just all throughout, like, the speakers, the sermons will be pumped through. But we'll also have our regular speakers as normal. So anyway, we just got a lot to do this week. And then we can all just relax and watch Pastor Nicky preach. Including myself. Yes, sir? Depending on where the park people park, you might need some cones or some kind of traffic on that side. Yeah, I know. I was thinking about that. Because I can park it pretty tight. But yeah, they might need that space there too. So there might be times when we have to just drag it from this side of the building or something. Hopefully, hopefully we'll have time, but we can just not be in their way. So I don't want to be in their way. I don't want to bother them. Because the longer it takes to do the longer it's going to take us to do all the chairs. So anyhow, yeah, we'll figure all that out. And we've got a parking bunch that we needed there too. So we might have to, I might have to sit by someone or something. Anyway, so Pastor Nicky is preaching for us. That's the inaugural kickoff for our new building. 7pm Friday night. It should be a packed house. And Pastor Nicky will be there preaching for us. So I'm going to pray for his travels. I know the sickness is going around in a lot of the churches and stuff. I don't know where that came from. But there's been a lot of people that have been sick. So let's pray for those people that have been sick. Don't forget about them. July 31st is our Solany Marathon. We'll meet at the new building for breakfast at 9.30am. Solany at 1. Solany in session 1 is going to be 10.30 to 12.30. Lunch at 1pm to 2pm. Solany in session 2, 2pm to 4pm. Then we'll be done. And so that'll be that day. I'm going to provide lunch also and breakfast. And then August 1st is our first Sunday in the building. I'll be preaching at 10.30am. Then Pastor Jones will be flying in that day and flying out that night. Just to come spend time with us. So make sure you appreciate him for that. Then I was thinking we could all meet up at the Golden Tent after our... You guys ready to go back? It's been a while. So they still have good food. I know everybody got kind of burnt out on it. Anyway, I'm going to stop taking the line. But if that's what's going on, if you have any questions, keep this bulletin. Don't call me. Don't ask them whatsoever. You've got this right here. This is the schedule for this week. If you have any questions or not addressing these bullet points right here, then you can call me. I'm just teasing you. You can call me if you want to. I just won't answer. We're a family-integrated church. I think some children may as well. We're in the church services. We do have mother-baby rooms available for convenience. These are sort of the back rows of families with young children. No men are allowed in the baby rooms. The mother-baby rooms, no moms in the dad-baby rooms. Please just caution. I'm going down the stairs, latching the baby gates. That's the last time. I'm going to have to tell you about that, I think. And then please no food in the assembly area. And silence your cell phones, please. Escorts to vehicles, finding ushers are available for your convenience. Please just tap on the ushers on the shoulder. They should have a button on their shirt that says Usher. Oh my God. I'm proud of you guys. So they would be happy to walk into your car. It should be needed. And online donations are available at shirtfoundation.com or you can text give to the number that's there on the page. And we have a couple of birthdays. So Beatrice and Sophie. Beatrice and Sophie, where are you? Hi. Are you 25 now? How old are you? Six. And how old are you? She doesn't want to say. She said when are we supposed to keep silence in church? That's what I thought. She's not with us. That's what I thought, she's not with us. I'm just kidding. Alright, so let's sing. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday, God bless you. Happy birthday to you. Alright, we'll sing another song and then we'll receive the offering. Are you using this? Turn in your Bibles to Psalm 24. So I'll sing that one first. Who shall sing to the hymn of the Lord? Lord, who shall sing in his holy praise? Be that man, be that man, be that man. For all that thou lived, throughout this world, and so be he, the Son and the Holy. Who shall receive the blessing of the Lord? The church is full of his salvation, as is the general mission of the sacred. Let's sing our praise from Jerusalem. Let our praise, your peace, in the end of life, the last thing first, and the kingdom, the location of the day, through this time of glory, the Lord holds on in the light, the Lord Almighty in heaven. Let our praise, your peace, in the end of life, the last thing first, be that man, be that man, the Holy. Who shall receive the blessing of the Lord? The Lord, the Lord, who shall receive the blessing of the Lord? Let our praise, your peace, in the end of life, the last thing first, the Lord holds on in the light, the last thing first, the Lord holds on in the light, the Lord holds on in the light, the Lord holds on in the light, the Lord holds on in the light, the Lord holds on in the light, the Lord holds on in the light, the Lord holds on in the light, the Lord holds on in the light, the Lord holds on in the light, the Lord holds on in the light, the Lord holds on in the light, the Lord holds on in the light, the Lord holds on in the light, the Lord holds on in the light, the Lord holds on in the light, the Lord holds on in the light, the Lord holds on in the light, the Lord holds on in the light, the Lord holds on in the light, the Lord holds on in the light, the Lord holds on in the light, the Lord holds on in the light, the Lord holds on in the light, the Lord holds on in the light, the Lord holds on in the light, the Lord holds on in the light, the Lord holds on in the light, the Lord holds on in the light, the Lord holds on in the light, the Lord holds on in the light, the Lord holds on in the light, the Lord holds on in the light, the Lord holds on in the light, the Lord holds on in the light, the Lord holds on in the light, the Lord holds on in the light, the Lord holds on in the light, the Lord holds on in the light, the Lord holds on in the light, the Lord holds on in the light, the Lord holds on in the light, the Lord holds on in the light, the Lord holds on in the light, the Lord holds on in the light, the Lord holds on in the light, the Lord holds on in the light, the Lord holds on in the light, the Lord holds on in the light, the Lord holds on in the light, the Lord holds on in the light, the Lord holds on in the light, the Lord holds on in the light, the Lord holds on in the light, the Lord holds on in the light, the Lord holds on in the light, the Lord holds on in the light, the Lord holds on in the light, the Lord holds on in the light, the Lord holds on in the light, And Solomon determined to build an house for the name of the Lord and an house for his kingdom. And Solomon told out three score and ten thousand men to bear burdens And four-score thousand to queue in the mountains And three thousands and six hundred to oversee them. And Solomon sent to Purim the king of Tyre saying As thou didst deal with David my father And didst send him cedars to build him an lease to build him in house to dwell therein, even so, deal with me. Behold, I build in house to the name of the Lord my God, to be dedicated to him, and to burn before him sweet incense, and for the continual showbread, and for the birth offerings, morning and evening, on the Sabbath, and on the New Moons, and on the silent feast of the Lord our God. This is an ordinance forever to Israel, and the house which I build is great, for great is our God above all gods. But who is able to build him in house, seeing the heaven and the heaven of heavens, cannot contain him? Who am I then, that I should build him in house, save only to burn sacrifice before him? Send me now, therefore, a man cunning to work in gold, and in silver, and in brass, and in iron, and in purple, and in crimson, and in blue, and that can skill to brave with the cunning men that are with me in Judah and in Jerusalem, whom David my father did provide. Send me also cedar trees, fir trees, and album trees out of Lebanon, for I know that thy servants can skill to cut timber in Lebanon. And behold, my servants shall be with thy servants, even to prepare me timber in abundance, for the house which I am about to build shall be wonderful great. And behold, I will give to thy servants the hewers that cut timber, twenty thousand measures of beaten wheat, and twenty thousand measures of barley, and twenty thousand baths of wine, and twenty thousand baths of oil. Then Huron the king of Tyre answered in writing, which he sent this hour, Because the Lord hath loved his people, he hath made thee king over them. Huron said moreover, Blessed be the Lord God of Israel, that made heaven and earth, who hath given to David the king a wise son, endued with prudence and understanding, that might build an house for the Lord, and an house for his kingdom. And now I have sent a coming man, endued with understanding, of Huron my father's, the son of a woman of the daughter of Dan, and his father was a man of Tyre, skillful to work in gold and in silver, in brass, in iron, in stone and in timber, in purple, in blue, in fine linen and in crimson, also to grave any manner of braving, and to find out every device which shall be put to him, with thy cunning men, and with the cunning men of my Lord David thy father. Now therefore the wheat and the barley, the oil and the wine which my Lord hath spoken of, let him send unto his servants, and we will cut wood out of Lebanon, as much as thou shalt need, and we will bring it to thee, and float by sea to Japheth, and thou shalt carry it up to Jerusalem. And Solomon numbered all the strangers that were in the land of Israel, after the numbering wherewith David his father had numbered them, and they were found in hundred and fifty thousand and three thousand and six hundred, and he set three score and ten thousand of them to be bearers of burdens, and four score thousand to be hewers in a mountain, and three thousand and six hundred overseers to set the people to work. Brother Sean. Brother Robert, would you pray for us? Lord, thank you for the chance to be in your house here today, Lord. Bless and preach in all our souls. And I'll pass it around to the Holy Spirit. Lord, give us all the years to hear Jesus' name, Amen. Amen. Amen. All right, well, in the Second Chronicles, we have the story of Solomon preparing to build the temple and all the men that he needed and all the supplies. And so I thought it would be fitting, since we're going into a new building, to preach about the importance of a building. Now, obviously, I don't believe that we have to have a building to be a church. The building is not the church. The church is the people gathered together at wherever place they're gathered at. But the physical building is still important, because it was important in the Old Testament. Obviously, you had the tabernacle, which was like a building that they could move whenever God told them to move. It was made beautiful. It was done with laborers and cunning, crafty people that were able to do all the things that were required, that God required them to do. And there's nothing wrong with having a nice building. Now, in the New Testament, I don't believe that the focus is on how beautiful the building is. And a lot of times, you see preachers and pastors and different kinds of churches. You see these big old cathedral-style buildings that are made out of brick and very expensive. Like, if you were to build a building like some of the ones that you see around downtown Portland, they would cost millions and millions of dollars. And I don't think that it's so important that we have buildings that are worth millions and millions of dollars tonight. So, I mean, that's not what I'm focusing on today. But I do think it is important to have a building, because y'all are here today sitting in chairs. We're not sitting in the blazing sun somewhere. We're not hiding in a cave. You know, it is important to have a building and the fact that it can help us to be more effective to reach people and to do the work that we're called to do. It doesn't have to be pretty. It does help, though. When people walk in and the church looks like it's in ruins, or they look at the outside and people are sleeping in front of it, or there's cigarette butts laying in front of it, beer bottles. I mean, people are going to be like, yeah, maybe this isn't the church I want to go to. You know, some people are just superficial like that, but obviously I don't want to walk in the church that looks like that either. So, but it helps to have a nice building. It helps to have some things be beautiful, but, you know, we're not replacing all the windows with the new building and putting stained glass, you know, the picture, you know, and we're not, like, going super crazy with the remodel, because, first of all, we don't own the building, so why am I going to do something like that? And I probably wouldn't do that even if we did own the building. So I think that people take it too far from extreme, but I do still think that having a building is important, because guess what? Every single pastor that I'm friends with, we all have buildings, you know, at least for now. So if we're trying to stop our ability to be able to have buildings, and so things can get more difficult, it might come to the point where some of us need to buy a building, and I would definitely love to buy a building. I've always talked about having the most put in with the alligators and machine gun turrets on the top and, you know, minefields, or case people, you know, I wouldn't really do that, but it's kind of a good one. So, but, you know, because people are blowing up church buildings and not getting equipment used, you know, that whole thing happened, and, like, there was no response to it, and the FBI supposedly couldn't find the people that built it. Right. They couldn't just follow all the cameras that were all around town, and town went harder driving in and zoomed in on their license plate. Believe me, they could find them if they really wanted to. I think it's very unrealistic to say that they couldn't have caught those people. They just don't want to catch them, you know? So, anyway, I want to do some introduction here, and it's going to be a little bit of an introduction. I'm going to try to zoom through the points here. But let's look at 1 Chronicles chapter, or excuse me, 1, or Colossians chapter 1, I'm thinking Chronicles, okay. Colossians chapter 1, verse 27, I'm sorry. Colossians 1, 27. So, we need to keep in perspective how God views the church, the building, the temple, and all those things in the New Testament, because things have changed. The Aaronic priesthood has been done with, the Levitical priesthood has been done away with, and there's a lot of changes that were made because of Christ coming and dying for us on the cross and being buried and rose from the dead. That whole Levitical priesthood system, or the sacrifices, and all that stuff, and the candle burning all the time, the menorah, or whatever people want to call it, it's just a candle with a lamp with oil in it, right? So seven, you know, that's what they call the menorah. I don't call it that, all right? I just wanted to let you know what I was talking about. So, anyway, all this stuff that they made for the Old Testament town hackle and for the temple, you know, we don't need to have that stuff here today, because we're not under that system. There's no altar where we sacrifice animals. This is not an altar. It has stairs on it. So, therefore, it cannot, by definition, even be an altar. An altar is a place where you bring your sacrifices. So, you know, when people lay down on the altar in these churches that they go to, it's just really weird because, I don't know, I guess they're burning themselves on the fake altar with stairs on it that God said not to do. Anyway, the only other clause in 1.7 says, to whom God would make it known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory. So, the fact that Christ is in us, the Holy Spirit dwells within us, we're sealed up to the day of redemption, is also a change, you know, the Holy Spirit would come upon people, and the Holy Spirit could leave people in the Old Testament. So, now, the Holy Spirit dwells the believer and will never leave them, and they're still in the day of redemption. So, things have changed a little bit. Now, God's glory would come upon, you know, came upon the temple after, you know, Solomon did all the sacrifices, and God was filled in there, we couldn't even see, and so things are different. So, but now that dwelling place is within us, and when we all gather together, we all have the Spirit of God in us, Christ in us, and when we're gathered together, we are the New Testament church. Luke chapter 17, verse 20, check out Luke chapter 17, verse number 20, just want to preach this, or teach some of these concepts to you about the difference between the New Testament and the Old Testament building. So, anyway, Luke 17, 20 says, when he was demanded of the Pharisees when the kingdom of God should come, he answered them and said, let's talk about Jesus, the kingdom of God cometh not with observation, neither shall they say lo here or lo there, for behold, the kingdom of God is, what's it say? Within you. So, now look at 1 Corinthians chapter three, verse 16. So, ultimately the Bible teaches that we are the temple in the New Testament. So, look at 1 Corinthians chapter three, verse 16, it says, know ye not that ye are the temple of God? So, who's the temple of God? We are. Ye all, all right? If you're saved, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you, if any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy, for the temple of God is holy, in which temple you are. And that's a real quick verse, right? That's super clear. So, we are the temple of God, and so, you know the Bible says not to grieve the Spirit, not supposed to grieve the Holy Ghost, because he dwells within us. And so, the more you sin, or wherever you take the Holy Spirit, he's going with you. If you think about that, God's going with you wherever you go. So, if you're going to the bar on the weekends, God's with you there. Do you think God wants to be in the bar? Probably not. As a matter of fact, I know he doesn't want to take the bar. So, look at 1 Corinthians chapter six, verse 19. 1 Corinthians chapter six, verse 19. The Bible says, what, know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost, which is in you, and ye have of God, and ye are not your own. You're not your own anymore. Christ redeemed you once you got saved. You've been redeemed, and you're not your own. You've been bought with a price, right? And the Bible says that your body is that temple, which the Holy Ghost dwells within. So, things have changed. The Old Testament tabernacle, the Old Testament temple, both things are also done away because God is within each and every single believer. And so, we don't need some special building where we have to go and worship once a year or whatever. We have what's called local New Testament churches. So, in turn to Hebrews chapter 10, verse 24. Hebrews chapter 10, verse number 24. Now, we are supposed to gather together now. So, even though we don't have some special temple we have to go to, we are still commanded, commanded, to go and gather together. All right, look at Hebrews chapter 10, verse 24 says, and let us consider one another to provoke unto love and good works, not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together. So, right now we're assembled together and that's what God commands you to do. Not forsaking, we're not supposed to forsake that. We're not supposed to say, hey, you know, I want to do this or that. We need to be in church. As much as the doors are open, we should be at church. And again, where does our church meet? We meet at this building right here. So, the building doesn't make the church, it's the people in the building that make up the church, the assembling of the believers. And it says, as the manner of some is. Some people have a manner of just sitting in church and not coming, they just think it's not important, you know, but here's what it also says, but exhorting one another and so much the more as you see the day approaching. So, are we supposed to go to church more or less? We're supposed to go to church more. What day approaching is it talking about? The day of Christ. The day that Christ returns. So, are we closer today than we were yesterday for Christ's coming? Absolutely. So, every day we move on, we should be going to church more. You're like, you guys go to church three times a week and you have special this and special that. I know. We're supposed to go to church more. Does the Bible say how many days of church you have supposed to have a week? It doesn't say that, but I'll tell you what. In the first church in Acts, the first New Testament church in Acts, they gathered together every day. So, maybe I should just institute everyday church. Maybe that'll help you out. Maybe we get closer to God. Who knows? There'll be some skeleton services, I'm sure, because you'll be like, he's ridiculous. Okay, I guess the apostles in Acts were ridiculous too. I'm not going to really do that though. I'm just saying if we did have, maybe we had a week where we just had church every day. Would you come? Would you come? You know, these old IFB guys, they'll have like revival services for a week, which they don't really know what revival means. It's just some evangelists getting up and ripping people's faces off, but they don't really do that anymore. They come in and build radials and talk about movies and stories and Jews and stupid things, Charlton Heston, Kirk Douglas, or whatever. A bunch of stuff that's just fluff, no Bible. Now, I'm sure that there are evangelists that come here today, but they're limited by what they can do. You know, they go to the pastor and probably ask for permission to preach, so they're not even free to preach the whole counsel of God on a lot of cases. They have to call and ask for wives to wear pants or dresses before the service. I actually knew missionaries that they would call, they would get into town, and they would call and ask the pastor if women are allowed to wear pants at church. His wife wanted to wear pants at church. Anyway, that's a weird question to ask, but look, we need to go to church more as the day approaches. Isn't that what it says? Mine says you're making that up so you don't have to come to church here, kind of thing? No, I'm doing that so you can come and exhort people and so you can provoke unto love and good works. How are you going to provoke someone to love and good works if you're not even here? You've got to be here in the house of the Lord. Maybe you need to be provoked to do something good, but if you're not here, how can someone even do that for you? It says, for if we sin willfully, so what does that tell you right there? It says if we sin willfully. What does that mean? If you don't assemble, it's sin. So if it's sin, then maybe you should start coming to church as much as the doors are open. I'm not saying, look, I know people travel from a long way away. I'm not saying if you miss every once in a while, you're a wicked rebel bait or something like that. I'm just saying that if you can be here, be here. Quit making excuses and stay out of church. It's sin. It says if we sin willfully, after we receive the knowledge of the truth, there remains no more sacrifice for sins. So if you're sinning willfully by not coming to church, you're not right with God, period. It says, but a certain fearful looking for judgment and fiery indignation which shall devour the adversaries. Do you want what the adversaries are getting? I don't. I don't really have a choice of whether I can come to church or not. I can't just put my finger up and see how the wind's blowing and say, you know, I'll just have somebody else preach for me. Now, if I'm sick, I'll do that. But most of the time, I'm here unless I'm preaching someplace else. So it says, you know, he that despised Moses' law died without mercy under two or three witnesses. I mean, this is a pretty harsh language, right? But people say, oh, going to church is not big of a deal. You know, I went once. But what were you doing on the times that you could have gone when you should have been here, you know? God uses some harsh language here because he takes it very seriously. And you know what? You should too. But he said, you know, so much the more, as you see the day approach, that means he wants to go to church more. I mean, isn't that, you guys speak English in here? That's what it says, right? So I'm not reading anything into it. It's just what the text says. Turn to Proverbs chapter five, verse 14. Proverbs five, verse 14. The Bible says, I was almost and all evil in the midst of the congregation and assembly. So a lot of times the Bible defines things for us. Congregation and assembly are basically the same thing. If everybody assembles here, you're the church of someone here. If you're the congregation of the Lord, that means a bunch of people that are congregating together, which is also like the same as assembly. Revelation 21, verse three. Revelation 21, verse three. Revelation 21, verse three. This is where the future tabernacle of God will be. Look what it says. And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them and be their God. So there's gonna be a time when God's actually gonna physically live with us in the same place. New Jerusalem, right? And so we'll actually be able to see God at some point. We'll be able to, you know, see the Lord Jesus Christ, and it says the tabernacle of God will be with men. So we have the Holy Spirit. That's not gonna change. But there's gonna be a time when we actually, you know, right now we just pray out of faith. Has anybody here seen Jesus before? No? Anybody ever seen God's Father here before? No. There's gonna be a time when we will. That's gonna be a great day. And so that's what the future holds for us. But let me define, also, what a church is. Because a lot of people have this confused. A church can be just some heat and organization. It doesn't have to be the church, like, the New Testament church. Look at Hebrews chapter 12, or 2 verse 12. Hebrews chapter 2 verse 12. Otherwise I'm having to flip to a lot of verses, but that's not unusual. Hebrews chapter 2 verse 12 says, It's the same, I will declare thy name unto my brethren in the midst of the church, will I sing praise unto thee. So in the midst of the church, so now, well, you don't have to hold your finger there, but now turn to Psalm chapter 22. You can hold your finger there and look back for it if you want, but it's the same. This verse in Hebrews was quoted from Psalm 22, 22. And it says, I will declare thy name unto my brethren in the midst of the congregation, will I praise thee. You're like, Pastor Thompson, that's a contradiction. That was a lot of contradiction. The fact is, the church and congregation mean the exact same thing, right? So, and when you're talking about the congregation of the Lord, that is the church of the Lord. So people congregate for all kinds of different things. Turn to Acts chapter 19 verse 37. People congregate for all sorts of things. You know, the Masons congregate also. And so if it's, if they congregate, that would be a church, right? So church and congregation mean the same thing. Look at Acts 19 verse 37. I'll prove to you that other people can be called churches. Like, people just act like church is this, you know, mystical thing, but it's not. It's just the word that means congregation. If you look up the word congregation in the Old Testament, you're gonna see it multiple times talking about the congregation of the Lord. Now, look what it says in Acts 19 verse 37. It says, For ye have brought hither these men, which are neither robbers of, what's it say? Churches. Churches. It's not talking about Christian churches. It's talking about, what, nor yet blasphemers of your goddesses. So this is when, you know, they were saying, Great is Diana of the Ephesians. And basically, this person's coming and trying to calm everything down. He says, they're not robbers of churches. Meaning, they're not coming and taking idols, you know, out of their congregations. Because there was, you know, Baal had his own congregation. You know, so there was all kinds of other congregations. But when we're talking about the church of the living God, that's talking about the assembly of believers. The congregation of believers. So, like I said, the Old Testament church was different. So, the church had a tabernacle they specifically had to go to. The church had a temple that was a temple that was a temple that they were supposed to meet at. And they had to have song feasts and all these other things. But now, there's multiple congregations. Multiple churches. So, when the Roman Catholic Church says, you know, the church, they mean this invisible fake church that they say that all believers are part of this universal church. It's just not true because if they're not all gathered together then they're not a church. Because I just proved that the church means congregation today and assembly. So, now look at Zechariah chapter 7 or excuse me chapter 4 verse 9. So, the Old Testament church in the wilderness and the tabernacle the temple made by Solomon and then later on Zerubbabel rebuilt the temple that was destroyed. Look at Zechariah chapter 4 verse 9 it says, the hands of Zerubbabel are the hands of Zerubbabel have laid the foundation of this house his hands shall also finish it and thou shalt know that the Lord of hosts hath sent me unto you. So, Zerubbabel actually is the one that laid the foundation and the Bible says that's a prophecy right there so it didn't come true that Zerubbabel actually laid the foundation for the house of the Lord and he's surprised that he's the one that laid the foundation amen he's the sure foundation and then he also finished all the works it's a good picture I mean Bursch just kinda jumped out at me yesterday I thought it was great but the building like I said was important in the Old Testament but it was different so our building here we don't have a cave wherever it is we're still supposed to meet so if they took this building away or they took the building away that we're moving into we should go to someplace where we can all meet together and still have a church service and the church should come together and assemble so I just wanted to lay all that out for you and now I'm going to tell you what I wanted people to understand like there is a difference like a lot of people you know the church that we went to a couple of churches ago the church burnt down and that's like that's all they talked about that's all they focused on they literally they would say that the church is the building that they rebuilt it to where they you know it's all beautiful and gorgeous and all the stuff but the spirit of that church is gone that that candlestick is removed there they don't even go soloing so you know you can be what's called the local new testament church so it doesn't matter how beautiful your building is it matters what you're teaching out of the bulk of what you're doing as the work of the Lord taco feast and camp camp drives and all this other stuff and ladies bible study and all the other things that people put as ministries are not what God hoped to do is say get out there and win souls prayers so i'm going to just show you some things today where i think it's important for us to have a nice building but it doesn't have to be you know a palace or something right so look at verse number one let's go back to first chronicles chapter two and look at what the bible says there first chronicles or excuse me second chronicles chapter two verse number one says and psalm determined and psalm determined to build an house for the name of the Lord and an house for his kingdom so applying that to the new testament well is there anything wrong with us building a house to the Lord absolutely not is there anything wrong with us trying to further his kingdom absolutely not that's what we're trying to do moving into this new building we've outgrown this building and we need bigger space I wish that we didn't have to move away from his you know I wish he would have had a building and we could have stuck with him because he stuck with us through a lot of hard times where we would have problems with other people so but I believe it's fine to have it happen we don't have to even build that building it's already built for us it's pretty nice it's like just taking over first Timothy chapter 3 verse 15 first Timothy 3 verse 15 says but if I tarry long that thou mayest know how thou oughtest to behave thyself in the house of God which is the church or the congregation or something of the living God the pillar and ground of the truth so the church is the eighth in the house of God so in the New Testament the Bible still calls the church the house of God isn't it just like Solomon called it I'm going to build an house for God for the Lord for his kingdom so there's still a house of God and that is the standing rock it could be a small rock too but what do you know about pillars pillars aren't necessarily beautiful you know was Christ beautiful did Christ need to be some handsome looking guy no he was just an ordinary guy you know a pillar could just be a regular rock but what that rock is is you know Christ is pictured as a rock and it was never like here polish these rocks and make an altar in the Old Testament it was hey just put some rocks and that can be your altar so ground wouldn't that be what ground is earth a foundation so I mean the picture here is that solid ground on it that is good enough to be called the church and it's the ground of the truth so the truth has to be thundered forth out of the local New Testament church the house of God is us gathered together but if we're gathered together in this building it's still the house of God isn't it I'm just gonna start reading cause I got a lot of stuff never Acts 2 46 and they continuing daily with one accord in what the temple and breaking bread from house to house they eat their meat with gladness and signalness apart so they continue daily I brought that up before but the point is you know and I'm sure that that was you know they were at odds they were being dragged before the judgment seats were doing that but at first they did meet in the temple that's what they would eat they would preach the gospel people but you know the place where we meet doesn't matter but it is good in every house they cease not to teach and preach Jesus Christ so again in Acts chapter 5 they're still daily meeting and they're in the temple and in every house so now Romans chapter 16 verse 5 Romans chapter 16 verse 5 so proposing to have a nice building is a it's a good thing does it have to be nice though no it doesn't it was nice back then it didn't you know they walked Jesus looked at all the buildings and how beautiful it was so they weren't meeting in a nice building for a while you know and some things went sideways but it says likewise greet the church that is in their house salute my well-beloved Aphenitis and or and all these places but Paul's talking about a place where there was a church in a house and it talks about that in multiple verses of the New Testament so there's nothing wrong with having it start in a house Pastor Jimenez started his church in a house Pastor Anderson started his church in a house where we started our church right here and it was already kind of ready for us to move into and you know it suited us to do the things that we do could we still do them absolutely we could but it's nice it's a convenience to have a building so anyway I'll get into that more in my third point but point number two a building project requires laborers a building project requires laborers look at verse two in our text it says in Solomon pulled out three score and ten thousand men we don't have that many people in our church but anyway it says to bear burdens to work hard they're carrying heavy things it says and four score thousand to hew in the mountains now it's a good thing we have like car lumber and things like that we don't have to do that kind of stuff for our building project but it says and three thousand six hundred to oversee them and so it's also important like when you're doing some kind of building project you have people that are overseeing the work at the building I just kind of volunteered them and he was like I don't know but I appreciate that but it takes you know we don't need thirty six hundred overseers and you know two workers we need more and more you know this is you know to scale basically three score and ten thousand and seventy thousand men to do this great big project so thankfully we don't need that many but again it's important and it's important when we're trying to get a building ready to go that we have people to actually do the labor so again I just want to thank all the multiple people that have helped with this project and you know even with the whole building there's been a lot of work that's gone into here and you know it doesn't go unnoticed and you know if it goes unthanked I apologize but I'm thanking you right now for all the great things that have been done so far but again it's not finished yet so don't just say ok I've done everything I still need your help the church needs your help so turn to Ecclesiastes chapter five verse twelve that's a great verse about laboring men see without laboring men nothing in this world would get done because labor is just physical labor it's just blue collar work you know all these people that are in these offices in downtown Portland are working from home now but working in these offices and stuff somebody had to build that building and it wasn't them they might break a nail you know these guys but you know there's a lot of white collar workers that are hard workers too I'm not trying to you know we have an infrastructure here in this city and somebody had to put that infrastructure in with laborers someone had to put that infrastructure in Portland that's got potholes all over the street now because there's not enough work getting done but the infrastructure has to get done but like at a church we have to put the work in to get the church ready so it's great that we're having a new building but we need to also maintain it and take care of it and not just treat it like a dumpster so but look at the police he asks his 512 says the sleep of a laboring man is sleep so hopefully you guys I'm trying to help you to get some extra sleep or at least some sleep maybe it's because the rich will not suffer in the sleep so even if you if you're working really hard whether you eat a big dinner or not you're gonna sleep well so that's your that's a good prize for being a laborer so I'm thankful for the blue collar laborers in our church we have a lot of blue collar people in our church and I'm thankful for that point number Solomon sent to Hurom the king of Tyre saying as thou didst deal with David my father and didst send him cedars to build him a house to dwell therein even so dwell with me so David was friends with this king of Tyre and now Solomon is dealing with him also the old I build a house for him sweet incense for the continual showbread for the burnt offerings morning and evening on the Sabbath on the new moons on the psalm feast of the Lord our God for this is an ordinance forever to Israel so but now it's not something that we do in the New Moon we don't have to do any of that anymore but we do have work to do and we've been doing the work for five years now almost and three years at Sure Foundation Baptist Church but you know my father pastor Jimenez you know basically planted this church I'm just saying that you know as if don't think that I'm just saying as a picture it fits so pastor Jimenez you know he's the one that started this church and so now we're moving on to build a better church building for God's glory and this church has worked out great this church building's worked out to the Lord and for his work and you know for places for us to meet and congregate and get everything done so it says verse five in the house which I build is great for great is our God above all gods so everything we should do there should be excellent everything that we endeavor to do should be we're gonna get things like that you know but you know an ox is a beast that does a lot of hard work so hey if we're not gonna do any work it can look like a museum it can look like amazing great Baptist church where you gotta change his hay you gotta muck the stalls and all that stuff and you gotta feed water so you know we're we're a working church we go in and put in hard work so sometimes it's gonna get messed up doesn't mean we don't clean it right you listen to pastors and then it's a sermon on the temple so but that first temple was built for God to get all that work done did they have a day a lot of work to do there but a lot of it was carnal compared to the things that we do now you know the main thing is to get people safe amen so but our purpose in the new chapter twenty eight verse nineteen what did Jesus say that we're supposed to do chapter twenty eight verse nineteen says go you there for and teach all nations baptizing in the name of the father and of the son and the holy ghost so we're supposed to teach all nations and get them saved baptizing them in the name of the father son and the holy ghost teaching them to observe all things not just some things not just the things that people like not just only teach love it has to be a balance of what God's giving us as long as we're doing the mission that God has given us as long as we're going out and fulfilling the great mission and that you know when I preach I'm just not holding things back and saying I don't know I might lose a tiger if I say this that's what other pastors do that's what other preachers do asking questions to the people in the congregation you keep that you know tiptoeing around it because that church you know has been known to fire pastors you know and that's what happens when you have a wrong balance you have to have a right balance and the balance where the deacons run the church building and run everything that goes on in the church pastor friend that I went to his church a long time ago and he was supposed to take over for an old pastor and he was there for a long time and then the pastor just never retired he's like in his 90s or something he refused to retire but like you know this my pastor friend was just like you know whatever whatever the time is and then they did a business a vote of a business meeting is gone is that how church is supposed to be run absolutely not so things have to be done in the proper order and you know we can't we can't do things out of balance so what have what's the kind of work that's going on in this church and church building and the building that we're going to move on to well bible preaching it's not censored so but a lot of people won't even go into go to a church if it's at a house a lot of people won't even go to church if it's in a building storefront like we have here a lot of people won't go into a building that looks rough on the outside and okay on the inside or whatever i mean it doesn't matter like if you look at pastor men's building does it look like this outside gold pristine building now right next door and a pot shop used to be right next to it you know the church the building we're moving into now there's a pot shop right next door don't let me catch you going in there i will eat you but yeah pull me by the hair but you know there's obviously i found out there's some homeless issues there so that's kind of annoying but you know it doesn't matter what our building looks like on the outside necessarily it doesn't have to be the temple that harry built it doesn't have to be the temple that is ruleable finish it doesn't have to be the temple that moses uh had put together or the tabernacle doesn't have to be the temple that solomon built it could just be a place for us to go to meet and do the work of the lord it doesn't have to be something super special but it should be a place that we can get work done and so it's hard to especially here if we just met in a field there our church our church has to drop drastically with that there's a rains all the time here and the summertime is they can get hot you know or it gets cold and windy or snows it's a convenience to be able to meet and ability to do this so we still got to get the preaching done and the teaching and the baptisms and the soul learning and the music you know it's kind of hard to play musical instruments and with you know or with no nothing blocking stuff from getting wet and destroyed and ruined you know so i think it's a thing of convenience for us and it's a i think it's a thing that that's necessary for us to do the most we possibly can so i want to just keep it in perspective the fact that we have a building but it is a luxury to be out of the weather and the heat and the cold and the rain the snow and the wind having heat is nice in the wintertime isn't it having ac is nice in the summertime it was 115 degrees here it was all cranked up right and it was nice to have it and when it goes out people get annoyed people get angry because we're used to being comfortable you know there might be a time though come when we won't have a comfort like this so we should enjoy it while we have it okay and our types of churches are going the way of the dojo and you know there's not a lot of people that are preaching the truth without saying the truth right people are out censoring the message or they're too afraid to put their messages up in the public so other people can hear it so isn't having chairs as nice having a place to store our stuff is nice what if we had to set up chairs for every single service would that be annoying like all these chairs every single every single week hauling them you know people have to do that but we don't have to do that it's a convenience for us to have to store everything that we have have our camera equipment baptismal towels invites videos pulpit water coffee food all that kind of stuff we couldn't do that if we didn't have a building it'd be really bare bones you know maybe there's gonna be a time when that's gonna happen I think it probably will yeah so but we need to get back to church here's the address here's the service times you know if we don't have a certain place to be that or we're having a constantly plan on going someplace else it's hard to invite people to come and hear the Bible preaching and get baptized all that stuff obviously we can talk something in the river or here or anyplace else right so it is a convenience it's a necessary thing for us to have a building there's nothing wrong with it but there's people out there believe it or not that are against us having a building they think that it should be small churches of eight or ten everybody there nobody's really qualified to be a pastor nobody's qualified you know it's like there's five pastors five deacons and all their wives or whatever and it's just like who's going to preach this week you know it's just confusion it's not biblical you know it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's 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