(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Alright, well, I'm preaching the second sermon. I had 50 great things that happen to you when you get saved I preached it a couple Sundays ago, and I knew that I wasn't going to get to 50 so wisely I Went to 25 and I got it all done in about an hour So I'm going to attempt to do the same thing today. I'm going to go Through 26 to 50 so I'm going to go through these fairly fast there's a few of them that I'm going to focus a little bit on but I'm going to try to get this done as Swiftly as possible so we can get to lunch at a reasonable time here, but Yeah, the title of the sermon is 50 great things that happen to you when you get saved and of course this is again part 2 and it'll be 26 through 50 so In heat before we get to 1st Peter chapter 1 there. I just wanted to call your attention to what I said last Sunday we went through Hebrews chapter 2 and Where it says how shall we escape if we neglect so great? salvation and the point that verse is making is that salvation is a great thing and we Get a lot of great things when we get saved and sometimes we forget about how great salvation is And so this is why I'm preaching these sermons because I just want to remind us that even in these dark times There's a lot of great things that come with salvation. We should not take those things for granted We should be thankful for the great things and the great blessings that God gives us when we get saved So number 26 and that's where we're going to start in 1st Peter chapter 1 verse 2 number 26 is We are elect according to the foreknowledge of God. We are elect according to the foreknowledge of God look at 1st Peter 1 2 it says elect according to the foreknowledge of God the Father and This is these are again These are verses that that Calvinists love to twist and they love to tell us how see it's you know It's it's because of the foreknowledge of God, you know He knows who he's gonna choose and that is true to an extent here But he just knows who's going to get saved Alright, so he knows who's gonna get saved and then he chooses us based upon the fact that we're going to choose him and So now whether so obviously he knows that so is he gonna he's gonna send but look the Bible says that You know if the Son of Man be lifted up, he'll draw all men unto him So everybody still gets a chance to be saved This is what these clown Calvinists actually don't get these days is that they think that some people are destined for hell No matter what because God just doesn't like them for whatever reason and that God just happens to like people for no reason whatsoever It's all in his manifest will That and all that but I'm gonna get to that later on but I just this point here is that we are elect to the according to the foreknowledge of God the Father through the sanctification or the setting apart of the Spirit unto obedience and sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ grace unto you and peace be multiplied So we are elect and you know, of course we understand a little bit about election, you know There's a lot of election talk right now. We choose, you know, supposedly we choose our The people for president and things like that I kind of am of the mind that if we really had a choice that they wouldn't let us choose so I Don't know that's just kind of my Dark thoughts on it, but I think a lot of people believe that now, but I don't know. We'll see Number 27 we are perfected or made complete forever turn over to Hebrews chapter 10 Hebrews chapter 10 we are perfected or made complete forever So that word perfect in the King James Bible It's never talking about the fact that you're walking on water or you're gonna be some sinlessly perfect person I know a lot of people teach that but that's just complete Nonsense because nobody can even get through a day without sinning. So what does perfect mean? Well, it means complete It means you're like the complete package. You're You're perfected but obviously when we get to heaven that's gonna be a different story Our flesh will be perfect. Our flesh will be complete and we will be like Christ completely sinless and immortal So Hebrews 10 14 says though for by one offering he hath perfected Forever them that are sanctified and even though right now, we're not perfect necessarily But in the long run we already are so it's as if it's already happened anyway So just like we're already seated in the heavenly places. So number 28 We're another another great thing that happens to you when we're saved. We're preserved or kept safe in Christ Jesus we are preserved or kept safe in Christ Jesus and Miss Jessica does like to pickle things and she brings them in and kind of gives them to people and I know my Wife really enjoys the carrots and she you know, she tries not to let me get out him or whatever She because I like him too, but she just especially likes those ones But what is the point of pickling something? It's to preserve those things so that they don't go bad in like a week or something or a couple weeks They you preserve things or you put them in some kind of a solution to make sure that they last for a long time So Jude 1 1 if you want to turn there you can if not just listen, but Jude 1 1 says Jude the servant of Jesus Christ the brother of James to them that are sanctified by God the Father and preserved in Jesus Christ and Called so we are preserved in Jesus Christ that means we're kept safe From spoiling right and it says and the Lord shall deliver me from every evil work and preserve me Unto the heavenly kingdom to whom be glory forever and ever. Amen So it kind of cuts out the you could lose your salvation type thing can't doesn't it? Because if you're canned in Christ Jesus Then that means you're kept safe from spoiling right? That's the whole point that you can just keep something and like, you know people put things in there You know that used to be that people had root sellers or fruit sellers or whatever you want to call them They can things and they put them in storage and even you know have like years of storage of these things So in case there's times of famine or times when the crops don't come in Then they can go to the second store and then you bring all that stuff up to the front and then you have the other You know the the years Stacked up a little bit so that you're not going to starve to death if your harvest doesn't come in for whatever reason so The the purpose of preservation in even in the King James I mean, why do we have the Bible still today because God's preserved his word for us in the King James Bible Number 29 God forgets all of our sins forever. He forgets them And you know, is it because he has dementia? No, of course not he's not Joe Biden Like he doesn't just forget You know then because he just has a problem with that because he's old or something No, he forgets them because he wants to forget them. It's as if they didn't happen So turn to Psalm 103 verse 8 Psalm 103 verse number 8 Psalm 103 verse 8 God forgets all of our sins forever Psalm 103 verse 8 the Bible says the Lord is merciful and gracious Slow to anger and plenteous and mercy. He will not always chide Neither will he keep his anger forever. He has not dealt with us after our sins. Aren't you thankful for that? He hasn't dealt with us after this things that we've done nor rewarded us according to our iniquities You know if he reward us for our iniquities, we would all be dead right now, but God is plenteous and mercy For as the heaven is high above the earth So great is his mercy toward them that fear him now He does have mercy to those that are unsaved to Because literally people just blaspheme God and hate God and yet they're still breathing air today There's tons of people out there today that are filled with pride right for this whole month It's all about pride and our government is Partaking in these evil deeds with them and yet God allows them to breathe air So God does have mercy on the unsaved too and even reprobates The the rain falls on the just and the unjust also But as far as we're concerned look what it says in verse 12 as far as the East is from the West so far hath he removed our Transgressions from us like as a father pitieth his children So the Lord pitieth them that fear him for he knoweth our frame. He rememberth that we are dust So God, you know, he understands what's you know? What our problems are basically and that he understands that we're dust because he made us right? Turn back to Hebrews chapter 10 verse number 15 Hebrews chapter 10 verse number 15. So he Removes those sins and transgressions far from us because he has mercy. He loves us he doesn't want to remember those things about us and It's because of Jesus Christ look at Hebrews 10 verse 15. It says where of the Holy Ghost also is a witness to us For after that he had said before This is the covenant that I will make with them after those days saith the Lord I will put my laws into their hearts and into their minds. Will I write them and their sins and Iniquities, what's it say there? I will remember no more Amen, he doesn't remember our sins anymore After we get saved you're like, well, he how does he punish us here on this earth then well Because in the now right here in our mortal bodies He he has to punish the sins that our flesh commits but the new man can't sin the new man the new creature in Christ Jesus cannot sin and so That is he's not you know that that new creature in Christ Jesus is not those sins are not counted towards that person but the flesh that we still live in that's what he's punishing Number 30 we are sanctified or set apart as belonging to God We are not our own we're bought with a price aren't we in Hebrews 10 10 years. You're still in that chapter there it says by the which we are sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once and for all we are sanctified Through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once and for all so we belong to the Lord Jesus Christ We're set apart as Belonging to him number 31. We have peace with God Romans 5 1 you can just listen or write it down if you want or you can go there if you want to But Romans 5 1 we have peace with God It says therefore being justified by faith. We have peace with God Through our Lord Jesus Christ because if Jesus Christ wasn't there to step in for us Then what would we have instead? We would have the wrath of God abiding upon us right so we have peace instead God doesn't want to he doesn't look at us and want to destroy us He looks at us and loves us because he sees the blood of Christ upon us Number 32 we are made part of the household of God Another great thing that God does when we get saved is he makes us a part of the household of God I was really just kind of pondering on this and musing upon this And just thinking about how awesome this really is turn to Ephesians chapter 2 verse 19 Ephesians chapter 2 verse 19 now we all have households here and We have a lot of us. We have extended family some some of us We don't but a lot of us we have extended family, but they're not necessarily part of our household When someone's part of your household they live with you and they're support you're either supported by The person who's making the money in that household and providing for the things of that household But if you're part of the household you're part of the immediate family You know that's a special thing so our immediate family You know a lot of our kids are moved out and things like that so now it's just me and my wife as Is the household that we have but we used to have a bigger household a lot of you have Pretty big households now. You know through the years We've had families and now they have more kids of course than when they first got here And so your households are pretty big but look at Ephesians for chapter 2 verse 19 it says now therefore you are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the Saints and of the household of God so we're not just Extended family we are the household of God think about that for a second I mean we're not in a lower heaven We're in the household of God. He's our father I mean you know just to think about how how cool that really is I mean God who created everything like he's the most famous Being in the whole universe because he's God and we're in the same house. It's like where do you live with God? Where's your house in heaven with God? I mean, that's our future isn't it? So We're not going to be in some kind of Slave quarters, or you know servants quarters off in the back yard or something shining the Jews shoes or something ironing their suits Doing their laundry or something no. We're you know this chapter if you actually read the whole chapter. It's talking about how we're the same Gentiles are the same as Jews. We're the same So it's not like they're better than us in any way like a lot of people want to teach We're the same if they're saved, and we're saved. There's like there's no difference anymore Like that's the thing that you know we want to make all these differences And like that we should have Jewish congregations or something no Jew Gentile white black Chinese Whatever you are you should we should all be in the same house together So all nations of the earth should be able to gather in one place under the name of Lord Jesus Christ Now obviously if you speak different languages that might make things complicated, but that's what the gift of tongues is for and I'm not talking about the The you know jibber-jabber where some woman is getting up and speaking in tongues even though the Bible says not to do that and Then somebody's pretending to interpret what they said even though they aren't speaking a known language Which is another weird thing they're all getting up and saying it at the same time and Then next thing you know people are falling over when the pastor comes over and touches their head They fall on the ground and start twitching and stuff. It's not what I'm talking about so but Furthermore we're not Baptist writers either So what is a Baptist writer who knows what a Baptist writer is who's heard of that term? Who's not sure what that means? Okay, well basically what what the Baptist brighter teach is that there's an unbroken line from John? the Baptist and that every church is established and That they have these certain earmarks that if they like say they say a Baptist You know a church came from the John the Baptist John the Baptist Baptist Church or whatever and They use real wine in their communion well Then that church if any churches that came after and and and were built upon that church are null and void Because they use wine in their communion and the other thing that they believe is that you can trace back to the beginning of that first original church and Like historical documents will show you oh Yeah, this is that church This is that church and that you can trace back your line lineage in like a church genealogy so to speak back to that original John the Baptist Church Back to the original Church of Christ And I'm not talking about the Church of Christ the Duck Dynasty one or whatever I'm talking about the real Church of Christ, okay So we are Baptist we identify as Baptist But some people would say if you are not Baptist And you don't believe these specific things or your church didn't Keep the practices of the Baptist are supposed to teach and preach and that church Wasn't doing that for whatever reason then You're not part of the bride of Christ and that if you're not a Baptist then you're not part of the bride of Christ So if you're say you're just a Christian that got saved And you don't even know what a Baptist is, but you got saved by grace through faith you actually are saved That you will be basically serving tables For the Baptist you'll be like in a lower state in heaven is I mean Maybe not all bride-ers think that but a lot of them do they literally think that you're they're gonna be wearing aprons and serving us I don't know if this came from Masonic teachings or what what happened here But a lot of Southern Baptists believe this kind of stuff And it kind of crept into the missionary Baptist churches, and that's really the Baptist bride-ers a lot of them are Missionary Baptists what I found anyway at least the ones I know of up here And I've heard him brag about how I'm a brighter brother You know it's like I've seen a Baptist bride-er Disfellowship another missionary Baptist because they traced the genealogy of where that church came from and they found out that some church Pastor or whatever used real wine in one of the communion services, and they disfellowshipped a whole section of missionary Baptist That we're still doing all the things that they were supposed to do to be in Direct connection, but because one church back so in the 1800s used real wine for their communion That they weren't a legitimate church because of that so It's just really weird isn't it? We're not Baptist bride-ers. That's why I say that so we're part of the household of God. There's no lower heaven You know you might have less rewards in heaven than other people you might shine brighter than other people But it doesn't mean you're lesser Than other people and it doesn't mean you're gonna be you know shining the Baptist shoes if you didn't go to a Baptist Church Because you know there wasn't always a Baptist Church in existence Just so you know that now do I believe there's an unbroken line of saved people that go back I believe there's unlike an unbroken line that goes back to Adam and Eve if you really Think about it. I think save people beget save people I Think that churches beget churches You know and if a church goes bad Then they go bad because of the doctrine or the pastor leads them in a wrong way But I believe that there's saved people all over the world that don't necessarily even call themselves Baptist the Titus chapter 3 9 says but avoid foolish questions and Genealogies and contentions and strivings about the law for they are unprofitable in vain And you know you're like genealogies well that's talking about people, but isn't going to a church genealogy the same thing You're I mean what a weird thing to base your fellowship on they're doing all the same things that you're doing that You're supposed to do now But you're looking at a church in a building Somewhere that practice some kind of thing that wasn't right does that mean you know I mean look at look at the churches in Revelation It's like they were doing a lot of things wrong. It's like Jezebel is teaching the other people to commit fornication And Jesus said if she doesn't repent then I'm going to come and Throw her in tribulation or whatever so even that church was still a real church according to the Lord Jesus Christ But you're gonna say because somebody drank wine In community I think that's wicked I think that's wrong, but when I say that any church that met in that building afterwards or call themselves Baptist Was not really a Baptist today because of what somebody else did 200 years ago. That's weird that is Just unbiblical and we can strange we are still of the household of God look at so number 33 as Living stones we are built into a spiritual house and Stay in Ephesians chapter 2 look at verse 20 as living stones. We are built into a spiritual house of God Ephesians 2 20 says and are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets Jesus Christ himself being the chief Cornerstone who's the chief Cornerstone Jesus Christ? What's everything? What are things built upon the foundational cornerstone, right? That's Jesus in whom all the building fitly framed together groweth unto and holy temple In the Lord in whom ye also are builded together for an habitation of God Through the spirit so we are built upon That foundation of Christ so we are a spiritual Building put together on top of the Lord Jesus Christ turn to first Peter chapter 2 first Peter chapter 2 first Peter chapter 2 verse 4 the Bible says To whom coming as unto a living stone disallowed indeed of men, but chosen of God and Precious of course is talking about the Lord Jesus Christ ye also as Lively stones are built up a spiritual house and holy priesthood to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God by Jesus Christ in the New Testament This is you know, the New Testament is a spiritual testament It's not all this carnal stuff that you see in the Old Testament all that Old Testament stuff was was to show us pictures and to show the through those carnal pictures We know the spiritual truths and so the New Testament is a spiritual testament and This is talking about a spiritual building. We are anything that we build upon is built upon Christ Now is Christ a literal stone? That we built and are we literal stones? No, we're not literal stones. We are spiritually stones to build up this temple and it's a how and in the lat and the and if you It was saying that it's growth unto a holy temple unto the Lord So we are building the kingdom of God on top of the Cornerstone of Christ Number 34 we were given heavenly citizenship. We were given heavenly citizenship And you know, I thank God because it's pretty embarrassing to be a citizen of this country right now It really is I'm glad that I'm a citizen in heaven. I'm glad that my citizenship is actually in heaven and You're like, well, that's a pretty anti-american and pastor. I love America I want people in America to be saved, but am I proud to be an American? No, I'm not proud to be an American I'm not and I'm not gonna wave the flag. I'm not gonna put the flag in this building because you know right now we're more like a banana republic a a Really powerful banana republic an extremely powerful republic with nuclear weapons, but I Mean just what from what you've seen lately. I mean this country is infiltrated to the highest levels now, I Mean the fact that the former president of the United States is facing a hundred and eighty seven years in jail Even though it's not really 187 It's kind of weird how they did that math, right? What's 187 in California? I Don't know. I don't know what they're trying to say with that But I think it's actually they did the math wrong But if they could give Donald Trump the electric chair right now, they would do it in a heartbeat They would I'm not trying to get political up here because I'm not like the biggest fan of Donald Trump either But anybody with two eyeballs can see what was done I kind of mentioned this on Thursday night that how do you know your your country's corrupt? well, the fact that if you're in Manhattan and you're going to to a court trial in Manhattan and People that live there say I know I couldn't get a fair trial there and our country is based upon that that people are supposed to get fair trials and There people aren't getting fair trials and they know that they can't get a fair trial because of the politics of that place Then our country is corrupt It's corrupt You should be able to get a fair trial no matter what city you live in here No matter what County you live in no matter what state you live in. It should not matter what your politics are Isn't that what America is supposed to be founded on the fact that we have freedom of religion? freedom of speech But yet people are being put in prison for the things that they're saying on social media and the opinions that they hold And You know people because of the January 6 riot, I mean look at what people did in Portland for months and months and months I mean Would you say going to a federal building and and just completely trying to destroy it and throw in Molotov? cocktails on police officers and shining lasers in their eyes every single night and Stabbing people and shooting people and murdering people. Do you think that that is not something that's called an insurrection? When you're doing it at a federal building But yet they put somebody in jail for 22 years that didn't even show up there. They weren't even there They've prosecuted over 1,500 people and they've gone and subpoenaed on the biggest manhunt of all time People's social media accounts that they were just in favor of going there. You know what? I'm glad I never even came close to wanting to go there because I don't I don't get down with all that stuff I don't it's it means nothing to me. My fight is a is a spiritual battle. It's not a political battle We should be more concerned about what's going on the church house really than what's going on in the White House But it is kind of hard not to notice when our country is being destroyed from the top down So It's it's pretty sad to say that we're Americans today Foreign countries are laughing at us right now and they can anybody that has two eyeballs can see that We are the most corrupt country on the face of the earth right now And yes, we have the freedom to say these things right now, but it's kind of there's a lot of people are being politically Persecuted right now, you know and Maybe it's just a show who knows but to find the press the former like this is just unpro I don't think people realize how unprecedented this is in history. This has never happened You know when I when I first saw that they just stopped putting his speeches on on television they've never done that before to a president ever Any president they've always treated with respect even if he was the most crappy president that ever was like Jimmy Carter Now we have a new crappiest probably we've had a lot of crappiest presidents now since then but you know Barack Obama Joe Biden, he's probably not even really the president But anyway, you know, I don't I didn't want this to get super political, but it's just it is embarrassing It really is turn to Isaiah chapter 5 verse 20 Isaiah 5 20 the Bible says in Isaiah 5 20 go ahead and take a second to get there Wasn't it crazy how we're just being gaslighted and saying yeah, it's about time Fairness some fairness got happened. That's like what are you talking about? There was nothing fair about that Putting a gag order on the former president United States and saying he can't say that the judge Actually has his own political his daughter's making money for the senator that prepped The guy that testified against the president and that guy admitted that he stole $60,000 from Donald Trump and that's a credible witness Since when And he went to prison for doing some other shy see stuff on somebody else's accounting books It's like but Donald Trump did all the account 34 counts like how can you get a fair trial when they just stack the debt completely against you and They just put all these charges that like it's like what are all these charges since when are all those fed those financial things that he did since when are those all Felonies Yeah, and outside the statute of limitations and All and they did that and they said like when you see the presses they're saying and he did that to do election Interference that's what they really wanted to say that he interfered with the election in 2016 so that now they can say it was election interference because they're they're getting mad at race for saying that the election was rigged in 2020, which it was and But it's okay now because Donald Trump was convicted of doing it in 2016 now officially in 2024 anyway And again, I'm not voting for Donald Trump. So I'm just saying that it's corrupt When the the sitting president is trying to do everything he can to To put Trump in jail or to stop him from campaigning or to stop the American people from voting for him So that they can win the election. It's insane Like I don't know if you if anybody's been paying attention to this, but it is pretty weird anyway, sorry Isaiah 520 says what went to them that call evil good and Good evil that put darkness for light and light for darkness that put bitter for sweet and Sweet for bitter. It's basically this is what what we're kind of living in right now They call evil good They called transvestites and sodomites and homos good and we're evil Because we believe they're evil because the Bible says it They Called good what we say is evil that's hate speech Now the so you're saying that God's what whether it's hate speech or not. God said it God does hate it. God hates them. That's what the Bible says It's the death penalty in Leviticus chapter 20 verse 13. It says and put darkness for light So the things that you know, God calls light they're calling darkness They're saying that what we do what Christians do is darkness and what they're doing is light That's insanity folks Bitter for sweet they're saying here Here you want some sweet candy and it's like Sour Patch Kids or something Even that has a little bit of sweetness to it. Oh Here's some lemon heads. Is that an actual lemon? And then so isn't that gaslighting That's exactly what it is. It's gaslighting. This is what's happening to us in our country today. We're just gaslit on just an everyday news cycle every day and These freaks are just getting away with it. But you know what we need to be awake to these things folks seriously And one thing we need to really realize is that our citizenship is in heaven Philippians 3 20 says for our conversation is in heaven Philippians 3 20 For our conversation is in heaven That means our life or our lifestyle or the way we choose to live our life from whence Also, we look for the Savior the Lord Jesus Christ Who shall change our vile body that it may be fashioned like unto his glorious body According to the working whereby he is able even to subdue all things unto himself Ephesians chapter 2 verse 19 says now therefore you are no more strangers with foreigners and foreigners But fellow citizens with the Saints sin of the household of God Hebrews 11 verse 16 go ahead and turn to Hebrews 11 16 you Hebrews 11 16 the Bible says, but now they desire a better country that is in heavenly Wherefore God is not ashamed to call to be called their God for yet prepared for them a city Thank God that we have a new Jerusalem waiting for us we have a country that we're not gonna have to worry about corruption We have a judge and a king over us that is always gonna make the right decision He's not corrupt. He's not gonna make decisions based upon heavenly politics He's gonna make decisions based upon what's right He's not gonna take bribes. He's not gonna take rewards. He's not a respecter of persons You know which is what he says in his word to avoid and You know our whole system is corrupt. You know America took on the system of the judges They took that from the Bible But what they forgot to do is to actually put in place what the judges are not I mean, I think the judges are not supposed to take bribes. They're not supposed to take gifts But They're probably being promised certain things. Hey you make this happen You put you bring this to trial You you rule in this way, and then you know we'll make sure you're taken care of or whatever Or we'll make you know we'll give you this power. Why are they otherwise? Why are they doing it? Why would a judge not let? evidence be brought forth from one side, but stuff that's not even evidence be brought forth and And called evidence I mean Because it's corrupt and we don't have a God like that, and I'm glad there are our ultimate citizenship is in heaven Number 35 we are accepted in the beloved Ephesians chapter 1 verse 5 Ephesians chapter 1 verse 5 we are accepted in the beloved Says having predestined Excuse me predestinated us Excuse me unto the adoption of his children by Jesus Christ to himself according to the good pleasure of his will now This is what I was talking about so this is another one that the Calvinist loved the twist See it's according to the good pleasure of his will that he just saves whoever he wants to and he doesn't save others Yeah, because that's just how he makes his decisions isn't it It's just according to the good pleasure of his will oh There they I want to save them. I don't know I kind of just like their lips or something I Just like the way that their eyes twinkle What a weird Doctrine Calvinism is what a weird way of thinking Says to praise to the praise of the glory of his grace wherein he has made us accepted in the beloved So People will say the Calvinist will say you know it's based upon his sovereign will that he saves people right just there's just no reason Well look at the second Peter chapter 3 verse 9 Let me just bury Calvinism real quick, and we'll move on to the next point let me bury this this whole According to the good pleasure. I believe he does do it according to the good pleasure of his will, but what is his will? Well Let's just look says the Lord is not slack Concerning his promise as some men count slackness, but his long-suffering to us word Not willing is that what it says right there not willing that any should perish. What is his will? That nobody should go to hell nobody should perish, but that all should come to repentance And not repenting of your sins just repentance changing your mind to believing the truth is what that means So he was just according to the good pleasure of his will what's his will That all should be saved that all should come to repentance He's not willing that he should perish so to say that he just picks people at random for no good reason is a lie straight out of the depths of hell It's straight out of hell folks Like I'm not compromising about that at all I'm not gonna side with the Calvinist over that at all. It's idiotic. It's retarded It's stupid doctrine. It's not true. It's making God a monster and God is not a monster God is not willing that any should perish. That's his will his will is that all would be saved That's why you draw all men unto himself people have a choice Calvinists say that we don't have a choice. He just saves whoever and you don't have a choice. It's irresistible grace No, it is resistible. That's why there's a lot of people going to hell today because they resist his grace They resist his will Because God gives us a choice You don't have to serve him Because believe me I'd be holding a lot of knives to people's throats if they if it wasn't a choice if I could just Make people get saved I would So get saved right now, okay But that's not you can't make people get saved If that was a method I would use it Wouldn't you? You would too Like if you literally could make someone get saved I would but you can't It's a choice Like pastor Thompson said he would hold knives to people's throats News at six Number 36 we are seated in heaven in the heavenlies in Christ Ephesians chapter 2 verse number 6 and hath raised us up together and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus That in the ages to come He might show the exceeding riches of grace and his kindness toward us through Christ Jesus so He's made us to sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus, so we are seated It's as if right we're seated right now and sure foundation Baptist Church on planet earth in Vancouver, Washington 6501 East Mill Point Boulevard nine eight six six one but To God it's as if we're already seated in heaven right now number 37 Our life is hid with Christ in God our life is Hid with Christ in God clause in chapter 3 1 clause in chapter 3 1 The Bible says If you then be risen with Christ seek those things Which are above where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God set your affection on things above Not on thing not on things on the earth It's a good practice for us to get into right for ye are dead and your life is hid with Christ in God so you know this is some practical advice from the Apostle Paul that we should Seek those things which are above like seek our Bible I mean that the Bible does come from above doesn't it comes from the Lord Jesus Christ it comes from I mean obviously We got it You might have got it at Barnes and Noble, but forever is the Word of God settled in heaven There's a perfect Word of God at our fingertips, and it's not an earthly book This book is like no other book so but what book do you have your affection set on? Can you not wait to get home to read your romance novel? Can you not wait to get home to read your hunger games or whatever or I don't know what books are cool right now Can you not wait to get home to read your newest conspiracy theory book or whatever the Holocaust hoax Or some other book But do you hunger and thirst after the Word of God The things of heaven I mean that's what the Bible saying right here that we should seek The things which are above the Lord who wears God he's above He's in heaven and To set our affection on things above not on the things of the earth And you know our lives would be a lot better off for it Obviously we have to work jobs, and we have to think about the things on the earth to a certain extent, but our affection Should be to those heavenly things Because our life is hid with Christ and God number 38 we become new creatures in Christ new creatures and creations in Christ Collage or excuse me second Corinthians 5 17 second Corinthians 5 17 The other ones I'll just read you can write them down second Corinthians 5 17 therefore if any man be in Christ He is a new creature old things are passed away behold all things are become new And a lot of people take these verses and say if you're if you don't if you're not doing the works You know if you're a new creature you're supposed to be doing the works, it's like you should be doing the works Yeah, that's true But you still have the flesh and the flesh wants to do the things of the flesh The flesh doesn't change when you get saved your flesh does not change But the new creature in Christ is you know the Holy Spirit? comes and renews your spirit and makes your spirit alive and We did your spirit was dead before it gets saved, but now it's alive your soul has been made new and You that part of you cannot sin that part of you is the part that's saved So but this body has to die. There's nothing stopping that we have eternal life but once we die You know a physical life That's not the end our Spirit and soul go to heaven to be with the Lord and the social we ever be with the Lord And when he comes back he's gonna bring us back with him At the you know when he on the second coming at the rapture and our bodies and souls and spirit are gonna be back Together again. He's gonna make us new bodies that can't sin that can't get hurt that can't Get Bo and dandruff and all that other stuff, and we'll be forever. It will be immortal It's hard for us to imagine that but that's the truth Galatians 6 15 says Bring Christ Jesus neither circumcision availeth anything nor uncircumcision, but a new creature Ephesians 4 22 says that you put off concerning the former Conversation the old man, what's the old man the person you used to be? Which is corrupt according to the deceitful lust and be renewed in the spirit of your mind And that you put on the new man, so you got to put that on the Bible says yeah, you know getting saves easy folks That's the easy part But it's walking in the ways of the Lord that is difficult. It's living the Christian life. That's hard sometimes and Jesus said that we have to take off pick up the cross daily and walk after him. Why is it daily because Every day is a new day To get things right to be better than you were yesterday Maybe you failed yesterday. We'll pick it up again and fall after Christ So but we need to be renewed in the spirit of our mind So, you know that you have to be spiritual you have to do spiritual things be spiritual in order to Feed the new man and to put on that new man Which is which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness So the new man is created in righteousness and true holiness, but the old man lives still lives there, too That's the fight. That's the that's the fight. We live in this life is you're constantly battling with the flesh and You got to try to kill that old man every day That's like you wake up. You look in the mirror like there you are You know Like what happened what happened your mirror nothing But like we're supposed to die to self and live for Christ and and I realize that's hard but You know, we are renewed and we are a new creature. So we should walk in those things number 39 We are glorified in Christ Romans 8 30 Core we are glorified in Christ Romans 8 30 says moreover whom he did predestinate Then he also called and whom he called then he also justified and whom he justified Then he also glorified Obviously we can't glory before God, but when when Jesus glorifies us, that's okay. We don't glorify ourselves We humble ourselves and the Bible says that God will exalt us in due time so You just have to be humble and you know, God's gonna recognize us for the things There's no reason for us to glorify ourselves or to have our own sense of pride That's just a guarantee that God's not gonna glorify you but in the sense that because he's justified us He's gonna glorify us because he we're gonna be like him. So at some point We'll be glorified too We'll be glorified. I mean the Bible says that he's gonna make those of the synagogue of Satan to come and worship at our feet that's like Who's the synagogue of Satan the people that say that they're Jews and they're really not Jews, but do lie Well, who's that? Who's saying that they're Jews and do lie? Well, the black Hebrew Israelites are saying that they're Jews and they do lie Okay, but there's also a whole religion of people And it's called the religions called Judaism And they say that they're the right religion, but they reject Christ. What's the whole basis of Judaism the rejection of Christ? It's not the Old Testament. Look people think that they worship the same God We do ask any of them if they believe in creation Ask any of them if they believe the things that we believe they don't believe them. They don't believe the Bible is true They don't believe it's literal 99% of them don't believe that stuff and They never believe that Jesus is the true Messiah and if they do then they're outcasts for it They're not accepted So number 40 we are redeemed and delivered from the curse of law Galatians chapter 3 verse 13. We are redeemed and delivered from the curse of the law Galatians chapter 3 verse 13, the Bible says Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law Being made a curse for us for it is written cursed is everyone that hangeth on a tree and That is of course is a reference to the Old Testament where God made it a curse for anybody to be hanging on a tree and Christ of course was hung upon the cross which is made out of what wood which is a Tree, okay, and so when he was hung on the cross Sinless not deserving it, you know, he became that curse for us. He took upon himself all of our sins all all the world sins from Mao Zedong to Jeffrey Dahmer to the worst people on the face of the planet and So literally when when he was became sin for us like God could not have anything to do with him God the Father Turned his face away. That's why Jesus said my God my God why hast thou forsaken me? Because God could I mean and that's the first time ever that God the Father and Jesus Christ were separated from each other and So that's why he cried out like that And then he was separated for three days and three nights and in the pit of hell Which people get mad about that too. It's just like we don't still think he's there he's risen like Where do you go when you have the sins of the whole world upon you What does the Bible say in Acts chapter 2 verse 31 his soul was not left in hell? That's the good hell though right Romans chapter 10 verse 4 It's Hades Pastor Thompson, don't you know anything? Hades means hell in the Greek just so you know anyway Romans chapter 10 verse 4 Bible says for Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone that Believest so he's redeemed us from the curse of law and he's the end of the law of for righteousness for everyone That believeth once you believe you're no longer under the curse of the law You are saved by grace through faith, and that means that you don't have to do any works to Retain your salvation. You don't have to continue to be a good person You don't have to do righteous acts or deeds to stay saved or to prove that you're saved Should you do good works absolutely, but those don't mean that you're saved or they have nothing to do with your salvation But you know what a lot of people that we go knock on their doors. That's what they think and You know if you believe in a combination of Jesus say Jesus being the way to heaven and your own good works Then you're going to hell just that simple You are going to hell I'm not trying to be mean by saying I'm just saying that if you believe that it's not the truth You cannot go in with Jesus and the offering of Cain That's what Cain did he wanted to do it his own way he wander off He wanted to get to heaven his own way, and God said hey if you do well, then you'll be accepted He accepted Abel's offer didn't he? Why didn't he accept Cain's offering because it wasn't what he asked for But yet people will say well, you know I'm just gonna keep doing things the way I I did I'm just gonna keep believing Catholicism Catholicism because that's what my family does well, then you're gonna go to hell with your family Well, I just I can't believe you're preaching the white man's religion Why last time I checked Jesus wasn't white I mean, maybe he is in the Mormon pictures or whatever but The only white people in the Middle East are the fake Jews that are over there now The pull the Polish people that moved back there in 1948 Or the Ashkenazi or whatever who by the way in the table of nations are From Japheth, which are what the Gentiles right anyway? So let me move on here 41 we become spiritual children of God spiritual children of God when we get saved John 1 12 John 1 12 Well I was as in John 1 12 of course we all know this verse But I'm actually gonna read the verse after it too, so if you turn there John 1 12 Really famous verse we use this out so winning all the time to illustrate the fact that once you're in God's family you're always in God's family a lot of the times is what we use this verse for but John 1 12 says But as many as received him to them gave he power to become the sons of God Even to them that believe on his name So what's the Bible teaching here that if we believe on the name of Christ we become the sons of God He's given us that power to become the sons of God isn't that what it says Now are we the only begotten son of God no there's only one only begotten son of God That's Jesus Christ, but we are adopted into the family of God through faith It says which were born not of blood. It's not a blood relation Nor of the will of the flesh Nor of the will of man But of God so we're adopting the God's family by God himself, that's the transaction that happens once we believe first John 3 1 first John 3 1 same author different book different epistle here first John 3 1 says behold what manner of love The Father hath bestowed upon us that we should be called the sons of God Therefore the world knoweth us not because it knew him not beloved Now are we the sons of God and it doth not yet appear what we shall be But we know that when he shall appear we shall be like him for we shall see him as he is But you know these verses illustrate that We're called the sons of God, and it says now. We are the sons of God Bible is very clear about that. We are the sons of God look at 2nd Corinthians chapter 6 verse 18 Now in this passage is kind of illustrating how we should be separate from the world we shouldn't You know be Mixed up in the things of this world we should come out from among them and be separate But I do like this verse because it actually includes daughters in there because a lot of times You know the Bible uses male pronouns For a lot of things like some people get these weird ideas that you know lesbians shouldn't be put to death according to the Bible because it only says you know Only it's talking about men if you live with mankind is that lies with a woman or whatever But you know and it says chasing my son while there's hope, but it never says chasing your daughter It's like you don't don't spank your daughters. It's like Anyway, but here's a good verse that includes the daughters there 2nd Corinthians 6 18 says and Will be a father unto you and ye shall be my sons and daughters saith the Lord Almighty So the Lord Almighty says you'll be my sons and daughters, so if you're saved today Yes, women are also Daughters of God, so there's an inclusive and all I think it's an inclusive verse for the ladies all right Galatians 3 26 says for ye Are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus the Bible is very clear once you have faith You become a son or daughter of God you become part of God's family 42 We become partakers of the blessings promised to Abraham Galatians chapter 3 verse 6 Galatians chapter 3 verse 6 The Bible says even as Abraham believed God, and it was accounted to him for righteousness Know ye therefore that they which are of faith the same are the children of Abraham and the scripture for seeing that God would justify The heathen through faith preached before the gospel unto Abraham so that Abraham get the gospel preached to him Oh, yeah, he did saying in thee shall all nations be blessed So then they which be of faith are blessed with faithful Abraham Abraham's called the father of the faithful We are also called children of Abraham Skip down to verse 28 the Bible says there is neither Jew nor Greek There's neither bond nor free excuse me. There's neither male nor female for a year all One in Christ Jesus now. It's not saying that we're it's not saying some kind of weird queer stuff Okay, the transgenders are probably like yeah, see there's no marrow male or female. It's not talking about that It's talking about our position in Christ. Okay, and if you be Christ then are ye Abraham's seed and Heirs according to the promise once you believe in Christ. You were a part of Abraham see well I thought that was just the Jews no, it's Anybody that's saved is gets the promise that was promised to Abraham, and we partake on the blessings of Abraham 43 all condemnation is lifted all condemnation is lifted Rome turn to John 3 18. I'm gonna read for you Romans 8 1 Romans 8 1 says there is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus who walked not after the flesh But after the Spirit John 3 18 Says he that believeth on him is not condemned, but he that believeth not is condemned already So who's not condemned those that believe who is Condemned already those that have not because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God John 3 36 he that believeth on the son hath everlasting life He believeth not the son shall not see life, but the wrath of God Abideth on him so if you are not saved What's abiding on you the wrath of God? You're literally a heartbeat away From going to the lake of fire and having God's wrath poured upon you for all eternity What a scary place to be living your life I mean if you know what salvation is and you're just waiting to get saved for some reason You're just waiting for some evidence to fall on your lap from heaven or something Don't be a fool get saved Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ now before it's too late because you don't know when your time is gonna be John 5 24 says verily verily I say unto you he that heareth my word and believeth on him that sent me hath Everlasting life and shall not come into condemnation But has passed from death unto life the moment you believe the Bible teaches that you have Everlasting life it says hath Everlasting life it's not a process It's not like well if I just keep doing good until the end of my life no It's right then and there when you believe on him you have everlasting life. You shall not come into condemnation You cannot lose your salvation your past from From death unto life immediately you are saved number 44 We are delivered from the wrath to come turn to Romans chapter 5 verse 9 I'm running out of time here, so I'm trying to go a little bit faster Romans chapter 5 verse 9 And of course you have the famous verse thessalonians where it says that he delivered us from the wrath to come We don't have to go through the wrath of God on this earth that is coming upon all mankind God is going to take us out of here before that happens now He's not going to take us out of tribulation because tribulation is different than wrath Tribulation is what mankind does to us for being Christians or what the devil does to God's people Because he hates us But the wrath of God is what he pours upon the unbelieving world for taking the mark of the beast and for hating him Okay, that's the difference, but Romans chapter 5 verse 9 The Bible says much more than being now justified by his blood. We shall be saved from wrath Through him we're saved by wrath through who the Lord Jesus Christ and We enter into a spiritual rest once we get saved Hebrews chapter 4 verse number 3 Hebrews chapter 4 verse number 3 and So number 45 if you're writing these down is we enter into a spiritual rest Hebrews chapter 4 verse number 3 the Bible says for we which have believed do enter into rest as he said as I have sworn in my wrath if they shall enter into my rest although the works were finished from the foundation of The earth verse 9 the Bible says there remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God Verse 10 for he that has entered into his rest. He also has ceased from his own works as God Did from his so? When we get saved we enter into a spiritual rest number 46 we become brethren to Christ our elder brother Now he's never called really the father in this You know the Bible seems to be really careful not to use that language for us because I don't think it wants us to confuse the father with the son Okay, I think that's the reason why so No and look at let's see Romans actually I'm gonna read Romans 8 go to Hebrews 2 Romans 8 29 says for whom he did for no He also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his son that he might be the firstborn Among many brethren so Christ is the firstborn and he's also the first fruits of the resurrection But it says among many brethren because the Bible teaches that we are his brothers And he calls us that in Hebrews 2 9 it says But we see Jesus who is made a little lower than the angels for this Suffering of death crowned with glory and honor that he by the grace of God should taste death for every man For it became him for whom are all things and by whom all are fit are all things excuse me in Bringing many sons unto glory to make the captain of their salvation perfect through sufferings for both He that sanctified and they who are sanctified are all one for which cause he is not ashamed to call them brethren Saying I will declare thy name unto my brethren in the midst of the church while I sing praise unto thee So even Christ calls us brethren He's not ashamed to call us that we're brothers and sisters to him God Of course, the Father is our heavenly spiritual father number 47. We are partakers of the New Covenant I'm just if you're already in Hebrews just turn to chapter 10. I'm gonna read verse verse 15 through 17 I'm trying to hurry here Where of the Holy Ghost also is a witness to us for after that he had said before This is the covenant that I will make with them after those days saith the Lord I will put my laws in their hearts and in their minds I will write them and their sins and iniquities Well, I remember no more but he promised in the Old Testament that he was gonna make a new covenant That's why it's so weird that the Jews like it's like they're still living Supposedly under the Old Covenant even though the Bible says clearly in many places including the prophet Jeremiah David talks about it that he's gonna make a new covenant, but they just like where is it? Where's the New Covenant? Well, it's already happened, but they rejected it number 48. We become joint heirs with Christ Romans chapter 8 I'll have you turn there while you're turning there. I'm gonna read first our Titus chapter 3 verse 7 Titus 3 7 says that being justified by his grace We should be made heirs according to the hope of eternal life here in Romans 8 verse 16 The Bible says the Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit that we are the children of God and if children then heirs heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ if so be that we suffer with him that we may be also glorified together So we're not just children. We're not the redheaded stepchildren Alright he treats us as equals in the sense that we are joint heirs with Christ So we inherit all things like Christ inherits all things right obviously Christ is our Lord and our brother And our friend so he is above us in station, but we still inherit as joint heirs with him, so First Peter 1 3 says blessed be God and our Father of our Lord Jesus Christ which according to his abundant mercy hath begotten us again unto a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead to an inheritance incorruptible our inheritance is incorruptible and undefiled So nobody can mess with it and that fadeth not away Reserved in heaven for you, so when people say you can lose your rewards What I believe that that's saying obviously is that if you don't do the things you could have done to earn those rewards That's the loss that you gain Anything that's an eternal of eternal value. I don't believe you can you can lose that reward Because you if you get someone saved Then that person is saved forever Right so how do you lose something that lasts forever? It's an eternal reward So and then Lastly I'll read Colossians 1 2 on that it says Giving thanks unto the Father which hath made us meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints and light Who have delivered us from the power of darkness and have translated us into the kingdom of his dear son number 49 Our names are recorded in the Lamb's book of life our names are recorded in the Lamb's book of life turn to Revelation chapter 21 while you're turning there, I'm going to read Luke chapter 10 verse 20 Luke chapter 10 verse 20 This is kind of an important point Luke chapter 10 verse 20 because people get confused about this Luke chapter 10 verse 20 says you're in Revelation 21 to stay there Luke chapter 10 verse 20 listen to this it says Notwithstanding in this rejoice not that the spirits are subject unto you But rather rejoice because your names are written in heaven He's talking to his disciples here And they're just excited about the fact that the devils are subject to them They can cast out devils and all these different things, but he's saying hey rejoice because your names are written in heaven now Revelation 21 verse 27 says and there shall in no wise enter into it Anything that defileth neither whatsoever worketh abomination or maketh a lie because they which are written Excuse me, but they which are written in the Lamb's book of life So only the people go to heaven that are written in that book of life Anybody else they're not getting in at this church. We believe that everyone's name is Written in the Lamb's book of life But once they die unsaved or become a reprobate in their life on earth Their name is blotted out of the book permanently Okay, so you're like well Okay, how do you how do you prove that well? I'll prove it to you Revelation 3 5 Revelation 3 5 Just bear with me well, I'm almost done, but I do want to kind of go over this point real quick To make it understandable so now Revelation 3 5 says this he that overcometh the same shall be clothed in white raiment And I will not blot his name out of the book of life So you're like well, what do you got to do to overcome? Are you like we shall over you know? Are you talking about overcoming you know great burdens in our life or? Overcoming sin by us doing good works. What do you what do you mean by that well? You know what because? Overcoming doesn't necessarily mean one thing as it means as it actually means in the Bible overcoming it could be like hurdles and challenges But really what what we're overcoming is that we're overcoming this world and getting saved. That's what it actually means So those people that are saved it says I will not blot his name out of the book of life So once you're saved your name can never be taken out of the book of life is what it's saying It says, but I will confess his name before my father before angels now turn back to Revelation chapter 21 verse 7 And just keep in mind that word overcome Revelation 21 verse 7 says he that overcometh shall inherit all things And I will be his God and he shall be my son So he that overcometh I will not blot his name out of the book of life He that overcometh shall inherit all things now turn to 1st John chapter 5 1st John chapter 5 Because it's important to you know You have to build Doctrine and base scripture upon you know doctrine upon Scripture upon scripture line upon line precept upon precept We got to get we're gonna get the definition here of overcoming. Okay 1st John 5 4 says for whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world and This is the victory that overcometh the world Even our faith, so what is over? How do you overcome? What's it say faith who is he that overcometh the world, but he that believeth it that Jesus is the Son of God So how do you overcome who's he that overcometh? It's the person that believes that Jesus Christ is the Son of God And once you believe in that your name will not be blotted out of the book of life So our names once your name is written in the book of life, and you're saved Then that name can never be blotted out for any reason in Exodus chapter 32 Moses asks for his name to be blotted out Why does he ask that well because God he knows that God's gonna be sending some of those people to hell that? Worship the golden calf and made that big insurrection, and I'll just I'll just read what Moses says he says Yet now if thou will will forgive their sin, and if not blot me I pray thee out of thy book Which thou has written and the Lord said unto Moses whosoever has sinned against me him will I blot out of my book So he's basically saying Moses. I'm not gonna blot you out. He can't blot Moses out because Moses is saved But some of those people obviously were reprobates that God was gonna blot out So what we believe is your name when you're you know your name is written in the book You everybody has a chance to be saved Once you die without Christ your name is blotted out Once you become a reprobate in this world the Bible teaches that some people are you know they're all they're dead while they liveth There's someone that has rejected Christ to the point where they can no longer be saved and that person's name is blotted out If they and people are like well that I don't believe that's true well How about if you take the mark of the beast how about if you mess with God's Word? You're reprobate hoss you're done You're out of there So don't say that there's nothing that you can do that wouldn't make you be blotted out of the book of life because the Bible says there is so And blasphemy of the Holy Ghost Jesus said you have no forgiveness in this life or in the life to come And he's talking to people that are alive the Pharisees Explain that one if there's people that can't get their name blotted out right now then explain those those things to me Last thing and I'm done number 50 Let's see we are given Given by the Father to the Son as an eternal possession John 6 37 and we'll be done John 6 37 Says all the father giveth me shall come to me and him that cometh to me. I will in no wise cast out For I came down from heaven not to do my own will But the will of him that sent me and this is the father's will Which hath sent me that all which he hath given me I should lose nothing But should raise it up again at the last day and this is the will of him that sent me that everyone which seeth the son and Believeth on him may have everlasting life, and I will raise him up at the last day So we are given by the Father to the Son as an eternal possession the moment we believe on him we have Everlasting life and that means what it literally says that it's everlasting and that we could never lose it So I would just ask these things and I usually don't say these things but If you're saved You know we should rejoice at the wonderful Salvation that we actually have okay, if you're saved today Rejoice the all these wonderful great things that God's done for you And if you already are saved and have grown cold or lukewarm to the things of God Why not get back into the battle and get refired and get rekindled in your faith because you can come to church every Week, but it doesn't mean you're in the battle you can you can say amen brother And you know praise God and all this other stuff, but it doesn't mean that you're actually Fired up for the things of God If you're newly saved get plugged in You know come to church on a regular basis so you can learn and make Christian friends and get Involved in the work of the Lord because here that we're a working church here We're a church in motion and you know a body of Christ in motion that you know in motion stays in motion Alright, if your body is always in motion. It's gonna stay in motion, and that's kind of what we do here We're always trying to do and please God with our works if you're not saved. Why not receive Christ right now and Enter into this so great salvation because you know in a crowd this size the size and maybe some of the children here aren't saved yet, and You know if you believed if you believe in Christ you believe he died. He was buried he rose again the third day All you have to do is ask Christ to save you. It's really simple and he'll save you right now and Maybe you just don't really fully understand everything well one of our ushers can take you this side or just Bring you to somebody that could show you how to be saved at the end of the service And you know you can be on your way to knowing for a hundred percent surety that you're going to heaven so You know I would just say that If you're not a hundred percent sure before You leave this building that you should trust Christ as your Savior and again 50 things That we get the great things we get when we get saved all right. Let's pray Lord We thank you so much for the blessings of salvation and pray that you just bless us as we go out So winning today pray you would help us to reap the harvest pray that Anybody understand my voice. It's actually not saved would would choose to trust Christ Lord you've made it real easy for them, and I pray they would just make that decision to get saved today in Jesus name We pray amen