(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Amen. All right, well it's good to be back this afternoon and you know I don't get to come very often. I've actually come a few times since Christmas so I want to be here as much as I possibly can but for those who don't know me I'm Pastor Thompson and there's a few people that we have that are first-time visitors and we appreciate you being here and this morning I preached a sermon that was encouraging and trying to inspire people but tonight I'm trying to preach the paint off the walls so I don't want people to be offended. I know it might be your first time here but some of the things I say you might not have ever heard in a sermon before and you know if you're offended that's okay but you know just listen to what I have to say before you get mad and walk out all right because some of the things I'm going to say tonight are hard things to be said but they're also true and they come straight out of God's Word. In Hebrews chapter 4 verse 12 it says for the Word of God is quick and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit and the joints in the marrow and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. So the Bible can cut you to the quick and it can and it can leave you know it can get down and discern what you're thinking in your heart and so let the Bible just cut you tonight and don't be offended by God's Word you know because you know the Christianity isn't just about hearts and flowers and puppy dog tails all the time there are some hard things that happen there's some bad things that happen in the Bible there's some bad things going on in our world today and you know a lot of people aren't preaching against it and that's why so much weirdness has happened because Christians have forgot the principles of the Bible and this world has gone topsy-turvy and upside down with all manner of weird doctrine and weird teaching and weird things that they teach people in schools nowadays and the Bible and God is against those things so don't be offended just listen to what I'm saying and just you know if you can't handle it then you know whatever you can just leave but I don't want you to leave but I'm just saying that there's going to be some hard things in here so we're in Matthew chapter 19 and that we read the whole chapter so you can get the context of what's going on so the title of my sermon tonight is there's only two genders believe the science there's only two genders believe the science because today like I said the world's going crazy and people are trying to tell us that there's like 64 genders out there I mean I thought there was only two last time I knew there was two so apparently there's 64 genders but what I would say is that there's only two genders and you know 62 types of queers right so that's really the truth of the matter because all the other stuff is a bunch of weird things that people are teaching you look that's not science all right people are trying to sell say that this is science but we have this this there was this fight last week in congress and actually they passed a thing called the equality act in congress but it's not passed through the senate now I'm hoping that it doesn't pass through the senate you know if we get 10 republicans and I'm look this isn't a political sermon by the way but if there's 10 republicans that pass this through it's going to have ramifications in church it really will it's going to have ramifications in anybody that wants to you know when they say it's an equality act that means somebody else is losing their freedom that's what it really means it means that someone could come in here and there's some tranny and they can come in here and work for the church even though we don't believe in transvestites we they shouldn't even be exist according to god so but this world's gone crazy and now they what they say is equality doesn't mean equality for christians okay it's it's it's all topsy-turvy it's all weird stuff but what I wanted to focus on right here is in verse number four it says have you not read this is jesus talking have you not read that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female do you see any other genders besides that no it says male and female let's have a word of prayer heavenly father we thank you lord so much for this wonderful day we thank you for all the salvations that have taken place lord we love people and want to see them saved but lord we have to preach the truth and tonight I'm going to preach the truth whether people like it or not and I pray that you'd help me with this sermon lord and that you'd help me and be that I'd be filled with your spirit as I preach in jesus name amen so so when jesus said that does it say he made the male and female plus you know 62 other genders does it say that so who's right who's right is it the world that's saying all this garbage or is it god's word god's word is what's true we're christians here today we're reading out of a bible and that's what we're going to focus on and that's what we believe and I'm not going to apologize for that there's two genders and so where I got the title the sermon from is this lady that you know there's a when they're trying to debate this in congress this one woman who has a transgender daughter put a flag up this pink and blue whatever their transgender flag is supposed to be and put it in front of this office of a woman that doesn't believe like that so that every time she had to leave her office she had to see this transgender flag every time she walked out so what the other lady do she had a sign made it said there's only two genders believe the science and that and and they said this bigot this hateful bigot it's like no you know what's hateful is to push something like that some of that garbage in somebody else's face and then when they want to defend themselves then they're the one that's the bigot you know we shouldn't have to put up with garbage like that in in the secret halls of justice or whatever they say look they're they passed that law you know because they hate god all right so god has nothing to do with our con our congress they are off the rails on a crazy train for real so there's so it was congresswoman margery taylor green is and i'm just going to read a little bit from this article has used a sign outside her office to claim that there are two genders male and female citing science so this is obviously they're not on this person's side right however experts have told newsweek the sentiments of the sun go against the scientific evidence of sex and gender so but here's the thing scientists have not proved that there's other genders i don't know what they're talking about like they've done all these studies and i'm going to read from you some of these studies that have come out trying to find this gay gene you know like genetics like there's some gay gene that makes people want to be gay or homos or sodomites or whatever you want to call them i don't really like to call them gay i like to call them sodomites or queers but anyway they're saying that there's something that contradicts science that she her saying that uh that it's to believe the science that she doesn't understand science because science says that people are born gay or whatever look if god told people in leviticus chapter 20 verse 13 that people should be put to death that's what the bible says okay i'm not going to apologize for what the bible says if that's what the bible says wouldn't that make god a monster if he made people born that way wouldn't that make him a monster hey i'm going to make people born that way but then i'm going to tell you to kill them that would make god a monster wouldn't it if god said you know if if people said well serial killers are born that way you know wouldn't that make god a monster to say to to put murderers to death god is not a monster god is good and only is capable of doing good he can't even tell a lie so if he says that certain people should be put to death that's what the bible says god's right we're wrong no matter how no matter if we have a homo cousin or a daughter or a son or a mom or whatever it is god's right they're wrong so number one tonight the bible declares two genders let's look at the verse again matthew chapter 19 verse 3 and and this is in context of marriage but but jesus is referring back into genesis the very first book of the bible in chapter two and also chapter one but look at what it says the pharisees came unto him tempting him and saying unto him is it lawful for a man to put away his wife for every cause which it's not by the way and he answered and said to them what did he say what's the most important thing the bible have you not read so unfortunately a lot of christians don't read the bible today and they just believe whatever uh tv personality preacher is on on television or whatever but you know what those people are charlatans okay people need to start reading the bible for themselves and understanding what it says because jesus quote is quoting the old testament he's quoting the book of genesis from the very beginning of creation okay it says have you not read that he which made them at the beginning made them what male and female it wasn't adam and steve it was adam and eve and let me tell you something here's a scientific thing for you to understand is that it takes a mom and a dad to make a child all right the human race would have been decimated if there was adam and steve okay and god isn't gonna again god does not create homosexuals they are not born that way the the science when i get into the science you're gonna see that they have never proved that people are born that way they might say it on the radio they might say it and lady gay gay might say it okay but it doesn't make it true it doesn't make it true what's true god's word is true and it says god joins male and female together god is the one that married adam and eve in the very beginning that's what god's plan for humanity to move on everything brings forth after its own kind doesn't it that's scientific but i'm not in my science part i'm just telling what the bible declares the bible actually declares there's two genders male and female isn't that what it says am i lying am i taking something out of context here now turn back to genesis chapter two and let's look at verse 21 genesis chapter two in verse number 21 maybe you've never heard preaching like this in real life but god wants us to preach the whole council of god i can't just go through and preach grace and grace and more grace in a 37-week series on grace and then start over again and start another series on grace that's what's going on behind most pulpits today it's all puppy dogs and flowers and unicorns and hey i want to make you feel good so when you walk outside you feel good about yourself sometimes you got to feel bad about yourself too god wants you to you know to change the way you are if you're doing something contrary to what he wants from you then you need to change and so sometimes you have to be challenged to change what you think in your mind what you believe in your heart and what you're doing with your body those things are important to god it's not just about grace hyper grace is already it's already being preached everywhere else it's not going to be preached at this church all the time now we love people we want people to be saved we read the numbers there's several people saved this weekend does that mean we care about people absolutely it does but we got to have grace mixed with a little salt sometimes don't we oh yeah it has to be we have to be a little bit salty otherwise we're good for nothing we're to be cast in the dung hill right look at genesis chapter 2 verse 21 the bible says and the lord god caused the deep sleep to fall upon adam and he slept and he took one of his ribs and closed up the flesh instead thereof and the rib which the lord god had taken from man from man made he a made he a woman and brought her unto the man this is how god made man and woman okay i don't care what the feminazi say all this other stuff god made man first god made woman to be a help meat for the man okay that doesn't mean women are lesser that doesn't mean god doesn't love women as much as he loves men but that's just the way he did it and you know what god's not a woman god is a man he's a man of war the bible says but you know he's also god so all right i'm not going to go into a trinity doctrine here but i'm just saying you know people get offended over everything today like brother chad was telling me something that made me really mad i'm just going to say it right now in cal yeah in california they just passed the new law that if you put in a department store boys toys and girls toys you can get fine was it fine for that so they made it you can't you have to have no gender in the toys anymore in cal in the state of california i don't know if it passed they're trying well they're trying to pass it i'm sorry excuse me sorry pastor amenez but uh i love lots of things about california but they're lawmakers i don't but anyway it says and adam said this is now bone of my bones flesh of my flesh she shall be called woman because she was taken out of man therefore shall and this is what jesus is quoting right here therefore shall a man leave his father and mother and shall cleave unto his wife and they shall be one flesh and they were both naked the man and his wife and were not ashamed so god in the beginning his plan was to make a man and a woman and he told them to replenish the earth and to make more children and guess what you're all here because you have parents imagine that a man and a woman you know it wasn't z and zay and zena and whatever all these other weird uh gender neutral pronouns most people i'm pretty sure everybody in here had a mother and a father right so number one the bible proclaims its truth that there's only two genders number two science affirms two genders number two science you know the people the thing that people say we don't believe in as christians well we believe in science we had a guy today that refused to get saved today because he said that well i'm a man of science i mean he acted like he believed everything until the very end he was asked to pray and he's like well you know i'm a man of science it's like but i believe in space aliens and you know he didn't say bigfoot but i figured he was probably a bigfoot guy but we were trying we're pleading with this man to be saved but he believes all this other stuff and he calls it science space alien he's probably watches too much what's that show ancient aliens look ancient aliens is trash it's not true but science affirms two genders i'm going to read you actually go ahead and turn to daniel chapter one daniel chapter number one and so christians believe in science all right god isn't against science it's not god or science it's both but see there's false science that's being pushed down everybody's throat these days and they're trying to tell us things are science that really aren't like the big bang that 4.6 billion years ago nothing exploded an infinitesimal dot exploded and then made everything that you see here today and a moon and a sun that are exactly the same size in the horizon for us that make i mean look this world if if one thing was off we would be dead god made it sustainable for us to live in and if if one thing was if we got moved a couple degrees out to the left or whatever an asteroid hit us and knocked us off of our trajectory we would be dead but god isn't going to let that happen so look at daniel one it says in verse three the king spake on ashford as the master of the eunuchs and that he should bring certain of the children of israel and of the king's seed and of the princes so the king wants these smart kids to come and work for him and be trained in all the ways of the caledons because they were taken away from their homes but it says children in whom was no blemish so they were good looking but well favored and skillful in all wisdom and cunning in knowledge and understanding science so these kids are godly kids they understand a lot of things you know what else they understand they understand science and i bet you they understood that there's only two genders male and female i bet you they knew that much you know that's really not that hard to figure out you know we were i was i forgot who i was talking to about this earlier was it you brother chad when a hundred years ago if you would have said there's other genders besides male and female they would have looked at you like you had two heads nobody would have that's insane yeah but here we are today 64 genders and i'm not even going to read all the 64 that they say that there are but you know these these gender neutral pronouns that they want look in emails at certain places where people work who works at a place where emails come through and it says they them or theirs or they don't want to say he him her they don't they're trying to get away from all those kind of pronouns it's usually government places where people work but it says these young men here understood science and they had such and such as had ability in them to stand in the king's palace in whom they might teach the learning and the tongue of the caldians i turn back to genesis chapter one so i'm going to define science for you because i think that the people that say they believe in science don't actually even understand what the word science means because you cannot go back 4.5 billion years ago and see a big bang happen you can't you know why because it didn't happen 4.5 billion years ago it never happened it's junk it's not science science is the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation that means things you can see and experiment so basically things are things you can test and observe and see you can't test and observe and see the big bang you can't test and observe and see dogs having non-dogs or every animal brings forth after its own kind according to the bible and what do you see today if you want to test something you want to see what actually is truth you can look at the animals that are that are here today have you ever seen a dog have a cat before anybody have you ever seen a turtle have a snake no you know why because everything brings forth after its own kind just like the bible says in the beginning that's science that's being able to observe and test and you know these evolution people they just they say well you have to add the magical ingredient which is billions or millions of years because you know you just don't understand pastor thompson you're so stupid because you know a banana produced all the things you see today or it rained on the rocks for billions of years and then things crawled out and found things to marry and found things that doesn't make sense that's not science that's false science so you would think that you can understand through science also that there's only two genders i mean we can pretty much i mean if you have a brain in your head you understand that this is true right but we're in genesis chapter one verse 25 look what it says it says and god made the beast of the earth after what what does it say his kind and cattle after their kind and everything that creepeth upon the earth after his kind and god saw that it was good so way back in the beginning in genesis god had made certain animals and they were brought forth after their own kind that's how that's what you see today that's science so science is again things you can observe and test what did it what did it say thousands of years ago when god created the earth that you would be able to see things bringing forth after their own kind what do you see today things bringing forth after their own kind male and female right and so it says and god said let us make man after our image after our likeness and let them have dominion over the sea of the fish of the sea and over the fowl of the air and over the cattle and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth so god created man in his own image in the image of god created he him what to say male and female created he them all right so this is the bible still saying i'm going to get into the science here in just a minute but the bible says it science affirms it all right and it says that god blessed them and god said unto them be fruitful and multiply how do human beings are they fruitful multiply you know you're supposed to get married you have children i'm not going to explain all the other stuff that's something you can explain to your children on your own but anyway i don't want to get graphic in here tonight but uh it says we're they're supposed to replenish the earth that means they're supposed to fill the earth and subdue it and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the fowl of the air over every living thing that moveth upon the earth now scientists have tried to find this gay gene that proves that people were born homosexuals okay this gay gene and so they've done millions of dollars worth of testing on this they've gone to multiple studies about this and the last one that they did i think was in 2000 i can't remember i think i had the date in here somewhere but i'm going to read from you just some articles of what the scientists genetic scientists that actually studied these things and let me tell you this they wanted to find it they wanted to find the gay gene but you know what they never did because it doesn't exist because it's not true because god would not make someone born that way you know what a what a mean thing to do to someone to make someone want to be with the same you know and be just in complete confusion with their lives but anyway this is from webmd this is reputable reputable it's not from independentbaptist.com or anything like that okay says since sexual orientation is such a complex trait we're never going to find any one gene this is after they've done the study they're not going to find any one gene that determines whether someone is gay or not so what's the science say they're not going to find a gay gene because it doesn't exist it's going to be a combination of various genes acting together so now they want to just go into pseudoscience or they're grasping at straws here as well as possibly listen to this interacting with environmental influences interacting with environment that means the environment that you live in is what actually turns you that way and i would agree with that because people end up hating god and god gives them over to a reprobate mind so they could do those things which are not convenient okay it's and they're agreeing the science this is the scientist this is not you know a professor at a bible college this is not some pastor on the internet this is webmd they're telling us what that is interacting with environmental influences aka something in their life makes them that way okay and we know the answer to how that happens but here's another here's what else it says in webmd previous studies in male twins have suggested that between 40 and 60 of the very variability in sexual orientation is due to genes that's what they're saying the rest is thought to be due to environment and possibly other biologic but non-genetic causes so in english terms that is there is no gauging okay their thought and and look how is it that a homosexual uh there's two twins one's a homosexual one's not they're genetically exactly the same so how do you explain one's gay and one's not that's because they're not born that way they did studies on twins they're not born that way so here's another article and i i didn't catch i didn't put i didn't cite the article but it again wasn't from a baptist website but it says here's the the article's title it says no gay gene massive study homes in on genetic basis of human sexuality nearly half a million genomes reveal five dna markers associated with sexual behavior but none with the power to predict the sexuality of an individual because look if you could hone in on it you would know like it's just like mothers in their womb they know that there's certain genetic abnormalities like if there's something wrong they can kind of find that out you'd be able to go in and say oh there there's the gay gene they're going to be gay right but that's that's what they're saying it's not true the largest study to date on the genetic basis of sexuality has revealed five spots on the human genome that are linked to same-sex uh sexual behavior but none of the markers are reliable enough to predict someone's sexuality so i mean i think that's probably just made up but whatever it says the findings which are published on on the 29th of august in science and based in the genomes of nearly 500 000 people shore up the results of earlier smaller studies and confirm the suspicion of many scientists listen up here they confirm the suspicion of many scientists while sexual preferences have a genetic component no single gene has a large effect on sexual behaviors there is no gay gene that's what they're that's what they said the article says the lead study author andrea gana a geneticist at the broad institute of not university of independent baptists it's mit and harvard and cambridge massachusetts so a heart this is a harvard genetic biologist and she says there's no gay gene and they this is the biggest study that they've ever done and every time they've ever tried to do a study it's not true so listen to me the bible says there's two genders what does science say that there's nobody is born gay but we're talking about genders here so i want to make sure you understand that all the other quote unquote genders like i said they're different types of queers that these are homosexuals that have made these things up and there's people that have transgender kids or whatever and they try to back this stuff up but i'll tell you this when i was a kid i never wondered whether i was a boy or girl nobody in my class ever wondered whether they were boys or girls and i was an 80s kid but why is it now that all these children in all these different schools are questioning whether they're a boy or a girl you know who's having them question that stuff it's their weird and sick parents that they're living with that's what it really is and it's always been about getting to the children and now look at it people are just i'm confused well you wouldn't be confused if you weren't in a home where it's teaching you and trying to get you to question what kind of gender you are well maybe you know you you see like you're a kid playing with a barbie doll or something like i think he's gay that doesn't mean maybe he just doesn't have any other thing to play with he's just like okay well i'll play with this because there's nothing else to play with boys don't nobody thinks that way has anybody in here honestly have you when you were growing up did you do can you ever remember thinking i wonder if i'm a boy or girl no nobody thinks that it's ridiculous someone is putting this in people's minds there's a war going on for the minds of our children in this age and look there's a lot of teenagers in here that you're probably if you go to public school you're going to be bombarded with this garbage all the time it's also this other stuff about racism you know you're white so you're automatically this racist you know eddie murphy just came out and said i've been in hollywood for 40 years i've never experienced racism the whole time i've been there and i'm not saying eddie murphy's a good guy or anything like that i'm just saying that he just you know i'm sure he'll be kicked out of hollywood for saying that but he's never had a problem with racism the whole 40 years he's been in hollywood look people are telling your children at school that if you're white you have no future if you're black you've experienced some form of racism you just don't realize it yet look people are telling children all these things and it's confusing them and like if they're telling your children you got these freaks that are allowed to adopt people allowed to adopt children and they are telling these kids to question their identity that's where this is coming from so it's not some thing that's been happening for thousands of years for thousands of years nobody even thought anything like that if you dress up if you're a man and you dress up like a woman they considered you a freak of nature now they're just like saying hey we gotta have equality for transgenders look do you really know what that means that that it's gonna be oh it's even it's worse it's it's worse than it's ever been now but imagine if some tranny's bringing your food to you at every restaurant you go to just imagine that or they're working next to you in a in a whole you know doing in a ditch doing something or working whatever wherever you work some clown that's six foot five with a big wig and and makeup and a dress you know they never wear pants do they they wear dresses because they want to look like a woman they're freaks and you know what that we're we're entering into perilous times with all this stuff so let me read you this other one all right so the the lady that did the main study person said there's no gay gene the the main person andrea gana a geneticist at the broad institute at mit in harvard she said there is no gay gene that should end the that should end any debate but they'll still say you know what you know what there still is some genetic possibilities she shut the door it's over and you know the twin study shut the door it's over it says this is a stall a solid study says melinda mills a sociologist at the university of oxford uk who studies the genetic basis of reproductive behaviors so even oxford in the uk these are not like christian colleges folks these are secular people that want this thing to be true but that you know they can't just rig the science to make it say what it says so they're it's just wrong and they know it and they're admitting it pbs does anybody know what pbs is is that like a right-wing christian fundamentalist group no it's uh supported by taxpayer dollars brainwashing machine is what it is but here's what they said there's no single gene responsible for a person being gay or lesbian that's the first thing you need to know about the largest genetic investigation of sexuality ever which was published thursday in science in thursday in science the study of nearly a half million people this is the same study they're talking about closes the door on the debate around the existence of so-called gay gene in its stead the report finds that human dna cannot predict who is gay or heterosexual yeah you know why because they're not born that way that's why that's why you can't predict it because someone has to teach them that garbage or they have to hate god and be given over to that garbage so it says uh the report finds that human dna cannot predict who's gay or heterosexual sexuality cannot be pinned down and by biology psychology or life experiences this study and others show because human sexual attraction is decided by all these factors in other words they agree the science agrees with what the bible says it's something wrong with them that happens in their life that makes them this way this is not the first study exploring the genetics of same-sex behavior but the previous studies were small and underpowered aunt andrea gana the study's co-author and genetics research fellow at the broad institute and mass general hospital said in the press briefing on wednesday just to give you a sense of the scale of our data this is approximately 100 times bigger than any other previous study on the topic that's the biggest study that's ever been done you know what and there's no need to waste any more money on it because it's just not true and so why but so why is there's this big push of all these different um different uh you know more than male or female the bible says it's male or female that's it but why is there this big push because people wanted to file our children's minds people wanted to file our minds and make us think things that aren't true look the bible declares it science destroys that concept and god wants us to understand science but true science it takes a male and a female to create a child that's a fact you know i saw these two unfortunately i had to see this or i didn't have to i saw this article where there was a transvestite man turned into a woman and then there was a transvestite man turned into a woman and a woman that turned into a man and then they got together into a relationship what why i don't understand like it doesn't make sense and then they had a child together and the the bio you know the biological woman that looked like a man with a beard and a mustache that's how crazy people are getting folks and why am i preaching about this because you know what i know it's a hard topic but i'll tell you why because we need to undo the brain to find what's going on in this country and in this world today you know what the only thing that's going to do that is god's word and so you know why am i so upset about it well i'm upset about because i'm tired of it so in 2021 we're being told that this insane generation of weirdos the 64 genders there's two genders male and female that's it god said he made male and female so i'll tell you what somebody's wrong and guess what it's not us guess what it's not god because what you see with your eyes is the truth even those two trainee weirdos that had a kid together one of them was a biological male and one of them was a biological female which you know it's disgusting it's disgusting to see a dude with a beard with a big baby bump i mean nobody wants to see that i'm sorry if i put that in your mind just erase do something but anyway so turn to first timothy chapter six first timothy chapter six first timothy chapter six the bible says oh timothy keep that which is committed to thy trust avoiding profane and vain babblings and oppositions of science falsely so-called the bible warns us to avoid science falsely so-called and what is science falsely so-called that there's 64 genders science falsely so-called that there's 64 genders what is science falsely so-called they're born that way they're not born that way so i've already proved that through the bible i've already proved that through scientific articles and research that's been done and like i said they want it to be true they can't they want it to be true so badly they want to prove it but you know what when they went to try to prove it it didn't work out they're wrong you know what you know who's right god's right so number three nature confirms two genders nature confirms two genders look at romans chapter one verse 26 romans chapter one verse 26 when you're saying what nature confirms it yeah nature confirms it god made us with certain natures and things that proclivities that we have and you know what more than two genders is against nature wanting the same a man wanting a man and a woman wanting a woman that's against nature and so they can say that there are all these different types of genders all they want but the bible says that there's only two genders all right look at verse number 26 for this cause god gave them up and this is talking about homosexuals and reprobates or whatever to vile affections vile vile means it's just something that's disgusting all right for even their women did what did change the natural use into that which is against nature the natural use of the woman is to be with a man but they changed that nature it's against nature isn't that what it says are you looking at down at your bible it's against nature and it says and likewise also the men leaving what the natural use of the woman burned in their lust one toward another men with men working that which is unseemly and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was mean it's not something it's not love is love it's an error it's not normal it's unnatural they went against the natural use and so when you're talking about the things you know my first point is that the bible declares it the second point is that science proves it and nature confirms it there went they're going against what's natural against what's right against the way god made them so god did not make them that way somehow they got that way and the bible explains how they got that way earlier in this chapter i'm not going to go into it because i don't have time for that but it says you know people start to worship animals they start to worship false gods they start to love they don't want to retain god in their knowledge and so god gives them up to these vile affections and it says in verse 28 and even as they did not like to retain god in their knowledge they don't want to retain him god gave them over to a reprobate mind that means their mind is rejected by god and they are going to delve into things that normal people are not going to delve into that's why they're so confused about what kind of gender they are because god's confused their minds and they've gone past this point of no return and look they can't ever come back from that so and look once you do that kind of surgery to make yourself if you're a male and you make yourself into a woman you can't come back from that especially if you you know do the hormone blockers and all that stuff they're doing hormone blockers on children between the ages of three and ten years old by parents permission what child even thinks about that kind of stuff none of them do it's wicked as hell so it says that god gives them over to this reprobate mind to do those things which are not convenient you know what's not convenient men with men working that which is unseemly women you know changing the natural use of their bodies it's not normal it's not natural the bible declares that it's not natural turn to first corinthians chapter 11 so god does make us with certain natures and things that we should naturally understand and hey you know society flips things on its head and makes things seem like they're okay when they're really not so you know again listen to what god says about things okay first corinthians chapter 11 verse 13 says judge in yourselves oh you're not supposed to judge oh wait what does it say judge in yourselves it is is it calmly for a woman to pray unto god uncovered itself teach you that if a man have a long hair it is a shame unto him so the bible is teaching that if a man has long hair it's a shame but if a woman have long hair it's a glory to her for her hair is given her for a covering so what is the bible teaching here that the natural way that people should keep their hair is men have short hair and women have long hair isn't that what it's saying don't get mad at me get mad at the bible get mad at god but don't get mad at me and you shouldn't get mad at god because he's the one that makes the rules he's the one that made you right so but what i'm trying to point out is that nature itself should teach you that and nature itself should teach you that there's one man or not one man but there's male and female two genders only so 200 deuteronomy chapter 22 verse 5 deuteronomy chapter 22 verse number five the bible says the woman should not wear that which pertaineth unto a man this is your cross dresser verse so against cross dressing against uh you know these tranny freaks okay this is what god says the woman should not wear that which pertaineth unto a man neither shall a man put on a woman's garment and what do you see these freaks always doing men putting on women's garments and women putting on men's garments that's what you see why do they always do that because they know what the difference is they know what the natural thing is that you're going to put on is men are going to wear pants and women are going to wear dresses so why do they always want to you know they don't dress in levi's generally and try to you know if it's a man trying to become a woman they're going to try to look like a woman like this rachel levine or however you say your name this person that's been appointed to congress have you seen this thing freak sorry sorry you had to see that ugly as a woman ugly as a man also so obviously just ugly in general but uh yeah what what what do you see that it was a bio it's a biological man with long hair wearing a dress and what does she want to do she wants to allow like when she was i put up a video about uh about um it was not ron paul ran paul yeah ran paul is is interviewing this person about this equality act and he says you know women are having to to compete against men because these biological men are coming in and beating all the sports records and yeah they can't they can't they can't make it with the men so they become women so they could beat them in wrestling or something i'm talking about wrestling this morning you know a woman cannot defend herself against the man because men are stronger the women that's why they're called the weaker vessel it's not a knock it's just a truth you know there was a girl that used to wrestle in hermiston and she was really good but she would beat the boys because she just had the technique she had a really good technique in wrestling and if you don't know anything about wrestling then you know i don't know where i came with this wrestling stuff today but i know a little bit about it so um she got to i remember watching the first time that i ever saw her got beat on the mat and she was she would wrestle boys and she'd beat him but she was just as good as this boy had all the same technique that he had she was really good but you know what she wasn't strong enough to beat him because he was a man and that's what's happening today is that you're having these trans freaks come and break all these women's records they're not really they're not really women they're biologically males look you know you could say well what maybe there shouldn't be women's sports whatever i that's not the point the point is that all their track records are getting broken why because they're faster why are all their weight lifting things getting broken because they're stronger why are all them being beat by men in wrestling because they're men it's weird it is weird that you would even have the audacity to even have a man face off against a woman in these kind of competitive sports and say that they got the record now i mean you're living a lie you drag queen it's disgusting so that's why the bible says a woman should not put on put on that which pertains unto a man neither shall a man put on a woman's garment for all that for all that do so are abomination unto the lord thy god what does god think about transvestites he thinks they're disgusting he thinks they're freaks and he thinks that they should be put to death that's what he thinks cross-dressing is an abomination in the eyes of god and look they're trying to make it to where we have to look and sit and be fed by these freaks and all of a sudden i'll just stop going to restaurants plain and simple there was an outfit chilies last night that i was just like man i don't know if i ever want to come back to this chilies thank goodness we got the the normal looking one because one had pink hair and the other one was obviously trying to look like a dude so well you know what if you're if it's here's another question if you're a homo why do you want to look like if you're a homo woman why do you want to look like a dude it doesn't make sense like you like other women but you want to look like a man that's it's confusion folks that's what it's all about it's confusion they're confused so do you want your children to be confused i i surely hope not and if your children are in public school if you can find any way to get them out you should get them out now you should have got them out last week um and i obviously i know that there's not everybody's in that situation but why am i teaching this there's a bunch of children in here there's a bunch of teenagers in here they need to know the truth there's an alternative side you know what god's the one that's right it's proven in the bible it's proven in science in nature itself tells you that it's not right that there are only two genders that's it so my last point here is that the reprobates pervert the two genders and i've kind of already spilled over in here so i apologize about that turn to acts chapter 13 verse 10 i'm going to read for you mica chapter 3 verse 9 and mica chapter 3 verse 9 it says hear this i pray you you heads of the house of jacob and the princes of the house of israel that abhor judgment and pervert all equity they pervert all you know equity is something that's talked about in the bible but it's not the equity that these perverts are trying to push on us right now they pervert there's people that pervert equity they want to say hey we want to make things all equal for everybody they want to make things you know equity is basically like you know a little child that can't see over this i put a box on the top so they can see over too so equity and equality are a little bit different but they're they're calling this the equality act all right but that means that they're just giving an advantage to all these queers that's what it is they're they're making them more they're making them i won't say more better they're making them better than everybody else so so like in the future if that passes then they're gonna be able to walk into this church and if we say you can't come in here they're gonna say well i'm suing you then or i'm shutting this church down i'm not trying to scare you but we need to be aware of what's going on and you know i've preached about this last week at church that you know we're in perilous times we're starting to get into these perilous times i mean they're pushing and knocking at the door right now but the bible says the gates of hell should not prevail against us right so like there's always going to be a remnant there's always going to be you know i'm not trying to say all hope is lost but you know we are i was talking to brother dylan my son-in-law the other day and he said we're basically on a sinking ship and trying to get as many people saved as we can before the ship sinks it's a good so yeah it's like we're on the titanic right now the us is the titanic we've hit the iceberg you know people are playing music over here someone's going like this i'm the king of the world whatever but we're on a sinking ship well i don't think we can fix this thing you know and i'm you know but we can get as many people saved as we can before that happens we had a great week in getting people saved and we need to get them saved before they get into this weirdness yeah but unfortunately you know people here's something that people say they say why why didn't god stop that person from molesting that child why didn't god intervene and try to stop something i was thinking about this concept and i was just thinking god does intervene he made a book of rules for us to follow and you know what he's tried to intervene along a long time ago and you know people just don't want to listen to what he says why is there an island on the off the coast of washington where they put all these violent perverts what's it called again mcneil island it's an island that we pay for with our tax dollars where they put all these violent predators out there for us to pay for and you know what when they get over the island gets overran then they bring them over to spokane violent predators in our community being paid for by the taxpayers god does intervene but nobody wants to listen anymore that's the problem and so these kids that are getting molested and these people are these sodomites that are trying to make people into their little personal drag queens you know what god has tried to intervene but nobody's listening to reality anymore that's the problem it's not god's fault it's society's fault it's this wicked system that we live under but you know what someday god's gonna come back and he's gonna make it all right again during acts chapter 13 look at verse 10 it says and said oh full of all subtlety subtlety in all mischief thou child of the devil thou enemy of all righteousness wilt thou not cease to pervert the right ways of god that's what's going on today paul had to turn to this person say you evil beast you know you're trying to use you're using this subtlety and all this mischief it says now child of the devil look there's people that are there were children of god if we're saved in here today but you know what there's also the children of the devil and they're working over time right now you know what the only thing we can do is stand where we're at and not compromise and get us try to get as many people saved as we can and you know what jesus is going to say he's going to say well done thou faithful servant you know and we're going to have to go through some weird times but we're not we don't know what's going to be like but you know what we have to you know two is better than one right don't be on your own don't try to go to some mountaintop called ruby ridge and hide away because you know how that all ended up right you know i'm sure that that guy was a randy weaver regrets that he ever did that and maybe he should it would have been nice for the firm to have a nice bible believing baptist church that he could have got plugged in and just serve god for the rest of his life and his you know children and wife would probably still be alive we can't have that mentality where we're just going to go and hide some place that's not what jesus called us to do he said that we should be in the world but not of the world so and if you're not in the place where you can get people saved then what are you doing that's what jesus wants us to do so i know this is all pretty negative but i try i'll try to give some positivity in there um so here's what happened when they were debating this in congress so i'm going to get back to the negative stuff here here's what this congress person jerry nadler i think i'm saying that right says he said god's will is no concern of this congress you want to tell you want to try to tell me god bless america when our own congress people that are elected by the people are saying god's will is of no is no concern to this congress because the guy got up and he preached some bible he told some bible verses another congressman you know and it was probably from the bad bible version but at least he was saying something of the truth and you know what what it was i think it was i think it was deuteronomy chapter 22 about man men not wearing that was or women not portraying wearing that which pertains to a man excuse me but uh look there's a lot of people out there perverting people and we got to stop it we got to preach against it you know you could say well you know pastor thompson you know it's still going to happen whether you preach against it or not but you know what i might change one person's mind in this room i might try to change one person's mind that's listening on this on the youtube or something i want to change people's minds before they go through some kind of change that they can't come back from because you know what not all these people you know little kids believe anything that you tell them pretty much and they say well you like to take your kids and brainwash them in church you know what's brainwashing is trying to tell them that there's something that they're not you know what's harmful is to tell a child you're not really a boy you're a girl you need to get this surgery it'll be really cool and you can you know get you know look that's disgusting anybody that agrees with that should just get up and walk out right now because it's gross it's disgusting it's vile it's reprobate it's child abuse amen i think anybody that would try to do that to a child is a reprobate and probably should be put to death also so mr potato head is canceled i mean this big news this week mr potato head and and people are freaking out about it but look that's the culture we're in right now brother chad was talking about mr coffee it's probably going to get cancelled too but mr potato head is cancelled and here's what hasbro said hasbro used to make gi they still probably make gi joe and transformers all the toys i played with growing up but you know what they probably have some queer as their chair person or whatever their head ceo hasbro explained its decision this way hasbro is making sure that all feel welcome in the potato head so it's called the potato head now oh no the potato head and it's not going to be called mr what was wrong there was already mr and mrs potato head you know they had it right for a while they started off with mr potato head then they made mrs potato head and it's been two genders this whole time you know why because there's only two genders there is no the potato head and it's a toy i understand that okay but they dropped the mr from mr potato head brand name and logo to promote gender equality and inclusion they have faggotized mr mr mr and mrs potato head seriously what else have they done lately what was the thing with dr seuss now dr seuss is racist i mean nothing's untouchable anymore i mean i'm sure i could just sit down and think of a list of things where they're going to gender neutralize everything here's a common here's a common thing of this nine non-binary pronouns i was talking about so this is what they're trying to change and they don't want you in corporate world to send emails and say thank you mr chad or whatever they want to say they want you to say this so and this is what it is this is uh so z like so xe would be zay z s i e c co and a are sometimes used the singular they they're them that's what people want to be that's what these gender neutral freaks are trying to make everybody else call them i mean i'm not gonna do that not in my house it's not happening you know i'm all my kids are almost moved out but i would still never call them those names how weird is that i mean first it was they just wanted to get married right remember that but some of you guys don't even remember that but i'm i'm older but it was always about getting married i just want we just want to get married we just want to love from 2004 to 2015 the supreme court ruled um that you know that they were there would be this well it was actually the supreme court didn't rule it until 2015 but from 2004 to 2015 states were allowing sodomite marriage to take place so once the supreme i was so winning the day that that ruling came forth i went so winning on the soul winning marathon that day and i remember it like it was yesterday so but that was the start of the sink it was not the start but it was the a major blow to the reality of living in a world i mean now my marriage certificate means the same exact thing as some sodomites that really bothers me but you know i know i got married before god and i know that i was i i got married because i love god and i got married in a church because i love my wife and i wanted to spend the rest of my life with her and that's normal that's natural these things are not natural or normal mississippi was the last state to overturn laws banning lgbtq adoption which a federal judge deemed unconstitutional in 2016 so it used to be that these sodomites weren't even allowed to adopt children why because they're two percent of the population that does forty percent of the child molestation in the world two percent does forty percent that's an astronomical number it's it's it's a crazy number and i'm not going to go into all those statistics it's just vaccine but but this ran alongside the fact when they started letting them get married and so what do they do well now they get now they're legally married now they can have children and so now you see from then to now where we're at where we at where we're having a they're about to pass a law where they're saying it's equality for them to be able to work wherever they want no matter what your religion is they can walk in and say you know what i'm going to sue you because you didn't make me the deacon of your church i'm going to sue you because you didn't there's an evangelistic position opening you didn't let me have it you're sued you're shut down you're losing your tax exemption that's what they're trying to do it's all it's always been about the children and destroying the church and you wonder why the the last two things that happen or apostasy the great falling away and then the man of sin is revealed the last bastion is the church you know what and there's not enough people sticking up for this there's a lot of people that get mad that i preach about stuff like this but let me tell you something someone has to do it and you know what i would rather have god say maybe you preach that a little too much than god to say you never preached on that pastor thompson you never told people the truth you never told people the other side of it you know what i'll rest my head tonight and i'll sleep like a baby because i know that i preach the truth and you know what i'm not going to compromise on this issue i'm not ever going to let it go i'm never going to stop preaching about it no matter if they take our tax exemption away or whatever they do i don't care i'm never going to change and i feel okay with the fact that i'm preaching this sermon tonight because it's the truth so now it's taught in schools it's taught in schools you know when i was a kid they did um the education for you know the sex education right when you were in what i was i think i was in fifth grade yeah now i think it's gotten up to be you know way younger than that why in the world do kids need to know that stuff in fifth grade and the things that children they're allowed to these doctors came in and they said you can say whatever you want you can ask any question you want and there was kids saying some vile stuff in fifth grade when i was in fifth grade that was a long time ago okay i can't even imagine what it's like now and then where you're for your children are going to be forced to listen to the lgbt q hij hij klm nlp the alphabet people you're going to your children are forced to listen to that this is that that's how far the world's gone when i was a kid the kid there the homeless were in the closet they didn't come out and tell you who they were i mean things have changed there's some young people in here that this is all you've ever known that every time you go to mcdonald's there's some lady with green hair and bones in her nose right we didn't have to do at what when i used to work for walmart a long time ago you couldn't even have showing tattoos you had to put a band-aid over them your hair had to be kept and if you have long hair you had to work in the back room that's how much things standards of everything have changed now you went to walmart and it looks like you're in some tribe of norsemen or something and you know there's tattoos of all you know their tattoos all over their faces their hair's orange it's like you know what i don't want to be served by people that look like that you know what i want to see i want to see a normal world i'm glad that everybody in here looks normal thank you for being normal so 2020 marks the 50th anniversary and it's already passed 2020 of of pride an important chapter in the recent u.s history most of us didn't learn in school as most states began requiring schools to include lgbtq history pride will start showing up in curriculum in the textbooks that you pay for with your tax dollars libraries last year maybe was it last year the year before the drag queen story hour started i know there was one in spokane there was one in vancouver these things happened all over the world and look we're not just talking about some people that said they're homos and they want to read the kid a book they were dressed in some of the weirdest outfits that you could ever imagine one was the revelate the beat the snake or the serpent of revelation with seven heads and ten horns on it reading children a storybook disgusting why and you know what really upset me is when i saw the news clip where it said where the drag queen gets up at the end and says who wants to be a drag queen and all the kids go i do in unison or they're they that's exactly what they're doing they're grooming them and look we have to get the message out we have to stand for the truth and look it might cause you to get fired from your job it might cause you to get persecuted in the community it might cause people to say i can't believe you're such a big who cares you know what i want my kids to know that i was never a compromiser on this issue ever and i'll tell you this again the goal has always been about getting to the children why do they always want the children's uh what do they call that the the age of consent the age of consent has they've always tried to fight for this age of consent to go lower and lower i think it's in paris it's like you know like 10 years old or something 11 years old well they don't even have an age of consent that's what it is because this is what they want why were the children in sodom crying out to the lord why because they were being molested by a bunch of sodomites you know what god had to destroy all of them because and that's what's happening the bible says as it was in the days of lot so shall it also be in the day of the son of man and what was it like in lots day well his whole house was surrounded by children men women children from every quarter of the whole city and god had to fireball that city as an example of those that should live on godly effort so why am i teaching this because it needs to be taught happy anniversary spoken i preached my anniversary sermon this morning i already told chat i was going to preach about this but it angers me so much and i just want this world to be normal you know and unfortunately we're in our uncharted times and nobody would have ever thought i would have never have thought as a kid that this would ever the world would ever be the way it is right now but it is right and we're living in the reality of it and look if you didn't like my sermon or if you just have any questions you want to talk to me about afterwards i really am a nice guy i'm not going to yell at you i got a guy saved today does it cancel out my yelling i don't know i love people i want them to be saved but i also want to tell people the truth all right and i think it's important as a pastor that i i preach the whole council of god and you're like well you always preach about this well you know look at look at the time we're living in why shouldn't i preach against it a lot maybe i'll you know during easter i'll be nicer um because you know what i love my savior and i'm i'm looking forward to the day when he's going to come back and uh make things right in this world let's have a word of prayer heavenly father we thank you lord so much for the bible and lord for the truth and lord uh you made it very clear there's only two genders male and female and lord i pray that uh this this this teaching that i taught tonight would sink down in the ears of even the youngest children and let them understand that this lifestyle that is being pushed these days and all these weird things that they're trying to uh defile their minds with lord they'd understand these things are wicked and their abomination before you and lord that they should seek to do and serve you their whole life lord anybody in here that's not saved lord i pray that they get saved today or sometime in the near future i pray you'd help us to be ministers to those that are um and not just always ranting and raving and trying to be in some kind of controversy lord but lord it's your word is controversial and it divides and lord i just pray you'd help us to to wield the sword correctly and i pray for every single person that's driving tonight and drive in the drove here i pray that you bless them bless their lives keep them safe and i just want to thank you for our leadership here and for all the people that come to this church and make it the thing the special thing that it is in jesus name we pray