(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Amen, all right well we're in 1 Peter chapter 3 and last week I preached a whole stand alone sermon about the great call of wives and that was an hour and 19 minutes later but there just was a lot to say so but anyway today, tonight we're going to be preaching about a few, there's a few different topics in the rest of this chapter and I do want to get it all done tonight so I'm going to go ahead and pray and then we'll start the preaching. Okay Heavenly Father we thank you Lord so much for the Bible and Lord that we have something that we can put our trust and faith in, the words of the living God and Lord we just pray that you would bless the preaching of your word tonight Lord, help everybody focus and pay attention even if it's just for a while tonight and Lord I pray you fill me with your spirit and Lord I pray that you would help the people to have ears to hear what the spirit says to the church tonight, in Jesus' name we pray, amen. All right so number one tonight we're going to look at how Christians are supposed to treat fellow Christians so obviously we should treat other people well too but I'm specifically focusing on how Christians are supposed to treat other Christians and Jesus even said that by this all men will know that you're my disciples if we have love one for another. Let's look at verse number eight, it says finally be all of one mind having compassion one of another, love as brethren, be pitiful, be courteous. So it's obviously focusing here on love as brethren and you know I believe it's talking about your spiritual brethren here and so we're supposed to number one we're supposed to have one mind okay so as the church here we're supposed to have one mind as in where our focus is on the main things the main things of the Bible and we're supposed to focus on you know obviously salvation, getting people saved, having you know people baptized and teaching people the Bible that we that should be the focus of our church is that we're you know going out making disciples and you know bringing them in to be baptized having them come in and learn the Bible but you know we also we live together you know for three days for two days a week three times a week and sometimes you know when if you're out soul wanting or doing other events we're around each other a lot and so sometimes we can wear thin on each other maybe somebody just has something that's annoying about them that you don't like or whatever and everybody if you spend time with anybody you can get that feeling it doesn't matter whether it's your best friend and whether it's your husband or wife or your brother or sister that is in your family you can get annoyed by people by being around them a lot but you know we got to remember there's a goal that we have in mind and that's to be of one mind you know serving and striving together for the sake of the gospel and sometimes we got to put our you know maybe just the things that we don't like about somebody else on the back shelf and just say hey you know what for the betterment of our church for the betterment of our unity within our local church we need to put that kind of trivial stuff behind us so it says love or that we're supposed to love as brethren like you would love you know your sibling at home that's how you're supposed to love each other as Christians but you know obviously brothers are made for adversity so the Bible also says that so but when you love your brother or sister at home then it's kind of like comparing it to how you're supposed to love your fellow Christians at church so you know some people do have adversity with their siblings and that's a natural thing that happens sometimes especially if you're saved and they're not but regardless you know we're still you know so and if someone else is a Christian then obviously that should be something that we really strive to treat them as well as we can it says be pitiful so you know some people are it seems like some people are always in a hard spot and we need to pity those people and be courteous towards them because there might be the hard times coming in your life and basically how you treat others that are going through a hard time maybe that's how you're going to be treated too because whatever we reap we sow so if you're reaping things that are just you know not good maybe it's because you sow things that weren't good with in your Christian life earlier on so we have we have to pay attention to those kind of things as how we treat our brothers and sisters in Christ and it says verse 9 not rendering evil for evil say one of your fellow church members does something that's evil and obviously I'm not talking about witchcraft or something obviously that would be evil but evil is just doing harm you know it could just be a dirty look it could be something that you're saying to them that's just not courteous doesn't it say be courteous because you don't have to like someone to be courteous to them you you could you can smile and shake someone's hand and say how you doing brother maybe they're not your cup of tea maybe that's not going to be your best friend in the church but you can still be nice you can still be loving you can still be courteous you can still be pitiful and and have pity on other people because not everybody you know is on the same level in Christianity there's some people that are new in the faith or maybe they've been saved for a long time they're still new in the faith you know they're not growing because maybe they're just not applying the principles of the Bible in their life but you know we have to understand that not everybody's at the level that we're at and maybe you've been coming to this church for a long time and you feel like you've achieved a level well if you feel like you've just arrived and you've achieved this great level of Christianity maybe you're not as humble as you should be because nobody's fully arrived Jesus Christ was arrived Jesus Christ was perfect Jesus Christ could general and he was even though he was perfect even though he was the king of kings and Lord of Lords and could have just saying bow down and kiss my big toe and all that stuff but he never did that did he he was different he was humble he was meek and he served others he gave his life serving other people and so we have to think about how if we want to be like Christ then you know what's what's actually do that and be like Christ not rendering even evil for evil when somebody see because human tendency is for us to if someone does something wrong to us we immediately want to hit back with something don't we if someone does us wrong then we want to wrong them back we want to pay them back that's kind of what Samson was doing in judges you know they would someone happened to him and he were like well I'm just doing what they did to me I'm just paying them back for what they you know what they paid me and as Christians Jesus says do unto others as you would have them do unto you so however you want to be treated that's how you're supposed to treat others and we don't have to you know if someone does slight us it doesn't we don't have to respond we don't have to retaliate as a matter of fact the Christian teaching is that we don't retaliate right and it says railing for railing and we know that railing is always wrong and it's always not true is it possible that another Christian could rail against you or has railed against you I'm sure it happens I'm sure you know because this is what the context of this of the scriptures is talking about railing for railing evil for evil railing for railing but it says but contra wise blessing so what does that mean well what's do you basically do the opposite of what someone is doing to you so instead of you know tit for tat or railing for railing or evil for evil you're contra wise hey let's bless them didn't Jesus say bless your enemies so we're supposed to even if that person is your brother or sister in Christ you're still supposed to bless that person because what's it say knowing that ye are there unto called that you should inherit a blessing because no matter what we're still gonna inherit ultimately no matter how any Christian lives their life in heaven we are gonna receive the blessing the blessings eternal life the blessing is not having to live in a world where there's drag queens story hour being taught to our children and all kinds of wicked and evil people running the countries and the globe and just all the manner of evil that there is out there is just so much wickedness the Bible says the whole world lieth and wickedness and we have to live in that world and we have to operate in that world we have to have church in that world we have to work in this world and we have to go shop in this world you know things are pretty weird out there but with all that being said we're still gonna inherit the blessing so we should treat other Christians like we want to be treated we should treat other Christians how Christ would have treated other Christians you know and he did get tough with people sometimes I'm not saying don't tell people that they've done something wrong because that would be dishonest you know you but there's a time and a place you know Kurt courtesy would sit would say hey there's a time and a place to reprove somebody there's a time and a place to rebuke someone and you know you're supposed to remember in Matthew 18 you're supposed to pull that person aside you and them alone so if there's a controversy between Christians there should be a you and them alone and then hey if things can't be settled it's you and a couple witnesses with that person and then if it still can't get settled then it's something that the whole church needs to hear about so obviously we don't want it to get to that level so we should be able to work things out and our problems out as Christians amongst ourselves I shouldn't have to get in between every single fight and you know our church is really good about this you know if there if there is fighting I really don't know about it so if you all are fighting behind the scenes never once a while some little tiff here's my it goes into my ears and stuff but like you know just think about this I mean the Bible what does the Bible tell you to do you know it shouldn't be that hard for us to figure out how to get along with each other so again this is very important and it might seem strange in a section about how to treat fellow Christians but other Christians can say and do evil things to us and treat us badly don't they even people in this church might have treated you badly in some way shape or form or maybe they just offended you and you didn't even realize that you offended say you don't even realize you offended somebody and that person's harboring some kind of bitterness towards you hey if you're the one that's offended you should go to that person to say look you know I know this might not seem like a big deal to you but it really did offend me you know and just let them know you know that it offended you and most people normal people are gonna go hey I'm I'm really sorry I didn't mean to offend you I didn't mean to treat you like that I'm sorry that's the normal way to respond you know but if you're holding on to anger you know it's it's it's not a good thing so the Jesus tells us what to do Peter's telling us what to do here how to treat each other and so but you know other Christians do rail against us don't they especially churches like our church there'll be people that are staved and they believe pretty much the same things we do but they might be different on a few things like the whole anti new IFB movement that's out there that just says we're these cult members that believe all this crazy stuff and we sacrifice children and whatever else they're they don't say that necessarily but they say all manner of weird stuff about us it's just not true so I mean it wouldn't surprise me if somebody said that I watched a video that somebody made six days ago and they're talking about something as if it was a current event about some some just thing that happened like four years ago and they're reporting it like it happened you know some beef between a pastor and some new IFB pastor from a while ago but they're acting like it just happened or something and as far as I know that new IFB pastor is not even a pastor anymore so but just people will grab a hold of stuff and maybe that guy is saved and he's reporting something maybe he just doesn't know because sometimes you do things and you don't mean to but you know people that are saved are gonna say bad things about our church they're gonna say bad things about you because you go to our church and you know we still should treat people what you know if we especially if we know that that person is a brother in Christ maybe they're just a little deluded some pastor got up and said a bunch of stuff about the new IFB that's not true or about your pastor it's not true or another pastor you know that this stuff happens all the time you know people will say you know do you remember pastor Anderson was doing those response videos where these pastors were getting up and preaching against him and like most of the stuff that they were saying about him weren't even true like we're not true at all they're just like going based upon rumors and they're saying all this stuff their congregation well what it's why would that surprise us and those are things that are actually out in the open most of these guys are afraid to even put their sermons online and so who knows what's being said behind closed doors to all these people and all these churches you know and so we shouldn't be surprised if someone comes against us and has a problem with our doctrine look at verse 10 it says for he that will love life and see good days let him refrain his tongue from evil and his lips that they speak no guile so you know we have this blessing coming we're inheriting this blessing and hey if you in the Bible saying here if you love life is everybody here love life today I love life it's it's good to be alive it says and see good days don't you want your days to be good don't you want your days to be blessed as much as humanly possible here in this wicked world that we live in of course you probably do it says let them refrain his tongue from evil because the tendency is to hit back the tendency is to lash out when someone treats us wrong and the Bible is telling us this is not how Christians are supposed to respond and look I've done it I'm sure other people in here have responded back in ways that they shouldn't have done but the Bible is saying not to do this says and his lips that they speak no guile now guile the first time I ever heard the word guile was from Street Fighter 2 when I was using the character guile as a you know I don't I didn't know what the word meant but what the word means is insidious cunning in attaining a goal so you come in like some righteous seeming reason but in reality you're deceiving them and and and you have a modus operandi you have an agenda to do something that's not really good so an example of this is found in John chapter 1 look at John chapter 1 but an example of someone having no guile is what I'm about to show you John chapter 1 just keep your finger or a bookmark in 1st Peter chapter 3 but let's look over at John chapter 1 verse 45 and this is when Jesus first comes on the scene and he's going and picking and choosing his disciples as apostles it says in verse 45 Philip findeth Nathaniel and saith unto him we have found him of whom Moses in the law and the prophets did write Jesus of Nazareth the son of Joseph and the Daniel said unto him and there any good thing come out of Nazareth and that's like a really funny catchphrase that you can use about like if you ask someone where they're from I do this a lot to people I said can any good thing come out of whatever place you're from so but it says Philip saith unto him come and see so you would think on the surface here that Nathaniel is being negative about a place and he is isn't he but here's what he also is he's a straight shooter he's saying like he knows what that area is like he knows that Galilee is backslidden and it's it's it's now the land of the Gentiles even though it belongs to Israel but they long ago left and became part of the summit you know they were the Samaritans or whatever but you know he they're living in Nazareth is a place where the Gentiles live and Philip said come and see and Jesus saw Nathaniel coming verse 47 to him and saith unto him behold an Israelite indeed in whom is no guile so Jesus just sees him and then he didn't even necessarily obviously Jesus could hear his thoughts Jesus knows what people are thinking but he's Nathaniel saith unto him whence knowest thou me Jesus answered and said unto him before that Philip called thee when thou was under the fig tree I saw thee so Jesus saw how he was acting before Philip even talked to him about him so Jesus does know all of our thoughts he does know what's going on he wasn't just a regular man he was God manifests in the flesh but he says behold an Israelite indeed in whom is no guile so we're not supposed to have guile this cunning deception this you know we're always having an agenda with someone we're being nice with someone just to get our own agenda across or because we want to gain favor from them in some way or whatever but here's what this this is always kind of perplexed me a little bit and I was thinking about it when I was preparing my sermon I was like he kind of seems like he does have guile but in in reality he doesn't because he says what's on his mind he says it can any good thing come out in Nazareth and then he's like you know most people out of politeness would not even ask Jesus a question concerning what he just told him he said behold an Israelite indeed of whom is no guile but Nathaniel straight up with him isn't he he says whence knowest thou me how do you know you know and it seems kind of disrespectful but really he's just being really bluntly honest and you know Jesus you know basically and then Nathaniel ends up saying I believe that you're the Christ and you know just off that bit that conversation but see if you're if he would have beat around the bush and just just hid those questions in his heart then you know it would have been you know to his detriment because but because he was straight up you know we would call that being straight up with somebody so people don't like it when people are straight up with them these days they want to be lied to they want to be deceived they want someone to placate them and to just tell them what they want to hear and that's why you know people will lie to be polite to what they consider being polite but Nathaniel wasn't that way you know what and I'm not saying we should be blunt to the point where we're hurting trying to hurt people's feelings intentionally but when we feel a certain way maybe we should say what we mean and mean what we say look at verse 11 back in our text it says let him eschew evil and do good let him seek peace and ensue it so again we're still on the topic of how Christians should be treating each other and responding to each other and how we should live our life and it says let him eschew evil well what does that what does that saying remind you of it should remind you of Job chapter 1 verse 1 where the Bible says there was a man the land of us whose name was Job and that man was perfect and upright and one that feared God and eschewed evil so Peter's saying hey we should be like Job and Job was a great man of God was he not he eschewed evil the Bible says he was perfect upright he feared God so would you say that he he kind of encapsulates what what Peter is saying here let him eschew evil and do good and let him seek peace and ensue it yeah and what does that word eschew mean well it means to deliberately avoid using or to abstain from or to shun so shun evil avoid evil it's something that should not be you know part of your life if you know something's wicked and evil then you would stay away from it it says and do good and that might seem like well that could mean a lot of things and it does mean a lot of things but you know the difference between doing good and doing evil I'm sure and the Bible says to him that knoweth to do good and doeth it not to him it is sin so if you know that you're supposed to be doing something right and you should do it and it says let him seek peace and ensue it so what should we as Christians be doing avoiding evil shunning evil doing that which is right following what the Bible says to the best of our ability and seeking peace Jesus said blessed are the peacemakers you know and people will say well you you're always trying to get into fights you're always trying to get into wars Pastor Thompson you're always just fighting with everybody that's just not true but I have fought with people and maybe looking back there's some battles that maybe I shouldn't have fought but you know obviously I'm learning I'm growing just like everybody else but you know sometimes you do have to fight sometimes as a Christian you know you just can't avoid it and you have to fight God's not saying never fight he's just saying seek peace try to be peaceful try to live your life as peaceably and be a peacemaker if two people are fighting don't give somebody else some extra ammunition so they can win the battle you you basically just try to you know call for a ceasefire say hey you know that's kind of a ceasefire is something you know obviously when two people are at war you know they put their ammunition down and they try to seek peace and if you're a peacemaker that's the kind of person you're gonna be not gonna be adding fuel to the fire right so let's look at Psalm chapter 120 verse 6 Psalm chapter 120 verse 6 again keep your place in 1st Peter chapter 3 but Psalm 120 verse 6 the Bible says my soul hath long dwelt with him that hateth peace and it's kind of like you know this is David and David if you've read the Psalms recently or just ever almost on every Psalm he's talking about how people are always trying to fight with him they're always trying to encompass him they're sneakily trying to destroy him they hate him they want to kill him and that's how he basically lived his life every day knowing that there's enemies that are even if he had a peaceful day he knows that there's enemies that are just seeking to try to hurt him right around the corner he said my soul hath long dwelt with them with him that hateth peace I am for peace but when I speak therefore war so David understood and he and you should we be for peace absolutely but you know when you're preaching the Word of God or you're at a door preaching the Word of God you are there for peace are you not aren't you there to try to bring peace to that house aren't you there to try to bring peace the peace of Jesus into their life so they could be saved no our mission is not to try to harm people or hurt people when we go out soul winning our mission is trying to bring the peace of God into someone's life and to give them the peace that passeth all understanding to give them the gospel so they could be saved we're on a peace mission but when we speak there for war because not everybody's gonna like what you have to say not everybody likes what this book has to say they hate this book they test this book you know what if someone's an enemy of this book they're no friend of mine any preacher that wants to get up and say that this book is the wrong book the King James Bible is wrong or it's not right or whatever they're no friend of mine I want nothing to do with them now when we're at a door again we run into all different types of people don't we we run into all manner of people we run into false prophets we run into people that were you know just have all things messed up but what is our mission to bring peace but unfortunately sometimes our peace mission is just instantly war and there's nothing we could do about it it's like we're doing what God told us to do you can't just be peaceful without you know nobody's gonna have peace without the Word of God in their lives without the Holy Spirit in their heart without the love of Christ in them and to get that they have to put their pride aside and the haughtiness of their attitude and they have to put their own self who they think is the one that's actually saving them because they're a good person I haven't done anything really that bad you know we that's what we fight against we fight against their pride and in order to get that we have to show them hey you're a sinful person you are a sinner just like everybody else and you know what because of your sin God's gonna cast you into hell those those words are a they're for peace but they end up sometimes being for war if people we leave our invitations on people's door sometimes they get mad and email me or they leave a message I can't believe you're telling me that I'm going to hell it's just like well I didn't really tell you that but the invitation did but they get mad why because they don't they want to believe that they're there they're the god of their own world that's why and whatever they believe that's what they want to stick with and they get mad because the words of peace are not to their liking and they want to go to war with you let's turn to Romans chapter 12 Romans chapter number 12 this is a great section of scripture that really is helpful in the Christian life here it's very convicting and it's something that like if we're having a hard time getting along with fellow believers this is a good passage to come to and just kind of get our hearts right with with the Lord look at Romans 10 or 12 10 it says be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love in honor preferring one another you know a lot of times Christians will be like well you know I really like going to church and everything but my family is is over that or whatever your extended family but what does the Bible say we're supposed to prefer one another you know if your family's not saved and I'm not saying don't try to get him saved or whatever but if they've totally rejected you rejected the gospel your family's here you know your family is divided away from you because of the Word of God and we have to understand that that's just a natural process that takes place it's something that the Bible very clearly says is going to happen and they're gonna say you're a freak show you're going to this cult church I can't believe you won't carve pumpkins on Halloween you know what do you don't drink beer anymore like what's wrong with you you know they don't want to run you don't want to run to their excess of riot that you used to run to and now you're the freak right and so but that's fine you know the Bible says you know that that's gonna happen so you know he said you know Jesus said was told his mother and his brethren were outside while he's preaching well number one why are they outside why is his mom and family outside he's preaching inside and they're asking him to come outside this is something that happens with families a lot like why don't you come on Sunday to the birthday party it's like it's it's at 10 30 in the morning like do you think that that's not on purpose sometimes it is on purpose sometimes and if it's not and you've reminded them and say hey you know I go to church on Sundays kind of an all-day thing or you know I'm a I'm in church at this time this time I could come at this time they're like oh okay well you know maybe next time or whatever they're trying to pull the Jesus's mom and brethren on the outside come on come out Jesus don't come to you know you're just you're going crazy you're in church too much everywhere you go you're preaching and healing people you know come out and see your family every once in a while and people will use that to pull on your heartstrings but you have to understand that following Christ and following God is way more important than that he says who is my mother who are my brethren is that what he said and so he did he go did he go okay well mommy mommy and the brothers are outside and my sisters I better run out there and end the church service now you know is that funny they want to pull you out of church but they never want to come into your church because if you really want to stay what really want to spend time with you and they care that much don't you think they come to your church you know if they're saved if you know in and you know why wouldn't they want to come to church with you if they want to spend time with you and it's just you know it's just kind of something that we have to deal with and it's it's hard it's hard going through life and having the people that you loved the most growing up turn their back on you and cast your name out as evil and it's so it says let did I say Romans let's back up to verse 9 let's back up to verse 9 it says let love be without dissimulation abhor that which is evil cleave to that which is good that's the verse I meant to have you turn to I'm sorry about that well we'll cover that on there I already covered that one I'll skip that when I get back to it Romans 12 9 let love be without dissimulation well what is dissimulation it's concealment of one's thoughts feelings or character and it basically means don't be a faker you know if you love someone don't be fake you know be without dissimulation don't conceal your thoughts you know open rebuke is better than secret love you know we should be without dissimulation or being fake to one another we should just love our brothers and sisters in Christ because we're told that we should and because that's what the right thing to do is but don't be fake and it says abhor that which is evil so the Bible's clearly telling us that if something's evil something's wicked we're to abhor that what does abhor me well I got some definitions for you hate hate from here down to here from the top of your head to the bottom of your feet you hate that thing if it's evil if it's wicked then you should hate that thing I hate every false way the Bible says so abhor that which is evil and you know and then it says cleave to that which is good so we're supposed to abhor or hate evil things it's a disgust regarded with disgust you know it's vile it's reprobate or whatever it's you just hate it right so cleave actually has two definitions that mean the opposite thing it's a very interesting word but cleave means it means to divide so if you cleave something in half or you cleave something off that is to divide it and and separate something but it also means to strongly adhere to or stick together so that's why we talk about when people get married they leave and cleave to their spouse so when you leave father and mother you're supposed to cleave to your spouse that's the and when it means cleave doesn't mean separate it means to stick strongly together so when you're married you cleave to that person in the definition of strongly adhering or sticking together God hateth the pudding away the Lord hated the pudding away so what's the Bible telling us you know even though you're Christian we're supposed to seek peace and all this stuff there's still we still have to hate things you know you can't have love without having hate you just can't you stick to the things that are good and you get rid of the things that are bad you abhor those things you hate them and you know that's gonna be enough division in your in your home and in your life there's enough division just with that to spread around but we're supposed to be kindly affection one to another verse 10 with brotherly love in honor preferring one another so if if your family or your whoever separates themselves from you because they hate your God or they don't like your church or whatever you know we're supposed to prefer one another the company of other believers because guess what we're gonna be together for all eternity so you might as well start learning to get along right now right you might as well start working on it because it's just gonna be mandatory but never right so and we don't want to have to give an apology later on right just let's just be let's just get it right here while we're on this earth and in church right now you know and we won't have to have any more I'm sorry's up there but it says not slothful in business so a Christian should be lazy they should get their work done fervent in spirit that means that we're fired up you know we're we're zealous of the things of God and serving the Lord this is our life this is the Christian life okay serving the Lord rejoicing in hope hey what don't you get excited when you when you think about the time when Jesus is gonna come back you know I know a lot of people are like he could come at any minute but that's not true is it but we still have a hope in our hearts that the Lord is gonna come back someday it's called blessed hope or the blessed hope of his return it's not imminent but it is gonna happen and it says patient in tribulation so tribulation is when you're being you know persecuted for something that you are doing that's a godly thing you're you're you're in tribulation or affliction because of how you're living your Christian life and that's gonna happen too if you're living godly in Christ Jesus you're going to go through tribulation you're gonna go through persecution I know the pre-tribbers say that we are not gonna go through tribulation but the Apostle Paul says through much tribulation we'll enter into the kingdom of God so you know the Bible says something different folks and it says continuing instant in prayer we're supposed to continue to pray without ceasing right continuing instant in prayer ready to pray at the drop of a hat ready to just drop down to our knees and go God help me I'm in trouble I need your help or so-and-so needs your help something's going wrong you know we have all this communication about prayers it's so we can actually do that thing instantly for them that's why we have the whatsapp group of prayer you know it's not really meant for talking about diagnosing a car I didn't really realize what I was doing there I'm sorry a thousand apologies for that but you know we were trying to get down to the details there but anyways what else does it say distributing to the necessity of the Saints so we're supposed to be helping each other you know we're supposed to help brothers in Christ not have a soup kitchen for a bunch of people that hate God and won't even come in here unless they're getting something free to eat you know I this this whole thing where people are just having these soup kitchens for everybody that just wants to sit there and do drugs right in our parking lot drink beer while we're holding church services sorry but we're not gonna reach them through handing them a subway sandwich and what they're gonna do they're gonna throw it on the ground like to do all the other stuff that they either steal or someone else gives them thinking they're doing something good I'd like to have them come and clean up all the garbage outside before the church service of all the free stuff that they gave somebody that they just threw in the garbage or just threw it on the ground it says given to hospitality that's that's another Christian attribute we should just be given to being hospitable to each other bless them which persecute you bless and curse not now this is hard to do also because when you're being persecuted you want to lash out and do your best to get even with that person and especially when it's just they're doing it for no good reason they're just doing it because they hate Christ or they hate you because you love Christ but it says bless and curse not now I would say that there's an exception to this if the person is a is a you're a hundred percent sure that person's a reprobate you know all bets are off at that point but you could still have the attitude that even though a reprobate persecuting you you can still choose to not like do anything back and maybe God will just swiftly destroy that person for you you know what I mean because there's nothing wrong with rejoicing when some enemy and hater of God is destroyed now people act like we're you guys just aren't loving oh we are loving but we don't hate people that hate God or we don't love people that hate God just plain and simple you love your enemies your personal enemies and some of your sometimes your personal enemies cross over to where they're also God's personal enemies because they hate God too well that's you know a different story if it's just someone persecuting you because you know like somebody at work saying well oh well you're so weird why don't you drink beer you know why does your wife wear skirts and dresses only or you know just stuff like that that's not something to unleash on somebody about you know just explain to them why you believe that and who cares if they think you're weird you know who cares says rejoice with them that do rejoice and weep with them that weep and be of the same mind one toward another mine not high things but can condescend to men a lowest state be not wise in your own conceits recompense no man evil for evil provide things honest in the sight of all men if it be possible as much as lieth in you live peace of be peaceably with all men so it says notice that it says if it be possible because sometimes it's just not possible okay I'm not excusing if it's if you're like well it's just not possible to get along with this person well have you tried have you tried to be a peacemaker have you tried to win this person over at work because sometimes there's people that you work with that you know they're hard they're hard on you or your boss maybe you just can tell they don't like you because you're a Christian or whatever but it says it if it's possible as much as life in you if you've done everything you can to you know to win this person over and they still hate your ever-living guts and just put you through you know all kinds of grief all the time you know then it's sometimes it's just not possible so you shouldn't be a doormat to someone necessarily there's just there's obviously lines that people shouldn't be allowed to cross with you but it says if it's possible as much as life with are in you live peaceably with all men dearly beloved verse 19 avenge not yourselves but rather give place unto wrath for it is written vengeance is mine I will repay saith the Lord so God clearly tells us hey don't take vengeance out yourself and and I would say even if this is some kind of a reprobate don't take that don't avenge yourself but rather give place unto wrath for it is written vengeance is mine it doesn't say vengeance is fine it says vengeance is mine I will repay say it the Lord so God's gonna pay them back for you the righteous will rejoice when they see you know the the the blood of the wicked we shall walk we're gonna wash our feet with the blood of the wicked one day and that sounds really gross doesn't it but that's what the Bible says so you know one day you know maybe he's not gonna pay him back in our lifetime maybe he's not gonna stop these enemies that hate our guts and are constantly just trying to to get at us and destroy us and annoy us and terrorize us and all these different things but God's gonna repay him and you know what he's probably gonna repay him faster if you're not trying to take this vengeance on yourself it's a good lesson to learn because sometimes you want to lash out sometimes I want to break some of these people's teeth out but the Bible says break their teeth out Oh Lord right so we're supposed to pray you know if someone's just vexing you to this level then say hey God why don't you break their teeth out why don't you stop them Lord you said you would do it you said you would avenge us I'm allowing you know I'm not gonna take the the matters into my own hand so God will you please destroy them but you know what if you never even say that to God then is he gonna does he necessarily have to act on that sometimes we need to ask things verse 10 therefore if any if thine enemy hunger feed him and if he thirsts give him drink or in so doing thou shall he calls a fire on his head be not overcome with evil but overcome evil with good to the best of our ability we should try to overcome evil and our enemies in our life with good with doing right with doing what the Bible says and let God take care of the rest let God take the trash out right obviously doesn't mean just let all these reprobates come into our church and and and do whatever they feel like I was like hey I'm just gonna let God take him out now you know we're as a pastor I'm gonna try to leave my sheep and if there's wolves that come in I'm gonna throw those wolves out but turn to back to 1st Peter chapter 3 verse 13 1st Peter chapter 3 verse 13 and point number 2 tonight yeah I know one number two tonight suffering for doing right see sometimes we're suffering for doing right but sometimes you know obviously we can suffer for doing wrong but Peter talks about in verse 13 says and who is he that will harm you if you be followers of that which is good but and if you suffer for righteousness sake happy are ye and be not afraid of their terror neither be troubled so Peter saying here hey if you're if you're followers of that which is good if you're doing that which is right and true then who is going to hurt you but obviously there's caveats to this because God sometimes allows his his sheep to be killed or or hurt or or go through some kind of tribulation but really ultimately you know even if we are martyred on this world or something happens to us because of our serving Christ we still get the blessing we still go to heaven you know we're still gonna be blessed beyond all measure so but it says but if you suffer for righteousness sake happy are ye be not afraid and be not afraid of their terror neither be troubled isn't that interesting how it says neither be afraid of their terror because this is what reprobates and enemies like to do they like to terrorize they like to send text messages saying hi hello and you know you might think I know sometimes people think when I bring that up that I'm like this is just some random you know person from India trying to get your information no they actually put details about our church they put details and I'm not gonna share everything they say but they what do they do this for why do they do this to our church members because they want to put terror in our hearts they want to try to make us feel like we're being stalked because really that's what they are doing they're a bunch of losers they're a bunch of stalkers and the only thing that they have good in their life is still the new IFB and they're such losers that they can't even move on and go and live their own life they got to sue us they got to try to do all kind just anything they can to try to make our lives a living hell because they are stinking a reprobate scum trash garbage rubbish and God's gonna throw them in the lake of fire on that Judgment Day you know what I'm gonna do I'm gonna laugh I'm gonna laugh I'm gonna laugh why because God laughs at him why can't I you know I'm just trying to be like my Lord I'm gonna laugh you might think that's out yeah pastor Thompson you just said all this stuff about how we're supposed to treat people yeah but there are people that the Bible says we're gonna rejoice when when when God repays and recompenses these trolls and these freaks that just constantly are trying to do harm to our church God's gonna pay them back you know I don't have to do anything no matter what happens I don't have to do anything you know what these things don't move me none of these things move me none of these things harm me that's what they want to do but if you realize that it says be not afraid of their terror neither be troubled than you then what's the Bible say well that's what we should do don't be worried don't don't even worry about it because they're gonna get what's coming to them the more they do the more wrath is stored up to them I mean you really have to be some kind of a loser to just stalk churches and that's the main thing that you do how do you have that much time on your hands how are you raising your children you reprobate piece of garbage how are you doing it how are you working and being an honorable member of society their job is to just constantly terrorize torture stock you know they're predators but they are and they've come into churches and then they're disgruntled or whatever for whatever reason that they've dreamed up in their minds but in reality they were never here to be part of our church they were here to cause chaos they were here to be this you know pop-up freak show that all of a sudden they just change your mind about all the stuff that they used to believe now all of a sudden they're friends with homos the first one to throw a homo out of the church and then now they're just talking to him for five hours on the phone that's weird if your wife knew that you were talking to a homo for five hours don't you think she'd think that's kind of weird because my wife sure would so what kind of people are we doing with scum trolls wicked and divisive people and you know what I'm gonna laugh my head off when God throws them in hell anyway let's move on to the more sweeter parts of this sermon look at Matthew chapter 5 verse 10 now the chapter 5 verse 10 we're supposed to be happy when we go through this it says if you suffer for righteousness sake happy are ye and be not afraid of their terror neither be troubled because God's taking care of business you might not see it today you might not see it tomorrow but you're gonna see it someday it says a verse 10 blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the kingdom of God blessed are ye when men shall revile you that means to hate you and persecute you and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely for my sake rejoice and be exceeding glad for great is your reward in heaven for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you and let me just tell you something there's no new thing under the Sun when they if they stalk us now with whatever technology they have they were stocking the prophets before us they were stocking the people of God before us they were killing the people of God before us and let me just tell you something if they had a chance to kill us they would but a lot of them are just scared of their own shadow they would never have the guts to actually walk through the door of that church building because they're scared because really they just operate and that's what terrorists want to do they want to put you in fear but they're not actually gonna do something themselves they just want to stalk you and and use some robo dialer Google phone or whatever to to just say weird things to you hoping that you'll respond hoping you'll care now I don't care I just blow block block party block it's no skin off my nose it just shows me what a freak you are a total freak show fag-loving idiot is what you are anybody that's sticking up for those protesters at steadfast are fag-loving idiots and it makes me wonder if you're a faggot yourself honestly if you're sticking up for those queers at steadfast that are protesting his church you're a fag or a fag lover at the least you can talk to a fag on the phone for five hours you probably are a fag anyway sorry I'm a little riled up but anyway it says great as your reward for so they persecuted the prophets which were before you you're of the you're the salt of the earth and if the salt has lost its saber wherewith shall it be salted it is thenceforth good for nothing but to be cast out and to be trodden under the foot of men so look we have to be a little savory if you've lost your salt then you're no good that's what it's saying right and meat is savory isn't it you put what do you do to make meat taste better well you put salt on it don't you and so but Jesus is saying hey but if you've lost your savoriness if you've lost that saltiness then how is it how is what you have to offer going to taste good to anybody so we can't lose our savoriness sometimes we have to say things that you know salt stinks you ever get salt in your eyes it stings doesn't it but salt also preserves and when you pour salt on like some animal skin and rub it in there whatever it preserves that skin doesn't it so are the saltiness of a Christian you know we shouldn't be salty as in I'm all upset I'm salty I'm salty is like a new new new there's a new definition for it where you're just upset because someone got the better of you but a Christian that's salty someone's actually sprinkling on something savory to someone's life and trying to help them and you know what sometimes that salt stings turn to Luke chapter 6 verse 22 there's kind of a it's not a parallel passage but it's along the same lines Luke chapter 6 verse 22 says blessed are ye when men shall hate you and when they shall separate you from their company and shall reproach you and shut and and cast your name out as evil for the Son of Man's sake see they're doing it when they're doing it for something that you've done that's right and true and when you're preaching the name of Christ and you're persecuted for that or you're or you're just preaching what the Bible says which is really you know hurts people's feelings today the Word of God hurts these little queers feelings today doesn't it and you know they try to say well that you know our little queer stuff trumps your your God your Bible and your God no it doesn't I don't care what laws they make I don't care what laws they put forth I'm never gonna quit preaching against them because they're filthy reprobate vile and you know when they're trying to you know have all these drag queen story hours all over the place and school districts are actually paying them to come in and twerk in front of people's kids and stuff that's disgusting how is this even possible that this is happening in our society today but it is it's vile it's wicked we should our children you know thank God if you're if you're a kid is is homeschooled well you should thank the Lord that you're able to do that and if you're not then you should try your best to get your kids homeschooled because you don't know what kind of freak show that they're walking into I can't even imagine what it's like in school halls today I was watching the what is it the libs of tip tick tock I kind of finally subscribe to their stuff but that kind of stuff just makes me mad so this that's not why I'm mad tonight but anyway I saw in this in this lady she's like bragging about all these pride flags that she hands out to people like kids are coming up oh can I get one of those flags and she's like it just warms my heart you know it makes my heart sick I abhor that I think it's disgusting why would I think that that stuff's great and you know people but people if you say that you'll get censored you'll get striked off of YouTube or whatever who cares you know YouTube's gonna go the way of the dodo anyway because if it's not if it's all fake nobody's gonna want to be on it anyway there's a bunch of bluff that the liberals like to push on us all the time but it says rejoice ye in that day and leap for joy for behold your reward is great in heaven when people are persecuting you when you're going through evil times because of your faith in Christ and the fact that you're trying to live your life like the Bible says the Bible says that when you're persecuted for that that you should rejoice in that day and that you should leap for joy but we as Christians have a tendency to not do that instead we have a tendency to be like what is this happening to us what did I do wrong well it's possible you did something wrong but if you can't really think of anything that you did do wrong then it's probably just persecution for you living godly in Christ Jesus but you'll know the difference won't you turn to 1st Peter chapter 3 verse 15 back back to our text it says but sanctify the Lord God in your hearts sanctify the Lord God in your hearts and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear that's a mouthful that's but that's a great scripture right there what does it mean to sanctify the Lord God in your heart it means set him apart God is is above everything else in your heart and in your mind and God wants you to set him apart make God holy in your heart make God righteous you know think of him first and set him apart in your hearts instead of like Peter he should have listened to his own advice when he was denying the Lord and of course I'm sure he you know obviously he felt bad Christ restored him and I'm not trying to hold anything against him but I'm just saying that if he would have been thinking about his own verse here you know if he would have set Jesus Christ apart in his heart and would not have been afraid of what other little some little maid maiden was saying to him then you know he would have been able to answer those people the way that they should have been answered yes he is my Savior yes he is my Lord yes I was traveling with him and I'm not ashamed to say that that's that's what answering somebody always means in the context that's talking about being persecuted isn't it so sometimes you know Jesus said they're gonna drag us before these councils they're gonna drag us before kings and magistrates and all this stuff and it says not to pre you know to what is it that word pre pre meditate in your heart what you're gonna say you know I don't like get a speech ready and write it all down but the Holy Spirit's gonna give you what you need to say but you should be ready to give the answer you know when someone asks you like why do you believe this you should be able to answer them this verse isn't teaching to make an apologetics ministry or some other thing and then be outside of a church authority ministry or something you know there's so many different ministries built on this verse and they're not even they're not even through a local church they're just their own separate it's such-and-such ministries destiny ministries right next door to us right with a woman with short hair as the pastor and she's like some prophetess or something or whatever but you know look meekness and fear we're supposed to answer all men every man that asks us to give them an answer so but the Bible says to sanctify God in your heart make sure he's first place and then when it's time for you to answer then you just answer you know you'd be sometimes you think well people are gonna freak out if I give them the answer that's true but you'd be surprised how people will just allow you and they'll take it in they'll take it in and they'll think about it and maybe they don't see maybe they don't agree with you maybe they never will but it doesn't matter because you've answered them according to the truth the truth of the fact that you have God set aside in your heart you're saved this is why I'm saved this is why I believe this this is why I believe that but it's the hope that's in you so we need to make God special above all things in our hearts and you know articulate things that we believe be ready to give those answers now Matthew chapter 20 verse 28 says even as the Son of Man came not to be ministered unto but to minister and give his life a ransom for many so Christ came to die for us we don't give our lives over to God I heard that answer last week well I've given my life to Jesus that's why I'm saved no Jesus gave his life for you that's why you're saved you've just believed that's the right answer obviously you know some people get confused it's terminology or whatever but that was an answer I got last week but at the end of that conversation that person got saved so anyway 1 Peter 3 16 says back in our text says having a good conscience that whereas they speak evil of you as of evildoers they may be ashamed that falsely accuse your good conversation in Christ see there is going to be people that say you're evil because of what you believe you're evil because of the way you live your life but then God say to set you know we're supposed to be set apart we're supposed to be holy our lives are supposed to be like that so when people see us doing this they will speak evil of us and they will falsely accuse your good lifestyle look at them they're just brainwashing their kids making them go to church three times a week well aren't you putting your kids in a humanistic hell hole five days a week and letting the government babysit your children all week long and after school too you got the after school program you're just allowing your children to just be you know predator eyes by all these different weirdos that are now hanging around schools you don't know what those kids are like we should set apart our children we should set apart ourselves and you know if someone speaks and falsely accuses us of that well your kids aren't very you know they're not very social because they're homeschooled that's rubbish that's garbage there's plenty of kids here to play for your kids to play with they don't have to play with the worst scum of the you know some kid with with red hair or green hair or pink hair that's calling themselves a different a different pronoun or something and that's what's going on folks people are getting fired because they didn't put a pronoun in the end of their email he she it they cat dog monkey whatever it is so I don't know why I'm on a cake like this but just it's Thursday night you know but it says for it is better if the will of God be so that you suffer for well-doing then for evil so this is what we got to make sure of that what you're suffering for isn't for something evil you're doing and you're like well you know I'm just being persecuted because I'm a Christian but in reality you're being persecuted for something you did wrong so we need to make sure that we understand the difference and it says for Christ hath once suffered for sins the just for the unjust that he might bring us to God being put to death in the flesh but quickened in the Spirit so this is this is important so that so he that he might bring us to God he suffered for sins the just for the unjust that he might bring us to God being put to death in the flesh but quickened in the Spirit so listen if Christ suffered so will we if they hated him they'll hate us also if he was persecuted and afflicted and despised then so will we be you know why are our churches getting persecuted because we're doing great things for God you know wear it like a badge of honor don't be ashamed to tell people where you go to church I got a sure Foundation Baptist Church amen not like oh the truth of the street you know don't be ashamed of your chain don't be ashamed of you know being persecuted because of what we believe we're like a badge of honor the SPLC tells us we're a hate group we're like a badge of honor how about the ADL the anti-defamation lady they say that we're you know anti-semitic or whatever wear it like a badge of honor we're not anti semantic we are just bro truth how about that and I don't care if they put some kind of label on us just because they put a label on us doesn't mean it's true well you're a hate group according to who cares you're a fag lover so what's your point you know we got these people like major beta I mean cement meta or whatever his name is and they and these other trolls and fam former fanboys and losers you know look who cares what they think who cares what they say they're losers they don't have they don't even go to church they just follow a church that they hate weird isn't that weird it's so strange so you know look and I'm just gonna go into the last the last point here I know I got to be done here but I'm gonna preach it quick so listen why are other churches not getting persecuted why are other people not getting persecuted I mean I've visited a couple other independent Baptist churches recently just on a different night I'm just kind of just try to slip in and being talked incognito but it's kind of hard for me because I want to dress right when I go to church and I'm six foot eight so I'm kind of hard to be incognito but you know I mean everything's you know fine in these churches or whatever but one thing that they're not going through they're not you know if they're not preaching hard on sin and they're not like fighting the good fight they're not out doing door knocking and getting people saved then they're not gonna get persecuted they're just not the Bible says if you live godly in Christ Jesus you shall suffer persecution so why are all these churches I mean not just regular Christian Church but why what about other Baptist independent Baptist churches and then they act like we're bad because we're being persecuted what that's weird that's a weird mentality isn't it but they think that they're not getting persecuted because they have the governor's come into their church and they have the flags inside their church and Israel banners waving all over the place and they think that that just makes them you know well we're just you know we're just on the side of the government so that's why you know we're not persecuted you know we're living peaceable with all men well yeah but you're not always gonna be able to live peaceably with all men because if your doctrine is the right doctrine your preaching is the right preaching and your program is the right program that people are gonna persecute you it's just that simple and if they're not being persecuted then they're worthless they're worthless I'm sorry but that's just the truth why I'm not saying that there's not people in their churches that aren't saved I'm not saying their pastors aren't saved or anything like that I'm just saying you know if the salt has lost its saber where with shall it be salted that they're not being salty dogs they're not salting the earth and trying to preserve it and then sometimes trying to irritate it then they're not doing what God said to do and so no wonder why they're not being persecuted when they look at a church like ours are like what are you doing wrong what do you mean what am I doing right what are we doing right here what we're doing what the Bible says to do I'm not just saying things to start fights you know I'm just I'm preaching the Word of God and the truth that that it teaches look at verse 19 so I just got to really quickly explain this and we'll be out of here okay we went into the announcements late so don't judge me anyway verse 19 so by which by which also he went and preached under the spirits in prison so this is a really I just want to explain this really quickly before we leave you know this setting the captives free you know nonsense you know pre-trip people and just people in general will take these scriptures and be like yeah Jesus when he died he went down into hell but it was the good hell it was purgatory or not purgatory but Abraham's bosom and then he preached to the spirits and set them free see there were Old Testament Saints and Jesus had to preach to them so they could be saved and come back up to he had to preach the gospel to him is that what it says it's going off the context of verse 18 by which by which what by which the the method that he brought us to him but quickened by the Spirit is that what it says so he took that quickening of the Spirit and then he also went and preached unto the spirits in prison that he might bring us unto God you know in verse 18 but quickened by the Spirit so he wanted to be you know he did all these things for us and then by the same Spirit which he did all these things he then went to people and got them saved also that's what it's talking about now again many people say that this is like he went to the good hell when he said I'll be with you you'll be with me in paradise he's talking about paradise hell hotel hell the good hell or whatever it is Abraham's bosom but this is just garbage garbage garbage it's just stupid doctrine it's not true there is no Christian purgatory for the Old Testament Saints Jesus didn't have to go down there and preach to them in hell which was not really hell but a good hell called paradise or whatever right this is what they this is what they'll say but and I'm just gonna have you come turn to first 2nd Timothy chapter 2 verse 25 2nd Timothy 225 it says in meekness instructing those that oppose themselves if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth see when people oppose themselves we try to give the gospel and we try to get them saved and have and if God will give them the repentance the acknowledging of the truth that they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil who are taken captive by him at his will so what are they they're in prison they're in prison to their sin they're in bondage that's like why Egypt pictures the world and the bondage that they were freed from right so Christ is trying to free us by the Spirit of God when we go out soul winning we're trying to go to people that are captive that don't even realize they're in prison they don't even know they don't know they're in prison but they are and we're trying to recover them out of the snare of the devil who are taken captive by him at his will and if you're a captive guess what you're in prison revelation 12 9 says and the great dragon was cast out the old serpent that old serpent called the devil and Satan which deceiveth the whole world see he deceives the whole world with whatever it is they believe and he was cast out of the earth and the angels were cast out with them in Isaiah chapter 42 verse 6 you can turn there if you want but it says I the Lord have called thee in righteousness I will hold thine hand and will keep thee and give thee for a covenant of the people for a light to the Gentiles see Jesus when he came he was also reaching the Gentiles and it says to open the blind eyes to bring out the prisoners from prison and to them that sit in darkness out of the prison house it's not talking about people in paradise earth or whatever this you know weird teaching he's talking about he's being he's taking a physical app a physical thing and making it into a spiritual application where you know people that are blind spiritually they can't see the truth but we're trying to bring prisoners out of the prison and then sit in darkness out of the prison house who has them in the prison house the devil has them in the prison house with his being able to take them captive by at his will so turn to Luke chapter 4 verse 16 I'm going to read Isaiah 61 it says in Isaiah 61 the spirit of the Lord God is upon me because the Lord hath anointed me to preach good tidings unto the meek and he hath sent me to bind up the broken heart to proclaim liberty to the captives which you probably think you're captives right now but the opening of the prison to them that are bound to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord and the day of vengeance of our God to comfort all them that mourn so what is the fulfillment of this what is it talking about what is Peter talking about tonight he's talking about people that are bound in prison that were he you know he tried to reach people that are ensnared by the devil and that's what our job is too we're supposed to go out and try to be you know we're trying to break people out of prison that are they're in prison in their minds they're in prison in their hearts they're in prison in their soul and they don't know how to figure out how to get out of it but the book gospel is the thing that does that so Jesus goes back to his hometown in Nazareth and that this kind of word Nathaniel was kind of right it says in Luke 4 16 he came to Nazareth where he had been brought up and his custom was and he went to the synagogue on the Sabbath day and stood up for to read and there it was delivered unto him the book of the prophet Isaiah and when he had opened the book he found the place where it was written the spirit of the lord is upon me because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor and has sent me to heal the broken heart to preach deliverance to the captives and recovery to the sight of the blind to set at liberty them that are bruised to preach the acceptable year of the lord and so he preaches that which is exactly from Isaiah chapter 61 and he kind of puts a little of Isaiah 42 in there and he closed the book and he gave it to again to the minister and sat down the eyes of them that were in the synagogue were fast on them and he began to say unto them this day is the scripture fulfilled in your ears so when did when when was the scripture fulfilled when Jesus preached it at the synagogue and what's he preaching that he came to set the blind and get the blind sight and to give deliverance to the captives that are in prison don't fall for this Abraham's bosom garbage it's not true it's stupid and there is no such thing as the good hell okay first peter 320 we'll close it out here and when sometimes which sometimes were disobedient when once the long suffering of god waited in the days of noah while the ark was preparing wherein few that his eight souls were saved by water the like figure where into even baptism doth now save us here's another false doctrine that people like to say that the baptism saves us well you're like pastor thompson says it right there the baptism saves us but look what it says in the brackets there not the putting away of the filth of the flesh but the answer of a good conscience toward god by the resurrection of jesus christ people say see the baptism saves us you're not saved if you think that okay you're not saved that's not what it's saying it's saying not the putting away of the filth of the flesh it's the answer of a good conscience toward god by the resurrection of jesus christ that's what it's talking about so it's just saying that you know what noah's ark was was a picture of salvation i talked about this last week but people will say that you have to be baptized to be saved that's not true that's you know there's different types of salvation folks and salvation of your soul never comes by you doing a good work or a physical act so and and it says it's a figure right the like figure what does figure mean well a lot of there's a lot of definitions for figure but it literally means a representation in this case a representation of something material or immaterial it's a picture for us to understand salvation is what it's saying so verse 22 we're done who has gone into heaven and is on the right hand of god angels and authorities and powers being made subject unto him so that's the end of the chapter sorry it was a long sermon but uh we got it finished all right so next week we'll be in first to our first peter chapter four let's pray heavenly father we thank you lord so much for this great chapter in the bible and we pray that you just bless us as we go our separate ways you protect us and lord watch over us keep our vehicles safe and the people inside them in jesus name we pray amen