(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Turn to page number 327, Higher Ground. Song number 327, Higher Ground. Let's sing it out on the first. I'm pressing on the upward way New heights I'm gaining every day Still praying as I'm onward bound Lord, plant my feet on higher ground Lord, lift me up and let me stand By faith on heaven's table and A higher plane than I have found Lord, plant my feet on higher ground My heart has no desire to stay Where doubts arise and fears dismay Though some may dwell where these abound My prayer, my aim is higher ground Lord, lift me up and let me stand By faith on heaven's table and A higher plane than I have found Lord, plant my feet on higher ground I want to live above the world Though Satan's darts at me are hurled For faith has caught the joyful sound The song of saints on higher ground Lord, lift me up and let me stand By faith on heaven's table and A higher plane than I have found Lord, plant my feet on higher ground I want to scale the utmost high And catch a gleam of glory bright But still I'll play till heaven I've found Lord, lead me onto higher ground Lord, lift me up and let me stand By faith on heaven's table and A higher plane than I have found Lord, plant my feet on higher ground Amen. Good seeing brother Eli, could you help us with a word of prayer? Thank you for this moment to forget about the world Amen. Our second song will be song number 328, I Want That Mountain Song number 328, I Want That Mountain Let's sing it out on the first. I saw the giant of prayerlessness upon the mountain high He laughed so hard at my unbended knee No longer in the wilderness I'll stay and so I cry I want that mountain it belongs to me I want that mountain, I want that mountain Where the milk and honey flow, where the grapes of Estelle grow, I want that mountain, I want that mountain The mountain that my Lord has given me There was a giant of laziness who said I wouldn't go And witness for the one who set me free I'll come from out the wilderness I'll witness now I know I want that mountain it belongs to me I want that mountain, I want that mountain Where the milk and honey flow, where the grapes of Estelle grow, I want that mountain, I want that mountain The mountain that my Lord has given me One faithless giant upon the crest of Hebron's lofty height Has vowed that he's the one to make me flee I'll climb from out the wilderness and trust Jehovah's might I want that mountain it belongs to me I want that mountain, I want that mountain Where the milk and honey flow, where the grapes of Estelle grow, I want that mountain, I want that mountain The mountain that my Lord has given me Let every giant of distress and unbelief and sin Get ready now to vacate for you see I've come from out the wilderness I know I'm going to win I want that mountain it belongs to me I want that mountain, I want that mountain Where the milk and honey flow, where the grapes of Estelle grow, I want that mountain, I want that mountain The mountain that my Lord has given me All right good evening welcome to Shore Foundation Baptist Church. I need my bulletin back son, son of mine. Thieves shall not inherit the kingdom of God. All right let's look at our bulletins on the front cover. If you need a bulletin would you slip up your hand. Brother Sean will bring you a bulletin. Anybody need one? All right on the front cover we have our verse of the week it says for a day and night courts is better than a thousand. I had rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than to dwell in the tents of wickedness. Psalm chapter 84 verse 10 great great scripture there in our service times 10 30 a.m sunday morning 3 30 p.m sunday evening and 6 30 p.m thursday evening. Tonight we're in 1st Corinthians chapter 15. It'll be part b or the second part and so there'll be one more sermon in this chapter and then we'll move on to chapter 16 which is which is the last chapter in the book and our so many times are listed down below. Some of those times have changed I think monday is is monday still going yeah monday's still going it's monday and thursday at 4 30. The tuesday one is not there anymore or wednesday friday's still on and saturday so and then of course the sunday afternoon at 1 p.m our original times are listed there below and the leaders respectively and our praise report is below that it has our salvations baptisms here to date in our attendance and for last sunday morning and evening and thursday so don't forget to sign up for pictures family pictures we have two more weekends to do that you have what one two three five more services all right I think the pastor needs to get his done but he needs a haircut and a shave probably and then my wife always is beautiful so she can come and do it anytime anyway does anybody else still need to get theirs done is there anybody in here that still hasn't had their okay the harringtons all right yeah so they're just trying to get one service where they're all together right and anyway so pastor Mendez is coming yeah don't forget sign up for your pictures pastor Mendez is coming this weekend and he'll be preaching for us in the p.m service at 3 30 p.m so you don't want to miss that service don't be a sunday morning glory come to the second service this sunday you won't be uh sad that you did because it's going to be a great service there so anyway looking forward to seeing pastor Mendez and his wife miss joanne and uh hanging out and fellowshipping and then we have let's see someone took the one that i had mark but i'm preaching in spokane washington at our church up in spokane this next wednesday um at 6 30 p.m so i'll still be back here for the thursday service but i'm going to be preaching up there so if you're in the sea um anywhere near the spokane area i'll be preaching up there with um with uh our church family up there so and then the next that coming weekend brother jason graver from spokane is gonna be preaching for us in the am service and there'll be a potluck of course i think there's a sign up i i messed up and didn't realize there was already a sign up um so i think are we doing okay on that so far with the sign up son sherry thompson are we doing yeah quit checking facebook no i'm just kidding um so um how's the the sign up going with the uh potluck is everything getting okay it's going good all right good so then we'll have our first kids christmas choir practice that weekend or that sunday and then december 11th we have the ladies cookie exchange white elephant game at 1 p.m at the bender home please bring three dozen cookies or treats and a container for goodies 10 to 15 is the limit for that white elephant gift but at least spend 10 so don't be a dollar tree evenings or scrooge okay bring something halfway decent all right and let's see the december 19th and you know if you can't afford one i'm just show up and go anyway don't don't feel like you you can't go because you can't get a white elephant gift or whatever if you need if you need one just come see me or miss sherry we'll make sure you get one okay and then let's see we got the 19th is the christmas service we'll have a some christmas preaching children's choir prime rib dinner after the morning service so that's always a good time and then december 23 we'll have our candlelight service at thursday night december 31st we're going to pray in the new year have a game night ping pong tournament and foosball and we're a family integrated church you guys already know all know that um i'm talking to the preaching of the choir here i'm going to skip on to the birthday announcements so we already sang happy birthday to cielo and i think is she asleep all right well do you want to sing it to her while she's asleep is that is that weird i think it's weird but after she won't cry and then well let's just sing happy birthday anyway because kylie's birthday is the 13th and uh let's let's just for the heck of it let's sing it to julie again anyway all right let's sing happy birthday happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday god bless you happy birthday to you don't wake her up all right after church uh there's gonna be some cupcakes so if you want cupcakes they'll be brought in i think there's more than enough for everybody okay so we're just gonna have some cupcakes cupcakes right after the service did you bring milk oh i can't have cupcakes without milk someone's gonna have to go to the store get some milk can i get a witness i'm just kidding all right let's uh sing another song we'll receive the offering all right our next song is number 363 wonderful words of life song number 363 wonderful words of life let's sing it out on the first sing them over again to me wonderful words of life let me more of their beauty see wonderful words of life words of life and beauty teach me faith and duty beautiful words wonderful words wonderful words of life beautiful words wonderful words wonderful words of life christ the blessed one gives to all wonderful words of life sinner lists to the loving call wonderful words of life all so freely given wooing us to heaven beautiful words wonderful words wonderful words of life beautiful words wonderful words wonderful words of life sweetly echo the gospel call wonderful words of life offer pardon and peace to all wonderful words of life jesus only savior sanctify forever beautiful words wonderful words wonderful words of life beautiful words wonderful words wonderful words of life amen good seeing brother sean harington could you bless the offering for us lord thank you so much for this day thanks so much lord a good church to come to and listen to your word preach lord i pray that you would fill pastor thompson with your board and i pray that you open up our ears to your lord bless this offering lord so so amen thank you ladies and they're sneaking in the christmas music already see how they are i like it it reminds me of something i needed to say i want to start handing out the christmas cds we still have some christmas cds left over and you want to take those and stuff them indoors while you're out preaching the gospel we have them and they're in that spare room or i think they should be marked and labeled we got we should start doing that probably next weekend just coming next weekend anyway let's go to the lord in prayer for our prayer request tonight let's bow our heads together dear heavenly father we pray lord for your blessings on this church lord we just thank you for hearing us when we pray and we thank you for all the wonderful works that you do in our life and how you just protect us from our enemies lord and lord even if we're going through affliction you're still there for us lord and and you'll repay like you said in your word lord and we just thank you for the opportunity to come to you in jesus name and lord we ask tonight for our pregnant ladies in our church miss crystal and miss kylie pray that you just help them to have safe births and healthy babies and that they would be healthy through the childbirth and just pray that you would be with them and bless them and protect them lord we pray for miss sarah miller who has an unspoken prayer and also prayer for her brother who was in an accident last night and also for kyle and alana for their urgent unspoken prayer request for christ and sarah for a prayer that they'd be able to be approved to transfer to washington as soon as possible and lord also a prayer request for olivia that she would gain weight properly over the next few weeks for brother alex for his wife mary that she would continue to improve in her health and that she'd be stabilized be able to eat and take her medicine and lord for the botta family they want to give praise to you lord that they received that their household items are going to be coming soon and they just want to thank you for that lord and for the larson family we pray for an urgent unspoken that brother robert is asking for when it comes to his employment and concerning not having to take the vaccine for kenny a prayer for him in his mom's living situation and for miss jessica prayer for her grandma pat's eye surgery this month for miss amanda an unspoken prayer for her sister and for miss sherry an urgent prayer for a marriage that is in trouble and we ask lord that you watch over steadfast baptist church pastor shelly and lord all of our friends just pray that you would watch over and bless their churches lord and people want to try to tear uh churches apart and tear them down but lord you're there and we ask that you would just be with us and strengthen us and help us as we go through persecution and lord we know it can get a lot worse but lord especially pray for steadfast baptist right now in this time and lord we just want to give you the thanks and the glory for all that you do for us we know that you're going to we're always we're going to win every single time we're going to win the war ultimately in the end anyway and even if battles are won by the enemy we know that lord ultimately we do end up winning and we thank you for that jesus in jesus name we pray amen all right good evening would you please turn with me to uh the book of first corinthians chapter 15 got the large print forgot my glasses tonight first corinthians chapter 15 as is our custom we will read the entire chapter of first corinthians chapter 15 so first corinthians chapter 15 the bible reads moreover brethren i declare unto you the gospel which i preached unto you which also ye have received and wherein you stand by which also you are saved if you keep in memory what i preached unto you unless you have believed in vain for i delivered unto you first of all that which i also received how that christ died for our sins according to the scriptures and that he was buried and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures and that he was seen of cephas then of the 12 after that he was seen of above 500 brethren at once of whom the greater part remain unto this present some are falling asleep after that he was seen of james then of all the apostles and last of all he was seen of me also as of one born out of due time for i am the least of the apostles that i'm not meet to be called an apostle because i persecuted the church of god but by the grace of god i am what i am and his grace which was bestowed upon me was not in vain but i labored more abundantly than they all yet not i but the grace of god which was with me therefore whether it were i or they so we preach and so ye believed now if christ be preached that he rose from the dead how say some among you that there is no resurrection of the dead but if there be no resurrection of the dead then is christ not risen and if christ be not risen then as our preaching vain and your faith also is vain yea and we are found false witnesses of god because we have testified of god that he raised up christ whom he raised not up if so be that the dead rise not for if the dead rise not then is not christ raised and if christ be not raised your faith is vain ye are yet in your sins then they also which are fallen asleep in christ are perished if in this life only we have hope in christ we are of all men most miserable but now is christ risen from the dead and become the first fruits of them that slept for since by man came death by man came also the resurrection of the dead whereas in adam all die even so in christ shall all be made alive but every man in his own order christ the first fruits afterward they that are christ that is coming then cometh the end when he shall have delivered up the kingdom to god even the father when he shall have put down all rule and all authority and power for he must reign till he hath put all enemies under his feet the last enemy that shall be destroyed is death for he hath put all things under his feet but when he sayeth all things are put under him it is manifest that he is accepted which did put all things under him and when all things shall be subdued unto him then shall the son also himself be subject unto him that put all things under him that god may be all in all else what shall they do which are baptized for the dead if the dead rise not at all why are they then baptized for the dead why stand we in jeopardy every hour i protest by your rejoicing which i have in christ jesus our lord i die daily if after the manner of men i have fought with beasts at ephesus what advantage advantages at me if the dead rise not let us eat and drink for tomorrow we die be not deceived evil communications corrupt good manners awake to righteousness and sin not for some have not the knowledge of god i speak this to your shame but some man will say how are the dead raised up and with what body do they come thou fool that which thou soest is not quickened except it die and that which thou soest thou so is not that body that shall be but bare grain it may chance of wheat or of some other grain but god giveth it a body as it hath pleased him and to every seed his own body all flesh is not the same flesh but there is one kind of flesh of men another flesh of beasts another of fishes and another of birds there are also celestial bodies and bodies terrestrial but the glory of the celestial is one and the glory of the terrestrial is another there is one glory of the sun and another glory of the moon and another glory of the stars for one star differs from another star in glory so also is the resurrection of the dead it is sown in corruption it is raised in incorruption it is sown in dishonor it is raised in glory it is sown in weakness it is raised in power it is sown a natural body it is raised a spiritual body there is a natural body and there is a spiritual body and so it is written the first man adam was made a living soul the last adam was made a quickening spirit how be it that was not first which is spiritual but that which is natural and afterward that which is spiritual the first man is of the earth earthy the second man is the lord from heaven as is the earthy such are they also that are earthy and as is the heavenly such are they also that are heavenly and as we have borne the image of the earthy we shall also bear the image of the heavenly now this i say brethren that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of god neither doth corruption inherit incorruption behold i show you a mystery we shall not all sleep but we shall all be changed in a moment in the twinkling of an eye at the last trump for the trumpet shall sound and the dead shall be raised incorruptible and we shall be changed for this corruptible must put on incorruption and this mortal must put on immortality so when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption and this mortal shall have put on immortality then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written death is swallowed up in victory oh death where is thy sting oh grave where is thy victory the sting of death is sin and the strength of sin is the law but thanks be to god which giveth us the victory through our lord jesus christ therefore my beloved brethren be ye steadfast unmovable always abounding in the work of the lord for as much as you know that your labor is not in vain in the lord brother tima would you pray for us amen all right first corinthians part b or part two first corinthians 15 so we're going to go from verse 12 as far as we can get tonight all right and the title of the sermon tonight is the resurrected body let's pray heavenly father we thank you lord so much for the ability to study the bible tonight together lord i pray that you pet people up you fill us all with your spirit lord and we can hear what the bible says what the spirit says to the church in jesus name we pray amen all right so verse number 12 says now if christ be preached that he rose from the dead how say some among you that there is no resurrection of the dead and so last week remember we talked about what the basic gospel was and i kind of went into how jesus went to hell for three days and three nights and you know obviously people don't have to believe that in order to be saved they don't have to believe that he went to hell for three days three nights but death is hell i mean if you if you said you were going to die dying is not just the death of the body death truly is going to hell so if you're not saved and you your body dies your soul goes straight to hell and there's no getting out of it it's over and if you die in christ the bible talks even in this chapter about how uh people the sleep and so when it's talking about people that sleep you're based and you know joe's witnesses will take this and say see you're you're you're in soul sleep you know when you die but how's that possible because i mean just think about the when elijah and moses came down and made a you know they were like should we make a tabernacle for them and jesus christ you know was transfigured before them were they were they asleep were moses and elijah asleep no they were awake did they have the resurrected bodies yet no so how do you explain that well i don't know how to explain that but how did they know it was moses and elijah so they appeared to have bodies they appeared to be people but obviously they didn't have their resurrected bodies yet so but all that to say this the joe's witnesses are wrong about soul sleep and they're also wrong about a lot of other things first of all jesus christ is god and so you know they have a hard time you know with their new world translation i'm going to talk about them a little bit more later maybe it's just time to bash on joe's witnesses for a little bit but you're like that's mean well they're false prophets so you know what are you going to do so number one tonight either the resurrection is true or we're doomed that's that's number one if it's not true then we're all doomed it says you know there's some people here apparently at this church you know again this church has a lot of problems and one of the problems is apparently there's some people there that don't even believe in the resurrection and you know if you don't believe the resurrection you're not even saved so it says how how say some among you that there's no resurrection from the dead it's like what a what a dumb thing to to not believe but if there be no resurrection of the dead then is christ not risen so it all hinges upon what christ did it all hinges upon the fact that christ raised from the dead because if christ didn't raise from the dead then nobody else is going to raise to the dead either and that's paul just kind of basically saying you know if that's what you really believe if that was actually true then christ is not risen verse 14 and if christ be not risen then is our preaching vain and your faith is also vain you're saying hey if christ didn't raise up for the dead then we're preaching for no reason it means nothing vanity is just like an empty it just means it's not profitable it means nothing and your faith is also vain yay and we are found false witnesses of god because we have testified of god that he raised up christ whom he raised not up if so be that the dead rise not so paul's saying hey we're if christ isn't risen from the dead then we're just false witnesses you might as well just give it up now we're false witnesses our preaching is vain and your faith is vain it means nothing and because you know the the apostles the whole thing that makes them apostles one of one of the main things that makes them an apostle is that they've seen the resurrected christ and so we have have you seen the resurrected christ anybody in here if you have you know let me talk to you after the service we'll check you into a clinic or something nobody in here seen the resurrected christ but you know who did the apostles paul was one born out of due time he saw the resurrected christ on the road to damascus he was knocked off his horse he was blinded but he did see the resurrected christ which is one of the prerequisites for being an apostle so he's saying hey we testified of god that he raised up christ whom he raised not up if so be that the dead rise not for if the dead rise not then is not christ raised and if christ be not raised your faith is vain you're yet in your sins so not only is it all just a big lie and it means nothing it's vanity but you're still in your sins and so that just tells you right there that if christ didn't rise part of the resurrection or part of the gospel is the resurrection if christ didn't rise from the dead you're yet in your sins because jesus took upon himself the sins of the whole world and when he died on the cross his soul went to hell i talked about that last week and he went to the lowest hell did he not because if he died for the sins of the whole world including all the worst people of humankind from adam and eve till now i mean i gave a big long laundry list of bad people he died for all their sins too that means he died for all the sins that they committed also and so he had to be in the lowest hell but if that's if none of this is true then you're yet in your sins you're you're unsaved you're lost and that just kind of goes to show you too that christ is the only way to heaven you know a lot of i i think i might have mentioned this before but there was some research thing where it said 70 percent of born again christians believe that you can be saved in other ways besides just jesus which just boggles my mind it shows the great falling away is not too far or maybe we're in it or something i don't know it's getting bad though there's a lot of false teachers false prophets out there and obviously there is truth out there but obviously it's going to get much worse it'll be like a remnant you know left when it really truly is the great falling away but uh anyway where are we at here verse number um fifth or 18 and they which are fall which are falling asleep in christ are perished so he's saying hey if none of this is true then those people that died before they're perished they're going to hell they're in hell so in other words what paul is basically saying here is if none of this is true we're all doomed your family that came before you is doomed their family that came before them is doomed but thank god jesus christ did rise from the dead and look at verse 19 it says if in this life we have hope in christ we are of all men most miserable if it's only just the life that we're living in now that we have christ then what's the point it makes you know why would you if it's not if none of it's true if christ didn't rise from the dead if you're yet in your sins then why would we live a good life why would we even try why would we even attempt to live a good life obviously our good life doesn't save us but i'm just saying why behave like a bible believing christian if you don't even if you're not even saved it doesn't make sense and it says but now is christ risen from the dead and become the first fruits of them that slept what does that mean the first fruits of them that slept well christ died and he rose from the dead and he does have a glorified body his body is you know it's still a real body but it is changed it's different it's a body that cannot die ever again you could launch all the nuclear missiles at christ that you wanted to you could do whatever you want he would just be able to withstand anything because and think about that because christ is not able to be killed he's not he died once but he's never gonna die again it's everlasting life and so christ's body is an everlasting body it's different we don't have everlasting bodies we fall down we go boom and the older you get the worse it hurts and the older you get the more aches and pains you get you know that old basketball injury or the old football injury it gets worse it gets more painful and when it rains and it's all cold outside you're like oh my hips you know my my neck my back my neck and my back or whatever then you know it just gets worse but you know what christ has a resurrected body that cannot be hurt he doesn't get dandruff he doesn't get bo you know what i mean he doesn't stub his toe he probably doesn't have to clip his toenails i mean he's indestructible he's invincible think about it he's a more he's immortal and you know what every single one of us that rise from the dead someday are going to be exactly the same way we're going to be immortal they're like well that i don't know i don't know that sounds weird it's an everlasting life you can't die like i said you could launch a nuclear missile at you it's not going to kill you and i'll go into some of the coolest things about having a resurrected body and that's just some of the stuff that we know for sure but christ is the first fruits of them that slept there's nobody else in the world that has a resurrected body besides jesus christ nobody and so when he comes back though in the rapture which i'm going to talk about next week then we will have resurrected bodies so i'll talk about that next week preach about that next week but look at paul's clever contrast he has in here and obviously this is inspired by the holy spirit look at verse number 21 it says for since by man came death by man came also the resurrection of the dead so adam is the one that messed it all up for us christ fixed it christ resurrected from the dead adam is dead and buried somewhere christ is raised from the dead verse 22 as in adam all die even so in christ shall all be made alive adam doomed the human the doomed all humanity to die and to be born into sin christ came and made it so we can all be freed from that curse free from death and we can be resurrected just like he is but it says every man in his own order christ the first fruits so he's the first one to get the resurrected body afterward they that are christ when when's it say at his coming so when he comes again that is going to be the rapture that's going to be when anybody that's died in christ is raised up to meet the lord in the air anybody you know and christ you know that's when all the people are going to be resurrected now there are many people that live past that time we'll talk about that next week but anybody that's dead in christ or is alive and remains at that time that is saved is going to get that new body so that's gonna be good you know it's gonna be good amen look at verse 24 then cometh the end when he shall have delivered up the kingdom to god even the father when he shall have put down all rule and all authority and power so it kind of skips to the end here but here's the thing there's a thousand year reign of christ that happens you know after the final seven years and like i said i'll go into all that next week but uh there's a you know then comes the end you know this isn't really giving a super timeline but it's just telling us who's what order people are going to be resurrected in now there'll be a second resurrection that happens and they're going to be a resurrection of the damned at the great white throne judgment but there'll also be a resurrection of saved people also so those saved people they're after that nobody's able to be saved after that then it's eternity future then there's no pain no death no god's gonna wipe all the tears away from our eyes and we're gonna live happily ever after and we win and we won't even remember all the bad things that happened in this life we're not gonna remember all that stuff god's gonna take that away from our remembrance and we'll remember it no more we're not gonna remember sin we're not gonna remember the person that's dead and in hell we're not gonna remember any of that stuff it's just gonna be like a new life so that's something to look forward to amen but uh look at verse number 25 it says for he must reign till he hath put all enemies under his feet the last enemy that shall be destroyed is death and so that's at that point when the great white throne judgment happens all the people that are going to hell the devil all the all of his minions all the people that rebel against god in the final you know they're gonna come against god at the new jerusalem and i mean at uh in jerusalem and then god's gonna wipe them out with fireballs and then that'll be it then it's great right white throne judgment and then they'll be judged and then all the people that died in between time that were saved will be raised up with new bodies also it says for he hath put all things under his feet for he hath put all things under his feet but when he saith all things are put under him it is manifest that he is accepted but or which did put all things under him and when all things shall be subdued unto him then shall the son also himself be subject unto him that put all things under him that god may be all and all so that's uh an interesting verse there but basically the son of god is going to rule and reign for a thousand years then once all everything's subdued underneath his feet then christ is going to be subject unto god the father and all things will be he's going to hand everything back to the father and the nuke in the kingdom so it says else what shall they do which are baptized for the dead if the dead rise not at all why are they then baptized for the dead now i kind of talked about this last week that um the mormons do this thing where they take someone they baptize them and for their dead relatives and all that stuff and and you know what honestly it's kind of a weird verse isn't it but it's you know what i know what it's not talking about baptizing people from for the dead for salvation that's what i know for sure it's not talking about because first of all baptism has nothing to do with your salvation baptism is a picture of the death burial and resurrection so that's not what paul's talking about what is paul talking about well i mean i don't really know that i can fully explain that verse but i know what it's not talking about i know the baptism has nothing to do with our salvation and it says why stand we in jeopardy every hour i protest by your rejoicing which i have in christ jesus our lord i die daily so you're like well are you going to explain that verse well i mean i don't know that i could fully explain it you know and maybe i just don't maybe i just need to learn more but i don't really fully understand this verse and so i guess if you have a really good interpretation i'm sure i'll hear some after the service is over but i mean i what i do know is that you can't baptize people that are already dead okay that i do know for sure so whatever else it means i know it doesn't mean that because that would be super strange but that's what the catholic i mean not the catholic church but that's what the mormons do they do that practice and they take the scriptures and arrest them to their destruction like they do with all the other scriptures so anyway um look at verse 32 it says if after the manner of men i have fought with the beast at Ephesus what advantages at me if the dead rise not he's basically saying why am i fighting and and doing all this stuff for the lord why am i fighting with these beasts at Ephesus why am i going through all these hard problems in my life why am i going through persecution why am i doing this you know if the dead rise not he's basically saying like why would i do this if it really wasn't true why would i let myself be beaten why would i let people uh treat me badly and and harm me and beat me and all this other stuff and try to kill me all the time why would i why would i just go around just like with people trying to kill me all the time it doesn't make sense if the you know if the dead rise not you know what advantage is it for me he says let us eat and drink for tomorrow we die and basically that's kind of what i was explaining that if it's not true why wouldn't we just live our lives that's what millions and actually billions of people are doing right now and you know people are going to hell in the droves hell hath enlarged herself because itself because you know there's lots of people that are going to hell jesus said there was only feet there's not a lot of people are saved it's just few and you know so maybe out of 103 i would take that as few you know it's just not a lot of people but i mean if you got three out of every out of every hundred i mean those there's still lots of you know millions of people that have been saved throughout the world but there's billions of people in the world so it says you know let us eat and drink for tomorrow we die paul's like why not if it's not true then why not just live however we want but he said be not deceived be not deceived paul says that a lot jesus says that a lot evil communications corrupt good manners so you know these evil things that people are saying that the resurrection hasn't happened that's going to corrupt good manners what manners is is the way you live your life so if someone's telling you there's no resurrection of the dead what is that going to cause people to do live their life however they feel like it and so it will do something you know any any false doctrine is going to is going to have a problem in your life somewhat it's going to lead to other false doctrine it's also going to leave you lead you to live your life in a way that it shouldn't be led let's just take like divorce and remarriage for instance divorce and remarriage jesus said that it's adultery if you get divorced and you get remarried so if it's adultery then but see there's other churches that'll say well it's okay though i'll remarry you and i've seen pastors that remarry people when the bible when jesus christ specifically says not to do that so for a pastor to do that just boggles my mind that that would even be the case but see evil communications corrupt good manners so the manner which you live your life if you're going to get all this evil communication you're going to receive that to yourself it's not going to be good for you it's going to be bad it says awake to righteousness and sin not for some have not the knowledge of god i speak this to your shame so he's kind of getting after him here a little bit isn't he he's saying hey don't let these evil communicators that are in our church you know cause you to corrupt a good manner in what you're living your life he's saying hey awake to righteousness and sin not see we we believe that you could literally live however you want and still be saved but you're going to get punished god's going to smite you and possibly kill you at an early age because he's not just going to allow his children to do whatever they want you can't just let your children run amok and go crazy i mean we can see that in our personal daily lives if you don't get after your kids for the things they do they're going to come and bring you shame later on in their lives and so you know we need to understand that god is the same way god is the one that that made us he's the one that invented parents and and and children and and all these things so he's saying hey i if you have the knowledge of god and you're just living your life however you want i'm speaking this to your shame some have not the knowledge of god so you know and think about the people that just refuse to go soul winning i speak this to your shame they don't have the knowledge of god so you know sometimes when you know we're backslidden and soul winning or we just don't want to go for whatever reason think about the people that don't have the knowledge of god and when you think about hey i'm just going to you know quit church and go back to my old life and do whatever i want paul says i speak that to your shame not everybody has the knowledge of god and then you got people that do have the knowledge of god people that are saved they're out just living their life however they feel like it and so paul you know the bible doesn't teach that you can just live however you want without circumstances happening without punishment happening to you in some way shape or form can you live your life however you want yes you can because salvation is by faith but just know that the hammer's coming just know that you're going to go to the woodshed and you know god just has kind of degrees and he ramps things up doesn't he and then you're just you know you got that feeling when you know you're being punished and it's not a very comfortable feeling and he'll ramp those things up you know just like he did with several people in the bible i mean look at david lost his child but god still forgave him so if you're messing up you always can go back to the lord and make things right now number two tonight the res i want to talk about this resurrection body the resurrection body number two so look at verse 35 it says but some man will say how are the dead raised up and with what body do they come thou fool that which thou sowest is not quickened except it die who's he who's he calling a fool who are you calling a fool is this mr t no it's the apostle paul saying thou fool and so people will say hey don't call people a fool you're not supposed to do that it sounds like he's calling somebody that's not saved a fool he's calling someone that's saying the resurrection isn't true in that church a fool thou fool because he's saying you know with some but some man will say you know how are they the dead raised up and with what body do they come thou fool paul's is calling him a fool paul you know we're not supposed to call people names that's not very christian paul said thou fool means you're stupid isn't that is that what it means like i know that some people are raised in the households where stupid is a bad word but fool means stupid okay so if you want to be a fool and not believe the resurrection you obviously haven't believed the gospel because you don't believe the truth so you have to believe the truth it's not just the gospel how you want to believe it it's the gospel how god says to believe it it's a difference so it says thou fool that which thou soest is not quickened which means made alive except it die so again see next week's sermon for the exception to this rule because i'm going to talk about that also there's an exception to this rule i kind of already mentioned it but i'll go into it more detail next week but it's saying if you don't die if your body doesn't die then it's not going to get risen from the dead you know it has to die because look at verse 37 it says that which thou soest thou soest not that body that shall be but bare grain it may chance of wheat or of some other grain but god giveth it a body as it hath pleased him and to every seed his own body so he's basically saying that that's you know when you when you die you get buried you're supposed to get buried right and then something new is going to rise up from there if you're saved right so he's like basically saying if you if you sow a seed in the ground what does it look like it looks like a little kernel or something right when it comes back up does it look different it does and it's new it's made new so that's what that's kind of what he's he's kind of liking it too but he says but god giveth it a body as it has pleased him to every seed his own body all flesh is not the same flesh but there is one kind of flesh of men another flesh of beasts another of fishes and another of birds if there's any hunters in here you know there's different types of flesh don't you because you've carved them up you know i'm a member of pita people eating tasty animals and i have skinned animals i have you know cleaned animals and so i realize that there is different kinds of flesh obvious who's ever you know filleted fish before not at mcdonald's but like okay you know you pull it out you bonk it on the head with something and then you clean it out clean out the guts and all that stuff scale it and then put it on you know put it in some butter some salt and pepper and some you know fry it on a pan on the campfire oh man it's nothing better than that right except for maybe like elk or you know some fresh kill that you get out in the woods but i was have you ever watched the honey badger videos anybody ever seen any honey badger videos honey badgers have like a weird kind of skin it's different right it's different than humans like if you get bit by something it's going to leave a mark it's going to pierce through your skin but a lot of times like you'll see a honey badger getting chewed on by lions and it's like where's all the you know where's the blood they have like this special kind of skin that stretches and so they can they can get into all kinds of trouble and they're really hard to kill they're like one of the most ferocious animals in the world and they're really small but you know they'll go in and just go into a beehive and get stung a million times it doesn't hurt them at all but if you went into a beehive and you tried to do that get the honey out you're gonna die because you're gonna get stung to death but like even like a cobra i've seen like a honey badger get bit by a cobra and it just kind of rolls over and like it's like like it's dead for a few minutes and then gets back up and finishes eating the cobra so they're really unique animals but the point of me saying that is that there's different kinds of flesh for all people and we're you know we have pretty tough bodies ourselves and we can we're resilient to a certain extent but obviously rhinoceros hide is a lot different than our hide so basically paul's is making a point here that there's all different varieties of flesh not all flesh it's the same flesh and so when the resurrection happens it's going to be different look at verse number 40 it says there are also celestial bodies and bodies terrestrial what does that mean well celestial is talking about the heavenly bodies terrestrial bodies are talking about like earthly the earth it says but glory but the glory of the celestial is one and the glory of the terrestrial is another there is one glory of the sun another glory of the moon so they shine differently don't they they look different and if you look into the sun you'll go blind so don't ever just stare into the sun kids because it'll make you go blind and trust me it's going to happen so don't do it but if you stare at the moon you can stare at the moon all night and it's not going to make your eyes go bad so they're different obviously different glories and one glory of the stars for one star differth from another star in glory so you'll have stars you look at the stars at night and some will be way brighter than other ones it's just they're different so also is the resurrection of the dead it is sown in corruption it is raised in incorruption so once your your body your physical body dies the body that comes back up when christ comes is going to be a body that is in that is in incorruption that means it cannot be corrupted i talked about how the king james bible you know is incorruptible or you know just the bible in general god's word is incorruptible his true word is incorruptible and he will pass it down from this generation forever but when we're raised with a new body at the resurrection we're going to be in a body that can't die like i said no more dandruff no more head and shoulders none of that stuff i always say this at the door when i'm when i'm so when i say you know when i talk about you know the resurrection i talk about how i'm going to come back with six-pack abs and giant guns you know maybe i don't know maybe i'll be fatter i don't know but uh i'm hoping i have my uh 18 year old body back i mean that'd be nice but uh obviously you know we're gonna be different though we're gonna be different we're not gonna all be 33 year old men like what was it peter ruckman says that all women will be transformed into 33 year old men also so yeah that'd be kind of weird we're all gonna look just like jesus yeah i don't i don't think that's true god likes a variety god likes you know obviously he it kind of shows just like talking about all the different kinds of flesh he doesn't like all things to be the same he likes things to be different that's why you have different skin pigment with people you know you have brown red red and yellow black and white they're precious in the sight right jesus loves all the children of the world he likes a variety of things so we're not all going to look the same that's a strange doctrine and that we'd all be 33 year old men i don't know where peter rockman came up with that but it's very strange indeed so but uh imagine a body that can't die i mean i think that's gonna be pretty cool i mean an everlasting body that can't die think about the possibilities of that you work all day and never get tired i mean why would you the sun it's always going to be light in heaven so there's no need to rest apparently there's no need for the sun to go down and you to rest because your body doesn't need to rest and recover because it's always going to be fully energized that's going to be pretty cool i mean if you think about it i mean there's a lot of cool things about having an everlasting body look at verse 43 it says it is sown in dishonor it is raised in glory it is sown in weakness it is raised in power so our bodies are going to be powerful they're going to be we're going to have some sort of a glory also but you know the bible does talk about people having different types of glory also some shall shine as the stars forever you know and and if you shine you're probably going to some are going to shine brighter than others you know the people that do the most works and and and have the most rewards are probably going to shine brighter than other people and then you'll kind of know like that guy he's blind to me he must have done a lot of good stuff but it says it's sown in a natural body it is raised a spiritual body so don't get confused by this term because just because it's a spiritual body doesn't mean it's like a ghost now would i say that it can be like that sometimes i think it can be you know jesus is walking through you know closed doors and appearing in the midst of the disciples how's that happening well because he has a spiritual body but it's also a solid body and it can do things it can eat you know his body he could eat he could do all manner of things he still have the scars in his hands and in his side so there'll be it'll be similar you'll be recognizable but it will be different so it says there's a natural body and there is a spiritual body so now the angels that are are are spirits that attend to people not like messengers or they're men messengers or whether it's the angel of the lord there's different types of you know of angels and some are you know spirit bot spiritual that don't have like necessarily tangible bodies but hey even angels could can change their form to look like human beings and still swing swords and and kill people and you know so their spiritual body can be solid you know what i mean so it's not always going to be some you're like you're some ghost or something right so look at luke chapter 24 we'll look at some some differences after jesus resurrected he did there was some differences so what does it mean that there's a spiritual body well the jehovah's witnesses also believe that jesus when he came back was he was not like himself he was like some spirit okay and so which basically ensures that anybody that that teaches the doctrine that they teach or believes the doctrine that they teach is going to hell no matter what so it's a bad cult the jehovah's witnesses a false wicked false religion they might walk around in suits and ties and look nice they might act nice but inside they're ravaging wolves they're trying to drag people to hell and that's why if i see them where i'm at i tell them to leave yeah i punk them i'll be honest i'll tell them to get out of here they're sending people to hell so um look at luke 24 verse 29 it says but they constrained him let's talk about the he was on the road to Emmaus here after he's resurrected it says but they constrained him saying abide with us for his toward evening and the day is far spent and he went in to tarry with him it's talking about jesus and it came to pass as he sat at meat with them so he's eating with them he took bread and blessed it and break and gave to them and their eyes were open and they knew him and what happened he vanished out of their sight so the lord the resurrected lord was able to just vanish out of their sight how does that work well he's got a spiritual body now so and he had a a human body before didn't he but he still has a human body but it's just different it's changed look skip down to verse 36 it says and as they thus spake jesus himself stood in the midst of them and said unto them peace be unto you but they were terrified and affrighted and supposed that they had seen a spirit and he said unto them why are you troubled and why do thoughts arise in your heart so so they thought that he was a spirit he appears in the midst of them the doors are closed they come in or i mean uh jesus comes and he's in the midst of them and he says you know and they're freaked out you know and obviously you'd probably be freaked out if someone that just you saw die on a cross appears in the midst of you right they're gonna freak out and they're afraid supposed they've seen a spirit and he said unto them why are you troubled why do your thoughts arise in your hearts behold my hands and my feet so he's saying look at my hands look at my feet that it is i myself handle me can you handle a spirit that that's intangible no handle me and see for a spirit hath not flesh and bones as you see me to have so jesus he's a he has a spiritual body but it doesn't say flesh and blood does it it says flesh and bones so it says for a spirit hath not flesh and bones as you see me to have so a spirit you know he's telling you the difference and so the jehovah's witnesses say it's a spirit that came back and he's michael the archangel and all this other baloney but what they teach is that jesus didn't physically rise from the dead it was a spiritual resurrection and so the bible teaches actually that if you believe that you're not saved and i'll get to those verses here in a little bit but it says and when he had thus spoken he showed them his hands and his feet so he's appearing to them he's saying touch me handle me and he's telling the difference between a spirit a spirit body and a spiritual body a spiritual body still has flesh and bone a spiritual so that he said look at me recognize me it's me it's i and so do they recognize it as jesus or not yes they do so you're not necessarily going to look that you know you're not going to look different so look at john chapter 20 verse 17 john chapter 20 verse 17 and again i'm just showing you some things that it tells about the resurrected body that you might not have known look at john chapter 20 verse 17 jesus saith unto her this is when he first resurrected that morning jesus saith unto her touch me not so if he was a spirit you wouldn't be able to touch him right touch me not for i'm not yet ascended to my father but go to my brethren and say unto them i ascend unto my father and your father and to my god and your god so he's saying don't touch me i haven't ascended yet so jesus had not ascended yet to put the blood on the mercy seat so that's why i think he's telling her not to touch him that's just my personal belief on that but uh look skip down to verse 19 it says then the same day at evening being the first day of the week what day is that sunday right when the doors were shut so why is it telling us that the doors are shut because it's it's trying to tell us something here the doors were shut where the disciples were assembled so they're having church but they're scared they're like in the underground church right the doors are shut and it says for fear of the jews came jesus and stood in the midst and saith unto them peace be unto you so what happens here does it say jesus opened the door and walked in and stood in the midst of them no it's telling us that the door was shut for a reason because he appeared in the midst of them so jesus can appear when he wants to it says he vanished away and in the other chapter in luke there now skip down to let's see verse 20 or you're already there 20 verse 20 it says and when he had said so said he showed unto them his hands and his side then were the disciples glad when they saw the lord so did they recognize him they did recognize him but he had his body is different it's flesh and bone it's not flesh and blood that's another thing that joe's witnesses will say well it says flesh and blood should not inherit the kingdom of god true but it doesn't say he said he's flesh and bone he doesn't say he's flesh and blood so there's a change there also now skip down to verse 24 same chapter verse john chapter 20 verse 24 it says but thomas one of the 12 called didymus was not with them when jesus came the other disciples therefore said unto him we have seen the lord and he said unto them except i shall see in his hands the print of the nails and put my finger into the print of the nails and thrust my hand into his side i will not believe so thomas is like i don't believe you guys at all i would literally have to put my fingers into the print of the nails of his hands and he says otherwise i'm not going to believe and after eight days again the disciples were within and thomas with them then came jesus what does it say there the doors being shut there's two times it says that why is it why is it doing that because it wants us to know that the door is shut and stood in the midst and said peace be unto you then saith he to thomas reach hither thy finger and behold my hands and reach hither thy hand and thrust it into my side and be not faithless but believing so he's saying hey all the things that you want to do here you go check it you know check check the wounds put your fingers in there put you know which is kind of a weird thing you know here let me put my fingers in the holes in your hand i mean but you know it just shows that thomas you know he was just totally faithless at that point but what's it what's what happens here thomas when he sees the resurrected christ what's he say thomas answered and said unto him my lord and my god so and does jesus say no don't call me don't call me god don't call me lord no he says jesus saith unto him thomas because i've seen me thou hast believed blessed are they which have not seen and yet have believed that's you all right right here that's you all right here that's everybody in this room that's saved we have not seen and we're and we believed and jesus said we're blessed because of that thomas had to actually see him and put his you know he's like a kid that has to you know touch everything right but at that point he realizes who jesus is doesn't he and what's he called my lord and my god eat that jehovah's witnesses amen he flat out says you're god you're the lord and jesus doesn't say oh no no don't don't bow down worship me don't don't call me god i'm not god no he says because you have seen me and has believed so he wasn't he didn't correct him at all because you know why because he is god that's why so again jesus's resurrected body was different from the earthly body but it is a tangible body it is a body that can be felt it is a body that has marks on it he still bears the scars of what happened to him on calvary so when we see him in heaven or when we see him when he comes again we're going to see him and we're going to see those same prince in his hands i believe i believe that we're still we're going to recognize him instantly the moment we see him and yet none of us in this room has ever seen jesus have we but we're going to know instantly who he is and so it's also a body that can be touched it's also a body that can that is recognizable didn't they recognize him when they saw him they did now let's turn to first john chapter four verse one first john chapter four verse number one the bible says in first john four one says beloved believe not every spirit but try the spirits whether they are of god because a kind of a few false prophets are around now what does it say many false prophets are gone out into the world many so that means what a lot doesn't it so there's lots of false prophets out there and i've already been harping on the jehovah's witnesses so i might as well not stop now yes they are false prophets and people are like well why don't i i let them come in don't let them come in you're partaker of their evil deeds if you let them in your house do not let a jehovah's witness or a mormon in your house because that's what the bible says you know you're part if you let them in your house you're a partaker of their evil deeds do you want to be a partaker of someone that's sending people to hell i don't think so that would tell me that you know the first time i ever read that the first thing i thought about was jehovah's witnesses i mean saved day one first time i ever read that scripture i know instantly what it means you know if you're saved you should be able to understand that pretty easily but look what it says in verse two hereby know you the spirit of god every spirit that confessed that the jesus christ has come in the flesh is of god so when he rose from the dead was he in the flesh yes or no yes he was he wasn't a spirit he proved he wasn't just a spirit he had a spiritual body but he was not just a spirit like a ghost like he would consider a ghost like an apparition or whatever and even when he was like i think back like when he was walking on the water and they thought he was a spirit and they freaked out then too didn't they but he wasn't a spirit he was just a man walking on the water so look at verse three and every spirit that confesses not that jesus christ has come in the flesh is not of god and this is that spirit of anti-christ where have you have been you have heard that it should come and even now already is in the world so if someone doesn't confess that jesus christ has come in the flesh what are they they're the spirit of anti-christ you want to hang out with the spirit of anti-christ i don't i mean i stay away from you damian i don't want anything to do with you anyway i'm just teasing but look at second john i'll make it easy on you second john one seven second john one seven just like maybe a page over in your bible it says for many deceivers are entered into the world who confess not that jesus christ has come in the flesh this is a deceiver and an anti-christ so the bible is very clear the joe's witnesses are what they're anti-christ and they don't know the scriptures you know it's really sad when a baptist gets beat up by a joe's witness you better start knowing your bible folks it's embarrassing if you go to a door and a joe's witness pulls out their you know their perverted bible that they have you should be able to smoke them on any given subject when they have to go to the index or whatever to to search for the doctrine then you're beating them up you know obviously we're not supposed to just like contend with heretics i get that but it's fun sometimes like we're not supposed to do it but i've done it okay so don't do that you know obviously you can still smoke them with two scriptures and they're like what what uh walk away right so but you know we shouldn't let them in our house so there's other religions though that teach that jesus came in some spirit also it's like the new age movement the christ consciousness or whatever all that trash that's garbage there's the their christ consciousness is not real because it's not a spiritual body it's not a real body and you know it's just like basically witchcraft and crystals and meditation and all this other weird stuff we're supposed to stay away from that so don't get involved in any of that but um yeah joe's witnesses they don't believe in a bodily resurrection what are they not saved and you know obviously i want people to be saved but if someone's a joe's witness and they're coming to your door and they're preaching another gospel what does what does god say about that they're accursed so they're not just accidentally coming to your door they're accursed they have a false gospel and so just even being nice to them anymore i used to like try to get them saved at the door you know how many i've gotten saved zero you know why because i should have never been talking to him about it should have just said go away i know that sounds mean but you know they look nice they look like a lamb but they speak like a dragon they're anti-christ so look at uh john chapter 2 verse 19 john chapter 2 verse 19 and here's the coup de gras to their whole doctrine i think this just like ends them instantly if you ever you know these are good ones to to write down for when you chant when a joe's witness is trying to challenge you and look i've gotten joe's witnesses saved before ones that aren't like missionaries or whatever but i have gotten a few at least two joe's witnesses saved that believed there are stupid doctrines but if they won't get past you know you have to get them past because they're always going to bring up the 144 000 they're always going to bring up that it's it's a heaven on earth you know the wilson phillips song or whatever it's all or whatever that song is anyway they're always going to bring up that jesus christ isn't god and so when they when you come to that roadblock with them you have to prove that right with the scriptures and if they accept it then move on with them but they won't accept that then just be done you know and and i i do get pretty tenacious when it comes to that like if if it's if like right away it's the trinity let's do it you know you show them all your verses you prove to them that jesus christ is god hebrews 1 8 is an ender that's a good one because i don't think it's changed much in their version so you can still prove that out of their own bible that it's god talking to to jesus christ who is god also but anyway here's the ender john chapter 2 verse 19 jesus answered and said unto them destroy this temple and in three days i will raise it up and he's not talking about the temple of god he's talking about his own temple right it says that then said the jews 40 and six years was this temple and building and wilt thou rear it up in three days but he spake of the temple of what his body so his body was what he said was going to raise up right not a spirit not a spirit baby his real body look at verse john verse 2 verse 22 says when therefore he was risen from the dead so so he was prophesying right he was saying this is what's going to happen you you kill this body you kill this temple all going to raise it in three days but he was talking about his body right it says his disciples remembered that he had said unto them and they believed the scripture and the word which jesus had said what did jesus say that his body was going to raise he was going to raise his body that's what he was talking about right and so eat that again joe's witnesses you're wrong again so it's also a body that can eat so jesus christ resurrected body could eat can spirits that don't have a tangible body eat no they can't look at john chapter 21 verse 12 john chapter 21 verse 12 jesus eats in front of them intentionally because to just show you know he's already showed him his hands his his feet but he also showed him that he can just kind of walk through walls and be in the midst of them he also showed him he could fly didn't he when he left so he also showed him he could eat look at john 21 verse 12 it says jesus saith unto them come and dine and none of the disciples first asked him who art thou knowing that it was the lord jesus then cometh and taketh bread and giveth them and fish likewise this is now the third time that jesus showed himself to his disciples after that he was risen from the dead so when they had dined jesus saith unto simon peter simon son of jonas love us thou more than these and he saith unto them yea lord god knows i love thee he saith unto them feed my lambs so my point in saying this so he's saying come and dine so do you think jesus ate with them you know are you not convinced well let's look at luke chapter 24 i think when he's saying come and dine and he does you know give them food he gives them fish he gives them bread he's cooking he's cooking them supper you know just like a good servant leader would do but here it just flat out says he eats now look at luke chapter 24 verse 41 it says and while they yet believed not for joy and wondered he said unto them have you hear any meat what's he asking them you got anything to eat i'm hungry and they gave him a piece of broiled fish and of an honeycomb and he took it and did what he ate before them he's like filet o fish um honeycomb yum honey chicken right then honey chicken or no honey fish was that's honey fish not chicken it's the chicken of the sea anyway but he took it and did eat before them so look if you know if his body was a spirit he wouldn't be able to eat so just further proof of that now john chapter 3 verse 13 and then we're going to finish up in first christians 15 so it's the last verse i'll have you turn to besides back to our text and i'm almost done i'm probably gonna have you out of here by eight o'clock let's see we'll see see how good you are see if you pay attention if i catch anybody sleeping for the next five minutes i'm going for 10 15 more just trying to be nice all right john chapter 3 verse 13 it says that no man hath ascended up to heaven but he that came down from heaven even the son of man which is in heaven that verse is kind of a tricky verse though isn't it because he's literally talking to him but he's saying that the son of man is in heaven but he also came down from heaven but no man hath ascended up to heaven so you think well what about what about enoch didn't he ascend up to heaven yeah but he didn't do it on his own he was taken up by the lord right what about elijah elijah was taken up in a whirlwind the chariots of the lord right chariots of fire but did he go up by himself no because it said jesus said this is a red if you have a red letter edition wasn't that red letter right there no man hath ascended up to heaven but he that came down from heaven so jesus ascended up into heaven under his own power so guess what probably can fly that's all i'm saying i don't know but that wouldn't that be cool i mean maybe we can't do everything that he can do but we do have a resurrected body a resurrected body that can't die a resurrected body that can eat so i mean he was still eating fish flesh and we're still gonna eat things in heaven hopefully that there's that uh that filet mignon tree you know one of the one of the trees up in heaven tastes like cow i mean we might not care you know at that point it's like that's a pair yum but uh anyway we can eat we and we'll be recognized for who we are we have bodies that can't die and then apparently can appear and reappear we can fly i mean if we can do with jesus because it says we'll be like him doesn't the bible say that we'll be like him we'll see him face to face so turn back to first corinthians chapter 15 verse 45 hopefully i gave you some cool things you can think about later like what am i going to do or am i going to fly to where where could i fly to you know you might spend your first 10,000 years flying to places that you'll always want to go i don't know doesn't cost any money you don't earn miles anymore but you know i think of what you can do with a body that never runs out of energy that never has to sleep they could just work and do whatever all day long you know it's time to mow the lawn you know you're done you're not hot you don't need any sweet tea you're just on to the next thing that you want to do right let's finish up here first corinthians 15 verse 45 it says and so it is written the first man adam was made a living soul the last adam was made a quickening spirit a spirit that can make alive and that of course is jesus christ it says how be it that was not first which is spiritual but that which is natural so our natural bodies come first afterward that which is spiritual the first man is of the earth earthy the second man is the lord from heaven game over jehovah's witnesses guess what it says the second man which is the lord jesus christ it's talking about is the lord from heaven so he is the lord he is god but he's also man at the same time how do you explain that well you have to take the bible by faith or you don't it's either true or it's not the resurrection either happened or didn't if it didn't happen eat drink and be married for tomorrow you die but if it did happen and i believe it did happen and i believe that there's facts laid out in this chapter that says that you know they that the apostle paul saw him you know james and cephas and the 12 saw him 500 brethren at once saw him at one time those are facts my friends those are eyewitness facts if you've been watching the trial this week you know they're bringing in all these videos and they're bringing in you know witnesses and stuff like that and that person's going to be judged you know the kenosha kids can be judged based upon what's been presented by witnesses right this chapter is presenting what is is being shown to us as facts by a multitude of witnesses this is just one chapter but that the resurrection in fact did happen and if you haven't trusted in christ you better you better do it soon because there's a day coming which he's going to judge the world in righteousness and if you're not found clothed in christ then you're what are you going to be with the jehovah's witnesses who wants to be with them man they're annoying but anyway or the mormons you know they'll be serving you cookies and kool-aid they probably won't have cookies and kool-aid anyway on to the end of this okay so um look at verse 48 says as the earth as the earthy such as they that are are that are earthy and as the heavenly such are they also that are heavenly and as we have borne the image of the earthy so shall we bear the image of the heavenly if you're saved today you're earthy right now we have a body that we we contend with and we fight and try to uh try to live the best life we can in christ we try to serve him which you know and we love him and we love our family and try to get our families saved we love other people and try to get them saved one day we're going to bear the image of the heavenly we're going to be changed just like christ was changed we're going to have new bodies just like christ has a new body and with that everlasting life we got a great god we got a great savior did a lot for us and we should stop and and give some gratitude from time to time not just real quickly at your meal time you know thank you for the suit amen do you ever talk to him do you ever pray to him do you ever thank him do you ever acknowledge him because he's definitely worthy of our praise when you're singing are you singing to him or are you trying to sound pretty guys if you're trying to sound pretty sound manly okay but he's worthy to be praised amen he's done a lot for us and he's gonna do a lot for us when he comes back you know that's just the that's just the beginning of the rest of eternity for us amen so the resurrection is an important doctrine people you just can't quibble with people over that you can't say oh yeah it's really not that important no it's important if they don't believe that jesus christ rose from the dead they're they can't be saved period so in fact what you believe about the resurrection makes a difference of whether you're saved or not isn't that what the isn't that what the chapter is teaching you know it's given us some some cool nuggets i showed you some cool things about our resurrected bodies and i'm excited about that stuff you know we still got to live here in the rain for a while longer but hopefully that rain is warm rain in heaven amen all right let's let's pray heavenly father we thank you lord so much for this great chapter lord we've still got one more sermon out of it but lord we just thank you so much lord for all you've done for us and lord we're we're thankful and i just pray that you would help us as we go our separate ways keep us safe lord in this rainstorm and i just pray that you would uh that you would just help us lord to live for you and to never look back and to never go back to our old lives lord i pray that you'd help us and strengthen us and keep us in jesus name we pray amen all right our last song number 349 the comforter has come song number 349 the comforter has come song 349 let's sing it out on the first oh spread the tidings round wherever man is found wherever human hearts and human woes abound let every christian tongue proclaim the joyful sound the comforter has come the comforter has come the comforter has come the holy ghost from heaven the father's promised him oh spread the tidings round wherever man is found the comforter has come the long long night has passed the morning breaks at last and hush the dreadful wail and fury of the blast as or the golden hills the day advances fast the comforter has come the comforter has come the comforter has come the holy ghost from heaven the father's promised given oh spread the tidings round wherever man is found the comforter has come lo the great king of kings with healing in his wings to every captive soul a full deliverance brings and through the vacant cells the song of triumph rings the comforter has come the comforter has come the comforter has come the holy ghost from heaven the father's promised him oh spread the tidings round wherever man is found the comforter has come oh boundless love divine how shall this tongue of mine two wandering mortals tell the mattress grace divine that i a child should in his image shine the comforter has come the comforter has come the comforter has come the holy ghost from heaven the father's promised him oh spread the tidings round wherever man is found the comforter has come and then you can see brother bill because you caused your word of prayer you