(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) 205, he keeps me singing. Let's sing it out on the first verse. There's within my heart a melody Jesus whispers sweet and low Fear not I am with thee, peace be still In all life's ebb and flow Jesus, Jesus, Jesus Sweetest name I know Fills my every longing Keeps me singing as I go On the second All my life was wrecked by sin and strife Discord filled my heart with pain Jesus swept across the broken strings Stirred the slumbering chords again Jesus, Jesus, Jesus Sweetest name I know Fills my every longing Keeps me singing as I go Feasting on the riches of his grace Resting me the sheltering wing Always looking on his smiling face That is why I shout and sing Jesus, Jesus, Jesus Sweetest name I know Fills my every longing Keeps me singing as I go Though sometimes he leads through waters deep Trials fall across the way Though sometimes the past seems rough and steep See his footprints all the way Jesus, Jesus, Jesus Sweetest name I know Fills my every longing Keeps me singing as I go Sing it out loud on the last Soon he's coming back to welcome me Far beyond the starry sky I shall wing my fly to worlds unknown I shall reign with him on high Jesus, Jesus, Jesus Sweetest name I know Fills my every longing Keeps me singing as I go Page 212, Oh Happy Day, sing it out with me on the first Oh happy day that fixed my choice On thee my savior and my God Well may this glowing heart rejoice Until its rapture's all abroad Happy day, happy day When Jesus washed my sins away He taught me how to watch and pray And live rejoicing every day Happy day, happy day When Jesus washed my sins away Oh happy bond that seals my vows To him who merits all my love Let cheerful anthems fill his house While at the food shrine I move Happy day, happy day When Jesus washed my sins away He taught me how to watch and pray And live rejoicing every day Happy day, happy day When Jesus washed my sins away Tis done the great transaction's done I am my Lord's and he is mine He drew me and I followed on Charmed to confess the voice divine Happy day, happy day When Jesus washed my sins away He taught me how to watch and pray And live rejoicing every day Happy day, happy day When Jesus washed my sins away Now rest my long divided heart Fixed on this blissful center rest Nor ever from my Lord depart With him of every good possessed Happy day, happy day When Jesus washed my sins away He taught me how to watch and pray And live rejoicing every day Happy day, happy day When Jesus washed my sins away Welcome to Sure Foundation Baptist Church. It's great to be back and let's take our, well you don't have any bulletins. This is the only bulletin. We just got it done in the nick of time. But I was going to read the verse of the week. It says the Lord is good a stronghold in the day of trouble and he knoweth in that trust in him. Nahum chapter 1 verse 7. Our service times at Sure Foundation Baptist Church Sunday morning 10 30 a.m. Sunday evening 3 30 p.m. and our Thursday Bible study 6 30 p.m. We're in 1 Corinthians chapter 12 tonight. Back in the Corinthians we'll be talking about the gifts of the Spirit tonight and our so many times are listed below. We had so many tonight and we didn't have any salvations. How many were out? Four. Okay and let's see. Salvation so far for the month of August is 12. Last month we had 41 salvations. 365 to date and baptisms 22 and actually we can add 22 because we had 22 baptisms when we were in the UK. Our trip was very fruitful. We had 88 salvations in two weeks and so 38 of those were on a so many marathon that we did. We had 58 people show up for that. We broke the church attendance record there of 73 and we had 60 and the other three Sunday services and we had like 48 or something like that in the Wednesday service. The first Wednesday service that they had so it was very fruitful and last Sunday I baptized 12 people. The Sunday before that I baptized 10. So it was a great great trip and did anybody get a chance to see the ordination of Ian? They have a great family there. It's a great church and they're just knocking it out of the park and we're trying to get everything done for the building. They're still in a building, the same building they've been in but we're trying to get that all figured out because they've grown and they're bursting at the seams. They need to move to a different place so but I appreciate everybody's patience while I was you know securing the English empire for Sure Foundation Baptist Church. No I'm just kidding. So yeah it's funny because all the missionaries got sent over here and now they need missionaries right so but there's a lot of people getting saved there so it's fruitful and ripe unto harvest. Let's see we had a good attendance of 80. Then last Sunday night 76, last Thursday 49. I think those numbers are maybe accurate or from a week ago. We have for upcoming events we have Candace's baby shower that's gonna be at 1 pm here at the church building. They're requesting baby wipes and diapers and I'll be preaching at Pure Words Baptist Church on October 3rd and at the fire breathing Baptist fellowship conference on October 5th and we have an upcoming event. It's busy farms once again one of my favorite events of the year and there's a sign-up sheet that's right over there in the foyer right as you walk in on the left-hand side there's that little shelf thing. If you haven't signed up yet and you're planning on going look and anybody can go and you can invite family and friends or whatever you want to do but just make sure I've signed up there so I can buy the tickets. There's kind of a controversy of whether the tickets are being sold online or not and so we're going to try to figure that out but we do need you to sign up as soon as possible so if you're planning on going to busy farms please sign up all right and we'll have a great time like we always do and that's October 16th so and then November 14th Pastor Roger Jimenez will be here preaching for us and he'll just be preaching the pm service but it'll be great to have Pastor Jimenez here and I think that's it for announcements and we're a family integrated church you guys know all this other stuff there's no visitors tonight so I'm going to skip all that and did we get to sing happy birthday to everybody everybody get their birthdays is anybody birthday today okay all right well I'm going to just move on from here and we'll uh Alejandra what's the date today say the 22nd 23rd when is what when is it Bandar all right well we'll sing happy birthday next sunday then and we'll sing happy anniversary to Remy and Kylie Bandar no I'm just kidding all right I think that's all we got brother Ramon happy birthday yesterday also and Miss Rebecca so that's it for announcements let's sing another song we'll receive the offering turn your handles to page 228 I love to tell the story page 228 page 228 I love to tell the story sing it out with me on the first I love to tell the story of unseen things above of Jesus and his glory of Jesus and his love I love to tell the story because I notice true is satisfies my longings as nothing else can do I love to tell the story twill be my theme and glory to tell the old old story of Jesus and his love I love to tell the story more wonderful it seems then all the golden fancies of all our golden dreams I love to tell the story it did so much for me and that is just the reason I tell it now to thee I love to tell the story twill be my theme and glory to tell the old old story of Jesus and his love I love to tell the story it is pleasant to repeat what seems each time I tell it more wonderfully sweet I love to tell the story for some have never heard the message of salvation from God's own holy word I love to tell the story twill be my theme and glory to tell the old old story of Jesus and his love on the last I love to tell the story for those who know it best seem hungering and thirsting to hear it like the rest and when scenes of glory I sing the new new song twill be the old old story that I have loved so long I love to tell the story twill be my theme and glory to tell the old old story of Jesus and his love man great singing brother Sean Harrington could you pray for the offering please so so so all right let's go to the Lord in prayer we have some prayer requests that we're going to go through so let's bow our heads together heavenly father we thank you Lord so much just for us being able to get back here to our home church we're very excited about that and let's pray that you'd watch over our church in England and Lord over our new ordained man of God brother Ian and his family and we just appreciate that church so much pray that you watch over all of our other church plants and our home church here Lord that you'd place a hedge about our churches right now and just pray that you would bless and continue to help us to see people saved and baptized and fulfill the great commission pray Lord for all the ladies that are pregnant in our church you watch over them especially miss Candace right now who's close and also my daughter Jasmine down at steadfast pray that you watch over her and just pray that the verse would be healthy and also a special prayer Lord for miss azure and Hawaii her cousin passed away suddenly leaving four children without a mom and I just pray that you would just comfort their family right now as they go through this hard time also for brother Alex Kay's wife Mary's health Lord I pray that you just watch over her and help her to continue to get better and for miss Sarah I pray that you'd watch over her mom glory as she heals from surgery and for miss crystal pray that you'd help her as she's having a troublesome pregnancy and just pray that you'd just give her comfort and help her to stay healthy and Lord also for those that are facing forced vaccination and Lord this is just a wicked thing I pray you'd help us to stand strong and stand up for the truth and Lord we wouldn't cave and just pray that you would just your will would be done and you'd help us to resist having to be forced against our will to do something that we know is not right and it's not healthy and Lord I pray for me for Olivia my granddaughter pray that you just help her with her teething and also for Dylan's mom and brother who have had COVID for miss Lisa who really got hit pretty hard and had to go to the hospital pray that you just help her to recover for Ramona Bobby pray that you'd help them as they prepare to move and also the Bada family with their house getting their house ready also and for Chris and Sarah pray that they would be able to get back here as that's the desire of their hearts Lord and just pray for my Sheila son Ricky in his living situation I pray that you'd just help them to get a place that's stable for himself and pray for Miss Sheila's health and pain as she's just going through a hard time physically and for Grandma Pat's upcoming surgery on her eyes Lord we just thank you Lord for the privilege of prayer and we pray these things in Jesus name amen all right turn with me in your bibles to first corinthians chapter 12 first corinthians 12 if you don't have a bible raise your hand and one of the ushers will bring you one first corinthians 12 first corinthians 12 the bible reads now concerning spiritual gifts brethren I would not have you ignorant you know that you were gentiles carried away under these dumb idols even as you were led wherefore I give you to understand that no man speaking by the spirit of God calleth Jesus accursed and that no man can say that Jesus is the Lord but by the Holy Ghost now there are diversities of gifts but the same spirit and there are differences of administrations but the same Lord and there are diversities of operations but it is the same God which worketh all in all but the manifestation of the spirit is given to every man to profit withal for to one is given by the spirit the word of wisdom to another the word of knowledge by the same spirit to another faith by the same spirit to another the gifts of healing by the same spirit to another the working of miracles to another prophecy to another discerning of spirits to another diverse kinds of tongues to another the interpretation of tongues but all these worketh that one and the self-same spirit dividing to every man severally as he will for as the body is one and has many members and all the members of that one body being many are one body so also is Christ for by one spirit are we all baptized into one body whether we be Jews or gentiles whether we be bond or free and have been all made to drink into one spirit for the body is not one member but many if the foot shall say because I am not the hand I am not of the body is it therefore not of the body and if the ear shall say because I am not the eye I am not of the body is it therefore not of the body if the whole body were an eye where were the hearing if the whole were hearing where were the smelling but now have God set the members every one of them in the body as it had pleased him and if they were all one member where were the body but now are they many members yet but one body and I cannot say unto the hand I have no need of thee nor again to the head to the head to the feet I have no need of you name much more those members of the body which seem to be more feeble are necessary and those members of the body which we think to be less honorable upon these we bestow more abundant honor and our uncommon parts have more abundant comeliness for our coming parts have no need but God had tempered the body together having given more abundant honor to that part which lacked that there should be no schism in the body but that the members should have the same care one for another and whether one member suffer all the members suffer with it or one member be honored all the members rejoice with it now ye are the body of Christ and members in particular and God has set some in the church first apostles secondarily prophets thirdly teachers after that miracles then gifts of healing helps governments diversities of tongues are all apostles are all prophets are all teachers are all workers of miracles have all the gifts of healing do all speak with tongues do all interpret but covet earnestly the best gifts and yet show I unto you a more excellent way uh brother robert will you pray for us amen all right well we're in first corinthians chapter 12 and it's been a while since we've been here but we're back and we're tonight we're going to talk about spiritual gifts and of course there's a bible study so we're going to go through the bible hopefully that's okay with you guys amen all right not reading a commentary just uh good old-fashioned king james bible right look at verse number one the bible says and now spiritual excuse me now concerning spiritual gifts brethren i would not have you ignorant let's pray heavenly father we thank you lord so much it's the opportunity to study your word lord pray lord that you fill me with your spirit it's a begin to preach the verses here pray to help me and i pray that you fill me with power boldness lord i pray that you just help the people lord it's been a long week for some people and and a lot of people are tired but lord i pray you just lift this up for a little while tonight as we get into your word in jesus name we're praying amen all right so the this uh is obviously this is what the whole uh basically this whole chapter is about is about spiritual gifts now i'm going to go to uh romans chapter 12 and talk about some of the spiritual gifts in more detail but right here paul's is saying hey concerning the spiritual gifts so obviously there are spiritual gifts that we get and so it says i would not have you ignorant so what is ignorant well it's it's just you don't know so paul says hey i want you to know about these spiritual gifts so it says you know that you were gentiles carried away unto these dumb idols even as you were led wherefore i give you to understand that no man speaking by the spirit of god calleth jesus accursed and that no man can say that jesus is the lord but by the holy ghost so uh he's basically just kind of summing up the fact so this is a gentile church it's in Corinth and it's one of the churches that paul started obviously kind of the theme of Corinthians is that this is a messed up church it's got a lot of problems and paul is instructing the Corinthian church and trying to fix the problems that they have he's an apostle he has authority over this church and in a way that he planted the church he was sent out to start churches and this is one of the churches that he started so he's trying to fix some of their errors and you know they're gentiles they didn't grow up in it's kind of like when someone doesn't grow up in church and they get saved right so these are gentiles that didn't grow up with the oracles of god they were heathen they're obviously it says carried away by dumb idols they followed pieces of wood that were carved out of their own hands and overlaid with gold or silver and now they believe the truth they believe by the spirit of god that they believe in jesus and so number one tonight i want to show you that there are multiple spiritual gifts of the holy spirit so there's multiple spiritual gifts and the bible likes to give lists sometimes and we're going to go through these lists so look at verse number four it says now there are diversities of gifts but the same spirit so what does that mean well there's different gifts okay there's different types of gift not every gift is the same gift and and it says but the same spirit so where do we get the gifts from the spirit you notice how that's capitalized because it's saying it's the holy spirit the spirit of god now the spirit of god isn't something like the force that you see in star wars that's how people like the jehovah's witnesses would like to say that it is but the spirit of god is god okay and so by that spirit we are given our spiritual gifts remember the holy spirit came on pentecost and gave the christians power right they're waiting for the power of the holy ghost to come upon them and when the gifts of the holy spirit came upon them then they went out and started prophesying they went out and started preaching and all those people got saved so they already those people those disciples already had the holy spirit but they just didn't have the power of the holy spirit so the power of the holy spirit has multiple different gifts that it gives believers now it says and there are differences of administrations but the same lord and there are diversities of operations but is the same god which worketh all and all so there's different administrations or different operations or different ways that god deals with things but it's the same god that gives out these different gifts and all the gifts have their own place in what they're supposed to accomplish so number two every believer has a spiritual gift so not only are there multiple gifts that god gives out but there's also the fact that every believer has a spiritual gift so yes each and every person here that's saved has a special gift from god a spiritual gift now you're like well what what's my spiritual gift pastor thompson well you know i don't know i don't know do you know what your spiritual gift is that maybe it's something that we need to seek out maybe it's something that you need to find out but obviously as you go through your christian life you're going to start to realize what your spiritual gifts are you know some men will get up here and preach and some won't some they just kind of have a hard time with it that's okay maybe that's just not your spiritual gift you know not every person has to preach but god would that every man would prophesy and that all god's people would preach right but that's just not no so so there's a difference between someone that has a gift and someone that just works at something right so not everybody has the same gifts from the holy spirit but that doesn't mean that we can't all try to work on those things it's not like well my gift is just being discerner of spirits that's my gift all right i don't have any other gift besides that that's all i want to do i want to discern the spirits that person's wicked no that person's of the devil you know it's just like that's the one that people always want you know the discerner of spirits but you know not everybody has the same gift but it doesn't mean we can't try to work on all these things it doesn't mean we can't try to you know maybe that's not your gift but hey maybe god will give you an extra gift it's not like you just have one gift and that's the only one he's ever going to give you but some people are just more gifted in other areas have you ever heard that term that person's really gifted at this or that person's really gifted that you just have a proclivity to be able to play music like i'm tone deaf so obviously that's not my gift you know i'm no beethoven i'm no mozart or whatever but you know and i i proved that on sunday morning sunday last sunday when i had to sing all those songs my wife's playing it for me i was like turn that off ian cut the cut those songs out well we had these little handbooks and they they had all the they had words but they were the british version of the songs so it's like yeah i know these songs and i'm like i'm singing i'm like that doesn't sound like the english version that i know so i had a lot of things working against me and there was no music so like you know normally you have like if it's a four four and you can read i mean i can't read music but i can see where things start and stop you know and stop you know and so anyway i'm just saying that music is not my gift okay it's not one of my gifts but you know i try sometimes and if i have to step in and do that role i'll do it you know to you know the dogs are barking outside and the cats are fighting but i still do it because you know as a pastor sometimes i have to do things that i'm not necessarily gifted at right but uh so look at verse number seven it says but the manifestation of the spirit is given to every man to profit with all so there's no doubt about it that every person is given some gift of the manifestation well the manifest manifestation of the spirit is given to every man so every person that's saved has the spirit of god in it so if you have the spirit of god you're going to have one of those gifts now you might have more than one gift you know sometimes god just blesses people with extra gifts you know the gifts and callings are without repentance the gifts and callings of god are without repentance so you don't have to like you don't have to do something special to get that gift god just gives it to you now but here's the thing you know if you're talented or you know you're talented at something in life you know you're going to have an easier time learning that thing but you still have to work at things right now someone that's gifted at speaking and gifting and preaching i know pastor anderson always says that pastor menes like was always just a great preacher like the first sermon he ever preached was great you know and but that's not how everybody is you know i think dylan got up and preached like a good sermon he's just always been able to preach and uh other people so it's like but some people have to work at it right here i gotta work at it so uh it's not necessarily my gift of prophecy or my gift of of speaking or preaching but it's just something i have to do because i'm the pastor of the church right so um it's just something that we i just got to continuously work at but see some people are just gifted at it and it's not hard for them you know some people just have a gift of helping people you know there's a gift of helps you know and that person is just that kind of person that can just scoot up to someone and make them feel good and help them out you know um but anyway let me let me move on here so it says in verse eight it says for to one is given by the spirit the word of wisdom so that's number one gift number one the word of wisdom to another the word of knowledge by the same spirit so some people are wise in the word of god they're wise at applying it they're wise at helping others to understand it but it also says the word of knowledge you know knowledge is wisdom applied right so uh or wisdom is knowledge applied excuse me but some people are good at you know just having this knowledge of the bible they can you know uh they can recite lots of different scriptures and some people can just you know memorize all kinds of things i think that might be what that's talking about there but the same spirit so but some people might be wise with the word of god but some people might be knowledgeable of the word of god and it says but it's by the same spirit and to another faith some people just have faith and they're just like well how do you you know how are you not worried about that because i have faith you know some people are just really good you know it's a it's a gift that god gives certain people some people have more of a measure of faith than others see the faith is given up by a measure isn't it and so god's gift is a gift of faith that's one of the gifts of the spirit and to another the gift of healing by the same spirit so i'm not saying that i'm going to walk up and go shama nakona and you know you're gonna you're gonna be miraculously healed but this this gift was a true gift in the first century see i i personally believe that after the apostles after that first generation that some of these gifts are no longer in use according as it was with the apostles see they were given special abilities and special miraculous power to do these miracles because the word of god just god wanted to shoot it out of a cannon basically and so the gifts of healing i believe are one of those gifts that are no longer something that you can just walk up and heal somebody in their arm becomes not leprous or whatever so but back then paul just the sometimes the the shadow of peter would just overshadow people when they get healed but so does anybody is anybody ever here experiencing that you're like well you just don't have the faith no it's just that gift is no longer you know an option that gift is no longer so you know god wants us to believe the book god wants us to believe by faith he wants us to believe and not it doesn't have to be all this dog and pony show that you see at some of these pentecostal power churches or whatever with their fake healings that aren't real they're being paid to do that kind of stuff you know benny han is a false prophet todd white is a false prophet those people are not really extending other people's their legs out they're not really able to walk again they they could always walk they just fell out of the wheelchair and then they're like oh you know it's all dramatic it wasn't real folks because if it was real they'd be in burn centers healing burn victims of little children at dorm beckers you know it's phony but i'm not saying that god can't do those things see this is where people like try to you know they get all mad when i say stuff like this but here's the thing i still believe that god can heal people i still people i still think that people might have the gift of healing but maybe that just comes through prayer you know maybe that just comes uh through the prayer and and fasting for someone or you know we anoint we're supposed to the elders are supposed to anoint people with oil and the faith the um the faith of of that is going to heal people the fact that god said to do it he said to pour the oil on them and to pray for them and their sins will be forgiven them and god will heal them so but i can't just walk up and just heal people that are sick on the hospital bed and it says to another the working of miracles verse 10 so i can't work miracles you know but god can still make miracles happen right we we do have prayer on thursday nights for a reason because we believe the that faith and prayer will heal people we believe that faith and prayer will help people and isn't it a miracle when some of these things happen it is it's a miracle that we can pray to god and god listens to our prayers and does what we ask him to do so miracles still do happen i still believe in that it says to another prophecy you know the bible is complete isn't it so can somebody in this room make a prophecy that they can say is god's word anymore is that able to be happening i thought the book of revelation was the end but then you got people that are up you know oh the lord told me this no he didn't you liar god didn't tell you anything sit down and shut up that's not true look the bible is complete folks we have everything that we need to know in this book right here and some pentecostal weirdo is not going to change my mind about that i've told the story before but i was i used to get my hair cut at this lady's barbershop on highway 99 here and i thought well she's a christian you know i'd rather give my money to a christian than somebody else but all she did is talked about glenn beck through the whole you know like she was just constantly preaching the gospel of glenn beck who's a mormon by the way and she was the last time i went there she was i was we were talking about something that she just goes oh hold on a second she's like god's telling me something for you i was just like really and that was the last time i went there and i was angry because what a phony god didn't tell you that you liar god doesn't sit there and divine his word that was supposed to be in the bible to you this book is closed everything that we need to know is in this book right now we don't need to know what so-and-so at the barbershop told you you know these people that get on television and they're they're a bunch of charlatans and phonies this tbn network and all this other stuff it's phony baloney garbage it's not real so the people that are saying that they're doing miracles like todd white you know who's sitting there with long hair and looking like the predator like an albino predator his he's he's phony folks look the bible said there will be wolves that come in grievous wolves not sparing the flock but yet people don't believe it and they're like i can't believe you talk about another christian like that they're not christians that's the whole point right so these people that have these fake miracles these fake prophecies look it says to another prophecy was paul writing the new testament as he penned this down yeah this is yeah this is scripture this is paul writing a letter that's in the bible it's scripture but once you know john finished revelation that was it it's done we're not supposed to add anything to the book or take anything away from it so if you're adding to the book so if you're saying that you got a message from god you got something oh hold on god's telling me to tell you something no no he didn't that's blasphemy my friend that is blasphemy and it's wicked so somebody once somebody starts telling you that god told them to do something they're lying god did not tell them to do that so there's no gift of prophecy in order to divine what the future holds in our lives except for this book right here the book of revelation that's what's coming next matthew chapter 24 that's what's coming next and that stuff has not yet happened yet but you know if some bozo first of all you know and i know this is going to be offensive but women are not supposed to speak in the church once the church service starts they're not supposed to be up here preaching so if they get up in a pentecostal service and start speaking and talking in tongues then they're out of order no matter what they're saying even if it's just plain english and you're in an english-speaking church you're still wrong for getting up and speaking in church so you know all these churches that have all these ladies and it's most of the time it seems like it's ladies in these services are getting up and oh someone's coming they're like talking like they're from babylon or something and then nobody's interpreting for them nobody's telling you what that means and then they're interpreting what they're supposed to say no they're not supposed to interpret someone else is supposed to interpret for them but look that's not what the bible is even talking about it's talking about speaking in tongues that's that's not even what the bible really says we're not supposed to we're not speaking in tongues like some unknown language or some heavenly angelic prayer language it's a different a tongue just means a language we i speak english that's the only one i i know i'm gringo right but that's the only one i know but i was just in a country where there was a lady that went to our church i think she spoke like seven different languages right is that right yeah she see she's signing because she can't speak right now but i'm just kidding but uh it was eight was it eight yeah seven nine nine nine languages but if i spoke nine languages and i got up here in hungarian and nobody in here speaks hungarian nobody understands hungarian but i'm preaching to you in hungarian how's that going to help you that's what it's that's what the bible is talking about the if i was spoken a different tongue and diverse types of tongues that mean i speak a lot of different languages but how's it helping you if you can't understand what i'm saying so that's why it says you know there's there's diverse kinds of tongues in verse number 10 so diverse just means different kinds of tongues and to another the interpretation of tongues so that person's able to interpret what those you know sometimes people can speak a language real good but they can't interpret so interpreting is interpreting what that person said so if i'm speaking hungarian and bill he's he also understands hungarian he can get up and speak what i was saying to you in english that's that's translating isn't it so but some people but the gifts of tongues is you know in the the day of pentecost you know they were understanding what the other person was saying in their own language that was the miracle of the the speaking in tongues the interpretation of tongues so i was so one of them was speaking english and they only spoke spanish say that that person's understanding the english it's it's filtering in as spanish to them so that's what that's talking about but you know you're like well you're just saying all these gifts are no longer in effect i'm not saying that i'm just saying that maybe they're different now so if someone speaks a bunch of different kinds of languages they have a gift for language that person at our church in england can speak nine different languages i don't have the gift for languages apparently i speak one that's all i've ever had to speak and when i try to learn other ones i'm just like maybe that ship sailed i don't know i mean i'm gonna try to i'm still i still gotta get on the french here so um i might just be a silent partner they're like we get saved put my put my hand on my shirt like so it says but all these worketh that one and the self-same spirit dividing to every man severally as he will so god gives people gifts as he wills not as we will but hey if our will is what god's will is you know what's wrong with trying to have a lot of these different gifts in our stable sometimes god's looking for a little bit of effort out of people you know and i'm not saying that you know because that's not really a gift right a gift is something you get but you know once you have that gift you should use it amen so i listed the gifts in order here for the spiritual gifts in first corinthians 12 it says the word of wisdom number two the work of knowledge or the word of knowledge excuse me number three the gift of faith number four the gift of healing number five the gift of miracles number six the working of prophecy number seven the discerning of spirits i forgot i skipped over that one i kind of mentioned a little bit but uh number eight different types of kinds of tongues number nine interpretation of tongues so but those are the gifts that it's mentioned in this chapter but just know this that during this time this is when the apostles were still alive but all scripture is given by inspiration of god it's profitable right all scripture not just some of it all scripture is profitable for our use and and again i'm not saying that none of this stuff ever happens but hey when a miracle happens you know usually through our prayer isn't it and you know it's through our faith you know obviously uh when someone can speak different kinds of languages it's you know they're speaking different kinds of languages but not does everybody have that gift in here who speaks more than one language raise your hand one half two three is there anybody else there's four you oh you don't speak any filipino yet come on man get with the program so you know there's not a lot of people that have you know and i'm not saying that's necessarily a gift but like i know there's people that have multiple languages and i would say that's a gift not everybody can just pick up on different types of languages like that so but we really don't have the need anymore like we don't really have a need for someone to get up here and speak in a different language like we all predict we all speak english here so we all speak one language in this church as far as like the church services go so but it would be out of order for someone to get up and preach a whole sermon in a language that nobody else understands see we're going to get into the rules of all these things in chapter 14 because how do you apply these gifts in modern day how do they apply them in those days well we're going to learn about that in chapter 14 and which gifts are better to have which gifts are better to use we're going to kind of get into a little bit of that tonight but turn to first corinthians chapter 13 verse 8 i want to show you this verse first corinthians chapter 13 verse 8 the bible says charity never faileth but where there be prophecies what does it say what does it say are you even there come on hello is anybody home first corinthians chapter 13 verse 8 whether it be prophecies they shall what they shall fail whether there be tongues what does it say they shall cease whether it be knowledge what does it say they shall vanish away so these aren't necessarily these ones here aren't necessarily permanent things okay so we do have to keep things in perspective but now the gifts that it lists in romans chapter 12 those gifts i think are still in full effect and you know again some of these other ones are too but they're just in a different way so like i can't speak you know to some pygmy in africa the dialect that they speak because the holy you know that it's just it's not going to happen otherwise missionaries would be going all over the world to all these different places and they could just automatically by the gift of god speak that language to somebody else but why don't you see that happening more because that has vanished away that particular gift is no longer in use right now could god make it happen absolutely he could but does he no people have to go to language school people have to do the duolingo and what are the other ones uh what pimsleur and all this other stuff and look that's great but nobody in here has a gift where they can just all of a sudden understand some other person's language it just does not happen so what does that tell you it just tells you that gift isn't in effect anymore it was for the first uh the first generation of christians look at romans chapter 12 verse number three romans chapter 12 verse number three it says for i say through the grace given unto me to every man that is among you not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think but to think soberly according as god hath dealt to every man the measure of what faith right for as we have many members in one body and all members have not the same office so my office is the office of a bishop my office is the office of a pastor not everybody in here is a pastor there's only one pastor in here so not everybody has the same office not not everybody's doing the same thing in church it says so we being many are one body in christ and everyone members one of another having been gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us whether prophecy let us prophesy so so now the the gift of prophecy or prophesying is preaching okay now there's nothing more to add to the bible but some people can just preach the bible some people can just get up and preach the bible and from day one and they're and that's one of their gifts now obviously even someone that has that gift still has to study there's still things you have to do you get not everybody's just going to get like have you ever heard the famous story where jack hyles he just thinks he's you know he's called to preach and he gets up in this church and he just thought that god was just going to give him everything that he needed to preach and he got up and i think he said sure is hot in here you know he's just like standing there and doesn't know what to say that's his first sermon but do you think he had he had the gift to preach absolutely had the gift to preach he's a great preacher but you still have to work at it you're not going to just get up and go all right i've never read the bible before but i have the gift to preach let me show you what the word of god says you know that's just not how it works so it says and you know so there's gifts that are different everybody has different gifts but it says or ministry let us wait on our ministry some people's gift is to minister to other people that that's not just being in the you know in the office of ministry as a pastor but that could be just someone just ministering to other people some people are just really good at being kind to others and you know when someone new from the church comes in they're really good at making them feel welcome you know that's all ministry when jesus got down and washed the disciples dirty stinky feet he was ministering to them wasn't he and so ministry means a lot of different things but it means it's but it is work isn't it so you have to be willing to work that you're not going to just sit back with your gifts of of the holy spirit and just be able to not work at them god wants you to work he wants you to use and exercise your faith and use the gifts that he gave you so it says uh or on our ministry let us wait on our ministering or he that teaches on teaching so some people's gift is just to teach people now you don't have to be a pastor to be able to teach people some people could just take the bible and just say hey i i was reading this what do you think about this i came up with this i mean we do that kind of stuff all the time that's what this church is like you know most churches are talking about the football game or they're talking about all kinds of different stuff everything but the bible everything but godly things but in a church like this we like to talk about the bible we like to go hey what do you think about this verse that's pretty cool let me show you this one and so but some people could just teach some people could just show someone something from the bible you know sometimes people can look at things and you're like well how did how did you come up with that it's a gift some people just have the gift to teach it says or he that exhorteth on exhortation some people are really good at just motivating people to do good motivating people um inspiring people to do things and go forward and do things he that giveth let him do it with simplicity giving is another gift some people um are just good at you know that's just something that they're have no problem with some people are ebony's or scrooge you know it's just but some people are are giving and i'm not just talking about money i'm talking about giving with their time you know time is a big thing that we give isn't it we go to church three times a week that's giving your time isn't it but god wants us to give our time back to him just like he wants us to give our money back to him a portion of it okay that's faith that's working in the faith that he's given us so it says or he that exhorteth onto exhortation he that giveth let him do it with simplicity he that ruleth with diligence hey if your gift is ruling do it right do it diligently don't be slack on it do it right he that showeth mercy with cheerfulness some people's gift is to show people mercy there's a lot of people that are mean a lot of people get burnt christianity because some christian was mean to him at a church they they visited one time that's not right but you see how all these gifts there's something that we can all do in some way shape or form might not be your gift but maybe it's something that you can work on and be better at don't just say well my gift is just prophecy it's all i'm going to do is preach if i was the pastor and that was my attitude that all i was going to do is preach everybody else does everything else i never did anything else it wouldn't be right because i do have other jobs i should be praying for other people i should be you know doing other things in the ministry besides you know i should be praying for people that are sick i should be going soul winning you know my job is more than just preaching but it says well let's just look at some verses together so so in romans 12 you have this list and so the first list was nine different gifts but the second list i think is seven yeah seven seven things in romans chapter 12 let's look at some of these things look at first corinthians chapter 14 so the gift of prophecy or prophesying so like i said we're not going to add anything to the word of god but some people's gift is to preach now but does that mean that nobody else preaches if that's not their gift no that doesn't mean that but some people like i said just have that gift to do that and they're good at preaching look at first corinthians 14 verse 1 it says follow after charity and desire spiritual gifts but rather that you may what prophesy so one of the most important things that you can do is to preach now women can preach you know when there's a lot of good preacher women in our church but they just don't preach behind the pulpit they preach at people's doors they go and and and pull lost sinners out of the furnace they pull lost sinners out of the fire and they're good at that kind of preaching so women can preach and so when it's talking about you know in first corinthians 14 to desire spiritual gifts well which one should you desire rather that you may prophesy you should prophesy that's the most important thing we do isn't it to preach to preach so other people can get their way out of hell by you showing them that jesus died on the cross for them was buried and rose again the third day that's what the that's what that's what our life and our existence as a christian really boils down to is are we getting people saved and people want to downplay that and say well you just think you can live like hell all week and then go so wanting yeah you can actually you can should you no but you can and to say that someone's not getting someone saved because they sinned last week well who's the measure who's the one that measures what sins you could commit that you you shouldn't go soloing hey if someone gets saved and i dragged that person to the door and they they're smoking a cigarette at the door while i'm preaching the gospel is that wrong it's wrong for them to smoke but they just got saved quitting smoking is hard but is that wrong to have someone go oh you're just you know dragging jesus through the mud you shouldn't go soloing that's what the devil would say but that's not what we believe hey what about jonah he wasn't a great example of a nice guy he was racist wasn't he he hated the ninovites but god told him go preach to ninova the preaching that i bid thee to preach and yo even though he had a bad heart and didn't even want them to be saved god's word is powerful and it gets people saved and even if that person has a bad attitude and maybe they sinned all last week that doesn't mean they can't get people saved because we're all sinful and we all commit sin people get on their high horse about how oh how spiritual they are everybody sins and i would venture to say this and everybody sins every single day of the week so what we should just never go soloing because we sin that's ridiculous jonah sat outside of ninova waiting for god to throw barbecue you know to throw fireballs at him he cared more about a stupid gourd than he cared about people in that town and all the animals too but they believed his preaching and then they did works after they believed and god spared them now had they just believed and not done anything that god probably would have nuked them in some way shape or form and 150 years later ninova was destroyed because obviously someone else fell down because obviously someone else fell down on the job once again some other church i mean obviously they weren't churches like there are now but it goes from faith to faith obviously someone dropped the ball and then it got destroyed it's a ruinous heap right now but to say that we're not supposed to go and win souls and that you're just dragging christ's name through the mud because you know you sin this week it's ridiculous it's devilish it's devilish preaching so where was i pre prophecy it's our it's something that we should desire to do look at verse three in first corinthians 14 it says but he that prophesieth speaketh unto men to edification and exhortation and comfort so edification building people up exhortation getting the troops ready to go let's go soul-winning let's go pull people from the fire and the comfort hey when people are hurting they want to hear comforting words you know when when things are going hard you know preaching does that for you and also you know what else preaching you do to give you a swift kick in the pants so yeah is it wrong for us to sin absolutely it is and that's there it's appropriate for us to preach against the sins of of of saved people to save people sin too but god just deals with people differently you know those people outside those people that are not saved they're going to go to hell for all eternity so when we see them living it up and you know barbecuing and going to the football games and they're living their lives that's the only life they have to live but we got eternal life it says he that speaketh in an unknown tongue edifyth himself but he that prophesieth edifyeth the church i would that you all spake with tongues but rather that you prophesied for greater is he that prophesieth than he that speaketh with tongues except he interpret that the church may receive edifying you see how it's talking about when someone speaks in tongues hey if they're speaking tongues that's all cool that's all cool in the gang right it's good it's good to speak in tongues but if nobody understands what you're saying then what difference is it going to make it's not helping anybody but you know what does help people preaching prophesying it says we're for brethren covet to prophesy and forbid not to speak with tongues so yeah we're supposed to speak with tongues but it's not talking about rolling on the floor and barking like a dog when people see that you know what they do they turn around and walk back out the other way nobody wants to see that people leading people around with a leash and they're barking like a dog have you ever seen that kind of craziness well and i realize that there's degrees of pentecostals okay not everybody not every church's pentecostal does that but i know there's some form of pentecostals in this church right now have you seen things go out of order in a church service where women are preaching and speaking in some gibberish language is she interpreting her own stuff or somebody else interpreted it for she was wrong the first time she stood up and said anything though so it says wherefore brethren covet to prophesy and forbid not to speak with tongues so what what should we covet what's the number one goal that we should covet as our spiritual gift hey maybe it's not your spiritual gift but you know what would would god that all his people prophesied right that's what moses said he said you know he's like josh was like forbid the moses he's like no i want everybody would the god that all of his people were prophets so that's the number one gift right now look at um the second gift would be the gift of ministry first corinthians chapter 6 16 excuse me first corinthians chapter 16 verse 15 and i'm going to go short on the verses here that was like the longest stretch we had so the ministry the gift of ministry it says i beseech you brethren you know now you know excuse me you know the house of stefanis that is the first fruits of ikea and that they have addicted themselves to the ministry of the saints so what what would be ministry well it says the ministry of the saints so ministry is all different types of stuff it could be soul wanting it could be comfort it can be caring for people it can be like i said soul in which would be the gift of what reconciliation the ministry of reconciliation that's given to us prayer feeding people and there's lots of different things that we that we would do that would be considered ministry but you know what we should do just like you know these house this house of stefanis they addicted themselves to the ministry because that means they cared they were so in they were in it it was part of who they were when you're addicted to something you know you need it you want it don't you is it if anybody's been addicted i'm sure everybody in here has been addicted to something in some way shape or form whether it's food whether it's smoking drugs whatever it is alcohol maybe it's just addicted looking at yourself in the mirror i don't know but everybody has an addiction don't they usually women have have that that addiction but uh anyway sorry i'm picking on the women tonight but i'm just mad because i'm ugly but anyway but we need to addict ourselves to the ministry and hey ministry is a gift of the holy spirit but you know what we can all minister can't we what's the other one teaching number three is teaching so what what we already kind of talked about doctrine jesus said go you therefore and teach all nations baptizing them in the name of the father the son the holy ghost teaching them to observe all things whatsoever i've commanded you and lo i'm with you always even unto the end of the world amen so what did jesus say go you therefore and do what teach so what are we supposed to teach people about salvation and it says teaching them to observe all things whatsoever i've commanded you you mean you're supposed to keep the commandments you're such a pharisee oh so you're calling jesus a pharisee that's what most people want to say about us that we're pharisees because we teach that you should keep god's commandments but not for salvation though you know his commandments shouldn't be grievous unto us jesus said if you love me keep my suggestions right no he said keep my commandments so there's nothing wrong with teaching people to keep god's commandments that's what jesus said to do get him saved baptize him teach him my commandments and why would you want to keep god's commandments so you don't get punished hey because guess what once you become saved then god becomes your father and i don't know about you but my dad spanked me before does your dad ever spank you when you were growing up i hope so because then you you know maybe some people didn't get spanked that's a big phenomenon now when we knock on people i don't even use that illustration soul money anymore because so many people haven't been spanked i'm like okay well never mind did you ever get punished for anything no well now i see what's wrong with you you know but it's hard to help somebody to understand the punishment of hell when they don't they've never even been punished for anything in their life so anyway so number four is the gift of exhortation someone who encourages others to do good or urge someone to do something and the bible says in hebrews chapter 10 verse 25 go ahead and turn there if you want hebrews chapter 10 verse 20 actually look at verse 24 hebrews chapter 10 verse 24 it says and let us consider one another to provoke unto love and good works what's that word provoke someone it's like you're trying to get somebody to do something right but usually when you're provoked you know when you talk about provoking people you know that person provoked me and i beat them up you know that person provoked me and they made me mad but what are we trying to do when someone's exhorting you to do something they're provoking you to do something that's good let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works so that's what exhortation does look at verse 25 it says not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together as a manner of some is so when you come to church what's it going to do it's going to provoke you to do good other people to do good works it says but exhorting one another so exhortation you know when you come to church when you encourage somebody else you're exhorting someone else to do good works you're provoking them hey did you go soul winning you could have if you would have been here you know you could have gone so when you could have you know you could have played in the you could have played music anything that we do here at churches should be a good work even if it was just comforting or or recognizing a guest as they walk in whatever it is we can exhort one another we can exhort other people but if you're not here guess what you didn't exhort anybody maybe you're the person that needed to say something to that person that made them come back again you know because when we're all together here we are the church this building is not the church we are the church us the believers gathered together in one place is the church you know what when one of those members is not here we're not a full body are we so if the nose stayed home from church they were the discerner of spirits you know they smell out the false prophets or whatever that person wasn't there well you know we needed you nose where were you watching the seahawks watching thursday night football you know that ought not to be what we are like we should be here when we can be exhorting one another to do good works urging others to be partakers of the work we do number five is giving number five is giving and like i said not just your money god doesn't want you know people like god you just you just want people's money no god wants your time he wants your talents he wants your abilities he wants the he wants the gifts that he gave you to be used to to further the kingdom of god that's what the whole gift thing is for that's what your gifts are for is to use them for god he saves you you know ephesians chapter two let's turn over to ephesians chapter two real quick and we know these verses really well i didn't put them on my notes but ephesians chapter two glations ephesians philippians ephesians chapter two look at verse number 10 so it says i'm in the wrong book okay ephesians chapter two this page is stuck together sorry about that ephesians chapter 2 verse 10 says um for we are his workmanship created in christ jesus on two good works so you know we're created in christ jesus on two good works we're not saved by works but we are created in christ jesus two good works so when god gives you a gift from the holy spirit he's helping you get ready to work isn't he but a lot of people just waste their gifts they waste their talents how are you even going to use your gifts and talents if you never show up for anything if you never make time for god if you never make time to minister to other people if you never make time to even deal with your own family what good are you doing you know you're spinning your wheels spiritually is what you're doing turn turn to second corinthians chapter nine verse six second corinthians chapter nine verse six i'm probably just barely going to have time to finish these gifts here but first corinthian chapter five or nine verse six says but this i say he that which so is sparingly shall reap also sparingly see the thing is when you're giving your time to god then if you just barely give him any time what are you going to reap sparingly you know you're trying to reap rewards as a christian right it says but he which soeth bountifully shall reap also bountifully this principle applies in giving of your money this principle applies in giving your time this principle applies in giving of your talents and your gifts that god has given you so being able to give is a good gift some people are really stingy right look at verse seven it says every man according as he purposeth in his heart so let him give not grudgingly or of necessity for god loveth a cheerful giver so when you give to god a purpose in your heart to not do it grudgingly or out of necessity but do it out of your heart because god loves that he loves someone that's a cheerful giver and god is able to make all grace abound toward you see when you when you sow sparingly you're going to reap sparingly you're not going to get a good return on that investment of time or whatever it is that you're giving it says that you always have having all sufficiency in all things may abound to every good work what's god trying to help you with he's trying to help you that you know if you purpose in your heart to give and give cheerfully that he's able to make all grace abound toward you that ye always having all sufficiency in all things wouldn't it be nice to have everything that you need may abound to every good work as it is written he that dispersed abroad he hath given to the poor his righteousness how long does it remain for till next week till next month till next year what does it say forever see when you give the things that you give are something that that righteousness remains forever isn't that what it says now he that minister a seed to the sower both minister bread for your food and multiply your seed sown and increase the fruits of your righteousness so the fruits it's going to increase you but see if you don't give any time to god if you don't give any thing back to god or or you're just sowing sparingly you're not going to reap you're going to reap nothing you're going to reap hardly anything so when we are prioritizing our lives for god we should prioritize obviously you know giving money is a secondary thing and what i'm talking about i'm talking about giving your time i'm talking about giving your talent you know when you're not out sowing ever if you just say you know what i'm just kind of bored with someone right now i don't really care that's a bad attitude to have because maybe you're the person that needed to get that person saved maybe the other partner was just you know not their cup of tea so to speak as an english thing right not their cup of tea some people have you ever noticed that like some people are just like you know you try to be nice to them but they just don't want to have anything to do with you but then they'll talk you know then your partner talks and they're like oh yeah you know you just you click differently with different people but if you're not there then how are you going to help out maybe you're the you needed to be there and you weren't there so we need to uh to reap we're going to reap big things from god we're going to be have an abundance of things he's going to give us all sufficiency and all grace is going to abound towards us and that we can abound to every good work so he wants us to use our time and our talents to do work for him and then we reap because of that like well that sounds like a lot of work yeah it is but you know what in eternity future you're going to be happy that you spent that time you're going to be happy that you went to that 13th soul winning marathon of the year or whatever you know when you give to god he's going to give back and he gives more than you can handle he gives more your cup have you ever heard that term your cup runneth over my cup runneth over but what people really mean that when they say that is your cup really running over is god giving you more than you than you can handle is he giving you all things that you need sufficiently well maybe if we seek god and his righteousness you know if we seek the kingdom of god and his righteousness then all these things shall be added unto you we put our time in the wrong thing sometimes we put our time and our energy and our giving and the wrong thing sometimes and what we really we're it's misproportioned like i gotta work 90 hours a week or i can't afford to live it's like god god has much more things than that for you right i mean he can help you and he's sufficient and giving you all grace that you need i'm not saying quit your job okay i'm just saying that god maybe if you put some of your heart towards the kingdom of god then he's going to make all these things add up for you so uh look at let's see ephsians chapter 4 verse 11 now talking about the gift of ruling really all these things could just be their own separate sermon but they don't got time for all that tonight um so ruling and and this would probably be people that are leaders in the church now if i give you a task to do you're ruling in that area right so there people you don't have to be a pastor you don't have to be an evangelist you don't have to be a deacon uh to be a ruler but you know that's i think that that's what this is basically this gift is talking about because there has to be leaders not everybody can be the same there has to be a leader have you heard that term too many what is it uh too many indians not enough chiefs or too many chiefs not enough indians that's what it is it's the opposite okay and that what that basically means that everybody is in charge so that no nothing ever gets done everybody's bossing each other around that's not that's not how it should go look at look at how that's worked out for our country but anyway um afeas chapter 4 verse 11 it says and he gave see that word does that mean it's a gift and he gave some apostles some prophets and some evangelists some pastors and teachers so pastors are given as a gift teachers are given as a gift evangelists are given as a gift obviously there's no more apostles but at this time there was and it says some prophets you know those things are a gift to the congregation those things are a gift to the church okay it says for the perfecting of the saints and for the work of the ministry so it's perfecting how do you perfect by preaching you know that preaching and that leadership is going to help perfect the saints and that motivation and it says for the work of the ministry of the ministry and for the edifying of the body of christ so again the preaching of these types of rulers is going to help the church in the long run because yeah you can know everything you need to know from the bible by just reading it you don't have to come to church to learn the bible but sadly enough most people that's the only time they ever learn about things of god because when they come to church those people aren't reading their bibles at home they're not praying they're not doing all they're just they come to church and that's their time to be close to god it's not no other times but being a rule being a ruler is a gift and so if that's your gift that's a good one uh to you know it's not to be just i just want to be the boss you know i mean if that's your attitude then you're never going to be the boss and if you are you're going to be a bad one who who knows power tripping bosses they're the most annoying ever they're just over your shoulder you know what you know just don't you hate when people watch you work like they give you a task at work and they're just like just sitting there watching you that's the worst feeling in the world is when your boss is just watching you're like messing up you're like i normally don't mess up like this you know bill's washing the coins can you please just go but uh anyway so number seven let's move along here mercy the bible says in matthew chapter five or seven blessed are the merciful for they shall obtain mercy and see all these things like these are things that all of us should be doing anyway whether it's your gift or not right because everybody's supposed to go soul wanting it's not just the people that are gifted at talking the the person that has the least amount of skills in talking or maybe it's not that they don't have skills some people are just introverts some people just don't like to talk like hey how's it going good good you know the introverts can come in many different ways like but it's funny how we have all these introverts in our church and they can still get out and preach the gospel though it's because it's not something that you have to be gifted at in order to do if you have a mouth and you can speak and you can read a bible then you should be able to you know do uh soul winning right so let's turn to first peter chapter four so mercy is a gift that some people have some people are just naturally merciful and are easy to forgive easy to be entreated but some people just like to hang on to stuff and you know what that turns into bitterness and so we want we want to use our gifts and hey if your gift is being merciful use it because we could use a little bit of that in christianity today couldn't we a little bit of mercy because you know what god's merciful to us isn't he god's merciful to us because if we got what we deserved every day we'd be in a lot of trouble because really sin brings forth death doesn't it so god i mean really if he wanted to could kill every single one of us you know any day of the week but he's merciful to us he's long suffering to us and he wants us to have the same thing and that you know the spirit of god if that if he gives you that gift of mercy then that's something you should use look at first peter chapter 4 verse 10 it says as every man hath received the gift even so minister the same so god wants us to use those gifts one to another as good stewards of the manifold grace of god if any man speak let him speak as the oracles of god hey if you're going to get up and preach the bible men then why don't you preach as the oracles of god what is the oracles of god preach the bible don't just get up and preach your opinion there's too many churches around america right now and around the world they don't even preach the bible yet people listen to them they sit up there and preach their own opinions they don't even teach the bible they don't even have the right bible version for crying out loud they're reading lies from the devil they're telling their stories and their poems and they're having their fake miracle things going on telling you that god told him to tell you something which is a lie but yet people follow them heaps and heaps you know they want to heap to themselves heaters having itching ears because people just want to have their ears tickled and they just want to you know listen you know to these false prophets speak to them because what they're speaking sounds better it sounds more nice you know instead of you hearing what you need to hear it says if any man minister let him do it as of the ability which god giveth that god and all things may be glorified through jesus christ to whom be praised and dominion forever and ever amen so you know finding out what your spiritual gifts is is going to be profitable to you but you know what it's also going to be profitable to other people see jesus you know we're supposed to you know you have the acronym joy it's jesus others you that's the order of the way you should do things think of yourself last you know but don't not think of yourself because if you don't think of yourself then you're going to burn out and fade away aren't you but if you if you have jesus is the number one focus in your life and then you care about others then you know you got to take care of yourself also so it's a balance isn't it so matthew chapter 25 turn to matthew chapter 25 i'll finish up with this set of scriptures here so matthew chapter 25 this is um a parable that jesus taught about talents now when we think of talent we think of things that people are good at right you know so that guy's a real talented athlete you know but god when he gives us these talents these gifts that he gives us he does expect us to use them look at matthew chapter 25 verse 14 says for the kingdom of heaven is as a man traveling to a far country who called his own servants and delivered unto them his goods so didn't jesus say when he left that he was going to send the holy spirit and he said that he was going to yeah he said he's going to send the holy spirit so he delivered unto them the goods so when he delivered us the holy spirit he gives us the goods right and unto one he gave five talents to another two to another one to every man according to his several ability and straight away took his journey so this obviously in this parable jesus christ is the one that's taking his journey he's waiting to come back he wants us to use our talents to help build the kingdom of god right and so he gives us these talents to every man his several ability it says then he that had received the five talents went and traded with the same and made them other five talents and likewise he that had received two had also gained other two and he that had received one dig went and digged in the earth and and hid his lord's money after a long time the lord of those servants cometh and reckoned reckoneth with them and so he that had received five talents came and brought other five talents saying lord thou deliverest unto me five talents behold i have gained besides them five talents more his lord said unto him well done thou good and faithful servant thou has been faithful over a few things i will make thee ruler over many things see when we use the talents that god's given us he's going to give us rewards he's going to give us rewards in heaven and he's going to help us to it says to enter into the joy of thy lord verse 22 he also that had received two talents came and said lord that deliverest unto me two talents behold i have gained two other talents beside them so god expects us to increase doesn't he he gives us gifts he expects us to use them he expects us to get an increase for him he didn't just leave us here to do nothing he left us here with a purpose look at verse 23 his lord said unto him well done good and faithful servant thou has been faithful over a few things i will make the ruler over many things enter thou into the joy of thy lord then he which had received one talent came and said lord i knew thee and thou are a hard man reaping where thou was not sown a gathering where there i was not strawed and i was afraid and i went and hid thy talent in the earth lo there thou hast that is thine his lord answered and said unto him thou wicked and slothful servant thou knewest that i reap where i sowed not and gather where i have not strawed thou oughtest therefore to have put my money to the exchangers and then at my coming i should have received my own with usury take therefore the talent from him and give it unto him which hath 10 talents and unto everyone that hath shall be given and he that have abundance but from him that hath not shall be taken away even that which he hath so look don't what's the moral of the story here don't waste the talents that god gives you he's not happy with you if you're not doing anything for him now i'm not saying you're not saved i'm not saying god doesn't love you not saying any of that because you know what you can get saved and do zero works for god and he'll still go to heaven you'll still have the baseline reward of eternal life but if you know you do things for the lord you take the talents that he gives you you put them into practice you put them into your uh to your daily life then you know what god is going to use you in a mighty way and at the end he's going to say you know well done thou good and faithful servant enter into the joy of thy lord he's going to give you rewards based upon the work that you did so if he gives you five talents and you have five on top of that then those rewards are going to be with you forever but you know he's not going to be pleased with the christian that doesn't use the gifts that god gives them period i mean he expects a return on his investment he didn't save us to do nothing he saved us to work now i know that in churches like ours we really want to make a clear division about works you know because a lot of church churches teach that you have to work for your salvation and obviously we don't believe that but god still expects us to work he still expects us to use the talents and abilities he's given us for his glory and so we need to understand as a christian that we can't waste the talents we can't waste the gifts that he's given us you're like i don't know what my gift is well you better figure it out and start using it because god expects a return on his investment and so i'm going to finish the sermon there it's eight o'clock and uh so we'll have to finish up next week all right let's pray heavenly father we thank you lord so much for this wonderful day i pray that you just uh help us to lord understand that we need to use the talents that you've given us and lord i pray that you'd help us to just discern what our gifts are at church and lord help us to even if we don't have that gift lord to just work at it anyway because all these things that are the gifts of the spirit lord are things that we should be doing as even if we don't have that gift to do it lord that we should be working on those things and lord everybody needs to be a soul winner everybody needs to preach and that's the most important thing and lord i just pray you help us to understand that you saved us for a reason for a purpose to work for you lord and uh pray that you'd bless each and every person that's come here and tonight to hear your word in Jesus name we pray amen sing our last song page 293 in your green hymnal page 293 is your all on the altar page 293 is your all on the altar page 293 sing it out on the first you have longed for sweet peace and for faith to increase and have earnestly fervently prayed but you cannot have rest or be perfectly blessed until all on the altar is laid is your all on the altar of sacrifice lane your heart does the spirit control you can only be blessed and happy since we rest as you yield him your body and soul on the second would you walk with the lord in the light of his word and have peace and contentment always you must do his sweet will to be free from all ill on the altar your all you must lay is your all on the altar of sacrifice lane your heart does the spirit control you can only be blessed and happy since we rest as you yield him your body and soul oh we never can know what the lord will bestow of the blessings for which we have prayed till our body and soul he doth fully control and our all on the altar is laid is your all on the altar of sacrifice lane your heart does the spirit control you can only be blessed and happy since we rest as you yield him your body and soul on the last who can tell all the love he will send from above and how happy our hearts will be made of the fellowship suite we will share at his feet when all on the altar is laid is your all on the altar of sacrifice lane your heart does the spirit control you can only be blessed and happy since we rest as you yield him your body and soul great singing tonight it's good to see you all and hopefully you all come back sunday