(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Music You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You Let's take our seats and open our him books page 206 green him books to page 206. Oh Say but I'm glad page 206. Oh say but I'm glad How loud on the first there is a song in my heart today something I never had Jesus has taken my sins away. Oh see, but I'm glad Oh See, but I'm glad I'm glad Oh See, but I'm glad Jesus has come in my cups overrun. Oh, see, but I'm glad Wonderful marvelous love he brings into a heart that's sad Throw darkest tunnels the soul just sings. Oh, see, but I'm glad Oh Say, but I'm glad I'm glad Oh say, but I'm glad Jesus has come in my cups overrun. Oh, see, but I'm glad We have a fellowship rich and sweet tongues can never lay Abide in the souls retreat. Oh See, but I'm glad Oh Say, but I'm glad I'm glad Oh say, but I'm glad Jesus has come in my cups overrun. Oh, see, but I'm glad Won't you come to him with all your care weary and worn and sad You two will sing as his love you share. Oh, say, but I'm glad Say, but I'm glad I'm glad Oh say, but I'm glad Jesus has come in my cups overrun. Oh, say, but I'm glad Great singing brother Eli. Can you up us with the word prayer? Father Lord, thank you for this oasis of calm in our lives, Lord, where we can sing wonderful songs to you, Lord, and hear your words preached, Father. Pray, Father, that you help us calm our hearts and help us to listen to the message and fill us with your Holy Spirit, Lord. In Jesus' name, Amen. Amen. Page 472 will be our second song. This is My Father's World. Page 472. This is My Father's World. Page 472. This is My Father's World. On the first. This is My Father's World. Into my listening ears. All nature sings and round me rings the music of the spheres. This is My Father's World. I rest me in the thought of rocks and trees, of skies and seas. His hand the wonders wrought. This is My Father's World. The birds their carols raise. The morning light, the lily white declare their Maker's praise. This is My Father's World. He shines in all that's fair. In the rustling grass I hear Him pass. He speaks to me everywhere. This is My Father's World. Oh, let me ne'er forget that though the wrong seems oft so strong, God is the ruler yet. This is My Father's World. The battle is not done. Jesus, who died, shall be satisfied. And earth and heaven be one. Good evening, everybody. Welcome to Shore Foundation Baptist Church. Looks like we have some people out sick. And I just want to say thanks, everybody, for putting up with me being gone so much lately. And I'll be here for a while. Hopefully I don't get sick because that would be the only reason why I won't be here. So, anyway, let's see. Anybody need a bulletin? If you need a bulletin, just lift up your hand over there. What's up, buddy? Good to see you. Alright, on our front cover we have our verse of the week. It says, Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Thy sight, O Lord my strength and my Redeemer. Psalm 19, verse 14, great scripture there. On our inside page there we have our service times, 10.30 a.m. Sunday morning service. Sunday evening service, 3.30 p.m. Thursday Bible study is at 6.30 p.m. And I am going to start a new series. It's a New Believer series. I know there's some new believers here and some new beasts. And if you're not a new believer, then at least you're just rehashing some of the stuff that you already know, which is good. And I just wanted to have some videos that people can go to. And we could just kind of maybe have like a video, just like a file that people can go to on our website. And we can turn those people over to those videos once they get saved. We can point it to them. So that is why I'm preaching it and to help people in our church. And then so that'll be on Sunday mornings. And then in the evening, I'm starting the book of Joshua on Sunday nights. So over the summer, I kind of preached a bunch of vices, summer vices and just did some stand alone sermons. But I do really like preaching through books of the Bible. So I'll be preaching to the book of Joshua on Sunday nights. And we're still going to be in the book of First Chronicles on Thursday nights. So that'll be tonight. We're in First Chronicles chapter number eight. And that'll be, we're going to be just looking at the life of Saul because it's the genealogy of Saul. So I just kind of want to just do encapsulate the life of King Saul in this chapter. There's also in the next chapter, in chapter nine, it does a recap of the genealogy of Saul. And so I think in that sermon, I'm just going to do a Saul versus Paul. I probably preached something similar to that, but there's some things that I didn't think about the first time I preached about it. So I want to try to cram every idea I can into that sermon. And then, of course, chapter 10 kind of picks up where Saul is being, you know, is basically when Saul's kingdom is ending and David is about to take over. So, and that's chapter 10. So anyway, if you look down, you can see the Saulian times. And I know the times are getting, it's getting darker earlier now. We probably have to taper some of these times back, but we do have that new Saturday thing. But if people are wanting to still go Saturdays, like if you're doing some little renegade Saulian times, I'm okay with that. But just, I just want to know about that it's going on. So anyway, the praise report also, you can see the salvation and baptisms. Supposed to baptize a couple tomorrow night. Let's see, and the upcoming events. Well, we had a great time up in Surrey, BC for our anniversary up there for six years. We broke the record Friday night for the preaching, Brother Zong preached a great sermon. We had 40 in attendance, which is the record for a Friday night service up there. Or no, I'm sorry, it was 32, excuse me. And then Sunday morning we broke the attendance of 39 with 40 in the Sunday morning service. And we had five salvations on Sunday and I think we had one on Saturday. And it's not super receptive there, so five salvations on a Sunday afternoon is pretty good. And we just had a really great time of fellowship and had a really great weekend up there. So church is doing well. And so I was really pleased with how everything went. But I'm happy to be back at our home church and preaching here. So I'm flying out immediately after the service. So if you have any questions for me tonight, it's not the night to ask me questions. You can text me as I leave. I literally have my suitcases in my truck right now ready to fly out as soon as I'm done preaching. So I'm flying out to Spokane and I'm going to be preaching tomorrow evening. And I'm coming home Saturday, though, so don't worry, I'll be preaching here on Sunday. But yeah, I'm preaching there tomorrow and I'm baptizing a couple people, some new converts that we have out there. We have some new people that have joined the church out there, so that's pretty exciting. And let's see, I have a couple more out of town. I'm going to be in Yakima on the 25th and the 29th. I'll be in Seattle on a Sunday evening service only. So let's see, the 28th we have that SOTY marathon. It's going to be in St. John's, Oregon, which is just right across the river here in North Portland. We've had some good success over there. So I haven't figured out where we're going to eat and all that stuff, but I'll get that figured out and we'll hammer out the details soon. And let's see, the 29th is a men's preaching night. So if you're a man and you haven't preached before, or if you have preached before, you know, get up and preach on Sunday night. If you've never preached before and you just have been waiting for a chance to be able to do that, or hey, I would just encourage you to get up and preach. I mean, it just takes a little bit of boldness, a tie, a King James Bible, and you know, just stick to the, keep it simple. You don't have to extrapolate some really complicated sermons. So keep it to the basics and you should do just fine. And don't try to put too much in a 10-minute sermon because you run out of time faster than you think. So anyway, that's going on the 29th, which is, so that's the fifth Saturday, the fifth Sunday. That's once a quarter, we're going to be doing those things. And then let's see, October 5th and 6th is the family and friends weekend. And so please invite a friend or a family member or whatever. Let's try to pack the house out that weekend for church. And then we're going to have our annual pumpkin patch. Of course, you can invite family and friends to that too. We just need to have you sign them up. And I think there's a sign-up group in the WhatsApp that Ms. Juju made. And so pick a time, 11 or 12, what time you want to come. And then Pastor Jimenez will be here. And he'll also be preaching Sunday night, so you're not going to want to miss the Sunday night service. And looking forward to having Pastor Jimenez come up and preach for us. October 27th is the super soul-winning Saturday, so that's just another big soul-winning day. But it's not a soul-winning marathon even though it still has similar type of hours. It's just a little bit differently structured. So talk more about that as it comes closer. October 31st we'll have a chili and cornbread potluck and game night. That will be before church on a Thursday. November 6th is the Faithful Word Baptist Church Missions Conference. And then of course, way out in the distance, Dr. Phil Stringer preaching Sunday all day with a Q&A. All the other stuff is there for you, all the rules and regulations of course. And then the tithing info is up to date there. And then let's see, the birthdays we had Paul and then Emmy's birthday was on the 17th. Did we get a chance to sing a happy birthday tour already? All right, so. And then anniversaries, yep, okay, up to date. So all right, that's all I have for announcements. Let's go ahead and sing another song and then we'll receive the offering. All right, page 180 in your Green Hymn Books, Isn't the Love of Jesus Something Wonderful? Page 180. Page 180, Isn't the Love of Jesus Something Wonderful? On the first. Oh, isn't the love of Jesus something wonderful Wonderful it is to me On the second. Isn't the love of Jesus something wonderful Wonderful Wonderful Oh, isn't the love of Jesus something wonderful Wonderful it is to me Love beyond our human comprehending Love of God and Christ how can it be This will be my theme and never ending Great redeeming love of Calvary Isn't the love of Jesus something wonderful Wonderful Wonderful Oh, isn't the love of Jesus something wonderful Wonderful it is to me Great singing this evening. At this time we'll receive our offering. And Brother Ramon, can you please bless the offering for us? Father, thank you so much for this great church, Lord. Thank you for all the many wonderful things that you do for us. Please continue to bless our church and protect our church and bless this offering. In Jesus' name, amen. Amen. Thank you. You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You And You You You You You 150 all these are the sons of Benjamin brother Alex when you pray for us Amen all right so uh last week we were in we finished up first chronicles chapter seven I kind of broke that into two sermons Which I really didn't want to do that. But uh, I ended up being that way anyhow And uh, so part of that was in chapter seven was just a short list of the children of benjamin I think uh, let's see. I was trying to Look right before we came up to preach And just flip back to chapter seven I think it is Um Oh verse six to verse uh I think verse six to verse 12. So it just kind of gives you like an abbreviated Um, but ehood is in the genealogy in verse 10 And I kind of talked about ehood the left-handed judge that came in and remember he buried his Sword into the gut of you know, it was pretty gross and his You know his hand had to have gone all the way in. Remember that was pretty it's pretty gnarly part of the sermon, right? so But this carries on the genealogy and it actually goes in depth and this is actually the the g the full genealogy of king saul now Uh, so verse number one And and I don't i'm not really sure I I guess I don't really have a great answer for you Why It repeats the genealogy of saul again In verse nine, I guess i'll have to kind of figure that out before I come back next week But um, I really haven't I mean I knew it repeated the genealogy in chapter nine But I guess I just don't really understand why they do that, but they do so But let's look at verse number one So tonight i'm just going to be talking about king saul mainly But i'm going to talk about some of these just a few other little tidbits in here But mainly this is giving us the genealogy of king saul and he was You know the first king that god appointed as king of israel. So There was a bimalek who was one of the judges, you know in the book of judges who was crowned king by the israelites in If you remember he was killed by a woman Remember, he said I don't want people to say that I was killed by a woman woman. Someone thrust me through Because she threw that millstone on top of his head But you know later on in the bible it says who was killed by a woman like By a millstone being cast on top of his head. So and he was a bad guy like he killed all his brothers He was the son of gideon or jeru bail So verse number one here though Is now benjamin beget bella his firstborn ashbel the second and ahariya the third ahara the third noha the fourth and rafa the fifth so Uh, so he had five sons benjamin And if you remember benjamin is the last son Born of rachel and rachel died in childbirth having him on the side of the road On the way to afrata which is really close to bethlehem and so He he died on the way um, or she died on the way and so he's the lastborn son and Jacob really treasured him because when joseph was taken and sold to the midianites or Uh, you know, he was sold to egypt. He really treasured uh benjamin And benjamin she remember she was dying and she called him benonai Which means the son of my sorrow and his real and then he said he didn't like that name Because he so he named him benjamin which means the son of my right hand So that is what his name means anyway, so he's the he's one of the he's the 12th son Of jacob, he's the youngest son of jacob And the last son born of rachel rachel only had two sons one was joseph one was benjamin So this is what we're talking about and saul is of this line king saul is of this line of benjamin so um, and then it says, uh, and the sons of bella were adar and gira and ibahud and abishwa and naman And ahoa and gira and shefa fuen And if I even said that right and uhuram and these are the sons of e these are the sons of ehu These are the heads of the fathers of the inhabitants of giba and they removed them from matt and they removed them from manhah So ehood was that judge again that I talked about last week the left-handed judge And he gave israel peace for 40 years after He killed eglon and then they they took out the moabites And then he had children and so So obviously saul is of that line of ehood And remember the children of benjamin were great warriors And even some of the warriors that were the of the gibeonites that fought against all the rest of the tribes I mean they took on all the tribes of israel and gave them all they could handle Obviously god allowed them to prevail against them But remember they were left some of their warriors were left-handed and could sling stones to a hairbreadth and not miss So, I mean they were deadly accurate with slinging stones great warriors and so That's the saul comes from a line of great warriors and it says and so let's see. Let's skip down to uh, let's see So, I mean it's basically just giving you names that really I mean aren't necessarily Uh men of just renown that I know of anyway, but it says in verse 13 and baraya baraya also and shima Who were the heads of the fathers of the inhabitants of agileon who drove away the inhabitants of gath? So, I mean that's kind of a a little tidbit to throw in there and of course gath is where the philistines come from And goliath had some big brothers or he had brothers at least that were giants and so giants were known to come from gath And so some of you know I mean there's some some dudes that were pretty tough and the tribe of benjamin that were able to drive some of these inhabitants out let's skip down to Verse 28 it says these were the heads of their fathers By their generations chief men these dwelt at jerusalem So one thing you have to understand is that benjamin inherited right next to and I think that they even might have split jerusalem Like the way that their inheritance was i'm pretty sure I mean i'm just kind of recalling this from memory that that they're so close to to jerusalem That their inheritance falls right next to judah so But it says that these these chief men they dwelt in jerusalem because remember when so remember when the uh The levite was going through and they were going to stop and spend the night In jerusalem she says let's stop in jerusalem and he's like no that's where the uh That that's those those people are like heathens or whatever. We're not going to stop there. And so then he says let's stop in gibeon There you know because the these are the children of israel are which is right next to jerusalem So they didn't want to stop in jerusalem He didn't want to stop in jerusalem because david had not yet conquered that place And so there was still the what were they what were the names of those guys? Jebusites, yeah, so the jebusites still kind of controlled jerusalem at this time when they at that time when they came through But these guys You know at this point Or had had lived in jerusalem here and it says And at gibeon dwelt the father of gibeon whose wife's name was macaw so That's interesting wording there. I don't I really Find it strange that it doesn't say What the name of that guy is there it says and at gibeon dwelt the father of gibeon Whose wife's name was macaw And then it says in his firstborn son abdon and zoor and kish and bale and nadab so Maybe his Name is gibeon, I guess and at gibeon dwelt the father of gibeon of gibeon, but I mean it sounds like his name I don't know. Anyway, it's interesting wording there, but it says and geador and ahio and zaker and Shemi And these that dwelt with their brethren in jerusalem over against them So that just kind of is another way of saying next right next door to them And nur beget kish and kish beget saul and saul beget jonathan and malkishua and abinadab and esh bale so And when you see those words bail bail just because someone's named bail doesn't mean that they're necessarily necessarily naming them after the the god You know the demon god bail Bail just means lord It's just another way of saying lord but you know Beals above bails above is is definitely, you know Calling somebody bail, you know, god doesn't like people calling them people, you know He wanted people to stop saying or naming their naming people that just because it's a tie a close tie to worshiping that god but anyway So now we're going to get into king saul so kish beget saul near Nur beget kish kish beget saul saul beget jonathan. So of course, we know who's saul and jonathan are very famous characters in the bible You're going to read about him in first samuel chapter one, you know first samuel the book of first samuel book of second samuel a little bit And so saul was the first king of israel. He reigned for 40 years. David reigned for 40 years. Solomon reigned for 40 years So saul reigned for a long time, but a lot of that rain Was him not doing well not doing what was right? but You know, of course, there's some representations that saul represents so the you know, of course the law the the law is the first covenant and then Grace is the is the new testament covenant. So You know this that's the second covenant. We're under the second covenant, which is the law of grace so saul When you think about it, he represents the old covenant. David represents the new covenant So, you know, have you ever wondered like why god just forgives david when he commits adultery? and murder and it's just like he just has to admit that he sinned and then it's just like You know, you're not going to die. Nathan just says you're not going to die You know god's for has taken away your sin But then it seems like the first thing that saul did he just disobeyed and it's like well You know, he just like the first thing he does saul does is he disobeys and he does the sacrifice himself That's like the first thing that really kind of got him in hot water with god I'm, not saying it's it was a it was a light thing that he did You know, he disobeyed what god said and samuel was late You know, he's late to the party was supposed to be there at a certain time Samuel's like, you know baptist is is never late. He's he comes right when he's supposed to right so He he was at always late baptist church or whatever he was a member of that but you know that wasn't an excuse for saul to just take matters into his own hands and sacrifice because he You know that wasn't his job to do that was samuel's job But I mean if you compare Sat, you know, I mean I I guess In my mind, I guess and my mind might be wrong, but in my mind adultery and murdering somebody and then sacrificing an animal You know, which of course is the picture of christ, you know, i'm not saying that that's It's it's not a light. It's not a light thing But I mean when I look at those things as with my human mind I think What saul did is not as bad That's what I that's what my mind thinks But that's what the picture is is that if you break the law you're dead That's what the picture is. The old testament brings death the law the commandment brings death But jesus christ brings life and so the picture of saul Is you know that when you break the law that they're you know, you're you're gonna die without mercy Grace is given unto people In the new testament so david represents christ. David is the seed of you know, he is of the tribe of judah Saul he's of the tribe of benjamin. There's nothing said about the tribe of benjamin being you know, uh, you know, he's not supposed to be the one That rules over israel. I mean we we see it way back in genesis that the tribe of judah is the one that prevails And becomes the king and david obviously Because of saul's failure becomes king but it was always going to be that way. God saw that foresaw that obviously In the annals of time or whatever but You know, it seems like what saul first did wasn't as big of a deal as what david did but it's still a big deal, but the picture in place is that saul represents the old testament david represents the the new testament and and you know, the bible teaches that What he actually says that god took away the kingdom from saul and gave it to a man that was better than him It actually says better than him in the new testament in the book of hebrews. It says that the new testament is better than the old testament And people always want to drag us back to the old testament and try to put us under the law These judaizers these seventh-day avenists these hebrew roots types people they want to take us and drag us back to the law These jews these people these old testament phariseed type jews want to drag us back and try to keep make us keep the commandments and Circumcised people that's we're not under the law. We'll never be under the law again, and we never have to be So david, you know the new testament is better But Also One of the things that are something to think about the holy spirit is removed from saul at some point when When he does that for that one big sin where he refuses to kill agag He refuses to he he keeps the best of the sheep and those things alive And then samuel says that god's rent the kingdom of israel from away from you And at that point then samuel goes and anoints david in his place so But then the holy spirit leaves saul and an evil spirit from the lord comes and torments him after that, right? but in the old testament This truth is true that they could the holy spirit could leave them in the old testament But when david sins the whole remember I think it's psalm chapter 51 51 or 50 Where it says let take not the holy spirit from me The holy spirit does not get taken from david. And so he you know, could it have been taken from david? Yes, but god never takes the holy spirit away from david because he represents what he represents the new testament. So Even though he lived in the old testament and he's clearly not christ. He does picture the new testament. So Um, let's see So You know saul is a great man of god I believe saul's in heaven right now. As a matter of fact, I know sauls in heaven today And for all the terrible things that he did and for all his failures. He also had a lot of good things about him and david never he david never said that he wasn't saved or You know david even to the time the last time that he ever saw saul Still treated saul with respect and never You know when he just cut the skirt off of saul's Robe just cut a piece of cloth off of his robe. He felt really bad about it And you know tried to plead with saul And just said i've never done anything wrong to you And then saul kind of repents and feels bad about what he's done and says that you know, surely you're going to be the king of israel You know, i've tried to do evil to you, but you returned goodness to me for the evil that i've done to you but saul does Get too big and prideful in his own eyes And begins to take on things Like that didn't belong to him Starts doing things he tries to kill his own son over that weird vow that he makes and i'll get to that i'm getting ahead of myself a little bit here, but So Really how it begins is israel demands a king so samuel's the last judge That you know in the book of judges it carries over into first samuel and samuel Remember, he's pro he's kind of like a he's kind of like a messiah type figure And hannah prays for him eli marks her mouth And set you know says are you gonna you know quit being drunk in the house of the lord and she said i'm not drunk You know i'm praying for this child so she gets pregnant she brings she lends Samuel to the lord all the days of his life And then when he's weaned she brings him to the house of the lord kind of already gone over how samuel Is actually a levite and was able to do the sacrifices in the house of the lord he wasn't you know, like the new like the modern versions and the modern scholars like to try to say that he You know, it was just you know There's just no reason why he he just did it and it was just okay No, he should have been killed if he wasn't really a levite. So anyway So samuel is a great man of god. He's a judge and he Is a prophet And he is also a priest he's able to do all those things at the same time, which there's not a lot of people uh, you can't really Look at anybody besides christ that really has all three of those things now samuel wasn't a king though and his his sons Went after lucre and took bribes And so when his sons were put in place as judges Then the people got upset about that and they probably had already kind of had it in their hearts to try to seek after a king And this is kind of like their final straw And they seek after a king And samuel is just uh, you know, he's upset about it. But god says give him what they want And and god says this is what's going to happen if you do these things And uh, he tried to warn him and tell him all the things that the kings are going to ask for And that it's going to be a really huge problem But they just demanded a king anyway, and so let's go to first samuel chapter, uh, nine Verse one first samuel chapter nine verse number one First samuel chapter nine verse one So we'll pick up the story here first samuel chapter nine verse one and so this is where Saul comes into the story He says now there's a man of benjamin whose name was kish the son of abuel the son of zoror the son of bekharath the son of aphia a benjamite a mighty man of power And he had a son whose name was saul a choice young man And a goodly and there was not among the children of israel a goodlier person than he And I think this is talking about not only his character But his the way he looked he was good looking he was you know, he was uh, he was a you know He was like an alpha male looking guy and then he was also just a good guy because it says uh For his shoulders and upward he was higher Than any of the people so he was like a guy probably like my height is what i'm guessing You know head and shoulders above the people, right? and and so Now look down at verse 15 it says now the lord had told samuel in his ear a day before Saul came saying tomorrow about this time I will send thee a man out of the land of benjamin and thou shalt anoint him to be captain over my people israel That he that he may save my people out of the hand of the philistines for I have looked upon my people Because their cry has come unto me And when sam samuel saw saul the lord said unto him behold the man whom I spake To the of the same shall reign over my people then saul drew Near to samuel in the gate and said tell me I pray thee where the seer's house is And saul samuel answered saul and said I am the seer go up before me Into the high place and he shall eat with me today and tomorrow I will let thee go and I will tell thee all that is in thine heart and as for thine asses That were lost three days ago set not thine mind on them for they are found and on whom is all the desire of israel Is it not on thee and on thy father's house? and saul answered and said Am not I a benjamite of the smallest of the tribes of israel? So remember this the tribe of benjamin was decimated and we talked about that last week, but It was decimated to almost nothing And it says and my family the least of all the families in the tribe of benjamin So what do you know about saul by him saying this? He's very humble, isn't he? And he's like I I know what my station is He's not like a braggart even though he's this tall guy And he's a good guy some this is why he's good because he's humble in his own sight right says wherefore then speakest thou so to me Now look at chapter 10 verse number one chapter 10 verse number one for samuel chapter 10 verse number one We'll continue on the story here. It says Then samuel took a vial of oil and poured it upon his head and kissed him and said is not Is is it not because the lord hath anointed thee to be captain? over his inheritance When thou art departed for me today Then thou shall find two men by rachel sepulcher in the border of benjamin at zelza And they will say unto thee the asses which thou Wentest to seek are found and lo thy father hath left the care of the asses and sorroweth for you saying What shall I do for my son then shalt thou go on forward from thence and thou shall come to the plane of tabor? and there shall meet the Meet the three men go going up to god to bethel One carrying three kids and another carrying three loaves of bread and another carrying a bottle of wine And they will salute thee and give thee two loaves of bread which thou shalt receive of their hands So he's getting really specific about everything that's going to happen to him, right? After that thou shall come to the hill of god Where is the garrison of the philistines and it shall come to pass when thou art come? thither to the city that thou shalt meet a company of prophets coming down From the high place with a salt tree and a tabaret and a pipe and a harp before them and they shall prophesy So what does that mean? They're they're going to be preaching right and the spirit of the lord will come upon thee and thou shall prophesy with them And they and shalt be turned into another man And let it be When these signs are come unto thee that thou Do as occasion serve thee for god is with thee so he tells them these specific prophecies that are going to happen to him and The fact that he's going to the spirit of god's going to come upon him After they prophesy And that he's going to be turned into another man so And that he's also going to preach with them. So i'm not sure if they're like preaching him What what exactly the preaching is about but uh, it sounds like he's getting turned into another man here So what does that mean? Well, I mean it sounds to me like salvation but Then it says skip down to uh verse Uh nine just verse nine it says and it was so that when he had turned his back to go from samuel God gave him another heart So like, you know, he gives his prophecy that he's going to be turned into another man But like it seems like he kind of already believed what samuel was saying at that moment And then it says and god gave him another heart when god gives you another heart, you know, that means I mean, I believe that this means that he gets saved right there Possibly and it says and all those signs came to pass that day And when they came thither to the hill behold a company of prophets met him and the spirit of god came upon him And he prophesied among them just like, you know, samuel said and it came to pass when all that knew him before Time saw that behold that he prophesied among the prophets then the people said one to another what is this that has come? Onto the son of kish is saul also among the prophets So this happens to saul more than once it actually there's this weird thing interaction that happens later on when saul is king where you know, he's You know, he's preaching and prophesying and i'm not we don't have time to get there like there's a lot of stuff actually in the bible about saul and it's specifically in first samuel, but i'm, just trying to hit the highlights of of the the life of saul here, but There's another instance where he prophesies and he ends up naked somehow or whatever. But anyway, let's skip to uh, chapter 10 verse 20 it says and when samuel Had caused all the tribes of israel to come near the tribe of benjamin was taken So he's like probably casting lots or something It says and when he had caused the tribe of benjamin to come near By their families the men the family of matt tribe was taken and saul the son of kish was taken And when they sought him he could not be found Therefore they inquired of the lord further if the man should yet come thither And the lord answered behold he hath hid himself among the stuff So here's this guy he's head and shoulders above everybody else and he's hiding Amongst the stuff so the guy, you know, so this just tells you what that he's he's shy He doesn't want to be the star of the show. He doesn't you know, he's not there's just some big bold braggart. He's actually very Uh, you know meek and mild and you know, he doesn't want all this stardom really At this point anyway So this is and they ran and fetched him thence and when he stood among the people he was higher Than any of the people from his shoulders and upward And samuel said to all the people see him whom the lord hath chosen that there is none like him among all the people And all the people shouted and said god saved the king So have you ever heard that said like or like you've probably seen it in movies or whatever But they say this when a new king is crowned probably in every country in the world But this is where they get it from from the bible god saved the king Then samuel told the people the manner of the kingdom and wrote it in a book and laid it up before the lord And samuel sent all the people away every man to his house and saul also went home to gibya And there went with him a band of men whose hearts God had touched so god, you know, he touched the hearts of these men and kind of gave him like, you know Some guys that could be probably be good counsel to him and maybe good warriors to protect him It says but the children of belial said how shall this man save us and they despised him and brought him no presence But he held his peace so So he's also wise but does does it say that that saul knew that these people were children of belial? No But the bible's telling us that they were so You know, so there's always going to be these children of belial around godly people And this is just something that we have to get used to as christians You just don't know who they're going to be and god's telling us this by You know the narrator of the bible is telling us this that there are some their children of belial which always means That they are sons of the devil That they are reprobates and this is why they're behaving this way But he held his peace. So instead of just saying off with their heads because he's the king he doesn't do that. So Um and and saul kind of is behaving himself wisely, I guess you would say right here so, you know so saul has great victories and and later and after this great victory that he has next which we're not going to have time to Get to but he has this great victory and then people are like Let's let's kill those guys that said that saul shouldn't reign over us and then saul says nobody's going to die this day You know basically and then you know, so that's how he starts out. He starts out great He starts out humble he starts out meek. He's a great leader and you know, he's he's not trying to just Rule with an iron fist necessarily. He's trying to give people a little bit of grace And he even pardons those guys that said how's he going to save us that despise them and all that so But then he makes that mistake and is in another battle where he does the burnt offering instead of waiting for samuel Which I already explained And then you know, there's another battle that takes place and then he does this stupid vow where Instead of you know, if you're about to battle you're going to need some food and some sustenance before you go out And put your body through that kind of a stress And saul instead tries to do this vow of not eating this fasting for the soldiers, which was really dumb And then jonathan didn't hear that, you know if anybody eats anything that they're going to be put to death and so He saul figures out by lots that jonathan actually eats like he put like a stick and then dipped it in honey and And took like a bite of it or whatever and so then saul's like, you know, jonathan's surely gonna die but jonathan had already took on a host of the garrison of the philistines and gave them a great victory and they're like So they cut the people kind of turn against saul at this point. They're just like No, you're not going to kill jonathan jonathan gave us this great victory today And they kind of just saved jonathan from saul killing them. So like this is where saul's heart starts to change And kind of you know go bad because who's going to you know, kill their own kid, especially if he didn't hear the vow and then then I think that like the people try to jump on and eat the Eat the flesh with the with the blood in it because they were starving And uh, you know, so he's just like causing all kinds of chaos with you know His idiotic things and it started with that big mistake by not waiting for samuel and you know, and he said, you know God would have established your kingdom forever if he would have just waited until I came and so You know samuel god didn't strip his his kingdom away from at that point He kind of gave him a chance but then it kind of already started the downhill slope of him not obeying what god said And now let's turn to um, let's turn to first samuel chapter 15 first samuel chapter 15 So this is where he really messes everything up For good, and this is the the real downhill downhill slide for saul in first samuel 15 Verse number eight So this is so he's supposed to kill The amalekites because the amalekites mistreated the children of israel when they came out of egypt And god said that there was going to be war against the malachites Forever and that they were supposed to destroy the amalekites And so there's been this pause between you know, it's been you know hundreds of years And god's still mad about what they did to him. And so he's like Now that you know saul can do this. He's like you need to go kill the amalekites. They need to be taken care of and uh First samuel 15 verse 8 Says and he took agag the king of the amalekites alive and they're supposed to kill everything that breathes man woman child beast everything, right? And he takes the king alive and utterly destroyed all the people with the edge of the sword but saul and the people spared agag And the best of the sheep and of the oxen and of the fatlings and the lambs and all that was good And would not utterly destroy them but everything that was vile And refuse that they destroyed utterly Then came the word of the lord unto samuel saying it repenteth me That I have set up saul to be king for he has turned back from following me And hath not performed my commandments and it grieved Samuel and he cried unto the lord all night and when samuel rose early to meet saul in the morning It was told samuel saying saul came to caramel And behold he set him up a place and is gone about and passed on and gone down to gilgal And samuel came to saul and saul said unto him blessed be thou of the lord I performed the commandment of the lord. I mean, he just sounds like a total idiot right here But it says that samuel came to saul and saul said unto him blessed be thou of the lord I performed the commandment of the lord and samuel said what meaneth then the bleeding of the sheep in mine ears? And the lowing of the oxen which I hear and saul said They have brought them from the amalekites for the people spared the best sheep and of the oxen to sacrifice unto the lord thy god And the rest we have utterly destroyed Then samuel said unto saul stay and I will tell thee what the lord hath said to me this night And he said unto him say on and samuel said When thou was little in thine own sight was thou not made the head of the tribes of israel And the lord anointed the king over israel And the lord sent thee on a journey and said go and utterly destroy the sinners the amalekites and fight against them until they be consumed Wherefore then didst thou not obey the voice of the lord, but didst fly upon the spoil and didst evil in the sight of the lord And this is and this is kind of the term that's used for the rest of the bible anytime a king Is evil or wicked in the in the in the rest of you know Like when it talks about and so and so is king and this is how long he reigned This is how long he lived it says and he did evil in the sight of the lord This is kind of where it begins is right here And he did evil and he did evil in the sight of the lord and saul said unto samuel Yea, I have obeyed the voice of the lord and have gone the way which the lord sent me And have brought agag the king of amalek and have utterly destroyed the amalekites But the people took of the spoil sheep and oxen and chief of the things Which which should have been utterly destroyed to sacrifice in the lord thy god and gilgal And samuel said hath the lord as great delight and burnt offerings and sacrifices As in obeying the voice of the lord behold to obey is better than sacrifice And to hearken than the fat of ram So and this should be a good message for us to understand that it doesn't matter how much sacrifice you do How much you give in the offering plate it doesn't matter how much you go soul winning and I mean, obviously that's obeying god or whatever, but But the thing is is that god wants you to obey him more than he wants your sacrifices You know and and usually a lot of people think that whatever I put in the offering, you know A lot of people in churches would say well, I give this money in the offering plate. That should be good enough And and that's not true That's not true. God Wants your obedience Over your sacrifice and to hearken. What does that mean to listen to what he's saying to you in the bible? over the fat of rams Or the sacrifices that you've brought forth Says for rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft So when you're rebelling against god, just think of yourself as a witch If that helps you if that helps you like to think like hey, maybe I shouldn't be you know doing this I'm a witch You know, if you think of it that way then maybe you'll stop doing the thing that you're doing that, you know, you're doing wrong You know if you're like, yeah, you know you look in the mirror you're like You know, then you're like, you know Maybe you should just put like a picture of a witch, you know And then like look at it every once in a while and then like that's you or something But it says for rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft So when we rebel against the things of god, that's what he looks at it as because isn't witchcraft a rebellion against god He's you know, it's the dark arts It's the thing, you know, it's black magic. It's things that we should not be involved with But it's it's you know, it's it's just fine to everybody in the world, but it's not fine to us So we have to see this crap every time we go out to the stores And you know costco has it up in september now or whatever And you got to go out and your kids have to see that and be like, oh, what is this? You know And we have to explain that to him. But you know, he what is he saying? He's saying rebellion just like that sin And stubbornness is as iniquity And idolatry it's like, you know when you're stubborn and not You know in refusing to give up the things that god's asked you to give up on It's like iniquity or being lawless. It's like bowing down and worshiping an idol. That's what he's saying, right? It's you're being stubborn And it's he's saying it's like idolatry. You might as well just be an idolatry Because thou has rejected the word of the lord. He has also rejected thee from being king This is why saul was removed because he rejected the word of the lord because what god pulled him to do something Specifically and he just said you know what? I'm not going to do those things. I'm going to save these these sheep for the sacrifice But really it's the people that we're pushing he's blaming He blames the people and this is what a bad leader does is they blame the people for the things that they fail at And leaders should never do that If you're a leader and you start blaming the people that work for you or blaming the people that are underneath you that's A problem you're like saul then And it says and saul said unto And saul said unto samuel I have sinned for I have transgressed the commandment of the lord Oh, i'm, sorry. I think I missed something here. Oh, yeah because Yeah, so he's rejected him from being king So and saul said unto samuel I have sinned for I have transgressed the commandment of the lord and thy words because I feared the people and obeyed their voice so He's blaming the people here even though it doesn't seem like he is he is blaming them But really the fault is his because because he feared the people and obeyed their voice So a leader isn't going to fear the people and obey their voice. He's going to do what he knows is right regardless of what they're saying so and this is You know strong leadership is going to obey like when it comes to church leadership The the strong leadership is going to obey what the bible says and not what the people want This is this is like backwards in almost every church in america because they're They're voting churches Well, what should we do? Well, whatever the people want No, what whatever the deacons want? No The all the deacons need to make a vote. No No, it's it's the pastor led church is the model That's found in the bible. I mean, let me When did moses has to ask any who did moses ask stuff to? He asked god and then You know when the bible is written, who do they what do they go to? It's like if the pastor goes to the bible and finds the answers, isn't he going to god's mouth? Right So that's what you're supposed to do. And if the pastor isn't going to god's mouth Then then he's wrong so When people you know, we're like, well, what what does what does the bible, you know, when you're asking the pastor? What their what their opinion is on something? Then they should be going to the bible and if it's not in the bible Then it should be a principle in the bible at least You know, but most things that we are going to talk are going to be asked about Are going to be covered in some way shape or form in the bible You know, I know there are some gray areas and there's some But you know most of the stuff that we're going to run into in our life There's an answer in the bible that we can kind of go to so But saul's in big trouble here and he's been rejected Because he rejected god's word and look as christians. We we're on dangerous ground When we just say I know that the bible says this but i'm going to do this anyway, that is just Dangerous territory it's one thing to sin because you're just like you're weak in the flesh or whatever And then you're just like I know I was weak I'm, sorry lord But to just do it and not care at all and you're just like I don't care what the bible says i'm wearing pants And you're a lady I don't care. You know, if a guy said I don't care what the bible says i'm wearing a dress Nobody no guy's gonna say that like You know, I mean like but they might say something different. I don't care what the bible says i'm drinking beer So Jesus made water into wine You idiot it doesn't say that. I mean it does say that but it's not the wine you think it is Yeah, he just got he just kept the party started pit bull anyway So let's move on here. It says now therefore I pray the pardon my sin and turn again with me that I may worship the lord And so he does confess his sin right here But God's kind of made up his mind at this point It says in samuel said unto saul I will not return with thee for that was rejected the word of the lord And the lord hath rejected thee from being king Over israel and samuel turned about to go away and he laid hold upon the skirt of his mantle and rent it And samuel said unto him the lord hath rent the kingdom of israel from thee this day And hath given it to a neighbor of thine that is better than now So this is where he says That that's pretty that's pretty gangster thing to say to the king really And it was a pretty opportune time to say it like it. He ripped his clothes He's like the lord also has rent these for me and king. It's like oh man. Samuel's Samuel has got some some some stuff He he can say some stuff that's pretty uh cutting it to the quick But it says and samuel said to him the lord hath rent the kingdom From of israel from thee this day and have given it to a neighbor A vine that is better than now talking about david and it says and also the strength of israel will not lie nor repent For he is not a man that he should repent Then he said I have sinned yet honor me now I pray thee before the elders of my people and before israel and turn again with me that I may worship the lord thy god So samuel turned again after saul and saul worshiped the lord Then said samuel bringing hither me agag the king of the Amalekites and agog agog came unto him delicately and agag said surely the bitterness of death has passed And samuel said as thy sword hath made women childless So shall thy mother be childless among women and samuel hewed agag into pieces before the lord and gilgal And samuel's an old man at this time It's already said that like he his when he was old he made his son's judges and then this is before he ordained You know saul as the king so Samuel's his old man And then he just comes and hacks this dude into pieces in front of everybody You know first he's just like rebuking the king and you know Telling him he's not the king anymore in front of everybody. I mean samuel really has some guts Because you know to say that to a king that's like twice your size or whatever And then to chop this dude into pieces But he did the job that king saul was supposed to do And that's the problem Is that this is what saul should have been doing saul's the big guy saul's the the captain The powerful guy that they're all supposed to be getting behind. This is the guy that the people wanted and in reality the man that That he replaced as a leader is the one having to lead And that's the problem, right? And it says and samuel said Yeah, so and then samuel went to rama and samuel saul went to his house and gibbia of saul And samuel became no more to see saul until the day of his death nevertheless Samuel mourned for saul and the lord repented that he had made Saul king over israel so and then this really starts the downhill slide You know for good of of saul he really just Goes downhill from here. David's anointed spirit of the lord departs from saul David kills goliath the giant of gath of the philistines while saul uh the day and while saul The specimen alpha male king is afraid You know, he tries to give david his armor and of course david said i've not proved it yet And he goes with five smooth stones in a sling And kills goliath with one shot right between the eyes Chops his head off with his own sword walks around with it like a giant bowling ball hands it to saul You know, it's probably a pretty gruesome thing But I mean, here's this stripling Walking around with a giant head And hands it to saul. Here you go. So You know, it must have been pretty You know, you must have felt like this big actually, you know, so He must not have felt head and shoulders above everybody else But uh, this is when you see david start to increase and saul starting to decrease right Kind of like john the baptist in the bible where he starts to decrease, right? but you know john baptus wasn't doing wicked things so now, um Then you have the the i'm not i'm kind of going to paraphrase this not have you turn to the verses But I will have you turn to first email chapter 28 actually proverbs chapter 28 and so what happens next is that um Let's see So david goes and starts slaughtering the philistines he makes him captain of the host And then saul just tries to you know, he starts eyeing him because they say that david is Saul's slate is thousands david's slave is ten thousands which was a dumb thing for people to start saying because it makes saul envious of david and then from that moment on he started to eyeball david and start to look and then You know, then he just starts plotting ways to kill him he throws a javelin at him a couple times And then he tries to get him to marry his daughter by giving him a hundred philistine foreskins as a dowry David's like, you know, i'll just give you 200. How about that? He gives him 200 and then so He actually doesn't even give him the right wife that he was supposed to he gives him a different one and she's really kind of Uh, she saves his life and then he he escapes and then so there's years go by where saul's just trying to Murder him saul then kills the lord's priest at the hand of doe egg the edamite when david goes to get the bread and They sauls like accuses them of helping david. They had no idea that david was on the run And he murdered all of them through doe egg and then David has a chance to kill saul twice but chooses not to do it And he says he's not going to stretch forth his hand and slay the lord's anointed which you know, that's That's the right thing to do and here's what I believe about when it comes to kings And and you know people that are anointed like this Is that god is the one that sets up kings and removes kings doesn't the bible say that? So it's just like the pre, you know, it's like it's like presidents too. They're they're You know, we have the president that we deserve is what I believe And our you know, if if if If our voting mattered honestly I believe that they wouldn't give us a chance to vote That's what I really believe. I I might you know, I could be wrong about that Do I really believe that joe biden got 81 million votes? No, I don't I don't believe that at all. That's way more than barack obama got And barack obama was a way more popular president than he was just saying But anyway, i'm not trying to get super political up here. I'm just saying that god puts people rises kings up and takes kings down And and god's the one that appointed saul to be the king he anointed him He anointed david to replace him, but god didn't take saul out So when when god was ready to have saul removed god removed saul And and it wasn't before it wasn't after and so david didn't feel like it was his place to kill saul And so he got david loved saul David didn't want to kill saul. That was his father-in-law he's just like I don't understand why he wants to kill me, you know, and He even has some pretty good speeches that he gives to him after he takes his shield and and and all that and he he just you know, I think he just doesn't understand what the what the deal is, but You know david behaved himself in the way that he should and didn't destroy him you know and I just I don't believe that it's it's our job to Rise up against presidents and overthrow them You know what? You're never going to see me trying to go to some january 6th event Just because I don't I don't care I don't care that this king this this world is not my home. I'm passing through here That I live here And you know, look I want it to be peaceful as I can but like I don't want to get I mean Show me the place in the bible where jesus is saying. Hey, let's go vote for this guy Or let's go to harrods and and you know Harrods kind of you know, he's kind of like donald trump or something. So let's vote for him Like you just don't see that he doesn't care And I I don't think we should either But you know, you can do whatever you want like it's a free country You know, we have religious freedom and you know, we have religious soul liberty you know do what you want, but I just don't think it really matters that much But what I do know is that I would never take up arms against the government to try to overthrow it It's just not my thing and I don't think the bible teaches that even the wicked kings in the old testament If someone slayed them then they were killed later on for that Yep They were not supposed to like even the wicked kings of israel God would remove them And then he would slay their posterity He would write raise up Jihu and and have all vahab's people killed and and jezabel and he would let them all be killed but He would anoint people for those purposes. He didn't just let any willy nilly person do that And he would send prophets to try to preach to them like like elijah and stuff So, I mean, I just believe that if someone's you know anointed for that position Then that person is there until god takes them out and it's not our job to do that So look at probably chapter 28 verse 9. It says he that turneth away his ear from the from hearing the law Even his prayer shall be an abomination so This is kind of where saul's at here. God's done At this point he's tried to kill david all these different times he's tracking them around and people are giving them up And then first samuel chapter 28 verse 5 and i'll give you the short version here. He's uh, Let's see, we don't have time for all these verses but So Well, he goes to the witch right so i'll summarize it for you He goes to the witch of endor because the philistines are coming against him. God's not speaking to him he goes to the philistines and then this witch realizes that It's that's really samuel that pops up and then she realizes he's saul and saul has killed all these witches before And she's afraid that he's he's gonna kill her and he's like i'm not gonna kill you You know, whatever and then samuel really does come up and say well, you know, what are you doing idiot? You know, basically that's paraphrasing but he says Tomorrow you and your sons will be with me And so basically he's saying you're gonna die tomorrow in this battle and your sons also and you're gonna be with me and samuel's in heaven, so Sit God kills saul because this is the last straw This is the final straw And he's done turn to second samuel chapter one verse 17. So this is where we will finish here so He goes he goes to the witch and then he fights in the battle on mount gilboa and him and all this and him and his sons go there and They get they get attacked and then saul Falls on his sword because he's sorely wounded and then he kills himself, right? And david Is david happy about that? No, david's not happy about that. David is very upset because jonathan's his best friend And he did love saul even though saul tried to kill him all these times and he knew that saul was saved And look at look at what he says in verse 17 second samuel It says and david lamented with this lamentation over saul and over jonathan his son Also, he bade them teach the children of judah the use of the bow behold is written in the book of jasher The beauty of israel is slain upon the high places. How are the mighty fallen? Tell it not in gath publish it not in the streets of ashkelon lest the daughters of the philistines rejoice Lest the daughters of the uncircumcised triumph The mountains of gilboa let there be no dude neither let there be rain upon you nor fields of offerings For the for their shield of the mighty is vilely cast away the shield of saul as though he had not been anointed with oil From the blood of the slain from the fat of the mighty the bow of jonathan turned not back the sword of saul returned not empty Saul and jonathan were lovely and pleasant in their lives and in their death They were not divided they were swifter than eagles They were stronger than lions the daughters of israel weep over saul who clothed you in scarlet and with other delights Who put on ornaments of gold upon your apparel? How are the mighty fallen in the midst of bat of the battle? Oh, jonathan that was slain in thine high places. I'm distressed for thee My brother jonathan very pleasant has thou been unto me thy love to me was wonderful passing the love of women How are the mighty fallen and the weapons of war perished was david happy when saul died? Of course, he wasn't happy when saul died. He was extremely upset about it and a guy come in trying to claim that he Was the one that killed saul and you know what david did he had him killed? Because he said well, what did you think that you could just stretch forth your hand and touch the lord's anointed he's like Kill this guy And then he had one of his guys following him and kill him So, I mean saul and jonathan were saved saul, you know had his bad moments But he is in heaven today and i'm sure that he has regrets over the things that he did and the bad choices He did some bad things. There's no doubt about that, but i'm sure that he and david are fast friends today You know, they're in heaven together You know, maybe david stayed away from him for the first, you know, 500 years or something i'm, not sure how that worked out, but uh You know, i'm sure him and jonathan and saul are all hanging out together You know, it'll be it's going to be cool to see them someday in heaven. So And I I mean, I think that that saul definitely had some great qualities about him So i'll see if i'm taller than him when I get there. That's for sure. So but uh you know, it's interesting though that Jonathan is like the the great friend of david and then Two of jesus's, you know, because david pictures christ in the new tech or you know, david pictures uh christ And then his best friends david or john jonathan In the new testament you have john the baptist who is the forerunner of christ and you also have john the apostle Who is basically like his you know, his right-hand man In the bible, so you have john the apostle Um the one the disciple whom jesus loved right, so let's finish this off uh verse 40 in our text it says the sons of ulam were mighty men of valor archers and had many had many sons and sons sons and 150 and all these are the sons of benjamin, so I didn't read through all the verses because you know, just kind of you know, the main guys in here are saul and jonathan That's who I really wanted to cover. Jonathan, of course was great in his own right I didn't have time to get to him tonight. But uh you know and then off into the future you have You know you have saul the saul of tarsus who was You know, you had saul the or saul the king of israel the first king but then you have saul of tarsus the last apostle born out of due time and then You know He's on the on in the way on the road to damascus And then he sees this light on the road And a lot of people would say that he's born again on the road to damascus. I don't necessarily agree with that But you know, it's interesting that benjamin, you know the first of his of his line is born on the side of the road and then You know that people would say that that paul was born on the road to damascus too. So anyway, just a An interesting thought I had so that's all I have for for chronicles just bow our heads and have a word of prayer Dear lord we thank you so much for the book of chronicles and And the great things that we can learn about the life of saul And I pray that you just bless us as we go our separate ways tonight And help us to apply the things that we've learned lord. I pray that you would help us To not reject your word when it comes to us lord that we would obey And not be in rebellion against the things that you teach us lord and that we would if we do Sin that lord you would help us to Repent of those things and turn towards you lord and not be like saul was in in our ways and that we would follow after you and not Reject your word in jesus name. We pray. Amen Page 211 will be our last song green hymnals page 211 11 whosoever meaneth me page 211 whosoever meaneth me On the first I am happy today and the sun shines bright the clouds have been rolled away For the savior said whosoever Will may come with him to stay Whosoever surely meaneth me Surely meaneth me. Oh surely meaneth me Whosoever surely meaneth me whosoever meaneth me All my hopes have been raised oh his name be His glory has filled my soul I've been lifted up and from sin set free his blood hath made me whole Whosoever surely meaneth me surely meaneth me. Oh surely meaneth me Whosoever surely meaneth me Whosoever meaneth me On the last oh a wonderful love. Oh, what grace divine That jesus should die for me I was lost in sin for the world I pine but now I am set free Whosoever surely meaneth me Surely meaneth me. Oh surely meaneth me Whosoever surely meaneth me whosoever meaneth me Thank you for coming out singing with us tonight, it's good to see you We'll see you here next sunday brother sean you want to end us with the word of prayer You