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Nehemiah chapter 9 verse 22 also says, Moreover, thou gavest them kingdoms and nations, and didst divide them into corners, so they possessed the land of Sihon, and the land of the king of Heshbon, and the land of Og, king of Bashan. And those, again, are the Amorites. So, once again, I just wanted to say that I was mistaken about that. In my zeal to, you know, preach that sermon, I kind of just went a little too far with it. So, but again, I do agree with the principles that I set forth and the principles that I set forth I do agree with the principles that I set forth in that sermon, and I think that I'm right in their motivations for what they, why they wanted the land and all those other things I said, but it was of God that they took that land. God did want them to take that land. It wasn't just that they weren't supposed to be there. So, anyway, let's get into our sermon here for tonight. First Chronicles chapter 6 verse 1, the Bible says, And the sons of Levi, Gershon, Kohath, and Merari. So, again, we're going through the genealogy of Levi, and so what we know about Levi, he's a son of Israel, and the Bible said of him with his, the prophecy that came forth of Jacob when he was on his deathbed and he was giving the blessings. This isn't necessarily a blessing, but he said of Simeon and Levi, who remember they circumcised all the men of Shechem because they, you know, they fornicated the son of Shechem, fornicated with Dinah, their sister, and they circumcised them and waited until they were sore on the third day and went and slaughtered all the men there, killed all the men, and then took all the women for servants and all their spoil and all their animals and so on and so forth. It says, instruments of cruelty are in their habitation. So, it's interesting that God picked them to be the priestly tribe, that they're the ones that would carry forth and do all the things in the tabernacle, they would be the teaching priests and so on and so forth, and the high priest would be Aaron. Moses was picked as the leader and basically like the judge of Israel, the first judge basically, and like he was kind of like the pastor, he was like the mega, the first mega pastor in history, so he had millions of followers and he was of course, the Bible says that God spoke with him face to face, not in dark sentences, but as a friend would talk to a friend. So, Moses was a great man, Levi not so much of a great guy, and cruelty is in his habitations. Of course we know that in the end, the priests and the chief priests and the scribes and the Pharisees, they rejected Christ and so ultimately, they were cruel to the person they should not have been cruel to, which was Christ. So, Levi the man, the actual man that the tribes all named after, he went around circumcising people against their will, and that's what the Levites are still doing today. They're going around trying to circumcise people and they don't need to, because Christ has already come, they rejected Christ and now they still want to make proselytes and circumcise those people, and the Bible says that you know, we don't, that circumcise doesn't avail us anymore. We don't need to be circumcised, but yet circumcision is still, you know, there's a big movement against circumcision for not, you know, for medical reasons, not to do it because it's not necessary, but it's still pushed by a lot of people, and usually it's for cosmetic reasons, but there's no religious reason to do circumcision, but yet you'll still have that big push today for it to be done. A lot of people still are circumcised today, but we're supposed to have the circumcision of the heart, and so that is not a physical thing, it is a spiritual thing. So, so yeah, the Levites end up being pretty cruel in the end to Christ, rejected him, tortured him, hung him on the cross, you know, they had the Romans do their dirty work for them, so, but of course they have the great Levites, they had Moses, they had Aaron, they had Miriam, and many, many other great Levites were down in the line of the Levites as well. Way more than I can even get into tonight in one sermon. Definitely not going to cover all the verses tonight, but I do want to talk about a couple great Levites tonight and specifically focus on one, but I do want to kind of give you a basic outline of how they were supposed to operate in the Old Testament, so um, let's see, so Kohath is one of the sons of Levi, Gershon, and Merari, so he had three sons. Now, let's turn to Numbers chapter 4 verse number 1. Numbers chapter 4 verse number 1, and this is where the Bible explains what the what these sons, so the sons of Levi were divided into three sections that they were supposed to take care of the priestly duties once the law came to pass. And Moses and Aaron were were of Kohath, but not all sons born to Kohath were the high priests. It was only Aaron and his sons that were the priests, okay? So any of Moses' dad, Amram, he had multiple sons and only Aaron was the high priest, and then his sons then it started passing on to their sons and so on and so forth. So, but Kohath look what it says in Numbers 4, 1, it says And the Lord spake unto Moses, and said unto Aaron, saying, Take the sum of the sons of Kohath from among the sons of Levi after their families by the house of their fathers, from thirty years old and upward even until fifty years old. So and this is the same thing for each tribe that they're basically they're supposed to start serving and doing this work when they're thirty years old to fifty years old. How long is that? That's twenty years, right? So people say, well there's no retirement when you're serving the Lord. Well there kind of was. You know because think about what they're doing and this is the same like in construction and heavy labor jobs a lot of times like if you're a union or something and you work for a municipality or something you'll have like twenty or thirty year retirements. That's because you know if you do the same job day in and day out every single day your parts are going to wear out. And you can only hammer nails or drill holes or shovel and dig for so long before your body begins to wear out. So they had a twenty year service when it came to these things. But if they're born into a priest's family their family was supposed to live off the tithe so whoever was doing these jobs their whole family lived off of those tithes. So if they had one or ten kids then they still lived off that and so that's how these priests, this priestly tribe lived by the tithe. So but anyway just wanted to point that out. It says and all that enter into the host to do the work in the tabernacle of the congregation. So this tribe here they worked amongst the holy things. So they only could go into these holy places. The actual inside of the tabernacle the other tribal members could not go into there unless they had already had everything all covered up and everything was taken down. So look what it says. It says this shall be the service of the sons of Kohath in the tabernacle of the congregation about the most holy things. And when the camp set it forward Aaron shall come and his sons and they shall take down the covering veil and the cover of the ark of the testimony with it. And it shall put there on the covering of badger's skin and shall spread over it a cloth holy of blue and shall put in the staves thereof. So they had to prepare everything to move so remember they had to move that tabernacle multiple times. And any time they went to move it Aaron and his sons had to come and cover everything with those special coverings. The badger's skin, the blue and whatever else it says here the holy and then they had to put the staves in. Only the priest could do that. Only the high priest and his sons could touch those things. Until all that stuff was done and then other people would come in and move it. It says and upon the table of showbread they shall spread a cloth of blue and put the dishes and the spoons and the bowls and cover it withal and the continual bread shall be thereon. And they shall spread upon them a cloth of scarlet and cover the same with the covering of badger's skin and shall put it in the staves thereof. And they shall take a cloth of blue and cover the candlestick of the light and his lamps and his tongs and his snuff dishes and all the oil vessels thereof wherewith they minister unto it. And they shall put it and all the vessels thereof within a covering of badger's skins and shall put it upon a bar. And upon the golden altar they shall spread a cloth of blue and cover it with the covering of badger's skins and shall put to the staves thereof. And they shall take all the instruments of ministry wherewith they minister in the sanctuary and put them in a cloth of blue and cover them with a covering of badger's skin and shall put them on a bar. And they shall take away the ashes from the altar and spread a purple cloth thereof. And they shall put it upon all the vessels thereof wherewith they minister about even the censors, the flesh hooks and the shovels and the basins and all the vessels of the altar and shall spread upon it a covering of badger's skin and put to the staves of it. And when Aaron and his sons have made an end of covering the sanctuary and all the vessels in the sanctuary as the camp is set forward after that the sons of Kohath shall come to bear it. So the other sons of Kohath, the ones that are related to them but not the sons of Aaron they're the ones that are allowed to come and move that stuff and only them. It can't be the sons of Gershon and the other ones that are sons of Kohath. It had to be specific ones. Well it says the sons of Kohath shall come and bear it that they shall not touch any holy thing lest they die. These things are the burdens of the son of Kohath in the tabernacle of the congregation. So Aaron and his sons were the priests that performed the sacrifice and they did the lighting and the work on the inside. They had to cover it. Nobody was allowed to look at that stuff. Because remember only Aaron could go in once a year to even look inside and put the blood on the mercy seat and all that stuff. So all that stuff had to be covered up and specifically you had to put the staves in so they could move that stuff. And remember David made that new cart and he put the Ark of the Covenant on it and Uzzah he touched the Ark when it was about to fall and God killed him for it because they were not first of all they weren't supposed to move it on that on that cart and then he wasn't supposed to touch the Ark. And when he did that God killed him for it and it was really David's fault because he should have never let him move it like that. So this is serious business it might not seem like a big deal but when God says to do something a certain way that's what he means. He means what he says. Now Gershom is the other son. It says in verse 24 this is the service of the families of the Gershonites to serve and for burdens and they shall bear the curtain of the tabernacle and the tabernacle of the congregation his covering and the covering of the badger skins that is above upon it and the hanging for the door and the tabernacle of the congregation and the hangings of the court and the hanging for the door of the gate of the court which is by the tabernacle and by the altar roundabout and their cords and all the instruments of their service and all that is made for them so shall they serve. So that's their service, the curtains the tabernacle, all that other stuff, right? And at the appointment of Aaron and his sons shall it be all the service of the sons of the Gershonites in all their burdens and in all their service and he shall appoint unto them in their charge all their burdens. This is the service of all the families of the sons of Gershon and the tabernacle of the congregation and their charge shall be under the hand of Ithamar the son of Aaron the priest. I think Ithamar was the fourth son of Aaron. His first two were killed and then by the Lord because they offered strange fire then Eleazar his other son became the next priest and then Ithamar his other son was in charge of that. Okay. So Marari is the other son and verse 31 explains what his charge is and this is the charge of their burden according to all their service in the tabernacle of the congregation the boards of the tabernacle and the bars thereof and the pillars thereof and the sockets thereof. So they're in charge of all that stuff and the pillars of the court round about and their sockets and their pins and their cords and all their instruments with all their service and by name you shall reckon the instruments of the charge of their burden. So that's how it's divided up. Only the sons of Kohath and you know so does that make sense? So they had only these certain people were allowed to touch this stuff. This is how the Levites' burden was divided. Now Korah if you remember Korah in the Bible when he tries to start that rebellion against Moses Korah was not one of the priests he was not of Aaron he was of one of the other sons and so he was not allowed to offer incense and he was saying well we're all holy so he was trying to take the job of the priest and that's why God destroyed everybody that was with Korah because Korah was trying to do a job that wasn't his job. He was trying to overthrow Moses and overthrow the leadership and overthrow the order of things and that's why he was destroyed. But his descendants lived on and served God some of them being really great servants of God. So let's go back to 1 Chronicles chapter 6 look at verse number 2 the Bible says and the sons of Kohath Amram Amram is the father of Moses, Aaron, and Miriam. Look at it it says Amram, Ishar and Hebron and Uzziel. So Kohath had multiple sons. So it's Levi his sons Kohath and then Amram, Ishar Hebron and Uzziel and then the children of Amram, Aaron and Moses and Miriam and the sons of Aaron, Nadab and Abihu Eleazar and Ithamar. Remember Nadab, Abihu killed and then Eleazar and Ithamar lived on. Eleazar begets Phineas and I believe Phineas is the one that killed the whore in the tent I think he threw the javelin and killed the Moabitess and the guy that she was with fornicating and stopped the wrath of the lord Phineas begets Abishua Abishua begets Buki Buki begets Uzi and Uzi begets Zerahiah and let's see Zerahiah begets Merahiah Merahiah begets Amoriah and Amoriah begets Ahayatub Ahayatub begets Zadok Zadok begets Ahimeas and of course this is the one that is running and trying to bring the news to David and they say I think that his running is like the running of Ahimeas and then Ahimeas begets Azariah Azariah begets Johanan Johanan begets Azariah He it is that executed the priest office in the temple that Solomon built in Jerusalem Azariah begets Amoriah Amoriah begets Ahayatub Ahayatub begets Zadok Zadok begets Shalom Zadok begets Sarahiah Sarahiah begets Jehozadek Jehozadek went into captivity when the Lord carried away Judah and Jerusalem by the hand of Nebuchadnezzar so this has given you all the high priests all the way down to Nebuchadnezzar so now we're going to get where it's going to start over and start retelling some of the details of some of these guys and their family divisions and it's going to start helping us with some some people that you might not understand until we kind of go through this but look at verse 16 it says the sons of Levi Gershom, Kohath, and Merari so this is the division where you get the priests and what we just talked about all these guys are the ones that are going to be the servants that do the things in the tabernacle or for the tabernacle the sons of Gershom, these be the names of the sons of Gershom, Libnai and Shimei sons of Kohath the sons of Kohath were Amram, Ishar, Hebron, Uzziel sons of Merari sons of Merari Mali, Mushi and these are the families of the Levites according to their fathers of Gershom, Libnai the son of Jehath his son Zima, his son Joah his son Edo his son Zerah his son Jeotariah his son the sons of Kohath Amenadab, his son Korah so this is the Korah that rebelled against Moses right here so the sons of Kohath Amenadab, his son Korah so Korah, his son Esir, his son Elkanah, his son now there's going to be a bunch of Elkanas here in the next few verses, these aren't the same guys these are multiple Elkanas apparently this is a very popular name you'll notice that there's repeat names throughout this you know, there's different Zadox there's different, so there's like three different Elkanas right here, and apparently you know, it's because like, remember Zechariah when it came, when John the Baptist was supposed to be named they're telling his mom, no you're not going to name him John because nobody in your family's named that and then like Zechariah writes on his little notepad, his name is John, and then he was able to speak again, remember, so apparently that was kind of a big thing, like they're telling his mom, you know, you're not naming him that, it's kind of weird right, people if you did that in America, they'd be like get out of here, you know, what are you doing you're no longer part of this conversation don't ever talk to me again anyway, so Korah, he is one of the, he is part of the, he's part of the crew that picks the stuff up after the priest cover everything up, they come in and move the stuff, so he doesn't like being the beast of burden so to speak he doesn't like being the one, it's not good enough for him to just be one of the priests, he wants he wants the priesthood also he wants to, he doesn't want to be a moving priest, he doesn't want to be a laborer, even though he only has to do it for 20 years, he wants to be the one that brings the incense, he wants to be one of the special ones he wants to be out in front of everybody he's really popular too, because it says those guys are men of renown very popular in the congregation, right and these are the kind of guys that usually end up turning against leadership anyway so, anyway it says in verse 23 Asir, his son Elkanah, his son Abi-Asaf, his son Tahath, his son Uriel, his son Uzziah, his son Shaul, his son and the sons of Elkanah Amasi and Ahima As for Elkanah the sons of Elkanah Zophiah, his son Nahath, his son Eliab, his son Joram, his son Elkanah, his son so you see how it's repeating the names his sons Elkanah also so it's like junior or whatever and the sons of Samuel the first born Vashni and Abia so this part here where it's mentioning Samuel, and maybe you've already heard this before, but this is how we know, and the only way we know, that Samuel was in fact a Levite I'm talking about Samuel the prophet, Samuel the one that was given, lent to the Lord for the rest of his life by his mother Hannah the guy that's named the book is named 1 Samuel and 2 Samuel, that guy he's actually a Levite so this is how we know he's a Levite, because the book of 1 Samuel does not tell you that, the book of 2 Samuel does not tell you that, we only know this because of 1 Chronicles now it says in well, let's go ahead and turn it over to 1 Samuel chapter 1 but there's some controversy with this and if you just kind of look it up for yourself later on, like was Samuel a Levite? you're going to get a lot of different stories out there, but the reason why is because the modern Bible versions will try to tell you he's an Ephraim they'll say he's from Ephraim almost every Bible version out there will tell you that he's actually from Ephraim and that, you know, they'll give you all these dumb reasons, they'll basically say it's a contradiction that can't be fixed or, you know they'll give a bunch of other dumb reasons, but the fact of the matter is, is that their Bible version is wrong, that's why they think that and I'll show you here in just a minute so, can I get some people to actually you're in your Bible right now, but if anybody has a smartphone that they'd like to look up, who wants to look up the NIV version for me real quick? anybody? in a smartphone? Sean, okay, who's going to do the New King James for me? Brando amplified version CJ NASB 1 Samuel 1 NASB Jeremy, okay so you guys are looking that up so, the modern versions you have this major contradiction because either 1 Chronicles is right or 1 Samuel's right in their version, okay but the King James, there's no controversy because the King James is right, you just have to know how to read, okay that's the thing, you just have to know how to read and then you have no controversy here whatsoever because God's word is perfect and if you've got a King James Bible, you've got a perfect Bible if you read English you should have no problem, so if you read English and Spanish, you have no problem, right? so 1 Samuel chapter 1 in the King James look at what it says there, it says now there was a certain man of Ramoth Amzofim but, just look at the first part of that word see how it says Ramath, right there that's just the full name maybe it's just the longer name of that, but have you seen that name Ramath before? okay, I just want you to see that now there was a certain man of Ramoth Amosfim so this is a town of Mount Ephraim Mount Ephraim is a mountain, isn't it? so it's a town on a mountain, right? and his name was Elkanah oh, isn't that from 1 Chronicles? isn't there a guy named Elkanah in that? yeah, the son of Joram the son of Elihu, the son of Tohu, the son of Zaph, and Ephrathite and Ephrathite I'll say it like that, that's better and Ephrathite Ephra- ite Ephrathite okay, now I'll address that here in just a minute, but who had the NIV? read it for us, read it loud there was a certain man from Ramoth Am Zophar from the hill country of Ephraim whose name was Elkanah the son of Joram the son of Elihu the son of Tohu, the son of Zoph an Ephraimite an Ephraimite, is that what it says? what did the King James say? an Ephrathite so is there a difference between an Ephrathite and an Ephraimite? yes there is an Ephraimite is somebody from the tribe of Ephraim, right? there's 12 tribes, there's 12 sons of Israel Ephraim was one of the half tribes and so if you're an Ephraimite that means that you're from the tribe of Ephraim so who got the new King James? Brandon, read it loud loud an Ephraimite so okay we got the NIV saying Ephraimite we got the new King James saying Ephraimite we got the King James saying Ephrathite who's got the amplified? CJ, read the amplified really loud because it's the amplified Bible, go ahead an Ephraimite so there's another modern version saying the same thing who got the NASB? Jeremy, go ahead an Ephraimite an Ephraimite so all the modern versions say Ephraimite right? but we're in 1 Chronicles and who does it say that Samuel is related to? it says that he's related to Elkanah and we're in a we're reading the sons of the Levites is it the sons of the Ephraimites that we're reading tonight? it's the sons of the Levites 1 Chronicles chapter 2 verse 50 says these are the sons of Caleb, the son of her the firstborn of Ephrathah Shobel, the father of Kerjath-Jurim so Caleb, who was of what tribe? Judah he became of the part of Judah remember he was a Kenite or whatever and he became part of the tribe of Judah he had a son named Hur and the firstborn of Ephrathah so Ephrathah is also tied to the name of Bethlehem so Bethlehem Ephrathah is what it's called so if you're an Ephrathite then that means that you hail from that town doesn't mean that you're an Ephraimite it's a pretty big mistake isn't it? it's a pretty big blunder to me that would mean you do have a contradiction and so these bozos will just go and dig themselves deeper and really what they do is they just basically have to say that the Bible is wrong they have to say that the Bible the scribe Ezra, the scribe, made a mistake and the word of God is a mistake and that he is actually from Ephraim and just because you live someplace just because it describes a place where you lived or describes a place where you were born it doesn't mean that's the tribe that you were in because the Levites had no inheritance and if you were paying attention at all during the end of it it's telling about all the different places and the suburbs which they inherited in it's like they had different places in the different 12 tribes where they had the suburbs that they lived in and so just because Elkanah lived on Mount Ephraim it doesn't mean that he was an Ephraimite but see they'll see words that look the same they'll go oh he has to be an Ephraimite that's a scribal error they just want to put in what they want to put in because they're too stupid to know what the difference between Ephrata and Ephraim is because they see a mountain that's named Ephraim and so they say he's got to be an Ephraimite but just because that mountain is called Mount Ephraim doesn't mean all the places in it are of the tribe of Ephraim in fact they're not and in fact that place where Samuel lived and the place where Elkanah lived are the same place that place Rama is where Samuel actually made his home later it's the same place where his parents lived it's the same place where he circuited and came back to and I'll show you that verse later but it's actually kind of confusing where it's at but I believe it's actually in Benjamin because Saul lived in Gibeah and which is really close to Rama but all those places are really close together and even Jerusalem is actually was in Benjamin I think it's kind of split where part of it might be in Judah but when you look at the Bible it says that those places are listed as places of Benjamin but anyway that's not part of this sermon so now let's go back to 1 Chronicles and let's look at verse 31 now later on David does these divisions with the Levites I'm not done with Samuel yet because I think this is the most interesting part of this whole thing here so David does these divisions where he divides and makes the music ministry more organized and he does it with the Levites it says that waited with their children of the sons of the Kohathites he man master of the singing universe now he man a singer now see who who is he the son of he's the son of Joel the son of Shemuel this is Samuel the first born son of Samuel is Joel and remember Samuel's sons were corrupt he tried to make them judges when he grew old because Samuel himself was a judge and he thought that it would be a good idea to put his sons in there but they took bribes they were corrupt and then the people were like hey you know we can't really count on these people anymore give us a king and so really that's kind of made the people choose a king like all the other nations right this kind of does a reverse order of the sons that go back to Levi starting with he man he man a singer the son of Joel the son of Shemuel so Shemuel is just a different spelling but it's still Samuel the son of Elkanah so was Samuel the son of Elkanah? yes he was the son of Joram the son of Eliel the son of Toa just a different spelling same guy the son of Zaph different spelling same guy the son of Elkanah another Elkanah remember so it's going to reverse order the son of Mahath the son of Amasiah the son of Elkanah the other Elkanah three Elkanas just like over just a few a few people up there the son of Tahaf the son of Esir the son of Abiasaph the son of Korah the son of Ishar the son of Kohath the son of Levi the son of Israel is there any doubt in your mind that this is the same Samuel that's in 1 Samuel chapter 1 this proves that he was a Levi beyond the shadow of a doubt right? it's not even I mean it's not even up for debate it tells us in the descending order and then it goes backwards it's like here let me tell you forwards and backwards that Samuel is a Levi let me spell his name different too let me put all three Elkanas in descending order and backwards order for you too I mean and then you go to 1 Samuel and it tells you exactly the same people that he's related to and then we have the story of Hannah in first you know remember he had Elkanah had other wives and the wives were mocking him were mocking Hannah and Hannah was upset and Hannah went before the Lord and was praying and her mouth was moving but she wasn't praying out loud and Eli marked her mouth and he saw that she was praying and he thought she was wasted right? and he's like how long will you be drunk in you daughter of Belial and she was like I'm not drunk you know or he didn't call her daughter of Belial but she says do you count me a daughter of Belial sorry I'm preaching wrong again alright so embellishing sorry so she prays to the Lord for a child and God promises that she's going to have a child so Samuel is a promised son and he pictures Jesus Christ because Jesus is all in all for us also he is a prophet he is a priest and he is a king and Samuel is the same thing in a lot of ways because if you think about it Samuel he started he got lent to the Lord he's in the right family but he's not he's not a son of Aaron so he can't be the high priest but he still is lent to the Lord and he ministers to the Lord with Eli and his sons are wicked right so and then he gets called to be a prophet and he actually has to preach against his adopted dad Eli he's like tell it to me true tell it to me straight and then he has to tell him like so that's how you knew Samuel was the man because he told it to him exactly he didn't want to tell him but he's just like just tell me then you see Samuel as the judge and then the people reject you know they reject his sons and so then you see also that he kills people he chops Agag up into pieces he anoints two kings he anoints Saul and he anoints David but he's all three he's the law of the land he's the prophet and he's also one that can make sacrifices and does the office of a priest he's not the high priest but he does the office of a priest and he's in the family and able to do that because people will probably say well how come Samuel is able to do all these things because the Bible doesn't tell us why he's able to do those things unless you have unless you study this chapter you're never going to know that so like why are the genealogies important why do we preach stuff like this because without this chapter you don't know you're never going to know and you're like well I don't care well you should care because you know the difference is there's a bunch of people out there being taught that the NIV is superior to the King James because it has the older manuscripts were translated. No the NIV is trash the new King James is trash all those versions that I should and look I could have gone to multiple versions there's a you know I just I have to say this and I hate to say it but it's true the ESV actually got it right one thing they got right but they did so at least they were honest in that one but one of the footnotes and I think in the amplified version that it has a little B next to it and when you kind of hover over the B it tells you that he isn't actually an Ephraimite so then why do you translate it like that they say he isn't actually an Ephraimite then why translate it like that why put it in there and lie to people and you have to go to a little like a little thing in the bottom of the page in the actual Bible to see that and like it's a big commentary that you have to look at but why lie because they just want to be like everybody else bunch of liars, false prophets so anyway so then cause you probably heard of Asaph so his brother was Asaph and I'm talking about a B man so and it says his brother Asaph who stood on the right hand even Asaph the son of Barakiah the son of Shimei so how was Samuel able to wear the linen ephod cause he wears a linen ephod right well because he was lent to the Lord all the days of his life when Hannah had the child she promised that she would give Samuel to the Lord all the days of his life so once he was weaned what did she do she brought him up to the house of the Lord she gave him his little coat and every year she came up and brought him his new coat that he was to minister with so he was lent to the Lord for the rest of his life and so because he was in the right family he was allowed to go into those places and minister to the Lord he just I don't think he was allowed to do the burnt sacrifices and put the blood you know he wasn't allowed to do the high priest job but he was able to do some of those things and he was able to work with Eli Eli trained him to do the things in the house of the Lord he could do certain things because he was at the house he was in the right house he wasn't Gershom or Merari he was a coethite so and it was it's possible that he was you know pretty much adopted by Eli I mean he raised him his whole life once a year Hannah came up to see him once a year Hannah came I mean so who's raising him it's Eli he's basically his adopted dad so I mean if anybody was going to dispute anything he's got his genealogy and he's got the fact that he raises him so again I don't think he did the high priest duties but he did do some of the priestly duties because he was able to so and Samuel was special he was a different guy there's nobody else in the Bible that did the things that he did except for you know I mean Moses was able to do the prophet the priest and judgments but you know he didn't continuously do them but you know Samuel after he was called to be the prophet not long after I mean when Eli and his sons died in the same day the Ark was taken away remember and then another guy took over once the Ark finally came back so Samuel didn't do the work in the tabernacle anymore after that he was just doing that circuit where he'd go around he was judging and he was the prophet so he didn't keep doing that but he did still do sacrifices didn't he and he was able to do that because there was no there was no nothing stopping him from doing that think about Manoah Samson's dad the angel of the Lord told him to do a sacrifice and he did it and you know as long as you didn't make steps up to the altar and he built the altar the way that God said to do it you're allowed to do that Elijah what gave him the right to do it well he was a prophet so he was allowed to do that and he destroyed the prophets of Baal in the meantime but that was like a special deal but Samuel built an altar at his house and was able to do the sacrifices so he had some special privileges look at 1 Samuel chapter 7 verse 15 1 Samuel chapter 7 verse 15 1 Samuel chapter 7 verse 15 The Bible says and Samuel judged Israel all the days of his life and he went from year to year in circuit to Bethel and Gilgal and Mispa and judged Israel in all those places and his return was to Ramah for there was his house and there he judged Israel and there he built an altar unto the Lord so he judged Israel and he was also doing sacrifices turn to 1 Samuel chapter 3 verse 19 1 Samuel 3 19 I mean he was a pretty integral part of the Bible he was a pretty important person in the Bible I mean to have two books named after him, pretty cool even though he wasn't really in 2 Samuel I don't think but he's still pretty integral in the Bible anyway 1 Samuel 3 19 says and Samuel grew and the Lord was with him and did let none of his words fall to the ground and all Israel from Dan even to Beersheba knew that Samuel was established to be a prophet of the Lord and the Lord appeared again in Shiloh for the Lord revealed himself to Samuel in Shiloh by the word of the Lord so everybody knew that Samuel was a prophet turn to 1 Samuel chapter 2 verse 12 1 Samuel chapter 2 verse 12 and another reason I believe that God allowed Samuel to, you know I think that Samuel came at a time when God needed him to come just like all the other judges that came in Israel because remember Samuel also was the last judge of Israel so once he was done then it came Saul and then the kings were after that and every time a judge came up it was for a specific reason he would raise up saviors, he would raise up judges because the children of Israel needed help 1 Samuel chapter 2 verse 12 it says, now the sons of Eli were sons of Belial so they were straight up devils right, they were wicked as hell they knew not the Lord and the priest's custom with the people was that when any man offered sacrifice the priest's servant came while the flesh was in seething with a flesh hook of three teeth in his hand and he struck it in the pan or kettle or cauldron or pot all the flesh hook brought up the flesh, the priest took for himself so they did in Shiloh all the Israelites that came also before they burnt the fat the priest's servant came and said to the man that sacrificed give flesh to roast for the priest for he will not have sodden flesh of thee but raw and if any man said unto him let him not fail to burn the fat presently and then take as much as I so desireth then he would answer him nay but thou shalt give it me now and if not I will take it by force so they're basically just like strong arming people when they're coming to give their offering not taking the sacrifices the way they're supposed to not offering the sacrifices they were supposed to burn the fat and they were just taking it and doing whatever they wanted they were taking the best parts and they were just, you know, they were wicked it says in verse 17 wherefore the sin of the young men was very great before the Lord but Samuel ministered before the Lord see it says but see that but there it's a reason why God picked Samuel because it says but Samuel ministered before the Lord being a child girded with a linen ephod moreover his mother made him a little coat and brought it to him from year to year when she came up with her husband to offer the yearly sacrifice and Eli blessed Elkan and his wife and said the Lord give thee seed of this woman for the loan which is lent to the Lord and they went unto their own home so I believe that Samuel also was supposed to be kind of a replacement for these guys because they're so wicked and that he's raised up at a time when they're needed most because the ones that are helping Eli, because Eli wasn't a bad guy himself, he was a godly man except for he just wasn't restraining his sons and he, you know he was taken away his line was taken away from the priesthood because he refused to set his son straight he did correct them but he didn't do it in time and he didn't do it good enough. He probably should have just took them out of the priesthood and put somebody else in but God I believe this is God just seeing the need he orchestrates things for his will and I believe that he did it in this case also let's go back to our text here we're almost done I'm definitely not going through the rest of these verses so don't worry look at verse 48 but I think the life of Samuel is just I just can't even do it justice he just did so much for God people highly respected Samuel too he was pretty gangster too, people were afraid of him like when he came to town people were like is it peace? they trembled when Samuel came to town and even when he was an old man he was an old man when he was going to make his sons the judges and then he's still chopping people up into pieces he must have been still pretty strong being an old man he's like if they can't do it I guess I'm going to have to chop these people up chopped up egg egg into pieces I mean he must have had a sharp sword and he must have been pretty strong still an old guy that old geezer could swing that sword still pretty hard so look at verse 48 it says their brethren also the Levites were appointed unto all manner of service of the tabernacle of the house of God but Aaron and his sons offered up upon the altar of the burnt offering and on the altar of incense and were appointed for all the work of the place most holy and to make an atonement for Israel according to all that Moses the servant of God commanded so again these guys are the only ones that are allowed to make those offerings and it says that these are the sons of Aaron Eliezer his son Phinehas his son Abishua his son Uki his son Uzi his son Zerahiah his son Uki his son Uzi his son Zerahiah his son Moriah his son Amoriah his son Ahayatab his son Now these are their dwelling places throughout their castles and their coasts and the sons of Aaron and the families of the Kohathites for theirs was the lot so I'm not going to go through the rest of this but again just for the context of how I went to the things of Samuel if you really kind of carefully read through this you're going to see that there was places for in the place of Benjamin there was places for the different sons of Kohath and different places and the sons for you know all these different places look at verse 666 it says the residue the families of the sons of Kohath had cities of their coasts out of the tribe of Ephraim so they did some people did have places in the tribe of Ephraim so not necessarily you know Mount Ephraim had some places in Ephraim there's also in the verse above it it says the children of Benjamin these cities which are called by their names verse 73 in Ramoth and with her suburbs so there's places where the Levites had in Ramoth which is where Elkan is from which is where Samuel lives so with that let's close on a word of prayer Heavenly Father we thank you Lord so much for the scriptures and Lord just the great things we can learn from all these passages with all these names and all these chronicles of men and Lord the great things we can learn about your prophet Samuel Lord in this chapter and I pray Lord that we would treasure and love our King James Bibles even more when we see things like these and see with the modern perversions of your so called word it's not really your word but I pray that we would just appreciate the Bibles that we have and the fact that we can have multiple copies of it and I pray that we would read it and treasure it more every single day and Lord we'd study to show ourselves approved unto you Lord the things that you'd be pleased with us Lord and that we would do diligent study and search to find out the treasures and nuggets that are inside your book Lord pray that we just keep continuing to read it over and over again for the rest of our lives Lord it's in Jesus name we pray Amen For a last song this evening nothing between three hundred four nothing between page three oh four on the first nothing between my soul and the Savior nothing between my soul and the Savior not of this world's delusive dream I have renounced all sinful pleasure Jesus is mine there's nothing between nothing between my soul and the Savior so that his blessed face may be seen nothing preventing the least of his favor keep the way clear there's nothing between nothing between like worldly pleasure habits of life though harmless they seem must not my heart from him ever sever he is my all there's nothing between nothing between my soul and the Savior so that his blessed face may be seen nothing preventing the least of his favor keep the way clear there's nothing between nothing between like pride or like station self or friend shall not intervene though it may cost me much tribulation I am resolved there's nothing between nothing between my soul and the Savior so that his blessed face may be seen nothing preventing the least of his favor keep the way clear let nothing between nothing between and many hard trials though the whole world against me convene watching with prayer and much self-denial I'll triumph at last with nothing between nothing between my soul and the Savior so that his blessed face may be seen nothing preventing the least of his favor keep the way clear let nothing between Amen. It's great to see you this evening and great singing. We'll see you back here Sunday morning. Brother Eli, you want to end us with a word of prayer? Amen.