(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) And then we're in first Chronicles chapter 1 and before we get into The names so basically I'm just gonna kind of go through each Chapter and try to pull out the best I can the things that I either had never thought about before or just things that kind of jump out and Maybe just kind of go over some of the bigger names in the chapters. There's a lot of stuff in here I might not get to or may have to Actually preach another sermon. I want to try to get the whole thing done eat one chapter per week if I can on these but We'll see what happens here. All right, so just a brief overview so first Chronicles is actually a history of The the southern kings of Israel, but it does start out with the genealogy So it does start from the beginning it starts from the beginning of of the first man Adam of course and it goes through all the genealogy of And it follows the line of the Messiah if you'll notice in this chapter it does kind of follow because Abraham is who the Messiah comes through obviously and then you get to Isaac and Jacob and and so on and so forth, but it does kind of sidetrack us to The other sons that come from Noah that aren't necessarily in the line of Shem It sidetracks us with Esau's line and then it kind of tells us the Horite line and the The kings that were in the land at the end. It's like well, why is it telling us that well, it's because Esau When he went he subjugated Those those people and then he his his sons married their daughters of those kings and things like that So it is kind of important to I guess the story in some way but the history it's basically the history of the world from Genesis and then it kind of focuses in on the Kings once it gets past Once it gets to chapter 10 we get to the end of Saul's reign as king and then it goes and it focuses on the kings of Judah and It ends basically in the babble that for the return of the Babylonian captivity in Second Chronicles so and then When let's see so yeah, like the first nine chapters are genealogy like I said, and then so who wrote it most most people think that Ezra is the one that compiled it because I mean, I guess that's what the Talmud says or whatever, but I mean, there's a lot of good reasons to probably think that way but I mean, that's just what a lot of people think I think that It's not like it was necessarily written, but it was chronicled Probably the pen was picked up by multiple different people and then it was kind of all put together by one editor And maybe even after Ezra people other people picked up the pen I'm sure because Ezra didn't last all the way to the end of what What we see in the book of Second Chronicles, so But again the line of Satan the Savior's mapped through the genealogy also and really that's the only Genealogy that really actually matters when you get into the New Testament. Yeah, we see the genealogy of Christ But the Bible tells us to avoid genealogies as far as like what it means for our lives now I mean, obviously the genealogies are in the Old Testament. They're there for our admonition Everything is there for us to study. There's a lot of nuggets that you can pull out You're not going to know that Samuel is actually a priest And able to do the sacrifices unless you read First Chronicles you're never gonna find that out So like you're like well Why is Samuel able to do the sacrifices and Saul's not because it doesn't really? Fully explain that if you just read the book of First Samuel So there's a lot of things a lot of names you're gonna be able to go to if you just kind of study Scripture like well who's this and why does he matter you might be able to find those names in First Chronicles and figure those things out so Then we also have the spiritual This you know actually the the genealogy that matters after is just the spiritual heritage because once Christ comes You know it doesn't matter who your brother's sister's cousin is or what King you're related to We're all related to the king and the fact that we're all brothers of him and and so That's all that really matters is our is our spiritual heritage now Genealogies in the sense of who who you came from doesn't really matter You can be the poorest pauper and be saved or the richest person in the world and if you're saved You're saved it has nothing to do with what genealogy you're from so hopefully that all makes sense there, so let's go ahead and Go to the first point here, which is from Adam to Noah so from Adam to Noah We have in verse number one, and I'm and I'm going to have a simultaneously go In Genesis also at the same time so the first the first verse there is Adam chef and Enoch and right away you're gonna see the spelling differences here, but Keep your fingers so I want you to put a ribbon or a bookmark in first Chronicles chapter 1 and then I'm gonna have you turn to Genesis chapter 4 and so Genesis chapter 4 Is gonna give us a little more information about this so And so of course we know Adam is made by the dust of the earth God breathes life into him He becomes a living soul. He makes Eve. They get married the first day all that stuff Adam names all the animals and Whatever he called them that was the name of it and so on and so forth This and Satan you know he deceives Eve and and Adam willingly sins and Partakes God curses them for that curses Eve with hard childbirth and Adam The ground is cursed and he has to bring forth by the sweat of his face for the rest of his life for that and the ground is cursed not only for him but for generations after him too, but Cain their first son kills Abel and Cain is obviously the first false prophet that's ever born Abel's the first prophet that's ever born of the Lord and the first false prophet kills the first prophet And so look at verse 25 in Genesis 4 the Bible says an Adam knew his wife Again, and she bare a son and called his name Seth For God said she hath appointed me another seed instead of Abel whom Cain slew So what what that I mean what I thought was interesting about this verse though is that It's it's another seed instead of Abel So what does that tell you though that Abel was the seed and so God is able To bring forth somebody else to be that line. So Abel was in the intended line of Christ is kind of what it's saying, right? It says have appointed me another seed Instead of Abel whom Cain slew and to Seth to him Also, there was born a son and he called his name Enos. So in First Chronicles 1 it's called his name Enosh, but here it's Enos Then begin men to call upon the name of the Lord. So in that generation I mean Seth is still that first generation Born to Adam and Eve and then Enosh is the next one. So the grandson of Adam Then begin men to call upon the name of the Lord now go ahead and turn to chapter number five and look at verse one the Bible says and this is I just thought these were interesting things about the Genealogies because this is kind of just giving us more info, right? It says this is the book of the generations of Adam in the day that God created man in the likeness of God made He him So, how are we created but we're in the likeness of God now We're not God, but we're made in the likeness of God. So we're like him in a lot of ways So when people say well, what's how explain the Trinity? Well, I think that the best way to explain the Trinity is to look at ourselves and say well We have a spirit and a soul and a body and God has a spirit and a soul and a body I mean that's the best way to try to explain it because if we're made in the likeness of God Then we're like him We're not God But we're like him so and it says male and female created he them and blessed them and called their name Adam in the day that they were created and Adam lived in hundred and thirty years and begat a son in His own likeness after his image. I just think that's interesting that he that it kind of adds that to it But that he looked like Adam. He looked a lot like him and he called his name Seth and the days of Adam after he'd begotten Seth were eight hundred years and he begat sons and daughters and All the days of Adam that Adam lived nine hundred nine hundred and thirty years and he died so Adam lived a long time he lived almost a thousand years and So sometimes it's kind of hard for us to fathom just how long that is But it's a really really long time. I mean if we the average man lives about 70 years Nowadays, so, you know, he lived a long time. He was ancient I mean if you looked at him and said you're ancient, I mean it'd be it'd be true But So now so just keep your finger in Genesis chapter 5 because we're going to swing back to it But flip back over to first Chronicles chapter 1 verse 2 then you have Keenan and Mahalia and Jared so again, this is just this is telling the line of Christ though These are the men that would that the line of the Messiah would come through It's not telling all the other sons not telling the sons of Cain like it would tell There is a genealogy of Cain and all the people that came from him but this is clearly just telling us the line of Christ and The people that were probably saved here. So So now Genesis chapter 5 just flip back over to Genesis chapter 5 and and again notice the spelling differences And it says and Enos lived 90 years and begat Cain Cain in or some people pronounce it cayon And but to me it looks like Canaan So see how it's so it's Keenan and first chronicle spell the K and then Canaan in Genesis 5 9 but it's still the same person So skip to verse 12 this is in Canaan lived 70 years and beget Mahalia And so that's pretty much the same there I think it's the same exact spelling skip down to verse 15 Mahalia lives 60 in five years and beget Jared and Now in first Chronicles 1 3 you don't have to turn back there, but it says he knock Methuselah Lamech so he knock is you know that spelled with an H, but it's actually talking about Enoch look at verse 18 where you're already at Genesis 5 it says and Jared lived in 160 in two years and he begat Enoch so just drop the H, and it's Enoch so and Enoch is called the seventh from Adam, so he's the seventh generation After Adam is made right now skip to verse 21 it says an Enoch lives 60 in five years and beget Methuselah now when it comes to Methuselah What is the what is the the history nugget that we like to say when it comes to Methuselah? What's what's what's special about Methuselah? He lived the longest in the genealogies, right? but really in reality Enoch is older than Methuselah and Enoch is his dad by the way, but that's because Enoch is still alive today and He didn't die a natural death, and he also like I said is the father of Methuselah well Where do I get that from well? I'll get to that here in just a second but And the math I already did the math I'm not gonna you know give you the puzzle of how I did it but Enoch was born when Adam was 622 years old because if you add up the dates in the Bible It's that's how you add up the age of the earth. That's how you figure all this stuff out You can graph it out right, but Enoch when he was born Adam was 622 years old So and then Adam died at nine hundred and thirty years old so Enoch was taken up 57 years after Adam died So he was 308 years old when Adam died okay, but he was 57 years old when Adam died Because he was 350 right he lived to be 350 as it says in verse 23 there and all the days of Enoch were 360 in five years Okay, and God water says excuse me an Enoch walked with God, and he was not for God took him Now keep your finger here even and keep your finger in the other spot I'm pulling the pastor minutes here on you But just keep both both fingers or bookmarks there, and then go to Hebrews chapter 11 verse 5 Because this isn't a super clear verse on what happened here But it does say Enoch Enoch walked with God And he was not for God took him now and some people could think well It kind of when it says he was not a lot of times in the Bible that does mean that someone dies Okay, and I'll agree with you. I I know that it says that about people, but it says and it says for God took him But the Old Testament's not as clear as the New Testament the New Testament's going to give us what the clear interpretation is of this passage Hebrews 11 5 says by faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death so did he die What's the Bible say he says he did not see death and was and was not found So it's giving us the interpretation of when it says and was not But it says and was not found so in this instance that doesn't mean that he died does it It says because God had translated him for before his translation. He had this testimony that he pleased God So translate if you just look up There's a lot of definitions for translated of course a lot the first thing we think of is Translating one language to another but it does have like a Middle English It started it comes from like the old French or old Latin also, and it means carried across and The actual definition is Yeah to move some something from one place to another that's what it actually means so if Enoch was translated He was moved from one place to another that's what it means right, so he's moved from earth To someplace else, and I think that's heaven right so and so the math on this though is that Enoch was translated in the year 987 He was 365 years old which makes Enoch 4946 years old if you count today We're not necessarily today. We don't I don't have a dialed into today's calendar, but this year. It's about 4946 years That's give or take 20 years Whatever so and the old so that makes him the oldest living man today by far right because he was translated that early on now Elijah is also translated, and he did not see death, and he's pretty old too so But he's nowhere near as old as Enoch. Enoch literally is the oldest man living right now So I mean unless you're counting Christ of course, but he's in a category all of his own but so the earth is actually if you do the math is six thousand two hundred ninety eight years old and again, that's given some some leeway 20 30 years possibly of You know maybe some miscounting somewhere, but but that's that's I mean that's that's pretty precise though so That's where I get the math from so make sense and so Go back to you can leave your place in Hebrews chapter 11 But does I mean isn't that cool how the New Testament just tells us it? Illuminates that verse for us and helps us understand what God actually did with Enoch, so he's not dead He's still alive verse 25 in Genesis chapter 5 the Bible says a Methuselah lived eight 860 and seven years old and begat Lamek so Now we're gonna move on to the next portion which is the genealogy of Noah and his sons So Noah and his sons go go ahead and keep your place in Genesis chapter 5 But flip back to 1st Chronicles chapter 1 verse 4 and you're like we're not going fast enough pastor Thompson We'll get going okay. Just calm down Noah Shem ham and Japheth so there it gives a specific order Noah Shem ham and Japheth Now flip back over to Genesis 5 28 it says and Lamek Lived and hunt on hundred eighty and two years and begat a son and he called his name Noah Saying this same shall comfort us concerning our work and toil of our hands because of the ground Which the Lord hath cursed so I've never even really focused on this verse in my life But when I was just kind of Kind of comparing scripture with scripture last night when I was studying this I just thought that's an interesting verse I've never really thought about what it actually means, but what is this verse talking about? Well, it's talking about the curse of the ground that Adam had caused is being Being lifted after the flood. That's what I think it's talking about. So it says the same so Noah His name's gonna be called Noah this this same shall comfort us concerning our work and toil of our hands because of the ground Which the Lord hath cursed? so That's what I believe that it's talking about and I'll prove it to you in Genesis chapter go ahead and turn to Genesis chapter 3 now, but keep your place Of course in your other places, but not necessarily a Genesis We are going to come back to Genesis 5 but you can you can just we're not too far away from Genesis 5 here Genesis 3 verse 17 This is actually when God curses the earth because of what Adam and Eve do it says And this is actually Adams curse. It says it unto Adam He said because thou is hearken unto the voice of thy wife and has eaten of the tree of which I commanded thee Saying thou shalt not eat of it cursed is the ground for thy sake and sorrow Shout thou eat of it all the days of thy life So that doesn't sound very funny used to be in a garden. God set him in a garden that was already pre done for him It's like the landscaping was already done, you know And so this is a different situation when you have to go out and plow your own stuff and plant your own seed And do your own farming that's hard work when stuff's already just pre ready to pull off the tree And what the fruits already ripe you're just walking into a pre ripe garden It's a lot different But God has cursed the ground Because of what they've done says thorns and thistles shall it bring forth to thee and thou shalt eat the herb of the field so You know, he's gonna have to get rid of those thorns and thistles and today we have those same things But we still are able to bring forth, you know, the fruit of the earth today Because God changed that also, but I'll get to there in just a second But it says in the sweat of thy face that shalt thou eat bread till thou return unto the ground for out of it Was thou taken for dust thou art unto dust shalt thou return So God just saying you're gonna have to work really hard for your food But then lamek which is you know hundreds of years later When he has Noah, you know, he basically says that you know, Noah is going to be the comfort for us Concerning this thing, but the bad part is is that everybody has to die before that happens, right? So the flood happens You know everybody dies Except for Noah and his family and go ahead and turn to chapter 8 there in Genesis chapter 8 It says In verse 20 and Noah builded an altar unto the Lord and took of Every clean beast and of every clean fowl and offered burnt offerings on the altar and the Lord smelled a sweet Savor and the Lord said in his heart I will not again curse the ground anymore for man's sake For the imagination of man's heart is evil from his youth neither will I again Smite anymore every living thing as I have done while the earth remain a seed time and harvest and cold and heat and summer and winter and Day and night shall not cease So God promises that the cycles of the earth are still going to be intact You know, obviously there's hot and cold years and there's still gonna be droughts and things like that And God still can curse things for a time and he you know, and there's still blackberry bushes There's still thorns and thistles that we have to contend with but something changed Obviously there was something that was way more difficult with you know Bringing forth fruit out of the ground From Adam to Noah than there is now because why would he say I will not again curse the ground anymore for man's sake So it's not cursed like it was during that time period so I don't know It was just way more difficult to bring forth things. It kind of sounds like it was But God decided not to not to do that anymore. But yet we still do have to toil to bring forth things So it's just probably not on the same level But it's definitely not cursed because of that in the way that it was before you still have to work though Now turn to Genesis 5 Genesis 5 verse 32 There's obviously a change I mean you can see that in the scriptures for yourself right Genesis 5 32 and Noah was 500 years old and Noah begets Shem Ham and Japheth so Again so notice this though that it's it's giving These sons in an order an order of importance is listed I guess not necessarily in the order in which they were born and in the table of nations it does help us to kind of understand some of this but I Don't know why it I mean obviously Shem is the one that the line of the Messiah is going to come through and They're going to be the ones that are more blessed of God But in Ham is cursed so I don't know why he's second place here But and Ham kind of ruins it for himself because of what he does with his dad but Japheth also they kind of go wild and and they are what the turns into the Gentiles later on but For whatever reason it lists it in that order, but go ahead and turn to Genesis 10 real quick Genesis chapter chapter 10 which is the table of nations. That's what that a lot of people consider that chapter It's kind of like once the flood destroyed the earth no and his sons They landed the mountains of Ararat all their sons dispersed, and they have children, and they move about the face of the earth They all are gathered in one place the Tower of Babel thing happens everybody spread God changes all their languages and spreads them out on the overall the face of the earth But these three sons are who popular repopulate the whole earth, so we're all children One way or another of Ham Shem and Japheth right so Genesis 10 21 says unto Shem also the father of all the children of Eber the brother of Japheth the elder even to him were children born so Shem is not the firstborn is he it says he's the brother of Japheth the elder so Japheth is actually the oldest brother but for some reason Shem gets the blessing So but that happens a lot in the Bible doesn't it it's always kind of a picture of like you know Jesus being this you know he comes in is the blessing in the New Testament and You know the younger brother Subplanting the older brother is like a theme in the Bible that happens quite a bit so But yeah in the table of nations Japheth is listed first though as the eldest brother But then Ham and then Shem based upon verse 21 It seems like the birth order is being used in the table of nations in chapter 10 so But other genealogies do this in the Bible too, so it's just kind of weird, but anyway So now just we're going to look at the the genealogy of Japheth so first Chronicles chapter 1 verse 5 says the sons of Japheth Gomer so these are the son this is the first son of Noah Japheth Gomer Magog Madai Javan and Tubal and Meshech and Tyrus so This is you know. This is his amount of sons that he has and so all those Guys kind of start their own nations basically so Gomer Pile I mean not Gomer pile, but Gomer Who names their kid Gomer anyway or Magog you guys have a lot of baby names to go through like these nine These nine chapters. You know you're gonna. If you say I don't have any baby names to choose from you're just you know You're just stubborn so but Magog and So Gomer a lot of people will say that like Gomer is like you know Russia I mean not Russia, but like the area of Galatia a lot You know there's people move around though so for thousands of years people You know maybe they were in one spot But then change to another like because I was just trying to research Magog and a lot of people were like that's Russia For sure or whatever but in reality It's it's not necessarily that simple because you know people there is a thing called DNA and you can trace people and things like that And and really there's a lot of Iranian and and Caucasian which is like the caucus So I guess it is kind of like you know the steps of Russia or whatever that area the Scythians But then but then when they converted to Judaism Or no that wasn't them that converted to Judaism. Sorry. That's a different. That's a different son here, but Magog Anyway in turn of Ezekiel chapter 38 this will kind of help With this whole see these guys are always named together. It seems like in the big Scriptures that talk about them like Tubal and Meshech and all these guys but Ezekiel 38 is talking about the the prophecy of Gog and Magog and this is what Prophecy gurus are always going over and trying to say the war is about to happen and Gog and Magog It's about to happen. It's just like but it's not about to happen. It doesn't happen until the very end of the Bible So I mean this is an old prophecy But like these people these old people are just it's just kind of relating to what people in what area Or whatever that these guys are in but look at Ezekiel 38 says and the word of the Lord came unto me saying Son of man set thy face against Gog the land of Magog the chief Prince of Meshech and Tubal and prophesy against them see how they're named together Even in Ezekiel chapter 38 here says and say thus saith the Lord God behold. I'm against thee O Gog The chief prince of Meshech and Tubal, so they're again. They're related here somehow But he seems to be the Gog is like this ruler and he's the chief prince of also Meshech and Tubal which are different Sons of Japheth, right and it says and I will turn thee back and put hooks into thy jaw And I will bring thee forth and all thine armies horses and horsemen all of them clothes with all sorts of armor Even a great company with bucklers and shields all of them handling swords Persia, Ethiopia Libya with them all of them with shield and helmet Gomer and all his bands the house of Togarmah of the North Quarters and all of his bands and many people with thee So I mean if you're going to talk about the North Quarters the modern versions will say The north regions like even in verse one and two and so like that's why people go that's Russia Because I mean the northern regions north of Israel if you're talking about the uttermost north then yeah, that would be where Russia is right or those types of areas but But here it says in the King James, which is the right one, right? It says Togarmah of the North Quarters So, I mean but like we're talking about still a long time and from now into the future So, I mean, we don't know what it's gonna be called But this is what God calls it because this was the original nations that came forth. So back to first Chronicles chapter 1 verse 6 it says and the sons of Gomer Ashkenaz so Ashkenaz we all know that name Probably quite well because of the Ashkenazi Jews, right They converted in the 11th century to Judaism But Ashkenaz is the country I was talking about that. They're the ones that started out Iranian and caucus so I was wrong about that. I was kind of thinking ahead. So I'm sorry about that but yeah, Ashkenaz is the one that has They started off near Iran and the caucuses and all that but also we're in Turkey But then, you know when they converted they were in German West what's now Western Germany So they kind of migrated up to that area of Western Germany. So But Ashkenaz is a long They've been around for a long time, haven't they? So so they're like the Turkish Caucasian Iranian Slavic Western Germany, but like, you know people have been mixing together for a long time. So there's no real Nobody's pure anything in Reality, but nations a lot of times nations still stay the same or the same type of people still live in the same type of Areas for the most part now But I mean there was some moving around here and there So Ashkenaz is talked about in Jeremiah chapter 51 as one of the nations that is going to come and try to destroy Babylon so I'm not going to have you go to those verses but Ashkenaz so Ashkenaz like my wife is took her DNA test and she's of the chosen special ones Ashkenaz Jew who else has that in their in their DNA? Okay, so but basically what happened is that they came up and They converted that nation and they became you know rabbinic Talmudic Jews and so there you got the Sephardic Jews Which are less than number and a lot most people are Ashkenaz Ashkenazi, you know in their practice or whatever. So at least that's what I read in a book and on the internet So the internet must be right, right? So anyway, let's move on to I Was going to read this for you and we're going to get into ham after this So Genesis 10 5 just says by these were the aisles of the Gentiles divided in their lands Everyone by his tongue after their families in their nations. So the Gentiles, where do they come from? You know what? We call the Gentiles. They come from Japheth So the Gentiles and Gentiles just means nations all the other nations basically, so it not not everybody that's not from Shem like because the Hamites are not necessarily called the Gentiles but you know, technically it's calling in the table of nations is calling the ones of the Gentiles The J of Japheth now, let's move on to ham in verse 8 in our chapter here first chronicles chapter 1 Verse 8 the Bible says and the sons of Ham Cush and Mizraim put and Canaan Now, of course, we're gonna recognize a lot of these names real quickly But now turn to Genesis chapter 9 Genesis chapter 9 So what happened with Ham why he fell out of favor with Noah is because of what he did to his own dad I'm not sure what the pecking order was at that time, but whatever he did The Bible doesn't exactly say what he did it gives us euphemisms Now, I believe he did something sick and disgusting to him. He probably did some kind of sexual thing to him But the Bible is not going to tell us in gory and horrific details what exactly happened But Genesis 9 20 says and Noah began to be in husbandmen and he planted a vineyard and he drank of the wine Was drunken and he was uncovered with it in his tent. So this is what happens When you you know, this is the first time drunkenness happens in the Bible It says and ham the father of Canaan Saw the nakedness of his father and told his two brethren without and Shem and Japheth took a garment and laid it Upon both their shoulders and went backwards and covered the nakedness of their father and their faces Were backward and they saw not their father's nakedness Now a lot of people say well, that's all he did is just looked at his dad naked now I've said this before and I'll say it again people accidentally see their parents naked sometimes But that doesn't mean you curse a whole line of people because of it. All right, that just doesn't make sense So Genesis 9 24 says and Noah awoke from his wine and knew what his younger son had done unto him He did something to him but the Bible just doesn't say what it is, but Ham had some honey glaze in him or something. He was you know, honey glazed ham He was had a little light in the loafers you'd say, you know, he did some kind of queer thing unto him And it says and he cursed he said curse be Canaan a servant of servants. Shall he be Unto his brethren. So he doesn't curse ham. He curses his son. I Don't know why he does that It doesn't really a lot of people were kind of baffled by why he would curse him But maybe that's I mean people probably have their own ideas of why that is but it says in curse be Canaan a servant of servants shall he be unto his brethren and he said blessed be the Lord God of Shem and Canaan shall be his servant. God shall I mean this could just be prophecy God Forseen through the prophet Noah and God cursing his son Canaan knowing that Canaan was going to end up being this wicked Person or something. I don't know but anyway It says God shall enlarge Japheth and he shall dwell in the tents of Shem and Canaan shall be his servant So and ultimately the Gentiles do Become a major we do get to Get in on the blessings of Shem and now we've kind of taken the tent over basically you know, they're the children of of Jacob have basically forsaken the Lord and have not You know, they're they're kind of blinded at this point. But anyway, let's move on here. So now Let's see turned back to 1st Chronicles chapter 1 verse 9 so Ham, you know he gets out of favor with Noah over this Canaan's cursed and then you have the rest of the sons of Ham here it says and the sons of Cush Seba and Havilah and Sabta and Rama and Sabtecha and the sons of Rama Sheba and Dedan and Cush beget Nimrod he began to be Mighty upon the earth and here's the other thing about the about these genealogies is that we're not really getting a lot of commentary so far This is kind of really one of the first main parts where it's going to give us some commentary in this chapter And it's really just a really light thing. It doesn't really tell us a lot It just says Cush beget Nimrod. He began to be mighty upon the earth and we don't really get a lot about Nimrod But you know people today call people Nimrods to call them stupid. I don't know where that came from but Maybe it's just a funny name and people say you Nimrod or whatever It's a byword, you know, so but in Genesis, let's see Yeah, so in Genesis chapter 10 if you turn back there it has It has some a little bit more information about Cush and it says and Cush beget Nimrod He began to be a mighty one on in the earth He was a mighty hunter before the Lord wherefore it is said even as Nimrod the mighty hunter before the Lord so Interesting tidbit here also that it says and the beginning of his kingdom was Babel. So was he a king? Sounds like he was right the being of his if you if you have a kingdom that means you're probably a king right says the being of his kingdom was Babel and Eric and Akad and Calna in the land of Shinar So now we have a pinpointed where he Begins to rule where he is a mighty and a mighty hunter. Did they have machine guns back then? Did they have any kind of weapon like that? No, they probably had what what do they hunt with? Do you think a bow and arrow right? So I I've preached this before but I believe that Nimrod does picture the Antichrist and You know, what does the Antichrist appear on the scene with when he and when we see him and like the book of Revelation We see him as a hunt as a man on a white horse with a bow and arrow so Take that for what it is But then you see that the beginning of his kingdom is Babel and what is the end time enemy of the people of God? The it's Babylon, right? So the beginning of this one world government and this is where you know They try to build this tower The tower goes all the way up and then God comes down and smacks him smacks him around and changes their language, right? So This is the precursor though to the Babylonian Empire that's where Shinar is now first Corinthians excuse me, first Chronicles chapter 1 verse 11 says and Mizraim beget Ludum and Anaman and Lehabim and naphthoum so, um, I I've seen a lot of people say that Mizraim Represents Egypt and that he was like the progenitor of the Egyptians There's not really a lot about it in the Bible but here's one place that I found in the Bible that really connects Mizraim to To the Egyptians Genesis chapter 50 when Jacob dies and they all take them to You know all the Egyptians go with them and there's a great morning You don't have to turn there if you don't want to if you're sick of turning around but Genesis 50 verse 11 says And when the inhabitants of the land the Canaanites saw the morning in the floor of Etad They said this is a grievous morning to the Egyptians Wherefore the name of it was called Abell Mizraim, which is beyond Jordan so what that literally means is the morning of Egyptians so I mean there's the connection to the name of the Egyptians meaning Mizraim meaning Egypt, so One of the sons of Ham is the progenitor of the Egyptians and in What is it Saul and the Psalms it says that that God does the mighty works in the land of Ham So it connects Egypt there with Ham also now you're instill in first Chronicles chapter 1 verse 12 it says and path rusem and Kazu Kazlu him of whom came the Philistines and calf forum, so What this this is where the Philistines come from so? There's a lot of evil people and evil people that fight against the gods people that are in this line of Ham aren't there? So here we have the Philistines who are kind of like lifelong enemies of the children of Israel At least one of the lifelong enemies of the children of Israel the the Egyptians kind of are like that too, but Now verse 13 says and Canaan begets Idon And his firstborn in heath the Jebusite also the Amorite the Girgashite and the Hivite the Archite the Sinai and the Arvadite and the Zemarite and the Hamathite so all these eights Were come from Canaan so Canaan is of course the one that's cursed and a lot of these aren't named When they fight against them in Deuteronomy go ahead and turn to Deuteronomy chapter 7 Deuteronomy chapter 7 And Deuteronomy chapter 7 verse 1 the God says that these specific People are the ones that are going to go against that God allows his people to destroy Deuteronomy 7 1 says when the Lord thy God shall bring thee into the land whether thou goest to possess it and hath cast out many nations before thee the Hittites and the Girgashites and the Amorites and the Canaanites and the Perizzites and the Hivites and the Jebusites seven nations greater and mightier than thou But some of those guys named in first Chronicles chapter 1 aren't really on this list are they so I don't know if they Went the way of the dodo before all this happened or if they're kind of mixed into these tribes But it mentions the Canaanites as one of the one of them, but they actually all came from Canaan, so It's kind of weird But anyway verse 2 it says and when the Lord thy God shall deliver them Before thee thou shalt smite them and utterly destroy them thou shalt make no covenant with them Nor show mercy unto them neither shalt thou make marriages with them thy daughter thou Shall not give unto thy unto his son nor his daughter shalt thou take unto thy son For they will turn away thy son from following me that they may serve other gods So will the anger of the Lord be kindled against you and destroy these suddenly But thus shall you deal with them you shall destroy their altars and break down their images and cut down their groves and burn their graven images with fire So ultimately God they get to the point where God wants to just completely wipe them out in the days of Abraham and Isaac and Jacob they weren't so bad But eventually they can't they got so evil that God wanted them wiped off the face of the earth they started like the Philistines started messing with Abraham about his His wells that he was digging and they were starting to fight with They fought with Isaac over his wells and Jacob and and they were always having to make covenants with them And they were always trying to steal their wives and stuff. It's kind of weird, but yeah, so now the Shemites is verse 17 and first chronicle 17 117 it says the sons of Shem Elam Asur and Arphaxad and Lud and Aram and Uz and Hull and Gethur and Meshech That's nine sons by my account So people are like, you know, the Jews today will say, you know, you're an anti-semite And they get that from the from Sem from Shem, you know, they say Semite or whatever, right? But there's there's more than just the progenitor of Israel. That's a Shemite There's other people that are alive today, you know, like the Assyrians. They're still Assyrians around There are still people from Syria that are still around There's people that are considered Shemites that are around so if someone says like you're an anti-semite Then you're just saying, you know, they just want to claim everything for themselves basically I've already talked about this before but verse 18 And Arphaxad begat Shelah and Shelah begat Eber and Eber unto Eber were born two sons the name of the one was Peleg because in his day the earth was divided and his brother's name was Joktan So, what does that mean in his day the earth was divided well Divided by language. I believe this is this is talking about when the languages were God confounded their languages and and at that point everybody just kind of divided and went to those nations that they Started right. So It wasn't just a division of language It was a division of where they started to live the borders the boundaries that they begin to possess and You know, I do believe that there is something to you know We had the that there was the flood and then they say that there was a 10,000 year ice age I don't believe that there was a 10,000 year ice age You know, I don't believe that because I don't believe the earth is 10,000 years old So I think that there probably was an ice age But I don't think it was 10,000 years, but I do believe that it you know, I mean Even just like when we were in Winnipeg and I was on brother weeb's Property like he had sand all over his property and it's like well, where's that come from? It's not like it's in the ocean or something, but maybe at one time it was maybe there was a lot less Earth around at one time I mean the Great Lakes were greater than they are today at some point and You know the we talked about how the Grand Canyon probably formed pretty quickly in reality instead of it being millions of years Because obviously we don't believe in millions of years but I kind of just was reading up a little bit of science on the internet here about About how Deep the oceans would have been During the ice age. So it says it was 400 to 420 feet less deep at the height of glace glace shape glace asian Than it is presently so take any depth today and subtract that amount from it Areas more shallow than the depth today would have been dry land at that time So when you had all these glaciers, there was more dry land in reality There's places where there was a lot of water But when it started to melt that's when everything kind of filled in the ocean started to fill in But it says it says this is why Great Britain would have been part of mainland Europe continental shelves everywhere Became forests and grasslands and the continents of North America and Eurasia were connected by the Bering land bridge This is how they teach that like the natives got here from Asia That there was this Bering land bridge that people crossed over, but they're saying it was 10,000 years ago Maybe it just was you know a few thousand years ago or whatever Or four or five or you know four thousand years ago or whatever it was So it says in Eurasia, so the North American Eurasia were connected by a layering of the Bering land bridge Southeast Asia extended into present-day Indonesia and New Guinea and Australia were one landmass So, I mean just picture a world where there's a lot more land to walk around on because you think well how did all these animals go to all these different places and it's like They all came out of Noah's Ark Do you think that they swam across a giant ocean is that what you think because that's just not reality How people could have taken them places I get that Because people go to exotic places and like when people in England would go explore places They'd bring these animals back and show them look at these animals or whatever I get that But that's not how all the animals got to Australia They probably went to the regions that supported them they probably you know that's probably how that happened, you know, and people got to Australia probably the same way and All these different people going to these different nations there was a time when it was just easier to travel to these different parts of the earth and I believe that that is part of This time that's my personal belief. You don't have to believe that if you don't want to but And I'm not saying I believe in the Ice Age Science teaches it but I am saying though if there was an Ice Age That was that lasted for a certain amount of time and this is like this kind of this timeline fits, you know to where the When babble babble was, you know, all the languages were confused this this timeline fits here So it was probably easier to go to these different nations. I mean, does that make sense? Hopefully it makes sense because I don't unless you think monkeys surfed to different places on surfboards or something I don't know how they got there or how these people got to all these places Obviously you can build ships and stuff like that There's probably lots of places where people didn't go and people probably the further they got driven away from different tribes probably went to like all these northern places and things like that, but You know the nations where the earth was divided not just a language but the border, you know, God is the one that decides where the borders of everything is and He dictates where people live and he allows people to go to these places. So that's kind of what I think I'm gonna skip to Let's see verse 23 in our chapter here and talks about Oh Fur and Havilah and Jobab and all these were the sons of jock tan, so and just Ofer is kind of one of those names that pop up a lot. What is it? What do you know it for though? Anybody what gold what about Havilah? This isn't it the same like doesn't it talk about like where the Garden of Eden was and it kind of explains all these different rivers, right so that's kind of Something that just kind of popped out at me in this chapter here also so and then it says in Genesis chapter number 10 verse 28 says in Obol and Abimel and Sheba and Ofer and Havilah and Jobab all these were the sons of jock ten and their dwelling was from Misha as a goeth goest unto Sephar a mountain of the east These are the sons of Shem after their families after their tongues and their lands after their nations These are the families of the sons of Noah after their generations and their nations and by these were the nations divided in The earth after the flood so that kind of speaks to what I was saying These were the nations divided in the earth after the flood so all the families came from Noah and his sons and That's how the nations formed. That's why that chapter this chapter is called the table of nations Because this is how it was all divided anyway back to our chapter here verse 24 Shem, Arphaxad, Sheila, Eber, Peleg, Reu, Serug, Nahor, Terah, Abram The same as Abraham, Serug, Nahor, Terah So this is again going into this is the genealogy of Christ. This is how it kind of worked out Terah is the father of Abraham and So now we're going to move on to Abraham here Abraham and his sons Verse 27 Abram the same as Abraham the son of Abraham Isaac and Ishmael These are their generations the firstborn of Ishmael, Neboath Then Kedar and Abdu'l and that's going to name all these All these other guys here, so I'm not going to go through every name It was all read for you, but just a few that jump out the sons of Ishmael the sons of Keturah Abraham's concubine, Sheber and then Midian so Midian is a name that you would know because they go against the children of Israel multiple times in the scriptures but they are sons of Abraham and You have the priests of Midian how he's a priest that's kind of weird We don't know how that happened, but Moses doesn't stone him to death So he's obviously not a false prophet, and he's his dad-in-law or whatever it he gives Moses some solid advice But it says in the sons of Midian Ephah, Ephir, Henoch Abidah Beldah and these are the sons of Keturah so Abraham took another wife after Sarah died that's Keturah and Those are his children by her so then Abraham beget Isaac and the sons of Isaac Esau and Israel Now there it has Esau first as the firstborn which is kind of interesting Because Israel really is the the one that supplanted him But anyway, so now we're going to get into Esau here, and we're not going to quite get to Israel himself because I think that comes in the next chapter But I'll try to zoom through Esau real quick here Esau is also known as Edom And he's the progenitor of the Edomites. What does Edom mean does anybody know what it means? red okay, so Esau, the sons of Esau, Eliphaz, Reul, Jeesh, Jalem, and Korah and the sons of Eliphaz, Timan, and Omar That's you know. That's that's still a popular name today Zephi and Getam Kinaz, Timna, and Amalek, so What's interesting about Amalek, and I've kind of been stumped a little bit about Amalek I have to admit this, but I preached to a sermon about Amalek, and I do believe that Amalek is Obviously related to Esau, but there's verses that are kind of Tricky where it says like Amalek was the first of the nations. It's like How's that? He's not at any genealogy though in the table of nations, so how is he the first of the nations? That that doesn't make sense probably the first of the nations to attack Israel as they came across I think that they are the first ones that attacked Israel once they left Egypt right after Egypt attacked them of course but it also there's a puzzling verse in Genesis chapter 14 where it says that in the land of I think it says that they fought the battle in the land or in the fields of Amalek or something, but I believe that what it's basically saying though is that It's just like when Moses explains where the Garden of Eden is and he's explaining these names of these rivers you know those rivers were looked that area looked different and Maybe was called different names, but he's just giving it names that people will understand now So when he's writing Genesis people are going to know whatever the names are of that place now So like if he's saying well that's in the field of Amalek and people will know when he's writing that oh, okay I know where that's at you know So I don't think that it's saying that Abraham was actually fighting in a place where Amalek already was because Amalek was not even born yet, you don't see the name Amalek until you see it in the genealogy of Excuse me Esau so But here's the other thing about Amalek is he's kind of So Eliphaz is is the son of Esau I believe and Eliphaz has a concubine and her name is Timna and she's the sister of the Horite Lotan You're like. What are you talking about? Okay? Well remember when I told you at the end It's gonna tell us all these kings and it's gonna tell us who lived in the it tells us who's in the land before Esau got there, and they're the Horites, and they are what Canaanites so Esau already had an issue where he's marrying into the Canaanite families then he goes into this area where the Horites are already kings there and Then he makes marriages with them and his son Eliphaz he has a concubine named Timna, and she is the sister of the Horite Lotan who is a man of some kind of royalty of some sort so basically Amalek this enemy this eternal enemy of Israel is The he's basically the son of a concubine From a mixed you know he's from a mixed family basically from these These Canaanites and so you always kind of wonder like well Why is Amalek kind of mentioned differently than other people it's because he's not really fully Esau He's kind of half Canaanite and half Esau and so why do they hate the Israelites so much? Why do they attack them all the time? Why do they attack them for no reason? There's just because they're wicked you know I mean There's really just no other answer But you kind of see it in this you know if you kind of study it Then you can kind of see it for what it is that Timna is the sister of the Horite, and then they make this marriage and so it's kind of you know the concubine is not like a You know it's not their wife, but not like a proper wife or whatever so So you have this combo that turns into this worst enemy And I preach sermons about you know the the the wickedness of Amalek before but I just thought that was really interesting I kind of learned that from just kind of studying through this chapter, but Look at verse 37. It says the sons of Ruel, Nahath and Zerah and Shammah and Mizah and the sons of Seir Lotan and Shobel and Zibeon and Anah and Dishon and Ezer and Dishon and the sons of Lotan Hori and Homam and Timna was Lotan's sister, and this is so so there's there's where it tells you who they are and then when it says When it talks about you know him being together with her that's how basically Amalek comes into the family of Esau so and then you have Down in verse 42 it says the sons of Ezer, Bilhan and Zivan and Jachin and the sons of Dishon, Uzz and Aron Now these are the kings that reigned in the land of Edom before Any kings any king reigned over the children of Israel, Bela the son of Beor and the name of the city was Dinhabah, so like it goes through all these kings. I'm not gonna Keep going with this, but I just want to show you that they they tell you this for a reason They tell you this so that you kind of understand this concept of That Esau wasn't just in Mount Seir by himself that he took over a people he took over the Canaanites that were there But he didn't just get rid of them He made marriages with them and so Esau just kind of goes back to his old self and kind of the way He does things is just not right. He's always kind of just screwing things up, but You know and it really goes into great detail, but you know when God says he's hate he hates Esau Jacob if I love but Esau they hated I mean he really hates the Amalekites doesn't he God says to Saul to destroy them and wipe them completely out, and he doesn't do it and You know Samuel ends up chopping Agag up because Saul didn't have the sand to do it But then you see later on Haman wicked Haman that was going to kill all the Jews like ultimately the plan was for him to kill every Jew in The land when they're under the meat the Mede Persian Empire and they left some Amalekites alive and he was the he was the Agagite Haman the Agagite so if they would just do what God had said to do Then none of that would have ever even come close to taking place but it's just like you know you let you keep they keep letting these people live and That's what's going to happen. That's what you know. It's like God doesn't just tell you to wipe people out for no reason He's all about giving people chances, but their chances were over and once their chances are over then he's done with them He's like okay. They need to go they need to be wiped out so Anyway, apparently B. Dad Killed Midian in the field of Moab so that's kind of the other highlight here, and then it starts calling Edom's sons dukes But you'll also notice like the name Tim Timon and us and all these things then you read the book of Job And all these guys are like the Timonites you know in the land of us And so it's like there's a connection there, so So like was were people you know it What is the land of because it mentioned us in this in this genealogy so is that us the same us? that job lived in or You know was there actually some godly people there at some point I mean, I don't know because there was also an us in the Shemite a Genealogy too, so it could have been that us But then when all the names are Ella faz the Timonites you know his friends that come all of his friends are bad right and they're all like Ella faz the Timonite and Bill dad the shoe height, and you know he's the smallest guy in the Bible and then Anyway, that's all I got for tonight, so we got it. It's not even been an hour like you got one minute one minute to spare So that was a lot I know So I just tried to give you some highlights there and some things to think about so we're done with first chronicles chapter number one That's in the books all right, so let's go ahead and have a word of prayer. We'll sing another song here Let's pray Lord. We thank you so much for this church We thank you so much for the Bible and Lord what we can learn even through genealogies that we some people find really boring But Lord nothing is in there by accident. It's all in there for us to learn for admonition I pray that you would just help us Lord to love the Bible including The genealogies in this church and not just to skip through them in our Bible reading that we would hold them Very dear and important in our lives And I pray that you just bless this study as we study through the book of first chronicles Pray bless us as we all go our separate ways tonight in Jesus name we pray Amen you