(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Okay, so we're in First Corinthians chapter 11. We're going to look at a verse in a minute, but if you've seen any news this past week or two, I don't know, I'm sure everyone's kind of caught something or other, then you may have noticed that people in this nation seem to be increasingly unhappy. There seems to be a lot of discontent around the place. We've got demonstrations, protests, riots maybe, calls for civil war, calls for calm. It seems to be everyone's angry with someone and there seems to be many options for who's to blame. These are the ones that I could think of when I wrote these notes, okay. So it depended on which side you seem to align with. The candidates include this Tommy Robinson, apparently, far-right thugs is what some people call him, Brexit apparently is to blame, online disinformation spreaders, the racist police, the racist Brits, or Keir Starmer, Tony Blair even, two-tier policing, you might have heard of that one, the mainstream media, immigrants, illegal immigrants, Muslims, anyone non-white, or anyone who's non-minimum, probably third-generation British or something, right. And although, look, some of these scapegoats may have their merits, some of them, okay, so don't misquote me there and you could think of a few, the obvious standout being the hordes of Muslims along with their paedophile gangs all over the nation. That stuff's not made up, I mean, that's pretty, pretty horrendous what's been going on over the years. If we're going to follow suit, okay, if we're really going to simplify it, because people just love to simplify, everyone loves their scapegoat, don't they, this is a problem, this is the reason, people like a nice soundbite like that, like they've solved it, it's because of these people, this person, this situation, if we're going to simplify it, okay, for who's ultimately to blame for the state of the UK, for me it's therefore none of the above list, okay, if we really want to simplify it, we want to find a scapegoat, let's get a scapegoat, everyone loves a scapegoat, don't they, let's get a scapegoat, who's to blame, well the title this morning of my sermon is who's really to blame for the state of the UK, who is really to blame for the state of the UK, and on that I'm going to go to the Lord in prayer before we get started. Father, thank you for your word, thank you for, well, you know, how you make it clear in your word, Lord, as to, you know, who takes responsibility for things in life, Lord, for different areas of life, and Lord, help me to preach this message that I've been thinking about over the last week or two now, just in a in a clear way, Lord, in a way that people will want to apply it, Lord, will understand it, will not be offended by it as well, Lord, and just just, you know, use it to be edified, use it to improve in these areas and to, you know, to understand it, to not just constantly find a way of pointing the finger at people, but to really understand ultimately what this is about, and Lord, help me to preach this clearly, accurately and boldly, in Jesus' name I pray, Amen. Okay, so, who's really to blame for the state of the UK? For me, the buck has to stop at leadership, so in general in life the buck stops at leadership, now it's not to say that other people don't have personal responsibility, okay, it's not that leaders are responsible for everyone's individual choices, but ultimately the buck stops at leadership. Now, before you march off to 10 Downing Street, I want to explain a couple of principles in life, okay, national government, and we've looked at this in the book of Isaiah recently, okay, national government is usually some sort of reflection of a nation, usually, okay, we see that in the Bible with God's nation, okay, and obviously from Israel to then the southern kingdom of Judah, a lot of the time the king will reflect the people, okay, so often he'll be talking about that king and then interchangeably with the people as a whole being given over to idolatry, for example, and other such-like things, so often the leader you have will be a reflection of the nation, and I explained this recently when we're going through Isaiah, that the pervading culture of a nation will influence a king or leading politician throughout their life, you know, I gave the example of, I don't know, if our monarchy in this nation was actually, you know, at least publicly in charge, I mean different theories for how much power they have, then Prince William, who then becomes King William, if anyone thinks that he somehow is not going to be influenced by the culture he's grown up in, well you'd be crazy, right, he's going to be some reflection of the culture that he's grown up in, that he's lived in, that he's been taught by to some degree, so a lot of the time a leader, and that's the same with a politician, they're at least some sort of product of the culture they've grown up in, okay, they're a lot of the time a result of that. Now on top of that we live under a democratic political system where 9.7 million people apparently voted for a for a Labour candidate a few weeks ago, so not nearly 10 million people voted for a Labour candidate in their area, and then, but keep a finger here, okay, keep a finger here because we're going to come back here, and turn to Luke 22, Luke chapter 22, because added to that is the fact that our so-called leaders are influenced by others, okay, so you can't escape this in life, and this is this is clear in the Bible here, we're going to see this in a couple of verses, your turn to Luke 22, but I'd like to quote Matthew 20 verse 25 where Jesus said it like this in Matthew 20 25, but Jesus called them unto him and said, he's talking to his disciples, you know that the princes of the Gentiles exercise dominion over them, and they that are great exercise authority upon them. He said that the princes, or we would say maybe the principles, so he's not talking about like royal princes, okay, the principles, the leaders of the Gentiles, the nations of the world exercise dominion over them, okay, on their people with different kinds of government, and there's varying types of government, however they that are great, or we might say wealthy, powerful, they exercise authority upon those principles, they're the ones with the authority, they're the ones that exercise the power upon them. Now if anyone thinks that, you know, Keir Starmer or Rishi Sunak previously, Theresa May or Liz Truss were the most powerful people in this nation, you live in a dream world, you just live in a dream world, your head's buried, okay, it's nonsense, they that are great or wealthy said in Matthew 20-25, they exercise power, they exercise authority upon those principles. In the Luke account, okay, it gives these influences, these rich and powerful, a name to help us to understand it, in fact it gives us a name which should help you to get your head around it a bit more, it says in Luke 22 and verse 25, and he said unto them in Luke 22-25, the kings of the Gentiles exercise lordship over them, and they that exercise authority upon them are called benefactors. So there are people that exercise authority on the government, the public face of the nation, who are meant to be leader of the nation, there are people that exercise authority upon them and they are called benefactors. A benefactor is he who confers a benefit, especially one who makes charitable contributions either for public institutions or for private use. So the people that confer a benefit to these leaders, and whether it's party donations, gifts of various types, brown envelopes of cash, hosting special parties where Gary Glitter plays live and Jimmy Saville fixes it for them to get a first-class flight on Jeffrey Epstein's jet, whatever it is, yeah, you can imagine probably all of these together, these are benefactors, they give them benefits, yeah, which therefore with that they then exercise authority upon that leadership. And now you might call me a conspiracy theorist, but look, this stuff is just common knowledge, it's just common knowledge, it's not even hidden, I remember preaching a sermon a while ago and just show, just open blatant party donors for the whatever the latest party is, millions, millions, beyond that, and it's open, open gifts and donations and from business leaders, from all these different types of people that then get benefits in return from that political party, let alone the stuff that goes on behind closed doors, let alone, like I said, all of the whistleblowing accounts and all the things that's been going and going through the court systems with these perverts and all the stuff that goes on behind closed doors as well. Now, you can bury your head, like I said, like an ostrich, okay, you can just kind of, no this can't be true, I don't even want to think about it because this is a much easier life to not have to think that these things happen, but it doesn't make it not true, and that's just up to you if you want to do that and pretend that everything's just rosy and we just wrote and, you know, and Keir Starmer is somehow the man in charge, I mean, it's madness, okay, so who exactly is the leader for the buck to stop at? Well, go back to 1st Corinthians 11, isn't the government responsible for our society being what it is, that's what people, some people like to say, it's the government, it's the Tories, it's Labour, it's whoever, it's the guy, they're all the same, whatever, right, well the national government has some clear functions, okay, the primary one being the maintaining of justice by the punishment of criminals and obviously protection of its civilians from outside, invasion, etc, okay, that's a clear role of a government, that's what a government should be doing, and also protection from hazard and harm, you could say through providing emergency services, things like that, I would say that's a good job for a government to provide, aside from that you could add building and maintaining infrastructure, obviously roads, etc, things like that, and organising the funding of all of this, so obviously someone needs to organise that stuff, right, receive, set the taxes at the right level to be able to afford and pay for these things, now after that it's debatable as to what other areas government should have much involvement in, and that's open to debate and I'm not going to go into that in this service, okay, so if the government is a reflection of our society, who seem happy for it to be overly controlled by benefactors, most people just seem to be content with that, they don't even care that it's common knowledge, a society that seems relatively happy with the lax punishment of wrongdoing, okay, because yeah, we have some pretty lenient laws in certain areas, not in others, right, so who's there for to blame them for our society, who are the leaders in our society, because really the government doesn't lead our society, the government shouldn't and doesn't really have the choice to create a culture, what is our society a collection of, I'll tell you what it's a collection of, it's a collection of families, or the Bible might say houses, that's what society is, it's a collection of families, now they might not all live in the same house, but it's a collection, it's a group of families in a nation which then they become a society, don't they, it's a society of people and families of different houses, okay, well back in 1st Corinthians 11 we see a very simple leadership structure for society, 1st Corinthians 11 3 says it like this, but I would have you know that the head of every man is Christ and the head of the woman is a man and head of Christ is God, so there's a leadership structure there, God through the Apostle Paul said that there's a clear leadership structure in life, at the top is God the Father, with God the Son, the Lord Jesus Christ willingly submitting to that hierarchy, as we see in the Bible explained to us, then it's a man and in the home that's the man of the house, the husband, okay, with his wife and then his children coming after that in the hierarchy, now turn to Ephesians chapter 5, Ephesians chapter 5, like it or not that's just how God ordained it, so whether you like it or not, whether you've had your life being, you know, poisoned by feminist brainwash or not, that's just how it's it's clear in the Bible, okay, clear as you like, the Bible says Ephesians 5 22, wives submit yourselves unto your own husbands as unto the Lord, one of a few places where the Bible spells this out, okay, wives submit yourselves unto your own husbands as unto the Lord, and rather than something to be proud of, okay, as men, because you haven't achieved anything there, you didn't achieve being a man, you were just born a man, it's actually a massive responsibility, it's a huge responsibility that we need to take seriously as men, then after the husband, next in charge is the wife, so boys out there, any young men out there growing up or anything else, okay, you're to submit to your mums, the Bible says in Ephesians 6 1, children obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right, parents, okay, you're to obey your parents, and in an ideal world that would be until you move out and marry, in an ideal world, that's how I see, kind of, that would be God's design, Genesis 2 24 says, therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife, and there should be one flesh, so in an ideal world, you'd raise your sons or daughters, when they meet someone and get to the point where they're ready to marry, that's when they had moved, and then at that point, that point, that boy then is in a leadership position when he becomes that man, and he becomes a leader of his home, but until then he's under the leadership of his father, so is a daughter, until she becomes under the leadership of her husband, so you've got God the Father, God the Son, and then the man of the house, guess which of those is failing in our society, because I tell you what, God's not failing, he's doing everything he said he'd do, the Lord Jesus Christ isn't failing, he's doing everything he says he'll do, it's the man that's failing, it's men that are failing, it's the leader of the home that's failing, the leaders of our society, they're the leaders, now don't get me wrong, people will go, oh well, no, no, no, you don't understand, because this popular person is a leader, the mainstream media is leading, no they're not, they're not, they're giving an option, and people can make them leaders in society, or they can lead their homes like they're supposed to do, and men are supposed to lead, they're the leaders in society, because no one has charge over your family, no one should have control over your family, the buck stops at leadership, now some might say well, well maybe it's the women's fault, okay, maybe it's the women's fault, they're not letting themselves, you know, be led, they're not letting these men lead, well sure, if those husbands, if those fathers were doing it right, okay, if they were leading how they're supposed to, but they're not, they're not, okay, the mess that this nation is in is due to those leaders of homes across the nation failing miserably, that's the truth of it, failing miserably, now you might say well what has that man down the road got to do with those Muslim immigrants, because they can't, you know, all these Muslim immigrants being sent in, what's the man down the road got to do with that, that leader of that home, what has the dad across the street got to do with people burning police stations, it's got nothing to do with him, what are you talking about, it was dads down the road that raised the brainwashed liberals that supported the influx of swarms of Muslim immigrants, it was dads that raised those people, it was dads across the street that abandoned their kids long before they were turning up in balaclavas thinking well this is fun, let's burn some things, it was dads, it was dads who were in charge, they're the leaders in society, if you think that all of the UK's problems would be solved if they deported the Muhammad worshipers, you're crazy, they're not going to suddenly solve everything, yeah don't get me wrong, okay, look, that's a separate sermon, okay, the Muslims, that is a scourge, okay, that is a problem, they're a dangerous group because they worship a paedophile, okay, however, getting rid of them, there's just going to be other problems, if you think that all the UK's problems would be solved with a new government, you're crazy as well, the new government isn't solving the failings of leadership across this nation, now those things might help it, you know, don't get me wrong, a new government probably would help a little, right, but none of that will stop the across-the-board parenting failures in this nation, it's not going to solve it, the joke parenting that we're seeing will just continue to rise and it will just continue to get worse, nothing's stopping, it's getting worse, and I know that's cliche, but believe me, it's getting worse and worse and worse, I see these parents, I'm around these parents, you know, in different areas, different places, and it just gets worse, it's astounding sometimes how bad it is, there were children the other evening in Southend, running at each other with swords, okay, they weren't knives, they were swords, running at each other with swords, trying to chop each other up, in the middle of Southend, now keep a figure here and turn to Proverbs 22, now I said children, because I prefer to get my definitions from the Bible, which sees 20 plus as an adult, okay, they're kids, they were kids, teenage kids, running around with swords, and I'm not, all this voting ages, boozing ages, I'd let the Bible define that, it's 20 plus as an adult, what do you think they were trying to kill and maim each other for, anyone like wonder that, what was it that was so serious that they were looking to chop each other up and kill each other, probably which group is tougher, or something like that, I doubt they'd even got to the point where they were making that much money from this, from their pathetic drug dealing, where it actually even mattered, it's probably just toughness, trying to be cool, and the rest of it, it just escalated to the point of they're bringing their swords along, right, it's pathetic, those kids, shall I tell you what those kids are, they're a massive parenting failure, that's really what it comes to, who's to blame, who's ultimately responsible for children, their parents, who's to blame for them, their dads, their dads are a disgrace, an absolute disgrace, why are your teenagers getting the train to Southend with swords in their trousers, I mean what on earth, what are you doing, why are your kids, why are they going out the house with swords tucked in their trousers going down to Southend, that's a dad failure all day long, that is a massive dad failure isn't it, now it's not because of their skin colour, because of, you know, some will say how many generations they've been a so-called brick, is that really what it comes down to, doesn't it, well how many generations does qualify as a brick, because let's be honest, if you go too many generations, no one's a brick, okay, like none of that, it's just like, they've got so many holes in that anyway, you could debunk that so much, ultimately the buck stops at fathers, the buck stops at fathers in this nation, given a huge responsibilities ahead of their homes that are failing miserably, okay, now some will go, well it's a brainwash though, okay, they'll go, but it's a brainwash, it's the music, it's that drill music, and that drill music is some wicked music, agreed yeah, it's a hip-hop, and that hip-hop is some wicked music, and most of the people, most of the hip-hop artists are sodomites, okay, and it's a pretty wicked bunch, right, however, since when was that stuff compulsory, anyone, anyone had a gun put to their head recently to listen to that junk, it's not compulsory, who lets their kids listen to that stuff, if you, if you let your kids listen to that music, you are an idiot, you're beyond an idiot, you're wicked, if you allow the kids that are under your authority in your home to sit there and listen to that sort of stuff being literally drilled into their head, you're, you're a complete idiot, and you're responsible, they're children, foolishness has banned the heart of a child, of course they're gonna choose that rubbish without you actually there to help them, and to guide them, and to ban them from putting that stuff on, if you let your kids play half of those computer games, you're an idiot, if you let your kids play computer games where they're running around chopping people up, where they're running around shooting, I mean some of that stuff's pretty realistic now isn't it, and they're just staring at that all day every day, shooting, killing, chopping, cutting, maiming, oh it just can't work out while they're running down the road with a sword in their hands, it's just, it's not, it's not complicated is it, did I tell you to turn to Proverbs 22, turn to Proverbs 22, keep a finger here though, sorry, and turn to Proverbs chapter 22, Proverbs 22 6 says, train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it, so how about the dads out there take their job seriously, how about that, they just say yeah, look, we're told to train our children, regardless if you believe in God or not, it's pretty obvious, you have a child, what you need to do, train your child, if you didn't train your kids, well they'd still be saying goo goo gaga wouldn't they, you know, being trained, you need a training, you need a teacher, you need a teacher to do many things, you need a teacher to behave properly and to be a part of society, a healthy part of society, and let me, let me tell you how you train your child up, to be some gang member wannabe loser, by letting them listen to gang member wannabe losers all day every day on their headphones or in their rooms or wherever they are, whatever they're doing, that's a pretty sure way to train them up to be a gang member loser, who's serenading them all day every day, and I just can't work out while my kids acting like this, they're literally being serenaded by gang member wannabe losers, I mean what on earth, what do you expect is going to happen, let me tell you, train your child up to think that hacking people up with swords and machetes is a fun day out, that's a good evening out, by letting them play realistic computer games all day where they're hacking up people with swords and machetes all day and the rest of it, I mean it's not rocket science is it, it's pretty simple stuff, keep a finger here in proverbs and turn to 1 Corinthians 16, some say well they do what they want to do, I just can't stop them, some parents say that don't they, well I just can't stop them, it's out of my hands, how can I prevent them, do you know what I would say to a dad that would say something like that, I'd say man up you little sissy, you little queer, you honestly can't stop your kids, you can't stop a teenager, I mean if you teenagers are all skin and bones and if they're not you're feeding them wrong, it's like what you can't stop your teenager, what's wrong with you, how about you grip them up and you lock them up, how about if you have to you tie them up, you don't let them run down the street with swords down their stupid trousers are halfway down their bums, you know what they should do, stop drinking pints of estrogen in the pub and man up, and man up and go this is my family, I'm in charge, I'm not letting my son behave like this, how about that, instead of worshipping queers like Andrew Tate, I mean that's that guy's meant to be manly apparently, I mean what on earth the guy sits there like a queer, sits there like this doesn't he, that's the manliest guy we've got is it, this is like the hero of men and they're like so manly, it's like what on earth, how about be like God wants you to be and in 1st Corinthians 16 13 he says to the Christian, yeah to the manly Christian, he says watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit you like men be strong, that's how God wants men to behave, to quit them like men, to behave like men to be strong, not some limp liberal little pushover, I just can't stop my kids, how sad is that right, man up and train your child up and he won't be running around with a knife in his trousers, but his trousers are halfway down looking like some sort of weirdo serial killer, you imagine them running around with their trousers down their knees with a knife, it's sick, but he also won't be setting cars on fire because it, look that's one side of it, he also won't be setting cars on fire or modeling himself on some idiot, some absolute moron that risks life and limb fighting other idiots on a Saturday afternoon whilst, well honestly this is what these guys do while representing their rip-off foreign owned football club with their team full of foreigners claiming that somehow they represented their firm or something, I mean it's just madness isn't it, I mean that's like you got all those idiots as well and that's what half those idiots are turning up to destroy what maybe, maybe this stuff would have been like fairly normal protesting saying look this Muslim immigration is out of control instead you've got a load of morons there trying to burn things and smash people and throw things at police, the whole thing's a complete mess isn't it and who's to blame, their parents, their dads, how do you train them, well back in Proverbs 29 15, back in Proverbs but 29 and verse 15 it says it like this, the rod and reproof give wisdom but a child left to himself bringeth his mother to shame, 29 15 of the book of Proverbs says the rod and reproof give wisdom but a child left to himself bringeth his mother to shame so first off you do the training you don't blame the school, oh it's the schools they don't punish them, why aren't you punishing them, it's not the schools job to punish them, you punish them and by the way he said but a child left to himself and a child going to school is left to himself really, sadly I mean you got to the point where you got 30-something kids in a class with with one teacher, that's a child being left to himself, so is the child sat in front of the TV, that's the child left to himself, so is the child sat in front of the PlayStation, that's the child, in fact it's worse they're really left to the synagogue of Satan, really, in fact you're not just leaving them to themselves, they'd be better off if they were just sitting in a room staring at a wall, they might go a little bit mad but instead you're just shoving them in front of all these wicked games on the PlayStation, on the Xboxes, shoving them in front of the TV, I mean he's making most of that stuff, it's wickedness and you're choosing to do that, that's what these parents out there are doing, going I just can't work out why they behave like this, it's society, it's the government, it's the immigrants, it's you, thou art the man, he said punish them and tell them off if you want them to be wise, okay don't just punish them and don't tell them why they're being punished, the rod and reproof give wisdom, okay and this is pretty standard universal beliefs isn't it, I mean that's just been standard throughout history that people have punished their children, instructed them and helped them to behave, okay that's standard stuff, oh no but we know so much better now, look at the state of the place, but here's the thing, you don't need your government telling you oh no you need to put them on naughty spots and you need to not punish them, okay, you still make that choice, okay and if you choose not to give that that rod and reproof, you're in the wrong and ultimately that comes down to the leader of the family doesn't it? Proverbs 22 15 says foolishness, Proverbs 22 15, foolishness is bound in the heart of a child but the rod of correction shall drive it far from him, so it's not complicated, now some might say yeah but those poor dads aren't involved, okay some say this yeah, now about that okay, let me tell you and I'm saying the usual reason for that, so look some people might be on the wrong side of this for other reasons but this is the usual, this is a general reason in this nation for the poor dads not being involved, number one dad was a whoremonger, okay that's kind of general reason number one dad was a whoremonger okay, dad basically got mum pregnant and then went and started sleeping around with other women, that's off to the case and dad never married her in the first place, that's number one, number two dad abandoned his wife, dad did get married then he jogged her on, then he went and found someone else and left the kid to be raised by just their mum and had nothing to do or very little to do with that child or number three dad chose a whore who abandoned him okay, oh and guess who's partly to blame that dad was a whoremonger, partly to blame because let's not take the responsibility off dad, his dad, his dad who raised him, the leader of his family, guess who's partly to blame that dad abandoned his wife and his kids, his dad, guess who's partly to blame that dad chose a whore, his and her dad because why is he choosing, why is his dad giving the blessing and training him up to choose a whore and why is she a whore because of her dad, because here's some irony for you okay, you got all these guys understandably angry about the Muslim paedophiles okay and look, sure you're going to be angry about that okay, that is a wicked religion where they basically their hero, their prophet, the guy that they think is the guy that gave the extra biblical revelation, the guy they named their children out of, the guy they think is sinless is a paedophile, Mohammed is a paedophile, everyone knows it okay, that is a wicked religion but you've got these people so angry about the Muslim paedophiles but then instead of protecting their daughters they leave them to themselves, a child left to themselves dressed like literal harlots, so you've got all these guys going oh just yeah these Muslims, get these Muslims out, quick let's throw some stones get them while your daughter's running around dressed like a harlot, what's wrong with you, like sending them off, the people like that to be around them just sending them off, they go where they want, do what they want, well it's oh it's those Muslims, can't believe it, so why don't you take some responsibility yourself as well, train your child, look after your children, don't let them walk out of the house dressed like most of these kids do, kids, children, here's another irony for you you've got these guys understandably angry about benefits claiming immigrants yeah sure you can understand they're going look like what on earth, you know you've just got people we don't even know who, you know they're pulling them in to claim benefits right, but half of those complaining are claiming benefits, riddle me that, it's like I can't believe they're getting it, it's like they're claiming the benefits, like they've decided that only they deserve to live off taxpayers like us, oh no it's only okay for them to live off the taxpayer, anyone else, scum, wicked, my Bible says in second Thessalonians 3 10 for even when we're with you this we command you that if any would not work neither should he eat, if anyone would what now, he didn't say any could not work, any would not work, anyone who just chooses not to work neither should Now I don't care where you come from okay, unless you're physically or mentally unable to do any job you should be trying your utmost to get a job, you should be trying your utmost, doing your utmost, if you're unemployed you should be spending 40 hours plus a week looking for a job, more so, but back to those uninvolved dads okay, aside from the very rare cases guess who's to blame, them, it's men that have failed in leading their homes, have failed to lead godly wives, to lead godly daughters okay, to raise godly sons it's them that have failed to defend them from the liberal brainwash, from the filthy music, from the booze, from the drugs, from the school, it's them, they failed, they're the heads in society, the same guys protesting immigrants have got their daughters running around in next to nothing, their sons playing gangster and they're sending them off to teen drinking drug parties so they can get smashed in the pub, that's kind of culture in this, that's kind of British culture, we need to keep British culture, look I get it, yeah I get it with like especially with the Muslim stuff, I get it with that sort of stuff, but what like how about, how about we actually start at home and start sorting out your homes, sort out your houses, sort out your families, you say you're generalizing, you know what it's bad out there isn't it, it is bad, you'd have to have your eyes shut to not see how bad it is, how, what a disgrace it really is out there and I'll tell you why it's so bad, because of the sorry excuses in this nation, they are sorry excuses for men across the board, it's that bad, that spend more time with the mirror than their kids, how many, there's a lot of men out there aren't there that just spend more time in front of the mirror than those children that they've happened to sire with some poor woman, that abandon their families for some harlot, that neglect their kids whilst chasing money and that are too soft to stand up and say no to their children, because that's what it comes down to doesn't it, men who can't just stand up say no, no you're not happy, I don't care if you cry, I don't care if you have a tantrum, I don't care if you kick off, I don't care if you say you're not gonna talk to me or whatever else, no, no, how hard is that, and that has been going on for decades and that's why we're where we're at, that's what it's about, that's why we're surrounded by feminists, by weirdos, by raging liberals, because dad didn't give them a spanking, should have smacked that out of them, really that's what it comes down to because dad didn't just go no, where did you get that rubbish from, where do you get that brainwash from, no we're cancelling it, no it's gone, no I'm not having you getting destroyed, it's dad's there to blame, there's always look, throughout history there will always be the influences, there are people that want to destroy you, the devil has always wanted to poison you and your family, it's for the dad, it's for the man of the house to say no, so what can we do about it, what's the answer with all that in mind, turn to 2nd Chronicle 7, do we go and protest outside people's homes, bring out your dad's, bring them out, got some bricks to throw at them or something, is that the answer, for some mob chastening, well in 2nd Chronicle 7, Solomon had just finished building the house of God, in 2nd Chronicle 7, look at verse 12 it says and the Lord appeared to Solomon by night and said unto him I've heard thy prayer and have chosen this place to myself and house of sacrifice if I shut up heaven that there be no rain or if I command the locusts to devour the land if I send pestilence among my people if my people which are called by my name shall humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land now of course the primary application here was God's nation at that point in time okay you obviously we're not going to pretend oh he's just saying you know that just anyone any land anything else but I do believe that you can still apply this to where God's people are concentrated around his house here it's on the back of just building the house of God and he's saying right if my people do this I think you can apply that to people today especially to an area does it mean a whole nation maybe it could be but especially an area concentrated around his house if we had a house that God all over this nation I think you could definitely apply this to a nation but you can at least to an area out of interest if they had any rights or anything going on in South End aside from the machete chopping incident I don't think there's been any police being burnt recently no looking good okay keep up the good work everyone okay but he said here if my people which called by my name shall humble themselves and pray and seek my face to turn for their wicked ways then what I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin will heal their land and neglecting children okay abandoning family sacrificing your children for some idol of yours of all wicked ways their wicked ways we as God's people need to get right in this area and then lead by example too so we need to make sure we're right in this area then we need to lead by example in this area and you may be surprised I believe that the knock-on effect you could have on those around you okay you really can and you go well look what are we we're a church of you know what you know 70 on a on a busier Sunday or something like that you know what you know what does that mean what the sort of effect could we have look they might not all end up doing exactly what you do but you your family your friends see for example just your daughter's just dressed normally who's to say that okay maybe they won't go that far but maybe they'll be like yeah actually what's wrong with actually covering up my kids a bit and not dressing them like the local harder maybe they see your son's just just not listening to gangster rap and drill and whatever else whatever it is you can name anything go across the heavy metal swinging some stupid girly haircut around or something else like whatever it is they might see your son's aren't doing that stuff and they seem pretty content they seem pretty happy they seem pretty all right yeah maybe I won't cut it out completely but I might just kind of go to something a bit less offensive maybe I'll ban this so you don't know what effect you can really have people are people are influenced by those around you you can at least raise that bar of decency so then the midpoint is somewhere a bit healthier they may be more likely to say no to their kids they see you saying no to your kids if they see just normal biblical discipline to find alternatives to TV and computer games so yeah my kids don't just sit there going like this all day every day and when they do see when it family friends people just see your kids and I'll talk to them so what's your favorite computer game no I don't really play that stuff you know you know whatever you decide your line is with that maybe they might start to open their eyes a little bit go back to Ephesians 6 where there's a short but simple command for fathers okay Ephesians chapter 6 and verse 1 says it like this Ephesians 6 1 says children obey your parents in the Lord for this is right honor thy father and mother which is the first commandment with promise that it may be well with thee and that and thou mayest live long on the earth and ye fathers okay here we go fathers provoke not your children to wrath but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord so he said don't provoke them to wrath but okay and the but indicates that this is I believe at least part of how you don't provoke them to wrath so rather than saying not to wind them up okay that's not what he's saying saying we avoid the wrath by bringing them up in both the nurture and admonition of the Lord if it's a nurture and admonition of the world they're going to be wrathful so you give them the nurture and admonition of the world's parenting you're gonna have children fuming wrathful about sexism about you know the feminist stuff and all that because let's be honest they're always angry aren't they they always all the feminists out there fuming livid so angry wrathful they'll be wrathful about racism from whatever side because that's all you ever hear from everyone now everyone's a racist everything's because of racism everything's racism they're just so angry about it then it probably it's going to be next it'll be like size ism ageism you don't name it you know intellectual ism just everyone's got something angry at because that's how the world teaches them to be angry to have some campaign and something that's their thing rather than being content with life the fact that they're even alive and if it's lopsided okay here's the other thing though if it's all nurture and no admonition so if it's all love you know and comforting and looking after and caring and everything else but there is no instruction there is no there is no chastisement there is no reproof there is no rebuke you're gonna have a problem I think you're gonna still end up with children that are provoked to wrath and if it's all admonition and no nurture so if it's just whippings every day and there's no nurturing there's no love there's no care there's no actual desiring to see good in your it's just all about just giving them a slap then again I think you're going to end up provoke your children to wrath they're going to be wrathful turn a some 103 and this is an important point okay because some might respond to the world's liberal softly softly parenting and it's beyond the joke now isn't it how bad it is by going too far the other way so some people they kind of they you know they see this and then they compensate and going too far the other way we're told to bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord of the Lord so basically the Lord is our is he's our example for nurture and admonition isn't he well Psalm 103 in verse 8 says the Lord is merciful and gracious slow to anger and plenteous in mercy so he's slow to anger he's plenteous in mercy he pities us it says in verse 13 of Psalm 103 verse 13 like as a father pitieth his children that's how father should behave so the Lord pitieth them that fear him so we should have pity for our children we should be plenteous in mercy so it's not just right smash them you know spanking's all day every day might as well just smack their bums when they get up in the morning they must have done something well they didn't do something wrong anyway let's just start whip them into the into the evening because that's how you get that's how you get a good child don't you because the world's got it all wrong yeah no because then you're not giving them the nurture and admonition of the Lord because the Lord is merciful and gracious he's slow to anger he's plenteous in mercy he pities his children there's some pity for your children foolish is bound with foolishness that's just the way is pity them for it look however with that in mind you can go too far the other way okay turn to Proverbs 13 because there are those that go too far the other way where they get it all wrong because it's unloving to not chastise your children it see it's unloving to not punish your children okay the the liberal love yourself more than your child mentality is hateful okay that's a hateful mentality not punishing your children is hateful according to the Word of God Proverbs 13 24 says he that spareth his rod hateth his son he hates his son but he that loveth him chaseth him betimes which is early from early doors okay they need chastisement early they that if you're sparing that rod you're hating your child so you can't go well I'm just so loving I just I just love them too much I just could never spank the bum of little you know whoever it is well you're hateful because you know what usually it's because they love themselves too much they love themselves it's all about them it's all about not not wanting to looked looked in a bad way by poor little you know my poor little boy you know he's gonna look at me in this way or other no you need to punish it any you need to punish your dogs as well it's both right they need chastisement and often it's because it's easier not to in their mind it's easier not to have that upset child not to have the tantrums not to have the tears kids now to manipulate very early it's an unloving thing it's a hateful thing he that spares his rod hateth his son but he that loveth him chaseth him betimes it's both the nurture and admonition of the Lord that's why Proverbs 3 12 says for whom the Lord loveth he correcteth even as a father the son in whom he delighteth if you delight in your children they need correcting we're required to do both to get the right balance to love our children turn to Genesis 18 Genesis chapter 18 and if we can get it right okay hopefully our children can also go on to be well-rounded examples of them around them that's what we want don't we that's our goal is for our children to grow up to be a well-rounded example to those around them as well to then have that knock on effect as well and also like we've seen before if you know by your good works they may glorify your Father which is in heaven so you're showing that the Word of God is right the Word of God is true you're giving you're validating the Word of God by doing things God's way and getting the fruits of that now in Genesis 18 okay the Lord is about to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah for being a bunch of filthy sodomites he decides to tell Abraham about his plans okay verse 17 says it like this and the Lord said shall I hide from Abraham that thing which I do seeing that Abraham shall surely become a greater mighty nation all the nations of the earth shall be blessed in him okay why well he says here in verse 19 for I know him that he will command his children his household after him and they shall keep the way of the Lord to do justice a judgment that the Lord may bring upon Abraham that which you have spoken of him so the Lord had faith in Abraham commanding his children to keep the way of the Lord to do justice and judgment now if we can all be like that if our children can all be like that we could say look you know if God could say I know that they shall keep the way of the Lord I know the children of so-and-so in this church will keep the way of the Lord they shall keep the way of the Lord in a short time we really can make a difference then can't we because that's a lot of children already and and as this church grows as hopeful we plant other churches in the future that's more and more people influencing more and more people around them more and more children grow like that and look if you're saved if you're if you're if and there's anyone out here or anyone in the future that listens to this and you're saved you have a responsibility not just to get other people saved you have a responsibility to raise your children properly no children the heritage of the Lord the fruit of the womb is his reward okay now his kids and you have a responsibility to your children God's blessed you with children responsibility to raise them in the nurture and admonition of the Lord where you're commanded to do it we're told to do it and then with that we should have a knock-on effect to those around us we can be that shining light in our families in our lives our kids can go on to do that and hopefully make a difference in this nation and it's not a quick fix it's taken a long time to get to this point it's been going downhill for a long time don't think that it's gonna suddenly change you kick out whoever it is that whoever thinks they need to kick out I don't even know how you kick people out I don't even know how that works well whatever they think that it's not gonna suddenly solve their disgrace of the children who are growing up the kids that they have not that are completely off the rails already it's not gonna solve that because it didn't because because they've been going downhill long before they that the Muslims were brought in en masse by Tony Blair it's just look that stuff's a problem don't get me wrong okay that stuff's need solving but but the problems in this nation are really come down to society comes down to the leaders of society and that's the men of their homes it's men it's men that have that you go what about what if the women don't do as they should be doing well then their fathers have failed and you know and look I'm not taking the responsibility off we still all have personal responsibility but again if you if you go if you as a man and you're raised properly and you go you choose to marry someone and hopefully you're gonna be out you're gonna marry something you believe you can lead into the things of God and to do the things of God and to be able to live for God the Lord had faith in Abraham doing that okay go back to 1st Corinthians 11 1st Corinthians chapter 11 and look yeah you know when it comes to the world you could say well you know what what difference will it really make to them without salvation you can still make a difference you know why this nation was previously I believe prosperous and and there had been benefits it's ultimately the Word of God it's the Word of God now they weren't all saved but there were a lot of principles a lot of what went on in life was according to some parts the Word of God a lot of laws were based upon principles from the Word of God a lot of ways of living were based upon that and that's ultimately what improves the nation and what and what it all comes down the Word of God and if we can be an example for living by the Word of God and we can show that and be that shining light we can affect those around us and that can have a knock-on effect knock-on effect it'll be slow but it comes back to the house of God doesn't it comes back to the it comes back to God's people and judgment starts at the house at the house of God really go back to 1st Corinthians 11 you're in there aren't you 1st Corinthians 11 3 said but I would have you know that the head of every man is Christ the head of the woman is a man the head of Christ is God it's the head of the home the man but if he makes Christ his head and that's how it should be it's his if he allows Christ to be that head that he should be in his home then things will improve and it's down to us really isn't it it's down to us so it's down to men like you we can make such a difference here you we really can in this nation we really have the ability to do that because yeah it might not be next week it might not be next month it might not be next year but 10 years 20 years 30 years 40 years we can make a difference but you know what the difference isn't being made by burning police stations so don't go out now and burn South End police station I need that caveat you never know Carrie's looking a bit okay on that we're gonna finish in a word of breath well thank you for your word thank you for well you know how you make it clear Lord that we we ultimately have have you know we have individual liberty within our families to lead our families as we want to to you know to run our homes as we want to Lord and help us to get that right help your your people first to get that right and to show others and to be that shining light to those around us to sort out society by sorting out the home Lord society is a collection of homes help us sort out our homes help us to protect our families from the negative influences help us to understand that ultimately we have that choice to raise them raise them according to the word or raise them according to the world help us to raise off our families according to the word Lord help all the men here help the women here to you know to choose to submit to that leadership Lord of those godly men help help those godly men to lead in the right way Lord to raise their kids in the nurture and admonition of the Lord Lord to love their wives to be those leaders that you want them to be Lord and help us to then have a knock-on effect in this area and around this nation Lord help us some others to start by getting out and getting people saved help us to get people saved this afternoon and the sole winning Lord and to return for evening service in Jesus name for all of this amen