(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Well, it's the last night here and I wanted to preach something positive, so there's gonna be some positivity in this sermon, but I wanted to preach a message that I just kept thinking, what am I going to preach about? And this just kept coming to my mind. But I did want to say before I begin, thank you to everybody, people that came from the States to be here. I appreciate you coming, Miss JC, of course, the brothers from Steadfast, Jacob and Jared, and also just everybody that, I know you guys, the traffic is bad around here and it's hard to get here, especially on a Wednesday night. So I really appreciate everybody that made the effort to come out and I just wanted to thank everybody also for those that are listening at home that maybe couldn't make it. And we're very blessed to have this church here. I'm very confident in this church moving forward and I'm very happy with the results of it. And even though we lost a third of the people just recently, you know, you guys are still just powering through and that's something that I definitely want to preach about tonight, some things to think about. So let's go ahead and look down at our Bibles at verse number one in Psalm chapter 109. The Bible says, hold not thy peace, O God, my praise, for the mouth of the wicked and the mouth of the deceitful are opened against me. They have spoken against me with a lying tongue. They compass me about also with words of hatred and fought against me without a cause for my love. They are my adversaries, but I give myself unto prayer and they have rewarded me evil for good and hated or excuse me, hatred for my love. Set thou a wicked man over him and let Satan stand at his right hand. When he shall be judged, let him be condemned and let his prayer become sin. Let his days be few and let another take his office. Let's have a word of prayer. Heavenly Father, we thank you Lord so much for the scriptures tonight and Lord, I just pray that you'd help me to preach what you laid on my heart tonight and God, I just pray that you would just bless this church, continue to bless the leadership here and Lord all the church members. Lord, I pray that everybody would be in one accord and striving together for the gospel's sake Lord and for the truth's sake and I just pray that you would just continue to bless Sure Foundation Baptist Church here in the UK and Lord, let us charge forward and Lord, just be a bright and shining light in a place that has a lot of spiritual darkness and we pray these things in Jesus' precious name. Amen. So in this psalm and obviously a lot of you probably already know this that this psalm is talking about a lot about Judas Iscariot and Judas Iscariot betrayed the Lord Jesus Christ and even though he walked with him and was taught by him, he was personally chosen by the Lord Jesus Christ and everybody was, I'm guessing that everybody there was friends with him. Everybody was friends with Judas including Jesus Christ Himself even though he knew what was going to happen with him but you know there comes a time in every church, every church is going to go through this if they're a proper church that Judas is going to betray us. Now Judas betrayed the Lord Jesus Christ. Of course he's one specific person but throughout the Bible you see multitudes of people that have seemed to be good, seemed to be right but then they just surprised they're Judas Iscariot and so the title of my sermon tonight is When Judas Betrays Us. When Judas Betrays Us. Now Judas for the intent of the sermon just means simply someone that does betray you. Now not everybody that betrays you is going to be like a reprobate God-hating Judas Iscariot but what is Judas famous for doing? He's famous for betraying the Lord Jesus Christ right and he was a definite reprobate there's no doubt about that but someone that you know if I call, I've called people with Judas before they're like how dare you call me unsaved and like well I'm not calling you unsaved I'm just calling you you know someone that's betrayed me you know someone stabbed you in the back and sometimes people stab you in the back even you know Saul promised that he wouldn't hurt David and try to attack and kill David anymore but what did he do? He tried to go back and kill him again so you know Saul was a saved man but yet he betrayed David and and tried to have him killed multiple times for no reason and so obviously David is the one that's authored this psalm here talking about Judas but you know the title of the sermon is Why or When Judas Betrays Us and point number one tonight Judas will betray us like he betrayed Jesus now again what I'm saying is that there's Judases that are going to come and betray us and this church has just recently gone through a big betrayal and so I want to preach to you about this thing and I don't want people to get discouraged with this fact because it's going to happen again all right so it's going to happen again but how we respond to Judas betraying us is very important to how the mission continues to go on because I preached a couple sermons on Sunday about the you know about making England King James again and you know people will say well it was never meant to be a monarchy you know this you know this what God put together he never meant to be a monarchy well isn't he the king of kings and lord of lords isn't it called the kingdom of God isn't it called the kingdom of heaven that's the kingdom that we need to be a part of the kingdom of God is not the kingdom of men but it will be one day it'll be where he's the king of everything but yeah I mean people will say well it's not meant to be a kingdom but it is a kingdom and we need to continue to push forward the agenda of the kingdom of God and the kingdom of heaven it doesn't matter who the king of England is right now what ultimately matters that our king is the lord Jesus Christ and that we should push through and do our best when things like this happen to you know and and look sometimes when Judas betrays us it might take a while but then you know Judas might come back Judas might come back and try to you know mess with you or you know try to get you to leave the church or something and that's what they that's ultimately what they want to do they want to come in cause havoc try to overthrow the church and then they want to drag as many people out as they can once they've been revealed now let's look at Mark chapter 14 tonight mark chapter 14 number one Judas will betray us like he betrayed Jesus so just count on the fact that a Judas is going to come out and betray us and sometimes it's multiple Judases sometimes it's multiple people and and people that want to split a great church there's something wrong with those people and I'm not saying that those people aren't reprobates I kind of tend to think that they are but anyway mark chapter 14 verse 41 it says and he cometh the third time and saith unto them sleep on now and take your rest it is enough the hour is come behold the son of man is betrayed in the into the hand of sinners so Jesus this is Jesus at the garden of Gethsemane he's trying to get the disciples to stay awake with him and that's kind of a picture too it's like sometimes the church falls asleep and they don't see the wolf coming and we need to be obviously being vigilant and diligent and making sure you know but obviously without having to blame and try to find the pin the tail on the Judas all the time there's a fine line there's like a it's like a middle you can't be all the way over here or all the way over here you kind of got to be in the middle a little bit and not everybody that gives you a red flag is necessarily a Judas sometimes people just are flaggy you know sometimes people just aren't haven't grown up in a Baptist church not faggy but flaggy so sometimes people are flaggy right so sometimes they might have a weird thing that they believe or something like that but you know when you get saved you don't always you don't automatically believe every single doctrine in the bible I don't know if you guys realize that or not but we all didn't believe the right thing when we first got saved it takes time to learn those things and so if someone believes something that's kind of weird that doesn't necessarily mean that they're a Judas or whatever but we should look for the red flags when they're there or just log them in our in our memory bank and say that was kind of a weird thing and so then when it comes out then it's not such a big surprise to you but you know we want to give people the benefit of the doubt don't we we want to give people the benefit of the doubt because if everybody that came to this church that we were just like where did you come from what's your background you know and just like give them the third degree and if we're like that maybe we should be a little bit less like that and be a little welcoming I mean it seems like this church is pretty welcoming I appreciate that but anyway Jesus is here and his disciples have all fallen asleep and he has just gotten done praying and he's about ready he knows what he's about to go through and he says in verse 42 rise up let us go lo he that betrayeth me is at hand and immediately while he yet spake cometh Judas one of the 12 and with him a great multitude of swords and staves from the chief priests and the scribes and the elders now if you remember in the book of John Judas he he stands up remember Jesus says hey whoever I dip the sop you know they're saying who is it that's going to betray you and he's like whoever I dip the sop and hand it to him and then like Jesus Jesus dips the sop hands it to Judas and they go is it me you know like that's how slick and that's how good he was is that that people actually thought it was them it's like you don't you think you know yourself better than than that like to say is it me could it could it possibly mean be me and then instead of the person that Jesus said it was when he dipped the sop and handed it to him so you know Judases are very slick and very good at what they do but here you have I said Jesus will you know Judas will betray us like he betrayed Jesus and how did it happen well he did it secretly but then it was known to everybody at that moment when he did it and that's kind of how it happens it's like we don't know when they're gonna you know these these these reprobate sleeper cells are going to just pop up and and explode and do the things that they do but this is this is what Judas did is you know they're the the disciples are thinking is it me and then like not too long after that they see who it really is Judas it's the same person that Jesus said it was but we don't always know who they are we don't always know for sure who they are because they're very good at blending in obviously there's some that are kind of like low level scum that like you see them the the you see that they're halfway wolves as soon as they walk in the door like okay this person isn't very uh you know it's like I'm a sheep and it's like their ears hanging out their tails wagging it's like yeah I don't know about that you know they believe some weird strange doctrine or they're just you know some some people like we've had some low low level wolves when we first started our church in Vancouver but anyway look at verse 44 it says and he he that betrayeth him had given them a token saying whomsoever I shall kiss that same is he take him and lead him away safely so Judas had given them a token that this is what he's going to do he's going to kiss the person that is the one and and so remember look at what it says he that betrayed him say Judas is our betrayers they're going they're backstabbers they're people that want to hurt us they're people that want to hurt the church but Judas said whomsoever I kiss the same as he and in verse 45 it says and as soon as he was come he go a straight way to him and saith master master and kissed him and they laid their hands on him and took him so Judas had given him a token and I find that very interesting that says that they he had given him a token you know and what is the token of knowing that Judas was this betrayer this wolf in sheep's clothing this you know his name is Judas and you know what he is you know when we talk about him post Judas is he's he is a Judas you know well his word has become a byword nobody in this room has the name Judas for a reason because it's just a byword now isn't it it's a name that we don't want to name our children because of it's synonymous with Jesus Christ being betrayed look at Philippians chapter 1 verse 28 Philippians 1 verse 28 but the fact that he it says he had given them a token and we know that Judas is called the son of perdition right I preached a sermon recently about how Judas pictures the Antichrist and one of the things that make him picture the Antichrist is that he's called the son of perdition Jesus said he was never saved he never believed he didn't lose his salvation he never was saved that's the problem and you know we just sometimes we just don't know who those people are going to be but how do we know the token of what Judas was well the token was is that he walked up to a person that he'd been with for three years that he'd ministered with you know that ministered with him in front of all of his friends and walked up and kissed Jesus Christ on the face signifying the betrayal that he was going to betray him with look at Philippians 1 28 says and nothing terrified by your adversaries which is to them an evident token of perdition see it we're going to see when you know when someone is bad or someone is a Judas in our church that you know there's going to be a token there should be something that we're going to see in them eventually that shows us that they were never that they're in perdition or there's someone that's not saved so someone that's in perdition if you just do a study on the word perdition you're never going to find a positive a positive mention of someone that goes on perdition or a positive thing about that statement it's always someone that's headed for hell that's what it means it means perdition means damnation perdition means that they're going to roast in hell eternally that's what it means okay and it says but to you of salvation and that of god now text and constant online stalking is something i've been dealing with for a while and it's funny these people that leave our church and things like that it's like only people with our phone numbers would know to just stalk us online and and i don't know what their aim is maybe it's just to to terrorize us like this verse says but i've been getting a lot of weird text messages and you know i get signed up for emails that i never you know email addresses that i've never signed up for and it's just like goes into you know it's it's basically what i'm receiving now is like online harassment i've been getting it a lot lately i'm i'm sure that maybe some of you guys get a little bit of harassment online i'm not sure but this is one of the things that has been happening lately and it is against the law to do this but i know there's apps out there that can like just people can you know if they have your number then they can just text you from some rando number or whatever and they take stuff like hi or hello hey haven't talked to you a while you know and just i think well i don't know what they're trying to do like trying to engage you into some kind of conversation but a lot of times that they'll just say hey it's brother robert or it's like that's this isn't brother robert's number like what are you trying to do here but this is just an example of things that people do to try to terrorize you now obviously i'm not afraid i just push block right but people will do all kinds of strange things once they've left the church and it's like you know normal people that's why i'm saying it's a it's a it's a token when someone tries to terrorize you it's a token of their perdition because normal people when they leave a church or even if they got kicked out of a church if they're just a normal person maybe they just you know did something wrong and just need to be kicked out they're not reprobates okay normal people just move on with their life don't they like i i've gone to other churches and when i left i didn't continuously stalk the pastor on every online ability i didn't download an app where i could text and harass the person i didn't download an app where i could text and harass all the people that go to that church that's isn't that weird isn't it weird when people just continuously stalk and harass and all these things and that and that's what philippians chapter 128 saying it's saying that when you know don't be terrified by your adversaries you know understand this it's an evident token of perdition it's the evident token that there's something wrong with that person and they want to just try to terrorize you and we shouldn't allow those things to terrorize us we should just know that when someone is doing something weird like that or just making up all kinds of weird online personas and calling themselves you know whatever anything besides their real name because they're really in in reality they're cowards aren't they they won't face you with their real name because they're just total cowards and scumbags as brother any would say pure scum right that's the type of people that try to try to there is a difference between someone that's just you know maybe they just got kicked out for doing something wrong and a difference between someone that's a total reprobate okay and reprobates will try to continue to terrorize people afterwards because that's what psychopaths do right don't they terrorize and and they're like predators look at the uh look at back at psalm chapter 109 look at verse uh verse number three it says they compass me about also with with words of hatred and fought against me without a cause well i mean what kind of person fights against someone for no reason a scum a piece of garbage reprobate right look at verse two for the mouth of the wicked and the mouth of the deceitful are opened against me they have spoken against me with a lying tongue this is another thing that these types of people like to do they just like to lie and make things up look at verse number four for my love they are my adversaries so he's saying i gave them love and what are they they're my enemies because of the love i've shown them but i give myself on a prayer verse five they have rewarded me evil for good and hatred for my love this is i mean this is such a bad person it's it's just unimaginable to to to someone like us because you know we don't go to we don't wait and go to sleep and think who can i try to destroy before i go to bed at night the bible talks about people that aren't even able to sleep until they've done mischief and mischief doesn't just mean like they play a little prank or something but it can mean that but these are people that want to try to destroy someone and they can't even sleep unless they've done somebody wrong or evil and when we love somebody and they hate us in return you know and i'm talking about in the church situation not just random unsaved people this is uh this is a very strange phenomenon that we have to deal with because you notice you won't see a lot of churches like just regular churches that aren't doing anything for god they don't really have this issue i've this is a phenomenon i've never seen until i started you know being new ifv or whatever but you know when you think about it there's a lot of churches that have been conquered already so why is the devil going to try to mess with them why would he care he's going to focus his energy on people that are trying to do something that's good he's going to try to focus his energy on people that are trying to get out there and preach the gospel right because he wants to drag as many people to hell with him as he can and so wouldn't it wouldn't it make sense that the people that are his children the children of belial that they would act the same way they want to come in and try to drag as many people out as they can and make them unfruitful i mean you can't make them unsaved you can't stop you can't take away someone's salvation but you know what you can do take them out of the fight you can take them out of the church and get them disgruntled and that's kind of how they operate they still operate on the outside like a wolf would because wolves are scared of the shepherd wolves those wolves that got kicked out they're not going to come back in here and try to start any crap they're not going to just like you know they played a tough guy here but when it came down to it you know they just got walked out they didn't do anything there's nothing tough about it they're scared once they get realized once people realize what they are then they'll just circle around that's what actual wolves do that they circle around trying to find the weakness in the camp they try to find the weakest animal they can attack they try to attack the weakest person they can maybe it's a child that's like these reprobates are all like predators that's what they do they just circle around trying to find a weakness that they can attack at and that's why it's good to have people like this gone from our church and so number one judas is going to attack it's going to happen he's going to try to he's going to betray us just like we were like the lord jesus was betrayed he's going to betray us and what do i mean by that well number two when judas betrays us it's going to hurt why is it going to hurt well let's look at matthew chapter 26 there's a parallel passage to mark chapter 14 and it gives us a little more detail here that's why the gospels are so great because it's going to give us some more detail and insight from those men that wrote the gospels down for us but matthew chapter 26 verse 21 is a very long chapter but let's start in verse 21 it says and as they did eat he said verily i say unto you that one of you shall betray me and they were exceedingly sorrowful and began every one of them to say unto him lord is it i and he answered and said he the dip of his hand with me in the dish the same shall betray me and the son of man goeth as it is written of him but woe unto the that man by whom the son of man is betrayed it had been better or excuse me it had been good for that man if he had never been born so jesus is talking about judas here it says in verse 25 then judas which betrayed him answered and said master is a die and he said unto him thou has said i love how jesus does that he'll have people ask him a question i'll go that's what you said because it's like he knows what's in their heart he knows what they're thinking about but it's interesting that you know he says it'd been good for that man if he had never been born what a sad thing you know and talking about someone again who he's had to be around for three years so don't get all upset if you have to be so around someone for three minutes okay jesus put up with this guy for three years and he knew that he had some kind of wicked devices and influences and then ultimately he was going to betray him but he still allowed him to be around the other disciples and that should just tell us that the same thing is going to be for us in our church life there's going to be people that are going to just get in here and then they're going to just you know slowly fester until they reveal themselves also and it took about a year and a half for these people you know that were kicked out of here to finally get where we had two witnesses against them to throw them out so look what it says in skip down to verse 47 it says and while he had spake lo judas one of the twelve came and with him a great multitude with swords and staves from the chief priests and the elders of the people now he that betrayed him gave them a sign saying whosoever i shall kiss that same as he hold him fast and forthwith he came to jesus and said hail master and kissed him he even said hail matt he calls him master and look what look what jesus says to him in verse 50 he says and jesus said unto him friend wherefore art thou come isn't that interesting jesus knows how bad this guy is but yet he still calls him friend you know why because jesus treated him like a friend even though he knew what he was jesus still treated him well and sometimes we can know like sometimes the leadership will see things that you don't see and you're you know don't so don't feel bad that maybe you got duped by somebody that that brother ian kind of sniffed out before don't don't feel upset about that but we can't you know here's the thing we can't as pastors and evangelists and things like that and church leaders we can't just jump on everything that somebody does you have to have two witnesses you have to right otherwise it's not a biblical thing to do and so the way it was done most a lot of the people were here were sitting here when it got when it happened and how it went down i believe that god just confounded their minds to to do something so brazen and stupid as to just say oh yeah you know he was yelling at my wife you know he yelled at my wife for you know 38 or 28 minutes or whatever i mean what a dumb thing to to be revealed as but you know god is the one that's going to give that confounding to them so that they get caught and just how it happened was just masterful and i'll explain that here more in just a minute here but jesus says friend wherefore art thou com then came they and laid hands on jesus and took him the last thing that jesus says to judas is he calls him he said he asked him a question friend what do you what are you here for friend you know jesus kissed jesus on the face and you know it's basically like kissing the very door to heaven and then he still goes straight to hell that's how bad judas was you know who does that someone really bad and you know when judas in our lives reveals himself it's usually someone that we call a friend too isn't it it's not the person with the black eyeliner underneath his eyes it's like it's somebody that we think is charismatic you know there's someone we call friend there's someone that we prayed with someone we prayed for someone we spent time with someone we counseled together with someone that we helped someone that our church helped someone that we gave marriage counseling to someone that we married possibly someone that we did funerals for their family you know i'm talking about the leadership in those cases but you know someone whose children we led to christ someone that we called a friend that's who it usually is someone that's been around for a while and we don't think that they are what they really are but see judas will reveal himself and so we have to understand that when judas reveals himself it's going to be someone that we know or we're friends with you know not everybody might be friends with them maybe someone's like i knew he was bad the whole time it's like yeah people always say that you know i knew garrett was bad the whole time but garrett kerchway you know just but people that's probably because you had a red flag in your mind about that person and you just tucked it away and you're like you know what that might be kind of weird but i'm still going to show this person christian love i'm still going to be a brother in christ and i'm still going to help them there's people that have betrayed me that i that they were very good friends of mine i can see i trusted them with everything and then they stabbed me in the back and it hurts when judas betrays you it's usually a friend and it usually hurts it's not just like ah yeah well i just want to get rid of them anyway it's not always like that maybe sometimes it is but sometimes it's not sometimes it's someone that you cared for you prayed for and all these different things you know but jesus christ loved judas at some point he loved him didn't he i mean if he called him friend he called him even though he knew that he was bad he ministered unto him he taught him things and you know what judas did he returned evil for his good hate for his love but that's what's going to happen when we are in the church life that we're in and we just have to it's just something we have to get used to you know when when it happened i'm sure that a lot of people were probably really shocked and i'm not even going to ask for a call of hands of who was shocked i'm sure it was shocking to some people but when we get burned by a judas it could just be even a disgruntled church member it hurts it's very disappointing because sometimes people that are good people but they're just kind of weak in the faith or weak mentally or just you know they just don't have it all together those are the people that the wolves pull out with them because they are like predators you know the bible teaches that they are like predators they compass about and then they target the weak wolves don't generally just go after the biggest alpha male bull in a load of cattle do they they don't go after the big one that can just rip them to shreds with their horns they go after the the little babies don't they they go after the ones that are maybe injured maybe they got a little limp they target that person or you know not the person they target that other animal and then they focus their their their rage and and and try to eat that one that's weak but that's we have to understand that's what's going to happen here and so there was three there was four couples that were kicked out but there was three you know two one couple has been restored but they weren't part of what the main thing that happened where they actually literally stood up in our church and lied through their teeth in front of everybody here these people are alex afotato is it afotato is that how you and and obviously his wife him and his wife holly are both kicked out alex didn't get kicked out to the very end because he tried to change his story in the middle of it but the reason why i'm mentioning names because i want to make sure these people are publicly marked because there's not the video that we that where all this happened is not public but i want to make sure they're publicly marked because i don't want them running around to other churches thinking that they have an inroad there so as the pastor of shirt foundation baptist church i'm publicly marking alex and holly afotato doran and elena lazar ben and nick franklin they're all marked and uh basically according to the bible we're to have no fellowship with them okay and i know the brother ian probably has already said that but i just want to make it clear that i stand behind ian with those people being kicked out and they're never coming back and i'll tell you why i'll explain that in the rest of the sermon but number three tonight when judas betrays us we must judge right and true without pity when judas betrays us we must judge right and true without pity this is what the bible teaches folks and like this is some kind of nasty it is a little bit of a nasty business isn't it dealing with these types of people let's turn over to first corinthians chapter five and brother ian's preaching a series right now about people that should be kicked out of church i think that's the isn't that what the series is called people that should be kicked out of church and so you know i know that church maybe in your past might not have been like this and when you saw the showdown that happened here it was pretty dramatic like if you have and if you weren't here and did not see it i watched it same day and i was like dang that was gangsta but anyway it was uh it was it was pretty you know like it was just a normal day at our church i'm sitting here watching like this showdown happen of wicked people but basically just what happened is that that ben he he basically false accused ian of a bunch of things over a meeting that happened and ian brought two couple he brought in uh doran and elena and ben and nick and he wanted to find out whether you know it really wasn't a big deal but he wanted to find out like whether she was like elena was gossiping to somebody else and that's really how it all kind of started seems like a petty deal some people might think well that's pretty petty it is but here's what's not petty saying that ian is a hypocrite and that ian is a liar and like he had i mean a 10 page basically essay that he sent to me like accusing ian of all this stuff and it's like i had already heard the recording though i knew exactly what was said and his accusation is you know first it started out he yell he shouted at my wife and made her cry which wasn't true ever who who was here when that happened raise your hands so did he shout at his wife and make her cry no did he shout at any time in that whole record recording to make his wife cry no yeah and so that's that's kind of what took place is that you know ben basically told me that he had three witnesses and i was like because i had told ben that he needed to apologize and just move on if he wants to come to this church he's going to need to apologize or respond to the letter that ian wrote wrote back to him answering his accusations or you know or just move on apologize and be done with it but he just really got bold he i think that he just didn't realize obviously that there was a recording of everything that was said there and then he just doubled down and then said it was like he shouted at them for 28 minutes or whatever it was a half hour so then you know that's that's when the three false witnesses stood up and like alex's you know his arm just you know but then like once he i think he he kind of he kind of backed down a little bit of what he was saying but still said i i listened outside and i could hear what they were saying and it was just like so ian waited to kick him out for the dramatic ending but you know we were hoping to not have to play that whole thing and ian to have to give all the commentary on it but it ended up being that it had to be done so anyway you guys all everybody that goes to this church already knows that but you know basically what they did was so evil and so wicked that i would never allow someone that did something that brazen to come back to this church again look at first corinthians four or five four it says in the name of our lord jesus christ when you're gathered together and my spirit with the power of the lord jesus christ to deliver such and one unto satan for the destruction of the flesh that the spirit may be saved in the day of the lord jesus so what is the bible talking about here well it's talking about this guy that that committed fornication with his father's wife and they were like not wanting to kick the guy out paul says you got to kick this guy out but what's the bible say here it says to deliver such and one unto satan for the destruction of the flesh what happens when someone's kicked out of this church the bible says that they're given over to satan for the destruction of the flesh now look at verse six your glory is not good know ye not that a little leaven leaveneth the whole lump so when you have this type of leaven in your church you have to what get rid of it that's what it says purge out there for verse 7 the old leaven that you may be a new lump and so now this church has purged that leaven out of our church we had to kick them out because you know what they stood up and railed and lied about something that even it doesn't matter how stupid it was it's still railing and lying and so in order for this church to be a new lump and to continue forward then they had to be purged out of here does it say purge out there the old leaven that you may be new lump as you are unleavened for even christ our passover sacrifice for us therefore let us keep the feast not with old leaven neither with the leaven of malice and wickedness but the unleaven bread of sincerity and truth i wrote unto you in an epistle not to company with fornicators yet not all together with the fornicators of this world or with the covetous or extortioners or with idolaters for then must you needs go out of the world but now i have written unto you not to keep company if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator or covetous or an idolater or what's it say there a railer or a drunkard or an extortioner with such and one no not to eat we're to have it says not to keep company what does that mean you don't hang out with them you don't eat with them so if someone's kicked out of this church that means you're to have no fellowship with them and that's not just like us like trying to control you or something that's what god says why does he say that because they're leaven because there's someone poisoned they they're trying to poison the well here and you don't want to be outside hanging out with them you're like well yeah but the bible says to restore them that are you know if you're either spiritual restore them that that's not what it's talking about here in this case because what they did was way more brazen than just someone if someone is a railer can they be forgiven yes they can be forgiven but what they did here was different it was a different level and that's why the other couple that got kicked out was forgiven for the and after they repented okay so look at verse 12 it says and what have i to do to judge them that are without do not you judge them that are within but them that are without god judges therefore put away from among yourselves that wicked person what's the bible say that we're supposed to do with these types of people we're supposed to put them out of the church god's going to deal with them god's going to judge them and you know what if they're not what i think they are then you know they'll they'll thrive someplace else but what i've seen is that some of them are reaching out online to other pastors they're still see that because that's what they're going to do they're going to use other angles to try to get into other circles because we don't all know each other who hangs around each other necessarily but all it takes is one of these wolves to just you know they're going to i i just want to help to warn other pastors about these people because if they're going to come in to another church i want to warn that pastor now if someone doesn't want to take and heed to the warning they don't want to take the mark that we put upon them then that's their problem and they can just deal with it themselves but i'll tell you what you know they people should should take heed when someone's been marked publicly by a pastor you know what it's not like i'm just on a hair trigger to do this type of thing i'm not just kicking people out left and right every single week but even if i was and i'm right then it's still not wrong to kick someone out and and enforce a mark upon them turn to romans chapter 16 verse 17 romans chapter 16 verse 17 romans chapter 16 verse 17 see the bible tells us we're supposed to throw people out we're supposed to not keep company with these types of people and we're supposed to judge those people from within and you know i allowed the church to judge the situation see what was brought forth was their false accusation and then they they got to say what their false accusation was all three of them didn't they get to stand up and say what they said that they saw right and then the recording was played and then everybody here knew that they were liars but had that recording not been there then what would have been stopping them from trying to overthrow ian in the church what would have stopped them so we have to deal with things look at romans 16 17 now i beseech you brethren mark them which cause divisions and offenses contrary to the doctrine which you've received and what's it say hang out with them go to tea with them eat dinner with them talk to them message them text them what's it say avoid them doesn't it isn't that what it says and i'm not saying anybody here is talking to these people that were thrown out but i'll tell you what and and look i'm not going to single you out or whatever but you know if you are talking to them and if you if you are talking to them then shame on you you're not right with god and you need to to repent of that and you don't have to come tell me you don't have to come tell brother ian but let me tell you something if you're hanging out with them they're going to drag you down they're going to drag you down look god gave that to us because i'll tell you what they had done a lot of weird things up until that point and i'll and i'll list for for you some of the weird things that they did later that just it's just a textbook it's a playbook for these people this is what they do this is what they always do and i'll run through some of those with you but let's turn to deuteronomy chapter 19 verse 15 deuteronomy chapter 19 verse 15 while you're turning i'm just going to read the rest of roman 16 verse 18 it says for when they for they that are such serve not our lord jesus christ but their own belly and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple look you don't want to be hanging around these people that's why we're supposed to mark them that's why we're supposed to avoid them so that you know who to avoid and if their names are named publicly and you're like well that's just not right for you to name their names publicly well how come paul named people's names publicly then how come john named people's names publicly how come jesus named people's names publicly you're like who how about harry called him a fox you know and you guys know what foxes are like they're bad aren't they all right so but you're in deuteronomy look at verse 19 verse 15 it says now this is what made me i was reading this just in my daily bible reading and i and i saw this and i thought well this really bears a lot of weight in my decision to never allow them back you know and the other thing is they never tried to repent afterwards they just said well you know there's more to that recording which is a total lie if you listen to it then you know that there's nowhere in that recording it's like you heard it from beginning to end and i made sure that he was going to play the whole thing in its entirety but then i got a message from doran just like right after it said there's 10 more minutes missing from that it's like no there isn't dude i didn't even i didn't even answer him because i don't want to talk to him at all but these people are slithering around in our circles still and i just want to make sure that like anybody that wants to can just listen to this sermon they know these people are marked permanently from our church and if you want to hang out with them then that's your problem but you know i would i would advise against it look what it says in verse 15 one witness shall not rise up against a man for any iniquity or for any sin in any sin that he sinneth at the mouth of two witnesses or at the mouth of three witnesses shall the matter be established so that's why so when he said see he wanted the three witnesses and when they stood up they had two or three witnesses right and they thought they were going to smash in into oblivion and that would have smashed this church into oblivion do you understand how pivotal that day was to this church's moving forward it's very it was very pivotal it's a big deal it's like you're being dramatic pastor thompson i'm not being dramatic at all it was pivotal it says if a false witness rise up against any man to testify against him that which is wrong then both the men between whom the controversy is shall stand before the lord before the priests and the judges which shall be in those days and the judges shall make diligent inquisition and behold if the witness be a false witness and have testified falsely against his brother then shall you do unto him as he had thought to do unto his brother so shall thou put the evil away from among you and those which remain shall hear and fear and shall henceforth commit no more such evil among you and thine eye shall not pity you see that thine eye shall not pity but life shall go for life eye for eye tooth for tooth hand for hand foot for foot so whatever those false witnesses intentions were to this church and to the leadership of this church those things should be done unto them what were they trying to do they were trying to overthrow brother ian as the leader here and so and what would what would have happened do you think ian would have just stayed at this church or do you think that they would have made him go if they had gotten their way they would have made him go in shame because he didn't have the witnesses that he need and they would have stood before him as three false witnesses isn't that what jezabel did to naboth he he had a vineyard that ahab really wanted pretty bad and his wife was like aren't you the king and then like she hired false witnesses to stand up and and supposedly it was a big celebration for him but really the false witnesses were standing up to murder him and that's what happened they bore false witness against him and everybody threw rocks at him until he died now we're living in an age where these things like we don't live under god's government right now but this is what god says should happen now they weren't trying to stand up to have them put to death they were trying to stand up to have them thrown out of this church so shouldn't what they wanted to do happen to them yes do you think that they would allowed him to stay do you think they would allow them to come back no they would have just turned this church would have turned into a a nightmare fanboy garbage church it would have been turned into a trash can see that's why i know that god is with this church because god stood up for us when we didn't have you know we didn't have everything we needed and he just allowed that to happen i mean over something so trivial but he still allowed it to happen and it's like we got you know three for the price of one or whatever you know one stone three wicked families thrown out of this church so in the new testament we can only go as far as our judgments are allowed to go by law so the extent of the power of our church is to cast them out right we can't just do what would have been done in the old testament we have to just cast them out that's why first christians five is there so we know what do we do in this situation you throw them out you get the 11 out of the church if someone murders someone in our church the police come and take them away hopefully that's what would be done so like whatever we have in our power is what we can do and and instead of like stoning false prophets or whatever you know stoning you know sodomites and pedophiles or whatever we have to just call the police on them but a lot of times even nowadays the police won't come they wouldn't come they said we got a sodomite down here sure foundation baptist uk come quickly they'd be like yeah we're gonna take you to jail that's basically what happened but what can we do we have the right to throw them out that's what we have the right to do and that's what was done so turn to first corinthians chapter six first christians chapter number six so the only thing we can do to punish these evil doers is throw them out of the church that's what the bible says to do we don't live under the levitical priesthood we don't live under the old testament laws not that they're not still good not that they're not still right of course they're right of course they're true the law of the lord is perfect right but what the only thing we can do is just get them out of here so when judas attacks you know first of all we need to understand that judas is going to attack and number two when judas attacks it's going to hurt it's going to hurt our church family members it's going to hurt uh our church in some way shape or form but we also need to not number three we also need to not pity these types of people when they're thrown out we got to judge rightly and hey it doesn't matter how much you like them doesn't matter how much you love them doesn't matter whether they you know help fix your car doesn't matter whatever it is that they that they've done that has nothing to do with judging rightly according to what the bible says so if someone is supporting you full time it doesn't matter if they're like helping you in every way shape and form if that person is a false witness or a a false prophet or just anything said in first christians five and they're going to be thrown out of the church that that that should be where you just like cut everything off and say you know what what god says is right i don't care how good of a friend they are we're you know the bible says if someone's a false prophet in deuteronomy chapter 6 if someone's a false prophet even if it's your own spouse you're supposed to rise up and put their your hand on them first and then to be stoned with stones i mean god looks at things a lot differently than we do we get all sympathetic and sentimental and things like that and again i'm not saying that that's what we should do now right now but there was a time when it was supposed to be done and the reason why israel was always overthrown is because people just refused to do what god said in the future it'll be like that when the kingdom of god is actually come unto us and we're judging with the lord jesus christ things are going to be a little bit different a lot different so here in first corinthian six one look what it says dare any of you having to matter against another go to law before the unjust and not before the saints do you not know that the saints shall judge the world and if the world shall be judged by you are you worthy or excuse me unworthy to judge the smallest matter so what's the bible what's god saying here what's the apostle paul telling us here through the inspiration of the holy spirit saying hey we should be able to judge small matters in church as and and we're going to judge the world someday so we can't judge a simple matter in a church service says look know you not that we shall judge angels how much more the things that pertain to this life so you know these people say we're not supposed to judge i mean this is the opposite of what's being taught in scripture right here if then you have judgments of the things pertaining to this life set them to judge who are the are least esteemed in the church and i wouldn't say that there was a bunch of people that were least esteemed but i allowed this church to i mean when brother ian said you know what do the people of the lord have to say and they're like you know all in unison saying you know he's like did i did i shout at them they're like everybody was like no you know it was pretty cool because anybody can listen and judge and hear we should be able to judge these things for ourselves and i mean they kind of just let us set it up and knock it down i was just like really surprised actually but you know god you know for all these things all the the wicked and evil things that they do and all the plans that they make and all the plots that they make and whatever they're doing with these computers trying to harass us all the time trying to call the authorities on us and tell them we're bad parents and and just whatever it is that they're trying to do these people are always going to try to do something but you know what god is always going to be our benefactor you know what having the benefactor that rules the whole universe is a pretty good ally to have isn't it i'd rather have god than any of their little you know he can set them up the devil the god of this world can set them up with everything he wants but you know what i'd rather have eternity and being right with god and then having some bad things happen to me here than to get what they get which is you know the devil just treats them right while they're here on this earth but then they're going to go and roast in hell for all eternity number four tonight when judas attacks we need to get on the right side of things so our church got on the right side of things but look this isn't this isn't the only time that maybe something that's dramatic like this might not ever happen again but i mean i believe that god just allowed you guys to see what you know the leadership sees and hear what the leadership hears sometimes because it was just like it was it was in front of everybody i mean you've got to to take that picture with with ian and live real time as they just slandered and lied and and and everything that they said was just was false you guys got to be with that in that situation you guys got to judge that situation and see it all played out that might not happen again but turn to access chapter 32 but here's you know if you're on the fence and i'm not saying anybody is but if you're on the fence about whether these people are bad or not you know just judge the situation did they lie or did they not did they stand up in this church and proclaim false witnesses to try to get a man of god slandered and thrown out of here if that's what they did then you need to get on the right side of things it doesn't matter what they think now they're out of here and so we need to get on the right side of things when we realize when judas attacks we got to get on that right side so look at exodus 32 verse 25 it says and when moses saw that the people were naked for aaron had made them naked unto their shame among their enemies then moses stood at the gate of the camp and said who is on the lord's side let him come unto me so moses comes down he smashes the ten commandments moses is furious he's angry and you know he you know moses was he had a temper didn't he he comes down they're all dancing they're all naked there's two golden calves there he just is up you know on the mountaintop with god just getting all spiritual and he comes down and sees everybody he's not even gone for very long and they've totally corrupted themselves he's angry and when he comes back down he said you know he smashes he he's just upset he said who's on the lord's side let him come unto me and all the sons of levi gathered themselves together onto him so there was a faction of people that were doing something wicked and bad and how they handled it was this verse 27 he said unto them thus saith the lord god of israel put every man his sword by his side and go in and out from gate to gate throughout the camp and slay every man his brother and every man his companion and every man his neighbor and the children of levi did according to the word of moses and there fell of the people that day about three thousand men for moses had said consecrate yourselves today for the uh to the lord even every man upon his son and upon his brother they may bestow upon you a blessing this day and it came to pass on the moral that moses said unto the people you have sinned a great sin and now i will go up to the lord peradventure i shall make an atonement for your sin and so basically moses you know he he even though all these people have sinned and everything the people but the people that were the the rebellious ones that didn't want to get right with god what happened to them moses said kill them get them out of here and the only way we can kill you know people here is spiritually throw them outside of the church and let god deal with them let the let god sick satan on them and allow them to be destroyed but you notice he's saying who's on who's on the lord's side see when someone reveal when judas reveals himself and betrays us we should immediately get on the lord's side we don't want to get on the side of the wicked and evil people and allow them to mess with our minds and do all these things now here's some things to look out for when it comes to these types of people these uh these false brethren coming in unawares so flattery don't allow people to flatter you if someone just comes out oh you know your sermon's so good so much better than brother i really like the way you preach you know what i think you're the best preacher that ever lived you know people will lay it on thick i think you're the best parent i think you're you know you're the best dad you're the best bible reader whatever it is that they're saying you know just don't allow once people start flattering you just know that lies are coming out of their mouth afterwards you're not the greatest thing that ever lived you're not the greatest preacher that ever preached you're not the best thing since sliced bread you know and some people don't slice you slice your own bread whatever but yeah you got to watch out for flattery okay flattery is going to be the key to where people try to get into your hearts they're going to tell you how great you are and then they're going to lavish you with gifts you know gift perverted it's going to pervert you and your judgment and so when someone does something really nice or gives you a gift or something like that that's just to butter you up isn't it so they flatter you they give you gifts and then you they kind of feel like they have the hook in you so when they drop their mask when they drop you know when they and they want to teach you some wicked false doctrine that they believe then they if you feel it makes you feel like well they've been so nice to me they've said all these compliments to me they've given me all these gifts and you know if i say anything i i'd feel bad about it because they've helped me out so much isn't that what they do come spend the night at my house brother oh brother they talk all spiritually don't they i love you brother they get it gets weird right so but that's the kind of things they do that you know and this is what what these types of people do also when a new person comes to to the church they'll they'll say hey why don't you come stay at my house this weekend and then hey let me give you a ride hey can i get your email address and contact information when i told pastor menes and this is before this ever took place but i already knew that there was kind of a showdown brewing and i already knew that there was some bad that that there was some bad faction in here and i was just telling pastor menes about it i didn't say like who they were because he wouldn't know anyway but i just said this is some of the things that they're doing and he goes they're bad that's what he said they're bad he's like i don't have a bible verse for it but they're bad and i was like okay well i mean i trust pastor men's judgment and really there is no bible verse for saying you know but they will try to take you aside take you into the corner teach you stuff that's not right teach you false things but first they'll flatter you they'll they'll get your contact information here's another thing to look out for the video the people with the video game numbers you know apparently doran got the whole hospital saved when he was had broken ribs right and then lifted someone's car like the day he got out or i don't know was it the day he got out with broken ribs lifted up someone's car that goes to this church and broke their bumper off or something i don't know it's like that was the demons giving him power or what but i had my ribs popped out before out of out of joint and i couldn't you know they hurt for six months if someone has broken ribs they're not going to pick up a car the next day or whatever that's pretty crazy right but i'm just saying that they will they will just video game number they'll say i got 10 people saved i got 20 people saved just like no you didn't man come on i mean if a place is receptive it it is possible to get five and six people saved in a day if you're going out for like hours at a time and you're in a very receptive area it's possible to get a lot of salvations but like i mean if you're coming back with 10 15 people saved it's like i've got 10 people saved in a day one time in my whole time i've been a you know soul winning and i was there i was out for hours and i got six kids saved at the very end of the day and they were all paying attention i didn't count everybody but that was that was i was preaching to but i'm not trying to put myself i'm just saying that like when you get a day like that it's very rare it doesn't just happen every week if you're in the philippines and you're getting 10 people saved a day that's normal but if you're like getting 30 every single day unless you speak the language and like like giving people you know just they're preaching the gospel and over over and over again it's just you know people just like this we're going to do the video game style numbers and they're also very hyper spiritual and talk very spiritually amen brother god bless and there's nothing wrong with saying that kind of stuff obviously we're christians we should have somewhat of a christian vernacular but if everything is just over the top brother brother you know god is good praise god over everything it's like my cat got run over last night praise god oh i mean you know just like it gets pretty weird but anyway they're hyper spiritual you know and then a weird and erratic belief might pop up so watch out for that and then again like they'll drop their mass from time to time but they know that they have certain people hooked to the point where they're not going to say anything but if someone does something says something really strange really weird then you should just let brother ian know you know don't keep those things to yourself watch out for highly ambitious and self-willed people i'm not talking about people that are zealous there's a difference between being zealous and highly ambitious and self-willed see the bible says as a pastor you're not supposed you know you're not supposed to be self-willed that means that you're what everything is for yourself everything is for your will for yourself and so we got to be careful around people that are just so ambitious and so ready to jump into leadership and i want people to be in the leadership i don't want you to be freaked out and say well pastor thompson said you know i want you to be i want people to step up and be leaders but not to the point where you're you know stabbing your way up to the top right if you know what i mean by that and then watch out for people that are covetous the covetous you know secretly they're covetous and and want things that they shouldn't have so and then we should not also seek to justify the wicked so these people have all these weird things they get thrown out and then people will still be like they're not that bad you know it's like what are you talking about the bible says to throw them out you know god just doesn't tell us to throw people out for no reason don't justify the wicked you know turn to uh number chapter 16 verse 41 number chapter 16 verse 41 the bible says in number 1641 and so this is where you know quora comes out and basically tries to take over from moses and there's the quora rebellion that happens and it's obvious whose side god was on because they all dropped into hell later on in the story but actually so the this has already happened so they'd all dropped down into hell they rebelled against moses they rebelled against aaron god showed everybody whose side he was on and then the people that were with them here's what they said verse 41 but on the morrow so the day after this happens all the congregation of the children of israel murmured against moses and against aaron saying you have killed the people of the lord i i just find this such a strange thing for them to say you know people that are saved don't drop into hell people that are saved cannot go to hell so they're like saying you've killed the people of the lord these aren't the people of the lord that were killed and and number one moses didn't kill them aaron didn't kill them god killed them moses just said well hey you know if they die a normal death you know it's just all of a sudden that earth opens up and kills everybody there right and then these people are like you've killed the people of the lord and it came to pass when the congregation was gathered against moses and against aaron so not only do they say that they gather against them and that look toward the tabernacle the congregation behold the cloud covered it and the glory of the lord appeared and moses and aaron came before the tabernacle of the congregation the lord spake unto moses saying get you up from among this congregation that i may consume them as in a moment and they fell upon their faces so you know there was a big amount of people that fell because of this cora rebellion even after cora and all of his people went into hell these other people stood up against moses so that what were they on they were on the wrong side of things weren't they they're so wrong that they actually think that people that are saved can go to hell that's how wrong they are how are you going to call someone that gets smoked like that the people of the lord we we got to be on the right side of things and we need to judge things correctly number five this is my last point turn to acts chapter one acts chapter number one don't worry the fish and chips are coming oh boy number five when judas attacks we need to just move forward and continue serving when judas attacks when judas betrays we just need to move forward and continue serving acts chapter number one look verse 14 so this is after jesus betrayed this is after jesus is resurrected this is after jesus has gone up into heaven and now it's just the the 12 or the 11 if you want it it's the 11 because judas is dead and hanged himself by now and you have a small gathering of people here it says these all continued with one accord in prayer and supplication with the women and married the mother of jesus and with his brethren and in those days peter stood up in the midst of disciples and said the number of names together were about 120 men and brethren the scriptures must need have been fulfilled which the holy ghost by the mouth of david spake before concerning judas which was guide to them that took jesus for he was numbered with us and had obtained part of his of this ministry now the man purchased a field with the reward of iniquity and falling headlong he burst asunder in the midst and all of his bowels gushed out and it was known until all the dwellers at jerusalem and so much as the field is called in the proper tongue ecledema that is to say the field of blood for it was written in the book of psalms let his habitation be desolate let no man dwell therein and let his bishop bishop rick let another take so let's talk about obviously the verses we began with wherefore of these men which have accompanied with us all the time that the lord jesus went in and out among us beginning at the baptism of john the same day he was taken up from us must one be ordained to be witness with us of his resurrection and they appointed to joseph called varsabas whose surname was justice of mathias and they prayed and said thou lord which knowest the hearts of all men show whether these to be uh thou has chosen that he may take part of the ministry and apostleship from which judas by transgression fell that he might go in his place so of course this is when they cast lots mathias has chosen but they didn't just whine and cry oh judas he was so good what did they do they they got past judas they're like we need to replace judas judas is a wicked person judas killed himself judas is a reprobate judas is in hell let's pick somebody else and let's go forward they didn't sit there and whine and complain and cry about it they just continued forward and that's what we need to do when judas reveals himself is we can't just dwell upon these people and say oh they're poor kids or this and that look hey quit worrying about that you let god worry about that and you know what you need to do just continue to serve god with your life because you're not going to bring number one you're not going to bring them back here and if you go and follow them you're going to follow them right off the cliff is which where they're going to okay don't follow judas off the cliff what happened to him he fell headlong and his bowels gushed out upon him after he killed himself we don't want to follow judas off the cliff we want to move forward the disciples replace judas and move forward look at second timothy chapter 3 verse 13 i got two more places to have you turn i'm done second timothy 3 13 says did i say 2 13 second timothy 3 13. we got to understand this we got to just realize this is going to happen especially in a church like this i wouldn't even get up and preach this type of sermon if it wasn't necessary it is necessary because we have to know where we're going from here on out and i want you to know that i'm standing with that guy right there brother ian to lead this church forward okay it says but evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse deceiving and being deceived see it's not going to get better folks it's going to get worse and so and again when all churches are basically falling away from the faith when churches are like standing you know rolling rainbow flags out when churches are you know have women pastors when church you know i mean like half the churches here have women pastors it's like all the church of england what what's going on we have to be on guard even more and just realize hey the hits are going to keep coming but you got to take the hit and keep on moving it says in verse 14 but continue see that word but those three words but continue no you know evil men and seducers are going to wax worse and worse deceiving and being deceived but continue thou in the things which thou has learned and has been assured of knowing of whom thou has learned them the apostle paul is saying hey it doesn't matter what's going to what happens these people are going to are going to get worse and worse hymenaeus philetus hermogenes all these people they're going to wax worse and worse they're going to get where they're going to you know pop out in churches everywhere but you know what the apostle paul says some but continue you know what he's trying to get his man timothy to get his church motivated to continue forward now turn to hebrews chapter 12 verse number 18 see we have to continue going no matter what happens no matter what kind even even if it's not judas just take judas aside for a second and the and the things the hits that come in your daily life and and life is hard life is hard and life is harder when you're a christian in a lot of different ways it's obviously great and blessed and peaceful you know where you're going when you die and all that stuff but you know it is hard i always tell people when i'm at the door i said getting saves easy but following jesus is the hard part and it's true because you know how far are you willing to follow jesus follow jesus you better count the cost because the counts the cost can be high the cost can be very high it can cost your life hebrews 12 verse 18 says for you're not come upon come unto the mount that might be touched and that burned with fire nor into blackness and darkness the tempest and tempest excuse me and the sound of a trumpet and the voice of words which voice they had heard and treated that the word should not be spoken to them anymore let's talk about when moses said hey nobody's allowed to come near the mount everything's holy and god started to rumble and smoke started to come out of the mountain and they heard the voice of god and they were terrified for their lives they were scared they told moses don't let him talk to us anymore you know whatever you say that's what we're going to do and it says for they could not endure that which was commanded and if so much as a beast touched the mountain it should be stoned or thrust through with a dart and so terrible was the sight that moses said i exceedingly fear and quake so even moses was afraid but you're come unto mount sion and unto a city of the living god the heavenly jerusalem to an innumerable company of angels this is our future to the general assembly and church of the firstborn which which are written in heaven and to god the judge of all and to the spirits of just men made perfect and to jesus the mediator of the new covenant and to the blood of sprinkling that speaketh better things than that of able see that you refuse not him that speaketh for if they escaped not who refused him that spake on earth much more shall we shall not we escape if we turn away from him that speaketh from heaven so obviously that's the lord jesus christ is talking about whose voice then shook the earth but now he hath promised saying yet once more i shake not the earth only but also heaven there's going to come a day when there's going to be a great big earthquake that will shake everything all the buildings in the world are going to fall everything is going you know the jerusalem's going to be split into different parts you know they they had like a local earthquake they had like a local thing but the whole world it says even heaven is going to shake and this word yet once more signifies the removing of those things that are shaken as of things that are made that those things which cannot be shaken may remain and so i just want to encourage you with this you know the the devil might shake at us the the the earth might seem to be opening up on us and and and fire is raining down in our lives and and it feels like we're living in our own personal earthquake but you know what it says wherefore we receive a kingdom which cannot be moved no matter what happens in our life no matter what happens in this church you know we cannot be moved the kingdom of god can't be moved and so it says let us have grace whereby we may serve god acceptably with reverence and godly fear and you know anything could be happening in our lives and you know what things go wrong in our lives and we have all these things just are it seems like our world's falling apart and it's nice to just be able to come to church and like get a little bit of you know away from this world time i think that's why god made the assembly so that we could be together and we could just encourage one another because even though our world might be falling apart we don't i mean i don't know what's going on everybody's lives i know that there's you know prayer requests i know some things but you know nobody really knows exactly what kind of a hard time we're having but you know who does god does and he says no matter what's going on hey let us have grace whereby we may serve god acceptably with reverence and godly fear for our god is a consuming fire and you know like i said our world might be coming apart and everything else but you know we have a kingdom that cannot be moved and we need to even when judas betrays us even when our friendships seem to be like hey that person was my best friend now they're out of the church hey move forward continue when your own personal life is going wrong hey find a way to make it to church do what you can because you know we only have one short life here on this earth and we shouldn't allow false prophets of wicked people to to destroy that we shouldn't allow our car breaking down to destroy that what is it going to take to get you out of the fight you know the devil's going to try to do anything he can to get you out of this fight he's going to do anything he can to get you out of this church he's going to get you he's going to do anything he can to break your family apart to break up your marriage to have your children go astray but all these things can happen to us but you know what we need to just put our face like a flint like jesus did in jerusalem he said i i set my i set my face like a flint and when we just say we're going to serve god no matter what happens no matter what befalls us no matter what is shaken up in our lives you know everything might be shaken but they're those things that cannot be shaken may remain and you want the things you know what what's not going to be shaken the kingdom of god no matter what happens no matter it seems like we're losing on every side you know what god's going to come through for us in the end and he's going to make sure that we as long as we stand and and continue and do what's right god's going to be on our side you know we're not perfect nobody is but you know we shouldn't allow something like a big split like this to shake our faith to shake our perseverance to serve the lord in our lives number one judas will betray us just like he betrayed jesus there's going to be more judices when judas betrays us it's going to hurt because a lot of times that person's going to be a friend of ours or someone that we deeply care about when judas betrays us we must judge right and true and without pity number four when judas attacks we need to get on the right side of things we need to be on the right side of things and and that's most importantly the lord's side amen and then number five when judas attacks we need to just move forward and continue serving and i would just say that applies to anything in our life because judas can attack in many different ways not just in a church family but it could be a family member it could be anything out there or just you know our daily lives it's a hard world we live in and this world is a history of misery and it's because of sin you know we need to still serve the lord with fear and trembling and godly fear let's pray heavenly father we thank you lord so much for this great church lord i pray that you would just stand with them and i pray that you would just help them and fight for them lord and and lord people are having health problems and and their lives might be shaken and you know things might be falling apart their finances or whatever it is their marriages lord i just pray that you would just bless this church lord help them lord to get through the hard times and and that they would just focus on the kingdom and lord that they would no matter what's going on in their lives that they would just continue to serve you and we pray that you would just bless this church and keep it and protect it and and lord till kingdom come in jesus name we pray amen