(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Last week, if everyone remembers hopefully, we started a new Sunday morning series called What We Believe. I was explaining that as a new independent church, I thought it would be a good idea to go through our statement of faith and explain what we believe and why we believe what we do. Last week we looked at salvation and I bunched together some scriptures there and we'll be doing the same as we go through this if we went through every single statement on our statement of faith. It'll be a very long series but this week we're going to look at the Bible. We're going to look at the Bible. So the title this morning is What We Believe About the Bible. What We Believe About the Bible, I'd like to pray. Father, thank you for your Word. Thank you for the King James Bible, Lord. Thank you for the fact that we have your Word here, Lord, and we're able to preach from your Word and in a way where we can just have faith in every word of this book. Lord, please help me to preach what we believe here just in a clear way, in an accurate way, Lord, and I'm going to preach here boldly and fill your spirit and help everyone to just really pay attention to what your preserved Word has to say. Jesus, thank you for this. Amen. Okay, so statement in our statement of faith is this. We believe that the King James Bible is a Word of God. We believe God inspired and preserved it. Matthew 24, 35 is a proof text, so is Mark 13, 31, Luke 21, 33, Psalm 119, 89, Psalm 12, verse 6, 7, 2 Peter 1, 21, 1 Peter 1, 23 to 25. And I'd like to talk about inspiration first, and inspiration is a belief that is common in most churches around the world. The belief that God's Word is inspired, and you can say that it's God-breathed, yeah? The Word of God is exactly that, the Word of God, yeah? That's a belief that is shared around the world. It's not just some interesting things written by men, some historical writings, tales of goat herders, as the morning critics like to say. Anyone ever heard people come out with this sort of stuff, yeah? It's like desert goat herders, you know, and everything else, and it's a funny old thing that, isn't it? Because it's people that want to appear to sound intellectual, and they've just done the exact opposite and show what absolute idiots they actually are, because it definitely ain't no tales of just goat herders. In fact, are there many goat herders in there? I can't really think of anyone heard in goats, but they heard some other things sometimes there, but that's not what it's about, is it? And when people try and sound clever, often they just sound like idiots, okay? And that's something that's done there when people try and say that. But it's not just that, no, it was written by God, however it was written by God through men, okay? That's what we believe, that the Bible was written by God through men. 2 Peter 1 and verse 15 says this, Moreover, this is where you are, 2 Peter 1.15, Moreover I will endeavor that you may be able after my deceased two of these things, always in remembrance. For we have not followed cunningly devised fables, when we made known unto you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but were eyewitnesses of his majesty. So I'll tell you what, if these were cunningly devised fables, then the author would be so amazing, so not of this world, he would probably require worship as God, wouldn't he? Well, because the author is God, okay? The author is God. But here's specifically, the Apostle Peter is saying, no, we were eyewitnesses of the Lord Jesus Christ. He said in verse 17, For he received from God the Father honor and glory. When there came such a voice to him from the excellent glory, this is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased. And this happened first after Jesus Christ baptism, and then during what's known as the Mount of Transfiguration, when Peter, James and John witnessed him being transfigured, his face shining like the sun, his clothing became like white, bright white, white as a light, they saw Moses and Elijah appear with him. And then Matthew 17 5 says, While he yet spake, behold, a bright cloud overshadowed them, and behold, a voice out of the cloud which said, This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased. Hear ye him. Now, can you imagine witnessing that firsthand? I mean, what an amazing event to see firsthand, to be an eyewitness of that. Verse 18, here where we are says, In this voice which came from heaven, we heard, they heard that voice when we were with him in the holy mountain, with him in the holy mountain, they saw this, they heard it. So Peter witnesses with others. However, that amazing experience isn't what his faith rests in, though. You would think that would be it, wouldn't it? You would think that would be the thing that you're like, look, I saw it, I saw him say, this is my beloved Son, you know, I heard that voice with others, it wasn't just me having a crazy moment, there were other people that witnessed it with me, we saw this, we saw Moses and Elijah. I mean, what on earth's going on there, right? We saw all of this happen. However, he says in verse 19, we have also a more sure word of prophecy. Where until you do well that you take heeders unto a light that shineth in a dark place until the day dawn and the day star rise your hearts. He's saying we have something that's more secure than that experience. And you've got to remember this, okay, whatever experiences you think you've had, how many people you come across go, oh yeah, well, I know, I know I'm a child of God, or I know I'm a Christian, or whatever it is, because God spoke to me, because I experienced this. So things I've experienced in my life, I've had this often many times, but I mean, I had it recently here when we had some, I mean, they were like, you know, pretty elderly Pentecostals, okay, came into the church on the 27th, and we had this really busy service, and I ended up speaking to them after the service, and he was like, I know, I know that I'm basically saved, even though he believed you had to do this and do that and maintain your salvation, everything else, because of the experiences I've had. I've experienced this, I've experienced that, I've experienced this. Is that what our faith rests in? It doesn't, does it? Because what's the heart? It's deceitful and desperately wicked, isn't it? And we can be deceived in many different ways, experiences can deceive, and ultimately, what does much false religion do? It deceives people to believe that it's a true religion, and in many different ways, but we have a more sure word of prophecy, the word of prophecy, the word of God. That's what our faith rests in, the word of God. That's not what you've experienced, that's not what you've seen, that's not what you've heard, and you can hear and see some amazing things, but it's what the word of God says, isn't it? That's our sure word of prophecy. He compared it to a light shining in a dark place, and it sure is that, isn't it? I mean, you know, just that verse alone, it's like, wow, I mean, that is exactly what the word of God is. It's a light in a dark place, because in a dark place, and we are in a dark place, aren't we? This nation is a pretty dark place, and what a light it is in there. I mean, just, it just shines, and it just, it not only shines in that it's just so different to what everyone else is thinking, believing, and everything else, and different to all those other religions and beliefs, everything, just the Gospel alone, being that other religion, being the true religion, as compared with all the different versions of works, but also the way it shines and the way it just lights up wickedness, doesn't it? Just exposes wickedness everywhere, exposes the wickedness we see. It's a light that shineth in a dark place, he said, until the day dawn, the day star rise in your hearts. He said to take heed as unto a light. He said take heed, that you take heed as unto a light that shineth in a dark place. So basically, we should, look, we should take a warning from it. We should be like, look, this, this is a light shining a dark place. We should take heed like you would if you saw a light shining a dark place. You're going to follow it, aren't you? You're going to be like, I'm in a dark place, I need that light. Take heed as unto. Because it's not just old prophets giving their own personal point of view, is it? That's not what it is. He said in verse 20, knowing this first, said no prophecy of the Scriptures of any private interpretation, for the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man, but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost. So according to 2 Peter 1 and verse 21, the prophecy of Scripture wasn't according to what men wanted to say, was it? Okay, that's not what it was. These men, these holy men, spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost. Okay, so they spake as they were moved. It's according to what the Holy Ghost ultimately wanted them to say, right? God was in control of what they spake. They spake as they were moved. And second Timothy 3 16 says it this way, you don't have to turn there, says all Scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness. So inspired, God breathed. That Scripture is ultimately written by God through men, yeah? Okay, and I think everyone probably understands that concept. That's what the Bible clearly states, isn't it? That the Bible was written, the Scripture is written, yeah, the men are like, another way I've heard this is described as the men are like the pen and God is holding the pen, okay? And this is something that a lot of the churches the world over would agree on, wouldn't they? Yeah, God inspired his word. I mean, there are churches that barely even follow the word that still believe that God inspired the Bible, however they will add in the originals, right? Okay, the originals, but we'll get onto that in a minute. But the Bible is the word of God and aside from the fact that God stated that fact, which, by the way, the critic would answer his circular reasoning, wouldn't they? They would say, well, you know, that's circular reasoning. You're saying, you're just saying it because the Bible says that. Well, just surface level study of this book for me proves it, okay? Look, we're not trying to prove the word of God because ultimately the word of God proves the word of God, right? But just the fact that we've got this collection of 66 books, yeah, written by approximately 40 authors over 1500 years in three different continents, yeah, that fit together perfectly into one book, don't they? Because the Bible is a collection of books that just fit together seamlessly into one book that can be cross-referenced amongst each other, that marry up being written in all these different areas by all these different people, but ultimately it's by God and the only way you can explain it is by God because it all just matches up. Like, word perfectly. Yeah, oh, well, well, no, yeah, well, it probably was all written by one blood. I mean, you know, there's obviously these morons out there. Obviously not, yeah. I mean, there's no, look, there's plenty of evidence that it was written over that span of years, over a century and a half. I mean, this is, look, and it adds, it marries up from Genesis through to Revelation. You see pictures in Genesis and onwards that are then fulfilled at least in the prophecies in Revelation. I mean, amazing, right? Let alone, let alone the fact that it's its own dictionary as well, that so often it will just explain exactly the word that you need to understand, that it's the historical accuracy in there as well, that, look, people try and often over the years people have tried to discredit the Bible and say it was wrong about something and eventually they have to concede it was right. Yeah, the historical accuracy, when we had the pastors here, we went to the British Museum. It's a bit of a funny story actually because I think, I think Pastor Menes was told that the Natural History Museum, I can't remember where it was in the US, was great, but you should go to the British Museum, as in the British Natural History Museum, but he thought we were going to go to the British Museum, so he said we'd go to the British Museum. I thought, yeah, okay, I don't know much about it, but we went there, and it wasn't the most exciting place. However, there was some interesting stuff there, wasn't the best sort of family trip for his kids and stuff, but what it did have there is it had, it had so many things that they'd actually brought over that were, that had been kind of, you know, dug up and uncovered and had been kept in many places and preserved from the older Syrian Empire, from Babylon, from Egypt, I mean they've got amazing, amazing stuff there, you're just looking at this stuff from history, and do you know, do you know what it's talking about, it's talking about people like Sennacherib and many others and leaders that we're just reading about in the Bible, and you're seeing stuff they've made, things, stuff made for them, engravings, drawing type things of them and stuff like that, amazing, right, amazing, and the Bible's just completely accurate with all of that. However, what about the sheer beauty of the language? It's a thing of beauty, isn't it? I mean, read the Psalms, read, for example, for me, just a beauty in the Gospel of John, and obviously, you know, just the writings of John and obviously, again, inspired, but the Psalms, the poetic books, just absolutely beautiful, the wisdom in the Bible, we've been going through the Book of Proverbs, it's a wisdom there, no man's writing that stuff, the unadulterated truths, the scientific accuracy, it's not a scientific book, but when it does discuss science it's 100% accurate, isn't it? The man-made attempts pale in comparison, don't they? Anyone ever tried reading the Quran? I always just sink the Quran because I have, I thought, well, I got given one by someone once, I thought, I'm going to try and read a bit of this and just see how bad it is. It's horrendous, it's terrible, it's just a bad sort of, bad attempt at trying to sound like the Bible, right? But so are the rest of these books, they're all an absolute joke, any man-made attempt is a joke in comparison. If it wasn't written by God, I would like to meet someone who could do something even slightly comparable. No one could get anything even slightly comparable to the Bible. The majority of Christian denominations at least pay lip service to the inspiration of scripture, okay? Most denominations out there, most so-called Christians out there, and I'll tell you why, because without any sort of inspiration of scripture, then their whole religion doesn't hang on anything, does it? Because that's where it all comes from. So even, you know, even though they'll put the Pope at the final authority, they still, if you speak to most Catholics on the door, they'll go, yeah, we believe that the Bible's the word of God though, they just don't believe what God says. They're more likely to believe what El Papa says. But look, the Bible is the word of God and most people, at least most so-called Christians, will agree with that. However, here's a bit that most churches don't seem to believe. They don't believe that God is able to not only inspire but to preserve his word. So many of them will go, yeah, we believe that the Bible's the word of God in the originals. We believe in the inspiration of scripture in the originals, right? But what would be the point of inspiration without preservation? Why would he go? Why would God go to all that trouble to inspire his word, to have the inspired writings for him to write through men for them to just disappear, to be buried, to be long gone and a thing of history? What would even be the point of any of that? What would be the point of any of those teachings? What would be the point in writing prophecies about the future and saying when you see these things, when this happens, talking to people in the future, and then not preserve any of it? And for us to go, I don't know, might be true that bit, I don't know. I don't really know because you know, he only inspired it in the originals. Who knows if this is true what it says. I mean, it would be ridiculous, wouldn't it? Why would he go to all that trouble to inspire his holy words to be spoken, to be written, to have them buried, lost, destroyed? Especially when he promised to preserve his words. He promised to preserve his words. Keep something in 1 Peter and turn to Matthew chapter 24. This isn't, you know, and the promise to preserve his words isn't just in one verse of the Bible where they go, whoa, who knows if that was preserved in the right way? Maybe he never promised to do it. No, the promise is all over the Bible to preserve his word, to preserve his word. I'll read our statement again while you're turning. We believe that the King James Bible is the word of God. We believe God inspired and preserved it. And like I said, we've got some scripture references there that we're going to look at today. And in Matthew 24 where you've turned, it's the famous Olivet Discourse, okay, which is basically a discourse on the Mount of Olives. Jesus is told of the things to come before he returns and then raptures the believers. He says in Matthew chapter 24, Now learn a parable of the fig tree. When his branch is yet tender and put forth leaves, ye know that summer is nigh. So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near even at the doors. Verily I say unto you, this generation shall not pass till all these things be fulfilled. Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away. He said my words shall not pass away, didn't he? He didn't say my word as a general whole. He said my words, didn't he? Plural. Words with an S. Now some might go, well that's just the way it was written. You know, well that was like one statement by Matthew, who knows if that bit was preserved, right, and who knows if if they got that bit right. Matthew recorded it that way, but maybe he meant just a general Bible. He meant, well yeah, okay, well we still have some sort of Bible, right, okay, and luckily we can go back to the Greek and we can kind of work out between 20 different translations what he might have said, yeah. Well guess what the parallel passage recorded by Mark in Mark 13 31 says? Anyone want to guess? It says, heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words, plural, shall not pass away. Guess what the parallel passage recorded by Luke in Luke 21 33 says? I think you can probably guess, right, heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words, plural, shall not pass away. So exactly the same thing. And if you notice, when we study scripture a lot of the time, and it's such an amazing book that sometimes when you're studying the gospels and you look for the different accounts you start to find little hidden gems and little things help you to understand bits, but here it's written three times in exactly the same way, exactly the same way that statement is written, because Jesus wanted us to know that his word shall not pass away. That's why Jesus wanted us to know that his words, plural, shall not pass away, which is a relief considering that in Matthew 4 4 he told us that we need every single one of them, right? He said in Matthew 4 4 it says, but he answered, said it is written, man shall not live by by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God. So if we need every word, thank God, his words he said shall not pass away. And by the way, when Jesus said my words shall not pass away, he wasn't just talking about the Olivet Discourse, okay, he wasn't just talking about the quoted words in the New Testament, the read letters if you have a read letter edition bible, he was talking about every word in this book. Every single word in this book, turn to Psalm 12, we read second Peter 1 21 which said, for the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man, but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost. The Holy Ghost being the third person in the Trinity which is equally God. He is God, I quoted second Timothy 3 16 which said all scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness. So when Jesus said my word shall not pass away, he's speaking about all of his words. He's speaking about every single one of his words shall not pass away and in Psalm 12 and from verse 6 he inspired Psalmist David said, the words of the Lord are pure words, as silver tried in the furnace of earth purified seven times, thou shalt keep them oh Lord, thou shalt preserve them from this generation forever. Now that's pretty clear isn't it, keep them, preserve them. They'll say well it's impossible, it's written by man, men make mistakes, men are corrupt. How many people say that? Well that, you're telling me a book that's written by man yeah? Although they ultimately usually believe some other book written by some idiotic man usually, a God denier or something else. You know you're believing a book written by man, well I think that science and then they start going on something like that right? But it's not written by man is it? It's written by God and thank God that it's him that keeps them. It's him that preserves them. It's said in verse seven, thou shalt keep them oh Lord. Not we shall keep them oh Lord, thou shalt keep them oh Lord and thou shalt preserve them from this generation forever. Now how did he do that? So how did God preserve them? And God uses people to do his will. So how did God use people to keep those words? How did God use people to preserve those words? Was it by burying them in a monastery somewhere? Is that how he preserved the words of God? In a cave to be discovered nearly 2,000 years later? Doesn't make sense to me does it? Especially when we're told that we shall not live by red alone but by every word that preceded that of the man of God. Well how did the people of the last couple of thousand years do that if those preserved words were buried somewhere? Impossible right? No no it's by the recopying and recopying of the scriptures, a practice that was ordained by God in the Bible. The recopying of the words of God, the recopying, the recopying. In Deuteronomy 17 18 and look you don't have to turn there these aren't on our statement of faith I'm just adding these verses to help help you understand this here. God through Moses gives commands for the future king to do exactly that. It says in Deuteronomy 17 18 and it shall be when he sitteth upon the throne of his kingdom this talking about the future king that he shall write him a copy of this law in a book out of that which is before the priests the Levites. So he didn't say embalm the originals did he? He said write a copy, write a copy, write a copy, write a copy. Joshua wrote a copy of the law in Joshua 8 okay and this copying of God's words continued through both biblical history and onwards okay that's just a fact of life. God's words have been copied, recopied, recopied. We see the example in the Bible we see him even commanding the king to do that in the Bible through Moses and we've seen that continue after that preserving God's words as he promised to do and you know what would have happened had he done it another way had he showed them this perfect way of of preserving those those original first writings of scripture what would those first words of scripture become? A massive big fat great whopping idol wouldn't they? They would have been worshipped as an idol they would have become more important than the words of God himself and and it was never needed was it and ultimately what did God want the word what did God want to happen to the word to be published? To be published abroad to be published everywhere and that's been done by them being recopied and recopied and recopied and recopied and go out across and around the world. Then what happened is in 1604 King James I of England he was King James VI of Scotland commissioned the greatest translation work ever undertaken and look you've got to you've got to pay attention to that this translation work was like nothing nothing since nothing before and nothing after nowadays it's a joke what they do in comparison okay they're so-called latest translations okay for seven years okay seven years and there was originally 54 and then it reduced to 47 of what were the finest language scholars in the world at the time well why were all the finest language scholars in England well because ultimately God's word and the Hebrew and the Greek was important and there were people there that were just absolute experts in that I mean there were men there like Lancelot Andrews they say could I think they speak like 20 different languages fluently I mean these guys were like out of this world people think we get more intelligent it's a lie okay yeah there's some there's some interesting technological advances but you know what people just get more and more stupid don't they like the dumbing down of society well back in back in 1604 when they started there were some pretty intelligent guys right and guys with some language skill like people just don't seem to have anymore and like I said there were 47 eventually it reduced to and they worked on translating that what was the mostly Hebrew Masoretic Old Testament and Greek text of Septus New Testament and what was to become the international language of the world wasn't it because people go why do you think you know the King James why do you think the best translations in English well tell me is English not the international language of the world now I mean you go pretty much anywhere in the world and people can speak at least a word or two of English if not a lot more right okay beyond anything else yes I know as a first language there are massive populations in other places but as a second language as a language that people at least can and do understand it's English isn't it and and these weren't a couple of liberals with a lexicon okay they were men with like I said unrivaled language skills and also from varying theological backgrounds because it wasn't about their theology it was about a perfect translation and they were each reviewing each other's work so there was no chance of private interpretation so I think the last two or three years of the I think the last two years of the work was actually just spent reviewing each other's work so they spent the sort of first four or five years doing a translation work and by the way that's a lot of people spending a lot of time translating right working around the clock of this and then they're reviewing each other's work after that and the result was a bible that is still the most widely read bible version of the world over 400 years later okay this is now I know that that that they've been trying all sorts of ways of flogging the NIV and everything else but for actually used and read bible nothing compares to King James Bible still to this day 400 years later a bible that has lasted the test of time is the only widely used English bible based upon those traditional manuscripts as well by the way and that isn't restricted by copyright laws unlike the hundreds of marketed cash cow translations out there to this day now the thing is with all of that that I just said there okay none of that proves that the King James Bible is the inspired preserved word of God in the English language does it now a lot of that for me kind of it it's it's one of those sort of no-brainers really right I mean what else what else are you going to read what else even slightly compares just bibles with error after error after error bibles that just take out from the word of God bibles that add to the word just all sorts of just joke translations and if you notice by the way when you talk to anyone about this subject who doesn't who rejects the King James Bible is the word of God there's not one bible that they would say is the word of God what do most of them like to do pick and choose bible of the month bit of this and a bit of that right okay we're going to talk about that in a minute but but none of that does prove it though okay there's one way that we know here that the King James Bible is the word of God for me there is one way though turn uh back to first peter chapter one now first peter one and we're going to look from verse 22 first peter one and verse 22 says this seeing ye have purified your souls in obeying the truth through the spirit unto unfeigned love of the brethren see that ye love one another with a pure heart fervently now peter's exhorting them to love one another because they're saved yeah he said in verse 23 being born again yeah born again is another term for being saved not of corruptible seed what's the seed what's the seed he's talking about here the seed is what is planted in you resulting in your salvation in the parable of the sower in luke 811 jesus said now the parable is this the seed is the word of god however according to first peter 123 there's a corruptible seed is there not a seed which corrupts the simplicity of the gospel a seed where salvation is a process for example and many of you might have seen that in certain false bibles where it talks about being saved and things like this a seed that insinuates that you need to make jesus lord of your life rather than if you confess with thy mouth the lord jesus if you declare jesus is lord which is actually very different and you can understand what that insinuates to people that are just always trying to find a way of leaning towards work salvation a seed that tells you to repent of your sins and there are false bibles out there that clearly say repent of your sins and belief for example a seed which tells you that you could lose your salvation and again there are false bibles out there with varying verses which are actually about salvation which make it sound like you can lose your salvation no he said being born again not of corruptible seed not of those corrupted seeds but of incorruptible by the word of god which liveth and abideth forever do you know why i know that the king jesus bible is the word of god because it's what got me saved because the king jesus bible got me saved because the king jesus bible got my wife saved because the king jesus bible got my children saved because the king jesus bible got so many people in my life saved people i've gone out and preached gospel to old friends family other people saved that's why i know the king jesus bible is the word of god because it's the incorruptible seed that's getting people saved because we go out as a church with our king jesus bible and we come back with salvations almost every single time with our king jesus bibles that's how we know it's the word of god because it's the incorruptible seed because it has results and the results and people get saved by it and look it is ultimately like i said the only bible really being used in on any sort of scale at all from those those original manuscripts from that line from antioc and not from these false alexandrian manuscripts did you know what those false alexandrian manuscript bibles are producing no salvations they ain't getting people saved do you know what you don't see you don't see very rarely do you see people with niv's rsv's esvs etc that are actually saved do you unless they're very old seriously i i was at a church where they when i was first saved and it was kind of it was a local church it claimed to be bible believe me i was quite new to kind of the faith and we thought well we'll give it a try anyway bring our king james but they were using niv's and you know what i noticed there at that church over that time i was there was that a lot of the elderly were saved the elderly who now had niv's in their hands having just sadly compromised and put up with like the destroying of what was previously a bible believing church they were saved but none of the youngsters were no one there who was getting preached to from the niv was actually saved but the elderly were saved i'm not saying every single one was but the ones we spoke to and we were like you call you almost feel your soul being pulled towards those you know we just kind of seemed to just get on with the elderly there and everyone else was just there's just a problem right and as we learned as we started talking to them and getting to know it more we realized none of these people are saved they all believe in in a lordship salvation they believe they can lose their salvation they believe that they gave up sins to get saved they all had a different kind of belief as well right because none of them have been preached to from the word of god none of them had actually got saved those rare rare times when you meet saved people when you're out soul winning what do they usually have indoors king jane's bible don't they don't they when you do meet those people that are like yeah actually no no blah blah blah and you go okay do you have a bible and and so often they'll say yeah i've got a bible it's a king jane's bible or you maybe you have to say these and that yeah yeah that's the one i got yeah and are they are they just walking around they're saved people walking around with nivs not that i see out there those rare times that you meet them have a kjv the word of god that liveth and abideth forever right for all fleshes as grass and all the glory of man is a flower of grass the grass withereth and the flower thereof fulleth away but the word of the lord endureth forever and this is the word which by the gospel is preached unto you and that's why it's so important that's why it's such an important issue romans 1017 says so then faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of god they're not getting saved by a corruptful seed are they it's not happening people aren't getting saved by false bibles i haven't seen it you haven't seen it if you think you've seen it come and tell me because i'd love to hear about it because i ain't seeing it we know it's the word of god because it's what's getting us saved what god has saved and what's going out and getting other people saved turn to sum 119 they're not getting saved by a word that changes depending on what version you happen to choose where there are apparently 400 plus different versions in english i mean how does that work that's a changing word isn't it if there are 400 versions in english which all say something different then that's not the words that's not the preserved words they're just i mean they all change they can't all be the word of god sum 119 and verse 89 sum 119 and verse 89 says forever oh lord thy word is settled in heaven thy word is settled in heaven there's one word of god it's settled done okay you got it can't be you can't keep coming out with new ones which say something else otherwise it ain't the word of god that's settled in heaven and let me tell you the difference with the church that believes and trusts the bible that they preach from we say thus saith the lord not thus saith the pastor and you go what do you mean thus saith the lord don't they just go well thus saith the lord but maybe they say it without the us and the saith bit you know they go like this is what the lord says or something else no do you know what they all do and and i've been these like i said i spent the first kind of year of church life in a church like this and this is i've seen this all over the place this is what they do they'll say well the the um they'll go to a passage description they'll go well the niv says it like this and they'll read it out sometimes they have it on the white board behind it but niv yeah then you got esv yeah and they always like the esv because it's like a little bit more intellectual so esv this and then they'll go like rsv then about add the message isn't that good they might even add the kjv and go like this yeah and then they'll go however what that word actually means in the greek honestly this is what they do they go what it actually means is and then they'll tell you something separate to those versions or they'll add their own little wording and you're sitting there going what on earth but most other people are sitting there going wow just like wow our pastor is an expert he knows more than all the translators honestly i've seen this happen like i've seen this happen many times and this is i've heard of this happening as well many people talk about this sort of thing and this is what they like to do and they kind of go well you know i've got five different versions however i'm going to tell you what it means i've put together the five different in fact i've put together ten different versions and i've come up with a solution because i'm the final authority me and can you imagine when you've got issues and problems and things and sins and everything else and you're and that's how you're treating the word of god who becomes a boss you you decide you pick the version that you like most you pick the version which which which actually says no actually what you're doing is okay you pick the version which suits your preconceived theology you pick the versions instead of you going no what does the word of god say what does god say and it it is funny isn't it when they do this stuff but like i said this is common now we don't say well we use it because it's the best translation do we because there are churches out there that do that so i was at a church which said well we just believe the king james bible is a very is a fine translation ever seen that on statements of faith before and sometimes you're like i'm gonna have to put up with this because there's nothing about right they seem to have the gospel right and at least they use the king james bible but you know what the poison of that that opinion poisons the church because then what you hear is regular sundays with them trying to discredit the king james bible we believe it's a fine translation we believe it's a great translation we believe it's the best translation however then they spend like regular sundays going well the king jam king james translator's got it wrong here because it's like you absolute clown you don't even speak hebrew you don't speak greek you don't have a clue you did a couple of terms of bible college of greek and you're trying to tell me that those 47 men those language scholars who had every resource that was needed everything available to them didn't know as much as you pastor whoever i mean this is honestly what you see i've sat in a church and heard that come out of a pastor's mouth that they got that wrong they should have translated it like this to to prop up his false doctrine and that's wicked isn't it and and what and what does that do to a church sitting there with their with their bibles what does it do they go forget thus saith the lord what does what does the pastor say if they believe him they're just sitting there going right well pastor whoever you tell me what the bible actually says because i don't know lucky lucky you did a bit of greek lucky you lucky you've got a lexicon really is what it comes down to i've got a lexicon and i can and nowadays go online and you could you know well this one yeah one of these guys says this one of these guys says that i like that one i go with that one and then i can sound really like intellectual it's wicked though isn't it it's wicked we trust it as men of god by the way have trusted this bible for 400 years haven't they hey look i'm sure they've been bible denies bible attackers for the last 400 years who have attacked the king james bible but you know what men of god have used this bible for 400 years and continue to use it don't they you know why it's lasted the test of time and we've seen results and we've seen people get saved we've seen revivals we've seen places where people have gone out with the king james bible and got massive amounts of people saved there's you've never seen that with any of these other bible versions it's not happening and here's another thing with that is that when you look at the fruits of it as well because it's not just about salvation is it okay look we we yeah you need you need a an incorruptible seed to get people saved right however it's not just about salvation and when you look at pastor skinny jean's liberal congregation do you look at it and think that they're much holier now they have their five versions to choose from i mean these places are just dens of iniquity they're just full of wickedness and and you know one of the reasons because they've got their x amount of bibles that they can just pick and choose what they want it to say and they can just keep and just keep finding ways to basically to to say well no it's not so bad what you're doing it's not so bad what you do it's not so bad what i do and everything else because actually if you go back to the greek well if you go back to this well if you compare this one and this one if you go to the cadaver bible it's probably not that bad and that's what you see we have a church here that are all reading the same word of god everyone here reads a king james bible if you come into our church without a king james bible we would the ushers are under instructions if needed to use appropriate force to give you a king james bible amen yeah because we look at the end of the day it's important isn't it and and you know what it does for a church as well is there's none of that well 100 different views and opinions and everything we just believe what the bible says so when someone has a discussion in the church and wants to talk about adoption or wants to talk about this i want to talk about a passage you open it up and you're all reading from the same page and that's important isn't it because when you go to churches where it's bible of the month believe me they all believe something different everyone in the church believes something different and ultimately sadly because half of them aren't saved anyway now they say oh but the these and the thou's you know like these and the thou's are really offensive it seems that's how it's a key by the way notice how it's a king james bible which is really offensive beyond anything else these people they don't they'll laugh and chuckle and think that the the the message is just a bit of fun they they don't care that every single one of those so-called english bible says something different it's the king james that's really angers them isn't it is it the key isn't it the word of god which really upsets them it's the word of god and people stating it's the word of god which just seems to let's build up their anger i mean i've been trying to preach to people on the door to go is is that a king james bible and it's your problem i tell you what the problem is it's the word of god that's their problem because it is the word of god but then they go oh but but you just can't understand it they'll mock won't they other these and now's and you know they try and like do a mockery kind of fake verse or something else but it's funny that because my children understand the king james bible funny that isn't it my seven-year-old daughter reads the king james bible so what's that saying about these people why can't they understand the king james bible when my children can and your children out there can't they and by the way i'm not looking at those with the really young kids okay okay working harder on this you know but they understand it don't they yeah our kids understand the bible because it's not hard to understand if you're saved if you're saved you do understand the bible yeah you're not going to understand straight away so if you're sitting there going i'm sure i'm saved but i just really didn't get you know the i really didn't get what you're saying in revelation chapter okay there are some dark stuff there's some dark sayings in the bible there's some harder parts to interpret but however you understand the language don't you you understand the word of god and for the odd word that you don't there's something called a dictionary yeah is that too out of their out of their grip well it seems to be you know what it is it is because sadly the reality of it is that most of these people are unsafe first corinthians 2 14 says but the natural man receiveth not the things of the spirit of god for they are foolishness unto him neither can he know them because they are spiritually discerned if you can't understand the bible and again look you need to keep reading the bible to understand it more and more okay so again just in case anyone gets me wrong here and thinks right you've got to understand every word of the bible if you're saved no but if you can't even understand most words of the bible if you're saying they're just going thee and thou just just can't get it or beyond that you really can't understand ultimately it's about the spiritual things of the bible you just can't get it right you just don't get the bible for me you probably need to go and find a sole winner with a king james bible to get you saved don't you that's what they could do with those people who are upset about the king james bible need to go and find someone with a king james bible to preach them the gospel because ultimately it usually comes down to a hatred of the word of god doesn't it we believe that the king james bible is the word of god we believe god inspired and preserved it i referred you to matthew 24 35 mark 13 31 luke 21 33 psalm 119 verse 89 psalm 12 verses 6 to 7 second peter 121 and finally we went to first peter chapter one and and we have here verses 23 to 25 now this ties in with our last statement as well our last statement in our statement of faith says this this is not an all-inclusive list so we have this statement of faith where we have statement statements like i said we inherited that statement from pastor thompson who's inherited that statement from from pastor jimenez okay but we i believe wholeheartedly our statement of faith and it then says this is not an all-inclusive list at the bottom of our statement of faith we believe anything and everything found in the king james version of the bible because we believe that god inspired and preserved his word that we have it in the english language in the king james bible we therefore believe this entire bible and that's the difference isn't it if you believe in the inspiration the preservation of god's word then you then therefore can believe the whole bible and you don't have to question when there's just clear truths clear doctrine clear statements clear commands clear things in the bible we're not a church that sits here trying to well i just can't work that out is it is it in the movie sodomite deception is it that where the guy's just going this is one of the hardest statements i think he's talking about leviticus 2013 and he's going we've wrestled with this for so long he's going say again oh sorry lgbt terrorists that's it and he's going we've wrestled with this for so long and he's going and some of my uh seminary friends we just still just can't understand what this verse means and ultimately you know what they just don't really believe the word of god do they because if you just believe the word of god you go yeah well it says it's an abomination says they surely shall put be put to death their blood shall be upon them that's pretty simple that's probably one of the simplest words of the bible isn't it but we we therefore believe the entire bible and with that we therefore believe the hairy parts don't we because we believe it's inspired and preserved we believe the hairiest parts of the bible we believe the bits which are a bit rough for some we believe the bits that don't seem to conform to our world don't we we believe the bits that maybe are unpopular in our society nowadays we believe the bits that maybe maybe were were less popular other times we believe the bits which aren't popular to a congregation in a church we believe the whole thing because we believe in the inspiration and preservation and without that if we didn't believe that our whole life would be so much different wouldn't it our preaching would be different i believe what would our what would we stand upon we stand upon someone who apparently can understand greek better than not only us but apparently the the 47 men who you know who who were still there by the end of the seven year translation of the king james bible and how bizarre would that be we believe the parts that we individually find hard don't we and that's important isn't it because if you don't believe the inspiration preservation of the bible then those bits that you find hard you can just fob them off can't you well you know it does say to do this but that probably isn't even that bit probably wasn't inspired that bit probably has been preserved wrong you know well i i don't know if i go through 400 versions i'm sure i'll find one eventually which backs up what i want to say what i want to believe we don't try to find the virgin that excuses us in like that we believe the unpopular parts and we don't go to the greek to find a way of realigning with our woke joke mainstream sort of thoughts yeah we don't do that do we we just say well what does the bible say the bible says something different the bible says sodomy's abomination the bible says wives submit unto your own husbands the bible says husbands love your wives and be not bitter against them the bible says it's an abomination the bible says this and that and this and that and we just know what the bible says right and we can hang a hat upon that we can stand upon that we can stand firm upon that because we believe the word of god we believe it is the word of god and how important is that to a church and that's why you'll see such a difference in a church which believes that to a church that doesn't and that's why even just that trying to stand on the middle ground of well yeah it's a good translation probably got some thoughts you know i mean there's some things i don't agree with but it's good you know you'll see a completely different church and look we don't believe it because we want to see a good church because of that we believe it because we know it's the word of god because we were born again of not of corrupt or see but of incorruptor by the word of god which liveth and abideth forever and if it's not the king james bible if the king james bible isn't the pizoa word of god tell me where it is i'd love to see it show me it i want to see it but in english it's the king james bible isn't it amen like i said this is not an all-inclusive list in our statement of faith we believe anything and everything found the king james version of the bible why because we believe that the king james bible is the word of god we believe god inspired and preserved it and we love it don't we we love the word of god on that we're going to finish up in prayer father thank you for your word thank you for the king james bible thank you for not only the inspired but also the preserved word of god lord like you promised to do in countless places in the bible um in your word lord we thank you for this we thank you that we can stand upon it we thank you that as a church we don't you know we don't have to have our heads turned by these so-called easier to read perversions of your word which remove you know sometimes you know to the tune of of hundreds of of verses hundreds of words hundreds of just clear passages in the bible we we don't have to we don't have to guess what you're saying lord we know what you're saying because it's here in front of us preserved as you promised thank you for the king james bible lord thank you for everyone here for a church of people that have their faith and trust in the king james bible please help us to to go out this afternoon with our king james bibles preach that that incorruptible seed to people and get many safe lord and to return for this evening's service it is known for all of this amen