(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Q18, and there's a lot in Matthew 18, there's some different topics there, how to deal with sort of church squabbles and issues in the church, and obviously it deals as well with forgiving thy brother, which is a fellow believer, but I'd like to actually focus on the first part of Matthew 18 for this morning's sermon. I'm going to read again from verse one, just the first part of this chapter, and I want you to really just pay attention to what Jesus Christ is saying here. Matthew 18 and verse one says, at the same time came the disciples unto Jesus, saying, Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven? And Jesus called a little child unto him and set him in the midst of them, and said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven. Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven. And whoso shall receive one such little child in my name receiveth me. But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea. Woe unto the world because of offences, for it must needs be that offences come, but woe to that man by whom the offence cometh. Wherefore if thy hand or thy foot offend thee, cut them off and cast them from thee, it is better for thee to enter into life halt or maimed, rather than having two hands or two feet to be cast into everlasting fire. And if thine eye offend thee, pluck it out and cast it from thee, it is better for thee to enter into life with one eye, rather than having two eyes to be cast into hell fire. Take heed that ye despise not one of these little ones, for I sound to you that in heaven their angels do always behold the face of my Father which is in heaven. For the Son of man is come to save that which was lost. How think ye, for man have an hundred sheep, and one of them be gone astray, doth he not leave the ninety and nine, and goeth into the mountains, and seeketh that which is gone astray? And if so be that he find it, verily I sound to you he rejoiceth more of that sheep than of the ninety and nine which went not astray. Even so it is not the will of your Father which is in heaven that one of these little ones should perish. And the title of my sermon this morning is we must protect the kids, we must protect the kids. I'd like to pray before we continue. Father thank you for your word, thank you for this church, thank you for everyone that's here this morning to listen to the message that you've laid on my heart this week. Please help me to preach this message boldly and clearly and accurately Lord. Help me to preach without fear or worry about the fact that many won't preach a message like this. Help me to just be full of your spirit Lord and help everyone here to be full of your spirit listening and paying attention and taking what you say into their heads and into their hearts. In Jesus' name, for all of this. Amen. So we must protect the kids. There have been some dark times in recent history for kids in this nation. You can think of maybe the, and I say recent history, the hard child labour of the early 1800s with the coal mining industry sound pretty grim. The open buying and selling of children later that century in Victoria and Britain. Even more recently the various abuse scandals that have been exposed in orphanages, foster homes, child hospitals, child care homes. But I'll tell you something, what's going on in this nation now is beyond any of that. The depths that our sixth society is stooped to. I don't think we've ever been close to this. How bad it is now for me would anger the hardest child coal mining taskmaster. It would vex the child slave trader. You know what it even caused, and I'm sorry it's not even a joke, I'm not kidding. It would even cause Jimmy Saville to raise an eyebrow, what we're seeing nowadays in this nation. We live in a nation that employs open deviance in all sorts of child-centred roles, such as in state schools, colleges, universities, a nation that grooms en masse, children as young as five, for all this freakery in their so-called sex education. It's beyond anything we've ever seen in this nation, a nation that encourages the employment of open sexual deviance to read stories to children. What on earth have we got to in this nation? You could not have suggested this stuff several decades ago without being called some sort of crazy paranoid lunatic. If you had said this is where we're going to be they would have laughed at you and started talking about tin foil hats and the rest of it, wouldn't they? As recently as 1961 in the United States was the boys beware educational video warning kids about homosexuals in Los Angeles, as recently as 61. Here it wasn't until the Sexual Offences Act in 1967 when homosexual acts in England and Wales were legalised. It was 67 by the way, okay, and it was on the condition that they were consensual in private and between two men who had attained the age of 21. That's just over 55 years ago, 55 years, which is nothing in the history of this world, 55 years ago. And do you know what also changed between 66 and 70 under Harold Wilson's Labour government? The legalisation of abortion the same year, we call it baby murder, the relaxation of divorce laws and the abolition of theatre censorship and capital punishment. Not a great period of time, was it? When you compare it to God's word. And just in case you've got images of these 60s hippies in government sort of teach us how free and easy life should be, they were just, it's kind of, it was a great time for for the nation, wasn't it? Well this was how it was passed, okay. Again, I'm talking about 55 years ago, right, this is how it was passed. Roy Jenkins, the Home Secretary, okay, who approved of this, who was one of the frontbenchers, who was a big voice behind legalising homosexuality. He captured the government's attitude by saying this, those who suffer from this disability carry a great weight of shame all their lives. This was quoted during the parliamentary debate by the Times on 4th of July 1967. So it wasn't that they're all going, oh it's all great. No, they were saying it's such a shame that we don't want to also make it illegal. Yet opinion was still massively divided. So it wasn't everyone disagreed. The bill was also supported by senior leaders by the way of the Church of England, what a surprise, including Michael Ramsey, the Archbishop and the Archbishop of Canterbury as well. So it, you know, as usual the so-called Christians, the pop-up Christians were part of this, but apparently dissent against the bill, because it was a big division at the time, could be summed up by the Earl of Dudley 16th of June 1966 statement, which was this. This is what the opposition said, homosexuals are the most disgusting people in the world, prison is much too good a place for them, in fact that is a place where many of them like to go, for obvious reasons. That was 55 years ago in this nation, that was being publicly professed to the nation that this is what at least the opposition believed, but however it received royal assent on 27th of July 1967, there was an intense late night debate in the House of Commons and then this is how it resulted. So they passed this, it went through to, you know, it has to go through to, I think, if I'm right it basically goes through to Buckingham Palace to eventually be kind of put as a new law and then Lord Arran in an attempt to minimize criticisms that the legislation would lead to further public debate and visibility of issues related to homosexual civil rights made the following qualification to this historic milestone. I ask those homosexuals to show their thanks by comporting themselves quietly and with dignity, any form of ostentatious behavior now or in the future or any form of public flaunting would be utterly distasteful and make the sponsors of the bill regret that they had done what they had done. Wow, that was 67 and what's happened since then? Fast forward 50 or so years and public flaunting is the least of our nation's concerns, isn't it? The public flaunted was a long time ago, that's not the problem in this nation. Now you might be naively sitting there thinking, wait a second, that's homosexuals brother Ian, what's that got to do with kids? What's that got to do with kids? Because you might have maybe had your information, had your world knowledge fed to you by Hollywood and by TV studios and by the news media and the rest of it full apart from most of your life, like most of us here, and not from the word of God. Well I'll tell you what, it has everything, it has everything to do with kids. These people are deviants and they get their biggest kicks the more deviant their behavior. That's what the Bible says. The Bible says they're given up to vile infections, they're deviants. Turn to Romans chapter 1. In one study I looked at years ago and I looked into this a while back and I've heard this preached as well, those convicted of child sexual assaults in our nation is well above 99% male. This is normally a male-oriented thing. The reported victims, and when I say reported, when it comes to abuse on male children, a lot of the time it's not reported for the shame and the embarrassment and just the horrendous just ruining of lives that are caused by it. People don't even want to admit that it's happened. Still the reported victims were over 40% male in this nation, between 40 and 50%. However the so-called homosexual figures were under 5% of men. Now in case you're sitting there going, what's he getting at? Basically over 40% of the reported assaults were carried out by under 5% of the population. Over 40% were male, yet only less than 5% of the population at this point. I know they try and change the figures now and act like one in ten, it's nonsense. However it is increasing, but under 5% of the population. And by the way that's not to mention the sheer number of sodomite serial killers, ridiculous off the scale with it. And it all goes hand in hand because unlike how the sodomites on TV are trying to educate you, the truth is actually very different. Okay so pull away from the TV and let's look at what the Bible says. Romans 1 26 to 32 says that God has given them up. They're rejecting the result is a reprobate mind, capable of all sorts of filth. That's what my Bible says. That's what the word of God says. No wonder people don't like the word of God in this world nowadays. And what's the Bible saying in Romans 1 26? For this cause, let's talk about people that have changed the truth of God into lie, that have rejected God. God gave them up unto vile affections. It's how the Bible describes it. For even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature. And likewise also the men leaving the natural use of the woman burned in their lust one toward another. Men with men working that which is unseemly and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was meat. And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, this is talking about these sodomites. God gave them over to a reprobate mind. Pretty clear isn't it? To do those things which are not convenient. And it's not saying oh it just didn't really suit them. These are things which are basically disgusting. Being filled. This is the description the Bible gives of people that are into this stuff. Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness, full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity, whisperers, backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, without understanding, covenant breakers, without natural affection, implacable and merciful. Who knowing the judgment of God that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same but have pleasure in them that do them. Not exactly the type of people that you want around your children is it? Anyone here thinking sounds like babysitting qualification material to me? I'll tell you what when I go to the babysitting agency, and by the way I don't go to a babysitting agency, but if I did, if they gave this list of sort of you know well this is uh we've got uh we've got Julian here and Julian here is filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness. I wouldn't go yeah yeah I'll go with it. But that's what the Bible says because people aren't really honest when they describe themselves. But the Bible is honest. The Bible is 100% truth isn't it? And that's what the Bible says about these sorts of people. However the increasingly powerful media machine has been targeting the kids for a long time. Okay so in case you're thinking yeah but yeah okay so they're like that but what's it got to do with kids? Well the public flaunting of this, the public flaunting that we saw being warned never to do was being pushed on kids in this nation well ever since even beforehand. However I remember a 5pm soap opera Brookside pushing lesbianism on children 5pm who's watching tv at 5pm and watching a soap opera aimed at children as far back as 1994 in this nation with a horrendous big deal of of this this lesbianism that it just pushed on all our children around this nation. That wasn't an isolated incident but it was a big incident, pre-watershed millions of children viewing. These perverts in the film and television studios have been lowering the the bars of DC for decades now, decades and decades and it shouldn't be a surprise because the acting professions have always been full of these types of people yet for some reason people think it's okay to just shove their kids in front of tv's and just well what could go wrong? Oh I mean the censorship says they wouldn't have any films before nine o'clock do me a favour oh because they don't have any swear words oh because the fornicators wake up in the morning and they're not naked oh that's okay then it's crazy isn't it? And we're now at a point in 2023 Britain where they're all over the tv they're in the schools they're reading them stories in the library they're fostering and adopting children. Forget forget the tranny in in the in the in the library reading stories what about the fostering and adoption? I had a friend that went for adoption training many years ago now who told me that over 50 percent of the people on this course were were open sodomites. Going into fostering and how is any of this okay? And throughout history look again if you if anyone's sitting there thinking oh can you believe this bigger and everything else no normal people always thought like this normal people believe like this even that the nation's representatives believe like this they just thought it's such a shame we'll even do it as long as it's over 21. It's always been the case it's always if you look through history with these people in different cultures in history it's always gone hand in hand sadly with children it's all the same. We must protect the kids keep a finger on Romans 1 turn to Matthew 20. Do you know what the worst bit about it all is? Do you know what makes me angriest about this? It's not the corrupt politicians. Yeah they make you angry but they don't make you angriest. Matthew chapter 20 you're turning to in verse 25 tells us that we shouldn't really expect any better from the corrupt politicians. Matthew 20 25 says but Jesus called them under him Matthew chapter 20 verse 25 and said you know that the princes of the gentiles exercise dominion over them and they that are great exercise authority upon them so you've got the leaders the principles of the gentiles being the nations yeah they they exercise dominion which they do even though we claim all this democracy it's just a sham they exercise dominion I tell you what there's a lot of dominion during the so-called covid pandemic and everything else wasn't there there's a lot of dominion and being told what you can and can't do okay the prince of the gentiles exercise dominion they exercise dominion in many areas of our lives and they that are great i.e wealthy powerful exercise authority upon them okay this has always been the case only I think you'd have to literally live in a cave or have your head buried in the sand to think that that's not the case or to just convince yourself that we live in this lovely just free you know lovely great democratic society where there's no corruption at all no it's clear it's blatant it's in your face that's no surprise they don't make me angriest turn back to romans one it's not the queers in the tv and the movie industries that make me angriest okay it's not even them look at verse 32 romans 132 says who knowing the judgment of god that they which commit such things are worthy of death not only do the same but have pleasure in them that do them look they love to push their filth and others it's no surprise anyone's shocked by that of course not it's do you know what it's not even do you know what makes what doesn't make me angry it's not even the drag queen stripper which is what these people basically are defiling children's eyes at the library of all places the library used to be a fairly solid safe place you could go wasn't it as a kid well not anymore do you know what makes me angriest it's the disgusting excuses for parents that tolerate this filth that's what makes me angriest the people that are meant to be protecting the children that tolerate this they drop their children off with open deviant teachers openly i mean it can't even be more obvious i've seen it at schools where they're they're open deviants and their parents they just say hey great to see you here you go take little three year old four year old five year old whatever it is nursery workers i've seen i've seen it in sports clubs gymnastics clubs they're full of them full of them they're dropping off these tiny little kids with these just open sodomites and then walking and then going off somewhere to go and have a coffee with their friends well they're thinking what you know what a great idea that is isn't it but but you know what even worse is the ones that fight for it worse than the ones that are apathetic are the ones that fight for it the social media Karens the horrible horrible excuses for parents that actually take their children to filth like cross-dressing story time whatever they call it those people are a disgrace aren't they an absolute disgrace that viciously verbal attack anyone that dares to point out the madness of it that's what they do don't they like bullies set upon anyone that dares to stand up against it well they could set upon me i don't care yeah what they're going to do to me these these scum they're such scum aren't they absolute scum they try and scare people into just tolerating it they scare the other parents into not saying anything and just putting up with it and convince themselves it's okay they're pure and utter scum those people are pure and utter scum and i'm going to show you the bible says that as well and probably the lowest the lowest of those the bottom of the pond dwelling scum are the ones that claim to be christians they claim the name of christ they shame the name of christ they come out with all this just nonsense like jesus said to love or jesus said judge not read the rest of the verse it's talking about hypocritical judgment yeah sure if if we were carrying on like these lot then sure we shouldn't be judging it but we're not if we were carrying on like these that we shouldn't be in a church the ones that basically they're saying jesus would have supported child abusers that's what these these absolute just shames on the name of christ would be saying that he'd be supporting god hating reprobates that's what they're saying these people that try and merge it with christianity try and say jesus loved all people jesus loved also love what's the one they love to do the quote from gandhi love the sin and hate this no sorry love the sinner hate the sin that's the one isn't it hate the sin loves it one way around or another it's not even in the bible you know what that's the jesus of their own imagination isn't it so they've made their own jesus they've come up with their own jesus a jesus basically in their mind that hates kids as much as they do the lying hypocrites that's that they basically have created in their imagination a god of their own imagination and it's not the jesus of the bible the jesus of the bible said through the psalmist king david in psalm 139 you don't have to turn there do not i hate them oh lord that hate thee and not i grieved with them that rise up against thee i hate them with perfect hatred i count them mine enemies if you don't hate child abuse there's something wrong with you you're not christ like you're the opposite okay that's bizarre that's not normal however much the world tries to tries to beat you with this compassionate false christian yeah we're compassionate yeah we love sinners we go out and preach them the gospel but we don't put up and tolerate child abuse and we've never been told to in the word of god he said through moses jesus christ said through moses in leviticus 2013 if a man also lie with mankind as he lies with a woman both of them have committed an abomination they shall surely be put to death their blood shall be upon them that's what the bible says that's what my bible said that's what my jesus christ says he said through paul and secretary 316 okay oh isn't that old testament he said all scripture is given by inspiration of god and it's profitable for doctrine for reproof for correction for instruction in righteousness all scripture and he said through the writer hebrews in hebrews 13 8 jesus christ the same yesterday and today and forever jesus christ hasn't changed they might have changed jesus christ their jesus christ in their image the jesus christ the bible doesn't change and back in matthew 18 that never changing jesus gave stern warnings to those that would harm children didn't he stern warnings matthew chapter 18 where we start in verse 1 says this matthew 18 1 says at the same time came the disciples unto jesus saying who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven and jesus called a little child unto him and set him in the midst of them and said verily i say unto you except ye be converted and become as little children ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven he said it you need to get saved and when you do that firstly you become innocent of sin like a little child is and secondly you get born again you become a spiritual baby okay you can look at that twofold verse 4 says whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven and once you get saved god wants the humility he wants the humility and oh it doesn't sound very humble here no not when we're preaching the word of god the word of god says what it says i'll boast in the lord all day long but not in myself okay verse 5 says and whoso shall receive one such little child in my name receiveth me now for me these are child believers preaching the gospel because how do we receive christ well what is receiving christ for salvation well it's john 112 says but as many as received him to them gave me power to become the son of god even to them that believe in his name so whoso shall receive one such child in my name see with me he's talking about believing kids kids are able to preach the gospel we're going to talk about that later verse 6 says but whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea yes these are little children that have put their faith in jesus christ okay these are believers however does sound as though jesus takes the offending of children seriously doesn't he jesus seems to take it mighty seriously it were better for them to have a millstone cast back their neck offending isn't saying something they might not like by the way in case you go oh well you just can't offend anyone no this is to call someone someone to stumble to fall to ensnare them to hurt in some way and and in case you you're kind of wondering well who would do that look predators target the weak that's just life yeah predators we see it in the animal kingdom we see it sadly it amongst amongst people as well they target the weak they target the lame and and with christianity and christianity we see it we've seen it in our church before we'll continue to see it they'll find those that aren't as grounded in the word maybe they're like the lame christian the one that's maybe a bit on the outside of the herd so they find that one and they target them they they probe for discontent so they ask questions try and just see is this one a bit upset firstly they probe for other wolves because they pack animals but often they probe for discontent so they're trying to see what can i say and what kind of things can we start to talk about which will that we can then basically try and try and ensnare them cause them to fall stumble pull them out of church they also target the young because the young that goes hand in hand and for the saved it's to cause them to stumble at walkie in the faith look you can if you can ruin a child's spiritual walk early in life then you can think how many souls you can affect being saved think how many works you can affect being done for god they want them to fall but they also want to ensnare and hurt them as well okay predators do that they just get drawn to children you see it a lot you'll see these weirdos inside and outside churches trying to like strike up close friendships with children like oh we've just got a connection trying to be like best friends with kids teenagers a lot as well it's weird okay it's weird when you see that there's no no one has any business doing that with your children do they okay however much it's pushed what's it what do we see we see it push constantly movies with like best friend you know hitman with like child and even worse we see we see this stuff a lot don't we they're striking up a buddy friendship with a teenage boy down the road it's not normal it's not okay okay that's what they try and do and an outside church outside church the mainstream way of doing this isn't even subtle so a lot of the time in church life we watch out for these sorts of things it can be more subtle outside it's just in your face and here's the thing as you're going with he is still talking about believer kids what about the unbelievable every time the kids in this church see one of these freak shows out there when i'm saying a freak show i'm just saying literally walking down the road they're being offended aren't they they're being desensitized to worse and having their minds polluted every time they're being bombarded with the adverts they're being offended and you can't even escape it nowadays can you you try and look at some clip on youtube or anything else suddenly in your face is some filth or other trying to make them at least less worried about these types of people trying to normalize it they're being offended they're being set up to fall why would it be better for these people for them to to have a millstone drowning you know why because it's pleasant compared with hellfire let alone hellfire for child offending people that are targeting children these types of predators hellfire will be burning even hotter than it does for other people it were better for them that millstone were hanged around their neck and they were drowned in the sea and that doesn't sound very pleasant does it a lot of people have issues with drowning yeah it's a fear for many because it's a scary way to die isn't it verse seven says woe unto the world because of offenses for it must needs be that offenses come but woe to that man by whom the offense cometh and here's my earlier point okay by whom does the offense come if i as a parent drop my child off with the deviant school teacher or i get the deviant babysitter in who's the offense come by let's look at it another way so i'll take my kids to the local zoo and i lift them over the enclosure and drop them into the lion's den who's to blame do we all just go all those lions oh if only finally we didn't have lions we need to find a way of finding out which lines are the man-eaters no you i'm at fault the lions are just being with the predators that they are yeah lions are lions dogs are dogs yeah they're just they're just reverting to type why did i drop them over the enclosure but it's worse than that there are women and men out there insulting you if you don't choose to drop your child over the enclosure that's what we've got they're basically campaigning for lions to be given access to your kids they're the equivalent of being at the zoo with placards and campaigning going right we need to we need more kids in the lion's den we need to get more kids over come on roll up roll up and if you don't you're some sort of anti-lion bigot even though throughout history throughout history and no we're not suddenly more intelligent now okay don't believe that lie either we're not suddenly just so much more cultured now oh we understand things so much better than all those stupid ignorant people throughout the ages those ignorant people throughout the ages managed to do a lot of amazing things and a bit of technological advances does it suddenly make us a bunch of brain boxes he said whoa unto the world because of offenses for it must needs be that offenses come but whoa to that man by whom the offense cometh i'll emphasize that whoa to that man where are the fathers where are they because i've been talking about these carrom mums where are these sorry excuses for men that allow their these mums the mother of their children to take their kids to the to the lion's den where are they where's the head of the family can any of the men here could any of the men here imagine it if their wives turned to them and said oh have a nice day at work love today we're just going down the tranny story time could you imagine that would any of the men here just go up to you love oh but not say anything surely not oh no not not one of them would whoa to that man it does whoa to that man if you can even call them a man can you even call that sort of person a man that allows their kids to be taken off to predators like that people go oh well it's their choice how they want a parent no it's not they're god's children they're god's children not yours he lent them to you whether you're saved or not they're god's children whoa to you psalm 127 3 says lo children and heritage of the lord and the fruit of the womb is his reward they're his that's why he wants every single one of them back that's why he wants them to get saved and be back in heaven and another thing parents that are just so just just can't even be bothered with the things of god to the point of of they won't even find out they won't they're not even interested in who god is let alone salvation and let alone preaching it to their kids where do you think they're going to end up in the lower depths of hell they're offending these children they're the cause they were given to them they were led to them whoa to that man by whom the offense cometh hell is going to be hot for them too isn't it those sorts of pair hell is going to be hot for them the parents that are taking them down to abusers because it's so fashionable because they can tell their friends oh i think it's great down there i'm so modern i'm so hip i'm so what the media what the tv what will and grace what all of it says i should be like that's that's really what it is isn't it it's all about how they look to everyone else they can put it on facebook instagram whatever it is they look really cool really hip along with their i got the vaccine badge and along with all the other virtue signaling but the the bizarre thing about it is is what you're really signaling you're signaling what a disgrace of a parent you really are he said in verse eight wherefore if thy hand or thy foot offending now when it says thy we're talking to that man of the world from verse seven because some people like to go to this a false province and go see oh you know this is talking about you can still go to hell no he says woe unto the world the world that's the unsaved because of offenses for it must needs be the offense come but woe to that man that man of the world by whom the offense comes wherefore if thy hand or thy foot he's been calling the disciples ye and you the whole time now he's talking about that hypothetical man wherefore if thy hand or thy foot offend thee the hypothetical man cut them off and cast them from thee it is better for thee to enter into life halt or maimed rather than having two hands two feet to be cast into everlasting fire and if thine eye offending pluck it out and cast it from me it is better for thee to enter into life with one eye rather than having two eyes to be cast into hell fire he said it would be better for you to cut off your liberal little hands cut your liberal little feet off pluck your liberal little eyes out instead of going to hell that's what he's saying isn't it that's what he's saying to these people to the man of the world then he says take heed that ye now he's talking to the disciples take heed that ye despise not one of these little ones for i sound to you that in heaven their angels do always behold the face of my father which is in heaven so these part-time parents they show their despising of these little ones that's clear as day isn't it these drop them off at story time these take them to to you know some queer or other some sort of might you know well we'll just forget all all of recent history we'll forget the word of god we'll forget even surely just your god-given instincts and keeping them away from perverts and we'll just drop but look they're look that's obvious what they are but he said take heed that ye despise not them talking to the disciples we we we must protect the kids how do we do that though our job isn't taking our arms and waging a physical war is it sometimes you feel sad about that but the truth is we don't have many numbers okay that's not our job the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but spiritual we must protect the kids how number one through soul winning through soul winning and and i'm not just talking about getting the kids saved although that would be great but we need to get more people saved don't we we get more people saved we change the spiritual condition of this nation produce more temples of the holy spirit walking around for god to look down and see more righteous people in this nation then smash our enemies we might see some differences right because look you can shake your fists at the news articles and many christians will you know rant about it find someone who you think is going to listen to you try and test the water find someone you can have a good rant you feel really you know just really let it get it out there but how about you get busy doing something how we get busy and we make a difference we go out and do something go out and get people saved get people saved change change the the spiritual condition of this nation and that's only going to come for getting people saved isn't it but also we need to get these kids saved no we we need to get these kids saved because look they're just there for the taking without salvation without the holy spirit without protection and one way like we talked about is to try and get the gospel into schools and please pray about that and please just just make that top of your prayer list if you can it's that important isn't it but but what i would also say it's a call to arm for the call to arms for the kids here and again we don't this isn't a a call to pressurize the kids here okay we're not into that at this church however if you're a child here and you're listening to this message thinking these poor kids who just got wicked people all over them everywhere just just trying to get to them trying to ruin their lives everything else you could be a massive help with that you can get out and preach the gospel you know he talked about receiving a little one in his name you can do it we're not going to force you to do it we don't force anyone here to preach the gospel but maybe maybe it's talking to you maybe you're thinking i can make a difference because you know what it's a lot different when you have a kid preaching the gospel to kids than it is when a couple of burly geezers are standing in front of them with the bible because that's these people they'll drop them at queer story time they'll drop them with the sodomite teachers but two guys with a bible three foot away holding it trying to teach them how to go to heaven suddenly you're a weirdo suddenly they're shouting at you and trying to start fights on you and everything else it's such a messed up world we live in isn't it you're in a suit with the king james bible broad day like with your children next to you i've i've been borderline attacked i've had people basically trying to start a fight with me while i'm standing with my little children for trying to give the gospel to to some teenagers i mean you the hypocrisy is unbelievable unbelievable the truth is if i went by and i was wearing next to nothing and i had some lgbtq plus rst uhiv propaganda on me and i was giving it to them they would be like yeah you know no problem oh great isn't it great let's take some pictures and show how how modern i am how much more intelligent than the than the people of history i am no we must protect them we need to get them saved kids are great for that kids can preach the gospel do preach the gospel it's great when you see that i want to encourage the kids here to think about that but what if their parents are still taking them after they're saved to acquire time at the library because you can't get all the parents safe can you so many of these are so hard-hearted to god so hard-hearted to salvation through their sin as men love dark rather than light because their deeds are evil well what about them well look at verse 10 it says take heed that you despise not one of these little ones for i sound to you that in heaven they're angels to always behold the face of my father which is in heaven now if you're saved then you have angels looking after you and i've proved this i believe you know without you can't really argue it when we did our bible study on matthew chapter 18 but whereas you and me regularly make choices that go out of god's will and then for me our that negates our spiritual protection somewhat and psalm 91 is a good reference for that it's depending on what you do with god depending on the angels having charge over you etc it's not just salvation okay anyone thinks that just because they're saved they're going to be protected from everything that the devil has threatened no that's not what the bible says okay but if you make him your habitation yeah then well with children i believe jesus is saying that save little ones get the full protection okay they're not they're not at this point they can't pull away that protection i think they get it because otherwise let's face it they wouldn't last a minute and would be picked off when they are young wouldn't they how many of the kids here would last five minutes if they didn't have some sort of protection no we didn't we're in a spiritual battle the bible's clear about that isn't it but regardless regardless of that anyway regardless of the protection i believe they would receive from being saved from being a child of god from having the holy spirit from having some sort of spiritual protection as well their salvation is is as important as anyone else's isn't it kids salvations are as important as a deathbed elderly person you know who who's taking their last breaths verse 11 says for the son of man is come to save that which was lost how think ye for man have an hundred sheep and one of them be gone astray did he not leave the 99 and go i think the man's and seeketh that which has gone astray and if so be that he find it verily i say unto you he rejoiceth more of that sheet than of the 99 which went not astray even so it is not the will of your father which is in heaven that one of these little ones should perish the analogy for me is the lost sheep of the house of israel this isn't talking about saved people which are often called the sheep as well this is the unsaved needing salvation okay and god wants all children saved he would go as far as going off into the mountains for one child one child and he wants us to feel the same yeah he wants these kids saved turn to infusions chapter five title is we must protect the kids number one through soul winning and number two through preaching through preaching yep good old-fashioned preaching we're called to preach this stuff because if we don't hardly anyone will will they you say but but what difference will a small church with a small channel battling against the youtube algorithms make what difference are we going to make you know what hopefully as much of a difference as during the last 2000 years or so that the small churches with no youtube channels made yeah because it wasn't all mega churches okay yeah that first church was big but that started getting attacked pretty quickly and they got scattered pretty quickly as well didn't they we're told to preach it because it does make a difference if if one person inside or outside this room heard this message and one child was protected because of it would it not be worth it if one person just went yeah actually i've been getting brainwashed for years what on earth is going on in this world what have i been a part of what have i tolerated what am i doing and one child one child was protected wouldn't this be worth it oh well no it needs to be like it needs to be millions to make it worthwhile it'd be worth it these are lives these are people these are children but we're told to preach it does make a difference doesn't it features five says for ye were sometimes darkness but now are ye light in the lord walk as children of light look you're not a hypocrite if you were previously more tolerant of this sort of film i would say most people here would look back to especially when they were unsaved and even sort of probably soon after salvation and think yeah that i've been more tolerant to this maybe people up until this sermon gone yeah actually i'll probably still put up with this a bit too much maybe not really battered an eyelid or anything else but as long as now you get in step with god okay look god's clear about the importance of children isn't he i don't think anyone here is just oh well they're only deviants oh they just happen to have a completely bizarre unnatural attraction to some hairy old guy somewhere you know who happened to be willing that oh that's all they're into that's just that's not anyone believe that the bible says they're giving up to vile affections there's no there's no depths to the depravity okay it's disgusting he said for the fruit of the spirit is in all goodness and righteousness and truth proving what is acceptable unto the lord and have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness but rather reprove them we're commanded to reprove this now look this isn't a feel-good sermon is it okay most people don't come into a church hear a sermon like that and go man i just really needed that today that's a real pat on the back for me i'm going to go home and have a good day about it afterwards okay but we're commanded to do it aren't we because if we don't who will for it is a shame even to speak of those things which are done to them see look i don't like talking about this stuff believe me but all things that are approved are made manifest by the light for whatsoever doth make manifest is like look if we don't talk about it if we never mention this stuff then it's not being manifested by the light is it we're told to do that we're commanded to do that and look we don't want to do it every week look some people can maybe get the wrong idea impression think oh this sort of church should just be preaching about sodomites every week well the problem is you'll get a load of people that know everything about sodomites and the reprobate doctrine and the fact that god's given them over that they're beyond salvation that they've rejected god he's rejected them all the things the bible says but they know literally nothing else about the faith there has to be you you need things for yourself we have to do a a large variety of topics and things to preach out of the bible but it does need preaching doesn't it and if we reprove it it's being made manifest to someone and maybe there will be a knock-on effect so maybe that one person that gets something might go on and talk to someone else about this and maybe there's a knock-on effect from that and is that only ever the preacher's job is it just my job or whoever gets behind the pulpit no because we can all reprove things that need reproving no no we don't approach the unsaved and start preaching on their sin okay we don't knock on the door and go hi there you know do you go to church anyway let me preach to you about sodomites okay that's not going to get you anywhere we don't need to bring it up if someone brings it up on the door there are certain ways of handling that aren't there in the right way okay we're not there to start shouting and banging on there if you haven't got a pulpy you bang on their door frame okay that's not what we're there to do however back to the lion's den analogy if your sister your brother your old friend is listening to the blue-haired liberal and considering dropping their child into the enclosure the loving thing to do would be to warn them wouldn't it oh well they're not going to get saved anyway that's not normal is it okay the loving thing to do would be to say to them look can i just look please you know have a think about this you could do that look if they're not going to hear the word of god you can at least do it just just recent history just the facts of life just the fact that throughout history people have clearly obviously been very aware of this until we have this massive media brainwashing machine just constantly showing them funny innuendo filled best friend girls best friend babysitting material queers all over the place but that's not that's not real life is it and the more you end up with 15-minute cities and people getting all their information off the media the more people will tolerate this filth won't they but we're there to tell look come on protect your nieces your nephews whoever else you know your best friend's kids in a diplomatic way and there's ways of doing that aren't there without maybe smashing the proverbial pulpit turn to matthew 5 we must protect the kids number one through soul winning number two through preaching and number three through parenting number three is through parenting the way we parent can have a knock-on effect the more it highlights the disgraceful parenting that we see out there today okay look none of us are perfect so in case you're in the girl you think you're all great look none of us are perfect we're going to make many parenting mistakes but don't be too hard on yourselves either yeah we should be real about it you get people that we've had people here before they're trying to act like they're like super parent and everything else and they're trying to tell everyone how to do things and we don't want to be like that but but also go easy on yourselves because i don't think anyone here is taking their kids to the cross-dressers at the local library i hope not i think anyone here is going to those depths is stooping to those levels but the more we actively love and care about our kids the more we do things god's way and reap the rewards of that the more we will stand out won't we and the and the worst it gets out there the worse the world gets the more we're going to stand out by just raising kids our god wants us to raise them and we want to stand out for the right reasons don't we our goal isn't to stand out our goal is because god wants us to be the lights of this world did you turn to matthew matthew 5 verse 13 says ye are the salt of the earth but if the salt have lost his savour wherewith shall it be salted it is thenceforth good for nothing but to be cast out and to be trodden underfoot of men don't lose your savour yeah keep doing things god's way don't get refined into the world's table salt yeah still be some good quality sea salts and good what's the what's the one they like himalayan himalayan pink salt stands out doesn't it yeah you know you got some himalayan because it's pink yeah don't be too pink though but stand out yeah we want to be the salt we want to have our savour don't we ye are the light of the world a city that is set on a hill cannot be hid neither do men light a candle and put it under a bushel but on a candlestick and it giveth light unto all that are in the house let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your father which is in heaven now the liberal church the non-soul winning church will take a verse like this and go see you just got to shine your light and someone's just going to get saved in fact half them won't even call it getting saved they'll go you'll shine your light and they'll just like want to be like a christian they want to like know about god they'll want to go come to our church and tithe great shine your light get more people at the church that's what they believe don't they but but no what's it about it's about shining the light of jesus christ the gospel etc through our behaviour through our actions through ourselves for people to then take note of that and hopefully at some point glorify god and want to get saved yeah but our goal isn't to be seen of men it's to shine the light of the word of god isn't it live it be an example of it and then when they see it like i said they might just have to glorify your father which is in heaven and and if we parent how god wants us to then it shines light on the sheer darkness around us doesn't it so we don't want to like because what what will happen and what we've already had is people will come into churches like this and then slowly try and push and promote worldly parenting okay and they'll try and push it try and encourage it try and just keep trying to and and with that we stop being that shining light our kids don't end up being the the children or the adults that god wants them to be we don't shine that light ultimate result less salvations let alone the fact that by doing things god's way we want to be shining light on on just the madness absolute deranged madness that we're seeing in this world it's crazy isn't it and it is a thing just before i finish off here yeah could you have looked back in in do you think people in even like i said 50 years ago 60 say before 67 i reckon there were some people that were probably already sick i'm sure there was a there was a sort of lowering of the bar to that point of legalizing that sort of filth yeah god's word says that it should be punishable by the by the death penalty that's what god says about it okay who who do we think's right god or do we think some wicked bribed probably pervert politicians god's right god's always right but but go because i'm sure we got to the point of 67 there was probably a load of events that got us to that but even not much before that go back to the 40s go back to post-war and and do you think people were were here just thinking it could be anything like this in less than a century's time anything like what we're seeing now it's amazing and and the the worst thing like i said about it is it's not just the wicked people at the top and the bible is clear about that satan is the god of this world as anyone going oh but there i heard one of them went to a church of england church once these people aren't godly okay these people aren't of god but it's not just those it's not just the or have always been the the complete fairies and worse in in the acting professions and producing plays and movies it's always been the case isn't it cross-dressing in acting and pantomimes and all that stuff it's not even that the the most bizarre thing about it is is now we're having a growing group in our society actually acting like this stuff's okay it's normal and in fact attacking people that don't agree either verbally or sometimes even physically people go and protest this stuff they have like counter protests i know a lot of that set up and everything else but there are people that are pulled into that that is amazing who could have predicted that maybe some people did i'd love to meet them one day probably in heaven they must have had some they must have had the word of god or something because in fact i'll tell you who predicted it i'll tell you predict it jesus christ predicted it he said it would be like it was in sodom and gomorrah and anyone who read the bible probably was predicting it but the rest of the world wasn't because as it was in those days of lot so shall it be when the son of man comes yeah and the bible's the bible actually did predict this and people who've read and paid attention the bible would have predicted this and no one else would have done everyone else oh can you imagine but i'll tell you what even then even with the word of god do you think men of god behind the pulpit could have even imagined that they would have down at local community but even in churches so-called churches that they would be cross-dressing perverts doing shows for kids in in in great britain i don't think i don't think even the the most hardcore just i believe every word of god would it still be like i can't imagine sodom and gomorrah was that bad it's probably worse god's just long suffering not willing that any should perish but they all should come to repentance still just wait for those last few people to get saved probably worse sodden wasn't probably as bad as this was it people dressing up as women and teaching kids sodomites being given people's children to to to raise it's unbelievable it really is isn't it and the brainwash stops it stops you taking note it makes you just kind of just you know look the other way just oh yeah well isn't it it's not it's it's disgusting out there it's violent thank god for the bible thank god for the word of god thank people thank god for the people in this church to just see through this that that just want to do things god's way and not just constantly being watered down by the world we must protect the kids how do we do that other than our own children number one through soul winning number two through preaching number three through parenting let's pray father thank you for um well your word your word that just spells things out that makes things clear to us that never changes lord you never change and and thank you that we can just set our feet upon that solid rock of you and your word help us to be strong in this day and age lord a day and age where just just believing the word of god means that we're we're treated like with some sort of extremist treated like with some sort of you know just just heinous people with some enemies of society where really all we are lord is just bible preaching believers help us to just be strong with it help us to to go out today lord and preach the gospel to people we don't need to preach these sorts of truths to the unsaved all we need to do is go out to the unsaved and preach them the gospel get them saved lord make sure they're not going to hell they're going to heaven that's a loving thing to do not just you know turning a blind eye to all sorts of horrendous sin that's not about that's there's nothing loving about that but the loving thing to is go and preach god help us do that this afternoon help help the care home ministry please lord help many of those elderly there to to just be receptive to your gospel please guide my words as i preach preached a word to to them and we just pray that many people will we'll get saved today lord and help us to all return for this evening's sermon as well