(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Amen. Right, 1 Timothy 4, I'd just like to look at the first few verses again. So 1 Timothy 4 and from verse 1, which reads, Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter time some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils, speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their conscience seared with a hot iron, forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving, which believe and know the truth. For every creature of God is good, and nothing to be refused, if it be received with thanksgiving, for it is sanctified by the word of God and prayer. And the title of my sermon today is, Veganism, a Doctrine of Devils. Veganism, a Doctrine of Devils. Let's go to the Lord in a word of prayer before we continue. Father, thank you. Thank you for your word. Thank you for the clear teaching you give us in the word of God. And Lord, I pray that you just help me right now with what could be a sensitive subject to some for them to understand that I'm just preaching, you know, the whole counsel of God here, that we're not, you know, despising those that make this choice, but we're also, you know, told to expose false doctrine, and this is a false doctrine that needs exposing, Lord. Help me to do that clearly. Help me to do that soundly. Help me to do that full of your spirit, Lord. Help everyone here to just have a tent of ears, hear what you've got to say to them today out of your word, and in Jesus' name we pray all of this. Amen. OK, so unless you've been hiding under a rock recently, you're likely to have noticed a growing trend of veganism, OK? It's definitely growing, it's definitely expanding. What was previously probably a minority of usually very skeletal-looking, rich hippie types that could afford to avoid manual work has now become something that more mainstream influencers are pushing, aren't they? They're promoting it, they're guilt-tripping people even into it in various different ways we're going to look at. And, in fact, this proposed meat tax, which sounded like a load of nonsense, seems likely that it's possibly going to happen in this nation, at least. Anyone? I don't know if anyone's heard of the meat tax. Anyone heard of that? Possibly coming in, yeah? So there's talk of this and it looks like it could be likely. And that obviously definitely isn't the result of a few bath-dodging army jacket-wearing placard holders, OK? They haven't managed to force the powers-that-be in our government into this sort of thing. This obviously goes a lot deeper and runs a lot higher up than that. No, this false doctrine has definitely progressed from the sort of, you know, wannabe spiritual yoga teacher out there to the corporate criminals that they actually claim to stand against. That's the funny thing about it, isn't it? And we're now to the point where you've got people that are very high up promoting something that all the sort of army jacket and long-haired and green-hair-wearing types have claimed that they're standing against. The meatiles, if you've noticed in the big supermarkets, are literally shrinking before our eyes, aren't they? Whilst the weird chemical frankenfoods take their place, don't they? Something is amiss. And as I said, I think, you know, I've probably said regularly, when you see a big push for something in the world, it's sensible to check what sort of devilry, if there is devilry behind it. And as usual, yes, there's devilry behind this. How do we do that? How do we check? So how do we get to find out whether there's devilry? Do we go to the online conspiracy theorists? Is it time to go to those that probably hate God or at least reject God and find out, you know, what sort of hidden papers there are claiming, you know, that Rothschild has major shares in vegan food companies and stuff? He probably has major shares in everything. That's not necessarily a giveaway. Do we find some guy, you know, in a video, on a video in his basement, you know, telling us about, you know, how he's kind of party to or privy to the sort of knowledge that no one else is? No, we don't really have to do that, do we? Because as Christians here, we just go to the word of God, don't we? We go to the word of God. That's a much more foolproof way, searching the scriptures. And when it comes to veganism, it doesn't take much of a search. In fact, it takes approximately, no, not even approximately, exactly nine chapters of the Bible. And by chapter nine of Genesis, it's pretty clear what God or what God, you know, says about veganism. OK, and what God's line is as opposed to what the world's line is in it. Now, you might be wondering, well, why am I preaching about this? Well, there's a battery there for some reason. Well, because, you know, sadly, many Christians do get their heads turned. OK, many Christians do. Many Christians won't even search the chapter nine of the book of Genesis, sadly, and as much as I preach from this pulpit, read your Bible, read your Bible, read your Bible, many don't read their Bibles. And even if they do read their Bibles, maybe they won't read it enough to not then start getting their heads turned by those teaching this as a doctrine. Just to make this clear, I preach about the doctrine of veganism, OK, because, again, something the word of God is clear about is that we shouldn't be despising our brother or sister who chooses that for their own personal reasons. OK, but but we are told to preach against false doctrine. OK, and this is a false doctrine out there. So God said in through Paul in verse six, where you are, look down at verse six. If thou put the brethren in remembrance of these things, thou shalt be a good minister of Jesus Christ, nourished up in the words of faith and of good doctrine whereunto thou hast attained. So everyone can do with some reminding now and then, can't they? OK, we can all do with some reminding. And I also want to be considered a good minister of Jesus Christ. OK, so you might be sitting there thinking, well, hold on, brother Ian, what about those verses like Colossians 2 16? You don't have to turn there, but it says, let no man therefore judge you in meat or in drink or in respect of an holy day of the new moon or of the Sabbath days. Shouldn't we just encourage everyone to, I don't know, follow their heart? Just follow your heart. Do what you think is right. Eat well. No, we shouldn't be criticized. Like I said, our fellow believers, OK, we're not going to be doing that. If you like I said, if you're here and you're a vegan or some sort of vegetarian, that's up to you. OK, we're not going to ban you from church for it or we're not going to attack you for that. But also, we're not going to we're not going to, by the way, criticize. You could have a question about this recently. If you choose to or to not celebrate Christmas. Or Easter or even Yom Kippur. Maybe not. No, we would leave you to that. Yeah, but what we will do, though, is preach the truth. Preach biblical truths. Preach what the Bible says about these things. And the Bible, well, is pretty clear about what we should and shouldn't be eating, I think. So we're going to have a look at that now. And biblical truths and verse 11 says these things command to teach. OK, we're told to command and teach these things. So, again, you might be thinking, well, OK, I understood, brother Ian, but is this really a doctrine of devils, though? OK, yeah. Maybe some people have gone a bit way out to lunch on this sort of thing. Maybe some people have been a bit conned. Some people maybe have just got a bit of a soft heart for the animals or something else like that. Is it a doctrine of devils? Well, it depends if it's taught as a doctrine or not. And sadly, it is. Look at verse one where we are. It says, Now the Spirit speaketh expressly that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils, speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their conscience seared with a hot iron. So these are reprobate false prophet types, OK, that will teach these sorts of doctrines of devils. They've departed from the faith. They've rejected the truth, basically, that was revealed to them. OK, no, they haven't lost the salvation. These are people that had some form of knowledge of God. They weren't saved. They've rejected that. OK, they've departed from their faith. They're speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their conscience seared with a hot iron. Now, instead, what have they done? They've chose the seducing spirits and the false doctrines of devils. They've rejected the knowledge of God. They've rejected Christ and they've chosen seducing spirits and false doctrines. They do hypocritically lie. Why? Because they have no conscience. Their conscience is seared with a hot iron. They have no conscience. And lying false doctrines such as, verse three says, forbidding to marry and commanding to abstain from meats, which God created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth. And many have used this verse to expose the Catholic unmarried priest doctrine and the fish Friday nonsense. Anyone heard of that sort of stuff? Yeah, it's out there, isn't it? And there's many sorts of things like this. You've got those that claim that marriage is, you know, that they shouldn't be getting married. You know, what you call like a state registered wedding and things like this. And people like to preach false doctrine, don't they? And ultimately, originally it's going to come from devils. It's all just false doctrine. But they're not the only ones preaching false doctrine. It's not just the Catholic. It's not just, you know, the obvious things that we think of. There's many that will teach false doctrine as if it's biblical. And one of those, when it comes to food, is how about the Old Testament dietary law peddlers? Yeah, I'm sure many have come across those types out there. There's a lot of them online that will try and claim that we should be following, you know, the Old Testament dietary laws. Anyone come across these people before? Yeah, they will teach it as a doctrine. They will claim that, no, you cannot eat that sort of thing. And then they start trying to go like in sort of do mental gymnastics with certain verses and try and, you know, claim, well, no, that was talking about this and the verse where we are. I don't even know how they deal with that, but they try to. OK, well, look, if you believe it's healthier to avoid certain meats, so be it. Good on you. Yeah, I think there's probably some evidence in that. OK, that's something I've thought about for a long time. I've always been interested in food and health and things from for many years. And for me, there's probably some. Yeah, I would say it's probably sensible not to be eating pork breakfast, lunch and dinner every day of the week. OK, probably not. And I would probably say the same with shellfish and things like that. But are we commanded to abstain from them? Definitely not. If someone commands you to abstain from meats, that's the doctrine of devils, right? OK, so, yes, maybe there are some senses, some things, and that's up to you. But don't don't pretend that it's forbidden in the New Testament. OK, it's clearly not. And we're going to see that in a second, because verse four says, for every creature of God is good and nothing to be refused if it be received with thanksgiving, for it is sanctified by the word of God and prayer. That's pretty clear, isn't it? That's a pretty clear verse of the Bible there or two verses of the Bible there that says that every creature of God is good and nothing to be refused. You shouldn't be refusing anything if you choose not to eat things fine. You come around my house and we, you know, want to cook up some shellfish starter and pork for a main, you know, and maybe something with some, you know, pork, pork gelatin for pudding or something else. And we cook you up all these things and look, nothing to be refused, right? OK, if it be received with thanksgiving, for it is sanctified by the word of God and prayer. But who's teaching veganism as a doctrine then? Maybe you're thinking, well, yeah, there's these funny old, you know, army jacket wearers out there who could probably never do, you know, a day in the army. There's these kind of weird kind of students. They're usually students, usually female students as well. And let's be honest, their fathers should be really should be keeping them in line, shouldn't they? That's the problem, is that they're sent off to university and they're just pulled away with all sorts of wicked doctrine because no one's actually controlling them. No one's keeping an eye on them. But what do these female army jacket wearing strange green haired types teach? Well, they teach that some of them will even teach that it's actually against the Bible. And there are people out there that teach that. Now, it's not always those types. But amongst amongst so-called religion, there are those that teach veganism. There's the obvious non-Bible based false religions. There's Hinduism, where there's a large amount of Hindus are vegetarian. They claim it's for spiritual reasons. Buddhism, they're big ones, aren't they? Jainism too, OK? These all have have large amounts of them that practice either vegetarianism or veganism, claiming it's for spiritual reasons. That's a false doctrine, right? But also amongst so-called Christian denominations. Anyone know that 40% of Seventh Day Adventists are vegan or vegetarian? Anyone heard that before? It's big in Seventh Day Adventism. Apparently following in the footsteps of Ellen G White, who although wasn't apparently strictly a you must be, she led by apparently example amongst other members of her cult. And there seems to be a growing push for it transcending across various Christian denominations. And I'll be noticing that out there a bit more and seeing it more pedaled in the online world and things like that. So I had a little look for this. And there are organizations in the UK that offer brainwashing talks in churches, so they offer to come into churches and brainwash everyone into veganism. Did you know that? And some of these are actually quite big organizations. Now, there's one in the UK that I looked at called Christian Vegetarians and Vegans UK. OK, I know it does sound too Bob. This one was a bit too Bob, yeah. This is an organization seeking to promote a vegetarian vegan lifestyle in the church in the UK. OK, so what's their angle? Because you think, well, how do they how do they marry that up with scripture? We've just read just a small passage. And clearly you can't marry that up with scripture. But when did that ever bother people preaching false doctrine? They just take a verse out of context, pretend like the rest doesn't exist and hope that the people that follow them don't actually get around to reading the Bible, which sadly most don't. Well, on the front of their website, they have this montage of a load of cute farmyard animals. OK, it's like the cutest farmyard animals you can find. You know, they've really sifted, you know, for the best possible looking ones you can find. Yeah, not like the ugly ones who are like rolling around in mud and stuff. No, they look like they've just had a fresh wash and everything else. And then they have this heading. These are our fellow creatures to love and care for. They are not given to us as food. They claim to be Christian. They claim to actually believe the Bible because they then quote Genesis 128 to 31. Where do they quote it from? OK, well, you can't expect them to use a King James. Maybe the NIV. Maybe they're trying to have, you know, the ESV. That would that would have some credibility amongst other kind of false Bible pervertors. Yeah. No, they quote it from the message. OK, they quote it from the message and it says something completely different. I can't even be bothered to go into that. But but if you're wondering, Genesis 128 is when God created the earth and he said he'd given the plants and trees for food. OK, we're not going to go there because things have moved on from there. OK, yes. Yes, God did give us the plants. God did give us things which come from trees as food in the beginning. But keep a finger here where we are in turn of Genesis nine, which unfortunately does seem to be further than these Christian, vegan and veg types are able to read to. Maybe if they, you know, got a couple of burgers down and they might be able to read for a bit longer, I think they're just so tired and exhausted that they can't quite get to this point. But, OK, so. They obviously don't get to where we were in the New Testament, but even Genesis chapter nine, they've just got off the arc. OK, so Genesis chapter nine and verse one, and it says, and God blessed Noah and his sons and said unto them, be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth. And the fear of you and the dread of you shall be upon every beast of the earth and upon every fowl of the air, upon all that moveth upon the earth and upon all the fishes of the sea into your hand are they delivered. Every moving thing that liver shall be meat for you, even as the green herb have I given you all things. But flesh with the life thereof, which is the blood thereof, shall ye not eat. So no raw bloody meat, but the rest of the animals hear a fair game. Get the pun? Yeah, they're fair game, aren't they? The rest of the animals hear clearly a fair game. So this verse alone debunks the so-called scriptural argument, doesn't it? As does most of the Bible. OK, I mean, look, you don't have to go far, do you? I mean, within a couple of books of the Bible, you've got God prescribing meat for his priests and Levites. Yeah, these are people that are getting provided for by God, and he's given them meat. He clearly doesn't agree with veganism there, does he? And they're given the best cuts of meat as well, by the way. OK, they're not kind of, you know, scraping around for, you know, the kind of bits and pieces that have fallen off. No, they're having some good quality food. The Lord Jesus Christ is giving out fish. Yeah, he's multiplying fish. He's giving them out. Oh, well, yeah, that's all he had to hand. Well, he also eats a broad fish and honeycomb. A honeycomb, by the way, which vegans won't eat. OK. It's pretty obvious, isn't it? I don't like I said, we don't have to go too far. The prodigal son story, how about a prodigal son story? It has the father is a picture of God, the father. And he says, go and get the fattened calf and we'll slay and eat. OK, I think anyone here who's Bible literature, anyone who's read the Bible through, I don't. Maybe even if you haven't read the Bible, if you just read parts or listen to preaching and heard some of the Bible, I think I don't think we need to prove that it's completely unscripted. So we're not going to do that because it's a nonsense. And we don't even want to give them credibility to have to prove it from the Bible. But there are three main reasons to be vegan that are common amongst both the so-called religious vegans and, well, the religiously vegan. OK. There are three reasons that they all seem to agree with as well. So the scriptural argument is a nonsense. OK, that's clear as day. But there's other reasons that these guys try and give. Now, these are common. These are number one for the animals and there's no particular order here. So for the animals, for your health and for the environment. OK, if anyone's been around vegans and vegetarians, these are their three main reasons. OK, for the animals, for the good of the animals, for your health and for the environment. So we're going to look at these in light of the Bible today, OK, and just really blow this out of the water. The title is Veganism, a doctrine of devils and hypocritical lie because it is a hypocritical lie. Number one is go vegan for the animals, go vegan for the animals. Now, this is probably, I would say, I guess, the number one reason for vegetarianism and veganism. People who claim to be so caring and loving. Yeah. They just have such a heart for animals that, you know, they could never and they'll use words like murder an animal. OK. They just couldn't murder an animal because they're just so much hope. They're basically so much kinder than you and I. You know, they just have a they have a warmer heart. They just get fuzzy feelings for animals because they're just much nicer, really. They're much nicer than you and I. OK. And some people, I think, would probably even go as far as veganism and vegetarianism to prove to other people how nice they are. Yeah, it's because it's quite a big virtual signal that, isn't it? I'm just so warm and cuddly, you know, I just cuddle animals. It doesn't matter. You know, I could never kill an animal. But like I mentioned the other day, they kind of have their own made up rules because when it comes to bugs and insects and spiders, most of them will happily kill them. I don't think they go, I just kind of cuddle the mosquitoes and, you know, and the poisonous spiders and things like that. You know, of course, of course. Now the argument, oh, yeah, well, they're insects. OK, well, they're insects. What about mice? Are you honestly trying to tell me if these people had a mice infestation that they wouldn't get them killed? Of course they would. They're liars. Of course they would. Yeah. Rats. Oh, yeah. Well, you know, I just when I see rats, I just want to stroke them and cuddle them. I can never kill a rat. You liar. You absolute liar. And have you seen the size that some rats get to? You think some of these if, you know, some of these that have children have little babies in it, if they had a rat going through the house, they wouldn't get the exterminator in. What a lie. OK, so of course, it's hypocritical. What about snakes? So many people have a fear of snakes, right? Oh, yeah, we just let the snake, you know, if I was somewhere where there was poison snakes, I'd just let it, let it slither around, you know, I'm not going to hurt. Oh, no, I just remove it. Don't lie. You'd get the snake killer in straight away, wouldn't you? OK, so obviously they have their own made up rules with it. But many of these people, what they do is they say that we're equal to animals. But if we're equal to animals, here's something that I hope they've noticed that animals do kill each other and they don't just kill each other for food. In fact, many animals kill each other for fun. Anyone have cats? We used to have a lot of cats in this church. OK, few less now. OK, have you noticed, have you noticed cats with mice? And I mean, they don't even eat them most of the time. If they're well fed, that is at least they just kill them just for a laugh. In fact, they don't just kill them, they torture them. They torture them. They play with them. They kind of just leave them half dead for a bit, try and nudge them to get them running again so they can have a bit more fun and chase it. They do, don't they? And well, apparently we're all just animals, aren't we? So that would be OK. And no one here, I don't think, is encouraging the torture of animals. But look, we do eat animals, though, like other animals eat each other. Well, maybe they say, well, we should know better, though. We should know better, shouldn't we? Because we're blessed with more intelligence than some of these animals. Well, what did God say, though, here in Genesis, chapter nine? Let's see what God says. Genesis, chapter nine, verse two says, And the fear of you and the dread of you shall be upon every beast of the earth and upon every fowl of the air, upon all that moveth upon the earth and upon all the fishes of the sea into your hand. Are they delivered? OK, every moving thing that liveth shall be meat for you. Even as the green herb have I given you all things. He then goes on to show the difference between man and beast. Yeah, notice they're called beasts. OK, verse four, But flesh with the life thereof, which is the blood thereof, shall ye not eat? OK, so don't eat animal blood. But when it comes to people, he says in verse five, And surely your blood of your lives will I require. At the hand of every beast, will I require it? At the hand of man, at the hand of every man's brother, will I require the life of man? He's ordaining the death penalty for murder. Murder of what? People, people. Whether it's man or beast that kills a man, even if it's family, like with Cain and Abel, it's capital punishment, he's saying. He's saying it's capital punishment for killing a person. He said, who so shedeth man's blood by man? Shall his blood be shed? OK, why? For in the image of God, may he man. For in the image of God, may he animals? No. May he monkeys that will eventually change into men? No. May he man, may he man. There's a difference between people and animals. We're made in the image of God. We have a soul. If you can't see that, then wow. I mean, sometimes I say that politely to people on the door. We go, I don't believe in heaven and hell. And I just say, don't you think we have a soul? You think we're the same as animals? Because it's ridiculous. It's preposterous. It's outlandish, isn't it? OK, but sadly, it's becoming more and more mainstream. OK, so often they then argue, though, they argue that, OK, well, it's the industrial meat and dairy industries, which are very cruel. OK, and I'm sure that's true. Yeah, I don't think probably anyone here is sitting here going, yeah, no, no, it's all just, you know, they're all free range. Those packets of meat when they've got, you know, that that sheep or that cow just kind of wandering in there, what looks to be in that lovely, huge field. I'm sure that's what it is, is it? Because they put a picture of it. It must be true. Look, it doesn't say clearly that it's free range on the packet. OK, it really isn't. Just by the way, OK, they're all most of the time, I'd imagine, like these people are saying, huddled together. Yeah, maybe some of that's pretty cruel. Turn to Proverbs chapter 12. But wouldn't these people be doing more good by eating and promoting the high welfare meat and dairy? Wouldn't they? Therefore, if you're promoting the high welfare stuff, you're promoting the free range, you're promoting the farming methods where it's not cruel. Well, wouldn't you therefore be increasing the customers and then reducing the price of that meat? I mean, that's just just standard economics, isn't it? If you've got enough, hopefully, if more and more people are going that way, they might be able to provide it for a bit cheaper. Whereas if you're just if you're preaching a boycotting of all, you're basically, well, you're going to make that meat even more unaffordable, aren't you? OK, because how are these people going to make ends meet? Again, sorry for the pun, right? So it doesn't make sense, does it? How does boycotting all meat help? How does it help? Proverbs 12, 10. Look at Proverbs 12, verse 10. It says, A righteous man regardeth the life of his beast, but the tender mercies of the wicked are cruel. OK, so yes, we shouldn't be cruel to animals. But it's the so-called tender mercies of these wicked liberals, which are real cruelty. OK, these so-called, you know, they're tender mercies. We just care about animals so much. But how many of those are actually anti-abortion? How many of those liberals are anti-murdering, poor little babies in people's wombs? How many of them are how many of those are really anti-abortion? I don't see it. They're all pro it. It's the same people. It's the same ones that are campaigning for a woman's choice and her body and all that junk and all that unscientific nonsense. It's the same people. The tender mercies of the wicked. OK, are cruel. OK, it's a lie. They claim to be so loving, so caring. No, they basically put people down here and animals up there because do they stop to think that if everyone went vegan, these animals, by the way, would stop being fed. They'd stop being cared for. Who's going to feed them? So all those animals just in this nation alone, all those ones, whether they're in these, you know, factory farms or whether they're out on the fields. If everyone went vegan, what's going to happen to those animals? Are those farmers going to feed them? Well, I can't sell them anymore. They're not. Instead of being slaughtered in a controlled professional way, which is how it should be here, unless they manage to manage to get away with their halal or kosher ways. But but what happens? They'll be dying of malnutrition disease. They're just going to be left to it. Well, put all those people out of business. What are they going to do with those animals? Oh, well, I'm just going to keep cuddling them and stroking them. Those animals are all going to end up basically on some massive heap of dying, rotting animals. And before they die, it's probably not going to be in a very pleasant way. There would be job losses en masse, livelihoods destroyed, wouldn't there? Yeah, if these people got anyone seen these idiots recently in shops pouring milk on the floor. I haven't seen this. And then my wife mentioned it yesterday after I kind of written some notes for this, and it got me a bit fired up. She's like, this will fire you up. So I was having a look at some of this and they've got a few clips of this around. So they're these these absolute imbeciles going into stores around London and the UK. And grabbing the milk and just pouring it on the floor, on counters all over the supermarket floor. And no one's doing anything. I mean, the security should be dragging them out through the milk. I mean, it's criminal damage. They're not paying for it. I mean, if they're paying for it, fair enough. But they're not paying. Well, no, in fact, it still wouldn't be fair enough because they're just causing damage to the floor, aren't they? Just just basically vandalizing stores. So you've got these these idiots going around, they're recording it. And you should see. I mean, it's a freak show. Absolutely. I mean, guys, I mean, I saw one of these guys had the skinniest jeans I've ever seen. Yet the biggest baggiest boots with them. It was so bizarre. Yeah, skinny jeans, baggy boots. And he's walking around going, we must stop the meat and dairy. And he's pouring milk on the floor. I mean, it's unbelievable, isn't it? But what would happen if everyone went, yeah, no, good point. Oh, yes, terrible. Let's say, OK, everyone just go vegan. All those animals would die a pretty nasty death. All of those animals out there, all those cows that they're so upset about would would end up dying a pretty grim death. And like I said, the main thing, what about all the job losses? Do they care about that? They care because they don't care about people, do they? I don't care about the people out there. They care. It seems more about the animal. And then what would happen? What would happen with the remaining ones? Oh, well, there'll be some remaining animals. Are they going to be out in the wild? Anyone wondered this? OK, do you think maybe in this nation? OK, maybe in this nation, some will get away with it a bit more. But I'm sure, you know, the foxes will probably get bigger over time and the packs will get larger. OK, they're not going to last. They need a lamb and sheep need a shepherd, right? OK, cows need a cowboy or something. You know, the version of that. What's going to happen to them all? They're going to die of starvation because, look, most people aren't going to let them be feeding on their land and everything else and all the fences up and everything else. They're going to die of starvation. They're going to die by predators. They're going to die of disease. They might have been better off down the abattoir. Yeah, where they would have just had a quick, simple death. Most livestock need people to survive. Fancy that. Well, title is veganism. A doctorate of devil's. Hypocritical lie number one is go vegan for the animals. That's just a hypocritical lie. OK, these are people just virtue signalling. Hypocritical lie number two is go vegan for your health. I heard this one before, go vegan for your health. OK, this one is so ridiculous because, sadly, a lot of people think that being vegan is going to make them healthier because there's a lot of propaganda out there saying that. And obviously there's some truth to avoiding junk foods, avoiding the fast food burger joints, you know. Yeah, if you used to eat McDonald's every day and you cut that out, I don't think it would matter what you ate, you'd probably become healthier. OK, and there's some truth as well that when people start looking at their diet and actually thinking about what they eat, they will often become healthier, OK, because they're thinking about what they eat. But it's not about the meat. There's nothing unhealthy about consuming good quality animal products. In fact, it's healthy to consume good quality animal products. Go back to 1 Timothy 4. We just read Genesis 9, 3, which said, every moving thing that liveth shall be meat for you, even as the green herb have I given you all things. Are we supposed to believe that God was trying to make us sick? He said every moving thing because I just want you to be sickly, I want you to be unhealthy. Is it that we now know better than to trust that old-fashioned God with his old-fashioned meat-eating ways? Well, 1 Timothy 4 and verse 1 says, Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times thou shalt depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils, speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their conscience seared with a hot iron, forbidding to marry and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving, of them which believe and know the truth. So rather than complaining, we should be thanking God for meat. Verse 4, For every creature of God is good, and nothing to be refused if it be received with thanksgiving, for it is sanctified by the word of God and prayer. Pray for it and eat it because the word of God says so, OK? And, look, here's the thing, if being stick-thin, yeah, and looking like you could literally get snapped in two by a normal person is being healthy, I'll take the bad meat. I'll take the factory farm stuff, because most of us here actually have manual things to do in life. And, OK, a lot of these... Turn to Romans 14, by the way. A lot of these clown activists, it's pretty obvious, are eternal students. But if they did end up in a manual job, let's be honest, if any of those guys did end up having to get into a manual job, they would be down the calf eating sheep bacon, battery farm eggs and wool sausages quicker than anyone else, wouldn't they? I reckon by day two, they'd be straight down that calf, OK? Because, look, they would give it... Look, it's fine when you're sitting around. It's fine when the most active work you do is hitting drugs and alcohol. It's lifting up the drinks to your mouth and the rest of the time you're just lounging around in bed and wandering to a lecture once a day or something else. But it's very different when you actually live a real life, yeah? And, look, we need energy, yeah? We need strength. Men here, we need strength most of the time, yeah? A lot of jobs require some element of strength. I appreciate that a lot of jobs have become less manual, but, look, if you raise your family, you protect your family, you're doing stuff, you're doing things, you're going out soul-winning, all those sorts of things, yeah, you need some strength. And some say, well, they're a vegan sportsman. Yeah, you heard that one before. They love to promote the vegan sportsman. Oh, but what about this one-in-a-million vegan sportsman? Look how they did it. Yeah, but they spend half their time plotting, planning and preparing their diet or, more likely, if they can afford it, they pay someone else to do it. Most people can't do that. And the reason they do that is because it's so hard to get a healthy vegan diet without getting those combinations right, without getting your full amino acid profile from different vegan protein sources. And, look, these are very rare individuals. They need... It takes a lot of work, it takes a lot of effort, and food's not meant to be like that, is it? We shouldn't be having to sit there and scientifically work out exactly... Look, ultimately, you just want, you know, the hormones in your body, if you can get that right and not eat a load of junk, to just crave what you need and crave what you want and eat good quality food. OK, so, verse 1 in Romans 14 says this, it says, "'Him that is weak in the faith receive ye, but not to doubtful disputations. "'For one believeth that he may eat all things, "'another who is weak eateth herbs.'" OK, so, obviously, primary here is weak faith, OK? It is weak faith, OK? It's pretty obvious when you read the Bible, right? OK, but there are those, there might be those that maybe at this point they're still, like, just, you know, just still want to just cuddle the animals and just can't imagine eating them, or something along those lines, or, yeah, maybe it is healthier, maybe God did get it wrong, or something else. Yeah, they have weak faith, OK? Now, we don't want to be raring with these people. We're going to preach the truth from the pulpit. If someone came up to me after the service and wanted to tell me they're vegan, I'd say, well, that's up to you, you know, you do what you want to do there. We're not going to be having doubtful disputations with people, but the second point here is that they are physically weak as well, OK? They are physically weak. Someone was just talking to me before the service about, I think, a family member. He said he just, he goes to the gym and everything, can't put on any muscle mass. OK, the vast, vast majority are physically weak as well. But, like we said, we shouldn't hate a brother or sister for it. Verse three says, "'Let not him that eateth despise him that eateth not.' OK, and let not him which eateth not judge him that eateth, for God hath received him." OK, so we don't want to be, by the way, it works both ways, OK? It does work both ways, because a lot of the time you'll see it the other way around, won't you? People are just so angry that you eat meat and hateful for it. But we're talking about brothers and sisters in Christ in a church setting here. We're not going to be getting aroused about it and stuff like that. If you still decide off this sermon that you want to be a vegan or vegetarian, good luck to you. You know, you crack on, OK? All I can do is preach what the word of God says. But what I've always found amusing about these things is not only do vegan foods often try to mimic meat. Anyone notice that? OK, so apparently veganism is, according to some of these people, the natural way of living. According to many, many proponents of veganism, vegetarianism, we were never designed to eat meat, which has always tickled me as so many of these vegan foods are like fake burgers, fake sausages, fake meatballs, fake mints, anything basically meaty. I mean, it is rather ironic, isn't it? But these foods, I don't know if you realise it, because we're going on the health angle here yet, are often full of all sorts of nasty additives and flavour enhancers at the same time. So it's not that, oh, well, they've just somehow managed to merge together a few different vegetables and plant-based grains and things into just this thing which now suddenly tastes like a burger. It just suddenly, it just happens to taste like a sausage when you mix some peppers and some, you know, and some soy protein and things like this together. Hey, presto, I've got something which tastes like, so why do they want it to taste like meat? Because really, they want to eat meat. Every one of them wants to eat meat, really. It just depends how strong that urge to virtue signal is, yeah? OK, so I thought, well, let's have a little look at some of these ingredients. So take corn, quorn, yeah, OK, it's not corn, because that's kind of a bit of a con, like you think, oh, it's just corn. No, it's quorn, OK, vegan sausages, for example, sausages, OK? OK, let's have a look at the ingredients of quorn, vegan sausages. OK, the first ingredient's water, it's a bit of a sham, isn't it? Apparently you're paying through the nose for water. But anyway, water, mycoprotein, we'll look into that in a minute, 17%. Pea protein, bread rusks, wheat flour, wheat flour, calcium carbonate, iron, niacin, thymine. Water, salt, yeast, seasoning, natural flavourings. Oh, what's in those natural, oh, no-one actually knows, because they don't really, after then, break down what's in the flavouring packet they bought from one of these big commercial flavouring suppliers. What's even in it? And by the way, they've got links with aborted fetal cell lines and all sorts, some of these flavouring companies, let's not get into that. Natural flavourings, who knows? Yeast extracts, that's usually monosodium glutamate, by the way. Salt, maltodextrin, spices, pepper, allspice, mace, ginger, not so bad. Vegetable oils, rapeseed, palm, isn't rapeseed the one that they complain about a lot? Wheat gluten, casing, stabiliser, calcium alginate, thickener, methylcellulose, stabiliser, sodium alginate, mmm. Anyone thinking about going to get you a corn sausage after this? But we haven't finished, what is microprotein? Because you look at that and you think, oh, well, yeah, a bit of microprotein. What could be worse? So all corn products are created from, this microprotein is in all corn products, so it's created from a fungus called Fusarium venonatum, OK? It comes from a fungus. The fungus is grown in vats using glucose syrup as its food. A fermentation vat is filled with a growth medium and then inoculated with the fungal spores. The F-venonatum culture aspires aerobically, so for it to grow at an optimum rate is supplied with oxygen and carbon dioxide is drawn from the vat to make protein. By the way, carbon dioxide are one of the things I think they complain about a lot, don't they? It is supplied with oxygen and carbon dioxide is drawn away from the vat. To make protein, nitrogen in the form of ammonia is added and vitamins and minerals needed to support growth. The vat is kept at a constant temperature, also optimised for growth. The fungus can double its mass every five hours. When the desired amount of microprotein is being created, the growth medium is drawn off from a tap at the bottom of the fermenter. The microprotein is separated and purified. It is a pale yellow solid with a faint taste of mushrooms. Different flavours and tastes can be added to the microprotein to add variety. That's why it tastes like sausages. A reproducible mutation occurs after 1,200 hours of cultivation in F. venonatum that greatly reduces the hyper-length in the organism, which is considered unfavourable for production. Under normal conditions, this mutant strain will rapidly displace the parent strain. Replacing ammonia with nitrate as a source of nitrate or supplementing ammonium cultures with peptone prevents this mutant strain from overtaking the product but still allows development. Alternatively, the appearance of the mutant can be delayed by selection pressures such as nutrient concentrations or pH levels. That doesn't sound very natural. Apparently, that's the natural diet that we're made to eat, right? Health concerns. Oh, wait a second. I thought this stuff was healthy. These guys promote it like it's a healthy choice. People are... I remember someone I used to coach a while ago was telling me they're eating corn, corn, every day because it's healthier. Isn't it? No, it's not healthier. No, none of that junk, none of that process is healthy for you. Health concerns. Some strains of F. venonatum produce a variety of mycotoxins such as type A trichothecines, mycotoxin-producing genes such as isotrocodermin, isotrocodermal, sambucanal, acotrichothecan, coulmorin, coulmorin, and niotin-B It can be found in cultures of F. venonatum. Specific strains that do not produce mycotoxins under optimal conditions can be selected to reduce the danger to human consumers. Testing at six-hour intervals can be done to monitor mycotoxin presence. It's a bit scary, isn't it? There is continual testing for concerns of allergic reactions which can range from abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting to severe asthmatic reactions, especially when crossed with inhaled mould spores. That's quorn. Not corn, quorn. OK, that was a big one. OK, that was kind of, for me, that was growing up, you know, quorn was quite a kind of big deal. I don't know, have you heard of that in the US? No? OK, so this is like a big, big European English thing. OK, quorn products which people thought they're eating for their health, that somehow it was healthier to eat that sort of junk. Apparently you should go vegan for your health. Have you heard that before? OK, so just a quick point on that. Are these protesters outside the quorn head office, do you think? Because that sounds pretty brutal, doesn't it? That sounds pretty dangerous, that sounds pretty wicked. They could be saying, look, you guys are kind of ruining veganism because, you know, you're promoting this junk, this mycoprotein, this chemical soup of whatever it is under all these, you know, unnatural conditions. No, they're not, are they? Because the tender mercies of the wicked are cruel. They don't care about people, do they? But maybe, maybe, maybe I'm a bit off here. Maybe quorn is a bit old school. I'm just showing my age here. It's still somehow surviving. People are still buying it, by the way, it's still on the shelves. But maybe, you know, maybe I need to look at the more modern stuff. So I looked up the top vegan brands in the UK and there was like this top five and I got drawn to this one. One by Tesco is called Wicked Kitchen. So I thought, let's have a look what's in Wicked Kitchen, OK? And it's probably quite a fitting name. So I looked at their mock meatballs called Italian inspired amazeballs. Apparently they're Italian inspired, right? OK, because the Italians know what the best meatballs are, obviously, OK? So they're Italian inspired. So this is going to make you think, yeah, I'm going to want one of these. You know, this is just like, this would be just like being in Rome, isn't it? Just like being in Italy, it's just going to, you know, be slightly different and much healthier. So let's look at the ingredients for Italian inspired amazeballs. Reconstituted soya protein, mmm, 41%. Water, rapeseed oil, shea fat, rice flour, butter beans, red pepper, yellow pepper, green pepper, maize flour, parsley, tomato paste, coconut oil, stabiliser, methylcellulose, colours, plain caramel, beetroot, red yeast extract. That's your monosodium glutamate, about halfway through the ingredients. That's probably quite high levels of that. Otherwise, people wouldn't be eating this junk. Makes you want it, yeah? Salt, pea fibre, white onion, garlic powder, onion powder, smoked rice flour, black pepper, maize starch, basil, modified potato starch. They had to modify that one. oregano leaves, sugar, oat fibre, paprika, modified maize starch, dextrose, calcium salts of citric acid. Only went for the calcium salts of citric acid. Flavouring. What's the flavouring? Just flavouring. You know, just flavouring. What is flavouring? Flavouring can be anything. Can be anything. Flavouring, cayenne pepper, chilli powder, sunflower oil, fennel. OK, so you're thinking, well, some of those are right. Yes, some of those are right. Some of those, what are those? That's very natural to me. But what about the reconstituted soy protein? Because that's the largest amount. What is reconstituted soy protein? It's textured soy protein made to have more of a meat texture. So they make it to have more of a meat-like texture, the soy protein. OK, now, this is something I was reading about on Wikipedia on textured, this textured protein. They say many TVP, which it's reduced to, sorry, it stands for, OK, producers use hexane to separate soy fat from soy protein and trace amounts of the solvent are left after manufacturing. But the few rodent studies, few rodent studies, I thought they might do a few more than a few, but a few rodent studies that have been done suggest it would be almost impossible, almost impossible, to get enough hexane from TVP to cause harm. At least it's almost impossible. Phew, I was getting worried then. Measured levels of residual hexane in TVP are around 20 parts per million. And studies in rodents suggest that five grams per kilogram is a minimum dose at which undesirable effects may be observed. Sounds a bit sketchy, that, doesn't it? Doesn't sound like anyone's too sure. And here's what's funny. TVP, this just tickled me. TVP is primarily used as a meat substitute due to its... OK, what do you think it's going to be due to? No, not taste, anything else? Not texture, not meatiness? I like this because this shows, like, honest hearts, OK? I like this, OK? No, I've got it straight away. Due to its very low cost, very low cost, at less than a third of the price of ground beef. A third of the price. Now, we could all do with saving some money on groceries, couldn't we? I mean, the grocery price had gone up, haven't they? Oh, well, thank God that someone's trying to help us save money on groceries. Wicked Kitchen, 12 Italian inspired Amaze balls, yeah? 336 grams. £2.75. £2.75. Tesco Finest, 12 beef and herb meatballs. 336 grams, exactly the same. £3.15. So you get a 40p saving there. 40p, apparently it was a third of the price of the ground beef. Doesn't look like that's reflected in the cost, does it? Doesn't look... So someone's saving money, but it's not the consumer. I wonder who it is. Wow, what a surprise that all these big corporations are jumping on the bandwagon with this one, because the love of money is a root of all evil. You know, why not take a chance to make an extra few quid, eh? And in this case, it's probably a few billion quid. So something's up with the maths there, isn't it? Now, go vegan for your health. What was the ingredients, by the way, of the 12 beef and herb meatballs? And by the way, I went for Tesco Finest ones. I could have gone for the cheap ones, where there was basically no difference in the price. But the Tesco Finest ones, because I'm assuming Wicked Kitchen is meant to be a high-end, apparently, product here, yeah? Ingredients, beef, 86%. OK, so you get 86% beef as opposed to, I think there's... Was it 40% on that one, of the textured soy protein? 41%. So you get 86% beef for that, by the way, OK? And by the way, apparently this stuff is a third of the price, and that's meant to be the expensive part, the beef. Water, basil, pea flour, rice flour, sea salt, garlic powder, black pepper, one preservative, sodium metabisulfite, so it lasts longer, parsley, oregano, bay and thyme. Which one sounds healthier to you? Anyone going with a reconstituted soy? Well, at least it's 40p cheaper. Whole 40p saving there. Wow. Go vegan for your health. Go vegan for the food manufacturer's pockets, more like, yeah? Those same big multinational corporations that these people claim they're protesting against. Hypocrites. And did you know, by the way, that some of these people won't even eat honey? I always forget that. I think we have a kind of a family member who's a vegan and we forgot, oh, yeah, they don't even eat honey. OK. What's that about? Is that for the health? It's not about the health. What is it? What is that, by the way? Are they worried...? No, I mean, someone, anyone got an answer? Is it that they worry about the bees getting upset when you take the honey? Apparently, it's the bees. Apparently, it is. My wife's whispering it at the back. Women shouldn't speak in the church. Well done, love. OK, mouthing it. OK, yeah, yeah, apparently, apparently it's the bees. They don't want to upset the bees. Because the bees get, you know, they've got a long memory of bees, right? They get really hurt by you taking the honey. OK, apparently that's it. Because it can't be health. And you don't have to... Well, did you turn to Proverbs 24? Turn to Proverbs 24. Because, yeah, veganism isn't just meat products. Sorry, or at least it's not just meat. It's all animal products, right? All animal products, not just meat products, either. It's all animal products. But, obviously, the Bible says something else. Proverbs 24. So, if it's for health, well... And, yeah, if you get that weird kind of so-called honey that's kind of 70% refined sugar, it's probably not that healthy. But real honey, I would say, is. Proverbs 24.13. Proverbs 24.13 says, My son, eat thou honey, because it is good, and the honeycomb which is sweet to thy taste. Apparently, it's good. We're told to eat it. And, by the way, turn to Proverbs 27, because that goes for other animal products like milk. If you go to Proverbs 27, it's God instructing us to use animal products. Proverbs 27 and verse 26, just while we're in Proverbs there, says, The lambs are for thy clothing, and the goats are the price of the field, and thou shalt have goat's milk... This is verse 27. And thou shalt have goat's milk enough for thy food, for the food of thy household, and for the maintenance for thy maidens. That's soaps and creams that could be made from goat's milk as well. So, there's God telling us to have these things, telling us to use these things. Go vegan for your health doesn't seem to line up with scripture, does it? Definitely not. OK, so, the title is Veganism, a Doctrine of Devils. Hypocritical line number one is go vegan for the animals. Number two is go vegan for your health. Hypocritical line number three is go vegan for the environment. Go vegan for the environment. Apparently, these vegans believe that they are actually helping the environment by eating that sort of junk. No, honestly. They think that by eating that junk that they're actually helping the environment. I know. It doesn't... You can't believe this stuff, can you? The truth is, stranger than fiction, and what is it, by the way, that the environment needs help with again? Anyone know what it is? Cos it changes a lot. Anyone know? Apparently, the environment needs some sort of help by us. Yeah, we need to help the environment. Oh, yes, apparently the farts from the cows are destroying the world. LAUGHTER Seriously. I'm not... If anyone hasn't heard this, I'm not joking. This is what they believe. The farts coming from cows are actually destroying the world. You can't make this... It's like a bad movie, isn't it? You can't make up what these so... That claim to be intellectual people. I mean, these are meant to be the cream of the crop of the UK, and not just the UK around the world, these are the university elite who actually believe that. They actually believe that cows' farts are destroying the world. It's amazing, isn't it? Now, what's funny is that a lot of these guys, if you watch them... I watch this little thing where they're interviewing these students, yeah, OK? So you've got these kind of non-binary, wannabe-type students, you know, standing there trying to sound really intellectual, going, you know, as we know, and then they come out with the so-called intellectual terms, you know, and about, you know, the ozone layer or global warming being caused by the meat industry, and it sounds so factual, yeah, it sounds so right, but what they're basically saying is... Cows' farts are destroying the world. Yeah, they're rewording it, but that's what they're saying. Yet they're... People actually take them seriously. People are like, oh, they did go to university. Yeah, must be pretty bright, yeah? I mean, yeah, there must be some evidence in that. Well, turn to Genesis 8. Turn to Genesis 8, because God created everything to perfection, didn't He? I'm sure everyone here believes that God created this world, yeah? OK, I hope no-one here thinks that it came by accident, because... No, we can't kick you out, but we'll let you stay out. I'm joking, I'm joking. OK. Well, hopefully you understand it, hopefully you've read the first chapter of the Bible, at least, you know, heard rumours about it, OK? OK, so what these people, or what at least... OK, forget the kind of we-don't-believe-God-exists, you know, kind of hippie types, yeah? OK, what people that claim to be Christians, these Christian groups promoting, pushing this as a doctrine, OK, like I said, the individual, that's what you want to do, that's up to you, OK. OK, the people pushing this false doctrine are basically having us believe that God created this perfect world, but He just didn't factor in the farts from cows. That's what they believe. He created it, and He's up there now going, why did I think of the cows? Oh, man! If only I could go... Honestly, that's really what they're saying, aren't they? It's true. So, jealousy's saying, let's have a look, because jealousy's saying, Noah's been parked up on Mount Ararat, OK? Because they'll say, no, it's the sheer amount of cows, won't they? They'll go, no, no, it's the amount of cows because of factory farming, you know, there's just too many of them, OK? So, Noah's parked up, you know, on Mount Ararat, he finally gets out of the ark, he's been kind of sitting in the parking bay for a while there, he gets out, verse 15 says, And God spake unto Noah, saying, Go forth of the ark, thou and thy wife, and thy sons, and thy sons' wives with thee. OK, verse 17. Bring forth with thee every living thing that is with thee, of all flesh, both of fowl and of cattle, and of every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth, that they, they may breed abundantly in the earth. Wow, he even mentions cattle, that they may breed abundantly in the earth, and be fruitful and multiply upon the earth. Oh, he said cattle, but he didn't mean no, it just meant the ones that don't have bad wind, yeah? No, he said they may breed abundantly. And Noah went forth, and his sons, and his wife, and his sons' wives with him. Every beast, every creeping thing, and every fowl, and whatsoever creepeth upon the earth, half their kind went forth out of the ark. And Noah builded an altar unto the Lord, and took of every clean beast, and of every clean fowl, and offered burnt offerings on the altar. So, first thing that he does is sacrifice animals to God. First thing he did. Look, look, Noah wasn't, you know, he wasn't kind of, Noah just kind of carried on living this vegan lifestyle, and everything else. Look, he even named one of his sons Ham. In anticipation, right? He was like, I can't wait, I can't wait to get off that ark, yeah? Ham sandwiches are coming, right? But let's be honest, if there was ever, if one of those sons was a vegan, I bet it was Ham, right? I bet it was, if you see what he got up to after, he fits a bill, doesn't he? Okay, but he did, didn't he? Now, okay, so, where are we? Okay, look at verse 21. And the Lord smelled a sweet savour, and the Lord said in his heart, I will not again curse the ground any more for man's sake, for the imagination of man's heart is evil from his youth, neither will I again smite any more at everything living as I have done. So no more worldwide floods or something similar. Verse 22, while the earth remaineth, seed, time, and harvest, and cold, and heat, and summer, and winter, and day, and night, shall not cease. See that? Shall not cease. Hear that, you climate change panicers out there? And I know there's a couple in here. I bet there are a couple in here. Oh, ye of little faith. He said, it shall not cease. Seed, time, and harvest, cold, and heat. But he got, we had a hot summer. It's just going to keep getting hotter and hotter. Yeah, we're probably going to get a cold winter. Maybe we won't, who cares? Summer and winter, day and night, shall not cease. And the earth has a well yet to remain. By my calculation, it's over a thousand years. Okay, while the earth remains. Yeah, there's a little well left. So that means that seed, time, and harvest, colder and heat, summer and winter, day and night, will be continuing whether cows fart or not. He didn't say, you know, there wasn't kind of a little caveat there, unless there's too many cows at a party. It's so ridiculous, isn't it? It's so ridiculous, but it's dressed up to sound clever. It's dressed up to sound intellectual. We're all meant to just go, oh, but the scientists, scientists, you know, just tell me what I should believe. Tell me, now, in fact, forget scientists. Media, tell me what scientists tell me I should believe. Because that's really what it is, isn't it? Scientists have said, scientists have proven, you're hearing it third-hand anyway. Where are these scientists? Where are these guys? I'll tell you where they are. They're down at the supermarket, pouring milk on them, thinking skinny jeans. They're the people they're talking about. They're like, anyone got like a quote for me to put in my newspaper? Are you studying science or something? Oh yeah, I did biology A-level. Scientists have said, look, it's a load of old nonsense, isn't it? And it doesn't take, again, far in the Bible to get there and to say, yeah, not only is veganism a load of old nonsense, but so is this climate change rubbish. And look, none of this, none of this could exist without God, okay? None of it could exist without God. And none of it will stop existing with God until he decides it, till he decides it. Because what does it really, what is all that climate change nonsense about? Shall I tell you what it's about? Goes back to the original temptation. You have to turn to Genesis 3, five, for God doth know that in a day ye thereof, this is the devil tempting Eve, then your eyes shall be opened and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil. It's men trying to play God, that's what it is, and convincing themselves that they can determine the world's existence. That's what it is. It's people giving themselves an inflated sense of importance that we, that the collective science community are basically gods who can decide whether this world exists or whether it doesn't. And at the same time, by guilt-tripping everyone else, oh, just having to shove a load of tax on things anyway. And what a surprise, like with everything, people will get richer along the way with it. But really, it's people playing God, isn't it? It's people playing God. And here's a hypocritical part of it, because all hypocritical lies, all of these, the hypocritical part of it, all those grains that people want to eat instead all require mass farming. Yeah, all those grains, the machinery to be run, the pesticides, the herb, whatever they, herbicides, is all that stuff suddenly apparently good for our environment? Of course it's not. It's a hypocritical lie because it's hardly getting plucked up and eaten. So people like, the idea is that you've just got all these kind of long flowing haired hippies just walking through fields, picking grains and fruits and veg and it's this lovely natural lifestyle. That's not how it runs. And it's not that, oh, well, it's just, those grains are getting picked by these, you know, just kind of farmhands, yeah? We're just picking it, it's going into the farmhouse kitchen and the old lady's preparing it into vegan products. That's not what's going on, is it? Anyone think that's what's going on? That's not, I'm not, that's not what's going on. It's all chemical processing in factories. That's what it is. They're taking it into these factories, okay? If, well, if the factories are much further than what's being grown, probably a lot of it's being grown indoors. Well, there's all sorts of wicked stuff going on. And then what's the result of all this extra bean consumption? So after all is said and done, what's the result of all of that extra bean consumption? Yep, methane. Human methane, yeah? Human methane destroying the earth because they're eating too much plant-based stuff. Yeah, that's what happens. So anyway, point being, it's nonsense, okay? You're just swapping one thing for, oh, but the cows need all this food, yeah, but you know a lot of them can actually graze, yeah. Sure, promote natural farming. I'm all up for that. Promote it, encourage it, try and reduce the cost, get people into that more, yeah. You know, some of that meat's pretty dodgy, isn't it? You can tell the difference. It's not like a kind of dodgy Coke, Pepsi challenge. You can tell the difference, yeah. There is a difference between rubbish meat and good meat, okay? Yeah, there is. I would say there's probably, yes, I don't even think probably a health difference, yes, as well, between rubbish meat and good meat. Yeah, we should encourage that sort of thing, but trying to encourage a boycott of the whole lot, what a load of nonsense. Yeah, what a load of nonsense. And ultimately there's going to be more machinery and factory processing, things are getting driven around to eat the replacement anyway. And here's another thing, meat generally is quite dense, isn't it? Okay, you kind of get quite a lot of calories and quite a lot of bang for your buck, don't you? And all these grains, everything else, I mean, you have to get through quite a lot of that. Anyway, I don't know how the maths work on that, but go back to 1 Timothy 4. The title is Veganism, a doctrine of devils. Hypocritical lie number one is go vegan for the animals. Number two, go vegan for your health. Number three, go vegan for the environment. Look at 1 Timothy 4 and verse seven. It says, this is a command, and really he's talking to Timothy, but this applies to all of us. It says, but refuse profane and old wives fables and exercise thyself rather unto godliness. So basically heathen and old wives tales, like all of this nonsense, like all of this vegan old wives tales, okay? Verse eight, for bodily exercise profiteth little, but godliness is profitable unto all things, having promise of the life that now is and of that which is to come. This is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptation, for therefore we both labor and suffer reproach because we trust in a living God who is the savior of all men, especially of those that believe. Yes, we will get reproach for it, and probably more so in the years to come, okay? I think this isn't going away. I think this is gonna grow more and more. Now, there's a thought I had with this, and I kind of, you know, just some, the reason I started thinking about this sermon, because I was thinking about, I was thinking about the shepherds being an abomination in Egypt. And then, and I know, you know, the first time we hear that is kind of when Joseph is in Egypt, and there are some points of Joseph's love where it does picture, I think, that, you know, that sort of one world type government and things, but they're still an abomination 400 years later where we see a clear picture of the end times there. And in fact, Moses even says that our sacrifice, basically, it will be an abomination. Our meat, our sacrifice is an abomination to the Egyptians when he's saying that we need to go away and do our sacrifices, right? And why is that? Because obviously they do still have cattle and things there, we see that, but maybe, look, maybe we're gonna be seeing more and more this pushed and promoted, and again, it's gonna be one of those other line dividers like we've seen recently, maybe with taking a ridiculous COVID jab and the rest where we're just gonna be on that wrong side, according to the world side of that line, right? And our meat is gonna be an abomination compared to whatever it is that, whatever Frankenstein foods and whatever they come up with next that they'll be eating. There's a thought on that. I think this is gonna progress. I think it's gonna get more and more. Get your livestock in while you can. And yeah, maybe get a big freezer and try and get it in bulk, but gotta get your meat in, guys. But look, it is a doctrine of devils, okay? It's definitely a doctrine of devils. Yes, look, not everyone who's a vegan, just to make this clear one more time, I'm not calling you a devil if you are, but what I am saying is that the Bible's very clear that people pushing and promoting these sorts of, you cannot eat this, you can't get mad, all that sort of stuff is doctrines of devils. Don't get conned by it. Keep strong, keep in the word and keep eating your meat. And on that, let's pray. Father, I thank you for just the clarity your word gives us on topics in the world that seem to be growing and being pushed and forced on many of us more and more, Lord. I thank you that you don't leave us questioning and guessing on something which is a big part of our lives, on eating food and eating meat and what we can and can't eat. And Lord, thank you that you've given us the meat, you've given us animal products and all these things which taste so great and also are good for us as well. And we thank you for that. We thank you that life of eating isn't just some bland sort of stuff which will just make us survive, but there's actually all these many different sorts of foods and ingredients we can use that you provide for us. Please help us to appreciate that. Help us to give thanks for those things so that they're sanctified by not only the word of God but by prayer as well. Help us to appreciate what you have given us. Help us to just stay strong with all this sort of false doctrine being pushed on us from different angles. Lord, and help us to have a great afternoon now. Help us to get many people saved and to return for this evening's service. In Jesus' name we pray all of this, amen.