(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) right someone someone and I want to focus particularly on verses 1 & 2 so verse 1 & 2 of someone blessed is a man that walketh not in the council of the ungodly nor standeth in the way of sinners nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful but his delight is in the law of the Lord and in his Lord as he meditates day and night and the title of my sermon today is the way to be blessed the way to be blessed so what is what is to be blessed mean well blissfully happy contented and I specifically enjoying spiritual happiness in the favor of God now everyone wants that does it I would say everyone wants that everyone wants to be happy everyone wants to be content everyone wants to enjoy spiritual happiness the favor of God in their lives some will call it the secret of happiness the secret of happiness and the world talks a lot about how to be happy in the secret of happiness and I come up with all their different ways of doing that well God tells us how to be happy in this song in particular now this is the first song in the book of Psalms and the book of Psalms was really a song bro and kind of like maybe like the first track on a on a favorite CD or something it's probably read more than I would say most of the songs by maybe a couple of classics like someone a lot and I know probably many people here could probably memorize a lot of someone without ever having tried to just because you heard it a lot every time you turn to the book of Psalms it's quite short as well get going straight away and someone is like that and it says in the beginning here it says in verse 1 blessed is a man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly now what's counsel counsel is advice opinion or instruction given in directing the judgment or conduct of another okay so and conduct here is personal behavior well who are the ungodly these are the unsaved now just quickly here obviously what it's not talking about bear in mind it said personal behavior this isn't talking about you know you maybe you need you need help how to use a particular power tool the judgment that's the sort of council we're talking about how to live how to think how to behave right walketh not in walketh not in okay this is not actioning their advice okay so not actually actioning their advice now because the truth is the truth is you can't you cut well we all know this you can't avoid advice a lot of the times can you people give you advice you can't avoid that some people want to give their advice a lot more than others some people will just give you advice when you clearly not asking for it you can you don't want it as well but it's saying not actioning their advice so not following the advice of the ungodly so don't let the ungodly shape your judgment don't let the ungodly make shape how you judge situations how you judge decisions to make in life and everything else now that sounds pretty obvious yeah well I'm not you know I'm gonna let some ungodly old friend or family member tell me how to behave but there's many ways that the ungodly can give you counts aren't there for example through the television through the internet news channels and I would say that sounds pretty obvious most people have a pretty good understanding of the world and how things work and when the news and things such as that are trying to advise you and guide you on morality a lot of the time it's completely the opposite to the Word of God but what about the opposite way so you've also got a world of people that are clearly anti anti whatever you want to call it government news you know mainstream media etc but many of those people are not godly they're the ungodly and then they're advising you through conspiracy websites and videos but a lot of the time we might go to these things and think yeah that's that's that's not you know clearly they understand that the world we live in is actually small amount of people that own a lot of the things of influence and power well they must be telling the truth we should be walking in their council should we the Bible says not to don't let the ungodly shape your personal behavior and again the world tells us many ways that we should be in fact tells us as Christians how we should act doesn't it tells us how we should think well you're a Christian aren't you meant to be this aren't you supposed to be that and the thing is as much as we you know again most people here aware of that how often do you start to just revert that type a little bit the godly tries sorry the I'm gonna be trying to tell you how a Christian should be our Christian should behave relationship advice child rearing morality health you know the list goes on doesn't it and I'm going to preach a sermon on that because I there are many sermons and I actually want to focus them on something slightly slightly different here now like I said you can't always avoid the advice and number one on my list is blessed is a man who doesn't follow worldly advice okay so simple isn't it just don't get advice of unsaved people don't don't listen to the unsaved family or friends any how you should bring up your kids how you should do this how you should do that don't listen to it now is it is it that foolproof is it as easy as well if they're not saved don't listen to it now why is it important like I said the title of my sermon is a way to be blessed we want to be blessed don't we have a look at Isaiah chapter 30 verse 1 woe to the rebellious children saith the Lord that take counsel but not of me and a cover with a covering but not of my spirit that they may add sin to sin whoa whoa is grief sorrow misery a heavy calamity okay so it's not just so well you just won't get that blessing there's whoa grief sorrow okay have a look at Psalm 33 verse 10 Psalm 33 10 well says the Lord bringeth the counts of the heathen to note he makes the device of the people of none effect the counsel of the Lord standeth forever the thoughts of his heart to all generations okay so it's useless it's gonna fail it'll bring you whoa it's gonna bring you problems but at the least it's just gonna fail accounts of the ungodly is gonna fail now just to get it clear obviously the Lord is our ultimate counselor okay the Lord is our ultimate counselor you know in Isaiah 9 6 it says his name should be called wonderful counselor the mighty God the everlasting father Prince of Peace one of his names it's kind of like a nickname isn't it he's likely to be good at it right and in the same way for example if one of my names I don't know if I said I you know my name's Ian I'm also known as brother in I'm also known as daddy to my kids and I'm also known as chef now now imagine now you're not gonna think God's called counselor counselor so first place obviously we should be looking at the word of God but oh it just quickly on that actually in verse 11 the council of standards forever the thoughts of his heart to all generations so the counts of the Lord is it just for back in those days you hear a lot of people say this don't know I was looking I was looking at a pastor Thompson sermon the other day so when he went out to Yakima he's gone out to basically support this this this pastor he's had a rebellion in his church and he's gone out there it's like a hits it just like the hit squad here with a few of his church members have gone out to this church and then just preached hard at the church on being wicked rebellious you know the rest of it and he's letting him have it now in the middle of it this woman just pipes up and calls out something well what what would be you know the right reasons or something and he just rebuked so in the middle of the service these guys it's pretty strong guys powerful start and he just rebuked seven after as I was looking at the comments and and someone's come on because I think he's done a clip of it actually so it was on one of the clips someone's come on this comment and excited say well what it was was actually about women talking in the church is back in those days what you had is you had the men would sit on one side and the women would sit on the other yeah you know and what happened is the women used to call out to their husbands in the middle of the service to ask them stuff and it was getting pretty disruptive so they said it's like so you're telling me that the God preserve that God preserved that particular epistle he preserved that for us to have to go to worldly history books to understand it no God's counsel as it says here the standard forever the thoughts of his heart to all generations and their reasons are sometimes you might always know the reasons why God tells us things I can think of it some good reasons with that but regardless there's a reason isn't there that God gives us advice that lasts for all generations now and not only advice and always come on isn't it now God is the ultimate counselor but does that mean that we should just be able to read the Bible and there there we have the council of the godly that's it we've got it job done well what about what about if I need advice on other life decisions and many life decisions relationship counseling now there is some don't get me wrong the Bible has a lot of advice on every subject but sometimes sometimes maybe we need need some other advice as well or maybe I'm just not quite making that decision right now Proverbs the book of Proverbs has a lot about this matter and Proverbs is all about wisdom and part of that part of wisdom is being able to seek the right sort of counsel in Proverbs 19 20 it says here counsel and receive instruction that thou mayst be wise in thy latter end so here counsel and receive instruction now you might say well yeah but that's from the Bible so in the Bible well Proverbs 11 14 verse 14 reads where no counsel is the people fall but in the multitude of counselors there is safety oh again I'm not saying don't go to the Bible Council but I think there's nothing wrong with going to godly to go in a wise counsel as well and in many situations that's a good thing to do so when I can see the people for but in a multitude of counselors there is safety right turn to Proverbs 24 when I read Proverbs 15 and Proverbs 15 22 reads without counsel purposes are disappointed but in the multitude of counselors they are established so plans often fail without a multitude of counselors and Proverbs 24 6 says verse 6 for by wise counsel thou shalt make thy war and in multitude of counselors there is safety so that's three different places in Proverbs it's talking about safety of many advisors many counselors but it does here talk about it being wise counsel it's important that it's wise counsel now sadly not all safe people are wise are they not all safe people are wise and many will also regularly give the counsel of the ungodly so here's the thing if I'm if I'm getting my advice if I'm constantly in worldly sources and then that's what's flooding my mind I'm constantly listening to worldly counsel myself I'm getting brainwashed by the world and then one of you guys comes up to me says brother in I need advice about this situation am I necessarily gonna just automatically give the counsel of what God wants me to give am I gonna give wise counsel there just because I'm saying no we know many safe people are very various different spectrums of spirituality and wisdom who aren't necessarily gonna give wise counsel okay have a look at Proverbs chapter 14 we're just gonna send a book of Proverbs for a little bit here Proverbs chapter 14 and verse 15 Proverbs 14 15 the simple believeth every word but the prudent man looketh well to his going okay now I believe that's talking about looking well to the going of the person giving you the giving you the counselor giving you the advice so for example for example my car breaks down okay or maybe my car let's say my car maybe I've got problems in my car am I gonna get advice from the guy at the side of the road we've seen coming out the engine scratching his head and looking under the maybe checking the tires and kicking them while the car looks like it's about to explode I'm not am I I'm gonna look well to his going am I gonna get advice about getting sin out of my life to the clearly openly sinful surely I wouldn't I wouldn't be that silly I'm gonna go to someone I believe it seems to be walking well walking the walk and not just in appearance because many people give a good appearance on a Sunday church am I gonna go to the childless about advice about problems with my children how to raise my children again you think no but you know the world does a lot don't make the world goes to gurus and nannies and all sorts that have never had a child and there's a big difference between looking after other people's children and having your own children there is a massive difference okay what about what about someone who's got a failed maybe they divorced or a failing marriage no and this all sounds pretty obvious doesn't it am I going to go to the person clearly struggling with weight about weight loss advice or on the flip side am I going to go to the guy that sculpted and clearly jacked up on steroids and lives his whole life every spare bit of time he's got in the gym and go to him I just want some advice on how to be healthy and you know just just just not you know just just not be just not just not look unhealthy no because he's gonna have me on all sorts of regimes of routine to set it myself in the mirror every five minutes look at Proverbs 12 Proverbs 12 verse 5 the thoughts of the righteous are right but the counsels of the wicked are deceit okay now the counts of the wicked they would they will be deceit won't they but look at the first bit the thoughts of the righteous are right does everyone here have right thoughts all the time but they don't okay so it's not talking about your society or is it the righteous can be the same in God's eyes it's also I think it's talking about people living righteously so this talk about people living righteously so am I going to listen to the advice counselor instruction of a preacher in serious open sin surely not surely not surely if it's just so blatant this guy's in you see am I gonna listen to his his counsel no what if he was clearly in the center of adultery for example I don't want to listen to that guy I don't want to listen to his preacher and what about what about a preacher that's that's divorced and remarried he's in adultery isn't it it's adultery I don't want to listen to that preacher I don't want to listen to it right how about preacher doesn't do the first works how about preacher doesn't go out give the gospel doesn't get people saying doesn't do any of that do you want to listen to him preachy I don't listen to him preachy what's he gonna what is he in the spirit is he is he is he got the full armor of God on I don't want to listen to it now we've got time and maybe we kind of just going past that a little bit now with the censorship but still we've got YouTube is obviously the most most famous and the biggest and the most well used we've got YouTube and we've got preachers galore haven't we we've got preachers everywhere on YouTube and and there are many many different types and you should doesn't censor the false prophets okay YouTube doesn't do that now we're a new church and we have to be careful for this we have to be careful this and obviously this is a personal thing as well because it's gonna more than the church gonna affect you but also any of this sort of stuff it's gonna affect the church as well now the Bible's clear many false prophets have gone out into the world it says that men will wax worse and worse yeah so right now 2,000 years on from when that's that's written there's even more false prophets aren't there there are false prophets everywhere and like we said before you put on a YouTube you put on a sermon by someone in the autoplay and I make a point of switching that off the autoplay what's it gonna do it's gonna play some false some wicked false prophet after okay now you think we think you like to think we will probably have some respect for us so we think yeah I can sift through that I could get I know who's good I know who's not well Paul said old foolish Galatians who had bewitched you and these guys in it seemed been saved church planted and we're being taught and being taught I think for I might get this wrong but maybe Galatia maybe a year maybe maybe it wasn't that long there was 18 months but regardless they were getting taught by the Apostle Paul as well but they still got the witch didn't they the Apostles let themselves get Judaized didn't they in the book of Acts now and these are the Apostles who walk with Jesus okay now a lot of these guys are ear ticklers Titus 1 11 don't turn this is it they subvert whole houses so you start welcoming in false prophets through YouTube into your home yeah you're subvert you could be subverted your whole house couldn't you okay now I'm not saying that you're you're gonna lose your salvation I'm not saying necessarily gonna start preaching a false gospel but there's many many ways but the false prophets as many ways at the bad teaching affects us okay we've got we've got as new independent fundamental Baptist let's use the term okay we have a good network of preachers there's a lot of preachers there's a dozen plus that straight away that you can name off the top of your head and there's many more we're all preaching pretty much three times a week so 36 plus sermons a week okay at least to choose from and there's many you know it's not all one star there's different styles is different topics different subjects okay so with that amount if you're if you're listening to more than 36 sermons a week and there's more preachers of that anyway then well you've got too much time yeah if you are it's not the worst thing in the world you could be listening to 36 hours of all sorts of junk yeah but okay maybe you are maybe you are okay but there's more there's more and I would say at that point when you get over that that point maybe start turning to your Bible and maybe do some other productive things as well okay but we have a good network of preachers many many many different people that have been vouch for my people that we know are safe because some of us be safe through them and some of us have learned a lot through them and we've grown through them and we can vouch for these people and you know you know none of us here no one here is too mature too much I wouldn't get deceived I can I can be discerning I can listen to this and that and all these people now now it's not the end of you know every blue moon when you hear something and you might it's not the end of the world at least you understand what's being preached to others but even then do you really need to do this the word of God say to do that listen to these people listen to it soak it up so you can understand what lies in preaching like so much of it is so deceptive it's so deceptive and it's so tricky and we I don't I don't see why why would we listen to these people now I'm not saying people here are but I'm saying that this could be a risk this is a risk as a new church that that either false prophets will creep into the church or who knows have already crept in I'm not saying that's the case but but they will and Paul was warning them with tears about this and now I'm not just talking about false prophets either I'm just talking about not walking in the council of the ungodly at the least now how about then how about here's a question how about preaching using a false Bible how about preach use your full survival now one of my rules is I will not listen to anyone okay okay there's two options either they're unsaved and or some sort of reprobate false prophet or they're a spiritual baby because how on earth and they up they're preaching from a life from a corrupted seed how they're not learning they're not growing without spiritual milk of the word they're not growing without it so what what are they so who are you getting talked by so in the same way none of us here no one here would go to a church with a full spiral no one here we've some of us have been at church the full spirals but I'm sure at this point I don't think anyone in this room would stand and go well probably just probably know because you know you know and I've been at a church with a false Bible and within a short amount of time I look at these people saying they literally are like they are like spiritual babies it wasn't I was spiritually mature guy who's just ridiculous they just did not have a clue the ones who I assume were saying and a lot of them weren't mostly because sadly they're getting pretty because it's a corrupted what we know we know so how do you get from a point of being saved to preach your full spiral and the majority are not saved again if they're preaching now that that's then they're in debt dangerous false prophet territory Proverbs 21 30 down to turn this is there is no wisdom nor understanding nor counsel against the Lord nothing there there's no wisdom no understanding no counsel against the Lord and this is against the Lord it falls Bibles but I'm not just talking about those sorts of things that we need to be discerning about what about a preacher that doesn't so win like I said does it go out so when he doesn't go out getting people say he's out of God's will if he's out of God's will what I expect to be filled with the spirit when he's preaching that's what we want to be taught by the spirit not the preacher what about an unqualified pastor unqualified pastor there's people probably that maybe might list this I don't know but there are people still that friends of ours in this country they're still going to church to unqualified pastors because oh they're just a little bit far from here what you doing yeah and he's out of God's will he's not going to be he's not going to be filled with spirits not preaching with the spirit what about what about one of these YouTube basement guys or YouTube ministries he's not he's not a church he's not in a church he's out of God's will what about what you might say well I just want to get a bit of knowledge about this particular subject well go to a history book go to go to a video of someone that's teaching you history teaching you whatever it is not teaching you with the Word of God not counseling you from the Word of God just don't do it and don't do it and what we don't want to then is then bring it into the church okay the scribes though the some of these people know the Bible you might think that they know the Bible so well you know they know all the important bits for the scribes that knew the Bible didn't they swipes now there are people that know the Bible well they're not safe all the facts they know where to go the little false doctrine leavens a whole love and we've had enough of it at churches and we've all had it at churches and you know what it's some of it stays in guys sometimes it will roll off your tongue some of this false doctrine and it does it's because you believe it's because you've heard it so much why would we then at home away from church carry on listening to it why do it don't do it okay is God gonna bless you when you're choosing heretics do you think no when you're giving them YouTube clicks and everything else don't do it just just keep away from be discerning be strict about it like I said those things if they're not if they're clearly clearly not qualified or they're clearly using false powers any of those clear things I mean I want to know someone I want to know someone's statement of faith before I listen to their preach I don't want to hear it I don't want to sit there and go well I'm just I can see through the lies I can I don't want to hear it I don't want to hear that junk I'll get poisoned with how many years in this country a bad churches false prophets and the rest of it spout some of them might be safe spouting off what some false prophet told them what I want to think I don't YouTube or whatever else when I'm at work or whatever the rest of it don't do it get your counsel get your advice from wise counselors look at Proverbs 13 and verse 20 says he that walketh with wise men shall be wise but a companion of fools shall be destroyed okay so just a last point on that is when we're giving counsel at church and we will we'll all be giving counsel to each other it will happen and it will happen as the church continues to grow and with time it by the way it's including kids as well so you kids there you're going to be now and again giving counsel to each other advising each other on things that are not just you know how to do a forward role you know three times in a row and not bang your head on the wall or whatever it is yeah there are there are you know things which are of a more personal behavior nature and when you're doing that you need to make sure that you're giving wise counsel make sure you are make sure if you if you someone's asked you a question about things make sure you're not the person giving the bad counsel make sure when you're recommending preachers or recommending books or whatever it is make sure it's wise counsel otherwise you're giving the counsel of the ungodly you're giving the counts of the ungodly okay so it's not just like I said that first bit not just just don't walk in just don't go to unsaved people and listen to their advice no you could be the one giving accounts of the ungodly and I'd like to say either walking with wise men shall be wise but a companion of fools shall be destroyed okay now this song by the way you could get a hundred sermons you could preach hours on this yeah that was only the first couple of words of verse one okay next part so nor standeth in the way of sinners standeth in the way of sinners well what does it mean to stand in the way of sinners right in the way is used like as in the road it could be in the way of and you can really meditate on this I've been saying these most a long time and try to really understand what it's really saying but it's also as we know a way of saying in the same way or behavior and you see that a lot of the book of Kings and Chronicles when they walked in the way of their fathers walk not in the way of their fathers and in facing their actions in what they did their behavior so it's either not to stand in the same places or the same manner as sinners and I see it as that because when you start looking at this verse all together then you see like the three or the three differences here I think it's basically not standing in the same manner of sinners don't walk in the council of the ungodly don't stand in the same manner of sinners and as a kind of side point here I think here obviously we're all sinners and obviously all the ungodly in God's eyes as sinners but I think specifically here there there are because there are people there are the same people who live pretty clean lives now there's probably few and far between in this country probably feel far between a lot of the West because a lot of that society's being so so just indoctrinated by filth and all sorts but there are some there are still some godly people around maybe you might look at older people from older generations and see some pretty godly pretty righteous living but we don't want to be standing we don't want to be standing the same manner as sinners so number two blessed is a man who doesn't act like the sinful world who doesn't act like the sinful world okay now obviously we have to be in the world yeah we're not saying it you know don't be around and that's what I think it's talking about not being in the same place did we have to be in the same place but don't act like them don't don't appear to be like them okay there should be a difference now turn to Romans 12 Romans chapter 12 and verse 1 I beseech you therefore brethren by the mercies of God that you present your bodies a living sacrifice holy acceptable unto God which is your reasonable service and be not conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God okay the Bible says here to be not conformed okay so we shouldn't be just drawn into being like the world and like I said before that be like with child rearing because the world does things differently to how God tells us to do it in the Bible other things as well like the need you know that they almost glory in revenge for example don't let them talk to you like that don't put up with that and the rest of that sort of nonsense we hear the pride of life the pride of the world we hear a lot about okay and of course you know we want to make clean the inside of the cup yeah but but the way we appear standing in the way of sinners the way we come across the people is important with Christians we want to be shining lights and obviously it's a sign of what's on the inside a lot of the time the outside as well yeah with their people that give a great sign but inside you know that they're you know full of dead men's bones but but how we appear how we come across people is important how about the way we dress the way we dress Council of the ungodly the ungodly counsels us tells us advises us how we should dress doesn't it and there are fashions and some fashions aren't that bad and many that are okay now there are plenty of modest styles and fashions it's not just a Christian way and again we don't want to be like trying to draw attention to ourselves on the flipside doing we don't want to be trying to look look so everyone turns and looks at us like I've been a preacher before they had the Amish do that don't they we're not trying to be like that but God has some things to say about the way we dress the way we look okay men let's start with a men so men should be dressing effeminately should they that's a sin being a feminine is a sin and dressing effeminately is a sin okay but here's something which is a feminine by the way skin tight skin tight tops are effeminate they're queer they're effeminate you you look back at how the rent boys dressed in however long ago it was and that's how they dress skin tight tops skinny things but now oh that's all the way oh I'm so manly because I've got some skin tight top showing off every little bit of my arms my chest my stomach whatever it is it's not it's a feminine feminine don't dress like that you're godly aren't you what you trying to show off your body I'm sure you know many men in here maybe before dress that maybe they haven't but it's a it's a problem because the world more and more that's how people dress don't they skin tight skin tight with blatantly in our culture feminine colors if feminine colors again trying to be something trying to be something that God says not to do there should be there should be a distinction there should be distinction between men and women especially in this day and age especially with a filth with though with the stuff that's being preached so that's what is being preached isn't it from the world ass okay skin tight skinny jeans skinny jeans why are you trying to highlight every curve on your body men but why do men do it why are men doing it and it's something that we need to be kept and it's hard is it with kids because they grant stuff quick hey you've got to be on that quick to get expensive as well we're quite blessed that we have some family and friends that hand stuff down but we have to be selected with that stuff because you know we get we were seeing the skinny jeans and skull and crossbones t-shirts and the rest of it how it goes has to go straight away okay what about flash clothing what about what about stuff with with late big clear labels on it it's always amused me that hasn't it how somehow the work the world has managed to convince people to pay to be an advertisement I'm paying you good money to advertise your product isn't it but we could do that as well with expensive stuff and whether or not it's got the lecturing or not and I'm not saying if you're blessed you know with with money and and you you you know you you want to have good quality stuff nothing wrong with having good quality clothes but don't be you've got to make sure that your heart's right with that if you're trying to show off your money through what you're wearing that's not what we should be doing jewelry as well jewelry on me okay let's get on to the women okay women in trousers okay what about women in trousers and maybe a lot of people have heard some preaching on this let's have a look at Deuteronomy 22 Deuteronomy chapter 22 verse 5 the woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man neither shall a man put on a woman's garment for all that do so of abomination unto the Lord thy God abomination that's not that's not oh well well God just looks at it and thinks oh well you know their hearts right abomination I don't want to be abomination to God you can't see you anymore that's all I know he's looking down at you thinking you're an abomination and by the way this is you know I would say hopefully I wouldn't have to say this to me I don't think I didn't have to say this to me because a lot a lot of women justify this yeah because the world has told him it's okay now to dress like a man okay so how about I went home yeah I went home and one of my kids came in next week and I don't want to give you a graphic image here but just said oh yeah well daddy likes to wear a skirt at home well he just says he's more comfortable in it well he's not gonna be told what to wear you know just well what would you just sit here and just go yeah no problem yeah fair enough he's at home he's behind closed doors what about if I said what about if our culture what well in a hundred years men are wearing skirts that's okay is that okay is that okay it's not it's an abomination God doesn't look down to God good tradition of the Scots good on you guys holding yet nation and if he looks down and he goes you're an abomination it's it's it's wrong it's disgusting but in the same way in this in exactly the same way God looks at women wearing trousers and says it's an abomination because what other thing what other thing women shall not wear that pertaineth unto a man neither shall a man put on the woman's garment what are the clothing we talked about here what are the garments clearly there's clearly a distinction between men wearing trousers and women wearing skirts address and that's been throughout history throughout history and and we've only now it's only now that look I'm not saying yeah I know I know it could be hard for some women this understand that and how we dress and are you know we feel exhausted it can be a big change it could be a big difference but let the Word of God talk to you with it and think do I want to be an abomination to God because I don't and have it and I don't fortunately I don't get tempted to wear skirts but tell you what if for some reason I thought would I do it I wouldn't do it no way and in the same way is the women poison they've been poisoned by this culture they've been poisoned by it and and look just listen to what the Word of God says about this what about pajamas there's God oh well God can't see when you're under the do they God can't see when you're in you when you're in your room at night that's fine well they're just so much more comfortable but God says it's an abomination God says it's an abomination don't do it what's wrong with 90s they weren't saved my whole house wasn't saved but they all were 90s my mum were 90 what's changed I'll tell you what's changed it's a world it's just gone so far away from what God tells us to do and now we're sitting there trying to argue trying to come oh well that's okay but this is what the Word of God says and I was thinking about standard thing standing in the way of sinners and that's standing in the way of sinners that's appearing like the simple about that is simple okay look at 1st Timothy 2 9 turn 1st Timothy chapter 2 and verse 9 the Bible reads in like manner also that women adorn themselves in modest apparel with shame face in this and sobriety not with broidered hair or girl gold or pearls or costly array okay so it's talking about modesty here okay modest apparel skirts and dresses not you know okay well we wear a skirt dress so I'm gonna wear like some little mini skirt that's not modest is it and we shouldn't what's your motivation when you're dressing surely I'm really our motivation should be pleasing God first and foremost okay what about leggings leggings and undergarment leggings and undergarment for me no no no different to tights I understand in the winter it could be pretty cold I've got no problem with leggings but they highlight every curve and shape of a man and a lady in the same way these men that go around in leg up these cyclists really wind me up it's disgusting when you're stuck behind them especially when they're going up a hill and standing up it is absolutely disgusting it's perverts and they shave as well but you know what God doesn't look down and go well that's the cake is on a bicycle most of these guys are go for like a Sunday stroll or the version of on a bicycle and then they're they're in like they're trying to look like they're pro cyclists you know with a guts-over you're in you're in something highlighted every curve it's basically nakedness and in the same way like leggings got no problem with leggings but first go over the top of a dress that goes down to your knees why do your knees Exodus 28 is one one place which talks about this Exodus 28 verse 42 this is talking about a priest here the priest find it says and now shall make them linen breeches breeches trousers they weren't running around in dress how do you think they're riding horses in a Bible based on how these stupid little pictures and and everything else okay there was I sorry Exodus 28 42 and now shall make them linen breeches to cover their nakedness from the loins even unto the thighs they shall reach from the loins the central area to the thighs they shall reach the linen breeches and to cover their nakedness these are shorts aren't they what we would call shorts now down covering their thighs to the knees okay so in the same way fun you ladies you're not men you don't have men's minds and men's thoughts do you want to be an object do you do you want do you want men to just be said is that why you out is that what you're dressing dressing to get attention because you shouldn't be that's not what you're doing and you shouldn't be out there or and especially we should be dressing our children to go out there where they're basically wearing things which men and then looking at because the thighs are nakedness okay and I don't want to go into like worldly stuff but but you know what I you know I was I'd say for many years and I know because I have many all my all my friends from when I was younger unsaved people as well and the way they talk and parts of the anatomy they talk about include the legs by the way okay so just just get that get that in your head okay it's nakedness we don't want to be and I'm not saying well how far below can it rise up no look look just down to the knees yeah and I'm not saying that little bit just above the knees that'll really send him crazy but you know what just go down to me so when you sit down it goes up a little bit over the world okay but but God says it's nakedness do you want to uncover your nakedness to people no okay Proverbs chapter 7 Proverbs chapter 7 and verse 10 okay and behold there met him a woman with the attire of an harlot and subtle of heart so Solomon right is under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit so God writing this cool talks about the attire the clothing of an harlot of an harlot so there is clothing that God sees as being the clothing of an harlot what's the clothing of an harlot do you think what do you think it's gonna likely be showing and doing a that they're a harlot a harlot being a prostitute because nowadays the attire that harlots anyone seen blatant harlots around it's pretty obvious isn't it and you know what the way that is fashionable now for women in the world to dress was the attire harlot not even 20 years ago no I don't really know what the harlots maybe look like now maybe it's even worse or maybe it's just the same as the rest of the world maybe it's harder to tell but there was back then even the attire of an harlot do we want to be looked at like that do we want people to look at our do we want God to look at us like that oh wait you want to be an abomination I'm saying we're not saying men as well in the same way do you want God to look at you you look like the attire of some sort of rent boy do you want to look like that oh well so I'm at the gym I'm at the gym in the short shorts at the gym in me you know short short socks pulled up and skin tight top what does God see God just looks down and goes you're an abomination what you wearing what's wrong with you and you know that's something I've doing so I was obviously I was coaching and training him in Thai boxing Thai boxing they all wear short shorts it's queer as anything and you know what you don't think about it when you when you're in it it's just like that's what you wear that's what people wear and you know what they don't even wear short shorts they roll up the shorts as well just so it doesn't not feel quite as a stick to when you're kicking you know people in the head and kicking pads and everything else so you got these guys when you go to Thailand a lot of them they're like literally not rolled up but it's ridiculous but you just don't even think back then I went in and I was out of a time I went and started coaching I was renting a space in a normal gym I got convicted about this and my family got convicted about this about how we should be dressing and how much I wanted my daughter's dressing my son dressing my wife dressing how I should be dressing you know now I could have preached that to them and then go to work and get on my short shorts now okay I was like but even like down here even down even some of them are quite long even like this sort of length I'm a hypocrite I'm a hypocrite so then it was like right I don't care if I don't look the part I don't care if that's not you know I don't look quite as authentic Thai coaches I should I just always trained in shorts that went down to my knees and always talking and you know what and I felt much happier for it and yeah I looked different yeah people came in and I just really a Thai coach because he's not wearing Thai shorts you know because God bless me for it and God was happy with me God didn't look down and see an abomination and that's that's the attitude we should all have and I don't say I'm so great because I got it wrong for a long time before that fortunately the word of God convicted me on that okay okay have a look at 2nd Corinthians chapter 6 by the way kids here as well just with me kids here you shouldn't need your mum and dad telling you to put that away or not wear that well that's not long enough well that's too tight it's not a hard concept to grasp is it the thighs are nakedness yeah pretty simple what's men's clothing what's women's clothing pretty simple isn't it okay what what's what's showing off on your body pretty simple okay what's skin tight what's trying to show off your colors with your men or women pretty simple okay job done is it is it hard for us I would say a five six-year-old could grasp that concept why do we not cross that concept and we should okay second is chapter 6 and verse 14 be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers for what fellowship and righteousness with unrighteousness and what communion have light with darkness and what concord have Christ with baby or or what part of he that believeth with an infidel and what agreement had the temple of God with idols for year the temple of the living God has God has said I will dwell in them and walk in them and I will be their God and they should be my people wherefore come out from among them and be separate saith the Lord and touch not the unclean thing and I will receive you and will be a father unto you and ye shall be my sons and daughters saith the Lord Almighty okay be ye separate come out that's not saying that we have to go living communes have to go with all those perverted monks and everything else it's not saying acts it's basically saying don't be like the world don't yoke up with them don't be like them don't stand in the way of them don't have people look at you and think that you're just like the sinners no we should be separate it should be clear that we're different to them do you want to be like the world do you want to be like well I'm not just talking about the way you dress how about the way you talk the way you talk as well look at in fact don't turn it but Ephesians 4 29 says let no corrupt let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth but that which is good to the use of edify that it may minister grace unto the hearers now I'm not talking about where they change biblical words in the swear words ready the world to dictate what's a swear word and what's not but we should be useful with our mouths we should be at fine we shouldn't be swearing we shouldn't be what the world consider swear words which aren't biblical word should we and we shouldn't be doing that should be doing that when we're at work should be doing that that our but we should be doing at home we should be doing it at all we should be doing in our head okay and we shouldn't be like the world and if you want to look at the world wow you've got some serious checking to do your heart and you need some you need to really get get into the Word of God and get down you need sound sorry God that I somehow I'm looking at that joke that state of a world because it is isn't it look it's disgusting what everyone gets up to now they behave and everything else so we're all part of that we've been part of that let's hope that no one is anymore but but there'll be ways every time when we start of course we're all sinners but if you're looking at that thinking yeah prefer to be that one I like God's Way God's Way me God's Way I just you know can't talk how I want or I can't just you know I can't wear what I want God's Way so the way we dress and talk but combined with our behavior so it's not just how we look how we appear how do we behave first Peter 1 first Peter chapter 1 verse 13 wherefore gird up the loins of your mind be sober and hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of Christ Jesus as obedient children not fashioning yourselves according to the former lusts in your ignorance but as ye but as he which had called you is holy so be ye holy in all manner of conversation because it is written be ye holy for I am holy now conversation is it just the way we talk that's our behavior conversation is our behavior okay but no so said that he says not fashion yourself according to the former lusts in your ignorance so before we were saved and maybe before you heard preaching like this and most people probably have heard preach like this long before I've preached this okay yeah maybe we had at least partly an excuse okay but we should be holy we should be dressing holy we should be talking holy we should be acting holy we should be behaving holy should we and yeah we're gonna fail yeah we're gonna sit yeah we're gonna get things wrong but we should not be standing in the way of sinners and if you want to be blessed is what the Bible say the book the Bible says says blessed is the man okay how to be blessed you want to be blessed you want to be happy you want to be content you want to be you want to have joy in life you want to be blessed by God you want to have favor of God is this too hard to do forget everything else I said you want to be happy just do it yeah because that's how you're blessed you're not blessed when you're standing in the way of sinners you're not blessed when you're walking in the counts of the ungodly nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful sitteth in the seat of the stormful right what's the scornful who are the scornful their contemptuous disdainful entertaining scorn insolent but here this that especially towards God especially towards God of the scornful now what's sitteth in the seat of the scornful and I've actually thought I've thought about this a lot a lot not just preparing this sermon but I've thought about this verse a lot I'm not saying that means that I'm right on this this is how I see it and hear me out here okay so yeah there's a progression here don't walk in the advice of the unsaved don't walk in the advice of the unsaved but also don't act or appear like the sinful so don't walk in the advice the unsafe don't act or appear like the sinful and it's gone from walking to standing to sitting now I believe I used to look at this and just say yeah just means don't be like a school no well we're going to be told that walking accounts in there we've told don't even don't even appear to be like the sinner don't stand in the way of the sinner so I think it's saying basically keeping away from the school no don't sit it don't even sit in the seat of the school there just keep away get away from them don't even sit in his seat but don't don't whether or not your actioning is teaching or not just don't even be anywhere near keep away from the school and like I said I you could be well don't be a school now and yeah that would apply nothing wrong you can read that okay yeah don't be a school no well I really I think when we look at the school in Proverbs because the school was talking about mostly progress they're always unsaved and in fact the scornful and and you know they can be used interchangeably the scornful he talks about the leaders the Pharisees being the school and again they were unsaved reprobates and throughout what I see what I see throughout Proverbs it is basically someone who's an abomination to men and I don't think it's a well as well it's done listening that I don't be a school no I think it's saying don't even be anywhere near them I mean you don't even sit in their seat blessed is a man who number three who avoids schoolers so let's see what why do I think that so look at Proverbs 21 verse 24 so Proverbs chapter 21 verse 24 proud and a haughty scorn is his name who dealeth in proud wrath okay so pride goes hand in hand with the schooler okay it goes hand in hand and a lot of the time you see people this is the worst schoolers are in some position of authority or some position you know when they're recognized as you see a lot of celebrity school but pride goes hand in hand with it out so winning we come across schoolness mock the word of God mock Jesus mock God look at Proverbs 9 7 while you're in Proverbs Proverbs chapter 9 verse 7 he that reproveth a schooler get into himself shame and he that rebuketh a wicked man getteth himself a blot so if you reprove a school no you get shame that's reproach ignominy derision contempt now what's the blot a blot is sensual scorn approach yourself and get it back so what the Bible saying here is basically it's not pointless it's pointless to as it says in 9 7 here to approve a school you just get a shame you rebuke a wicked man I think it's just used interchangeably here you get yourself a blot people hate me you'll hate me when you approve it maybe that's often why they they do they hate the word of God don't they because the word of God reproves it it rebukes their behavior it proves it okay Proverbs 15 12 a scorner loveth not one that reproveth it neither will he go on to the wise okay so you can't even tell them so improving is a gentle rebuke isn't it you got even tell them they're wrong okay they they don't love you if you tell them they're wrong even if it's something obviously that's neither will he go on to the wise so he won't go to the wise he won't listen to the wise he doesn't want the counts he doesn't want to hear it look at Proverbs 22 10 cost out the score and contention shall go out yay strife and reproach shall cease I'm saying get rid of them they cause trouble avoid them get rid of their cars that's going to take sugar yes try from approach shall cease and just cause trouble get rid of them so that's how I see I believe that that's time saying don't even be anywhere near don't even sit in their seat now like I said there's other ways I've been unsure about this and you could say it's just don't be a school now okay maybe again don't be a school that's pretty pretty obvious anyway you could say well don't sit in the seat you could say I was thinking about maybe where Jesus said that the Pharisees sit in Moses see and I'm thinking maybe it's talking about that that kind of leadership position of a school now but they're not all in leadership so I don't think I think he's just saying don't go anywhere near him don't especially not don't sit there be taught by a school now but again we're told not to even sit not not to walk in accounts of the uncle you might think don't even listen to him don't even be around him don't even sit in their seat now verse 2 verse 2 is of someone this is someone verse 2 but his delight so this is a blessed man yeah his delight is in the law of the Lord and in his law does he meditate day and night what's a delight a high degree of pleasure and joy so the law of the Lord is this Bible what blessed is a man who loves the Bible who loves the Bible now it's important to read through the Bible we should all be reading through them through the Bible regularly and I hope everyone here has some sort of reading plan and is regularly reading through the Bible really you know anything I'm the kind of once a year and we should be reading more than that I believe anything under once a year and that I think that's too little thing because you it's so long between going back to you know to where you were before like a year in between for example reading the Gospels a year apart such as a long time isn't it it's hard to remember what you've really kind of put it all together when it's through when it's much further than that and once a year would be three times could be I sorry would be three chapters a day that's not loving the Bible if that's all you're doing with the Word of God but listen don't let it become a chore so we should we should be disciplined we should read our Bibles we should read our Bibles for sure and discipline is important because without without a routine it's easy not to and I know when a routine for me getting up in the morning reading my Bible every morning that's my routine and then and reading last thing at night and that for me that routine is great okay that really helps but it can become a bit of a chore and sometimes people will push themselves some books they won't they won't maybe understand or fill that kind of that that drawing to as much as others so here's the thing yeah here's an example that I want to give you so some people delight in food okay and we enjoy most types of food now we get a full variety which I try to get a full variety but I enjoy it all I'm not kind of sitting there drudgery you know I wish I didn't have to eat these vegetables no I like my food so I get a full variety but I know it's good for me as well okay as well as getting my my food in as well as having my routine and eating regularly and trying to eat different food groups and everything else is it then wrong for me to have my favorites as well so am I if someone said to me right you know what would you like now what would you like to do I'm gonna go right well I've eaten this is this now I better have this no as long as I'm getting that variety as long as I'm reading through my Bible regularly and I've got a routine going with that why not if you didn't lie in the law of the Lord why not go right now I want to read for example for me I love I love the book of Psalms I love saw my favorite probably one of my folks on 119 absolutely love it you know every time I read it I'm just sigh makes you know in a way it makes me emotional as well you know I just really feel feel close to God I love the gospel of John I love the gospel of John love for me my favorite gospel I have my favorite parts of the Bible I'm not saying the rest of it isn't worthy I love I love the law of the Lord I love every word of the Bible but there are certain bits that are my favorite and when you delight in it if you delight in it or try to delight in it find those bits as well get your routine sure but find those bits delight in it want to read it you know you you would like there wouldn't be a time of the day well just I can do without this with with satellite especially certain parts of the Bible certain book search at certain verses and delight in it delighted find those bits enjoy the Bible get that enjoyment backs it's not just it's a routine I've got to read it got to read it got to read it get out enjoyment like like I said with the food there are times when I'll be like actually I once I want a nice bit of steak you know enjoy it and get those bits to say get those times you're like I want to read this verse I want to read my favorite beer and just really feel that enjoyment that I get from the Word of God but still go through the Word of God okay meditate on them memorize it memorize the Word of God the light in the Lord the Lord in his Lord ducky meditate day and night and and that you know it's hard if you just meditate in the daytime you try remember it the following day 24 hours later especially when you're trying to memorize scripture it's harder try and get it going at night as well it's so much easier to memorize but but we should meditate on it he's just thinking about it as well it's not just oh so that I remember it meditate on it think about verses thinking you know like writing sermons sometimes sitting there thinking about a verse meditating on there trying to understand it and we should all be doing that reverse in the Bible not just reading whatever it is meditate on it enjoy it love it verses you don't quite understand sit there and look at them stop repeating them in your head and enjoy the Word of God we should like such a blessing such a blessing that we can understand it as well enjoy it love it so like I said some 119 is probably it's one of my not my favorite song turn to some hundred nineteen okay and verse 14 some hundred 19 verse 14 I have rejoiced in the way of thy testimonies as much as in all riches as much as in all riches would you say truth truthfully deep down could you say that you rejoiced in the way of his testimonies as much as in all riches all riches and and that's where we want to be don't we that's a benchmark to get to and we should be rejoicing in it okay that's a word that makes the first three on my list possible so in someone okay so if you if you if you read the Bible if you meditate on it if you delight in it I think it makes the other three it makes the other three more possible and it's it's basically the opposite isn't it it's not doing all of that and instead delighting the Lord the Lord okay through through a love of the scriptures no in fact some 190 verse 24 that's 24 it says I testimonies also on my delight and my counselors so like we said before the Word of God should be one of and should be our main counselor and it's through a love of the scriptures you can receive can't you you will receive from the from the scriptures from the from the Word of God I think then also you're going to be able to judge wise counsel aren't you because this is the ultimate this is a wisest counsel but other counsel on things that maybe you don't feel that so easily to discover when they're covered in the Word of God maybe they're not necessarily specifically you'll be able to judge that wise counsel when you are receiving wise counsel of the Word of God so some 119 verse 11 by word have I hidden my heart that I might not see again so through a love of the scriptures through through hiding the Word of God through meditating on the Word of God you can avoid sin are you when it's hidden your heart are you gonna be there just reaching for look for example the clothing we're talking about or going towards whatever it is that particular sin when you've got it hidden in your heart it talks to you doesn't it it does I'm sure you've all had that when you've made decisions when you've got a decision to make when there's something that you're gonna do but you shouldn't be doing and there's something just it's like the Holy Spirit just just a little verse comes up in your head it pops up and you're like okay yeah I know what I should be doing I know what I shouldn't be doing I know what I should helps you make decisions and if you're meditating on it if you're if you're in the word that should happen you probably a lot of you probably had it when you're at soul-winning where maybe just a verse might come into your head when you're soul-winning and and that happens as well with decisions in life when you're trying when you were hearts right and you don't want to see then the Holy Spirit you're in the spirit the Holy Spirit will be will be helping you do that okay by what have I hidden my heart that I might not see the game see okay so I'm 119 verse 105 my word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my part so through a love of the scriptures and just talking about what we're talking about in some one here I think you'll be able to easily recognize and avoid this corner it's a light unto your feet a lamp unto your path it will light them up watch it scurry scurry away like the rats are they are but it will and the Word of God will help helps you with that doesn't it the more you're in the Word of God the more you meditate on it the more you're delighting in it and when you delight in it the readings different isn't it the reading it you absorb it more when you just enjoy this passage I love this scripture I love this verse and and it will it will when you're when you're like that then I believe when you fill that and you've got that Word of God in you you're just gonna you just see things clearly you're gonna recognize things clearly okay so the way to be blessed blessed is a man who doesn't follow worldly advice who doesn't act like the sinful world who avoids scorners who loves the Bible and what's the result of that in verse three of someone and he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water that bringeth forth his fruit in his season his leaf also shall not wither and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper Bible says like trees planted by water sources I think is what what it means here especially in a dry land you'll be healthy you won't get affected by the tough times your leaf leaf shall not wither and whatsoever you do it shall prosper don't want to be like that don't want everything we do to be phosphorus everything we do everything you do will prosper and that sounds pretty blessed me and with that let's pray heavenly father I thank you for your work thank you for the book of psalms and the truths that you get across us and help us all here help us to just have open here is an open heart center to want to please you to want to want to be blessed to want to have your favor on our lives and not to be stubborn not to not to just want to stay in what we know where we've been conditioned and brainwashed by the world but help us to be open to living how you want us to live to acting how you want us to act and help us to love your word if one thing we do is just to go away and enjoy your life