(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Amen. Right so it's the 5th of November in case you're wondering why is it that he's not preaching finishing our series well it's the 5th of November which is Guy Fawkes night, bonfire night, whatever you'd like to call it which is a bit frustrating probably for those with young children and those with pets as well it kind of goes on for a while doesn't it seems like you can hear everyone in the area in fact it's it's probably one of the few times in this nation that the golden dog idol gets relegated to you know hiding under the sofa while people are letting off loud fireworks and stuff like that what are they actually celebrating if you ever wondered this or people are that aware of what it's about it's not the end of Halloween although they should be celebrating that but it's not that it's the end of Halloween it's bonfire night like I said previously known especially as Guy Fawkes night and it's a celebration to mark the foiling of the plot to blow up Parliament on November the 5th 1605 so this was when a group of Catholic conspirators plotted and planned it was a huge mass murder attempt okay and they were very close to being successful now the following what I'm going to read is a pretty nice I thought pretty seemingly accurate summary of what happened and and it reads like this in late October 1605 an English nobleman Lord Monteagle received a mysterious letter along with the rest of England's peers and the King Monteagle intended to attend the opening of Parliament a few days later on November the 5th the unsigned letter got straight to the point my lord out of the love I bear to some of your friends I have a care of your preservation therefore I would advise you as you tender your life to devise some excuse to shift of your attendance at this Parliament and it goes on to say for though there be no appearance of any stir yet I say they shall receive a terrible blow and the sender then urged Monteagle to burn the letter after having read its contents now Monteagle a Catholic didn't do that saving himself from the gruesome punishment that would soon engulf certain of his co-religionists is how it's written here he forwarded the missive to Robert Cecil chief minister of King James the first many English Protestants suspected that members of the Catholic minority were plotting to topple the monarchy and impose a Catholic regime with foreign funding and aid and this message seemed to confirm their suspicions the letter made its way to King James who doubted at first that the threat was genuine despite the royal skepticism on November the 4th the Earl of Suffolk conduct a search of the Palace of Westminster and its environs where England's Parliament was due to meet the next day the old reported that he found no substantial cause for concern but he did notice a privately rented ground store floor room that contained an unusually large amount of firewood later that day Sir Thomas knivet a minor but trustworthy royal official oversaw a second search of the buildings around Parliament that same storeroom likewise attracted his attention as did the man knivet found guarding it he was not dressed like a watchman instead he was wearing a cloak boots and spurs clothes more suit it seemed for making a quick getaway and horseback knivets men shift the fire would have found 36 barrels of gunpowder hidden behind it the man who gave his name is John Johnson who was found to have matches which were long fuses on his person knivet had uncovered an astonishing conspiracy to blow up the members of both houses of Parliament the king most of the royal family and leading officers of state the aim was to set up a Roman Catholic regime in Protestant England with James the first daughter Elizabeth who would not be in attendance as its puppet ruler now the man found was was Guy Fawkes who called himself John Johnson who was the gunpowder expert of the group which was actually led by a guy called Robert Catesby I think some people think he was a leader no he wasn't it was a guy called Robert Catesby but Guy Fawkes was was he kind of gunpowder guy and you might be sitting there going okay so what's all that got to do with us isn't this a Baptist Church you know why aren't I just telling everyone you know about God's love or something else as many churches around the nation probably preaching today why am I preaching about this because had Guy Fawkes been successful that the nation would have been under Roman Catholic rule at least at that point the Mayweather pilgrims would likely have probably been put to death instead or at least put in prison and this King James Bible wouldn't exist we wouldn't have the King James Bible had they been successful 1605 was a key moment in the English-speaking Christian world or for the English-speaking Christian world to follow in 1604 King James the sixth of Scotland and first of England commissioned the greatest translation work ever undertaken he he commissioned so a translation work which for seven years originally 54 reducing the 47 of the finest language scholars in the world in a time by the way when the knowledge of language and biblical text was huge okay this was something that many people pursued many intellectuals would have pursued they worked on translate the King James Version and these sorts of scholars just don't exist now okay these sorts of men don't exist anymore okay people who have dedicated and put that much time and effort into the study of languages older languages study of texts and things like that a lot of people go into different pursuits now they had access to and and use the same text that have been used for the century and a half proceeding by the way okay so we don't worry that they didn't have some buried Alexandrian scrolls that no one even cared about that's why they were buried okay they use the text that have always been used by people you know who wanted God's Word and the result was a perfect translation that is still the most widely used English translation to this day the King James Bible now it's no coincidence that the next year off the work had begun there was an attempt to kill the man responsible for commissioning the work and no King James didn't translate the Bible you get people that try and say that to you really a translation some King James no no no he commissioned it okay he got these guys together who took it so seriously translating a perfect translation there wasn't he wasn't telling what you got to change this to this and do this no the whole point was to do a perfect translation of God's Word and there was an attempt to kill him and in fact there had already been two attempts to kill King James the previous English translations had they been successful would have likely been destroyed too by the way Bloody Mary had had already had a go at sort of some version of this in a five-year reign of terror from 1553 to 1558 she executed John Rogers who was also known as known as Thomas Matthews the printer of the Matthews Tyndale Bible his execution was followed by the execution of former Archbishop of Canterbury Thomas Cranmer who was primarily responsible for the printing of the Great Bible look they there's always been an attack on on God's Word okay and those preceding barbers which are very very close to the King James they just weren't quite the King James Bible they didn't want those either and fast-forward 50 years with a potential puppet child queen controlled by a load of savage Catholic mercenaries and things would have been very different in this nation now things will still be very different so when it comes to celebrating Guy Fawkes night I'm all for it yeah I love it last week I was pooping Halloween for good reason this week I'm all for Guy Fawkes night watching Bible deniers NIV heretics and others celebrating the survival of the same King that many still slander to this day it's for me just a great irony it's one of you know the nation's great ironies that all these people are celebrating a guy that they then slander and a book that the the translation of Bible that so many of these people seem to have a an absolute hatred for is for me it's great in January 1606 James the first pastor Thanksgiving Act to celebrate the failure of the gunpowder plot and his deliverance from danger called the observance of 5th of November Act 1605 it remained in force until 1859 although celebrations still take place today so it's in fact it not it was previously a law to celebrate it now people still choose celebrate it brilliant it's great however something I've noticed more recently and it's probably been growing for many years is the increasing glorification of Guy Fawkes as a sort of hero rebel you ever kind of notice that he's like turning into this sort of hero character this hero rebel now according to Wikipedia there's a little passage which I thought was pretty interesting James Sharp professor of history at the University of York has described how Guy Fawkes came to be toasted as the last man to enter Parliament with honest intentions that's what they claim William Harris Harrison Ainsworth 1841 historical romance Guy Fawkes or the gunpowder treason portrays Fawkes in a generally sympathetic light and his novel transformed Fawkes in a public perception into an acceptable fictional character Fawkes subsequently appeared as essentially an action hero in children's books and penny dreadful such as a boyhood days of Guy Fawkes or the conspirators of old London published around 1905 according to historian Lewis Cole Fawkes is now a major icon in modern political culture whose face has become a potentially powerful instrument for the articulation of postmodern anarchism in the late 20th century Fawkes is regarded as some by some as a martyr political rebel or freedom fighter especially amongst a minority of Catholics in the United Kingdom so despite being involved in a in a terrorist plot Guy Fawkes was named the 30th greatest Briton in a poll conducted by the BBC in 2002 and I think I don't think this was like one of those so-called polls where they kind of ring up ten people and then come up with the findings that they want and then you nine of the people they run now I think it was a fairly sizable poll I've never watched it but apparently it's especially since V for Vendetta if you heard of that movie that people use the Guy Fawkes mask to protest against tyranny right or they claim their protests against tyranny they have this Guy Fawkes mask so basically you've got a load of so-called freedom fighting types running around in a mask of the man that wanted to establish a Roman Catholic government subject to the Pope in Rome bit strange however that's not even half it today we're going to learn a little bit more about Guy Fawkes and therefore hopefully similar types of people okay today that's what I'd like to preach about Titus 1 16 said this they profess that they know God but in works they deny him being abominable and disobedient and unto every good work reprobate and the title of my sermon this morning is the psychopath Guy Fawkes the psychopath Guy Fawkes I'd like to pray before we continue father thank you for your word thank you that we have this word of God Lord that we have the inspired preserved words of God in English in our hands that we can trust every single word of it Lord we thank you that that it was due to your Providence due to your protection of the King that was that was responsible for commissioning this work that we that we have this Bible Lord and we we we just pray today that you just just help me to show the importance of that and help me to show that the characteristics of the people that hate your word Lord people that hate you people that hate us and help me to just preach this this sermon that you've laid on my heart just clearly and clearly accurately and boldly fully your spirit Lord we want to have a tent of his Jesus name pray Amen okay what is a psychopath the title is the psychopath Guy Fawkes well according to psychology today psychopathy is a condition characterized by the absence of empathy and the blunting of other affective states callousness detachment and a lack of empathy enable psychopaths to be highly manipulative nevertheless psychopathy is among the most difficult disorders to spot psychopaths can appear normal even charming underneath they lack any semblance of conscience their antisocial nature inclines them often but by no means always to criminality psychopaths spark popular fascination in clinical language adult psychopathy is largely resistant to treatment though programs exist to treat callous unemotional youth in hopes of preventing them from maturing into psychopaths brain anatomy genetics in a person's environment may or contribute to the development of psychopathic traits I'm just highlighting those words to make it clear they don't really know okay the hopes and the may and everything else psychopathy is diagnosed using the hair psychopathy checklist scored on the three-point scale based on whether the item does not apply zero applies to a certain extent one or fully applies to the individual that's two points the bar for clinical psychopathy is a score of 30 or higher serial killer Ted Bundy you may have heard of scored 39 out of an available 40 okay that guy was a psycho okay now the revised version of the checklist and they've revised it to I think it used to be 22 in the checklist it includes the following characteristics now just before I read these and before everyone starts either self diagnosing or diagnosing those closest and nearest to them and everything else I just bear in mind that that like I said some of these things you're gonna have to some people will display signs of to a certain level okay a lot of this is sort of you know I wouldn't quite say normal but a lot of this you might see in people but it's scoring you know 30 plus on this and you know try not to be an amateur psychologist because a lot of people love doing that but let's have a quick look at these and because they are interesting glibness superficial charm grandiose sense of self-worth need for stimulation proneness to boredom pathological lying frequent and can include compulsion to do so conning and manipulative lack of remorse or guilt shallow affect which is reduced emotional responses callous lack of empathy parasitic lifestyle poor behavioral controls promiscuous sexual behavior early behavioral problems lack of realistic long long-term goals impulsivity irresponsibility failure to accept responsibility for one's own actions many short-term marital relationships juvenile delinquency revocation of conditional release from prison criminal versatility ie commits different types of crimes like I said a maximum score 40 30 is apparently the bar so it's not everything it's not that everyone would have to you know have the fully applied score to for everyone now as we know our so-called science experts are often way off okay they often weigh off with many things but interestingly with this subject it seems to line up in many ways with the Bible and that's an interesting part about the sort of more modern understanding of psychopathy only the Bible doesn't call these people psychopaths the Bible calls these types of people reprobates children of the devil children of Belial the wicked sometimes workers of iniquity the proud they often called the proud with false prophets false brethren and sodomites being a type of reprobate according to the Bible here turn of Romans 1 to see some of these parallels with but I'm also going to quote just it's going to be hard for you to keep flicky and there's a bit I want to get through today I'm also going to quote some verses from 2nd Timothy chapter 3 which has a long passage as well or fairly long passage on these types of people 2nd Peter chapter 2 and then the book of Jude being the the very descriptive passages of these types of people as well so you're turning to Romans chapter 1 we saw glibness superficial charm now Jude verse 16 says their mouth speaketh great swelling words having men's purses in admiration because of advantage okay that's how Jude describes it we saw grandiose sense of self-worth 2nd Timothy 3 2 says for men shall be lovers of their own selves also it calls them boasters and proud as well we saw need for stimulation proneness to boredom 2nd Peter 2 13 says they that count it pleasure to write in the daytime we saw pathological lying you're in Romans 1 and verse 29 says that they're full of deceit is one of the characteristics codding and manipulative 2nd Peter 2 13 says that they're sporting themselves with their own deceivings while they feast with you lack of remorse or guilt 1st Timothy 4 2 says speaking lies in hypocrisy having their conscience seared with a hot iron shallow effect which is reduced emotional responses 2nd Timothy 3 3 says without natural affection callous lack of empathy Romans 1 31 where you are says without understanding unmerciful it says as well parasitic lifestyle Romans 1 29 says that they're filled with covetousness maliciousness they're full of envy okay so they're happy to just live off other people who they envy who they covet their things poor behavioral controls Romans 1 29 says being filled with all unrighteousness promiscuous sexual behavior while Romans 1 29 says they're filled with all fornication early behavioral problems 2nd Timothy 3 2 says that they're disobedient to parents lack of realistic long-term goals 2nd Timothy 3 4 says that they're heady impulsivity Jude and verse 16 says walking after their own lusts irresponsibility Romans 1 32 says who knowing the judgment of God that they which commit such things are worthy of death not only do the same but have pleasure in them that do them we saw failure to accept responsibility for one's own action 2nd Timothy 3 4 calls them high-minded we saw many short-term marital relationships 2nd Peter 2 14 says having eyes full of adultery juvenile delinquency Romans 1 30 where you are also says disobedient to parents revocation of conditional release from prison 2nd Peter 2 14 says that they cannot cease from sin and criminal versatility ie commits different types of crimes or Romans 1 and verse 29 where you are says being filled with all wickedness so all of these passages are describing I'm not just picking various you know just you know talking about sins in the Bible these are all passages describing these people okay they're all passages which are dedicated to describing what the world calls a psychopath and only only really more recently started calling them psychopaths okay this is sort of a more modern sort of study that they've been doing in the last sort of few decades now to and started using the term psych psychopathy and and and psychopaths for these types of people now I'd like you to keep something in in Romans chapter 1 and look down at Titus 1 and there are many other smaller passages which talk about these people like I said those Romans 1 2nd Timothy 3 2nd Peter 2 and Jude being very descriptive and very long passages about it but Titus 1 also talks about these types of people where Paul has just reminded Titus in Titus 1 that he left him in Crete to plant churches okay he gave the qualifications of an elder or pastor reminding him that one of their jobs is to exhort and encourage people but also to convince and convict is another word of saying that the gainsayers the opposition the enemy okay he said that that passes it and when we say convince convict it's not to convince them of the truth it's to convict them of their wickedness okay and that's that's one of the jobs of a pastor okay and and it's not look again you know liberal Baptist Church then you'll never hear a message like this you never hear most of messages that you should hear from a proper church which is warning you about wickedness warning you about these types of people and convicting them of their sin and helping you to spot these types of people right well he said that pastors need to be in verse 9 holding fast the faithful word as he had been taught look we could read psychology today all day long but really what do we really need to have our faith in the Word of God okay if it lines up with the Word of God great if it doesn't it's wrong okay but he said holding fast the faithful word as he had been taught that he may be able by sound doctrine both to exhort and to convince the gainsayers for there are many did he say a few or did he say many many right many unruly and vain talkers and deceivers especially they have the circumcision whose mouths must be stopped who subvert whole houses teaching things which they ought not for filthy Lucas sake so if I just told you every week how much we all love each other and God loves you and go home and just just keep love in the middle of your hearts is that really gonna help you now it might do maybe one week maybe you you know you're feeling you're a bit missing out on the love servant sometimes right but you know what they their mouths must be stopped these people he's told him to hold faster faithful word to be able to exhort and to convince these gainsayers he said that they subvert whole houses these these look the serial killer is a failure basically they are a failure yeah they've killed some people okay but for what they're meant to be for what for what their purpose could be they really failed okay the open sodomite is a failure they're not going to really do that much great work for the devil they couldn't control themselves enough to try to blend in and do real damage that the higher level children of the devil is how the Bible calls them they do real damage real work for the devil these these children of the devil are doing the most effective work behind pulpits damning people to hell in the droves infiltrating churches trying to destroy legitimate churches infiltrating governments positions of influence positions of influence in the world in the media place like that that's where they do the most damage you know living just a life of absolute filth and squalor and sin and you know just just going over the edge and killing some people that's kind of they just destroyed what chance they had to really work for the devil really yeah these people are those types of people are failures says in verse 12 one of themselves even a prophet of their own said the Cretans are always lies evil be slow bellies so we're talking about the false prophet types here now okay a prophet of their own he's now just saying that the Cretans look at these people in Crete always lies evil be slow bellies this witness is true not what he's saying but the fact that one of their prophets said this wherefore rebuke them sharply that they may be sound in the faith now I believe he's saying to rebuke the false prophets so that others will be sound in the faith rebuke them sharply that they may be sound in the faith that is a job of a pastor isn't it one of the jobs of passes to rebuke false prophets it's a call out false prophets is there is to show who are the false prophets show the false religions show the wickedness that's being said around this nation that that can turn heads that will be something you come up against when you're out trying to get people saved he said not giving heed to Jewish fables such as for example two thousand year old ridiculous bloodline claims to someone else's land you know those sorts of just bizarre Jewish fables out there and commandments of men that turn from the truth and there are a lot of commandments of men that have nothing to do with the truth aren't there a lot of commandments of men that are in what we call churches for example salvation via the seven sacraments is a complete nonsense it's commandments of men praying to Mary as some sort of mediatrix is commandments of men it's not biblical at all repenting of your sins for salvation is commandments of men there's nothing biblical about it it's not the truth yeah he said in verse 15 unto the pure all things are pure but unto them that are defiled and unbelieving is nothing pure but even their mind and conscience is defiled they profess that they know God but in works they deny him being abominable and disobedient and unto every good work reprobate reprobate is rejected okay they're rejected they're reprobates the title is the psychopath Guy Fawkes and we're going to look first at his defiled mind and conscience we're going to look at Guy Fawkes his defiled mind and conscience verse 15 says unto the pure all things are pure unto them that are defiled and unbelieving is nothing pure but even their mind and conscience is defiled now defiled in this context is depraved effective I'd like you to keep a finger here and just go back a few pages to 1st Timothy chapter 4 keep a finger here and go back to 1st Timothy 4 remember that we heard that psychop psychopathy is a condition characterized so the characterization of psychopathy what really makes makes a psychopath wall a psychopath the the kind of the most obvious things is the absence of empathy and the blunting of other affective states callousness detachment and a lack of empathy enable psychopaths to be highly manipulative nevertheless psychopathy is among the most difficult disorders to spot and this lines up with the Bible which often refers to the mind of these types of people in a similar way talks about the minds Romans 1 28 says and even as they did not like to retain God their knowledge God gave them over to a reprobate mind to do those things which are not convenient we just read in Titus 1 15 their mind and conscience is defiled and in 1st Timothy 4 2 it's described like this we're gonna look for verse 1 no now the spirit speak expressly that in the latter time some shall depart from the faith okay so these are people that just turn the other way from the faith they're not saved okay they reject salvation giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils speaking lies in hypocrisy having their conscience seared with a hot iron so whereas the psychologists are still trying to work out what caused their brains to be defective in scans they just can't figure it out they're just looking at these brain scans and seeing people where just certain parts their brain aren't lighting up like normal people's are they just can't really work it out whereas the Bible says their conscience is seared with a hot iron that's why they have no empathy that's why they don't seem to have a conscience that's why they're able to do such wicked and vile things their conscience it's like it's been seared they've been given up on their God given conscience is gone it's defiled okay it doesn't function anymore like normal normal people's consciences do that's why they're able to do such outlandish things to behave in a way that regular people would have behaved now a lot of those things that we see yeah people can do the odd thing on that list but when you're ticking off the vast majority of that list on the psychopathy checklist let alone all the things we're going to see as you go through those passages in the Bible that's not normal to be filled with all that stuff in Romans 1 isn't normal okay it's because their their conscience has been seared it's as if it's been seared with a hot iron okay now what should happen is that we see them and say that's the result of rejecting God I don't want to be like that that's the result of choosing the devil that's the result of just of changing the truth of God into a lie that's it that's a result of doing that I don't want to be like that that's a good warning that should be an example however our unbelieving world has been increasingly uplifting these types of people including Guy Fawkes now we talk a lot about for example the big one in the world bit just pushing all these different weird forms of sodomy on normal people like it's somehow okay and and that is one of the symptoms of a of a reprobate mind however it's not just sodomites and sometimes we can kind of almost as focus too much maybe on the sodomites and not on the other types of reprobates I don't know if you can focus too much on that because it's pretty wicked it's in your face however there are other types well look at we're gonna look at those trademark qualities so go back to Romans chapter 1 the title is psychopath Guy Fawkes and number one is his callous lack of empathy he's callous he has a lack of empathy Romans 1 31 said it like this without understanding covenant breaks without natural affection it said implacable unmerciful so these psychopaths are callous they're cold they're hardened to just sort of normal emotions to just having mercy on people to being able to be placated even just with time or you know in normal ways to have the understanding of other people to be able to look at people and just think I wouldn't want to treat someone like that I wouldn't want to do that to someone I want to behave like that because of the effect it would have on someone else they're able to put themselves in other people's shoes normal people are able to put themselves other people's shoes now what evidence do I have that that Guy Fawkes was callous with a lack of empathy well how about the fact that Guy Fawkes are kind of turning into a kind of villain hero or something else was attempting to murder likely into the thousands of innocent people he was about to blow up thousands of innocent people and it wasn't warfare so I don't know like people try and picture it like he was a freedom for this wasn't warfare it wasn't even assassination he was going to blow up women children families maim loads that didn't get blown up could you imagine the result of 36 barrels of gunpowder that was going to blow up it wasn't just those people in Parliament not that that's okay anyway you just talk about so many people anywhere nearby it wasn't a crazy moment okay it was a cold-blooded calculated attempt to commit the mass murder of at least hundreds if not into the thousands of innocent people research from the Institute of Physics has found that guy thought had Guy Fawkes been successful on 5th of November 1605 the blast would have covered a 500 meter radius for the St. James's Park to the London Eye and if anyone's been up that part of town that's a densely populated area in fact it was especially before a lot more the amusement attractions and everything else let alone all the people descending on Parliament that day for the opening reopening of Parliament all of the staff there who worked there all of those bit like what they done to him etc etc this wasn't war this was murder this was mass murder and he didn't care and it was pre-planned mass murder or attempted mass murder now he was apparently a gunpowder expert so he knew the results of 36 barrels of gunpowder he wasn't just our world just gonna get a few more he knew that this was going to cause massive destruction people in all you know people just maimed for life all sorts of just horrific effects of this how does a normal man justify that how does he reconcile that in his mind I'll tell you what normal men don't normal people don't say yeah I'm just gonna blow up a load of innocent people for whatever so-called cause whatever reason it wasn't normal that that was not a normal a normal person with normal with a normal mind we're looking at the psychopath Guy Fawkes number one a callous lack of empathy and I say that just because we get to this we're at this point in the world where people are constantly just trying to justify murder aren't they just constantly trying to justify mass murder bombing people bombing children blowing them up families you name it like it's somehow well you know it's just a bit of war it's wicked it's absolutely wicked that's not warfare that's just bombing people and that's been going on for a long time and people try to justify it throughout different wars and things like that it's not okay however many poppies you wear and and try and act like you're just really patriotic it's not okay it's bizarre isn't it that people try and justify mass murder number one was it was callous lack of empathy and like we said Romans 131 called it without understanding covenant break is without natural affection implacable are merciful we're going to look in Titus 1 now but number two is lack of remorse or guilt so another sign of a psychopath is lack of remorse or guilt Titus 1 15 said unto the pure all things are pure but unto them that are defiled and unbelieving is nothing pure but even their mind and conscience is defiled these people don't feel guilt like you and I okay they don't feel bad for what they've done or tried to do now something pretend they do okay so the most effective psychopaths blend into society and pretend and copy and watch and try and act like someone else because they know that otherwise they're going to stick out like a dirty sore thumb okay however however they don't really deep down feel the guilt they don't feel that remorse now some might say well perhaps he was just a professional soldier he saw it as a job to do in a religious war because I'm trying to picture him like that you know the freedom fighter is a soldier he was just very professional well it says this is something I was reading about him and again I've kind of looked at a lot of this I've been reading about guide forks for a long time this year and last year and everything else but apparently after being discovered forks was taken to the king's bedchamber to explain why he wanted to kill him now this was after the torture forks answered that he regarded the king as a disease after he had been excommunicated by the Pope he also explained that he needed such a large quantity of gunpowder so he could blow you scotch beggars back to your own native mountains that's what guy Fox it now have it whatever you might think of Scots okay that's not okay is it that's not normal this is kind of this is after the event now okay they didn't he didn't he wasn't successful in it however for him it wasn't like yeah I know yeah well we probably went a bit overboard on the gunpowder it's just like yeah I want to blow you back now I don't care who who would have died in the process definitely no remorse or guilt about it even when facing the king that he was a trying to assassinate even really went in front of the king that maybe he could have hoped he might have received some form of attempted maybe not pardon but lessening of punishment or something else now according to him he needed it so he could blow you scotch beggars back to your own native mountains and look for me so far just these first two this isn't a normal person this isn't a normal man this isn't a hero this is someone that we should aspire to be like now when you look on it I clicked on because I was trying to see how they're trying to push it on children so BBC bite-sized for the kids and it's like a smiling Guy Fawkes like this on earth you know like he's this cool comedy character no for me it's pretty clear what he was let's look at another one no Turner's second Peter chapter two we're looking at the psychopath Guy Fawkes number one was callous a lack of empathy with Romans 131 calling it without understanding saying that there are implacable unmerciful number two was a lack of remorse or guilt with Titus 115 saying that their mind and conscience is defiled and number three is conning and manipulative conning and manipulative so second Peter 213 second Peter 213 talks about these types of people sporting themselves with their own deceivings while they feast with you now this is specifically the church infiltrating type they sport themselves they get enjoyment with their own deceivings while they feast and while they're fellowshipping with other people acting as if they're normal so they're deceitful that they're manipulative and and they're good at make you believe their lies now how about this foot for Guy Fawkes Guy Fawkes took the false identity of John Johnson and pretended to be a servant originally okay to try and get access however the conspirators managed to rent a basement in the House of Lords and the tunnel plan was abandoned so first he managed to pretend to be a servant and was trying to tunnel under there then they rented this this this basement room there basically a cellar down there soon it was loaded with 36 barrels of gunpowder and concealed as a pile of firewood now on 4th of November 695 the basement was searched and Fawkes was questioned by the way after this letter he begged his innocence by saying he was storing firewood a claim that was initially believed that's someone that was good at lying right that was someone that was down there with 36 barrels of gunpowder who somehow managed to convince the people that were searching it due to a tip-off that in fact he was just storing firewood however suspicions were raised again another search was conducted 36 barrels of gunpowder were found stored under the wood the game was up Fawkes was arrested that's a good deceiver though isn't it and by the way you go yeah come on he just lied look can you imagine the adrenaline coursing through normal people you're underneath the House of Parliament about to do a huge mass murder you've got all these barrels of gunpowder you know that if you're caught you're going to be hanged drawn and quartered and tortured and he managed to blag his way out of it for me that's someone who's a who's a deceiver that's someone who can manipulate easily turn to the book of Jude we're looking at the psychopath Guy Fawkes number one callous a lack of empathy Romans 131 said without understanding implacable unmerciful number two a lack of remorse or guilt Titus 1 15 said that their mind and conscious is the file number three conning manipulative second Peter 2 13 says sporting themselves with their own deceivings while they feast with you number four impulsivity impulsivity Jude verse 16 says is these are murmurers complainers walking after their own lusts they walk after their own lusts they're impulsive basically and their mouth speaketh great swelling words having men's purses in admiration because of advantage so they're often impulsive they'll make rash decisions based on emotion and of course they're cold and calculating as well but they they are impulsive with many of their decisions and what they choose to do and here's something I read about Guy Fawkes in 1592 at age 21 Fawkes sold the estate he had inherited okay it wasn't like a pauper from from from coming from nothing no he sold the estate he'd inherited and set sail for Europe to join the Catholic Spanish army to help wrench the Netherlands back from the Protestant Dutch forces that's a pretty bizarre decision to me isn't it he sold up sold it all and gone off to join the Catholic Spanish army or an idiot that's it is that's the impulsive decision isn't it what what a foolish decision as well and it eventually results in getting involved in the gunpowder plot anyway because he's out there kind of fighting as a mercenary for the Catholic Spaniards I mean didn't they have enough for their own people to fight for for their you know their so-called cause against the Protestant Dutch but Fawkes decided to join that and sold up everything to do so for me that's a sign of his impulsivity go back to Romans 1 though for another one we're looking at the psychopath Guy Fawkes number one was callous lack of empathy Romans 1 31 says without understanding implacable unmerciful number two a lack of remorse or guilt Titus 1 15 says that their mind and consciousness defiled number three was being conning or manipulative second Peter 2 13 says that they they are sporting themselves of their own deceivings while they feast with you number four was impulsivity with Jude verse 16 talking about their walking off their own lusts and number five irresponsibility Romans 1 32 says who knowing the judgment of God that they which commit such things are worthy of death not only do the same but have pleasure in them that do them so basically even with punishment hanging over them even with it hanging over others they still commit and enjoy others committing their sins and and especially here we're talking about crimes that there is one one source by the way that that claims that he had a family but it is unconfirmed so we don't really know if that was true one source claims that he did have a child he had a wife and child I'm not sure regardless what a foolish irresponsible thing to get involved in if you know he had a real cause well it resulted in torture and a gruesome death I mean that was irresponsible to say the least wasn't it yet the prisons are full of irresponsible psychopaths who do stupid things they say I think it's something like 25% or over more than 25% of the prison population clinical psychopaths because they just do irresponsible moronic things the rest of our checklist so they're there ones that you can't find a lot of info on Guy Fawkes their ones for me that are more obvious but the rest of our checklist includes glibness superficial charm with Jude verse 16 saying their mouth speaks great swelling words having men's persons in admiration because of advantage we're unsure but he did blag his way out of capture the first time round like I said I reckon there's probably a bit of charm that helped with that as well grandiose sense of self-worth self-worth so second Timothy 3 2 says for men shall be lovers of their own selves also boasters proud what what made him think that his Catholic cause was important enough to murder hundreds and hundreds of people possibly a grandiose sense of self-worth need for stimulation proneness to boredom second Peter 213 says that they counted pleasure to riot in the daytime and that's selling up and going to fight for the Spaniards you could say was maybe a sign of that pathological lying Romans 129 says it full of deceit unsure it was pathological but he was clearly good at it wasn't he shallow effect ie reduce reduced emotional response second Timothy 3 3 says without natural affection I think we can safely assume this one with the mass murder attempt can't we parasitic lifestyle Romans 129 says filled with covetousness maliciousness full of envy I'm unsure about that one poor behavioral controls Romans 129 says being filled with all unrighteousness again we don't know about that promiscuous sexual behavior Romans 129 so they're filled with all fornication again we don't know we don't know enough about him early behavioral problem second Timothy 3 2 says disobedient to parents and that would depend on which parent parent as he converted from his father's Protestantism after he died when he was nine years old eventually to his stepfather's Catholicism lack of realistic long-term goal second Timothy 3 4 calls them heady and the plot itself not to mention the fighting for Catholic Spaniards was bizarre failing to accept responsibly for for one's own action second Timothy 3 4 says high-minded and apparently took two days of torture for him to admit his involvement in the plot and he was clear just caught red-handed okay so that was just pointless you might as well it just said yeah okay you got me many short-term marital relationships second Peter 2 14 calls it having eyes full of adultery and we don't know about that juvenile delinquency Romans 1 30 says also disobedient to parents while converting to the illegal Catholicism was pretty delinquent for me revocation of conditional release from prison second Tim second Peter 2 14 says and that cannot cease from sin he got bought before the king and continued with the insults basically didn't they what a what a moron criminal versatility ie commits diverse types of crimes Romans 129 says being filled with all wickedness and he went from an illegal Catholic conversion to fighting abroad for them to plotting trying to tunnel underneath the House of Parliament loading up the gunpowder to attempted mass murder before joining before he was planning to then join the insurgency with the kidnap of a young princess and a puppet monarchy I would say that he was filled with a lot of wickedness right now I don't know about you but I'm screwing him up there with Ted Bundy anyone doubting that one I've got him up there with Ted Bundy myself possibly trumping Ted Bundy and that's only the stuff that we kind of can say yeah we know for sure and some of those things who knows what was going on behind the scenes with with Guy Fawkes we don't know enough with all the kind of weird sexual stuff look that wasn't a day when kiss-and-tell people got paid money for that sort of stuff you know that was a day when that's a shame isn't it like it should be right that sort of fornication lifestyle but ultimately it's not the scoring on the psychopath checklist that does it okay the question is how does Guy Fawkes compare to scripture and like we said we saw some different parts of scripture describe these types of people which hopefully you know has helped educate you a bit on this subject of psychopathy but back in Titus 1 back in Titus 1 it said this in verse 15 unto the pure all things are pure but unto them that are defiled and unbelieving is nothing pure but even their mind and conscience is defiled they profess that they know God but it works they deny him being abominable and disobedient and unto every good work reprobate because that's what he was he was a religious reprobate that's what Guy Fawkes was he was similar to the many false prophets that you and I have come across over the years religious reprobate claiming to be religious the the majority of the UK probably see him as some sort of Catholic freedom fighter religious guy that was just really convicted of his Catholic beliefs and just wanted to kind of you know fight for freedom for the Catholics this is what Sir William Ward lieutenant of the tower said he said this is a guy that supervised the torture and obtained Fawkes his confession he searched his prisoner and found a letter addressed to Guy Fawkes to Ward's surprise Johnson which is what he was calling himself remained silent revealing nothing about the plot of its authors on the night of 6th of November he spoke with Ward who reported to Salisbury he Johnson this is Guy Fawkes told us that since he undertook this action he did every day prayed to God he might perform that which might be for the advancement of the Catholic faith and saving his own soul another work salvationist another Christ hater another work salvationist used by the devil this is our high-end work salvation a high-end child of the devil a Christ hater and that is a Christ hater because what is the real Jesus Christ through he pays for your sins yeah he saves your soul he did it all but another one who's rejected that and another one who's used who was used almost in a mighty way right by the devil and 2nd Timothy 3 describes this type of psychopath down to the T so if you turn to 2nd Timothy 3 this is the work salvationist the reprobate in the faith 2nd Timothy 3 says this from verse 1 because what does scripture say this know also that in the last days perilous time shall come this is a type of psychopath we're going to describe here the religious type of psychopath the false prophet time for men shall be lovers of their own selves covetous by the way he was a mercenary boasters proud blasphemers yeah he had some blasphemous beliefs this guy disobedient to parents unthankful unholy there's nothing holy about Guy Fawkes without natural affection as we've looked at that truce breakers false accusers incontinent can't control themselves fierce is about to kill hundreds if not thousand people despises of those that are good by the way King James was for me potentially and I would hope his son King Charles as well maybe one of the only saved monarchs we've ever had I believe he probably was saved I think when you read his book Basilican door and he claims its grace through faith alone it's not by the works of the law at all again people can claim that and not really believe that but for me King James is probably the only saved guy which kind of for me makes sense considering he was the king that was therefore used to to commission the greatest translation the preservation of the of the Bible in English well King James was someone that he clearly hated he thought is a Scotch beggar that needed blowing back to the mountains of Scotland he was a despised of those that are good traitors he was a traitor heady high-minded we've looked at all of that lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God he sure as hell didn't love God having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof what's the power thereof it's grace through faith it's the power of the cross it's the power of the Lord Jesus Christ death bell and resurrection the power of the blood they deny the power thereof from such turn away for of this sort are they which creep into houses and lead captive silly women laden with sins led away with diverse lusts ever learning and never able to come to knowledge of the truth can these people get saved no they're reprobate they're rejected they're given over they're done they're psychopaths they're never able now as jannies and jambres withstood Moses so do these also resist the truth men of corrupt minds of reprobate concerning the faith but they shall proceed no further for their folly shall be manifest unto all men as theirs also was I'll tell you what Guy Fawkes his folly was manifest unto all men wasn't it it still is we're still talking about it to this day and there was folly there the folly of trying to prevent God's Word being preserved in English that was folly he was he was trying to stand against God Psalm 12 7 says thou shalt keep them Oh Lord thou shalt preserve them from this generation forever God promised to preserve his word and God did that in English in the King James Bible okay I have no doubt about that at all there is nothing like there's nothing like the King James Bible these other these other Bible versions are an absolute joke compared with it although obviously they try and hate they try and scorn they always trying to attack the King James Bible well everyone who's sitting here that saved got saved by the King James Bible and and we're all growing and we're all learning and we're all getting edified by the King James Bible and what we see in other churches is something else these these NIV churches whatever Bible of the Month churches the rest of it what a joke however Guy Fawkes was basically just another religious psychopath wasn't he that's what he was he was just another type of false prophet another religious psychopath this one well was trying to blow up the King and it's not always that they'll be used for mass murder or something else but do you know what most of them are doing they're doing their best to damn people to hell in fact they're doing their best to have some horrific eternal consequences on people's souls some could say it's much worse what a lot of these people do yeah this was monumental because of the King James Bible but look whether it's attacking the King James Bible and there's a lot of them out there that their whole ministry is just attacking the King James Bible isn't it are there so-called so-called pass out there like that weirdo James White and others what they do they just attack the King James Bible what so what sort of ministry is that I'll tell you what that's that's the spirit of Guy Fawkes ministry that is Guy Fawkes Baptist Church let's just attack the King James Bible every week or attacking those that believe the gospel which is seems to be what what Guy Fawkes is doing with King James seem to actually be saved which is rare for monarchs and people in leadership in nations and again isn't that what we see so often people that are attacking so-called easy believe ISM yeah it's easy yeah it really is easy because Jesus Christ did the work getting saved is easy serving God is hard getting saved is easy and and they want to attack easy believe ISM they want to attack the gospel they want to attack people that believe the gospel they want to attack so winning you know and someone ever subtle with it as we know as we've been around these types of people claim to believe all that and it's subtle subtle just trying to sow seeds of doubt trying to put you off trying to stop you going out and preaching the gospel trying to put doubt in your mind are they really saved trying to slowly encourage a bit of work salvation with the gospel did they repent of this oh I just mean you know feel bad for their sins or say just constant constant trying to chip away at the gospel or just the most blatant ones who are just behind a pulpit pushing work salvation on people you must repent of your sins to get saved you must make Jesus Lord of your life to get saved you must follow all his commandments to stay safe you must avoid whatever sins I've managed to avoid to stay saved and to still make it to heaven or whatever other version of work salvation whether it's before during or after salvation and those people are religious psychopaths those people you could argue are worse than Guy Fawkes and that's what we've just seen a description of is the types of people that we're in battle with we're still battling Guy Fawkes to this day in many different ways whether they're behind pulpits whether they're trying to come into churches like ours where they're trying to turn the heads of our of our people on YouTube or social media or something else they're out there they're all out there and hopefully this sermon has helped you to be able to spot them a little easier because they're there they're hidden in plain sight sometimes and look they're what the world call psychopaths and what the Bible has called for thousand years now reprobates and other terms similar but that was Guy Fawkes Guy Fawkes the psychopath and Guy Fawkes who I hope no one here would want to lift up a man like that I mean that is a wicked guy as much the world lifts up wicked people on a daily basis we don't want to lift up psychopaths mass murderers killers and everything else we want to lift up the Lord Jesus Christ don't we and we do that with the Word of God on that we're gonna finish in a word of prayer father thank you for the Word of God thank you that we we have the preserved inspired words of God in English that we can just trust every word of it that we don't have to have you know doubt as to what what you've said we know what you've said because we have it in our hands Lord we thank you that you preserve that word and not only preserved it in the translation of it but also Lord that that we have the preserved word because of you you you know just protecting those that you know did their utmost to translate it to do that work to get us a perfect Bible in English we thank you for that Lord help us to use that Bible to go out and and preach your gospel loud and clear to preach your gospel to people and get people saved Lord and try and encourage them to get involved with a church like this a church which just wants to go out and preach that gospel Lord to want to stand for the truth they want to preach the whole counsel of God help us to encourage people to get involved with us as well and so we have a bigger army but Lord help us also just return for this evening service as well in Jesus' name pro-lose amen