(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Amen Well, I want to focus on verse 28 and 29 of what we just read mark 9 28 and 29 and the Bible reads And when he was come into the house his disciples asked him privately Why could not we cast about and he said unto them this kind can come forth by nothing but by prayer and fasting Fasting and the title of my sermon today is the power of fasting the power of fasting So if we back up to verse 14, so back up to verse 14 and this story is also laid in Matthew 17 Luke 9 Although there's not there's no explanation of the fasted Luke 9 and it's definitely an important bit of scripture being in three Gospels here Okay, verse 14. We see We see the disciples here when he came to his disciples He saw great multitude about them and the scribes questioning with them. So the disciples are surrounded the scribes are questioning them Okay, jump to verse 16 and he asked the scribes what question you with them. So Jesus turns it around He's questioning the scribes now and one of the multitude answers instead and we see in verse 17 He says that one of the multitude answers said master I've brought unto thee my son which has a dumb spirit He says in verse 18 that he's been he says I'm wet where so ever he takes him he tareth him But he fometh and gnatcheth with his teeth and pineth away And I spoke to thy disciples that they should cast him out and they could not so he says it You know, he's asked his disciples told him to cast him out. They can't now tearing is basically he's wounding him He's grieving him. That's pine if you got is sometimes here of dogs pining. Don't you think he's grieving then in? verse 22 If you jump for the worse verse 22 He says and oftentimes it is cast them into the fire and into the waters to destroy him if they can't do anything have compassion on us and help us so he says here if thou can't do anything says if and Jesus said use that terminology verse 23 says Jesus said unto him if thou canst believe all things are possible to him that believeth Okay, so verse 24 choose to believe doesn't he says the stroke where the father of the child cried out say which is Lord I believe help thou mine unbelief and and it's an emotional verse there, isn't it verse 26? And the spirit cried of rent him saw and came out of him because obviously Jesus cast him out He was as one dead in so much that many said he is dead And obviously it's called a dumb and deaf spirit here so this spirit is The spirits not dumb and deaf is it the spirit is causing this dumb and deaf response in the person that He's inside now, but Jesus took him by the hand and lift him up and he arose and I see that as a picture of Salvation there and when he was coming to the house his disciples asked him privately Why could not we cast him out and he sent him this kind come forth by nothing but by prayer and fasting So we see the power of prayer of fasting there. Okay, so why fast why fast? Well, it clearly has power alongside prayer, doesn't it? We see many examples in scripture fasting I see it like, you know, it's kind of like the special move, isn't it? I know I like to hear some of the analogies of computer games ones because when I was younger I used to play these games. I think about that when you got that special moving you got up your sleeve Maybe you can use it a certain amount of times I'll seek you as well with some sports. For example, any of you may have maybe played football You know some some people will have a good little move a good little trick and and I've found with sports that I've done I might have something up my sleeve and I don't end up using it for whatever reason It's I mean when I used to spar a lot or maybe when I compete I'll be thinking I'm gonna use this move and I Just would never use it. And it is it is a powerful tool that we have. I think you as well kind of an analogy It's like the nitro boost you know some of you may be guys that like those sort of movies about cars or used to or Think about these kind of souped up cars go I use it as a joke when I go running with the kids sometimes on their bikes and at the end So I'm gonna press the nitro boost I try racing back and But it does need to be charged that nitro boost a bit like fasting as well Now if you met a demoniac like this boy Would you even try fasting and there are people that display similar behavior to this in life and I've come across them and I like The world will call them this and that and then just try and drug them and pretend like they've got this special drug that solves that situation really it's just some form of really an anesthetic to some To some degree is it so it's or it's the sort of drug which basically just stops and really thinking too much and just slows them down well We know okay not all craziness is possession There's something to think about there as well because we can often just look at they must be they must be Possessed and there are many reasons there can be physical issues. There can be hormonal issues, etc. But You know in the Bible there's plenty of cases of this. How often would we fast? What if it was a family member? What if it was a family member that we really want to get saved and we say I've tried to give him the gospel How often are we fasting for them? How often are we fasting and praying for that family member? And of course, yeah Yeah, we're talking about here. He's talking about this kind to about this particular spirit But I believe that this is an analogy for hard times in life for hard situations for For problems we come across remember we're in a spiritual battle. We wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers How often are we are we fasting when we're coming up against these sorts of these sorts of problems these sorts of issues Now it's not often preached about I haven't heard a lot of preaching on fasting something I've wanted to preach about and I decided I wanted to study this outlook all the verses I could find in the Bible that talked about fasting a Few turned to Matthew 9 14 to 15 so Matthew 9 and verse 14 The Bible says In verse 14 Matthew 9 14 then came to him the disciples of John saying why do we and the Pharisees fast off? But lie disciples fast not and Jesus said unto them can the children of the bride chamber mourn as long as the bridegroom is with Them but the days will come when the bridegroom shall be taken away This shall be taken from them and then shall they fast Shall they fast Jesus does expect us to fast Now, of course, there are exceptions So, you know when you're pregnant nursing, I would say that would be pretty difficult probably not advised to fast is young children I wouldn't necessarily recommend that I don't know about you guys are my kids in the one early every hour or two Health problems if you've got health problems where fast would be a problem then then I don't think God expects out there But Jesus does say then shall they fast about his children now how to fast then how do we fast we see a range of Fasting in the Bible from daytime fast day fast three days Seven days 14 days 21 days and of course the famous 40 day fast And we'll see some of these shortly, but there is an example of all of these in the Bible We see both water only fasts. So they're fast when you're drinking water, but you're fasting you're not eating anything And complete fast But I'd say the more common one seems to be when you're still drinking water the water only fast If you're thinking I wouldn't mind trying fast You've never fasted I would suggest maybe start with the daytime one or the one day one fast and can be tough at the beginning Now it sounds obvious but turn to Zechariah chapter 7 Okay, Zechariah chapter 7 and verse number 5 Speak unto all the people of the land and to the priests say when ye fasted and mourned in the fifth and seventh month even though 70 years Did ye at all fail? Did ye at all fail? Did ye at all fail? Did ye at all fail? Did ye at all fail? Did ye at all fail? Fifth and seventh month even though 70 years did ye at all fast unto me? even to me So when you fast make sure that you're fasting to God So make sure you're fasting to God. So what do I mean? Fast for weight loss now. Okay, it might sound obvious. Well, of course, you know if i'm fasting i'm saying well I'm fasting to lose weight that's not fasting to God Yeah, but how many people and I don't know I don't know how many people fast Of course, we'll talk about that in a minute Probably everyone knows I was worse about and I'll tell you everyone when you're fasting but how many people here are thinking Yeah, you are fast to God but in the back of their mind They're thinking and I lose a bit of weight at the same time as well. Okay Is that what's your what's your real motive? What's your real motive? We should be fasting to God So weight loss intermittent fasting isn't fasting to God Okay, that's not spiritual fasting and there's a big thing with intermittent fasting obviously as well being in ketosis Ketosis isn't fasting to God Maybe it's fasting for better skin. Maybe in your mind you're like, yeah, yeah, yeah fast to God I'm gonna do better out of it with my skin. Maybe maybe it's a bit of a detox fast to be feeling more spiritual If I fast i'm gonna feel like this i'm gonna feel you know Like i'm a real spiritual guy or fast for fast for health reasons and there's other reasons why people fast aren't there? And that made me think of something as well is a juice fast. I don't consider that a fast I don't consider that a biblical fast Some people do some people think that if they're only drinking juice Well, there's a lot of sugar as we know in juice and for me, there's no there's nothing like it I know if I drink a sugary drink, I can probably forego eating for quite a while afterwards Um, I don't consider that a biblical faster if anyone wants to show me a verse afterwards where that is. Great. Um, okay first corinthian seven first corinthian seven In verse five Defraud ye not one the other accept it be with consent for a time that you may give yourselves to fasting and prayer And come together again that satan tempts you not for your incontinency now obviously he's talking about husbands and wives here. Um, but It's a good it's a good point to make that fasting is about abstaining it's about denying the flesh So obviously there's a rule there. There's an example there that if you're fasting don't then be engaged in a physical relationship with your spouse During that fast, but but it's it it goes further I think that it's explaining as well what that fast is for because the fast is about denying the flesh it's about really that spiritual battle between the flesh and the spirit and and And and denying the flesh to allow the spirit to control you more and allow the spirit to take over more in your life At that time and and there's reasons we're going to see for fasting of why we do that. Um turn to isaiah 58 And we're going to see how not to fast as well there isaiah 58 Okay from verse three So So how not to fast and that's faster for debate Fasting to be able to tell you what I remember one of the first times ever faster I can tell you about this one because I know I ain't getting no rewards for it because I remember Fasting and myself my wife like we're gonna fast with me really our bibles We're gonna fast and we ended up in a row about who was gonna make the kids food I think at least what she might have given up and I was like, you know, i'm still trying to fast And it was just weird just debating and getting annoyed and it's obviously in the wrong spirit completely. Um, But when you when we're fasting it shouldn't be for It shouldn't be fasting and it says here when he says here in in verse three Hold in the day of your fast you find pleasure and exact all your labors So they're meant to be fasting and instead they're going he's going about trying to get money owed or work owed to him For how I see that Finding pleasure going and doing other things of fasting is something that you're doing to god You should be focusing on god during that time as well Um and then going about during this fast and smiting with the fist of wickedness He talks about in verse four fast for strife and debate. Um For your voice to be heard on high and again I think that's when you're puffed up and trying to show everyone you're fasting. Okay, so how to fast verse five Is it such faster? I have chosen a day for a man to afflict his soul Is it to bow down his head as a bull rush? So bull rushes is I think one of those drooping plants To bow down his head as a bull rush and to spread sackcloth and ashes under him Will thou call this a fast and an acceptable day to the lord? So Again, it's saying here that the fast is about that It's about afflicting the soul and i'll show you a verse on that in a second So there's a variety of lengths of fast. We've seen that um It's usually Usually drinking water. Okay, we need to make sure we're fasting to god of staying from a physical relationship with with our spouses at the time Um, it's a solemn thing and turn to matthew 6 matthew 6 verse 16 It's a bit of a bible study today, but I find it interesting anyway, um, matthew 6 verse 16 Moreover when you fast be not as a hypocrites of a sad countenance for they disfigure their faces Is that they may appear unto men to fast fairly I sent you that they have their reward But now when our fastest anoint thine head and washed thy face, okay So we're not fasting to be seen of men Or there's no reward the bible says in verse 16 verse 17 It says try not to say but now when our fast anoint thine head and washed thy face So we should be trying not to appear as though we're fasting And we live in a world don't we we live in a world where virtue signaling is massive And I've been so my my sister she's been sending me screenshots of people. We both know Have you seen any of this? So i'm not on facebook these these people with their vaccine certificates and they're taking pictures and they're going to doing it from a fellow man or Or taking one for the team or whatever it is. And I mean these vaccine guys They're not silly are they so they realize they can sell it on the basis that people are so They've got such a desire to show people what good people they're not really are they but what good people they want to appear to Be but now these guys are getting vaccines just to show people that they got a vaccine and what a good person They are and how much they care about everyone else and and the virtue signaling We're around it a lot and we have to be careful of that And obviously with fasting obviously in all parts of our spiritual life as well We should not be doing it to be seen of men And that's something we all need to need to think about a lot and it can we can be subtle with that And and the heart is is deceitful above all things are desperately wicked, isn't it? And and we can subtly subtly just just maybe slip in the odd thing and i'm not saying everyone does that but There could probably be a temptation just to slip in You know Maybe a little comment just to show that you've been fasting or or maybe choose to fast on a day when you're around other people a lot Oh, no, no, no, no, no, i'm fine You know for food and everyone's to keep probably fasting at least he's not telling them But everyone knows that you are and you probably know that they know as well So things like that to think about when you're fasting, um in verse 17, it does save it. Um It says but now when they're fasted I'm not here to wash my face So in verse 18 that they appear not unto men to fast but unto thy father which is in secret and thy father Which sith in secret shall reward thee openly so don't lose your rewards And obviously if you're fasting around your family, you don't have to then get deceitful. Oh, i'm just not hungry Oh, i'm not feeling very well No, of course there are people that have to know your wife and wives your husbands, um kids you know again if your kids are there you don't need to lie to them pretend you're not but um, But you shouldn't be aiming to be telling people and showing people that you're fasting. Okay turn to matthew 15 Another thing to think about when fasting Matthew 15 and verse 32 Then jesus called his disciples unto him And said I have compassion on the multitude because they continue with me now three days And have nothing to eat and I will not send them away fasting less they faint in the way. So Be sensible when you're fasting so if people are going away from me thinking I want to add fasting or I want to do more Fasting I want to continue what i'm doing with fasting be sensitive about it as well Like don't go on long hikes when you're fasting especially if you're fasting for days at a time training as well There's a bit of a you know, a lot of people who do exercise There's a bit of a thing where people like to to train on an empty stomach. That's all good now Like i've said a few times i've coached for many years and a lot of people they they don't Lousy when they're training when they haven't eaten for a long time and it's one thing first thing in the morning But I've had people come and it's they are being fasting for whatever Health reason that they're choosing to do it or weight loss and a lot of the time they're pretty pretty useless at the explosive Stuff especially now, okay. I'm not saying you're all out there thinking. Oh i'm gonna fast and go do this But but in the same hand be sensible about what you're doing again It should be aimed towards god not just fasting and going about with with your day, etc Um, it should be something you're that you're focusing on god with okay, so, um luke to the luke 18 luke 18 So Okay verse 11 The pharisee stood and prayed thus for themselves god I thank thee that I am not as other men are extortioners unjust adulterers or even as this publican I fast twice in a week. I give tithes of all that I possess So we should not be fasting and then getting puffed up about the fact that we fast and again it seems pretty obvious but Again like our hearts are wicked and we can easy I think we start fasting and we're praying to god Oh, what a good guy I am Maybe we won't say those words, but we start to think it don't we and um, so we should not be getting puffed up from spot from from fasting do not do it in the wrong spirit and Thinking about that if you turn to psalm 35 Psalm 35 Now verse 13 But as for me when when they were sick my clothing was sapped on I humbled my soul with fast here My prayer returned into mine own bosom. So we should be humbling ourselves by fasting We shouldn't be getting puffed up because we fast um, and we should be drawing close to god through the spirit Okay, so final point on how to fast and these are just some good guidelines good things to think about about how to fast. Um, About how to fast, um turn in acts 23 And verse 14 And they came to the chief priest and elders said we have bound ourselves under a great curse that we will eat nothing Until we have slain paul Don't fast as some kind of oath now these guys i'd love to see what happened a few weeks later Do you reckon most of them started eating again? I don't know. Maybe some of them died of Hunger, but um, yeah, obviously don't make some sort of that sounds pretty obvious again okay a bit of a funny one, but um Maybe some people might sit there and think i'm going to promise god that i'm going to do this length fast I'm going to do this and it's not about oaths is it james five crosses but above all things my brethren Swear not neither by heaven neither by the earth neither by any other oath But let your yay be yay and your nay be lay nay lest you fall into condemnation Okay, so we've seen a variety of lengths Um, we've seen often they're water fast. Make sure that you fast. Um, so i've said often they're water fast We'll see that in a minute. Make sure that you're fasting to god abstain from a physical relationship with your spouse It's a solemn thing don't advertise it be sensible with what you're doing while you're fasting don't get puffed up Don't make fasting o's. Okay, so reasons for fasting reasons for fasting number one The reason i've seen when i've looked at all these fast in the bible is seeking forgiveness seeking forgiveness So if you turn to leviticus 16 turn to leviticus 16 Okay verse 29 leviticus 16 29 And this shall be a statute for everyone to you that in the seventh month on the tenth day of the month You shall afflict yourselves and do no work at all whether it be One of your own country of strangers that sojourneth among you for on that day Shall the priest make an atonement for you to cleanse you that you may be clean from all your sins before the lord It shall be a sabbath of rest unto you and you shall afflict your souls by a statute forever and a priest Whom he shall anoint and whom he shall consecrate to minister in the priest's office in this father's in his father's stead Shall make the atonement and shall put on the linen clothes even the holy garments. Okay, so The day of atonement is known as and afflicting souls if you turn to psalm 69 afflicting souls And he uses similar language here Is I believe fasting In 69 verse 10 When I wept and chastened my soul with fasting that was to my reproach So afflicting chastening your soul and the result is to be close again to god And that was the idea of the day of atonement, um, if you turn to isaiah 59 The bible says but your iniquities verse two But your iniquities have separated between you and your god and your sins have hid his face from you that he will not hear We know that sins can block block that that our prayer life make it make it so god God won't hear us and fasting is a way of asking for that forgiveness to start that clean slate again Um, and of course, we're not talking about salvation here. Um turn to first samuel seven First samuel seven and verse three And Samuel spoke unto all the house of israel saying if you do return unto the lord with all your hearts and put away The strange gods and ashtoreth from among you and prepare your hearts unto the lord and serve him only And he will deliver you out of the hand of the philistines Then the children of israel did put away baalim and ashtoreth and serve the lord only and samuel said gather all israel to miss p And I will pray for you unto the lord And they gathered together to misbe and drew water and poured it out before the lord And fasted on that day and said there we have sinned against the lord and samuel judged the children of israel in misbe. Okay, so Again, there we see that that the the fast is for forgiveness the length There's a one day water, I think if you look at verse six Because it says they drew water to pour it out before the lord. So I believe so. This is a food and water fast Um before the lord and fasted on that day And the result if you just jump to verse 10 the result of this faster asking for forgiveness and as samuel was offering up the burnt Offering the philistines drew near to battle against israel against israel But the lord thundered with a great thunder on that day upon the philistines and discomforted them and they were smitten before israel So we see here that they're praying for forgiveness and the result then is a victory and we could see that as a spiritual victory For us just a couple more of these if you turn to first kings 21 So First kings 21 Okay, now this is king ahab and if you guys know your bible king ahab was a wicked wicked king now in first kings 21 We see in verse 25 But there was none like under ahab which did sell himself to work wickedness in the sight of the lord Jezebel his wife stirred up and he did Very abominably and following idols according to all things as did the amorites whom the lord cast out before the children of israel And it came to pass when I have heard these words that he rent his clothes But put sackcloth upon his flesh and fasted and lay in sackcloth and went softly And the word of the lord came to elijah the tish by saying see us now how ahab humblest himself before me Because he humblest himself before me. I will not bring the evil in his days But his son's days will I bring the evil upon his house? So we see ahab fasting for forgiveness and then the result is no punishment, which I mean he was drew a lot I have no punishment at least in his days. Okay. Nehemiah chapter one Just a couple more of these guys Nehemiah chapter one And verse one So The words of nehemiah the son of hakaliah and it came to pass in a month chiselu in the 20th year As I was in shushan the palace that Sorry that hanayni one of the brethren came He and certain men of judah and I also concerned the jews at escape which were left of the captivity and concerning jerusalem And they said unto me the remnant that are left of the captivity there in the province in great affliction of reproach The wall of jerusalem also is broken down the gates are over burned with fire And it came to pass when I heard these words I sat down and wept and mourn certain days and fasted and prayed before the god of heaven And said I beseech thee o lord god of heaven the great and terrible god that keepeth covenant and mercy for them that love him And observe his commandments let thine eye ear now be attentive and thine eyes open that thou mayest hear the prayer of thy servant Which I pray before thee now day and night for the children of israel thy servants and confess the sins of the children of israel Which we have sinned against thee both. I and my father's house of sin We have dealt very corruptly against him have not kept the commandments nor the statutes nor the judgments which thou commanded thy servant moses So he's again praying for forgiveness yet I'm, not saying it's just fastest praying and fasting here now. This is a one day I think this is uh, sorry, uh, it doesn't say how long this is But the result we see is no punishment in his days. At least we see the result here. Um, Not only no punishment, but the result is the king allows him to go rebuild the wall And as we say it just says length certain days of the fast So we've just seen these different fast for seeing people wanting forgiveness seeing different results at the end Um, there's a couple more here and we won't turn there. We see in joel chapter two. Um, We see we see again fasting for forgiveness followed by forgiveness and jonah three again Many people probably know jonah chapter three verse one to ten We use it a lot when we're soul winning with people with the repent of your sins problem And again pray for forgiveness and the result is god repents of the evil That he's going to do and that one's a food and water fast. Okay, so reasons for fasting seeking forgiveness now number two Number two another reason for fasting is when we're suffering tribulation. Okay suffering tribulation turn to judges 19 judges 19 Um Okay, so the background here in from judges 19 is this levi for mount ephraim He goes to bring home his concubine who's run off. Yeah and decides not to lodge the knight in the jebusite city But instead thinks he'll be better off in gibia which belongs to the tribe of benjamin Right. He's got nowhere to stay and an old man also for mount ephraim lets him stay with him So if you read um 19 look at verse 22 here Now as they were making their hearts merry behold the men of the city Certain sons of belial beset the house round about and beat at the door and spake to the master of the house The old man saying bring forth the man that came into thine house that we may know him And the man the master of the house went out unto them and said unto them No, my brethren no, I pray you do not so wickedly seeing that this man is coming to mine house do not this folly Behold, here's my daughter a maiden and his concubine then I will bring out now and humble you them and do them What seemeth good unto you but unto this man do not so vile a thing But the men would not harken to him So the man took his concubine and brought her forth unto them and they knew her and abused her all the night until the morning And when the day began the spring they let her go Then came the woman in the dawning of the day and fell down at the door of that man's house where her lord was Till it was light And her lord rose up in the morning and opened the doors of the house or went out to go his way and behold The woman his concubine was fallen down at the door of the house and her hands were upon the threshold And he said unto her up and let us be going but none answered then then the man took her Up upon an ass and the man rose up and get him into his place And when he was coming to the house He took a knife and laid hold on his concubine and divided her Together with her bones into 12 pieces and sent her into all the coasts of israel And it was so that all that saw it said there was no such deed done nor seen from the day The children of israel came up out of the land of egypt um to this day consider of it take advice And speak your minds right verse 22 Two These men are called certain sons of belial Okay, and belial is just another name for satan And these people this is where we have to make it clear and I find it interesting these people These people are our enemies and we we often we focus on verses and we you know, write your verse like leviticus 2013 and others But these people are sons of belial and and when you start to understand that and really get to grips with that You start to realize why this is such a big deal what's going on right now and You know, i've got a bit fired up last week I was after and i'm sure a lot of people did when we heard what happened to to passamahir's church and And you're you're looking at this stuff and you you're getting angry aren't you and i'd already had in my mind I wanted to preach on fasty i'd already started making some notes on it and I was quite pleased when I came across this passage because um, it's something that that I want to preach on a little bit as well and um, we see so turn the chapter, uh, sorry, yeah turn to chapter 20 The tribes of israel get together. Okay a tenth of each one. Okay read verse 12 to 14 here And the tribes of israel sent men through through all the tribe of benjamin say what wickedness is it this that is done among you? Now therefore deliver us the men the children of belial which are in gibeah that we may put them to death and put away Evil for me, uh evil from israel But the children of benjamin would not hearken to the voice of their brethren the children of israel But the children of benjamin gathered themselves together out of the city of sun to gibia to go out to battle against the children of israel And children of benjamin were outnumbered At that time out of the cities 26,000 men that drew sore beside the inhabitants of gibia, which were numbered 700 chosen men Okay, so god's people benjamin god's people start defending these evil evil wicked disgusting people And we're seeing that right now I don't know if you've noticed but I was looking at what's been going on looking at some of the videos And I don't know if any of you have read the comments But there are some wicked so-called christians on there that are trying to claim that They'll give the old. Oh, yeah. Yeah, it's wrong that they bombed the church But but you this or you that it's like pick a side pick a side these are the sons of billy It's not just that it's oh, it's a sin that we don't really like. Oh, it's just a sin punishable By death, for example like adultery. No, this is worse. These people are described as our enemies They are our enemies and these people are Are trying to bully and trying to try to intimidate men of god and then you've got so-called christians Trying to trying to basically say well, you know, that's fine or they had it coming or whatever else Same like benjamin. They're not willing. Are they they they they want to support they want to defend these people And they're not willing to choose a side or they are choosing a side and they're choosing the wrong side Aren't they and there's only two sides in it. There's no on the fence. There's no in the middle Who's your side going to be there? Is it the children of satan the sons of satan or is it is it god's people? And I think for all of us and it's not i'm not just preaching about no one in particular because for all of us We need to think about this as well because we are We are if we're going to become a church here, we're going to we're going to have grief There is no doubt at some point We are going to have grief for sure and we need to decide and not just here We're going to have grief in our personal lives as well And I don't know how how often you guys have to deal with these scumbags in your life For me, fortunately a job that I was doing where I used to be around a little bit more I don't see that so much now, but you still come across them and you've got to choose a sign that includes family members I don't know how many of you have family members We were children sons of belial but you've got to make that decision to cut off to split from them Make it clear don't be a compromiser. Don't be sitting on the fence. Well, you know, they're not so bad or Well, they're not protesting outside churches They may not be protesting outside churches, but they're still doing the work of the devil. They're still his people They're still his children and we need to decide now I'm not saying you have to every time you go in a shop start You know causing rows and having fights with people people who are clearly clearly These people committing these sins and clearly what the bible describes here, but on the flip side You should be there trying to be buddying up with people you go. I'll just get on with that one Maybe in your place of work. Well, as long as we get on as well. No, you need to make it clear Yeah It needs to be a separation there because of what we believe what the bible says and the bible is really clear on this And obviously it's come at the same time. There's been a great documentary's come out as well And and it's made it so clear, hasn't it what we're up against right now the devil he's not messing about he he has Completely saturated our cultures with this stuff where it is it is harder. I believe as a man of god There's more of a challenge for us to stand up and say to people what we believe What we believe is that these people are wicked. They're evil. They're disgusting We don't want them near us and we don't want them near especially not near our children We don't want them near us We don't want to be around and we don't want to just try to get on or anything else Take a side and make a stand okay, and In this in this passage the lord sends judah to fight them. We read in verse 21 of chapter 20 And the children of benjamin came forth out of gibya and destroyed down to the ground of the israelites that day 22,000 men And the people the men of israel encouraged themselves to set their battle again in array In the place where they put themselves in array the first day And the children of israel went on a wet before the lord until even and asked counsel of the lord saying Shall I go up again to battle against the brother of benjamin my brother the lord said go up against him The children of israel came near against the children of benjamin the second day And benjamin went forth against him out of gibia the second day and destroyed down to the ground of the children of israel again 18,000 men all these drew the sword Okay, so the lord here is allowed tribulation at the hands of evil vile men and their supporters and It can be a bit confusing thinking why are they losing here until you carry on reading? Why does that happen? And why for example has the lord allowed for for a church to be bombed? um, which is absolutely amazing, isn't it what these what these people will do their hatred for god and for his people but but God allows tribulation god will even allow tribulation that has these people but there's a result isn't there? What's the result that comes from what's happening here? Okay verse 26 Then all the children of israel and all the people went up and came unto the house of god A wet and sat there before the lord and fasted that day until even And offered burnt offerings and peace offerings before the lord And and pina has the son of eliezer the son of aaron stood before it in those days saying shall I yet again Go out to battle against the children of benjamin my brother My brother or shall I cease and the lord said go up for tomorrow. I will deliver them into thine hand So the lord through this persecute or through this tribulation through them losing these first two battles He draws him closer. He draws him closer where now they're fasting they're praying to god And they're humbling themselves before god because there was a lot of them They could have just gone and slaughtered them but god's used this he's drawn them closer and then the result Verse 40 is a highlight verse 40, but when the flame began to rise up out of the city With a with a pillar of smoke the benjamites look behind them and behold the flame of the city Ascended up to heaven and that's a nice similarity with sodom there as well, isn't it? And we see the flame rising up of the city and these these people these people are burning in that city verse 41 And when the men of israel turned again The men of benjamin were amazed for they saw that evil has come upon them Therefore they turned their backs before the men of israel until the way of the wilderness But the battle overtook them and then which came out of the cities They destroyed in the midst of them thus saying close the benjamites round about and chase them and trode them down with ease Over against gibbia toward the sun rising And their friend of benjamin 18 000 men all these were men of valor So the supporters of these evil men you take that side you choose to go on the side to take the side of Of these people take the side of the sodomites you choose that and eventually you're going to be destroyed now Sure, i'm not saying you're going to lose your salvation or anything else, but your life's not going to go well You have to make a stand and again we're seeing this aren't we're seeing people we're seeing so-called churches Just just weak as anything at the least just basically Taking sides taking the sides of these people. Oh, they're welcoming our church. We obviously this is covered a lot in that documentary well The bible says here those benjaminites. They're nearly wiped out If you go on and read that further They end up they end up taking pity on them and trying to give them trying to find women for them To to be able to keep the tribe of benjamin going because they're nearly completely wiped out Having taken the wrong side and making a stand for the wrong for the enemies of god And again, like I say for for everyone here I don't know how it goes in your lives I I I hope and pray that when we get grief here that everyone will stand stand with me will stand All together on this because it is going to happen eventually no doubt It's going to happen and we're going to stand strong in this but but I don't know what goes on in your private lives I don't know what goes on with your family members with your old friends with whatever it is And you need to make sure you're making a stand Because because it won't go well if you don't if you take the wrong side You try to stand somewhere in the middle. It's not going to go well for you Okay, so a couple more examples if you turn to second chronicles 20 So Second chronicles 20 And verse one it came to pass off this also the children of moab and the children of ammon and with them other Beside the ammonites came against jehoshaphat to battle Then there came some that told jehoshaphat saying there comes a great multitude against you from beyond the sea on this side Syria and behold they being In hazazon ta tamar So he which is engedi and jehoshaphat feared and set himself to seek the lord and proclaimed a fast route or judah And judah gathered themselves together to ask help of the lord even out of all the cities of judah They came to seek the lord. So another example here where with with tribulation coming They choose to fast they fast it and they're in fear But they're fasting to seek the lord and then the result if you read verse 13 here To 14 and all judah stood before the lord their little ones their wives their children then upon jehoshaphat The son of zechariah the son of benaya the son of jereel the son of metanea Metanea a levite of the sons of asaph came the spirit of the lord in the midst of the congregation Okay, so the spirit comes upon them and in verse 23 For the children of ammon and marab stood up against the inhabitants of mount seer Utterly to slay and destroy them and when they had made an end of the inhabitants of seer Everyone helped to destroy one another So here we see We see that the armies kill each other and then afterwards we see the end are gathering this great almighty spoil And again, it was they they were seeing tribulation coming. They chose to pray and fast And again a couple more examples which we don't have to turn there is for chapter eight We see them pray for guidance and protection. Um, the result is they get to jerusalem safely But turn of first samuel 31 first samuel 31 Okay verse 11 And when the inhabitants of jebesh gilead heard of that which the philistines had done to saw All the valiant men arose went all night and took the body of saul and the bodies of his sons from the wall of beth Shan and came to jebesh and burnt them there And they took their bones and buried them under a tree at jebesh and fasted seven days That's a seven day fast here and this is obviously in mourning and we see we see that as well in in other places As well with a morning fast, but it is morning is tribulation So they're choosing to fast and I don't know maybe maybe when you when you're really mourning and we're all going to go and we all have been through deaths of loved ones and Maybe fasting isn't a bad idea because we know the holy spirit can come for us and and again I think a good reason it's a time of tribulation a good reason to be fasting. Um What's the result of that? Well? in if you turn to second samuel and verse 12 We see The second samuel 12 15 Second samuel 12 and verse 15 And nathan departed under the house and the lord struck the child that your eyes wife bear unto day when it was very sick David therefore besought god for the child and david fasted and went in and lay all night upon the earth And the elders of his house arose and went to him to raise him up from the earth But he would not eat neither did he eat bread with him But it came to pass on the seventh day of the child died And the servants of david feared to tell him that the child was dead for they said behold While the child was yet alive we spake unto him and he would not hearken unto our voice How will he then vex himself if we tell him that the child is dead? So here we see that That there's a food fast we see in verse 17 Because he neither did he eat bread and it's for seven days now the result if you look at verse 19 here But when david saw that his servants whispered david perceived that the child was dead Therefore david said unto his servants is the child dead and they said he is dead The david arose from the earth and washed and anointed himself and changed his apparel and came into the house of the lord and worshipped That he came to his own house. So what he required? He said they set bread before him and he did eat Then said his servants unto him what thing is this that thou has done thou didst fast and weep for the child while it was alive But when the child was dead thou didst rise and eat bread and he said while the child was yet alive I fasted and wept for I said who can tell whether god will be gracious to me that the child may live But now he is dead. Wherefore should I fast? Can I bring him back again? I shall go to him But he shall not return to me And david comforted both she be his wife who went in until I lay with her and she bare a son And he called his name solomon and the lord loved him. So The result here from fasting during this this terrible time in his life Is an acceptance that we can only hope to have in a situation like that, but he's unable to comfort his wife Later on they're blessed with solomon, but he's fasted So instead of fast, yeah, he's fasting during that time and then he just has this acceptance that wow I mean what an example to be like that in a time like that so reasons for fasting We've got seeking forgiveness suffering tribulation Okay, number three serving god. So reasons for fasting serving god We see fasting before great work for god in the bible if you turn to daniel nine daniel chapter 9 Okay And verse one In the first year of darius the son of ahasuerus of the seed of the meads which was made king over the realm of the cardians In the first year of his reign. I daniel understood by books a number of the years Where of the word of the lord came to jeremiah the prophet that he would accomplish 70 years in the desolations of jerusalem And I set my face unto the lord god to seek by prayer and supplications with fasting and sackcloth and ashes So it's to seek understanding there. He he's seeking by prayer and supplications with fastiest sackcloth and ashes And the result verse 21 to 22 It's an example Yeah He was I was speaking of craving the man gabriel whom I've seen in the vision at the beginning being caused to fly swiftly Touched me about the time of the evening oblation And he informed me and taught me and said oh daniel I am now come forth to give these skill and understanding So another good reason for fasting when you're going to now he's about to do a great word there He's written down. So, you know a lot of prophecy obviously we get from from daniel end time prophecy, but um Again for us maybe in life a good time to fast when you're finally really hard understanding certain passages of the bible Or like I said, well, you're about to do a great work for god and see a few of these in a second What a time to fast and not just forgiveness tribulation but serving god if you look at luke chapter 2 Luke chapter 2 verse 36 And there was one anna a prophetess the daughter of fanuel Of the tribe of asa she was of a great age and had lived with her husband seven years from her virginity And she was a widow of about four score and four years which departed not from the temple But served god with fasting and prayers night and day. So this lady is well over a hundred So she was married for only seven years and a widow for 84 years So she served god with fastings and prayers And the result verse 38 And she coming in that instant gave thanks Likewise unto the lord and spake of him to all that looked for redemption in jerusalem I think she's soul winning in her hundreds, which isn't a bad testimony, is it? So she's she said spanking of him to all that looked for redemption in jerusalem about the lord. Jesus. Um, turn to acts 13 Just a couple more examples of this acts 13 And from verse one Now as in the church as a Antioch certain prophets and teachers as barnabas and simian that was called niger And lucious of syrene and mannion, which had been brought up with herod the tetrarch and soul As they ministered to the lord and fasted the holy ghost said separate me barnabas and soul for the work We're into I have called them And when they had fasted and prayed and laid their hands in them they sent them away So we see fasting and praying is a preparation for great work because we know obviously they they go off after that And the result is they're going off and preaching the gospel all over the place And just a couple more acts 14 over to acts 14 verse 21 Okay verse 21 when they had preached the gospel to that city and had taught many they turned again They returned again to lystra and to iconium and to anti and antioc Confirming the souls of the disciples and exhorting them to continue the faith and that we must through much tribulation Enter into the kingdom of god And when they had ordained them elders in every church and had prayed with fasting they commended them to the lord on whom they believed Okay, so they've ordained elders They pray and fast and then the result is commending these elders to god to lead the first new testament churches So again, they're fasting before a great work about to happen for god. Now we We ourselves we we we all want to do great works for god, don't we and when we're planning on something great for god Maybe not a bad time to do a fast do a fast and pray and and because we want to be full of the spirit When we're when we're doing great works god and yeah, we should be doing great works for god every day But there are times aren't there where we're like, right? This is what i'm going to be doing or this is a new chapter a new page something new happens Interesting mark nine now jesus had just been on the mount of transfiguration With elijah and moses and all three of those had done 40 day fasts So the 40 day fasts, let's save the best till last turn to exodus 34 A verse 28. This is the second time that moses up with the lord And he was there with the lord 40 days of 40 nights He did neither eat bread nor drink water and he wrote upon the tables or words of the covenant the ten commandments So this is obviously a supernatural fast because to not drink water for 40 days is impossible for anyone So i'm not trying to say try and copy this. Okay, um Is it But during during this moses is communing with the lord and then he's writing the ten commandments So what a preparation for that and this is I mean, that's an amazing fast that moses does there now But let's have a look at one where where Well again, i'm not saying go out and plan and do a 40-day fast, but we'll see another example. Look at first kings 19 We got elijah here Okay, first kings 19 And for verse seven and the angel of the lord came again the second time and touched him and said arise and eat Because the journey is too great for thee And he arose and did eat a drink and went to the strength of that meat 40 days and 40 nights under horab The mount of god so now this isn't a planned or necessarily a willing fast It's a water only fast. So he's able to drink water here Um, I believe here. Anyway, I know he's given some water before that but it does say that in in that meeting the strength of that Meat he went 40 days. Um Okay, god then speaks to me look at verse 15 And the lord said unto him go return on our way to the wilderness of damascus when thou comest anoint Hazeel to be king over syria and jahu the son of nimshi shout thou anoint to be king over israel and elijah the son of shafat Elisha the son of shafat Of a bell mohalla shall thou anoint to be prophet in no room So again, he he's done this for dafos. He goes on to do a great work for the lord now Let's the the best one now is last so matthew four matthew chapter four And from verse one then was jesus led up of the spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil When he had fasted 40 days and 40 nights he was afterward and hungered so here we see again I think I don't think this is a supernatural fast. I think this is a water fast because he's hungry afterwards He he would be thirsty if he'd done 40 days out of water. He's afterward and hungered I think he's giving us a you know, the ultimate example here. He does this this 40-day fast now He's just being baptized. He's then fast for 40 days. He has you know, the This battle with the devil that we see um And if you're about to do mighty things for god, I mean what a good time to fast after baptism because a lot of people Suffer they feel like they're suffering a lot of tribulation after baptism. Okay, and what time to deny the flesh and feed the spirit um and You know the point of this sermon so yeah, it's not the most exciting song There's a lot of bible flicking here But the point of it is is there are example after example after example of fasting in the bible now, there's fasting with prayer Um, obviously it's all with prayer But and i'm not saying oh, it's just all about the fast, but we see great things happening from fasting We see we see forgiveness being given by god after fasting and praying and humbling and afflicting our souls We see from fasting and praying we we see people being able to deal with massive tribulation And and the result again is these great victories again after fasting pray and then we see great works great things for god being done After fasting and praying and like I said, how to fast as many examples aren't there? And it doesn't seem to be right you fast this way for this or that way for that again I don't know. Maybe everyone it is fast yet. I Like we said if they are they should be telling everyone about it I I know that i've suffered with this i've lacked in this many times in my in my In my spiritual walk and my life with the lord and and many maybe there's some people who've never fasted and and with the kids Again, if you even a daytime fast i'm not talking about young kids here But but as they're starting to get older nothing wrong with trying to do a daytime fast But like I said, it's with these right principles so we said there's a variety of lengths but Like I said a water fast is the easiest way to start a fast make sure that you're fasting to god I've done many fasts before for weight cutting and things for competitions I had nothing to do with god as a christian as well I tried that and I tried to kind of do both together But again, it really had nothing to do with god really but make sure you're fasting to god abstain from a physical relationship with your spouse It's a solemn thing. Remember that it's like don't don't advertise it be sensible with exertion So be sensitive with what you do make sure you're focusing on god You're in prayer you make sure that when you're fasting you're praying as well Don't get puffed up about it. Don't start getting all you know fully yourself because you're now fasting regularly or because you're still fast regularly and and of course don't make fasting oaths, but The reasons like I said reasons for fasting and the reason I went over this is because they're great You know, there's great things we can get from it. It's a great weapon number one seeking forgiveness number two suffering tribulation Number three serving god now we've been given a great tool in the christian life. We've been given a special weapon Yeah, it's not it's going to suddenly just be this magic bullet But it will draw you close to god. It will make you it will help you to be more in the spirit So let's all remember to use it. Okay, and with that let's pray Heavenly father, thank you for your word. Thank you for your examples in your word. Thank you for your for for The the many gifts that you give us and of those thank you for the for the gift of fasting and it's not easy it can be difficult to do for some harder than others, but Uh, I pray that we'll all just just have an open heart to this and go away and want to seek your face more Through fasting and prayer and want to do great things for you. What I want to seek your forgiveness. What a secure I want to seek your help in tribulation and What a seek doing a great work for you we pray that that you'll help us now to go on and do a great work this afternoon and and Get get many people saved and and go on with our christian lives and and and just live for you in jesus name we pray Amen