(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Well, that was 1 Kings chapter 10. The title of my sermon today is the Millennial Reign. The Millennial Reign. What is the Millennial Reign? Well, first let's have a little reminder of what's to come. If you keep a finger there in 1 Kings 10 and turn over to Matthew chapter 24. The millennium is a thousand years and we're all approaching a time when someone called the Antichrist will rise into power as a world leader. I don't know, some people here might not be that aware of what the Bible teaches about this. This is kind of a quick summary. While you're turning there, Revelation 6 2 says, and I saw and behold a white horse and he that sat on him had a bow and a crown was given unto him and he went forth conquering and to conquer. So during this time there's going to be a tribulation, there's going to be war, there's going to be famine, there's going to be death of probably around about a quarter of the earth. There's a false prophet deceiving people that's going to go out and deceive people into following the Antichrist and ultimately the devil too. There's going to be the abomination of desolation set up, there's basically going to be this big statue that people are going to have to worship, there's going to be the mark of the beast, probably a lot of people have heard of that, where basically you're not going to be able to buy or sell without a mark, without a number in your hand or in your forehead and you're going to have to worship the beast to do that. Doesn't sound so nice does it? And you know this is coming, well it's closer than it was when it was written 2000 years ago, let's put it that way. And for us a lot of us here probably feel like this probably isn't a long way away now. Revelation 13 17 says, talking about the mark of the beast and that no man might buy or sell save he that had the mark or the name of the beast or the number of his name. Won't be able to buy or sell without the mark of the beast. Doesn't sound very fun does it? Because we're not going to be able to be deceived, those of us who are saved will not be getting that mark and a lot of people talk about obviously the Covid vaccine it's not the mark but some could say it's a precursor though, some could say that it's lining people up to get used to the fact that you need something, some proof of something to be able to buy or sell, doesn't mean it's necessarily around the corner but it could be. Then there's going to be two and a half months of what's known as the great tribulation and that's going to be a terrible time for Christians, there are going to be people getting killed for the name of Christ, being hunted down basically. Matthew 24 22, so you're in Matthew 24 verse 22 says and except those days should be shortened there should no flesh be saved but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened. Okay so basically the elect being the saved being us being believers those days shall be shortened otherwise no one would be saved. Right what happens then? Jesus returns, Jesus returns, all believers are going to be raptured, all believers at that point in time will join with Jesus Christ in the air, the dead in Christ, their bodies will rise as well, will be transformed in the twinkling of an eye with a glorified body, sounds amazing doesn't it? Matthew 24 29 says immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be dark and the moon shall not give a light and the stars shall fall from heaven and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken and then shall appear the sign of the son of man in heaven and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn and they shall see the son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds that's the rapture from one end of heaven to the other. Sounds pretty amazing doesn't it and that could even be in our lifetime before we know. Then the wrath of God begins and for some of you this is just a recap some of you might not heard this before and obviously I'm not going to go into it at depth because I'm not preaching on that specifically because I want to preach in a millennial reign but the wrath of God begins with basically three and a half years of biblical proportion destruction of the earth all sorts of amazing stuff happening then turn over to Matthew sorry turn over to Revelation 19. Babylon is destroyed then there's a battle of Armageddon where Jesus destroys them he casts the Antichrist and the false prophet into a lake of fire have a look at that revelation 19 20 and a beast was taken and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him revelation 19 verse 20 with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast and them that worshipped his image these both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone so he kills the remaining kings and armies that were gathered with them they look at verse 21 and the remnant was slain with the sword of him that sat upon the horse which sword proceeded out of his mouth and all the fowls were filled with their flesh then basically this hardcore angel known as a badden or a polyon he basically does some submission move on satan drags him off look at chapter 20 and verse 1 and I saw an angel come down from heaven having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand and he laid hold on a dragon that old serpent which is the devil and satan had bound him a thousand years and cast him into the bottomless pit and shut him up and set a seal upon him that he should deceive the nations no more till the thousand years should be fulfilled and after that he must be loose a little season this is a millennium now the thousand years look at verse 4 and I saw thrones and they sat upon them and judgment was given unto them and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus and for the word of God which had not worshipped the beast neither his image neither had received his mark upon their foreheads are in their hands and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years but the rest of the dead live not again until the thousand years were finished this is the first resurrection blessed and holy is He that has part in the first resurrection on such the second death have no power but they shall be priests of God and of Christ and shall reign with him a thousand years so who shall be priests of God of Christ and shall reign with him a thousand years he that has part in the first resurrection That's all believers, all believers from the beginning of time, in glorified bodies ruling and reigning with Christ for a thousand years. Thousand years is a long time. I know in eternity it is, and a thousand years is a long time, isn't it? That's all believers. Now, is that about as much as we know about this millennial reign then? There's a couple of little bits here and there, a couple of verses here and there. Is that about it? Well, go back to 1 Kings 1, where I believe that there are many similarities between the events before and during Solomon's reign and these events that we've just read. Before we do that, let's go to the Lord in a word of prayer. Father, I thank you for your word, I thank you for this church, I thank you for all the amazing truths that you give us from your Bible and this truth particularly we're thinking about right now, and I pray that you'll just help me to just show this clearly, to teach this clearly for people to just have open ears to what your word is saying to them today and for us to learn from this and also to be able to apply the truths to our life as well. In Jesus' name we pray, Amen. So, here's a little recap. At the end of 2 Samuel, those of you that remember what happened in 1 Samuel, you've basically got Joab, if you remember Joab. He kills Amasa in his pursuit of power in chapter 20. In chapter 21, there's a three-year famine followed by these final battles with the Philistines, if you remember all the different sons of Goliath and I think the brother of Goliath as well. In chapter 24, Joab, who's just kind of risen to that power, is instructed to go out and number the people, then they're punished with pestilence, if you remember that as well, which basically would have destroyed everyone but God then stops it for their sake, yeah? He actually stops it himself. Then we get into 1 Kings, where look at 1 Kings in chapter 1 and verse 5. Then Adonijah, the son of Haggith, exalted himself saying, I'll actually read this in here, 1 Kings chapter 1 verse 5, saying, Thy son whom I will set upon thy throne in thy room, he shall build an house unto my name, and his father not displease him at any time in saying, Why has thou done so? And is also a very goodly man, and his mother bear him after Absalom. So if I just jumped there or not, are we in 1 Kings 5, sorry, where was I? So we're in 1 Kings chapter 1, so verse 5, so, okay, sorry, then Adonijah, the son of Haggith, exalted himself saying, I'll be king, and he prepared him chariots and horsemen and fifty men to run before him, and his father not displease him at any time in saying, Why has thou done so? And he also was a very goodly man, and his mother bear him after Absalom. So for me here in this picture, and like I said, it's a picture, it's similar events, and whether or not you believe it is or not, it doesn't really matter anyway, but for me Adonijah pictures the devil here. So he's a goodly man, it makes a point he was a very goodly man, and goodly being of a handsome form, beautiful, graceful, and Ezekiel 28, 12, you don't have to turn there talking to the devil, it says, Son of man, take up a lamentation upon the king of Tyrus and say unto him, Thus saith the Lord God, thou sealest up the sun full of wisdom and perfect in beauty. Just for those of you that are wondering, the devil isn't some red-faced ghoul with horns on his head running around scaring everyone with what a kind of evil, ugly image he is, no, he's actually described as beautiful, the anointed cherub. Verse seven there, verse seven where you are, and he conferred with Joab the son of Zeruiah and with Abiathar the priest, and they following Adonijah helped him. So Joab for me representing the Antichrist, Abiathar representing the false prophet. Verse eight, but Zadok the priest and Benaal the son of Jehoiada and Nathan the prophet and Shimei and Reihi and the mighty man which belonged to David were not with Adonijah. Okay, these are the believers here, and Adonijah slew sheep and oxen and fat cattle by the stone of Zioleth which is by Enrogal and called all his brethren the king's sons and all the men of Judah the king's servants. That for me is a daily sacrifice, the stone is maybe just a picture of the abomination of desolation. I said it's just similarities here, the king's sons represent the kings of the earth. Verse ten, but Nathan the prophet and Benaiah and the mighty men and Solomon his brother he called not. The loyal ones represented the believers, Solomon representing Jesus Christ. In 1 Kings 1 here you see Bathsheba then and Nathan they inform David of everything going on. Look at verse 32 now jump forward to verse 32. And King David said call me Zadok the priest and Nathan the prophet and Benaiah the son of Jehoiada and they came before the king. The king also said unto them take with you the servants of your lord and call Solomon my son to ride upon mine own mule and bring him down to Gihon and let Zadok the priest and Nathan the prophet anoint him their king over Israel and blow ye with the trumpet and say God save King Solomon. So for me this is like Christ coming with power and great glory. Look at verse 38 said Zadok the priest and Nathan the prophet and Benaiah the son of Jehoiada and the Cherithites and the Pelethites went down and called Solomon to ride upon King David's mule and brought him to Gihon and Zadok the priest took a horn of oil out of the tabernacle and anointed Solomon and they blew the trumpet and all the people said God save King Solomon and all the people came up after him and the people piped with pipes and rejoiced with great joys that the earth rent with the sound of them. Now Jonathan then tells Adonijah and the others and they leg it. Verse 49 and all the guests that were with Adonijah were afraid and rose up and went every man his way. Right then you've got payback time or the wrath of Solomon Adonijah and Joab are killed then Shimei if you remember Shimei he's put under a sort of house arrest and then he's killed incidentally three years after that. That's kind of the end of the payback time that's the end of the picture of wrath and of course it's nothing like God's wrath. First Kings chapter 2 and verse 39 tells us about Shimei and it came to pass at the end of three years that two of the servants of Shimei ran away unto Achish son of Mayocha king of Gath and they told Shimei saying behold thy servants me and Gath and then basically he gets killed. Now that's the end of payback time and the glorious reign of Solomon then begins. Verse 46 there so the king commanded Benaiah the son of Jehoiada which went out and fell upon him this is Shimei that he died and the kingdom was established in the hand of Solomon. Now for me there are also similarities to the reign itself jump forward to chapter four now where we see those who rule and reign with Solomon. So first Kings chapter 4 and from verse 1. First Kings chapter 4 and verse 1 where it reads so king Solomon was king over all Israel and these were the princes which he had. So he had Azariah the son of Zadok the priest, Eli Horeph and Ahiah the sons of Shisha scribes, Jehoshaphat the son of Ahilah the recorder and Benaiah the son of Jehoiada was over the host and Zadok and Abiathah were the priests and Azariah the son of Nathan was over the officers and Zabith the son of Nathan was principal officer and a king's friend and Ahaiashar was over the household so Adoniram the son of Abda was over the tribute. Now keep a finger there flick over to Matthew chapter 19 keep a finger in there though flick over to Matthew chapter 19 and verse 28 Matthew 19 28 this is Jesus speaking to his disciples in Matthew 19 28 where he says and Jesus said unto them verily I send to you that ye which have followed me in the regeneration when the son of man shall sit in the throne of his glory ye also shall sit upon 12 thrones judging the 12 tribes of Israel right bear that in mind flick back again because Solomon had 12 officers over all Israel verse seven in first Kings chapter 4 and Solomon had 12 officers over all Israel which provided victuals for the house and his household each man is month and a year made provision and these are their names the son of her in Mount Ephraim the son of Dikar in Makaz in Shaiabim and Beth Shemesh and Elon Beth Hainan and that basically continues with him describing these up until verse 19 where it finishes with Geba the son of Uriah was in the country Gilead in the country of Sion king of the Amorites and of Og king of Bashan he was the only officer which was in the land now didn't he say that all believers reign with him though all believers rule and reign with him he sure did flick over to 2nd Chronicles chapter 1 while you turn there I'm just going to read Daniel 7 27 which says and the kingdom and dominion and the greatness of the kingdom under the whole heaven shall be given to the people of the saints of the most high that's us whose kingdom is an everlasting kingdom and all dominions shall serve and obey him and first Corinthians 6 from verse 2 and 3 says do you not know that saints shall judge the world and if the world should be judged by you are you unworthy to judge the smallest matters know you not that we shall judge angels how much more things that pertain to this life now even though Solomon's kingdom is like a scaled down version 2nd Chronicles 1 and verse 2 says then Solomon spake unto all Israel to the captains of thousands and of hundreds and to the judges and to every governor in all Israel the chief of the fathers so in our sort of one to a thousand scale diagram here there are captains of thousands and of hundreds there are judges there are governors there are chiefs go back to first kings 4 and for me there's definitely a picture here for me I believe that first Kings here and Solomon's reign is a picture of the millennial reign of Christ and with all that in mind what can we then learn about the millennial reign what have we look what have we got to look forward to well you're in first Kings chapter 4 look at verse 22 first Kings 4 22 says and Solomon's provision for one day with 30 measures of fine flour and three score measures of meal 10 fat oxen and 20 oxen after pastures and 100 sheep beside hearts and roebucks and fallow deer and fatted fowl this looks like the leadership meal to me okay so in case you've kind of got a bit blank from what I've just been talking about for the last 15 minutes or so basically to put it in a nutshell everyone here that saved is going to rule and reign with Christ for a thousand years on this earth okay if you've already gone to heaven you're going to come back in your glorious body and rule and reign with Christ if you're here when when it happens you're going to go out watch a bit of wrath for a few years then you're going to come back and rule and reign with Christ for a thousand years for me this is a lovely picture for me this is a great picture and a great example of the sort of things that we're going to be able to look forward to and as with most pictures in the Bible it's nothing compared with the real glory but this is going to be a great example for us and I think we can learn a lot from this and the first things first let's talk about the important thing and that's the food okay and the food here because don't forget that Jesus Christ in his glorified body still ate broadfishing and honeycomb okay so we're still going to get to enjoy the the food in life and here we're looking at what I consider to be the leadership meal Solomon's provision it's not talking about this I don't think Solomon was an absolute obese sloth this Solomon's provision here is for everyone else for his leadership team here and the leadership team are eating different cuts of steak lamb different cuts of venison fat succulent uh succulent poultry by the looks of it here fatted fowl of different types I think it's got every flavor there for all you good honest meat eaters out there does it look like oh you've got a bit of fine flour and measures of meal for those vegans now let's be honest with the truth that's being given us by Jesus Christ I don't think anyone will be deceived by veganism there by the nonsense that comes with all of that all of those lies but yes meat we'll be eating some great meat I believe we'll be having some great feasts up there one of the great pleasures that God gives us in life 10 fat oxen 20 oxen out of the pastures and 100 sheep hearts roebucks fallow deer for those of you that like your game like your venison different types of venison there hearts roebuck I'm no expert on venison but that looks like some different types and yeah I think we're going to be enjoying that look at verse 25 and Judah and Israel dwelt safely every man under his vine and under his fig tree from Dan even to be a sheba all the days of Solomon ensured safety sounds nice doesn't it ensured safety and look I think maybe in this nation maybe we wouldn't be desiring that or it wouldn't be on the top of our priorities maybe on the top of our list as much as maybe many Christians in other nations do okay and maybe it's going to be a bit different after we've gone through the tribulation won't it well we just sat knowing that we're going to dwell safely every man under his vine and under his fig tree from Dan even to be a sheba and all the days of Solomon all those days we're going to dwell safely until right at the very end well even then it's going to be safe because when they encamp the saint sorry when when they surround the the camp of the saints round about they're just going to get devoured by fire okay at the very end but for those thousand years for the vast majority of those thousand years it's going to be just just peace and safety isn't it for us and that's going to be great and like I say you might not right now you think well I live a fairly safe life I actually had a just made me think I had a funny incident the other night I'd been up here we were doing some work on the church and then and then and this is how it's getting worse I was driving home and some guy pulled up in a car next to me with some stupid number plate saying mr bigg or something yeah you can imagine yeah so he's pulled up and I just glanced I was on the phone to my wife on my hands freak here just by the way okay and I was on the hands okay and uh and this guy he's he's gone like this out like through the window like through his window at me across he's like his girlfriend who's next to him so um I've kind of looked at him and went down the window and I just said like you know because I went around the window he's gone like this yeah and I was gone right so I went down the window I said to him uh I said wait why are you making gun signs at me by the way what what I don't know what it's got to tell you what pull over right now yeah I was like okay yeah you want to pull up over there he's gone I'll cut your throat he's like screaming out the window I'm gonna cut your throat I was like why are you gonna cut my throat yeah and he's gone and then he just floored it drove off the other direction absolutely bizarre my wife was on the phone just going what on earth just happened I don't know the guy said pull over I said all right we'll pull over up there because we were like at a junction it had just gone green and then he started telling me he's gonna cut my throat and spread off the other direction but I'm looking forward to dwelling in safety because that was that was weird yeah he was literally and you can imagine all the blue language screaming at me because I asked him why he made a gun sign I was just a bit confused why he's like pretending to shoot me with his fingers anyway that was just just something that came into my mind there but insured safety sounds fun not having people threatening to cut your throat for daring to ask them why they made a gun sign at you but he didn't want to cut my throat because he drove off in the other direction so it was very odd but um anyway yeah uh back to back to that sorry about that little break there but yeah insured safety every man under his wine under his fig tree verse 26 and Solomon had 40,000 stalls of horses for his chariots and 12,000 horsemen okay that looks like maybe armored chauffeurs maybe that's why they're dwelling in safety in the future that is verse 27 of those officers provided victual for King Solomon and for all that came under King Solomon's table every man in his month they lacked nothing no more supermarket trips with masks on or off I can't even work out what you meant to do right now the supermarket it keeps changing I think it depends on the shop doesn't it but yeah no more of that no more supermarket trips you know following around did anyone remember the beginning of covid by the way when when they tried to make it all one way in the isles anyone been in that was a nightmare I went in to get like two things from Tesco it took me about an hour just behind old ladies shuffling along and you're not allowed to overtake and that was crazy but yeah no more of that anymore verse 29 and God gave Solomon wisdom and understanding exceeding much and largeness of heart even as the sand is on the seashore and Solomon's wisdom excelled the wisdom of all the children of the east country and all the wisdom of Egypt for he was wiser than all men than ethan the ezra height and he-man and I like that name he-man and chow kol he's a man he's even wiser than he-bad okay and chow kol and dada the sons of mahal and his fame within all nations round about so is anyone wondering how wise Jesus Christ will be because Jesus Christ is wise and king Solomon isn't he okay proverbs 2 6 says for the lord giveth wisdom out of his mouth cometh knowledge and understanding in fact he's much wiser than king Solomon and people will be coming for his wisdom and we're in the inner circle we're the we're the ones ruling and reigning and I'm going to have a few questions to be asking Jesus Christ I don't know about you guys but I've got a lot of questions actually I'm looking forward to the answers he's going to be telling you everything you ever wanted to know that's amazing isn't it absolutely amazing and he spake this is talking about Solomon and he spake three thousand proverbs and his songs were a thousand and five I think there's going to be some good hymns going on aren't there as well the best hymns going on verse 33 and he spake of trees from the cedar tree that is in Lebanon even unto the hyssop that springeth out of the wall he spake also of beasts and of fowl and of creeping things and of fishes and there came of all people to hear the wisdom of Solomon from all kings of the earth which had heard of his wisdom and I think that'll be the same people will be coming to hear the wisdom of Jesus Christ but we'll be there being able to hear the wisdom of Jesus Christ that's going to be amazing isn't it now here as well notice it said he spake of trees from this uh sorry in verse 34 said from all kings of the earth which had heard of his wisdom they're going to be coming from all over and there's going to be all sorts of trees there's also going to be he's going to be talking about beasts and of fowl and of the creeping things and look I think you know I think here in first kings look for me it's kind of it's just picturing just like everything you've ever wanted to know just everything that the the beasts the fowl the creeping things the fishes the cedar tree nature all those questions all those unanswered questions which scientists change their mind on week in week out year in year out you're just going to be able to have everything answered that's going to be amazing isn't it now in the next few chapters of first kings okay from this point the temple and Solomon's houses are built and we're not going to go through those but we're talking a few chapters and this site takes years you know sort of I mean years and years and years to do the whole lot like you know you're going to be working in the millennium yeah we are going to be working and that is a good thing yeah and I know I've preached this a bit before but it is good to work okay we want to work yeah working is good you're going to be happy you're content when you do work when you do stuff because I think some people picture heaven and picture the millennial rain that you're just going to be floating around on clouds with your hands behind your head it's just going to be sort of like like a just a long paradise beach holiday but are you really going to be happy doing that are you really content just lying there doing nothing no we're going to be doing stuff aren't we the millennium rain we're going to be doing stuff we're going to be busy there's a lie in the world that idleness is something to seek yeah we need a break now and again don't we and the odd holiday every every now and again is nice but I mean they've managed to persuade the majority of this nation to get a vaccine just to go on holiday haven't they okay and and look for us so we want to work don't we we want to work we want to grow off they end up building the temple building his houses over the next few chapters then jump forward now to first kings chapter eight getting stuff done being productive helping with that a thousand year of rule and rain is going to be a great thing to be doing and a lot of that is going to be ruling and reigning now look at first kings chapter eight and from verse 65 it says first kings 865 and at that time solomon held a feast and all israel with him a great congregation from the entering in of hamath and to the river of egypt before the lord our god seven days and seven days even 14 days on the eighth day sent the people away and they blessed the king and went unto their tents joyful and glad of heart for all the goodness that the lord had done for david his servant and for israel his people so feasting joy that's after they built the temple build his houses that's you know for people are happy they're content aren't they they're happy people they're there look it says here they're they're joyful they're glad of heart for all the goodness that the lord had done for david his servant for israel his people you imagine living that day to day just feeling like that because no one here i don't care how much of a perfect christian you'd like to pretend you are we're all going to have times when we're not full of joy when we're not full of you know glad of heart and everything else but there's going to be a time when we are okay there's going to be a time for a thousand years when we are on this earth that's going to be amazing now jump forward now to first kings chapter 10 first kings 10 and from verse 4 and when the queen of sheba had seen all solomon's wisdom and the house that he had built and the meat of his table and the sitting of his servants and the attendance of his ministers and their apparel and his cup bearers and his ascent by which he went up unto the house of the lord there was no more spirit in her so great food the meat of his table the sitting of his servants the way servants work says here the the attendance of his ministers just just again the way that the probably the professionalism the way they're happy to work the clothing maybe the women weren't dressed as whores maybe the men weren't dressed as some sort of you know skinny jean queers maybe people were just dressed normally maybe she maybe that was a shock even back then and i'll tell you what in the millennial reign i think people are going to be dressed a little bit different aren't they bearing in mind that that that nakedness is sinful and there's going to be a lot of things that show that bearing in mind that dressing as a man for women and women men dressing as women for men is a sin and is an abomination i'm sure that there's going to be a bit of a difference in the millennial reign isn't there that's going to be nice isn't it it'll be nice and look and i mean this seriously is it going to be nice men to walk down the road and not have to avert your eyes everywhere because of how much nakedness there is absolutely everywhere is that nice that's going to be nice women not to walk down the road and feel like because you're dressed normally that you're you know that you almost stick out like a sore thumb because you're the only one that's not dressed like a whore like a man yeah isn't that going to be nice i'm really looking forward to that looking forward to just just not having that that challenge and test and all that nonsense and all that just filth and smut in your face because it is isn't it says here his ascent by which he went up unto the house the lord i think he's talking about his holiness and isn't that going to be a great thing to just be in the presence of jesus christ amazing now verse six and she said to the king it was a true report that i heard in my own land of thy accent of thy wisdom how be it i believe not the words until i came and mine eyes had seen it and behold the half was not told me thy wisdom and prosperity exceedeth the fame which i heard happier thy men happier these thy servants which stand continually before thee and that hear thy wisdom how about to just be happy in your job to have the perfect boss that'd be nice wouldn't it nice to just be happy to have the perfect boss to to find no fault in him at all absolutely no fault no issue no like oh well he's a bit of this no he's absolutely perfect not one sin yeah he knew no sin he still will know no sin that's going to be good isn't it it'll be happy just serving him happy being there happy doing whatever it is he wants you to do in the millennial reign whatever whatever job he has for you when you're ruling and reigning with him verse 9 blessed be the lord thy god which delighted in thee to set thee on the throne of israel because the lord loved israel forever therefore matey the king to do judgment and justice whoa whoa whoa wait a second judgment and justice what you mean it's not just some happy hippie utopia where everyone's floating around saying peace to each other no that the perfect way to rule and reign the earth and the people on it requires justice and judgment yes oh oh you know no no no he means he's going to judge all those judgmental people isn't he oh yeah all those all those legalist types you know the ones that like actually talk about the old testament you know those types all those unloving ones that's who he's judging isn't he the ones that that offend people with the word of god is that what he's talking about well revelation you'd have to turn there 1915 says and out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword that with it he should smite the nations and he shall rule them with a rod of iron and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of almighty god that rod of iron that judgment that justice is according to the word of god isn't it yeah and according to the word of god is specifically the law is it not yeah you know that terrible law that god then lightened up about no he didn't okay oh that that law that that oh well that was old testament that was that was you know bad god now we're with good god no that's that's not the truth is it that's what sadly liberal christianity will say but no romans 331 you don't turn this says do we then make void the law through faith god forbid yea we establish the law now look we're saved by faith let's make that clear i think everyone here understands that we're saved by faith and not by the deeds of the law for by the deeds of the law by the works of the law shall no flesh be justified okay we know that don't we okay everyone knows here that you're saved by faith in jesus christ and faith alone yeah for by grace saved through faith that not of yourselves is the gift of god not of works there's any match about it's not a process either it's not well i'm saved as long as i continue in in in doing this as long as i keep asking for forgiveness for certain sins no you're safe the second you put your faith in jesus christ for salvation and the second that you believe that it's not a process because if you think oh okay well now i get look you need to ask him in faith okay if you understand you need to ask jesus christ in faith in faith that it's him alone that it's faith alone okay that's clear as day in in the bible isn't it jesus said you know in a nutshell in john 647 very very last century he that believed for me hath everlasting life you believe you trusted jesus christ you have everlasting life but look there is a law though isn't there there's a law of how we should live there's a law of how god wants us to live and hebrews 9 tells us that the meats and drinks and divers washings and carnal ordinances were imposed on them until the time of reformation okay we're not talking about those things but what about the rest of the law there's a lot in here that's not meats drinks divers washings and carnal ordinances there's a lot there there's a lot about law about judgment about justice about how we should live about how people should behave about how god wants them to behave about how god commands them to behave that's not it's not oh well it's the kind of guideline look god wants you god tells you to live like that doesn't it yeah we get it wrong yeah yeah it's got nothing to do with salvation we should live like that psalm 119 you have to turn there 165 says great peace have they which love thy law and nothing shall offend them it's not offensive is it the law if you love the law and you should love the law yeah god wrote every single word of the law we should love the law so oh well i only love i like the certain bit oh those bits are a bit arbitrary although those bits are a little bit harsh well that bits it no look god wrote it it's the eternal words of god yeah and that's exactly how solomon's glorious israel was run by the word of god that's why for those years it was a success because he run it according to the word of god because he was full of wisdom and wisdom comes from the word of god doesn't it psalm 94 12 says blessed is the man whom thou chasteness o lord and teaches him out of thy law we're blessed we're happy it makes it makes our lives good it's for our own good the law of god because even christians even bible even christians in churches like ours can sit there and pick and choose and go well that bit's a bit hard oh we're one of those goody goody christians who thinks that they can be perfect no we don't think we can be perfect but we want to try our best don't we try our best to live our god wants us to live and if something clearly tells us how to do something how not to do something then it's for our own good isn't it blessed is a man whom thou chasteness o lord and even when he chases us when we get it wrong and teaches him out of thy law psalm 119 92 says unless thy law had been my delights i should then have perished in mine affliction okay the law benefits you it's good for you if you live by it you're going to be happy and if a nation lived by the law of god it would be a prosperous nation wouldn't it we should delight in the laws of god what was the result in solomon's israel well the queen of shiva we've just seen is in awe and like at the happiness of the people the happiness of the people living under those strict laws like the liberal like the fake christian tries to say they are the one that just likes to go oh yeah yeah well even though most of them believe in a work salvation anyway which is absolutely bizarre then but but they still are the law no as long as you're kind of fairly nice to people as long as you're loving basically as long as i don't say anything that's true to anyone no she's in awe the happiness of the people she's so impressed that she just starts off loading her treasures she's so impressed she just like take just just handing out the cash just take what you like you guys are amazing first kings chapter 10 and verse 10 and she gave the king and 120 talents of gold and of spices very great store and precious stones there came no more such abundance of spices as these which the queen of shiba gave to king solomon so those of you like spicy food hopefully it's going to be the same in millennial reign but it probably won't be hiding bad meat it'll be good meat with spicy food verse 11 and the navy also of hyrum that brought gold from ophir bought it from ophir great plenty of omeg trees and precious stones now i don't think anyone knows for sure what the omeg or ogum they're called in i think chronicles trees are but it basically for me seems to be the best materials for building okay the best materials so no more of that dodgy composite junk anyone ever seen that stuff composite decking and all of the guys terrible isn't it as soon as it gets a bit of sun a year later it's brittle it snaps oh but it's so much better and it's more expensive as well a lot of the time but no it's going to be the best the best timber the best and you know any of you guys are into that sort of stuff when you see a really nice bit of timber it's pretty nice isn't it now when you see i'm looking at brother gary over here as well and a couple of others maybe are into this sort of thing look when you see a nice bit of timber it's it's a thing of beauty isn't it and this i'm guessing these omeg trees are going to be pretty good for making stuff out of no dodgy man-made oh we can do it better and then you find it's got some nasty cancerous health hazard years down the line or something else now they're making instruments with them too in verse 12 but jump forward to verse 14 now the weight of gold that came to solomon in one year was 600 threescore and six talents of gold but instead of hiding it all in a vault somewhere to control the stock market or whatever else the people of you know our sort of wise men of today do well no look at verse 16 and king solomon made 200 targets of beaten gold 600 shekels of gold went to one target these are basically small shields and he made 300 shields of beaten gold three pound of gold went to one shield and the king put them in the house of the forest of lebanon all of these beautiful and valuable stones that have been seen aren't they because there's nothing wrong with the beauty look if you think look gold is beautiful oh you must be covetous no because it is beautiful isn't it that's why it's so sought after because it's beautiful that's what some of these precious stones people spend such a fortune on because they are beautiful but instead of them only being now with the rich and the famous and and whatever we're going to get to see these we're going to see the beauty of all these things which god did create didn't he god created the precious stones he created the gold he created the things of beauty in this world but you're going to be around that you're going to get to see that you're going to see all the beauty of god's creation without it just being hoarded away by the rich elite somewhere verse 18 moreover the king made a great throne of ivory and overlaid it with the best gold sounds pretty nice isn't it the throne had six steps and the top of the throne was round behind and there were stays on either side of on the place of the seat and two lions stood beside the stays i mean that sounds amazing and i'm sure jesus christ's phone will be more amazing than that verse 20 and 12 lions stood there on the one side and on the other upon the six steps there is not the like made in any kingdom maybe representing the 12 tribes the 12 apostles sure there verse 21 i think because really the 12 apostles will be ruling and reigning with and judge the 12 tribes of israel so maybe i don't know and all kings solomon's drinking vessels were of gold and all the vessels of the house of the force of lebanon were of pure gold none were of silver it was nothing accounted of in the days of solomon no more worrying about plastic bpa's and the rest of it no oh is this safe to drink out of well last year it was this year it's not well no you're just going to be drinking out of gold hopefully hopefully you'll let us drink out of the gold as well but at the least you're going to be able to ask jesus those questions aren't you and at the end of the day you're going to have a glorified body so you're not really going to worry anyway because you might as well just drink out of the real cheap plastic because you're going to be all right yeah but for the king had at sea a navy of tarshish with the navy of hyram once in three years came the navy of tarshish bringing gold and silver ivory and apes and peacocks now let's not forget the animals because again obviously some people go overboard and they worship animals but there's some pretty amazing animals in the world aren't there there are some amazing animals i'm looking forward to being in close contact with and not just through the bars of a zoo or maybe through your windscreen if you go to a safari park and hope they don't rip your your your wing mirror off and everything else um turn to isiah chapter 11 because isiah 11 also talks about the millennium and it's specifically here talking about the animals is our 11 and from verse four reads but with righteousness shall he judge the poor and reprove with equity for the meek of the earth he shall smite the earth with the rod of his mouth with the breath of his lips shall he slay the wicked and righteousness shall be the girdle of his loins and faithfulness the girdle of his reigns clearly talk about jesus christ ruling and reigning here the wolf also should dwell with the lamb and the leopard shall lie down with the kid and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together and a little child shall lead them and the cow and the bear shall feed their young one shall lie down together and the lion shall eat straw like the ox when the sucking child shall play on the whole of the asp and the weaned child shall put his hand on the cockatrice then they shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the lord as the waters cover the sea that sounds pretty amazing doesn't it and i don't know if you ever you ever watch those little clips and videos you see those guys like you know when they've got their play thing lion or tiger and they're wrestling with them it does look pretty amazing doesn't it you do kind of think you're going to get it soon but it does look amazing doesn't it and i don't know about you i'd love to be able to do that i'd love to be able to have a wrestling match with the lion and get beaten up a bit and but not too badly and know that he's not going to kill me and just to be able to be in that close proximity with all those different animals and to be able to have them brought in from afar and to be able to enjoy them enjoying god's creation it's going to be amazing isn't it absolutely amazing go back to back to where we were in first kings here but yeah they won't be hurting each other harm each other it's going to be pretty interesting isn't it once christ is on his throne reigning says in verse 24 and all the earth sought to solomon to hear his wisdom which god had put in his heart and like i said you're in the inner circle so you're not going to be standing in line waiting to hear we're going to be able to ask what we want verse 27 and the king made silver to be in jerusalem as stones and cedars made he to be as a sycamore trees that are in the veil for abundance so silver everywhere too sounds pretty good doesn't it silver as stones just everywhere all over the place just silver they're probably going to need a silver polisher aren't there there's going to be a lot of work silver polishing that guy's pretty rank quickly doesn't it but i think that the beautiful trees and again just you're going to be enjoying all the god's god's beautiful creation and all how it should have been done how it should have been yeah and look like i said there's nothing sinful about looking forward to those things is there you know you get the you get the the fake christian or the christian who i'd be happy in a cave with one bit of clothing because with raiment you know i'm happy with food and raiment there with be content yeah okay yeah we should be content we should be able to be content shouldn't we but this is talking about extreme contentedness isn't it okay this is like extra content because look god created these things didn't he and yeah we should be coveting after this stuff but in the future when we're when we're ruling and reigning with christ we're going to get to enjoy all of god's creation there's nothing wrong with that okay turn to psalm 72 but it's not just us okay it's not just us the christians here that are going to benefit from from the millennial reign of christ it's not well we're going to be all right and everyone else is just going to be these slaves who are just so unhappy carrying gold up to our you know to to jesus you know and they're going to be just just having this hard slog and bringing in everything and grafting for us and we're just going to be whipping them and well no it's going to benefit everyone psalm 72 is is written by king david obviously under the inspiration of the holy guys for king solomon it's a psalm for solomon reads from verse one give the king thy judgments i god and thy righteousness unto the king's son he shall judge thy people with righteousness and thy poor with judgment so in god's system of government the poor benefit don't they okay we've seen that we've looked at that when we're looking at the the book of ruth the mountain shall bring peace to the people and the little hills by righteousness there'll be peace for everyone that's going to be amazing isn't it he shall judge the poor of the people he shall save the children of the needy and shall break in pieces the oppressor so do you think that all these wicked organizations that target the poor do you think they'll be thriving no way were they they won't be thriving i think of anything they'll be getting they'll be getting punished won't they um verse five those that survive the wrath verse five they shall fear thee as long as the sun and moon endure throughout all generations yep solomon solomon was feared okay solomon was feared and we read song of solomon and other things i think some christians have this image of this you know this kind of just he's a bit of a bit of a lover solomon and he's just yeah he fell in love with a lot of women with a lot of wives but he was still feared okay he still ruled with with righteousness he ruled with with judgment and justice didn't he solomon was feared and so shall jesus be feared won't he jesus will be feared jesus isn't the the long-haired hippie of the children's books i'll say it time and time again because so much of this world has been brainwashed by that and if there's even if there's just one person that comes in here that hasn't heard this before then it will help them because that's not the jesus of the bible is it that's not the jesus of the bible the jesus of the bible is a righteous judge he's he's the jesus of the bible is going to rule with a rod of iron okay we've just read that haven't we okay and and but the world needs leadership doesn't it and it needs strong leadership and that's what will be needed okay and that's what will will be the only thing that will be a successful government and the only thing that was a successful government was solomon here david's talking about it saying they shall fear thee as long as the sun and moon endure throughout all generations and obviously it's prophetic as well verse 6 he shall come down like rain upon the mown grasses showers that water the earth and so in a good way in his days shall the righteous flourish an abundance of peace so long as the moon endureth they better be righteous eh because what's going to happen to the unrighteous what's going to happen to the perverts who are still around in the millennial reign of christ and by the way i would say there's still going to be about a third of the earth that survives okay so there are going to be some wicked people what's going to happen to them death stoning death in in the various ways depending on what they've done it's going to be a great world isn't it all these wicked people all these child abusers all these these dirty filthy sodomites everywhere these people just trying to throw in your face people trying to recruit your children the people that all adulterers will be will be killed amen to that yeah and all the rest of them all the rest of them will be killed but look with that is it just going to be lines and lines of people no people will get right quick won't they people will get right quick when there's a proper law of the land when it's being full when it's being followed through you think you you know and let's and look there are some who are just wicked there are some that are just filthy vile predators who cannot get right but they'll be getting dealt with pretty quickly won't they they'll be getting dealt with very quickly and for everyone else for the other people that are just lured into that sort of thing that aren't what the bible would call reprobate for those that aren't look the they're going to be getting they're going to either be put off or they're going to be getting punished and that's what it will come down to and suddenly it'll be such a different world won't it once once once the law is put into place and people and and we're living as we're meant to live and we're being ruled as we're meant to be ruled what a great place it's going to be isn't it what a great place no more slap on the wrist no more child abuse or going to some pervert judge and getting getting a suspended sentence or or getting a year in in some holiday camp no more of that will there where he only hangs out with other child abusers to plot and plan for when they come out no more of that they'll be getting killed they'll be getting killed and too right too right verse eight he shall have dominion also from sea to sea from the river and to the ends of the earth so clearly prophetic as well because solomon didn't have that they that dwell in the wilderness shall bow before him and his enemies shall lick the dust like i said there'll be some judgment dished out won't there verse 10 the kings of tarshish and of the isle shall bring presents the kings of sheba and sheba shall forgive just on that way if you're sitting here and you're thinking oh but aren't christians shouldn't i be sitting here going oh god just forgive them forgive all these people we're just because christians we're so forgiving aren't we we should just forgive that no we're talking about the enemies of god here we're talking about the wicked vile disgusting people that that david said do not i hate them that hate me i hate them with perfect hatred if you're not saying that then you're not right with god you're not right with god no we're not looking at you thinking you're so spiritual because you're saying i would forgive the guy that abused my child because i'm such a good christian no way and if you if you say that then you're either sick and twisted or you're a liar yeah you're a liar because the bible's clear isn't it the bible's clear that those sorts of wicked people god hates yeah and we're told to hate them too because sure are we not trying to be like christ okay when it comes to people like that but yes for your own personal enemies for people that that aren't god's enemies for people that aren't the most wicked and vile people in the world of course of course we don't hate them but but the via the false prophets i hate them yeah i i tell you what i hate i would say i'm going out on a limb here but every single leader of a church in this town alone i hate them church you whether it's a church a mosque a synagogue amen whatever it is i hate them because they're liars because they're enemies of god because they're wicked false prophets because they're damning people to hell and if you don't hate that and if you're pretending you're just so forgiving and so just got such a meek and quiet spirit that you don't hate anyone you ain't right with god or you're a liar okay and either way you're not right with god that's what it comes down to because unless someone can tell me a church here which actually preaches the right gospel it isn't preaching a false gospel that hasn't turned the truth of god into a lie anyone no i don't know of any myself okay if not they're preaching a false bible they might just about be hanging they might just about maybe be saved and somehow be lured into a false world they're preaching lies they're preaching lies okay maybe we shouldn't hate those but those people i don't think there are any in this town for me false churches false prophets every single one of them if you've got a church anyone want to raise their hand let me know one they think that's right wicked a lot of them wicked a lot of them and those people look they're even worse aren't they they're probably worse than the than the mosque they're worse than the witnesses because they're such a subtle false prophet because they're the they're the they've got the best of the wolf of the sheep's clothing on haven't they these wolves and they have some wicked people look we should we should hate them and and in the millennial reign jesus is going to be judging them anyone like that is going to be getting it they're going to be getting what they deserve where were we verse say again verse uh verse where were we guys 10 10 the kings of tarshish and of the isle shall bring presents the kings of shiba and siba shall offer gifts yay all kings shall fall down before him all nations shall serve him and two right two a that the name of jesus every knee shall bow yeah for he shall he shall deliver the needy when he crieth the poor also and him that have no helper yeah he will punish the wicked but you know what he loves he loves the poor he loves the needy he's going to be helping them he's going to deliver them there's gonna the laws will be set up to help these people but in the right way not by just throwing cash at them throwing money at them and going carry on with your drugs carrying on with your alcohol ego some more money here's some more benefits because you're poor is that does that really help people no way does it psalm 146 verse 9 says the lord preserveth the strangers he relieveth the fatherless and widow but the way of the wicked he turneth upside down amen to that finally we'll see some real judgment but at the same time the needy the people that the people that are victims of these people will be helped by that won't they he shall spare the poor and needy and shall save the souls of the needy he shall redeem their soul from deceit and violence and precious shall their blood be in his sight and he shall live and to him shall he shall be given of the gold of shiba prayer also shall be made for him continually and daily shall he be praised there shall be a handful of corn in the earth upon the top of the mountains the fruit they shall shake like lebanon and they of the city excuse me shall flourish like grass of the earth his name shall endure forever his name shall be continued as long as the sun and men shall be blessed in him all nations shall call him blessed obviously prophetic blessed be the lord god the god of israel who only doeth wondrous things and blessed be his glorious name forever and let the whole earth be filled with his glory amen and amen the prayers of david the son of jessie are ended there obviously like i said by david about solomon but really prophetic as well about jesus christ and for me that solomon's reign is clearly prophetic of jesus christ's reign with that in mind as well and look what what an amazing thing to look forward to isn't it isn't it an amazing thing to look forward to that reign of christ that millennial and that thousand years that every single person here and on the flip side as well in fact when i first was looking at this passage and i wanted to preach on it i was actually just looking at the glory of israel before i saw that it's a picture of the millennial reign i was just thinking about you know how when god's when god does you know when things are done how god wants them to be done look at how great it could have been look at how it should have been because it's it's easy to look back at the bible isn't it and and when we're reading the bible look back sorry in those times you know with israel and just see all these failures see them constantly failing so constantly getting things wrong constantly getting chastised whereas that's just that great period of time when you see how it should have been yeah how it was meant to be how if they'd done things properly it could have continued yeah obviously solomon ends up loving many strange women and he ends up going off the rails but for that period of time it's a great picture isn't it and it's a great and again it's a great example of how things should be because we can look at the bible and see all that failure and it can and it is it can be it can be a very negative book can't it but this is a great bit of positivity in the middle of that and especially when we know it's something we can look forward to in the future as well isn't that brilliant god's way is the only way and what about when life's hard when you have hard times when you're feeling the strain because the christian life can be hard and we're not you know we're not preaching health wealth prosperity here are we yeah we know that god blesses us and we want to live for god and we know we'll ultimately be happy when we do but but we're not telling you we're not going out i hope no one's going out and preach the gospel of evil and saying you're going to be really happy when you're sick because that's not what they're getting saved they're getting saved from hell okay but but look when life is hard okay for this short what is it 80 years i mean anyone thinks they're going to live much longer than that some of you might some of you're going to live a lot shorter that's the truth it's not much life is there and it look the way things are going yeah that tribulation could happen in our lifetime couldn't it and that means it's going to be even shorter you've got a limited time on this earth instead of dwelling on the bad times maybe dwell on what you got to come and if you do that what what does that mean that means you want to earn some rewards there don't you because those who are ruling and reigning with christ those who are who have the best roles the best jobs the closest to him are those that did the most in their short time here aren't they those that did the most in that short time here what did jesus say jesus said well done now good and faithful servant now has been faithful over a few things i will make the ruler over many things isn't that what we all want to be oh you're power hungry power mad no because we know that the higher up we are the closer we are to the lord yeah we know the happier he is with us we know that that the close will be to him and i want that i want that and i hope everyone else wants that as well and if you want that and if you want to live that and you and look it's going to be great for everyone okay it's going to be great regardless but if you want to it to be even greater for you you want to you want to rule and reign and be as close as you can to christ and be and be at that inner circle table then you better start getting to work here shouldn't you you better get to work in your time here and look those little bits of time when you're thinking well i don't know i just i'm just not feeling it i'm not get to work well i just feeling like a bit of a bad christian get to work get to work because a thousand years is a long time do you want to in those thousand years be looking at other people maybe you're a church with other christians you knew and looking at them you know waving to them while they're up you know up on the top top of the hill with jesus and you're down there just polishing the silver stones and don't get me wrong you're still going to be happy but you don't want to be you don't want to be thinking i could have done more yeah do what you can in this world do do what you can in this life that we got that might be even shorter like i said these things seem to be going along quickly right now and let's let's get busy for god but like i said you know the millennial reign there's not much i i don't believe you know from looking through the bible there's little bits the odd verse here and there but i think this is a great picture of it because otherwise it can be quite hard harder picture can't it heaven is quite hard a picture i think you can't really put it into words can you what we're really going to enjoy but the millennial reign i think it has been put into words there at least for for me just a great example and i think it's going to be much much better and obviously on a much grander scale than that and then what happens after that well basically satan gets released for for a short time to deceive the nation so that's basically anyone left who still would choose the devil and will and rejects jesus christ is going to get gathered together they're going to get whooped pretty quickly fire's just going to devour them out of heaven and then it's a new new heaven a new earth for eternity and look every single person here if you believe the words if you believe the words of god do you believe this you have an every word bible i believe that every single word of this is inspired and preserved because god promised to okay and it's clear as day this is a preserved word of god and a preserved word of god says that we can look forward to that and i know you've got the so-called you know theo theologians and oh well the millennial and we're actually in the millennial reign some other absolute nonsense i mean it's just there clear as day isn't it and it's just like there's an order of events or the ones that are what they could they they are millennials yeah just believe there's no such thing or something i mean what's wrong with these people the bible's clear we believe the bible let's be honest most of them aren't saved are they because they can't understand the bible but the bible's there it's clear we've got a millennial reign to look forward to let's work while we're here now and enjoy that when we when we come to it yeah because god's promised it and it's coming on that let's pray father i thank you for your word i thank you um i thank you for that great picture that great example of of how things should be and how things will be in the future when you're ruling and reigning on your throne and i thank you that that we have that free gift of salvation that you've given it to us that you you that you that you died for us that you you made us able to not only be saved not only be delivered from hell but also to be able to have the opportunity to rule and reign with you for a thousand years in our kingdom and then for eternity to be to be in your presence i mean just absolutely amazing um just just the truths of the bible just there's so so so much in there that that that just is such a blessing to read and and to look forward to and i pray that you just help us all here to to want to work for you to want to live for you to want to serve you you promise us so much help us to to give something in return to you obviously not for salvation but but to be able to have those rewards to have those those roles in the millennial reign and and ultimately in heaven as well and lord i just thank you for all that you've done for us i thank you for all that you continue to do for us pray that you just help us bless us while we go out and add more people to your army more people to your team this afternoon help us to to just lead us to receptive ears and receptive hearts and help us to preach the gospel this afternoon and get many people saved and return back safely for this evening's service in jesus name we pray all of this amen