(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Amen okay so 1 Peter chapter 1 I want to focus on basically the last three verses so from verse 23 1 Peter 1 23 which reads being born again not of corruptible seed but of incorruptible by the Word of God which liveth and abideth forever for all flesh is as grass and all the glory of man is a flower of grass the grass with earth and the flower thereof full of the way but the word of the Lord endureth forever and this is a word which by the gospel is preached unto you and the title of my sermon today is the inspired preserved Word of God the inspired preserved Word of God because this King James Bible is inspired and preserved isn't it and it is the Word of God let's go to the Lord in a quick word of prayer father I thank you for your word I thank you for the King James Bible I thank you that you preserved it to us like you promised please help us to just have attentive ears and our attentive hearts help us just to strengthen us in those things which maybe we already know but just to remind us of just that you know how amazing it is that we have your word in English for us to be able to read and trust and in Jesus name we pray all of this amen okay so in this church we believe that this King James Bible contains a very inspired preserved in their own words of God don't we we don't believe that it's just our favorite translation we don't believe that it's just the most accurate translation we believe that it is the Word of God why well it's pretty simple because we trust God don't we we trust God in this church keep a finger here and turn over to Isaiah chapter 40 so the book of Isaiah and chapter 40 and because God promised to preserve his word and when God promises something I don't know about you but I believe him I believe God and in 1st Peter 1 he's he's quoting Isaiah 40 from Isaiah 40 verse 6 Bible reads the voice said cry and he said what shall I cry all flesh is grass and all the goodliness there are thereof is as a flower of the field the grass withereth the flower fadeth because the spirit of the Lord bloweth upon it surely the people is grass the grass withereth the flower fadeth but the word of our God shall stand forever shall stand forever that means that God's words didn't disappear did they they didn't disappear for over a thousand years and then suddenly fortunately get dug up that means that they will always be there doesn't it shall stand forever no matter how many governments how many kings how many rulers how many people have tried to ban it burn it change it destroy it you name it it shall stand forever God said didn't he now shall stand forever doesn't mean that they were only in the originals does it doesn't mean they were only inspired in the originals you ever seen that on statements of faith yeah I've seen you know I've been looking at statements of faith for many years on different churches when trying to find Church did how many oh yeah we believe in the inspiration in the original manuscripts okay straight away we've got a Bible changer here no shall stand forever means that the word stands forever doesn't it okay not just in the originals and and look we of course there's inspiration in the original manuscripts okay we believe in Bible inspiration here don't we turn to Hebrews chapter 1 because second Timothy 3 16 says all scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine for reproof for correction for instruction in righteousness okay that's all scripture isn't it all scripture is given by inspiration what is inspirational it basically means that God breathed it okay God breathed Hebrews chapter 1 you're in a verse 1 says God who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time pass unto the fathers by the prophets so God spake by the prophets yeah God spake by the prophets it was God speaking through them so if you're back over to go back to 2nd Peter chapter 1 Hebrews 1 said God who at sundry times spake in time pass unto the fathers by the prophets so did they just say you know just relay what they heard as accurately as they could no you couldn't trust some sinful man to do that just to kind of give the general gist try and remember what he said well second Peter 1 21 sorry go to go to 2nd Peter 1 sorry not first with the second Peter 1 and verse 21 says for the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost so the Holy Ghost is the one moving them to say what he wants them to say right okay it's the Holy Ghost moving them he's controlling it turn to Acts 1 because inspiration basically means that the words of the Bible are written by God okay the words of our Bible are written by God Acts 1 16 and a lot of this might just be a refresher for some of you Acts chapter 1 verse 16 we read men and brethren this scripture must needs have been fulfilled which the now listen to this bit Holy Ghost by the mouth of David spake before concerning Judas which was guide to them that took Jesus so the Holy Ghost by the mouth of David spake so who's speaking the Holy Ghost by the mouth of David it's not David just repeating things trying to remember what he said he spoke by David now remember 2nd Timothy 3 16 said all scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine for reproof for correction for instruction in righteousness and what would be the point of God inspiring it all if it then disappeared what would be the point in any of that if it then just disappeared more to the point why would it disappear when God promised it wouldn't okay God clearly promised that it wouldn't so is it just the King James Bible though that promises preservation anyone ever wondered this it will what do the other version say well go back to Isaiah 48 40 verse 8 that is so Isaiah 40 verse 8 so I should have told you to keep a finger there now it said the grass wither the flower faded but the word of our God shall stand forever yeah okay all right the NIV says in Isaiah 40 verse 8 the grass with us and the flowers full but the word of our God endures forever sounds like it's enduring it's going to stay there the ESV says the grass withers the flower fades but the word of our God will stand forever the New King James Bible says the grass withers the flower fades but the word of our God stands forever now they're three of the most popular they're three different types of modern so-called translations but you've got basically three of the most popular false perversions because that's what they are of the Bible claiming that God's Word will stand to endure forever yeah so they're claiming it so considering that all of these false Bibles are based on two manuscripts not used until the 19th century the Texas Sinaiticus as they're known and Vaticanus so how on earth are they then saying that it shall stand forever it makes no sense does it so where was it standing buried somewhere in a vault in some sort of Catholic monastery or whatever it is it doesn't make any sense does it but they're claiming it from their Bible so it's not oh well the King James Bible says that we don't believe in preservation well their Bible says it's going to be preserved it shall stand forever now they will argue sometimes well it's a general word of God you heard this before the general word of God that will stand and endure yeah it's well it's a general meaning it doesn't have to be word perfect well turn to Matthew 4 the overall meaning it's just you know we have an idea of what he wanted us to think and we can help you understand that well what does Matthew chapter 4 and verse 4 what did Jesus say when he's being tempted by the devil but he answered and said it is written man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God Jesus said that we need every word didn't he every word that proceeded out of the mouth of God and again in case you're wondering the NIV says Jesus answered it is written man shall not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of God the ESV says but he answered it is written man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that comes from the mouth of God the New King James says but he answers said it is written man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God so again the false perversions agree that we need every word they agree that it was preserved that it or at least God said that he would preserve it they agree that we need every word to live so they agree all of this so where is it where's every word where's every word of the Bible because they say these same people will then say it's only inspired in the originals so how does that work now we also believe it was inspired in the originals don't we but we also we do believe that it shall stand forever Matthew 24 35 says heaven and earth shall pass away but my words shall not pass away okay that's plural words not just a general feeling the general you know gist of what he's saying my words shall not pass away so how did God preserve his words how did he preserve it and and this is kind of a bit of a summary of it and you could go into this a bit more if it's something you're interested in you but I mean I suppose ultimately it does come to faith you know when all said and done but but this is the general way it was done you got a line of manuscripts now known as the Old Testament Hebrew and Aramaic Masoretic text yeah and the New Testament Greek Texas Receptus is what we know as their name today so so the argument is so where are the originals where those original manuscripts well they're long gone aren't they there's no such thing as the original manuscripts anymore and for good reason too I mean firstly would they have survived I mean anyone got any books past sort of a hundred plus years old and they they're not in too good condition even if you never open them I actually I inherited a load of kind of just old books I felt I just didn't want to be in you kind of think they must be worth something they're not worth anything you know it's really hard to bend these things you know so I got quite a lot of different books and they're falling apart you know and we don't even touch them and they're falling apart they're falling apart more the more you know even if you just kind of glance it looks like it's gonna collapse yeah and that's that's generally what happens but could you imagine if there was somehow someone had find a way of preserving there was an original manuscript can you imagine that the pilgrimages to wherever it was a worship of that manuscript it wouldn't be all that that because it's the Word of God it's because it's the original manuscript okay so obviously not preserved in that way but it was God who ordained the principle of making copies so it's actually God that ordained that of his exact words so if you turn to Deuteronomy 17 where God is giving instructions for when they set a king over them so of course he's you know we see many times the Bible him telling them telling them to write down the words but here he's talked about copying Deuteronomy chapter 17 and verse 18 talking about when a future king he says and it shall be when he sitteth upon the throne of his kingdom that he shall write him a copy of this law in a book out of that which is before the priests the Levi's and it shall be with him and he shall read therein all the days of his life notice that's all the days of his life not you know I will take take a day off now and again all the days of his life that he may learn to fear the Lord is God to keep all the words of this law and these statutes to do them that his heart be not lifted up above his brethren and that he turn not aside from the commandment to the right hand or to the left to the end that he may prolong his days in his kingdom he and his children in the midst of Israel so that's not just a general copy is it okay that's not well you know the king needs to just write down a few few of his favorite bits he just needs to put it in his own words know that he shall write him a copy of this law in a book then it's talking about him keeping all the words of this law okay and that's back in Deuteronomy telling telling basically then for a future king to make copies of the Word of God and then we see an example of this in Proverbs you don't have to turn there Proverbs 25 one which says these are also Proverbs of Solomon which the men of Hezekiah king of Judah copied out okay so that's the king there that's the king Hezekiah basically getting his men to copy the words of Solomon okay so again that's copying the words of the Bible and this copying by the priesthood and scribes basically continued and continued and continued so to the point when two different comparisons of several hundred Masoretic texts were done back in the eighth in the 18th century they all basically agreed with each other okay so that's just continued with people being just really strict on making sure every single word is copy copy copy copy and that's how the Word of God was preserved in the Old Testament now that's the same way basically that it worked with the Greek New Testament as well so turn the second Peter 3 where we see Peter describing Paul's epistles of scripture and just just to give you a little introduction as as how that started with these writings because the Greek New Testament as well ended up being copied and second Peter chapter 3 and verse 15 it says an account that the long suffering of our Lord is salvation even as our beloved brother Paul also according to the wisdom given unto him has written unto you as also in all his epistles speaking in them of these things and which are some things hard to be understood which they that are unlearned and unstable rest as they do also the other scriptures unto their own destruction so that's Peter calling Paul's epistles scriptures see that there that's Peter calling Paul's epistles scripture because there are many that try and cloud Paul's writings now Paul like went off on a tangent Paul you know especially like this sort of Judeo-Isa types who are quite upset with Galatians and other books of the New Testament well basically the rest of the 27 books well we're pretty much unanimously agreed on by the early churches okay it wasn't oh well there's still you know they're arguing about which books to add or not because God's hand was clearly upon it and eventually we had what was known as the New Testament okay with that agreed 27 books now these these manuscripts were also copied okay copied and can be traced back to the church at Antioch where you don't have to turn to where the Bible says in Acts 11 26 and the disciples were were called Christians first in Antioch okay and that's you know in comparison to the Alexandrian text which Alexandria isn't where where people were first called Christians we get a different vibe from from Alexandria but we're not going to go into that for now now so these were known as a traditional text okay these copied manuscripts and eventually after first being printed in 1516 remember this was all hand-copied after first being printed 1516 they were then known as a Texas Receptus or received text okay from 1516 after the first printing and there were a couple more prints done of that now it was this Hebrew Masoretic text in the Greek Texas Receptus that all of the previous English Bibles were translated from okay it wasn't oh well there was one from this no they were all this was just the accepted the received text okay the that that was what people used that was the Bible there wasn't really any debate about that now these men were then so what happened is sorry on 22nd of July 1604 King James of England announced that he appointed 54 Hebrew and Greek scholars to produce a Bible which we know today obviously is the King James authorized version okay now it started with 54 end up being 47 in the end and some actually died during it and and there was other reasons why it was whittled down but 47 men translated the King James Bible and and there's been nothing like it since and it was nothing like it before I mean this was just an unbelievable work that the minds the men that did this as well were unparalleled and still are to this day now now I've heard it described as this in in back in you know the 1600s when the the great sort of intellects of the day chose to do something at University or you know for higher learning whereas nowadays they might go into some of the you know nuclear physics or whatever it is or you know all these kind of other other vocations there was a lot of the time it's the classics you know people were just you know those mines that ability especially for translation everything else there were men there that knew like over 20 languages I mean and could speak them fluently and write them fluently they were just there were some amazing people now now here's the thing people look at well were they even saved were they baby sprinklers or it doesn't matter does it God God had his hand upon this this was unparalleled this this was amazing what he did here and that that's the thing is it they just did a hundred percent accurate translation okay now they were organized into six groups and this is how they did it as well which you won't see with modern Bibles here they were organized into six groups which were to meet separately okay so two groups met at Cambridge to at Oxford to at Westminster then they were basically designated a certain portion of script to translate into the English language each group now each scholar first made his own translation then pass it on to be reviewed by each other member of his group when each section of complete a book of the Bible is sent to the other five groups for their independent criticism as well in this way each book went through the hands of the entire body of translators now again if you look in comparison and you look at maybe how how one of the modern Bibles is done you'll have like a couple of people working on one part and a couple of people on the other but this has gone through everyone this was that and they if you've ever anyone ever read the the dedicatory at the beginning of the King James Bible okay and and they have a real reverence for the Word of God and a fear of making one error a real fear and no wonder when and we're going to see some of the passages why now seven years after this and by the way when they have these translation committees doing these new Bibles they'll meet up you know once a month and stuff over a period of time they'll meet a certain amount of months these guys were just full-time at this seven years seven years later in 1611 the King James Bible was completed and by the way they did have access to every resource around they had access to every text King James basically gave them access to everything they needed and and it was there was no stone unturned so it wasn't at all well they just didn't have this great you know perverted text which just you know which doesn't agree with anything else no they had access to everything but their Bible was was based on the Greek Texas for Septus and the Hebrew Masoretic now like I said these were men of unparalleled skill in in in basically translation and everything else and they even when they did this I was reading about they say even put it up to be reviewed by just men in the land any anyone could review their work and have a look at what they were doing while it was going on as well so there were you know people in churches all over England who were welcome to have a look and and give their opinion on certain translation of things as well so people that that spoke other language as well so it wasn't just a secret thing where they just secretly did it and it made their own start no they wanted it to be the best the most accurate translation they could they took it seriously and for me and and I hope this is getting across to you there's no doubt that God used the King of England and these men to preserve his word okay there's no doubt at all and because as well to translate into the language which was to become the number one language in the world wasn't it that was to become the language which is known everywhere in the world yeah it might not be you know oh as a first light like most people will have English to some degree as some sort of second and third language yeah okay let alone the amount of people that do speak it as a first language and and what an expressive language as well I know if you you know anyone learn different languages I mean English is hard to learn for people that as a second language because of the amount of words of the rich vocabulary the way you could pretty much say anything in English can't you there are enough words to do it the trick is learning all those words isn't it and for us as native speakers it's hard to know every word let alone for people that learns a second language but but it's such a rich language what a great language to be able to translate the Word of God into accurately okay so this so this preserved Word of God has then gone throughout the world since hasn't it okay so it's gone it's gone you know it's gone to the furthest corners of the world and you know English English speaking men of God have gone over all the world with this King James Bible and we could see the fruit of that can't we as well with this King James Bible since 611 and there was no real it wasn't like oh well this was our favorite you know within a short amount of time that was the Bible wasn't it that was a Bible the King James Bible why is it so important then why is it so important because some some people go well they sound pretty similar well you know I've just read you some verses in it they said pretty much the same thing didn't they so why is it such an important why is why do we find it so important that it's a King James Bible and only the King James Bible that that we read that we preach from that we go out and preach the gospel well go back to 1st Peter 1 of 1st Peter chapter 1 it's important because number one it's the difference between heaven and hell okay it's the difference between heaven and hell 1st Peter chapter 1 and we saw from verse 23 where it said being born again not of corruptible seed but of incorruptible by the word of God which liveth and abideth forever it says in verse 25 and this is a word which by the gospel is preached unto you verse 23 says that we aren't born of corruptible seed doesn't it so if the corruptible seed is the sorry if the incorruptible seed is the word of God what's the corruptible seed what's the corruptible seed what's he comparing it to here not of corruptible seed but of incorruptible it's a corrupted word of God isn't it the corrupted word of God turn a second Corinthians chapter 2 because ever since the Garden of Eden Satan and his minions have been questioning changing adding to taking away from God's Word okay ever since 2nd Corinthians 2 17 the Bible reads for we are not as many which corrupt the Word of God but as of sincerity but as of God in the sight of God speak we in Christ when Paul wrote 2nd Corinthians there were already many many that were corrupting the Word of God and that has only continued isn't it to now where we have if you include revisions often say to people about 400 versions if you include all the different revisions it's over 900 900 different versions and revisions in English so if God promised that it would stand or abide forever which he clearly did that we needed every word which one is it 900 different versions of revisions so what on earth you might sit here and maybe not I think most people here probably get this but you might sit here and think over 900 revisions what why why are there 900 revisions for the love of money isn't it filthy Luca okay it's one thing corrupting and giving us you know some different different versions make it confusing it's another to just keep doing revision after revision after revision because they change it enough to copyright it again to sell it yeah it's all about money isn't it see they have to have don't they a few percent difference to be able to copyright it again and I think that changes depending on where you are but and basically they're all marketed aren't they they're marketed as easy to read as a bed of this so that you've seen you might have seen adverts to some of these before and sold and the publisher gets their palm greased with silver every time they're sold okay and apart from one one Bible that has no copyright guess what that's called King James Bible no copyright no no issue reprinting you can just go and print it if you want and sell it if you want you don't have to grease anyone's palm with silver the King James Bible isn't that a coincidence how's it they're different so between heaven and hell so how's it difference between heaven and hell well if we're born again of incorruptible seed the Word of God there can't be X amount of versions all saying something different so take John 3 16 for example okay we all know that versa you can turn if you want I'm sure you know off by heart for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish by everlasting life he gave his only begotten son the NIV says for God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life hear that his one and only son the ESV says for God so loved the world that he gave his only son that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life is that a true statement it's false it's false it's corrupted it's false because you look at that and you look at you know John 1 12 and to them gave you power to become the sons of God even to them that believe in his name you're all the children God by faith in Christ Jesus and you look at verses like that and you just think well that doesn't make sense that's a lie that's false that's wrong isn't it so that's corruptible seed now you say well it's not a big deal it well it is a big deal isn't it that's a massive deal okay his only begotten son the only one begotten from the dead okay that's Jesus Christ now how about Romans 10 9 I think most people here probably like to go to Romans 10 9 when they're preaching the gospel to people the NIV says because as we know that you know the KJV says if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus and shalt believe in thine heart that God is raised from dead thou shalt be saved the NIV says if you declare with your mouth Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead you will be saved the ESV says because if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised from the dead you will be saved sounds a bit like you're willing to make him Lord of your life doesn't it doesn't that when you see that if you confess it Jesus is Lord you're willing to you know to turn from your sin maybe you're willing to make him Lord your life you're willing to do whatever it is they think you should do whatever someone's telling you you need to do if you confess with your mouth Jesus is Lord that's not what the Bible says is it and that again that's corruptible seed isn't it that's corruptible seed that just just starts to make you think it's something else for salvation doesn't it now we'll look at the more subtle New King James Bible in a minute because it doesn't actually change those verses there but these corrupt manuscript to modern perversions based on them love to attack the deity of Christ as well okay so it's not just salvation they attack many many doctrines of the Bible turn of 1st Timothy 3 16 the deity of Christ is one of them no wonder they're favored by the Jehovah's false witnesses and many others 1st Timothy 3 16 a famous verse says and without controversy great is a mystery of godliness God was manifest in the flesh justified in the spirit scene of angels preached unto the Gentiles believed on in the world received up into glory who was manifest in the flesh God the NIV says beyond all question the mystery from which true godliness Springs grace so hard to read everyone ever tried to read it it's like you start to like get garbled trying to read it he appeared in the flesh he who's he he appeared in the flesh so beyond the question mystery from which true godliness Springs is great he appeared in the flesh was vindicated by the spirit was seen by angels was preached among the nations was believed on in the world was taken up in glory the ESV says great indeed we confess is a mystery of godliness he was manifested in the flesh vindicated by the spirit seen by angels proclaimed among the nations believed on in the world taken up in glory so the NIV and ESV reduce it from God to he yeah from God to he but you know that's just a precursor to what they do to 1st John 5 7 so turn to 1st John chapter 5 and verse 7 again a famous verse in the Bible for there are three that bear record in heaven the Father the Word and the Holy Ghost and these three are one now verse 8 then contrasts with verse where it says and there are three that bear witness in earth the spirit and the water and the blood and these three agree and one okay what does the NIV do here the NIV says verse 7 yeah have a look down at your King James Bibles the NIV says for verse 7 for there are three that testify okay that's the end of verse 7 then verse 8 says the spirit the water and the blood and these three are in agreement they've just cut it out cut it out maybe it was a pen knife like in Jeremiah 36 they've just removed the Trinity the ESV does the same look at so again look down again ESV verse 7 for there are three that testify that's the end of verse 7 colon verse 8 the spirit and the water and the blood and these three agree how wicked is that let's just cut out the Trinity out of the Bible just cut it out and this is just a small selection of the wickedness of these so-called Bibles and look you could spend you could do a sermon series on this couldn't you could be interesting but you could do a series I'm not going to go into loads and loads and loads of them if you if you want to know them that many people have done many great lists of this stuff it's very easy to find and pretty easy to check considering all these Bibles online you don't you have to go and spend your harder money on this sort of filth but the New King James though is a bit more subtle okay so because there are different levels depending on how far you want to defile yourself okay so the New King James is kind of a way of just going somewhere in between you know maybe people that are saved and maybe just think a little bit more about this so you can go to the salvation verse and they look pretty similar okay but turn to 1st Corinthians chapter 1 and verse 18 1st Corinthians 1 18 okay the King James Bible reads for the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness but unto us which are saved it is the power of God what does the New King James say for the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing but to us who are being saved it is the power of God so the New King James Bible is calling it a process it's calling getting saved a process of being saved you are being saved how are you being saved maybe that was an accident maybe that was just a one-off the New King James you know these men are fallible aren't they well turn over to 2nd Corinthians in chapter 2 2nd Corinthians 2 and verse 15 where the King James Bible reads for we are unto God a sweet Savior of Christ in them that are saved and in them that perish the New King James version says for we are to God the fragrance of Christ among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing so again being saved so no accident the New King James is calling salvation a process isn't it calling a salvation approach even though verse after verse after verse in the Bible makes it clear it's a one-time deal it's a one-time deal very very I simply he that believe for me have everlasting life okay how diff how difficult is that it have everlasting life you know he that believes on me had everlasting life and shall not come into condemnation but is passed from death unto life that's a one-time deal isn't it you pass from death unto life when you believe on the Lord Jesus Christ salvation and look the these Bibles are wicked aren't they and the New King James is subtly wicked okay it's a lot more subtle about it and by the way that's the same in both the NIV and ESV and I got sick of it after that and again look for sake of time this is just a small small section of many many clear corruptions yeah in fear the most common Bible perversions but look they're full of it and look you could go you could start reading junk like the message yeah anyone anyone ever seen that before wow I read a little bit to my daughter the other day and she was pretty was it last night and she was yeah pretty pretty amazed by it but look it's important because it is a difference between heaven and hell isn't it so how if we're born of born again of incorruptible seed this corruptible seed ain't getting you saved is it it's not getting you saved but number two it's a difference between walking and stumbling as well so as a saved Christian it's a difference between walking and stumbling because again you have to turn a bit if Psalms 190 105 says thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path without the word with a fake lamp we're in trouble aren't we you're in trouble without that stumbling around with it with a lamp that doesn't work in the dark you're gonna get yourself in trouble aren't you okay turn to Genesis 3 will I read John 17 17 it's it's a light unto our feet sorry lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path John 17 17 says sanctify them through thy truth thy word is truth so we're cleansed purified made holy through the truth yeah through the truth God's Word is the truth isn't it but there can only be one truth by definition can't there there's only one truth in anything you know anything you look at there's one truth Jesus Christ is the truth isn't it I am the way the truth and the life no man cometh unto the Father but by me there's only one way isn't there Jesus Christ there's only one Word of God and that Word of God is truth okay if it's the truth there's only one way if it's not the truth what's it gonna do if it's not the truth and we're sanctified through it sanctify them through thy truth thy word is truth it sounds like you're gonna get dirty you're gonna get filthy look at Genesis chapter 3 okay Genesis chapter 3 and verse 1 now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made and he said unto the woman yay hath God said you shall not eat of every tree of the garden so what's the first thing the devil does in the Bible questions God's Word yeah questions God's Word questions the Holy Word questions what God has said and we see that to this day don't we did God really say that or maybe the King James Bible is wrong maybe they got it wrong maybe this one maybe that one's wrong oh well I'm not I'm not so sure I've been at churches where where they'll literally stand up and go well the NIV says this the ESV says this the RSV says that but the I'm trying to think of another one here the NLT renders it correct here and you're looking at this guy you know you don't even speak Greek yeah what are you talking about yeah and they're literally standing there trying to make everyone think you know that they are some sort of you know real linguist you know a real scholar of the languages and then you look around and you see that your people are just going wow what a what a man you know what a pastor thank God that we got a pastor that's got a lexicon yeah and it's decided what God has said but but they're questioning did he really say that did he really say it like that do you really say that well look at verse 2 then and the woman said unto the serpent we may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden but of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden God has said you shall not eat of it neither shall you touch it lest ye die and the serpent said unto the woman ye shall not surely die so first he questions it then what comes next the outright lie so it starts with questioning the word of God putting doubt did he really say that are you sure what he really said that it's like no he said this and it's a lie it's a lie isn't it he says he says ye shall not surely die for God doth know that in the day ye thereof then your eyes shall be opened and you shall be as gods knowing good and evil come read our easier to read version you'll know much more then yeah you'll be as God's you all know the different you know will help you understand God's Word more than everyone else those guys are archaic King James you'll know it better with our easier to read version you shall be as gods knowing good and evil and like I said I've been in churches where they do that but I've also been in in a church which claimed to be King James only which was more you know you can put you see these sometimes if you ever looked at these kind of searches for King James churches and I have like King James is inspired or King James is preserved or King James and this would be what you call King James preferred because they'll say well with Texas for Septus men yeah well what do they what did he mean well what he meant by that is that when he preaches he will then just when he doesn't like something just correct and say the King James translators got that wrong who are you a guy doesn't speak another language let alone Greek or Hebrew but he'll standing up there saying no well this you know they basically they copped out here on immersion and they they went for you know baptized instead and blah blah blah sorry who are you but but and this is what these guys do and that goes on and what what's that doing that's basically saying yea have God said isn't it yea have God said because the pastor wants to make himself appear to be cleverer make himself appeared basically make himself the final authority instead of God's Word and why does someone want to do that because they're not preaching the word accurately are they yeah so then they become the final authority and people will only listen to them and said the Word of God instead of going I'm going but the Bible said something a bit different well he must understand it more because he understands when the King James Bible translates they got it wrong it's wicked isn't it isn't that wicked and that's more subtle it is it's disgusting because it's a more subtle wickedness isn't it because you go there think well this is the King James Church but no no they just King James preferred I think is what they call it okay so you've got here the first time in the Bible and first they're important aren't they and the first time we ever see the devil he's questioning God's Word then he's lying about God's Word okay and that's a tactic which has continued isn't it continued throughout time now what happens then is you like I said you have instead of thus saith the Lord you have thus saith the pastor okay which obviously is not a situation you want to get into but when it's when it's basically questioning the Word of God or basically in their version this is what the pastor says and this is what you have in these because none of them are claiming that their Bible is a preserved inspired Word of God in all these false versions and are they they're standing there and just going well you know and they're changed little bits and go to another version on this and go to oh we prefer this one but we also we welcome all but old Bible versions into our church even though they all say something different absolutely crazy isn't it but but this is on top of the fact that these Bible perversions we can sin so not only is then you've got this situation where the pastor himself is choosing but the versions themselves they we can sin they we can doctrine they lie they remove multiple verses and look you might sit here thinking well they're all unsaved anyway but they're not that's the thing is now yeah okay we're kind of many years down the line from how much this has been pushed it there's probably a lot less saved people because obviously they're not getting saved by anything other than the Word of God the King James Bible but there are still to this day there and they're still churches that are still getting their heads turned and going to the New King James or going to something else but but maybe there are people in there that already saved and look just because you're saved doesn't mean you're just automatically gonna just write that's it I'm off yeah but you know my sheep hear my voice and I know them and they follow me but there are many reasons people stay in in false churches in weak churches in churches with false Bibles there are many reasons people do that and there are saved Christians that have been polluted that have been made filthy by these false versions aren't there it's weak in them there are people that still to this day sadly they're hopefully not but people amongst us amongst our type of people that will still go online and then start reading commentaries and essays and and and or listening to preaching by people with false Bibles full spider why do you want to listen to that junk for what you read that junk for is junk it's rubbish it's a lie it's filthy and it will filthy you it will make you dirty as well how much sin do you think these people are getting out of their lives you think they're walking right or do you think they're stumbling I'd say they're stumbling how much are they doing for God with a false Bible version I would say much less than they would be with a real Bible version they're stumbling around in the dark with a broken torch aren't they they're stumbling around now turn to Psalm 12 because you can't talk about Bible preservation without Psalm 12 can you probably thinking where's Psalm 12 what's this guy doing sort of an amateur is he well let's have a look at Psalm 12 I'll start from the beginning Psalm 12 because I think it all kind of you know in a way you can see all of it in there Psalm 12 and from verse 1 reads help Lord for the godly man ceaseth for the faithful fail from among the children of men that's the result of fake Bibles isn't it and the godly man ceaseth with a corrupted Word of God they speak vanity every one with his neighbor with flattering lips and with a double heart do they speak now that's your wannabe scholar liberal wet blanket Christian isn't it speaking vanity with his neighbor with flattering lips and with a double heart they they're trying to make out like they're so intellectual they've studied the Word of God but really really it's a double heart isn't it they just want to sound clever they want to they want to lift themselves up it's all about promoting themselves and if you've been at these churches spoke to these people where they seem to think they're some sort of self-styled scholar themselves I mean these guys it they're wicked verse 3 the Lord shall cut off all flattering lips and the tongue that speaketh proud things because there's a lot of pride coming from these self-styled intellectuals isn't there it's all pride who have said with our tongue will we prevail our lips are our own who is Lord over us yeah basically we decide what God says yeah our lips are our own who is Lord over us we'll tell you what the Bible really means we'll tell you what the Bible should say verse 5 for the oppression of the poor for the sighing of the needy now will I arise saith the Lord I will set him in safety from him that puffeth at him a lot of money in this false translation game by the way now verse 6 the word words of the Lord are pure words as silver tried in the furnace of earth purified seven times thou shalt keep them Oh Lord thou shalt preserve them from this generation forever only inspired in the originals buried in a Catholic vault for over a thousand years hidden in a cave by the Dead Sea for nearly 2,000 years or did he say thou shalt keep them Oh Lord thou shalt preserve them from this generation forever then verse 8 the wicked walk on every side when the vilest men are exalted and these are vile men okay make no mistake about it these men that are getting exalted as some sort of Bible experts these Bible scholars these these people on these new translation committees he's a vile men okay and they're being exalted aren't they they're being exalted above the Word of God they can help you understand they'll help you know what God should you know what he really meant what you should have understood by it he's a vile men says the wicked increase on every side when the vilest men are exalted so when these people are exalted when these you know archaeological types who seem to think that they found something better and you know they've studied it more and they understand it more well then the wicked increase as well and you get more and more wicked people because you get less trust in the Word of God you get less the Word of God which we are seeing aren't we I mean a lot of these churches okay there might be there might be false churches a lot of them but there was still the Word of God out there now what's left in it you ever look for King James Church in this country it just seems less and less every time doesn't it and that's dropped a lot because it wasn't like that this is a country where the King James Bible was written where it went out from and you get to a point it's hard to find a church that uses one unbelievable isn't it but these are vile men they are vile turn to Revelation chapter 22 because like I said like Jehoiakim cutting out pages and burning them in in Jeremiah 36 these vile men are adding and removing what they don't like from God's Word even though Matthew 5 18 says for verily I say unto you till heaven and earth pass one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law till all be fulfilled okay that's like you know basically like the dot on an eye you know none of that is passing let alone just changing what let alone taking out whole verses revelation 22 verse 18 is a warning isn't it for I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book if any man shall add unto these things God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book and if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy God shall take away his part out of the book of life and out of the holy city and from the things which are written in this book why they the vilest of men because what are they when they do this when they do this they're there he says exactly God shall take away his part out of the book of life that's it they're done they're unsaved reprobates they cannot be saved so what does that mean that they're given over to a reprobate mind these are the vilest of men yeah the vilest of men and the result of these vile men taking out verses just butchering the Word of God just messing with the book which is what they're doing aren't they missing with the word I mean you've got to be something haven't you to just be messing with the book like that just taking out what you don't like changing words promoting it I mean that is evil isn't it that's wicked when you know you know that salvation comes from the Word of God you know that that to be able to strengthen those that are saved to go out and preach the Word of God to live right to be holy we saw in that in 1st Peter chapter 1 where we were to be holy fire I'm holy to be you need the Word of God don't you yes sanctify them through thy truth thy word is truth yeah that's how we're clean that's how we're made holy and these people are wicked they're evil and the result is a load of watered-down Christians yeah the ones that are saved watered down with watered-down morals making it up as they go along deciding being the final authority themselves or making their you know their their one term of Greek pastor the final authority stumbling around instead of walking in the truth that's what they're doing aren't they stumbling around you meet these people you come across these ones that are saved that are still using a false version and and they're just stumbling around aren't they stumbling around just don't even know where they're going they're this the blind leading the blind but we're so blessed aren't we to have this King James Bible aren't we blessed to have this you know we're you know we I think we take it for granted can't we that you got in front of you got the the pure words of God the pure words of God preserved for you preserved forever that we know will always be able to have that we can access that we have that we can read we can learn from we could just get joy from as well can't we because it's not just oh it's just gonna it's gonna make me that better but it's just the joy of reading it isn't there just a richness in it just so you know there's such depth in the Word of God and we have that we've had it preserved we had it given to us yet people say people still choose or at least get conned by that easy to read lie or whatever else it is a better oh well it will help you understand it more I saw some someone of these adverts recently about you know that it's being worked on by Jewish scholars Wow the literal enemies of God you know but look we're blessed aren't we're blessed but if we have the King you can't you know and I know we've been talking about this through the Gospel of John a bit but you can't preach on the King James Bible without making the obvious point yeah we have the Word of God we have the preserved Word of God in our hands let's make sure we're reading a let's make sure everyone in this church everyone watching online every single person is putting their putting the time into reading something that was painstakingly preserved for us yeah people were burnt at the stake you know for attempting to translate this Bible into English for us yeah the devil has tried his best he's tried many ways more recently now that it's these false Bible versions which are trying to pull people away but it will be banned again won't it it is in many countries it will be here at some point least they're gonna make it harder they're claiming it's hate speech aren't they but we still have it don't we we have the Word of God let's let's well while it's so easy to have it as well let's enjoy let's read it let's study it let's make sure that we're meditating on it day and night yeah and and we have the Word of God and what an amazing what it is you have to turn it but Psalm 119 verse 140 says thy word is very pure therefore thy servant loveth it I know about you but I love the King James Bible on that let's pray Father I thank you for your word I thank you for this King James Bible I thank you for preserving your word like you promised to do so it shouldn't be any surprise to us but sadly it is to so many people around the world that you preserved your word that we have that here in English in the King James Bible and I thank you for that thank you for this church thank you for a lot of people here that love your word that love the King James Bible help us to to carry on loving it you know to put that into practice by by reading it daily by meditating on it but by make sure we're just in your word we're immersed in your word and help us to go out this this afternoon and preach your word your your incorruptible word to to people to get them born again and and help us to just just get people safe this afternoon to come back to church this this evening as well and to have a great service in Jesus name we pray amen